#this is a smutty love letter to the crocbug fandom
deathbyclown · 4 months
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The Outfit
Pairing: Crocodile/Buggy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Mildly Dubious Consent, butt plug, anal sex, Buggy has nipple piercings and is a slut (affectionate).
Summary: Buggy is wearing The Outfit and everyone knows what that means, except for Crocodile, who will find out soon enough.
(Buggy’s horny and wears a specific outfit to announce it to potential suitors. He’s looking for sex and anyone will do. Crocodile incidentally volunteers)
A/N: The story starts from Buggy’s perspective and then switches to Crocodile’s.
Read on AO3 (for the fellow fanfic readers who want to keep scrolling tumblr, so they open it in a tab among 100 other unread fics, certain that they will read it later. This link is for u 💖)
🎪🐊🎪🐊🎪🐊 🎪🐊🎪🐊🎪🐊 🎪🐊🎪🐊
As soon as Buggy stepped into the bar, all eyes were on him. As they should be. He was dressed in The Outfit™. The crowd practically parted for him as he walked forward to the bar and he gave his admirers a dazzling smile. He could hear the buzz of whispers and murmurs and he knew every single person in this room was talking about him. Thinking about him. And it was exactly what he wanted.
He put both elbows on the bar and leaned forward, purposefully sticking out his ass as he waved down the bartender. A few people sidled up beside him, offering to buy him a drink. He flipped his hair over his shoulder and accepted their generosity with a sharp toothed smile.
Tonight was about sex. And if you were part of the Buggy crew, you knew that because of the what Buggy was wearing. He wore his most revealing clothes, thigh-high striped socks, tight shorts, and a silky, billowing, open buttoned shirt. And when the crew saw their captain wearing The Outfit™ they knew Buggy was looking to get laid. It was something that had been established years ago, by accident at first, and then it slowly became the norm, until the sight of Buggy’s clothes had a Pavlovian effect on the crew.
So, Buggy had quite the crowd surrounding him as he sipped from his beer bottle, legs spread as he sat back on the barstool, elbows resting on the bar behind him while he chatted with his groupies.
“Chairman! You look so good tonight!”
“Captain Buggy! Come sit next to me!”
“Let me buy you the next drink!”
They were clamoring for his attention. He smiled lazily at them, listening to their praises, indulgently nodding and sparing glances here and there, along with the lightest touch to hands and shoulders.
Internally Buggy was frantically trying to pick someone to take back to his tent because his dick was straining in his shorts. He had been horny all day and was at his wits end. It’s not like he was trying to make himself horny either! He woke up this morning hard as a rock so he jerked off, as any sensible person would. But by the time he cleaned up and finished getting dressed he could feel it again, the arousal. And he was half-hard despite taking care of himself earlier! But there was nothing he could do about that because he was late for his meeting and had absolutely no time to quickly rub one out. He used every trick in his book to will away his boner, but to no avail. No, this was something deeper than morning wood. It was the hot creeping tingle under his skin, the need to be touched, kissed, held, to cum because of someone else. And he realized he was craving a partner, but he couldn’t do anything about it! He would have to wait until after the stupid Cross Guild meeting was finished and then he’d actually take care of his problem.
He really did try to pay attention to what Crocodile and Mihawk were saying, because he knew they could turn to him at any moment. But try as he might, he spent most of the time daydreaming about his potential partner. And his fantasy was fueled by the dressed down sight of Crocodile, who was standing before Mihawk and Buggy sharing data or numbers about something. Buggy was instead fixated on Crocodile’s appearance; he had his jacket off, his sleeves rolled up, his finger pressing into a sheet of paper on the table, making his arms flex, a few strands of hair framing his face, his signature cigar wiggling between this teeth as he spoke. And whatever he was saying went totally unheard by Buggy, who could only think about how he wanted to be held down by someone with arms like his. Muscular, a little hairy, powerful.
Buggy was lost in his fantasy about some faceless, large man bending him over the meeting table and was shocked to see Mihawk leaving and Crocodile gathering his papers. They didn’t ask him a single question! Normally he’d feel a little offended that they didn’t even talk to him but not today! The meeting was over and he was finally free to be as horny as he wanted! He was grateful that he wore his baggy red outfit because he was rock hard by the time the meeting ended, so he hurried away before Crocodile could tell him to stick around.
As soon as he made it back to his room he tore off his clothes and flipped onto his bed, squeezing his cock. He slowly stroked himself, that hot pulse of arousal building before it plateaued, leaving him frustrated. He needed to be penetrated, and by a person if he wanted to cum. So he grabbed his largest butt plug and set it down beside him as he fingered himself open. He was generous with the lube, already lost in another fantasy of someone else’s fingers spreading and stretching him. His cock twitched and leaked, sweat gathered in the creases of his body as he pushed himself to the edge. But he just couldn’t go over, as if there was a roadblock. He growled in frustration, flopping onto his belly and rutting into the covers. He stopped after a few thrusts, knowing he wasn’t getting anywhere.
He grabbed the plug and got on his knees, lifting his ass in the air. He detached his torso and circled behind himself to push the plug in. He groaned as he watched and felt it spread him open and then sink into him. He had the fleeting thought of fucking himself with his own dick, but he had tried it several times before with unsatisfactory results. Unfortunately for him, he’d have to find a partner.
Buggy reattached and sat up, regretting it almost immediately. He squirmed and gripped his bedcovers, the plug pushing deliciously into his prostate. He took a steadying breath and stood up, his legs trembling slightly. The plug was a double-edged sword. It got him ready and helped to scratch the itch to be penetrated, but it stoked his arousal, making him feel like he wanted to burst out of his skin.
It took him a while to get dressed, too busy squeezing his eyes shut and taking deep breaths to try and calm his dick. He may or may not have rutted against his mattress a few more times to relieve the ache. And sitting at his vanity to do hair and makeup was a test of self-control, which Buggy lacked. He’d start lining his eyes or brushing on eyeshadow and shift a certain way, pleasure shooting up his spine, which meant he had to put down his tools and touch himself. And he couldn’t stop biting at his lips, so he had to redo his lipstick several times and scrub his teeth because he kept getting red on the inside of his mouth.
By the time he left his tent he felt frazzled, messier than what he would’ve liked, but good enough to seem put together in the dim lights of the bar. Each step he took felt like he was being shocked, like he was a live wire, sensitive and electric. It was frustrating but exhilarating, and he was grateful the tent that held the bar wasn’t too far away.
And when he walked in, all of that extra time and struggle was worth it. They couldn’t stop staring.
So now he had to decide who was the best candidate to give him what he wanted. He dismissed a lot of people who were the same size as him or shorter. He focused on the ones who towered over him; The bigger, the better (at least for tonight). He had two very tall thick people on either side of him, leaning toward him, paying him compliments, brushing their fingers through his hair, running their hands along the exposed fuzzy skin of his thighs. He was going to have a very hard time choosing tonight, but the pulse in his cock told him to make his decision sooner rather than later.
The person on his right, a huge dark haired man, with a broad chest, thick fingers and round belly had his hand on Buggy’s shoulder and leaned in close to speak softly in his ear.
“Captain, let me take care of you tonight. I can give you everything you want and more.”
The man’s hot breath sent a shiver through Buggy and he sent a hand to rest behind the man’s neck, keeping him close.
“Mmm, what do you think I want?” Buggy gave him a sly grin, his other hand sliding up the man’s thigh.
The man’s breath hitched, his large hand that was around Buggy’s waist moved to slide inside his shirt, his fingers playing with Buggy’s pierced nipple.
“I hope you’ll pardon my forwardness, Captain, but I think you want to get fucked.”
Buggy bit his lip, releasing it to moan softly as the man pulled at his piercing, the sensation going straight to his dick. Buggy nodded, turning his body so he had better access.
“I think I could sit you on my lap and fuck you right here in front of everyone.” He whispered huskily into Buggy’s ear.
Buggy moaned and then crashed their lips together, eagerly kissing the man, who kissed him back with the same fervor. The man’s words had Buggy feeling hot, his skin sensitive to every little touch. He wanted it so badly, to be taken, he didn’t care how or where, or even with who, just that he needed it now, and he was seriously considering crawling onto this man’s lap and sitting on his cock in front of everyone.
The man broke off the kiss and Buggy whined, needing to feel his tongue and heat.
“I’m a little busy here, mate-” The man started but froze when he saw who interrupted them. Crocodile had his hook on the man’s shoulder, his eyes sharp but his face neutral, almost easygoing.
“I need to speak with the…Chairman.” Crocodile looked pointedly at Buggy who was still draped across the man, body parts everywhere.
Inside Buggy was freaking out, gnashing his teeth and pulling his hair in frustration; on the outside he managed a whiny petulant tone instead.
“What?! Why????”
“Important business. Confidential.” He gave Buggy’s suitor a look, who stood immediately, forcing Buggy to pull himself together to maintain his balance on the stool.
“I’ll be taking Buggy with me. Come on.” Crocodile walked away and Buggy sat there for a moment weighing his options. Stay here and ride this nice gentleman but face the wrath of Crocodile; or wait another day to get off but avoid upsetting Crocodile.
Buggy twirled a finger in his hair, leaning over to the man he was flirting with but he already left. Buggy looked to his other side and it seemed the rest of his suitors turned tail and ran. Fine! He’d follow Crocodile for now, but he was coming right back when he was done!
Now he had done it. When had he become so impulsive when it came to that clown? He used to be so methodical; everything had a place and a plan, and three more to follow. But ever since he formed Cross Guild everything felt so chaotic. As organized as he tried to make it, as efficient and straightforward as he planned it to be, he could never account for Buggy. Somehow he would always throw a wrench in his plans, even when Crocodile thought he had a read on him. Without fail, Buggy managed to do the unexpected.
Crocodile sat in a corner of the bar, needing get away from his office. He had been wanting to get a feel for Buggy’s crew so he came to the most popular bar on the island. But shortly after he sat down he began to regret even coming here. The alcohol was cheap, the people loud and rowdy, and it reeked of weed and body odor. He was ready to leave when someone walked into the tent that drew everyone’s attention.
Crocodile sat up and he saw Buggy and… what the hell was he wearing? He looked like he belonged in a clown strip club, showing more skin than he’s ever seen from Buggy. He’s worn that stupid red blanket nearly every day since he arrived, but this? This was unprecedented. He looked so stupid and ridiculous and… Crocodile lost his train of thought as he watched Buggy stick out his ass when he reached the bar. The exposed skin of his thighs bulged slightly around his tight shorts and socks. And his ass looked thick, round, like it was begging to be grabbed or smacked.
What the hell did he think he was doing, waving his ass around like he was in heat. It was unbecoming of the unintentional face of Cross Guild and an Emperor. He didn’t want to stick around and watch this clown embarrass himself or the organization. He sat back in his seat, knocked back the rest of his shitty whiskey and sat a few berry under the glass, ready to leave once again, but he heard something that made him pause.
The people at the booth in front of him chatted loudly about Buggy and his outfit. One of them recounted the last time Buggy wore his ‘horny clothes’ and how they had nearly slept with Buggy but lost out to some lady with huge tits. Crocodile chewed on the information, the scowl deepening on his face as he thought over what he heard and what he was watching. Buggy had clothes he wore to announce that he wanted sex? How absurd and disgusting. And how had Crocodile never seen or heard about this? Was this a common occurrence? He rarely came to the bar so it would make sense that he never would’ve seen Buggy’s sex clothes. Was he that desperate for sex that he had to use his subordinates? He really was pathetic and shameless.
And he was acting shameless, too, spreading his legs, his erection obvious in his tight shorts, leaning into his admirers, letting them touch him. It wasn’t right. But technically Buggy wasn’t doing anything wrong or against Crocodile’s rules, his behavior was just distasteful.
And that’s why Crocodile was so frustrated, because Buggy was just being annoying. Surely that was why he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the clown. Or why he suddenly found himself on his feet when he saw that man pull Buggy close, whisper in his ear, and touch his chest. Or why he moved toward them when he saw Buggy crash their lips together.
Before he knew it he had his hook on the man’s shoulder, with absolutely no idea why he was here or what he was going to say. All he knew was he felt relief when Buggy stopped kissing that stranger. So he told him the first thing that came to mind: business. Which was so stupid not even a clown like Buggy would fall for it. He told Buggy to follow, but he really didn’t expect him to listen.
He left the bar and lit a cigar to re-center himself. What the hell was that? Why did he walk over and stop Buggy? He thought about Buggy’s outfit and his behavior and the man who kissed him. He grimaced at the images and sucked in a large mouthful of smoke before letting it out slowly. He could admit, begrudgingly, that maybe Buggy was a little attractive in his outfit. So what? He wasn’t some unruly teen getting worked up over a flash of skin. So why would it bother him? The answer flitted through his mind and he sneered at his own thoughts.
Jealousy? He scoffed aloud. Please.
Buggy burst from the tent flaps turning to Crocodile who was standing beside the entrance, chewing on his cigar with his hand in his pocket and his hook held to his chest. Buggy separated himself to be eye level with Crocodile and got in his face.
“What the hell was that!? Why did you interrupt me!? I was kinda busy, in case you hadn’t noticed!”
Crocodile grimaced and blew smoke in Buggy’s face, making him cough, his eyes tearing up, forcing him to retreat.
Why the hell did the clown follow? He looked over Buggy’s body and he felt that annoyance again. And, unfortunately, he had a name for it: Jealousy. He let out a huff.
“Emergency meeting. We’re going to my office to discuss it.” Crocodile lied, once again leaving Buggy behind, walking in the direction of his office.
What the hell was he going to make the emergency meeting about? He’d have to find something to seem important enough to interrupt both of their evenings. Or think of something to distract Buggy until he forgot that he pulled him from the bar.
He felt a little spark of pleasure at the idea of stealing Buggy away for himself and frowned deeper, biting his teeth into his cigar.
Buggy made a sound of disbelief, high pitched and grating, and he zoomed forward to catch up to Crocodile.
“Whaaatt!? That’s such bullshit!” Buggy tugged at Crocodile’s shoulders to try and get him to slow down but it didn’t do a thing. Buggy’s hands felt searing on his shoulders, his heat sinking through the layers of Crocodile’s clothing. He had to keep moving, not wanting to let his thoughts catch up to him.
“C’mon, do you really need me? You’re so much smarter, I’ll just hold you back! So just let me go and you can-“
Crocodile stopped abruptly and Buggy slammed into his back with a honk from his nose before dropping down to meet his feet. He was definitely smarter than Buggy, stronger too. So why was he even entertaining this?
“Why the hell did you do that, you flashy idiot!” Buggy rubbed at his nose, glaring up at Crocodile, who turned and gave him a much more dangerous look. Buggy recoiled, holding up his hands, already trying to right his wrong. And as he looked over Buggy he remembered exactly why he was doing this. He couldn’t let Buggy go back to that bar with his shirt open so wide he could see one of his pierced nipples looking so pink and pert, begging to be touched, his shorts riding so high the tip of his dick peeked out. He took a step forward, drawn by the sight of Buggy’s skin
“W-wait, it was just a slip of the tongue!”
How could this clown be so oblivious and obvious at the same time? He was clearly looking for sex, and yet how could he not realize the effect he was having on Crocodile? The taller man looked over him and took another step forward and Buggy let out a little shriek and took a step back.
“Croccy! Baby! I was just being silly! I’m a clown, just a silly little clown! No need to take me seriously!”
He bent forward and lifted his hook, and Buggy squeaked and scrunched his face ready for pain, but he tapped the underside of his chin, making him look up at Crocodile.
“You say you’re a clown, so why are you dressed like a whore?”
Buggy’s eyes widened in surprise and his face turned bright red. “I- I am not dressed like-” but as he glanced down at himself he changed course.
“Well! If you have to know!..I was looking for a-a date tonight! Y’know someone to…” Buggy made a motion with his hand like he wanted Crocodile to fill in the blank, but he just stared down at Buggy, keeping his face impassive. Buggy huffed in frustration and dipped his chin down, bringing a hand to cover his forehead and his eyes.
“I was looking for sex tonight, ok! You happy? I’m wearing this outfit that makes me look like a “whore” because I want to get fucked. Is that what you wanted to hear? Fucking hell!” Buggy turned his back to Crocodile clearly uncomfortable and working himself into a rage.
“Do you need dick that badly?” Crocodile asked derisively, but his tone sounded a little too earnest for his ears. Because inside he was feeling an irritating combination of jealousy and lust.
Buggy whipped around and detached his torso to grab Crocodile by the front of his jacket. “Yes! Yes I do need it that badly! So please let me go back. I’ll do anything!” Buggy’s face was pleading, eyes shining and large, lips in a soft pout.
Crocodile grit his teeth, crunching into his cigar. How? How could he look so pathetic and cute at the same time? He was shameless, asking to be let go for sex, but hearing him say it out loud, begging him so earnestly, it sent his blood south.
Buggy let go of Crocodile’s shirt in fear when he saw his face, mistaking the dangerous look in his eyes and the vein pulsing in his forehead as anger.
They were stopped close to the little building that held Crocodile’s office. He had enough self control not to push Buggy into the nearest tent or into the ground and take him right there, but he was still a man. He’d take care of this problem for Buggy (and make him forget about going back to that stupid bar to find someone that didn’t deserve to sleep with an Emperor).
He grabbed Buggy around the middle and threw him over his shoulder. He’d take Buggy to his bed and give him dick so good he’d never wear that ridiculous outfit in public again. He redirected them toward his personal tent.
“H-hey! Crocodile! C’mon, I know you don’t need my help that badly! How about this, I’ll go do my thing at the bar really quick and then I’ll meet you back at your office. How does that sound?” Buggy babbled, clearly trying to dig himself out of this situation.
“Shut up.” Crocodile growled, becoming hornier and more annoyed by the minute.
Buggy broke in half, his arms wrapping around Crocodile’s neck, burying his face in his exposed skin.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what I did wrong but I’m really really sorry! Please don’t punish me.” He whined, nearly in Crocodile’s ear, which was uncomfortably loud.
“I’m not punishing you, idiot.” He grit out, trying to suppress the full body shiver that was building under his skin at the feeling of Buggy’s lips and nose on the sensitive skin of his neck.
“R-really?” Buggy asked timidly, his warm breath tickling the hairs on Crocodile’s neck, making him want to swat at Buggy.
“Yes. But I should punish you because you won’t stop annoying me.” He threatened. Buggy shut up but continued to hold onto his neck. Unfortunately, any punishments he tried to think of for Buggy at this moment had Buggy on his knees.
He lifted the flap of the tent and ducked inside, carrying Buggy to the bed and dropped each half of him down with a thump.
“Wait. This isn’t your office.” Buggy put himself together and sat on his knees, looking up Crocodile in confusion.
He smoothed back his hair, put out his cigar and hung his jacket on the little rack next to his dresser. He stood in front of Buggy and undid the belt of his pants, sliding it off and letting it fall to the floor with a thunk.
Buggy watched with his mouth slightly agape, eyes unable to pull away from Crocodile’s hand working at the buttons of his vest.
“Get undressed.” Crocodile told him, pulling Buggy out of his trance.
“Wait what? Why?” He looked throughly confused.
“You said you needed dick.” Crocodile answered, unbuttoning his shirt, removing his hook and sliding it off.
Buggy’s jaw dropped and he let out a sort of wheezing sound. “Y-yours?”
Crocodile’s hand stilled on the buttons of his pants and he felt a flash of self-doubt which just made him angry. He fixed Buggy with a cold stare.
“Is that a problem?” He asked lowly, his voice dangerously calm.
Buggy’s face flushed with color. “N-no! Not a problem!” He eagerly removed his clothes, writhing on the bed as he struggled with his shorts.
“Tsk.” Crocodile felt frustrated with himself for giving Buggy something he so clearly wanted and for indulging himself like this. When did he become so weak-willed?
Buggy’s attention was drawn by the sound Crocodile made. His eyes flicked up to Crocodile’s and then moved downward, tracing over the exposed skin of his chest before settling on Crocodile’s half-hard erection pushing against the fabric of his underwear.
Crocodile smirked, the feeling of Buggy’s obvious appreciation of his body gave him a heady feeling, helping to ease his previous self-doubts. He stepped closer to Buggy, whose eyes did not move to meet his. Crocodile grabbed at his hardening cock and stroked it through his underwear.
“Is this what you want? Beg for it.”
Buggy whimpered and nodded, abandoning his shorts in favor of moving to the edge of the bed to get his hands on Crocodile’s dick.
Crocodile held him back, grabbing him under his chin and tilting his face up.
“What did I just say?” He asked, annoyance in his voice.
“Y-yes! Please, Croccy, I want it. I want your dick! Please give it to me.” Buggy begged, his hands sliding over Crocodile’s hips, pushing down his underwear. As soon as his cock was free Buggy’s hands were on it, touching and pulling and squeezing him. The hot feeling of Buggy’s hands on him, his desperation, it made his cock harden and grow under his touch.
Crocodile pushed him away, making him fall backwards onto the bed. He pushed down on Buggy’s chest with his handless forearm and hooked his fingers in Buggy’s shorts, ripping them down, his cock springing free. Crocodile wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t wearing underwear, but he was surprised to see a large sparkly pink jewel between his cheeks. Crocodile flipped Buggy onto his belly and pulled up his hips to get a better look. Buggy moaned and clawed at the blankets, loving the manhandling, but his squirming was not enough to distract from Crocodile’s discovery.
A butt plug. This fucking clown had in a butt plug the whole time. Crocodile’s cock twitched at the thought, his whole body felt hot, molten lust curling in his belly.
“You’re a disgusting little slut.” Crocodile husked, pulling at the plug, making Buggy gasp. The urge to rip the plug from his body and replace it with his dick was powerful. But he had patience. He wanted to savor this.
“B-be nice!” Buggy rushed out before groaning as Crocodile pulled out the plug to its thickest point, letting it sit at his rim, stretching him.
Be nice? He didn’t seem to realize that Crocodile could be much much crueler than this. He pushed the plug back in sharply, making Buggy moan and clench. Crocodile smacked his ass, hard. Buggy yelped and squirmed and Crocodile smacked him again.
“Don’t forget that I’m doing you a favor, clown.”
“Yes, please, I’m sorry!” Buggy whined, his hands twisting in the blankets.
Crocodile leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the reddened skin of Buggy’s ass. Buggy sighed and then Crocodile bit down on the supple tender flesh.
“Ye-ouch!!” Buggy split apart and tried to move away but Crocodile held his hips still. He dragged his tongue over his bite, soothing it before moving inward. Buggy tensed, and Crocodile could feel him holding his breath. He pulled at the plug and ran his tongue over his pink stretched rim. Buggy quickly let out his breath, shaky with a quiet whine.
He pulled it out further, licking and sucking at his rim and the skin around it, making Buggy whine, the muscles in his thighs twitching with every pass of Crocodile’s tongue.
“Pleeease.” Buggy’s voice was strained, trembling and Crocodile pulled away to glance at Buggy. He looked back at him, his lip quivering, tears in his eyes.
“Crocodile, I need you. Pleeease. I can’t take it anymore.”
Crocodile’s breath caught in his throat. He looked pitiful, and unbelievably alluring. He reached over to his nightstand and rooted through the drawer to retrieve lube and condoms. Buggy watched him with eager eyes, his whole body trembling.
Crocodile kept eye contact with Buggy as he slowly pulled out the plug. His expressions were addictive, brows furrowed, eyes fluttering, mouth open, his face as red as his nose. Crocodile let the plug fall to the bed and his eyes zeroed onto Buggy’s slightly gaping hole which was puffy, and twitching.
“Shit” he said under his breath, squeezing lube between Buggy’s cheeks, pushing two fingers easily into him. Buggy gasped loudly, pushing back onto Crocodile’s fingers. He was already so slick from his own preparations, his fingers gliding easily in and out.
“Mooore!” Buggy whined, hips swirling.
Normally Buggy’s whining would annoy him but right now it was sending arousal straight down, making his dick ache. Any patience he was trying to maintain was thrown to the wayside. He needed to be inside of Buggy. Now.
He rolled the condom on with a practiced hand and positioned his head against Buggy’s hole. Buggy let out a keening sound as Crocodile’s head pushed past his rim. He didn’t let up, slowly but steadily sinking into him.
He was so tight, it made Crocodile grit his teeth. He wanted to be balls deep, to slam into Buggy, but he wasn’t a beast. At least, not unless asked to be, and he prided himself on his self-control. But Buggy certainly wasn’t helping, groaning and panting, trying to push himself back onto Crocodile’s dick, forcing him to go faster. Crocodile maintained a firm grip on Buggy’s hip, making him go at Crocodile’s pace.
Finally, he pushed in all the way, groaning as he was fully enveloping by Buggy’s tight heat. Buggy was sweating, his head laying on the bed, his face pressed against the covers, drool oozing from the corner of his mouth.
“So good, taking all of me like this.” Crocodile thrust shallowly into Buggy, who moaned at the praise, lifting himself onto his forearms to push himself onto Crocodile’s cock. This clown was really testing his patience.
He grabbed Buggy by the hips and pushed in as deep as he could, making him moan and writhe. He covered Buggy with his body, dipping his head to speak closely to his ear.
“I think you’re forgetting who’s in control.” He pushed Buggy’s chest further into the bed, making him hold his body weight. Buggy moaned loudly, clawing at the blankets underneath of him.
“I’m the one fucking you.” He pulled out and slammed into him. Buggy tensed up suddenly and let out a broken moan, cumming onto the blankets underneath of him.
He came, already? What, is he sensitive or was he that worked up.
“Is my dick that good?” He mocked, feeling frustrated with Buggy and unsure how to take his quick orgasm.
“Yesssss” he hissed, his body twitching with aftershocks.
Absolutely shameless. Crocodile leaned back, pulling out of him.
“Don’t stop, pleeease!” Buggy whined, rolling his hips, his ass jiggling.
Crocodile flipped Buggy onto his back, pushing him further onto the bed and followed after him to sit between his legs. He bent Buggy’s knees back and rubbed his dick against his ass.
“You thought I was done with you?” Crocodile smiled cruelly at Buggy, positioning his head against his entrance once again. He pushed in sharply, bottoming out and Buggy nearly shrieked, hands shooting forward to grip Crocodile’s shoulders.
“You’re not finished until I say so.”
He set a brutal pace, hips slapping into Buggy fiercely, leaving him gasping and clawing at Crocodile’s skin. It was intoxicating, the sight of him, hair fanned out behind him, body shiny with sweat, his makeup smeared.
Crocodile leaned over Buggy, resting on his forearm and using his hand to slide under the back of Buggy’s head, pressed their lips together. His hips slowed as he licked into Buggy’s mouth, the both of them breathing heavily through their noses. Buggy constantly made little sounds as they kissed, whines and moans in the back of his throat, all swallowed by Crocodile.
He kissed Buggy’s cheek and jaw, down to his neck but the difference in their height made it hard for him to bend further down. Buggy split in half, moving upward so Crocodile could continue kissing down his chest. It was a strange sensation for Crocodile, to be comfortably positioned while eye level with another person’s chest. He was so used to having lovers smaller than himself, but now he could easily bite and lick at Buggy’s chest while he kept fucking him.
Crocodile licked Buggy’s hard nipple, his tongue flicking over the metal barbell of his piercing. He could feel Buggy’s hands threading through his hair, his high pitched whines increasing in volume as he tugged on the metal with his teeth. He switched to the other nipple, giving it a similar treatment. His hips moved faster, spurred on by Buggy’s sounds and the feeling of his hands tugging at his hair.
“Fuck!fuck!fuck!” Buggy swore with every thrust Crocodile made. He moved up to suck at Buggy’s neck, his own pleasure mounting.
“Crocodile!” Buggy cried, body twitching as he came again, a warm wet spurt reaching Crocodile’s stomach. Crocodile groaned into Buggy’s moist skin as Buggy clenched around his dick. He smashed their lips together, stealing Buggy’s breath and whimpers. He moved his hips quickly, skin slapping against Buggy’s, riding the tight clenching of Buggy’s ass.
“Shit” he panted against Buggy’s lips, gritting his teeth and groaning, pushing deeply into Buggy as he came, the pulses of his orgasm intense.
He laid over Buggy for a few moments, crushing him with his body weight, making Buggy wheeze. When Buggy started frantically patting his arm, that’s when Crocodile lifted off of Buggy. He pulled out and sat back on the bed, tying off the condom as Buggy lay panting and sweaty on the bed. He had his eyes closed, his body still split in half and his legs spread wide open. Crocodile had a fleeting thought that he would’ve liked to see his cum leaking out of Buggy while he was like this. Maybe next time he would forgo the condom.
Crocodile himself was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his hair sticking to the sides of his face. He pushed his damp hair out of his face and slid back to the pillows, grabbing a cigar and a lighter from his nightstand. Buggy still lay there panting heavily, still trying to catch his breath. The lazy fuck.
Crocodile leaned back on the pillows, taking a few puffs from his cigar, the smoke always more delicious after an orgasm. Maybe now that he had sex he’d able to think more clearly about why he had found Buggy so arousing.
He glanced down at said clown, who slowly hovered up to Crocodile and flopped onto his chest, hugging him close, pressing scattered kisses over his pecs. This man was a literal fool and his earnest shows of emotion should’ve gotten him killed long ago. But his affection made Crocodile’s heart squeeze. Buggy nuzzled a stubbled cheek into Crocodile’s skin, leaving a smear of muddied makeup on his chest. Crocodile didn’t want to think about what his own face looked like right now.
He put out his cigar and turned off the light, already feeling annoyance dampening his nice post-orgasm mood. He pulled Buggy close and let him snuggle into his neck, throwing the covers over the both of them. The twinge of annoyance he felt wasn’t aimed at Buggy. He sighed softly and pet the clown’s hair. No, Crocodile was annoyed with himself because he didn’t want to let Buggy go.
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