#this is from the bangkok concert and i actually considered going there
schnaf · 4 months
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22 days until ode's 22nd birthday
day 8 - he touched the butt.
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nattaphum · 1 year
In case you missed it:
this is the full IG live of Be on Cloud of Mile and Apo from their hotel in Mumbai (~ 6min long) ❤️
Min 00:20 - 00:32
Apo takes Mile’s sunglasses
Min 01:17 - 01:22
P’gift: *pissed* when there are these 2 people together, it's all very messy.
(lmaoooo i love her)
Min 01:23 - 01:34
Mile: Mumbai is 29°C and Thailand (Bangkok) is 35°C . Thailand won by 6 degrees.
Min 02:20 - 02:43
Apo said that he learned that in India when people shake their heads it means "it's kinda okay, it’s so-so" and then they started to shake their heads
Min 03:12 - 03:31
Pond: *reads a fan comment* mileapo is real *mile and apo impassive, pretend they didn’t hear (lmaooo)* pond: you guys have to wait for tonight
(Ok 👀 )
Min 4:08 - 4:37
Pond: *reads another fan comment for mile* are you hotter than India's weather?
Mile: not that extreme, i’m just a warm person, not to the extent to be considered "hot"
Pond: i wanna vomit
Apo: if you’re going to vomit, i wanna join too. I'm kidding, i'm kidding. He's already HOT and i remember when he was dancing at the concert *giggles*
Min 04:40 - 04:57
the hotel that they're staying is 120 years old this year and apo said he wants to bring all the interiors back home to Thailand because they’re beautiful. Actually they were talking about the skills of doing a live but then apo suddenly talked about how he wanted to take things home so they said:
Apo: i want to ask and bring home...
Mile: this is it! some people might have the skills to do a live and some don’t, they just talk about anything it suits them… i was just joking, just joking… joking *laughs*
Translations by strawberrymilk
Live with eng subs
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antialiasis · 2 years
Chess - 1990 Sydney version
Tumblr user fascinating-yarn sent me a nice ask with some pointers about other versions of Chess to check out, so I have now watched one! This one exists as a bootleg on YouTube, in pretty terrible quality but with subtitles, which is the only reason I could make out any of the lyrics/dialogue, so many thanks to whichever fandom angels provided that.
This version is very different from London/Chess in Concert, totally rearranged (but still with book and lyrics by Tim Rice). There's only one chess tournament, set in Bangkok, between Freddie and Anatoly; Anatoly just applies for UK citizenship in the middle of it. The pacing definitely works out way better here - the first chess match starts very early (compare to Chess in Concert where it's some 35 minutes in), with some of the other stuff like "The Merchandisers" interleaved with it instead of dragging out the lead-up with it. The Arbiter matters a bit more, Svetlana gets a bit more focus since she's there with Anatoly from the start and expresses concern about Anatoly's obsession with winning the match affecting their relationship, Florence gets some new lines that give her a bit more depth.
The romance between Florence and Anatoly doesn't really make me care about it any more here - if anything it's even clumsier, since they sort of start to dance early in "Mountain Duet" for what feels like no reason at all, and Anatoly seemingly defects the actual day after meeting her just that once, while his wife is literally there, which just feels like a bizarre dick move. But also it feels like this production doesn't want us to care quite as much - I think it's basically down to how it doesn't have the whole "One More Opponent"/"You and I" scene, which tips the balance so that Florence and Anatoly's relationship feels less like an emotional throughline we ought to be invested in and more like just one of the facts of the plot. So in some ways it works better, even though I'm still deeply uninvested.
The ending is considerably changed. "The Soviet Machine" features Molokov explaining to his cronies that they're in a win-win situation (I like how well that works with the "Not one move that won't improve our nation's chances" lyric), where regardless of the outcome of the match the Soviet Union can consider it a victory now that Anatoly has defected, but the ideal outcome for them would be if Anatoly doesn't show up for the match at all and comes crawling back to Moscow. So that's the outcome that Molokov and Walter are pushing for, and Florence really does try to persuade Anatoly to ditch the match so that she can get her father back, which he then ultimately ignores.
"Endgame" itself then plays out very differently. In the London/Chess in Concert version, Florence and Svetlana's voices both argue fiercely that Anatoly ought to throw the match and berate him for not doing so while he argues back. This one has the chorus shaming him for not showing up initially, until he does appear; then during the match Florence and Svetlana sing one of their original verses - only for Anatoly to have a moment where he turns away from the board and sings:
Then I think of her Her and her father What would she prefer? I know I'd rather Never win again than feel that I'd betrayed them
All in all Anatoly's inner conflict during the game is quite different - it's all about deciding on the bit where he will go back to the Soviet Union afterwards, sacrificing his chance to actually make his defection reality, while he's already going for winning the game as soon as he shows up, and during the game he thinks about how he doesn't want to betray Florence instead of arguing with her view on it.
That's not really a bad change - in a way it feels more straightforwardly coherent, compared to the London/Chess in Concert version of him spending the song digging in his heels about winning the game and concluding Florence and Svetlana just want to control him and never understood him only to afterwards decide to give himself up for Florence's father anyway (I ultimately kind of like that progression because it's very like an agitated, distressed human under pressure, but it is somewhat abrupt). But I don't find myself liking this version of the endgame as much, perhaps mainly just because I don't find Anatoly very sympathetic in this version generally - we've cut out most of the bits with him being conflicted and distressed about the mind games being played with him, so he's just kind of there, cheating on his wife, being immediately smitten with Florence for some reason, defecting and sending her flowers in the same breath, and then eventually making this decision. I cared about him in Chess in Concert in a way I don't really here, even if I didn't care enough about the relationship.
And then, of course, Freddie here is entirely missing his arc. He's just an antagonist and that's all, "Pity the Child" is put as a petulant contemplation of how he's always been a winner that doesn't lead to anything or mean anything, no "Talking Chess" moment of any kind. As a result, this Freddie is not really very compelling at all to me, just kind of a boring misogynist asshole who is there and has a vague throwaway Freudian excuse but no real depth or development.
This version is more one for the women; Florence and Svetlana both get a somewhat better deal here overall, I think, which is nice. And again, in terms of structure and pacing it definitely does a very solid job of making it play out in a much tighter way without getting boring.
But for me personally, it didn't quite have the glue that really stuck in my brain about Chess in Concert - if I'd watched this version to begin with I probably would've shrugged and gone, "Eh, it was okay, didn't do too much for me, soundtrack had some nice bits I guess," and moved on, instead of writing three different posts and spending a couple of days putting together a recurring motif chart.
It's fascinating to compare and contrast, though. I'm already a nerd about revisions and adaptations of fiction so a work with a bunch of different versions all with their own different takes and strengths is very much a thing that's liable to nerdsnipe me. I will probably also watch the 1990 Long Beach version which also appears to exist on YouTube in fully captioned form (again, all of my respect and gratitude to the fandom angels who do stuff like caption things).
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purplesurveys · 2 years
by brelee
Do you know what the most common bird is in your area? We have many species of sparrows that you’ll find regardless of where you are in the country, but we only ever use the collective term ‘maya’ for all of them.
What last made you feel ecstatic? Yoongi’s tour. My friends and I have been planning our game plans to fly out to Bangkok, Jakarta, or Singapore in the last 24 hours – it’d really depend on where we’d manage to secure tickets, and if we get to secure tickets. We’re also considering Seoul as an extreme last resort, but I want to avoid it as much as possible because visa work is too much work that tbh I’m not willing to go through at this point. In any case...why on earth did they not book a show in Manila :/
What would make you feel happiest right now? Magically getting slots for Yoongi’s concert.
How many teeth have you had extracted? A couple. I have a third one also due but I’ll save that for when it starts hurting.
Do you ever read magazines? I never buy physical copies anymore but if I come across an online article that I’m interested in, then I do read it from start to end.
What is something you've been reflecting on? What I can do to be a better leader for my associates.
What's something you like and dislike about the town you live in? I like that it has all the establishments and stores you’ll also find in Metro Manila without ever having to be in Metro Manila, so it’s super convenient. Dislike... there’s no culture, no nightlife. There’s nothing here that you’ll ever be like, “I drove all the way here for this” for. 
What's a Halloween movie that you enjoy? Scream is a good example. I’m not always in the mood for jumpscares (like Paranormal Activity) or visual-centric horror (like The Ring), so Scream hits that perfect middle ground where I don’t feel like hiding under a blanket every 3 seconds. And gore is always a good idea, so.
Would you say you're more confident now than you were 5 years ago? Oh for SURE. I had zero confidence when I was 20! I struggled at making friends, was grossly reliant on my girlfriend at the time, and never raised my hand to speak in class. But my job has since been able to challenge me to push my own limits and lead virtual calls and step up during pitches and things like that, so it’s been a complete 180º switch from 2018.
Have you ever or would you try carrot bacon? I have no idea what that is but I’d also try anything once without having to Google them.
What's the last thing you purchased that was frozen? Ice.
Would you ever walk a runway if given the opportunity? I’ll pass. Doesn’t sound interesting.
When did you last do something that scared you? Last month, after Seonho’s fanmeet. My phone died the moment I started the car to drive back home and I was coming from Pasay (aka completely un-fucking-familiar with the place), so I had to drive entirely from memory. The drive itself wasn’t too scary because I figured I could always ask around for directions – I was honestly more scared of the possibility of my mom trying to call me and the call not connecting because of my dead phone and then her freaking out and thinking of the worse haha. Miraculously enough, she never checked up on me once that night.
What is something that you're curious about? My dad’s work. He works at a cruise liner and is based overseas, so save for the one time he took me to his kitchen when I went on a cruise, I actually have zero clue what he does on a normal day. I think being a chef is super admirable so it’d be cool to shadow him for a day.
What time do you usually eat breakfast? The more appropriate question at least for me would be if I even eat breakfast lol, to which the answer is no. I do make a cup of coffee before I start work, and I get around to that by 9.
What is something you done as a child that you would never do now? Be too shy to ask to go to the restroom and preferring to pee through my clothes altogether instead of having to speak up.
What's been your favorite memory of 2022? Talking to Kimi and saying my I love yous, thank yous, and goodbyes the night before he passed. By that point he hadn’t eaten in the last 3 days and I just knew he wasn’t going to be around in the next 24 hours, so I grabbed the chance to have a 1-on-1 with him once everyone in the house was asleep.
When were you last inside a tall building? Last Thursday, at a hotel for an event.
Is it currently quiet in the room you're in? Nah, my aircon is loud as all hell and I also have the TV on.
Is there someone you can honestly say you hate or have hated? I’ve held feelings of hatred for a number of people, but it usually eventually fizzles out to a perpetual milder state of dislike.
What's currently on your mind? That I really wanna start eating these pretzels beside me right now.
Would you consider yourself to be a messy person? I’m responsibly messy, if we wanna make that a thing hah. I can be very cluttered with my stuff but I always know where every single thing is.
Would those closest to you say you talk too much or not much at all? They’d probably tell you I’m right in the middle. I get self-conscious once I feel like I’ve been blabbering and will usually stop from there.
Do you have a song you cannot listen to anymore due to a bad memory? O by Coldplay. That was during what I’d like to call my suicide watch era, so... obviously personally hard to hear it these days.
Have you ever had a candlelit dinner? I don’t think I have.
What was the last shot you've taken? Second Covid booster.
Do you need to apologize for something or are you waiting on an apology? I always feel like apologizing to my teammates for being super tense at work. Idk why I care so much about my job lol. What's something you strongly believe in? Continued from the other night. That everyone is just like anyone else. Makes it easier for me not to get scared of higher-ups at work or high-profile clients or clients who think they’re hot shit.
Do you have a dream that is close to being accomplished? KIND OF??? I MIGHT SEE YOONGI??? WE’LL SEE.
Would you say you're in a good place mentally? Sure! For the last two years I’ve never been better. I mean I do go through Sunday anxieties, but I try not to let it interfere with my overall mental state. When did you first start feeling more grown up? After my breakup is when I first started to feel like I had to fight for my place in the world. That would be three years ago this year.
What kind of chapstick do you use? I don’t use chapstick.
How many pillows do you prefer to sleep with? Two, but lately I’ve been sleeping with just one – a pillow I hug – because I realized laying my head on a pillow hurts my neck more than anything.
What is something you've kept bottled up for a long time that you now have released? I don’t think I’ve had that kind of release recently.
Have you ever broken a cell phone charger? I’ve broken phone chargers, phone cases, phone screens...I’m historically very shitty with cellphones; it’s a miracle my current phone has lasted this long with me.
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larriefails · 5 years
28 is not a Larry number - a masterpost
Since @theystudyrainbows has decided to put all the Larrie delusions on this number in one handy masterpost, why not debunk it all in one go?
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Even the introduction is a mess. The 28 is not “a One Direction fandom mystery” at all. It’s Louis’ jersey number that he was assigned at Doncaster Rovers and that he has since then adopted. But then again, Liam’s kidney and the Belfast canceled concert are not mysteries either
How decent of you to say that some of these are coincidences, considering literally all of the following is bullshit
The fact that “too many people to name” contributed to write this drivel makes my heart ache
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Harry has no connection to the number 28 whatsoever
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The problem with you attempting numerology is that there are only 9 possible digits (as the addition of two numbers can never be zero). So, you clown yourselves because it leads to this
Eleanor was born on July 16th 1992:
7+1+6+1+9+9+2 = 35
3+5 = 8
Oh no!
But also, Zayn was born on January 13th 1992:
1+1+3+1+9+9+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
(: Ya see how that’s just not good?
Not only that, but also, as I said, Harry has no connection to the number 28, but for shits and giggles
Kendall Jenner was born on November 3rd 1995:
1+1+3+1+9+9+5 = 29
2+9 = 11
1+1 = 2
So.. basically this is worthless information that you pulled out of your ass. Or I could easily claim that 28 is an Elounor or a Hendall number
You also use this method to count Harry and Louis’ X Factor numbers, but as we’ve established, there are only 9 options, the odds are stacked for this coincidence
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How is that 28? That’s 82.. A completely different number. In the UK the date is written day/month/year. So the “same gig” was the 8th day of the 2nd month. 82. It’s very funny that, since you’re Italian and live in the UK (both countries that use the day/month/year system) you’ve written every date so far that way, but now that you want to say this other random date is connected to 28, you switched to month/day/year.
Also, where is the year in this equation? We’ve been using the entire date so far, but now we’re only focusing on the day and month? (and switching order?) That seems very convenient. Almost like, if you try hard enough, any date can add up to 28 in some way?
November 17th 2011, Louis and Eleanor’s anniversary: 11+17=28! Oh no! DRATS! It’s still an Elounor number!
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And now we’re just ignoring the month and only focusing on the day. And not only that, but ignoring half the time they were there (the 27th) to only focus on the 28th. That is, once again, very convenient
But continuing with your own ridiculous logic. We know that Louis and Eleanor went to V Fest together in 2011, because Eleanor said so on twitter when Sugarscape wondered if the “brown haired girl” holding hands with Louis at V Fest was her
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V Fest was on August 20th and 21st 2011. What do you know? 20+8 = 28! Damn... this is getting suspicious. Louis!!! Did you get the 28 for Eleanor? :)
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This is a whole ass facepalm. I’m going to link the video here just so it’s verifiable how unhinged y’all are
He literally turns for 1 millisecond, and is looking in the general area of his right because that’s where everyone else in the band is standing. The fact that y’all still do this shit is so embarrassing for your life and your soul
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But why don’t you tell the truth? That y’all decided their anniversary was the 28th and then created this completely impossible to prove “receipt”? How is it proof of anything if it came AFTER y’all had decided the 28 was their anniversary? Your circular logic knows no bounds
Harry has not used the 28 number AT ALL. Louis hasn’t used the 28 as his jersey number “often,” he started using it in 2013 when it was assigned to him by the Doncaster Rovers when he was signed as a semi professional player
This is from goal.com, one of the most important sources of soccer information in the world X
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The article is from September 2013 and John Ryan, the chairman of the Rovers, explains that 28 was HIS number, that HE used for a match. Soccer players have assigned numbers throughout the season, and the number 28 had been retired from the line up after John Ryan used it in 2003. He decided to bring it back to give it to Louis. And Louis was signed as a soccer player professionally with that number. That’s why it’s important to him, you bag of nonsense. This was his life long dream in the club he loved. He probably spent hours and hours daydreaming about being signed professionally to play soccer and when he finally accomplished that, it was with the number 28, so of course it’s gonna be important to him!
Find ONE INSTANCE of Louis using the number 28 before the summer of 2013. ONE. You won’t! The tattoo came after that, him wearing it on his jerseys came after that. According to Larrie Lore Harry and Louis started dating in 2011 (apparently September 28th 2011, go figure), but for two full years neither of them did anything related to the number 28 whatsoever!
Why didn’t Louis wear the 28 in his first charity match in 2012?
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The fact that he wore 17, which is his and Eleanor’s anniversary. LMAO can you say ouch? Furthermore, Louis didn’t CHOOSE the 28, it was ASSIGNED to him because it was the symbolic number the chairman had used back in 2003. It was a retired number that no player had used for 10 years, and they decided to give it to him as a gesture. Man, that would be a HUGE coincidence if out of 40 something available numbers in a soccer line up, Louis had wanted exactly the one that was retired and meant a whole lot for the chairman, instead of the chairman offering it to Louis, like LOGIC says. Another HUGE coincidence that he had not bothered with the 28 at all up until that point and then started having it everywhere. But I thought Larries hated those?
After this you list all the times Louis has used the 28, which there are a lot, but all come after 2013, I don’t want to add more pointless screenshots here. Doncaster Rovers jersey (from 2013 on), dodgeball jersey (2015), in ears (2015), tattoo (2015), BTY music video (2017), LTHQ’s first IG username (2017), his playlist (2018/2019)
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How is that... 28? That’s 90028. And this isn’t a date, where you can just pick the number apart as you wish. This is a zip code for a secret show the Rolling Stones played in LA in 2015
Not only that, but Harry (and this is hilariously tragic for you) was ACTUALLY AT THE GIG! THAT’S WHY HE POSTED THE PHOTO!
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Posting the screenshot with the date so you can see. May 21st 2015. Article by the LA Times X
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This is Harry at the actual gig with Mick Jagger you absolute MORON X
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And this is Harry wearing a Rolling Stones shirt the day after the gig because he’s that much of a fanboy
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Why is “professional” in scare quotes?? I can’t believe that you just added 1+2+3+4+5+6+7. Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but *whispers* those are consecutive numbers. They just used consecutive numbers... And why would Harry’s HQ account managed by the team that’s “oppressing them” use a secret code with their beloved 28? How does that make ANY sense?
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The article is wrong. He wore TWENTY-SEVEN Gucci suits. I can’t believe that’s a sentence I just typed, but alas
1- Basel, 2- Copenhagen, 3- Hamburg, 4- Milan, 5- Bologna, 6- London I, 7- Hong Kong, 8- Bangkok, 9- Rio de Janeiro, 10- Mexico City I and II (same suit), 11- Houston, 12- Fort Lauderdale 13- Nashville, 14- Hershey, 15- Philadelphia, 16- Toronto, 17- MSG I, 18- DC, 19- Detroit, 20- Indianapolis, 21- Chicago, 22-St. Paul, 23- Denver, 24- Seattle, 25- San Jose, 26- LA I, 27- LA II
In 60 concerts, he also wore Charles Jeffrey 4 times, Saint Laurent 3 times, Palomo Spain 2 times, a custom kilt, Harris Reed 5 times, Clavin Klein 6 times, Alexander McQueen 7 times, Givenchy 4 times. Just so you don’t think I’m purposefully missing out on a suit to make it 27. The article probably counted Mexico’s suit twice. But it’s not 28 suits, it’s 27. The Mexico suit was the same both nights
I would love to know how this would be relevant to Larry or how this would mean the number 28 is important to Harry. Does he have OCD? I don’t get it
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Here we have another round of “I will MAKE IT FIT 28 IF IT KILLS ME!”
Let’s see the different tactics that you used
Adding day and month
Taking only the day
Adding day month and year. Except you left out the 2 in 2017. Because otherwise it wouldn't add up. I can’t deal with thisodnadmsla
Harry performed track 2, meaning, his lead single that he was still promoting, Sign of the Times, and 8 Ever since NEW YORK because... he was performing in... New York...
Only the day. Wow, you actually repeated tactics once!
Adding two completely different dates together, that have absolutely no correlation. How are Sweet Creature, Harry’s promo single, and the music video for a different single, related in any way? What? Why not Kiwi’s music video? Why not Two Ghosts music video? Why not the release of either of those singles to radio? Can you make it any more obvious that you’re just pulling this completely out of your ass?
You repeat tactics again, except it’s the most ridiculous tactic of adding all the numbers in the date except the 2 of the year and it’s for “Harry posted link to Twitter to Sign of the Times music video PREVIEW.” Oh my god
And now you’re counting days between two dates, because that’s not unhinged. I’m guessing you mean the April 14th not 24th, but that also wasn’t the date? It was the 13th? It depends on the time zone you were in?
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For someone who, according to you, plans with such precise care to match to 28, he didn’t wait until it would be 28 days for everyone. It’s not even because it was tweeted at midnight UK since this is like 3/4 AM UK time. In fact, it wasn’t midnight anywhere relevant (or anywhere, in general since it was at .54 minutes). So not only is this ridiculous, it’s also incorrect
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1. That’s not a fan, that’s his cousin, but Larries know barely anything about Harry if it can’t involve Larry so I’m not surprised you don’t know
2. Imagine him asking “please, make the password add to 28“ to his staff. I have tears in my eyes picturing it
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That’s his Hamburg concert, which you can tell because of his suit, which was on MARCH 25TH 2018 (he posted the pictures the day after)
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AKA 250332018 which is what the password says
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You not only confused an 8 with a 9, but also created numbers out of thin air because of a pixel smudge and failed to realize it was the FUCKING DATE. WHICH DOESN’T EVEN ADD TO 28! 2+5+3+2+1+8= 21
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This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing written in this post, which is already one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. Can you imagine Harry counting to 28 in his head in the middle of the concert? I can’t y’all, this is too much. You’re A GROWN WOMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I also found it incredibly suspicious that you didn’t outright link the video which you do throughout the post, and turns out it is because he didn’t pause for 28 seconds (what is this fucking sentence?)
He stops playing and singing at 2.40. Then speaks until 2.43. Then the “pause” which is just him trying to get the audience to stop screaming until 3.07 when he says (I can’t really make it out) “now you” or something like that. And then he says “for your eyes...” and lets the audience sing at 3.09. Literally none of these timestamps add to 28 and he had no way of counting to 28 since he was silencing people the entire time. And just like when he switched “I have love you since we were 18″ to “I have loved you since I was 16″ hitting his own chest, or when he said he fell in love to What Makes You Beautiful, you missed the entire point of this bit, which is Harry’s LOVE FOR HIS FANS
He has loved us since he was 16, he fell in love to us to What Makes you Beautiful, and he was letting us sing that part of the song every concert. He “paused” to shush the nonsensical screams, then he would give the audience the cue and let them sing. Several times he dedicated the song to specific fans in the audience, people with cancer, little kids, a fan that had neck surgery. By making it about Larry, you stripped it from its actual meaning and Harry’s love for his fans. But you always do shit like that
Regardless, he didn’t pause for 28 seconds. Wrong
And you end the post with the most anticlimactic possible tone
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Here’s the video
Harry is talking about anniversaries because he’s reading a sign from the audience... about.. anniversaries
Y’all are the definition of clowns. All that fuss for the 28 and THIS is your proof?
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dimensionsunited · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of April 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: February schedule posts are due by the end of March 7 KST.
Overall Company
To celebrate their new building and the success that has let up to being able to move into it, the company is throwing a party for all employees on March 24. Attendance is listed as non-mandatory, but, for idols, management will be strongly insisting they attend in order to show respect and thankfulness for the work of all of the other employees. It will be hard to get out of without a good reason, but there will be free food and drinks, though it’s a company party, so nothing will be permitted to get too out of hand.
Important dates:
March 24: Idol and staff party at Dimensions Entertainment Headquarters.
Dimensions Soloist 1
After a filming for online video series What The?! ASMR, where she’ll be asked to bring three items of her own choice to do ASMR with, the month is pretty low intensity, as she may be growing used to in the time since her last comeback. Her team is constantly reviewing potential songs, but haven’t locked one in as a comeback title track yet. She will be given the news that Dimensions will be having all three of their soloists participate in busking next month to help promote the new soloist, though, so she’s permitted to choose and practice up to six songs of her choice, though this must include her most recent title track as well as at least one other title track of her choice and at least one vocal or dance cover of her choice. She’s allowed to perform a song with one or both of the other soloists if she’d like.
Important dates:
March 8: What The ASMR filming.
Dimensions Soloist 2
To celebrate his second debut anniversary, he’ll be throwing a fan meeting at Yonsei University as a follow-up to his fan meeting in Bangkok last month. His official lightstick will be released on the first of the month is celebration of his approaching anniversary as well. As far as comeback prep goes, he’s expected to rehearse for his live performances since he’ll be playing acoustic guitar for both the title track and b-side “White” stages. He’ll also shoot for the album’s photobook.  He will also be given the news that Dimensions will be having all three of their soloists participate in busking next month to help promote the new soloist, though, so he’s permitted to choose and practice up to six songs of his choice, though this must include his most recent title track as well as at least one other title track of his choice and at least one vocal of his choice. He’s allowed to perform a song with one or both of the other soloists if he’d like.
Important dates:
March 8: Be Happy fanmeeting at Yonsei University Auditorium in Seoul, South Korea.
March 14: Photobook shoot.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
Dimensions Soloist 3
Her debut is next month so the bulk of final preparations are underway. Since the company stylists don’t already have her measurements, she’ll have two fittings for her music video and stage outfits before taking off to New Zealand to shoot her teaser photos and music video. Next month, she’ll participate in busking with the company’s other two soloists to help promote her debut. She’ll mostly be performing her album songs, but she’ll be permitted one vocal cover of her choice to practice this month and perform next month if she so wishes.
Important dates:
March 8: First MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 15: Second MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 18-20: “I” MV filming in Auckland, New Zealand
March 18: Teaser photo shoot. 
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
Music show promotions end mid-month without much eventfulness, which is actually a good thing considering Gal.actic’s track record. Next month, the group will be holding a fan meeting in Guangzhou, China, which will be shortly followed by a mini concert in Seoul in May, so they’ll be in rehearsals for that this month. They’ll mostly be performing their most recent title tracks and their most popular ones, but each member will be granted a solo stage to perform one song of their choice. This can be a cover or a solo song they’ve released.
Important dates:
March 12: End of music show promotions.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
As promised, March is the final month of touring before they get a break from large scale concerts for a while. They’re in the States for two weeks out of the month before they return to Seoul and they’ll be going back next month. Fans have been demanding a break, but Dimensions has too much in the plans for Alien to grant them one, and, instead, while on tour, the members will record another new English song, “Love U”. Once they return to Seoul, it will be time to record the songs they haven’t yet recorded for their next Japanese album.
Important dates:
March 5: We Are Here tour concert at Verizon Theatre in Dallas, TX, USA.
March 6: Release of “Who Do U Love ft. French Montana”.
March 7: We Are Here tour concert at Smart Financial Centre in Houston, TX, USA. 
March 10: We Are Here tour concert at Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA, USA. 
March 14: We Are Here tour concert at Hulu Theater in New York, NY, USA. 
March 17: We Are Here tour concert at Rosemont Theatre in Chicago, IL, USA. 
March 19: We Are Here tour concert at Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA, USA. 
Their comeback is still two months off, but the MARS members must begin learning the choreography for their title track this month as Dimensions would like the choreography to be as strong as MARS is known for even though their concept this time is lighter than their most successful comebacks have been in order to fit the late spring/early summer season. The members will also go in to try out potential outfits for promotions ahead of filming their music video next month.
Important dates:
March 16: MV and stage outfit fittings.
7ROPHY were promised to begin working on another comeback this month and management weren’t lying. From the beginning of the month, they’ll have a concept meeting for their comeback and then begin recording the chosen songs for the track list. They’ll be making their comeback in May, but their fifth anniversary since debut is this month. Four days before their anniversary, they’ll be in Taipei, Taiwan to hold their first solo fan meeting for Taiwanese fans. The set list will be pretty standard with their top title tracks and most recent b-sides. For their anniversary, each member will be asked to film a video with a message to fans.
Important dates:
March 12: Filming of fifth anniversary video messages to fans.
March 15: 7ROPHY 1st Fanmeeting in Taipei at ATT SHowbox in Taipei, Taiwan.
March 19: Fifth anniversary videos released.
The beginning of the month is the busiest for Unity members. They have yet another magazine photo shoot and then will be flying out on March 8 to the US to perform in Texas, before returning to Seoul on the 11th. From the 12th to the 18th, all members will be granted a vacation by Dimensions unless they have solo schedules to attend during that time. After returning from vacation, the members will have rehearsals in preparation for their Japanese tour dates next month.
Important dates:
March 6: Photo shoot for KStyle’s April issue.
March 10: Performance at RodeoHouston at NRG Stadium in Houston, TX, USA.
March 12-18: Vacation.
March 16: Release of School 2017 OST “Stay In My Life”.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
              ↳ CHAMPION
Throughout the beginning of the month, the members will continue to meet up at the BC Entertainment building to rehearse choreography so that by the 20th, they’re prepared to leave on a short trip to Dubai to film parts of the music video for their sub-unit debut title track. In the days following their return, they’ll be busy with more promotional content filming. Fans are sure to notice that the same group of idols that was seen at the BC building is now taking the same flight out of the airport, but BC and Dimensions continue to not confirm anything to keep fans talking.
Important dates:
March 20-22: Trip to Dubai for “Jopping” MV filming.
March 23: CHAMPION focus trailer video [2] [3] filming.
March 24: CHAMPION group trailer video filming.
March 25: Additional “Jopping” MV filming.
March 26: Album photoshoot [2] [3]
Compared to their jam-packed schedule over the last few months, March is more relaxed even though it’s the last month before their comeback month. Their album has been recorded so the focus is on choreography this month, as well as fittings and photo shoots for both the teaser photos and the album photo book. The concept of one of the versions of the album will be photos taken by the members of the other members, so each member will be provided a camera to take teaser photos with while shooting that concept version.
Important dates:
March 9: MV and stage outfit fittings.
March 12: Teaser photo and photo book shoot.
March 16: Release of “Full Moon” performance video.
March 30: Performance at Seoul Spring Festival Day Concert (see event).
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nagatsukinura119 · 5 years
Japan Expo Malaysia Closing Ceremony (28th July 2019)
For the closing ceremony I arrived at the venue 45 minutes earlier than schedule since I wasn’t gonna risk losing my usual spot which I have now dubbed as ‘the lucky spot’. When I arrived, Kousuke Atari was doing his performance. About Kousuke, he is a self-trained musician, and performs in the difficult shima-uta (island-song) style of his hometown. He had a really gentle voice and one can feel calm when listening to him sing, and feel the nostalgia hit. Most of his songs were Japanese, but there was one song that he sang in Chinese, which surprised and impressed me. While his singing was not my cup of tea, but that did not mean I couldn’t appreciate it, and judging from his facial expressions, he was clearly feeling it. Respect to this man. For those who appreciate slow music, this man is the one for them.
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After his performance, they showed us the highlights from Day 1 and Day 2, and man did I go all hype when Naachan appeared in the video sequence lmaooo. Aki and Austin then came out and called for all of the artists who had come. The first one was ZIPANG (whose concert I attended on Day 2 for a little while), then Himika Natsume, WIN=W1N (whom I will say had a really cool T-shirt by the way), 0TU1, ToumeinaKankei SampunSanjubyo, Sorgenti (whoooo!), Banzai Japan (yaayyy!), Yoyogi Jyoshi Ongakuin, KiREI (YASSSSSS!!! Okay, I will not hide the fact that I immediately screamed Hanapii’s name, and seriously what luck was bestowed upon me that they stood close to me *seriously this spot really is the lucky spot*), Kiiyama Shouten, *Chocolate Bomb!!, cosmic!! (they stood closest to me ohmygodohmygod *pant pant*). When cosmic!! came out I remember I cheered for them and I think that caught Hanapii’s attention and she spotted me and started waving heartily! She’s just so amazing! I love her so much! After cosmic!! Harupiii came in (whooo!!) and since they needed more space for other artists to stand on stage, KiREI members had to scoot closer to cosmic!! members when Riona was called in. Right when Kousuke was entering the stage, Mianyan saw me and waved at me too! OH GOD! At this point it was really hard to focus elsewhere since the girls were standing so close! Not to mention the cosmic!! boys were also having a blast and started dancing so close to me pahahaha! I tried to film elsewhere but my body seemed like it had its own brain and it was right! Cuz when I focused back on Hanapii, she looked at me again, waving and giving the heart finger as she was leaning forward. Funny yet endearing thing was, Chori-chan next to her followed along and now she saw me too! I loved the fact that when she really realized it was me, she tapped Hanapii’s arm and pointed at me. Oh for goodness’ sake, my heart couldn’t take this much happiness (I’m tearing up as I’m writing this down TvT)!
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After all the artists were in, it was time to call the organizers and the important people for photo taking and some speech (I feel bad I didn’t focus on this). Soon after there was a countdown, and five seconds later, the confetti blower started blasting. But here’s the thing I didn’t realize it was there, and I don’t think KiREI members knew either cuz poor Hanapii was startled more since the blast was right in front of her (^w^”). The hype was exhilarating; all the high tension from the artists, the audience and the beat of the blaring music, it was all just so great to be there! Then Hanapii once again turned to me and waved, and I knew I had to use this chance to communicate with her. With just one hand I tried to convey that I was really grateful they came here, and that I was sad that they were about to leave (I used my finger to trail a tear on my cheek lmaoo and she clapped her hands together while nodding). I should mention it was so cute that she kept responding with the same hand gestures that I gave to her. I should also mention that one of cosmic!! members, Tomi started to dance vigorously, and I just couldn’t help but laugh considering our small distance lololol. I kinda wished that I talked to their fangirls to ask more about them ahahah. After a while the artists on stage were called down to the floor, to interact closer with the fans. Sorgenti came first and man Hiroshi’s smile was so wide it was so cute! Trust me when I said my heart was beating so hard even though I wasn’t expecting anything (more like I didn’t want to hope much in order to avoid disappointment lmao). BUT! KiREI members actually came to my side first! HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! As I said before, I CAN’T HANDLE THIS MUCH HAPPINESS!!! Chori-chan was filming with her phone while Hanapii and Mianyan focused on interacting with the fans, and I was so joyful Hanapii took a few seconds to once again look at my camera (gosh I love her!). And Chori-chan had so much fun immortalizing the moment in her Instastory lolol!
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Next, *Chocolate Bomb!! came and I’m really a sucker to good-looking people cuz I got enticed by their flawless looks (^v^”). They trotted past me and right behind them was Hiroshi (Sorgenti) and he was walking straight at my way and started passing some tickets (I honestly don’t know what it was) and I thought he was gonna give one to me too but he ended up giving it to the people around me lolol. After going around passing the tickets he came back at my area and looked straight at my camera. I thought he would put some distance between us, but holy crap! He came so close that I was like “Chikai! Chikai! Chikai desu! (Too close! Too close! You’re too close!) But hey, I got lucky to get nice shots of him, yeeeee! From up-close, you could tell that this guy is a chill guy and fun to hang around with. After Hiroshi, the Banzai Japan girls came and I’m glad they did since I really liked their cheery energy. They didn’t really reach me cuz another girl group came in, ToumeinaKankei (for short). They were SERIOUSLY close that I thought in panic, “Girls, girls, too close! Please think about your safety! You don’t know what kind of maniac could be lurking around here!” At least what I respect about these girls were the fact they went to every bit of every corner to reach out all the audience on the floor, making them feel appreciated to be there and for that I was really touched. The girls from Banzai Japan did the same, but with an extra level, in which one of the members crouched in front of two little girls next to me, so there was barely a distance between us and again, I was like “Guuurl, please be careful!” while flutteringly took pictures lolol. Soon after, the cosmic!! members went back on stage and noticed me and started posing for me, SO ADORABLE AND COOL! I need to mention that I STILL HATE MYSELF FOR GETTING BAD QUALITY PICTURES OF THEM (I’ll learn how to use DSLR cameras better after this)!
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Okay, by now the artists were slowly climbing back on stage one by one and made their way to the backstage stealthily and I thought that was enough pictures and videos for the night. I couldn’t really see KiREI members since they were being blocked by other artists but I was content with that and I hoped they could get some rest real quick, and wished for their flight to be safe (I didn’t know when their flight was, and I assumed it would be on the next day lolol). So, while at that I was enjoying myself with cosmic!!’s funny antiques and random dances. Just when I thought nothing was gonna surprise me anymore, and I seriously did not expect this because I’m just a regular visitor who happened to really like Hanapii, she totally surprised me by peeking in between Harupiii and Riona, AND THEN STARTED WAVING AND GIVING ME THE FINGER HEART SIGN!!! I swear I’m not making this up, you can actually find this scene in a video on YouTube (I’ll share the gif here). And I don’t care how much I’ve said it, I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! Right then and there I just, I just cried, like there was no way I couldn’t use my towel right then and there. But before letting the waterfall happen, I responded back to her as much as I could until it was time for them to go. I had to leave the crowd and just took a bit of time to take a breather. I then ran to the backstage to see there was already many people gathering and all the artists had a group photo. Knowing that there was no way I could squeeze my way into the crowd I left the venue. Honestly, I don’t know how to end this report, cuz that’s how it ended. I only remember that I walked to the exit with tears and tried to keep it low.
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I will say that, my experiences with KiREI were so much more fun and exciting than my experience with AKB48. I know, to be fair, I spent more time with KiREI and even had direct conversations with them for 3 days straights, in comparison to AKB’s limited one-day visit. If I had to put the satisfaction in numbers, I’d say my experience with AKB48 was 70-80%, while with KiREI it was around 150%, mainly because of the eye contacts with the members during performances and the way they interacted with me during the meet-and-greet sessions. Chori-chan and Mianyan were very very sweet and charming and I wish I interacted with them more. But that’s just how I roll I guess, the first person who charms me will get me first lmaooooo. I will never forget that first and only wink that Hanapii gave to me which had indefinitely fished me towards her and forever turned me into her fan. So, as a KiREI fan, I’m here to spread their name as much as I can, considering they’re not a mainstream idol group, and they deserve more recognition. I know it’s not easy to follow an underground idol group, but it’s not impossible. Especially when they’re going to perform in Mini Tokyo Idol Festival in Bangkok on October. So please follow their Twitter accounts and discover the other 11 members who are attractive and charming in their own ways. Follow them on Twitter, Instagram, watch their Showroom, subscribe to their mail services, go to their live performances, buy their merchandise, but most importantly, show them your support and appreciation and spread their motto “I want to make everything beautiful”.
I’ll make it easy, here are some links for you guys (Their Instastories are LIFE). KiREI: Twitter || Utaten (Mail services) Tanaka Hana: Twitter ||  Instagram Konatsu Mia: Twitter || Instagram  Miyadera Miho: Twitter ||  Instagram
Day 3 report is here!
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ttaootd · 5 years
The Princess Diaries.
My parents actually raised me and my brothers very much like other families do. We did what every normal kids do, we went to normal schools, played with our neighbours and friends from school, we got grounded when we did something wrong and we weren’t that lavish I must admit. Because we were always surrounded with our friends from schools, our cousins and our neighbours we never really bothered with the title or anything. And in a way because of how our parents raised us and how our friends treated us we are more grounded in that sense.
I still remember the first day I met you and the last day I saw you few years back which was in Bangkok back in 2011 was it? Oh well, time flies. I didn’t expect things to change so much in just a few years. After high school I went in an Art college in Singapore , La Salle art college, I was doing my foundations, but after 6 months I realised that college life was not really for me. I wanted to start making money so I had a talk with my dad, who is basically my mentor when it comes to business. So my first project was my own cosmetic line, called Luvins cosmetics. The first few months it went very well and sold like hot cakes. But it was my first business and I was still very new when it comes to contracts and trusting people. I trusted my partner too much. She took advantage of the business and basically took all our sales money and ran away… I was so lost and didn’t want to do anything for a while. About a year later my dad gave me an idea of opening a fast food joint, but I brushed it off and basically took a year or so doing nothing… I was trying to figure out what I really wanted to do. My father wasn’t too happy with me doing nothing so he hired me to work for his company as a part time. I still work for him part time. Then I realised: ok I’m going to take a risk and do something what other people won’t expect from someone who loves fashion. I decided to franchise/open Mcdonalds. So I did the training to be the franchisee. Unfortunately, Mcdonalds has very strict rules, they require you to be in the restaurant for more than 8 hours a day, everyday for at least a year. With my kind of lifestyles I couldn’t commit to it so that mission went down the drain. Suddenly I received an email from KFC. The company was interested to have me as their franchisee because they heard about how I wanted my fast food joint to look like and where I wanted to locate it (prime location in jb by the sea). Things went really well and my KFC was launched in 2013. I was very involved in the architecture designs. We made it very modern and we extended the seating area on stilts over the water which was the first of its kind in Malaysia to ever be done for KFC. In one year we have become the top KFC in Malaysia.
My new project now is being part of the JBIFC (Johor Bahru International Festival). We are trying to bring in as many art festivals including music in Johor Bahru. Our first project was just a few days ago. It was Jazz Fest 2015. It was jazz concert that lasted for 3 days. We had Steve Thornton, Mezzatono and the legendary Sadao Watanabe. It was a huge accomplishment for Johor especially since it was our first ever event. It went beyond our expectation. In the next few months we will have our classical music events, food festivals, Johor history festivals and plays.
Another new project of mine is an opening of a small Melbourne style coffee shop. I always wanted that, something cosy with a great coffee smell when you enter the cafe…
I’m involved in any charity event thats thrown in my way. We do random visits to hospitals in Johor for the kids with cancer and we are also involved in helping children with disabilities.
My only taboo is the social media. I have to make sure my privacy is on point. I’m very picky with who I let in, only friends and close friends are allowed!
I am in love.. but I’m not married yet and its something I want to keep within my close circle till its official (smiling).. But I will let you know for sure!
Oh the wardrobe…. its either an OCD sight or a jungle at times LOL. I must admit ever since my brother was diagnosed with liver cancer I looked at life very differently. I realised that all these things would not really give you that much happiness or the feeling of being complete at heart. May be for some people it does, but not for me.I used to buy huge number of shoes and handbags, but now I keep it to a minimum. Its a bit too late now since I’m literally running out of space (laughing). BUT i did give away and sold a huge amount of handbags and clothes. The money I used for the Foster Kids Charities.
I’m a big collector of Christian Louboutin. I do not know if to consider it good or bad (laughing), I guess good since I got noticed enough to be invited for the Met Ball event in NYC. My favourite couture pieces would have to be my Herve L. Leroux dress collection. Thy are simply amazing!! Apart from them its my little collection of Hermes Birkin. I don’t have that many but each and every one of them was specially picked by my dad so it has sentimental value to me. I’m such a daddy’s girl. It means more to me that its from him than the brand itself.
Luxury to me is first and for most HAPPINESS! What’s the point of being somewhere lovely and beautiful if you don’t feel happy inside? It’s like being in a luxurious president suite with candles and bubble bath BUT crying over something heartbreaking… So yes, luxury to me is happiness. . Even just standing by the beach, fresh coconut in hand, watching the sea and feeling wonderful… This is priceless.
-I have a huge respect for my religion and my faith so anything that makes me feel wrong inside or wrong in other people’s eyes in Malaysia, I will not pursue it. For example, launching my own night club or bar….
I am in love with interior designs… Who knows, I might open my own furniture shop since it came to my mind already.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
How Will Step By Step Acrylic Painting For Beginners Be In The Future | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
Online Class: Thursday Yoga with Anne Hymer; 1 pm; free
Easy Acrylic Painting Tutorials for Beginners Step by Step •Art .. | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
Build Strength and reduce stress with Thursday online yoga chic led by Anne Hymer, an accomplished yoga adviser who will be teaching “Beginner Yoga Flow”. The chic is acceptable for all fettle level. 
Online Art & Wine: Portraiture Study in Acrylics; 4.30 pm; B1,600
Spend your black sipping (your own) wine and authoritative art. The chic will focus on painting portraits application acrylic paints. For B1,600, you will get all the abstracts bare to actualize your masterpiece delivered to your doorstep. 
▷ 10+ acrylic painting ideas to fill your spare time with – step by step acrylic painting for beginners | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
At Home With Six Senses: Friday Fit&Fun with Carina Lipold-Lenz; 2 pm; free 
Stuck at home with no gym equipment? This conditioning chic hosted by Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas has got you covered. Led by Carina Lipold-Lenz, a wellness activity director, you will apprentice simple moves to accumulate yourself fit during the lockdown via Facebook live. 
ONE OK ROCK; 9 pm; free
Lavender Tree | Acrylic Painting for Beginners | Easy Painting Tutorial Step by Step – step by step acrylic painting for beginners | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
World-famous Japanese bedrock bandage ONE OK ROCK announces on the band’s official website that the accumulation will absolution 6 concerts over the abutting 2 months for admirers to beck on their Youtube channel starting this Friday as their Eye Of The Storm Asia Tour 2020 has been adjourned until added notice. The videos will not be achieved, so this is the alone adventitious to bolt their gigs. See the abounding agenda of the releases here. 
One World: Together at Home; free 
Global Citizen joins easily with World Health Organisation (WHO) to bandy One World: Together at Home, a all-around basic concert to action COVID-19 communicable on April 18, curated in accord with Lady Gaga. The ample agency includes Billie Eilish, Sam Smith, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift, Elton John, John Legend, Stevie Wonder, and abounding more. Check out area you can watch One World: Together At Home and what time it’s airing abreast you here. 
10 Easy Step by Step Painting Examples for Beginners | Tuval .. | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
Thai Kakao x Peruvian Cuisine by NA Café at Bangkok 1899; 12 pm; free
Local amber bistro KAD KOKOA has arrive Peruvian Chef Santiago to adapt cafeteria set alive on Instagram while giving you some affable tips and giving you acumen into culinary traditions of his country. If you don’t appetite to do the affable by yourself, you can adjustment your lunch set (B490) that includes his acclaimed Seabass Ceviche, 1 drink, 1 snack, and 1 Kad Kokoa dessert. You can pre-order your cafeteria set via Messenger or LINE of Kad Kokoa or NA Café. Read added capacity here. 
Online Class: Monday Cardio with Mack; 9
▷ 10+ acrylic painting ideas to fill your spare time with – step by step acrylic painting for beginners | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
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Acrylic painting tutorial for beginners step by step landscape easy / acrylic sunset – step by step acrylic painting for beginners | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
Heart shaped sunset step by step painting, Spring Passion .. | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
√ 10+ Best Easy Painting Ideas For Wall Beginners and Canvas .. | step by step acrylic painting for beginners
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passportsymphony · 7 years
19 money-saving hacks for solo travellers
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I’ve been trying to find a cheap deal for my trip to Bangkok from Kolkata for days. And after multiple searches with different airlines and hours of browsing cheap flights sites, I saw the fee of $45 USD. It was surrounded by prices ranging from $150 to $300 USD. I didn’t spend any time thinking about it and I booked the one-way ticket right away. The fact that I was able to get such a good deal allowed me to build a whole itinerary around this trip. What was supposed to be few days in Bangkok turned into a two-month adventure in Southeast Asia, featuring 6 different countries And I survived these two months with less than $900 USD, with all bus, train and flight tickets included. So you could say I know a thing or two about budget travel tips.
This article covers such tips to help you save money when you travel solo. Enjoy!
  1. Budget travel tips 101: Booking your flight
Many, people think that booking a return ticket is always cheaper than booking two different flights. I must say, that’s a myth. Yes, it’s true that return flights are cheaper most of the time, but if you look thoroughly you can get a very nice deal like I did with my Bangkok trip.
2. Consider travelling in the offseason
This is also another one of the basic budget travel tips. Research and find out when’s the offseason in the place you want to visit. And when I say offseason, I don’t mean you should go to Southeast Asia in September when the rainy season is at its peak. Just pick a time of the year when the weather is cooler, but not rainy. Not only the prices for everything will be much lower, but you will get a more authentic view of the place. Without a rush of tourists, I mean. You will be able to observe the actual life of local people and learn much more about that country.
3. Use booking sites for accommodation
There are many sites, like Booking, Trivago, Agoda etc. Using these sites, you can always get a better deal than if you went straight to the hotel.
4. Google for discounts
Before buying anything, always make a search on Google including the words discount or code. You could get some really nice deals this way. Do that when you book your flight and accommodation as well.
5. Check out the exchange rates
Following the world’s economy never hurts. Compare the currency of the country to the currency of the country you intend to visit. For example, it’s a really good time for US citizens to visit Europe now because the value of the Euro has been decreasing lately, compared to the US dollar.
6. Consider group tours
Even when you travel alone, you can still use the benefits of group travel. Just check out for prices of group tours for the places you want to visit. Let the professionals do all the logistics. That’s much easier too. There are a lot of companies out there that are targeting solo travellers.
7. Hostels
One of the best budget travel tips I can give to a solo traveller is ‘Stay in a hostel’. You share the room with other people, you pay only a portion of the price and you get to make new friends. There are a lot of luxurious hostels as well, with pool, gym and other commodities too. You can also think about homestays and Couchsurfing. And the best thing about them is:
8. Check Hostel Calendars
Many hostels organize different activities for their guests. From theme parties to cooking classes to tours to visit a famous landmark. Sometimes the activities are even free of charge, but even when it’s not, the price is much lower than what you would normally pay.
9. Get a local SIM card
When you’re travelling to a foreign country, especially if alone the access to maps is invaluable. When you’re alone and when there aren’t many English speakers around getting lost can be a bit scary. That happened to me in Hanoi. If you have the SIM card, not only you won’t get lost but you can also walk to the nearby sights and avoid paying for cabs or public transport.
10. Avoid using ATMs
If you’re withdrawing money from ATMs, commissions for using your card in a foreign country can be high. There’s a commission charged from your bank, and often there’s a commission charged by the ATM as well. Some banks will offer fee-free cards that you can use when abroad for a yearly fee. So search for the banks that provide this service in your country.
11. Don’t exchange your money at the airport
Or exchange a small amount that should cover the transportation to your hotel. The exchange rates at the airport are terrible and if you are exchanging a big amount you’re practically getting ripped off.
12. Take x2 of the money you think you need and ½ of the clothes you think you need
I know, the money part doesn’t really correspond with the title. But this is something I learned after losing a lot of money when withdrawing from ATMs. And the reason why I had to withdraw from ATMs is that I was planning my budget till the last penny and I thought that the amount I took will be enough. Planning your exact budget in advance when travelling never works. And the part about the clothes is just to make it easier for you to move when you’re backpacking. And avoid extra luggage charge at the airport. You’re not gonna need half of the stuff anyway.
13. Use public transport
There’s no need to mention how much using the public transport saves on money. However, some people don’t feel comfortable in the crowded public transport vehicles. And these places are often filled with pickpockets. So if you don’t want to use public transport, at least…
14. Share your rides
Uber and most of the local versions of it allow passengers to share a ride and pay significantly less. Another good thing about this is that the drivers use GPS so you won’t have to struggle to explain where are you going if the driver doesn’t speak English.
15. Find freebies
The best thing about travelling alone is that you decide where you want to go and when. And a lot of cities have a lot of interesting things that are free, like museums, festivals, concerts etc. And if you didn’t make your research on time you can always find the tourist bureau and ask for information.
  16. Stop constantly looking for souvenirs
Sorry, Joey I know you care about your loved ones, but buying gifts for a bunch of people can not only be very expensive, but time-consuming as well. Just devote the little time that you have to explore the cities and learning new things. If your friends and family love you they’ll understand.
17. Say yes to Couchsurfing
Couchsurfing is the most popular app for travellers that allows you to crash at a local’s place. However, if you’re scared or feel awkward doing that, you can still use the app to meet local people. They know the city and they can take you to the best and cheapest places. The ones where locals go. So, not only you are going to have a great experience, but you’ll save money as well.
18. Restrict restaurant meals
Of course, there are a lot of cheap restaurants as well, but you can’t know them when visiting a place for the first time. One of my main money-saving secrets is that I avoid restaurants. Especially in Asia, where the street food is amazing. I survived in Southeast Asia for two months by eating street food 80% of the time.
19. Use the benefits of technology
Just like with everything else, technology can make your travel easier as well. Make a search and download some useful apps that can make your trip easier. My personal favourite is City Maps2Go which allows you to access maps of different cities offline and pin the places you want to visit.
The post 19 money-saving hacks for solo travellers appeared first on Passport Symphony.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What was the last film you watched, that made you feel emotional? That’s a tricky one as I don’t watch really watch movies anymore, much less cry over them. The last memory I have of crying is over Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha but this was nearly two years ago.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? Everyone kind of has an idea that I don’t really read, so no.
What was the last idea you had, that didn't quite go to plan? Not quite just my own idea, but Angela, Hans, and I had planned to go to Bruno Mars’ shows this weekend. Didn’t go to plan when we realized no one was selling their tickets. I LOVE Bruno Mars and would have wanted to see him, but considering I’ve just come from a trip and was recently at a concert I wasn’t as desperate as I would’ve been and also not as disappointed when it was becoming increasingly clear that we wouldn’t be able to see Bruno.
Is there a type of accessory that you always wear? I wear a bucket hat a solid 80-90% of the time I’m out.
What traits/behaviours do your pets have, that you find cute? Agi will force you to pet him/rub his head. Just sit down somewhere, have your hand where he can reach it, and he will keep nudging it such that it leads you to the crown of his head. 
As for Cooper, when he feels like whining, he does these little passive-aggressive whimpers that feel like he’s grumbling to himself softly but actually wants you to hear him. OH and I also love how, despite tending to be possessive around his humans, when it comes to his absolute favorite toy he always gives it up for Agi who usually grabs it away from him whenever we play fetch.
Has your phone fallen out of your pocket at any time recently? No. I never put it in my pocket for that very reason. I typically just have it in my hand as it’s the most secure you can be with it.
Are your nails long, short, or somewhere in between? They’re short. I never trim them with a nail cutter, though; I just tear(?)/pull(?) them out myself. It’s also an anxiety bit as I like to fiddle with my nails when I’m feeling stressed or bored.
What's the newest item in your make-up bag? I have never bought makeup. Bea did get me lip balm from her recent Seoul trip if that counts as makeup?
Is there anyone who 'likes' a lot of your posts online, but you don't talk? Sure.
Who was the last person to 'like' one of your photos on social media? How did you meet that person? That would be Jaynie. I think we met in Grade 2? Quickly became close as we were seatmates and always had recess and lunch together, until she transferred schools in Grade 5 and we didn’t talk for a very long time. The reason we were able to reconnect two years ago is pretty unsurprising – we both turned out to be ARMY. We both watched Yoongi in Bangkok (albeit different dates) and funnily enough were on the same flight back to Manila, which was the first time we had seen each other in 15 years.
Have you eaten a sandwich at any time recently? What was the filling? Yeah I had some kind of chicken katsu sandwich from a Malaysian 7-Eleven.
What was the last sound you heard, that you found unpleasant? My mom nagging on me earlier tonight – she'd been pretty short with me in particular this entire day for whatever reason, but that bit was the last straw my patience could possibly handle for a day and I immediately went upstairs for the night after that.
Does the shirt you're wearing have any kind of pattern on it? I wouldn’t call it a pattern but it has a pretty dope design! It’s half-green and half-white and is split in the middle, both front and back. Looks like this:
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Do you use a notebook? What does the cover look like? I don’t.
Have you ever spilled nail varnish on anything you owned? Nope. Never in danger of that as I don’t own any nail products anyway.
What was the last song that you recall singing along to? Take Two, BTS.
Do you have a box of matches anywhere in your house? Yes, we keep them around in case the power goes out.
Is there anything that you plan to buy in the near future? Nothing any time soon as I plan on doubling down on savings after my trips. Apparently my family is planning a trip to Incheon for Christmas too so I need to save for that as well so that my visa application can look decent.
Have you experienced any pain or discomfort today? Earlier today I scratched my nose a tad strongly so that stung for a few minutes.
What made you feel cheerful today? Went to UP to have lunch, BIG YAY as I haven’t been there since December; then livestreamed Yoongi’s Seoul concert which everyone thought was the last in his tour until he announced 3 additional shows in Seoul this August. :D Who knows, I might get a JJK1 announcement tonight too????? WE’LL SEE IN 22 MINUTES
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