#this is also the first time I love BLM AF gear
kozh-lucium · 5 months
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Have been working on this since benchmark reveal.
I forgot how complex ffxiv gears can be (and honestly these AF gears are actually simpler than the usual crazy raid gear). My hand hurts 😢
Admittedly this isn’t my best effort, but I am too anxious about this already, so… yeah..
Psst, I put an easter egg as well. The hint is SB trailer
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dragons-bones · 3 years
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@lt-rootsap asked: Wardrobe Asks(if you don’t mind doing multiple)
For Synnove ✨
✨ to see my character in their current caster glamour(s)
So I have three caster glamours for Synnove~
First is the “canon” one: this is what I’m running around in game on the vast majority of the time when I’m doing PF farms or just chilling. It might be the canon Endwalker glam, but I am as yet unsure; I haven’t really found a glamour that’s “clicked” for me the same way Synnove’s ShB look did. As a note, I don’t play RDM or BLM, and neither class is canon for Synnove, so I don’t bother to keep separate glamours for them. My glamour plates are at a premium (and primarily dedicated to crafting glams).
Second glamour is Bozja farming glamour: CLL farming, Dal farming, mettle farming, DRS runs. This is technically it’s own gearset entirely, as that is a full Augmented Law’s Order casting set, and I deliberately make sure it never matches the canon glam so that I can immediately tell I need to equip my haste gear. (Full haste gear + Lost Chainspell = ten or eleven wyrmwaves in one Demi-Bahamut window and me cackling like a lunatic.) As haste is useless outside Bozja, this look is not canon...also because I still can’t decide if I like that top or not. Might cycle in the Hannish top instead one of these days.
And then of course, BLU. I genuinely love BLU. It is absolutely not canon for Synnove. I don’t care, soloing a 70 dungeon is a power trip I never get tired of. Yes, getting it to level 70 was pain and agony, but look at that AF! (Hat, top, and pants are dyed dragoon blue for extra oomph of blue.) I earned that AF. (And Predatrice. Need to work on getting my last fourteen BLU spells so I can get the Pure Azure feat and Friar Rush.) Also single best /bstance and /vpose in the game.
And you get bonus smirky Synnove because I’m viscerally attracted to my own characters and so should you. :D
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