#this is all from the master doc of petunia lore
royalthorned · 4 months
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Dumbledore on Lilly, Petunia and Harry (order of the phoenix)
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myrastuff · 3 years
Unfinished Fanfiction Master Post
I've decided to follow the lead of some fic writers I follow and make a post about my unfinished works. Maybe this will encourage me to actually finish one of them. [Brackets] for working titles/synopses. In no particular order:
[The Doctor and the Death Omen] - Overwatch, Moicy, Doctor!Mercy x Banshee!Moira AU. Basically finished, but I don't like the ending enough to call it done. Dr. Angela Ziegler’ patients have warned her about ghosts and faeries. Really, the local banshee isn't so bad, once you get to know her, but death follows inexorably in the wake of her achingly beautiful song, even as Angela struggles to save her patients.
Unpleasant People - Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley (don't @ me). Post-canon slight AU (Snape lives). About 80% written, on pause because JKR keeps making it harder and harder to want anything to do with her work. Severus Snape has spent his adult life as Dumbledore’s shadow. Petunia Dursley has spent hers married to a man she doesn’t even like. After a Dark Lord falls and a marriage crumbles, two unhappy children meet again as unpleasant adults, and discover an unexpected camaraderie that might do them both a world of good.
Joyride - Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley. Non-AU role swap fic. Only like 20% written, paused because it was tough to write. After a night of delightful firsts, Crowley wakes up to find he has sauntered vaguely upwards, with the white wings and nervous disposition to match. Aziraphale wakes up to find much the same thing, but in the opposite direction. Switching back should be easy enough, if Crowley can keep himself from Falling a second time, but there’s one little hiccup: being a demon is a hell of a lot of fun.
Genetic Consequences - Overwatch, Moicy, continuation of my Genetic History setting. Maybe 60% written, but on hold because new lore keeps clashing with my vision and I find that stressful. [Plotty action fic, Overwatch is lowkey reforming with Winston at the helm, Mei as a new recruit, and Tracer and Mercy back in the saddle. A plot to assassinate an omnic rock star puts them in direct conflict with Talon, forcing Moira and Mercy to juggle loyalties, work, and their newly rekindled relationship. Featuring background Mei/Winston, moon gorillas (from the moon), and Einen's arch nemesis.]
[Five Hundred First Kisses] - Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley. 3K written but the premise involves torturing the reader with chapter after chapter of unconventional slow-burn so I can't say what percentage is done. Aziraphale and Crowley have realized they’re in love a hundred times over the centuries, and it always comes with a kiss. Unfortunately, neither of them are capable of remembering a single one. (A thin veil of plot ties together what we’re all here for anyway: a whole series of First Kiss scenes.)
[Not Writing Fire Emblem Fic] (that's what the google doc is called, so I guess it's the working title) - Fire Emblem Three Houses, Seteth/Manuela. Maybe 70% written? On hold because the tone and characters kept meandering around and I couldn't wrangle them back into a coherent narrative. [Manuela deserves a DILF so I'm giving her one. Gallant, surprisingly buff priest defends the honour of aging cougar, unconvincingly denies finding her hot for several chapters. Featuring a lot of Wyvern fanon because I like dragons.]
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