#this is also a prime example of that fawning thing he does btw
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soullessjack · 7 months ago
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notice how jack maintains his manners even while still psychotic and prone to violent outbursts. very Cutesy🫶 very mindful 🧘 Very demure 🤌
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speckeltail · 4 years ago
Susie legion
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: The concept of Legion is a super fun, engaging one, even if in practice it was kinda underwhelming. As a character, Susie as a kinda shy, naive hanger-on that got in so far over her head and is now struggling to stay a part of her gang, being forced to kill people when she isn’t even all the way grown up yet and definitely wouldn’t have chosen to in the first place-- that’s engaging.
Why I don’t: Hate how fandom infantilizes her at times. I tend to never specifically hate a character for how they’re shown in canon, unless the devs fuck it up (see: Doc, Julie’s tome), with some notable exceptions that I think have just been poorly conceived and written from the start (say, Mustafa Ali leading Retribution, also bc out of kayfabe he’s I think said he’s unhappy with it because he doesn’t want to be playing a villain; it makes no sense with his previously established character and he’s clearly not having a good time playing it, and Retribution is ALSO clearly thinly-veiled Antifa or whatever so we’re supposed to think they’re villains bc mr mcmahon is an old fuck), and at that point it’s not even hatred for the character themselves; I fucking HATE Freddy but can’t deny that he’s a PHENOMENAL villain and the visceral, passionate hatred I have for him makes me root against him and for the heroes, and I love seeing him get what’s coming to him. In wrestling terms, that’s called heat, and it’s a good thing and good villains should be able to generate heat. After Doc’s tome, I’m like a skittish feral animal, I don’t trust them to not wreck him further-- they took a great fckn villain and decided to depart entirely from one trope onto another, which would be fine, if they had introduced an entirely new character to fill the niche! The emotion I feel toward tome-Doc is, in wrestling, “go away heat”, which is a bad kind of heat bc the audience doesn’t want to SEE the villain, doesn’t want to watch them get beat up even, they just want them to go away and for the story to continue. I feel this way toward say, Thanos too btw, purely because of how he was portrayed by the writers. A good writer can take a mediocre, C-list character and elevate them to godlike status (Kite Man. F*** yeah Kite man) and writers who don’t care, don’t know the character, have an alternate agenda, or just... don’t have time or energy to do a character justice can cause a fandom to lose interest in a character entirely. I’m sure there’s a way to make me interested in Thanos. Apologia for his abuse and shitty actions throughout an entire series of movies is not the way to do that.
ANYWAY BACK TO SUSIE. Her Lunar New Year skin is a prime example of me losing interest in the canon direction of a character. It contradicts her original lore and the characterization set forth there. If we’re to assume that these skins are legitimate/”real”, which people are totally allowed to do, it paints a very different picture of Susie.
Thank god for fic that rehabilitates her tho (ILM by @ziracona does a good job of portraying a semi-adult Susie who still has some kidlike attributes, bc ofc she’s the baby of the gang).
Favorite episode (scene if movie): N/A
Favorite season/movie: Darkness Among Us bc devs hadn’t fucked her up at that point
Favorite line: DbD does not have voice lines sadly but I love her stun noise lol
Favorite outfit: IDK I don’t play Susie. The new Chimeric Horde Blight skin is SICK though, it’s visually striking and elicits so much pathos, and I do like her default skin bc it’s unapologetically cute. Can’t kill survivors if you aren’t feelin cute.
OTP: No OTPS here unfortunately, I’m not super into shipping Susie with anyone. Susie/Meg is kinda cute tho
Brotp: Susie/Julie is super cute.
Head Canon: Susie likes wrestling. Big Diva stan if I’ve ever seen one; what’s more fun than curling up on the couch and watching pretty ladies toss each other across a ring? Gay awakening. Made her realize she had a crush on Julie bc one of the divas looked kinda similar to Julie.
Unpopular opinion: IDK see what I hate. People who like the new lore are entitled to that and I’m glad there’s someone out there pulling for it, but it’s just personally not for me.
A wish: I wish people would stop being weird about her and start being weird about Deathslinger instead
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: BHVR please stop contradicting your own lore
5 words to best describe them: Shy, fawning, playful, affectionate, naive
My nickname for them: Miss Susie Legion/Miss Susie/Susan
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ralfstrashcan · 6 years ago
3x20 Reaction / Commentary
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I wonder why, considering it wasn't hard at all. They barely had a plan and even had time to include some personal drama in their fight. Wtf. The only thing I can imagine why no one ever managed to kidnap her before is because no one wanted to have a hostage as irritating as the seelie queen.
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Hahahahahaha hilarious. Also, lol, no I'm choosing not to think of the implications because they are TOO DISTURBING, YOU HEAR ME @intezaarlily XD XD XD
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I mean, compelling argument. And very fitting since we learned from that Lilith Debacle that the Shadowhunters' go to solution for everything and anything is torture. But what I find way more interesting is that we finally get a good look at the side of the seelie queen's crown.
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's pretty.
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There's so much to unpack in this scene. Which I'm gonna do, in excruciating detail. In a relationship analysis post thingy, not here, because time and space reasons. Just know that this scene is absolutely amazing, their facial expressions and gestures, and of course the pretzel. Dammit, so amazing. Can't wait to fawn over it all.
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I'm with Meliorn on this one. Just because Lanaia committed a violation of the Accords (yes, on behalf of the seelie queen but the shadowhunters have no way of knowing that and I guess Meliorn wasn't stupid enough to tell them that) doesn't mean Clary can violate the Accords back and go unpunished. That's not how a legal system works. It's clear that with this whole operation the shadowhunters valued Clary's life over that of however may seelie guards' it would have taken to keep Jace's cover and get Clary back. I bet you Alec is aware of that and that's why he has that pinched look on his face the whole time. And while he argues pro shadowhunter side with that injection about Lanaia and he tries to placate Meliorn, he noticable doesn't try to justify Jace's actions at all, and whenever Jace does, Alec closes his eyes as if he's thinking “Dude don't you realize that's not an argument.”
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And then he just wants to leave???? Hahaha creep
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HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD COMEDIC GOLD. The way he delivers that line I can't!!! The way he says “naturrrrrr” hahaha delicious.
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Uh if that's the smartest move? Who knows what kind of kinky shit Meliorn will demand in return?? I mean, just look at his smirk. Also, in case this doesn't get addressed again this is such a ficlet waiting to be written lol.
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The way Alec immediately starts almost-crying when someone mentions Magnus pulls on my heartstrings. Fragile darling boy.
I mean, I'm pretty sure Alec carrying the ring around in his pocket was for meta reasons so he could give it to Maryse in their only scene together, but dammmnnn the in universe implications. Ouch.
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I'm really going to miss this XD
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“My” door??? My ass.
“Alec and I are no longer.”
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lsjfkasdjflksdjfsdjflskdjf I CAN'T HAHAHHAAH HIS FACE
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Hahahahha please Lorenzo stop, I feel like I shouldn't be laughing so much XD Isn't this episode supposed to be Super Dramatic? I'm actually having the time of my life so far XD
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Okay and now I'm back to rage because wtf!!!! So Magnus is aware that Lorenzo's jurisdiction is limited and tiny, why didn't he remember that literally anytime before this, for example in 3x10?? Just imagine it, if Magnus had done that fancy ritual thingy he wouldn't have even needed to trade his magic away. Oh right, problem identified. There wouldn't have been some Prime Drama if he'd behaved like a sensible person. Ugh.
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The way Lorenzo's face falls upon hearing Asmodeus is priceless. But, uh, important question, how the hell does he know Asmodeus's face? Or does he identify him by his powers? Then again he failed identifying Asmodeus's power signature before already (3x02) so uuhhhh I need answers.
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Magnus Bane, finally enjoying the Draco Malfoy Way Of Life. I mean, that's not really rebutting Lorenzo's claim. The opposite, in fact. Also wtf does Lorenzo have for nerves to say that to Asmodeus's face???
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So this is not common warlock practice. Thanks for clarifying. Also, look at Asmodeus's smug face when Magnus references Edom hahaha #ProudDad
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THE SASS HAHAHA (btw for a moment I was worried he'd turnd him into a plastic lizard until it moved haha)
Also this means, the person Magnus trashes later in the loft with the whips, as seen in the promo, is Asmodeus?? Because he learns of his deal with Alec?? Or tbh, I've been entertaining the thought that it's Alec ahahaha
Also, Asmodues saying “When they hear about what?” has the same energy as Loki saying “I'm listening” in Avengers 1.
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Yeah I still have questions about that. But sure, whatever. Then again, if Jordan is so long-fingered he could start a career as pickpocket. Sounds like a stable income job to me.
See, the problem here is that this isn't fixing any of Maia's problems. Apart from the fact that currently she has no problems to fix as far as I'm concerned (the dead pack won't be miraculously resurrected if she becomes human) her issues with her family aren't due to her being a werewolf. She's adjusted to her life as a werewolf and if you ask me, she's grown to love it and she doesn't want to go back. Hell, she wanted to become alpha. She's working on building her own pack now. Someone who hates being a werewolf wouldn't do that. Very obviously, his line of reasoning makes sense for Jordan because he can't forgive himself for turning and abandoning Maia, which he views as ruining her life. So by reversing it he could finally start to atone for what he did. Perfectly ic, but very frustrating because as I pointed out, this won't benefit Maia in any way, it'll just create drama between the two of them. (And frankly, while I moderately care about both of them, I'd rather have Malec on my screen. Sue me.)
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Uh-huh, so some werewolf praetor spy with binoculars saw that Jordan stole the vial from the Institute but Izzy and Simon, who were literally in the same room didn't. No questions, your honor. Also ngl, since I knew this scene from the sneak peek already and couldn't care less about Luke's stupid Praetor plotline I skipped this scene XD #sorry not sorry
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I know a lot of people were relieved Clary didn't make out with Jonathan and I'm honestly so surprised why people would assume in the first place there was any risk for that. Despite the Evil Rune taking hold she's still aware of her feelings, for example her love for Jace etc. So why would she suddenly be into incest?
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Hehehehe the likelyhood of Asmodeus getting trashed in that loft is growing XD (Also please appreciate how I'm keeping my salt about Maryse's “I love you” under wraps, I'm amazed at my self restraint.)
I mean, I was really surprised by a character actually taking action, trying their hand at communication like this. I am impressed. The thing that I slightly dislike is that it's Maryse. She didn't have all the info about the deal Alec made with Asmodeus and a) Izzy had and I really, really expected her to do something about that instead of just letting Alec wreck his life and, to a good part, Magnus's as well, and b) if even Maryse, without even knowing for sure that Magnus's magic returned after Alec broke up with him, could put two and two together, why the hell didn't Magnus??
I can half buy that with his issues and insecurites striking harder than ever, amplyfied by the severe grief of his magic loss, he'd fall for Alec's lies because to him Alec loving him the way he did was too good to be true anyway, and their relationship wasn't long enough for Magnus to really get used to the idea that he gets to keep this. It's obvious in the way he always keeps his eyes closed after they kiss, this moment of disbelieve that this is actually real. So Alec breaking up with him wouldn't be an unreastic thing, it would be reality finally catching up with them, it'd be the universe rightening itself.
But, I only half buy it. Because even if Magnus had doubts about himself and his worth, how the hell could he revisit all those memories in 3x19 where Alec was dropping wedding vows left and right, and not realize that something about Alec was off there. Anyway, dwelling on this is pointless because what's done is done, but it's a very weak explanation and very convenient, story telling wise.
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Hahahha love me some common sense. Maia has tons of it. Makes her so likable.
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Listen, I like Jordan, but I can't even feel any sympathy in the face of all this stupidity. Just take the frakkin vial yourself, idiot. Humans don't die from silver poisoning. And it's clear that you're struggling with your werewolf-dom to hell and back. This would literally solve all of their problems wtf. But God forbid anyone ever act reasonable on this show. Goddammit.
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Hahahha so rude. *Loki Voice* WHO PUT HIM THERE??? Another missing scene ficlet dying to be written XD Also, does Lorenzo still have his consciousness or was his mind reduced to that of a lizard? Will it be restored when he's transformed back? Is that even possible or was that transformation irreversible? Will he remember his time as a lizard? Or is Lorenzo as we know and love to hate him gone forever? So many questions.
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Bitch you didn't, you had to be TOLD
I find it amazing that Asmodues tries to argue with Magnus even though his evil plan was uncovered. He really doesn't get it, does he? That Magnus likes his life and doesn't want to be in Edom?
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I am reeling. What a frikkin powermove, disposing of him like that, and with his own invention no less. Talk about a dead ass capable character who could trash everyone in his way. Honestly I'm still processing. This is so radical wtf. So I'm never gonna get another scene with Asmodeus?? Please I wanted more of them!! I am so helplessly in love with their dynamic. 5 bucks say he was supposed to come back in S4 I WAS SO DEPRIVED OH GOD!!!!!
Edit: Yeah, this was actually supposed to be a setup for a Dark!Magnus plotline, with Asmodeus playing a big role in S4. They changed that and cut this short, here's the article I got this from. We were so robbed. I can't.
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“Hurry, away from this Shadowhunter Nonsense. Honestly, that they can never solve their shit issues in their own fugly ass Institute but have to do it on our beautifully groomed frontyard. The disrespect.”
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Also that fighting is awesome and all (Alec as a tactical advantage, Jace “betraying” his position as a ploy, color me impressed) but doesn't Clary have to stab Jonathan for it to work?? Or is it enough if one of the bondmates is stabbed with the sword?? And since Fake Glorious is super instable etc. and will likely be destroyed in the process they shouldn't take any chances and make sure it really works the first time around.
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I get that this is supposed to be dramatic but sorry, I don't buy for one second that 3 Months Shadowhunter Newby Clary manages to get one over Izzy who's been literally trained since birth (yeah that was a quote from Arthur because I'm total Merlin Trash) and she's their best fighter ever and could beat Jace and Alec at the same time with the flick of a wrist while blindfolded. Please. Oh my god. Maybe because she always fights with her whip she's not too used to a sword. Then again she also uses a staff and she still was trained since birth so no, I'm still not buying it.
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Hahahahah nice one, Simon.
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“That's my plan, you can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it....”
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why I mean, this was a conscious choice on producers' part, right. So I'm demanding an explanation. What's the point of this weirdly edited grunt?
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Hm, they don't fold too nicely. But all in all, pretty solid wing work.
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?????? This makes no sense since, prior to this half season, he wasn't tethered to Clary. Wtf. For all intents and purposes, Jonathan should be dropping dead to the ground since he was using Clary's life force to be alive, remember, he was literally killed to death before. Only their bond was keeping him alive. This makes no sense whatsoever. But anyway, that was a pretty impressive departure.
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Yeah, how about you get the f outta there now, Simon.
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H-e-a-l-i-n-g  r-u-n-e. Honestly. Wtf.
Also, Izzy pushing Simon to the ground was a little stupid, he could have vampire-run out of the explosion's perimeter easily. If he had a few brain cells. Okay, problem identified, I take everything back, Izzy made the right call.
And I guess Alec's just chilling over there on the forrest ground. He deserves that break, man.
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Just force it down Jordan's throat omg. If he still dies, whatever, good for him, he got what he wanted. If not then he can maybe start facing his Maia-shaped issues in a constructive way.
Maia giving it to Luke makes no sense. How the f does he want to “get rid of it” wtf. If I were Maia I'd just pour it in the river or idk, burry it somewhere. Lock it in a safe, throw away the key. Or better yet, keep an eye on it. But sure, Luke who just learned the Praetor are full of shit is gonna give it to them?? I mean, the thought must have crossed his mind that maybe they didn't heal Jordan as a punishment for failing that Heidi mission? Since apparently it's common werewolf knowledge that the Praetor is able to cure a silver poisoning? Jordan wouldn't have said that if they didn't have a cure for it, right? If Luke honestly gives them that vial, he'll be dead to me. I fully expect him to try and blackmail the Praetor with it or something, but if he doesn't istg.
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You're on thin effing ice, man.
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Aahhhhh yeah how very convenient. Also rude, they stole Jonathan's home :C Also technically she shouldn't be able to do that because it's demon travel and she no longer has a connection to demon blood.
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Yeah and they also steamrolled whatever room was there before they parked that big ass apartment there. Congrats.
“You barely got your licence to drive a car, much less whatever that was.”
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Hell yeah logic!! But lol I genuinely don't think Jace or Simon thought of that when they were unhelpfully patting her back.
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.........? How is Simon there then? This isn't even sarcasm, I genuinely don't get it.
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This was cute and all, but she didn't actually activate her iratze wtf. Or wash off her blood.
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Dude wtf Maia
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I mean come on, this is so obvious to top off their drama.
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Yep, I called it. Seriously, you don't leave a person on the brink of death alone for literally this reason. And before you tell me she was just getting some food to lighten the mood from her way back from the bridge, there was still tons of daylight then and this is at least several hours later. I am sorry, but I feel zero sympathy.
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1) Where do those surviving werewolves besides Bat come from? 2) What does mundane police have to say about this public cremation? 3) I remember this shot of Maia walking away from the fire from the 3B Trailer. So rude.
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0 bucks say he caught them making out, honestly this was so obvious.
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This rang deep. Really great moment. I can't really put it into words, but this had such an impact. A real warrior feel to it. Amazing.
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“No obviously we don't but c'mon, work with me here.”
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I can't possibly put into words the love I'm feeling for one (1) extra warlock.
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He finally got it. My poor murderous incest baby. Too bad this means Clary lost her only bargaining chip.
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I love how he delivers this line. It's his goodbye because there's no making it out of there alive, and the last thing of importance he has to say is a love confession to Clary. Very nice delivery.
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ahahahahah okay this was a nice echoing of Jace's other love confession, but all I could focus on was how frakkin red Clary's hand is hahaha
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I love everything about this, okay. I love how Alec just gives in because he couldn't stand to be apart from Magnus for one more second. I love how this is reminiscent of their first kiss at Alec's fail wedding. (Btw can you believe we're gonna start and end Malec with a kiss at a wedding and a wedding kiss? The poetry.) I love the backdrop, the absolute destruction. Love Izzy in her rightful place in the first row since she's the Captain of the MS Malec.
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I really appreciate that they bothered with an explanation why Magnus needs to go to Edom at all, but, uh, if memory serves right he closed a rift to Edom in 2x19 and it was no big deal. I'd buy that this rift is larger or more powerful because it was created by the Morgenstern Sword but just because I can find an explanation that this task is harder than one Magnus already accomplished onscreen with relative ease doesn't mean it's not the Show’s duty to deliver an explanation of its own accord instead of letting fans pick through their worldbuilding and figuring out something that makes sense. A simple “You closed rifts before, from Earth.” - “This rift is too large” would have been enough. Is that too much to ask.
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When he lifted his hand in that slow deliberate move I was SO SURE HE'D BE WEARING THE LIGHWOOD RING HAHAHA
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Btw there's a description in those rings, I can't really tell, but the one on the right looks like a loopy A upside down so I'm guessing one has “Alexander” and the other “Magnus” on the inside????
Edit: Both rings say “Aku cinta kamu” and I am DEAD
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Hahahaha Alec wanted to win the proposal but this round goes to Magnus. But tbh he totally cheated XD XD XD
Ngl, the ring catching on Magnus's knuckle for a moment reminded me of the wedding of Kate and William ahahahaa I'm trash XD
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Can you believe Malec got cheated out of their first engaged kiss by some rude ass explosion? Unfair.
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I find myself genuinely confused by this. Why does Alec even entertain the thought of not going with Magnus? It seems so illogical that they'd seperate now. Later reason kicked in, and yeah, Edom probably isn't the best place for a shadowhunter but this is exactly it: Alec's instinct should have been to go with Magnus and I wish they'd taken the time to address this in any way, to give Alec the chance to express his wish to go with Magnus.
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But then he jokes about runaway grooms anyway because he thinks he’ll never see Alec again and he wants Alec to remember him joking & smiling & happy *cries* I’M SAD. why did I bring that up.
Thanks, @intezaarlily for making tHIS EVEN WORSE WTF
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OH MY GOD I CAN'T I'M LAUGHING SO HARD THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS HAHAHAHA Magnus REALLY should have pulled the portal down on himself and not flown into it like a flying fish jumping out of the water wtf hahaha. Then again this is proof he can totally do the superman flight and it is CANON that he did that at some point. He had a whole annoying phase where he'd just fly around like a super hero. Cat was so done with it. Ragnor refused to be around him at all. Good times.
Anyway, another thing I need an explanation for is why it'll be so hard for Magnus to return to Earth. In 3x10 that posed No Problem, meaning one of two things. Either a) Asmodeus sent him back or b) he could easily travel back because he used that pentagram thingy. Honestly, the fact that Jonathan just as easily returns to Earth after his failed attempt on Lilith's life lets me favor b), which begs the question why Magnus used a regular portal instead of the pentagram thingy now. But even if a) is the case then that means Greater Demons apparently have no problem removing people from Edom and then I wonder if Magnus will have to beg Azazel or something to return him home lol, like a little kiddie asking for a lift. Or maybe, since he channelled his epic Edom!Power, maybe he can send himself back?? In any case I want some solid explanation on that.
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Alec just collapsing made so much sense okay. I could feel the emptiness in my own chest, having gained and lost everything in a few short minutes, I can't even imagine how crushed Alec must be feeling.
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Magnus's magic closing the rift is so epic in an incredibly emotional and intimate sense. Seeing his magic, part of him, when he's so far beyond all of their reach. It's incredible, it's touching and powerful and so so fragile. I'm amazed.
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I can't believe they did this. I can't believe they put the literally last shot of this in the 3B Trailer. The audacity.
Okay but really important question, who's gonna feed Lorenzo now??? (God only one week left I am dead.)
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