#this is abt my snake noodle. danger noodle.
muchmossymess · 10 months
Snakes are so funny in water
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obeymebutcursed · 3 years
i need you all to know that the idea for a snabies fic just hit me like a sucker punch while i was in the god damn shower and i now know that ball pythons can reproduce asexually because there has to be at least sOME level of biology for me to stay sane and he Never goes out so actual fertelization is not an option. i cant remember if someones said something abt levi being part ball python or not but uhh. fucking hate it here yall are amazing and apparently i have snake child brainrot
I think we all have danger noodle brainrot.
I can't get the image of Levi being so unbelievablely excited to show off his little noodles out of my head.
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asdgkjlasfdjgkl · 7 years
1-50 on the lesbian ask meme
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian
fuck both sound rlly nice but. probs play with her hair tbh
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian
x files? idk what twin peaks is
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian
sweet tooth 4 sure. i hate spicy food
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian
white lily 
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian
white gold!! i like silver over gold anyways,,
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian
i love both, but sunset probs cause u can c the stars after!!
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian
maya angelou!!
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian
depends on my mood honestly?
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian
neither. fruits are disgusting
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian
high waisted shorts ;p
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian
hippie!! i was rlly in2 tht style when i was younger
14. Band lesbian or orchestra lesbian
oh god i love em both,, i listen 2 orchestra more tho
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian
garage band? neither r rlly my style honestly
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian
twirl her!! 
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian
sit com def. i hate those movies
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian
i hate exercise but biking sounds fun so
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian
dont make me choose!! i love all the ocean critters!!
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian
bio. i hate math
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian
studio ghibili!! i fuckin. love those movies
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian
scream. i hate spiders so so so so much
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian
serena! i grew up watching her :0
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian
faber castell. ive never used prismacolor!
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian
i. hate camping
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian
the 1st one lmao
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian
ice skate!! theyre both fun tho
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian
i am so tired of christmas
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian
i like doin both!! i do either when i have the chance :)
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian
i cant drink yet,,
31. Write her poems lesbian or bake her cookies lesbian
write her poems,, i cant bake to save my life
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian
ahh both r so soft nd sweet ( i think idk ive never experienced either ),, i guess it depend on the situation? tummy kisses r cute and playful but thigh kisses can b suggestive,,,
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian
1v1 me m8
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian
ahh the 2nd one,,, im down for either tho
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian
florals!! i love pastel floral print especially!
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian
theyre all great!!! snakes r cute danger noodles nd frogs are fat croak boys
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”
send her memes. not even gonna sugar coat this one
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian
star wars def. lotr was rlly boring 2 me
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian
neither. neither is good
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian
i want 2 do both aaaaaaaaa
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian
maple syrup wtf is berry syrup
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian
i think amsterdam. weed is rllly legal there right
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian
swing is rlllly fun
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian
pinstripes ;0
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian
mini golf. i can not bowl to save my life
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian
 D E S T R O Y   H E R
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian
zip ups!
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian
avkfdhblv fandom i guess
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian
how abt just. my entire existance
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