#this is hands down the best hair and makeup moment in all of st imo
lesbianrobin · 1 year
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emilyemcnabb · 6 years
Maggie and Aaron’s Classic winter Wedding
Maggie and Aaron’s wedding day is a classic winter affair. We love the timelessness of the details planned by Cosmopolitan Events—from the restrained stationery by Abigail Christine Design, to the bride’s vintage fur stole, to the lush white florals by Flora By Nora, to the military grand exit from the church. It’s all fresh, elegant and with a nod to a royal wedding befits a couple whose friends and family claim their love story rivals a fairytale (see the bride’s version below). The talented Heather Roth Fine Art Photography was on site to capture all the seasonally-perfect details of the day in these images.
What made the wedding special and unique? 
Our wedding date was December 17, the week before Christmas; a magical, beautiful, festive time, but also a very busy time for all. Our loving family and friends traveled from all over the world to be there with us. To add to the holiday and wedding excitement, of course there was an arctic storm throughout the weekend, making things even more crazy with delayed or cancelled flights, and long, long drives in the ice and snow. Even the rehearsal almost did not happen due to the treacherous conditions, until our wonderful priest and my remarkable wedding planner friend made it all happen. Our amazing, gifted seven-months pregnant photographer, Heather Roth, slipped around on the ice with our wedding party for our chilly and beautiful wedding photos. Our dedicated and talented band, the Patrick Lentz Band, slid along the highway for 9 hours (normally a 4 hour drive) from Kansas City, arriving 5 minutes before our reception began. Even some of our groomsmen had cancelled flights the day after the wedding and had to stay with Aaron and I in our hotel suite. With all the funny happenings out of our control, I just held on tight and smiled and laughed with my mom and dad and family and Aaron. All of this, plus our loved ones and friends making the effort and being there for us, made everything special, unique and perfect.
Tell us about the gown and where/how you found it?
My gown was the “Diana” by the incredible Lea-Ann Belter. It was my absolute dream gown. I actually didn’t “meet” this gorgeous gown until I had already found and purchased another beautiful wedding dress I thought was meant to be mine! Even though I thought I was in love with the dress I had initially found, I decided to keep my already scheduled appointment for later that afternoon at another bridal boutique. My mom and I knew the very minute we saw my new dress this was the one. I just had to try it on. I felt like a princess. After a bit of drama of me changing my mind (quite a few tears, a sleepless night of me not knowing what to do, since we had already purchased the other dress) and the very understanding bridal shops, everything worked out and it was all perfect. Lea-Ann Belter custom designed my gown and was able to make it for me with my time constraints. I am so happy I changed my mind, and will love my dress forever.
What were some touches added to make the wedding personal?
My mom and my little sister (Maid of Honor) surprised Aaron and I with a beautiful, large framed collage of black and white photographs of Aaron and me as little childhood friends growing up in Egypt and more recent photos of our dating years. We used this collage as décor for our reception. This was a very personal touch that allowed the guests to see us as little friends so long ago and our love that grew from that time together.
My grandmother, “Nannie”, who passed away several years ago, had a beautiful mink stole given to her by my grandfather, “Papa”, and I wore the stole on my wedding day. I was very close to Nannie, and it was the most special feeling being wrapped in her warm stole on such a cold, snowy day, knowing she was there with me. It brought back special memories of playing dress-up with my siblings, cousins and Nannie, wearing this very stole. So many family and friends commented on how much I looked like her that day.
The toasts given by my Dad, my little sister Maid of Honor, and our Best Man, and the prayer given by my Godfather Uncle Jim, were especially heart-felt and meaningful, in part because they honored Aaron’s late father, who I knew as a little girl in Egypt.
What was the most memorable part of the day?  
Every single moment of the day was memorable and special to me. I am unable to choose just one. I will never forget the beauty and emotion of our entire Nuptial Mass at the breathtaking St. Francis Xavier College Church. Walking down the aisle with my father, seeing all our loved ones smiling at me, and looking into Aaron’s tear-filled eyes are moments I will never forget. Our farewell send off at the end of the night was exceptional. The band played a special last song as Aaron and I danced, with our guests surrounding us on the dance floor, all of them singing along with the song. As the song was ending, our guests lined the exit of our reception venue waving white ribbon streamers – – it was snowing, and we stepped out of the Missouri History Museum to see a horse drawn carriage waiting for us, a surprise from my parents because I love horses. We traveled to our wedding hotel, The Chase Park Plaza, in the magical carriage as the pretty snow was falling. It was the most beautiful, perfect, fairy tale ending to the most special day.
Tell us how you met and became engaged?
Some people have said our story is actually like a fairy tale.
Once upon a time (1991-1996), in a far away, exotic, extraordinary land (Alexandria, Egypt), there lived a beautiful little girl, and an adorable little boy who were very special, bestie friends. And now, they are getting married! (This little note is how our engagement was announced by our parents)
Aaron and I met when we were just two years old. Our families were both living in Alexandria, Egypt, where our fathers were working as engineers on the same project. We went to preschool together and were best friends during our five years living in Egypt. It was not until college, after years of living in different countries, that Aaron and I connected again by arranging to meet at one of his hockey games. We developed a long distance friendship throughout my college years and his years of playing Junior Hockey and Division One hockey at the Air Force Academy. We began dating long distance while he was still at the Academy and I was in graduate school in St. Louis. After Aaron graduated and was stationed in Montana, I moved there to be closer to him. We were finally living in the same city for the first time since childhood.
The day Aaron proposed, my mom and dad, and his mom, were visiting us in Montana. We took our parents to Glacier National Park for a special trip to show them our very favorite places. At an exceptionally gorgeous spot, Aaron and I were posing for the camera while our parents were taking a photo. The next thing I knew, Aaron was holding tightly to my hands and was down on one knee. We have priceless photos of this special moment, which capture my total surprise and excitement perfectly. It meant the world to me to have this momentous event happen with our parents there, and I will be forever grateful.
Event Planning:  Cosmopolitan Events // Photographer: Heather Roth Fine Art Photography // Florist: Flora By Nora // Stationery: Abigail Christine Design // Reception Venue: MO History Museum // Wedding Dress:  Lea-Ann Belter, Town & Country Bridal Boutique // Church Coordinator: Sandy Hauck and Jenna Neil // Hair and Makeup: Daniellestyle // Cake Designer: The Cakery // Reception Musician: Patrick Lentz Band // Rehearsal Dinner: Rigazzi’s on the Hill // Late Night Snack: Imos on Hampton // Rental Decor: Aries Company // Caterer: Butler’s Pantry // Transportation: Best Transportation // Guest Hotel: Chase Park Plaza // Valet Company: Clayton Valet
  The post Maggie and Aaron’s Classic winter Wedding appeared first on Grey Likes Weddings | Wedding Fashion & Inspiration | Best Wedding Blog.
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