#this is about mcr yes I'll always be an emo kid
tea-and-naps · 2 years
I had a ticket and didn't go because I literally forgot it was today I am a fool 🙃
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sendmyresignation · 2 years
hi! i just finished reading your essay on metal's influence on mcr and i loved it so much! I'm not a metalhead per se, my little brother is, I'm the older emo/punk sibling lol, but there's so much overlap in our music taste and we often talk for hours about the interconnectedness of punk and metal, and their predecessors, rock and roll legends like jimi hendrix and his revolutionary interpretation of blues, as well as the culture/counterculture in the scenes that defined the respective genres. in short, it's something I'm incredibly passionate about, and I just happened to come across your post while reading our band could be your life, which talks about the development underground indie scene from '81-'91 (minor threat, black flag, ad nauseam) so it was perfect timing. it was a fantastic read and your passion poured through every paragraph, and I appreciate it so much as someone who also cares deeply about music history. sorry for the long ask, i just had to let you know ! much love!
oh wow, thank you so much for such a nice ask! i will always be a metalhead first and foremost but, ultimately, im glad this spoke to interconnectedness <3 and idk im glad you have that relationship with your brother, it was kinda an unintended consequence of the primer but the way siblings impact your taste or love of music kept like. appearing in ray, gerard, and mikeys lives. as an older sibling, i do try to pass my stuff on and accept a bit of k-pop video watching time in return. there's something about those exchanges..... and it's kind of the foundation of mcr too
omg yes i also think blues is so so important for any rock related discussion. like, for metal, the blues made black sabbath. honestly, i mentioned this briefly in the post but franks very personal, direct connection to the blues is like. one of the reasons he stands out pretty singularly even as a devoted post-nirvana diy kid. and obv everything comes back to it too. maybe in the future I'll do a quickie blues post.
ive owned our band could be your life for like. a full year now and haven't gotten to it 😩 i could say well im working on my thesis but i pulled off this whole thing so what's my excuse fhfkfhfjfh I'll get to it i will
But seriously, ty again for the kind words im really glad you read and like the post :)) much love to you too!!
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daislysxftie · 4 years
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This is hella creative
1. Soldier, Poet, King/ Choke/ I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (no shit it's 12:53am)/ Helena/ Taking Care Of Things/ Somewhere In Neverland
2. Shit. Idk! I'd love to meet multiple people. I mean I love the whole of MCR, but that's like 5 people. I know I act like such a 15 year old girl but tbh I'd love to meet Dan and Phil... Would you call 11 years a phase?
3. "The X Files", "Gary tells me you have security clearance?"
4. How everything and everybody I love will die one day
5. "Roses are red, Your eyes are nice, He didn't have ice cubes so he put vanilla ice" I literally couldn't ask for a better poem
6. It doesn't have phobia in the title but I have misanthropy and it's an automatic strong dislike to people.
7. Wiccan
8. Dying inside or going home
9. It's not that complex, it's easily MCR.
10. "I'm not going to get up and go into a whole other room just because you forgot to check the toilet paper roll" that was in text form but it still works
11. Ehhh, not really. Idk. I hope it exists
12. Don't have one-
13. My greatest weakness is something I don't want to say anything more about except that I'm a little. My greatest strength is my great ability to mask myself and my feelings, for example, I'm autistic but you could never tell.
14. Who are we kidding? Nicki Minaj is hot
15. I cry and listen to Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us on repeat
16. You have no idea how much band merch I have
17. Sometimes I am. I know I could always be someone better, but I gotta learn to be comfortable with something I tried my hardest with: me.
18. Ok I have no sound I love except for rock/ punk/ emo music. I have misophonia meaning there's a specific sound that I hate, it can cause meltdowns and I have no control over myself. It's at a specific time, so if I'm feeling upset my misophonia kicks in and I absolutely HATE any human noise made. I do hate all human noises all the time but when I'm upset it's when I'll start shaking, crying, puking and pulling my hair out.
19. What if we could run away to neverland and have no worries
20. I'll just say I want to believe.
21. The air. I'm literally in my bed
22. Nothing, but whenever my ef comes into my room they can smell rice bubbles and apparently I smell like rice bubbles. My sibling says the exact same thing.
23. Ohio
24. Troye Sivan is so cute ahdbdhdvfj
25. Live your truth, food and sex. Tbh I am panromantic but I'm also lesbian meaning you know what
26. I don't drive because it was suggested I don't because of my height. It was just a guideline, like how 1% of people follow PG 13+
27. Fucking Star Wars. I've literally been forced. I've learnt the whole bee movie script in morse code.
28. I cracked my head open when a kid in 4th grade picked me up then dropped me after saying us shorties need to stick together. They were 6 inches taller than me.
29. Fuck there isn't one
30. Would you call a true rumour a rumour? If so then yes.
31. Nope. For example;
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32. Cancer
33. It may or may have not been tea
34. uhh both?
35. Yes, I mentioned my ef before. (ef means enbyfriend)
36. I'm very guilty, I may have dated 32 people exactly..
37. I don't have one, I'm literally the least talented person
38. In Scotland
39. Writing in this
40. Kinda? I'm good at telling lies that I've told myself and I don't wanna put up with being able to tell every single lie they say
41. Call for anyone on the sidewalk to watch and make sure the dog is ok while I call a service and literally sprint when I see them coming.
42. A, no I would only tell my ef, Blayde, Taylor, Julie and Angel. I want everybody else to think of how they were too late to tell me they cared. B, I would spend them with my ef and siblings. C, No because I never expected to live later than 18 years old and I was never scared of death, my existential crises covered that.
43. Woah. Hold your fuckin horses mate. I'm literally listening to Runaway Train at the moment. I guess Sweater Weather?
44. Consent, love, listening and communication
45. Ya can't uneless you're Jakson
46. I actually did go insane once, I went to a mental hospital and it's not like the movies. It doesn't have padding and you don't have cellmates. I guess insanity did bring out creativity in me, I painted a lot and said that I can lie easily in words but I'd never lie in art and sign language.
47. Following Dan's guide to stalk your idol until they notice you.
48. "I wasn't wrong when I thought I was going to die before I'm 18." that may not be a very deep thought to you (I'm 18 at the moment) but it's true, because I'll never be the same person. I change as a person so often and one personality will never live to be older than 18.
49. An anatomical heart
50. Pastel purple, pastel pink, pastel blue and pitch black
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Don't look at me like that
52. Casey
53. "Do you have any life regrets?" is a question I'll never answer for anyone that knows me. Since nobody on here knows me, I regret life.
54. Selective invisibility
55. I would like to experience the first time I was told I matter. I wanna go back to 2011, I was 9 years old and I was told by a stranger on youtube that I mattered.
56. Well it would be the 14 years that my father never let me live in the house for
57. uH nO
58. I would go to Australia where it's safe
59. Uh yeah?
60. Nicki Minaj, Troye Sivan, tbh Dan pretty hot and so is Phil but they're not one person so just ignore that, ok I give up I'll admit Tom from svtfoe is hot and Bill (yes I know I find a triangular demon hot, your point?) Cipher from Gravity Falls is kinda hot 🥵
I feel like I know you better. You definitely know me better and if you've seen a glimpse of my instagram you'll feel like they're two completely different people.
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