#this is amazing im so nuts about this i bet you anything all their positions will reset when i leave LOL
smokinsid · 27 days
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im having the time of my life LOOK at them all!!!
(my only request is to set them in idle poses/emote loops can we do that for me anet)
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wtfdavidsvlogs · 6 years
Not here...Not now (D.D)
Warnings: talks of naked bodies, nudes, swearing, dirty talk, sexting,
Requested: Anon said
You're supposed to meet with David after work at his place and he's been so busy with work lately you've been getting impatient. You show up, he's not there. You text to see where he is. He says he had to film with Jason driving around cause Jasons memory card broke. Annoyed but feeling flirty you step out of your comfort zone and start sending him pictures.
Gif by: @allthesepurplelights
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I was finally on my way home. Thank the Lord. I seriously couldn’t have gotten out of that office quicker. I work in a tax office as a receptionist. I know worlds most boring fucking job ever. But it pays very well and money is not boring. Anyway, I was finally on my way to Davids place because we had previously agreed to stay in and just hang out. The two of us. We’ve both so busy with our work that we set aside tonight for us. I stop the car in the driveway after being let into the gate. I grab my bag, jacket, and my keys and make my way inside. I unlock the glass door and proceed to take off my glossy heather grey heels. I hang my keys on the hook and carry my bag to lay it down on the pool table.
“David! I’m home, baby!” I said excitedly. I waited a couple seconds for a response from him and nothing.
“David?!” I yell again while walking around the house. Confused, I decide to text him asking where he is.
You: Where are u?
It took him a while to text back with an excuse. I don’t want to sound petty and jealous but we set this day aside specifically.
David❤️: Holy shit, baby! I’m so sorry. I totally forgot. I had to film with Jason cause his memory card broke. I’m coming back right now.
“Aw man!” I yelled into the empty house. I knew he’d try and get here as soon as possible but it sucked that he wasn’t now. He does everything for me I should just be glad that he is trying. Some guys don’t but he does. As I start to trap myself in thinking about amazing my boyfriend is, an idea passed through my frustrated mind. Maybe he isn’t here, but I can sure as hell make him wish he was. I’ve been with this kid for 3 years, I know what it takes to ya know...get things started. I grab one of his shirts and my black lace panties. I throw my hair up and go to the mirror with my phone in hand. An outfit like this is sure to drive him nuts. I lift up the side of the shirt closest to the mirror and lean on my one leg to make my ass look big. I snap the picture and send it his way. This is revenge. He can never control himself when it comes to me no matter the time or the place.
Davids Pov
I felt awful. I know how long she’s been looking forward to our night and I ruined it. I told Jason the situation and he understood. He started to drive me back home which we were thirty minutes away from. When I suddenly get a picture sent to me from Y/N. I open my phone to see her in the big mirror with my shirt on and black underwear on.
“Jesus Christ.” I said quietly while choking on my tongue. She was gonna torture me in the car, over text message, with Jason in the car. She knows exactly how to fuck with me in that way and she knows I can’t control what happens down there when that time comes. I bite my lip and look to Jason who is too focused on the road to notice this. My fingers fly across the keyboard.
You: 1 image attachment
David❤️: Baby, not here...not now
Your Pov
It was working. I had this idea to start sending videos of me slowly taking off articles of clothing. I pressed record while doing different poses and stuff I then proceed to take off my panties and drop them on the floor. This was gonna kill him inside. But it wasn’t done there. I sent the video and felt absolutely no regret.
David pov
A video?! God this girl was trying to get me killed. I opened it while scooting a bit further back and raising my phone closer to my face. I press play and see her in the mirror still doing different poses amd she then uses one hand to remove her underwear and drop them on the ground. My jaw is practically on the floor. I watch the 9 second video over and over again to make sure what I’m seeing is real. I throw my head back whispering curse words to myself. I look back to my keyboard. This was starting and I couldn’t stop it.
David❤️: Stop. Now. I’m in a small car with Jason right now.
You: I bet this is killing you inside and you haven’t even seen me yet..
You: Dirty thoughts
She decided to send a video holding up the shirt passed her uncovered boobs. Exposing herself to me completely. I took a sip of water now sweat was running down places trying to keep myself contained. Oh my god this little bitch took it all off. She twirled around and shook her ass and ran off camera.
Your pov
I think I got my point across. In the last video I decided to shake my ass at the camera a little bit because David is and always has been, an ass man. That for sure drove him over the edge. I put my clothes back on because Davids guys friends would be arriving any second. I invited them over so that when David did get home he wouldn’t be able to get his hands on me. That would be the ultimate tease. A picture with these guys in mirror I was just naked in. I waited for them to arrive and literally in minutes they all did. I yelled hello and ushered them all inside. I greeted people and said hello to everyone. I suggested that we all take a picture in the mirror. I crouch down while the rest of them hold up peace signs or blessing positions. This was going to kill him.
Davids pov
One last picture I hoped. I open my phone to Y/N in the mirror with the guys. They had no idea what she was just doing. Now they are all going to be there when I get back so I will have to wait hours to get to her completely. She is the devil in an angels suit. She was the ultimate punisher. I inhale through my nose as we finally reached my house the driveway filled with cars. I walked in to all of the guys chilling and talking to one another some of them talking to Y/N. She gasped and got up slowly from her seat but came over to give me a kiss.
“Hi.” She said to me quietly. I looked at her up nd down. She looked like she had never done anything bad in her life. An innocent little snowflake but I was the only one that really knew how wrong that was. i touched her hip and pulled her a bit closer.
“I. Will deal with you later.” I growled in her ear. She shivered at the sound of me. Knowing I have that effect on her gives me such a power rush. She walks away from me swaying her hips back and forth in the process. God the things I was going to do to her. The night went on and we exchanged glances from time to time. When Zane was the last to leave Y/N shut the door behind him. I waited by sitting on the edge of the pool couch. She turned around and found me. She discarded her jacket.
“What now?” She said wrapping her arms around my neck. I stand up and I grab her ass so that she she can straddle me in the air. She wraps her little legs around me.
“Now, it’s my turn to tease you to death, and I won’t be going easy on you either.” I said into her ear. Her head leaned back as if she was gaining pleasure from me just talking to her like that.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” She said pecking my lips. I carry her into my room and throw her on the bed.
“You left me in a car trapped with Jason with all of these videos and pictures of you teasing me out of my mind which left me with the worst blue ball I’ve ever had and you have the audacity to ask me if I’m threatening you or promising this?” I said to her. She batted her thick lashes at me and looked up with her sparkling Y/E/C eyes. “Let’s just say...you’ll feel this tomorrow.”
Wow that took so much longer than I had originally thought. wow i hope you enjoyed anon!!
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I Give Up Q&A
igu was great I cried like every chapter ok fam but- why the hot dog lmao
Im assuming this is for the Q&A since there is a question involved. Dood…why did Hot dog dress up as a hot dog for Halloween? Because chanyeol told her to go for funny over sexy. Why did i choose a hot dog costume? Its the second thing i thought of after a crunchy taco. A friend of mine owns a crunchy taco costume but we are mexican so its a familiar funny food item to us, but i was thinking about my international readers who might be more familiar with a Hot Dog, so i went with that. I literally make this stuff up…i just randomly picked something and then once drunk Yixing referred named her by her costume (was it chapter 21?), well the nickname stuck.
Anon Did anything go down between Baekhyun and Sehun on behind the scenes?
The real conflict between the two came from the bet that the EXO members made about Baekhyun and Hot Dog …they placed secret bets on the day the lovely couple would make up and get back together. Sehun had picked the night of the halloween party so he knew he had to pull out all the stops and use every trick he had up his sleeve In order to win. Sehun knew that Baek was the protective, jealous type and he used that to his advantage, getting Hot Dog good and drunk and hanging around her all night, being as flirty as he could be and making sure that Baekhyun saw all of it. When Baekhyun found out that Sehun got Hot Dog drunk on purpose and hung out with her all night within the eyeline of Baekhyun, just so that they would makeup that night and Sehun would win the bet, Baekhyun didn’t speak with Sehun for a whole week. At that point though it was kind of hard for Baek to stay mad when he and Hot Dog had made up and that happiness was so all consuming. Baek forgave Sehun after some expert whining and groveling.
Anon So…. does Junmyeon ever approve of Baek and Hot Dog’s relationship
Junmyeon approved after he met her during the dinner with Chanyeol. He found her to be intelligent and level headed and seeing the efforts she made to fight for their relationship after the breakup really made a good impression on him. He still makes sure to remind everyone of the importance of discretion and avoiding scandals, but he considers her part of the family now.
Anon Do you remember Baekhyun’s small notebook from chapter 19?? “You turned quickly and grabbed the small notebook you had resisted earlier off his nightstand and lifted it up…” Can you tell us now😅
Anon What about the notebook in chapter 19? What’s its secret? epilogue dood
Anon @ hotdog; did u get to read whatever was written on baek’s lil notebook?
the notebook will be in the epilogue.
Anon how many time passed from chapter 1 to chapter 28?
@jhopeismybutthole What amount of time did IGU take place in? Did main character hangout with other exo members after the costume party? Did baekhyun ask main characters dad for his blessing before officially proposing?
Baek and HD met in March of 2016, They celebrated their 100 day anniversary in July. Broke up around 200 days in October and got married just after their 300 day anniversary in January of 2017. :D
Things were a tiny bit awkward for HD and the other EXO members after the costume party. That was the night Baek and HD officially made up and Chanyeol, among other members heard them make up. It took a good couple of days before she could even look Chanyeol in the eye after that, but they all assured her that it was nothing that hadnt happened in the dorms before. Sehun was just happy to have won the bet. Kyungsoo was hoping Hot Dog and Baekhyun would work out because Baekhyun was far less annoying when he was in a relationship than when he was single, and Jongin always made it a point to strike up conversations with her when she was around. Just because they made up didn’t mean it was time for HD to neglect her super affectionate, rather needy boyfriend, and she continued to spend as much time with him during his off time as possible.
Baekhyun didn’t ask her father for permission to marry her. His reasoning was, they were already married, and it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. What’s done was done and he figured they were both about to be in a shit load of trouble anway, they might as well just go all the way.
Anon From where do you get ideas for the upcoming chapters?? I mean what you done with BHXHD in IGU I apparently wanted to know FROM WHERE you get the ideas btw I love you dood
From wheeeeeere? From my brain dood. I tend to pull from the living world around me. I’m always paying attention to things and people, plus i also have a degree in psychology so i have a pretty good understanding of human behavior. I read a lot so i understand how stories are structured and i write the kinds of things that i would enjoy reading myself, so usually these things translate well into my stories. I also listen to lots of music and find inspiration in nearly everything i watch and hear.
One of my most helpful brainstorming methods is talking the plot out with a friend. I have two people that i like to discuss the stories with and usually this helps me think of things, or ideas for things that i hadn’t considered before. :D
Anon Q&A IGU: Did you have the ending planned from the onset?
Nooo, i never know where im going with these stories when i first start them. Ill usually have a general flow of where i want to go, but its so vague that it usually gets modified along the way. Around chapter 15 i said to myself, okay i need some sort of a plan or this thing will be 100 chapters of all smut and nonsense. It felt like it had no real plot. So i had some ideas and some talks with friends about what would be a fun direction to take it. By chapter 26, i had a definite plan for 27 and 28. But i usually dont plan very hard. I let the story write itself.
Anon Did minah get to go home safe?
Minah did get home safely. Unfortunately the two men she had been eyeing all evening went home with each other so she stumbled home alone and rather grumpy. Her disgruntled mood changed to guilt and worry when she found out what happened with Youngshik and Hot Dog and she vowed to kick him hard in the nuts if she saw him again. She never got the chance before the police took him away to be dealt with.
Anon How will their parents react to that marriage omg.. like are they going to repeat a ceremony for their families and friends or (I can imagine Baek doing this) just showing them a picture from their drunk marriage and being like “we got married c:” ?
This will most likely be addressed in the epilogue.
@peter-pan-princess Is 2AM in the same universe as IGU and All His?
yes, IGU, All His and 2AM are all in the same universe. That means the Jongdae who was dressed as Minseok’s lady at the halloween party, is the same Jongdae who is dating Minhee, Minseok’s sister. And the dress he wore actually belonged to Minhee. She also helped with his makeup. The pictures that were leaked of Jongdae were actually an ex he saw briefly before he got together with Minhee.
Did Sehun ever get over his crush on Hot Dog?
sehun is a brat and he never had a real crush, he’s just a flirty guy who likes girls and likes to see what he can get away with. He’s also not to blame for any of it really, but the shorties Baek and Kyungsoo see him as a little bit of a threat because he’s tall and pretty and the girls seem to like him. Hes unintentionally playing against their insecurities.
This will probably be addressed in the epilogue
Anon a weird question but what’s baek & hd’s fave positions in bed bc i feel like i know but i need a confirmation vdhwbdw
This story was so smutty you know what their favorite positions in bed are. But okay okay. Baekhyun really enjoys watching her during sex, so any position that puts her right into his line of sight is a good position. Not that the others are bad positions, he still likes sex in the shower, sex against the wall, sex with her bent over the kitchen table or the arm of the sofa but his favorite, favorite thing in the world is watching himself disappear over and over again as he sits up on his ankles, rolling his hips. She enjoys being on top and he’s always more than willing to give in to her. The memories of her riding on top of him with her head thrown back as she cums are what gets him through some of the lonelier nights when he’s away on tour.
Anon lmao I was thinking how cute baek would be if he got hotdog knocked up but he’s an idol and that would be like reeeeaaaalllyyy inconvenient but still cute tho. They’re goals 👌👌
Unplanned pregnancies are really inconvenient regardless of one’s profession. HD is super careful to always take her pill every day but honestly, anything is possible and Baekhyun and HotDog’s relationship trend seems to all be about the word “Whoops”…if it happens, it would most likely be unplanned and a very real shock for both of them.
I do honestly believe that Baekhyun would be an amazing and very devoted father and the two would tackle the challenge of parenthood together, despite the obvious inconveniences. :D
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jdrespling · 6 years
Headbangers Con Survival Guide
What’s shakin folks? Anthony here again with another killer review coming to you from the FIRST EVER HEADBANGERS CON. Did you say Con? Yes, that is not a misprint. On the evening of November 9th Chris 51 and his crew of metal heads hit the Bossanova Ballroom with one thing on their minds…..METAL. Not only was it successful, but this guy is still feeling the high of being in a room with so many great musicians and people. Never in my existence did I ever think idbe chatting with some of the industry’s leading musicians and some of the greats as well. People like David Ellefson, Dirk Verbeuren from MEGADEATH! Aaron Patrick from All That Remains, Carla & Heidi of the Butcher Babies, Morgan Rose of Sevendust, Corey Glover from Living Color and of course we can not forget our gracious host Chris 51.
 You know though for my first time having the pleasure to doing an event like this it went amazingly well. So as the night started to wind down we got a performance from the one and ONLY STRYPER! Man, these guys can still kick a beat and hold their own. Tonight, will always be one of the greatest nights of my life. One of my favorite moments about tonight. I look over in the corner because I was looking around for shots and photo ops, and I noticed Dirk Verbeuren with his head down and drawing on something, so I wanted to be nosy and walked over and started talking to this lovely young woman named Elizabeth Engel from a non-profit organization called RYFO. They help struggling musicians. She had asked Dirk to draw her a T-Shirt design for her organization and he didn’t even hesitate and did it on the spot. That totally blew me away, here he is supposed to be partaking on the festivities but decides to help this organization out. I got fucking goose bumps. Don’t believe me see the pics. Dirk again you are a hell of a drummer and human being, thank you. But I also believe that tonight I was apart of METAL HISTORY! When im wheeling my old ass in a wheelchair going to the 25th annual Headbangers con and its my 25th then I will reference this article and I will rest my case! so tonight I say good day and ill have more tomorrow
Sometimes you can’t help but be a bit giddy. Start to ask yourself who are you going to meet today? What am I going to do? First I’m going to sit in and hear some stories from Eddie Ojeda of Twisted Sister. Did you know that when Twisted Sister first got signed not only were they signed to a UK label, but people thought they were from Europe? Wow, I had no idea. Also, Eddie has a line of Twisted Hot Sauces, that are amazing, so I bought three. I walked around and went over to the exhibit hall to check out the merch booths.  Then I went back for the Butcher Babies Heidi and Carla. I bet you didn’t know that one of Heidi’s influences is Slipknot well specifically Corey Taylor and her favorite song is the New National Fucking Anthem SURFACING!!! One of my personal favorites as well. Then Carla is a grief counselor and she is a big fan of the immortal PANTERA! As the day wrapped up from elbowing with Rock Gods, Chris 51 had some special entertainment planned. Hyro The Hero and Soil. To be honest I think Portland is still ringing from that show. As you go to a Con or an event that spans over a couple days you can’t help but wonder what you missed or what you lucked out of. Between panels and signing’s, it can be overwhelming. So, I suggest you find a map or the list of events and plan your weekend. Sunday was here and well I didn’t want it to end, its like that favorite moment that you want to live over and over again. Today I was going to sit in on the Burton C Bell panel well because I like Fear Factory. Jose Mangin our host took the stage. I learned a lot about Burton and Fear Factory. Did you know that their name was taken from a Demo tape they got in Europe? One of their first gigs was in a back yard and Dino kept getting shocked because they weren’t grounded properly. Then we sang Happy Birthday to the one and only David Ellefson. As the day closes and the con is packing up you can’t help but feel saddened and a bit down. So, I got to get a book signed by David Ellefson, and I got a post card signed by Derek Riggs the creator of Iron Maiden’s Eddie. Plus, I don’t know if you all know this, but I am a huge star wars nut and bought a really cool book. I wanted to also see what some of these great artists had to say about headbangers con.
Carla Harvey (Butcher Babies)
EE: Just out of curiosity would you do another Headbangers Con
Carla: Oh of course its been a blast it’s very impressive for the first year for the first Head Bangers Con. I think these kind of things should be a staple everywhere around the country don’t you?
EE: I totally agree
EE: Now, would you change anything?
Carla: Would I change anything, I think this is a great example of what a Head Bangers con should be. There’s nothing that I would change, really nothing. There are so many great people here, the fans have all been awesome and the vendors as well. Maybe have them all in one room so we don’t have to walk around as much.
EE: Was it overwhelming to be in the room with so many of the greats like Burton C Bell, David Ellefson?
Carla: WE have been lucky enough to be in the business for over a decade now and a lot of these people we idolized in our youth have become friends over the years, this is more like a family reunion than anything.
EE: Now I have one important question for you sir, would you attend another Head Bangers Con?  (Ron Keel)
RK: I would do it in a heartbeat this has been a fantastic event I’m really glad to be apart of it, and um we have made some new friends seen some old friends and just keep this thing going if Chris Fitty One wants me back for Con number 2 ill be there!
EE: Are you having a good time?
RK: I am absolutely having a blast loving the Rock Star treatment. And a great event for the fans and artists as well!
Nathan Hunt (Shamans Harvest)
EE: how are you doing this morning?
NH: Well I need a lot of coffee especially after last night….
EE: I bet its been a wild weekend.
EE: So the major question is would you do another Head Bangers Con?
NH: Fuck yeah!
EE: Tell me a little bit about your experience this weekend?
NH: Anytime your around like-minded people you know that passion for music it’s always going to be a good weekend.
EE: does it feel like a family reunion?
NH: yes its definitely got that family reunion vibe we all got fucked up Friday, and I chilled yesterday and ordered pizza.
EE: Are you having a good time?
NH: Most definitely I am, learning a lot of shit, with Jose on the stage grinding away.
Davey Grahs (POP EVIL)
EE: The million dollar question is, would you be apart of another Head Bangers Con?
DG: OH Hell yeah, hell yeah this has been great!
EE: What is your thoughts on the concept of having a con for metal heads like us?
DG: I love it I don’t know why we haven’t had anything like this before or sooner
EE: What’s next for Pop Evil
DG: well we have a Canadian tour kicking off next week, then a US run and end it in Europe.
Dirk Verbeuren (MEGADEATH)
EE: Curious, would you be apart of another Head Bangers Con?
DV: absolutely I would this has been a total blast, and ah I think it will only get better since this is the first edition after all.
EE: Where do you think the next location will be?
DV: I am rooting for Los Angeles because it is closer to my house and I like sleeping in my own bed. Lol no I think L.A would be a be a better place because there are a lot of conventions there and its very busy there is a lot of people in the metal scene that would definitely dig things like this so.
Jose Mangin (Sirius Xm Radio)
EE: So Would you be involved with another Head Bangers Con?
JM: Oh My God of course that is a no brainer, I would never miss something that’s as cool as a gathering of us metal fans and  to able to help be a leader for it, a voice for it, it’s an honor to be here. If I saw one dude wearing a metal shirt that’s all I need, but I see a ton of people with big hearts for metal ill never miss this again.
EE: You have done panels for the last two days, right at this moment what is your favorite so far?
JM: I mean dude, Megadeath is one of my all time favorite bands and just always talking to someone of his stature (David Ellefson) it freaks me out because I have been such a long time fan.
EE: Do you still get the giggles when you do interviews?
JM: Always , Always I never take this job, this position this life I have for granted it’s a huge responsibility. But First and foremost I am a FAN.
EE: One last question What would you tell Chris 51 right now?
JM: Dude, I would say thank you for getting all of us head bangers together. Thank you and lets do it again!
Corey Glover (Living Color)
EE: Would you do another Con like this?
CG: Absolutely in a heartbeat I would do it tomorrow, yeah this is fun this is great.
EE: Do you think this is going to open bigger doors and open people’s eyes?
CG: I do I think that as a band, to connect to your audience and the people who appreciate what you do is hard to do at a show, if your really working you only have about a half an hour to meet and greet your fans but its only hi and that’s it. This I get you talk to people all day and that we don’t get to do on a daily basis. Plus the fans can ask specific questions that you don’t get the opportunity to ask at a meet and greet. It like what kind of pick are you using why did you do this instead of that. That is when I feel more connected to my fans.
Burton C Bell (Fear Factory)
EE: Would you do another metal Con and Why
BB: Yes and because its FUCKING FUN AS HELL!
EE: is there anything that really stood out for you this weekend?
BB: Umm just the Family vibe
EE: I have been hearing that a lot from people
BB: and that’s what this is it’s a celebration of the genre intrinsically even if you are a musician or not.
Then I got to see the new Fear Factory album cover…. He hehe…..
This last weekend was not only the time of my life but I have to say very eye-opening. From all the Vendors like The Star Wars Store, Rogue Toys, Period Panties, Terasyne Amps, ROCKSTAR clothing, Morbid Empire, Metal Yoga, Paradise Harley Davidson, Rose City Vapors, and all the tattoo artists. I can’t forget to mention Toxic Zombie, Cryptamnesia, M.I.R.P,  YesterdazeNews Bob Williams Photography you my friend my hats off. You all made me feel very welcome into the fold and I can not wait to shoot side by side and work with you all again. Plus Jose Mangin from Sirius Xm Radio. Brother never lose that passion, I love listening to you on the radio and enjoyed watching you on stage during the panels.
This weekend couldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the great works by Chris 51 and Morgan Rose. You two started a domino effect that will hopefully last for generations. You gave the metal fans a place where we can be as one and feel like we are family.
Chris and Morgan, I personally can not thank you enough for showing this world what metal is and is always going to be. I am anxiously waiting for the news of the next one.
So guys that’s all I am going to say, if you missed out on all the wonderful panels, and your favorite artists. I am truly sorry you missed a HEAD BANGING WEEKEND!!
Thanks again for reading and enjoying what I had to say
  Remember Keep it real and keep it METAL!
I’ll catch you on the flipside!
HeadBangers Con Portland 2018 Review Headbangers Con Survival Guide What’s shakin folks? Anthony here again with another killer review coming to you from the FIRST EVER HEADBANGERS CON.
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