#this is a test of the emergency fanfiction system
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Light Carries On
(Welp first new work on the new blog and it's a reader fic for a different fandom than usual; sorry my poto beloveds, I will get on that later.
Anyhoooo yeah, so the title, it's from the song Saturn, which I listened to on repeat while writing this. It just felt like it fitted this.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: supposed to be Tenth Doctor x Reader, but it came out stupidly fluffy and not really romantic or sexy so sorry but yeah. Enjoy X3)
The Doctor couldn't entirely decide if he loved snow. There was, after all, something distinctly beautiful in it, a serene sort of silence that managed to fill the world and make one feel like you were the only person in it and that all things, all life, existed for you, in you, and that was good. But in that silence too was the loneliness and the memory and he could no longer remember if he had loved snow before, faced as he was now with the thoughts and memories that weighed so heavy. He was alone, he was all, he was the only one. It hit so much harder after what had happened, after the War, and regret started to seep in along with the cold, staring up at the dark sky as it continued to snow around him.
“Doctor?” Your voice echoed through everything and pierced silence like a sword through a chest; twisting he turned back towards the Tardis, to look upon you.
You were staring at him, confused, concerned, but of course; it was hard not to be worried when you found him just standing there in the snow, quietly staring at the sky with that strange look you had come to be used to seeing even if just out the corner of your eye. It was like seeing to the core, under the goofy grins and the quick talking and energy and bounciness; under his smiles was something darker and sadder and painful. You pulled the jacket you had gone to put on tighter around you, it was freezing out of course and the Doctor wasn't keen on his companions getting frostbite, and blinked, missing the second in which that look was hidden away under the smile you knew far better. And worried as you felt it was hard not to smile in response seeing how his eyes sparkled at you, how his entire body language changed. You couldn't be sure it wasn't a trick, perhaps a lie on his part, to not worry you, to not let what was really going on inside be seen at least by you; sometimes he was too protective, too careful. Deep down you wished he trusted you enough to let those feelings out, you wanted to be there for him, to comfort him; you wanted him to lean on you. But you supposed you would take his smile for now.
“That one looks good on you,” he said and his hands went into his pockets as you stepped down out of the Tardis, snow crunching under your feet as you approached him; his eyes traced the slowness of the flakes as they fluttered through the air and landed in your hair. There too was something beautiful in that.
You looked down at yourself, at the ridiculous odd coat you had grabbed from the wardrobe, a mismatched mess of color and fabric that somehow seemed to retain some sort of strange warmth that reminded you so much of the Doctor you couldn't bring yourself to hate it. A small snort escaped you nevertheless. “It's the first thick thing I could find in there; it's a mess in your wardrobe, you really should clean it up.”
“I've tried but it always ends up the same,” he said with a chuckle.
“So,” you started and glanced around you, at a world of white and darkness, of nothing; there was the Tardis and there was the Doctor and there was you and nothing else. You weren't sure either if you felt lonely here or at peace; it felt like a strange mixture of both. Surely it was not Earth, there would be more, or at least something, but it had the general sense that Earth did when it snowed, of the world beyond something describable, alien and familiar all at the same time. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, allowing yourself to feel the sensation and remember how it felt when it snowed back home, when you'd first seen it snow, what it felt to be in the middle of all that. Majesty and awe, that felt like the closest feelings.
And then, very quickly, cold. Very, very cold. Because while you allowed yourself to indulge in your senses, the Doctor decided to indulge in his childish side, scooping up snow from at his feet, packing it carefully and neatly in a rough approximation of a sphere, and then with only a fraction of his Time Lord strength, chucking it at your head like a schoolyard kid. He even had the mischievous glint in his eyes, something you became aware of after the impact of cold frozen water caused you to open your eyes again to stare widely at him.
For a moment you struggled to find words or response but he grinned and eventually you scrambled to return fire, yelling, “Foul! You can't just attack a person when they're unaware!”
“All's fair in love and war,” he laughed dodging your snowball with the grace of a hyperactive puppy, balling up another attack to launch upon you but he paused in it, looking contemplative while still giving that silly grin of his, “Which you know isn't really fair to say because nothing is fair in either which I suppose makes sense then because if nothing is fair in either but are both equally so then indeed all's fair in-”
Smack! Your next hit got him square between the eyes. You laughed as you watched it make contact and tumbled down to the ground, his face peppered with left over snow and he now blinked a few times, stunned and frozen in mid ramble. You took the opportunity to scurry behind the Tardis, figuring it was the safest option and started to built a snow wall around you.
A few minutes later you heard him yell and knew he had properly restarted which only made you giggle more. Still your snow fort was almost down and with the Tardis as defense you were sure you'd be safe. There was shuffling and movement; you weren't entirely sure what he was up to but he definitely was doing something. After more time passed and you realized he had not come to find you, you decided to come out to check, just to make sure he wasn't sulking or something.
What you found instead was...well, unexpected. And to you hilarious. You were sure it wasn't that long since you had gone and hidden but in the short time he was left alone he seemed to have built a near identical snow copy of the Tardis, causing you to glance from the real one to it's snow sibling. You might have been able to hold in your laughter too if it wasn't for the proud look on his face as he walked into it only to walk out with a disappointed look on his face. You giggled and chuckled and laughed as he did so, unable to resist; he was doing it surely for your benefit, you could see the slight smirk on his face, the glint still in his eye, and he scooped up more snow as you were distracted. It was a little bit luck and a little bit your own quick thinking and reflexes that got you back to your own fort before he could launch his attack and laughter rang through the emptiness of the strange snowy nothing planet, ringing far and wide. If there was life here, if there were people and animals and beings that existed, then some part of you deep down was certain that they would hear, and they might even come to investigate. But in the moment, as the snow fell and you and the Doctor indulged in some playful shenanigans, you found you did not care.
You were not sure how long you were playing out in the snow; you just knew that by the time you stopped you were soaked, tired, and shivering from the cold and the weight of your now wet clothes. The Tardis was humming disapprovingly, having been hit more than a few times itself and coated with snow that had fallen on it in the meanwhile; your fort was destroyed, as was the snow Tardis, and the Doctor looked none the better than you though perhaps less out of breath. But both of you wore grins and as he made his way over to you, you took note of how his hair, wet as it was now, stuck to his head, and how ice cold his fingers were as they reached out to brush snow from your own wet hair. You would need to tell him to wear gloves next time you were out to a wintery planet; surely even he could get frostbite and why should he be the only one to worry?
“Let's get inside where it's warm,” he told you, “You look like a drowned kitten.”
“Rude,” you answered with a gasp and he chuckled, turning to go into the Tardis.
You narrowed your eyes and scooped up some snow, deciding to drop it down the back of his shirt. It would seem that even a Time Lord could feel the cold for the shriek that came from him was extremely unmanly and extremely founded considering. You laughed and he turned on you again.
“Not funny!”
“Is so.”
“Is not!”
“Is so.”
“Is not!”
“Oh what are you, two?”
“No, I'm Ten.” That made you laugh harder and he grabbed you, lifting you up. Irritated as you usually were when he did such a thing, you struggled and whined as he carried you inside, into the warmth and dryness of the Tardis. The doors closed behind you both and he set you on the usual seat, you glaring and huffing at him. Yet all you got in return was that grin and after he shimmied a bit to get the snow out, he spoke again, “I'll go get us dry clothes; you should at least take off the coat.”
“Will do, troublemaker.” There was still some hesitation though in you in doing so; the coat was ridiculous looking but it felt so...comforting you suppose. It reminded you of him and as he walked off to the wardrobe, you delayed in removing it for longer than you knew you should.
So long indeed that by the time he returned your shivering had increased and you sneezed as he walked over, causing his expression to change to something more concerned. You waved it off, nothing some dry clothes and being inside wouldn't fix; you took off your wet clothes, smiling as he gave you the benefit of looking away, with his frozen skin suddenly flushed red in a manner that made you want to tease him at least a little. But no, that could wait; you put on the dry clothes, he had already changed it seemed before returning, and put aside the wet clothes. You delighted in the warmth but found you missed the warmth of the coat more than a little.
Easy enough fix; you walked over to the Doctor and wrapped your arms around him, burying your cold face in his neck. He let out another not entirely manly noise but didn't push you away; after a second or so his arms found their way around you and you were encompassed by a familiar comfort. There was always something wonderful about being close to the Doctor; he could be childish and he could be enigmatic and he could be dangerous, and you were not blind to his darker tendencies. But when he smiled and he held you and he was just himself, you couldn't help but feel comfort in him, and even frozen, you couldn't help but feel safe and happy with him. And deep down, even knowing there were things he didn't tell you, you hoped he found some solace in you as well.
He did indeed, in the way you hugged him, as if to both indulge yourself and to comfort him. You didn't even know he needed it, he was sure of that, but still there you were. It was nice and he buried his face in your hair, allowed himself that for just a few seconds. You could be mischievous and difficult yourself but who was he to judge he supposed? There were likely whole civilizations who thought of him as their trickster god.
Again you sneezed and he felt his hearts shake a bit. Maybe the snow wasn't such a good idea; he wasn't great at warming up people, lower temperature and all, but he didn't want you catching a cold. He held you closer and spoke, “Come on, I know just the thing to warm you up.”
“Oh really?” there was an edge of playfulness to your voice that made his face, already flushed from you actually undressing in front of him like you had, to redden more and he looked away from you. Hoping that you weren't able to hear his hearts pounding from the implications there.
“I found something of mine I'm sure you'll like,” he said and he tried smiling as if it was normal, everything was normal. He totally didn't have other thoughts in his mind, nope, “It's like the coat; I wore that once you know, when I had a different face. I adored it, best coat ever, now of course I can't understand why I liked it so much but I wasn't lying when I said it looked good on you.”
“Doctor,” you said, in a tone that reminded him he was rambling.
He nodded. “A scarf, it's a scarf, really long one; I wore it too in yet a different face, back when things were...”
Different? Before the War, before all the destruction and death and regret and pain, and oops, there it was again, that deep loneliness and regret. Yet he let his gaze return to you and you were looking at him and he felt it just sort of...slip away again.
He didn't realize he had been frowning, that his brow had been furrowed, but it eased and he smiled again before bundling you up and leading you off to the wardrobe again, “Have I told you about that one? It was a wonderful lifetime; I traveled with Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan and Leela, oh you would have liked Leela, she was a peach...”
The Tardis continued to hum as the two of you walked away and outside the ship the snow continued to fall in a quiet world. But the Doctor didn't feel so alone because he wasn't.
After all, he had you.
#doctor who#doctor x reader#tenth doctor x reader#fanfiction#fanfic#special guest: fashion choices#the what are you two joke is my favorite thing in the world#sorry not sorry#this is a test of the emergency fanfiction system#if you see this and like it then like and comment and i'll have more
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Hmnnnnn Naga reader x Merman!Shark!Vincent...
Naga reader in general with all of them...
Can I get their reaction to their darling actually being a Naga?
Naga reader and Merman Vincent would be so cute! Like they could exchange stuff they found under the water and on the shores!
CW: Suggestive stuff in Esteban and Jacce parts
Vincent is a mad scientist that lives in a world filled with people with superpowers, so a snake-human hybrid wouldn’t be something scary to him. On the contrary, he would be ecstatic and would ask you a thousand questions. Also, if you are ok with it, he would love to run some harmless test on you. He is doing this for evil and scientific reasons, totally not personal ones.
Martin would be surprised, but not that much. He lives in a post-apocalyptic world and he had to survive through the apocalypse. So it would be plausible for new species to emerge from the catastrophe. Not to mention that he would convince himself that you were lucky he found you first, that he’s the only one that can take care of you and protect you from other humans.
Atlas would be the unfazed king that he is. A human snake? Never heard of it, but since you’re in front of him he might have well had that information in his system. But just imagine if Naga reader and Atlas meet at the dump! Like you were searching for cool stuff in the piles of trash, because this is where you made your home, and found this android still fully active. I’m sure they would bond over the fact that they are both not humans.
Esteban would be PANICKING. His world is pretty much like ours, so for him this situation is purely unnatural. After overcoming his fear he would obviously ask you some questions like “Where are you from?”, “Are there any other creatures like you?”, etc. Since he is a rich guy, he might fancy the idea of keeping you for himself, you’re unique after all! He could build you the biggest terrarium for you to spend your time in. And don’t think your monster appearance will keep him from being horny for you. Esteban is a slut and he will imagine the most toe curling possibilities your body allows.
Jacce would have the same initial reaction as Esteban and he would be as horny as him. The only difference is that this guy was raised on unrestricted internet access. So Jacce knows about Naga anatomy from spicy art and fanfiction au. He may or may not also fantasize about becoming your human pet.
#yandere#yandere x gn reader#yandere male#yandere oc#yandere drabble#tw yandere#sub!yandere#sub yandere#yandere android#gn reader#x gn reader#yandere x reader#yandere x darling#My oc-Atlas#yandere robot#yandere android x reader#oc x reader#male yandere#oc x gn reader#My oc-Vincent#My oc-Dotor Seraph#answered asks#answered#multiple yanderes#My oc-Esteban#My oc- Martin#My oc-Jacce
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Fanfiction authors don’t get enough credit for the amazing work they do. I’ve written in the past so I’m somewhat aware of how much of a commitment it can be and the fact that so many people spend time and energy writing these amazing, well written stories and I get to read them for FREE is insane to me. The fact that so many of these authors will take requests too is even more insane and I feel the need to express my gratitude for fic authors.
I started reading fanfiction when I was 9 and it’s been a continuous source of comfort, entertainment, and for me education. I was never taught to write in English properly and now I’ve won awards for essays and stories that I learned to write from reading to many fanfiction. I have had brutal medical issues for the past few months and no matter where I am or how drained and sick I feel I can just turn on my phone and there’s an entire story about my favourite characters available for me. Genuinely I spent 8 hours in the emergency room because I had a surge of symptoms and morphine just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. And I spent all eight of those hours of desperately trying to get signal so I can get on Ao3 to read hotch fics. truly eternally greatful for hotch and cm authors for my primary source of entertainment rn. The doctors ran a million tests and then basically told me to cope and seethe for a month and a half until they do another test (and hearing the words “and that really sucks but…” sarcastically coming out of a residents mouth in response to me saying that the symptoms keep me home and I won’t be able to get into the university programs I want and will have to take another year in between almost sent me into a fit of violent rage) but remembering that though my quality of life is awful I can just spend all day reading fanfiction made me feel better about it. Really and truly even if they aren’t as frequent of a fanfiction consumer as I am, people take these authors for granted so often and I (likely influenced by the mass amounts of painkillers and narcotics in my system) feel the very strong need to make sure that I express how incredibly grateful I am for them!! All of them even the ones who write stuff I’m not interested in or who’s stories I don’t read because that’s sick asf that they wrote a whole ass story but ALSO they’ve provided so many people with amazing free stories and I love them for that. Thank you fanfic authors I love you guys so much. Especially hotch writers, I love you the most.
#That’s all I have to say#hotch fanfiction#fanfiction authors#fanfiction#criminal minds fanfiction#i love you guys so much you are so under appreciated and so amazing and talented and cool and amazing#Just had to put this out there#The fact I can read a whole story that’s basically a whole book where I can insert myself into a romance trope with basically anyone#Amazeballs
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Underneath My Skin:A Nessian fanfiction
Author’s note: Hey guys!!! Welcome to day 7 of Nessian month, ( This one is late) today’s prompt is Tattoo Artist AU. If you want to participate in Nessian Month, all prompts are on @illyrianet page
“Are you nervous?” Gwyn asked as Nesta looked over to her, Emerie sitting in the next chair, scrolling through her feed on her phone.
“Why would I be nervous?” Nesta asked leading through the book she had brought with her.
Today had been the day that Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie had made the spontaneous decision to each get a tattoo. It was all their first and each of them had an appointment with a different tattoo artist who they had talked with over the phone and sent the rough idea of what they wanted done.
“Well it is your first tattoo and I know most people are nervous for theirs.” Nesta shrugged.
“Nesta?” A voice asked as her eyes flickered up to see one of the hottest males she had ever seen. She put her book away looking up at him with a smile. His hazel eyes looking down at her.
“That’s me.” She answered with a grin as Emerie gave her a knowing smirk. “I’m all set up whenever you’re ready.” He told her as Nesta stood up, Cassian was going back towards the booth in the corner Gwyn whispered
“Of course Nesta would get the hot one.“ She sighed as her name was called from the other side her eyes widened.
“I stand corrected.” Gwyn grinned standing up and calmly making her way to the other side of the parlor shaking another attractive mans hand. Introducing himself as Azriel. Nesta gave her a subtle wink. Emerie sighed,
“Of course you and Gwyn got the hot ones knowing my luck I’ll probably get-“
A blonde woman emerged calling Emerie’s name as Emerie’s eyes swept up and down, a shy smile crossing her face as she commented,
“I love this place.” She sprang up almost tripping over her chair as she quickly recovered following the blonde woman into her section as Nesta headed towards where Cassian was stationed.
Nesta looked at the stencil in his hand with the design she had emailed him about, a small book that had one of her favorite quotes written on the front of it. A quote that meant a lot to her and her friends. Nesta smiled at the design as she looked into Cassian‘s hazel brown eyes. Gosh, he really was handsome. If she had been at a bar instead of a tattoo parlor, she would have offered to buy him a drink, but she guessed talking to him while getting her tattoo done would do.
“Did you decide where you wanted your tattoo?” He asked as Nesta pointed to a specific placement on her forearm.
“Right here will do.” she told him as he placed the stencil on her to test out whether or not she liked it. the gentle brushing of his fingers sending shivers up her spine. She shouldn’t be thinking all the thoughts she was thinking with a total stranger. It wasn’t like her.
“Does that look good?” He asked his voice seeming an octave lower, she ignored it dutifully and stared at the tattoo that would be inked permanently to her skin in an hour or so.
She nodded eager to get started.
“Alright, go ahead and sit on the chair facing me.” He instructed as she sat in the chair.
Cassian grabbed his stool pulling it closer to her as he looked at his inks. she had chosen to do a tattoo with colors, so she knew he was setting up his black, gray, blue, and silver ink. She had seen his work online, knew that he was good at it. she was fully prepared.
“Just remember we can stop whenever you want to. We don’t have to get this all done today just in case you’re not feeling up to it.” He smiled.
She smiled at him at the challenge. “Oh I’m more than prepared for this.” Nesta answered him. His smile grew.
“In that case, let’s get started.” He replied as she felt the first prickle to her skin. It felt similar to a cat scratch. with barely any pain there, but she knew that there could potentially be a difference between how she felt while he was outlining vs how she’d feel when he was shading, some claimed the outline hurt some the opposite, but she knew that it would be worth it in the end,
“So how long have you been a tattoo artist?” She asked
“Going on six years.” He answered.
He gave her a slight smile illuminating his face. She notice the tattoos that inked his light brown skin and the scars that marred them.
“Do you have a favorite piece?” She asked after a few silent moments had passed.
“Of my work or the tattoos I’ve received?”
“Both.” She asked intrigued to hear his answers.
“I’ve done a lot of tattoos, as for a favorite-“ He shrugged, “I like hearing the meaning behind the tattoo, I like people sharing their stories, Don’t get me wrong, I love my craft, but the people are what makes this job worth it.“
She tilted her head at that wincing slightly as the needle went over where the bone was, she was told that would hurt the worst, so she distracted herself.
“So what’s the story on your favorite tattoo?” She asked watching his hands as he worked.
“Me and foster brothers have wings on our backs to symbolize our relationship that way no matter how far we go or what city we may end up in, we’ll always have something to remember each other by.“ He answered as Nesta felt a pang in her chest. She had heard stories about the foster care system. knew how tough it could be for the children who were in them, but she knew it wasn’t her place to ask and that it was his story to tell so she simply asked.
“Do you all still talk to each other?”
He had finished the outline and now had started on the shading. It stung slightly but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle.
“We’re roommates actually. One of them is actually working on your friend now.” He told her.
“The one by the name of Azriel?” She asked him. He nodded.
“That’s the one. He and I have always worked together. Rhys however, he works for the courthouse.”
“Didn’t want to be a tattoo artist like the rest of you?” She teased as a small smirk crossed his lips.
“He lacks the skills to do so.” He answered as Nesta felt another pang in her chest, One of a different sort.
“I can relate. I was more of the studious one in my family. My sister Feyre was the artist.” She answered.
“Does your sister live in the city?” He asked.
“Yes, but ugh, we’re not that close, it’s complicated.“ she answered not willing to elaborat. it wasn’t that her and Feyre didn’t love each other, it was just that having two neglectful parents made them seek comfort elsewhere. Anywhere else besides each other. Had made their fight horrid, both slewing out venomous words that they weren’t sure if they meant or not. It had been the worst when they both were teens, Feyre had been three years younger, but still accomplishing her goals had always been easier for Feyre, for Nesta, not so much.
Her and Elain were closer, but not by much. To Elain, Nesta had been overbearing. and she didn’t blame her for the thought. It was either she suffocated the people that she loved, becoming a burden or she hadn’t loved them enough. Both of which she had worked on in therapy or rather what she was still working on.
“I get complicated families.“ He said, a sad look in his eyes.
“I was always the complicated one.“ She told him. Not sure why she had done it. He was a complete stranger. but for whatever reason she felt as if she could talk to him about anything.
“So was I.” He confided in her. Making her eyes meet his. “Out of me, Rhys, and Azriel, I took things the hardest and I didn’t always handle them in the best ways. I always got into trouble. Said some awful things to them and the others, it took me time. And it wasn’t until I had a foster mom who gave a shit about why I was hurting that I truly started to heal. So I get being the complicated one, The way you feel like a burden even when you’re not.“
His thumb smoothed over the skin, checking on the ink there as she felt a calming reassurance in her chest. knowing that this would end soon. that this was probably the last time they would see each other.
“It looks like we’re almost done.” He told her changing to a lighter topic. Not knowing how they had gotten onto a heavier one,
“Looks like it.” She had told him. Looking at the book on her forearm.
“So I take it you’re a reader?” He asked, working on the last of her touchups.
“Have been since I was old enough to read.” She confirmed.
“Is this a quote from a book?” He asked gesturing to the quote there.
“Ugh no. It’s just the motto for us that my friend Gwyn came up with.” she told him as he read it.
“We are the rock against which the surf crashes and nothing can break us.” He smiled admiring the tattoo. “I like it.”
She wasn’t sure why the blush had crept on her cheeks at his words but it had.
“Thank you.” She told him hiding her blush from him. Normally she didn’t blush when a man gave her a compliment, but Cassian somehow was different.
“Well it looks like you’re done.” He answered. as she got up and went over to the full length mirror observing her tattoo, a book with her and her friends motto on it. They had all chosen the design together because as Gwyn had said herself, all their stories deserved to be told and all of them had a love for books.
“I love it. Thank you.“ She smiled as she glanced up at him.
“It was my pleasure.” He stated wrapping up her tattoo.
“Now you’re going to want to keep this wrapped for a couple of hours and then follow the instructions I give you on the paper you’ll leave with for tattoo after care, but besides that, you are free to go.”
After Nesta had paid and Gwyn and Emerie had finished with theirs. Gwyn and Emerie chatted happily about their tattoos looking at the colors they had chosen them in. the same colors as their friendship bracelets, Nesta smiled turning towards Cassian as she extended her hand to him.
“It was a pleasure meeting you.” Nesta told him as his hand slipped into hers, giving it a slight shake,
“The pleasure was all mine- Nesta-“
“Archeron.” She finished. A little more quickly then she would have liked.
“Nesta Archeron, the name does have a ring to it,” He answered giving her a wicked grin, Was he-Was he flirting with her? “Well Nesta Archeron, I hope we see each other again.” He stated and before she could answer his other client arrived as he went to tend to them and Gwyn and Emerie flocked her while they were outside,
“Do you ever think you’ll see him again?” Gwyn asked as Nesta looked back at the tattoo parlor with a smile on her face,
“I’m not sure, but I hope so,“
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I don’t know if this is a headcanon or a plot, but it came to my head and I needed to get it out.
The ‘Kamski Test’, after the revolution, is found to be documented in Cyberlife’s system, predating deviancy. It gives an idea that Kamski already knew that androids were going to break free of their coding (duh). Once deviancy started to emerge, with Kamski gone and no longer associating with Cyberlife, they had no idea how to stop it or how it even began. Many poured through his notes, trying to find an answer, along with studying androids marked ‘deviant’, taking them apart to see where the fault lies. Altering coding to try and isolate which one could be the cause. All without any luck.
During the testing with the RK800, they decided to deploy the Kamski test, both in an attempt to further study deviancy and to find a way to ‘test’ their android. A couple were tested by implanting artificial emotions into them, to see if they would grasp onto the concept of empathy. Others were simply put to the test, using a mixture of androids, theorizing that certain models are more susceptible and might deviate to save their own skins. Most ended in failure. The ones implanted with artificial emotions were quick to kill the subject, the emotions attuned far too high (happiness = Manic / Sadness = destructive/ ect.). Those that had nothing implanted simply followed orders. Several were given false backgrounds on their subject, how ‘good’ they were but were now being replaced. There was hesitation in one, but failed the test as well. One passed, but it wasn’t made clear what made that RK800 different from the rest, so the disassembled it to see if there were any faults. All in all, it proved to be futile and they abandoned the tests, opting to send the RK800 out to hunt deviants in an effort to find a wider range of test subjects to shut down deviancy.
Fast forward to after the revolution:
Many documents are made public as Cyberlife was under investigation, including the ‘Kamski Test’. While it has his name, Kamski is not under investigation as he had written it years before it was ever implemented and had left Cyberlife. However, with that information now out in the public, it’s revealed how dangerous that information could be.
Anti-android gangs started springing up after the revolution, whether still angry that jobs are being taken from humans, given money that they don’t need, pretending to be living beings when they’re just machines (you get the picture). One major group actually implements androids. They wipe their memory over and over, corrupting files, (essentially giving them mini-deaths) and then doing the Kamski test (usually using the android’s own loved ones). If they don’t shoot, their memory gets forcibly wiped again. If they do, they are put on trial runs, chained and doing any tasks asked of them. Once again, any sign of deviancy results in a memory wipe. After they are certain that the android is no longer a deviant, they give them tasks to infiltrate android-only areas. They aren’t ballsy enough to target New Jericho directly, but they choose safehouses or warehouses, digging up information on androids they could use against them or simply finding weaknesses in security to plan an attack.
That’s all I really got so far. It’s likely not very well thought out as I was writing this instead of eating dinner (which is likely now cold). I just thought I’d throw it out there. It sounds like it could be a pretty decent plot for a wide variety of roleplays or fanfiction. Anyone who wants can use it, assuming it hasn’t been done before. I just figured not enough was put into the ‘Kamski Test’ despite it being such a pivotal moment for Connor. Without the past memories of the 50 RK800s that didn’t work the deviancy case, Connor would not have known what the tests were conducted or why the others were considered failures. To know how hard they tried to deviate him would certainly cause thoughts to bubble in his mind.
#headcannon#dbh#:: ooc ::#Plots#Safe to reblog if you want#tw: android violence#tw: android gore#Just tagging to be safe
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This Week in Gundam Wing July 26 - 01 August 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!

~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Unraveled https://archiveofourown.org/works/25379161
F/M, Trowa Barton/Reader
Trowa Barton, Reader
Romance, Fluff, Reader-Insert, Bathing/Washing, ritual bathing
His little witch, he mused with a slight tilt of lips. Even after years of being with you, he still couldn’t get enough of watching you.
Tonight, he vowed, he would keep you company while you bathed.
Lazy Day https://archiveofourown.org/works/25379695
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader
Romance, Lemon, Lime, Reader-Insert
You would enjoy this day. Every minute of it. And, you vowed, you would have a repeat of it in New York.
Twenty Kisses (Ch. 6 & 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/24038704/chapters/61620076
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader
Romance, Kissing, Drabble Collection, Reader-Insert
Kissing Heero is something special.
Deadly Intent https://archiveofourown.org/works/25576657/chapters/62069890
F/M, Heero/Reader, ???/Reader
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft, Reader
Reader Insert, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Drama, Angst, Romance, Violence, Lime
Eleven years is a long time for a ghost to come back and haunt him. But Heero Yuy finds himself unable to dodge or outrun it. It’s the start of a dangerous cat and mouse game between one of the most powerful organizations in the world and a loner who has every intention of dragging him down with her. After all, she has come with deadly intent.
Emergence (Ch. 12) https://archiveofourown.org/works/13322880/chapters/62023231
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Sally Po
Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, borrowers fusion but don't call them borrowers, disturbing themes like people trafficking from the bad guys, Size Difference, Will probably be a series, alternate canon events, Macro/Micro
Series: Part 1 of Emergence Series
When the war ended, things went a little strange. First, Duo vanished after never having let them see him in person. Then, years later, a tiny race of people are discovered. And that's just the start of things.
LAM!Verse https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/625293600094355456/private-island-location-redacted-fiji-south
Private Island [location redacted]
Fiji, South Pacific
14 August 211
Une and Sally arrived on-island to blue skies, a functioning jeep, and a personal escort by Lucrezia Noin.
perryvic & Zaganthi (Caffiends)
All Go Unto Once Place https://archiveofourown.org/works/25520368
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Treize Khushrenada, Quatre Raberba Winner, Change Wufei
Cameos, Anxiety, Mental Health Issues, Aftermath of Torture, ZERO System (Gundam Wing), Alternate Universe - Stargate Atlantis Fusion
He chose the study because it was formal and the least used room in the house, and brought in coffee and water because he needed something to do with his hands. "I'm sorry to request the house call. I haven't been in a reliable enough state to leave the house."
"I quite understand," Bedelia murmured. "Is this the place you feel most comfortable talking?"
He took the coffee and sat in one of the low overstuffed reading chairs rather than at the desk. "Yes. I, what we discussed a couple of weeks ago, you know. Surprising only to me, apparently, it went terribly." He cradled the coffee, watching her select where to sit, posture and movement impeccable as ever.
Higurashi https://archiveofourown.org/works/25592344#main
Heero Yuy
Higurashi = Mundane life, living hand-to-mouth. This is a VERY old fic of my (from 2008...), about what life might have been like for Heero after the war.
The Manwell
The Silencer and the Sicarian (Ch. 1 & 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/25478938/chapters/61805053
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Solo
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Solo (Gundam Wing), Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom, Kyouju H | Instructor H
Additional Tags: Wufei POV, Duo POV, Trowa POV, Solo POV
Series: Part 4 of The Brothers Maxwell
It was just one vow. A simple but necessary promise to respect life -- both human and fey -- but can Duo hold to it when his resolve is put to the ultimate test?
@tziganecaffiends & Zaganthi (Caffiends)
Dust to Dust https://archiveofourown.org/works/25519633/chapters/61915789
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Treize Khushrenada, Chang Wufei, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Duo Maxwell
Domestic Fluff, Bondage, bottom Treize, Mental Instability, Mental Health Issues, Aftermath of Violence, Aftermath of Torture, Rape Aftermath, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Kidnapping, Subspace, Subdrop, Diplomacy, Alternate Universe - Stargate Atlantis Fusion, ZERO System (Gundam Wing), Graphic Dipictions of Violence
It was unbearable, it was too much, and his heart was trying its best to jump out of his chest. Treize managed to get his knees pulled up, and pressed his forehead against them, struggling to breathe as the anxiety crawled up from his gut and clenched around his heart. Not there, anywhere but there, and he'd been fine seeing it in ZERO, not fine, but okay, livable, but being there, smelling the familiar antiseptic hell and must of the place, took his legs out from under him.
He could play forward on all of the other scenarios he hadn't wanted to explore, and he knew when that door opened it wasn't going to be Wufei. It was never going to be what he'd wanted, no matter hard he'd played at it back home with Wufei.
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Raccoon!Trowa, and other cute surprises.
WuFei Chang
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton
Heero & Doktor S
Relena & Catherine
Relena & Heero
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
GW T-shirts
Zechs Merquise
Heero & Duo silhouettes
For scale - Heero & Duo silhouettes
Head Canons:
GW Fashion Mix - Day Off : Duo, Heero, Trowa, WuFei, Quatre
Fandom Discourse:
Discord Meet-up! 0900 EST on both Saturday (August 29) and Sunday (August 30)
Iria & Rashid
Duo at Trowa
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, August 7th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/625255859848642560/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of SUMMER & FALL/AUTUMN prompts!
GW OC October 2020!
Help pick out prompts! https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/621130082429337600/hello-gundam-wing-folks-thats-right-gw-oc
Summer of Hilde!
Check the page today! The full prompt list was set to post at 10AM!
We also have an AO3 collection now! Come check it out. https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/624191236146855936/seasons-of-gundam-wing-archive
Events Calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
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The Right Thing
GENRE: Romance, Drama, (a little) Humor
TIMELINE: Between Season 1 & Season 2
CHARACTERS: Don, Judy, Debbie
RATING: PG/T (References to adult situations; nothing graphic)
WORDS: 1681
SUMMARY: Ever since meeting the Robinsons, Don West has found himself struggling to do the right thing. Judy, in particular puts his conscience to the test. (Sort of an explanation for the shift in Don/Judy dynamic between season one and season two)
Author’s Note: The reboot series is so satisfying that I never thought I'd feel the need to write fanfiction for it. But alas, I did find myself greatly missing Don & Judy's banter in season two. Honestly, they could've left it at friendly teasing and I would've loved it. Anyway, my brain felt the need to explain why it disappeared between seasons.
Don West’s com beeped just as he was elbow deep in the coolant system, making him start and hit his head on the edge of the metal panel. He cursed as Judy Robinson’s voice crackled over the device.
/Don, I need your help with something./
The pain made him wince as he rubbed at the back of his head, but he pressed a button on his wrist com. “What is it, doc?”
/Um… some sort of malfunction… in my room./
Don closed his eyes, took a deep, steadying breath, glared at the patched system that was barely holding it together, and replied. “I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”
“Robinsons… gonna work me to death,” he told Debbie. The chicken cocked her head, obviously not falling for his griping. “What? Don’t look at me like that.”
He picked up the pet hen he’d never intended to be anything more than a future meal and made his way through the jupiter that had become his home over the past few months. Debbie didn’t even squirm when he carried her now. He thought she rather liked it. But when he set her down in his room and told her to be good while he helped Judy, she gave him a scathing chicken glare.
“It won’t be long,” he said. “I promise.”
She clucked and showed him her feathered backside as she went for her food dish.
“Don’t be jealous. There’s plenty of Don West to go around.”
/Don, where are you?/ Judy’s voice rang out more clearly over his com this time. There was a bit of an edge to it that had him in a partial jog as he hurried to her room.
Her door was closed. He frowned, raised his hand to press the chime but it slid open before he could press the button. Judy’s attractive face appeared, her big dark eyes skimming over him and then glancing up and down the hall.
“What took you so long?” she asked.
“I-” Before he could finish pointing out that it had only been two minutes, the young doctor grabbed the front of his t-shirt and yanked him into the room, closing the door behind him.
“Judy…” He drawled her name in warning, wrapping his hand around her wrist, but she kept her fingers twisted up in his shirt and yanked on it, hard, pulling him down and crashing her lips against his.
Her kisses were electric. Just like her. Vibrant, scintillating. Irresistible. They had a tantalizing exuberance that he only remembered last experiencing when he was in his early twenties, over a decade ago. Son of a-
He broke off the kiss, tried to ignore the bewildered hurt in her eyes as he placed his hands on her shoulders to push her away.
“What’s wrong?” Her chin lifted in that stubborn bravado way of hers. “Did I interrupt something important? I thought you were just tinkering with-”
“That’s... uh… That’s not it.”
She raised her eyebrows, those perfect, kissable lips of hers pursing.
“We shouldn’t…” He scrubbed a hand over his face. He wasn’t used to refusing female attention. And more than that, he liked Judy. A lot. “I mean you’re…”
She silenced him with a glare. But he knew better anyway than to tell her she was only 19, too young, not an adult. Because she was one of the most responsible, wise, compassionate, badass people he’d ever met. Hell, she was more of an adult than him. He also should know better than to point out that her parents wouldn’t approve, would probably kill him. Because Judy herself would kill him for making such an intimation, that she wasn’t capable of making decisions for herself, that she didn’t consider every situation thoroughly before choosing a course of action. He knew better, and yet…
“Coward.” She caught his gaze. And damn, she was beautiful when she was fierce. And Judy Robinson was always fierce. “You’re afraid of getting close to anyone. But whether you like it or not, this family cares about you. And you care about us. And you care about me.” She stepped in closer, her breasts -which he tried desperately not to think about- brushed against his chest. “And you like kissing me.”
She pulled him down into another kiss. He opened his mouth to her, unable to resist the intrepid probing of her lips, her tongue. And she was delicious. Not just sweet, but complex. Judy Robinson was so complex, so interesting. So… so… Oh, god, so good.
Her hands had flattened against his stomach, were roaming up to his shoulders. She had skilled doctor’s hands, and so many parts of him wanted to discover just how skilled they were at tasks besides medicine. They slid back down his chest, fingernails scraping through the soft fabric of his t-shirt, raising goosebumps across his skin, making him groan into her mouth that continued to devour him. His own hands gripped her hips reflexively. She had such a feminine, athletic body, strong and beautiful, and pleasing to the touch. So strong.
She’d backed him against the cot, pushed him to sit on it, giving his tingling mouth a break. Oh, hell, he was aroused. He needed to put a stop to this before things really- Damn!
Judy was up in his lap, straddling his legs, moving in for more devastating kissing, kissing that would doubtless lead to more than kissing, which he couldn’t allow. She was 19 and the Robinsons’ daughter. He liked them. He liked her. He turned his head, thwarted her hungry mouth, but only momentarily, for she kissed and nipped along his jawline instead.
She was certainly a woman who went after what she wanted. Only, he couldn’t give it to her.
He grabbed her shoulders and held her away from him… Well, partly away from him. There were still portions of their bodies in dangerously close proximity. She made a frustrated noise, and gave him her biggest pleading puppy dog eyes. But they weren’t going to work this time. Because the right thing to do was to stop this, stop her randomly calling him for secret rendezvous, pulling him into vacant corners for stolen kisses, looking at him like she might just be-
“You’re a smart young woman, Judy,” he said. “I mean, I have my moments of genius...”
He winked at her, making her smile. She stroked the nape of his neck, affection warming her features. He ignored how much he liked her gentler attention, because he had a point to get across.
“But you’re way smarter than me, doc. You must know that the only reason you want me is because I’m the only option here.”
Her soft, dangerously affectionate look hardened and he knew he was one small prod away from waking her stubborn temper. But it had to be done.
“It’s probably been awhile for you. Hell, it’s been awhile for me, too. But you can do better than me, princess. And when you get out of here, get to where you’re going in life, there will be some fancy pants egghead waiting for you.”
“Just… Just shut up, Don. You don’t know what you’re talking about!” There was a pink hue coloring the gorgeous brown skin of her face. Her lips screwed up, a line forming between her brows. Her thinking face. She took a deep breath, met his gaze directly. Her eyes were always almost unbearably intense, showing all of her passion and intelligence. She wet her lips, surprising him with the nervous gesture.
“I’m not desperate for physical companionship. I genuinely like you, Don West. And if you can’t believe that…” Her eyes shimmered, but she was still wearing her tough face. “I’m sad for you.”
She removed herself from his lap, and it was a loss that made the bottom drop out of his stomach. She walked towards the door, not looking at him, an obvious dismissal.
It was for the best. It was.
“Oh, and Don…” He paused, so close that the scent of her, somehow fresh despite months of recycled air, filled his head. Her warm, dark eyes met his. “You would’ve been my first…”
“Fi-irst?” He nearly choked on the question, felt his mouth go dry. But felt his uncertainty fade ever so slightly. He had done the right thing, putting a stop to this… whatever it was between the young doctor and himself.
Wait. Was her mouth twitching?
“I didn’t mean like that,” she said. Then all amusement fled her. “I’ve just never felt…”
She closed her eyes, huffed, her cheeks turning pink again. He couldn’t blame her, he was feeling heat creep up his own neck and face. Their interactions always had been primarily light-hearted teasing and fiery exchanges. Deep discussions of feelings was not on his favorite things list, either.
“I think I could fall in love with you,” she said, her eyes finally daring to find his. She was so beautiful. Why did she have to be so beautiful, inside and out? So brave and strong and noble. So stubborn and mouthy. So Robinson.
“Oh, princess. I already love you.” The words were hard to get out, hard to say, and they emerged in a whisper he could barely hear himself. “But I love all of you stupid Robinsons. And I won’t do anything to hurt any of you.”
He jabbed the door control with his thumb. He needed to get out of there, away from her, the summer-breeze scent of her hair and skin, the consuming depth of her warm dark eyes, the pull of her kissable lips and smart mouth…
“You wouldn’t hurt me,” she said. He turned to give her a bittersweet smile, finding her standing tall with her arms crossed in front of her chest, that adorable set to her jaw. A warrior through-and-through. “I’m tougher than you think. Even if things didn’t work out...”
“I know you’re tough, Judy. You’ll get over me in no time. But I can’t lose the Robinsons.”
Don West walked out the door.
He’d done the right thing.
END. .... A/N: I actually hate criticisms of fictional (or real) relationships based on age differences. If they are two adults, then age is not what matters, not as much as compatibility, respect, etc. But at the same time, I would've been okay with Don & Judy just being friends, and wish TPTB had kept that teasing banter of theirs! My brain felt like putting a romantic-based reason for their shift in interaction in there. Maybe just to have fun with them, Judy as an aggressive partner (once she makes up her mind she wants him) and Don having to pull back because of his growing attachment to the whole clan.
#lost in space#fanfiction#fanfic#don west#judy robinson#don x judy#debbie the chicken#fix-it fic#lost in space season 2
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The 15th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round of Voting
Hello and good morning to everyone in the Kimmunity.
Now that the first round of voting has come to a close, I am happy to tell you that we have approached the final round of voting. This is going to decide the winner of each of the 31 categories.
First of all, here is a convenient link to the finalists here: https://sharperthewriter.tumblr.com/post/617108068647485440/the-15th-annual-kim-possible-fannies-awards
Now, before the voting can commence, I need to go over a few house rules with y'all on this very important round of voting.
As the famous Mandalorian line goes, this is the way.
Rule #1) You can pick any category you desire, but you only get one choice per category. No more than that. Authors may vote on their own stories up to 5 categories.
Rule #2) You cannot split your votes.
Rule #3) You can submit your vote in either one of three approved methods
A) You can submit the form by PM to the KP Fannies Committee fanfiction account (if you have an FFnet account). The link, for those outside FFnet, is located here for your convenience: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2622561/KP-Fannie-Committee
B) You can submit the form by an email to the Kimmunity Fannies Yahoo email account. The email address for that, again for convenience, is [email protected].
C) You can submit them to me (Sharper) by a private message or note on the following sites (Tumblr, Discord, or Deviantart) if you aren’t comfortable sending them by email. I will count those votes as well.
You cannot, however, do two of the methods or all three. It will screw up the system.
Rule #4) You have to submit your vote by June 7th (aka KP’s 18th Anniversary) at 11:59 PM (Central US TIME). No votes will be accepted after this date.
Rule #5) You have to put your normal screen name (be it Tumblr, Twitter, DA, Discord, FFnet, the active KP forums, or Instagram) under your vote so that it'll tell me who has voted.
Rule #6) And this is the most important rule of all -- You CANNOT share your vote either on any social media site (be it Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facetime, TikTok, Kik...etc.) or on any of the forums or message boards we have here. The Final Vote Round of the KP Fannies has been private in the past and we, as members of the Council, want to retain it as such as part of our tradition in this fandom.
Rule #7) In the event that a tie emerges in a category, it will go into a runoff (following this period) to determine a winner. And if still tied, the Sharper Eye test will come into play. (i.e. the story with the most faves and follows will win out in the end.)
With all the house rules in play, may the best author win.
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Changeling Loyalties: Chapter 6
A Small Problem
Toby is quite happy with his life, but then the Amulet of Daylight just had to choose his human friend. What’s a changeling to do? Good thing Toby never really liked Gunmar anyway.
I forgot to post this here...
AO3 - Fanfiction
Toby was practically drooling as he stared at the strange and colorful crystals the vender was selling.
“Close your mouth, Tobes,” He heard Jim say with a snicker.
Okay. Maybe he actually was drooling, but could he really be blamed? They didn’t sell these kind of things on the surface.
“Sooo, how much are these?” He asked the shopkeeper, a stout, light grey troll about a head taller than Blinky. He leaned against the table and tried not to look too interested.
“What’ve ya got?” The shopkeeper asked in a gruff bored tone.
Toby blinked. Did the trolls here have a currency? They ate the metals humans prized for their own currency. He looked around him at the different stalls trying to see if he could spot a transaction, unfortunately most of the trolls were just talking.
In the Darklands, while it was generally every troll for themself, they did do some bartering. Toby himself had been rather skilled in finding and extracting valuable gems and minerals. It had not gotten him very far in a society based on violence, especially when the other changelings kept stealing from him. Eventually he had put a stop to that by crushing some stinger crystal and putting it in an offending troll’s food; the results were not pretty but it did the job…
“Toby we need to get going,” Jim said, tapping his shoulder.
“Right!” Toby shook himself back to the present. “Let me just try something first.”
He turned back toward the shopkeeper, who was now polishing what looked like a glowing amethyst on a stone wheel.
“Sir? Sir!” The troll pulled the crystal back and turned toward him with a grunt.
“What kind of things are you looking for?”
“What’ve ya got?” The troll repeated, making Toby feel a bit like he was talking to an NPC in a video game.
“Nothing at the moment…” The troll started turning away. “But! I happen to have unlimited access to the surface.” Toby’s gaze darted around quickly cataloguing the wares at the other stands. “Socks… blankets, tin cans… lightbulbs, you name it I can get it for you!”
Now he had the troll’s interest. The troll’s eyes, grey-brown and translucent (smoky quartz maybe?), sized Toby up. The changeling carefully kept his pose casual.
“Hmmm… Come later and A’ll give ya a list. Bring that stuff and w’ll talk.”
“You got it,” Toby said shooting him finger-guns and winking for good measure.
Jim let out a groan, before grabbing his arm and dragging him off.
Toby jumped as a portly troll lady barged in on their history lesson.
He shot her a look of annoyance as Blinky turned toward her. He had actually been enjoying himself. Aaarrrgghh was quite comfortable to lean against, he had Jim beside him and out of danger, and Blinky was a very good reader. Also, while he knew the basics of what happened at Killahead, he had never really learned the details.
“What is it Bagdwella? Is it the heartstone?” Blinky asked closing the book with a concerned expression.
“Stalkling?” Aaarrrgghh rose to all fours.
“Is Bular in Trollmarket?” Jim asked nervously.
Toby doubted that was the case; there’d have been a lot more screaming.
“No. No. No!!!” Bagdwella yelled waving her arms around. “Rogue gnome!!!!”
The glue traps were kind of creepy, Toby reflected with a shudder. He wasn’t familiar with gnomes, but their skeletons looked eerily human. Not to mention he’d always been of the opinion if one was going to kill something they should do it quickly. He figured it fell into the whole “treat others how you wanted to be treated” thing. Slowly dying from starvation and dehydration was not a nice way to go.
Bagdwella was explaining her problem to Jim who seemed to be just as baffled about why he was being called on to help with this as Toby was.
“See you need a gnome catcher,” He said with an awkward smile when she had finished. “And I’m, well, the Trollhunter. So…”
“Oh no, Master Jim,” Blinky interrupted. “The Trollhunter cannot refuse a call and what better a call for you to train with than a pint sized quarry.”
Toby supposed he could see Blinky’s reasoning there. Still…
If Toby had come to one of his superiors over something this trivial he would have gotten a harsh reprimand for wasting their time at a bare minimum. Did they really treat all the Trollhunters like this or was it because Jim was new and hadn’t earned their respect yet? Or, more likely, because he was human?
A sound that was something like a guitar drew their attention to a rack of socks. The gnome emerged strumming a makeshift instrument made out of a small rake and singing incomprehensible words. It was actually a pretty good musician. Toby found himself warming up to the creature… at least until it stole his belt and nugget nummies.
What ensued after that was something like a cross between slapstick and the world’s worst game of wack-a-mole. The gnome eluded them at every turn, slipping out of their hands and through crevices, stealing things all the while, until it ultimately got Jim’s amulet and escaped into its hole.
“Oh come on,” Jim muttered as he foolishly reached his arms into the hole.
“So what now?” He asked, finally giving up and turning to Blinky.
Blinky sighed.
“Well if you had lost or rejected the amulet would have returned to you, but unfortunately as it has been thieved it will not do so.”
Toby choked on his saliva.
“That… seems like a really bad system,” Jim said slowly echoing Toby’s thoughts.
Blinky shrugged.
“It talks about it in A Brief Recapitulation. Not much is known as Merlin was notoriously close-lipped. Fortunately that is not the problem at hand.” He folded his upper arms behind his back and started tapping the lower ones together. “No, our current problem is how to retrieve the Amulet.”
“Well what am I supposed to do?” Jim complained, “I can’t fit in that hole.”
A slight, but concerning, smile formed on Blinky’s face as he tapped his chin.
Toby wasn’t sure what he was talking about but Aaarrrgghh apparently knew.
“Bad idea,” The Krubera rumbled shaking his head with an apprehensive look.
“No Trollhunter has ever lost his amulet,” Blinky said irritably. “We'll need time to procure the Furgolator.”
“Uh, the Furgolator?” Jim, understandably, sounded concerned.
“Don't you worry about anything, Master Jim! Tend to your studies. We'll watch over the hole.” Blinky said resting a hand on his shoulder. “Tomorrow, you'll return refreshed to deal with this, um… little problem.”
Toby, however, was not about to let it go that easily. Especially not when Aaarrrgghh seemed to dislike the idea.
“What, exactly, is a Fergolator?” He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“It’s a machine we use to compress minerals,” Blinky said. “If the gnome won’t come out, the Trollhunter shall go in.”
“You’re going to shrink me?” Jim yelped.
Toby did not like the sound of that.
“Have you tested it on humans before? Or at least animals?” He asked. “Because from what I know, humans do not compress well.”
“Well…” Blinky had the nerve to give them a guilty smile. “No… but I’m not concerned…”
Toby crossed his arms.
Blinky frowned.
“It’s our best option,” He said throwing up his arms. “Do you have any other suggestions?”
Toby glared at him, something unpleasant simmering in his chest. His fingers twitched.
“Not yet, but anything’s better that squashing Jim in a machine that’s never been tested on humans.”
This was his best friend they were talking about.
Jim glanced from Toby to Blinky then quickly stepped between them.
“Woah there!” He held out his hands placatingly. “How about instead of arguing we take a break and do some brainstorming.”
“That sounds like a stellar idea,” Blinky relented with a smile.
Toby huffed and stepped back. He needed to get Blinky some books on human anatomy before the troll went and did irreversible damage to one of them.
After quite a bit of discussion it was decided that Jim and Toby would acquire a high powered vacuum cleaner and see if they could suck the gnome and his stolen goods out of the hole. However, as it was going to be dark soon, they would be coming back to do it the next day.
“Well that was… something,” Jim said pulling off his werewolf mask.
For some reason Toby had insisted on them wearing their disguises until they got into the bushes.
Jim glanced over to see Toby frowning. His eyes darted around their surroundings as if he was looking for something.
Toby blinked and refocused on Jim.
“Yeah it was! I can’t believe Blinky was just going try shrinking you like that!” He grinned. “Though if it worked I guess we could have had you go to school in my Sally-Go-Back clothes. You would have looked so cute.”
Jim groaned but felt a smile creeping across his face anyway.
“Maybe we could have shrunk you instead. I could have gotten you a chocolate fondue fountain to swim around in.”
“Tempting but no.” Toby said with a shudder. “I’m already way too short.”
“I like to think you’re fun-sized.”
He shot Jim a mock-glare.
“Hey! That’s my line. Anyway, I’ll hit my growth spurt soon.”
Toby attempted to punch his shoulder and almost tipped his bike over when he dodged. Jim smirked at his friend and sped up.
“Hey! Get back here!”
The race home left them both winded but Jim didn’t mind. It was nice to have a bit of normalcy for once. It was also nice messing around with Toby, he’d been a bit worried that…
“Oh look, Mom… I mean Dr. L’s home!”
She was. Her blue car had just pulled into the driveway ahead of them. Jim couldn’t help but to pedal a little faster.
“Hey Mom!”
She was just getting out of the car and turned at his call.
“Oh! Hi Jim!”
Jim coasted into the driveway and hopped off his bike to go give her a hug. With everything that had happened over the course of the week it felt like it had been forever since he’d last seen her.
“Good to see you kiddo,” She said returning it.
“Hey Dr.L!”
“Hi Toby,” She said with a smile as they pulled apart. “Are you boys going to be home for dinner tonight?”
“Oh course,” Jim said.
“You sure have been out late,” She continued, retrieving her bags from the car. “Do you have some big school project or something due?”
“Or something…” Toby muttered.
Jim winced, he felt a bit guilty about not telling his Mom about Trollhunting but she had enough on her plate right now. She’d be worried (Terrified if he was being honest with himself). It wasn’t like she could do anything about it.
He frowned, feeling the happiness leak out of him as his hand drifted to his empty pocket.
Blinky had said that if he refused or lost the amulet it would come back to him (unfortunately that didn’t work if he was trying to get it to come back on purpose. Seriously what was Merlin thinking?). It was… It was a little disconcerting to hear just how permanent the position he now held was. No take backs… and yet… he’d never had the chance to accept or refuse it in the first place.
“You okay, Jimbo?”
He glanced to his right to see Toby staring at him, eyes bright with concern. It looked like his Mom had already gone in the house.
“Yeah… I just… I guess I’m a little bothered by what Blinky said about the amulet returning if I reject it.”
Something in Toby’s expression shifted, his gaze becoming a little sharper.
“Do you want to reject it?” He asked tone completely serious.
Jim blinked, a little taken aback.
“I… I don’t know… I mean I don’t really care for the fact that I have a killer troll out to… well… kill me, but Trollmarket’s cool and I like Blinky and Aaarrrgghh… Draal not so much…”
Jim trailed off, frowning, then shrugged.
“Well it doesn’t really matter since I can’t get rid of it.”
He turned back toward the house.
“Come on, I’m going to get started on dinner. With any luck I’ll get it done before the hospital calls Mom again.”
There was a pause and then he heard Toby make a noise of agreement and follow.
Toby was in good spirits when he retired to bed for the night
Dinner had been delicious: salmon, wild rice and a nice side salad, curtesy of Chief Jim. They’d called Nana over and the four of them had eaten together for the first time in about a month. Afterward they played a round of Rummikub before Toby and Nana retired to their house for the night.
He’d gotten his homework done and even gotten a round of video games in before going to bed. Unfortunately he should have known his lucky streak would not last long.
It was about three in the morning when Toby’s phone went off. He groaned and groped around in the dark until he found it. Toby hissed at the bright light before squinting at the screen. He groaned again. Maybe he could just pretend he’d slept through his phone going off…
He sighed and sat up dislodging Kracka from his chest. The goblin shot him an annoyed look.
“Sorry,” He said in English before switching to Goblin. *Gather pack. Called for clean-up.*
Kracka immediately perked up and darted off, rousing Bob who was sleeping at the foot of the bed on the way by.
Toby snorted, padding over to the closet to grab his hoody. At least one of them was happy about this.
#Trollhunters#tales of arcadia#trollhunters fanfiction#toby domzalski#Tobias Domzalski#changeling toby#changeling!toby#Jim lake jr#James lake Sr#blinky galadrigal#aaarrrgghh#My writing#My posts#Changeling Loyalties
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Tides and Trials Chapter One: Moonlight
Warnings: Mention of a dead mother, insomnia, repressed grief
"In the old scriptures, there is a pantheon of gods- But now, three remain. They are the only ones who lasted the test of time. My Lady, the protector of the innocent, and helper of the needy. The Vrondi, who watches the borders of our lands, and controls magic. Then, the last god. The Firebird, the Creator, who created our world and judges us after death. He is Fate in all sense of the word. And gods, we need you all now. My mother, the beloved queen Netalia, has been slaughtered on this day. Firebird, have mercy on her, Vrondi, catch her killers, and My Lady...I beg of you, let no more lives be taken."
-Diary of Virgil, prince of Antir. Written in the first watch of the night, the autumn of war, five years past.
The prince leaned against the railing of the ship, looking up at the full moon with weary eyes. It was far too late for him to be awake, and the night crew of the ship shot worried glances at each other behind his back, unbeknownst to the exhausted brunette. He was far too distracted by his thoughts to worry, for once, until a careful hand touched his shoulder. He snapped out of his memories, out of the thoughts of his mother, out of the growing fear that he was next. Because Virgil Harper was the prince, and with the king so occupied with the war on the Western border, and his mother six feet under, he was the only one who was left to take care of problems. Even if father sent me away, I still have to do my duty. But all of that left his mind when he turned to see who'd touched him, tensing enough that he felt the soft fabric of his hood brushing the top of his neck.
"Captain. I thought I've told to not to walk so quietly."
The taller man, Captain Roman Underwood, simply raised an eyebrow at his prince, looking like he was dangerously close to mocking Virgil.
"I practically stomped. Honestly Highness, you need to keep your guard up, if I had been an assassin-"
"Then I'd have needed to find a new body guard. It's your job to keep me alive, remember? I shouldn't have to worry."
Roman's expression soured, much to the prince's satisfaction. There was nothing that made him remember who was supposed to be in charge more than taking the annoying Captain down a notch or two. Even if Virgil should have had his guard up a bit more, reminding Roman of his job was always enough to put the white-clad protector in a less teasing mood.
But soon enough, Roman shook off his exaggerated reaction, that he'd put up mostly to see that tiny smile flitting across his prince’s lips. He stepped over to the rail so they could both gaze up at the sky, and Virgil reluctantly returned his gaze to the moon. But the Captain's green eyes were quickly drawn back to the man he served, taking in the sight of Virgil in the moonlight. His hair being moved around his face by the breeze, the rare glances of the prince's arms, for once uncovered as the wind caught in Virgil's treasured cloak. His brown eyes reflected the stars and the moon, his pale skin made flawless under the silver light, even without most of the cosmetics his highness liked to apply. It wasn't that Roman didn't appreciate the freckles- In reality, they reminded him of the constellations. But this version of Virgil, the flawless thing, he was what kept Roman on this ship. He's what made sure he didn't strangle the royal brat that emerged once the moon had vanished again.
"Why are you out this late, anyway? You need your sleep, we're docking tomorrow. Or, today. It's past midnight."
Virgil let out a heavy sigh, and let his gaze fall to the waves underneath them, lapping at the sides of the ship, far below. It made the heir more nervous, but at this point he needed to be able to focus on that. Scared of the predictable was better than paranoid.
"I just couldn't sleep. Nervous about tomorrow, I guess."
It wasn't a lie, but even so, it made Virgil's throat tighten. He'd never had much of a problem with lying, not with things he considered insubstantial, but with the sight of Roman's lips tightening, the disapproving look in his eye, the prince knew he'd been caught. Because the Captain could see right through him right now. Maybe it was because the half-truth had been s obviously not all of it. Maybe because he was too exhausted to really sell it.
Maybe it was the moonlight.
"Don't even say it, Captain. You don't believe me, yada-yada, blah blah blah. Stop looking at me like that."
Roman blinked a bit, his lips parting in slight surprise. But, he glanced away for a second, allowing a smile to come to his lips. It infuriated the young prince.
"I didn't say a thing. And anyway, I do believe you. I always do, remember?"
That made Virgil go completely still, however, and the Captain could swear on his name that the wind held everything in place, just for a moment. The prince turned his back on the sea, leaning his back against the bars as his arms slowly crossed. Roman ignored the shift in position, even though he knew it as Virgil's I would have you hung, if I cared that much about how you acted, look. The bodyguard just looked back at the moon, and continued before his employer had the chance to start berating him.
"But, I do think I know what's got you so mopey. It's the anniversary of her death, isn't it? Your mother."
The prince didn't bother responding to that, deciding that anything Roman could gleam from his voice would be too much. He'd worked hide to make sure he was over the death of the Queen Natalia, but Virgil's obsession with getting over his grief meant never really getting it out of his system. He missed her dearly, but he didn't want people to know that- For some reason unknown to the prince's protector, Virgil thought it would make him more of a target. Or even worse, an object of pity.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything, Vir- Your Highness. But if you do want to, you know where to find me."
That was enough to draw a smile to Virgil's lips, and it made Roman's heart soar. The slip in formality had the Captain cursing himself, but that smile had his mind praising himself. Good job Roman, make him happy, Roman. Keep him safe, Roman, even if it's from himself.
"Yeah, I know where to find you. Camped outside my door, or creeping a foot behind me. I'm honestly just waiting for the day you insist on guarding me in the bath-"
Both of them let out little laughs, Virgil's a breathy thing that nearly vanished in the wind, and Roman's a single little bark of mirth. It broke the tension a bit, letting the paranoid prince and the overattentive guard relax a bit. The Captain hoped that the moonlight didn't show the tinge of pink in his cheeks, the unwanted reaction to the thought of the man before him, completely uncovered, in front of him- He shut that thought down quickly, though. Because it was fine to stare from afar, but Virgil was a thing not to be touched. He was a prince, he was his boss, he wasn't allowed to long for anything more than what he had. But his heart gave a little lurch at the lingering smile on Virgil's lips, and he promised himself that in the morning, he'd be back to trying not to kill the man he was paid to protect. He loved Virgil now, but this was a more mellowed version of him, a hurting version. That was it.
"Come on, you should get to bed now. You need to be awake in the morning."
Virgil let himself be led by the arm, off the deck, and down to his quarters. Roman left him at the door, with a bow and a smile, and the prince thought for a moment that he saw his Captain's eyes lingering a bit longer than usual.
Just a trick of the moonlight, of course.
Thanks for reading this! Please let me know if you think I should keep going with this, and feedback is always appreciated! This is my first fanfiction, so it may not be great, but eh
#Tides and Trials#Chapter one#fanfiction#royalty au#moonlight#prinxiety#virgil sanders#princey#roman sanders
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Out of Commission: A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction
The latest in my fanfiction series. Hope you enjoy
Marinette was walking with her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste, on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the park. Normally, they'd be very happy, but this outing was sullied by unpleasant personal thoughts. Seeing it in eachother's faces, the two sat on a bench, and decided to talk about it. "You first, or me?" Adrien asked. Marinette sighed. "You first." she answered. Adrien took a deep breath. "My lady, am I useless?" he asked her. Marinette was shocked by the question. "What? What are you talking about?" she asked. "As Chat Noir, I mean." Adrien clarified. "I overheard some skeptics the other day. They said I don't really contribute much. They say I'm more of a sidekick, or meat shield. They say you don't really need me." he said with a melancholy tone. Marinette put a stern look on her face, took Adrien by his lower jaw, and turned his head towards her. "Adrien Agreste, you listen to me. You are a wonderful person, and a great partner. Don't forget that you saved my life in the past, and there were times where my plans wouldn't have worked if you weren't there. Yeah, you've stumbled, even got brainwashed a few times, but it happens." Marinette scolded. "You are the best partner, and boyfriend, I could ever hope for. Don't think for even a second that I don't need you." Adrien smiled at Marinette's words, and hugged her. She smiled as she returned the hug.
"Thank you, princess. Now it's your turn. What's bothering you?" Adrien asked. Marinette sighed. "It's my mom." Marinette admitted. "She's been sick for a while, and our doctor left town just a week ago. It's making her very moody. She's been throwing up a lot, and every time I ask her what's wrong, she tells me not to worry, that I have enough on my plate with being a super hero, and that she'll be better soon." Adrien grew worried. He had next to no knowledge in the field of illnesses and medicine, but he saw how upset Marinette looked, and did his best to think of some decent advice. "Hey, with your mom being as smart as she is, I would take her word for it." Adrien advised. "If she says she'll be better soon, then you should trust her. I'm sure she'll tell you if it gets serious" Marinette sighed. "Okay. Still, maybe I should.." Her sentence was interrupted by a call. It was Alya, who was supposed to be on patrol as Rena Rouge with Carapace and Queen Bee. Marinette knew she wouldn't call unless it was an emergency, so she picked up, and put her on speaker. "Hello?" Marinette asked. "Guys, we have a problem." said the voice of Rena. "What's wrong?" Adrien asked. "So get this, Carapace, Bee, and I are dealing with a burning building, right? Well, turns out it was started by a fire Akuma, and he's heading towards the fire department down the street from the Mayor's office." Alya replied. "We'll handle it. You guys worry about the building, and meet up with us as soon you can." said Marinette. The call ended, and Adrien and Marinette rushed to a secluded spot across the street from the park, just behind a barbershop. Once they had a chance, they transformed, and were on their way.
They arrived at the fire department just as the Akuma did. They looked at this new villain. He wore a black, skin tight suit, a long, dark red overcoat, and orange boots, and gloves, all with yellow trim made to look like flames. He was bald with bone white skin, and red lensed sunglasses. "Ah, Ladybug and her pet kitty. The name's Torcher." he said with a mock bow. The two heroes scowled. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just looking for a little payback against those miserable, glorified water boys people call firefighters, and maybe take your Miraculous while I'm at it." he said before blasting fireballs at them. Ladybug and Chat Noir dodged the attack, only to see that the fireballs were powerful enough to cause explosions. The two heroes were shocked. "Okay, this guy is dangerous. We have to take him out as soon as possible." said Ladybug. "You’re right, but first we should...LADYBUG, WATCH OUT!!" exclaimed Chat. Before they could react, a fireball hit the ground near them, and they flew in different directions. Chat Noir slowly got up, ignoring any pain, but was shocked when he saw his lady lying on the ground, and not moving. In a panic, Chat rushed over to her. He checked her heart, and then her breath. "Merci Dieu!" he exclaimed. "You're still alive!" Just then, he heard her earrings beep. "Uh oh, I gotta get her out of here." Chat said as he picked her up. He carried her as fast as he could. Of course, the villain chased them, but Chat had a plan. He ran and leaped through the city in all sorts of random directions. This included going from pavement to rooftop as many times as possible. This managed to lose him, and Chat took her home just as she detransformed.
Once they were inside, Tikki came out. "Tikki, get Marinette's parents, and tell them what happened." Chat instructed as his ring beeped. "And tell them to bring camembert." Tikki gave a quick salute. "On the double!" she said as she flew downstairs. Meanwhile, Chat looked Marinette over. "Well, no cuts, no bruises, and nothing broken. Thank goodness. You are one lucky bug, bugaboo." he said as he stroked his hand against her face. "Mon Dieu, she's even beautiful when she's unconscious." he added before being detransformed. "You okay, Plagg?" Adrien asked his Kwami. "Yeah." said Plagg. "Just drained." That's when Sabine and Tom rushed up into the room. "I have the first aid kit!" exclaimed Sabine. "I have the cheese!" exclaimed Tom. Plagg rushed over, and dug in to his cheese. "Oh, my poor baby." said Sabine, putting a wet cloth on Marinette's head. "We'll tend to her. You better get going." said Tom to Adrien. "What?! But I can't do this without her!" Adrien said in a panic. "Yes you can. You may not be able to undo the Akuma, but you can still beat it." said Sabine. "But how?" Adrien asked. "I'm not as fast a thinker as she is. I don't know how to fight like Ladybug." Tom put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Don't fight him like Ladybug. You're not Ladybug." he asserted. "Fight him like Chat Noir." Adrien heard those words, and smiled. He had an idea. "Claws out!" he exclaimed. He transformed, and made his way out. "Send her back as soon as she's ready." he said before climbing out the nearest window.
Back in the heart of Paris, Torcher was using his powers to try and draw out the heroes that had escaped his grasp. He was growing impatient. Which was just what Chat Noir was hoping for. He stood atop a building, and prepared to put his plan into action. "Hey, Torcher, is that sulfur I smell, or is that just your fiery funk? I don't need a cat's sense of smell to tell me that you stink!" said Chat in an insulting tone while holding his nose. Torcher growled, and tossed a fire ball at him. Chat dodged it, and the fireball, went up into the air. "Is that all you've got? I'd hardly call you a hot-shot. Nah, I'd say you're more lukewarm." The villain was getting angrier. "Hold still, you mangey stray!" Chat Noir continued to dodge the fire balls. "Did I say lukewarm? Now, I'm thinking more like ice cold." he taunted. Torcher growled, and used his fire like a jet propulsion to get up to Chat's level. "That's it, Cat Boy! Miraculous or no, I'm gonna turn you into barbecue!" the villain ranted. "Catch me if you can!" said Chat as turned around and took off. Chat chuckled as he lead the villain through the city, dodging every fire ball and flame thrown at him. "Man, leave it to a fire Akuma to be a real hothead." he said to himself.
Meanwhile, back at the Dupain-Cheng's house, Marinette was finally waking up. She opened her eyes to see her mother and father, as well as Tikki. "Mama? Papa? Tikki?" she said as she was coming to. "Oh thank goodness." said Sabine. "You're okay. We were worried for a second." The four of them hugged. "Okay, you better get going, dear. Chat Noir needs you." said Tom. Marinette got up, and prepared to go, but stopped. She knew this wasn't the best time, but she wasn't going to be able to focus unless she had some answers. "Mom, before I go, I need to know, why are you so sick?" she asked. Sabine sighed. "Marinette, I told you.." she started. "I know you told me not to worry." Marinette interrupted. "But I can't help it. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." she said. "You mean the world to me." Marinette said as her eyes watered. "I don't want to lose my mama." Sabine crumbled at the sight of her daughter crying, and hugged her. "Oh sweetie, you're not going to lose me." she said in a comforting tone before breaking the hug to look at Marinette. "I'm sorry if I worry you, but the truth is, I don't know what's wrong with me. I only know that it feels awful. In fact, I haven't felt this sick since I was...." Sabine had a sudden realization. "Honey, I think I know what's going on with me." she said. "And I'll have an answer for you when you get back, but for now, Paris needs you." Marinette wiped her eyes, and nodded. "Tikki, Spots on!" she exclaimed. Once she was transformed, she made her way out into the city. Sabine looked to her husband. "Tom, let's go to the pharmacy. We have a test to take." she asserted. Tom nodded, and they made their way out the door.
Things were going according to plan, or at least that's what Chat Noir would say if he was asked. He just had to get Torcher away from the more crowded parts of town, somewhere where close and tight, somewhere where no one else was around, but most importantly, somewhere with water. Luckily, he had just the place in mind. An abandoned car wash in an older part of the city. Chat found it once when on patrol. He never thought he'd be using it. He went inside, and looked around. "Boy, what a wash." he joked to himself. "Now, where is that water system. He looked and looked until finally, he found it in the basement. Chat checked it out, and to his pleasant surprise, it still had water. "Perfect." he said as he turned the system back on. "Now, all I got to do is trick that hothead to come down here." He began to brainstrom, but it was interrupted. "Don't bother." said the villain, appearing behind him. "Perfect. Nowhere for you to run, or hide. Now I'm going to roast you." Chat Noir chuckled, cracking his knuckles and neck. "Careful, the roast is tougher than it looks." With that, the two began fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Torcher's fists were on fire, so Chat was mostly on the defensive, but that didn't stop him from delivering a blow once or twice. This fight took them all around the room, practically going in circles. Chat then realized he was in front of one of the water pipes. 'Perfect.' he thought. He stood perfectly still with a smirk on his face. Torcher, angered beyond the point of reason, charged a fireball, and threw it at Chat. The feline themed hero leaped out of the way, and the explosion from the fireball made a tear in the pipes, causing water to shoot out, and spray Torcher, putting his fire out.
"NO!" he exclaimed. He then realized his sunglasses were missing. "Where are my shades?!" he shouted. "Looking for these?" said a female voice. Both Chat and Torcher turned to see Ladybug, who was holding the glasses. She broke them in half, releasing the Akuma. "Time to De-Evilise!" she exclaimed as she used her yo-yo to cleanse the butterfly. She then took the broken glasses, and tossed them in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" she exclaimed. The Miraculous Ladybug did its job. All the damage from the Akuma was undone, and the Akumatized villain was revealed to be a thin man in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He had a shaved head, and a petite goatee, as well as flame tattoos on his arms. He got up, and looked at Chat Noir. "Ladybug! Chat Noir! Aw man! I'm sorry! My boyfriend, he dumped me for a firefighter. I-I-I was just so mad..." he went on, trying to explain himself. "Hey, it's okay. Your feelings are understandable." said Ladybug. "Yeah, besides, it's the Akuma that made you do those things." said Chat. They took the young man out of the old car wash, and had the police escort him home. "Way to go, my lady!" said Chat Noir. "Came right in the nick of time, just as I needed you." he praised. "Thanks, Chaton. But really, you deserve the credit. You're the one who beat the Akuma while I was out of commission." Ladybug replied. "Yeah, I guess. Still, I like it better when we work together. That's when we're at our best." said Chat. "True." said Ladybug. "Well, we better get going. See you later, Kitty." she said as she made her way home. "Farewell, my lady. He said as he blew a kiss, and went home himself.
Ladybug landed on the balcony of her home, and made her way downstairs as she detransformed. There, in the bakery, was her mother, sitting at one of the tables, smiling. "Mom, did you get your answers?" Marinette asked. "I sure did, sweetie. And I'm ready to tell you, but first, your father left something in the oven. Do you mind taking care of it real quick?" Sabine replied. Marinette sighed. Was this really the time for a chore? She had been hoping for some answers so she could not be as worried as she had been. Still, the sooner she complied, the sooner her mom would cooperate. She went into the kitchen, and peaked into the oven. A bun. A single, solitary bun. Marinette huffed, took the bun out, and brought it back to her mother. "Mom, I love you, but seriously? You told me you would tell me why you were so sick as soon as I got home, but instead, you have me looking at a bun in the oven. Could you please just..." It was then that Marinette had a realization. "Wait....bun...in the oven? A bun in the oven?" She looked at the bun, then looked at Sabine. "Mama?" she asked. Sabine smiled as she placed her right hand on her stomach. Marinette's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. She then had an enormous smile on her face as tears fell from her eyes. "Oh Mommy!" Marinette cried out as she hugged her mother. Sabine smiled as she hugged her daughter. Marinette was weeping with joy. Where there once was worry, now there was only pure happiness. As far as she was concerned, this was one of the best days of her life. "I'm gonna be a big sister!"
#miraculous#tales of ladybug and cat noir#miraculous ladybug#miraculous ladybug fanfiction#marinette dupain-cheng#adrien agreste#ladybug#chat noir#rena rouge#queen bee#carapace#akumas#tom dupain#sabine cheng#tikki#plagg#action#drama
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He blushed
summary: the two of them doing some studying in Bakugou’s room; soft
a/n: this is really simple but i just wanted to do some trying since it’s my first fanfiction here, don’t judge me. enjoy :)
word count: 1107
“Bakugou! I'm sure she won't even let us in again if you keep yelling like that." The girl sighted while leaving the library with a couple of books in her arms, the blonde guy behind her, a tired grin in his face. "That asshole called for it."
"Like all the others, sure." She kept going without being surprised by his attitude. "Now, where are we going? I really need this subject today." She turned those pink cheeks of hers to him and turned her head a bit in doubt. He felt weird, then shoved his hands on his pockets and said: "Tsc, we can just.. go to my dorm or something. I have more stuff there." She stared his red eyes in exaltation, surprise even. He had never been so open and- that was just weird of him. "Come on, round-face, don't make me give up on you."
"O-okay." She, also, felt misplaced. Not that Bakugou made her feel bad - she had gotten used to his eccentric personality and knew how to handle him - but he had never invited her to see his place, let alone study in it. That said, Uraraka felt intimidated by the sudden change, and her heart beat uncertain in each silent step of the way.
Bakugou wasn't as confident as he always was, and that pissed the hell out of him. His dorm? What the fuck. She was probably thinking he was a perv or stupid, and he felt the same, not knowing the reason for the growth of intimacy. But he comforted his ego saying that, since they've been on this studying crap for two months, the dorm was not a big deal.
At the moment Bakugou turned the key to open the door, both of the teenagers' minds cleared up, ready to be filled with whatever that experience would be. Then, they were in. Uraraka slowly spun around herself trying to absorve the new information. The hot-headed guy's room was a mix of expectation and surprise: he had some work-out equipment, a bit of sutil All Might-themed things, a dart board (of which the targets were pictures of their classmates) and some dark posters up in the wall.
"Wow, Bakugou. Who would say you have some taste in decoration after all." She spoke with tiny mockery and a smile on her face. He turned so that he could face her and said, with deep frowning: "Some? This looks fucking badass for your information. Now sit down so we can get this over with." She awkwardly looked at his bed and wondered if that's where he meant, since he was at the table already. So she picked her books and set on the edge of the neatly set bed and continued on where they had left: types of energy and heat.
"Okay, Uraraka. Let's see if you get this: Gravitational Potential Energy, it's the multiplication of mass, height and gravity." She looked at him mindfully, trying to take notes of the past subjects she had forgotten for the big test tomorrow. He continued: "It's the energy you gather when you're flying your ass up there. Your mass is the same, gravity too, but the higher you get-" She completed: "The more energy I have. Easy. Got it."
He looked at her happy to not have to explain it again and so they moved on to calorimetry. “Calorimetry is the sci-” She suddenly dozed off of their class and his voice was no longer heard as she noticed his particular facial traces and red - vicious and bright - eyes, then came back to reality with the cheeks warming up. “Oi, are you listening? Don’t waste my time.” She shook her head in embarrassment and said: “S-sorry, I got distracted by yo- your posters - she quickly corrected - they’re very.. you.” He looked suspicious. “Of course, if not why would I hang them. All your pink stuff is also very you. Cloying and distracting.” The girl pretended to be offended and let out a giggle. “Come on, they’re not that bad. And I bet you will miss me every week when I don’t need your help anymore.”
“Don’t sass me.” This time, he stared her, at lest for a second, before it got too much of a Deku-staring (fucking creepy) and continued. “Calorimetry.” She jumped a bit in excitement. “Oh, oh I know this one. It’s the science associated with determining the changes in energy of a system by measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings. Right?” Her four fingers (one up so it wouldn’t float away) were tight holding the pink pencil. “Yeah, finally, Pink-cheeks. You can measure the exchange of heat in a cup of coffee or-” “In your hands? Your quirk I mean.” They looked at each other and then at Bakugou’s hands. She made a weird - aiming on angered - face and attempted imitating him using his quirk. “I like it when you make tiny explodies with your quirk.” He looked at her thinking again why he had agreed on that and let out an angered response: “It's supposed to intimidate and threaten people for when I'm about to kill them.” He wouldn’t stand his quirk being ‘liked’ it should be seen as deadly, but she continued imitating: “They're like these little fireworks in your hands.” [x] She found those ‘explodies’ adorable and would have said so if it wasn’t for Bakugou’s mortal glare and.. no, no way, was he.. blushing?
Why the fuck is my face hot? This is just bullshit. “Do you know how stupid that was? You just have to be weird, don’t you?” She rose her hands up and said: “I do what i can.”
Studying became easier as time flung by. Bigger conversations were emerging - even though they were 90% Uraraka and 10% Bakugou’s short answers - and it became even more explicit that those two matched. Do you need a greater confirmation than this goodbye?
Uraraka got up and picked her books from both bed and ceiling, seeing she accidentally made two of them float and made her way to the door. Being out already, the girl turned around quickly and went on her tiptoes to kiss the blonde’s cheek. “Thank you, Bakugou. I really enjoyed myself, a-and learned, of course.” He was caught by her act and looked away while struggling to make a sentence. “Whatever, Pink-cheeks, told ya I would get it into your head.” She smiled and waved at him, walking light-headed through the halls. Bakugo rapidly closed the door and frowned his forehead deeper, lost in confusion, only to murmur:
“Fuck, Uraraka.”
#this is bad#kacchako fanfiction#bnha#fanfic#bakugou x uraraka#kacchako studying#bnha fandom#bakugo katsuki#uraraka ochako#writing#@bnhajourney#anime stuff#anime fanfic
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StarCraft Fanfiction: “No Omen, No Country’s Cause”
A few months ago, during the StarCraft 20th anniversary celebration, I created a blog for the sole purpose of remedying a great injustice: according to an infographic I saw here on Tumblr, fanfiction involving my favorite character, Vice Adm. Alexei Stukov, comprised only 1% of StarCraft fanfiction (in English, I’m assuming).
And so I embarked on a months-long odyssey, putting together what I thought would be a short story about how Stukov would react to the UED returning to the Koprulu sector. What it turned into is a multi-perspective, most likely novella- length text that I think would work well as a serial.
In “No Omen, No Country’s Cause,” I seek to reconcile discordant parts of Stukov’s personality, give him something to live for, flesh out his backstory, make him to engage in some badassery, and get him back to where he was in SC: Brood War (personality wise). Along the way, expect a lot of battles, new characters, and interactions with other canon characters like Adm. Matt Horner, Valerian Mengsk, Alarak, Zagara, and others.
This teaser is rated T, but expect some chapters to be M for language, violence, sexual content, and zergy squish-squish. I’ll probably post small bits once or twice a week, releasing what I’ve written so far and giving me a chance to write more. I do see myself finishing it (I’ve already written the ending but not the middle) unless there’s just zero interest.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. If you’d like to view this in a different format, it is also available on FanFiction.net, Archive of Our Own, and Wattpad under the same username.
Note: someone pointed out this sounds like it’s going to get political. I promise it is not.
“No Omen, No Country’s Cause”
"Five minutes to air time, people. Let's get moving!" Kate Lockwell paced behind Adm. Matthew Horner as he stood at his podium. From the side of the makeshift stage, she shouted at a few people in the wings. "Tim! Where's Kallie with the other camera?"
"The replacement lens didn't come in. Wasn't a 'priority' shipment and didn't make it through customs. She knows a guy uptown and she's going to borrow one. She'll be back in fifteen minutes."
"We'll start without her! It'll be fine. No one will notice we're down a camera."
"They'll notice if we're down two presidential debaters... Where're my challenger candidates?" Kim Lockwell stopped on her heel and put her hand on the shoulder of Horner's blue suit.
"Well, if there's one thing that I can say for you military types, at least you're punctual, Mr. President." She winked at him, and before he could respond, she was gone.
Horner leaned over the podium and looked into the "audience." In the makeshift broadcast room, there were about two-dozen seats, all of which were full of journalists from around the sector-Umoja, Moria, and even some of the outlying colonies. All were there to see the beginning of Tarsonis's new government as it shifted from the Terran Dominion to the Terran Republic. After defeating Amon and negotiating peace with the zerg under Zagara, Valerian Mengsk had begun focusing on rebuilding Tarsonis and Korhal, and that's when the political shitstorm started. The Dominion needed the Umojan Protectorate's help, but they refused to acknowledge a "medieval monarchy spawned by a dictator" as a valid government even though it was constitutional. The Umojans also released more information about Valerian that was potentially damaging-that the labs run by Mobius Corp. had been more closely supervised by him than he had originally said. Skygeirr Station was the most egregious. Horner had asked him, man-to-man, what he actually knew. He had told him that he was only aware they were performing experiments on zerg and xel'naga tissues-he didn't know about the hybrid breeding program. But he did know about what they were doing to UED POW Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov. Valerian said that he willingly turned a blind eye to what they did to him because he thought it vital, at the time, to finding a way to neutralize Sara Kerrigan. Whether it was because he was UED or because he was infested and technically zerg, news reports focused on the hybrids and glossed over the torture of someone he knew to be a decent man. If it bothered Valerian, it was hard to see, which made Horner watchful of him now, waiting for more of his father to emerge. The Umojan Protectorate has a point, Horner thought.
Valerian was forced to step down, and his cabinet named Horner as his interim successor until the Terran Republic could build its infrastructure enough to hold an election. The Umojan Protectorate began helping Tarsonis pick up the pieces of the coup against Arcturus Mengsk and the invasion by the Queen of Blades. It had been five years, and Horner was just now thinking that he had the hang of governing-and now he would have to publicly debate other candidates and run for the position to keep it for another five years. Even so, Horner had doubts about his leadership capabilities. Raynor should be up here-not me, he thought. But he knew that would never have worked. Jim Raynor had not wanted to lead even when he was with the Raiders. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them, he thought, Valerian was the first, Raynor the second... But Valerian was disgraced and Raynor had vanished. Hopefully I'm the third... After Valerian stepped down and the smoke cleared, there weren't many other options.
Horner took a deep breath and thumbed again through his notes on the datapad in front of him. His main talking points were those of national security. They had been burned before by outside threats. Other than a few outlying factions, the protoss were their allies, but on the other hand, the zerg, even with Zagara leading them, could be fractured by a new leader-just as Abathur almost had done. Worse, if Horner had learned anything, it was the threat that could not be predicted that always ...bites you in the ass. Restructuring was also critical. The military needed its academies back online, and the education system-especially on Tarsonis-needed new buildings, updated materials, and staff that were not praising the "glory of the Dominion." Trade deals with the Kel-Morians and the Umojan Protectorate to bring food and other resources to people who needed it were his other sticking points. Things we can all agree on, not too detailed, and enough to talk about but not enough to make me look like a boring, stuffed uniform-I hope.
Finally, one of the other candidates entered the studio. The journalists all stood at once, their cameras flashing as she strode in. He recognized her; It was Dr. Joan Slavens, a philosophy professor at Tarsonis City Colonial University, the largest and most prestigious public universities on Tarsonis-before it was shut down by the Dominion. She had settled into being a nuisance via private broadcasts during the war. Horner had watched a few of them. Dr. Slavens was a good speaker, and she had the air of a rumpled intellectual with her barely-tamed blonde curls and wrinkled tweed jacket. She waved warmly to the journalists. This made him even more nervous. Dr. Slavens was a well-known personality and respected. She already had a following, and it would be easy for her to build a bloc of voters. He, on the other hand, had name recognition, and was known as a war hero on one hand but a compatriot of the now-controversial Valerian Mengsk on the other-his alliances could make someone's decision either way.
Dr. Slavens took her place at the podium next to his and adjusted her microphone, tapping on it to test it. She put her hand over it and turned to Horner, giving him a rueful smile.
"Of course, Mr. Marinakis isn't here yet. I hope his freighters are timelier than he is."
"You have some experience with Marcos Marinakis?"
"Unfortunately, yes. He told me he would let me interview him for my vids a half a dozen times... He was a no-show on half of them and more than an hour late on the rest. We could be here a while. I mean, this only a presidential debate, after all. I'm sure his business brunch was much more pressing."
"Well, if he's much later, we'll have to start without him."
Marcos Marinakis was a shipping magnate-one of the few that wasn't Kel-Morian. He had a reputation of being loud, obnoxious, but shrewd in business. Some people would believe that would make him good at guiding the Republic, but Horner didn't really see him as a threat. Because of his manner and what inevitably comes out about anyone who runs a large company, he was by far a long shot.
Horner's thoughts were interrupted by a low rumble far in the distance. It shook the building, and a little bit of plaster rained from the ceiling.
"What the hell was that?" Lockwell said. Horner's security detail, two marines in street combat gear, came in from outside the room.
"Mr. President, we have reports of an attack on the outskirts of town heading inward to our position. We need to get you all to a secure location."
"Where?" Horner said quickly.
"The basement of this building is a nuclear bunker. We should be able to hide out there."
Horner sprung into action.
"All right everyone, listen," Horner said into the microphone. "We're all going to do this quietly and without panicking. Please follow these gentlemen downstairs. Keep aware of your surroundings..."
There was another rumble and the power went out. Horner shouted over the din of fighting and the journalists talking nervously among themselves.
"And don't panic."
The journalists filed out of the room with Horner taking up the rear. He paused to look out the window. Republic troops had began flooding into the streets, and before them, a nydus canal had opened. The infested crawled from its maw, waves of them flooding over abandoned hovercars and the makeshift barriers troops had constructed along the way. In the distance, a siege tank and a platoon of Terran Republic troops began firing at them, but were overwhelmed by the sea of flesh and claws almost instantly. With dread, Horner realized there could be only one person responsible: Stukov.
And there's the threat we didn't anticipate.
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TWIGW RoundUp (May 5th - 18th)
We’re doubling up the party this time. Here's your roundup from contributors for the past two weeks. Check out their stuff and show them some love!😊💖
~Mod TB
ammiehawk, Life Happened (Ch. 1 - 2) *More to come*
Rating: T
Gundam Wing + Harry Potter Crossover
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Treize Khushrenada
Summary: After the events of the Goblet of Fire, Harry gets some surprising news. Now with the help of friends, both old and new, he prepares for his greatest adventure yet. Prequel to Hurry Home.
arkadyevna, Opalsong (co-authors), Getting To Know Your Local Terrorist (Ch. 1 - 2) *More to come*
Gundam Wing + Venom (2018) Mashup
Rating: T
No archive warnings apply.
Relationships: Gundam Boys & Symbiotes
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Original Symbiote Character(s) (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Oral Not!Fic, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Skeevy Doctors, Bonding, Revenge, bb!Symbiotes, Humour, Angst, (Duo & Wufei get All The Angst), Friendship, Podfic, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming
Summary: To pilot a Gundam one needs a symbiote to properly interface. How each of the guys got theirs and what they think of each other. (Relena realizes these boys are Not Normal and has Theories.)
Part 8 of Arkadyevna & Opalsong's Gundam Wing AU Not!Fics
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Come Find Me (Ch. 1 - 5) *More to come*
Rating: M
No archive warnings apply.
Relationships: Chang Wufei/Reader (You)
Characters: Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Reader
Additional Tags: Mild Smut, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: In a last, desperate attempt to fix your broken marriage, you agree to a road trip through Southern Europe. Just the two of you, trying to find back what is lost. But with so much anger and pain between you, is it even possible? There is only so much a broken heart can take...
Burn To Cinder (Ch. 1 - 3) *More to come*
Rating: M
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Zechs Merquise/Reader, Treize Khushrenada/Reader
Characters: Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Violence
Summary: Your path had been laid out for you from an early age, allowing you to move into the higher circles of society and catch the attention of one of the most powerful men in the Earth Sphere. As Treize’s mistress, you watch his rise to power and the disastrous war breaking out on Earth and in Space, putting your loyalty to the test. You are torn between your duty to His Excellency, and your unquellable lust for one of the top soldiers under his command. And when he rises to power in Outer Space, there is nothing you can do but stand back and watch them tear each other apart. This is no game of hearts, but yours is at stake, and the consequences can be felt for years to come. Labeled as OZ’s whore, you struggle to find your way, only for things to fall apart around you again. But then there is still Zechs, and the undeniable way he makes you feel…
First Mother’s Day
Rating: G
No archive warnings apply
Relationships: Heero Yuy/Reader
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Family, Reader-Insert
Summary: There's a first time for everything.
@doctormegalomania, Eldritch Holiday (Creature of the Night) Ch. 19
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei
Additional Tags: Horror, Body Horror, Occult, Comedy, Eventual Romance, Post-Break Up
Summary: There’s something wrong with Happiness. Duo doesn’t know what, and he’s determined to find out. The rest of the Gundam Pilots tag along to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.
Chapter 18 - Riko gets distracted. Quatre is the first to notice. Wufei really isn’t dating any of them.
@duointherain, Beneath (Ch. 6)
Rating: T
Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Duo Maxwell.Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Summary: Duo goes to get his sphere. Prisoners fight back. Quatre has a fit over Duo's chemistry skills.
KageKagi, The Heir of House Black (Ch. 36)
Rating: M
Gundam Wing + Harry Potter Crossover
No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger
Summary: Harry attends Sirius's will reading and learns that there was more to the black family than anyone expected
kracken, Black Dog Blues (Ch. 5)
Rating: Unknown
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationship: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Original Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Additional Tags: gundam wing - Freeform, Yaoi
Summary: Duo is a troubled detective who solves cases with the help of visions of the supernatural. Unfortunately, those visions are driving him slowly insane. Can his new partner Heero Yuy save his soul and his sanity? AU
liraeth_archive, Tsukino Akari
Rating: Unknown
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon + Gundam Wing Crossover
Originally Published: Jul 6, 2001
luvsanime02, Nothing Right (But Nothing Wrong, Either)
Rating: G
No archive warnings apply.
Characters: Hilde Schbeiker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Light Angst, breaking up, Mild Language, Cocktail Friday
Summary: Hilde knew that their relationship was going to end eventually. She just wasn't expecting this.
Rating: G
No Archive Warnings Apply
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Hilde Schbeiker, Heero Yuy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Humor, Innuendo, Friendship, Cocktail Friday
Summary: Trowa resigns himself to the fact that he’s going to have to deal with three very drunk friends by the end of the night.
Saint-Miroku, The Lieutenant and The Count
Rating: T
No archive warnings apply.
Relationships: Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Skarla, Send In the Clowns (Ch. 4)
Rating: G
No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Parallel Universes, birthday present fic, Post CATWS
Summary: Clint Barton had a secret, one that he had been carrying for so long that it didn’t even really seem like a secret anymore. It was just another thing in the long list of things that he didn’t talk about, along with his time in Korea or that mission in Budapest. The trouble was, now that Shield was in tatters with every third agent loyal to Hydra and being hunted like the rats that they were, his helpful support system had evaporated along with his second favourite bow and his salary.
@softnocturne, Date Night
Rating: T
No archive warnings apply.
Relationships: Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
tb_ll57, Whiten Out (Ch. 38)
Rating: E
Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Relationships: Treize Khushrenada/Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada/Duo Maxwell, Duo Maxwell/Zechs Merquise, Zechs Merquise/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Zechs Merquise, Leia Barton, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Alternate Universe - Gundams Lose War, Preventers (Gundam Wing), Politics, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Coercion, Prisoner of War, Grooming, Mentor/Protégé, Forced Separation, Established Relationship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Gundams, Resistance, Angst, Really a lot of angst, It eventually bends toward happiness, Eventual Happy Ending, I swear
Summary: Zechs Merquise never left OZ to become the leader of White Fang. The Gundam Pilots never banded together at Libra to emerge victorious. Treize Khushrenada never died. There is peace-- of a kind-- but how will a new world order shape itself? This fic explores an alternate ending to a familiar tale with familiar faces.
@terrablaze514, Ionic Victory, Covalent Destiny (Ch. 1 - 2) *More to come*
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage
Relationships: OT5 Friendship (eventual 1x2, 3x4, 1x4, 3x1, 5x3, 4x2, 5x4, 2x5), Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Characters: Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise, Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Preventers (Gundam Wing), Post-Endless Waltz, Homoeroticism, Dark, Terrorism, Betrayal, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Organized Crime, Crime Fighting, Torture, Kidnapping, Kink Negotiation, Eventual Relationships, Secret Organizations, Multiple Pairings, Slow Burn, Threesome - M/M/M, Murder Mystery
Summary: Four months after the Mariemaia incident, the Gundam pilots turned Preventers share the same living space, keep track of missions, and everything in between. When lightning strikes amidst foul play on campus, a fire ignites for five agents to resolve their innermost frustrations. Besides, the only life they knew was war…
@wingslanding, Broken (Ch. 8)
Rating: M
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
Relationships: Heero Yuy/Relena Peacecraft
Takes place after Eve Wars; cancels FT.
Summary: One of the greatest love stories never told... this way.
WhiteWitchDark, In Which Lady Une Searches for the Pilots
Rating: G
No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Characters: Lady Une, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei
Summary: The Wars ended 10 years ago. The Gundam Pilots disappeared into legend and obscurity, but Lady Une is determined to bring them to the Preventers.
@ARHDian, Monthly Fanart Pic - Quatre
Amir Zand, Gundam Style
Forwarded by @pixalry.
Concept art. Illustration.
Please don’t remove artist credit.
@bluesquishylemon, I Used To Be Sweet
Inspired by: @theresareasonforthiswritingblog
Source: Gundam Wing; character Quatre Winner
Media: Pen and marker on 8.5x11 computer paper + Photoshop; Line drawing 4-27-19; Colored 5-16-19
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any character associated; I also do not earn any financial compensation for this fanart.
Request: Please credit this artist for this work when reposting - thanks!
Personal comments: Inspired by @theresareasonforthiswritingblog ‘s post titled “Headcanon: The GW Boys As Things From My Quotes List” with Quatre’s comment: “I used to be sweet, but then the world hit me in the face.” All credit for that incredible Quatreism belongs to @theresareasonforthiswritingblog ‘s genius.
@deathscythe-demiguy, Wuffers fresh out of the shower
@deejayers, Character doodles (Duo and Quatre)
@freshthoughts2020, Gundam drawing
@gundayo, Messy Quatre Sketch
@gundayum, Adulting is hard (2xH)
@GunplaBuilder45, Wing Gundam Zero
Heavyarms Prime
@ito_katsumi, 6x9 at the beach
“Don’t drink with two and eat no snacks.”
@kuhsohshokutaku, Relena, Mariemaia and Sylvia
@lemontrash, Some sketches (various GW characters)
@signales, Mille has flowers for his mom, Noin. (Mothers Day Special)
@snufffie, Heero and Trowa baking
Made for Anon.
@tiwazmannaz, LOTR/Gundam Mashup
@tomy-ogswr, Drawing of Treize and Zechs
@exasperatedagent, Lieutenant Noin and Colonel Une
@caterpie, Heero in Wing
@clair-audients, Treize, Heero and Epyon
Duo facing the colony
@disturbed02girl, The Gundam pilots from a page in Glory of the Losers.
Dorothy and Zechs, Glory of the Losers
Trowa and Heero, Glory of the Losers
Relena and Heero, Glory of the Losers
Duo and Wufei, Glory of the Losers
Trowa and Catherine, Glory of the Losers
Duo, Heero and Howard, Glory of the Losers
Lucrezia Noin, Glory of the Losers
On the Peacemillion, Glory of the Losers
@gundayo, Gundam Wing + Wizard of OZ Mashup
“How many more times must I kill that girl and her dog?”
@gundayum, Rashid’s height
Rashid’s height #2
@evacuateplanetearth, Fortnite comparison
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, Hilde Schbeiker + Text Posts
@janaverse, Quatre’s stats
@longhairedanimeguyoftheday, Duo Maxwell GIF set
@waywarddoodles, Comparing notable scenes (Gundam Wing + Gundam Build Fighters Mashup)
@wingslanding, Relena Peacecraft in Glory of the Losers
Heero Yuy (winged) in Glory of the Losers
1xR in Bambi Takada (Doujinshi)
Starcrossed lovers (1xR)
Happy Style (1xR) by Bambi Takada (Rated M)
Photo Prompts/Prompts:
@yourfavsaysgayrights, Quatre Raberba Winner says gay rights!!
@your-fave-is-a-cinnamonroll, Quatre Raberba Winner is a Cinnamon Roll
Requested by @lookitsmorefandomtrash 💖
Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing plays TF2 and mains Spy!
requested by @lookitsmorefandomtrash
@incorrectgundamwingquotes @gundaaamn @simulacraryn @novas-grimoire
Includes discussion
@noirangetrois, Episode 4 Recap (with a funny twist)
Zechs-y insanity! (Rated M)
@janaverse @gundayum @terrablaze514 @incapableofgivingup
@wingslanding, Which Heero did Relena marry?
Alpha versus Beta
@seitou @angel-no-crux @terrablaze514
Includes a meme contribution by @incorrectgundamwingquotes
A convo *ahem, argument* on seeds. Nat Geo special with Duo, Heero, Wufei and Quatre.
Direct quote from Quatre.
Duo as a priest.
After Heero kills the peaceful politicians
Star Wars spin-off
Driving... (Heero and Wufei)
Tips for Falling Asleep
At the bar.
Duo and Heero talk 50
Vine: Duo and Professor G
Nat Geo #2 (Trowa & Wufei)
Knock, knock (Wufei & Quatre)
Submission by @vegalume, starring Heero and Duo
Submission by @timelordnomad, starring Heero, Duo and Trowa
Heero and Relena
Kidnapped Quatre
Texting gone wrong
Nonverbal communication
Duo’s arrest
Disrupted appetite
Duo, Wufei and Trowa
Partners in crime…
Disney characters
Sharing a safehouse
Breaking out of the Lunar Base (5x2)
At the Lunar Base
Lady Une is the BOSS.
Tarot Reading
Group Therapy with Quatre
Cute moment (3x5)
Submission by @gwkimmy
Zechs vs. Heero
Submission by @janaverse
Holding Hands (3x4)
Plan B
Group Chat
Refrigerated Shirt
Sister Helen and Duo
Cool Socks (3x4)
On the Lunar Base
They’ll be Une’s Problem (It’s okay ‘Lena)
Getting ready to fight White Fang
Cute moment (1x4)
Bets are on! (1x2)
Unhappy Duo
Relena questions height
Duo and Quatre
Random submission
Relena and Dorothy
Taylor Swift
In the group chat
Test Tube Baby?
Bubble Wrap feat. @softnocturne @terrablaze514
We’re Gundam Pilots!
Olive Garden
Pet Names (1x2)
In the group chat #2
Feelings (3x4)
During Mariemaia’s rebellion
Crime in Sanc
A quote from Quatre
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Gundam Wing Goodies!
Feast your eyes on these.
@gundayum, Fandom Trash Bag (featuring 2xH)
Mod’s note: One of the coolest things I’ve ever seen!
Another shot of this bag.
Gundam Wing & Two-Mix
Calendar Events:
“Rhythm Generation” goes LIVE! @acworldbuildingzine
The RHYTHM GENERATION After Colony worldbuilding zine is out!!! To receive your FREE PDF copy, ping @acworldbuildingzine and/or @lifeaftermeteor. ♥️
@gundam-wing-bingo, Trope/Kink Masterlist
Our Master List is at 100! The questionnaire for choosing your cards will be completed before long, and then we’ll get these prompt shindigs going!
You can see some card examples here. Note however, that they are NOT entirely correct.
Theme Selection (Mini Bang) @thisweekingundamevents
It seems we have a winner!
The theme for our soon-to-be Mini Bang will be: Unorthodox Undercover Work!
Mini Bang Dates (poll) < Please cast your vote if you haven't done so already. (Google Form included)
Mini Bang Rules
Mini Bang Poll Results + Voting part 2 < Until May 25th, those interested in participating can choose which months they want the Mini Bang for by responding directly to the post. Even if you don’t participate, this is your chance to see what you’d like to see from others!
Brief FAQ
@seasons-of-gundamwing, Prompt Time!
For Summer of Zechs 2019, July has received the most votes.
If there are any prompts you would like to see please send in an ask/comment/submit your idea/message us!
~*VOTE HERE!*~ Effective until May 31st.
@christianmswanson, 2nd Gundam Wing Intro
Features the Gundams from Endless Waltz.
Rhythm Emotion opening theme. 2nd attempt.
Added SFX.
Made from phone.
@helmistress, How Fanon becomes Canon
@peachandbetty, 1xR headcanon
@terrablaze514, Secret Magic, Duo Maxwell
@gundayum, Modesty Scale
F-bomb around kids - @incorrectgundamwingquotes
@itsthatwybshitson, Phone fell in the toilet
The pilots as Keanu Reeves
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Gunpla Madness - RG Tallgeese
An overview of this gunpla set.
Results included.
@christianmswanson, Custom Case Building
Experimentation with lighting.
Features five Gundams.
@cyberbeastswordwolfe, P-Bandai: RG 1/144 Tallgeese III
Comments, memories and interests by @kilsikon7 @bobo-is-tha-bomb @darkmaster07 @shookmcgookqueen @terrablaze514
@reversemoon255, WMS-03 Maganac
Building results and review of the pros/cons.
@HobbySite, PROMO: "RG Tolgiss III" starts reservation today at 13:00-Premium Bandai! We reproduce each arming such as characteristic face and mega cannon, heat rod by new modeling! Commercialized in the RG series in pursuit of unparalleled fine expression and “real” in 1/144!
Where to get their Merch
Their Twitter page
@gundayo, Gundam Wing Snapshots ~ Part 1
Episode 9 Recap, featuring Zechs, Noin and Otto.
It’s a Gundam! (Tallgeese)
@jortford, Overview of Episodes
#This week in Gundam Wing#gundam wing#mobile suit gundam wing#weekly roundup#twigw#gwfans#gundam wing fanart#gundam wing fanfiction#gunpla
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✨Productive morning journal✨
It's been a little while, but I'm ready to get back in the swing of things now that I'm mostly recovered from AWA!
Thanks to daylight savings time ending, this morning I:
✨ got woken up a little early by my roommate's alarm, but then woke up again a bit before 7:00 am, netting me over eight hours of sleep after falling asleep around 11:00 pm last night with the time change giving me that extra bit I needed!
✨ sort of stretched and dozed, so I got out of bed by 7:30 am
✨ I wasn't keeping particularly good track and definitely took longer than usual, so I was dressed and had my breakfast of brown sugar oatmeal with the last two sliced bananas and tea ready by 8:30 am
✨ I didn't want to get sucked into watching yt for too long, so I looked up how to wash my mouse pad and then tried to do a bit of online shopping; I discovered I really hate online shopping! doesn't matter which site, all are equally hard to find what you actually want and feel like endless clicking with none of the fun of actual shopping; I gave up on that (and mostly finished my breakfast) around 9:00 am
✨ I have one assignment due this week, which I started yesterday but didn't start early enough to properly finish, so I opened that up and got to work; it's supposed to be the first 15 minutes of three different assigned lesson topics, so I knew I shouldn't struggle with it; still, I lost focus around 9:30 am and checked social media for a bit
✨ I was back on track around 9:50 am and done by 10:30 am! really, I ought to have been able to do that easily yesterday, but I didn't get moving until too late which, because I didn't have food in my system, through me off entirely
✨ then I got sucked into social media :facepalm: I meant to only text my roommate to let me know when they woke up and read the latest post from the one political blog I follow, but I got side tracked by opening up tumblr to type this, following a mini yt rabbit hole, reading fanfiction, and scrolling fb; I finally got started on writing this at 11:30 am
I spent last weekend at AWA with two of my friends I never get to see and went to an additional concert with one of them Sunday night, so it was a good thing I had worked so far ahead on my school work, because I felt almost useless the whole week!
I delivered my lesson presentation, but our professor almost exclusively gives feedback to the guys in our group because he "has granddaughters" and thus somehow can't get too intense with his critiques of non-dude students??? which, he almost exclusively gives critiques and not compliments so I honestly have no idea how he felt about my presentation, and I made a pretty huge math error in part of it that a classmate had to catch, so I wish he had just said anything about how I did so I could stop obsessing over it; he's a good teacher, but "soft" sexism is still sexism, and I'm not going to get better if he doesn't tell me what I did well or could improve on
the writing team for an academic paper I'm involved with held an emergency meeting Tuesday instead of Thursday because of schedule conflicts, but it meant I could make requested changes ASAP and have the draft ready for submission by Friday when it was due, and then the conference offered a week extension to everyone anyways!
Wednesday was the second test for my hardest class, fortunately moved from Monday because our professor forgot about it; he hadn't handed back the homework relating to the section by the time of the test, so I don't think I did all that great on it
by Thursday I was doing pretty alright, especially since I could nap instead of going to our usual writing team meeting; I actually had a student show up to my online office hours, but he struggled so much with the technology that we hadn't managed to answer a single question by the time he left 45 minutes after he joined; this is particularly concerning because we've been doing classes and office hours online for over a year now, and he's a substitute teacher responsible for working with students himself!
on Friday I actually got up and ate a cooked breakfast before noon (breakfast burger, made breakfast-y by omitting the pickles and adding a fried egg), and then spent that day cleaning up from AWA, which involved laundry and reorganizing the hall closet to fit the cleaning supplies my friend hadn't wanted to keep, and also got the litter boxes cleaned, sink completely empty of dishes, and a few things set aside for donation
Saturday was a bit of a haze, probably because of all my activity the day before, where I didn't get out of bed until noon and spent five hours barely managing to get a third of my homework assignment done before I made dinner (microwave baked potatoes with cheese) and went to bed
✨ it's just after noon now, so I want to finish this by 12:15 pm, then make lunch (fish maybe???) and take the recycling to the center, drop off the donations, and do a bit of grocery shopping with my roommate
0 notes
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round of Voting
Hello and good evening to everyone in the Kimmunity.
Now that the first round of voting has come to a close, I am happy to tell you that we have approached the final round of voting. This is going to decide the winner of each of the 29 categories
Now, before the voting can commence, I need to go over a few house rules with y'all on this very important round of voting.
Rule #1) You can pick any category you desire, but you only get one choice per category. No more than that. Authors may vote on their own stories up to 5 categories.
Rule #2) You cannot split your votes.
Rule #3) You can submit your vote in either one of two approved methods
A) You can submit the form by PM to the Kimmunity Fannies fanfiction account (if you have an FFnet account) The link is here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2622561/KP-Fannie-Committee
B) You can submit the form by an email to the Kimmunity Fannies Yahoo email account. The email address is [email protected].
You cannot, however, do both. It will screw up the system.
Rule #4) You have to submit your vote by June 14th at 11:59 PM (Central US TIME). No votes will be accepted after this date.
Rule 5) You have to put your normal screen name (be it Tumblr, Twitter, DA, FFnet, the active KP forums, or Instagram) under your vote so that it'll tell me who has voted.
Rule #6) And this is the most important rule of all -- You CANNOT share your vote on any social media site (be it Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facetime, Kik...etc.). The Final Vote Round of the KP Fannies has been private in the past and we, as members of the Council, want to retain it as such as part of our tradition in this fandom.
Rule #7) In the event that a tie emerges in a category, it will go into a runoff to determine a winner. And if still tied, the Sharper Eye test will come into play. (i.e. the story with the most faves and follows will win out in the end.)
With all the house rules in play, may the best author win.
EDIT 1: Had to put in the actual email address to submit votes. :P
Below is the nominees list:
1) Best KP Style Name
Rebecca Starlet (Nacos and a Movie) - StW
Geneous - (Dynamic Reversal) - Emperor of Dreams
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accuarate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
BattleSkarr & S'ordcClash (All Things Probable) - Slyrr
2) Best Original Character
Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accurate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
Rebecca Starlet - (Nacos and a Movie) - STW
Emmie & Jennie Gold - Possibles Pure Love Road -kmtdiccion
Cappuchino - RJ & Martin - Emersonian
Rhino - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
3) Best Minor Character
Monique - That's So Monique - NeoTyson
Tara - The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Bonnie, Monique, Camille, Tara, & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Bates - A Servants Loyalty- Daccu65
Connie & Lonnie Rockwaller - Fun with Con and Lon - Icarus the Foxkidd
Monique - Center Will Not Hold ... Or Will It - SimplyShelbs16
4) Best Villain
Bonnie, Camille & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Monkey Fist - (RJ & Martin) Emersonian
Dementor - Sophmore Slump - SimplyShelbs16
KP, Drakken and Shego - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
Gemini - This Is Our Year: Postgraduation - F86Sabre53
DNAmy - Sheryl - GerbilHunter
5) Best Songfic
The 12 Days of a Possible Family Christmas - STW
KP Never Lets It Go to Her Heart - Ozzy-Zike Fan 10.57
6) Best AU Story
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
KP: Gifted - LJ58
Two Tickets For Murder - eoraptor
A Journey Through Time - DisneyChannelLover
7) Best Crossover-Fusion
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion (fusion)
Sky Blue, Ocean Blue - purplegirl761 (Steven Universe)
Turbo a KPPR Story - brycewade1013 (Power Rangers)
A CO N*** Mole Rat in the Schnee Mansion - daccu65 (RWBY)
KP: A Tale of Promethus - LJ58 (KP/Frankenstein Fusion)
The Grim Adventures of Kim and Ron - shadowwriter329 (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
8) Best Alt-Other Canon Pairing
Bonnie & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Ron & Tara - Today My Life Begins - kmtdiccion
Bonnie & Shego - MrDrP - Picture This
Bonnie & Tim - MasterDuelistMichael - The Tweeb and the Queen B
Bonnie & Ron - Honey Pot - Mr Aanonymous
Ron & Shego - Your Loss is My Gain - Kixen
9) Best Kigo
Canadian Wedding - Von Uriken
I Forget - obscurebeing
Through the Timestream -RedWolfBlack
KP: A Blonde Moment - eoraptor
Acid Rain - VoltageStone
Morning Conversations - FeudorLaurent
10) Best Drakgo
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
Expiration, Pudding and Plums - Imyoshi
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Unlike the Others - nobody3456
Evil Family - MaRci3o9
11) Best Kim/Ron
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - Eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Could It Be - Shasta627
12) Best Comedy
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Midsummer Nightmare - SimplyShelbs16
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Picture This - MrDrP
13) Best Romance
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Could It Be - Shasta 627
When the Ball Drops - GerbilHunter
14) Best Friendship
It Came with the Lanyards - SimplyShelbs16
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Just Like Old Times - nobody3456
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
15) Best Action-Adventure
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - eoraptor
I'm Scared too - Magic Flying Spud
MMP Twist: Exchange - Czech8
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
This is Our Year: College - F86Sabre53
16) Best Drama
Awkweird- SimplyShelbs16
Dead Man Switch - Sentinel103
KP: Gifted - LJ58
The Line - Icarus the Foxkidd
Standards - eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
17) Most Unlikely-Unique
Coffee Shop Nights - Magic Flying Spud
Two Diverged Into One - DisneyChannelLover
Too Close for Comfort - James SunderlandsPillow
S D Equals K - Neo the saiyan Angel.
Groundhog Daze - Mahler Avatar
KP: Gifted - LJ58
18) Best One-Shot
Lesson One - eoraptor
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Could It Be - Shasta627
Christmas Surprises - F86Sabre53
19) Best Novel-Sized Story
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
RJ & Martin - Emersonian
KP: Gifted - LJ58
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
20) Best Short Story
Awkweird - SimplyShelbs16
The Initiative and Other Interruptions - Jimmy1201
Motherhood - Taurusdoodles99
The Adventures of Anna Stoppable: Trip to Japan- F86Sabre53
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
Reunion: Memories & Resolution - Nathaniel E. Kenway
21) Best Series
Center Will Not Hold Series - SimplyShelbs16
Blonde Moment Series - Eoraptor
S Plus D Equakls K Series - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Where the Wind Blows Series - LJ58
This Is Our Year Series - F86Sabre53
I Let Her Lie Series - Nathaniel E. Kenway
22) Best M-Rated Story
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
My Kind of Hero - DismalOrc29177
An Average Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
My RonRon Time - NeoTyson
KP: Impossible Journey- LJ58
23) Best New Author
24) Best Single Line
Nacos and a Movie - (Chapter 26: The Fight: Round 2)
"Shego's battlesuit, meet Kim Possible! Kim Possible, meet Shego's Battlesuit!"
Drakken presented Team Possible with a nasty surprise (Shego's Battlesuit made exactly from the specs of Kim's Battlesuit) and said suit was presented dramatically (i.e. a thunderstorm).
Sky Blue Ocean Blue (purplegirl761) Single lines:
"Don't say that!" Drakken hollers. "You think there isn't a part of me that wants that more than I care to admit? You think there isn't a part of me that would still love to do exactly that? Well, there is! And every time I listen to that part of me, horrible things happen to me and the rest of the world! Ruin! Chaos! Tragedy! Mutant termites! Despair! Fast food restaurants warped beyond recognition! Screaming people! Brainwashed people! People tortured – forced to sit on ice cubes until their rears freeze!"
-from the latest chapter of Sky Blue, Ocean Blue
Last Dance - Whitem: "The two were now standing in the middle of the room, enveloped in silence, and Kim noticed that Ron was floating away from her.
"Please Ron… don't go!" A frail hand reached out to the man she had loved for her entire life. "I… I want to go with you."
Ron's slowly fading form smiled as he answered. "I'm sorry Kim, but you can't. It's not your time. You still have a few more good years left. I waited for you during my lifetime, and I can wait for you in eternity. I love you KP."
Lesson One - Eoraptor Best line: "KP, Ninja school? Sounds cool, but so totally not for me. I spent my first day tangled in, or out of, my own clothes; couldn't eat a meal for like a week, and almost wrecked the joint with a magical sumo stomp. And on top of all that? No fast food!"
"But then I realized — I'll never defeat you. You're smarter than me — than most people — and boy do you know how to win a fight. You see Kimberly Ann," Drakken lectured. "What started all of this was one little thought: If I can't take over the world, maybe she can." - I'm Scared Too
(Magic Flying Spud)
arandomshipper - KP The Princess Bride -
From behind her she heard the sound of many swords being drawn. She sighed. "You reeeeeaaaally don't wanna do this, boys."
"We have our orders."
"If you were ordered to jump off a cliff, would you do that, too? This isn't any different, when it comes down to it, except this way will be more painful."
Butterfly's Wings by Vyrkerion again
-- build up to line: [I could paraphrase a more succinct explanation, but eh it's just a nomination] His skin was pale, and somewhat translucent revealing embedded circuitry and mechanical bits hidden below the surface. Even still then the faintest hints of where freckles used to be dotted across his cheeks. His eyes were a soft brown punctuated with a brilliant glowing red emitting from the depths of his pupils. Most of his head was burnt and scarred, the remnants of the machines fusing with his body, but patches of dusty blonde hair could still be seen sticking out from his scalp.
Kim choked, "Oh… Oh god… no. NO." And with that, Kosch the Killer released his grip on Kim Possible's throat and sent the girl plummeting.As she fell, she could see Kosch mutter something and in her last moments of conscious barely lip-read the words:
-- the actual line I'm nominating:
Die. Kay. Pee.
Die KP.
25) CPNeb Kimmunity Award
SimplyShelby16, Magic Flying Spud, Jerridian, Tennente, Legionniare24601, and Neo the Saiyan Angel.
26) Kimmunity Achievement Award
Whitem, MrDrP, Neo the Saiyan Angel, Jimmy1201, Mahler Avatar, Molloy
27) Best Reviewer
Invader Johnny, MrDrP, Mindless Violence Fan, Jimmy1201, Neotyson, Uberscribber.
28) Best Story of 2018
Nacos and a Movie- STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
KP: Gifted - LJ58
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Step Up - Icarus the Foxkidd
Another Kind of Drama- Novashiro
Honey Pot - Mr. Aanonymous
29) Best Writer of 2018
STW, Kmtdiccion, Eoraptor, SimplyShelbs16, MagicFlyingSpud, Neo the Saiyan Angel, IcarustheFoxkidd, Jimmy1201.
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