#this is all kinda one genre which i wasn’t expecting actually! so it was interesting
parsleypesto · 1 year
@cordeliaflyte tagged me to post a song for each letter of my username 🕺🌟 thank u this was fun! i tried to pick my fav song for each letter!
Palaces of montezuma - grinderman
Ain’t got no - i got life - nina simone
Renegades of funk - rage against the machine
Slide tackle - japanese breakfast
Landslide - dress thèque
Eighties - killing joke
Yess i’m a mess - wheelchair sports camp
Pyramid of bones - the voidz
English weather - feet
Spotlight - mutemath
Take me avalon i’m young - pond
Opus 23 - dustin o’halloran
i’m tagging @rhythmicquietude (bc it’s more letters >:)) @patchoulioils @ekiate @woodsy-hoe @columbusfilm
8 notes · View notes
diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: Sunghoon has never felt any spark in his heart, none of that silly love he’s read about in novels in his free time. No one interested him, and it wasn’t like his father, the king, would let him have friends, male or female, for fear of being betrayed or developing feelings for them. He lived a life of isolation, excited for nothing – neither the idea of being married to a pretty princess nor becoming the next ruler of the Park kingdom. He most certainly did not expect you, his new guard, to change all that. He did not expect you to brighten his days and light up his heart.
includes: death, murder, war/battle, attempted murder (kinda), breaking in, royal au, romanticized medieval setting of sorts, forced marriage/proposal, a lot of time skips so it moves somewhat quickly, brief mention of a toxic ex, death by illness, joking mention of jumping off a balcony, blood, wounds, denial of death kinda, graves, lmk if i missed anything!
genre: angst
pairing: prince! sunghoon x guard! fem! reader
word count: 8.1k (woah)
taglist: @kflixnet @kpopslays @jvjsssnaa a/n: it’s finally here! i sacrificed sleep for this and i do not regret it at all. this fic has two milestones for me - being my longest fic + a fic i’m kinda proud of. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it <3
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Sunghoon was reading over some papers pertaining to the kingdom’s matters when he heard a knock on the door.
One of the guards came in, before bowing upon seeing him.
“Sire, his Majesty wishes to see you.”
He nodded and set the papers in a neat stack. He then put them in a drawer and locked it for security. He then stood up and followed the guard, maintaining a neutral expression.
His mind was working much faster than normal though.
His father was very strict, and the slightest mistake meant an extremely harsh lecture. He flicked through his memories, trying to remember what he could have done wrong, and what he should say as his apology. 
He pursed his lips as a thought crossed his mind - was his recent trip to the colder regions made known to his father? He had gone for administrative work, but he couldn’t resist spending some time there ice skating, which the king always considered useless since it benefited only the person skating, not the country. He had done his best to keep it under wraps, but maybe one of the guards reported this to the king. Damn it.
He mentally slapped himself for using such crude language. Those were the words of peasants and did not suit a prince like him. Holy moly…buckling barnacles, great heavens…such lengthy words to express frustration, he thought. ‘Damn it’ was only two syllables.
As he snapped out of his reverie, he entered the Throne Room. His father was seated on the grand throne at the end of the airy space. The seats where the ministers sat were empty. Court was always in the morning, and it was probably lunchtime by now - the prince wasn’t sure. 
He stood a few feet away from his father. The guard bowed and left, and Sunghoon made eye contact with the old man in front of him. He didn’t seem angry, so the younger relaxed a bit, letting out a sigh.
“Why have you called me here, father?”
“I’ve received some proposals from other kings. They’ve sent me paintings of their daughters. A lovely selection of princesses, I must say.”
Sunghoon had to physically hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Father, I’ve already told you this. I am not ready for marriage and I am not interested in this topic.”
“Yes, but it’s good to start early. Maybe you’ll change your mind after-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Father, but why have you actually summoned me?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son but didn’t say anything more about the topic.
“Well, I’ve decided to get you a personal guard. There have been many threats of attacks on the palace, so it’s better to take this precaution.”
“Interesting. Will he be with me all the time or-”
“Your guard is a female.”
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. His father? Hiring a woman? As his bodyguard? What if he-
“Are you serious?” “Yes. She is very capable and I’m sure she will protect and serve you well. I trust you to keep your relationship with her strictly professional.”
It wasn’t like he knew how to have a non-professional relationship with anyone outside of his family anyway.
“Yes, Father. Will she be with me at all times?”
“Indeed she will, except for when you are sleeping. At that time, she will stand outside your door and guard you.” “What about her food and sleep?”
“That is not your concern.”
He immediately bowed his head slightly as a sign of remorse for stepping out of line. This was going to be interesting, he thought. He had little to no interaction with women outside of his mother and sister, and the small talk he made with princesses and duchesses of other kingdoms was always awkward. Now he was having someone of the opposite gender, a woman, watching over him nearly 24/7.
He slowed down his train of thought. Why was he thinking like a teenage boy ogling over a girl? He was the crown prince, he was better than that. It was going to be a new experience, that was all.
“May I meet her now?”
“Of course. She’s arriving as we speak.”
Just then, the door opened, and you entered, a male soldier on either side. Sunghoon’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but nothing came out of it. 
He was having a cultural shock of sorts. All the women he had met were all dainty, graceful and poised - the epitome of perfection. You, on the other hand, had an air of authority about you — rough and firm. A few scars were on your face, probably from battle. You bowed the full 90 degrees, and he could only respond with a small nod.
Oh fuck, you were gorgeous.
And he used foul language again. Stupid Sunghoon, he reprimanded himself.
He didn’t take back what he said, however. Your beauty wasn’t the type written in books or sung in ballads, but it had to be known to the world, somehow. He was almost tempted to write one himself. 
Hold on, why was he thinking all this? His father had just told him to not think anything about you that crossed the lines of professional, and thinking about how pretty you were was not within those lines.
“This is your new personal guard, Y/N.”
You came over to him and bowed again, although at a smaller angle than before.
“N…Nice to meet you, Y-Y/N.”
Did he just stutter?!
“It is an honor, my prince. I swear to serve you to the best of my abilities.”
“I’m sure you will.”
He managed a small, formal smile, looking completely pleasant and unfazed.
Which he very much was not. He wanted to jump off the nearest balcony when you said ‘my prince’. He didn’t know why - you weren’t the only one who addressed him in that manner. You might’ve even learned it from someone in the palace, so why was he so hot and bothered with the way you said it?
“Your duties start today, guard.”
“Yes, your Majesty. I will not let you down.”
He was going crazy. You were just his new guard. Nothing less, nothing more. He would just have to rein in his thoughts and get it all together. Not a difficult task at all.
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As you stood behind him as he walked through the kingdom’s streets a week later, he seemed to keep a little distance from you, which was unsafe. Anything could happen within a few meters.
“My prince, you must slow your pace.”
He turned his face to look at you as he stopped walking.
“Oh? Why is that?”
“There’s a gap between us, and anyone could attack you with that.”
“Ah. I see. In that case…you can walk next to me. Or something.”
You stood next to him now. He quickly looked at the fruits a vendor was selling, trying his best to avert his gaze so that you wouldn’t see his reddening cheeks. It was unknown to him as to why he was so flustered. You were only doing your job, and that was it.
“Our kingdom seems to produce good crops.”
“Indeed they do, my prince. The farmer and the cultivators work very hard. It always seems to go unnoticed for some damn reason, though.”
He heard the angry tone in your voice and the curse word you said. This seemed to be a sore topic for you. He was curious, so he decided to ask more.
“What do you suggest, then?”
“We export more crops so that they get more revenue and in turn, they get paid as well. Increase the demand.”
You shrugged before turning your attention to a little kid who was clinging to your leg. You leaned down and patted his head, smiling a bit. The kid laughed and ran away. Sunghoon watched this interaction with interest and it dawned upon him that you cared about the people and their welfare, like a good ruler. 
Wait, why was he thinking about you being a ruler? You were only a soldier, and with the hierarchy now, there wasn’t much chance you could become more.
It did make him wonder, however, what you would do if the people rebelled. He shook his head, not wanting to think so dark. Your suggestion was smart, though. It made more sense the more he pondered over it. He’d mention this to the old man and see what he’d say.
“Shall we move on, guard?”
You stood up properly before nodding.
“Yes, my prince. Apologies for slowing you down.”
He dismissed you with a wave of his hand.
“Nothing of the sort. Come, let’s go.”
You both continued your stroll and for some reason, his heart was beating very unnaturally. He only had this issue when he was agitated, but there was no reason for him to be scared now, so why was this happening?
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It had only been two months since you became his personal guard, yet you were his closest and most trusted friend. He took all your ideas seriously and told them to the king who somehow accepted them, and called him ‘ingenious’ for supposedly coming up with them. He hated taking false credit, but he knew that he couldn’t tell his father that you were the mastermind of them all — he would then question Sunghoon as to why he was talking to them in the first place, which would lead to you being removed from your post and replaced with a boring male soldier. 
He didn’t want to lose you, not when he finally found a change in his monotonous life, someone to brighten his dull days, someone to call a friend, even though it was only known to the both of you and no one else. He couldn’t bear to have you gone.
He was sitting underneath a tree, looking up at the sky in the comfort of the gardens reserved for his family and visitors alone. His father never came here out of his own accord - he always considered it a waste of time. His mother was in her room, and her sister was in another kingdom discussing alliances. This was a moment very rare, just you and him, with no one to interrupt or catch you two slacking. 
You were sitting next to him, only a few inches away. The wind was blowing gently on his face. He closed his eyes and smiled, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Your presence next to him was oddly comforting. He opened his eyes again, turned his head, and looked at you, wanting to ask you something. 
“Guard, you know how I always give your suggestions to the king and how he always says ‘I’ did a good job thinking about them?”
Your face tightened the same way it did every time he took credit for your ideas in front of his father. He sighed.
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, I wanted to apologize for that.”
You tilted your head at him, clearly not understanding two things - why he was suddenly saying sorry, and how you doing that simple thing made him go insane. You took over him, body and soul. All he could think of when he tried to sleep was you. It was just two months. Two months, and he was already attached to you. He was convinced, however, that it wasn’t love or anything stupid like that. No, it was simply him forming a close connection to the first person who cared about him. Not everything was romantic affection. He had never tasted this emotion, obviously, but he’d say that he knew enough about it to confirm this wasn’t it.
“Why now, my prince? I’m sorry- I just didn’t expect you to, y’know…actually apologize. Never met a royal who’s done so. They’re all usually stuck-up snobs who think their shit is worth the entire kingdom.”
He snorted at that. It wasn’t like you were wrong, most of the royals he met were indeed very arrogant. He didn’t dare anything about it though, simply doing his best to not behave like them.
“It’s not right of me to take credit for something I don’t even have the brain for. I don’t mention your name for your security. If my father knew I was talking to you about matters like these, then…”
He made a motion of him cutting his own throat, complete with the sound effect. You grinned a bit, which was enough for him to be over the moon, but then you laughed. Not just a ‘teehee’ or a ‘haha’ - an actual, proper laugh. His heart swelled, maybe his jokes didn’t suck that much. Your laugh was indescribable. It was a delightful sound to listen to. It was short, but he wanted to hear it every day at least once for the rest of his life instead of those ballads that were sung in the court all the time. 
The way your eyes formed crescents, the way your face was half in the light and half in the shadow, the way the wind put an orange leaf in your hair like it was an accessory - it was making him sick in a good way. He rarely saw you smile, let alone laugh like this. He knew that you had to keep your expression serious all the time - all the soldiers had that training - and this was a proud moment for him to see you loosen up. He couldn’t help the small smile on his own face.
“My prince, is he really that harsh? I’m aware that he is super damn strict to us soldiers, but that’s expected since we have to be toughened up to protect the land.”
His smile faded before he shook his head in agreement.
“I’d say so. It’s for my good- I am the next in line, after all.”
“I don’t think forcing your child to have no friends is how you raise him to be king. He won’t know how to have proper social interactions.”
There you were again, hitting the mark accurately with your observation. He sucked at interacting with other people. Slowly, he was starting to dislike his father more. The faults he never saw in him earlier were becoming visible, the saint-like image he had of the king since childhood fading away. Was this meant to happen? He wasn’t sure.
“Right. I’m living proof.”
You shook your head in alarm.
“Oh shit- please don’t be offended by my idiotic statement, my prince…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, really-”
He chuckled at how you were panicking and made a motion with his hand for you to calm down.
“It’s okay. I didn’t take it that way.”
“Are you sure?”
He saw your body relax as he rested his head against the bark of the tree again. He gazed at the sky, eyes fixated on the clouds and the way they moved in the direction of the breeze. Two questions lingered in his mind, and his mouth suddenly blurted one out.
“Do you ever sleep?”
It was random, sure, but he had to know. He was concerned for you. He never saw you leave his side, except for when he was asleep, and he already knew what you did then. You were still staring at him, but he didn’t notice.
“I do. I’m a normal person, my prince, I can’t function without food and rest. That’s impossible.”
You let out a slight laugh at his curiosity, and his heart started pounding faster again.
“You don’t notice, do you? That means I’m performing the stealth part of my job well. When you’re in the dining room or a meeting surrounded by the best soldiers. That’s when. I also don’t stand watch for you every night. I alternate with another guard.”
His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in understanding. He didn’t notice it at all, which meant that either you were a master of stealth, as you said, or he was just blind. It was most likely the former since he had no doubt in your abilities.
“I see. I was very worried for you, honestly.”
“I’m honored that I was an object of your concern, my prince.”
He scoffed at your slightly surprised expression. 
“Of course, I would. You’re my personal guard, what reason is there for me to treat you inhumanly?”
That stupid fucking slip of his tongue.
Shit, he just cursed.
Damn it, again.
His tutor and family would go crazy if they could read his thoughts.
Of course he had to refer to you as his, like you were property. Of course he had to emphasize on that word as well. You were making him loosen up too much. It shouldn’t have happened, not at all. He couldn’t continue like this, what if he accidentally cursed in front of people? He would never be heard of again.
“I’d say I had expected that, but you’re different from other royals, so not really.”
“I understand. Also, you don’t have to call me ‘my prince’ when we’re alone. Just Sunghoon is enough.”
Your eyes widened in astonishment.
“My prince, I wouldn’t dare to-”
“Really guard. It’s fine.”
“But his Majesty-”
“He doesn’t have to know. Our secret.”
“If you say so…it’ll take me time to get used to calling you by your name, princ- I mean, Sunghoon.”
“Already getting there.”
“I guess so. In that case, you can call me by just my name. No need for ‘guard’.”
“Your wish is my command, Y/N.”
This was new. Not referring to someone by their title was disrespectful. He learned from a ripe young age that if he didn’t call someone by their title, he could end up with his head on a guillotine block in some places. Were you seriously making all his long years of education unravel? Silence fell upon the two of you before he spoke up again.
“What do you think love is like?”
You must’ve been taken aback, and he expected to see such an expression on your face. Instead, when he stole a glance at you, it was something else. Wistful? Longing? He couldn’t name it exactly.
“Books don’t give it justice. Neither do ballads. It’s…more than that.”
He was intrigued by your response. He raised an eyebrow, signalling you to continue.
“Oh? You’ve been in love before?”
You stared at him, a sad smile forming on your lips, a look flashing in your eyes. One of remorse, he recognized.
“Yeah. It was depressingly…beautiful.”
His chest tightened at your words for some reason.
“Kind of. We fought a lot…our personalities were very different. Then when we finally reconciled…he died. An illness took him away.”
Your eyes were filled with so much hurt, it almost made him cry. This was his first time seeing you emotional, vulnerable, and while he was honored that you trusted him enough to show you this side of yours, he wondered how much you were hiding away. All he wanted was to protect you so that you would never have to go through something as painful as that. He made a resolve to make sure that he was never the cause of the agony in your eyes.
“I’m so sorry that happened.”
“It’s fine. It was just- unexpected. It’s been a year anyway.”
“I hope this doesn’t bring back memories you buried, but…how would you describe love?”
You rested your chin on your palm, thinking for a bit.
“Love isn’t only about the physical signs. For me, love is always wanting to be by someone’s side, being so head over heels for them that even the littlest things like…I don’t know, something stupid, makes you remember them. It’s being their biggest supporter, but also telling them when they’re wrong. Love is wanting to keep them safe from all the bad in this world. It’s when even the simplest thing they do brightens your day, like a smile or a small act of kindness. Love is when you put their needs and wants above everything and everyone else. There’s obviously more, but that’s my personal experience.”
Holy moly. Sunghoon was in love.
He was in love. That emotion many desired to feel at least once. All his previous notions and confidence about it being platonic flew out the window. He very clearly did not learn enough about this feeling. He didn’t know whether he wanted to be happy that he could say he had loved once in his life, or scream in frustration that he fell for someone out of his league and not some princess who he was supposed to want like this.
God, he hated himself.
“Pri- Sunghoon, are you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He couldn’t let you know, he was a hundred percent sure that you didn’t feel the same. Plus, he was the prince, and if you both were caught, it would mean bad for him and catastrophic for you.
“I’m fine. Come, let’s go. We might get caught if we stay any longer.”
He stood up immediately. You were confused but followed his orders. What he said, you obeyed.
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It had been eight months since you became his personal guard, and half a year since he realized that he was in love with you. He tried to distance himself, but one look or word from you and his resolve faltered. He was so deep in this pit, and he didn’t know whether he wanted to dig deeper or climb out. He wanted you to stay away and he also loved the way you destroyed every single one of the walls he built around himself subconsciously. 
He matured, and he was no longer the shy boy who didn’t know how to talk to someone of the opposite gender. He was a confident and charming crown prince now, the man of many’s dreams. You were the only one on his mind though. 
His father was now eager to get him married off, and he had to comply with his wishes, He was no longer the king who served the people anymore - he was corrupted, only thinking about power. Sunghoon did his best to undo the damage inflicted on the population, but the situation was getting tense, and he knew it. Rebels were raising their heads and it was his job to keep them in check. It was difficult, but you helped him through it.
Presently, he was sitting in the dining room with his family, the king, queen, princess, and officials of the Hwan kingdom. This was the proposal his father liked the most because the Hwan kingdom was rich in resources, and this alliance hidden as a marriage would give the Parks access to those coveted precious stones. He was hoping, however, that the other king would say no for some reason and he’d be free.
He had no interest in the princess, however. She was too boring for him. They had zero common likes, and the only thing they related to each other on was the struggles of being next in line. This was probably the worst match he had ever met. She seemed like she wanted this much less than he did. She was at least trying, he had to give her that.
You stood behind him on his right side. He so desperately wanted to turn around and see your reaction to all this. Your face had to have no expression now, obviously, but you both shared secret looks with each other in odd situations, and he was sure you’d find this amusing. The chatter across the table died down suddenly, and all the attention was on the two kings in the room.
“We’ve agreed on this marriage. Prince Sunghoon and Princess Hyeju are now betrothed!”
Sunghoon’s hands, which were tapping the table, stilled. He froze in shock, every voluntary muscle in his body stopping movement.
No, this couldn’t happen.
This was a nightmare, a terrible dream. He pinched his thigh underneath the table and ended up proving to his dismay that he was wrong.
This was the worst day of his life.
His father droned on about the details of the wedding. He tuned it all out. He tilted his head just a little to see your face and noticed that you were gripping your spear much tighter than necessary. You knew that he didn’t want this, not at all. Maybe you were angry on his behalf.
He couldn’t do anything about this, however. This was just his fate, and he resigned to it immediately. 
The meeting ended, and everyone, including Sunghoon, stood up and exited the room. You followed him as he went straight to the gardens to clear his head. His family would be occupied with entertaining the guests and making more plans, so it was just you and him. Again.
He sat in his usual spot underneath the same tree. He buried his face in his hands, frustrated. He heard the sound of you sitting down next to him, before feeling your hand lightly grip his shoulder.
“Hey, Sunghoon?”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s fine.”
“I know how much you don’t want this. Trust me, I don’t want it either.”
The second sentence was uttered in a more quiet voice, and he moved his hands away from his face to look at you in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
Your lips formed a thin line, your body language making it clear that you were saying this with hesitation.
“I don’t want you to marry her.”
You removed your hand from his shoulder. You looked down at the grass, fresh and green from the new spring season.
“Why? I mean- other than me not wanting it personally, there’s no reason you should hate it…this is an amazing opportunity for the people and the kingdom! We will prosper-”
“Fuck the people and the kingdom- I want you, dumbass.”
His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
“What…do you mean.”
“I love you really badly. That’s what I mean.”
He couldn’t believe it. You, the very person he always desired desperately, his forbidden fruit, loved him back? Wanted him? This wasn’t real. He must’ve been knocked out after the marriage announcement and slipped into a pleasant dream.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You want me to prove it?”
He didn’t know what to expect, but you grabbing his face and crashing your lips on his was the farthest from his vague idea of what might happen. 
It lasted for a few seconds before you pulled away suddenly. You noticed his dazed expression and started to panic.
“Shit, shouldn’t have done that, please don’t kill me, I-”
Your voice snapped him out of his haze before he placed his hand on your waist and pulled you in for another kiss. His hand tucked one strand of hair behind your ear and you melted into the action, calming down instantly. He was so gentle, so careful, he was holding you like you were a delicate object that was to be treated with utmost care at all times. When you both parted, his face wore a lovesick smile, his eyes sparkling like stars.
“I feel the same.”
“Yeah, it was obvious.”
He chuckled at your comment, before frowning. 
“You know this is dangerous, right? We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Your shoulders slumped at his words, knowing that he was completely correct.
“I do. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. I just didn’t…know how to tell you.”
He shook his head. To him, you could do no wrong. It was his fault. He should have gotten rid of you so that he could nip the blooming flower in his heart from the bud. He shouldn’t have been such a coward.
“I understand what you mean now. I don’t know how to stop it, though.”
“That’s…fine. Just knowing you feel the same is enough for me.”
It wasn’t. Neither for you, neither for him, and you both knew that. The fact that he couldn’t be yours and you couldn’t be his simply because of both of your duties was like a nasty, sharp torn ledged in the soft flesh of his heart. You and him were not meant to be. Your romance was only a fantasy, to be never fulfilled.
“Precisely. This is all it’ll ever be.”
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It was night. He had one week until his wedding with the Hwan princess, and he was dreading it. Seeing your face became unbearable for him sometimes — you reminded him that he had everything a commoner could only dream of, but even the poorest of poor could love and he couldn’t. He was ready to throw his entire life away and disappear with you, but his fear of what would happen next to the country held him back. 
He stared out the window in his bedroom which gave him a perfect view of the private gardens. The place where it all started and ended. The moonlight shone on the trees and flowers, giving it a peaceful aura, different from the cheery one it had in the daytime. Even in the comfort of his silk night clothes and soft blankets, he was in a state of unrest. He wanted to run, wanted to be free, wanted, wanted, wanted. He lay down, resting his head on his pillow as he waited for sleep to find him while he closed his eyes. Thankfully, the night was kind to him, and he dozed off almost instantly.
Sunghoon was rudely woken up by you frantically shaking his figure, pleading with you to wake up. When he came to his senses, he heard alarms sounding in the palace and immediately understood that it was an emergency, although what might’ve exactly happened was beyond him.
“Y/N, Y/N, I’m up. What’s going on?”
He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and slapping his face for good measure.
“Rebels. Come, we need to run.”
The first word was enough for him to be fully alert. He foresaw them coming, so it wasn’t a big shocker for him. He put on his slippers and looked at you with determination. He was actually trying to mask his fear, but you didn’t need to know that. You grabbed his arm and ran out of the room. He was a bit startled at your speed at first, but quickly matched your pace. When you both reached a corridor, you slowed down, wanting to be careful of surprise attacks.
“Hide your face to the best of your ability. I’m not sure if they’ll recognize you in non-prince clothes, but it’s better to be safe. They’ll aim for me instead since I have the palace uniform.”
His chest tightened. You were ready to give up your life for his. He knew that was protocol for all soldiers - royals over their own lives. He knew, but you were different. He didn’t want you to die, he couldn’t imagine a life without you. You were his oxygen, he’d suffocate if you were gone.
Suddenly, he noticed a flash of light. He heard a whoosh and he saw the way your hair moved in the direction of the sound. He assumed it was a gust of air along with the lights of the palace shining weirdly, but then he looked at the wall in front of him and realized what it was - an arrow. It was embedded in said wall, and you had missed it by a hair’s breath. Literally. It had scratched your face, but other than that, you were fine.
You pulled him down to remain on the floor, before you stood up and ran to the rebel that shot it, your hands gripping your sword tight. You engaged in combat with her. She was rather buff, and even though she only had a bow and an arrow holder on her, she was slowly gaining ground in the fight. She was blocking your thrusts with her bow, catching your moves with its string. She landed a harsh blow on your chest, and he gritted his teeth seeing your sharp flinch. He had to do something and fast.
He crawl-walked across the floor, making sure to stay unnoticed. He moved to stand behind the rebel before forcefully grabbing her neck. She was gagged, and the sudden lack of air caught her off guard. You took the opportunity and struck her in the heart, and he let go of her. 
You both ran off, eager to get to the safe room specially built for situations like this. Barely some distance away, he raised his head, neck aching from the constant strain, when you suddenly pushed him to the ground and covered his mouth with your hand. He was about to protest, feeling kind of hot and bothered with his position, but then he decided against it. You definitely did this for a reason, and he could repress his feelings for a while.
Your head turned as you stared at a rebel passing by, praying he wouldn’t notice you both. He was blind to your movement thankfully, and as soon as he left, you got off of Sunghoon, pulled him up, and ran. You pushed the door of the safe room which was behind a cupboard open with your shoulder, and he then realized that he was the first one to reach. The door closed, and he glanced at you, relief and gratitude clear in his eyes. 
You gave him a thumbs up and turned to leave to assist the other soldiers with getting the rest of his family to the room when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. You looked at him with confusion, and you opened your mouth to ask him what he was doing when he placed his lips on yours. You let out a soft gasp when he held you closer, one arm around your waist, the other hand on your back, holding you close. This wasn’t like the last time you kissed — this was desperate, filled with emotion. He let go of you too soon, eyes shining with tears. 
You both knew that there was a chance you wouldn’t come back to him, and this could be the last time he saw you.
You squeezed his hand in an attempt to reassure him. He just nodded at the door, knowing that you had your duty. You bowed and left as he watched you in fear, praying that you’d make it.
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After the attack by the rebels, there were always new questions about the palace’s security floating around. Quite a few lives were lost. None of them were you or his family, but Sunghoon still grieved for them mentally. He couldn’t imagine the agony their families must’ve been going through, and he managed to convince his father to give all the deceased’s close relatives compensation. 
The wedding was called off for now, much to his delight and his father’s despair. The old man had accused him of doing something to sabotage it, but he had grown a thicker skin, thanks to you. All efforts were now being put into strengthening the forces of the kingdom, and the actual matters of state were being ignored. This would lead to more rebellion, but his father didn’t seem to care. At this rate, he could die if he stepped out of the palace grounds — the people hated him that much. Sunghoon was already preparing to become the next ruler since that future would become a reality pretty soon. 
A surprise attack was inevitable, but he didn’t expect the aggressor to be the damn Hwan kingdom.
They must’ve heard about the damage inflicted on the palace from spies and knew that the Park kingdom would be focusing its efforts on repairing it, thus taking advantage of the situation. It was smart of king Hwan, Sunghoon would give him that.
He rode his horse while inspecting the soldiers preparing for battle. None of them were properly ready for this. Many veteran soldiers were on break and were called back suddenly. They all did come, and he was grateful to them for that, even when they had the right to refuse. The troops were arranging their positions quickly, and a little bit of his anxiety relaxed. Their army was strong, they could face this.
As he rode back, he saw his father, who was seething with rage at being betrayed, Sunghoon’s brain was in overdrive. Many of these brave soldiers would sacrifice their body and soul for a stupid fight that wouldn’t bring much to the land that could have been easily prevented. He knew it would happen, but didn’t do anything that was enough to fix it. He couldn’t keep falling short of what was necessary, that wasn’t what a future king would do. 
Not wanting to talk to the old man, he rode a little further where you were on your own horse, surveying the battlefield. He relaxed a bit more upon seeing you and moved to be next to you.
“This will be a tough fight, Sunghoon.”
“I hope it remains a fight that ends today and not a war that stretches over days.”
“Where we are victorious.”
“My- Sunghoon, what will you do in case your father…is killed?”
The slip-up and the way ‘my Sunghoon’ rolled off your tongue so perfectly made him miss your actual question for a moment. He let out a soft giggle, before manning up to think. He hadn’t considered that possibility at all. If that happened, then he would automatically become the next king. He’d rule the land and hopefully lead better than the previous king and his reign would be peaceful. He’d make sure of that.
“Be the next ruler, of course. I’d promote you to my personal advisor.”
You cracked a small smile at that.
“Not enough brain. Plus, what if I don’t make it?”
“Won’t happen. You’re too sexy to die. Your abilities are top tier too, you’ll survive.”
You laughed now, and he smiled fully at you. This was a situation unheard of — right before a whole battle, he was here flirting with you and laughing. So very serious. 
He leaned his head closer to yours, hair falling over his eyes. They were pleading silently with you to steal one last kiss, one last secret gesture of love before you both left to fight, one last chance to hold you. You shortened the gap, about to comply, when the war horn sounded, signaling the start of the battle. He frowned, angry at the lost chance, but quickly kissed your forehead. You pecked his cheek in return, before putting on your helmet and riding off. 
The sound of hooves hitting the ground and the sight of dust flying from them brought him back into the moment, and he rode in the same direction as his own army, intending to lead the fight. His father was weak and made dumb decisions, so it was up to him. He moved directly to the frontlines, pulling out his sword from its hilt as an enemy soldier charged at him. He fought with ease, and soon a dead body was on the ground.
He should have been desensitized now upon seeing gore and corpses, but it still disgusted him. He gritted his teeth and averted his gaze as he parried with more enemies. Soldiers were dropping left and right from both sides. Blood splatters were on his own face from fighting so fiercely. It was a miracle that he was still standing with only minor injuries, the Hwan soldiers were vigorous. 
Time was passing quickly, although for him it felt like an eternity. He just wanted to go back after all this ended. He didn’t care if he had to marry the Hwan princess, all he wanted was for this bloodshed to end. The sound of arrows being shot, horses neighing, grunts of hurt and dying soldiers — it was all too much for him.
All of a sudden, a more experienced soldier was attacking him, he could tell by the moves. His entire focus was on fighting back because this guy could actually kill him, that much was clear. He didn’t notice the other soldier charging towards him from his left with a spear until he heard a clang. 
His eyes darted in the direction of the sound for a second, only to see you had blocked the attack and thrown the soldier off his horse. He was impressed and inspired by you, and with renewed strength, he killed the veteran. He gave you a thumbs up, before looking to his right as someone else ran to replace the deceased soldier. He was ready to fight that person and everyone else with you and for you.
Then, tragedy struck.
An arrow was heading in his direction. Occupied with the current fight he was in, Sunghoon was in no position to dodge it, and you took the blow. Pushing his horse with your own, the arrow lodged in your chest instead. The only reason he noticed it was because of the sound of pain you made. He finished off the man fighting him, and then turned his head to look at you. Your head was drooping slightly and your grip on the reins of your horse had faltered.
No, no, no, this can’t happen!
You were supposed to stay with him, you were supposed to be by his side forever, he was supposed to get more chances to love you, even in secret, not just lose you like this.
He immediately shoved his sword back in its hilt before grabbing your torso to steady you. You were very faintly there, you just had to keep going a bit more for him, and he knew you could.
“Y/N, hold on, okay? Don’t close your eyes, please.”
Fuck, your voice was so weak, you really were trying. He’d end your suffering soon, he promised silently.
Coincidentally, the war horn sounded once more, signifying the end of the battle. It was his kingdom’s, which meant he had won, just like you wanted. 
But you weren’t conscious enough to realize it.
He promptly sat you on his horse in front of him, one arm around your waist holding you close and tight. He galloped fast to the palace medic, the best one in the entire region. He ignored the weird looks and the shouts of his name, traveling with urgency. He had to move fast for your sake, and also for his own. He’d lose his shit if you…no. You weren’t going to, he was sure of it.
“Try to not focus on the pain, we’re almost there.”
That was stupid advice, but he had to say something, anything to save him.
“This doctor will fix you up, I swear. Just- don’t give up yet, Y/N. I beg of you. It’s all I’ll ask for this badly from you.”
Your head was now tilted back, and it rested on his right shoulder. You opened your eyes slightly to look at him, which he took as a good sign.
Then you spoke.
“I won’t…won’t make it. It’s…no point…denying it…my…Hoon, I…love you.”
At your words, Sunghoon’s lips formed a thin line as he squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds to force his tears to stay back. He could feel the blood running from your wound and collecting onto the sleeve of his suit, but he refused to accept it. You would make it, you couldn’t die.
“Shut-Shut up. You’re not dying, not when I’m here. Look, we’ve reached- you’ll be okay, I swear.”
He got off the horse, your limp body in his arms bridal style.
He wished he could be holding you like this in a different, more happier situation.
The doctor rushed out of her house and knew that it was urgent upon seeing the prince at her door. She took you in and he waited outside, pacing around nervously. He was so certain you’d survive, but the wound could be a major setback for the rest of your life. He’d have to make adjustments to accommodate you at the palace. He wouldn’t mind though, it was for you after all.
The doctor came out after a few minutes, and he waited for her to say something along the lines of ‘she survived, but ___’. Not to see her shake her head with a soft sigh. 
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it. She was gone when you came here. We tried our best, but…the arrow was poison tipped, which reduced her chances of surviving to zero.”
No. No no no no no. This lady was old and wrinkling, she was probably cuckoo and playing an unfunny prank on him.
“Can I see her? Alone?”
“Of course, sire.”
He rushed inside immediately, expecting to see you on the bed bandaged up and smiling at how well the prank worked on him-
She was right. You really were gone. You took your last breath in his arms. Your arms rested limply by your sides. The arrow was removed, but the blood stains were on your armor as evidence that the fatal injury did indeed happen. Useful reminder for a delusional ass like his. Your helmet was off your head now.
He sat down on a chair next to your bed and held one of your hands gingerly. It was already turning cold, and he hated it. He felt freshly made cuts and bruises along with older scars on your palm. His gaze fell on your face. The scratch you got from the rebel’s ambush was still partially healing. He took in your features with intense concentration, engraving them in his memory. He despised the fact that you looked so much at peace right now – when you just left his entire life in turmoil. He needed so badly to shake you back to life or something, but he knew that there was no point now. He lifted your hand up to his lips, kissing it in a tender manner, a weak replacement for the one you both missed maybe an hour or two before. 
Just when he let go of your hand, the doctor rushed in with news.
“Sire, his majesty has passed away due to a…similar poisonous arrow shortly after victory.”
Both the people he knew wanted to win the most were dead just after it happened. Ironic, he thought - this was worthless now.
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King Sunghoon walked through the cemetery for soldiers who had sacrificed their lives for the country. He stopped right in front of one which had many flower bouquets, a lot of them from his own previous visits, all of them your favorite flowers. He got on his knees on the right side of your gravestone, head bowed in respect and hands folded in his lap.
“Hello, Y/N. I know I’ve come to see you many times before, but I can’t help it. I miss you so much. You left too soon. I still believe that I should have taken that arrow instead of you…although it was for the better in hindsight. At least your last memory was of me and your pain ended quickly.”
Silence. He quickly wiped his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I still do, so much. I should move on by now, but it’s hard. Not when you meant so much to me, not when you changed me. A little for the worse, mostly for the better.”
He laughed dryly, looking at his hands. An expensive ring gleamed on his ring finger.
“I married a queen who I liked a lot. Not the Hwan princess, although she and I keep in touch often. We’re allies now. Kind of ironic, since I lost you and the old man in a war against that same kingdom’s old ruler.”
He wasn’t willing to let himself break, what if someone walked in on him sobbing over a dead soldier's grave? What would they think? He poked his eyes with his fingers, still in misery. No matter how much he tried, everything in his brain led back to you. While he didn’t want you to fade or leave his mind exactly, you were only meant to be a guest, visiting occasionally, not a permanent resident, not someone he still needed. When he calmed down, he quietly lifted his crown off his head and put it on top of your gravestone. He placed a solemn hand on it, closing his eyes. “This is a love stained crown, tainted with you and I, along with all our memories. Your affection will never wash away, no matter how much I try. I miss you and I love you, and I hope you’re doing better, wherever you are.”
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realityinsuspense · 2 months
one step closer | chapter 1: i guess we're roommates now
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--summary: "me and him? in one apartment? yeah, right. nothing is going to happen." ~~ two strangers living together. not talking and just going about each other’s lives. that was your plan. that’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so. so when you have to suddenly move into a new apartment with your new roommate, you expect almost nothing. almost.
--pairing: mingi x fem!reader
--genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, a little angst, #mingi is cold and standoffish (? kinda), #eventual mutual pining
chapter 1: i guess we're roommates now
“I’m gonna miss you,” Your best friend Hongjoong, says through the phone. You could hear him fake a sniffle. “It’ll be so different without you.”
“Please,” you chuckle a little. “It’s only like an hour or so away from here. Crazy how much a difference that makes for the rent prices though…”
You’re doing your last minute checks in your (soon-to-be) old studio apartment, phone pressed to your ear. Everything for the most part seems to be packed up (minus the furniture of course) which made your once lively space turn into a barren landscape. It felt so unfamiliar to be in such a cold and empty environment that you once called home. So many memories were made here, but now it’s time to say goodbye. For good reason though.
“Yeah, who would’ve thought,” He heaves a sigh. “But I can’t believe you’re willing to move in with a stranger. A stranger that’s a man too? You’re crazy.”
“Hey,” you hold the phone now, sitting cross legged on the floor next to your packed boxes. “I know, I know! But he seems okay…based off of the listing he posted at least.”
“Just okay? y/n, you haven’t met him yet?!” Hongjoong sounded baffled.
“Not yet!” You defend. You were worried you sounded more desperate than you actually were. “I..I really had no time, you know? And the time I did tour the apartment, he wasn’t there. But we did talk on the phone once…so my gut tells me he’s okay!”
Hongjoong laughs at the other end of the line. “I guess it’s the real deal, but you still have to be careful. You know, just in case anything happens—and I hope not—you know you can call me right?”
“Of course I know that,” You try to assure yourself. It’s true, it was a crazy bold move to move into a new apartment, in a completely different area with a roommate that so happened to be a guy. But you really had no choice. This new apartment and new roommate was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
The bottomline was that your job was making you move company buildings. And in that small turnaround time you had, you quickly scrambled to find a new place—anything to assure you’d be able to make it to your new office building on time. Work is such a pain, you think to yourself. All of these life adjustments for what? But survival was essential. And you needed this job more than you know.
But in all honestly, the place was totally ideal. Not only was it was closer to your job, but the rent was way cheaper. I might be able to save more money to go on a vacation, you reasoned. It seemed like a pretty good deal, minus the fact that you’d be moving in with a total stranger. Whom you’ve never even met yet…
“Song Mingi” was his name. Based off his profile on the listing, you knew that he was around your age or so—which chipped off some uneasiness you had at first. You talked on the phone with him a while back, but it was mainly about the lease and rent and all that important stuff. You even went to tour the place yourself, but the landlord was there to give the tour in his place since he was “busy with personal matters”. I mean, it’s crazy to think that your new housemate is coming in. You’d expect him to want to meet his future housemate for the next year or so.
But he didn’t seem to be too interested in doing so. Maybe he’s really to himself, you think to yourself. I can work with that.
In fact that was even better maybe. Two strangers living together. Not talking and just going about each other’s lives. That could work, you thought. That’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so. But the thought of living with someone new after a while made your stomach turn a little. You could handle it, sure—you had done so with your roommates back in college a few years ago—but nothing beats having your own place to yourself.
It’s just for a year, you think to yourself. You’ll have your own place again in no time.
“Just make sure you visit when you can please. I’ll even cook you dinner.” You say.
“Of course! I will soon.” You and Hongjoong wrap up your call. And just like that, as if in perfect timing, the moving truck calls.
It’s time.
Here you were. Your new home.
Before you, stood your new apartment complex. It was definitely much smaller than your old one, but you didn’t mind. It seemed a bit modern, but still had a homey feel to it. And the last time you visited, the neighborhood stole your heart. It seemed much more peaceful, with a bunch of small families around.
What a deal. But you couldn’t ignore your racing heart in that moment. You were about to move in with a total stranger. Maybe I am actually crazy. But there was no going back now.
You took your phone out and texted your new housemate that you arrived. Your fingers hovered over his contact name: Song Mingi.
“Just text me when you get here.” Mingi said through the phone the last time you spoke. Gosh. You were really going to live with this guy.
hey mingi, i’m here!! the moving guys will help bring my boxes up too!
And you waited for his response.
1 minute passed. 2 minutes. 3 minutes.
then 5 minutes…6…7…
Nothing. Would it seem impatient to text again? You were worried the moving company would have to leave soon. They were already unloading your boxes from the truck.
Should I text again?
hey, i’m outside!!
And you waited again.
“Hey, any way to get inside?” One of the staff members came up to you and said. “Not to pressure you, ma’am, but it’s almost 6 o’clock.”
“I don’t, I’m so sorry,” You can’t help but start to feel panicked. “Let me just get ahold of my housemate. It’ll be just a second.”
You knew texting would be inefficient. Who seriously replies right away these days? So you decided to bite the bullet and just call him. Would it really be so bad?
Ring. Ring. Ring.
No answer.
Seriously?! You felt horrible since the moving staff was growing impatient, and you knew they’d charge you extra for keeping them past the hour. It’s not too big of a deal, but you did have a lot of boxes. And you knew your new apartment was on the top floor. Plus, it was getting dark outside and you felt like a fool standing outside the apartment building doing nothing.
This wasn’t the ideal first impression you wanted to give your new housemate, but it was getting ridiculous. And at that point you couldn’t hold back: you went and called him again.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
And again.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
And again.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Hello?” His familiar deep voice croaked through the phone. FINALLY!
“Mingi? Hi! Yes it’s y/n… um, I’m here outside now!” You mask your slight impatience and worry with politeness. But by the sound of his low voice, you suspect he was probably asleep. A nap?!
“Ahh,” he sighed heavily on the other line. “I’ll be right down.”
You assured the mover that he was on his way down, and luckily they obliged to stay and help. The relief you felt suddenly turned into nerves. You were going to meet Song Mingi face to face for the first time. What a bold move indeed.
You head over towards the movers and try to help with your boxes when you suddenly hear the apartment building door open.
You turn around to face him. Your new roommate.
You're not too sure why you're so surprised, but he was quite...good looking. Not that you were expecting anything, but it is catching you off guard just a tiny bit.
He was even taller than you thought he’d be: dressed in baggy grey sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt—his black hair tousled messily and his face framed with thick rimmed glasses. Mingi stepped forward.
“Hey,” He greeted. “I’m Mingi.”
“Hi,” You return the greeting, giving a small smile. “Nice to finally meet you.”
Mingi nods and glances past you. “Sorry about the delay. I accidentally fell asleep.”
“No, it’s okay,” You try to assure, suddenly feeling awkward. At least he’s being honest I guess? “I thought I was disturbing you by calling you so many times.”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
He clears his throat, his eyes still glancing past you. “Your boxes?”
“Right! Yes, thank you.”
“Well, this is it,” Mingi said after the movers left. He places one last box on the floor. For some reason, the words were barely reaching you—your move-in boxes piling high at the foot of the door. “I guess we’re roommates now.”
The apartment was just like you remembered it from the tour—well, except the pile of dishes and empty takeout on the kitchen counter. It wasn’t exactly like your old place, but it was different in a good, familiar way: cream coated walls, gentle ambient lighting, and modern furniture. The living room had a dark couch and a wooden coffee table. It had a basic kitchen design—white cabinets and tabletops, with an island counter and a small dining area. It was quite minimal, but still showed signs of living. Definitely cozy.
You open the door to your new room, which was opposite across Mingi’s. Similar to the rest of the apartment, it was quite minimal and held similar design styles. It was quite spacious, holding a luscious queen sized bed just for you. The best part was the wide, curtained windows on the left side of the room—natural lighting always brought your mood up so you were particularly excited about this. You turned the lights on, its soft yellow light glowing against your skin.
“You know, I can’t believe you’re actually taking this spot, but thanks.” You heard Mingi say from the kitchen. “I really needed a roommate asap…and, I don’t know if it was ideal for you to move in with a total stranger, much less a guy. But let me just say now, I’m not some sort of creep or something like that.”
You were quite surprised. If you weren’t so desperate, maybe you wouldn’t have been as blinded by this fact. A man alone with a single woman these days could be quite risky. But something in you felt like you trusted Mingi (after reading the listing and talking with him on the phone of course). And the fact that you were similar in age made it seem less scary—it was like moving in with a classmate or something.
“Oh yeah, of course. But no, I didn’t really think that at all.” You step out of your doorway and face him. “I really needed to find a new place in this area quickly as well.”
Mingi simply nods in response once again.
“Alright, well anyways…” he begins after a beat of awkward silence. He moves from the sink to lean onto the kitchen counter, and runs a hand through his hair. “To be brief, we’ll have a chores list to split up cleaning and all that. But I just want to make it clear that everything in this apartment should be split equally. The kitchen, the living room, and even the bathroom.”
For some reason, you were beginning to feel more intimidated. He had this aura, and you couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe it was his looming height or his unwavering serious expression, but it was the way he spoke—short, direct, and his voice: husky and deep.
“And you know... we don't really know each other at all so..." Mingi finally looked directly at you. "Let’s just keep it simple and not get in each other’s way, okay?”
“Sure,” You say nonchalantly. “That’s fine by me too.”
And you honestly were. You felt pretty relieved because that’s also how you would go about things. I mean, you didn’t even know this guy. So what’s even the point? This was just your home. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, the way he seemed so cold about it bothered you just a little. It's kind of rude isn't it? But you shook your head internally and pushed that thought to the back of your mind.
Two strangers living together. Not talking and just going about each other’s lives. That’s how you’ve always done things, and you’ve gone far doing so.
That’s how it should be. This was better.
“Cool, well…I’m gonna wash up now. Night.” Mingi’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
Both of you go on your separate ways. You knew you had a lot to unpack and fix, but you took in a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Welcome to your new home.
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fruitmins · 1 year
Attention | jimin
➭ summary: in which you’ve been stalking your ex ever since you two broke up. And he’s aware of this, but you know he won’t stop you cause he’s a little attention whore. Until he starts seeing some else so you have to remind him who he belongs too..
➭genre: smut with a little plot if you squint, ex’s au, drabble
➭warnings: unprotected s*x (don’t do that), kinda rough s*x, a wall, cuss words, relationship is hella toxic, stalking (don’t do that), murderous tendencies, he plays into your delusions, more s*x implied, Jimin is still the dominate somehow??
note: i haven’t posted a oneshot in a while and wanted to work on my smut so let me know if it’s readable or not but I actually kinda like this one ⚠︎ this is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. jimin is used solely as a face and a name for the story. this is not a representation of real-life scenarios.
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Your blood is boiling.
Your sat posted up across from the small modern cafe he works, in a black cap and all black outfit. He can’t see you right now but you can see him very clearly.
You can see the way he entertained the female customer by biting his lip and looking her up and down. You can see the way the girl hides her face where he speaks, undoubtedly flirting with her and smirking at her pathetic reaction.
This isn’t what gets your blood boiling.
You wouldn’t even think past it because you know Jimin has always had a flirty personality. You’ve watched him flirt with most female customers before, even woman over the age of forty five. It was just who he was.
What’s annoying you is how this is the second day in a row where the same girl has come in, just to flirt with him. And eventually, the girl just took out her phone for him to put his number in. And he did.
Something in you still had faith in him. A part of you wanted to believe that he’d just ghost the girl and get her off his back. He still belonged to you. You weren’t ready to let him go yet. Therefore he wasn’t on the market.
And he knew this. But still, as a warning you lift up your cap and emerge from the bushes. You walk across the road and walk past the window to the cafe, visible through the big see through windows.
And you know he saw you. You know this cause you’ve watched him glance at the window every five minutes looking for you. Waiting for you. He knows you’ve been stalking him ever since the two of you broke up four months ago. You’ve made yourself known every now and then. Outside his house, outside his job, when he is out with friends. He knows you’re there. He’s caught on to your little game.
So you figured he was just fucking with you like he used to. Trying to make you jealous on purpose. After that he would simply leave the girl alone and in response unblock you instead of texting her.
That was until two days later you watched him get into his car and drive to the cafe. Expect he didn’t work that day, and you saw the same girl walk in a couple minutes after.
They were on a date.
He was on a fucking date.
You tired not to panic at first. You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. He had to be fucking with you. Playing with your emotions to draw you out somehow. That’s what he always did. He treated you like a game.
But then you watch him, his guard slowly melting. His body relaxing as he finally pays attention to what she was talking about. Finally realizing that the girl might have a personality. You watch him stare at the girl as she talked, now so absorbed in the conversation that he wasn’t even glancing at the window anymore.
He wasn’t waiting for you.
He’s so predictable it makes you sick. He sees a pretty slut is giving him all of her attention right in front of him and crack’s immediately. He capitalizes on the effect he has on people and uses to it his own pleasure. Once anyone has every interest in him, he has to suck the life out of them, and then leave them to dry when he gets bored. Like he did with you.
You almost feel bad for the girl. But then you see her do something stupid like touch his thigh when she laughs and you think about burning her alive again.
You need to remind him that you haven't let go of him yet. That you still have your full attention on him. You need to remind him just how good you are to him.
So you watch him. You watch him smile and get lost in the girls eyes. You watch as he forgets about the world around him because of a pretty girl. You know this is happening cause you watched him do it on your couple first dates. So you watch for the entire hour and a half with a sick stomach.
Until they finally leave the cafe, and they finally break apart. The girl walks out of the store, and you think about slitting her throat as she struts down the sidewalk. Obviously feeling good about herself. That she had managed to strike a gold mine like Jimin.
You roll your eyes and wait for Jimin to exit the cafe minutes later after saying hi to his coworkers. You watch as he gets in his car and then you walk to his house as he speeds away in the same direction.
You take your time, thinking about all the fun you’re going to have when you get to his house. You ditch the cap on the way, your hair now flowing freely in the wind. You take off the large black hoodie as the sun shines down. You’re not going to camouflage yourself for this. You need him to see you. To see what he was missing. To remember all the good you to had.
You make it to his house and feel a little relief when he’s car is there. He could have easily went out to get some groceries or a snack after. But he was there. You entire his house easily, always knowing where his spare key was. No matter how many times he changed the hiding place.
You walk into the familiar house, taking a minute to glance around and smell the familiar air. Your heart races and thumps as you think about all the times you spent together.
You practically frolic through his house before finally going upstairs to his bedroom. You can hear the shower running as you walk up the stairs and your heart pumps even more with excitement and anticipation.
You enter his bedroom, glancing around the warm space. So caught up in looking at his baby pictures and sports posters that you don’t realize that the shower stopped running until you hear his voice.
“What are you doing here?” He says as you slowly turn around to face him, a picture of him with a pirate suit on in your hand.
He’s stood there, a couple steps away and in nothing but a wet white shirt that stuck to his body and didn’t hide the visible six pack and black sweats. His hair dripping wet and down his face as the smell of soap fills the room.
“I needed to see you again.” You say without thinking, sounding utterly pathetic but you know it amuses Jimin. You know this will only boost his ego.
“And you thought breaking in was the smart way to go?” He asks raising an eyebrow, his voice is soft yet stern and you can’t help but let out a smile when you hear it.
“I’m sorry I don’t do dates like all the other girls.” You respond back, rolling your eyes as you thought about watching the date he went on earlier.
He lets out a small chuckle, masking his amusement with a look of disbelief as he shakes the towel to dry off his hair. “You need to leave.” he says in a soft low voice.
“Oh I will. But first let me make something clear.” You stay sternly, taking a step towards him, causing his eyes to widen slightly with suspicion. He looks at you for a moment as you closes the distance between you, the smell the familiar scent of his soap and shampoo filling your nostrils.
“Just because you broke up with me, doesn’t mean you get to move on.” You say, your face suddenly darkening before leaning against his ear to lightly whisper. “You’re still mine.”
As you lean in to whisper your words in his ear his body stiffens, as he feels your breath on his ear. You can almost feel the tension building inside him.
“That’s not how this works.” he says, his voice still low but you can tell there’s a little nervousness in it, like he was now unsure of something.
You can practically see the thoughts and memories rushing through his head as he stared down at you. You can see his pathetic little heart beating faster as he drowns in your strong words. “That’s exactly how this works.” You say with a slight chuckle, knowing exactly what to make him crack.
“And I’m going to make sure you remember that every time you even think of going on a date.” You whisper with a smug smile and you can see his eye twitch.
His expression changes ever so slightly, thinking deeply about your words till his muscles tighten and he suddenly moves.
He puts his hand out as if he’s about to push you away, but instead he pulls you close.. “Let me make something clear,” he says with a growl, his eyes locking onto yours. His one hand lightly grips the nape of your neck while his other hand lands on your waist as he lifts you against the wall.
“I will be going out on dates, and I will be getting over you. Because you’re crazy.” he tells you, and if he was a cartoon character you are sure he would have steam coming out of his ears.
You know you’ve damaged him, you’ve pushed him to the limit and forced him to remember and care about you again.
“And that’s exactly your type.” You respond quickly with a smug smirk. You can’t tell if he’s still seriously angry but it’s obvious that he’s turned on by all of this. That he is in love with how crazy you are for him.
“And as much as you don’t want it to be true. You love how crazy I am.” You’re an automatic ego booster that you know he can’t let go easily.
“Fuck you.” He spits in return before slamming his lips meet yours roughly, demandingly as he tries to silence your words and his thoughts that he didn’t want to come to term with. That everything you said was right. And that he is just as crazy as you are.
You smirk in victory but kiss him back immediately, the kiss rough and hungry as it deepens. You can feel him giving in more and more, losing himself in your touch just like he always does.
As the kiss deepens, his hand moves from your waist down to the hem of your shirt, the feeling of his fingers grazing the skin of your stomach that sends you into a spiral.
As he touches your skin, he can feel you trembling and shivering underneath his hands, it feels like he’s holding on to a fragile being but he loves the way you shake in his hands. He loves how unpredictable you are and how you treat him like he’s some type of God.
His mouth sucks on your neck as he tugs your shirt up, slowly revealing more and more of your soft skin that is hot under his fingertips. His fingers dance along your skin, tickling and teasing as he kisses his way up to your lips again.
You lean your head back against the wall, breathing heavily as you wrap my legs around his hips to hold yourself up against the wall.
He continues to kiss you passionately as he pulls away again to look at you, this time leaving a trail of saliva across your face. His eyes are full of lust and hungry. His other hand travels southwards once again, touching your thigh gently.
He then begins kissing along your jawline before finally trailing kisses down your collarbone. "God...you're driving me insane." He whispers huskily against your chest.
“Good.” You whisper back, your hands in his hair as he pushes you more up the wall. He growls at your words, his movements become more desperate, his hands underneath your clothes now as he lifts you higher.
He kisses you deeply, as if silencing you again as his tongue pushing past your lips, gripping onto you tighter. You groan into his mouth, his tongue fighting with yours as you do him the honors of lifting up his shirt.
He moans loudly, loving how much control you have over him."Fuck..." he says breathlessly, breaking off their kiss briefly to help pull off his shirt, exposing his toned body. You can’t help but brush your hands over his abs off letting out a breath before he takes off your own shirt.
You move your hand from his abs down to his v line. You can’t help but quickly move your legs higher so you have complete access to slide down his sweats and he is quick to help you undress him, pulling down his boxers along with them.
His cock quickly reveals itself, slapping against his stomach as it escapes his tight boxers. It looks bigger than usual because of how hard he was, even throbbing with some precum at his tip.
“You’re crazy.” He whispers again, almost disappointed in himself for wanting you so bad as he pressing himself closer to you, bending his head down and kisses your neck.
“I missed you so much.” You respond back, delighted that he was back in your clutches. His hands find their way into the waistband of your pants.
His hands slip under your pants, your body jolting when you feel his fingertips rub against your wetness. “Jimin..” you whisper breathlessly and he can’t help but smirk at your desperation.
“I want to hear so much more..” he says in a low husky voice, placing light soft kisses on your neck as his middle finger presses against your slit.
Your back arches letting out a soft moan as you hold onto his hair tightly. Your body shakes an anticipation until he effortlessly removes my bottoms all together. He stares hungrily at your exposed lower half, admiring every inch of it.
He pushes you against the wall, slowly lining himself up before letting out a groan of relief as his hard cock slides into you. You're so wet and warm around him, it feels amazing. His hands move to your hips, holding them still as he starts thrusting slowly. He feels so perfect inside of you, fitting so perfectly and like he was always meant for you.
"Fuck." Jimin says quietly, kissing your neck. He hips buckle as he slowly starts moving faster, don’t being able to resist wanting more as his grip tightening around your hips.
He pulls out a little and then thrusts back in, feeling you tighten around him. His movements become faster, more erratic as he can't control his need for you. “So perfect..” he groans, his hips slapping roughly against yours earning a loud moan from your every time.
Your mind is hazy from the intense pleasure, pulling on his hair tightly as your body trembles. You loose all of your senses and thoughts, soaking in the feeling of him inside of you.
He moans when he feels you tighten around him, loving the feeling as you reach your climax and spill out all of the butterflies in your stomach.
He slows his pace, but makes sure to keep moving inside of you, watching your face contorting from the high of your orgasm with pride.
“I’m gonna drive you as crazy as you drive me, darling.”
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destinygoldenstar · 8 months
I think it’s important of a reminder that I personally think it’s fair to critique for what a media DID do, not what they didn’t do. Because what you expect could not be the writers goals at all, and you only end up disappointed when it doesn’t do exactly what you expect.
Cause if I had a nickel for every January release of a third act of a franchise season I’m into that I’ve been disappointed by when the rest is otherwise really good…
Blah blah two nickels.
I already talked about the Total Drama Reboot ending. In all honesty I think the reception is understandably more split than anything else. Either you love the third act or you don’t. I just happened to fall in the latter category. I loved the first 8 episodes though. It’s more of a ‘This was great until it wasn’t’ situation.
And what do you know, there’s another show that also had a January third act that had me sum up that season.
Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure.
This season was GREAT. Until it wasn’t.
I think that’s the perfect phrase for this season.
Now for context, though I don’t talk about it much in my posts, I follow all kinds of magical girl tags.
Magical Girls are my special interest. I’ve written more magical girl stories than I’ve published online. My OC, GoldenStar, can be classified as an OC if you wanted. Magical Girl shows just press my autistic buttons so much and I can never get enough of them. (Except Magical Girl Site, that show can burn in my memory and never come back in my head)
You don’t know what the genre is, it’s a sub-superhero genre that’s (most of the time) female centric, that involves (usually) a team of girls finding powers, having beautifully animated transformations into superhero personas with big hair not suited for combat, and they, with the power of love and friendship, kick ass and save the day.
Think Winx and Lolirock if you’re western.
So naturally, I couldn’t get enough of Pretty Cure back in the day. As it was basically the perfect ‘magical girl obsessor campsite’. As every season of the show has the benefit of having a brand new cast of characters each time, and therefore different lore that keeps things fresh.
I guess best way to explain it to western users is ‘Power Rangers but magical girls, and animated’
Which is an ironic way to explain it cause Power Rangers is actually an American Adaptation of a franchise called Super Sentai… made by the same company that made Pretty Cure.
I kinda had a falling out with the franchise though. That’s because, and let’s be real here, the newer seasons are kinda lousy.
Now, hold on, it’s not all bad these past five years. I loved Healin Good and WILL defend it. Tropical Rouge was decently fun and had some great episodes. But compare the seasons these past five years to some of the older ones like Heartcatch and… yeah, there’s a noticeable writing dip.
Especially when you get into Delicious Party…
That was the first time I ever downright hated a Pretty Cure season and got angry at multiple points. And if I wasn’t angry, I Aw as bored to tears. Not a good combination. Just so so SO much wrong with this season from beginning to end. (And saying that opinion got me blocked from Fandom.)
But then Hirogaru Sky was next, and yes, wow, it started out PHENOMENAL. I was blown away again and completely invested again. This season seemed like it was doing all kinds of shake ups to the franchise and taking the entire structure in new directions. While also paying homage to the first season with the duo team structure. I loved its main characters and their dynamics throughout the show. The designs are gorgeous. The first half is thrilling and intense and some of the best of the franchise since Hugtto. Back then, I was about ready to call this an S tier season and in my top 5…
This is why you wait till a season is done before you go say stuff like that. I learned that now.
Now, I’m not actually going to dunk on the ending this time. Because bottom line is: It’s one very stupid plot twist after another to the point where it’s like they can’t make up their mind what they want, none of the build up throughout the show amounted to anything, and the final battle is horrifically paced and completely botches the character arcs of certain people. Sora in particular.
Not THAT Sora. That Sora had an amazing payoff. I’m talking about Pretty Cure Sora, not Ninjago Sora. Dragons Rising was really good and actually stuck the landing.
But I do think we’re hating on this season for all the wrong reasons. I know we all made predictions about where the story was headed, and almost all those theories became wrong.
Like, I know we all predicted, myself included, that Shalala was the twist main villain. This turned out to be wrong. But they didn’t have to do that if they didn’t want it.
It’s the same thing with Total Drama. We all predicted Damien was a finalist and that turned out wrong. But I chose not the criticize that show for not making him a finalist because, well, the writers didn’t want him to be a finalist. That’s okay. Instead I criticized how they handled the role in the story they gave him. You know, what they intended.
Just because your theories were wrong, does NOT make it the end of the world. You can definitely claim that your theory would have been the better story route than what we got. BUT fact of the matter is, you’re not the writer. You don’t get to decide what the writers want to do with their story. And saying you do cause you’re a fan is just entitlement. (Go make a fanfiction if you’re gonna be that petty about it)
I keep saying, don’t criticize what the writers didn’t do, criticize what the writers DID do. Try and see what the writers were going for. Not what you wanted.
We all expected going in that Hirogaru Sky would be this epic hero-ideology season. This big philosophy on what it means to be a hero and the ups and downs that came with it. Kind of like a Kamen Rider Kuuga type of story. There was all kind of foreshadowing that Sora was going to endure quite a bit of an arc upon realizing her hero idealism was kinda trash.
We got that about the first half, then nothing. What we got instead was NOT a morally grey complex narrative. We got a simple black and white world where Sora’s hero idealism turned out to be pretty much perfect from the start, and the villain is literally just as ‘evil for the sake of evil’ as you can get. It became ‘I don’t know if I scan grow up to be a hero’ instead of ‘being a hero kinda sucks’.
So when that wasn’t the theme we got, and it wasn’t this morally complex story that we all hoped for… yeah I can see people getting angry.
But that’s not the problem for me. Because they wanted a black and white story. So they did a black and white story. So we gotta judge it by what they were going for.
Now yes, Shalala being the villain instead of who we got would’ve been preferable, if only cause the villain we got is just awful as a character and fails as a villain in almost every front. The hero role being muddied out would’ve been juicy in angst. But it’s not what the writers wanted to do.
So instead of criticizing what it’s not. I’m choosing to criticize it for what it is. That the villain was horrifically built up and a terrible character, and the final battle is horrific pacing that leaves no satisfying conclusion for Sora because of bad pacing. She gets slapped with dark energy juice and all it takes to snap her out of it is Deus Ex Machina from her BFF? Seriously? You couldn’t think of a better way to resolve that?
Just because it didn’t say stuff about being a hero that you want them to say, doesn’t mean they said anything at all. And if you want to rewrite this season to say the stuff you thought it should have, then go ahead. No one’s stopping you.
Basically, I think the third act distaste for Hirogaru Sky is justified, but people are pointing out the wrong reasons why it’s distasteful.
I said it once, Ill say it again:
You HAVE to have a solid third act. Because that’s what people will walk away from. If you try something fancy and screw up, people are gonna remember the botched ending rather than the whole story. Even if the rest of your story is fantastic.
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itsdanii · 4 years
Because I’m an angst-addicted ball of misery, is it okay if I request drabbles of Fuckboy!Atsumu and Fuckboy!Oikawa being the crush of the reader but she knows of how they treat other girls and doesn’t want to end up heart broken and since she’s shy and introverted, the boys barely know her aside from her being a classmate?
She tries to keep a simple distance away from them until said boys randomly show an interest in her and they start showing her attention, love, and treating her better than the girls they messed with until after a few weeks she overhears from them or their teammates that it’s out of pity/they were bored because Y/N seemed easy to mess with.
Y/N doesn’t let them know she overheard them, instead a switch is flipped and she’s emotionless around them and avoids them. When they ask why she’s like that, she simply says “I won’t let you hurt me like the others.” She basically treats them like they don’t exist (she’s friendly to everyone but them) and said f!boys regret it and bust their asses to fix everything between them (I read how you felt about full angst, so the reader just blocked their number, social media’s, and treat them like the plague until they prove that they truly love her or regret messing with her :) )
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Hey, bub. Sorry for the slight delay! I hope you don't mind me making slight adjustments about the plot for my comfort 🥺 And uh... this drabble turned out to be a oneshot because I got carried away. I only did Atsumu's part which went over 3k+ works 👁️👄👁️ Anyway, I hope that you still like it. Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Karma's a b*tch
genre: angst to fluff
warning/s: rude behavior (resolved), cursing, self doubt and insecurity(?), do message me if I missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason
ft. fboy!atsumu miya, f!reader
never play with a girl's feelings. wanna know why? just read the title.
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You stared at the back of Atsumu's head dreamily, your elbows propped on your desk as you basically ignored the world around you.
Contrary to the belief that noisy students always sat on the back, Atsumu and his twin were actually seated in front. Despite being in the middle of a class discussion, the two kept on chattering as if the teacher didn't exist. The teacher basically gave up already trying to shut them up since they never listened anyway.
You knew that she could've just sent them to detention but of course, who would do that to the miya twins? People almost worshipped them and your teacher wasn't excluded. Everytime she entered the room, you noticed how she would always cast a glance at the Miya twins and smile "politely."
The two, of course, took advantage of it. If it meant being able to get away with their noise by just simply smirking at the teacher in front of them, they'd do it. They already did anyways. They never did anything more than that though, and for some reason you were thankful that they never crossed that line.
You jolted up slightly when the bell suddenly rang, a loud yelp slipping past your lips out of shock. With your eyes widening like saucers, you felt your cheeks heating up when majority of your classmates turned their head towards your direction, some having a grin on their faces while the others having a look of displease.
However, their stare didn't matter as much as a specific person's did. A pair of brownish eyes stared at you intensely, his gaze so intense it was enough to make you almost squirm in your seat.
Feeling your heart rate picking up along with the shiver running down your spine, you looked down at your lap, successfully cutting your eye contact with Miya Atsumu - the guy you secretly liked despite being hailed as your school's certified f!ckboy.
"Make sure to finish all your requirements this upcoming weekend. You're all seniors so I have high expectations on your outputs, understood?"
With a series of "Yes, ma'am," the class was dismissed.
The room was filled with different noises - subgroups gossiping with each other, the footsteps of students hurrying their way out, the rustling of papers, clanking of chairs and the voices of the class representatives reminding the assigned people to clean properly.
It was lively, for them at least.
As for you, you preferred being alone. No, you weren't some weird nerd kid who acted as if they hated the world. Instead, you preferred categorizing yourself as one of those people who were naturally shy and introverted.
You don't really like crowds nor socializing. You've always opted on sitting by the corner, just enjoying the calmness silence brings you.
Grabbing your books from your desk, you stood up and made your way to the door, head casted a little downwards to avoid making eye contact with people, knowing that doing so will result to interactions, and who has time for interactions anyway? Certainly not you.
With the lack of paying attention, you failed to notice someone who was rushing their way out. Like a cliche movie, your body collided with them, the impact causing you to stumble backwards, loosening your grip on your books as they fell on the floor.
Luckily, the person behind you managed to catch you on time, their hand gripping the small of your back to keep your bum from meeting the floor.
"Whoa, there. Ya alright, princess?" spoke the familiar voice just behind your ear, his breath against your skin giving you small goosebumps.
Instantly, you jerked away. Turning around to face him, you bowed down while muttering continuous apologies. "Miya! I didn't mean to bump into you, I.. I swear. I was just walking out and then somebody j-"
Chuckling, Atsumu placed a hand on top of your head, giving your hair a small ruffle which eventually made you look up at him. "Calm down, I ain't mad at ya. No need to be so flustered."
With a stiff nod, you mumbled a small "Okay," before bending down to pick your books off the floor. You didn't fail to notice how your hands were trembling and you silently prayed to whoever diety was watching over you that Atsumu won't notice it.
"Yer y/n, right?" Atsumu asked as he bent down as well, one hand clutching your book as he let his finger trace over the name written on it. "A pretty name fer a pretty face like yers."
You wouldn't be surprised if he'd ask if you were doing okay because by now, you were a hundred percent sure that your face must be looking like a red tomato. "Thanks I guess," you said, giving him a shy smile before taking the book from his hand.
The small encounter was cut off by someone calling for Atsumu's name. Turning your head to the direction of the noise, you noticed Osamu walking towards you with a small frown on his face, one hand gripping the strap of his bag as he went on how they're going to have to run extra laps again if they ever got late for practice.
Atsumu only chuckled at Osamu before turning his focus back on you. With a cheeky smile, he booped the tip of your noise fondly. "Guess I'll see ya around, pretty thing. Careful not to stumble again, alright? Don't want another man catchin' ya."
With that, Atsumu went on his merry way, turning around one more time to send you a wink, chuckling as you gave him a slow wave before his figure disappeared from your vision as a mere dot.
"See ya later..." you whispered on thin air, lips unconsciously curling up as you stared at the direction he went off to. Once you snapped out of your daze, you bit your lip to stop yourself from squealing like a school girl in love.
Well, technically, you were a school girl in love, right?
That night, as you laid on your bed staring at your ceiling full of glow in the dark stars, you thought that maybe it wasn't so bad making conversations with people every once in a while.
The days went by pretty quickly.
At first, you thought that everything will be back to normal. After all, you never tried associating yourself with people. Your high school life was basically nothing but waking up early for school then going back home after class and then repeat.
However, something was strange. In fact, it was very strange. Not only were people trying to befriend you but the one and only Atsumu Miya was actually making an effort to talk to you, and to say that you were confused would be an understatement.
He basically didn't pay attention nor spared you a glance before, until that day you bumped into him.
You knew that it wasn't a good practice to judge someone based on what other people say but he wouldn't be called as your school's f!ckboy for nothing. He'd change his girlfriend almost every week as if he's only changing clothes, cruelly dump those who did not meet his certain standards and doesn't care even if a girl cries infront of him. Those are exactly why you tried not associating yourself with him nor his twin.
But there was something about Atsumu Miya that kept on drawing you in. You didn't know if it was his annoying piss colored hair, intense gaze, or the aura surrounding him. You couldn't help but wonder how someone like him, the exact type of person you swore you hated, managed to keep you attracted like a moth on to a flame.
It was weird.
And yet you loved it.
"Ya know y/n, ya kinda wound me," Atsumu said, plopping himself down beside you on the cafeteria.
With your hand clutching the chopsticks mid-air, you surveyed your area, noting how some heads, specifically the Inrizaki VBC's, turned to your direction. "Sorry, what do you mean?" you muttered as soon as your eyes met Atsumu's.
"I literally thought we're already friends when I saved yer ass from falling backwards," Atsumu answered before stuffing his mouth with an Onigiri, no doubt made by Osamu.
Placing your chopsticks down, you wiped your lips with some napkin before speaking up. "I'm sorry for asking this but... what's with the sudden interest, Miya?"
You were aware of how snappy you sounded, but in reality, it was your own defense mechanism acting up. Just how were you supposed to ignore him when it's he himself who kept on clinging to you?
"Hm, what do ya mean? Is it so hard to believe that I'm trying to befriend ya?" Atsumu tilted his head a bit to the side, his lips curling up into a smirk. "Why not try givin' me a chance, princess? That isn't so much to ask for."
You organized your now empty bento, placing it on the side before focusing your whole attention to the man in front of you. "I've seen how you treated girls before," you said with a low voice, averting your gaze from him to avoid melting into a puddle.
Damn stupid feelings.
"I see..." Atsumu said with a slow nod. "Then I guess that makes it more of a challenge."
Your eyebrows immediately furrowed upon hearing that, your curiosity spiking up at what his words meant. "Challenge? What do you mean?"
Instead of answering you, Atsumu just stood up, his bento in hand with the side of his lips curled up. "I'll see ya around, princess."
With that, you were left alone in your table, eyes still trained on Atsumu as he made his way back to the Inarizaki VBC's table. You watched as most of his friends chuckled while patting his back, some even sending a glance towards your direction.
Deciding that pondering over it would only be a waste of time, you stood up and made your way back to your classroom, failing to notice a grey haired Miya watching you.
You let out a small squeak as someone behind you reached for the same book you've been trying to get for almost 5 minutes now. Tilting your head back a little, you were met with an upside down vision of Miya Atsumu's face.
With your arms still raised in the air, you spun around to face him, your back flush against the bookshelf keeping you basically trapped. "Miya," you mumbled while looking up at him, one hand fisting the side of your skirt to release some pressure.
"Here," he simply said while handing you the book, obviously holding back from laughing at your flustered expression. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna try anythin' that would make ya uncomfortable. I was just passin' by and saw you strugglin'."
"And he even tucked my hair behind my ear!"
"He did that?" your cousin spoke from beside you.
Both of you were seated on top of your bed, legs crissed crossed as you gossiped about your interactions with Miya Atsumu.
For the past few weeks, you've been having encounters with Atsumu - in the cafeteria, in the library and even outside of school where he claimed that he was out to buy some ingredients for Osamu and only managed to bump into you "coincidentally". Name it and he'll be there.
With these constant encounters stirring up your feelings, you had to resort on calling your cousin for some girl time in order to save your sanity. Luckily, your parents had no objection. They were even happy that you were actually trying to open up to other people. It was only your cousin but according to your parents, "A small step is still a step."
Plopping your back on your bed, you grunted as you placed both of your hands on your cheeks. "Mhm. I just don't get it you know? He's basically this popular guy that plays volleyball, has a group of girls swarming over him and has the face and body that looks like it's been sculpted by God himself, and yet he's wasting his time on me."
You looked at your cousin with a small pout, one hand reaching out to poke her thigh. "Am I just overthinking things?"
With a breathy chuckle, your cousin laid down beside you. "Maybe? I can't really say for sure since I don't know this Miya guy except your description of him, but what I think is that you should give him a chance."
Hearing that, you laid on your side to face her, elbows propped up against the mattress as you rested your cheek on your palm. "Aila, have you been listening to me? He is a f! ckboy. Dangerous, treats girls like shit, and undeniably sexy. What if his sudden interest is only a one time thing? What if he's just messing with me?"
"And what if he isn't?" Upon hearing no reply, your cousin took your silence as her cue to continue. "What if people just labeled him as this so called 'f!ckboy' because that's what they perceive him to be? What if inside him is just someone who's vulnerable, trying to protect themselves from getting hurt by people so they end up hurting others first to save themselves from the pain? What if he's just waiting for someone who wanted to really know him, the real him? Would you really deprive him of that opportunity just because of what you hear from other people?"
"I... I don't know.."
"Miya isn't here to defend himself and I'm not trying to defend him, but don't you think you should at least give him the benefit of the doubt?" Aila smiled as she settled herself on a comfortable position. "Give him a chance, y/n. Everyone deserves to get one. It's up to him to prove whether he's worth the chance he was given."
You sighed deeply, letting her words sink in as you also shifted yourself on a comfortable position, raising your comforter up until it reaches just below your chin. "Then what happens if he isn't worth the chance he's given?"
With a hum, your cousin just shrugged. "Then you either forgive him and let it go or... give him the finger and tell him 'f!ck you' for messing with your feelings," she said with a short giggle.
"It's something only you in the future can decide. Goodnight, y/n."
With a thankful smile, you turned the lamp off as you whispered, "Mh, goodnight, Aila."
"Let's be friends," you said as you slammed a box of onigiri in front of Atsumu, a smacking sound resonating in the air making the rest of the boys look at your direction.
Even the sound of balls whooshing in the air stopped, replaced by the sound of them dropping suddenly on the gym's floor.
With his lips parted, Atsumu shifted his gaze from the onigiri, Osamu, Suna and you. "Ah..." he muttered as if he was just as shocked as you for having the guts to come inside the gym in the middle of their training.
Feeling your cheeks heating up out of embarrassment due to his lack of response, you looked down and started to fiddle with you fingers. "You said you wanted to be my friend and I kept on keeping my distance from you so I thought you might appreciate those onigiri as my peace offering." You scratched the back of your head before giving him an awkward smile. "A-anyway, that's all! I'll see you around, Miya!"
Atsumi could only watch you as you dashed out of the gym. Snapping out of his daze, he looked down at the box of Onigiri, smiling unconsciously as he noticed the sticky note posted on top with "Good luck on your practice, Miya! :))" written on it.
"Interestin'," Atsumu whispered before standing up, Kita's voice filling the air as he called the team back for practice.
It's safe to say that after that embarrassing moment, you became friends with Atsumu. You even became close with his twin because they were always with each other. It wasn't long then when the usual duo became three - Atsumu, Osamu, and you.
It was hard to adjust at first. Your female classmates would always glare at you and spout out some nasty remarks but the twins were always there to defend you. In fact, you even met the whole team and hanged out with them when you didn't have some academic tasks to finish.
It was fun, and you were thankful for your cousin who gave you the advise of giving Atsumu a chance.
But there was a downside on the situation.
Your feelings which you kept hidden for a long time was only growing day by day, and you were afraid that it was slowly showing signs.
Everytime Atsumu was near, your heart would beat so fast that you felt like you just finished a 4 kilometer run. Your hands would become clammy, breath would hitch, and face would heat up whenever he teases you, and don't even forget to add that one time you literally froze when you spun around, only to come face to face with him - nose almost touching, lips ghosting against each other with only an inch keeping you apart.
You were playing a dangerous game and yet you had no intention of stopping, not knowing that it wasn't only you who had a secret.
Because Atsumu Miya was also playing a game - something much more dangerous than yours.
"Where's 'Tsumu?" you asked as you peeked your head inside the gym.
Kita, who was about to walk out, gave you a smile before opening the door wider for you to come in. "Atsumu's in the storage room. The twins made a mess again so I told them to go clean up before we start practice."
"Typical," you said with a short giggle. "Anyway, I'm just going to drop off Atsumu's hoodie that I borrowed last week. I'll watch over them while you do your business."
"That would be great. Thank you so much, y/n-san. Call me if something happens," Kita said, giving you a small nod before leaving.
As you entered the empty gym, you grimaced upon seeing something that looks like spilled milk on the floor. With a shake of your head, you made your way near the storage room sneakily in attempts of scaring Atsumu.
However, as you got closer, you heard two familiar voices. It was Atsumu's and Osamu's voice, and basing from the way they were speaking, it seemed as if they were in the middle of an argument.
"The fuck did ya say?" It was Osamu.
"I said I was only playin' with her. I mean, she's so easy, don't ya think? It basically only took me a couple of weeks and she came runnin' to me with that box of Onigiri, claimin' she wanted to be friends," Atsumu said, followed by a chuckle. "As if I didn't notice the way she acted around me. I'm telling ya, that girl is in love with me."
"And so, what if she is? That's not an excuse for ya to play with her feelings, dipshit."
Hearing Atsumu huff, you slightly backed away from the door, only to freeze when you heard his next words.
"Y/n is nothin' but a toy to me, somethin' I can dispose of when I got bored."
Biting your lower lip, you clenched the handle of the paperbag you were holding before running out with tears streaming down your face.
You ran as fast as you could, ignoring the worried looks you're getting from the people you were passing by. Even Kita was shocked to see you yet he didn't bother calling out, thinking that you might be needing some alone time for yourself.
You skipped class.
Throughout your whole Highschool life, this was the first time you skipped your class and it was a bummer that the reason was Atsumu Miya.
Stirring your strawberry milkshake from a nearby cafe, you thought about Atsumu's words, another batch of tears streaming down your face as you realized how pathetic you were for believing that he isn't what others say.
Maybe your cousin was wrong.
Atsumu Miya wasn't worth the chance he was given, because he only proved that once a f!ckboy, always a f!ckboy.
You blocked Atsumu's social media accounts.
In fact, you even blocked and deleted his number to stop getting in contact with him.
Even in person, you didn't bother paying him any attention unlike before. You stopped coming to their practices, stopped giving him food and stopped talking to him.
You basically acted as if he didn't exist.
It was hard because you knew that your heart belonged to him, but you had to endure it. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction for playing with you. You know your worth and there's no way you're going to let some f*ckboy ruin you.
"Y/n, would ya stop?!" Atsumu said as he grabbed your wrist, effectively stopping you from walking away from him any further.
"Get your hands off me, Miya. I don't wanna talk to you." You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back, only to fail when he tightened his grip.
"The hell's yer problem? What's with the sudden attitude? Yer basically ignorin' me and I don't have any idea what I did. Just tell me what I did wrong instead of actin' like a little brat." Letting go of your wrist, Atsumu groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. "I.. I don't like this."
You laughed, eyes squinting as you let out a fit of giggles before pointing at him. "You don't like this? Why not, Miya? I'm just a toy for you, right? So, I don't really get why you don't like this. Is it because you're not bored of me yet so you're not willing to dispose of me?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at him with a serious expression. "Well, I'm sorry to say this but I'm not going to let you hurt me like the others. I'm not a plaything nor am I desperate like those girls pining over you. Have fun looking for a new toy. You're not worth playing with anyway."
That being said, you turned your back on Atsumu, ignoring the whispers that suddenly filled the hallway as the students parted some space for you, leaving Atsumu with his lips parted and feet frozen on the ground.
Serves you right, Miya.
Atsumu felt hollow.
With every passing day that you're ignoring him, conversing with people whom you never bothered associating yourself with before, the more he regret taking advantage of your feelings.
It was only supposed to be a game, nothing but a pass time and yet why did it felt like something was missing?
"I wasn't supposed to care," Atsumu said desperately while clutching his head in his hands, elbows propped on the table as he opened up to his twin. "F!ck...I think I like her, 'Samu."
"No shit, idiot," Osamu answered without taking his eyes off the stove. "I told ya several times to stop messin' with people's feelings and did ya ever listen? No. That's what ya get for bein' stupid."
Groaning, Atsumu rested his cheek against the table, facing Osamu's back. "Help me."
Slowing down from stirring the pot, Osamu looked at Atsumu through his shoulder. "Why would I do that?"
"Well, I'm yer twin. Aren't ya supposed to help me? Plus... y/n acts fine around ya." Atsumu sighed before sitting up properly. "I won't bother ya fer a week if ya help me out. I already did everythin' I could. Flowers, chocolates, even payin' attention in class just to impress them! Nothin' worked."
Osamu chuckled at the desperation and frustration in Atsumu's voice. "Deal." He turned the stove off, covering the pot before making his way to Atsumu. Sitting down, he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at the brokenhearted Miya. "Y/n is actually kind. Well, not until that moment she found out about yer stupidity. Have ya tried showin' her that yer willin' to change?"
Atsumu nodded. "I did. I even gave her the usual things girls like."
"I asked if ya showed her that yer willin' to change, not tried winnin' over her through bribery." When Atsumu didn't respond, Osamu let out a 'tsk' before continuing, "Just stop botherin' her and prove that ya regret what ya did."
"Easier said than done," Atsumu grumbled which earned him a smack on the head.
"Will ya stop bein' a sad boy already? I have a plan."
Its been two weeks.
Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu trying to apologize. Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu following you like a lost puppy while holding either chocolates or flowers.
Instead, what you were getting were these random post it notes on your locker, your desk, everywhere. Wherever you go, there would be random post it notes with various messages. Some contained cheesy quotations, the others short apology letters.
And despite how mad you were at Atsumu, you wouldn't be able to deny how cute the act was. Not only did he gave you space but also exerted an effort of silently letting you know that he'd be willing to wait for you.
You noticed how he stopped acting like a boss in class, opting to jot down notes instead of chattering with Osamu like usual. You also noticed how he stopped having a random girl beside him during breaks. Everytime you would pass by, no longer would he try to block your way and flick your forehead, but instead give you a hopeful smile before proceeding on his way wordlessly.
But what made you realize that he indeed regret what he did was that one time.
You were walking back to your classroom after forgetting your umbrella. The sound of the heavy rain tapping on the ground resonated on the empty hallways, the cold wind making you shiver as it whooshed in the air.
Wrapping your arms tightly around you, you entered your classroom, eyes widening as you saw Atsumu trying to fit something on the space below your desk while mumbling something.
Clearing your throat, you noticed Atsumu jolting up slightly before turning around to face your direction.
He smiled sheepily before scratching his nape. "I know it's yer birthday tomorrow so I was tryin' to fit this here. I guess there's no point hidin' it already since ya caught me anyway." Sighing, Atsumu picked up the fox stuffie and handed it to you. "Happy Birthday, y/n. I know yer still mad at me and ya probably hate me but I still wanted to give ya a present."
You stared at the fox in your hand, your fingers poking the fluffiness of the material as you fought back the urge to smile. "Thanks," you answered with a dismissive tone.
For a split second, it was silent, and you were aware of the intensity of Atsumu's gaze burning on your forehead, yet you refused to look up, knowing that once you did, you won't be able to hold yourself back and might just forgive him there and then.
"I like ya, I really do. I know I messed up big time fer taking advantage of ya and I'm sorry fer that. It was stupid and childish of me to think that the people around me are nothing but mere toys fer me to play with. I regret hurtin' yer feelings and I'll be willin' to wait until ya forgive me. Just know that I won't stop until ya do."
Hearing something rustling, you looked up and noticed Atsumu taking off his jacket. Within a few steps, he was already infront of you, draping his jacket over your figure. "I'll see ya around, princess. Don't get sick, alright?" Smiling, Atsumu gave your cheek a small pinch before heading out.
You were left in the empty classroom with nothing but the fox stuffie serving as your company. Atsumu's scent was swirling around you from the jacket you were given and at that moment, you haven't notice the single tear sliding down your cheek.
Because of all people, you never expected for Atsumu Miya to be the first one to greet you without having to remind them.
He was the first person you knew outside of your household to ever remember your birthday.
You hugged the stuffie close to your chest, burrying your face on top of its head as you let the comfort it brings envelope you.
You stared at the empty space infront, your head swirling as you thought of the possible reasons why Atsumu haven't been in class for three days now.
It's currently your last subject and throughout the whole day, you've been doing nothing but wonder where he was. You haven't asked Osamu about it yet since he was excused from the class due to the preparations for the upcoming match.
And so, the moment your class was dismissed, you rushed your way out, making your trip to the gym. You were thankful that they were in the middle of a water break so you had the chance to call out Osamu's name without having to worry about Kita.
"Y/n?" Osamu's eyebrow shot up upon seeing you. Suddenly, a knowing smile made its way to his lips. Standing up, he walked over to you. "He's sick," he said without even waiting for you to say something.
"Oh.." you muttered, shifting from one foot to another nervously before tugging at the hem of Osamu's jersey. "Do you... uhm, do you think it would be alright if I visit him after your practice? I wanna see if he's doin' alright."
"Alright. I think 'Tsumu would appreciate that. Why don't ya sit on the bench and wait a little for us to finish practice then ya can visit our house after?"
Upon hearing that, your face instantly lit up. You smiled at Osamu as you nodded.
Osamu only chuckled at you and fondly ruffled your hair, a habit he and Atsumu shared.
You waited patiently, and it wasn't long then when their practice finally finished. After Osamu took a shower, you both went on your way to their residence.
As you entered their house, Atsumu's voice immediately met your ears.
"'Samu! Cook me somethin', I'm starvin!"
You looked at Osamu who only shrugged as if he was already used to it. You took your shoes off and wore the slippers you were given before placing your bag on the couch.
"Our room is on the right. Go ahead and talk to him." Osamu said as he pointed on the door at the end of the hallway.
With a nod, you slowly made your way to their room, knocking softly before sliding your way in.
The first thing that greeted you were the mess of opened junk foods on the floor. Roaming your eyes around, you grimaced at the sight of empty water bottles littered around along with the volleyball laying on the ground.
Averting your eyes away from the trash, you looked at Atsumu whose back was facing you, his shoulder raising up and down evenly, indicating that he must be asleep.
Carefully, you walked claser and sat on the edge of his bed, your hand immediately feeling his forehead. "You're burning up," you mumbled, brushing his hair away from his face.
Suddenly, Atsumu's hand gripped your wrist, his eyebrows furrowed as he squinted his eyes. "Am I dreamin' or are ya a ghost?" he asked with a raspy voice.
"I'm not a ghost, 'Tsumu. I'm really here."
You watched as Atsumu slowly nodded before letting go of your wrist. "What're ya doin' here? I thought ya were still mad at me." Sitting up, Atsumu held the comforter close to him as he shivered.
"I heard you were sick. I'm no longer mad at you. I guess I'm still upset but I just can't hold a grudge against you forever, can I? That's not something I can do," you said with a shake of your head. "I really like you, you know? Despite your title of being a f!ckboy, I still fell for you. You were the first person I tried opening up to aside from my cousin. It's just a bummer that you ended up taking advantage of that vulnerability."
You felt Atsumu reaching out for you, his hand enveloping yours as he gave it a small squeeze. "I know, and I'm sorry. I really am."
"And if I give you another chance, will you prove me that you deserve it?" you asked as you looked at him, "I'm still hurt about what happened so I hope that if I give you this chance, you won't waste it."
"Yes. God, yes," Atsumu answered breathlessly, "I promise it won't happen again and I'll try to be better."
Suddenly, Atsumu wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you on his lap as he settled his head on the side of your neck. "Thank you," he mumbled repeatedly against your skin, his arms tightening around you as if he was afraid of letting go.
And he never did.
Indeed, there was something about Miya Atsumu that kept drawing you in, and despite the bumps and dangers that came along your way, you didn't withraw.
Because as you closed the last page of your photo album eight years from then, you realized how right your cousin was alll along.
Atsumu Miya was worth the chance he was given, and he proved it to you every single day, sealing it with the diamond ring now resting on your left hand.
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bts-sierra · 3 years
Pretty Boy
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Jimin x Reader [ft. Eunwoo]
Genre: Angst, Smut
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, alcohol consumption and swearing-ish.
Word Count: 6k
A/N: This is the first part of my "Pretty Boy" mini series for Jimin. It's very detailed and elaborate because I wanted to try writing a piece from the perspective of the female gaze. There will probably be a lot more eventual smut and plot development going forth; this one was just setting the story. Nonetheless, I hope you guys read it and like it!
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“I keep forgetting you’re a Comp Sci major. You know, I never would’ve guessed that when we met,” Tally says scooting into the empty seat beside you.
“Because I’m a girl?” You roll your eyes at her.
“Remember, you’re talking to a Mechanical Engineering student. That wouldn’t surprise me,” she retaliates.
“Actually, statistically speaking, Mechanical Engineering has a close balance between women and men in the field. Computer Science, not so much. You should see all my other classes, I’m basically one of the twelve girls in a class of over a hundred.”
“Ugh, of course you’d talk numbers. Was NOT the point, but hey, this class doesn’t seem so bad, does it?”
“Yeah, since a lot more mech and business students will be in it, ya know. Kinda how the math works. Jeez, how’d you pass all your classes so far?” you tease.
“Ah, yes. Love it when your best friend calls you dumb.”
The class falls silent as the professor makes his way up to the board.
“Computer Graphics & Design,” he writes.
You’d been looking forward to this course throughout your degree. It was the only one that combined your interests and your academic work in the slightest. You didn’t regret choosing a degree like Computer Science, but you’d known no other option your whole life. So, it always surprised people when they walked into your room expecting to find mechanical keyboards and spare hardware laying around a desk with 3 monitors running code from top to bottom and left to right, but instead, they found books, artwork, and crafty decor.
You’re unconsciously scribbling notes while Tally clicked away at her laptop keys. Another reason she’d initially suspected you were perhaps unsure about your major because God forbid a Comp Sci kid wasn’t glued to a screen with a keyboard.
Halfway through the class, the prof decides that the class wasn’t lively enough. “Come on, guys. This is only the first day, aren’t you all supposed to be excited and eager to learn?”
Clearly, he was forgetting that this was a senior capstone class and most of you were just wanting to graduate at this point. But, for a class that overlapped with two other degrees, you sure did expect it to be slightly more bumpin’. As bumpin’ as a graphics class could get, at least.
“Let’s actually set aside today’s agenda and why don’t we instead try to divide ourselves into groups to do an activity.”
The whole class whines collectively, which is fair enough considering the last time a prof was this involved and set up class activities was back in first year.
“I want you all to discuss yourselves. See what got you here and what you hope to do going forth. See if there’s someone else who follows a similar path as yours or if they’re on the opposite end of the spectrum. See if that pulls you closer to one another or pushes you further apart. Uncover the mystery of yourselves; humans are complex systems, just like computers,” the prof reasons.
There’s contemplation among the students, a lot of muttering and concentrated faces.
“And a lot of you forget why you started or forget that this isn’t the only path for you. This is one of your best chances at rediscovering or redirecting yourselves,” he concludes. And with that, the whole class scrambled to make groups.
You loved profs like this, truth be told. The ones that genuinely cared about you and your future.
You stir in your seat, trying to take in all the faces of the people seated around you. You hated to admit it but you weren’t as observant as you always claimed. In fact, you had the most tunnel vision a person could imagine sometimes; focusing on the most unnecessary things and letting the essential things slip through. So, you now force yourself to pay equal attention to the people, their features, the way they interacted and what they chose to focus on. Tunnel vision or not, you could read people fairly well.
Except, when your eyes come upon his. You loved reading people, but you hated being read by another. And just like that, you couldn’t quite focus on anything, eyes scanning an empty paper on your table like it had instructions printed on them. You’ve paid attention to boys before, but they were mostly just nice to look at when you got bored. They were never really distracting like the one seated behind you.
You fidget with your pen as you look back up at him hesitantly. This time I’ll be fine. He’s just another boy. Your eyes trace his jaw as you convince yourself and stop momentarily upon his full lips before bringing them to meet his gaze. They weren’t on you anymore, but you could swear that you felt his eyes burn holes through the back of your neck only a few moments ago. You’re distracted when he brings his arm up, flexing as his fingers racked through his hair. He had such dark eyes which matched his hair, but such dainty little features, you noticed. The prof’s words echo through your head; you didn’t need to know him to understand that he was a complex system, he just seemed like it.
You pry your eyes away from the delicate tendons on the back of his hand and finally bring them to meet his gaze. He was intently watching you studying him as he had previously, his intense gaze contrasts the slight curve of his mouth. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip, spit providing to be his own personal lip gloss. His lips were the prettiest shade of pink, and you hated pink.
“Amusing,” you hear him whisper to himself. He presses his lips together in an attempt to control himself from grinning, forcing the lightest trace of a dimple along his right cheek. There was nothing you could read, but your eyes remained fixated on him, taking in every little feature and detail.
He pulls his chair closer, “I’m Jimin,” he states. Before you could respond, Tally whips around in her seat to face the both of you.
“Wait, I think I know you. Aren’t you dating Sierra?”
Contradictory to how you just felt a while ago, your eyes dart instantly trying to find his. And although his face is angled towards Tally, he watches your reaction as he replies.
“Why would that matter?”
You roll your eyes because of course a boy like him would respond to a question with another. Way to stay mysterious.
“Gosh, of course she’s dating one of you,” Tally confirms.
“But he didn’t really say anything,” you say out loud by mistake.
You turn to look between Tally and Jimin now that you’ve brought yourself into this conversation. Through the side, you see an accomplished grin plastered on his face, causing you to crumple the corner of the paper that was placed under your hand. How could a boy be this infuriating and intriguing all the same?
“Oh, I didn’t need him to agree or disagree. His reply told me everything I needed to know,” she glares at him as she speaks. “He’s exactly her type, the kind that doesn’t fully commit.”
“That’s not what it is. We just haven’t talked about ourselves exclusively. So, I wouldn’t know what to say or make of it either ways,” he says casually.
You could already see the way he made Tally’s blood boil and you knew fully well why. She’d spent way too many late nights staying up to help her friend through yet another breakdown because of a boy. You look away not knowing what to do with any of the information, tuning the two of them out as you start to doodle on the piece of crumpled paper.
A few minutes later you hear Jimin say, “It’s not my fault now is it? She chooses to take an interest in me.”
You face them, “This conversation is going nowhere. You both despise each other, and you make the other’s life unarguably harder, cool. Moving on- “
You’re cut off by Tally looking at you with great offence. “I make HIS life harder. How?” That was not the point but of course Tally got stuck up on that.
“What I meant was, I’m sure he expected to walk into his design class and not an interrogation room. Besides, I don’t really know what the full story is and neither do I want to uncover it now. So can we get back to our class activity?” you suggest.
“Fine, but I’m switching with someone else,” she says as she kicks her chair back. Sometimes you wondered how Tally wasn’t a drama major.
“So, what do you want to know?” Jimin follows up with you.
“Nothing, I think I’ve heard enough,” you lie. You hated how you itched to know more, more about him outside of the impression that Tally seems to have formed for the both of you.
“Right, if you insist,” is all he leaves it at. Besides. it wasn’t that you really cared much to begin with, but why then did you feel like that was a missed chance.
You continue to outline a sketch onto the same sheet of crumpled paper. This was going to become one of your favourite works, you can tell. You always could.
“Yeah, I’m in my final year of my MIS degree,” you overhear Jimin talking. From the corner of your eye, you see one of those pretty party girls flutter her eyes and lean into him as she speaks. He was clearly a magnet for certain types of girls, and he very much thrived off of it.
The girl continues to speak but you couldn’t care to listen, still hung up on the fact that Jimin’s not one of those entitled business students.
“Well, I started out as a Business major with a focus in Marketing but over time I took an interest in Tech companies through the stock market trends and that led me to switch to MIS, I guess,” he continues.
It’s almost like magic how you never seem to keep up with what the girl has to say but every time that he has a reply for her, you activate some sort of spidey sense unbeknownst to you.
You hear him laugh and goddamn is it the prettiest laugh you’ve heard. Can laughs even be considered pretty?You’re quite surprised she managed to crack him up, you on the other hand can’t figure for the life of you what his sense of humor remotely is.
“I get that a lot, but despite looking fit, I’m not very athletic. I like contemporary dance if anything.” His voice drops a couple of octaves as if he was hoping she wouldn’t catch on to the latter half and it seems to have worked since she dismisses it altogether. She places her hand on his arm as she pretends to show an interest in sports even though he’d just stated that his interests laid elsewhere.
You scoff inwardly, not because you have anything against the girl, but because you just couldn’t be bothered with them anymore.
You’ve covered half of the paper, the white underneath the ink hardly visible. You pause when a cute boy heads over to your desk, shoving everything under your text in a panic. Not that you thought anybody would get what it was in the first place, since it was mostly jargon to anybody that wasn’t you, but all the more because your perfectionist self couldn’t let anyone lay their eyes on your unfinished work.
You spend the rest of class talking to a couple more people and getting to know them on a much deeper level than you’d anticipated you would. But it was one way to start off the final year, making more friends that you had in the initial years of college.
The prof begins to conclude the class while everyone starts to move back to their original seats to pack their stuff. You’re surprised when the cute boy you’d previously spoken with, makes his way over. With his bag flung on one shoulder and a basketball in the other, Eunwoo looked like the stereotypical athlete. But he was the farthest thing from it, the same way you weren’t the typical nerd with glasses and your eyes plastered to a screen, executing codes. You hate that about the world; label. Everybody has to fit a certain description and act a certain way. On the contrary, it was what you liked most about people; that element of surprise. Not being who the world tells them to be but just who they want to be.
Eunwoo insists on walking with you to your next class. “It’s on the way to practise, why not?” And if you knew better, arguing was not going to do you any good, only further delay you.
You absentmindedly grab all your belongings from the desk and shove it into your bag. Some of them roll off the desk and you curse, reaching for them when Tally swats your hand. She urges you to go with the cute boy, promising that she would grab your stuff and hand it over back home.
Eunwoo was the cutest junior, if you’ve ever seen one. You guys exchanged numbers and would grab coffee from the cafe on campus between classes. He made you feel comfortable despite the fact that he would try pushing his boundaries, but that was only because you would let him.
“I’m not looking for anything, it’s too late to start now,” you say sipping on your coffee as he holds the doors to the science building open.
“But how can you be so sure without having completely looked?” You can tell this is one of those times he’s indirectly trying to gage if he was going to have a challenge with you.
You hated false hope, so even though you would flirt back every so often, you liked to shut things down the moment it got any series than it needed to be.
“I have though. There really isn’t anybody for me. Besides what’s the point if I leave in a year anyhow? It’s not worth it.”
You see his face fall slightly at your reply, but you playfully nudge him and start to tease him instead, to distract him.
“Some of the guys on the team are throwing a party after the game on Friday. Would you be able to make it?” Eunwoo asks as he dribbles the ball along the pavement on your guys’ way back home.
“Uh.. I haven’t been to parties in a while. I swore off them.”
“Come on now, don’t be a grandma. This is your final year, live a little.” He passes the ball to you, as if implying the ball was in your court to make a decision now.
Eunwoo wasn’t wrong in that you probably needed to relax a little bit more and enjoy your last months here.
“Fine, I’ll go. But only because you asked,” you say as you shove the ball back at him.
You’re at the party, a little late and a little tipsy, scanning the room for Eunwoo. There are people bumping into you and alcohol spilling out of the red solo cups, reminding you why this wasn’t your vibe anymore. An arm wraps around your waist, pulling you towards thi pong table. You’re tense up until the boy turns around, flashing you a smile. Eunwoo.
“Congratulations! You guys won the first game of the season,” you half smile and half scream.
“Only because you were there.”
Eunwoo definitely was the definition of perfect. Always had the perfect words ready for the perfect of times. You simply offer him a smile.
“Come on, I called the table and you’re my partner for the night.”
“We’ve got to beat them,” he bends to whisper in your ear as you arrange the cups.
He straightens back up and nods at your opponent to let them know you guys were ready.
“Are we really still playing by King’s Court?” the annoyance in your voice evident.
You feel Eunwoo’s cold hand wrap around the back of your neck, his fingers rubbing your skin lightly as if to soothe you. He was a lot more touchy than usual, probably an effect of the alcohol coursing through his system. You grab his arm, bringing yourself to your tip toes
“I’m only your best player here,” and you’ve never seen a man smile wider.
Caught up in the boy beside you, you hadn’t yet acknowledged that it was already your guys’ turn now. Eunwoo tilts his head towards the table, prompting you to shoot first. You wet the ball, a habit you’d formed for God knows what reason, before looking up to finally face your opponents.
Suddenly you weren’t so sure about the faith you held in your hand-eye coordination. Although Jimin’s across the table from you, you feel caged. He was by no means as tall and big as Eunwoo but somehow, he was the one taking up all your space and constricting you. It finally dawns on you why Eunwoo felt the need to win the game; it wasn’t really that as much as it was that he wanted to beat Jimin. You steady your breath, slowly blowing out through your mouth as your eyes fix themselves on his.
Eunwoo seems to be very enthusiastic about the game, pulling you further into him every time you guys get balls back or make an explosion. And you gladly allow yourself to be swayed by the boy beside you, rather than the one in front of you. Maybe this isn’t so bad. It’s almost like Jimin could read your mind and picked up the pace of the game, the girl beside him barely making any contribution. You could tell he was more focused now with the way his jaw clenched and the way he took a tad bit longer, rolling the ball between his fingers before he made his shot. And it sucks for you because all you can think of is how sharp his jaw is and how that contrasts his softer cheeks. The glint from the rings on his fingers cause you to wonder how pretty his hands contrast the accessories they displayed.
You slightly shake your head when you feel Eunwoo’s elbow nudge your shoulder. It was your turn. Crap. You brace yourself for the worst as you shift your focus to the cups. You ask Eunwoo to help steady you as you raise yourself, aiming to make the final shot. Eunwoo’s hands on your hips, let’s you know you can use him as support. You lean back slightly until your back rests against his chest as you angle your hand and shoot. The ball hits the rim and runs along it before falling to the table. The frustration you felt was clearly visible as you pressed your lips tighter together and your hands squeezed into itself, causing your nails to dig into your palm. You feel Eunwoo shift from behind you as you look up to him, mouthing the word “Sorry.” You look back to Jimin, fully expecting his face to have the biggest smile plastered, but there was no reaction. And that almost bothers you more than finding him enjoying your failure.
Eunwoo doesn’t seem too bothered by the shot either, instead he seems to be smiling to himself. That’s when it clicks for you, he doesn’t realize you missed the shot because of Jimin’s change in demeanour, but because you were distracted by his close proximity. And how you wished that was really the case.
It’s okay, it’s just the last cup, you tell yourself. You still have another chance before they call redemption. Except to your disbelief, the girl from class scored. For the first time the whole game and it only riled you up even more. Jimin finally let out a smile, his tongue prodding the insides of his cheek.
Just like that, the tables turned, and it was your guys’ redemption shot instead. Eunwoo made it in with ease and it took everything in you to hope and pray that you made this last shot. Jimin wasn’t going to break your resolve, not when you were this close to beating him. You move your line of sight from the last cup standing to his. You watch as he picks up his cup, holding it a little tighter than needed as he brings it to his lips, emptying the rest of its contents even before you’ve made your shot. It confuses you but you lean forward, making sure your elbow doesn’t go over the edge of the table, making your shot. The ball makes contact with the liquid in the cup, and you hear Eunwoo cheer beside you but your eyes remain fixed on Jimin’s. How was he sure you’d make that shot?
It was all up to Jimin now, taking their final redemption shot. This could potentially go on for long and you’re so close to convincing Eunwoo to leave the table with you. Jimin’s eyes never leave yours, he doesn’t even bother checking for the position of the cup before taking his shot. The ball hits the rim and bounces off the side and falls to the floor. You guys had beaten them, but why didn’t it quite feel that way? Did he let me win?
You didn’t have time to process much before Eunwoo sweeps you up for a hug. “Yeah, we did it,” you hear him state.
“Of course, we did. I told you, I’m only the best,” you smile.
You look back over to Jimin who’s making his way over to the other corner of the house where they’re playing some version of stack cups.
Another game later, Eunwoo leaves your side to go grab another drink for the next game. It just wasn’t as exciting anymore, so you tell him that you’d find him before heading out to the club. You decide to text Tally, trying to figure out where in the crowd she was.
“The second room on the right, by the washroom,” she replies.
You head over to that room, the door clicking shut behind you.
“Hey, what’s going on?” you say, confused as to why she’s in the room alone with Sierra.
Almost as if in response, Sierra looks up at you and that’s when you notice the trail of wet mascara along her cheeks. It must be Jimin.
“Sorry I’m holding her up in here, it’s just, he’s with another girl. At this party,” she blurts out.
Tally looks at you like this was just routine and part of their nights out.
“Who? Jimin?” you ask, hesitantly.
“Yeah, but I mean, I did tell him that I had to stop seeing him for my own good. It’s just I didn’t expect him to have another girl ready is all.”
Tally sighs. “This is how it is though. All the men we know suck, I can’t wait to graduate.”
“It didn’t really seem like they were together, though. She’s just choosing to stick to him,” you say almost in his defence. Or were you trying to convince yourself of that? Whatever the reason, you should’ve just shut up.
“Really?” you see her eyes light up slightly and Tally lightly swats your head in response, her eyes going wide in warning.
If you didn’t already hate yourself, you definitely do now.
“Maybe not, who knows with him. You were right to do what you did, you deserve better,” you say in an attempt to discredit your previous thought.
“Yeah, I guess. I should’ve brought another guy with me tonight,” she says as if that was the fix.
“No. No more boys,” Tally reminds her.
“Do you want me to get you guys anything?” you offer.
“Yeah, actually. Some water and bread,” Tally responds for the both of them. “We gotta sober up just a bit and then we’re good to head to the club.”
You nod at her, slowly getting off the bed and heading towards the kitchen. This house had the most random layout you realize as you struggle to find your way about. You weren’t even really drunk so this wasn’t even on you, definitely the architect’s fault.
You open the fridge, grabbing two slices of bread and filling up a large glass of water as you make your way back. Second room to the right.
You barge back in, kicking the door shut behind you, expecting to find your two friends but instead you find yourself alone in a room with Jimin.
“Wait, what? I could’ve sworn I just left this room 2 minutes ago,” you mumble.
“Yeah, they just left, and I needed the room to myself after for a moment.”
Couldn’t they have waited a whole two minutes? “Is it because of Sierra?”
You needed to learn to shut up sometimes. Maybe just apologize for disturbing him and go on to find your friends? Instead, you set the contents in your hands down and turn to face him.
“Not exactly.” He leans back, tilting his head upwards before continuing. “I just don’t understand why everybody looks at me like I’m the one always fucking up. I’m tired of seeing that look in their eyes.”
You stay silent for the next few seconds, not knowing what to say. “So that’s your story then, huh?” is all you manage to say.
He laughs as he pulls his hands down his face, like he could just wipe his frustration away. “Yeah, I guess. But I thought you didn’t care?”
He always has this tongue-tied effect on you. You never know what to say next, but you also find yourself on the brink of overflowing with countless words. You decide to completely ignore his question.
“Maybe it’s because you unconsciously put up this front and it makes others think you like being this way. Like playing with girls’ feelings is your favourite pastime,” you offer.
“Is that what you think?”
What’s with all his questions? You sigh because you know yourself and you know what’s about to come from you next.
“I think you have a way of making people around you feel like they matter more than they do. And that allows for people to take what they can and run with it, when in reality, there isn’t much else to it. Simply put, I think that causes you to be misunderstood,” you suggest.
You’ve only spent a week’s worth of classes overhearing whispers of his life, and here you go writing a whole essay for him.
“Have you ever felt that way before? Seemed like it comes from personal experience.”
You didn’t think he’d pick up on the little things you tried so hard to concede. You look at him, a little vulnerable and a little defensively but you’re slightly taken aback when he looks at you like he actually cares. It takes everything in you to dismiss the way he’s looking at you right now, as if your souls spoke the same language.
“Who doesn’t feel misunderstood in this world?” is all you choose to leave it at.
“I’m sorry you feel that way, I wish it was better.” He’s pushing himself off the bed, you notice his shirt is partially unbuttoned now. He makes his way over to you, and somehow you feel so much smaller in front of him than you did with Eunwoo.
It’s not his collarbones that glisten in the dimly lit room that has your mind in a haze, but the way you can tell that he aches to hold you. Like he wishes he could be there for you, and he doesn’t even know you yet. But that’s what he’s got wrong, he can’t keep you from getting hurt if he was going to be the cause of it himself. You can tell he was going to be your downfall, you always could.
He brings one hand to the door for balance while he leans into you, his lips just an inch away from yours. You’re not drunk yet you stand with your back to the door feeling intoxicated. He smelt like floral and citrus, reminding you of a picnic in a field. How could a boy like him also smell pretty?
You avoid his eyes at all costs, choosing to focus on the way his collarbones peaked out from underneath. Your body was overheating, you realize, when Jimin brings his other hand to your waist, slowly pushing you further back into the door. Your breath hitches in reaction as you aim to process what was happening. His hand drops lower, bunching up the material of your skirt to push it to the side.
“Fuck this, why do they even bother with slits?” he whispers.
“I don’t know, easy access?” you guess.
“I would argue stylistic choice but sure, if you insist.”
You look away in embarrassment, hoping he couldn’t see how red you turned. Yeah, you should probably stick to not giving him direct answers.
Although your bare leg was exposed to the cold air of the room, your skin was searing hot to the touch. You could especially tell because when Jimin places his warm hand on your thigh, he somehow felt cooler. You finally let out a breath you were holding when his fingers trace your skin, even his touches were soft and pretty. The metal around his fingers cools your skin at the places it glides across. He stops at your hip, grazing his thumb over and across the string of your underwear, and it only makes your body burn like ember for him.
He leans further in, his lips lightly brush yours, but he refrains from moving them. You look back up to him but you find his gaze settled on your lips, like he has longed to kiss you all this while. He finally moves closer, hoping to catch your lips in his but you immediately turn your face away from him. His lips find your jaw instead and unexpectedly, Jimin’s hand digs into your hip a little harsher. You squeeze your eyes shut in reaction while his lips start to leave a trail of kisses down your jaw. I should stop. Only a passing thought that was as you tilt your head when the bridge of his nose is nestled below your ear. His kisses become more like licks as his tongue sweeps your skin with each movement of his lips down your neck.
You let out a whimper when he brings to suck a little harder on your skin. Bad idea. His hand moves to your neck, fingers wrapping around your jaw. He tilts your head, forcing you to face him while applying light pressure to keep you from moving in any way he didn’t want you to. He pauses for a moment too long before leaning in to kiss you.
“I can’t… I-I shouldn’t,” you stutter.
“You can’t or you shouldn’t?” He pulls your hips towards his.
“I shouldn’t…” you attempt to repeat yourself.
“And why is that?”
“You’re drunk, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of that. Nor would I want to wake up remembering this moment only to realize you wouldn’t retain a single moment.”
How you managed to speak coherently is beyond you.
“You’re a different kind, aren’t you?” There’s a glint to his eyes when he speaks now. The Jimin you saw a few minutes ago, replaced.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not drunk, trust me. I can handle my liquor.” His voice is darker as if it would do you wrong to question his words.
“What about that girl from class?” You try throwing up an excuse hoping that something will stick. You’re sure that you can’t bring yourself to stop this, not here and not now.
“What about her?” he follows up.
“Listen, I really don’t want to get caught in the middle of that. It’s not really my thing.”
He scoffs. “So, you think I’m cheating?”
“I wouldn’t know if you are, but I don’t want to take the risk.”
His hands come down on your waist, holding you up against the door. Your legs wrap around his hips almost like reflex. You’re already wet and you know he can feel it, especially with your skirt out of the way. The only material remaining between the both of you is his pants. Couldn’t he have been wearing jeans at least? It was embarrassing, to say the least.
But the only thing that kept you going was how hard he felt underneath you. Rocking your hips back and forth, your wetness stains his pants, making it easier to feel more of him. He begins to slowly move his hips upwards in response, causing you to burry your face in his neck. You fling your arm around his shoulders, lightly grabbing at his hair. Your frantic grinding causes you to moan into his ears. At this, he holds you by your waist, pulling you into him as you unwrap your legs to support your body.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“It’s not really cheating if we’re clothed though, is it?” he teases.
“Jimin, no. We are not doing this.”
“I like how you speak for the both of us, but I was only teasing. Just because I get away with things doesn’t mean I lie to do so. You will come to see that I’m quite honest.”
“A simple ‘kidding’ would have sufficed-”
Without another moment wasted, Jimin’s lips find your collarbone, leaving a wet and sloppy trail of kisses as he starts to slip your straps off your shoulder. You hit the foot of the bed as Jimin leans into you, pushing the both of you on to it. Your back is flush with the bed. He places his thigh in between your legs, causing you to grab him by the shirt to pull him on to you, as you ached to feel him again. He’s now on top of you, and his thigh is right where you wanted it to be, placing the right amount of pressure for you to rub yourself on him, shamelessly. Your hands come up to unbutton his shirt while he leans in to kiss you. You feel his lips on yours and you indulge in it for only a moment before you move underneath him, bringing yourself to sit back up.
The sudden change in your actions causes Jimin to search your eyes. To study your body.
“Is it because of him?”
“That Eunwoo guy.”
Eunwoo was the farthest thing from your mind right now. But you couldn’t let him find that out.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s better if we didn’t,” you say breathlessly.
The softness on Jimin’s face fades as he pulls himself off the bed to fix his clothes. You mirror him, after which you attempt to grab your phone off the floor when you see a crumbled but folded sheet of paper. You reach for it just as he does, and you pull your hand away aiming to avoid any sort of contact.
“This, uh, this is actually yours from class that day,” he says as he holds out a paper filled with sketches and jargon.
“You’ve had this all week?” You look at him like this was life’s biggest betrayal. It’s not his fault for finding it but you can’t help but be a little annoyed with Tally for not being thorough enough.
“Sorta, I wasn’t sure if it was yours until I saw you replicating it in class yesterday,” he says.
“Did you look at it?”
“How else did you think I knew you were trying to replicate it, y/n?” He looks at you like you’re the dumbest smart person he’s known.
“You were the last person meant to see this,” you whisper subconsciously, grabbing it as you leave the room. The door falls shut behind you and you leave all the events of this night behind you.
Glancing at your phone screen, you read 4 missed calls and 9 texts. All from Tally and Eunwoo trying to figure out where you were.
You unlock it, typing: “Not feeling too good, I’ll see you guys later. Have fun for me.” You head back to your apartment, a little cold and a little confused.
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miekasa · 4 years
random armin/mikasa/jean headcanons (college au)
↯ pairing: armin x (fem) reader, mikasa x (fem) reader, jean x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: college au, fluff, lets see how many times i can mention eren in writing that has absolutely nothing to do with him
↯ notes: this.... probably won’t be a regular thing, i don’t know that i can consistently continue writing for them, but this sure was fun and reminded me that i actually have feelings for someone other than levi :// didn’t ask for that, but here we are
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Would most likely get pretty good grades, but he can definitely be lazy about it and hear me out.
If it’s a class that he likes and is genuinely interested in (which is the majority of them), he’s going to put in the work—sometimes too much work—to make sure he’s doing well. He usually studies very meticulously, and stays on top of his game throughout the semester.
But if it’s one of those bs classes the university makes you take, or some kind of stupid elective that was the only course that could fit into his schedule? Well, Armin is smart enough to bullshit his way through anything, so he’s not going to exert himself for a class he doesn’t even care about. 
Oh, and he’s very vocal about complaining to you about said bullshit courses. (Completely justified, go off king).
“I swear sometimes the TA just lowers marks randomly to ‘keep the class average.’ Granted, I didn’t really study for the quiz, so I wasn’t expecting a stellar grade or anything, but I know they do that sometimes.” “Well, babe, why didn’t you study.” “Because I hate it, (Y/N).”
Like I said, takes school seriously and tries his best; but even he knows he doesn’t have to be at 100% all the time. It’s also kind of a flex how smart he is and how much he can get by on doing the absolute bare minimum.
Poor Connie is studying his ass off for their shared elective and Armin barely looked at the first page of the textbook, and he’ll probably get a 90 anyways.
Imagine he’s so caught up with his other classes, he actually forgets about a midterm for his stupid elective, and at first he’s freaking out, so you kind of have to remind him of who tf he is. You finally get him to relax and he blinks at you, “Oh right, I didn’t study because I didn’t have to haha nice.” 
Helps you prepare for presentations by letting you practice them in front of him. Actually gives good feedback, but sometimes he’s just watching you and not really listening.
Sometimes, you have to be the one to remind him to take a step back and take care of himself, before his schoolwork. He doesn’t like to worry you, and likely feels guilty when he sees you walking up to him in the library at 2am; so he won’t fight you on it, and just lets you help him pack up all his stuff and head home for the day.
Likes head massages. Maybe sometimes has faked a little bit of a headache to get you to massage his head and play with his hair. He’ll never tell.
If you rub his cheek while he’s laying on top of you, he will knock out like a baby. Almost immediately. It’s a surefire way to get him to go to sleep.
Schedules dates with you, and plans them out meticulously. Sometimes gets playful and sends you a whole ass e-vite.
“Armin, why do I have an email invitation for our date to the library?” “So that you don’t forget, of course.” “How could I forget, it’s later today, and you’re literally helping me study for my midterm.” “With popcorn!”
Probably the type to get a job on campus. You and your friends come to visit him when he’s on shift and annoy him. He secretly likes it.
Oh, he’s kind of shady. Scratch that, can be very shady. He complains about school to you, but also just complains to you in general; he doesn’t outwardly do that a lot, but you’re his confidant.
Sometimes you get surprised and call him out on it and you’re like “Oh my god, Armin, the poor girl didn’t mean to mess up the project,” and he’s like “Well. Sometimes people are idiots and it has to be said.”
Has a bad habit of rolling his eyes and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. “Did you just roll your eyes at me.” “I don’t know, did I?” Bye.
His hands are always covered in some kind of ink/markings. Accidental brushes of his pens, streaks from his highlighters or markers, a little bit of lead from his pencil along the side of his palm.
Speaking of which, he strikes me as the kind of guy to keep a bullet journal. Not necessarily decked out and fancy with Polaroids and extravagant fonts; but definitely neat, and decorated to some extent, depending on how he’s feeling. It makes him feel organized.
He would pencil in important dates and markers of your relationship into said journal. “Friday night: museum date—remember to buy the tickets in advance.”
If anyone is going to buy, wash, peel, and cut up fruit for you, it’s going to be Armin.
Lowkey tutoring all of his friends, and might be the sole reason that Connie hasn’t dropped out yet. He likes tutoring you the most, though. 
Get this, sometimes he asks you to tutor him, even if he knows damn well he doesn’t need it. Maybe he’ll even sign up for a stupid elective if it’s a class you’ve taken before, just to have an excuse to get you to teach him something. 
Likes trying new things with you. He might not always like the new things that you try, but he’s open to trying them at least once. Well… most things anyways. Just don’t ask him to get up at dawn and go jogging with you.
I genuinely cannot tell if he would be a morning person or not. Maybe mid-morning. Probably not a rise-and-shine at 6am kind of guy, but is up by at least 10:00am every day. Very cute when he’s groggy though, and stumbles around a bit like a baby deer when he first gets up, especially if he’s hungry.
He likes to bike. And really likes when you go on bike rides with him. As long as you both are on your own bikes, you learned the hard way that tandem biking isn’t cut out for you.
Knows that all-nighters aren’t good for you, but sometimes you have to pull them anyways. If you both have a lot to get done, he’ll stay up with you and make sure you both take breaks and drink water.
Can twirl his pens in that really fast and fancy way, and can do the thing where he rolls it between all his fingers too. I’ll let you think bout the implications of that for yourself.
He likes watching cartoons, and reels you into all his favorites. Definitely likes to stay in on weekends watching cartoons with you and just chilling.
Will go to a party with you if you ask, or if his friends are hosting, but nothing beyond that. You didn’t hear this from me, but he’d probably like to smoke more than drink.
Sometimes you think he needs a break and you commission Eren to take him out for the night, but Armin still comes back looking more composed than him. A little sleepy and maybe a bit out of it, but not sloshed, much to your disappointment. “Eren, you really couldn’t have tried to be more a bad influence?? I was counting on you!!”
Eren’s confused, like, “Did you want me to get him white boy wasted??” “Yeah, kinda!! It’s what he deserves every once in a while. Ugh, next time I’m calling in Sasha, she knows how to drink.”
By the way, if you’re dating Armin, you’re kind of dating (or at least babysitting) Eren too. Or vice versa. Either way, they will also go on dates without you. (“Hanging out. We’re hanging out, and I’m tutoring him so he doesn’t fail Biology, (Y/N).” “Likely story, ocean eyes.”)
Can be touchy in a very absentminded way. He’ll reach out to play with your ears/earrings, habitually rub at your shoulders if you’re standing in front of him, mindlessly toy with the ends of your clothing. Half the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, he’s so cute.
Plays one sport—is on the soccer team. It keeps him busy, and forces him to focus on something that isn’t academics once in a while. He’s pretty good at it, too; he and Eren make a good team when they play together.
You and Eren tried to get him to join the baseball team too. Eren, because he likes playing with Armin. You, because, well… the uniforms. He would look so good in the uniform.
Makes her classes look like a breeze, even though it’s at least 300 pages of reading and writing per week.
Kind of gives me Elle Woods “What, like it’s hard?” kind of vibes when it comes to schoolwork. You’re in awe of how she just did 75 pages of reading with a tiny ass font in one sitting, and she just blinks at you like “Was it supposed to be difficult?”
Speaking of which, she likes to read in general; for leisure, outside of her school work. She’ll recommend you books, too. If you don’t like to read, she’ll still try and rope you in with shorter stories, or just read them aloud to you herself. 
Sits at a table across from you while you both do your schoolwork independently. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a quiet, almost implicit sense of intimacy that she really likes.
Bundles you up when it’s cold, and won’t take no for an answer. You will wear a hat, whether you like it or not.
Always prepared—and by that I mean, she carries things on her that she realizes you might need. Tissues, extra pens, an extra pair of mittens. She strikes me as the kind of person to pay attention to details like those.
Likes to walk you to class, even if her class is very far away from your building. She doesn’t mind.
On that note, she knows your schedule pretty well, where it pertains to classes and personal interests.
If you’re the type of person who can slack off or even just get caught up in other things when it comes to school work, she’ll be there to keep you on track and hold you accountable. Usually through setting aside times to study with you, but can even be through small things like asking you how your assignment is going.
(Nevermind that you completely forgot about the assignment, and hadn’t even started it—but that’s the point; she knew that).
Hear me out: holding pinkies. Maybe not when you’re walking, but when you’re seated next to each other. The longer you’re together, the more likely she is to initiate it, too.
Would rather study at home/in her apartment than in the library, but if you like to study there, she can compromise a few days out of the week.
Makes you playlists, and they’re usually really good, because she knows you so well. Sometimes she gets cute and customizes the cover art to a picture of the both of you.
She’s your ride or die, so if you complain to her about a prof you don’t like or a TA you don’t think is fair she’s 100% on your side. She might not always be able to do anything about it, but she’ll definitely let you complain to her.
Texts you throughout the day to check up on you, but usually disguised through other questions. Asks what you want/had for lunch when she’s really checking to make sure you ate. Asks you what time your lectures end, just to make sure you didn’t skip it (again). Asks you what time you’re going to be done studying to make sure you don’t stay up all night cramming again.
Takes a genuine interest in your courses, and absolutely loves to listen to you talk about them.
If your classes are vastly different, she’ll still try and help you however she can, even if it’s only in small ways, like proofreading something for you.
Doesn’t use emojis alot, so your contact doesn’t have a bunch of hearts next your name on anything. But she does put your last name in as Ackerman. 
Has social media, but mostly uses it to keep up with her friends, and you. You’re in most of the few pictures that she does post, and she might not say it, but she really likes it when you post photos of/with her. 
Not sure why, but I think she’d be a pretty decent artist if she tried. That trend of doing glass paintings on TikTok? I think she’d be into that, and would plan out the whole thing as a date with you.
Keeps up with all your favorite shows to talk about or watch them with you. Sometimes she’ll purposely miss a few episodes so that she can spend the night and marathon them with you.
Likes to stay in and drink cheap wine and just watch or talk about whatever with you. You could watch a terrible show just to laugh and comment on it the entire time and she would be so happy. 
Doesn’t like to sit down on public transportation, and honestly would rather you didn’t either, but she’s not going to stop you from taking a seat. If you’re sitting, she’ll stand in front of/over you, and always keeps wire headphones long enough for you to share music that way.
The most insufferable human when she’s sick and she knows it. She hates being sick. And she knows you shouldn’t be around her or else you might get sick but she also just wants you to hold her. (You do).
Likes to sleepover at your place. Talks with you about your day while you lay down. Always smells good. Very cuddly when sleepy. 10/10.
Hates the act of doing her laundry, but likes doing it with you. Lowkey starts buying and using the same detergent and fabric softener as you because it makes her smell like you.
Gets very embarrassed if you kiss her in public. Very red in the cheeks, it’s kind of cute, so I wouldn’t blame you if you did it on purpose.
Jean is… quite smart, if you ask me. Or, at the very least, analytical, which can be applied to a variety of academic settings.
The only thing is, he’s incredibly lazy about it. He wants to do well in school, and can definitely pull himself together for a midterm or an exam; but is horrible at keeping pace with all his other work and assignments on a regular basis.
He also can’t sit still, which is why even though he is very kind and chivalrous and brings many snacks to your study sessions, he is also competing for number one worst study partner. Right next to Eren and Sasha.
Gets pouty when you tell him you don’t want to study with him. “But… but… but I brought snacks! And bubble tea!” “Yes, but you also have the attention span of a rabbit, Jean.”
At the end of the day he understands… that doesn’t mean he’s not going to be bitter about it LOLOL. It’s fine, you can make it up to him by hanging out with him afterwards.
Is, like, classically trained in at least two instruments because his mom put him in lessons as a child. He used to hate it growing up, and he doesn’t practice much now, so he never talks about it.
One day you happen to mention something about comparing two songs, telling him they remind you of each other but you don’t know exactly why or why, and very nonchalantly he’s like, “They sound similar because they share the same major chord in the chorus, and they’re in the same key.” 
And you just kind of blink at him like, “Okay, Beethoven. How. How did you know that.”
Once you realize he can, like, actually play the piano and violin really well you’re always begging him to play for you. It doesn’t happen often—it’s not like he owns a violin anymore and he certainly doesn’t have a grand piano in his shitty college apartment—but sometimes you sneak into the music room when it’s empty and he’ll play something for you.
He’s a romantic at heart, so he doesn’t mind, and if anything kind of enjoys you watching him play. It’s much better than playing for random parents in a recital. You’re dead if you ever mention it to any of his friends though.
Also not a frat boy, but definitely likes to party. Everything with reason. If he crushed a midterm on Thursday, he deserves to throw back a few beers on Friday night, you know?
Touchy when he’s drunk. Well, touchier than normal; he’d be the most affectionate out of every one on a regular basis. But he’s touchy and messy when he’s drunk, so he’s all over you.
Messy, but happy. All smiles and giggles and red cheeks, with his arm around your shoulder, boasting you anybody who will listen about his super hot girlfriend.
He and Eren throw the best parties when they team up together. (Only slightly related, but those two, when drunk together, could probably pass as a couple; they’re so uncharacteristically happy, and affectionate. You may or may not be keeping some photo and video evidence of Eren and Jean drunk cuddling).
Sends you videos when you’re in the middle of class. And only then. He plans it to be annoying. Because he is annoying.
Also always sending you those in-messsage games while you’re in the middle of lecture or studying. “PLEASE play virtual pool with me!! I’ll even let you win one round!!” “I AM TRYING TO LEARN!!” “LEARN LATER 😡😡😡”
A fucking fiend in your Instagram comments. It’s a miracle none of them have been removed or reported for inappropriate content. Replies to OTHER people’s comments complimenting YOU!! He’s so much
@sashabraus: aww you look so cute @youruser!! that color looks so good on you 💕 @jeannotjean: omg omg tysm @sashabraus 😊 i picked it myself @youruser: SHE WAS TALKING TO ME @jeannotjean!!! ME!!! @jeannotjean: @youruser you have no proof 🙄 @youruser: SHE USED MY @!!!! GET OUT OF MY COMMENTS!!! @jeannotjean: you’re so hot when you yell at me via insta comments 🥵🥵🥵 would it be better if i slid into your dm’s instead 😫😫😉 @youruser: @jeannotjean BLOCKED!! EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!
You try explaining your coursework to him and he’s just looking at you with puppy dog eyes like, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, babe, but you look hot while doing it, so, please, continue.”
He’s another cocky annoying bastard (endearing). Always tilting you head up to look at him and smirk at you. Pisses you off just to put his arm around your shoulder and be like, “It’s okay, I know you love me anyways.” Winks at you in public just to embarrass you. He’s the worst. The worst.
King of picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder for absolutely no reason at all.
He lowkey wants to get an ear piercing and uses you to talk him into it. “Don’t you think I’d look hot with a piercing? I think I would.” “You would look good regardless, Jean. So, do it if you want to.” “Right. But, like.... do you think I would look hot.”
For as annoying and cocky as he can be, the second you actually genuinely tell him you think he’s attractive or talented or whatever, he gets kind of shy. It’s very cute. 
Likes trying new restaurants with you, even though he really should stop spending all his money on food. Sometimes trying new restaurants means ordering from a new place, but it’s whatever, you know.
Honestly… the two of you would probably have a ridiculously high Uber Eats bill. You really should go outside and, like, be people every once in a while LOLOL
Okay, but it’s mostly Jean’s fault. For as much as he likes to party, and doesn’t mind hosting a party, he doesn’t do much beyond that. He hangs out with his/your friends, and with you, obviously, but he’s not the kind of guy to have his weekend booked up all the time.
He would much rather stay in with you, and talk trash about his stupid group project partners, and lay on your stomach and try to teach you how to play his favorite video games.
Spoiler: he fucking lies and/or leaves out key parts of the gameplay!! Just so he can crush you and laugh about it!! Annoying, but you’re the one keeping him around, so, who can you really blame but yourself.
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enhyupn · 4 years
⧉ enhypen as your classmate that has a crush on you! ᝢ ∷
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pairings: ot7 enhypen members x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence in jay’s one
genre: pure fluff + high school!au
a/n this also. Was in my drafts 💭 i was contemplating if i should post this or not but here i am 😫 i Post too much sorry everyone iJust have no life outside of school 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
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⌗ heeseung
heeseung is definitely the type of person that tries to talk to the person he sits beside all the time
he nudges you all the time and whispers your name whenever he wants your attention
and the fact he had a huge crush on you also added to it
enhypen always have to listen to him since he never ever stops talking about you. like ever.
“oh my god you will never know what y/n told me when i—” and suddenly he’s cut off by the rest of them yelling “we know!”
you never snap at him because you kinda... enjoy the attention
maybe thats how you knew you kinda liked him too, since you could never let sunoo get away with this if he ever called for your name in class
your relationship only stopped there for a while, since the two of you lowkey scared of each other
“no i feel like y/n’s gonna snap at you one day, like completely just punch you in the face” jay once told him and ever since, he’s never looked at you the same
you think heeseung’s just intimidating, the amount of times you’ve jumped in your seat whenever he’s called your name is numerous
although, one day you fell asleep in class due to the fact you left your english essay last minute the night before
heeseung, noticing you drooling on the table, wrote down the notes for you
he handed them to you after class and you were so touched that you couldn’t stop telling sunoo about it
“his hand writing’s so neat and—” “i get it, you can shut up now!”
you even told heeseung his hand writing was the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen for a week straight
he was happy of course, but honestly unsure how he was supposed to reply to the compliment
he figured out by himself that all he needed to do was ask you if you wanted him to write your name
“heeseung, i mean it! i can’t get over how you write ‘the’, it’s just so— so neat!” “oh really? let me write your name out”
being the smooth guy that he was, wrote down his number instead of your name
and you being the oblivious person you were, ended up being utterly confused
“heeseung i think—” “I WROTE MY NUMBER ON PURPOSE”
you never really got over the shock, nonetheless still took his number and texted him that night
you ended that night by kicking your feet in the air with your face feeling like it was on fire
oh, you also ended up planning a date with heeseung on saturday, not a big deal
it was actually the biggest deal ever
the rest of the head canons are under the cut!
⌗ jay
jay was 100% the type to tease someone when he had a crush to get their attention
he wanted all your attention and the way he got that was through telling you your portrait of a dog looked stupid
well yeah, it did but he didn’t need to point it out
everyone in your art class knew jay had a raging crush on you
he just didn’t know how to express it
his friend jake told him the way into your heart was talking about a mutual interest
jake was, sort of, right about his advice. well, until you and jay started bickering about a character you loved but he oh so hated
“mabel in gravity falls was annoying and weird” “jay if you say that one more time i will shove this paint brush down your throat”
jake, who was trying to play cupid, could not understand why he was so bad at this
i mean jay had no problem getting girls to like him but you? did you genuinely hate jay or something?
“no jake i don’t hate jay” well that answered his question
“he’s just weird” “weird? i’m weird?” “yeah do i need to repeat it again? park jay is weird” you two were a match made in heaven
jay didn’t know when but he had a revelation, maybe this wasn’t the approach he should take to get your attention
after that, he started to be extremely nice to you
it definitely scared you
“d-did i do anything?” “what no? i’m just saying your painting looks beautiful y/n” “oh no something’s definitely going to happen”
he was finally tired of trying so hard while ending up with nothing achieved
jake, being the one out of the two who had the most realistic ideas, decided to give him one more tip
“do you think it’ll work?” “it’s fool proof”
the tip was simply him asking you out to the movies, something that was a little too forward for jay
“no i don’t think it’ll work jake” “jay i swear to god you are going to end up single For the Rest of your Life”
it took... many attempts... and many insults towards you for him to even get the first line out
“Y/NPLEASEGOTOTHEMOVIESWITHME” “the movies? sure” “wait, really? i meant it in a romantic way by the way” “oh? sure i’m free on friday”
turns out you were into him too i mean it was kinda obvious from the way you dealt with those insults
even when you started dating after that date, the insults never stopped
it just now targeted jake, who really is just asking for it at this point from the amount of times he’s asked for credit for ‘getting both of you together’
he was never getting that credit
⌗ jake
jake would leave secret love letters in your locker every time he walked past it
i mean the action wasn’t as secret as he thought it was due to the fact you knew he was the one leaving those letters
for god’s sake the boy was literally in almost all your classes, you were walking the same way as him when he slipped those letters in???
you still were very grateful for them
without them, i think you would of not coped with school
they were all incredibly detailed and even had little doodles drawn around them
you once had remembered he mentioned that he wrote these in the morning before school started during first period
he also told you he was really really shy you found it incredibly cute
the only way he could speak to you without melting was through these letters
somehow you decided that the best thing to do was put replies in his lockers too
his first reaction was complete embarrassment, the fact you knew who he was had his face heating up like nothing else
but he soon realised you didn’t think it was weird or creepy, you actually looked forward to his letters every school day
he mustered up so much courage after that to talk to you in person, to personally thank you
he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck before pulling something out from his back pocket
the final letter in his series of love letters showing up in his hands
“open it” his shy smile making your brain Melt in endearment
the letter contained the usual, the hello y/n! and the usual chatter about his day
what you didn’t expect was the fact he had asked you out at the bottom of the letter
“y/n i’ve liked you for a while now, will you go out with me?” you read out loud before realising what you had just read. “OH MY GOD YOU ASKED ME OUT?”
you pull him into a tight hug, something that jake heated up at
“is this a yes?” “are you seriously asking that right now? of course we are”
you two became the most sickly sweet couple ever
plus the fact you still placed letters in each other’s lockers made enhypen gag (in an affectionate way)
they were just jealous nobody was putting letters in their lockers
⌗ sunghoon
sunghoon always seemed to be there whenever you needed help
especially since you two helped out at the library together every wednesday
he looked forward to it every week, you could tell from the fact ever tuesday he’d remind his friends that the next day he was seeing you again
“tomorrow’s wednesday you know what that means” “yes sunghoon we know, you’re seeing y/n tomorrow”
whenever he’s finished his work (which he does at an incredibly fast pace) he always seems to end up trailing you
constantly asking if you need help, desperate to do something
you find it endearing, always ending up chuckling at his whiney words
“y/n! do you need any help i’m finished” “not at the moment but if you wanna chat i can!”
out of all the enhypen members i feel like sunghoon would have the softest feelings for his crush
like even outside of your assigned library work, he’d constantly check up on you during lunch
“here y/n! it’s a packet of those gummies you like” “how sweet that you remembered! thanks for them”
you, even with sunghoon’s constant affection, couldn’t realise he had a crush on you
you thought that he was like that with everyone, you didn’t think that you were particularly special to get any type of unique treatment from park sunghoon
it wasn’t until your classmate asked you if you and sunghoon were dating
“hey are you and sunghoon dating?” “ummmm no why” “oh my friend wanted to know, they like him that’s why”
that didn’t sit well with you.
you thought long and hard about it but there was literally no reason for you to be bothered about it
i mean? you didn’t like him like that right
you decided to ask his dearest friend heeseung for help
“heeseung what do i do why do i feel like this” “i don’t know ask sunghoon” “...you aren’t helping”
heeseung being the big blabber mouth he is, told sunghoon all of this
“y/n won’t shut up about you” “really? you’re telling me the truth right? please don’t lie to me”
from many many uplifting comments from his friends, sunghoon was able to talk to you without mentioning the library
“so... what did you do in art class today?” “oh? i don’t do art” i mean at least he tried
after a few attempts he finally hit the nail on the head, securing his place as one of your friend... not the position he was aiming for but at least it was something
that’s when he prepared himself for the final boss (that’s what heeseung called the plan)
interrupting the conversation you both had on what disney show was the best, he popped the big question
“no but mulan was pretty good too also do you wanna go on a date with me” “oh sure! that was really random though”
i mean his timing was incredibly terrible but you were over the moon
even with the calm messages the both of you had sent, the two of you were screaming at your screen, unable to contain any composure
i mean it’s sunghoon... even if he handed you a piece of trash to as his way of asking you out you’d still say yes
⌗ sunoo
no but sunoo definitely asks your friend what your favourite song is and puts it on his story so you can slide up and be like “omg!! i love this song”
OH he also texts you randomly at 11:11 and 22:22 so you think it’s a sign
he so so so desperately wants your attention all the time
he goes up to you at lunch even when you’re with all your friends and makes conversation with you making you forget all about your friends
he sits in front of you in maths! so he knows how bad you are at the subject, he can hear your muttering about how you got a question wrong every morning but don’t Worry! he finds it adorable for some reason
at first he started to pretend he wouldn’t understand a question so he could find a way to talk to you
“hey y/n! what’s six times five again” “are you serious?”
he’s actually kinda good at maths so you’re always confused on how he doesn’t understand basic multiplication but can get 90% on the algebra test
he loves, and i mean loves, talking to you during class
even if the teacher scolds him he doesn’t care, it’s simply the highlight of his day
he gets so pouty and jealous when you excuse him in the middle of a conversation to talk to someone else
he gets jealous especially whenever you talk to his friends instead of him
“hey ni-ki! what did you get for number five?” “oh i got—” “I GOT TWELVE FOR THAT ONE Y/N!”
you kinda adore it not gonna lie
at one point your teacher got incredibly fed up with you two talking class
so! sunoo resorted to passing notes to you
‘y/n did you hear? oh my god, jihan from the maths class beside us told me that yeojin from the year above us got suspended because she started fighting the teacher over her phone. can you believe that? i mean i would of done the same thing’
it was quite clear sunoo talked a lot even through notes too
i mean as if you didn’t reply with the same energy
‘I HEARD THAT TOO!! gowon from her class told me, plus! intak said he saw the whole thing too... omg honestly i think yeojin’s so cool for doing that. maybe i should fight our maths teacher if they try and yell at us for talking again?’
they were one of the many things sunoo loves you for <3
one day ni-ki, being the number one shipper of you two, decides to play Cupid on the two of you
he drew out a note that looked too similarly to a middle school confession text and placed it on sunoo’s desk
“do you like me y/n... tick one. yes. no.” “do you like it?” “what the fuck is this”
i mean sunoo Took it anyways, he knew you’d find it funny too
as usual, you prepared yourself for a long class of sliding notes to each other
you looked forward to it, you found it as a source of entertainment and you liked talking to sunoo anyways
“pssst, y/n!” “thanks— wait did you give me the right one?”
after many whisper shouts and glares from your teacher, he finally convinced you that they were the real deal
obviously. You chose yes
that’s how you landed a date with sunoo to a picnic at han river
sunoo and you were. Kinda.... thankful for ni-ki
you two just never wanted to admit his stupid cupid-ry worked
⌗ jungwon
definitely the type to ask you “what homework did we get?” so he can start a conversation with you
replies to your private story with like “omg that’s so funny” or like “PLSSSSS me too”
you do exactly the same with his ps honestly
he always talks to you before class and you have heated discussions about the homework the night before
YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS end up sitting beside him in every class you have together
like it’s not even on purpose anymore (it’s actually fate)
always lends you pens and pencils when you forget them
he also never Asks for them back so you Have like a stash of them at home beside your bed because you always forget to give them back to him
you and jungwon are the kids in pe class that walk around the track gossiping
“jake told me that half of the soccer team aren’t getting along these days because they all like the same person” “no way really? what about their team work, isn’t there some sort of huge match next week?”
the gossip only stays between you two but only ever during pe
you two talk about more, interesting things outside of pe
since you two are in basically every class together, you walk with him everywhere
once when you were about to trip over, jungwon caught you and when you realised you were in his arms, you just blankly stared at him for a good five seconds
once you got off of him your face started to heat up so fast jungwon’s too
every time you have homework due and you didn’t do it he lends you his word
“y/n take this! it’s the french homework from last class” “thanks so much jungwon!”
the real story starts with when you and him were practicing speaking french in the library
you, being terrible at french, needed some sort of help with this
jungwon decided that, even though he completely sucks at french, he should tutor you!
and there you were, ten reasons why i hate you style, in the library struggling on how to pronounce beaucoup
“bow-cewp” “good job y/n!” “jungwon i know for a fact that you don’t know if i’m saying this right”
you stuck up with it because, well because he’s jungwon
“je t'aime you”
i mean you were Terrible. at french but even the stupidest person in the world could figure that out
“i like you too jungwon, now help me with question six” “YOU COULD UNDERSTAND THAT?” “i had a paris phase when i was younger of course i did”
turns out the Parisian style bakery across the street is the perfect date on an afternoon after school
what was even more perfect was that you got 85% on your test with the help of your boyfriend
⌗ ni-ki
he was your partner in cookery class, the both of you had no cooking skills in your bones but you still made it work
you were in the class since your family constantly nagged at you for being terrible in the kitchen
while ni-ki enrolled because he needed the something to show his friends after school
ni-ki thinks he fell for you at first sight
you were baking cookies as your first task and you basically saved him by reminding him to put on oven gloves before getting the cookies out
“that’s the bare minimum” jay tells him. “i don’t care... you wouldn’t know what love feels like”
he looks forward to cooking class because if you every week
he even has it scheduled on his calendar
honestly it’s kind of a miracle the food you two make is some sort of eatable
he always asks you for help even if it’s the simplest thing ever
“y/n? which one is a cup?” “the one that literally says one cup?”
you don’t care though since you think it’s cute
you always end up doing most of the cooking and chopping whil ni-ki just washes the dishes and watches the pot boil which eagerly waits for the food to finish
you’ve met all of enhypen before since ni-ki likes them to gather around your creations and take pictures of them together
when enhypen first collected him from cookery class, they asked him which one of your classmates were you
he literally shyly pointed at you as he hid his face with his hair
“them” “huh? ni-ki who are you pointing at” “them, beside the fridge”
your final exam was to decorate and bake a cake
it’s safe to say from the many burnt cakes you and ni-ki have done, you two were in trouble
you both wanted that passing grade so you practiced almost everyday after classes the week before
he was in charge of the icing, apparently according to him it was his specialty
“look y/n!” “how cute! a little unreadable but very cute”
finally. the Day of the exam came
you both had to prepare and bake the cake together under two hours
you were lucky that you both weighed the ingredients before you arrived
it was definitely. The most stressful two hours you two had ever felt
it also didn’t help that ni-ki shooed you away when he was icing the cake
by the end of it, your face was Dusted with flour while ni-ki’s apron had butter and frosting stains all over it
you were instructed by ni-ki and even your teacher, to stand where the fridge was, out of your sight to see what he was doing to the cake
you were hazily scrolling through your phone when jungwon snapped you back into reality
turns out jungwon was outside the room the whole exam because ni-ki told him he needed support and having him there comforted him
almost instantly after your jungwon interaction, ni-ki called you from your table, excitedly waving his arms in the air
“y/n! y/n! i’m finished!” “perfect! let me—”
your eyes widened realising his cake didn’t say anything like ‘happy birthday’ like you two had planned
instead the icing spelt out a prettily written out ‘y/n, will you go on a date with me?’
your eyes seemed to water at the gesture, unsure why you got so emotional at icing
“n-ni-ki... that’s so c-cute” “why are you crying? oh my god you hate me don’t you?”
it took you ten minutes to stop sobbing (happy tears) and you gladly accepted his proposal
so now you got a Good grade and an amazing boyfriend that can... sort of! Cook
while eating the cake you were reminded with something, remembering some words from earlier
wait did mr lee know about this?
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diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: Sunghoon has never felt any spark in his heart, none of that silly love he’s read about in novels in his free time. No one interested him, and it wasn’t like his father, the king, would let him have friends, male or female, for fear of being betrayed or developing feelings for them. He lived a life of isolation, excited for nothing – neither the idea of being married to a pretty princess or becoming the next ruler of the Park kingdom. He most certainly did not expect you, his new guard, to change all that. He did not expect you to brighten his days and light up his heart.
includes: no warnings in the teaser!!
death, murder, war/battle, attempted murder (kinda), royal au, romanticized medieval setting of sorts, forced marriage/proposal, a lot of time skips so it moves somewhat quickly, more warnings will be added in the final oneshot
pairing: prince! sunghoon x guard! fem! reader
word count: 904
genre: angst
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Sunghoon was reading over some papers pertaining to the kingdom’s matters when he heard a knock on the door.
One of the guards came in, before bowing upon seeing him.
“Sire, his Majesty wishes to see you.”
He nodded and set the papers in a neat stack. He then put them in a drawer and locked it for security. He then stood up and followed the guard, maintaining a neutral expression.
His mind was working much faster than normal though.
His father was very strict, and the slightest mistake meant an extremely harsh lecture. He flicked through his memories, trying to remember what he could have done wrong, and what he should say as his apology. 
He pursed his lips as a thought crossed his mind - was his recent trip to the colder regions made known to his father? He had gone for administrative work, but he couldn’t resist spending some time there ice skating, which the king always considered useless since it benefited only the person skating, not the country. He had done his best to keep it under wraps, but maybe one of the guards reported this to the king. Damn it.
He mentally slapped himself for using such crude language. Those were the words of peasants and did not suit a prince like him. Holy moly…buckling barnacles, great heavens…such lengthy words to express frustration, he thought. ‘Damn it’ was only two syllables.
As he snapped out of his reverie, he entered the Throne Room. His father was seated on the grand throne at the end of the airy space. The seats where the ministers sat were empty. Court was always in the morning, and it was probably lunchtime by now - the prince wasn’t sure. 
He stood a few feet away from his father. The guard bowed and left, and Sunghoon made eye contact with the old man in front of him. He didn’t seem angry, so the younger relaxed a bit, letting out a sigh.
“Why have you called me here, father?”
“I’ve received some proposals from other kings. They’ve sent me paintings of their daughters. A lovely selection of princesses, I must say.”
Sunghoon had to physically hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Father, I’ve already told you this. I am not ready for marriage and I am not interested in this topic.”
“Yes, but it’s good to start early. Maybe you’ll change your mind after-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Father, but why have you actually summoned me?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son but didn’t say anything more about the topic.
“Well, I’ve decided to get you a personal guard. There have been many threats of attacks on the palace, so it’s better to take this precaution.”
“Interesting. Will he be with me all the time or-”
“Your guard is a female.”
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. His father? Hiring a woman? As his bodyguard? What if he-
“Are you serious?” “Yes. She is very capable and I’m sure she will protect and serve you well. I trust you to keep your relationship with her strictly professional.”
It wasn’t like he knew how to have a non-professional relationship with anyone outside of his family anyway.
“Yes, Father. Will she be with me at all times?”
“Indeed she will, except for when you are sleeping. At that time, she will stand outside your door and guard you.” “What about her food and sleep?”
“That is not your concern.”
He immediately bowed his head slightly as a sign of remorse for stepping out of line. This was going to be interesting, he thought. He had little to no interaction with women outside of his mother and sister, and the small talk he made with princesses and duchesses of other kingdoms was always awkward. Now he was having someone of the opposite gender, a woman, watching over him nearly 24/7.
He slowed down his train of thought. Why was he thinking like a teenage boy ogling over a girl? He was the crown prince, he was better than that. It was going to be a new experience, that was all.
“May I meet her now?”
“Of course. She’s arriving as we speak.”
Just then, the door opened, and you entered, a male soldier on either side. Sunghoon’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but nothing came out of it. 
He was having a cultural shock of sorts. All the women he had met were all dainty, graceful and poised - the epitome of perfection. You, on the other hand, had an air of authority about you — rough and firm. A few scars were on your face, probably from battle. You bowed the full 90 degrees, and he could only respond with a small nod.
Oh fuck, you were gorgeous.
And he used foul language again. Stupid Sunghoon, he reprimanded himself.
He didn’t take back what he said, however. Your beauty wasn’t the type written in books or sung in ballads, but it had to be known to the world, somehow. He was almost tempted to write one himself. 
Hold on, why was he thinking all this? His father had just told him to not think anything about you that crossed the lines of professional, and thinking about how pretty you were was not within those lines.
“This is your new personal guard, Y/N.”
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a/n: it kinda reads like ‘y/N iS nOt LiKe oThEr gIrLs’ in this bit but i swear that was not the intent! hoon (is a loser) has simply never had real interaction with women who aren’t royals, so pls don’t take it in that manner <3 this is probably going to be my longest oneshot yet, my motivation to write is not completely dead we cheered!!
there is a taglist for this oneshot, lmk if you want to be added on it in my asks!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff overdose
Warnings: none
Requested: nope
based off this prompt
Summary: How Y/N's pregnancy cravings led to her becoming friends with Captain America, The White Wolf, The Scarlet Witch and Vision.
Author's Note: hiya peeps! i am in love with Sam Wilson. but like, who isn't? this is sort of an AU, but not really. takes place in phase 4 of mcu. enjoy!
Mm, that smells so good…
Y/N took in a deep breath as a sweet, sweet, tangy smell hit her nose. "You smell it, honey?" she cooed, cupping her bulging abdomen as her baby kicked once. Then the kicking increased and she groaned, heaving herself off the couch. "Baby, we can't have it, it's not our food. We already had dinner, sweet—" She whined when her baby kicked twice.
"Maybe they'll understand…?" she whispered to herself. Y/N was 8 months pregnant and lately, her cravings had been at an all time high. Every time she got a craving for something she couldn't have, the baby in her belly wouldn't stop kicking and she'd go to sleep upset, tired and hurt. And today, the baby wanted whatever the neighbors were cooking.
She wasn't really familiar with the neighbors; she liked keeping to herself, and with the addition of the baby and single parenthood, she didn't want to disturb anyone or break the peace. Soon, the kicking got really uncomfortable and Y/N grabbed a plate, walking out of the house. They'll understand, she told herself, they have to. If not then they're heartless cows.
"So, Wilson, you've got a nice apartment here, thought you were living with your sister and nephews at the docks," Bucky grinned, popping open a bottle of beer. "Moved out a couple weeks ago, didn't wanna intrude. Plus she has a boyfriend, it's getting kinda serious between them…" Sam chuckled, "Wanda, whatcha cookin? Smells really good!"
A very pregnant Wanda Maximoff walked out of the kitchen, a huge smile on her face. She was 7 months in with twins. "I'm cooking Borscht, it's a traditional Ukrainian recipe that I like very much. You're gonna love it," she gushed and Bucky raised his glass in mock toast. "Can't wait!" Just then, the bell rang. "I'll get it!" Sam shouted, walking up to the door.
He opened it and saw his neighbor standing there, holding an empty plate. Her head was downcast and she was squirming, fidgeting. Sam had seen her once or twice since he moved in; she was very much pregnant, and she liked keeping to herself so he never invaded her privacy. "Hi, how can I help ya?" He smiled at her. She got startled and looked up, opening her mouth.
Y/N was speechless. She already felt bad about asking her neighbor something like this and now he reveals himself to be this handsome?! "Hello…?" she snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. "I— I'm sorry, I don't wanna intrude…" Bucky showed up behind Sam and she glanced at him, her eyes going wide.
"You have company, oh no, I'm sorry— not now, baby, let's just go—" she whispered, wincing and whimpering in pain when the baby started kicking again. Sam nodded his head towards Bucky who got the hint and left. He then walked outside and closed the door behind him, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Hey, you can ask me anything, what happened?"
"It's embarrassing…"
"Come on, sweetheart, I'm your neighbor! Sam, by the way, Sam Wilson." She gave him a timid smile. "Y/N Y/L/N. It's just… whatever you're cooking smells really nice and I got a craving; it's wrong, it's your food, your party and I'm intruding like an idiot, it's just— my baby gets really agitated when I don't get what I'm craving for and they kick all night, I'm so sorry—"
Sam grabbed both her shoulders, silencing her. "Don't be embarrassed by this. It's fine, you got a craving? I'll give you some of the food! Wanda, my friend who's cooking, is also 7 months pregnant, believe it or not. She'll be so happy to give you the food, it's a new recipe she's trying and the more people there to eat the better. Why don't you join us?" Y/N sniffled, the kindness of her neighbor and her pregnancy hormones reducing her to tears.
"You're so kind," she whispered and Sam laughed, giving her a warm hug. "But I don't want to intrude." He sighed but understood. "Okay, how about when she's done cooking, you take some of the food home? Will that be okay?" She nodded. "In the meantime, I'd love for you to meet my friends. Wanda especially, wanna come in?" Y/N agreed and the two walked into the apartment.
Bucky and Vision, who were in the sitting room at the time, looked up. Y/N gave them an awkward smile, raising a hand to wipe her tears off. "Hi there," Vision greeted. "Hello, I'm… I'm Y/N, Sam's neighbor, it's nice to meet you," she mumbled shyly. "Hi Y/N, I'm Bucky and this is Vision," Bucky introduced and she nodded. "So, um, there's gonna be a party here…?"
"Oh no, just old friends catching up over dinner. Wanda!" The woman walked out of the kitchen, her eyes lighting up when she saw Y/N. "Hey!" Y/N smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." Wanda beamed at Sam. "Your neighbor? Very nice to meet you too, miss!" After a small conversation the Scarlet Witch went back to the kitchen while Sam coaxed Y/N into sitting.
"So, what brings you here?" Bucky asked, glancing at the empty plate. "Cravings," Y/N sighed as Sam followed Wanda to the kitchen, "My baby gets really agitated when I don't get what I'm craving, it's a problem… I didn't want to intrude, it's just… the food smells so nice and I… I actually want to sleep tonight. Just a tiny portion, I'll be gone before you know it."
Bucky frowned at her words. "Gone— hey, we don't mean to make you feel unwelcome here, why don't you stay for dinner? I'm sure Sam offered too, it's really not a big deal. You won't be intruding and Wanda will be delighted to have another member around who wants to eat her traditional recipe, right Vis?" Vision smiled at Y/N and nodded. "Yes, please stay."
"Okay, since you're asking so nicely," she joked and all three of them laughed. "Dinner's ready! Who wants some Borscht?!" Wanda exclaimed gleefully, walking out of the kitchen with a pile of plates and cutlery as Sam followed with a pot with steam coming out of it. "Guess what? Y/N's decided to stay!" Bucky announced and all of them cheered, Wanda giving Y/N a hug.
"That's amazing news!"
"Oh, you managed to talk her into it, how nice…"
Bucky smirked and swung an arm over Sam's shoulders. "Girls like me better than you, pal, accept— ow! I was joking!" Y/N giggled as Sam shoved Bucky off him, giving him a punch on the arm for good measure. "You two seem like really good friends," she commented and Vision scoffed. "You should've seen them when they first met. Couldn't stand each other."
"Oh please, every great friendship starts out like that, am I right?" Wanda nudged Y/N and she grinned. The five of them sat down to eat; Sam served everyone the Borscht. "So, how many months along are you?" Wanda questioned. "8, how about you?" "7, there's twins in there." Y/N gasped. "How lovely! I've always wanted twins, they're so cool."
"I used to have a twin brother," Wanda shrugged. "That's— wow. So, which one of the three is it? Or is he at home?" Y/N smirked. "Vision here, we got married a year ago, it was a small ceremony, only close friends." Y/N grinned at Vision. "Awesome! Congratulations, guys!" Vision and Wanda smiled at each other. "How about you, if you don't mind me asking?"
Y/N's mood dimmed slightly but she kept the smile on her face. "My ex, he got me pregnant. Not really much of a happy story; I love my baby, I really do but I'm gonna have to raise them alone; he said he doesn't even want to visit, let alone pay child support, I just— come on, I'm boring you with the story, I don't wanna be a Debby Downer," she waved in dismissal.
"That's so wrong of him! Give us a name and we'll make that bastard pay up," Sam glared, which made Y/N smile a bit. "It's okay, Sam, you don't have to. I have a nice job, and he isn't that good of a person anyway, it's better if he's out of my life for good. I can't wait to try the Borscht, Wanda." Dinner after that was fun and fairly uneventful.
Y/N was watching TV the next morning when someone rang the doorbell. She blinked and opened the door to see Sam standing there, leaning against the doorframe with a small smile on his face. "Sam, hi, what brings you here?" she smiled back at him. "Have you had breakfast?" Y/N frowned slightly and shook her head. "Not yet, I was just about to cook. Why?"
"Will you join me? There's a lot of Borscht left if you're interested." She grinned at him; how had she not introduced herself to him earlier?! "That sounds really nice, thank you for the offer! Let's go." The two walked to Sam's apartment and Y/N sat on the couch as Sam went to the kitchen to get the food. "I actually have something to ask," Sam began as the two sat down to eat.
"What happened?" Y/N questioned curiously, a hand resting on her belly as she ate the delicious Borscht. "I want you to tell me about all your cravings from now on. Anything you want, no matter how weird. I really want to help you, Y/N, will you allow me to do it? I just… I don't want you to suffer anymore, I'm here for you. A friend. Please?" Y/N blinked at him, shocked.
Surely he wasn't that nice? "You really want to do that?" she gasped. "I do. I feel really bad about how your ex just left you so vulnerable and full of responsibility, and he won't even help with the baby, I— I want to take some of the responsibility. It'll make me feel good." Y/N nodded instantly. "That's so nice of you, thank you! I'd love that, you offering to help… you're an angel."
Sam flushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, a goofy smile on his face. "Just helping a friend in need." The doorbell rang all of a sudden and Sam sat up, alert. "What?" Y/N whispered. "I'm not expecting anyone. Stay here." Grabbing a gun from a drawer near the dining table Sam put it in his back pocket and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, he saw a man.
The man was dressed in black trousers and a band t-shirt, his hair a rough mess and a glare on his face. "Can I help you?" Sam frowned. "Your neighbor, Y/N, have you seen her? I'm her ex boyfriend." Sam's blood boiled when he introduced himself but he kept his cool. "I haven't seen her, I'm sorry. She isn't very social, you know and I respect people's privacy."
The man groaned and left. Sam returned to the living room, keeping his gun away with a sigh. "What happened, Sam, everything okay?" Y/N asked worriedly when he sat back down in front of his plate. "Don't be mad." Y/N's frown deepened with confusion. "Why, who was at the door?" He looked up at her. "Your ex. I sent him away. Did you want to talk to him?"
Y/N froze for a minute but then scoffed, wrapping her arms around her middle. "Thank you for that, I wasn't ready to see him. I'm not mad at you, by the way." Sam nodded and the two spent the rest of breakfast in silence.
"Y/N! I know you're in there!"
"Go away!"
Upon hearing the commotion out in the corridor Sam opened his front door, seeing Y/N's ex boyfriend banging on the door to her apartment. 3 weeks had passed since he showed up at Sam's house. "Is there a problem here?" he asked calmly and the ex boyfriend turned to him. "Dude, it's none of your business," he sneered but Sam simply raised an eyebrow.
"Y/N is my friend, I think I'd know when she'd want me to intervene."
"Well now's not the time, pal, go back in! Y/N and I are having a personal conversation," he scoffed. "Oh really? Because to me it sounds like she's asking you to go away," Sam rolled his eyes. All of a sudden Y/N's front door swung open and she stepped out, looking between both men. Her eyes lit up when she saw Sam.
Over the course of 3 weeks, Y/N had come to like Sam a lot. Along with being handsome as fuck, he was also really kind, sweet and caring; he bought for her all that she craved, let it be the middle of the night or the afternoon. She also found out that he was an Avenger, previously used to be known as the Falcon but now, Captain America. She trusted him even more, knowing he'd protect her from anything.
"Sam!" she smiled brightly, pushing past her ex to run to Sam. He gave her a tight hug, keeping an arm around her as they both turned to Y/N's ex, who was staring at them, jaw dropped. "A friend, huh, Sam?" he sneered but Sam only stared at him with disdain. "Don't talk to him like that! You weren't even here when I needed you, and now I have an awesome guy helping me with things and you suddenly wanna show up?!"
"No, you shut up! You're just a coward and— and an asshole and I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Leave and if you come back, I'll call the police on you, I swear—" Sam cut her off by chuckling wryly. "Sweetheart, I'm an Avenger, are you forgetting? Next time this guy shows up, call Bucky. I'll give you his number. I'm sure Buck will have a lotta fun teaching this guy a lesson."
Y/N beamed at Sam. "Okay!" Y/N's ex stared at the two, jaw dropped. "You're both crazy," he whispered, "Crazy maniacs, I tell you!" Y/N and Sam stared after him with broad smiles as the man left, grumbling under his breath. "Ugh, he's been showing up every day for 3 weeks, and today he created a scene. So sorry about that, Sam, I hope I didn't disturb anything."
"Aw, Y/N, you know I care about you. Don't worry, I was just watching TV. He shows up again, you call me first. I'm always here for you." Y/N gave him a timid smile, rubbing her belly. "I actually wanted to ask you something if you don't mind…" Sam nodded at her to go on. The truth was, he liked her too. She was super adorable, and the pregnant belly of hers made her glow like an angel.
One of the main reasons why he decided to help her out so eagerly was the fact that he wanted to get closer to her, maybe ask her out someday in the future. They would be a happy little family; Sam, Y/N and the baby. He was ready to look after them both, no bias to the baby. "...Sam?" He snapped out of his thoughts, blinked and shook his head.
"Sorry, sorry, got lost in thoughts. What?" The timid smile was back on her face. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime with me… of course you can say no, I won't mind, but I'd really like it if you say yes…" No way. "Y/N, I'd love to go on a date with you, that's fantastic! How about this Saturday, two days from now, at 8 we go to dinner?"
Y/N smiled brightly at his words. "Oh— okay, okay, that will be great! Yeah, yeah, Saturday works for me. So, um, see you then— or maybe before that if I need something, I—" Sam smiled at her endearing behavior as he skittishly ran back to her apartment, a giddy smile on her face. "The things you do to me, Ms Y/L/N," Sam laughed to himself as he went back to his own apartment.
A loud, wailing noise pulled Sam out of his slumber. He immediately sat up and checked his phone, walking out of his apartment to ring Y/N's doorbell. She opened the door with a tired smile on her face, greeting him with a quick kiss. "Little one giving you trouble?" he smiled fondly as the two went to the baby's bedroom, who was sobbing at the top of his lungs.
A few days had passed since Y/N had given birth, and since Sam and Y/N started dating. She had a little boy; they named him Luke. "The crying just doesn't stop," Y/N sighed, leaning against the doorframe as Sam entered the bedroom, picking Luke up. The baby quieted instantly, peering up at Sam with his big eyes. "There, there, don't cry. We gotta let your mommy get some sleep or she becomes very cranky."
"Hey!" Sam grinned at her. "I was only kidding, darling, you know I like you," he winked and Y/N shook her head. "Good thing I like you too." A few minutes later, as the baby fell asleep again, Sam's phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and saw multiple, hurried texts from Vision. "What happened?" Y/N asked him as he stared at the phone, trying to make sense of the messages. "I don't know."
Y/N grabbed his phone and looked through the cryptic messages, her eyes going wide. "Wanda is in labor! The twins are coming," she whispered and an incredulous expression showed up on Sam's face. "She's only 8 months in, that can't be right." Y/N slapped her forehead. "They're twins, Cap, they always come early. Go to the hospital, I'll see you tomorrow morning."
They shared another kiss, giving each other smiles. "I'll see you then." Sam then left the apartment, rolling his eyes at another weird message Vision had left him.
"For God's sake, you're a robot, how hard is it to type?!"
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror (m)
A/N: I will never ever determine which body type the reader has, but I want every single one of you to know that it’s okay to feel empowered by the way your nude body looks, you’re absolutely beautiful and no size is a limit to how sexy you can be!!! You go queens!
words: ~5.4 (I’m sorry idk how to write short things anymore asdfgh)
genre: smut, optional bias (male) x reader (female), kinda fwb??, sexting
[H/N means “his name”]
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There’s no feeling quite like the one of trying on your new clothes that just arrived in the mail and loving how they looked. Especially when said clothes were lingerie and you felt like you could conquer the world, even when you were just standing in front of your mirror at 7 pm after you had just stuffed your stomach with lasagna. And what better way to enjoy your happiness than to share it with your best friend?
In fact, you had two best friends. One, a girl who you could trust with your life, and two, a boy who knew all your deepest secrets. One of the central differences between the two was that you would never think about asking the former about his opinion on your new lingerie. You almost laughed at the mere thought while you went through your contacts list and selected your friend’s name and clicked ‘send’. “It’s new. How do I look?” you typed and sent quickly, before throwing your phone onto you bed. You were feeling sexy, but for the rest of the evening there was only one way you wanted to feel: Comfortable. So, you changed into your pajamas instead.
You wondered what she would say about your photo. Sending almost-nudes to your friend might have seemed odd, but for the two of you, it was a completely normal occurrence. You loved making sure you both felt beautiful and confident by complimenting each other. Happily, you walked back to your room after you had picked up some snacks in the kitchen. You grabbed your phone as you plopped down on your bed. While you stuffed a handful of crisps into your mouth, you unlocked your phone to check your messages. You had expected a text from your best girl friend, but instead you had received one from H/N, your best boy friend. Pure horror consumed you when you clicked on the chat and saw your almost-nude there. Sent at 7:01 pm. Seen at 7:05 pm. And worst of all, he had replied before you could have clarified the mistake.
H/N: Idk where this came from but…you’re hot
H/N: Okay that kinda offends me…you have a bf and didn’t tell me???
You: NO OMG THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING HELP…it was for GF/N just for fun!!!
H/N: Ohhh…in that case…
You watched the dots signaling that he was still writing while you were still wondering how you would ever look at him without getting embarrassed from now on. It wasn’t like the two of you never talked about sex. In fact, he knew a lot about what you liked and didn’t like in the bedroom. Not because he had witnessed it. But thanks to multiple sleep overs with late-night conversations, when your lips became a little loose, you had discussed more sexual topics than you had ever dreamt of. Your cheeks were still feeling hot when you received another text.
H/N: How do I look?
Without missing a beat, he had attached a photo of him. Shirtless. His hair was disheveled, as if he had just removed his shirt, which he probably had. His sweatpants hung low on his hips as he stood in front of a mirror. He had tilted his head a little, showing off his jawline while he gazed at the camera with hooded eyes. You felt more embarrassed with every second you kept staring at his body.
H/N: OMG sorry this wasn’t for you!!!!!
Now you could only laugh at his stupid message.
You: Stop making fun of me!!
H/N: I’m trying to make you feel better!! Do I not get a compliment?
You: Thanks and you look great…can we please NEVER bring this up in the future?
H/N: Sure if that’s what you want…but if you ever need someone to rate your underwear again you know where to find me
And he really kept his promise. The next time you hung out, he was joking about everything but your little accident. You were thankful. But not mentioning the memory didn’t automatically delete it from your brain. And that’s where your newest problem begun.
You had never really looked at him in a sexual way before – sure, you thought he was handsome – but after than one damned picture he had sent you, you seemed to see him in a completely different light. There were no romantic feelings involved. But something felt profusely wrong about the way you thought about sex when he reached for a glass on the highest kitchen shelf and a small part of his abs was revealed. Or the way you instinctively licked your lips when you watched him stretch his neck in front of you. Or how your head spun when he lifted his shirt to wipe away his sweat when you worked out together.
One day was particularly bad. He had asked you to go to the public pool together, and being his best friend, of course you had said yes. As expected, he made you laugh until you were crying, scream when he playfully wrestled you in the water and giggle when he chased you on the water slide. And yet, you couldn’t help but notice his body. You almost felt bad, but then again, it wasn’t like you adored his character any less. You simply had some added adoration for another part of him. What were you supposed to do when he looked this good acting out a comic character while you played charades in the water? You might have been laughing on the outside, but you could barely tear your eyes off his neck and chest. Lately, you realized, the amount of thoughts you spent on wanting to kiss him had become problematic to you.
When you returned home at night, you couldn’t deny feeling sexually frustrated. Not wanting to give in to the inappropriate thoughts about your best friend, you turned on a tv show to distract yourself. But before you knew it, you were spending more time looking at your phone than at the tv screen. At first you browsed social media, but somehow you mustn’t have payed enough attention to your unconscious mind. You had miraculously landed on his Instagram, and when that didn’t entertain you anymore, you found yourself going back to your text messages with him. When you started at the shirtless picture he had sent you, you regretted not deleting it and forgetting about it right away. You wondered if he could ever feel the same way about you. You didn’t need any romantic feelings from him, in fact, you had no interest in a relationship at the moment. But you had never wanted someone this bad before and it was driving you crazy. So, before you could have stopped yourself, you were typing a message to him.
You: what r u doing??
H/N: do you miss me already?
H/N: ok do you really wanna know?
You: shut up you usually message me first!! and yes I do
H/N: I was about to jack off but you interrupted me
You almost choked on nothing when you read his message. Pretending you didn’t care, you replied quickly.
You: oh no am I killing the mood?
H/N: I didn’t say that
You: ????
H/N: don’t take this the wrong way but if you ever thought about sending me nudes again now would be the time
You: are u crazy?? are you actually asking me for nudes rn
H/N: it was worth a try ok let’s go back to being best friends who would never hook up
If you were freaking out about his previous messages, this one made you lose your mind completely. What was he saying? As confused as you were, you were also equally as sexually frustrated as he seemed to be. So, without a second thought, you chose the latest underwear picture you had taken and sent it to H/N.
You: that’s the most you’ll get…I won’t send complete nudes
You stared at the three dots indicating that he was writing a message. It felt like five minutes had passed when he finally replied.
H/N: fuck you’re so hot
And then he sent another shirtless picture. His bulge was prominent against his pants and the sight of it didn’t exactly help you with the pent-up frustration inside of you. But maybe it didn’t need to, because apparently, he felt the same way about you. You wanted to tell him about it. But there was no way you would be sexting your best friend at 11 pm, horny and frustrated. You knew you’d regret it and you’d only end up being embarrassed the next day. With no idea what to send him instead, you opted for simply waiting to see if he would say something. But he didn’t. Whilst waiting, you looked at his picture again. His jawline, his shoulders, his abs…and his boner straining against his sweatpants. For a moment you wondered if he was thinking about you too. Was he imagining it was you who was touching him when his hand wrapped around his cock? The more you let your thoughts run free, the worse your frustration became. And before you knew it, your hand was between your legs.
The next day you went about your duties, trying hard to pretend the previous day had been nothing but a fever dream. Luckily, you weren’t going to see him for another few days, so you could already practice an explanation of why sending nudes to each other had been a crazy idea. You worried about whether you could ever be the same around him after what had happened. But no matter how hard you tried to come up with a good reason why you should never even mention it again, you couldn’t. You were best friends who found each other hot. So what? Things could be worse. By nighttime, you had changed your mind. You were in the process of getting ready for sleeping, when your phone vibrated on your nightstand. His name lit up the screen.
H/N: you up?
You: not for long…whats up
H/N: I’m sorry for what I said yesterday about us not hooking up and so on…I was tipsy and you know my loose lips when I’m drunk
You: there’s nothing you need to apologize for
H/N: I was being weird and creepy…you’re my best friend
You: and you’re mine…that doesn’t stop me from finding you attractive
H/N: so I didn’t creep you out asking you for nudes?
You: I sent them to you, didn’t I… so what do u think
H/N: btw…thanks for that
You: likewise
H/N: so you’d do it again?
You: you’re not drunk now are you?
H/N: no just horny
You: dude I was about to go to sleep
If this had been a random guy you were occasionally talking to, you would have declined the request right away. You were tired and didn’t exactly feel too confident in your physical state. Nonetheless, you walked over to your mirror, pulled your shirt up until your bare breasts were almost exposed, and snapped a picture. Maybe it was the fact that you knew he’d return the favor and send you something back, or the immense trust you had in him. Posing in different ways, you took a few more pictures before you jumped back onto your bed. Impulsively, you chose the pictures you liked best and sent them to your best friend.
You: the things I do for you
H/N: fuck you look so good
You: have you always thought like that about me?
H/N: have I always found you hot?
You: yeah
H/N: I mean I never not found you hot
You: thanks I guess??
H/N: maybe we should have done this way earlier
You: agreed
Your eyes widened when he sent you a picture. He was still in his underwear, but his hand was wrapped around his visibly hard member outlined by the dark fabric. You had wanted to sleep, but somehow after looking at the photo for a little too long, you were wide awake. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, you let your head imagine whatever came to your mind. Never before had you noticed how much you liked his hands. Or maybe it was a temporary thing, now that you were already thinking inappropriate thoughts. You imagined it was his fingers softly touching the inside of your thigh, squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples. The first time you moaned his name quietly, your cheeks heated up. But the more you thought of him, and the more you allowed yourself to wish it was him between your thighs, the more natural his name sounded between your whimpers.
And the two of you didn’t stop there. You might haven’t had time to hang out with him for another week or so, but you were texting each other more than ever before. Almost every night, you sent pictures to each other. With every passing day and every time you came thinking about his body on top of yours, you became more comfortable. Your messages to each other turned dirtier with every day and every picture was a little riskier than the previous one. By the way you cried out his name every night, your neighbors must have thought you had gotten a new boyfriend. One that was exceptionally good in bed, by the sounds of it.
Now it was exactly one week and a day after you had first sent him a picture of you. You had just stepped out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around your body as you entered your bedroom.
One could’ve thought you were going to be less horny, the more time you spent texting him about your inappropriate thoughts. It should have gotten less exciting at some point, shouldn’t it? To you, it was the complete opposite. He was all your thought about at night. So when you noticed your phone on your bed, you couldn’t stop your urge. You grabbed it, unlocked it and went straight to your messages with him.
You: please tell me you’re alone
H/N: yeah I am…do u need something?
Even though his text might have sounded innocent to anyone else, considering what you had done for each other all week long, you instantly got excited.
You: I have a present for you but since you’re not here I’ll unwrap it for you
H/N: I love presents
You had taken multiple photos. Starting from your with a towel covered body, you had slowly revealed more skin to him, until you had dropped the fabric completely. In the last picture you were covering your nipples with one hand across your chest, making sure your slightly parted lips were in the frame as well. After you had pressed ‘send’, you got comfortable on your bedsheets, not so patiently waiting for his reply. You hadn’t been able to get him off your mind while you had been showering. Now you didn’t even need to touch yourself to know how dripping wet you already were.
H/N: this is what you do to me
You were surprised when you saw his message. He had attached a video. Up to that day, it had only been photos you had sent to each other. So, when you clicked the ‘play’ button, you almost felt nervous. But the nervousness changed into something wholly different within the first two seconds of the video. His hand was down his pants, clearly stroking himself. He wasn’t speaking, but even the simple sound of his breathing behind the camera made your head spin.
H/N: do you want more?
You: I wish you were actually here
A blink of an eye after you had sent the message, instant regret hit you. Had you crossed a line? There had never been serious talk of the two of you actually hooking up, although you surely had thought about it more than you wanted to admit.
H/N: me too
You sighed in relief. So he wasn’t thinking you were going too far.
H/N: but its late and we’ve got work tomorrow
You barely had time to even think about a reply. The sole fact that he was seriously considering coming over or letting you drive to his place right now only justified the saying “People want what they can’t get”.
You: you’re right…this will have to do
H/N: let me know if you need more
But you already had your hand between your legs, his name on the brink of falling off your lips.  
The next day, you were surprisingly focused on your work. Of course, you thought of him. He was your best friend, after all. Who would you have been if you didn’t wonder what he was up to or if you didn’t wish he was having a nice day? But that was about it. No dirty thoughts, no random sexual frustration at 2 in the afternoon. That was, until your phone vibrated in your pockets and you opened his message.
H/N: wanna hang out at my place tonight?
It was finally Friday. After over a week of not seeing him, you didn’t just want to meet him because you wanted him sexually. You missed his silly jokes and the way he made you feel careless after a stressful day. So, needless to say, you agreed.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen. Were you just going to hang out, the way friends do? Were you even going to mention your texts to each other? Your nerves were going mad when you drove to his place in the evening. It was a weird feeling to have about your best friend, you had to admit. But then again, you had every right to after the past week.
When he opened the door for you, you didn’t feel half as awkward as you thought you would. His hug felt the way it always did, and his room still was like a second home to you.
“Do you wanna order take out?” he asked.
“What’s in your fridge?” you returned the question.
“If I’d have to guess I’d say two eggs, half a bottle of soda and some yogurt,” he said. You laughed, already pulling up an app to order some food.
“Take out it is,” you grinned, falling onto your stomach on his bed. He followed your example. His shoulder was touching yours while you tried hard to focus on scrolling through the different offers of meals. But your look was drawn to his hands too close to yours and from one moment to the other, your mind was flooded with sinful pictures. You thought of him here, in this very bed, jerking off to the thought of you. Taking pictures of himself so you could do the same. Too many times you had imagined your face buried in his pillows, letting him hear the way you had been crying his name all week long, being able to make him cum with your own body and feeling his lips on your skin. Was he thinking the same things right now? Was he also struggling to focus on the simplest tasks?
“You’ve been looking at that chicken for a while now. Are you gonna order it or not?” he asked, making fun of you. How were you going to sit here, waiting and then calmly eating your dinner as if nothing was different? When you didn’t reply, he grabbed your hands along with your phone, making you look at him. You couldn’t instantly read his expression. All you knew is that in six years of friendship, he had never once looked at you this way. Inevitably, your eyes went to his lips and back to his eyes.
“Aren’t we going to mention this whole nudes-sending situation at all?” he suddenly asked, grinning cheekily. “What? You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?”
You swallowed thickly. “Thinking about what, exactly?”
“How badly I wanted you last night,” he said. His face was close to yours. If you only bent forward slightly, you could kiss him.
“As in…now you don’t want me anymore?” you asked. He chuckled.
“Do you really think I didn’t want to push you against the closest wall and make out with you the second you stepped into my house today?” he asked.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked, smirking and inching your lips closer to his. “Because I would have loved that.”
Instead of answering you, he finally leaned in to connect your lips. Within the first seconds you were moaning, and his tongue was on yours. You abandoned your phone on his sheets, swinging one leg over his waist to straddle him. He groaned into your mouth when you pushed your hips against his, your crotch rubbing over his bulge. Judging by the way you both reacted, neither of you had plans to take this slow.
His hands wandered over your sides and to your ass, squeezing it a little. You only moaned again, your fingers getting busy with his button up shirt. Teasingly, he bit your lip while he pushed your shirt higher, goosebumps rising on the skin he touched. His breathing became heavier when you let your hands roam his chest, pushing the fabric of his open shirt to the side eagerly. When you rolled your hips over his bulge again, you felt his erection more prominently than before, making you smile to yourself. For a moment you pulled away and pulled your shirt over your head.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he confessed, watching as you discarded your bra onto the floor.
“Me too,” you agreed. He had sat up as well, and you helped him remove his shirt eagerly. “I’ve been wondering what your hands feel like.”
At your words, he pulled you back on top of him, playing with your breasts softly. You reacted, leaning over him, so he could take one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimpered at the way his tongue pressed against your sensitive skin. He gave the same attention to the other side, his breath leaving behind a cold sensation where he had kissed you.
Then, you bent to his level again, lips meeting in a needy kiss. You let his tongue lead yours for a while. Meanwhile, your hands sneaked to the waistband of his sweatpants. He hissed into your mouth as you grabbed his length through his pants, palming him through the fabric.
“Are you still into biting?” you asked, referring to a late-night talk you had had in the past. He smirked, nodding. Softly, at first, you nibbled on his neck, occasionally licking and kissing him. You got the exact reaction you had expected when you bit him, not to harshly, but probably leaving a purple mark nonetheless. He moaned and threw his head back, only exposing more of his neck to you. As time went on, you made your way down his chest and his stomach, settling between his legs. As much as you enjoyed hearing his moans and attempts to make you hurry, you were just as impatient, if not worse.
In one go, you pulled down his pants and underwear. He lifted his hips so you could fully take the clothing off his legs. Your mouth watered at the sight of him below you.
“If you had told me two weeks ago, I would be sucking your dick today, I would have called you a clown,” you chuckled.
“Look how the tables have turned,” he said, laughing with you. But his expression hardened the moment your hand wrapped around his length. You stroked him a few times, before lowering your head. Your tongue licked a stripe up the side of his shaft, until you opened your lips just enough to take his tip into your mouth. He cursed under his breath when you batted your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” he said.
“Why? Don’t you like it?” you asked, your hand continuously touching him.
“I like it maybe a little too much,” he said, only making you grin. His expression read pleasure, his brows furrowed and his lips hung slightly agape.
“There’s no such thing as liking something too much,” you said. Purposely, you watched his face when you wrapped your mouth around his cock, tongue pressing flat against the tip. Steadily, you bobbed your head, your hand covering the rest of his length. His thighs were flexing under your hands and his stomach was rising and falling in an uneven rhythm. He propped himself up on his forearms, watching you intently.
“This feels so much better when you do it,” he said, followed by a groan when his cock touched the back of your throat for a moment. Your hand was covered in your saliva by now, eyes tearing up a little bit, but you blinked the tears away quickly. Every time you pulled away a little, you made sure to swirl your tongue around the tip. Right away, you had noticed the way he hissed at that specific action. Again, he cursed under his breath and you made eye contact once more. His lips looked pink from where he had been biting them and his cheeks were slightly flushed a rosy color.
“Oh my god-,“ he moaned. “I’m so fucking close.”
You bobbed your head faster now. After another few seconds you pulled away, replacing your mouth with your hand. The muscles on his stomach were tense and he had his hands balled to tight fists next to his body. You enjoyed his moans for a while longer, before you could feel him twitch in your hands. When he reached his high, he let his body fall back, his arms no longer able to hold himself up to watch you. The evidence of his pleasure spilled onto his abs and you slowly let your hand come to a rest. One of his hands was swung over his forehead as he breathed heavily. When you looked up at him again, he still seemed exhausted but was grinning from ear to ear.
“Give me a second and I’ll return the favor,” he said, sitting up. At his words you realized once more how much you wanted him. Quickly, he cleaned himself up. As you rolled over to lay on your back next to his sitting figure, you yawned briskly, getting comfy in his sheets.
“You’re bored? If you want we can also just watch a movie, or if you feel like-,“ he said with raised eyebrows.
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You sarcastically laughed, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m open for whatever. Right after you’ve made me cum on this mattress.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, turning so he hovered over you. “I think we can arrange that.”
He went straight to kissing your stomach and hips, while he unzipped your pants for you. His kisses tickled you a little, but the sensation was quickly forgotten by how close his hand was to where you wanted him most. In order to let him take off your pants, you lifted your hips a little. When he had thrown your pants aside, he couldn’t hide the cocky grin on his face at the sight of your underwear.
“This looks familiar…where have I seen these before?” he asked innocently, placing his hand on the material. You flinched a little when his fingers hovered over your center. It was a fleeting touch, but the lack of attention had made you needier than you would have thought.
“Imagine I hadn’t accidentally sent you that first picture,” you said.
“I don’t even want to imagine that,” he said, his dramatic tone making you laugh a little. Abruptly, your laugh turned into a whimper when he pressed one of his fingers against your covered clit.
“I get that you’re in no rush anymore, but I’m not gonna lie, I am,” you said, wriggling against his hand. He chuckled again but seemed to obey your request. His hand slid into the hem of your underwear, fingers instantly coated in your juices. In response, you only hummed contently when he curled his digits against your clit. Within seconds you relaxed into his touch. You put one of your arms under your head and closed your eyes for a while. Now and then, he teased your core by almost pushing his fingers inside of you, but then not doing so. As frustrating as it was, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. With skill, he rolled your clit between his digits. His free hand pulled on your underwear slightly, but not quite enough for it to come off. You whined at his teasing, looking into his eyes with a pleading gaze. He watched your expression for a while, probably enjoying the fact that he finally had the real you underneath him, instead of having to stare at some photos on his cellphone. So he finally obliged, making you feel empty when he pulled his hand out of your soaked panties, but simultaneously thankful.
“You have no idea how many times I imagined doing this within the last week,” he said. Then, he lowered his head and took your clit into his mouth. You had only opened your mouth to reply, but the words seemed to be deleted from your brain before they had time to come out, replaced by empty curse words. He didn’t waste any time in taking it slow, but you couldn’t have minded less. When he inserted to of his digits into you, your toes curled in pleasure and relief. With the way you whimpered desperately whenever he curled them against your walls, he had found your sweet spot in almost no time.
For more than a week you had been imagining, demanding for his touch, so deeply that now you could barely think straight when you finally got what you wanted. His tongue could do so much better than your own fingers could ever satisfy you. It was the unpredictability that made this so much more enticing than when you touched yourself. Would he slow down for a while, giving your breathing time to calm down, only to suck on your swollen clit feverishly out of nowhere? Would he curl his fingers inside of you almost painfully slowly, or would he almost pull them out completely, only to slide them right back into your core, until your vision felt so blurry you had to close your eyes? The more you thought about how good he made you feel, the quicker you felt your orgasm approach. One of his hands softly stroked over your belly, a strong contrast to the way your insides seemed to tie themselves into a tight knot that took up all your attention.
“Oh my god- please don’t stop,” you only moaned. Of course he didn’t. He only hummed against your center, only adding to how incredible you felt. As much as you loved watching him between your legs, there was no force that could have kept your eyes from shutting anymore. Your back arched off the sheets and your hands tightened in pleasure when the familiar feeling washed over your mind. You whimpered and struggled hard to keep your legs from closing around his head. For a few seconds you were blinded by the bliss, until your sensitivity began to set in. You softly pushed his head with your fingers in his hair, and he slowed down and drew back.
It took you a while to come down and until your breathing had regained its normality. Your eyelids fluttered open, while he plopped down next to you. He swung one of his arms around your waist, an action he had done multiple times in the past – only now neither of you was wearing clothes.
“That was amazing,” you said. “And here I thought I’d forever regret sending you that photo.”
He chuckled. “Agreed. So, what do you say? Are we able to focus on what to order for takeout now?”
You nodded and laughed, hoping this instance wouldn’t be the last time this happened between you two.
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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yoshkeii · 4 years
"𝙰 𝚜𝚑𝚢 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑"
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࿐ character(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi, Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsurou
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff, comfort, tiny angst if you squint
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)? / imagine
࿐ requested by: @dumpsterfireinc 
⌦  shymale!reader (he/him)
⌦ ‘if I can request comfort hcs for Ushijima, Daichi, Kuroo, and Oikawa who have a crush on as shy male!reader who thinks the boys should be with a girl and not him.’
A/N: i had to drop oikawa on this one since i cant seem to get his personality out?? i- uh-. i apologize- also my way of writing hcs is weird? idk why i like writing like that, but eventually they’ll shift- somehow- (i’ll probably make a proper hcs post if you want-)
1-16-2021: sorry in advanced if this took waaay to long. im doubting my writings. kinda shit but im just burnt out.
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❀ Ushijima had a crush on you. of course he would, someone so soft, gentle, and shy. he actually found it cute you having those aspects. even though not a lot of people would enjoy such an introverted person at times.
❀ being shy would fit well together with his own personality generally. like being stoic and quiet himself. at some points he genuinely thought you and him were perfect. just two puzzle pieces that could fit together.
❀ he doesn’t know when he had a crush on you till Tendou or someone would bring it up. cause he always somehow had his eyes on you in the halls, classes, etc. 
❀ adding on to his personality, he is very blunt and straightforward with his words. and when you heard those three words from the intimidating captain. made your heart skip a beat, muscles tense, and mind race.
❀ “..y-you.. like me??” the softened tone in your voice echoed within the empty afterschool halls.
❀ “Yes. I just stated that.”
❀ “..I heard you.. you dummy..” you muttered the last words softly. fiddling with your fingers nervously, he always found you fidgeting with something whenever you were nervous or put on the spot. your gaze kept low.
❀ the silence only just settled. making Ushijima await another word from your smaller figure.
❀ but he didn’t expect those words to slip out of your mouth. he never did.
❀ “Why.. Why would you want to be with me.. instead.” your voice still kept your softened tone, but it had a faint hint of sadness. the slight wavering of your voice gave way.
❀ “..isn’t it better to be.. with a girl instead? t-they’re better options. pretty. talented. i-i don’t.. have any of those.”
❀ Ushijima just stared, unsure on what to do. no one told him this would be a scenario or a possibility. thought it was simply just a yes or no to a confession, something quick.
❀ “You also won’t l-look.. weird.. o-odd.. with-” your voice cracked, tears gathered in your eyes. quickly wiping them away with a sniff.
❀ “F-fuck I’m sorry.. for c-crying..” softly cursing as you nervously laughed.
❀ “y/n,” Ushijima lifted your head gently with his hand making sure your eyes looked up at him, “..I don’t care, if people will look at us weirdly. I don’t care if they all knew or not.”
❀ he wiped the tears dripping from your eyes as you stared at him with disbelief.
❀ “I like you. No- I love you. That’s that. I love y/n, and nothing will stop that.”
❀ shortly, tears poured from your eyes from his words. softly murmuring apologizes for crying over this accompanied w/ a smile on your face. Ushijima just wiping your tears away for you, seeing how your face just melts in his hand in comfort. regaining composure after a couple of reassurances from him.
❀ “I-I.. I love you.. t-too.. Wakatoshi..” 
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❀ mans had a big crush on you ever since you both had multiple shared classes. especially same homeroom.
❀ Daichi and you had an decent relationship, it wasn’t as close like he has with Sugawara or Asahi. having the same homeroom, he always found you alone and minding your own business a desk or two behind him in the back.
❀ sometimes exchanging the simple hellos and small talk whenever Suga and/or Asahi dared him to. knowing how his eyes occasionally drifts towards your direction of the room.
❀ for someone so quiet.. he didn’t know it could be a cute feature. an adorable one if he would say so himself. just seems too s o f t .
❀ your gentle voice always made his heart skip a beat, it was so calming. a remedy to his ears. after a few small talks and interactions, you both managed to hang out a little more often. being invited on study dates sessions since you were also pretty smart in the academics (brownie points!) 
❀ as of right now, his eyes were simply glued on you. just watching you talk about whatever subject. he really wasn’t paying attention... or at all. admiring your features from across the small table on the floor that was littered with notebooks, textbooks, papers and pens.
❀ he knew you were shy so he often kept things low and safe for you whenever you both hung out once in awhile. sometimes exchanging little sticky notes with each other to limit talking.
❀ once he confessed to you, through the last sticky note of his. not a manly way to really confess but he couldn’t figure anything else out for you. didnt want to scare you away.
❀ you stared up at the captain in slight doubt, going back to the note to reread the words written. ‘would you like to go out with me?’ tiny hearts here and there on the note.
❀ looking back up at him, you noticed the slight blush across his face. you realized he was serious.
❀ “..why would you want to go out with me?” your grip on the note slightly tightened, as thoughts began to flood your mind. “wouldn’t it be better- be better with a girl?? a-and.. not me.” you began to slip on your words, gaze slipping down to avoid his eyes as you noticed him looking up at you now.
❀ “..with.. a girl?” Daichi mustered out.
❀ “or.. anyone but... me. I’m not.. popular. I’m not.. p-pretty, c-cute.. handsome.. s-smart either...”  you began to ramble, negative thoughts after another.
❀ “H-hey y/n. y/n..!” Daichi was closer to you now, his hands on your shoulders hoping to get you out of your negative trance.
❀ it successfully worked, making you stop but your gaze still remain low. hearing a sigh from Daichi made you tensed, you liked him too. you loved him. but you don’t know if it was best for him to date you. or be in a relationship in that matter.
❀ Daichi wrapped his arms around you, “Don’t be so harsh to yourself. I denied most of the confessions... j-just.. to ask you out one day you know. I’m confident I want you more than any girl.” he muttered.
❀ noticing you relaxing in his arms made him slightly smile, feeling you hug back. your hands grasping the back of his gakuran, mustering the urge to cry you hid your face on his shoulders. eventually muffling out your soft sobs and various ‘i love you too’
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚐𝚘𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚒𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐.
❀ it was obvious Kuroo was crushing on someone. and that someone was you. being one of the assistances, or at this point the team would’ve eventually called you their manager. often there to aid and help whenever needed so you stumbled by the gym many times to either drop something off for one of the members or coaches.
❀ always teasing and flirting with you, which wasn’t such an out-of-character of him. knowing him to be the master of provocation. but often when you weren’t there, he would start talking about you. unconsciously sometimes.
❀ which gave a big sign of his feelings, especially through Kenma. it wasn’t so hard to see, but you were dense and oblivious over it.
❀ he knew you liked him back eventually, seeing how you haven’t turned him down with any of his teases accompanied with the slight blush on your face each time. you were just too shy to say anything about it.
❀ he was aware that you were very shy and introverted. always seeing you staying back or infront of crowds in the hallway and avoided them at all costs. being observant he took note of it.
❀ always managing to catch you away from people or just a little people in the area, he used that time to talk to you more privately.
❀ you both began to get to know each other pretty well each time.
❀ exchanging interests and moments you’ve had in your life. often making you giggle at his silly retorts and remarks, funny moments of his teams and others. he was genuinely seeing a new side of you.
❀ never really seeing you smile brightly and laugh without holding back. it felt surreal and a literal dream.
❀ “Hey, y/n, have you dated anyone yet?” Kuroo looked over at you, eyes staring in curiosity with his common sly smirk.
❀ “I-.. uhh.. n-not yet?” you nervously laughed, messing with the sleeve of your nekoma track jacket.
❀ “Well then.. do you have a crush?” he continued on. 
❀ “O-oh.. Ye-yeah! He probably won’t like me b-back though..” you murmured.
❀ “Wait- He!?”
❀ “H-hey,, Kuroo! Keep y-your voice down please..!!” you playfully punched his shoulder in return he faked an ‘ow’ “..b-but.. yes.. i like a guy.. h-he’s popular so i doubt he would like me b-back.” you looked up at him with a weak smile, hoping to not seemed phased by it.
❀ “Ahhh.. why’s that then.” his curious tone turned stern, tilting his head into his palm so it rested comfortably. “hmmm~?”
❀ “Oh.. w-well.. he’s popular with the girls.. a lot of them a-actually. I bet he l-likes them more than me.. girls are b-better for him anyways...”
❀ “What if they weren’t? He could be gay.. or bisexual... or pan and all that jazz y’know y/n?”
❀ “Thats true.. what about you kuroo-san?” you took a sip of water from your bottle aside of your thigh. 
❀ “I have a crush too of course. And its actually you.”
❀ you choked on the water, coughing out a reply, “w-wait you.. you like me.. me- back?!” you only looked at him with disbelief, coughing slightly still.
❀ Kuroo only laughed at your off-guard reaction, “K-kuroo!! I-it’s not funnyyy..!” you whined, covering your face with your jacket. “hhhh.. g-god damnit..”
❀ after a few moments it went silently, peeking your eyes out from your hidden position Kuroo pecked your forehead. Suddenly aside of you, entwining his hand with yours.
❀ “Of course I like you back~ I want you to be my boyfriend you softie.” 
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Peaches || Jeongguk
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pairing: Jeongguk x f.reader
genre: fluff, smut
summary: you’re in your third year of college, a criminology major and music minor, and you’re still harboring (maybe even nurturing) a crush that you’ve had on a classmate since your first year. You’d seen him around campus, even had gen. eds. with him, but this semester he’s in your chorus class. He’s sat next to you in the tenor section and he just won’t stop calling you “peaches”
word count: 5,239
warnings: slow burn, massive pining crush, perverse thoughts, thigh riding, slight mentions of marking, dirty talk, praise, nipple stimulation, fingering, protected sex, cursing, vague description of squirting, details of JK’s pretty cock, this is kinda soft because he’s a sweet boy
a/n: kadjlaksdjlkj parts of this are literally based off of my high school crush
You’ve finished your first class of the day, Criminal Psychology, and you’re headed to your chorus class now. It’s across campus so you’re moving fast, but also trying to enjoy the walk since it’s flurrying outside and you’re excited for the snowy weather.
You’re hoping you have some good classmates this year, the boys in your Chorus 1 class last year were a nightmare and always pissed off your instructor. You’re okay with a little bit of fun in the class, but not to the point where you’re whipping around in your chair to tell the ignorant boy to “shut the hell up” in front of everyone.
You walk into the room and find your usual seat in the soprano 2 section (even though you knew you many not have that exact seat once your instructor decides where you would blend best). A few of your chorus friends from last year make their way into class too, and you make sure to say hi to all of them. 
Then, he walks in.
You’d seen this cutie around campus since last year and had one- no, maybe two gen. ed. classes with him. He had down the goofy, boy-ish charm that had you absolutely swooning and now your heart is starting to thrum in your chest.
He moves to sit in the tenor section which is conveniently placed next to yours. You’re hoping to GOD that you don’t end up sitting directly next to him because there’s no way he won’t notice that your body is already vibrating at a high frequency.
After everyone is accounted for in the class, your instructor begins to ask everyone to go around and introduce them self – your name, major, and preferred section. It moves through the circle and you learn that the cute boy’s name is Jeongguk and he has a smile that’s both sexy and adorable. How does that even work?
It comes around to you and you dutifully answer: y/n, criminology major, and soprano 2. Before the next person can go, Jeongguk looks right at you and says “hey, peaches” with a smirk. His eyes crinkling at the corners, and you realize he’s referring to the peach colored Northface jacket you’re wearing.
Unfortunately, this causes a blush to cover your cheeks, about the same color as your jacket. All eyes on you. You duck your head and give a curt smile, signaling for the next person to go.
Everything else goes smoothly from that point on, that is, until seat placements are made. Of course, as fate would have it, your instructor places you on the edge of your section, right next to Jeongguk. Your voice apparently blends well with his.
You all take your seats and you make sure to hold your breath when he takes his next to you. Immediately, you notice his cologne. Probably Axe Body Spray, but he still smells good nonetheless, and you’re forcefully having to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes into the back of your head. WHAT is wrong with me?? 
He flashes his charming grin at you as he places his hands on his thighs, rubbing them up and down.
Oh god those thighs-
Stop, stop being such a perv
“’Sup peaches?” You want to be annoyed that he already has a nickname for you, but you can’t help but feel tingly all over when the word graces across his lips. You shake your head slightly, realizing your staring a bit. “Hi, Jeongguk,” you say while avoiding eye-contact now because you don’t know if you’ll be able to break your eyes away from him again. “Ahh, just call me Gguk,” he says this as he ruffles your hair a bit.
Your eyes go wide at the touch, “Oh- I- okay,” is all you can muster, and he chuckles at you. Running his hand through his dark brown hair, “this is gonna  be a fun semester, y/n.”
That’s it. You’re dead meat. You won’t make it the whole semester.
Your thoughts the entire rest of the day were filled with his melodic laugh, his enticing voice, his muscular thighs, and the cute dimples that occasionally made an appearance when he blessed you with his bunny-like smile.
You felt like you were back in high school. Who has a crush this intense anymore? It had your hormones racing, images of his large hands on your hips and his pink lips on your neck as you ride his thig- JESUS CHRIST, I think I need church.
You roll over in your twin bed, groaning, and bring your covers up over your head in an attempt to snuff out the fire that was trying to burn its way through you. You needed to go to sleep and focus on the important major classes you would have for the rest of the week (and certainly not about the one other chorus class you would have with a certain flirtatious boy).
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The week flew by without a hitch, but then again, it was only syllabus week so you couldn’t really expect it to be too bad anyway. Except, you had one more class with the boy who had you flustered and fumbling over your words after one conversation.
This time you would have a plan. You’d busy yourself by talking to your friends from last semester, some other soprano 2′s that sat in your section, until it comes time to pull out your sheet music. That should work, right?
Well, that’s what you thought anyway. And it had been going to plan, until he tapped you on your shoulder to get your attention. I mean you couldn’t outright  ignore him, could you? So, to your dismay, you turn around to take in his light wash jeans and blue turtleneck sweater.
He looked so boyfriend it physically hurt.
He was sitting down in his chair and pointing with his thumb to the big windows behind you, where you could see the snow covered ground and more flakes falling. “Wanna go play with me in the snow?” He had to be kidding right? You couldn’t skip class, but also, why would he want you to go play with him? Out in the snow, that is.
His question had you blinking and stuttering, all while he had a cheeky smile on his face, like he knew what he was doing to you. He just chuckled to himself and turned back in his seat, grabbing his sheet music, and clearly not expecting an answer. What were you supposed to say to that anyway? Holy fuck this boy was wild. 
“Gguk is so flirting with you,” you heard from your right side. “Wh-what?” your eyes looking back at your friend. “Oh come on, y/n, you aren’t that dense, are you? Why else would a boy give you a nickname and purposely make you turn  into an idiot in his presence?” Oh my god. “Is it that obvious?” You smacked your palm into your forehead. She simply nodded at you, patted your shoulder and wished you luck. 
You tried your best to focus on your setlist for the remainder of class, but it was so hard to ignore the handsome boy next to you. His voice was better than anyone else’s you had ever heard before, and he kept running his fingers through his hair. You wanted so badly to be able to run your own hands through his soft brown hair.
Despite his distracting charm, you were able to keep your eyes to yourself (or in the direction of your friends, at least) until class was over. It wasn’t until you were slinging your backpack over your shoulder and making your way toward the hall that he grabbed your elbow. “Peaches, wait,” he sounded out of breath for some reason. You turn around with bambi eyes, not sure what he could possibly want from you.
“Where are you going?” he asks as he falls into an easy stride next to you. “Uh, I have a short break for lunch before my next class.” He nods and continues to walk next to you. “What’re you doing?” you ask him pointedly. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m walking you to lunch.” You blinked at him, confusion painting your face. “Wh- why?” you’ve stopped walking now. “You’re cute,” he chuckles, putting his hands into his pockets and starting to walk in the direction of the dining hall. 
You start to walk with him again, “we’re friends, aren’t we? I didn’t think it’d be a problem for me to walk you to the dining hall on my way to class.” Your cheeks start to burn, you feel bad that that you had given him that impression. You were just so confused as to why he was taking such an interest in you. “N-no it’s okay,” but by the time you give this answer, you’re already there and he’s turning slightly to head toward his class. “I’ll see you next week, peaches,” he  shouts to you, giving you a wink, and his milliwatt smile. 
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The first half of your semester went by faster than you thought it would, and you had actually managed to stop feeling like a moron around Gguk (most of the time). You and him had gotten into a rhythm, you guys talked to each other in class - sometimes he’d flirt and make you laugh, he’d walk you to the dining hall, and occasionally you would meet up to hang out with him outside of class.
However, that didn’t mean you didn’t still have a raging crush on him that made your mind feel hazy and send heat through your whole body. This much was evident when he decided to skip his class one day and join your for lunch.
You both had opted for grilled chicken and french fries because your dining hall sucks and that was the safest option. The two of you fell into easy conversation with the occasional comfortable silence. He talked about his classes and how in his free time he’s been working on a mixtape. “I mean I figured you liked music considering you’re in chorus with me, but I didn’t know you were that into it!” He gives you a dimpled bunny smile and nods his head a bit, “yeah, maybe you could come over and listen to my stuff sometime.”
There’s a slight blush to his cheeks that you’ve not seen before. If you had to guess, you’re probably the first girl he’s ever offered to share his own music with. So, you take the opportunity to be bold while his coquettish demeanor is wavering.
“Oh, so would that be, like, our second date then?” You take a sip of your water, sneaking a glance over the cup to see the doe-eyed expression he’s giving you now. His mouth bobbed a bit like a fish’s before he managed to get words out, “did I miss our first date?” You giggle at how taken aback he seems to be. “Well, you went through all this effort to skip class and eat lunch with me,” you say with a lilt in your voice. “Oh please, peaches. You call this effort? I’d do way more than just this.”
Now it’s your turn to blush. Your boldness gone the second he calls you by the affectionate name. “Is this your way of trying to get me to take you out?” He asks this question with his tongue poking into his cheek, eyebrows cocked. “N-no!! I was just messing with you!” He grabs your plate, along with his, as you both get up to exit the dining hall. “To late now, I’ll text you when I’ve got it all planned out.” He winks at you as he puts the dishes on the conveyor belt and exits the building with a wave. Fuck.
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New Message From Gguk:
[3:04pm] be ready tonight around 7:30
To Gguk:
[3:07pm] tonight?? where are you taking me?
From Gguk:
[3:09pm] don’t worry about it. just wear something casual
To Gguk:
[3:10pm] ugh you’re infuriating, but okay.
[3:12pm] you’re not gonna murder me in some back alley are you?
[3:13pm] omg you are aren’t you??
From Gguk:
[3:14pm] y/n.. our campus is huge with many secluded areas. if I wanted to murder you I would have done it by now 
To Gguk:
[3:15pm] and yet somehow that answer isn’t reassuring at all. I’ll be ready by 7:30
Okay, so this was a bit short notice considering he only told you roughly 4 hours ahead of time, but he said to wear something casual so that should be plenty of time, right?
You decide to focus back onto your homework for the next hour or so. You’re able to do that for about 30 minutes but then you start thinking. I haven’t shaved my legs in over a week. He said casual but I should still look casually cute. What am I supposed to do with my hair now that the humidity is back?? Panic. Panic is setting in.
You slam shut your textbook and notes, and start to make your way to your dorm room. Once you’re there you begin to rummage through your closet and dresser drawers. The flinging of clothes and 45 minutes later, you finally settle on a pair of black ripped jeans, a flowy, strappy white top, and some white converse.
2 hours and 30 minutes left.
You didn’t think it would, but it did in fact take you that entire two and a half hours to finish getting ready, but you were pleased with the way you looked. This was more effort than you usually put in considering no one ever looks nice  when they have 8:00am classes.
You also didn’t think you’d be phased by seeing Jeongguk dressed ready for a date because he always looked good, but the second you laid eyes on him, in his light wash ripped denim, black tee, leather jacket, and matching bucket hat, you knew you were a goner. 
“You know it’s not polite to stare with a gaping mouth right?” he asks as he uses his index finger to gently push your chin up, closing your mouth for you. “I- I’m sorry. You look great, Gguk,” you say as you look down at your feet. You’re avoiding eye contact now since he caught you ogling him. “You look  great too, y/n. I like your converse, a nice touch!” he says in that smooth and charming way he has about him. With that, he grabs your hand and leads you to his car to drive you off to god-knows-where.
Much to your surprise, he takes you to the local town fair. You’d never really participated in these types of things before because you had this ideal (probably from watching The Notebook one too many times) that fairs were romantic and meant for couples only.
However, you both had an incredible night, despite your reservations. He bought you cotton candy to share, you rode the ferris wheel together (sans hanging off the edge of it), scared each other in the fun house, and he even won you a stuffed teddy. It occurred to you that you hadn’t had this much fun in a while, and certainly not with a boy since you started college. He made you laugh, held your hand, and paid attention to you. It all felt a bit like a dream, what with all the pretty colors and twinkling lights around you.
You felt kind of sad that the date was ending as he drove you both back to campus. This date had allowed your crush to bloom into actual feelings and you were starting to worry about the days following. Would everything just go back to the way it was? Would he pretend like the date hadn’t happened? Did he even like you like that?
Luckily for you, you weren’t able to ruminate for too long on those negative thoughts because the car had come to a halt and you were suddenly back on campus. “You’ve been kind of quiet since we left the fair. What’re you thinking in there?” he pokes at your head for emphasis. “Oh, nothing! I had a really great time tonight,” you’re hoping you sound convincing enough so he doesn’t pry his way into your private thoughts. “Well, the night doesn’t have to end yet. We can hang out in my room for a bit if you want? My roommate is never here on the weekends, so the awkwardness of him being there is eliminated.”
Stunned. Yup, that would be an accurate word for what you felt in that moment.
“You’re gaping again, peaches. Am I going to have to be the one to teach you some manners?” He tsks at you and shakes his head, but there’s a smirk on his face. There’s also a darkness to his eyes. One that sends heat right to your core, and has you nodding your head to him in an instant. Your head feels cloudy as you walk to his dorm room, hand-in-hand, as if you’re caught under his spell again.
Once you’re there, the spell seems to drop and your nervousness is back. The room is dark, except for the soft glow of a lamp on his desk that he’s turned on. “I know you said we’d do this on our second date, but I figured we could merge the two,” he says handing you a set of headphones. Broken from your worried state, you realize he’s about to show you his music. The folder is labeled “JJK1″ and his angelic voice starts to flow into your ears, overwhelming your senses. 
He’s singing in a lower register, the words feel emotional and meaningful. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. You look up at him and he’s not making eye contact with you, “this is amazing, Gguk.” You both listen for another minute or two before he hits pause and finally looks back at you. “Seriously, your music is so good.” You set the headphones back on their display and he does the same. “You really think so?” You nod, and there’s a shift in the air. 
You’re both staring into each other’s eyes, then his own flicker down to your lips briefly. You’re starting to feel squirmy under his gaze, and you move to look away. To say something dumb about how his room is tidier than you thought it would be, but he’s quicker than you, grabbing your jaw to turn your head back and plant his soft, pink lips onto yours.
There’s tingles all over your body the second his lips are moving with yours. He’s careful with you as he brings a hand up to cup your neck. It feels like he’s scared to break you, but at the same time you can feel a sense of urgency lingering behind his tongue. You suppose this whole semester has built up the anticipation of this very moment. You don’t want him to be careful though, you’ve been waiting for this moment the second he walked into your chorus class.
Lips never leaving yours, he slowly walks you over to his bed. He sits on the edge of it and pulls you into his lap. With the tilt of his head he’s deepening the kiss. His tongue skating across your lips, asking for entrance, to which you gladly give him. His expert tongue maps the inside of your mouth as you’re moaning into his own. 
Taking that as a good sign, he runs his large hands over your hips, landing with a firm grip on your ass. He squeezes your flesh, effectively causing some friction between you and his thighs. That has you moaning again. You couldn’t even count the amount of times you’d thought of being in this position. The chance to ride his thick, muscular thighs to heaven and back. You were growing wet just at the thought of it.
“Is this okay?” he asks even though he can probably tell that what he’s doing is very okay. You nod eagerly and make a sound close to mhm to indicate that you don’t want this to stop. The second you give him the okay to continue, his lips are back on yours and he uses his hands to rock you back and forth on his thigh. Even through your jeans, the friction feels electrifying. It appears he feels the same way considering his growing length in his own jeans, creating an obvious tent. 
You break from kissing to let out a series of whimpers and groans from the heat that is building up inside of you. You head lolling back to allow Gguk the opportunity to lick a stripe up your neck to your jaw. Nipping and sucking at you every now and then. Everything feels too good. It’s all so surreal considering you’ve been pining for him for so long. 
“You look so pretty riding my thigh like that,” he says in between planting kisses along your collarbone. “I’ve caught you checking me out before, I bet you’ve wanted this since the first time I sat next to you.” Now he’s lifting your shirt over your head, exposing your light gray mesh bralette to him. 
Your hips never ceasing their movement, he brings his mouth down to your mesh covered nipple and laves his tongue over it. He notices your sharp intake of breath and a barely there fuck coming from you. “I love how sensitive you are to everything,” he sucks the nipple into his mouth for a moment before he makes his way over to the other one. This time he moves the bralette to the side so you can feel the full effect of his tongue. He rotates between swirling and gently flicking his tongue over the hardened bud. 
It’s now very clear to you that the heat inside of you will be coming to a head soon if he continues. He’s very much able to pick up on your impending climax, so he takes the nipple into his mouth and begins to suck, all the while holding you down harder on his thigh as he rocks you back and forth. “Shit, I- I’m gonna come if you don’t stop,” you say breathlessly. “Now why would I want to do that, peaches?” his mouth now moving back to suck on the other nipple. He breaks away with a wet *pop* and brings a hand down to smack your ass. “Come on, I know you can come like this. Come all over my thigh like the good little girl I know you are.” 
Your hair is starting to stick to you a little, sweaty from the exertion used to keep up the hard pace. The string inside of you is ready to snap any second. “Please, please, Gguk,” you whine to him, hoping he understands what you need. With both hands firmly in place on your ass, he sets a deadly pace and a flex of his muscle to cause the friction to burn straight to your slick core. You’re moaning his full name now as you feel yourself come undone around his thigh. Pulsing against him, your head slack on his shoulder, and your hips slowing down to ride out your orgasm. “Such pretty sounds when you come for me. I want to hear it again,” he says as he leaves sweet kisses on your lips.
He moves you from his lap to his bed, helping you out of your skinny jeans because your legs are aching now and you can’t find the energy to do it yourself. He takes in your form and the matching light gray mesh thong you’re wearing. “Were you hoping for this, baby? It’s okay if you were, I was hoping for it too.” You don’t know how you got to this place, but you were thanking whatever god it was that blessed you with this much luck.
Within moments, he’s undressed himself and you hear a wrapper crinkling over by his desk where he’s standing. He climbs back onto the bed and hovers over top of you. “You still doing okay?” he’s more considerate than you would have imagined a guy with his good looks would be, but you’re grateful for it. You smile at him and tilt your head up to kiss his lips and then his cheek. “God, look at you,” he says as he sits back on his heels, admiring the girl in front of him. 
He bends down to press kisses into your inner thigh, bringing two fingers to hook into the waist band of your thong and tug it down. He can see a string of your wetness stretch between you and your thong before it breaks when he brings his fingers to your slit. A drawn out moan leaves your mouth, his fingers feel so good now that they’re finally where you need them. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me.”
He presses two fingers into you and they slide in with ease considering you’ve already finished once before. He uses his other hand to rub soft circles into your clit. Your breathing is becoming heavier now and you desperately want to feel his thick length inside of you. You can see his cock twitch at the sounds you make. It’s veiny and so so pink at the tip, no doubt leaking with precum. You’d be willing to bet anything that you’ll feel so full with him inside of you.
As if to read your mind, he pushes a third finger inside. “You ready, baby? I don’t know how much longer I can wait to feel you around my cock.” His words have you keening and moving your hips in time with his fingers. His other hand now moves from your clit to his length, rubbing up and down before he teasingly slaps it against your core a few times, causing you to bite harshly into your lip. 
But then he’s pushing it in and you swear you see stars. He moves your legs so your thighs are against your chest now. “Ohhhhh my god,” you whine out to him as he bottoms out inside of you. “Fuck, you’re so tight, y/n.” He stills for a moment to allow you to adjust, but then he begins to move languidly. Thrusting ever so gently against that sensitive spot inside of you due to the position.
He leans down all the way to plant kisses along your chest, up your collarbone, and onto your neck. Lazy licks causing your heart to beat rapidly and moans escape your lips. His thrusts become rougher with each passing second, still never missing that signature spot inside of you, and it’s mind numbing.
He brings a hand down to your clit to rub figure eights into the bundle of nerves. “Please, d- don’t stop,” he grunts at the neediness he can hear in your voice. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. I’ll make sure you feel good,” He punctuates this with a particularly hard thrust into you and you let out a loud moan, curses following behind. 
You’re so wet now and all you can think about is how good it feels to have him inside of you. You never want to let go of the feeling of his strong hands on you, sweat occasionally dripping from his hair, and his cock pounding into you. His first time fucking you and he already seems to know exactly what you like. Knowing not to rub your clit too much because it’s extra sensitive, that grabbing your ass will have your walls clenching around him, and kissing your neck leads to you mewling his name. All of this, in turn, causing him to feel rock hard, ready to burst his load any second. 
“You’re such a good girl, you know that? Taking me so well and ready to come for me again,” he says this as he slows his pace down a bit. He wants you to feel every inch of him, savor the feeling, because soon enough he’s going to have both of you falling apart. He lets one of your thighs down and grabs onto the other, using it as an anchor. “God, you feel so good around me. Come again for me, baby. I wanna see your face this time while you cream my cock for everything it’s worth.
With his thumb on your clit and his words stuck in your head, you’re all of about two seconds away from losing yourself on him. He picks up his pace again, slamming into you over and over and over again until you can’t take it anymore. Juices gush out of you as you practically scream, complete and total ecstasy taking over your body. “That’s it, such a good girl coming for me again,” he says as he helps you ride through your second orgasm of the night. 
“Jesus, y/n, you got.. so.. wet,” his thrusts growing sloppy now. His bottom lip is sucked between his teeth and his brown eyes are filled with need. He quickly pulls out, rips the condom off, and pumps himself just briefly before he’s spilling his seed onto your stomach. A slur of curses and your name leaving his mouth. Rope after rope of the white liquid coating you, his own personal masterpiece laid out in front of him.
When he’s finally finished, he falls back onto his heels, head lolling as he tries to steady his breathing. You think he looks so good fucked out. You could look at him like this for the rest of your life. Then again, you could look at him in any state for the rest of your life. This was a three year long crush (turned into feelings) in the making, after all.
“You look so perfect like this,” he says as he takes in your state. Sweat glistening on your skin, lips swollen and red, and his cum painted on your stomach. “Hold on, I’ll get something for you,” he says before he gets up to go discard the condom and grab a towel. He helps clean you both up and hands you a sweatshirt of his. “It’s pretty late now, you can spend the night if you want and wear that so you’re more comfortable. I’ll turn on a show or something for us.” He changes the sheets on his bed while you change and throw your hair up into a messy bun, ready for bed now.
You both settle into the now clean bed and he turns on New Girl. You curl up next to him, head resting on his taut chest and a leg slung over his. “So I know we just had our first and second date, but does this count as our third?” he says in a joking tone, and even though you can’t see him, you can tell he’s smiling. “I dunno, does that mean we’ll have a fourth?” He chuckles at you and kisses the top of your head, “anything you want, peaches.” 
You had worried at the beginning of the semester that Gguk would flirt and  taunt you endlessly and with no real reward, but you were wonderfully wrong. You were also pretty sure that this was just the beginning and that thought has butterflies swimming inside of you. This charming boy had you wrapped around his finger, and unbeknownst to you, you had him wrapped around yours.
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wangshuus · 4 years
delicacy | diluc ragnvindr
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pairing: yan!diluc ragnvindr/gn!reader
genre: psychological
cw: unhealthy relationship, mentions of forced marriage, ooc diluc (lol)
wc: 2.6k
summary: to diluc, you are a delicacy that he wishes to savour.
note: i’m sorry in advance my dear readers this is absolute dog water ajfhaiufhfui. this was just an experiment since i don’t think i’ve written a decent yandere ever and this kinda proves it but it’s ok i’ll get there one day. just take my ooc diluc. yes, i know i screwed up real bad on this one but let's just say i loosened a few screw for the sake of the plot,,,yeah,,,i’ll probably need to proof read this again too but its ok ahhhhh.
“It’s useless to keep tugging at those binds. You know they won’t come off unless I take them off myself. Now, be good and sit still.” You heard a familiar voice. 
It was once a voice that you were delighted to hear but now the very mention of the owner sent a wave of striking cold upon your body, ironic considering who it was. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, or what time it was. You were completely clueless, being stuck in a dark room with nothing but a bed in which you’ve been bound by the headboard. The room was concerningly chilly, the air in the room being crisp, cold and suffocating. The figure in the room made their way to the edge of the bed next to sit next to you. You felt a gloved hand place itself upon your cheek. It was so warm you almost wanted to lean into it but you refused to find comfort in the touch of your detainer.
You were but a simple bartender, loyal to working at the famous Angel’s Share in Mondstadt. You previously resided in Springvale with your parents but moved to the city due to your job. Your family lived a happy little life, not drowning in riches but being comfortable enough to sustain a plausible living. In your head, you were so painfully boring; so here lies the question, how exactly did you get into this situation? Not even you knew the answer but one thing that you could make sense of in the whole ordeal was that the main that stood in front of you was mad.
Diluc Ragnvindr has many titles ranging from the renowned owner of the Dawn Winery to one of Mondstadt’s most esteemed bachelors. He claimed such a high and mighty reputation that no one would’ve guessed the devious intents hidden in the back of his head. Yes, you were a mere bartender that worked under him at his own tavern but ever since you were hired, he felt something stirring up within him. Now you see, Diluc wasn’t someone that you would find chasing after anyone in fact, he’s never chased after anyone at all until he met you. He was confused at first why he started feeling the way that he did when you were around, unfamiliar emotions began to bubble inside of him.
You were just so easy to talk to, so charming, so comforting, a breath of fresh air to him, truly. At first, he assumed it would be nothing but a short lived infatuation, expecting for his feeling to dissipate like a dying flame in a matter of time but this flame only burned bigger, brighter, and belligerent as the days passed. Diluc wasn’t exactly sure how his feelings came to be. Perhaps it was due to the loss, betrayal and tragedy that stained his past. Maybe it was his longing to be loved again, to hold someone close and never let go, or to have someone hold him and allow him to bask in the feeling of being lovingly embraced-- which was a feeling that became painfully foreign to him.
It had been so long since he found comfort in anything or anyone, becoming accustomed to being isolated, building up walls to keep everyone out and away. He had no one left to care for and presumably no one left to care for him, making the pyro wielder take on such an aloof personality. After his whole ordeal, he was never truly the same, so to see him look genuinely pleased by someone was such a shock to the public eye. Of course, you had come to enjoy Diluc’s presence as he stopped by the tavern fairly often to check up on the flow of business and you had the chance to talk to him during his visits. You had heard from others that the young man was awfully reserved and indifferent towards any subject matter but he was seemingly interested in any conversation between the two of you, even partaking in the act of idle-chit chat as a means to continue talking to you. Anything for you.
He was greatly enamoured by you; everything about you. He’s taken every second he could to observe you and your nature, falling in love with the little things about you from the way you brightened up the room with your cheerful demeanour, the way you gracefully made your way across the tavern during, the way your eyes twinkled when you were talking about him about something you loved--archons the way he wished for you to only look at him with those eyes full of an enthusiastic sparkle. He wanted that; and he wanted it all for himself. Once he realized this was the case, he went through a spiralling hole of madness. He found himself being obsessive with looking out for you, going above and beyond by following you in the shadows every chance he could get, his self control on his possessiveness running as thin as a strand of hair. 
Diluc was scary to say the least. His ability to deceive people into thinking he was still the reserved yet distinguished gentleman while he was falling into a pit of insanity was nothing short of terrifying. He remained unsuspecting and planned to keep it that way, deeming himself capable of being able to resist his maniacal urges. All until one conversation between the two. You had mentioned that your family had begun to run into a few financial problems, becoming entangled in a circle of debt. You had concluded that though you loved what you were doing, it couldn’t have been enough to support your situation so you had conversed with Diluc about going to Liyue to find extra work. All you knew was that there was a high chance you couldn’t stay grounded at the tavern forever, even rejecting Diluc’s offer of a raise, deeming that you didn’t deserve it and did not wish to trouble him. You saw this as a good opportunity to explore beyond the land of the wind that you had ironically been grounded at your entire life. 
Oh no no no, this couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t allow it to happen. And that’s when he snapped. 
Diluc’s mind worked quickly as he devised a dubious plan to keep you grounded. He knew what you were like; he knew you would be stubborn and go. He saw that shine of determination in your eyes when you mentioned your plans of fleeing Mondstadt, the same shine that he wanted to capture and keep for himself and oh boy, he was gonna have it. The next time you saw him, he had personally invited you to a party that he said he was hosting. You found it quite surprising since it was a rarity for him to ever host a party considering his nature but you accepted nonetheless. You trusted Diluc enough and besides, who would deny an invitation from someone like him. Little did you know, this was quite possibly one of the worst decisions you’ve made in your entire life.
“Dear, you’re spacing out again.” He spoke, a foreign tone that sounded so sickly sweet to a point where you wanted to hurl. 
“Please don’t address me as such. You’re twisted for doing this. What do you even want from me? Huh? I can’t offer you anything so this is nothing but a waste of time.” You spat at him, harshly pulling your cheek away from his grasp. 
“Your presence alone is enough to satisfy me. Also, I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting disobedient before I really lose my patience. I’ve been so patient with you, do you know that? I’ve been waiting for ages to have you all to myself like this but…” He paused for a moment.
“I was far too nice and considerate of your freedom. To think I’d let you leave just like that is absurd. That’s exactly why you’re here. I’d like to apologize in advance for tricking you into thinking there was an actual party, especially since you got all dressed up for me tonight but I believe this is quite the positive thing because now I’m the only one that gets to see you like this” He said as he gently lifted up a piece of fabric from your clothing.
“You wore the clothing I had custom made for you. I knew you would look ravishing in it. You’re my pretty little doll, aren’t you dear?” He said as he brought a piece up to his lips as they gently graced the smooth satin of your outfit. 
A strange package had made its way to your doorstep days before this treacherous evening. When opening it up, it was revealed to be a black and red outfit made of what felt like to be the finest fabrics and silk you’ve ever seen. The first time you tried it on, you felt ecstatic with being gifted to you, blushing to yourself over the fact that Diluc had gone out of his way to get you something this stunning. Now, you wanted nothing more than to rip the thing off your body and run away from the damned place you were held captive but you knew it was no use at this point. Your body shivered at the coldness of the room as it felt like the sheer cold was steadily increasing.
“You’re shivering. You’re cold aren’t you?” Diluc said, having the audacity to chuckle at your pathetic state. You stayed quiet, not wanting to admit or give into anything.
“No response? Oh well, it’ll only be a matter of time until the possibility of freezing to death becomes exceptionally high. I’d rather not have that happen so I’ll do you a favour since you happen to be a little shy isn’t that right? You don’t need to be shy with me. Come here.” He says as he draws closer to you. Your chains rattled while you attempted to put as much distance as you could between you two but it was no use. He swiftly wrapped his arms around you, one hand wrapped around your waist, the other at the back of your head, pulling you into the crook of his neck. Your hands pushed against his chest in a poor attempt to put as much distance between you and him but in the end, you couldn't bring yourself to. The coldness of the room significantly weakened you although it ceased when he held you, his body warmth being enough for him and yourself as well. You cursed the pyro wielder and his antics. He knew that you’d be freezing, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get closer to you. Your arms fell back on to you sides 
“There you go, all relaxed now. See, nice and warm.” He cooed while stroking the back of your head lovingly. Although you were physically warm now, you still felt a shiver run down your spine at the touch of the pyro user.
“You’re sensitive to touch, how cute.” He stated before pulling away to look you in the eyes, the edges of his lips slightly upturned.
“On another note, I have some news to share with you.” He spoke out. Your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of more news, thinking there is no possible way that anything could get any worse; unfortunately, you were dead wrong.
“You see, I had the chance to speak with your parents the other day in regards to your financial situation. I explained to them that I was more than willing to help them but they became quite stubborn after I introduced my offer. I see where you get your stubbornness from now.” He sighed.
Your eyes widened, fear, anger and concern mixing in your (e/c) orbs. 
“Diluc, I swear to the archons what did you--.” He brought a finger up to your lips to hush you from your growing concern. 
“Hush now, there’s no need to get riled up, I’m not finished. Now quiet down and listen to me.” He stated.
“It was quite a simple offer I gave them, really. I would be a financial aid all in exchange for your hand in marriage. They started to get all defensive, claiming that they’d never marry off their child. They were oh so protective over you, but they could never come close to comparing to me.”
Dread and horror filled your eyes as you were rendered speechless, waves of unpleasant emotions washing over you like a tidal wave. 
“You see, it definitely took a lot of work to get where we are now, but you need not to worry, dear. They will not be of any concern to us anymore.” He said as a smile graced his features. You would’ve considered him to be handsome in the moment but the smile he held was so deranged that it was appalling. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, too afraid to even ask what happened to them or what became of them. You knew the situation; you knew the power that Diluc held. He was well aware of his looming power of you and he used it and abused it. It didn’t take very long for your tears to start streaming from your eyes as you began to sob, tears spilling onto your lap. Diluc cupped your face as he brushed away the oncoming tears that continued to overflow. 
“Shhh, don’t cry my dear, this news is excellent. I couldn't even fathom you getting hurt or even leaving me but I don’t have to worry now do I? Because you’re going to be all mine.” He said before forcibly kissing your tear-stained cheeks. 
You felt absolutely disgusting and embarrassed over the lips that graced your skin, having someone as unhinged and deranged as him seeing you in such a vulnerable and helpless state. 
“You know, I’ve had my fair share of people both leave and betray me.They’ve left me alone in this world but none of it matters now that I have you here. You’re the most divine person I’ve come across. So lovely, so warm, and so bright, like the rays of sunlight. I want to bask in your presence and now, I can for however long I’d like. I refuse to lose anyone else, especially not you and now this time, I know I won’t. If your freedom has to be sacrificed in order for you to stay alive, so be it. I’ll choose you the finest white attire for our special day. You’ll be me precious darling for the rest of your days. Doesn’t that sound lovely, dear?” You remained unresponsive.
One of his hands slipped past the fabric of your clothing as his gloved fingertips lightly pressed onto the bare small of your back, earning a yelp from you.
“I said doesn’t that sound lovely? Respond when spoken to. I want to hear your voice.” He said sternly. You managed to mumble out a small yes in return.
“That’s my good little darling.” He spoke before before he pulled you in for a kiss. You refused to return the action and it certainly didn’t go over his head. The hand that rested on the small of your back began to get hotter, feeling as if it was searing your skin, earning a shriek and a cry from you, allowing him to deepen his passion filled kiss, smirking at the way you’ve decided to submit yourself to him while his own lips remained locked with your own.
The land of Mondstadt was said to be the land of freedom and yet here you were, your fate bound and chained by the insanity disguised as love by Diluc Ragnvindr. You were a delicacy to him, and he’d be sure to savour every last bit of you. 
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