#this is directed at Assassins Creed
bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
You know what, fuck you *headcannons ur favorite character as middle eastern*
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captainpissofff · 1 year
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We are Assassins.
Created by the amazingly talented: @doubleleaf
Who was so good that Assassin's Creed assigned him to do the design!
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isitdonproof · 1 year
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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Sparta will be in your debt.
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teecupangel · 1 year
So, ive recently gotten back into Protocreed and a what if..? idea i had was:
After Abstergo recovers Desmonds body, they experiment with his DNA and Blacklight. Resulting in him being revived after an outbreak and breaking free.
It could even be the assassins fault that the outbreak happened!
In the midst of the chaos, no one noticed the body dissapearing. It's only after the outbreak was contained and culled that Subject 17 was noted as missing. With all the footage being destroyed it is impossible to tell what happened to it, but the general consensis is that one of the infected ate it. It is a crushing blow to their research, but thankfully they have plenty of samples stored in a different facility, so all hope is not lost. No one thought of the possibilty that a repeat of Alex Mercer's revival could happen. Subject 17 has been dead for months, the body is simply too old. So no one thought too look in the shadows of the city, where something lay lurking. Tracking. Hunting.
So I have a ProtoCreed idea similar to this that I posted here.
The comments/replies have more details on how it would go but, in a nutshell, Blacklight is a failed/abandoned Isu project headed by Tinia (so we can have a little hehe moment with Alex being called ‘Zeus’) and Dr Mercer is not a Templar but he’s still a piece of work.
And Desmond’s Isu to human genes ratio + his Bleeding Effect screwed up the virus that he still has the superhuman feats that Alex has but he can’t morph his body to have weapons or anything like that.
It’s like he can spawn three specific humanoid figures made of the black and red writhing flesh which only has one specific goal: keep Desmond safe.
There’s more details in the link above but the main point is that Desmond’s virus makes him be able to ‘summon’ his ancestors who holds a piece of Alex’s OG abilities and it’s unclear if they are mindless or if their connection with Desmond keeps them docile because when Abstergo try to cut their connection (which are tendrils of red and black connecting the creatures to Desmond’s shadow), the creature goes berserk and attacks and devours everything around until Desmond reconnects with it.
So we have:
Altaïr = Blade
Ezio = Hammerfist
Ratonhnhaké:ton = Whipfist
Ezio gets Hammerfist because the sword of Altaïr is iconic so Altaïr gets the Blade and Ratonhnhaké:ton had the ropedart so he gets the Whipfist. XD
Although, in my original idea, Desmond keeps his memories (thanks to the Bleeding Effect) but if you want to go down the route of Desmond being ‘incubated’ by the virus during the story of Prototype and waking up afterwards, we can easily do that and the incubation period is actually what corrupted Desmond’s mind.
So in this situation, Desmond would be more like ‘Eve’ from Parasite Eve, the new origin of an outbreak (and everyone believes it’s Alex’s fault which will lead us to a modified setup for Prototype 2 and Alex and Desmond having an antagonistic start).
But the outbreak is strange because it seemed… targeted.
The ones to be hit first were Abstergo facilities or facilities under Abstergo’s shell companies.
And the spread only began when these facilities had fallen and the barricades have been breached, like… it wasn’t truly intentional but more of a ‘side effect’.
So now we have Alex trying to figure out what this new outbreak is because the ‘children’ for this one are faster and more cunning, using their surrounding to hide and wait. And these children seemed to be taking orders from three creatures made of darkness and blood.
(Or, if you want to preserve the Assassin white and red color scheme, it’s gonna be grosser with them being filled with pus and blood instead. The pus could be a sign that the virus is being combated by Desmond’s Isu genes though and that could be a clue for Alex)
And any time Alex tries to eat any of them, he only gains snippets of the memories of the same person: a man named Desmond Miles.
The three commander creatures also seemed to travel via shadows, being able to melt into the shadows before Alex could ever destroy them completely.
Later, he would realize that the whole city (whichever city we’re planning to set this on) are filled with what looked like lines all over (maybe one would say that maybe it’s the ley lines or something and Alex would say that it looks more like… veins…) and these veins are actually how the commanders travel all over the city.
At the center of the veins is a cocoon…
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 9 months
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Ghost Guide Altair with Ezio (AC: Revelations)
Yes I know it's probably not so much a ghost as something else but I just really enjoy trotting alongside him with Ezio. I also love that he waits so patiently while Ezio loots the bodies XD.
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acgames · 8 months
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Elisè de la Serre searching for other Templars with similiar views on possible peace between Templars and Assasssins and she is directed to this Irish/Dutch psychopath who does as she pleases most of the time even if she is member of the Order too...
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drunk-on-starlight · 6 months
As a general rule I dislike the whole "wasted potential" criticism when applied to anyone, but I think that Origins!Layla had such a strong start that Valhalla proceeds to throw in the trash.
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ereborne · 9 months
Song of the Day: December 29
"Easy Money Down In Texas" by Ray Wylie Hubbard (music video link bc it amuses me)
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Okay, I'll admit, after seeing actual gameplay for this, I'm cautiously optimistic... :)
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ikakalaka · 2 years
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"Dust Biter"
Assassin's Creed: Origins, 2017
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shrieksatmidnight · 7 months
I saw someone’s Nintendo direct leak image and they had Assassin’s Creed Unity on it and I’m like I’ll believe when I see it.
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captain-jale · 2 months
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Simon is a parkour athlete, and a French/world champion.
He is part of the French Freerun Family (3F), a pillar of parkour and a direct descendant of the Yamakazi spirit (the founders of parkour).
Simon actually performed officially for Assassin's creed before, as Arno and others. He was also part of a lot of artistics projects around parkour.
You can find a lot of the 3F videos on Youtube, as well as the AC collabs. Go check his work if you can, it's amazing
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teecupangel · 2 years
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Alright, I am still not over Nolan North (Desmond) voicing Abbas (and also Adam) and now you know (or have been reminded of this) too.
Video Clip below:
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oomles · 11 months
The studio that made fucking Peepoodoo of all things released a show on netflix yesterday featuring a bunch of Ubisoft properties and it's one of the most insane things I've ever seen. I'm only two episodes in and… I think?? I think it's good??
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Assassin's creed is represented by a frog. It's explicitly queer right away. There's furries everywhere. Rayman is there and he swears a lot. The animation and art direction is downright incredible.
How did this get made. Who's the audience for this. What's going on anymore--
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I did not edit this screenshot.
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dyns33 · 6 months
Spiderman : "You seem tired, Mister Moon Knight."
Moon Knight: " …Steven is keeping us from sleeping."
Daredevil : “Why ?”
Moon Knight : “He wants to play his video game.”
Deadpool : "Oh ! Little Stevie is playing video games?!"
Moon Knight : "Steven. And actually no, he asks Jake to play because he's not very good, but he watches and gives directions."
Daredevil : “What game ?”
Moon Knight : "Assassin's creed origins."
Spiderman : “The one in Egypt, right ?”
Moon Knight : "Yeah… I told him we could go to Egypt, but he wants to see ancient Egypt, with the pharaohs, while Jake shouts in Spanish because he has to be discreet to kill his targets, and Khonshu is screaming because it's not realistic at all."
Deadpool : "I see. Hard to sleep with all the noise."
Moon Knight : "…No, I could, but I want to see the endgame."
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audreyscribes · 9 months
👟 Hermes: God of messengers, travelers, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce 🐍
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, there's not much of a change. You were already put into the Hermes cabin like basically every other demigod who first appeared at Camp. The most immediate change is your sleeping arrangements. You're given a bed and your space is relatively yours. Even among children of Hermes, your personal space is yours and your siblings don't touch or rifle your things. Space and privacy is hard to come by in the Cabin, so your siblings honour that rule to give a semblance of peace. They even offer you a curtain to put on the sides of your bed to give you an illusion of space. 
I'd like to think that even as children of Hermes, they don't particularly steal or go through their siblings’ things. Whether this is because it'll prevent people from stepping on anyone's toes and make things more irritating in their cabin, whether it is to prevent you and your siblings constantly having paranoia, or simply an honour among thieves. Of course, siblings do as they do, take things but when told to give it back, it is immediately handed over or compensated. Hey, Hermes is the god of commerce too!
 Pranks and tricks galore. Even if you're not a fan of pranking others, you still learn tricks of the trade. No one is going to outwit a demigod of Hermes. Some siblings may just ask you to help them with their latest prank or ask for your input. 
Charisma and jokes are in constant supply. Even if you don't believe that you're funny or have a silver tongue, you do find a way somehow. Just gotta speak the right words to the right crowd after all.
There's a rite of passage or test for all new children of Hermes. You're tasked to steal something or pull of a trick. It doesn't matter what, but they give major points for theatrical, the risk, and the reward. If you feel especially brave, you can ask one of the Senior members of the cabin to give you a specific task. So far, the most infamous steal was stealing the jaguar head in the Big House. Good luck getting him away from Mr. D and good luck not getting your hand bitten. There's always points for effort, so don't worry if you don't pull of the feat...but if you do-
Given that your cabin is also for travelers of new demigods, you are taught the rules of hospitality and help those who come in. Even if the space is tight, you learn how to deal with it. 
Be prepared for being an unofficial (thieving) guild. With Hermes' domain, it sort of becomes something like that. The Hermes cabin, and the children of Hermes, inevitably become a source of information, odd jobs, know hows, and so much more.
If you have played Assassin's creed or seen of it, you know the tricks? You bet the Hermes' children know how to pull it off. Especially dropping into the pile of hay. It's sort of a rite for the Hermes' children to pull off that maneuver.
Parkour. Parkour. Parkour.
“Well, guess there’s that,” said Travis before he grinned, “Welcome to Cabin 11!”
“Again” noted Connor, “But this time, we’re going to give you a child of Hermes welcome!”
You saw the glint in their eyes before all of a sudden, there was confetti and sparkles exploding in your face. You flailed and coughed, before there were party poppers and people cheering, “Welcome to Cabin 11!!!” they all cheered. 
When the dust settled, Travis and Connor were on either side of you before guiding you to a certain direction. 
“Space might be a bit cramped,” said Travis, “But as an official child of Hermes, you have your own permitted and designated space.” 
“There’s some rules in place but basically, we have an honour code of thieves if you will” said Connor, “Which is your space is your safe space. No one gets to touch your bed, your things, or whatever without your permission.”
They shift you to your bunk bed space and noticed there were freshly placed pillows, comforters, and what have you. There was even a little shelf above your head for some things and a little round mirror. On the surrounding sides of your space, there was a curtain that created an illusion of space. 
“Now we’ll let you get yourself settled and have fun!” the Stoll brothers said together before shoving your belongings into your arms, before quickly booking it. Everyone was snickering and you had a big suspicion. As soon as you dumped your stuff onto your bed, you saw something in the corner of your eye. You turned and came face to face with the mirror to see your face covered in clown make up and your hair had turned into a very different colour. 
You felt your face flush in embarrassment before anger filled you and then yelling. All the children of Hermes who were in on the prank immediately laughed, and booked for it with the Stolls, with you chasing after them.
“Don’t worry! It’ll disappear in an hour!” yelled one of the Stolls, but they were weaving in and around each other so fast you couldn’t tell which one was which.
 Soon enough it devolved into a game of ultimate tag and by the end of it you were all laughing.
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