#this is distressing siri play take on me
kquil · 1 year
🍪 : cookie for Sirius opening up about his family issues
A/N : this is very much a reverse comfort fic, sirius deserves all the love, okay?! and we're gonna give it to him gosh dang it! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
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“Oh Sirius…” you mourn for your close friend as a creeping guilt climbs into your chest and snares your heart. The squeeze around your heart pauses your breath only to release it shakily, “I’m so sorry,” with your soft hands, you reach up to hold his face gently but he still doesn’t meet your eyes. It makes your heart break but you don’t know that it isn’t because he’s upset by your pressure for answers. He was behaving oddly, after all; it wasn't unwarranted.
No, it’s not that; he’s ashamed. You, out of all people, didn’t need to know about his situation at home. Sirius doesn’t think he’ll be able to stomach ever looking you in the eyes again, scared of what he’ll see reflected in them. 
Why can’t his family stop tormenting him even at Hogwarts, where he’s supposed to be free? Free with the Marauders, free with you… 
“You have nothing to be sorry for…” he finally speaks, voice exhausted and lacking his usual playfulness. 
“I’m sorry I made you tell me something you weren’t ready to share!” you insist on apologising. Maybe for your own selfish reason to make him understand that you were mistaken and that you would take it back if you could. Or something else entirely. There are many reasons for why you’re apologising but the words seem to escape you. From your racing mind, hammering heart and overwhelming worry, it was hard to narrow things down, think coherently and voice your thoughts rationally.
So lost in your distress over his predicament and figuring out what to say next, just so you could comfort him properly, you didn’t see that he recognises your worry and anger. You were too overwhelmed by concern over his current state. Just from that, he was able to understand that him and his well-being is all that mattered to you. It makes a smile tug at his lips, from both relief and gratitude. He pulls you close by the waist and buries his face into your hair. 
“Hug me,” he whispers and you instantly do as he says, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a big squeeze, “play with my hair…” he refers to what you always do when everyone relaxes by the common room fireplace before curfew; without a word, you do as he says, “compliment me,”
“You’re a great friend, Siri…” he smiles into your hair, hearing full confidence in your voice and adores that you always flatter him on non-superficial aspects. 
“Embrasse-moi,” he sneakily requests in french, knowing full well that you wouldn’t understand. 
“What was that?” you whisper, pulling back to look up at him with an adorable tilt of your head. He doesn’t say a word and, instead, captures your lips in a sweet sweet kiss.
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Embrasse-moi : Kiss me
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themostwantedphighter · 5 months
( miss scythe is actually in Peak Misery right now ..thats.. 😭 .. Siri, play Enemy by Imagine Dragons x JID )
...ahhhgggf.. HII!! I'm b--
.. That.. That sounds so stupid, I. IM SO SORRY-- Uhh.. I'll try to help as much as I can??? Um. HANG IN THERE I'LL-- I'LL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT?? I. No-- That won't cut it-- Um-- Wait, I'll- h-hold on!!! Give me a bit-- I'm -- not sure if this'll work, so. Bear with me here!--
[ She fumbling around. Man. ]
[ He plants a teapot, before promptly taking off her hat and hastily throwing a teacup near it from a stack, placing it back right after. ]
[ His eyes occassionally dart around. Pure, genuine worry and concern.. Must suck a lot, huh. ]
[ Hitting the ground, the pieces scatter before they are pulled to the teapot. They're not in a PHIGHT, so it doesn't really serve its purpose for healing allies outside of them, but it's worth a try-- He had never tried to utilise this. She never had the opportunity to. ]
[ ..It doesn't do much, but a brief sense of relief consumes a part of Scythe for some seconds. ]
[ Party Hat's expression. Worry? Fear? Or is it too much to describe in one word that isn't "indescribable"? But all she knows is that she's worried. ]
-- pprty jhat (@partycage)
( poops :( a paragraphs.. 😢😢 i gotncarried away..)
*she’s able to get enough temporary respite from both the curse’s other effects and the sickening poisoning she’s suffering from to give her some time to try and calm herself down (she’s been in on-and-off distress for a good while now)*
“Well, I still ain’t doin’ too well, but I ain’t dyin’ either…”
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luveline · 2 years
How about Sirius making his gf climax for the first time??
the way this turned into a thing. i really liked this concept and i think it might be some of my fave smut ive ever written lol, ty for ur req. nsfw 18+ dni (cw smut, v fingering, sirius taking care of u) ♡ fem!reader | 1.3k words
Sirius is the nicest boyfriend you've ever had. Despite his general presence, attitude and demeanour – all of which might point to an apathetic impassiveness – you know him for what he is. Under all his cold glances and colder silences is a man who cares a lot. About you, about everything. 
When he can't get you to cum the first time you fuck, he's a hair's width from distressed. 
You chalk it up to being a total virgin. "Siri, I can't do it myself. You don't have to feel bad," you say, petting his sweaty forehead. 
He drops his face into your neck and stays there for a while. 
His apology is heartfelt. He tries to make it right for weeks – foreplay that lasts long enough to leave you limp, an abundance of sweet touches and kisses everywhere, all the time. When you finally feel comfortable enough to agree to his suggestion, he eats you out for hours. It feels good. Intimacy is intimacy, whether it ends in your climax or not. 
And though you tell him this, you know it's starting to weigh him down anyhow. He feels guilty for not being able to get you there and you feel guilty for your inability. 
He starts to turn down your advances, worried you're only asking because you think it's what he wants. After a few days of nothing but cuddles you decide to take matters into your own hands.
"Sirius," you say softly, standing at the end of the bed in the prettiest white lingerie you could find. "Do you wanna play? With me?" You shift from one foot to the other. 
Sirius lifts his eyes from his laptop screen and blinks, taking you in for a stretched moment. 
"Baby," he starts, looking conflicted.
"Please. If you want to." 
He looks crushed. "Come here," he says, setting aside the laptop and opening his arms wide. 
You smile a small smile and round the side of the bed, letting him pull you into his lap. You expect to be ravished, or at least kissed, but Sirius only runs his hand over your body gently. You shiver as the lingerie bites your skin, his fingers tugging the fabric of your underwear, your garters as he squeezes the rump of your arse and then your thigh. 
"You look fucking lovely," he says tenderly, face inclined to yours. 
You smile again, all your worrying from in front of the bathroom mirror melting away. "I wanted to look pretty for you." 
"You do, sweetheart." 
You're so pleased he can likely see it, the simple and yet blissful pleasure of knowing your boyfriend thinks you're pretty. He doesn't look quite as happy as you do. 
You drop your cheek into his chest and sigh. 
"I'm sorry," he says. 
"Do you not want me?" you ask, which is ridiculous and insecure and neither of those things at the same time. 
"You know I do." 
"Then have me. Please, Siri," you whisper. "I don't mind if I… I wanna keep trying." 
That seems to snap him out of it, his fingers tightening where they lay. "We're gonna keep trying," he assures you firmly, some of his usual confidence seeping back in. 
You turn your face to his and stroke his scratchy cheek, pleased as punch when he leans down for a kiss. It's unhurried, a slow wading into one another. You hold his face in both hands as the kiss deepens, long, languid minutes in his arms as his palm roves the hills and valleys of your body. 
When his hand slips between your legs it feels right as it always does, a natural levelling from his heavy kisses. Your face grows warm, eyes squinting closed as he pulls the fabric, crisp with newness, away from your hot cunt. He pushes your thighs open to spread you wide, fingertips running over petal folds in a search for the little well of slick growing at your entrance.
He rubs a circle into your entrance and smirks against your mouth at what he finds. Even if he hasn't made you cum yet, he can get you wet. 
You pull yourself to the surface and try to focus on everything that he's doing, every brush of his thumb against your clit, the rhythmic circles he draws there. As his motions speed, so do the kisses, his tongue pushing desperately against yours. You can hardly breathe, weighed down with content. 
He holds you tight to his body with an arm wrapped over your navel, the other moving softly against your inner thigh as he pushes a finger inside your cunt. 
"Fuck," he moans, pulling back abruptly. "You're so warm. Almost forgot how warm you are." 
You pull his face back to yours to stop anymore of his erotic teasing, swallowing up every bit of salaciousness he has to offer. His fingers, thick, quickly warmed and wetted, stroke against the pulp of your cunt and stretch your walls out with an unrushed enthusiasm, like he wants to savour every second. 
He starts to curl his digits inside you. A wet sound echoes as he rocks his wrist. You moan into his mouth, feel the hard length of his cock under your figure twitch as he follows sharp bursts of finger-fucking with slower, deeper strokes. 
When you can't focus on kissing anymore you turn your head. Sirius doesn't balk, his lips lapping and mouthing lazily over your cheek, your jaw, your neck. You let your head fall against his shoulder, let him kiss you and play with you and feel the heated coil in your abdomen start to tighten. 
You don't tell him. You're so excited that you could scream and you just need him to keep doing this, only this. You love his little praises, his verbal encouragement, but you worry any change will psyche you out. 
Your breath hitches as it has before. He has no clue that it marks the start of your climax. His thumb digs into your clit just right and you chase it with your hips, making a sound you've never made before as you finally come undone. You hug his arm to your chest and say his name, voice wet with pleading. There's nothing he can do but help you ride it out, his hands stuttering and then doubling down. He plays with you until you can't take it anymore, wrapping your hand around his wrist and pulling it away. 
Your heart feels as though it's at the surface of your skin. 
"Was that real?" he questions quietly, sounding shell-shocked. 
You don't have the energy to scowl at him, pulling his hand to your mouth to kiss his slick-wet knuckles. "Have I ever faked it?" 
"No- I mean, fuck." He laughs, the sound so bright and loud you have to look up to watch it. He's staring down at you with enough love in his eyes to set you alight all over again. "Fuck, sweetheart. I'm just surprised. Did that feel good?" 
You're a little busy being on cloud 9 to stop him, not that you would. Every attention furthers the dizzying feeling encapsulating your chest; his kisses encourage a breathless giggling, your stomach aching with your release. 
When you nod he laughs some more, grabbing your head roughly to plant kisses all over your face and neck. 
"The way you clamped down on my fingers," he groans, rubbing his nose into the soft spot below your ear, "fuck, baby. Need to feel that on my cock. You wanna do that for me again?"
"I don't know if I can do it again," you say, not wanting to get his hopes up. 
"I know, baby, I know, it's alright if you can't. But d'you wanna try?" he asks. 
You tuck a flyaway strand behind his ear and grin. "Yes, please." 
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String Gummy: *makes a mistake* This is distressing. Siri, play Take on Me.
Twizzly Gummy: Wh- No, you MORON. It’s ‘This is tragic. Google, play All Star.’
Croissant: What the HELL-
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To Raise Children: Chapter 17
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
OC List
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: Flynn falls off of the bunk bed.
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings: HEAVILY mentions Broken bones, hospitals, and the ER.
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
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Chris runs into Flynn and Felix's room when he hears a scream and Felix yelling for him. Flynn sat on the floor clutching his arm. Felix sat on the top bunk of there bed horrified. Both crying hysterically. Chris immediately kneels by his grandson.
"Flynn what happened bubba." Chris asks.
"My arm really hurts!" He cries out. Fuck! Chris thinks assessing the situation.
"Okay can you move it?" Chris asks softly as he reaches towards it.
"Okay. Felix go get your shoes on and grab my keys they're sitting on the table okay?" Chris asks as he carefully scoops Flynn into his arms. Flynn could've walked but since he was in distress so Chris just decided to carry him. Felix nods quickly but carefully climbing off the bunk bed and running out of the room. It was around 8 so both boys were already in pajamas but we're playing around since their bedtime is 9 on weekends, and 7:30 on school nights. But Chris has a feeling they're not going to bed at 9.
Felix runs to the dining room grabbing the car keys before going to the front door and sitting down putting his velcro shoes on. He makes it to the garage just in time to see Chris loading his brother into the car.
"Thank you Felix, can you get in your seat please bud?" Chris asks taking the keys.
"Okay Poppy." Felix says. Once everyone was safely in the car Chris hurried to begin to the emergency room. "I didn't mean to push him... I'm sorry."
"Felix it's okay bub I know it was an accident." Chris says looking in the rear view mirror at his grandsons. Flynn was sitting in his car seat still crying but it wasn't as hysterical as a few minutes prior.
"I want mommy." Flynn cries out.
"Okay I'm gonna call her and have her met us okay?"
"Siri, Call Y/n." Chris says keeping his eyes on the road.
— With You
"Yeah it was- sorry I have to take this it's my dad." You look at your phone and his face appears on it.
"Okay!" Tom smiles as he watches you walk to a quieter part of the busy restaurant.
"Hey dad everything alright?" You answer immediately hearing your sobbing son.
"Hey, Flynn fell off of the top bunk, I think his arm is broken we're on our way to the emergency room, at ######### hospital meet us there." Chris says trying to keep his voice calm.
"Okay! I'll be there let me go pay. Can Flynn hear me?"
"I can hear you mommy."
"Hey bubba I'm gonna see you in a few minutes okay? Until then Poppy will be there to help you okay?"
"Okay mommy... My arm really hurts." You heart breaks a little bit hearing him cry out in pain. The car hit a bump causing him to be jerked around his seat a little bit.
"I know Sugarplum but I'll be there in a few okay?"
"Dad don't let him out of your sight until I get there."
"Okay bye."
"Bye mommy!" Flynn and Felix say.
"Bye see you soon." You say before hanging up and hurrying back to the table. Tom notices your worried expression and stand-up.
"What happened?"
"Flynn might have broken his arm... Uh I have go uh do you have a way back to the hotel?""
"Yeah I'll get a Uber go. Text me later okay?" Tom hand you your coat and purse.
"Uh yeah... Wait I have to pay for my-"
"It asked you on the date I'm paying now go your son needs you."
"Okay... Bye." You hurry out of the restaurant leaving Tom standing there. He calls the waiter over before paying, and tipping. You both were done eating but we're going to order dessert before you got the call.
——— With Chris and the twins
"Hi uh he fell off of the top bunk of his bed." Chris says a he walks in with the boy. Flynn standing beside him still crying. "He said his arm re
"Okay buddy what's your name?"
"Flynn." The young boy says.
"Last name?"
"Evans." Chris says
"Okay. Are you his dad?"
"No their grandpa, his mom is on the way." Chris tells her looking at Flynn.
"Okay what's her name?"
"Y/n Evans."
"Okay." It only takes a few minutes before they were sent back to a room. The doctor checks over Flynn before turning to Chris.
"We need to do a X-Ray."
——— With You
You make it to the hospital before you hurry to the room. You see Flynn sitting on the hospital bed. Felix was sitting on Chris' lap half asleep.
"Flynn baby." You hug him carefully to not hurt his arm.
"Mommy I need to get an X-ray what is that?" Flynn asks you grinning.
"It's a big machine that they use to check your bones!"
"Are you okay? You hurting?"
"He's on pain meds." Chris let you know.
"Thank you dad " you give a grateful smile. "What happened?"
"Well me and Felix were on my bed messing around and I fell off the top bunk." Flynn explains as he watches a movie on Chris' phone.
"I think we're gonna be here a while. Where's tom?"
"He's getting an Uber back to his hotel." You explain leaning on the hospital bed. "I have to text him later to let him know everything thing is okay."
"Did you have fun?"
"We'll talk about it later." You say running a hand through your hair.
"Okay sounds good." Chris smiles. The doctor walks in and looks at you smiling.
"Hello you must be mom. I'm Dr. Rich."
"Y/n. Evans." You smile.
"The X-Ray is ready. You can come stand with me and watch while he's in there?" The doctor offers you .
"Yeah that would be great."
It was 11 when Chris went home taking Felix with him. You stayed at the hospital with Flynn waiting for the results of the X-ray. The results come back, he broke his arm luckily it shouldn't take surgery to fix it, he just needs to wear the cast for 8 weeks. If it wasn't healing properly though then they'll start discussing other options with you. Luckily you and your kids are on Chris' insurance so this wasn't denting your bank account too bad. You were planning on paying whatever insurance doesn't cover but knowing your dad he'll probably do it before you can. Flynn was staying in the hospital until Tuesday.
You asked Chris to bring you a change of clothes and shoes. Since you were wearing nice heels/flats and they weren't super comfortable so he brought you your sneakers instead. You also had him bring something to entertain Flynn. Such as a few toys, his stuffed animal, and somethings to keep him. You also had him bring clothes. Which included a hoodie from a pile of hand-me-downs from your cousin Miles that the twins don't fit yet. It had to be a little baggy so his cast would fit in it. Since it was chilly it was a necessity that he had a hoodie or jacket.
You made sure to text Tom letting him know Flynn was okay but did break an arm and was staying in the hospital. In all you were just happy Flynn was okay.
"Mommy can you sign my cast?" Flynn asked grinning.
"Yeah bub." You smile before pulling a pen out of your purse. You sign it; Mommy loves you SugarPlum
"I want Poppy and Felix! And nana and Aunt Carly and Aunt Shanna and Ethan and Miles and Stella and all my friends to sign it!"
"They'll definitely say yes." You smile.
"Yay! Is Poppy on his way?" Flynn asks. It was 8 in the morning, you were exhausted but luckily you don't have to work.
"Yep and he's bringing Felix!" You tell Flynn. "He's also bringing breakfast!"
"Yay!" Flynn says not looking away from the TV that was playing Nick JR. You were so thankful that you got a room with a TV since that can keep him entertained until he can go home. Him and Felix don't have tablets, mostly cause you just didn't have the money and you wanted them to just be kids. Your phone rings and you look at the number, it's Jake.
"Baby I'll be right back I have to take this call.." You kiss his forehead. You step outside of the room and answer the phone. "Jacob Hill what part of don't call me do you not understand?"
"I want to see my sons."
"Why?! Why after 5 years did you decide you wanted to be a dad!"
"I'm almost done with college im not a high schooler I wouldn't have been able to handle a baby and football back then."
"No you don't get to pick the right time for you to be a dad. I didn't get to pick when I was a mom." You look in through the window of the door.
"Give me one good reason why I should let you see them."
"My parents want to be in their grandchildren's lives."
"Oh well I remember them saying the wanted nothing to do with a bastard child." You say as you look up and see Chris and Felix walking over
"You can't hold that against them. They're my kids too I have a say in who gets to meet them."
"Jake they're not your kids. They're my kids. You don't get to claim that your a dad when you didn't change a single diaper, make a bottle, calm a crying baby. Look I have bigger things to deal with than you." You hang up and block his number. "Hey Felix!" You put on a smile.
"Hi! We got milkshakes! And breakfast sandwiches!" He grins.
"Well go on inside babes." You open the door for your young son.
"I blocked him... I'm done, the only reason he contacted me was cause his parents are realizing they'll never be in their grandsons lives." You look at the floor. "It doesn't matter." You say before entering the hospital room again.
"Hey Flynn!" Chris says. "Here's your breakfast!" He hands the young boy a milkshake and a breakfast sandwich before passing them out to you and Felix. He got milkshakes because one, he's the grandpa, and two it's a little cheer up gift since Flynn is stuck in the hospital for a few days..
"Thank you!"
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Taglist: @fic-for-readers @denisemarieangelina @thevelvetseries @kaitieskidmore1 @ellerosie2332 @tahniemarie @runawayolives @marajillana @buckybarnez @positivelyholland @firehoseevan @coldmuffinpartycloud @beautifulrose0809 @believinghurts @laura-naruto-fan1998 @shadow-dixon @claaaaaaire-blog @mrs-brekker15 @h-j-s-03 @moniffazictress11 @buxkybarnes @ducks118 @kalopsia-flaneur @silverrmist @some-lovely-day @peterparkerbae @Olivia197810 @gengen64 @snigdha-14 @hollzo-03 @bubb1eana1ee @cmalas @cedricdiggorysimpp @jamie0515 @bucketbarnes12 @Bellagaseta20 @mpamphsss
A/n: Happy valentines day
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fific7 · 3 years
Even His Name - Part 1
Sirius Black x OC
Summary: Friends forever? Maybe. Maybe not.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, slight consent issues, 18+ please due to NSFW content including unprotected* sex. The age of consent in the UK is 16, sorry if that’s not in line with the laws in your own country/state.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
A/N: Looking at this photo, I can kinda see why Ben Barnes got fancast as Sirius Black. This story is non-canon and takes place in my imaginary HP AU with OC, Celeste (meaning celestial or heavenly).
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»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Sirius Black. Even his name was beautiful.
She watched his tall, lean figure approaching as she sat & relaxed against one of the shady trees beside the lake.
She drank in every last detail before he got too close, before her out-and-out staring was noticeable to him.
The lazily slouching but graceful walk, his long legs eating up the distance between them.
The pale, porcelain-like skin, the aristocratic cheekbones, the trendy light scruff of moustache with matching scruff along his jawline, the full sensuous lips, the famed long black wavy hair. And of course, those hypnotic grey eyes, ringed by long dark lashes. Those eyes could change like mercury, from silver to dark pewter within a heartbeat.
As he got got closer, her eyes almost totally closed, but she wasn’t dozing off, it was a ruse to disguise her intense staring. Her eyes continued to eat him up like he was a very large chocolate eclair.
It was Saturday, so no school uniform. Trademark bad-boy attire, then. Her heart sped up at the sight of the scuffed leather biker jacket, the Led Zeppelin t-shirt, distressed jeans & leather work boots. Not properly laced up... of course.
All in black, a living embodiment of his name.
She heaved a long sigh, letting it escape without thought, and her eyes closed fully.
She was aware of a shadow blocking the sunlight falling on her closed eyelids. The sound of somebody settling themselves down next to her, still partly casting a shadow onto her.
Her eyes opened a sliver, and her head rolled to the side towards him of its own accord.
“What’s the big sigh for, Celeste?” in his deep, slightly hoarse, breathy voice. The voice which sent a thousand female hearts beating like drums.
“Sirius.” She sighed again, her eyes opening slowly. “You’re blocking my sun.”
He grinned, chuckling. He gestured to his body with one hand, “This ... masterpiece... of a man joins you for a pleasant interlude by the lake, and all you can say is that I’m blocking your rays?!”
He chuckled again. “Ah c’mon, you know you love me.”
She rolled her head back to its original position. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“And maybe it’ll come true?” he smirked.
“When hell freezes over.”
He leant over, placing his head on her shoulder as he did so, puppy dog eyes in play, complete with pouted bottom lip.
“Now, you know that isn’t true. You’re desperate to get me into the sack.”
“But, Sirius,” she said innocently, “there wouldn’t be enough room in the bed for me, what with you and your massive ego already in it.”
His head shot back, his unmistakable & glorious barking laugh issuing forth & attracting the attention of every female within earshot.
“You’re hysterical,” he continued laughing, more quietly. “No, I’m Celeste,” she smirked, throwing her version of his favourite line back at him.
He groaned, “You’d use my own comeback against me? Really?”
“Every time,” she nodded.
He was grinning back at her, when she was suddenly aware of another shadow falling across her. She frowned involuntarily, looking up to see who it was. A tall Ravenclaw girl stood there, confidently smirking down at Sirius. She didn’t spare his current companion even a glance.
“Hi,” she smiled brightly at him. “Thought you’d maybe like to take a walk with me, Siri?” giving him a suggestive sideways look, all the while twirling a strand of her long brown hair round a finger.
Celeste rolled her eyes, smirking & tutting loudly. She muttered, “Pathetic,” under her breath & began to gather her books, getting ready to ‘exit stage left’.
Sirius looked over at her, smiling and laying his hand on her arm, stilling her movement.
He looked up at the other girl. “Sorry, love,” he said with a grin, “spending some one-on-one time with my best girl here.”
She still didn’t look at his ‘best girl’. “Well, why don’t I just join you here while you do that, and then we can go for a walk by ourselves afterwards?”
Sirius looked down, and Celeste knew what was coming next. He’d given her his polite brush-off, now here came the not-so-polite one.
“Didn’t you hear what I just said? I’m here with Celeste,” he said, voice harsh, glaring back up at her.
She stopped twirling that lock of hair, recoiling from his glare & tone. “Well, you know, I just thought...”
“You just thought wrong then, didn’t you! Now, run along dear, off you go.” Voice cold, eyes narrowed.
She turned on her heel and scuttled back to her little band of giggling friends. Something told Celeste that her friends wouldn’t be all that sympathetic. If there was one thing almost guaranteed to break up friendship groups, it was who did, or didn’t have, Sirius’ attention.
Celeste laughed, “Lordy, I don’t know how you put up with all that fangirling.... ‘Siri’.” she imitated the girl in a high-pitched tone. “They make me ashamed to be a woman. Don’t they have any self-respect?!”
Sirius laughed, “But Cel, they’re just rightfully worshipping ... this!” Again, one hand gesturing up & down the length of his body.
“What.. a skinny boy?” she questioned, looking him up & down, “Really? What’s the attraction then?” she laughed.
He’d sat up straight as she’d been speaking, faux offended. “Celeste! How could you? Firstly, I am a man, not a boy.”
“Sirius, you’re sixteen. You.. are.. a.. boy!”
“Nah, nah, nah! I.. am.. a.. man!” dramatically emulating her slow delivery before continuing, “And I’m nearly seventeen. Secondly, I am not skinny. I’m tall and athletic.”
She laughed. “You don’t even play Quidditch any more. So where do you get this ‘athleticism’ from? Running away from Filch and the prefects after a prank?!”
“Thank you for answering your own question!” he said, laughing back at her.
He again leant towards her, eyes boring into hers, changing to dark & stormy mode, lips so close that she felt the little huffs of his breath on her own lips as he spoke.
“Don’t fight it, Cel. Just give in and admit you want me! We’ll head to my dorm right now and spend the entire night together, having hot, sensual, sheet-tangling sex!”
She burst out laughing, turning away momentarily, eager to break the close proximity to him. “The gods love a trier, Sirius. Pity I don’t.” She looked back at him, “And no doubt one of your fangirls is already curled up under your quilt, just waiting on the god that is Sirius Black to arrive and rock her world!!”
“My bed is exclusively reserved for you.”
“OK... curled up in her bed then, waiting on Mr I Never Stay The Night to arrive.”
“You pierce my heart!”
“Sirius, you may be one of my closest friends, but I can honestly say that you, within just the last few weeks, have become a total man-whore. And a barely legal one at that.”
“Celeste!! Just bloody well admit you want me.”
“Can’t that huge ego of yours handle the fact that there’s at least one girl in this school who doesn’t drop her panties the second you look at her?!” her laughter pealed out over the surrounding area, catching the attention of and sparking the venomous jealousy of the Sirius Fangirls’ Club.
He also burst out laughing, inciting the Fangirls even more.
“Ah.... Cel, my ego is perpetually the size of a peanut whenever you’re around.” Innocence personified, wide grey eyes gazed at her. “It never gets the chance to grow any bigger.”
Then the trademark smirk appeared. “Unlike a certain other part of my anatomy.” One eyebrow quirked up at her, long fingers slinking down onto his jeans zip. She couldn’t stop her eyes following them. His lips slid upwards into a pleased grin.
“Urggghhh!” she groaned, closing her eyes briefly before starting to pack up her stuff. “On that note, I’m off!”
“Awww, don’t go! This was just about to get interesting. You almost agreed to give me a quick blowjob!”
She stood up, brushing grass off her denim cutoffs and slipping on her low wedge sandals. Sirius raked his eyes up and down her figure as she did so.
She leant back down to him, knowing full well that he was getting an eyeful down her tastefully low-cut frilly top. She had on a translucent lacy bra, and she heard his breath catch as soon as he spotted it.
Putting her lips right next to his ear, she said, “Firstly, I don’t give blowjobs to sixteen-year-old skinny boys.” She huffed out a breath onto his earlobe, “And secondly, even if I did, it would.. not.. just be a quickie, darling.”
She pulled back and stood up straight, looking down at Sirius. A deep pink blush was spreading up from his neck over the entirety of his handsome face, his mouth hung slightly open and his eyes were wide, a glazed look in them.
She grinned, starting to walk away, “Have fun with the fangirls, Sirius!”
He was still staring after her when the first wave of girlies washed over him, clamouring for his attention in various tried, tested and (to him, at that moment) very tedious ways.
They were all to be disappointed. Sirius swatted them off like they were so many irritating mosquitoes, stretching out & lying on his back with his hands crossed under his head, staring up into the blue of the early autumn sky, deep in thought.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
She leisurely strolled back to the castle, sniggering to herself at how easy it had been to wind Sirius up into a tight spring.
Her smirk dropped somewhat though, when she contemplated the bigger picture. What a shitshow.
She was slap-bang in the middle of the biggest cliché the fates had ever created. Best friend really fancies best friend, but won’t admit it in case it either doesn’t work out and/or ruins the friendship. Yeah... that old chestnut.
Sighing, she made her way to the Gryffindor common room, spotting Lily and Mary on their favourite corner sofa. She plopped herself down next to them, instantly becoming enmeshed in the girlie gossip which was currently in progress.
However her mind drifted to the beginning of that school year, their sixth, when she and Sirius had met up again after the summer holidays on the Hogwarts Express. She’d been frankly amazed at the change in him after such a short time.
From awkward, gawky schoolboy to man-god in the space of a couple of months.
She learned from him that he’d run away from Grimmauld Place at the beginning of the holidays and was now living at the Potters’. She was very glad to hear that, knowing what he’d gone through at the hands of his parents. He certainly seemed to be thriving there, having apparently sprouted quite a bit over the summer.
Everything about him suddenly seemed long & slim. Long legs and arms, with big hands and big feet to match. Long slim fingers. Long slim feet & toes which she stared at, fascinated, every time she caught a glimpse of them.
She’d instantly known that their friendship would change in future. She’d never thought of Sirius as anything except a little schoolboy buddy, but over the summer he’d emerged from his post-pubescent chrysalis as a hot, sexy teenager with shoulder-length hair, designer stubble and attitude with a capital A.
He’d always attracted a fair bit of female attention over the years. He’d never really acted on it though, too caught up in Marauders mischief to care.
But holy hell...now? All the girlies were going to go batshit crazy over him.
He’d also - right there on the train no less! - boxed her into a corner and immediately started flirting up a storm, which had mildly terrified her. This was the guy who, only two months before, had been a kind of surrogate brother figure in her life for the previous 5 years.
Now he was making sexual innuendoes and inviting her into his bed every five minutes. She just couldn’t figure out his agenda.
As predicted, at the start of term, the Hogwarts female population - irrespective of year - quickly lined up behind Sirius and adoringly dogged his every footstep. As did a fair proportion of the male population, it has to be said.
Sirius quickly accepted his new-found godlike status & revelled in it. Flirting his way around school and through classes and meals. Getting caught in broom closets, empty classrooms and corridors, snogging for Britain.
It was only 4 weeks into the new term and she already found it all mildly disgusting. Hence she’d decided to knock the flirtatious idiot back down a peg or two every chance she got.
However, his flirting behaviour with her hadn’t dialled back at all, if anything it had increased, and this is what she was pondering on.
Her name was suddenly yelled right into her face. Lily was staring at her as if she was an alien.
“Uh, sorry - what?”
“We’ve been waiting on you to answer Mary’s question, for like, 15 minutes.”
“Oh shut up! I just zoned out for a minute or two.”
Mary sniggered, “And no prizes for guessing who the subject matter of said zoning out was!!”
She sighed. “OK, OK, alright - yes - it was Sirius.”
Scoffing noises from her friends.
“Look - I just can’t get my head round the way he’s still behaving towards me. Flirting & shit.”
She shook her head, and continued, “This was my annoying little ‘school brother’ 3 months ago! So he’s either had a brain meltdown and actually fancies me, or else he’s practicing all that crap on me to then use on his fan girls! And let’s be honest, one reason’s as bad as the other!”
They both exchanged significant looks, grinning at each other.
She huffed, “What’s wrong now?! I’ve just told you what’s on my mind!”
“Can you, hand on heart, swear you don’t fancy the pants off Sirius?” asked Lily.
“Look, I can see why girls find him attractive, yeah. But you’re forgetting that for five years, he was...”
“Yeah, yeah,” interrupted Mary, rolling her eyes, “..your surrogate little brother.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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incorrectwho · 2 years
Pete: (makes a mistake) This is distressing. Siri, play Take on Me.
Roger: Wh- No, you MORON. It’s ‘This is tragic. Google, play All Star.’
Pete: What the HELL-
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whiskery-louis · 4 years
Lost Dog
Ashton Irwin x Reader
Warnings: None just a cute meet and greet - let me know if you’d like a part 2!!
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I was woken up by Sirius whining and nuzzling his nose into my cheek. I swatted at him, trying to roll over and get a few more minutes of sleep. But much to my displeasure, I found that Sirius was sitting on top of me, preventing me from going back to sleep. I groaned, trying to push my dog off of you. He wasn’t budging.
“”Come on Sirius, you want breakfast?” his ears perked up at the mention of food. “Well you gotta let me get up buddy. Come up get up!” I had to add excitement to my voice as I again tried to push him off. Thankfully it worked and he bounded off the bed and downstairs to wait by his bowl.
I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh at him. He always brought a smile to my face even when he woke me up at 7 am on a Saturday. I put some food in his dish as I went over to my fridge to get some coffee and a protein shake out. I pulled out the coffee only to discover it was nearly empty, there wasn’t even enough for a glass. I cursed my past self for failing to buy more the last time I went to the store.
“Guess I’m working out to wake up today Siri,” I turned to the dog who had just finished eating. I walked over to the back door and opened it for him to go out for the morning. “I’ll get you in after I workout bud. Then we can share some pancakes and work on our new puzzle.” By the time I had finished talking he had already gone to the bathroom and was playing with his favorite rope toy.
“I don’t know why I talk to you like you can really understand me.” 
I left the door open but pulled the screen shut to let some fresh air flow through the house as I went upstairs to change for my workout. Any other Saturday I would sit outside on my deck with some coffee mixed with a protein shake so that I was fully awake when I worked out. And my workout would normally include walking Sirius at the local park or around the neighborhood. Without my morning coffee however I opted for a lighter day and was scrolling through Youtube on my tv looking for a cardio workout. I still strongly believed it was too early for this but knew if I went back to bed I would waste the whole day doing nothing and I hated to do that. 
Picking an 80’s inspired workout , I put the remote down and followed the instructor on my screen. Thirty minutes later and the sweat was pouring down my back and I was really in the zone this morning. Once the video ended I decided to get my dumbbells out and throw a small arm workout in as well. Thirty minutes later and I couldn’t push myself anymore. I put my equipment away, turned the tv off and went into the kitchen to get some water. I looked out the window as I was filling my glass and was surprised to see the sky was darker than it had been when I let Sirius out over an hour ago.
“Shit,” I whispered to myself not realizing how long it had been since I let him out. It wasn’t out of the ordinary but now that I was thinking about it I hadn’t heard him barking or playing like I usually did. I tried to squash the panic that was filling my body as I opened the back door to get him inside before the rain started.
“Sirius! Sirius come here boy!” my eyes scanned the yard as I yelled for him. I saw the rope toy he was playing with earlier but he was nowhere near it. The panic was overflowing now as I didn’t see him anywhere in my backyard. There were no bushes he could hide in so that only meant one thing. He had gotten out, one more scan of the yard confirmed my worst fear, the small side gate was open.
Without thinking I took off running through the house and out of the front door. I had no idea how long he had been gone and I couldn’t help but think the worst. Sirius was all I had since I moved out on my own and I couldn’t imagine what I would do if I lost him.
“Sirius! Sirius where are you?” I yelled as I raced down the street. I took off in the direction we walked everyday and went around yelling for about ten minutes to no avail.
Of course the day my dog decided to run away was the day the block was vacant. Normally on a Saturday morning my neighbors were out walking their kids and dogs but the threat of the impending storm had them all inside. I stopped in the middle of the street as the first raindrops fell from the sky.
That was the final straw. Just as the sky opened up the tears began to fall down my face. I sighed defeated, not knowing what else to do. The best course of action I could think of was to go home and alert all your friends and family that he got out and pray that he was found by a good person who turns him in and they would read his chip and bring him home. I would never be letting him out without his collar on again.
The fact that the sky had opened up didn’t even phase me as I turned the corner and was back on my street. I was too distressed worrying over Sirius and where he could be in this bad weather. I prayed that he found shelter and was staying out of the storm. 
I was only a few houses away when I heard a familiar bark. I knew it was Sirius. I stopped where I was and listened for him to bark again. He did and I heard it clearer this time. I turned towards the house in front of me, I had no idea who the owner was, only that they had recently moved to the neighborhood. I took a few steps closer to the house but didn’t see anyone from the window. Sirius barked again, drawing my attention to the backyard. I ran around the house and saw Sirius barking at a boy who was trying to get him in his house. I would have laughed at the scene if I wasn’t so relieved to find my dog.
The boy was trying to get Sirius to come out from under a large tree and go inside his house to get out of the rain. But being the stubborn dog that I knew him to be he wasn’t going to budge. He loved being out in the rain and would usually roll around in the mud, but today he was enjoying this new game he was playing.
“Sirius!” I yelled stepping into the boys yard. At the sound of my voice, both of their heads turned to stare at me. Sirius with a lopsided grin on his face and the boy looking confused.
“Are you his owner?” he yelled to you over the storm.
“Yea, he got out this morning and I’ve been running around looking for him.” I spoke as I moved closer to the boy, ducking under the small roof he had over his back porch to get out of the rain. 
“He’s been back here for a while, he was barking at a squirrel that he chased up the tree. I’ve been trying to get him to come inside since it started raining but he will not leave that spot.” 
“Unfortunately he loves the rain,” as the words left my mouth a large clap of thunder sounded causing Sirius to sprint across the yard to you. “But he is terrified of thunder.”
“Me too buddy,” the boy said as he squatted down to pet Sirius. “What did you say his name was?”
“Sirius. And yes I did name him after Sirius Black, he was my favorite character from Harry Potter and little Sirius here was the only black lab in his litter. It was just meant to be.”
A smile grew on the boy's face as I spoke. “That’s a great name for such a good boy,” his voice changed as he scratched behind Sirius’ ears. As he was petting him, another clap of thunder sounded and Sirius bounded through the open door into the strangers house to escape the storm.
“Oh my god I am so sorry about him. Sirius get back out here!” I turned to the boy, feeling completely embarrassed at the lack of training my dog showed. “Let me just get him back out here and we will be out of your way.”
“No, don't worry about it. He’s a big softy and to be fair I’ve been trying to get him inside the last ten minutes. You know what, why don’t you come inside as well and wait the storm out. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you two walking home in this downpour.” 
As he spoke I noticed the rain had begun falling much harder, I could barely see the tree that Sirius had previously been sitting under. I looked to the boy that I had never met before today and while his offer was tempting, there was always the chance he turned out to be a serial killer.
“I promise I’m not a serial killer, just new to the neighborhood and trying to be friendly.”  He spoke as if reading my thoughts.
“I guess a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. I’m Y/N by the way.” 
“Ashton, it’s nice to meet you and Sirius.”
The two of you headed inside and I looked around to see Sirius had made himself as home on Ashton’s couch.
“Sirius get down!”
“It’s okay really, my old roommate used to have a dog and that was his spot as well. No worries really.” Ashton smiled while glancing over at me.
We stood in silence for a minute or two, not really knowing what to say. I took the time to look around the house and found it was set up differently than mine. I always just assumed the houses were all laid out the same. His kitchen and dining room were in the front of the house, with his living room and stairs placed at the back. He had a few decorations hanging around and a nice drum set in the corner. I also glanced over at the boy whose house Sirius and I had invaded. He was gorgeous, he had dark brown hair that was slightly lighter at the ends and gorgeous hazel eyes. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed that someone this attractive had moved in down the street from me. 
“Are you cold?” Ashton’s voice broke through the silence.
“What?” I asked him, still taking in his place.
“I just asked if you were cold. You were out in the rain and you’re shivering.”
I looked down and realized I was still in my sports bra and I was indeed shivering from being out in the rain.
“I guess I am yeah. Honestly I didn’t even realize how cold I was until you mentioned it. I am just so relieved that Sirius is safe.”
“Here you can use this,” he handed me a sweatshirt from a laundry basket that was sitting next to him. “And if you want I can find you a pair of my old sweatpants and can throw your leggings in the wash?”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose…”
He chuckled, “Seeing as your dog is already sound asleep on my couch don’t worry about it. Plus I’m just being neighborly.” He smirked at you with a glint in his eyes.
“Well thank you, I appreciate it Ashton,” I smiled back at him as I went to his bathroom to change. 
When I came back out I smelled popcorn and saw Ashton was sitting on the couch next to Sirius with a large bowl of popcorn on the table in front of him. He looked up when I walked in the room, scooted over on the couch and patted the spot next to him inviting you to sit.
“I figured we could watch a movie while the storm passed. I hope you like popcorn.”
“Only if it is extra butter.” I sat next to him and popped a piece in my mouth. “Perfect.” I grinned at him. “What movie are you thinking?”
“Well in honor of Sirius over here, without whom I’d be spending this storm alone, I thought we could watch Prisoner of Azkaban. I even have it pulled up already.” he looked away from me with a slight blush on his cheeks.
I couldn’t help but stare at this gorgeous man who was going something that was so meaningful without even knowing it. Hell the last guy I dated never even bothered to watch any of the movies I liked. Woah, I stopped myself. I barely knew Ashton and I was already comparing him to my past boyfriends. I just felt so comfortable with him and could tell Sirius did too.
“Wait, did you buy the movie?” I asked as I glanced up at the screen and saw that it said purchase complete.
His cheeks reddened, “I just wanted to make sure we watched something you would like.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
His eyes shot up and met mine, I could tell that my question through him off guard. I bit my lip as I waited for him to answer, all the while wishing I hadn’t asked the question. 
“I honestly don’t know. I just felt instantly comfortable with you and wanted you to feel the same way with me. I know that sounds creepy but I promise I’m just a normal guy and want to be friends with my neighbor.”
I pursed my lips as I took in his answer. “Good enough for me.” I sat back on the couch and made myself comfortable. I placed my legs over his, placing the bowl of popcorn in my lap. Ashton smiled, and sunk back next to me.
“I’m a Hufflepuff by the way,” he grinned as he played the movie.
“Me too.”
I turned my attention to the movie as the opening music began playing over the Warner Brothers logo. I never would have imagined my day going like this when Sirius woke me up at 7am, but I am so glad it did. I snuck a glance at Ashton and smiled, knowing that he was going to be in my life for a long time.
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Chapter 33: You’re All I Ever Wanted
[December 31, 2020]
Liv looked over her shoulder, mischievously grinning at the sleeping lump hidden beneath the black covers, an intricately tattooed hand sticking out from one corner. She turned back to peek through the glowing slit in the ebony curtains. I’ll never get sick of this view, she thought, watching the light snow falling in delicate flurries upon the already blanketed backyard. Pressed in to the sweeping blanched yard were the small imprints of birds and critters. Tucked to the side were their bicycles, hidden beneath a tarp, awaiting the spring.
Grabbing the corner of the curtains Liv pulled them back, basking the dark room in the alabaster glow of a snowy morning. “Up! Nouse ylös! (Get up!)” Smiling to herself she crossed the room to rummage through their ornate ebony dresser, wondering exactly how cold it was outside. Even after two odd years living in Finland, figuring out the right attire was still a mystery to Liv after LA’s eternal heat. It’s freezing right? Long sleeves right?
Annoyed grumbling came from the bed lump as it shifted positions, turning away from the light to face the opposite end of the room.
Liv slipped off her red checkered pajama pants, pulling out a pair distressed black boyfriend jeans. “Don’t make me go in there and get you!” She laughed, setting the jeans to the side and sifting through shirts. Yup, long sleeve is probably best. A sweater too?
The grumbling grew playfully louder, and with that Liv forgot changing altogether and crept towards the edge of the bed, grabbing the end of the blanket, lifting it up and squirmed her way under. The light shining in from the window illuminated the curled up figure beneath, peeking out from beneath his arm, smile twitching on his lips as she crawled her way up the length of his body, throwing a knee over him and straddling his chest, hands resting on the bed on either side of his face, caging him in.
Ville peaked out again from beneath his forearm, green eyes alive with amusement as he finally pulled his arm away, bringing both his hands to Liv’s forearms and running his fingers up and down them innocently. He stared up at Liv, fighting back a smile, admiring the sparkle in her rested eyes, the sensation of her long black hair brushing his bare skin, the small goosebumps of pleasure appearing on her forearms “Oh you’re up? I’ve been waiting ages darling. Did you forget that we were joining Jesse for breakfast before my meeting?” He grabbed her wrists, tugging them out from under her so that she fell onto his chest and rolled, changing their positions and pinning her down to the bed. “How could you Kultaseni?”
Liv laughed, stretching out her neck to give him a longing and loving kiss on the lips, smirking with amusement as she pulled away to see a hungry smirk on his pale face, setting off the slight wrinkles around his eyes, curly hair in messy tousles. “Oh no sir, no can do. We’ll be late.”
Ville rolled his eyes before lowering his head, running his nose along her jawline then slowly down her neck, “He’s my brother, he’ll understand.”
Ville watched with amusement as Jesse inhaled his enormous breakfast, raising a questioning brow as he took a sip of his coffee. They sat in a small cafe and bookshop in the heart of Helsinki. The cafe was filled with the inviting aroma of books and coffee and the low hum of sleepy new years eve patrons. Outside the snow continued to fall it’s familiar dance. The three of them sat in the corner, Liv and Ville next to each other, and Jesse across from them. After making it out of bed Ville had thrown on a white T-shirt, plain black hoodie, black jeans, and black coat, leaving his curls down in a mess.
"Mitä?(What?),” Jesse asked, catching Ville’s stare, “I'm bulking." Jesse mumbled, a forkful of eggs stuffed into his mouth. He had on a light gray sweater, dark blonde hair cropped short.
Liv let her hand rest on Ville's lap, fork half heartedly moving the fruit salad around on her plate. "When is your next match?" Her long black hair was down in its natural waves, falling past her shoulders, reaching down to her waist, the longest it had been for a while. She had on a tight fitting horizontally striped turtleneck tucked in to her black boyfriend jeans, black belt completing the look. Something seemed off with her that morning after they finally managed to leave the bed. Something was troubling her.
Ville took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze before interlacing his ringed fingers with hers, playing with the small shiny engagement ring. He knew exactly what it was. It was the same thing that had been troubling her for a while now. Moments of hopefulness, and then disappointment.
"Next week." Jesse smiled happily, oblivious to the concerned looks Ville was giving Liv from the corner of his eye. He washed down his mouthful with some milk. “I have to make sure I take it easy tonight. Two beers, tops. Okay maybe three, but that’s it or else my coach will kill me.” He took a bite of toast before gesturing with it towards Ville and Liv, “What do you two have planned tonight?”
Liv tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, placing her utensils on her plate having given up on the meal, and leaned back in her chair, taking her cup of tea in to her free hand. “Well this vampire hermit,” she nudge Ville gently with her elbow, “wanted to stay in and watch Night of the Living Dead,” she flashed him a smirk, “but I’ve convinced him to come out to a party at Jussi’s Helsinki apartment.” The smirk didn’t touch her eyes. She’s putting on a niceties for Jesse but her mind is elsewhere.
“Tyypilliesti! (Typical!)” Jesse laughed, just as the familiar sound of Livs ringtone began to hum.
Liv pulled it out, giving it a glance before stuffing it back in her pocket. He knew that expression, it was a business call but she didn't want to be rude by answering. Jesse wouldn't mind, he loved Liv like his own sister; she could do no wrong. "Just answer it sweetheart." He smiled. Two workaholics sit down in a cafe… Ville mused as Liv said her apologies to Jesse, grabbing her long black coat and stepping outside to answer it.
"So," Jesse snuck a look outside at Liv as she paced, talking with animation to, whome Ville could only assume was Siri, given the familiar expression of happy annoyance on her face as she spoke, "Aiotteko te tehdä teistä minusta setän, milloin tahansa? (Are you two going to make me an uncle anytime soon?)" 
Ville took a deep breath, running his hands over his face, a little unsurprised with the inquiry. That was the million dollar question everyone seemed to be asking them since they had gotten married. He was thankful that Jesse at least had some tact and asked when Liv had stepped out. "There's been, um…" he interlaced his fingers beneath his chin, watching as the flurries began to cover Liv's hair with snow, her cheeks turning red from the cold, "There are some complications from the, the crash. We saw a physician in June and were advised to keep trying despite the chances being quite low.” A part of him had begun to feel the weight of guilt. They'd been trying since May, and despite having a doctor confirm Liv's fears they'd of course kept up their efforts, but that hopeful excitement had faded from Ville, leaving him jaded but supportive. He couldn't let himself get his hopes up any longer with each passing month, and he felt guilty for it. He simply did not understand how Liv could continue going through the same vicious cycle, the same eager anticipation and then crushing disappointment. It hurt him to realize that they may no longer be on the same page. Before leaving for breakfast, he had taken note of the extent of Liv’s investment, their washroom counter full of vitamins, a calender tracking her cycle, a small stack of books on conception. Maybe I am quick to lose hope, maybe I am being pessimistic, but I’m hurting twice as much as the time keeps passing, my own pain yes, but hers too. Perhaps we should take a step back, a break from the fixation of it so that we may begin to prepare ourselves for the realization that this may not happen for us...again.
Jesse wiped his mouth with a napkin, looking at his brother with seriousness. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. You could always adopt? Try some of that fertility stuff?”
Ville shrugged, looking away from Jesse and back towards Liv. She caught his eye with a glance and mouthed, ‘I’m sorry’ before turning back around. Ville looked back to Jesse, running a hand through his hair, “She doesn’t want to think about fertility treatments and the like, let alone try them. I’m trying my best to be supportive, and at this point I’m not sure I care as much about conceiving as I did, I’m more worried about her more than anything else.”
Suddenly the soft tinkling of the cafe doorbell rang as Liv hurriedly rushed back to her seat next to Ville, the snow already melting in her hair. “I’m sorry, there was a scheduling mishap and my shoot today got moved up.” She shrugged off her coat, the blush reddening further on her cheeks. “But they can wait cause I want to hear all about this match.”
Liv let her fingertips trace the designs on the graffitied wall. I don’t need to check. I don’t need to check.
“I forgot to ask! How was your christmas? Did your dad and grandfather enjoy Helsinki? What presents did you and Ville exchange?” Siri grinned as she zipped up the last of the carrying cases for their camera equipment, picking it up and adding it to a pile with the rest. She’d dyed her pixie hair a bright red and had on the oddest set of oversized striped overalls atop a green turtleneck.
Liv took a seat on the worn cushioned bench, crossing her legs at the ankles. They’d had a brief promotional shoot at Tavastia for an upcoming show. The entire place was a wealth of memories. She could almost imagine the guys, grinning and snarling back at her as she shot photographs for them there and the very same room.
How was my Christmas?, “It was really nice.” She smiled softly to herself as she remembered the satanic ornaments Ville had gotten for their tree. Her favorite has been the one he’d made himself though. He’d painted a white door on a clear ornament. On the door was a little 666 in red script, marking it as the lair of the beast. He’d filled the ornament with little squares of paper with scribbled lines, representing the pages and pages of lyrics she had, and still takes up in his notebooks. “Ville was a really good sport with everything, and everyone, even though this isn't his favorite time of year. Dad and gramps hated the cold, but I figured as much. They did love Ville’s moms cooking, but gramps liked the liquor cabinet more. My dad didn’t touch a single drop though. Joan has him on a health kick getting ready for his wedding. Gifts? I bought Ville a really beautiful guitar I found at auction that was once owned by Elvis. He was head over heels. I’m surprised it didn’t take my place in our bed. And Ville is going to take me to Budapest to visit the other half of my family in February, just before he’s back on tour with The Agents. Overall, good family time, good food, and fantastic husband who kept me from getting too stressed out hosting everyone.” Complete understatement, Liv thought. Ville had been some sort of super human, running around getting groceries, keeping her family entertained, helping her clean, calming her down, and most importantly, fronting the inevitable question. The question…
She got up, grabbing the equipment carriers and tossing a few straps over her shoulders, Siri following her lead. Overloaded with equipment they wound around the back corridors of the venue until they came to the back door that led out to the parking lot. Turning the handle with her elbows Liv held the door for Siri, the light flurries unrelenting on the cold December day.
Siri ducked past Liv as she held the door “Sounds about the same as mine, except no out of town relatives and a wonderful fiance, almost husband.” Trying not to tip over with the equipment under one arm she unlocked the trunk of her new pink Smart Car and began loading the gear into the trunk.
“How is Kosmo?” Liv smiled, remembering the frantic call she’d gotten from Kosmo a few months prior, asking for help choosing the right ring.
Siri laughed, grabbing the camera straps hanging off of Liv’s arms and tucking the cameras neatly in the trunk before shutting it and leaning back against the car. “He’s great. Keeps going on about wedding plans. I wouldn't mind an elopement! Oh and kids, he’s talking about kids! That man…” She chuckled as she shook her head.
Liv’s chest tightened at the word, teeth biting down on her lower lip. Kids… Even the mention of them was enough to set her off. The feeling of not being able to conceive was indescribable. It felt like a weight, crushing down upon her, this total feeling of being a failure, and having it tied so closely to the traumas of her past only resulted in her having to face them all over again. She’d been trying to cope as best she could, but each passing month brought its heartbreak. Throughout the ordeal so far she had learned the never ending nature of Ville’s supportive devotion to her. He came to every doctor's appointment, held her hand through it all, read books, bought vitamins and foods, he did it all, but she knew. She knew it was for her and her alone. 
I don’t need to check.
There is a pharmacy just around the corner, I could just quickly stop in and buy a test. I have felt different lately. And my period is late. But then again, it was late the past four negatives too. No I won’t get a test. I shouldn't.
“Ville!” Siri grinned with her child-like smile as she spotted Ville walking across the parking lot in their direction, bundled up in his coat, a scarf, beanie, and backpack thrown over one shoulder. He gave her a wave of greeting.
Liv turned, watching with curiosity as he approached, her lips freed from her teeth as she smiled, “Well this is a nice surprise.”
He shrugged, wrapping one arm around the small of her back and giving her a kiss on the cheek, “I thought I could come escort you home since I finished my meeting early.”
Siri pulled open the driver side door, rolling her eyes with a smirk, “You two are disgustingly cute.” Siri laughed, hoping in to the car, “I’ll see you next week Liv, have a happy new year!”
They watched Siri carefully maneuver through the snowy lot and on to the road. The skies above a light grey, with nights blanket of ebony slowly arrive.
“So,” Liv said, turning to Ville, fingers playing with the strings on his hoodie, “What really brings you by?” He was easy to read when he had ulterior motives, his smile was always a little crooked when he was up to something, she’d spotted it immediately.
“Such a sleuth,” he joked, unzipping his backpack and pulled out a new pair of beautiful black gloves trimmed in faux leather. Liv took them, gingerly pulling them on with a brilliant grin. She’d been needing a new pair of gloves, and they fit perfectly. “I thought my dear,” he took her hand, wrapping it around his arm and guided her out of the parking lot, “that we could walk home along the pier.”
Both of their black docs shuffling in the piling snow they began to walk arm in arm. “Thank you, truly. These gloves are beautiful. But you do know it’s like an hour long walk right? But if you need that much time to spill the beans then sure darling, I don’t mind.” The streets around them were surprisingly busy. The snow was not one to slow a Fin, and with it being New Years eve, last minute preparations were being made by everyone as they rushed to and fro.
“Spill the beans, funny turn of phrase, I wonder where it…” Liv gave him a mock look of exasperation as they crossed the street and on to the pier, their breaths blowing out in pearlescent puffs. Ships tarped and bunkered down for the winter bobbed gently as the ocean gave it's push and wall against the port. “Alright I shall get to the point.” He stopped walking. “You seemed troubled this morning, and I suspect why. I know it’s been difficult for you, and I’m trying my absolute best to be the doting and supportive husband but I’m afraid I can’t do what you do. I can’t keep getting my hopes up every time. I am becoming worn out, and I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all. I want to be happy and eager, but seeing you crushed every month is taking its toll on me because I,” his eyes glistened with tears, “I can’t give you the one thing you want.” He took her hands in his, the sea breeze tugging at the loose strands of his curls sticking out from under the beanie. "Darling I think, and please listen to me, I think we should take a break from trying.”
She’d been staring at him with shock, trying to digest his words as he spoke with his heart, but that final sentence had broken hers. Her gloved hands slipped from his, and before she could censor herself, she spoke harshly, “You don’t want a child?
He shook his head, trying to take her hand again but she pulled back, "No that's not what I'm saying at all, and you know that. I'm both worried about you, about the stress, and honestly, I’m worried about myself too. You are paramount in my concerns, but I also am trying not to end up in such a place where I think of our efforts as a burden. Please, just think about what I’m saying and consider it will you?"
Liv looked away from his face, out at the cloud covered sea. She hadn’t realized the extent of is own pain in all this, nor the ramifications it could have. Am I selfish? Have I only been thinking about myself? I want us to be on the same page, I don’t want this whole thing to be like it’s become, clouded by what we learned at the doctor, what I feared. We should be, and stay happy and hopeful. It hasn’t even been a full year of trying, how have I let myself get to this, this point? He’s right isn’t he. Maybe we do need to take a breather from this. She took his hand in hers and nodded lightly.
He wasn’t sure exactly what reaction he’d get from her, but he hadn’t imagined the quiet, digestive, withdrawal. He took a sip of beer, smiling down at the christmas card they had received from Marcus. It was a sweet family photograph with Hanna and his two daughters, the whole family adorned in heartagram T-shirts and wild hair in a parody of terrible 80’s-style family portraits. He set the card back down on the mantelpiece and looked longingly at the stairs. After returning home she’d hurried off to their bedroom to get ready for the party, or at least that had been her excuse. He’d learned long ago to let her have her space, that she would talk to him when she was ready, something she’d been working really hard to do after their love story had picked back up again. 
Unsure what to do with himself while he waited for her to finish getting ready he meandered over to the small studio and took a seat at their piano, setting his drink done on the floor. The sky had darkened quite quickly after they’d returned, and the temperature dropped further, the snow still falling in gentle whisps. He played a note, and then another absentmindedly, enjoying the sensation of the smooth ivory as he gazed upon the collection of posters, prints, and photographs around the room. 
Situated lovingly across from the piano was a large print of one of their wedding photographs. It was his favorite one. Their wedding had been held in the fall in Oulun Hautausmaa, one of Finland's oldest cemeteries. It had been a bright sunny day, the trees casting shadows, the small group of twenty odd guests braving the cool breeze. Siri, who had passionately offered her services to take photographs during the day had captured the moment Ville had lifted up and pulled back the vintage lace veil Liv had worn. She was laughing with loving amusement, black hair in beautiful curls trailing down the bare back of her lace, sleeved, mermaid style dress, a small bouquet of wildflowers clutched in one hand. In front of her Ville held his mouth, overcome with emotion at the sight of Liv, his other hand clutching his chest. Seeing her coming down the aisle like some ethereal ghost had stunned him speechless, he’d never felt so incredibly overwhelmed before, and then to pull back the veil and see her blushing face, staring back at him with pure happy joy.
“You know, you still look at me like that.” Liv stepped in to the doorway, her mood lightened. She had changed into a simple, long sleeved, mid-thigh, fitted maroon dress, black hair styled in waves, and her lips rouged a dark red.
Ville grinned, unable to help himself as he scooted over on the stool, inviting her to join him. "And I always will. Come, play with me, we've got," he took a quick glance at his wristwatch, "fifteen minutes before our cab arrives."
A soft smile spread across her red lips as she crossed the room, sliding in to the space to the left of him, resting her head on his shoulder, fingers hovering over the keys.
He wished he had the ability to make her feel better, to do more than he could, but couldn't. Tragedy clings to you like a parasite doesn't it traagisesti kaunis rakkauteni. He waited for her to pick a song as he peppered the top of her head with kisses until suddenly she sat up and brought her fingers down on the keys.
[ https://youtu.be/ppWz9O78DgI ]
The note was deep and sombre. Ville stared, confused, unsure which song it was as she played the same keys in fast succession, before reaching her right hand across him, fingers sliding over the ivory. He recognized the notes instantly, smirking at her as she waited for him to identify the song. He took over from her hand, and together with firm hands they dug in to the keys, playing Liv’s favorite song. The sounds were harsh, and pounding with rough passion on Liv’s end as she put the weight of her body in to every note with closed eyes. Soon the song began to slow, and Ville took control of the melody, bringing in gentler, softer notes.They played together, riffing with each other, each knowing the notes by heart, souls pouring in to the piece. 
This song would always have a special place in his heart, not only because he knew it was Liv’s favorite but because that night, the night Liv had let her heart lead, and not run from it, was the night he’d understood, truly, what love was. To love and be loved was not simply burning passions, nor heart wrenching adoration and infatuation, love is compromise, love is wanting to be the best version of yourself for that person, love is give and take, love is learning, learning together, and growing together. Now, he got to wake up every morning next to her, next to pure euphoric happiness, next to the person who challenged him, inspired him, made him feel humble yet invincible, the person who picked him up, who understood him like no one had before or ever would. And to think, they’d both almost lost each other. 
Maybe I was wrong, he thought, the notes bleeding in to him, maybe we need to keep trying, do whatever it takes, persevere.
He handed the acoustic guitar back to Jussi, "How do you always rope me into playing when I come over?" 
Mige rolled his eyes, "Oh please, you adore the attention." He swung back the rest of his beer before roughly placing the bottle down on the counter and scratched his beard.
"Maybe," Ville winked, wiping the sweat off of his brow with his forearm, the sleeves of his dress short rolled up, the top buttons undone.
"Hey where did zombie fucker go?" Mige asked, slumping down on a loveseat, grabbing a shinny 2021 hat and plopping it on his head.
Ville looked around quickly, unable to spot her in the room, "I'm not sure. And stop calling her that! She only accepts zombie lover, or Liv Valo." He gave Mige a playful punch on the thigh before leaving it side.
The party had been well under way when they'd arrived. The two story apartment was crammed with people, many of the guests were Finnish artists and other people in the music industry. After a winter of reclusive rehearsals and time off basking in the warmth of home, it had been a bit jarring for Ville to be thrown into the viper pit of socializing, but finding Mige there had been a welcome surprise. Liv had stayed by his side mostly, reminiscing with Mige, sharing gig horror stories with Jannah, a photography friend of hers, jumping on the piano at some point to play some Mozart, comparing tattoos with Jyrkie, but Ville couldn't help but notice that she seemed a bit off. Her energy had been less than half what it would normally be in these situations. Typically the social butterfly, she still was, but more mellow, not really present. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but she still had that look of sad contemplation in her eyes, despite the smiles on her lips. He wondered if she was still upset with him. Something was the matter. 
She'd disappeared somewhere between Living on a Prayer, and Jailhouse Rock which were four or so songs ago, and so turning down another beer from Mige, Ville went looking for Liv. He pushed his way through the crowds of intoxicated and cheerful people, moving from the dining room to the kitchen, checking even the patio despite knowing Liv had quit smoking earlier in the year. He sighed, going back in to do another scan before noticing a line of women waiting outside of the hallway washroom. Giving them a shy smile he knocked on the door, “Liv? Are you in there?”
Amidst the blaring rock music coming from one of the rooms he could hear the door unlock, and, giving the women an apologetic look, he stepped in to the washroom, closing the door behind him. Liv sat on the edge of the small tub, elbows resting on her knees, her face clammy and pale. She gave him a weak smile.
“Darling is something the matter?” He crouched down to her eye level, brushing a loose strand of her hair out of her eyes. “Are you still upset?” She's either sick, or she’s been crying in here, he thought, unsure which it was, but wanting to make sure she was alright either way.
She shook her head, “No no, I just, I’m not feeling well. Ville this is different.” She took his hand in hers, casting her eyes down at the large silver rings on his fingers as she fiddled with them, words on the tip of her tongue ready to come out. “I was sick when we got back home. And I got sick again. I’ve uh, I’ve been throwing up…” She looked back up at him, trying to gage his reaction.
Throwing up? Throwing up. “Oh.” He managed to say. Could she? Without another thought he stood, extending his hand out towards her, “Let’s go and get a test right this minute.” Despite his sentiments earlier in the day he wanted to know. He needed to know. Being rational couldn't just erase the natural reaction to what Liv was telling him. He knew the possibility of disappointment was there, as it had been in the past, but he knew Liv, he knew if said this felt different, then it was.
Liv chuckled, a little taken aback by his reaction. "But today, you said…" She took his hand and carefully got to her feet, “And we’d miss the countdown.” 
Ville unlocked the door, keeping her hand in his and leading her through the crowds gently, “Bullocks with the count down.”
Ville tapped his foot anxiously, heart feeling as if it would pound right out of his chest as he waited outside of the gas station washroom attached to the outside of the building. His stomach was doing somersaults. Alright, if it is a negative than perhaps we should see the doctor again, inquire regarding other options. I should take Liv home, maybe draw her a bath. Would her favorite bakery be open? No of course not… But what if it isn’t a negative? What if this is it? Really it.
Around him the flurries had finally stopped, street lights twinkling on the soft powdery snow.
The door slowly creaked open and Liv stepped out, her face blank, body bundled in a thick crimson coat, barrette atop her head, and worn doc martens. His poker face suddenly faltered to reveal a dazzlingly bright smile.
“Rambo!” Ville blurted out with a raspy laughed, grabbing Liv around the waist and spinning her as around them the sounds of the new year echoed in a chorus along the street with cheers and clankings pots and pans. Midnight had chimed.
“I’m sorry what?” Liv giggled, putting the capped test in her pocket and lacing her fingers in to Ville’s hair as he continued to hold her up in his arms, twirling her around the snow packed lot of the station.
“No, Hoff! No no, Ozzy!” Ville beamed as the two lovers basked in the glow of the stations outside lights, breaths billowing with white in the air, their happy giggles rising up in the raucous night.
Liv wrapped her arms around his neck, her happiness overwhelming, she knew, she knew it had felt different. “What on earth are you talking about?” She couldn’t stop chuckling as they spun and spun. She felt absolutely euphoric. A baby, she squealed internally, we’re going to have a baby! After everything. After that night of tears and pain, after heartbreak, after distance and passionate rekindling, after happy contentment, a child.
Ville felt lightheaded as he finally set her down, holding her chilled cheeks in between his hands, “Baby names my dear.” He was freezing. His boots were getting wet. But it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered anymore but her and the marvel of a little bean growing inside of her. He brought his lips to hers, eyes glistening with happy tears as he wrapped her in his warm embrace.
Liv kissed him back passionately, tears of happiness also streaming down her face, before catching her breath and resting her cheek on his chest. “Poe?” She asked, peeking up at him with a grin.
“Poe huh? Yeah, I like that.” Ville smirked, kissing the top of her head and hailing a cab that he spotted passing by. He tossed his arm around her shoulder lovingly, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes as they trudged through the soft snow, another wonderful year behind them, an even better one ahead. “Darling?” He asked, barely able to contain his chuckles.
Liv looked up at him with utter contentment as they just about reached the cab, the wind picking up and stirring her hair, “Hmm?”
“I suppose,” he winked down at her as he nudged her jokingly, “we’ll never enjoy the silence now.”
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You miss them as soon as they leave.
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“I can’t believe our lil Woojae is all grown up and going on his first date.” You exaggerate a sob, wiping at non-existent tears with a finger. You’re bundled up in blankets on his bed, watching him get ready for the date he got auctioned off during the school fair with both your mothers baking something for him to give his date. “Don’t elope and leave us, okay?”
He grimaces at you through his reflection as he towel dries his hair and has yet to put a shirt on. “Technically speaking, if dating means two people going out, then you’re technically my first date. We’ve been on multiple dates.”
“Yeah, sure, play dates when we were three are totally considered dates.” You turn away to hide the heat creeping up your face and pretend to check your phone on his side table. “Hey Siri, what’s dating?”
As your phone dictates the definition, you and Jaehyun stare at each other; with you smugly smiling as he rolls his eyes when the word ‘romantic’ comes out.
“It’s just one date. I barely know her.” He resumes drying his hair.
“Did you not understand Siri? You’ll be getting to know her later and who knows?” You throw his blankets off and made your way to him, “Maybe you’ll hit off. Maybe she’s the lucky girl that gets the pleasure of being everybody’s first love’s actual first love.”
You take some hair gel onto your palm and start working on his hair while Jaehyun watches you with an unreadable expression.
“You’re reading into this too much. We’re just catching a movie and grab some food - probably hit the arcade or something.” He mumbles, reaching for the moisturizer you got him. “I’m still not allowed to date. Mom only let this one slide because I got auctioned off.”
You push his hair back with your fingers, “I still can’t believe she bought you-”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“I can’t believe she paid for a date with you,” You enunciate each syllable, “for 800 bucks, damn. The highest bid for the White day date was like 500. Lee only paid 350 for me.”
“That’s honestly too much for a date that would probably only cost me 50.”
Satisfied with how his hair was styled, you rest your hands on his shoulders with a sigh, “800 would mean nothing if she ends up being your forever.”
Jaehyun scoffs at you, shaking his head, “[Y/N], you’re my forever. Lovers come and go, but you won’t because I won’t, right?”
“If a girl comes between us and you really love her, you’d still choose me? You don’t have to sacrifice that much, Jae.”
“You over anything.” He shrugs his shoulder.
You thank whoever sent a text to your phone for saving you from continuing the conversation as it rings on the other side of the room. “Wear something warm.” You pat him before turning around and belly flopping onto his bed. You’re distracted for the next couple of minutes as you’re entertained by your other friend’s gossip until Jaehyun is telling you he’s leaving.
“Are you just gonna stay in my room?”
“Is that a problem?” You give his outfit a glance before letting out a fake gasp, “Are you bringing her home already?”
“No, dumbass, you just look so comfortable. I’d rather not go out today.” He groans, picking out a beanie from his drawers. “But she’s probably already waiting for me, so I’ll see you later?”
“See ya. Have fun!” You wave at him, waiting for him to grab his phone and wallet before sauntering out. You lie on your back and close your eyes, listening to the muffled conversation between him and your mothers before hearing the front door open and close. Your chest feels constricted and there was an odd bitter taste in your mouth.
It’s just a date and he’s surely coming home later in the evening, but it feels like you won’t be seeing him in a long time. To say you miss him already was such a stretch because you never really cared about him spending time with his other friends, but then again, this was an actual date; he’ll be out with some other girl - a girl who wasn’t you.
You hear your mom call your name and when you open your eyes, tears spill at the corners. You sit up quickly and wipe at them before your mom catches you, but she and Jaehyun’s mom was already at the door.
“Sweetie, why are you crying?” She instantly sets the plate of cookies aside before sitting beside you.
Jaehyun’s mom sits on your other side, patting your thigh, “Did you and Jaehyun fight before he left? He looked a little annoyed.”
“N-no.” You sniffed, “I don’t… I don’t know why I’m crying… but,”
You’re looking around the room, willing yourself to stop crying. Your eyes stop at a picture frame he kept on the wall; a photo of the two of you back when you were 11. You remember that day because it was when he came back from America after four years but 11-year old you thought it was forever. Most kids who have been separated that long would get awkward with each other, but with you and Jaehyun, the second your eyes met, you were both squealing and giddy; running up to each other with a hug as if you haven’t seen each other in 4 days rather than years.
“Oh my god.” You breathed out, putting your palms to your face.
“[Y/N], what’s wrong? What happened?” The sound of concern in your mom’s voice didn’t help because she’s obviously never seen you this distressed before.
Still weeping, you finally confessed to them, “I’m in love with him.”
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the tenth sign
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Eve: *makes a mistake* This is distressing. Siri play Take on Me.
Chip: you absolute heathen. It’s "This is tragic. Google play All Star."
Rex: whAT the fUCK
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930club · 6 years
ALBUM REVIEW: The 1975 – A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
The 1975 created a beautiful pop/rock debut with their self-titled album released in 2013. On their sophomore album, I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It (2015), the band expanded their sound with more ambient and atmospheric instrumentals along with groovy guitar riffs. But with their most recent release, A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships, the band has finally created a niche with their sound, blending all elements from their past works along with some new ambitious orchestrations. Prior to A Brief Inquiry, The 1975 were generally loved and wooed some critics with their rock songs such as “Sex” and “The City,” or with their slower hits like “Somebody Else” and “Robbers.” For the most part, though, nothing seemed to grab the attention of every music critic like A Brief Inquiry did upon its release. Taking a deeper dive into the head of frontman Matty Healy, their most recent effort proves to be a strong one with some of the best production, lyricism, and arrangements seen from an alternative band in a long time.
Unlike its predecessors, A Brief Inquiry takes inspiration from many bands, with a heavy OK Computer vibe — right down the track with a talking robot. Matty also took inspiration from modernist composer Steve Reich, creating the ambient sound that carries throughout many songs on the album. A Brief Inquiry breaks down many themes plaguing modern society, such as addiction to the Internet, the Trump administration, tragic news stories, and lack of sincerity. In a great article on Pitchfork, Matty breaks down each song, what they mean, and how they came about. With that said, to not repeat anything said in that interview, I will give my own take of each song on the album.
The album opens like the previous two records with the classic “The 1975” intro, complete with the same lyrics and similar melody. What makes this intro stand out is the use of a vocoder, which took the previous “The 1975” and turned it upside down. It’s a startling but beautiful start to the album, letting the listener know that this isn’t what they were expecting to hear. Next are two of the best pop songs of this year, “Give Yourself a Try” and “TOOTIMETOOTIME.” “Give Yourself a Try” is the modern pop anthem this generation needed. It has a beautiful jamming guitar riff along with a great message telling everyone to keep pushing on. “TOOTIMETOOTIME” is a nice throwback to the old 1975 sound, reminiscent of “Girls” and “Chocolate.” It’s a great moment on the record, reminding listeners that they haven’t forgotten their roots.
The next song, “How to Draw/Petrichor,” sounds like a beautiful B-Side to Bon Iver’s 22, a million. Matty brings back the auto tune for this track, but uses it perfectly for the first half, then leaves the rest to the beautiful ambience of the band. It’s one of the most ambitious musical statements made by the band to date. “Love It If We Made It” is another soaring anthem for this generation, talking about political turmoil during the Trump administration. It also tackles pop culture current events such as the death of Lil Peep and Trump’s famous tweet, “Thank you Kanye! Very cool!” proving to work as one of the best lyrics of 2018. The album then takes a soft approach with one of my favorite songs, “Be My Mistake.” This song features just Matty and his guitar, with a few back up melodies and vocals filling in the cracks between. To me, it’s one of the most personal songs on the record, and shows a dark time in Matty Healy’s life and his struggle to get, and stay, sober.
Following that is another single from the album, “Sincerity is Scary,” which has a brilliant music video to go along with it. It’s one of the happiest songs on the album and has a beautiful message about how being honest with yourself and others can be scary, but better than putting up a façade. The next two songs, “I Like America & America Likes Me” and “The Man who Married a Robot/Love Theme,” are some of the strangest, but most heartbreaking on the album. The first one is an homage to SoundCloud rap with a trap-inspired beat along with shouting vocals and vocoder effects behind them. It’s an odd yet beautiful center piece to the album. The next song takes a different approach, with some more subtle strings, horns, piano, and ambient sounds. Over the music, a male Siri voice tells the story of an Internet troll who falls in love with the Internet, only to lead to his death after revealing all his personal secrets. It’s a sad story that grips the listener with every play.
Next is one of the best piano and electric guitar ballads I have heard in a while, “Inside Your Mind.” It’s a new route for the band, but proves to be a brilliant one, with some of the most beautiful melodies and lyrics. After it is “It’s Not Living,” which is another pop anthem similar to “Give Yourself a Try.” It’s a cute but powerful song that is one of the catchiest on the album. “Surrounded by Heads and Bodies” is another acoustic guitar song that feels like another great deep cut off of Radiohead’s Kid A or The Bends. It has one of the most 1997-Thom-York-inspired acoustic guitar riff to back up the feeling of loneliness and distress that the current state of the world is in. To follow, Matty presents the listener with something way out of left field, a jazz song titled “Mine.” Equipped with the light high hats and jazzy piano chord progression, “Mine” is a standout track on the album showing that The 1975 can pretty much tackle every genre with their own twist.
The last two songs on the record are another two of my favorites, “I Couldn’t Be More In Love” and “Always Wanna Die (Sometimes).” The first of the two has a nice ‘70s era keyboard with a dreamy feel to it. It’s a beautiful throwback pop ballad that has Matty singing way out of his comfort zone. It’s an ambitious and stunning track that includes two beautiful key changes in classic ballad style. Lastly, A Brief Inquiry closes with “Always Wanna Die (Sometimes).” If Radiohead’s “High and Dry” was written in 2018 by an alternative band, this would be how it sounds. It has a beautiful acoustic guitar riff reminiscent of Glen Hansard along with a beautiful chorus full of Matty’s gorgeous falsetto crying out the lyrics, “I always wanna die, sometimes.” It’s the perfect end to a perfect album.
A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships is one of the most ambitious albums of 2018. It takes modern pop and alternative music and turns both on their heads, trading the conventional for the unconventional. The 1975 have found a solid footing with this record and have blown the musical minds of many people already. While their fourth album, Notes on a Conditional Form, isn’t due out until later next year, be sure not to wait on listening to this new record. With each listen, I find more and more moments to appreciate in this record.
- Jacob Tracey
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localrobosexual · 7 years
so how about The Last Knight huh
HECKO I totally forgot to make that post about what I thought about Transformers 5 after I watched it whOOPS
so here they are now!! :0 it’s kinda long though. Sorry about that. Unlike my post about GOTG Vol. 2 that one time, for this one I just kinda wrote down some erratic notes about thoughts and reactions I had as I watched the movie, and then I kinda summed up my opinion about it overall down at the end?? so yeah. That’s how this one is gonna play out lol. Generalized running commentary style.
(fair warning: this WILL contain spoilers!! Like I can’t,,, , talk about it without giving stuff away lmao. If you haven’t seen the movie, and still want to and plan on doing so, I don’t recommend you read this!)
alright u made it past the spoiler warning so here we go!!
-  Quintessa gave me a lot of G1 Unicron vibes with the whole "I made you, you are mine to command" thing
- "Why do we tell these stories, besides the fact that dragons are wicked" girl same lmao
- I literally cannot. CANNOT. Take Barricade seriously. With those ridiculous "punish" and “enslave” branded brass knuckles. Buddy. My dude. Please chill. You're literally trying to be so edgy man just. Turn it down a notch lmao - Optimus literally didn't sound at all like himself at first?? It sounded like he had a different voice actor for those first few lines he spoke?? That was weird. It wasn't until the second time he appeared on screen where Quintessa was telling him about where the staff was hid was I like "oh wait yeah there's Peter Cullen" - the "Cybertron is coming" shot looked sUPER fake and green screened to me for whatever reason?? like idk I think it was the lighting they had on him but it was reALLY FUNNY PFFFFTT
- Bee swinging his legs on top of that roof was sUPER CUTE THANK U IM BLESSED
- Mohawk. Um. Who thought turning Junkrat into a Transformer was a good idea bc that’s literally all this dude is lmao
- I like how they had the whole holoform bike thing going on?? like how Prowl's was in TFA and Arcee’s was in TFP that was neato - I WILL NEVER GET USED TO HEARING BUMBLEBEE SWEAR I S2G but the Siri voice thing was pretty funny ngl. I saw that in a trailer on instagram and didn't actually think it was actually a real scene that they kept I thought it was just made for that specific ad but nOPE IT WAS REAL LMAO - Megatron musing over Starscream's decapitated head oh my god liSTEN MAN PUT HIM DOWN DONT BE LIKE THIS COME ON - HI CAN WE TALK ABOUT COGSMAN I LOVE COGMAN A LOT I LOVE HIM HE WAS REALLY GREAT EASILY A BIG FAVE HE WAS SO ENJOYABLE TO WATCH I love how,,, ok heck I don't know this guy very well bc I didn't watch Age of Extinction but it's the green dude with the trench coat built into him,,, Crosshairs?? I think it's Crosshairs yeah but the fact that he called him a C-3PO rip off was fUNNY MAN that also got a good laugh outta me and he totally rekt his heckin finger lmao. He was rlly short?? that surprised me kinda like from the trailers it looked like he was pretty average human sized but nope he’s super short - BEE'S DOUBLE CHEST POUND FINGER GUN "ayyy my dude" THING WAS ADORABLE THANK U - THEY ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH WITH THE WHOLE EARTH BEING UNICRON THING HOLY HECK now that,,, that was really interesting. Didn't expect that. AND the whole Nemesis Prime deal?? OP getting brainwashed?? THAT'S why he's heckin evil nO WONDER MAN GEEZ I didn't think OP would willingly do all that to the earth just because. That makes me feel a lot better actually lmao - Soundwave!! Shockwave!! u guys are famous!! wow way to go im so proud of u!!!! - Hot Rod tho,,,, , oh boy he was a mess lmao. I only really know Hot Rod through MTMTE and the 80s Transformers movie so,, , not too too much to go off of, but he just was so incredibly DIFFERENT and off-putting from what I was used to that I honestly didn't like him so much?? I mean he was alright. Grew on me a bit more as the movie went on I think. He was ok. That time warp weapon thing he had was cool tho!! nice!! seemed kinda overpowered a bit but cool!! - COGMAN SPINNING AROUND IN A CIRCLE WHILE HE WALKED THE DOG WAS ADORABLE THANK U - you know that movie trope where he background music will become like a song on the radio and then a character comes and switches it off?? YEAH THEY DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THIS MOVIE WITH THE EPIC WORLD-CHANGING ORGAN MUSIC AND I JUST. COGMAN GOING HAM ON THAT ORGAN HAD ME CRYYYYYYYIIINNG HE WAS SO INTO IT MAN OH MY GO D. I LOVE COGMAN THANK U THAT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE TROPES AND IT WAS HILARIOUS GOD BLESS - HE CAN SING OPERA TOO IM CRYYYYIINNNG MAN JUST. PLEASE LET HIM HYPE UP THE MOMENT HE'S DOING HIS BEST!!!! - THE TABLE WAS WRITTEN IN OLD CYBERTRONIAN yknow if you could get Cyclonus down there he could probs read that for you no problem. Or don't actually. Please don't drag him into Bayverse oh I s2g nevermind nevermind - HEY MAN I LOVED THAT ROBOT HYDRA WOO BOY THAT WAS COOL and it's like?? a Combiner?? but not really. Burton just said the twelve knights combined into the dragon but I doubt they can all unfuse from that form lmao it was probs just a one time thing. So not a Combiner. Still cool tho. Robot dragons. SICK!!!!!! - HEY they did the whole Unicron's a planet-eating god thing this time around too wow. Neat. Listen man all I'm saying is I glad I watched TFP and bits of G1 and that 80s movie bc if not I woulda had no idea why Unicron was important lmao. That was pretty neat tho!! Interesting. Interesting. - OK BUT COGMAN LAUGHING AND SINGING "MOVE B!TCH GET OUT THE WAY" WHILE DRIVING 200 MPH DOWN THE ROAD WAS HILARIOUS WHAT A BLESSING THANK U - Surprisingly Bee seemed to be ok in that open water??? Hanging on to the side of a submarine?? I mean. Salt water man. Buddy watch out ur gonna rust plEASE BE CAREFUL
- speaking of which didn’t they say there was gonna be a submarine transformer in this movie?? like didn’t they say that in interviews before the movie came out?? I mean. We never saw that. It might’ve been that the submarine WAS a transformer but it never spoke, never transformed, nothing. Didn’t give any indication that it was uniquely Cybertronian aside from Vivian’s magic touch thing. Idk. That wasn’t explained so I mean. Hmm.
- Cogman can make sushi!! dang!! wow!!! bravo!!! - OP'S HECKIN INTERDIMENSIONAL BOOB POCKET OH MY GO D dang wish I had one of those lmao - THAT FINAL FIGHT WITH OP AND BEE THO AAAAAAAA OH MY GO S H HECKO MAN!!!! OPTIMUS RIPS OFF BEE'S DOOR WINGS MAN!!! GEEZ!!!! what I wanna know is like since when did Bumblebee have a hammer lmao. Like,, , is it supposed to the the Forge of Solus Prime?? When did he get that?? How and why?? I don't know and it was never explained but I mean. Why tho. - OH MY GOD BUT BEE'S VOICE!! IT ACTUALLY WORKED!!! DANG!! WOW BUDDY!!! AAAA!! IM GLAD HE'S OK!!! and that's all it takes to snap Optimus outta his brainwashed phase lmao ok then. Cool. Wasn’t what I expected him to sound like either but then again I really don’t know what I expected in the first place lmao - I feel a LOT better knowing Optimus didn't willingly wanna destroy the earth like. He was brainwashed. And when he snapped outta it he felt absolutely awful about what he did. I mean it felt like that whole plot point was rushed, a lot of this movie felt very rushed, but it makes me feel better at least lmao. Optimus I'm sorry man can I,,, , give u a hug or something man it rlly looks like u need a hug - "YOU CHOSE THE WRONG SIDE" OOOOOH BOY FLASHBACKS TO THAT CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR BIT IN PRI.ME(3) LMAOOOO - CADE. BUDDY. YOU CANT JUST BLOCK A SWORD LIKE THAT. THAT WAS A KILLING BLOW DEALT BY A GIANT ALIEN ROBOT I DONT CARE HOW SPECIAL THAT MEDALLION THINGY IS U CANT JUST DO THAT LMAOOOO. And then as soon as he whips that sword out the rest of the knights are like "oh wait yeah let's stop killing this guy we're chill now let's all point out swords together" lmaooooo - Crosshairs' "Love that guy. Goosebumps every time" line after Optimus gives his mandatory speech lmAO DUDE SAME - "You were by far the coolest" alright Cogman you ruined the moment a lil bit but man I still love u hecko - OK THIS IS GONNA SOUND REALLY STUPID BUT LISTEN MAN I'M GLAD THERE WAS,,,, , a lot of hand holding going on towards the end. Like fr. Cogman to dying Burton and Vivian and Cade as they were gonna jump outta that plane onto the Cybertronian tendril whatevers. Just. Small bits of physical reassurance and comfort in times of real great distress. I appreciate that a LOT more than like, watching two characters make out right before the big climactic final showdown lmao. Thank u movie wow I really didn't expect that - SO THERE WAS A COMBINER TEAM!! A COMBINER MINOTAUR!!! DANG NOT EVEN GONNA LIE THAT THING WAS NEATO!!! - Ok forget what I said about Hot Rod at the beginning he redeemed himself at the end. I didn't like him and first but now,, , now we chill. Granted I still can't see him as being HOT ROD bc he's just so different from what I know him as Rodimus but I can still appreciate him as his own character. Cool cool. - OPTIMUS RIDING THE ROBOT HYDRA INTO BATTLE AND BLOWING EVERYTHING UP WAS GREAT. MAN THAT WAS GOOD. "DID YOU FORGET WHO I AM" WOOOO BOY CHILLS MAN!!!! - OH COME ON they still made out. Lmao. Dangit. It was inevitable but I mean come on man. Alright. They kept it short and quick thank you tho if u had to put in a make out scene at least u kept it to a minimum. Thank you. Can we get back to the robots now pls. - AAAAA BUMBLEBEE'S "STING LIKE A BEE" LINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - that ending was pretty sudden lmao. A lot of this movie was sudden and fast. They just jump cut STRAIGHT to those credits man not even an ending panorama or clean slow zoom out shot or anything lmao - AND OH BOY THEY TEASED UNICRON’S GONNA ACTUALLY COME BACK AND APPEAR IN ANOTHER MOVIE AAAAAAA OH NO OH BOY NOT AGAIN GOSH DARN IT LMAO 
All in all, surprisingly, I actually ended up kinda enjoying it!! Like it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!! Tbh for me it might even be second best in the series!! (First being the first movie from 2008 lmao) Honestly I was really REALLY surprised at how much I didn't hate it. Like. I still dislike it to a degree because it's still Bayverse, and I probably won't watch it again unless I'm with friends (like I do with the rest of the transformers movies) but it honestly wasn't too too bad! It really exceeded my expectations as far as plot, and I wasn't hardcore cringing for most of the movie so hey that's a plus!! The movie had a lot of genuinely funny moments, especially with Cogman, which got some pretty good laughs outta me like I was really having fun at those parts!! Optimus’ absence for most of the movie didn’t sit well with me for some reason. Like it just felt strange. But it kinda had to be for the story to move forward so I guess I can forgive that lol. The pacing was REALLY whack and way too fast though. Like they were REALLY trying to cram a whole lotta stuff into a relatively short amount of time. The movie's almost two and a half hours long but it really didn't feel like that because of how fast the pacing was. Some of the dialogue felt really forced because of this issue too. It didn’t feel genuine sometimes. But that has to be like, pretty much my only specific issue with it?? surprisingly?? wow. I'm honestly super shocked lmao dang man I didn’t think I’d like this movie at all but I was very much proved wrong!! I hated those old ladies tho and their obsession to get Vivian a boyfriend and the whole innuendo thing. Yeah. No. Don't do that. Stop. I'm too ace for this. 
anyways yeah those were my thoughts sorry that was so long lmao whoops  
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buzzedbabe · 7 years
Before I Dive... Chapter 2
So here is chapter 2. Song used is “Dive” by Ed Sheeran. Part 3 is coming soon because it takes place the next day. I wrote it as 1 but I thought I should break it up length wise. Enjoy!
Amy opened the door to her flat, smiling when she saw Richard, who smiled back at her. She took a moment to notice his plain black t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops, and was mildly disappointed about the sunglasses hiding his eyes.
“Just let me grab my purse,” she said, disappearing back inside.
Richard watched her curvy figure retreat, distressed jeans cuffed around her ankles, silver Birkenstocks, and white shirt with small silver sunglasses printed on it covering her upper body. She returned with purse in hand.
“I still think I’m going to get a complex with you looking at me like that,” she laughed as she stepped out and turned to lock the door.
“How can you tell how I’m looking at you? I’ve got on sunglasses,” he said.
“I can just tell. Like I’m edible or something,” she said, making him laugh.
She punched him in the arm lightly as he worked to control his laughter. He pulled her to him, draping his arm around her shoulders as he led her to waiting taxi. After they got in and were on their way, she felt him lean closer to her, his beard tickling her ear.
“I think I should be the one to decide if you’re edible,” he whispered. He smiled as she instantly turned bright red. She ducked her head and pushed a curl behind her ear. “Are we a bit innocent?”
“Not completely,” she croaked, clearing her throat. “Which apparently you are not.”
“Never said I was.”
He loved the things that came out of her mouth before she’d had time to think them through. Not only because it amused him to no end, but because he knew it was what she truly thought.
“So where are we going for dinner?” she asked, glancing at the passing scenery.
“We are going to a very fancy place, four stars. They probably won’t let us in because of how we’re dressed, but I’ll name drop and use my star power to get us a table anyway.” Richard glanced over to see her eyes wide. He squeezed her hand so she would turn and look at him. “We’re having dinner at my place,” he laughed. “I thought a night in sounded nice. Show off my cooking skills.”
“I honestly don’t know which makes me more nervous,” she giggled.
It was Richard’s turn to lightly punch Amy in the arm.
“Hey! I don’t know if you can cook!” she defended herself.
“I can, and you’ll like it,” he laughed. “I thought we might watch a movie too.”
“It sounds lovely,” she said as the taxi came to a stop.
He pulled his keys out of his pocket as she stepped out of the taxi. He led her up to the street door, unlocking it and holding it open for her. She slowly climbed the stairs, allowing Richard to pass her so he could unlock the door to his flat. He opened that door and motioned for her to enter.
Amy stepped into a small hallway that opened into the flat. She set her purse on a table near the door and slipped off her sandals before starting in.
Richard stood back to watch as Amy looked around. Her fingers brushed his white granite counters as she took in the white cabinets, professional cooktop, and modern design of his kitchen before she turned to the living area. He moved to lean against the counter as she explored the space, glancing out his balcony door, hands gently testing his couch cushions as she passed.
Amy stopped at the large built-ins, perusing his library. She hesitated when she reached for a particular title, then changed her mind, clasping her hands in front of her. She turned to see him watching her with great interest. He’d set his sunglasses on the counter and she could see the smile in his eyes.
“Bedroom’s through the door there, though I forget now if I made the bed” he said nodding his head to a door just past the built-ins.
With the mention of the bedroom, Amy suddenly felt extremely nervous. She tucked her bangs behind her ear. Richard smiled, amused as she became intent on memorizing the grain in the hardwood floors.
“Um...and the bathroom?” she whispered.
“The other door there to the left,” he chuckled.
“I’ll just be a minute.”
He couldn’t help laughing out loud as she darted into the bathroom. He straightened up, opening the refrigerator to pull out the ingredients he needed for dinner.
Amy stood clutching the sink a moment before looking up at herself in the mirror.
“You are being ridiculous,” she told herself. “There are only so many rooms in this flat and you get all anxious when he mentions the bedroom. Bedrooms are generally included in flats. Unless they’re studios. Studios don’t have any rooms. They’re just one big…”
“Would you like some wine?” she heard Richard call through the door.
“Wine would be great,” she answered.
She flushed the toilet to make it seem like she really used the bathroom, then washed her hands quickly. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went back out to join Richard.
“Vicious cycle,” she said coming over to sit at the counter.
“What’s that?” Richard asked as he sliced an onion.
“Drinking water. You drink water, you have to pee. You pee, you need to drink water.”
Richard laughed keeping his eyes focused on his prep work. “And here I thought I made you nervous when I mentioned the bedroom.”
Amy blushed as she took a sip from the glass of wine in front of her. She reached out to grab a red pepper from a pile Richard had already sliced.
“So you have a bedroom,” she said, trying to project some confidence.
“Aye. A bed too,” he said, finishing the onion. “Complete with those absolutely useless little square pillows my mum insisted I had to have.”
Amy smiled as Richard grabbed a container out of the refrigerator. When he turned, she could see a steak covered in marinade. He stopped a moment and looked over at her.
“Nope. Not a vegetarian,” she answered before he could ask.
“Are you a mind reader?” he asked, taking the meat and vegetables over to the stove, setting them on the counter before pulling out a pan. He swirled some olive oil around the pan and set it on the cooktop before turning on the burner.
“No, I don’t have ESPN,” she laughed, taking a long drink of wine.
Richard glanced over his shoulder at her, eyebrow cocked.
“Bad joke. Never mind,” she said.
Amy took another sip of wine, noticing the comfort Richard had in his kitchen. When the oil was hot, he placed the steak in the pan. Her eyes glanced over his back, the reddish brown curls brushing the neck of his t-shirt, which was just tight enough to hint at the muscles beneath. The shirt ended just at the waistband of his jeans. Her eyes lingered on his butt, the way the fabric clung to his body.
“Should I hop in the pan with the steak?” Richard asked. “Because I’m feeling a bit like a piece of meat.”
Amy looked up to see him watching her over his shoulder. She turned red, trying to hide her face by taking another drink.
“Just admiring,” she whispered. “And imagining.”
“You mean in the 2 months we’ve known each other, you haven’t searched for all my work? I’ve been naked in quite a few things,” he teased, pulling out a plate from a cabinet after he flipped the steak.
“Why spoil what I might actually see in real life?”
Amy couldn’t believe the ease with which that statement flew out of her mouth, chalking it up to the wine.
“Touche,” he said. “How about some music? Siri, play Ed mix.”
Amy smiled as Ed Sheeran’s voice filled the flat. Richard smiled at her over his shoulder before turning back to cooking. He took the steak out of the pan, putting on the plate to rest before scooping the vegetables up and dumping them in the pan.
“I have tortillas warming in the oven. Can you come pull them out?” he asked her.
Amy set down her wine, standing and coming over to stand by him. She grabbed the white towel that hung on the handle of the oven, then bumped his hip with hers so she could open the door. She pulled out the sheet tray with tortillas, setting on the empty burners. She then made her way to the refrigerator, opening the door. He turned when she laughed.
“OCD much?” she giggled.
“Organized,” he replied. “Easier because of how much I travel.”
“OCD. Your condiments are alphabetized,” she said as she leaned closer to inspect things. She looked over to see him blushing. “About time I managed to get you to blush. Cheese?”
“Left hand drawer,” he said without turning.
“Sour cream?”
“Second shelf.”
“Behind the sour cream.”
“Right drawer,” he laughed.
“Am I missing anything?”
“I think you got everything.”
She took the packages and brought them over to the counter, sitting down again. He turned off the burner, pouring the vegetables on the plate next to the steak. He stopped a moment before walking over to Amy and offering her his hand.
“Dance with me?” he asked.
Maybe I came on too strong
Maybe I waited too long
Maybe I played my cards wrong
Oh, just a little bit wrong
Baby I apologize for it
Amy smiled, taking his hand and standing from her seat. He smiled, taking her in his arms.
I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I’ve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on the lake
Her arms snaked up to rest on his shoulders. They gently swayed together, looking into each other’s eyes.
So don’t call me baby
Unless you mean it
Don’t tell me you need me
If you don’t believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you
Amy blushed slightly as Richard’s gaze became intense, ducking her head. She joined her hands behind his neck and leaning her head on his chest.
You’re a mystery
I have travelled the world, there’s no other girl like you
No one, what’s your history?
Do you have a tendency to lead some people on?
'Cause I heard you do, mm
“Your heart is beating so fast,” she whispered.
“You might not be the only one who’s nervous,” he said, resting his cheek on her head.
I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I’ve been known to give my all
And lie awake, everyday don't know how much I can take
“Do I make you nervous?” she asked, feeling him nod. “Why?”
“I don’t want to screw this up.”
So don’t call me baby
Unless you mean it
And don’t tell me you need me
If you don’t believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you
She looked back up at him, staring into his eyes. “I think you’re doing great so far,” she said, smiling.
“Then why do I make you so nervous?” he asked, pushing her hair behind her ear.
I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I’ve been known to give my all
Sitting back, looking at every mess that I made
She blushed, ducking her head. He lifted her chin, bending down to look in her eyes.
“Because I’ve never met anyone like you, that makes me feel…” she trailed off. “I don’t want to screw this up either.”
So don’t call me baby
Unless you mean it
And don’t tell me you need me
If you don’t believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you
He gave her a kiss. “I’ll let you know if you’re anywhere close.”
She smiled. “Same here.”
Before I dive right into you
Before I dive right into you
They stood in each other’s embrace a bit longer after the song ended. They laughed when Amy’s stomach growled.
“Some more wine?” Richard asked.
“Please,” Amy laughed, sitting back down. 
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selenei73942-blog · 7 years
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