#this is honestly just a shameless plug for the linked birth of comedy article
thepoemsandthesands · 4 months
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what therefore you worship as unknown, this i proclaim to you.
web weaving, on the greeks and the Logos.
paul's speech to the areopagus, acts 17:22-24//view from the areopagus, night//eleusis//sign in eleusis archaeological museum, from cicero's de legibus//the birth of comedy, susannah black roberts (2023)//gothic cross graffiti in eleusinian sanctuary//temple of apollo, corinth//1 corinthians 15:12-14//orpheus and eurydice, virgil//orpheus leading eurydice from the underworld, jean-baptiste-camille corot (1861)//sir orfeo (c. 1300-1400)//icon of christ defeating hades, monastery of osios loukas//altar rail, corinth//1 corinthians 15:20-22//icon of christ, church of st. dimitrious, thessaloniki//revelation 1:17-18//behold the bridegroom, nikolaus gyzis (1899-1900, athens national gallery)
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