#this is base din my own experience of being on a bomb lockdown when i was in highschool so yeah
statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/Reader Reader gets trapped at school during a shooting
TW: This imagine involves discussion and talk about school shootings
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“Lance said that..” “I heard he was going to build a bomb” “ Where would he even get a gun..” “I heard she wasn’t going to show up to school today?” “Is she here? If she’s here he won’t do it right?” “It’s her fault; she should have just accepted the date; gone out with him.” “If she hadn’t been such a prude none of this would be happening.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and try to block out the shaky whispers. You knew they were just as scared; that turning to gossip to find a reason for this was the only way they could find comfort. You stay crouched under the table; you’d managed to be in the bathroom when they’d called the lockdown; when you’d heard the words active shooter ring through the PA system and you’d run for the closest classroom. Don’t stay in the halls; don’t go in the bathrooms. It had been drilled into your head since you were little. Get away from the windows and doors, stay quiet, stay dark, stay alive. Stay alive.
You try not to think about where everyone else is; what your friends are doing; who they might be texting; what they’re thinking. You try to avoid thinking about Sweet Pea; you’re almost a little bitter; the fear in your chest mixing into resentment; at least the southside school didn’t have to deal with crazy Ghoulies.You knew it was because the Ghoulies had gotten it shut down but it doesn’t lessen the sting as you hold your breath; swearing you can hear footsteps pausing outside the empty classroom.
You close your eyes and hold your breath. The footsteps, which are suddenly very real, pass by. You think you can hear shouting. You don’t hear gunfire; you’re not sure why. 
You can hear more shouting; more screaming; adult voices, louder, deeper. Angrier. Screaming again. You keep your eyes closed until you hear the classroom door being kicked open.
“Y/N!!!” You crawl out from under the desk; Sweet Pea pulling you into his arms and squeezing you in his arms to the point you struggle to breathe.
“I’m okay; what.. What happened.. Did Lance actually..”
“No the cops grabbed him when he got into the art room; he went around back where that big loading dock is to stake out everywhere; he got the days wrong; such a stupid mistake but he did. There was no art class so he had to loop around again. May have saved everyone’s lives.”
“So the cops are here..”
“Mhm they’re dealing with other people; we can just stay here for the moment. Let’s just sit here.” Sweet Pea keeps his arms around you but sits you on his lap and sits in the chair.
“Hey it’s alright we’ll get through this.” He’s running his hands against your back and you press your face in his shoulder to try to stop yourself from crying more.
“It’s okay baby; it’s alright; don’t worry you’re safe; I got you. You’re safe.” He kisses your forehead as you look up when the police step into the room.
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