#this is basically unedited and tbh idk much about tags
mysticalmagickial · 1 year
You're wandering along with a moment-capture device in hand.
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It was sunrise not long ago, and though you feel uninspired this morning, you decide to wander outside with a camera in hand. The first time you've done so this seriously in a long while, and though you say seriously, we know you really mean you are going with simple intent; to capture something amidst whimsy and your utter joy under the sunlight, because birds are everywhere, like little fae hopping through cracks in our understanding - of course they're fae, there are wings and songs and shows of dramatic singing, things we look past in search of some deeper magick. You stop to admire the way that they move with a dance or with the intelligence of a creature whose experience we will never come to understand.
It is simply cryptidicy. It is a bird's very nature to be everywhere and nowhere at once, in cities and bushlands and fields and seas, to lure us in and laugh when we cannot keep up. Do not eat the things that they give you, only steep in the love which you find here. What you know and what you feel and see in front of you is like the shiny rock to your own bird brain.
Here you are in the morning light and the air of a new day. You cannot help but feel enchanted and connected a little more than the version of you earlier this morning did, and you hope you can connect the emptiness to this joy one day. You also cannot help to be excited and to want to share, because every time you come here it is a new discovery. You have so much to say about the places you arrive each day but you suppose that that is the nature of nature - it wants to tell a story. It wants to connect through roots and fungi systems and energy in the air and rocks, folded in the scientific magick of our understanding and expanding whatever we know to be true.
Perhaps one day you might consider the creation of a space for your efforts, your loves and your hopes. Perhaps you really will share it, the magick that you see, with anyone you possibly can as you have attempted to so far. You think you feel a little more inspired now; so you open the web and choose to put your passion somewhere, a fly in a net and a blog on a site, in hopes that you catch glimpses, or fall into caverns, of jewels of passion from others like you.
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craniumculverin · 5 years
some unedited, brain flow-type ramblings based on @donc-desole‘s oc percy as a villain in a ww2 era au. more about how a narrative might work then anything. i’m really rusty on my ww2 knowledge and don’t wanna let myself fall down another research rabbit hole, so i’m probably off with how military stuff works.
ww2!au possible story?
maybe wes is the unwitting companion to harry who’s on a mission. not the sidekick mind you, wes would still be the main character and protagonist, just not the action movie hero - that’s harry’s role.
wes is technically harry’s c.o. but was supposed to leave the front due to injury (losing his finger). due to a bureaucratic error nothing is done to get him out, but he’s believed to be on his way back to england. meanwhile, harry is a slightly lower ranked officer but for whatever reason is chosen to do something or other by the higher ups - he’s given a secret mission basically, and has to fake being KIA in order to proceed. or something.
despite wallowing in his horrible mood, wes is still protective of his friends.  so when a surprise skirmish happens and the world’s blowing up around them, and he sees harry run off, he runs after - partly to make sure he stays alive, partly to yell at him for being stupid. they end up in enemy territory, one believed to be heading home, the other believed KIA due to swapping uniforms/tags with a similar looking, already-dead-before-the-fight guy.
wes is livid with harry and can’t comprehend why he refuses to head back to allied territory, harry is trying to keep it together while not letting wes know that he’s - rather they’re - on a secret, possibly undercover mission.
idk how it plays out from there, specifically. harry would probably breakdown at some point and tell wes some of what he’s doing, but whether that’s before or after wes already figures it out or the mission is completed, idk. harry’s a horrible choice to carry out a secret mission tbh.
one way or another they end up very close to a german field hospital or the like. wes’ injury isn’t doing well and harry took a tumble - he’s not too badly hurt, but looks like hell. they get captured, wes chokes and just silently surrenders, but harry ups the dramatics and acts like he’s horribly wounded and confused. and also american, cus harry is just. harry. neither are wearing their uniforms anymore having changed them out for civvies, so the germans bring them to the hospital, as captives/patients i guess.
and that’s how they meet percy, a doctor and one of, if not the, chief medical officer running the place. seeing through harry’s horrible accent right off the bat, percy decides to play along and speak with a perfect english accent, which confuses the two along with his english surname(?). he immediately knows something’s up, has them searched and all their belongings taken before being restrained and left alone somewhere whilst under guard. harry keeps up the act while wes is between pissed and pissing himself. 
wes and harry start bickering, thinking they’re still alone, but percy quietly enters the room alone and listens for a while. eventually wes notices him, falling silent as percy just placidly smiles back, before harry turns to see and goes deathly still and quiet as well.
then the three have a nice chat. and by “nice” i mean percy is disturbingly sweet and genial even as he semi-openly threatens them, etc. by the end of it he knows they’re british soldiers on a mission, but harry has managed not to totally give everything away. wes is extremely uncomfortable with how percy has been acting toward him in particular - which at this point is just percy having fun; he sees an opportunity to probe and observe, he takes it. harry continues to keep his american act going despite obviously being found out, which wes actually apologizes for to percy out of embarrassment, which catches the doctor off guard and intrigues him. he drops the english accent for his usual german when he responds in a positive fashion, which takes wes by surprise - cus it sounded so legit, but also cus percy could’ve really used their thinking he was english to his advantage.
wes and harry are kept as prisoner-patients basically, occasionally being questioned by percy, who almost always does so alone. they’re also kept separated, cus percy doesn’t trust them together/their bickering bothers the patients/staff. even though harry isn’t really hurt other than some scratches he’s still seen to, while wes has it bad cus his injury got infected while traipsing around the countryside. despite his being the enemy, percy claims his role as a doctor comes first and treats him personally - wes is thrown off by the genuine concern for his well-being. which while it is genuine, percy knows he can possibly use, and so ups the act.
guessing wes is of a higher rank than harry (which wes confirms) percy also mistakenly assumes that means he’s the one in charge of he and harry’s mission. despite all the uncomfortably personal interactions he ends up having with percy over time, wes manages to keep the truth to himself. mostly cus he still doesn’t know what the mission even is and doesn’t want to mess anything up for completing it if they get out alive.
speaking of personal interactions, unless wes acts out, percy treats him as though they were simply acquaintances and not captor/prisoner - talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies, interests, etc. in particular he learns of wes’ playing the violin and how broken he is over losing a finger - and uses it against him. somehow. idk, manipulation and the like, details details.
at some point percy approaches harry when wes isn’t there, under the guise of checking up on him. he casually brings the conversation to the female staff, particularly the ones that have been seeing to harry. he basically turns from soft doctor to cut-your-throat-out doctor in a split second as he causes harry a good deal of pain, warning him to stop harassing his people or he’ll be in a similar shape to wes - aka missing something or other similar to finger size. harry agrees, trying not to let on how scared he is. soft doctor is back and percy smiles, thanks him, and leaves. harry takes percy more seriously than before. which he really should’ve been anyway.
 at some point wes and harry manage to talk alone, or from time to time. they realize and discuss how percy must've never reported them to his higher-ups cus no one outside the hospital has come for them. they’re hella suspicious of his motives but can’t agree on what to do about it. wes ends up deciding not to bring it up to percy.
 they’re brought in for another round of questions. percy’s demeanor seems different this time - he says he’s glad they’ve recovered, and that he’s tired of their not cooperating.
then he signals the guards to beat the shit out of harry.
wes freaks out and starts yelling, which turns to begging percy to stop. percy smiles and calmly says that he’d gladly do so, if wes tells him what their goal is. wes falters when harry tells him not to, but sorta lets the cat out of the bag when he snaps back about not knowing anything anyway. percy is somewhat surprised to learn harry’s the “mastermind” here.
he lets the beating continue as he know tries to get harry to talk, who of course doesn’t. eventually percy has to call off the beating so harry isn’t too badly hurt, despite getting nothing out him. he immediately orders that harry be taken to be seen to properly while wes is left with him, trying not to cry.
percy turns to him with a friendly smile and apologizes for assuming he was who had to be targeted, and after looking thoughtful comments this way was better for wes. once asked to elaborate, percy says if he’d been targeting harry and with how stubborn he is, he’d have let most of wes’ fingers be broken before he even considers talking. harry’s so stubborn, he wouldn’t have broken as quickly as wes did, so wes likely would’ve outright lost another finger or two. how fortunate for wes that the doctor had assumed incorrectly, that he didn’t have to allow harm to come to him, etc.
percy says all of this as though the very thought disturbs him, to make wes think he actually cares, but wes isn’t responding by now out of shock/trauma. he’s led back to where he’s been being held and after a while breaks down sobbing.
after a few days of asking wes is allowed to see harry, who at the time is still bedbound and seemingly unconscious. he looks like shit, but is feigning sleep as wes visits, so they whisper to each other. wes is still messed up from what percy said about harry letting him lose his fingers, and has begun to doubt/mistrust harry’s choices - just as percy intended.
wes asks for more info on the mission, partly out of his own curiosity as to what harry would take a beating over, and also to maybe use as leverage to get them out of here. harry refuses cus he can read his friend like a book, upsetting wes. he tells harry he’s gonna get them both killed and storms off to be taken back to his room. harry feels bad but knows his friend is stressed out, and is frankly too tired/injured to care very much. which is partly planned by percy - being on pain meds to mess with his head, but not so much as to strain the supply for his actual patients.
idk, percy basically manipulates and gets wes to start doubting/mistrusting harry, while harry is kept away from him and drugged. the only interaction wes really has is with germans that don’t speak english, and percy - so really just percy. like stockholm syndrome sorta-ish, except wes is definitely, extremely wary of him.
the doctor has taken an interest in him and finds him enjoyable to “study”, but more importantly thinks he can still use him and maybe harry to his own benefit, aka mess with nazi plans somehow. he’s a great doctor and good at running the field hospital - not so much good at being a nazi.
i feel horrible just thinking about it but what if evil!percy ends up killing paddy? that’s one way to ensure your status as a villain - kill the kindly, sagely scottish dude. i have no idea how that would even work... prolly paddy’s a sniper that spies wes and harry as prisoners in the field hospital, but before he can regroup with his men to set up a rescue he’s caught or shot. injured or not, he’s captured as well, initially brought to percy when he’s questioning wes and harry at some point so the two are aware of him.
idk how that plays out, but he wouldn’t be killed immediately. and it’d definitely be the last straw for wes before he’s absolutely done with percy.
despite being a wehrmacht officer percy doesn’t agree with his boss’ ideology, aka nazism. but to maintain his job/rank/station, which he thoroughly enjoys, he has to play the part of the agreeable subordinate. which he isn’t, since he’s all about seditious acts in his free time, but he keeps up the facade.
basically his priorities are ranked: (1) immediate patients and staff. (2) other’s lives, enemy or not. (3) maintain his position as an officer in order to fulfill #1. (4) cause trouble for nazis in a way that doesn’t cost lives (to fulfill #2), without exposing himself (to fulfill #3).
nowhere in his priorities is any nazi/nationalistic bs, cus he’s a scientifically-minded doctor, and none of it makes a lick of scientific sense. people are people, and people are to be helped equally, regardless of lineage/sexuality/etc.
he’d have had to take the hitler oath at some point to serve or continue serving. it likely meant nothing to him; just another formality of staying in military service, since the alternative was p much execution. is an oath really an oath if there’s no option other to take it, beside dying? especially if the person is either agnostic or atheist, so the concept of swearing to a divine power means nothing?
or maybe he charmed his way out of it but is in the books as having taken it. suave doctor.
how would percy go about sedition while staying undetected and costing as few lives as possible? idk. but generally, it's likely stuff like bribery or blackmail, or making it so other’s plans go awry. little things that don’t seem like they’d add up to much, but could end up causing quite a change in the long run. the butterfly effect, but instead of a butterfly it’s a manipulative swiss-german military doctor that would rather not have complete idiots in charge, and instead of a hurricane it’s like. a series of inconveniences to the nazi’s overall war efforts.
that makes him sound too good though, he’s supposed to be evil... his mindset is good, that’s what it is. his overarching goal is to help his patients and stop needless loss of life - but to do so he’s willing to utterly ruin or destroy whoever he must to attain that goal, without a lick of remorse. hero’s become villains when achieving a goal outweighs maintaining a moral code - percy’s on the edge of that balancing act just by his nature, i think.
so what if he caused a small town to be destroyed by the intel he had altered via anonymous blackmail? civilian lives were lost, sure, but  if the wehrmacht had attacked and captured the actual coordinates, they’d have a supply route advantage and be able to turn the tide in their favor, costing significantly more lives, civilian or otherwise, in the long run. he’ll gladly personally send a few hundred innocents to death now to potentially save tens of thousands later.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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Technically I still want to stay on a break but also...yesterday was the worst and I basically needed to come back here to feel better. Did it help? Not really, but fuck real life, who needs it anyway, ya know? Sims are never gonna give me up, never gonna let me down, all that good stuff.
God, what a mood. I should shut up. Instead I’m gonna do the replies, yay!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Screenshot Folder I did something very unlike me this week: I deleted...”
Must resist the urge to grab and edit all the Sammy shots ����
Go for it!
Side note, yesterday I added so many new screenshots to the folder. Some of them are really old and no one would ever possibly go and think “this one screenshot with really bad lighting? yup, gonna edit that one”. Unedited screenshots folder? More like a literal archive because simmeronnie is a freak for keeping things organized and in one place
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Yeah sure. Into the fire!”
That seems healthy. lolol
He scares me, to be honest. He looks like he’s the gift from heavens but I have a feeling he’s the exact opposite
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Dad, guess what I want for my birthday.” Ross: “A dog. I’ve...”
Maybe there's hope for him yet!
Yes! He’s slowly but surely getting better. Kind of. We can’t call it a redemption arc but he’s getting better for sure.
green-productivitea replied to your photoset “One day, you’ll go to space, Sunset. I know you will. Keep dreaming...”
Oh, i'm melting
I’m weak for all the moments he shows he cares for her tbh
simlovinggirl replied to your post “tumblr you fucked up, just saying in case no one has told you yet I’ve...”
i just saw this too, i just requested like 50 posts from like 3 different stories, so we'll see how effed up my blog is now. Sorry your having issues too :(
elisabettasims replied to your post “tumblr you fucked up, just saying in case no one has told you yet I’ve...”
Almost nobody remembers when this happened before. It got straightened out but I had so many posts marked sensitive then. As, usual, they went too far. Also the new guidelines have gone too far, too.
Here’s a few things I remember getting flagged:
Sunset. Loads of posts with Sunset in it. Rude. What has she ever done to you, tumblr?
Ross and Valentine teasing each other (well, actually it was Valentine teasing Ross but still)
Why create this “female-presenting nipples” nonsense when the algorithm can’t tell so called female-presenting and male-presenting nipples apart
Basically sims in swimsuits are a big no
Sims travelling around the world? Sorry Ezra and Carrie, it’s dirty :/
Gen 2 of Raven Legacy was sooooo nsfw y’all. Maaaany posts were flagged
For some reason the algorithm doesn’t like Zoey??
My gen 4 pose dump got flagged as well
I have like two posts with sims kissing in bed in their underwear (Tyler and Sharon in the extras tag and then Miracle and Adam in the legacy) and they both were flagged DESPITE THE LACK OF FEMALE-PRESENTING NIPPLES YOU STUPID ALGORITHM THE GIRLS HAD BRAS FFS
Sorry that was aggressive. Wow.
The bras were really nice by the way. My bras are ugly compared to theirs
Did someone say big mood?
Also since it apparently picks the posts by colour as well, posts with a lot of orange/yellow/pink in them were often flagged as well
Surprisingly, only my posts from 2017 and 2018 were affected. The super super old stuff from 2016 wasn’t flagged at all.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Marika: “You’re still as stupid as I remember you.” Ross: “I’m stupid?...”
Oh fuck /off/, Marika
Me whenever I see her in the game
Also, fun fact, all of Ross’s lovers got married by MCCC later. Marika was the only one who remained single. Guess Ross has to pass up that “the Worst” title to her, huh?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Marika: “Anyway…how is my daughter? She’s going to be thirteen, isn’t...”
That ship has sailed? You just straight up left her? Bye ����
I want to say something else but spoiler alert, those would be the exact same words Sunset says later, so I’ll just shut up here. Wait for Sunset to say it in a few weeks.
kupari replied to your photoset “Ross: “She has a family. This conversation is over.” Marika: “You...”
I'm glad I'm not the only Marika around heh
It’s a pretty name! Also I’m sorry that my Marika is a bit of a bitch D:
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I don’t go upstairs to December and Kieran’s bedroom anymore…and this...”
I’m editing them out of the holiday for sure. They freak me out.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I should’ve told her about Marika, I know…but I just couldn’t do it....”
Eh, in this case, I don't think waiting a day or two will hurt.
I mean yeah, it took her years to change her mind too.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Not leaving, might be taking a break”
I agree its not the same right now. I think everyone is just waiting to see what happens.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Not leaving, might be taking a break”
I had to turn off seeing reblogs to get some peace from the anxiety and, frankly, dramatics coming out of this. LOL
I feel like things have calmed down a little bit? Which means I guess I can come back but also, I still have a lot of homework and it would really be for the best if I stayed away...but let’s be real I don’t have the willpower to stay away.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Wait nevermind…are you okay??”
I don’t wanna put the 👀 emoji bc he could just be legitimately sick, but I’m gonna go with the 👀 emoji anyway
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Caleb: My daughter has a girlfriend. That’s…that’s…I’m happy for her...”
Like any other mature, centuries old adult. You be happy for her.
He is gonna be happy once he’s over the surprise lol. He’s just too shocked to think straight right now.
jackssims replied to your photoset “I failed to get a good screenshot so here’s Sunset looking pretty much...”
Oh god what a mood
Me last year during my birthday party when I realized all my relatives had given me money to get a driving license when I’m in fact terrified of driving (to this day I still don’t have a driving license and I’m not planning on getting it unless I really have to get it)
Me this year...oh wait I’m not having a birthday party with my family this year, nice. And the only thing that was close to a birthday party got cancelled because my friend bailed on me. Really nice I love my life
stfu ron stop being so bitter literally no one cares
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lilith: “I’m surprised you finally decided to show up. What brings you...”
👀  the only acceptable emoji when it comes to this generation
idk what I just tried to tell by that  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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