#this is actually a redraw of my old mizuki drawing but with a better pose
kuru5u · 1 year
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id smile mizuki but gyaru dog pose
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rielzero · 1 year
Personal question: would you be comfortable sharing some old art vs new art comparison over the years of you drawing? It's very inspiring to see how much people have improved and how far they've come.
Sure! If anyone ever wondered how much I worked on my main sona.. Here's realllyyy old art of him. The first drawing if I recall- made during my 2018-2019 big depresso after I hadn't drawn for almost a year if you count in between months.
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This art is considerably worse than drawings I made before late 2018, but I went through a lot so you could say I experienced pretty bad muscle memory loss. It was part of my recovery and learning to care for myself. I didn't draw much during late 2018 and early 2019
Here's some of the most recent work of him:
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As you probably can tell his design changed a lot. I used to draw hair really weird and wild, too. I've gotten used to making art with 3D aid.
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This is art of my OC Asriel in 2019, I was really struggling a lot with finding my style again. This may be before I started leaning more on 3D, all though I can't tell. This might be drawn with Terawell Design Doll 3D pose as a thumbnail. (note; I pose stuff myself or adjust pre-made poses.) As you can see, 3D doesn't make your art look better, you need to actually understand anatomy somewhat to make it work.
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This is my most recent drawing of Asriel. (All though this is technicly Asriel as ''PENDRA'' My coloring style has changed a lot, but I do have a lot of variety when it comes to rendering techniques.
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I drew mostly traditional during my depression, which also were my more finished artworks at the time. (I'm not going in depth on my depression itself.)
Last time I drew Tsuki was in 2022, but you can see there's a massive difference in style, and how I draw hair.
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I don't really use the above rendering anymore because it became exhausting though.
(I just realized all examples I've given are blonde OCs lol.)
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Mizuki early 2020!
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The redraw in 2022 (I think it may have been late 2022?) She got buff!!!
Anyway I hope this helps people who feel like their stuff hasn't changed much. Changes can be gradual, like 2020 looks similar to 2019, but the facial structure has changed while the rendering hasn't changed much. Then around 2021-2022 my style started to really form specific noticeable traits that I still really like today.
I'm really happy with my style atm. I like how I draw faces. I could still do better on expressions though- Most of my characters aren't super expressive due their personalities. As for rendering, thats often subject to change. I like a mix of soft shade with cell-shading feels. But comic-y Style.
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