#this is from a few seconds before he passes out and kon FREAKS OUT
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crowiin · 21 days ago
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MER AU!!! I’m so excited to post this one. click for better quality
it takes pretty heavy inspiration from @mamawasatesttube ‘s delightful mer au ideas featuring tim and kon reuniting in the worst way possible
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awhitehead17 · 4 years ago
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 33: “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
Enjoy! :D
Tim instantly knew that something was up as soon as he walked into the apartment. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened (yet) but he could just tell that something is off, it’s like it’s in the air and as soon as he breathed it he just knew.
Tim cautiously wonders further into the apartment, being sure to check each room he passes as he makes his way to the kitchen. He gets there without an incident but that doesn’t do much to calm his nerves.
Once there he starts making himself a coffee before turning his attention back to the rest of the apartment. It seems quiet. Too quiet. Isn’t Kon supposed to be here? Perhaps he’s gone out and it’s his lack of presence that’s putting Tim on edge.
“Conner?” Tim calls out, deciding to find out whether Kon had gone out or not. There’s a beat of silence and Tim tries a second time. “Kon!”
When only silence answers him, Tim shrugs it off. That must have been why it felt off as soon as he entered. He’s grown used to having his boyfriend around and immediately noticed when he wasn’t present.
Just as Tim’s about to pour the coffee a loud bang rings out from somewhere deeper in the apartment. Tim freezes and instantly reaches for the hidden weapon in underneath the wall cabinet. There’s a second bang which is followed up by someone cursing.
Quietly making his way out of the kitchen Tim heads further into his apartment, seeking out the noise. Who had managed to break into his apartment? If it’s Jason again he's going to flip his shit…
A body comes through the door of his bedroom and Tim drops down into a fighting position, ready to attack the intruder at a moment’s notice, however when he realises who it is all the tension drains out of his body.
His shoulders slump and he lets the weapon hang loose in his hands. Swearing like a sailor Tim straightens up and glares at the person as they turn to face him.
“What the hell Tim? I didn’t know you were back!” Kon yelps when he finally sees Tim standing there glaring at him.
Tim narrows his eyes, not impressed. “I did call you, you didn’t answer.”
A sheepish expression passes over Kon’s face. “Did you, oh sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“No shit.”
Kon rolls his eyes. “Hey, it happens alright. I guess I was busy and was pretty distracted.”
“What were you doing?” Tim asks curiously, trying to look into his bedroom through the open crack of the door. “What were those bangs I heard just a moment ago?”
“I uh, I um…” Kon stammers he rubs the back of his neck in that way that means he’s embarrassed about something. Tim’s heart flutters at the mindless action and he feels the annoyance fade away.
“Kon what is it? Is everything okay?”
Kon’s gaze snaps up at him and his eyes widen. “What? Yeah, yeah, everything’s okay. It’s just um, well… right don’t freak out but I got you something.”
Tim feels himself tense up again in a heartbeat because those two things put together never usually mean something good.
His thoughts must have been showing on his face because Kon sighs. “It’s nothing bad I promise.”
“Kon the last time you said you got me something, an explosion happened which then caused a fire and the whole building had to evacuate. So excuse me for being paranoid.”
His boyfriend seems to consider this for a second before he’s nodding his head. “Okay, that’s fair, but that was one time. Do you want it or not?”
“Do I actually have a choice in the matter?”
“No.” Kon states bluntly, then with a smile he’s says, “now close your eyes and hold out your hands, I was going to surprise you with it in the bedroom but I’ll give it to you instead.”
Tim sends him a pointed look, showing how much he’s against the idea, however when Kon draws out his puppy eyes and a pout Tim is defenceless and does as he's asked. Huffing he shuts his eyes and puts his hands together, palms facing up. He only has to wait a few seconds before something is being placed into them.
The object isn’t very heavy but it’s hard and has sharp edges and corners. As he fiddles with the object he thinks he feels a frame around the edge of it and a stand at the back. With a solid idea of what it could be Tim asks if he can open his eyes in which Kon eagerly agrees too.
As he thought, in his hands is a photo frame. It’s a standard size photo frame and has a black outline. What really surprises Tim is the photo inside the frame itself. A warm feeling spreads inside of him when he sees it and a wide happy smile stretches across his face.
The photo is of him, Kon, Bart and Cassie all goofily posing at the camera.
Cassie took up most of the right side of the image as she was taking the selfie, she was winking and had her tongue sticking out. Bart was to her left, most of face was showing at the bottom of the image, he was grinning like a mad man and his unruly hair puffed up all around him. Tim and Kon were behind them. Kon had Tim caught in a headlock, he was laughing as he gave Tim a hard noogie and Tim was trying to escape his clutches but there’s a smile on his face nonetheless.
The whole picture is light-hearted, it had been taken on a day where they were all chilling and had nothing better to do. Cassie wanted a nice group photo but obviously nothing is ever that easy. Either way this is one of the pictures that came from that day and it’s one of his favourites.
He glances up at Kon and smiles fondly. “Thank you Kon, I love it.”
Kon ducks his head, smiling himself. “I know you like that photo so I thought you may be able to either put it in your bedroom or somewhere in your apartment.”
Tim nods, he’ll have to find the best place for it, make sure its somewhere where he can always see it and be reminded of lighter times. After a moment he steps up to Kon and captures his boyfriend’s lips with his own, Kon easily melts under the attention and they kiss languidly for a little while before parting.
“Thanks again.”
In response Kon kisses him again and Tim is completely fine with that.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Superboy x reader
Synopsis: Y/N walks out of her bathroom expecting to go to bed and totally not to have her best friend of a year and a half climbing into her window at 1am.
Warnings: some language, possible cringe
Word count: 535
Y/N walked out of her bathroom to see her best friend, Kon climbing into her window obviously in pain. She shrieked some, quickly pulling her over sided hoodie over her lacy grey tank top.
“What the fuck Kon?” She said glaring daggers at him.
“You seem surprised Princess.” He groaned.
“Number one, I’m not your “princess. Number two, hell yeah I’m surprised, a heads up would have been nice before you decided to come through my window injered at 1 A.M.!”“I sent you a heads up.” He mumbled as Y/N helped him into a chair.
She looked at her phone which had a message from him saying, “Incoming.”
Y/N rolled her eyes before looking him over. He was injured, bruised and battered with a small number of larger cuts.
“I’ll get the first aid kit.” She said, “Don’t move.”
“Can’t you just kiss it better?” Kon asked smirking some.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She smiled, “Maybe if you let me tend to your cuts and bruises first I might.”
A bit of time passed and Y/N was almost done tending to Kon.
“So what trouble did you get into tonight hero?” She asked, her touch lingering on his arm.
“Kryptonite.” He answered.
“I knew a few cuts wouldn’t land you in this shape.” Y/N stated rolling her eyes.
He smirked at her comment before going on, “Got caught in a shoot -out.” “Almost stabbed a few times.” “You know, the usual.”
“Fuck Kon, you’re going to get yourself killed.” She mumbled trying not to look up at him.
“I’m flattered that you care so much.” Kon stated looking straight at her.
A blush spread of her cheeks as she kept her eyes low and then attempted to look up some.
“Of course I care idiot.” She smiled.
He cocked a brow, “How much?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and glared at him before pulling him in for a kiss.
“That much.” She shrugged.
He sat shocked for a second, “Just that much?”
Kon stood up, a bit taller than her and kissed her again now more roughly as she ran her fingers through his jet- black hair. His fingers found the way to the hem of her hoodie before he pulled it off.
“Damn.” He mumbled taking in her frame.
“So what is this now?” Y/N asked quietly.
“Well Princess, I guess you fell for me.” Kon stated going in for another kiss.
Y/N pushed him away and crossed her arms, “I didn’t fall for you, you freaking tripped me!”
The both of them curled up into her bed, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Y/N/N?” Kon said quietly.
“I think I love you.” He whispered.
Y/N giggled, “Je t’amie plus que la pizza.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I love you more than pizza.” She giggled again before burying her head in his chest and falling asleep.
Je t’amie plus que la pizza= I love you more than pizza (French)
This is my first fic that I have written. If you have anything that you’d like please send a request. Anything that I need to work on because I know I have some things you can tell me in the comments or message me.
Have a good day
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awhitehead17 · 5 years ago
A Peculiar Situation
Bruce & Kon, Bruce & Tim, TimKon, Humour, Coming Out, Fluff, Good Dad Bruce, High Kon. 
Summary: Bruce finds a high Kon while out on patrol, on the way back to the cave it seems that Superboy has loose lips and he ends up learning new things about his son and the half-Kryptonian. 
Enjoy! :D 
While on patrol Bruce has come to learn expect the unexpected. Considering how long he’s been Batman and has been patrolling Gotham’s streets, not a lot fazes him anymore.
This, however, is certainly new.
Standing on top of an abandoned apartment building, he was preparing to call it a night, it was early by his normal standards but he has a board meeting in the morning which greatly demanded his attention so he needed to go home and get some sleep to be ready for it. That’s when the whole building suddenly starts to shake.  
It only lasts for a few seconds but it was enough to put Bruce on high alert. Without even thinking about it he gets into a defensive stance and scans the surrounding areas for the source. It seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary and he can already exclude an earthquake from the list.
A puff of what looked like smoke soon gets his attention. He turns his attention to the east side of the building and sneaks over to the edge, grabbing some pellets out of his belt as he does so, before carefully peering over the edge of the roof to find the source of the smoke. Within the wall towards the ground there was now a gaping hole in the construction, like something had just gone through it, and the smoke had in fact been lots of dust.
After a few beats of waiting Bruce could eventually hear something moving from inside the building and if he had to guess it was what crashed through the wall in the first place. He grabs his grapple and silently makes his way down to the ground, making sure his movements were quiet and undetectable.
Bruce tenses and prepares himself for a fight as he spins around to face whoever is in the building, only to stumble when he finds Superboy coughing and sluggishly moving within the debris.
He freezes on the spot, baffled by the sight before him. What was Superboy doing in Gotham? Why did he go through the wall? What was wrong with him?
It didn’t go unnoticed that the boy seemed completely unaware of Bruce’s presence or the fact his movements were sloppy as he works to get the bits of debris off himself.
Figuring there was in fact no threat, only questions, Bruce loosens his posture and trails over to help the boy. He ought to leave him and pretend he was never there but he was in fact curious on why one of his son’s team mates were in Gotham without his permission. Tim had never said Kon-el would be stopping by.
Bruce moves a chunk of concrete away and the action finally gets Superboy’s attention.
“a’man? Wha’ you doin’ here?”
The boy’s speech was greatly slurred which was a cause of concern considering who he is but he sends the teen a raised eyebrow. “I could ask you the same question.”
Superboy pushes himself into an upright position and steadies himself, he looks up at Bruce and narrows his eyes at him, “Well, I don’t care, wha you think! I only care bout his heart!”
Bruce had no idea what the kid was on about. He was about to try and question the boy further when his comm went off in his ear.
“Hey B,” It was Dick, “Sorry to bother you but we’re in a bit of a situation.”
Instantly tensing up, Bruce is completely prepared to aid his son in whatever he’s gotten himself into.
“You see Ivy’s somehow gotten out of jail. While Robin and I were the closet we went to check it out, cause you know, that’s what we do.” He sounded both a bit breathless as well as distracted. “Anyway when we arrived Superboy was already on the scene.”
Bruce shoots Kon-el a look. The boy was now trying to stagger to his feet. When he stumbles Bruce puts out a hand to stop him from falling over.  
“Anyway, long story short, Ivy got bored of Superboy, pinched him with something and threw him away. Robin and I are just subduing her now. There’s no need to worry but if you see Superboy he may be in a state if you happen to find him.”
In a state may be putting it lightly. Knowing that his eldest and youngest have the situation handled, finding out how Ivy broke out was a case to solve later on, he turns his attention to the teen before him.
Kon-el was stood up right but was blinking really slowly and had a faraway expression on his face. After a moment he suddenly started to giggle to himself, a goofy smile stretching across his face as he stared into space. It didn’t take much to work out what was wrong as soon as he moved closer to inspect the younger hero.
Superboy was high.
Whatever Ivy had pricked him with, it was strong enough to have an effect on Superboy to make it appear like he was high. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, there was always something. Nothing was ever easy. There was no way he could leave the teen alone like this, not only would his own son be annoyed at him for leaving his friend but he would have Clark scolding at him for even considering it.
He’ll have to take him back to the cave and see if it passes, maybe he can try and do some blood tests while they wait it out just to make sure this wasn’t anything lethal. He’ll most likely just pass him over to Tim so he can deal with his friend.
Bruce reaches out and grabs Kon-el’s elbow, guiding him away from the debris and out of the old building.
“Where we goin? You kidnapping me?”
Bruce ignores him in favour of getting to the Batmoblie just around the corner.
“Your hands are big. Like huge. They’re massive, especially compared to Tim’s. His is tiny. And skinny.”
Okay, so the teen’s speech is improving but he’s rambling. He takes a moment to consider that the boy is on about his son’s fingers but quickly dismisses the thoughts. He didn’t need to have those. Once Kon-el starts rambling again he blocks it out.
They get to the car and Bruce unlocks it, he shoves Superboy in the back before climbing into the front. Once settled he starts her up and begins making his way back to the cave with his passenger sprawled out over the back seats.
“Agent A, are you still there?”
“Still here sir, what can I do for you?”
“I’m coming in with a guest, can you please prepare the med bay and potentially have some snacks ready for when we arrive.”
“As you wish.”
He signs off and for the millionth time thanks the lord for Alfred, the elderly man never asks questions. If it was more of an urgent situation Bruce would have reacted different which would have tipped Alfred off but as this is just a peculiar situation it didn’t warrant urgency.
“You’re Tim’s dad.”
Bruce ignores him still. He looks in the rear-view mirror at the teen and finds him drawing patterns into the seats leather.
“He loves ya you know. Doesn’t admit it, the little freak, but he does. He’s like you in more ways anyone can describe.”
Despite refusing to respond to him, Bruce couldn’t help the warmth that it fills him with hearing that.
“He deserves so much better, y’know. Been through so much crap yet he still fights. I love him and will always look out for him no matter what.”
Bruce hums, “You’re team mates and friends. It’s good to watch out for one another.” He wonders why Kon-el seems so fixated on his son while high.
Bruce snaps his gaze to the figure in the back seat who was now sat up and was attempting to glare at him, was attempting because his glassy eyes made it hard for it to be serious.
“No! I love him, with all my heart and I will cherish and protect him. You hear me! I feel bad I was away for the year but I’m going to make it up to him! I promise!”
Bruce was at a loss for what he should do. Was Superboy implying that he and his son were more than friends? The seriousness in the teen’s eyes would suggest so but then there was the factor that he was currently high so that could change context.
“Tim says he’s not ready to tell you but I knows he’s worried on what you think. But I’m not! I don’t care because I love him. I will fight tooth and nail for that ass and challenge anyone who dares hurt him.”
The scales were certainly tipping into the relationship direction which had emotions stirring inside of Bruce because why didn’t Tim say anything to him? Why was he worried? His son shouldn’t have to hide who he was no matter what.
He’ll have to address the matter at a later stage because they were finally pulling up to the cave. He drives in and pulls into the garage part of the cave. As Bruce climbs out he’s greeted by Alfred.
“The med bay is ready sir, I assume you’ve had an eventful night?”
He shoots Alfred a look as he pulls down the cowl and opens the back door. Reaching inside he pulls the teenager out of the car and onto his feet, making sure to keep a grip on him so he doesn’t fall over as he stumbles.
Alfred merely raises an eyebrow at the appearance of Kon-el. Bruce does nothing to stop the elderly man taking the teenager by the elbow and guiding him over to the med bay where he helps him sit down on one of the cots.
As Alfred helps him settle Bruce wonders over to the computer and calls his son, seeing if he was still awake. While Tim shouldn’t be awake considering it’s his night off, Bruce knows his son and figures he wouldn’t have fallen asleep just yet.
He’s proven right because after the third ring his second youngest answers, “Hello? Everything okay?”
Bruce glances over his shoulder where Alfred was now feeding Superboy what looked like cheese crackers. “I need you to some down the cave. There’s been a… situation.”
“What! What happened who’s hurt and what do you need me to do!”
He chuckles at the instant panic and worry that laced Tim’s tone, “Relax, while I was out one of your friends decided to visit and had a very eventful run in with Poison Ivy tonight. I need you to look after them.”
There was a moment of silence before Tim answers again, “Uh sure… who did you pick up?”
“Superboy. Alfred’s currently feeding him.”
“Kon? Okay, I’m on my way.”
Bruce cuts the call and turns to the computer, powering it up so he could write a quick report of that nights interesting events. He types no more than a couple of sentences when a high pitch giggle cuts through the air of the cave followed by a loud shout.
Turning around, Bruce finds Kon-el stumbling through the cave over to where Tim was now descending the stairs. His son stops in what must be shock, sending him and then Alfred a look before looking at the meta human coming towards him.
“Conner?” Tim hurries down the stairs and is quick to catch up to the meta and to hold him up before he falls over.
Bruce watches in amusement as Tim fumbles to help balance the half Kryptonian as he gets embraced in a hug. He stands up and makes his way over to the pair, watching as Kon-el tries to kiss Tim’s cheek but keeps failing as Tim shoves his face away.
“Bruce what happened, what’s wrong with Kon?”
“Master Kent has had a run in with Miss Ivy tonight.” Alfred pipes up, coming to stand beside him. “It’s easy to say that he’s been exposed to one of her toxins that has left him high.”  
Tim stares wide-eyed at Alfred like he couldn’t believe him.
“There’s no need to worry though Master Tim, everything is fine with the young sir. Some food and rest he’ll be back to himself tomorrow I assure you.”
That explanation doesn’t seem to do a lot to help Tim relax.
“I love you Timmy. So, so, so, much. I really do.”
While his face flushes, Tim’s expression still softens as Kon-el speaks to him. The meta has now stopped trying to kiss him but was stroking Tim’s cheeks with sloppy but loving movements. He glances down at Kon before smiling softly, “Love you too Kon, now let’s get you in bed huh? You’re going to have such a headache in the morning.”
Even if Bruce didn’t know what he now knew of the couple in front of him, he could see how much Tim adores the teenager in his arms, helping him to stay upright as he’s unable to do so himself. As much as he wants to be annoyed with the presence of the half-Kryptonian he finds that he couldn’t be after seeing Tim with him.
Tim turns them around and starts walking back towards the stairs, Kon-el was mumbling in his ear but Tim was ignoring him for the time being. Just as he was about to get to the stairs Bruce calls out to his son.
“One moment Tim.” He walks over to him and Tim gives him an expecting look, waiting for the catch of his journey being stopped. Bruce reaches him and rests a hand on the shoulder currently not being occupied by a teenager. “I know that you think I’d judge but Tim, I love you okay. You’re my son and I’m proud of you. You don’t have to hide who you are from me.”
Tim gets that same wide-eyed look he had before as Bruce talks to him. His son’s face flushes red and his mouth opens and closes like a gold fish. Bruce gives him a moment to process what he had just said, it was indeed amusing to find his second youngest so speechless.
Making it easier for the both of them, Bruce leans down places a kiss to Tim’s hair before walking away, “Make sure you both don’t stay up too late. And make sure he drinks plenty of fluids.”
Normally he wouldn’t be happy about one of his kid’s partner’s staying in their room with them but he has a feeling Tim and Kon-el won’t be doing anything other than sleeping that night. He’ll have a proper talk about the situation with Tim tomorrow when things have calmed down.
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cookeybg · 20 days ago
Wonderful ❤️
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MER AU!!! I’m so excited to post this one. click for better quality
it takes pretty heavy inspiration from @mamawasatesttube ‘s delightful mer au ideas featuring tim and kon reuniting in the worst way possible
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