#this is exactly when i decided i love azutara too much your honour
ragzonacamrencruise ยท 4 months
for this ask right here:
okay so, hear meowt, yeah?? ***
Azula isn't dumb. She swears she isn't. She literally conquered Ba Sing Se without a single casualty and with only three people. She's the greatest mastermind in the whole world and she knows how to manipulate people like she knows the back of her own hand.
So, she really should've seen this coming from miles away when she had the chance, right? RIGHT?????
Right . . .
She fucking did NOT!
[Three months ago]
"I- uhm . . . It looks really . . . sharp? Yeah, sharp. Thank you?"
Katara blinked, her face slightly loosing its glow as Azula said that. "You don't like it?"
Azula ran her eyes over the blue stone, neatly carved and linked to a blue ribbon, a truly marvellous speciman for a betrothal necklace. She knew of its culture from the Water Tribe, of course, but didn't really get around to the specifics of it.
But, what she didn't understand was, why was Katara of all people, giving her a betrothal neclace?!
Then she looked at Katara's neck. It's almost impossible to imagine the girl without her iconic necklace that was given to her by her . . . who was it now, mother? Yeah, she specifically remembered the conversation she had with the waterbender like an year ago, or something. Why she rememebered it? She had no clue.
The necklace lay on her lithe neck almost like it was a part of the girl's skin itself. Well, Azula thought, if mothers can give their betrothal necklaces to their daughters, then maybe, the whole betrothal necklace thing doesn't just have a singular purpose, right?
The girl had told Azula how her friends thought she was too motherly or something. So, when Azula had opened up about how her own mother thought she was a monster and never loved her, the girl had comforted her saying that Azula never has to worry about not having a mother anymore cuz she herself was going to take care of her.
And taking care of Azula, she did spectacularly. She never left Azula's side even for a minute, annoyingly so, and always sided with her whenever a Royal General Meeting was afoot. Sometimes, she even held Azula's arm while they walked through the Royal Gardens, much to Azula's irritation.
So, yeah . . . Maybe, the waterbender gave it to her because . . . she thought of herself as Azula's . . . mother? No, wait that's a weird thought and Azula shouldn't be having it while she's thinking of slamming the girl to the nearest wall and going to town at the very neck she's looking at.
Azula shook herself away from her thoughts. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the waterbender had been growing on her for the past 3 years, and Azula trusted her with her life. She will never admit it, though. It'll make her look like a fool.
"No, I like it." Azula said, as she placed the necklace on her own neck, tying it into place. "We have a matching set."
Katara looked down at her own necklace. "Oh, yeah." She said, and clutched a strand of her, shifting her weight from her toes to heel.
Azula had been around the girl for enough to notice that that was a nervous tick. Don't as ask her why. She just liked to study people. That's all. She's a people person. She definitely did not pay attention to the waterbender whenever she had the chance to.
Azula looked all around the Royal Garden awkwardly, trying so hard to diffuse the tension. Like, why was it even so tense in the first place?!
"I'm really glad you accepted it." Katara said slowly, looking at Azula with her chin down. "I was really nervous about it and then Sokka hit me on the head really hard saying that-"
"Wait-" Azula interrupted her. "Why wouldn't I accept it?"
Well, sealing friendships in the way of gifts wasn't new to Azula. Firelord Sozin sealed his friendship with Avatar Roku with a gift, right?
Katara blinked. And then her lips spread out in that shy little smile that Azula will never admit as her favourite. "I thought you wouldn't want to." Katara explained. "Aang thought that too. But Zuko and Sokka said I was being an idiot and I should've given this to you sooner."
Azula frowned. Why would Katara consult with Azula's wimp brother and his idiot boyfriend over a simple gift? It's not really that big of a deal, right?
"Okay, rule number one," Azula said, hoping to get the weirdness out of her head, "Never listen to anything our stupid brothers say, yeah? One moment you're all knowledgable and then the next moment you talk to them and lose your brain to the dark spirits."
Katara laughed. A really pretty sound. But Azula had no idea why she was laughing. She didn't even make a joke, for Agni's sake!
But, she was doing something right?
[One month ago]
Katara's visit to Azula's chambers had been frequent ever since she'd given her the necklace. Azula had been complaining (but not really) about how she needs to respect the Fire princess's boundaries and personal space.
But, Katara, had just barged in through her door, plopping down right next to her on the bed. If she'd been any closer, she would've landed right on Azula's lap and the princess would've exploded from the sheer pressure of proximity.
"Hi." Katara beamed, her blue eyes sparkling.
"Don't you have any other person you'd like to torture with your presence?" Azula rolled her eyes, trying to put some distance between them but failing miserably.
"No." Katara slid in closer, making Azula's heart rate skyrocket. "Not when you're right here."
Azula gave her a look, that conveyed pure annoyance. And yet, the waterbender only grinned wider.
"You're annoying." Azula stated.
"I know."
"But today it's tenfold."
"Not without reason."
Azula looked at her with a slight raise of her brow.
Katara seemed to read her like a book as she opened her mouth to explain. "I went down to the printer with Aang, and guess what?"
Azula rolled her eyes. "No."
Katara squealed and pulled out a scroll and unrolled it. "The invitation! It's ready!"
Azula looked at the neatly painted design of the invite held in Katara's delicate hand. But she was more enraptured by the hand that was holding it rather than the invite itself. She traced the smooth, brown fingers with her eyes, moving up along the arm and to Katara's neck where her necklace hung. She gulped, thinking of the time when Katara gave her a necklace and the thoughts of the very neck that had plagued her brain after it had happened. Her eyes then landed on Katara's lips and they looked so soft, so full, that Azula wanted nothing more than to know what they tasted like.
When she lifted her eyes up, her heart stopped when she found Katara was looking directly at her. Her blue eyes shined of something that Azula couldn't quite pin-point. It was like the vast expanse of the entire ocean had come crashing down on Azula and she was drowning. Fast.
Azula's hand found a mind of it's own, placing itself on Katara's thigh in a feather light touch, feeling the roughness of her fabric all the way up to her hips where her body curved.
She let out a rough breath, her mind not really catching up with her mouth as she asked, "When?"
She wasn't really sure what she meant by asking the waterbender that question, but she had strong suspicions that it had nothing to do with the invitation the girl was holding and rather had everything to do with the girl herself.
Katara, seemed to be stuck in the same daze as her, her eyes glossing over when it landed on Azula's lips and meeting her gaze again. "Soon." She panted out.
Azula's foggy brain couldn't really register what they were talking about, but before she even had the time to ask, Katara stood up from the bed and rushed out of the room, her face glowing red.
Only then, air seemed to fill Azula's lungs. She shook her head, trying to make sense of what just happened. But then her eyes fell on the scroll splayed on the bed, and she recognised the shape of Katara's and her own name written on it.
She wanted us to go as dates to this wedding? That was what she was excited about?!
Azula groaned as she fell back on her bed.
[Present day]
Azula feels rough hands pulling her aside.
When she stepped inside the wedding hall, she did not expect it to be this . . . lavish. And she certainly wasn't prepared to get man-handled by-
"Sokka?!" Azula exclaims. "Get your filthy hands off me, peasant!" But when she saw panic filling his eyes, her demeanor became more serious.
"Why aren't you dressed up?!" He whisper-yells so that no one could hear it except them.
"What do you mean?" Azula looks confused. "I'm the Fire princess. I'm always dressed up!"
"No, you idiot!" And Azula would've smacked him right there if he didn't sound so worried. "Why aren't you- . . . Okay, you know what? Come with me."
He pulls her outside to the way leading to their respective chambers.
Azula feels good about her appearance. She really does. Whether she'd like to admit it or not, but Sokka did a wonderful job picking out her outfit and appearance. But what she doesn't feel good about is how her brother Zuko, is making her hold his arm while walking her down the aisle that is meant for the people getting married and their best, closest people.
She looks all around, extemely confused.
What in the name of Agni is going on?!
She doesn't really get it. Is this a sick joke that they're all trying to play on her?!
But that Admiral from a Fire Nation Colony wouldn't be sitting over there, picking his ear if it was really a joke, right?
"It's a big day, Azula." Zuko whispers beside her. "You can at least try to smile, right?"
She opens her mouth to respond. To ask him what the heck is going on. But before she could open her mouth, Zuko steps her up to the stage, and silently relieves himself to the sidelines.
She blinks, trying so hard to wake up from this stupid dream. She came here as Katara's date, right? Then why is her brother making her get on stage?! Why are all the people she knew her whole life and and a bunch of other people who are majorly from the Water Tribes are occupying the hall right now?!
And where the hell is Katara?!
Azula thinks hard. Really hard. But she really can't put a finger on it. Something's strange and it feels like she's the only person in the room who doesn't get it. Standing up here on stage, next to Sokka's big grin, and a bunch of other 'important' people looking up at her from their seats below the stage, wasn't really the place where she thought she'd realise she's dumb.
Maybe she was going crazy, after all.
She turns to Aang sharing the stage with her, who's wearing his traditional monk clothing he wore for her brother's coronation. When his eyes fall on her, he gives her an encouraging smile.
Suddenly, a traditional Water Tribe flute begins to play a tune and everyone in the hall stands up.
Azula recognises the tune. It's the wedding tune played for when the bride enters the wedding hall. Then she suddenly realises that the same tune was playing when she entered the hall too with Zuko holding her hand.
She's the bride?! How and why is she the bride?! And why is the tune playing again if she had already entered the hall?! There are TWO brides?!
Suddenly, all heads turn to the entrance of the hall and Azula whips her head around too; to see what the hell it's all about.
The moment her eyes land on the entrance, her jaw practically hangs. Walking in, wearing a blue, flowing, elegant dress Azula's ever seen on a human, is Katara. Her hair's in a bun, her iconic hair-loopies hanging loose to frame her face. And somehow, the prettiest thing she's wearing is the smile on her face.
Her hand is tucked inside her father's arm, who's wearing the traditional Water Tribe Chief's attire, walking the waterbender down the aisle. She's holding a bouquet of fire lilies in her hand and they contrast pleasantly with her blue dress.
When they finally reach the stage, Katara steps up while her father moves to the sidelines to stand beside Zuko.
And that's when Katara's eyes fall on her.
And just like that, Azula's head falls into a spiral, realisation hitting her like a battering ram.
The necklace . . . The invitation . . . The wedding-
Panic grips her heart.
Azula isn't dumb. She swears she isn't.
She literally conquered Ba Sing Se without a single casualty and with only three people. She's the greatest mastermind in the whole world and she knows how to manipulate people like she knows the back of her own hand.
So, she really should've seen this coming from miles away when she had the chance, right? RIGHT?????
Right . . .
She fucking did NOT!!
Katara looks at her with a furrowed brow. "Hey . . . Are you okay?"
The entire rooms falls silent.
Katara looks taken aback by the question. "What-?!"
Katara's frown deepens. "Azula, what are you talking about?! Of course you knew!"
"No, I didn't!!"
"I didn't realise it until now! You've all been lying to me?!"
Katara gets a bit closer to her, in a attempt to calm her down. "No one was lying to you, Azula, what are you talking about?!"
"I thought you invited me to this wedding as your date! You didn't tell me that WE are the ones getting married!!"
The waterbender's eyes are wide, taking a moment to grasp the information. "What do you mean?! I literally gave you a betrothal necklace and showed you our wedding invitations!!"
Azula blinks. "I thought the betrothal necklace was a gift of friendship. I didn't know you were actually asking me to marry you!!"
"Don't be riddiculous, Azula. Stop it. This isn't funny!"
Azula shakes her head. "No, it really isn't funny. I swear until like twenty minutes ago, I was standing way over there waiting for you to be my date for the wedding. Sokka literally had to dress me up again!!"
Katara gasps, her eyes getting glossy. Silence hangs heavily in the hall, the people looking at the both of them like a volleyball court.
The waterbender takes a moment to speak. "So . . . So you . . . You really didn't know?"
"I did not."
A single tear falls from Katara's eye and Azula's heart shatters. "Y- You don't . . . You don't want to marry me?" Katara's voice is feeble, at the verge of breaking down.
Azula closes her mouth, pulling her head back, stunned. She looks around the hall, to see shocked faces, looking at the stage with wide eyes.
The gravity of the situation decends on Azula. She singlehandedly is ruining the most extravagant wedding she's ever witnessed. And the irony is that it's her wedding. She's wanted nothing more than to call Katara her own, but this truly is shocking to anyone who doesn't even realise that they're getting married! Like, seriously. Why didn't people make it more clear to her?!
Seeing Azula's lack of reply, Katara does break down. She lets out a loud sob, before stepping down the stage quickly to walk away.
"Katara, wait!" Azula exclaims. The princess's nerves finally, FINALLY do their goddamn job and jolts her muscles awake, and as quick as her own lightning, she steps down the stage behind Katara and grabs her wrist from behind. The waterbender lets out a gasp, being pulled to a sudden stop.
Azula flips the girl around, pulling her close. Katara's eyes are filled to the brim with tears, leaking out now and then and Azula can't help but wipe them away.
"You're annoying." The princess says softly. "You're stubborn and irritating and you stick to my side like an elbow leech. You're a pain in my ass and I've been wanting to make you my wife ever since, just to pay you back on how much you annoy me."
Katara's lips fall open, her eyes wide and attentive.
"So, stop crying those pathetic little tears and come marry me." Azula says as she wipes another steak of tear falling down the waterbender's cheek. "Come on."
Azula pulls Katara's wrist back to the stage, and the whole hall erupts in cheers. Aang reads the vows and much to Azula's delight, Katara's tears stop.
But she still isn't 100% herself, and Azula notices it. When Aang asks them both whether they would care for each other in sickness and in health, and take each other as wives, Katara only replies with a feeble "I do" and falls silent again.
"I do." Azula says with a smile, but it falters when Katara doesn't smile back.
Azula enters Katara's chambers that night, noticing at once that it was decorated completely with rose petals and fire lilies. A pleasant smell hits her nose and candle lamps light up the entire room with an incandescent glow.
She steps inside, closes and locks the door behind her. When she turns around, her eyes fall on a small frame, sitting on the bed hugging her knees with her head tucked in between them.
Azula takes determined steps forward. She reaches her wife in no time and sits beside her cautiously. She's pretty sure Katara's aware of her presence but the waterbender doesn't really respond to it. Azula blinks, her head racing with a million thoughts.
"Hey . . ." Azula says softly. "Look at me . . ."
"Go away." Katara's muffled voice demands, and to Azula, it sounds like she's been crying again.
"I will not." Azula says firmly. "Not unless you look at me."
A beat passes, before Katara sniffles and lifts her head up. Azula's gut bottoms out as she takes a look at her wife's face. It's puffy and red from all the crying and the princess had to admit that she looked kinda cute.
"Leave me alone!" Katara says before letting her head fall again.
"Nuh-uh." Azula disagrees before moving closer and wrapping her fingers around Katara's wrists to pry them open. "We're going to-"
As soon as Azula touches her, Katara bursts. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!"
The waterbender pulls her hand away from Azula's grip and starts hitting her, landing blows blindly, anywhere she can find, all the while screaming, "Leave me alone!"
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW! Stop it, Katara, STOP IT!!"
But Katara doesn't stop. "How dare you do that to me?! How dare you scare me like that?!"
Azula lets out a laugh.
"Don't laugh, you idiot!" Katara hits her shoulders, then arms, then legs, and Azula braces herself from the blows, laughing non-stop. "I thought I made a terrible mistake! Like I was forcing myself on you! I hated myself for it!! How dare you scare me like that?!"
Azula finds a gap between blows and wraps her arms around Katara's hips, pulling her forward to her body and holding her close. Katara struggles to get out of her grip, to land some more blows, but Azula's stronger.
"Well . . . you guys are pretty shit at informing people about their own wedding!!" Azula guffaws, placing her hand on Katara's head and pulling it close to her shoulder.
Unable to hit Azula anymore due to the proximity, Katara gives up, clutching onto the firebender's collars desperately. "And you are pretty shit at marrying me!" She shrieks, moving closer to Azula and burying her face in her neck. "I will absolutely murder you, if you do something like that again!"
Azula could do nothing but chuckle. "If only it were true."
Katara looks up at her instantly, pulling Azula forward by her collar. "I mean it, princess! Don't you ever think about doing that to me ever again. And if you leave me for somebody else, I will personally track you down and kill the bitch who stole you from me. Understood?"
Azula smirks, getting lost in Katara's stare. "Yes ma'am."
"Okay. Good." Katara says, before slowly letting her lips curve into that shy smile that always took Azula's breath away.
"You're mood swings are worse than falling from an airship."
Katara giggles before hitting Azula's chest playfully. "Shut up!"
Azula gasps. "You can't tell me what to do!"
"Actually, I can. I'm your wife now, remember?" The waterbender lifts a single eyebrow, a smirk on her face.
"Well, in that case-" Azula says before pushing Katara flat on her back on the bed. "-I believe we have some wife businesses to attend to."
Katara gasps. "Like what?" She whispers.
"For starters-" The princess dips her head down place a feather soft kiss on Katara's neck, finally getting to experience a fantasy that's been hogging her brain forever.
"Azulaaaaaa" Katara whines, low and deep, not really wanting her mood to shift.
Azula stares at her wife. Her annoying, defiant, resilient, stubborn, head-strong, spirited, sophisticated, and beautiful wife.
If she's dumb, then she's the luckiest dumb person on the planet.
there you have it!
thank you @edy-lyy for sending me this wonderful idea through your ask!!!! i had soooo much fun writing this.
also, if you see any typos, no you didn't ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ
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