#this is going in the main tags so I’m keeping it pg but send anons to talk further about this if y’all want 🤭
j00stkl31n · 3 months
Once again we have his consent 🫣🫣🫣
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askthechronoverse · 1 year
This is the dedicated blog for the Chronoverse (chrononaut universe) au.
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After Rex Dangervest was defeated and peace was restored to the shared Lego Universe, the queen of the Systar System brought Unikitty to her new kingdom, a place known as the Unikingdom. She made new friends and began to rule over the kingdom for about a year. One of her new friends, a fox by the name of Dr Fox, accidentally used her science to bring back the man who threatened the world a year prior. The return of this potential threat to all brickkind is the catalyst for changes that threaten to shake the world Unikitty is ruling over to its core.
Check in the links list for a synopsis of the rest of the story found in the Chronoverse trilogy of fanfictions.
After a series of events, the gang has settled down. They have lived in harmony and peace for decades and a new generation of adventurers is ready to learn about the world around them.
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I do not tolerate hate speech of any kind. Any hateful comments get the block.
I do not want anything to do with TLM shipping culture. There is a specific ship in The Lego Movie fandom that is incredibly divisive. No Chronoverse content contains that ship. The only ships I care to deal with are either established in canon or raptorclip. Keep me out of the shipping drama.
Please tag anything that references Inanimate Insanity or any other Object Show. This isn't a DNI situation. I just don't want to see that fandom for personal reasons.
The person behind the screen doesn’t exist beyond this and occasional administrative posts. I’m here to run a blog for my AU. I will not answer non-AU related questions.
Just be respectful. I block rarely, but I usually only blocked because I don’t want to interact. To me, blocking is defensive.
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My upload schedule is, unless announced, Friday evenings. I am in Eastern Standard Time.
All uploads are going to be simultaneously released on Tumblr and AO3.
Once the next chapter is uploaded, time moves to reflect that chaper.
Anyone found in the characters section is a viable character to ask questions! Just make sure you put somewhere in your ask which character the question is addressed to. I reblog ask memes to make things easier for people to get involved!
If you're going to reblog these ask memes, either send me an ask if you're re-blogging directly from me or reblog from the source. I will do the same for you.
This blog takes place 25 years after the events of Lego Movie 2: The Second Part. As such, characters may not act like you might expect. I promise I understand the characters I write.
This blog does accept magic anons. However we are also a PG blog. I will not do any m!a or answer any questions that are of a not safe for work nature.
I do also rp! Your interactions change the story.
My tag list is in the links, but the main tag I use for the chronoverse is #thechronoverse or #Chronoverse AU. Not terribly catchy, I know. The Chronoverse is a name for a series of classic video games (Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, ect) ad I don’t want to flood their tags with my stuff.
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The Players
Tags - tags will contain spoilers.
The Story So Far
On Blog Plots
AO3 list
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dukedrakes · 5 years
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Lily)
Rating: PG-13 (some cursing)
Words: 2.3K
Summary: Lily and Ethan finally talk about ‘us’.
This was requested by a beautiful anon who wanted to see my take on what happens when Ethan and MC finally decide to screw ethics and let themselves be together – I’m so sorry it’s taken so long; life hasn’t been kind. Thank you so much for the request and please send me any prompts if you like!
P.S I really miss Ethan.
Don’t forget to tell me what you think, Reblog and Like! Enjoy!
Find my other work here.
Taglist: @emceesynonymroll​ @butindeed​  @saivilo​ @ibldw-main​@drakeswalkers​ @maxwellshippo​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @drakewalkerwhipped​ @cora-nova​ @kayden-vescovi​ @katedrakeohd​ @ladyangel70​ @drakesensworld​ @ccolz88-blog​ @i-miss-trr​ @lady-kato​ @nazario-sayeed​ @perriewinklenerdie​ @furiouscloddonutpeanut​ @choicesyouplayandmore​ @drakewalker04​ @innerpostmentality​  @carreraleigh​
(I curated the tag list by adding people who wanted to be tagged + people who interacted with any of my posts of or about my fics and/or are mutuals/friends, so if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know!)
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Lily sat in the locker room bench; legs crossed with a medical textbook in front of her. She had an apple in her hand which she ate she scanned through the passages filled with medical jargon that might help her with treating one her patients. It was unusually quiet in the locker room, no doors slammed or chatter from the other residents. But Lily welcomed the serenity, it gave her the opportunity to focus and concentrate on the words in front of her.
However, she couldn’t. For a certain fellow member of the Diagnostics Team was consuming her thoughts instead.
It had been exactly 4 months and 17 days since she’d been offered the position that everyone had been vying over. And it had also been exactly 4 months and 17 days since whatever was between herself and Dr. Ethan Ramsey had ended. In truth, she wasn’t expecting it to hurt as much as it did. Even though she’d known that night before was going to be their last now that Ethan had been reinstated. She thought she had prepared enough emotionally. That their night together would’ve satisfied her enough to let him go. But she was wrong. Incredibly wrong.
She hadn’t expected to be offered the position on the Diagnostics Team, she was grateful to be even given a second chance at Edenbrook. She definitely hadn’t anticipated being promoted. And certainly not to the very team where the man running it was one she’d slept with twice and had an undeniable connection with.
She knew ending whatever it was between them was the right thing to do. She knew that. But it was still hard. Especially when she saw Ethan every day, had to work with him on patients, confer with him on treatment plans – all the while pretending that everything was fine when in reality, she wanted nothing more than to take his hand in hers and just touch him.
That was the thing that got her the most. Not being able to just touch him. Hold his hand. Trace her fingers up his arm. Or run her fingers across the stubble on her jaw – her favourite thing to do. She could handle not kissing him – she wanted to do that too – but to be starved of his touch was the hardest. There were times where Ethan’s hand would graze hers as he pointed to something on a chart, or his arm would brush against hers as he passed her, and the energy of that contact travelled through her entire being, giving her goosebumps and making her stomach flip. It was kind of like that feeling you get when you accidentally touch the person you’ve been crushing on, but it was all backwards because Lily had already been with Ethan.
Lily sighed and closed her textbook and tossed her apple core in the bin. She put her head in her hands. She didn’t know what to do. She’d been pretending and walking on eggshells around Ethan for months now. She was tired. And she didn’t know how long she could keep this up. It was even more of a stab in the heart when she saw Ethan being so irrevocably and completely normal around her. Like nothing had changed. Like nothing had even happened between them. It was like Lily had imagined the whole thing and was holding onto nothing but a fantasy.
She stood up and put the textbook in her locker. With her break over and no progress on a plan for her patient, she straightened her classic white doctor jacket in the mirror, before leaving the locker room. She walked down the hallways, making her way to Ethan’s office, her feet knowing the familiar route without even thinking about it. She needed advice on her patient, and she was clearly getting nowhere by herself. She had no choice but to talk to Ethan. No matter how much she didn’t want to. It was much easier to pretend when she wasn’t near him.
It wasn’t long before she was in front of his office door. The dark blue nameplate that read “Dr. Ethan Ramsey” a contrast to the light wood of the door. He might not even be in his office. She hoped he wouldn’t be. But there was also a part of her that wanted to see him. Because this was all she got now. She had to take what she could get. Until she eventually got over him. If she ever did.
Lily took a deep breath and raised her slightly trembling hand to the wood of the door. She stood there for a few seconds that felt more like hours, contemplating whether to even bother Ethan with this, he’s no doubt busy and she was more than capable of figuring this out herself once she forced herself to concentrate. She didn’t want to rely on Ethan. She didn’t want to be that girl.
With a clenched hand and her fingernails digging into her palm, she mumbled. “Just knock, you dumbass.”
Lily whipped her head to the side and saw him. Ethan. He was standing there with a clipboard in hand, looking as handsome as ever in his classic blue shirt and tie under his Edenbrook coat. Lily took in breath both from the sight of him and the realisation that he’d seen her in front of his door, just standing there with her hand poised to knock.
“Ethan. I mean. Dr. Ramsey. Hi.” Lily stuttered as she jumped back and quickly retracted her and held it behind her back.
Ethan cleared his throat. “Dr. Murphy.”
There was a beat of silence between them where both weren’t sure what to say to each other. This interaction felt different somehow. Every time they’d spoken there was this level of distance and professionalism that they maintain to ensure that neither of them got too close – that there was a boundary between them. But this time Ethan had caught Lily in this private moment with herself, it almost felt like an intrusion.
Lily took a breath. “Um, how long have you been standing there?”
Ethan shook his head. “Not long.”
He was lying. Lily could always tell.
“I need to talk to you about a patient.” She asked tentatively.
Ethan nodded and strode to his door to unlock it, he opened it and stood to the side to let Lily in first. Lily mumbled a ‘thanks’ as she walked into the office. Ethan followed as he went behind the desk, put his clipboard down and began to file the papers in the meticulously organised filing cabinet.
Lily stood at the edge of the scene in front of her. She watched him move effortlessly, the awkwardness in the air around them.
“Well? What is it?” Ethan asked. “I’ve got a meeting with Banerji in 10 minutes.”
Lily blinked at his bristled tone. “I need some help with figuring out the best course of action with a patient who’s got some contradicting issues.”
“Can’t you do that yourself? You’re more than capable, Li— Dr. Murphy.” Ethan huffed.
Lily frowned. “Excuse me for disturbing you. I just wanted to treat the patient correctly.”
Ethan sighed. “That’s not what I meant.”
“So, what did you mean?” Lily crossed her arms.
“I meant, you’re a good doctor, Lily.” Ethan replied.
“That doesn’t mean I don’t need help every now and then.” Lily retorted.
Ethan ran his hand through his tousled hair. “I haven’t got time for this right now.”
“Then make time!” Lily exclaimed with a spark of anger.
Lily and Ethan looked at each other, both surprised by her outburst. Ethan was often hard to read, but this time, his eyes betrayed him completely. “Why do you keep pushing me away?” Lily whispered.
Ethan closed his eyes and hung his head. “Don’t do this, Lily.”
“Just answer the question, Ethan.” Lily said sternly.
“You know exactly why.” Ethan replied sharply.
“No, I don’t think I do. Maybe you can explain it to me in a way that I understand.” Lily patronised.
“Stop acting like a child, we’re adults, Lily.” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Says the man who can’t deal with and express his emotions.” Lily knew the words were harsh and unfair, but she was angry. Months of frustration and hurt that have been bottled up were finally coming out. “You’ve barely looked at me properly in months. It’s like everything that happened didn’t even matter to you.”
“You know damn well that’s not true.” Ethan flared.
“Do I?” Lily challenged. “So, answer my question, Ethan.”
“You think it’s just so easy, don’t you?” Ethan replied, acid on his tongue with every word as he stepped towards her. “Have you even considered the ethnical and workplace consequences of us? There are patients to consider, the team, HR, we can’t just say ‘fuck it’ and do what we want, Lily. There are bigger issues here than me and you.”
“I’m not some petulant child that doesn’t understand consequences, Ethan. But I know when to take a risk for something that’s important to me.” Lily replied.
They were almost chest to chest now, and Lily has to crane her neck to look at Ethan.
“I’m not a risk-taker. You know that.”
“So, I guess that translates into; ‘You’re not worth the risk.’ Got it.” Lily smiled with contempt. “Guess I have my answer.”
Lily stepped back and began to turn away from Ethan, but he reached for her arm and pulled her back. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
Lily raised her voice, exasperated and said; “Then what are you saying, Ethan!? Stop speaking in riddles and just fucking tell me! I’m so fucking tired of tiptoeing around you and us. I know you saw me standing outside your door for longer than you said, I can’t even talk to you anymore without getting this awful dread in the pit of my stomach that I hate because I shouldn’t feel like that around the person that I—”
“I’m scared, okay?!” Ethan exclaimed. Silence enveloped them, the only sound was Lily and Ethan’s breaths, heavy from the argument. Ethan cupped Lily’s cheeks as he said; “I want you more than anything, Lily. But I’m scared of what could happen if we…” He shook his head.
Lily blinked at him. Before she let out a breath of disbelief mixed with relief and dare-she-say, love? And put her hands over his, rubbing her thumbs over the back of his hand. Finally. “If we what, Ethan?”
Ethan took in a breath. “If we pursue this, what would happen when everyone finds out? I don’t want them thinking negative things, especially about you.”
Lily shook her head. “I don’t care about anyone else. And you shouldn’t either. You’re Ethan fucking Ramsey for god’s cake.” Lily smiled. “I care about you. Anyone that knows me knows the truth.”
“And what if…if this doesn’t work?” Ethan asked. “What would we do then? How would it affect our work?”
“But what if it does work?” Lily whispered.
Ethan shook his head, pulling away from Lily and turning his back, running a hand through his hair again. “I don’t know, Lily. I don’t know I can do this.”
Ethan stood with his hands on his hips and his head to the ceiling, his eyes closed. Lily walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, her forehead resting on his back. She couldn’t deny that she felt him relax under her touch. And Ethan couldn’t either.
Lily moved to hold his right arm with both hands, before moving one to hold his hand. His fingers instinctively interlaced with hers. “What if we…what if we come up with a plan?” Lily looked up at him.
“What kind of plan?” Ethan asked, looking down at her by his side.
“A plan to try this. Try us. See where it goes. But we’ll keep it a secret, so, we can see if we like us. Then we’ll talk to Banerji about this if we really do. He’ll understand. You’re like a son to him. And then if it’s okay, we’ll tell some people – my friends, but still keep it quiet so it doesn’t impact the workplace.” Lily suggested, her thumb rubbing his hand again like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“And if it’s not okay? What if Banerji says no?” Ethan asked.
“Then we figure something out. I move from Edenbrook, maybe.” Lily replied with a small shrug.
“I can’t make you do that.” Ethan shook his head in disapproval.
Lily leaned her head on his arm. “But I would, for you. For us.”
“Us...” Ethan whispered.
“What do you think?” Lily asked with a small voice. “Can we do that? Do you want to?”
“It’s going to be hard.” Ethan said.
“I know.”
“But I want to. God knows I want to more than anything.” Ethan sighed like a weight was lifted off his shoulders and turned so he could take both of Lily’s hands. “I can’t bear another day without you.”
Lily didn’t know who moved in first. But their lips finally connected, and both of them collapsed into the kiss. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck as Ethan’s arms went around her middle, holding her there before lifting her to his height. Lily wrapped her legs around him and smiled into the kiss, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. The world stopped around them. They both starved for this kiss and it was finally happening, and it was as if all the pieces of the world’s hardest puzzle fell into place.
When they finally broke away, they rested their foreheads together. Smiling and looking into each other’s eyes. Ethan was still holding her effortlessly as Lily hugged him tightly, burying her head into the crook of his neck as his stubble tickled her skin. Ethan held her just as tightly as he did the same, his eyes shutting as he breathed in the smell of her skin and the familiar smell of her cocoa butter shampoo.
Lily pressed a light kiss to Ethan’s neck. “I missed you.”
Ethan smiled into her skin. “I missed you more.”
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I hope you all enjoyed it! Let me know what you thought!
If you have any requests, please send them in! It might take me some time to get to (I have a list of fics I want to write) but I would love to see them!
Remember to Reblog and Like!
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overwatchspeaks · 5 years
Rules & Guidelines update
Please take a moment of your time to read through the updated Rules & Guidelines page on our blog or under the cut here!
OverwatchSpeaks is a semi-exclusive lightweight roleplay/ask blog hybrid group. We’re welcoming to roleplayers of all kinds, from veterans to first-timers, and our primary goal is to have fun together! Our members portray muses from the Overwatch franchise, aiming to create something new while following the base set for us by the original canon lore.
The group was established 07/21/2017 and has been active since with a lively, friendly community that we’re working hard to support to this day. Whether you’re already a member of our group or interested in joining us, please read the following rules carefully!
Can I follow the Speaks blogs? Everyone is welcome to follow us! Whether you’re an indie roleplaying blog, a member of another group, or a blog from another fandom and brand altogether, our blogs are made for your enjoyment and we thrive on our interactions from you, so please don’t hesitate to click that follow-button!
Can I send asks to your members? Yes! Please do so! Our inboxes are always open for questions, prompts and proddings. You can send your own or join in on any ask meme shared by our members. Don’t be shy!
Can I reblog your threads? Yes - usually. When our characters are interacting in first person, bantering or sharing thoughts, you are welcome to reblog these and interact with us! However, if it’s a third-person paragraph style RP post, please don’t reblog it, as this can disrupt the ongoing interaction!
I’m a roleplaying blog for another character, can I still interact? Yes, but remember that only our group’s members are considered “canonical”. Therefore, if you are roleplaying Pharah on your own blog, remember that whatever happens between your character and our members won’t affect their storyline or relationships within our group and is automatically considered AU or non-canon.
Can I join your Discord server? Our Discord server is only for our group’s members. Sorry!
How do I apply to become a member? Please visit our Application page for the application outline and examples!
I’m on mobile and can’t access the page. Please use your browser to open our blog’s HTML version, or send us an ask off-anon so we can help you. (How did you open this page??)
Can I claim a Speaks URL for my character before applying? No! This makes it more difficult for our members to claim their urls if you are not selected to play your character. :(
How are applications processed? Our group will review your application, and once enough votes are gathered, we will let you know whether you are accepted into our group or not.
How/when will I know if my application has been reviewed? Our admins will contact you about the results of your application process once the group has voted on it. If you are accepted into our group, you will be able to claim your url and start building your blog as well as join our Discord server. Your url should be something along the lines of “characterspeaks” or “character-speaks”, but alternatives are sometimes used when the desired url is already taken. Your blog can be a main- or a sideblog depending on which you prefer.
How will I know if I’m a good fit for the group? Our group is welcoming to all kinds of roleplayers. You don’t have to have prior experience with roleplay to join us, but we are still selective and your application will do much better when you show us how dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate you are about portraying your chosen character. Make a good first impression!
We don’t tolerate any kind of hostility in our group, as this is supposed to be a fun, safe place for our members to interact and we want everyone to feel accepted and welcome here. While we expect a firm grasp of and a degree of loyalty to the Overwatch canon and lore from our members, we are welcoming to the variety of portrayals and ships our members bring with them and expect that no one should be discriminated against based on their preferences in our spaces. This goes doubly for the real life identities, orientations and other personal characteristics of our members. This is a discrimination and hate free zone for all races, beliefs, gender expressions, and sexual orientations. Discussion of difficult and triggering subjects such as politics and real life religions should be avoided completely.
What kind of content can I post on my Speaks blog? Anything relevant to your character! Think and blog as if you are your muse; reblog the kind of content they’d reblog on their blog, write out their thoughts, and interact with our other members in first person as your character would. You may also participate in paragraph style 3rd person roleplay as you please.
Do I have to stick to Overwatch lore? While we will always welcome headcanons and different perspectives, your character should begin as if they just stepped out of the game’s original story. Your character’s relationships and experiences should be approximately as stated in your character’s story prior to your involvement. However, from this point on, anything can happen! Just remember to make it believable and build up your relationships and character arc appropriately so that through everything, your character will still be recognizable as themselves. If you’re playing Mercy and want her to join Talon, we want to see her reasons and transformation first - not just her application!
Exceptions to this rule are different events and happenings in our group such as Halloween, when your character can go through temporary transformations and other changes.
Should I keep my blog family friendly? Yes. Our blogs aim to be safe for minor readers. Before posting your content, please consider whether you’d show it to your hypothetical 13-years-old sister first.
Can I roleplay with blogs outside of Speaks? Yes. If a follower interacts with you through asks or reblogs, you may interact with them the same as you would with our group’s members. However, if you are interacting with an in-character blog outside of our group, please remember that only developments within our group should affect your character - so, if in a thread with an outside blog your character married another character, in reality your character remains single in their story. You should preferably use an AU tag for these threads to keep them separate from your other threads.
How often should I be active on my blog? We have relaxed rules on activity, but you should always aim to be as active on your blog as you can! Even one-liners and in-character thought posts count for your activity. If there is very little or no activity on your blog over the period of three weeks, you’ll have to confirm with us that you’re still interested in your role and will be more active in the future.
Post format guideline Write your posts in a manner that feels natural to your character, but please try to use proper grammar and don’t over-format your posts. They should be easy to read and easy to comprehend for all readers! It is also recommended that you trim longer threads; if you are unsure how, ask for help!
Ask meme guideline Always try to send an ask to the member of our group you’re reblogging an ask meme from! This will help to ensure that no one is left without asks and interactions. We’ve all been there; everyone reblogs your meme but nobody sends you an ask. It’s not a good feeling.
Behavior in group Our group aims to be a safe, fun environment for all our members and followers. Respect your fellow roleplayers and keep our spaces free of negativity and conflict. If a problem arises, don’t hesitate to involve the admins or moderators, and if at all possible, keep any confrontation and callouts out of our shared spaces like Discord and especially your character’s Speaks blog.
Can I post NSFW content on my blog or in our Discord server? No. We try to keep our content loosely within the PG-13 rating, and no explicit sexual content or nudity should be posted anywhere in our spaces. If your character is in a relationship and the RP turns steamy, make use of fade to black!
I received a NSFW ask. What should I do with it? Delete it or, if you are of age of majority and have explicitly consented to NSFW asks, answer it in private. No NSFW asks should ever be published on our blogs.
I want to send a NSFW ask. Can I? Assume the answer is no, unless you’ve specifically asked for permission OR the inbox of the member you’re sending the ask to states that they accept NSFW asks. Never send NSFW asks to minors. Remember to turn off your anonymous. No NSFW asks will be published on the blogs.
I’ve broken a rule. What happens now? Our group has a strike system. When you break a rule either on your blog or in our Discord server, you will receive a strike. On your third strike, you will be removed from the group and banned from reapplying. If your behavior improves and you don’t break the rules again, your strike will wear off in three months. If you’ve received two strikes, you’ll be back to no strikes in six months. Try not to receive your third one.
For serious incidents, instant ban from the group is possible.
A follower is making me uncomfortable. What can I do? Firstly, block them. You can block anons, which will also prevent blogs from that IP address from contacting you regardless of if you’ve specifically blocked their urls. If you’re being harassed, you should warn other members of the specific blog in question so that they know to be wary. 
Last resorts are turning off your anonymous asks or closing your inbox temporarily and sending a report to Tumblr staff about harassment.
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saint-patrice · 5 years
Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD
oh my godddd you are my favourite person anon - ask and ye shall receive 😎 i should maybe warn that while this doesn’t have actual nsfw content you probably wouldn’t want to read this to your kids as a bedtime story. anyway, here we go: 
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this was very close to making the original list. i like the soft lighting and the kind of floofy hair, yet he still looks like he could absolutely fuck me up (both like in a fight and various other ways). this photo gets me thinking some thoughts ™ if i am being honest
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a literal saint and god amongst men right here. his brown eyes are so soft and his little smile puts me at ease. this is a man who would treat me right (fact). this photo is also from quite deep into the playoffs so the beard is going a little wild, and whilst i’m glad it isn’t like this all of the time, i very much appreciate it when it’s around.
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O CAP’N MY CAP’N (sorry zee). nah for real this exudes some real sexy alternate energy. if i were on the opposing team and i saw this formidable man just skating around looking like that i think i’d just go back down the tunnel and hide in the locker room. this man will fucking kneecap you for the sake of a goal if that’s what it takes. and then i remember that it’s patrice and he’s the nicest man alive and he would literally never, but that’s still the energy this image has. and i ain’t saying i don’t like it.
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okay this is just cute. they look like 2 dads who aren’t entirely sure how to take a selfie but are willing to try. the outfits lend this a slightly chaotic energy - i can’t commend zee’s colour combo if i’m honest, and when juxtaposed with the plaid shirt it kind of hurts my head. but it adds to the dad energy so i still love it. also this is from chara’s ig and the caption is super sweet.
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DADS WITH THEIR KIDS ALWAYS GETS ME. i don’t even want kids, nor do i particularly like them, but seeing a man with his child is the cutest thing in the world and this, predictably, is no exception. patrice’s son 100% has his eyes which is really cute. speaking of patrice’s eyes, he may be smiling here but if you look into his eyes all you will see is fear - that child does not appear too bothered about remaining upright on the ice, and i suspect thay bergy is concerned about this. it would be criminal for me to not comment on the jeans. bergy has some exceptional thighs as these jeans do an excellent job of highlighting that.
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this is Hot, and i’m not accepting criticism on that opinion. the crisp white shirt w no jacket or tie, and the top buttons undone???? i need a lie down. the hands are also making a nice appearance which i can always appreciate. basically what i’m saying is that i’m jealous of that snake this is an excellent photo and i owe the bruins instagram person a drink for posting it.
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do you remember when i said bergy had marvellous thighs? well take a fucking sip babes - they’re like tree trunks carved out of carrara marble. if i have to die i want it to be because they crushed my skull. this is also one of the clearest photos i’ve seen of his tattoo, so it has that going for it too ( sidenote if anyone has an image with literally a pixel of his tattoo pls send it my way, i’m getting desperate at this point). i also think men in jewellery is a good look so i’m digging his beaded bracelets and silver chain. fantastic picture all round.
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yeah okay there’s no escaping that the main reason this one made the list is 🍑. it’s exquisite. those pants also do a great job on the thighs too. the hair, socked feet (no i dont have a fetish i just think ppl in their socks with no shoes is kind of funny), and hands get an honourable mention
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is this the only picture that has ever mattered? i’d believe it. patrice just lovingly gazing down at his son giving his hockey husband a handshake? you just can’t beat it. i have also been emotionally ruined by that tiny #37 jersey oh my
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in the interest of being polite, i will describe this look as rugged. he has probably objectively looked better but i just like this photo and awful lot.
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i don’t think i can give any commentary on this without saying something genuinely not suitable for public eyes. the 2 things i will say are: the only thing keeping me going completely feral horny looking at this is those pants,, if they were black or navy i’d be dead; and patrice i am begging you to do up a few more buttons on your shirt or remove it completely or i’m not going to live much longer.
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oh man i just love this??? i can’t even explain why. the lack of much beard and the expression in his eyes just makes him look massively soft - i would give him a kiss on the nose and a cuddle in this photo
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(gif via @gaudreau) i am slightly loathe to admit this bc it sounds weird but cuts and bruises can sometimes be a real look so this checks that box for me. his smile when he talks truly is one of the finer things in life too. also the lil shrug. i love you mr pikachu
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a** fantastic **angle. this is just prime beautiful bergy.  excellent level of beard imo, the lighting shows off his v nice bone structure, and the nose is looking fab as always. weird observation of the day is that his neck looks nice in this
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i mean obviously this had to go in - lord knows it’s fucking iconic. i have so many questions about how this situation came to be (aside from the fact that alcohol was involved. did brad initiate it? or patrice? why are they spinning? what the fuck? how the fuck? why was i not invited?) but anyway, this photo increased my thirst for a shirtless bergy photo at least two-hundredfold. at this point it’s a need not a want. i don’t think i can continue to comment on this without straying into nsfw territory so we’ll leave it at that. oh the things i would do
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classic humble patrice making an appearance here, reminding us that he is not only the most handsome bastard to ever walk planet earth, but he’s a great guy too. just can’t hate him. and boy is he handsome in this gif. excellent stubble (im really invested in his facial hair if you hadn’t noticed), and the smile that could melt even my cold heart on display here. also bonus points for the previously mentioned thing about cuts/bruises. (sorry). i love this one 
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in contrast to some of the prior ones, this picture is so cute that i can make nothing but pg comments about it. this is exactly the same face we all make when someone points a camera at us and says “cheese!” and i love that. the man looks good in white. good, wholesome content right here.
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(gif via @weekendatbergysblog) okay the baby is cute but the fucking headband is what gets me in this. i’m able to make no further comment because this short circuits my brain.
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(gif via @davidpastrnut)when i first saw this gif i had to go find the source video because i didn’t believe he actually said that but i’m here to tell you: he did. i love these hockey husbands so much. also i saw this tagged as “# hot waiter” one time and i still haven’t got over how accurate that is. someone more talented than me, i’m begging you for that fucking au 
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(gif via @gaudreau) can patrice please stop looking up ??? it’s unfair that someone can look so good just looking in a direction what the fucK. he’s so stunning.
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i love this one. brad pulling his hoodie down like that looks like he’s... soliciting and honestly who could blame him. bergy looks very cute, if a bit edgy in the all black. the hand is a treat in this one hooooooooooooooooo yes
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this one show’s off patrice’s dark features very well. it’s amazing how he has such dark hair, dark eyes, big dark eyebrows, and dark facial hair, yet it doesn’t overcrowd or shadow his face ( except occasionally in awful lighting) ??? does anyone actually know how that works?? he’s looking very pensive here, and that hoodie looks oh-so-cosy. absolutely would cuddle.
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**how cute is this y’all. **in case you thought you were just missing something, no, patrice is not sitting on a chair. he’s just maintaining that deep squat like a champ. maybe that’s the secret to his sublime thighs... the navy/deep red is an excellent look on him, and we get a rare glimpse of bergy with his wedding ring, which i find to be oddly cute. bonus points for him being beside a very cute kid too :)
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(gif via @jakedebrask) this, i, ummmmm. i- uhh. just. um. yeah. so like. uhhhh... swiftly moving on
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) this motherfucker and his handsome fucking face even looks good in that god-awful wooly patriots hat. honestly it looks like he’s about to go out and have a snowball fight (presumably with brad). decidedly rather domestic and i love it
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) intense media patrice is intense. this is such a classic bergy face though, i love it. every time some media person asks him some big long question he puts on this exact very-invested-and-slightly-concerned face, its iconic. looking cosy in a hoodie once again. stop it. 
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nice polo, dude
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) that tshirt looks like its fighting for its life to contain those biceps. a dark, brooding patrice that has some sort of slow burn au stirring deep in my mind. from other angles in this interview the tattoo is fairly visible also.
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this has such a strong energy it almost knocked me off my feet. again, i can see this being some sort of business or maybe criminal masterminds au. but fuck me, does that man looking something beautiful in a suit. the one hand in the pocket is quite frankly BDE too. i’m glad i’m not into dadkes or esle i think this whole picture would be too much for me.
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he is literally the kind of man you’d want to bring home to your parents. i’m glad he seems to have cashed in on the navy/deep red combo because it really does suit him. he looks so fucking dapper here i may be very much in love
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another excellent on-ice shot of him, albeit his slightly concerned expression. the beard is looking fucking crisp here hello sir. not much else to say on this, just a handsome, handsome boy.
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(gif via @jeffsamardzija) another one that gives me Thoughts. he’s literally so beautiful. hair is cut a little shorter than usual on the sides and on anyone else it would scream fuckboy but i’m kind of digging it on bergy, at least on this one occasion. if i say anything else we’ll go down the rabbit hole
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oof this is_ intense. _bergy aside, this is just an incredible shot tbh. rare that we get to see mr perfect not completely level-headed and playing it cool so it feels like a treat when we do. lowkey hot ngl
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last but very certainly not least, mr patrice bergeron, four-time bergeron award winner, holding the award itself. this photo honestly just makes my heart swell a little with pride - it’s what he deserves!!!! just absolutely dapper in a beautiful suit as always, and a smile that could topple a nation to round it all off.
thank you so much for this anon!!! it was rather self-indulgent but i hope you like it :) also i will absolutely do another one with marchy, although my nails have been dry for about 2 hours now so i’ll probably do it tomorrow or friday, but it’s on its way :)
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tmvoldemort · 6 years
//Issue with theme so leaving Rules here
//Nothing that those who wrote with me forever don’t know about so Nobody needs to reread. 
-Mun is 25+ 
-Muse age range depends on verse
-West coast US time zone
-Independent and Adventurous Role Playing Blog for Lord Voldemort aka Tom Riddle of Harry Potter
-In the US the legal age for interacting in a sexual nature is 18 and over. That’s in every single state here, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 
               1-Will write with Underage Mun’s but things will be PG
               2-No ships done with underage’s. 
               3-I will custom any meme between ourselves to avoid insult to the underage writers. Such as meme’s that include sex, adult themes, or relationships. .
             4 -I will not reblog personal information form an underage bloggers page, such as photos of mun’s, legal names, location, and outside of tumblr social media. This is for their protection.
-I don’t have phobia’s, hated ships, triggers, or hatreds of any kind.  Your dash your rules. 
-I don’t follow personal blog because I try to keep my dash clear. I will befriend personal blogs too. However I do play with Personal blogs who care to write with me. 
                      1 -You can Anon in a character or as an OC
                      2 -You can send in questions for my muse. Or memes
                      3-You can IM me (I think that is open?) send me messages and such.
                     4-I will answer privately if its a message to me the mun. Unless its just something about writing or about my muse. I want to keep everyone’s privacy.
-If I follow you I’ve read your rules, if I don’t see rules I’ll ask you through message, I may just like reading your stuff but mostly I want to write with you. 
-If you follow and are a rp blog and I haven’t followed back then:
                   1 -Your rules has stated something you don’t like which I do on my blog. I will respect your rules.
                   2 -If not an OC with a muse page then I don’t know who the character is or how to react to them.
                   3 -MOST LIKELY I didn’t see you follow and rarely look at my counter. So just nudge me or do what I do when too shy to talk like a post I have and then I’ll be like “Oh new follower? Check them out.”
-I don’t have exclusives. I will never tell you to make me your exclusive. If we have a verse between our muses It’ll be your verse alone. I won’t do that one with any other copy muse.  Main’s are usually just long time friends/muses. They will not stop me from writing with other of the same.
 Writing Rules         
-I won’t godmod you if you don’t do it to me.
-I can write gore/sexual themes/ violence/ darker themes But they are not by default. I have to know you and we have to go over the basic’s of what you and I will and won’t be doing.
-I’ll tag anything that won’t be seen in a pg-13 movie
-I can “ship” but its not going to be fluffy or consider healthy. I’m not gonna judge you if you like shipping with him. :) I’d feel so please you feel comfortable doing it with me.
                 1 -I can do one-sided where he goes after yours all the time but your muse can fight it and it won’t be consider a ship. 
-Muse is a jerk I’m not them. I, unlike, him like people :)
-I write mostly paragraph length post. I trim all my replies so your past reply is above my new one. If mine gets wordy I will have a tag #length you could block to keep your dash trim and shorter.
-I love to plot out ideas it helps then just winging it but I can just throw out things too.
-Can turn a meme to a thread
-Love to write Crack
-Does reply in Character to random things.
-I am open to however you like to make your replies, icon’s, text format, color, etc. Personally I worry too much about my writing but I can admire the work of art you do :)
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inky-anemone · 6 years
BASIC: >This is a Semi-Selective and Mutuals only/Private RP blog. I will answer any followers ask but I will only carry threads with those I follow; I will however actively reach out to people who don’t yet follow me if I am interested in writing with them. If you would like to have a thread with me and I don’t follow you, just leave me an ask or send me an IM. I am not that scary. **In regards to my side blogs this rule applies. If I follow you on my main blog and you follow one or more of my listed side blogs then interactions are a go** >I am a very anxious and socially awkward person. I can take a little long to trust people sometimes due to past experiences over the years, and I am nervous at first in getting involved with larger groups. This is nothing against new people who approach me to add me to a group; this is just me being once bitten twice shy about everything. Please understand this. >Please read my About page so you understand the Mun here behind the blog. I appreciate people understanding a bit of how I work. >OOC statements from me will be within [[ ]] ’s. >My instant messenger (IM) chats are completely OOC. I will not RP in the IM chats. I prefer to use it as a source of communication mun to mun while doing a thread with someone.
>I WILL NOT by any means RP with a blog whose MUSE is a REAL PERSON. [ex. Arin (Egoraptor), Jon (Jontron), Mark (Markiplier), etc.] I just personally find it to be in the realm of bad taste. I mean no offense to anyone with this. It’s just that pretending to be a real person you are not as compared to a fictional character are two different things. (And many of these people request that you don’t RP with them as a muse anyways!)
>I WILL NOT RP EXPLICIT NSFW CONTENT WITH UNDERAGE WRITERS. Sorry kids, but if you’re under the age of 18 I am not going to write anything with you when it comes to anything related to unsafe explicit content. The NSFW content that will never be brought around under age writers is anything of a sexual nature. Content however of horror, gore, and anything else NSFW that falls under the non-sexual nature is fair game. Remember Kids, I’ll respect you as long as you show you have the maturity and give at least a portion of that respect back. >The Mun =/= The Muse **Though you may notice parallels between myself and my character do not skew this line. I am not my character and my character is not me. Just the same this means a judgment on your character should not be taken as a judgment on you personally.** >I come off as incredibly blunt with my statements. My brand of honesty isn’t easy to handle and I do what I can to lessen the blow of it. You have been warned. >In correlation with the above rule COMMUNICATION is a must if you wish to interact with my character or myself. This means tell me if I am doing something wrong and don’t take offense when I mention criticism for you from my end. My statements can be blunt but I do try to be kind with them.
>This is a guilt tripping free zone. I will not be harassed nor will I dole out that sort of treatment to people. **Just the same I will not tolerate that term being thrown as a label on anyone willy nilly when it is clear the term is not understood by the person pointing the finger.** >This is also a bullying free zone. I will not stand for being bullied or seeing someone else I know being bullied by individual(s). I have seen enough and been on the receiving end enough of this treatment to know the damages it can cause. **Please remember that Tumblr has options in place to report for this sort of stuff.** >In regards to Anon asks. If you make an opinion on how to tell me to run my blog on anon you will get an equally impersonal response. You want to have a personal response you talk to me on IM. Repeat offending anons will be IP BLOCKED. 
>I am obviously OC friendly for any OC’s. Just as I have have made a clear bio page though, I will check to see if you have a backstory posted in easy access for your character as well before I consider interactions. As always, I NEED SUBSTANCE to work. (It should be noted that I don’t follow self insert OC’s if the mun denies them being a self insert. I prefer the knowing honesty from the mun about their creation over the withheld information) >I RP for fun here folks. Though I prefer some longer threads I can enjoy short ones given there is an enjoyable interaction to be had. Just keep the sass down and the friendliness up and we will get along fine. ROLEPLAYING: >ABSOLUTELY NO GOD MODDING! Examples of God modding include:
Controlling another persons character or the outcome of events within a thread. This is the fastest way to lose any partner.
Breaking the forth wall with a character having knowledge they should not have from any source. This can be done humorously with commentary like Deadpool and his awareness of an audience or being a character. Know the difference between it being used as humor compared to plot convenience.
Having your character have god-like or straight out God abilities. Some characters are gods but often the root issue of this sort of character done wrong is them having “Convenient Omnipotence” (Links to Breaking the Forth Wall for plot convenience). This also includes the character referencing information from another characters backstory that has not been directly shared with them. Don’t do this; it can make people behind the writing uncomfortable.
Having your character be completely untouchable. Some characters are known to be adept at dodging but they can’t dodge everything. When you control a character like this you force people to have to match their level. You have no right to complain about them ‘God Modding". Be fair.
Starting a fight in OOC until the IC interactions are forced in the direction you want for your character. Though this sounds indirect this is another example of God Modding as it involves manipulating events and other peoples characters to your whims. Do not go making someone feel intimidated with threatening actions to get what you want. Just don’t do this.
Over-writing what is seen or available in a setting provided to you. Unless you wrote the starter/setting for the interaction do not add things that were not described or attempt to change the setting entirely. This is more of a writing issue but it is still an insult if someone went through of the trouble of making a setting for you only to have you try and change it.
>I am NSFW friendly. If you want to do something NSFW you need to be a mutual, or someone I am interacting with and over 18. NO EXCEPTIONS! Anything sensitive to this nature will be under a read more in writing. Any images however will be on a separate side-blog. >If you find I have an RP post with a TRIGGER THAT NEEDS A SPECIAL TAG for you to know to IGNORE IT, just let me know.
>I am comfortable doing PG-13 RP’s, but I am also fine with more M rated topics, I however will put anything just outside of PG-13 under a read more if the scene is too violent.
>I am comfortable with RPing but not limited to:
Slice of life
PTSD inducing backstory adventures
Plots referencing sexual abuse and Rape **WITH PROPER CONSENT**
>I reserve the right like anyone else to drop a thread I feel uncomfortable in continuing. Be it due to a lack of inspiration or something that just rubs both me and my muse the wrong way. I will communicate the reason with you regardless. >REBLOGGING THREADS YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED IN WILL RESULT IN ONE WARNING FOR RP BLOGS AND INSTANT BLOCK FOR PERSONALS. Just please, don’t reblog a thread you aren’t part of. It mucks up my activity log and ruins my reply tracking something awful. >I have a personal rule when it comes to replies. If you haven’t let me know ahead of time about anything preventing your reply I will remind you within 10-20 days time with a link to the last response post I made on a thread. If it has been 10-20 days since I have replied to your response you are free to let me know in an IM.**If you read this and don’t like being reminded and have proven to have read my rules; PLEASE TELL ME BEFORE WE START A THREAD. I do not enjoy offending or upsetting people**
SHIPPING: >DO NOT FORCE A SHIP. I do not force ships on anyone and I expect that others return this respect. I ship based on character chemistry. >I DON’T JUST SHIP ROMANTICALLY. I don’t mind having ships that link to simple friendships, adoptive family ties, and even enemies in some special cases. I’m not after having my character romantically involved with everyone. Any ship is fun as long as there is a type of enjoyable character chemistry going on in the interactions. >I am MULTI-VERSE AND MULTI-SHIP. This means unless otherwise specified on my Verses & Relations page every ship happens in it’s own verse separate from the others. This means she is not cheating on your character and doesn’t view your other ships as cheating on her. >Every interaction, unless specified, from my character is in a verse where she is single/alone. If you have a similar set up for your character I would appreciate the same respect to do such. I don’t enjoy going into a first interaction with another multiverse/ship blog to have them force me into one of their existing verses with a known ship. **Shipping takes interactions, time and character chemistry. I go into every new interaction unless otherwise specified with my character being single as she is multiverse; if you are multiverse as well I expect that same sort of respect. Don’t force a scenario that prevents even an attempt at character chemistry in a romantic sense down the road. Communicate things first please.** >Anemone is Demi-Romantic and Demi-sexual. This information is stated on her bio. She is open to SOME polyamorous relationships but anyone wishing to do this will need to put forward a great deal of effort in communication for it to work. >If you are singleverse but multiship and want to ship with me I am willing to make it work where we can within reason. However we will need to regularly communicate OOC. Shipping any sort of relationship, especially if multiple connections are involved, needs a lot of communication. A ship that my character does have with a Singleverse character will be, by default, Open Poly-amorous and will not in any way bind the characters to being exclusive to one another. TRIGGERS: >I have a few mild triggers. These triggers are fairly simple and straight forward.
>Suicide - I will not define this properly as people should already understand it’s meaning. A character fighting off suicidal tendencies is fine; it shows growth. A character trying to commit suicide for the sake of getting attention is not fine; threatening to or trying to kill ones self to get everyone to look at you is not okay. If you understand what it is to be suicidal truly you don’t declare you’re going to kill yourself to everyone; you simply commit the act in silence in your own suffering. **Please understand the difference between attention seeking and actual suicidal tendencies. There are a few exceptions to this but the vast majority of people who commit suicide do not announce the thought or threat of it regularly to have people talk them down from it. The ones who do that are looking for people to validate them; they aren’t looking for an escape from a depression/stress in their life.** >Incest - Sibling on Sibling action is not something I like seeing. I can let a few instances of it pass by but if it’s a frequent thing in someones reblog feed I will likely unfollow. It’s something that makes me sick to my stomach. Two family members getting involved in a romantic situation when they are siblings, even adopted, rubs me the wrong way. When you view someone as a brother or sister I find it is not right to fantasize or act on sexual/romantic advances with that individual. Be it by blood or by a family bond through adoption, incest is something that I personally find very disgusting; so please tag it appropriately. **NOTE: Incest that involves Sexual relations with purpose to produce a child is actually under the term of Inbreeding. Just the same I personally find the talk of the practice upsetting to my stomach** >Underage drinking - I don’t like seeing it, don’t like hearing about it don’t like reading about it. It’s a topic that leaves me uncomfortable and annoyed because I find it to be a personally unacceptable thing to encourage. I don’t care if it is in fiction, the act of underage drinking is not something I support encouraging, even if there is an ‘adult’ present to monitor the child. Alcohol has negative effects on a young developing mind and body and isn’t something that should be encouraged for consumption for a child before that development is complete. I apologize if these main rules seem at all harsh or pressing. I’m fairly easy-going, if not a little awkward, and I have my standards laid out here. These rules are here for other muns to understand my bottom line about things; whether or not your character agrees is not my concern. The only thing that matters to me is if the writer understands what I have here, just as much as I work to accept and respect theirs.
**If you have read my rules please send in the password “Can I get a Booyah?!” ** **If you’re not the sort to send in passwords then you can just like THIS POST instead.** Thank you for reading my rules.
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