#this is a normal and healthy way to view a sport/hobby
s0litaire-y · 1 year
swam a second slower than usual on my best event i am going to kill myself
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almyrachiam-blog · 10 months
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The word fandom can be found first used all the way back to 1903. The word can be easily described as all the fans whether it be fans of a certain sports team or fans of a famous celebrity (Merriam-Webster 2023. A fandom can also be described as a social network that has particular practices that fans usually put all their time and energy into if it is according to their object of interest (Geraskier 2020). Fans of a fandom usually share a common interest in a particular topic or things of interest. A fandom can also be defined as a subculture in which fans gather together in a sense of empathy and camaraderie. 
The speed of growth of a fandom varies based on the interests of humans or the activities of an individual. The interest of a fan can vary from either a narrow type of view or a wider type of view. A narrow-interest fan usually focuses on something like famous celebrities such as Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber while a wider-interest fan can be defined as a fan that focuses on entire music genres, hobbies, games, or even fashions (Gerakier 2020). 
A good example of a fandom is BTS  'ARMY’. This fandom is very well known globally as the global legion of fans for the Korean boy group BTS. This fandom not only focuses on the catchy upbeat songs of BTS but also focuses on driving social changes (Morrison 2021).  In 2020, the BTS fandom set up and made many powerful campaigns that allowed them to raise millions of dollars. One of their more famous campaigns was the sabotaging of the then-president of The United States, Donald Trump election campaign through buying tickets to the event and not attending the event itself (Hollingsworth 2020) 
In this modern-day era, technology has been making advancements very quickly.  A participatory culture can be defined as a culture in which individuals are also producers and not only consumers (Jenkins 2009). Social media is currently playing a very big role especially when it comes to allowing fans to be able to share a social connection with other individuals that share the same interest. Fans are given the opportunity to share their ideas with other fans and connect with them using social media as a medium. This has opened many new exciting methods of communicating for fans to interact with each other share their content and receive comments about their content through social media (Willard 2015). 
Fandom is now not just a group of people that has the same interest but also an individual who gets themselves involved whether it be physically or online means. Fans are able to share their reproduced media to the public on social media to other fans whether it be remix tapes or a cover song of their favorite artist or song. A commonly known fandom that practices participatory culture is Taylor Swift’s fandom. Taylor Swift’s fandom group is called The Swifties (PopBuzz 2023). The ‘Swifties’ do not only share and make cover songs of the artist but also right blogs or even create memes with Taylor’s face.
Usually, a healthy fandom emphasizes showing respect and inclusivity in which the creators of the content of interest to the fans and the fandom itself are being respectful towards each other. Even in terms of disagreements, a healthy fandom would remain respectful towards each other but a toxic fandom is the total opposite (Moore 2023). A fan who lacks respect towards other fans and acts violently towards others who have different opinions. Toxic fans are more normally found online on social media, especially on Twitter, more commonly known now as X (Taylor 2023). 
An example of a toxic fandom would be the Star Wars fandom. The fandom has resorted to bullying and racism towards the actors of the movie. One of the best examples of actors/actresses being harassed would be Moses Ingram (Buckley 2022). She has posted on her social media how Toxic the Star Wars fandom is by showing how the fandom has been calling her racial slurs and sending hateful comments to her whether it be through DMs or Comments (Richards 2019).
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As a conclusion, a fandom is defined as all the fans towards a specific content or person of interest. A fandom can also be described as a social network in which fans are able to use social media due to technological advancements to communicate and share their work with others with ease whether it be sharing a cover of their favorite song from a specific artist or even tape remixes. Fans also practice participatory culture in which they directly involve themselves with their content or person of interest whether it be physically or through online means. Fandoms are not only healthy but sometimes can tend to be toxic which might result in bullying, racism, and disrespecting each other's opinions through aggression.
Buckley, MG 2022, ‘Why star wars fans think they can bully the franchise’s actors’, Let’s Overthink That, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://letsoverthinkthat.com/2022/06/19/star-wars-fans-bully-franchise-actors/>.
Chin, B 2023, ‘Week 9 Fandom and fan communities’, MDA 20009, lecture, Swinburne University Of Technology Sarawak, Kuching.
DHCobserver 2023, ‘About DHCobserver’, DHCobserver, viewed 7 November, 2023a, <https://digitalhealthcommunities.org/about>.
Geraskier 2020, ‘What is fandom?’, Medium, Medium, viewed 2 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@geraskier/fandom-1607c5757841>. 
Hollingsworth, J 2020, ‘K-pop fans are being credited with helping disrupt Trump’s rally. here’s why that shouldn’t be a surprise’, CNN, Cable News Network, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/22/asia/k-pop-fandom-activism-intl-hnk/index.html>.
Kulowiec, G 2020, ‘I’ve been thinking...it is time to revisit jenkins’ participatory culture’, Medium, Medium, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@gkulowiec/ive-been-thinking-it-is-time-to-revisit-jenkins-participatory-culture-d375ebd34e94>.
Moore, B 2023, ‘Toxic fandoms: When passion turns to Poison’, Agents of Fandom, Agents of Fandom, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://agentsoffandom.com/toxic-fandoms-when-passion-is-poison/>.
Rebels, G 2021, ‘The power of fandom: What social media marketers can learn from teenage fans’, Medium, Medium, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/@goodrebels/the-power-of-fandom-what-social-media-marketers-can-learn-from-teenage-fans-63c0e184c8a7>.
Richards, D 2019, ‘Star wars: Rian Johnson talks toxic fandom and the last jedi’, CBR, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-last-jedi-rian-johnson-toxic-fandom/>.
Taylor, V 2023, ‘Toxic fandom: What is it?’, Medium, Change Becomes You, viewed 14 November, 2023, <https://medium.com/change-becomes-you/toxic-fandom-what-is-itc8c1520beb06#:~:text=In%20recent%20years%2C%20journalists%2C%20news,seen%20as%20inappropriate%20and%20unpleasant>.
Webster, M n.d., ‘Fandom definition & meaning’, Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fandom#h1>.
Wilson-Taylor, J 2021, ‘What are Taylor Swift fans called?’, PopBuzz, viewed 15 November, 2023, <https://www.popbuzz.com/music/features/what-is-the-fandom-name-for/taylor-swift/>. 
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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I got seven different asks about the College AU so here are some headcanons I have about them! (imagine aiura is in the picture I couldn’t find a good one with all of them)
I definitely didn’t mean to make this so long but I can’t help it I love them all so much<3
Saiki Kusuo
→ marine!!!biology!!!major!!!!!!!!
→ doesn’t need to study but he still does bc he finds marine life so fascinating
→ read all of his textbooks on the first day bc he was so excited eeeek
→ always wears his germanium ring in class so he can stay hashtag focused
→ him and aiura have to bail toritsuka(didn’t go to college) out of jail once a month
→ speaking of aiura, she somehow has convinced him to go on a date on five different occasions
→ i think after high-school he realised he didn’t mind a kind of casual not-relationship with her
→ lets her hug him to greet him and sometimes he hugs back bc college boys stare a lot and he is just worried for her okay?
→ maybe I’m just projecting bc I kin aiura
→ does not go to parties unless he absolutely has to
→ if he does go to a party he’ll drink something quietly in a corner, just watching the crowd
→ a perv laced Teruhashi’s drink and almost lured her up the stairs so of fucking course Kusuo sprinted to help her, holding her on the way home bc men are drawn to her like bees to honey
→ she didn’t let him live it down ever
→ he rented a studio apartment and keeps it super clean, minimum clutter but enough to look lived in
→ cooks amazing food that Nendo smells from upstairs and next thing you know, they’re all bringing chairs to Kusuo’s apartment and have dinner
→ nothing excuses the fact he makes at least eight servings every time–
→ such a dad to everyone honestly
→ usually studies at a library or teleports back home if there’s a big test
→ mrs. saiki was banned from visiting every two days but she still ends up there somehow
→ not that he minds bc he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever
→ probably graduates a year early
→ doesn’t move away even though he got a job at the aquarium at the other side of the city help–
Kaidou Shun
→ fine arts major you can NOT change my mind
→ doesn’t do good in theoretical subjects but mans can draw some good bowls of fruit
→ wears those stained from the paints t-shirts all the time bc ‘no they’re not dirty it’s art!’
→ him and aren have small designated spaces in their apartment so they can focus on their hobbies/studying
→ his corner at the living room has newspapers on the floor to protect it from the splattering paint, some canvases propped up on the wall and a lot of unfinished projects
→ hides all of them when Nendou comes over
→ can not cook or clean to save his life
→ so he calls his mum to help clean up when Aren is at work
→ got over his 8th grader syndrome at some point
→ still wears red bandages bc he’s edgy
→ volunteers at the neighborhood exhibit centre
→ got asked to showcase his own works for a night and hasn’t shut up about it since
→ goes to yumehara for relationship advice and braids her hair as a thank you
→ couples sleepovers with Yumehara and Teruhashi (yes they’re dating shut up)
→ always makes something for Aren at special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries etc)
→ at first he went back home every saturday bc he missed his family :(
→ Aren helps him get over it though!!!!
Nendou Riki
→ got in on a sports scholarship
→ we already know he couldn’t be accepted in a college otherwise
→ in the chiropractic major bc he wants to be one of those athlete doctors
→ has failed way too many exams and classes
→ Hairo helps him so much though!!!
→ the last one in the group to graduate but somehow gets a job first (excluding Saiki)
→ him and hairo get up at 5 am for jogging or to hit the gym
→ and then he goes and gets noodles bc ‘if noodles aren’t for breakfast why do shops open at 6 am?’
→ hasn’t stepped foot in class in months
→ he gets decent grades after failing the first semester and it’s totally not Saiki’s doing
→ he ends up signing up for way too many clubs
→ attends all of the meetings and has so many friends through them
→ I would be his friend too in college honestly
→ a fraternity wanted to get him bc he’s so good at sports
→ he declined bc he does not understand how fraternities even work
→ is the life of EVERY SINGLE PARTY change my mind you can’t
→ whatever you do don’t imagine nendo surprising his boyfriend with flowers after every practice
→ *dies cutely*
Kuboyasu Aren
→ idk I just think he would enjoy Marx’s Capital
→ debate club? hell yeah
→ gets in philosophical conversations at the school yard for HOURS
→ kaidou has to drag him away
→ only shops at thrift stores and makes coffee at home bc “capitalism is not accepted in this household”
→ rides his motorcycle to college even though he lives five minutes away
→ grew his hair out in a mullet again and he looks *chef’s kiss*
→ thought he would be moving too fast if he asked Kaidou to rent an apartment together
→ aiura convinced him it was fine
→ cooks kaidou’s favorite foods every day
→ participates in student rallies, human rights protests etc etc
→ comes home with bruises and kaidou thinks he looks so hot but still yells at him
→ Aren’s favorite place to study is his balcony or at a coffee shop
→ always with kaidou! cute boyfriends who do everything together!!
→ gets so drunk when they go out
→ drunk karaoke with kokomi yes yes yes
Hairo Kineshi
→ did someone say Athletic Training?
→ does every single sport and is amazing at it
→ will cheer for his bf if they have a game at the same time though
→ it was his idea to move in together bc ‘hey we’ve been dating for three years now might as well’
→ volunteers at a nearby elementary as a coach for the kids
→ wants to be a P.E. Teacher and he’s going to be great at it
→ does everything he can at campus
→ helping random clubs, making posters, cleaning up the hallways, helping the cheer squad with their new routine
→ dances ballet as a hobby even though he’s so good at it that he could be a professional
→ makes everything a competition with Nendo so they never get bored
→ once made everyone get up to jog with them and they ended up sleeping on random benches while Hairo and Nendo were halfway across town
→ will punch someone if he sees them catcalling a girl
→ doesn’t drink at all and eats super healthy
→ designated driver for the group’s outings downtown
Aiura Mikoto
→ is so good at stage acting it’s unreal
→ lands the lead role almost every time
→ is also an amazing singer so she gets great roles in musicals as well
→ doesn’t have to get a job bc she gets all her money from doing readings on campus
→ gets coffees and pastries from all the coffee shops around campus and sits Kusuo down so he can taste them
→ they have a little taste-testing date in his apartment until they decide none of them are as good as the ones at Cafe Mami
→ she totally doesn’t make him teleport there every morning and he totally doesn’t listen to her
→ moved in with chiyo bc they wanted a nice place that they couldn’t afford on their own
→ teruhashi told them to move in with her but they already loved their little place
→ aiura’s bedroom is the most comfortable and cozy room ever
→ their apartment is also the hang out spot for the group bc it’s just so homey
→ hangs out with her theatre group a lot, especially after class
→ they can’t compare to her friends though:(
→ everyone goes to her when they’re worried and she loves it bc she’s the mummy of the group
→ she makes everyone coffee and their comfort food before big exams:)
Yumehara Chiyo
→ psychology major one thousand percent
→ you know how they say that people choose psychology bc they don’t know what major they want?
→ that’s exactly what happened except she fell in love with it immediately
→ such a good student!!!
→ always does her assignments on time and still manages to have a social life
→ teruhashi asked her out at the end of their first semester and that’s the first time chiyo missed a deadline
→ practically lives with teruhashi, insisting it’s just to leave aiura alone
→ she’s just IN LOVE OKAY?????
→ would want to be a sorority girl at first
→ changed her mind when she realized how much shit they all talked
→ her and kaidou drink wine and talk about their relationships and studies
→ she’s so sleep deprived it’s unreal
→ she doesn’t need sleep anymore though
→ coffee is her best friend
→ makes asks Aiura for readings twice a week
→ brings all her psychology friends home and they analyze their textbooks
→ once she got the hang of it, she decided to examine Kusuo
→ she told him he needs actual medical evaluation
→ he almost threw her out the window when she offered some Xanax for his nerves
→ chiyo is a neat freak one hundred percent
→ hates when Aiura throws everything on the floor, but she loves cleaning
→ opens her own office after school
Teruhashi Kokomi
→ lesbian doctor :)
→ just wanted to get away from her perv brother at first
→ she always wanted to be a doctor though, preferably a neurosurgeon
→ she’s super duper smart and hates when she gets good grades bc of her good looks:(
→ makes it her goal to show her professors that she’s more than a beautiful girl
→ hasn’t failed a single exam
→ helps everyone with their studies even though she’s drowning in work
→ drops the perfect girl image at college and decides she should try and aim for something normal
→ gets invited to every single party
→ in a knitting club bc it would get disbanded without one more member
→ knits!!!matching!!!sweaters!!!for all of her friends!!!
→ asked Chiyopipi out while drunk
→ never regretted it though
→ her and aren get so drunk when they go out with the group
→ it’s honestly unreal how much they can drink before passing out
→ has to get carried home
→ wakes up after getting drunk and runs to her class before remembering it’s Sunday
→ her penthouse has the perfect view of the sunset and sunrise and is all she could ask for in life
→ does get lonely so she’s practically living with Chiyo and Aiura
→ once she realized she didn’t like boys she made it her goal to get Saiki and Aiura together
→ people wonder how she has so much time to play matchmaker and volunteer while she’s in premed
→ does her internship at a hospital
→ ends up working there as a neurosurgeon after her Doctorate degree
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angeldormante · 3 years
Hi!! Im the Leo-withdrawal anon! I didnt ask anything prior to the one you just answered, but I'm so happy you responded! I'd honestly listen to anything you write--I think you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself, and the way you write is just... *chef's kiss* I guess, a question I'd have for you is this: What sort of hobbies do you headcanon our fearless leader to have? Quirks? Both endearing and... less so? I think that'd be a fun start!
hokay.... finally getting around to this!! sorry for the wait and thank you for bearing with me, anon! (ty for the compliment, too -- i'm very flattered jfjflk i just like talking about turtles ok (•̥ ̫ •̥) )
now... lemme talk blue to ya.
if we're talking about hobbies, well. stop me if you think you've heard this before -- leo loves training. for all of the guys, ninjutsu is a way of life; it's how they survive the world, how they connect with themselves and one another; it's their entire culture that the foundations of their family is built upon. and that's super neat. but watch 2k3 for like, one episode, and you'll very quickly see that the only one that fully leans into it is leo. mikey and don have their own interests that they often can't get to quickly enough once the day's training session ends. i think raph actually enjoys training recreationally as well -- but he's more interested in the physical aspect, spending his energy, bulking up, not necessarily focusing on skill or technique. i like to imagine that growing up, leo and raph spent a lot of time in the dojo together doing their own thing, kind of "separate but together"; before casey came along and raph got into hanging out topside with him.
leo, though, he throws himself fully into training. he's incredibly dedicated to it not only because of his sense of responsibility, but because he genuinely enjoys it -- he enjoys improving his technique, his skill. he enjoys the repetition of learning, which helps to calm and center him. he enjoys meditation, which helps him focus and clear his mind. as an introvert, and precisely because his family doesn't hang around the dojo as often as he does, leo's solo training time is his time -- it's his chance to relax and decompress. i think it's exactly why he spiraled harder and harder in season 4 no matter how much training he did: at that point, it was no longer a hobby, but an obsession. leonardo normally uses training as a healthy outlet, but when he channeled his exodus trauma into it, he removed his main method of decompression and replaced it with the intent to fuel that exact trauma. (sidebar, though i've talked about it before: i also feel like this is why fast forward is so excellent at showing leo's character growth. he is extremely zen and such a huge advocate of healthy self-reflection in the way he coaches cody and his clone. my sweet boy, so proud of him in that season.)
now i know what you may be thinking. and you're right. there's more to leo than his life in the dojo... so let's talk about some other hobbies i like to think he has!
so here's the thing, and i think it's something else i've touched on before... but i think leo actually has a very strong bond with donnie. their temperaments are very similar, they feel similar burdens when it comes to protecting the family, etc... and to be honest, i think they bond a lot over the same nerdy hobbies too! i think leo is a huge freaking nerd.
i legit think that donatello has probably absorbed his brother into more than one of his hobbies, both unwillingly and not. some things click for leo, and some things don't. some things he has a hard time getting into until he discovers a certain aspect of it or views it from a different perspective. but he is very often willing to try anything.
for example, i imagine that growing up, leo and don played a lot of chess together. don used to overwhelmingly win, until they got older and older leo got deeper and deeper into the tactical aspect, and soon he was beating don quite soundly more often than he wasn't. don started getting into engineering manuals and physics books, while leo started getting into history texts and military treatises, but both shared a love for novels and would swap their favorites regularly. and they still play chess, of course.
don got into nerdy sci-fi shows. like, really into them. and leo couldn't quite pick up the thread on that one, but he was content to endure every fourth movie night when it was don's turn to pick. and slowly he began getting drawn into it, the same way anyone does -- he enjoyed the campiness of the plot, how absolutely ludicrous the fight choreography was, how sometimes there were actually deep and thoughtful moments. it was both a welcome respite from the intensity of his reality and something he could put to practical use if he had to, like, steal a spaceship one day, though the odds of that happening seemed pretty low⁽ˡᵒˡ⁾. he was never able to quote any of the episodes verbatim like donnie, but it was something they could discuss and lightly bicker about during the times when leo is mindlessly helping out around don's lab. (more on that in a sec.)
also? i can absolutely. totally. easily see leo as a tabletop game enthusiast. i think i'll refrain from getting lost in the weeds on that once, since this is already starting to run long, but i just want to put that in your mind. tmnt dnd gaming nights. let that sit for a second.
okay moving on.
i genuinely think that leo just likes existing in the general vicinity of his family and extended family. not necessarily doing anything; just being there, doing something with his hands. if don is working on a project, leo may drift in, and don will ask him to hand him certain tools or read aloud certain notes on the screen, because he knows the deal. if raph is lifting weights and leo wanders over from his own training session, raph may ask him to spot, or set up the next pair of weights, because he knows how it is. if mikey is sitting in the living room playing video games and leo appears on the couch next to him, he might toss him a controller, or he may just start blabbering about what game he's playing and what level he's on, because he's got it. if april and casey are tidying up her shop for a new shipment of merchandise and leo just randomly appears in the window, feathered duster in hand, april smiles and puts on water for tea and casey teases him and throws him a broom instead without blinking. because that's just how leo is.
the thing is, leo is one of those people who have such a strong presence that -- as long as he's not trying to hide it, of course -- you know he's there because he carries such an atmosphere with him. on the other hand, leonardo is the type of person who is genuinely content to just be in the background. which may sound totally at odds with the whole leader schtick, but i think it's just kind of this duality he has: he can be both at the forefront and in the background, depending on the situation and what is needed from him. does this mean he doesn't have his own hobbies or interests? of course not! but even canonically, throughout the series leo is shown to be just as happy with his hands off the reins so long as there's not a mission in front of him. and i think it's precisely this lack of that constant need for control that shows just how whole and rich leo's inner life is, how he feels full and complete without his leadership/big brother role completely defining him, and how season 4 rips that carpet from under his feet to show the unhealthy side of that particular coin.
so as much as a cop-out answer it may sound like -- i think that leo just enjoys doing things with his brothers. he likes rooftop runs with them. he likes pizza and cards with them. he likes movies, sports, and games with them. but he's also his own person, and he enjoys being in his head, and he has hobbies that help him make his head a healthy place to be; his family absolutely respects that quality, and leonardo is a much more well adjusted person for it.
er.... i didn't really get into quirks or bad habits, but this has run really long already and it's getting late, lmao. so i think i will stop here for now. =w= thank you for letting me ramble again about my blue boy, anon; i know i'm slow, but hopefully i rambled enough to make up for it!
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sakamakisaywhat · 4 years
Uwu loved your previous hc thank you! If it’s not too much I wanna ask again for hc for Shu, Laito, Ayato, Subaru, Ruki, and Yuma with a tomboy s/o? Not into girly things, always wear sporty clothes, and super chill? Thank ya!
Marisol: Thank you so much! Request as many things as you like, there’s no limit :)
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- Doesn’t mind at all - I could definitely see him liking a tomboyish partner - While Shu is far from the active type and wouldn’t want to play sports with you or anything like that, he likes your no fuss attitude when it comes to things like clothes and shopping - He’s not really a fan of being dragged around on dates so it’s kind of a relief you’d prefer to chill out someplace instead - A part of him laments your sensible choice in clothes since he can’t tease you or flip up a skirt, but he definitely appreciates how you look in leggings - “Hey, wear those tight ones more often. Why? I like the pattern. Were you thinking of something dirty? Pervert.” - Shu is a chill guy so he vibes with your attitude to life - Just let him have his quiet moments and you’re perfect
- Since you’re into sports rather than girly things, you and Ayato’s interests really gel - He loves basketball so you’d find yourself on the court with him more often than not - A blood bag that can also be his game partner? You’re not getting away from him easily - Ayato himself wears a lot of sporty clothes so there’s the benefit of being able to steal his shirts, which he secretly likes - Nothing says ‘mine’ more than you lounging around in his basketball tank - To tease you he’ll probably bug you about acting more ‘girly’ - “Oi, Titless, why’d you wear all that sporty stuff? Are you hiding something under there?” - Don’t listen to this, though, because he genuinely prefers you as you are - Out of all the boys Ayato would definitely work the best with a tomboy partner
- The type of clothes you wear makes no difference to Laito. A Bitch-chan is a Bitch-chan, and you’re cute whether you’re in a dress or a football jersey - He will definitely get on your nerves about wearing cute outfits though - “Bitch-chan, I saw this maid outfit the other day...” - “There’s nothing wrong with showing some skin, you know.” - Just brush him off, because he will visibly salivate if he sees you in a sports bra - As for sports, Laito will ‘make an effort’ to play with you - This usually involves you being tricked into some very much illegal offside wrestling - He doesn’t really mind whether your personal interests are girly or not, but he views your chill attitude as a challenge - Laito can and will find a way to rile you up somehow no matter how long it takes
- Kind of likes it, actually - Subaru doesn’t really understand the appeal of ‘cute’ or ‘girly’ stuff, so it’s nice to have someone he can resonate with - He appreciates your chill attitude, since it means you don’t constantly bug him - “You’re not as annoying as the others. Oi, that doesn’t give you a free pass to barge into my room though!” - He’s more likely to seek you out rather than the other way round - Subaru might play sports with you once or twice, but it wouldn’t be much of a fair game considering how much faster and stronger he is  - However, find a way to outsmart him and you’ll discover he’s a massive sore loser - “Tch... you’re not bad, but I’m done with this stupid game anyway.” - He probably wouldn’t even notice the fact that you wore different clothes to other girls - Subaru likes you for who you are, not what you wear
- Mixed feelings about it - While Ruki likes your calm personality, he has his own ideas on what dressing and acting properly is like - “Livestock, you can’t play outside all day. You have homework to do.” - Ruki needs to loosen up, so the two of you have a lot to learn from each other - It would be rare for him to lecture you about responsibilities, but if you get a bit too chill for life he’s not averse to stepping in - He’s not the type to restrict your activities if they aren’t doing you any harm, especially since he’s aware of how healthy doing sports can make you, but he probably wouldn’t try to join in - At the end of the day though it doesn’t matter whether you’re a tomboy or a girly girl: as long as he can settle down quietly with your head on his shoulder and a book in his hands, Ruki is satisfied
- Someone who’s not afraid to get their hands dirty in his garden? Great! Someone who isn’t afraid to get tossed around? Even better - Your no frills attitude is very appealing to Yuma, who normally has little patience for girly stuff - Your chill personality would also balance out his hotheaded attitude - He wouldn’t notice what type of clothes you’re wearing at all - How a future partner dresses doesn’t even factor into Yuma’s thought process - “Huh? Do I want you to wear a dress? Does it look like I give a shit?” - His logic follows the pattern that if a) fits and b) he can rip it off you then there’s no issue - Yuma would overall get on well with a tomboy partner, but he’s not one to discriminate based on looks or hobbies
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fortune-fool02 · 3 years
Took a lot of time and research and finally I was able to sketch out my OC's bio 😭👍🏼. Hope you like it @fortune-fool02
RE8 OC Goptri Biography
Early Life
Goptri was born to a middle class family in India. Growing up, she was a quiet kid and didn't speak much to anyone, but she was way more intelligent than her fellow peers. At the age of 5, her parents migrated to USA because her father had gotten a better job opportunity. She was very good in Academics and her creativity knew no bounds. She was also skilled at archery and took the sport as a hobby.
Everything was going well, until one day her mother succumbed to pneumonia and her father suddenly disappeared. She was 11 years old when both her parents left her alone and she was approached by Oswell E Spencer.
Adoption by Oswell E Spencer
Oswell E Spencer adopted 11 years old Goptri when she was orphaned and had no where to go. She had no idea who this man was or what he was here for. One second she was sitting outside her house entrance and the next second, a black limo parked itself in front of her house. She was too deep in grieving the death of her mother, that she didn't notice a man clad in fine suit approach her. He called out her name and she broke out of her trance. She looked up to find Oswell looking back at her with a warm smile on his face.
"Who are you?" Goptri asked, to which the man replied "I'm Lord Ozwell E Spencer, President and CEO of Umbrella Cooperation. I offer my condolences for what happened to your mother." With an annoyed look she asked "What do you want?". He explained to her that he's willing to help her get her life back in line. He promised her she'll be sent to the best institutes for her further education in exchange for her to agree to become his adoptive daughter.
She was sceptical about this at first but ultimately had to agree because as a young child she had nowhere else to go and not taking this one-time offer would be stupid on her part. With that, in the year 2001, Goptri Valli was officially adopted by Oswell E Spencer and renamed Goptri E Spencer.
Life in the Oswell Mansion
Goptri arrived at the Oswell's mansion in the Arklay Mountains where her new life began. Just as promised, Spencer sent her to the best institute he could find for her to continue her studies. She was good, very good. Always got straight A's which was a telltale sign that she had an higher IQ than the average person. For some unknown reasons, by the time she reached age 13 Oswell requested her to learn how to fight and hired professionals to teach her hand to hand combat. This somehow was the start where she started to doubt Oswell's intention of adopting her, but she dismissed the thought as soon as she thinked about it.
Little did she knew, that her gut intention was right. Oswell was a cold calculative elitist and him going out of his way to adopt some random kid was too hard to pass a judgement. She was nothing but another lab rat for him to test his viruses on. He always kept her away from the part of the mansion where he had a lab running. Due to this, Goptri never had any idea what was really going on under the beautiful architecture of the mansion. She was oblivious to the truth.
Capturing and Experimentations
Goptri thought her life was sorted out and she genuinely saw Oswell as her new father. Afterall, he took care of her when nobody else was there for her. Her life came crashing down real bad on her 15th birthday. On 24th of July in 2005, Oswell held a surprise party for her. Unbeknownst to her, it was a trap. He laced her dinner with a sedative and when she ate it, she blacked out.
She woke up few hours later with her body strapped down on a surgery table. Both her hands and legs restrained. She started to panic and tried to call out for her father but couldn't because her mouth was taped. When she tried to calm down, she realised she was in very different room than she had seen in the mansion. It looked like a operating room and it reaked of medical stench. This was the second time she was terrified so much, last time was when she was orphaned and left all alone. "No, no, no, no, NO!!! This is bad, where's papa!?" Is all she thought before a figure approached from the dark corner of the room. This is where she finally found out why being asked to be his daughter was always off setting. Oswell stared her in the eyes with no expressions whatsoever. He removed the tape from her mouth so she could speak, very well knowing that she's about to demand an answer. "Papa, please help me. What's going on?" She asked in a shaky voice but all she got was another dead stare from him. She started crying and wasn't able to figure out what is going to happen to her. Two people in lab coats approach Oswell and he orders them to proceed. Too distraught to even focus on the danger that was approaching her when one of the researcher grabbed her arm harshly pulling her out of her trance. "No.... NO!!!! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Papa, PAPA PLEASE HELP ME. PLEASE". "Goptri..... You're going to make a fine specimen." Is all he said with a sick smile on his face before he left her down there with her cries of help drowning in the darkness of the underground lab.
Discovery of mutation
Oswell experimented on Goptri a total of three times. Third experiment being the last one before he died and she managed to escape the container she was frozen in.
The first virus he tested on her was the Progenitor Virus, or better known as the Mother Virus. This virus gave Goptri her first mutated power, that was Regeneration of any lost tissues, cells, and even limbs. The virus was injected into her body through an injection which was so painful, she collapsed out of pain. Oswell would visit her sometimes just to see how the experiment is progressing. Not satisfied enough, he would order the researchers to increase the dosage of the virus and keep on testing her regenerative abilities to the point where she was time and again put up against the other BOW's held captive in the mansion to fight like some wild animals. It always resulted in her loosing her limbs in the most brutal way possible, only to be forced to regenerate the lost limb back. This heavily damaged her psychological health and also in a way made her stronger as her Regeneration got more and more better.
The second time Oswell ordered to experiment on her to "enhance" her further, he bought few samples of the snake "Yawn", an adder (he experimented on years ago and now is a 40ft tall BOW) and asked the researchers to infuse Goptri's cells with the BOW snake's cells and see how it would work out. Goptri, now 16 years old, had become so numb, she barely felt anything. Her bright smile and laughter long forgotten and replaced with a dead expression which was hard to read. Once again she was strapped to the surgery table and a huge injection as big as an arm was injected into her spine and this time, she didn't even flinch from the pain, just staring at the lights that hung above her with dead expression. This experiment granted her the ability to mutate into a giant scaley creature with accelerated regeneration and inhuman strength and speed. This new discovery caused Oswell a sick sense of excitement that finally an experiment wasn't failing like the others. This pissed her off, making her go berserk and killing half the staff in the lab before collapsing after using her new powers for the first time and reverting back to her normal self. She was quite healthy looking for a lab rat mainly because of how Oswell made sure she stayed healthy when she was still his adopted daughter. After few months, the researchers discovered a new development in her powers, where she had developed the ability to release venomous substance from blisters forming on her face when she's in her mutated form. Goptri, by far, was the only subject who had managed to show so much progress without even damaging her original body and didn't turn into some deformed human like the other subjects. The reason was unknown and Oswell wanted to find out what makes her her.
Goptri endured his tormenting experiments until he was finally killed by a BOW called Albert Wesker. But not before he infected her with an unknown virus as his last experiment and freezing her in cryogenic pod. That unknown virus is later revealed to be an another version of the T-Virus (aka Tyrant Virus). This last virus is what gave Goptri her final set of powers. This virus enhanced her already existing mutations, making her one of the most dangerous BOW ever created. The virus sped up her metabolism, heightening her existing strength, speed and regenerative abilities. This in turn also made her mutated form way more bigger and tougher than it was earlier. It also effected her oscular tissue, allowing her to view and process visual information at a speed allegedly equatable to raptors. Now her mutated form has increased to 70ft, has bulletproof scales and a layer of thick skin underneath the scales as extra armour. Blisters on her face can now release venomous substance way more dangerous than it was before and can burn into a person's skin and flesh.
Oswell knew very well about how much less time he has to live and how dangerous she'll become if she were to be released. So he managed to build a specialised Cryogenic Pod for her to be frozen in and sealed and moved it to the Spencer estate located somewhere in Europe. Only to be released once the time comes. He won't be there, but his associates will take care of it until then.
Spencer Estate raid and death of Oswell E Spencer
In 2006, there was a raid organized by the BSAA on Spencer Estate. Meanwhile the BOW Albert Wesker found out about Oswell hiding in the estate and came in before BSAA. While the BSAA were raiding the entire estate, some of its soldiers made there way to the underground lab in the estate, only to be faced by loose BOW subjects. In the following gun firing fight, one of the BSAA soldier threw a grenade towards the BOW near Goptri's pod and the impacting blast successfully broke her free out of the container. The whole room was covered in ice and freezing due to the cryogenic pod being literally blasted to pieces. What the soldiers didn't realise was what they had freed was far worse than the current monsters they were fighting. Goptri woke up from her slumber and went berserk. Killing all the BSAA soldiers in a blink of an eye and also taking out the other monsters (this time not even bothering to mutate into her other form, that's how strong she'd become).
When she was done with the soldiers, she headed towards Oswell with nothing but pure rage and thirst for Oswell's blood on her mind. She reached his quarters only to discover him already dead. She was both pissed and happy at the same time. Pissed because someone took out Oswell before she could and happy on the fact she doesn't have to endure anymore of Oswell's experiments. With nothing to fear for and loose, she set with a new objective on her mind, "Find the cure" to turn herself back to normal. And anyone who stands in her way will be dealt with in a brutal way.
Life thereupon
After the raid was done, Goptri tracked down the BSAA's Europe headquarters. She knew they had taken all the information, documents and files containing every detail on Oswell and his research and experiments. She knew if they were to analyse it all, they'll find out about her existence and will probably come after her next. "No! I can't let that happen. They'll use me for their own selfish gains just like he did." Her inner voice warned. With that, after a few days, she planned to infiltrate the headquarters and take away all the information about her. She was successful in reaching the maximum-security archives. She took a little time to skim through the files and documents and finally she found it. Unluckily, she got spotted by one of the security soldier and the siren went off. "Well, it's now or never." Was the last thing she said before she used her powers once again to escape but not before leaving mutilated dead bodies of BSAA soldiers in her wake.
She took on herself to create a vaccine to cure her mutations once and for all and become normal again. She thereupon spent years in hiding, trying to find a cure. But it always ended in a failed attempt. It wasn't until 2015, she discovered a new information that could possibly help her in her quest. Among all the other files, there was a single file with just one name written on it, a name Goptri never heard of from Oswell. "Miranda", she checked the file and was baffled by the discovery she'd made. This "Miranda" woman was the sole reason why Umbrella Cooperation existed. Oswell learnt everything about mutations and the viruses from this very woman and weaponized this knowledge to terrorise the world in a sick plan for becoming god. "If she taught, sure enough she'll have the cure." And with that, she set out to find Miranda and "The Village" where she resided. A big surprise waiting for Goptri in the village.
😮 ooh. Finally finished it. I hope you guys liked this. I thank you for actually reading the whole thing because I know it's very long but I gave my all to create it. So much love and appreciation to you all for your time and attention ❤️🥰
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lauramcdphotography · 4 years
Who Are You?
Task 2 Pre-Production: Planning
Write about you! How will you shoot your portrait and what will this ‘say’ about you? What is the story you want to tell about yourself, what are the visual clues you will use in your portrait?
Identify the location and object you will shoot and how you will shoot these in a way that links to your self-portrait and object?
My ‘Who Are You’ project brief will tell the story about how I battled my eating disorder and my love/hate relationship with the gym. I will set my camera up in my home gym, using a tripod capturing myself and some of the equipment that I use. Growing up, I didn't have the best relationship with food due to the fact that I was a competitive swimmer and hockey player. As much as I wanted to fuel my body and perform my best I kept telling myself that gaining too much weight or becoming too ‘bulky’ was not what I was supposed to look like and I constantly compared myself to what everyone else looked like physically. I soon developed an eating disorder which I battled for about 2 years.
I began to restrict myself in more ways than one which was extremely dangerous for myself as I was taking part in so many types of high intensity exercise. I eventually stopped eating proper food and only had one small meal a day which consisted of only vegetables. I spent a lot of time in the gym, both in school and at home and my only hobby out-with sports was standing on the scales. As much as I thought I looked great being a tiny size 4, skin and bone, I began to feel extremely tired all of the time and could not focus on anything academic and I would get sick very easily due to the fact that I was not contributing to the normal function of my immune system. My skin started turning a slight grey/blue colour because I was so drained of energy and I was constantly anxious and it got to the point where my mum noticed and eventually asked what was going on. 
Since recovering, I have continued to use the gym four or five times a week to try and gain my strength and muscle back rather than to loose muscle mass and any excess weight. I have slowly but surely made a comeback in regards to my mental health and have a healthy relationship with food. I absolutely love the gym now and I feel that it is my safe place and therefore I would really love to use this space in my ‘Who Are You’ brief. The visual clues I will use in my images are my blue LED lights to represent the colour that my skin used to be in my darkest days and also the weights in contrast to show how strong I have become afterwards. I will include my face with one half reflecting the blue lights and the other half in the brighter, warm light and I will include some weights in my portrait image too. For my location, I will shoot a panoramic view of my home gym to emphasise how big a place the room has in my heart and for my object I will shoot a piece of equipment or even something as simple as my trainer to show that it really is the little things that matter the most.
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The Weaker Functions: Repulsion and Exploration
Low Se
What Se does normally: Se is an experience oriented and exploratory function set in the concrete world. Se searches for physical cues, opportunities, and other physical stimuli
Low Se Repulsion: XNXJs typically have a dramatic sense of consequences that does not necessarily line up with reality. As a result they tend to hold back from situations until they can come up with a sometimes impractical perfect solution or until the situation passes them by. XNXJs are against action without careful thought, though this is often to their detriment because they have trouble stepping into action at all.
Low Se Exploration: XNXJs will often see Se as a zen like relief that they need to keep them going. They often engage in solo exercise, sporting activity, or the enjoyment of nature. They may see this as necessary to keeping their minds intact or even the only way they can truly experience the world (as again, XNXJs have a dramatic view of reality) XNXJs may also find themselves searching for or actively noticing details that slip through others’ radar, however, this is more often than not confirmation bias for a decision they have already made or an anxiety they’re already monitoring and the reason others haven’t registered it is unimportance.
Low Ne
What Ne does normally: Ne is a conceptual exploratory function. It has an eye for potential deeper meaning, new ways of looking at situations, and opportunities for change and growth rather than opportunities for action.
Low Ne Repulsion: XSXJs are adverse towards new situations and necessary learning opportunities because they need to feel safe in what has come before. Their repeated habits and lifestyle has been proven to be workable, so why should they change things even if they’re starting to feel stale and uninspired? XSXJs tend to focus too much on what is a realistic path to the exclusion of living up to their true potential.
Low Ne Exploration: XSXJs tend to be very fond of strictly harmless explorations of Ne. They can be exceptionally good at creative projects or hobbies where they mix their attention to detail with unbridled fantasy without risk. XSXJs love novelty within the confines of an already stable situation, the “eating something new at a restaurant every week” dynamic. XSXJs can be idiosyncratic with their tastes because they already feel secure in an unchanging situation.
Low Si
What Si does normally: Si gathers consistent information to serve as a safeguard or de facto pool of wisdom when its user can’t adapt to new surroundings. This information is concrete and realistic, with an eye for consistency and what is proven by experience.
Low Si Repulsion: XNXPs may see their own Si as drone-like. To them, the compulsion towards stability and realism is a compulsion towards being a cog in a broken machine. XNXPs may see dealing with the details of their ideas as repression of the ideas and may wish to move on to something else entirely than deal with the corruptive and boring process of realizing their plans.
Low Si Exploration: XNXPs may, however, see certain habits and nostalgias as anchor points for them. XNXPs may have very particular tastes that they must have precisely fulfilled in order to feel stable. This can range from a certain type of pillow to a very particular tattoo design.
Low Ni
What Ni does normally: Ni also gathers a pool of information in order to feel safe, however, instead of pooling concrete information, Ni makes complicated ideals. These ideals may reflect the truth in remarkable complexity, or may be separated from reality entirely. Either way, the ideas are carefully considered, serve the Ni user more than the world, and drive towards some deeper unseen truth.
Low Ni Repulsion: XSXPs may specifically avoid seeking a deeper truth to their actions, seeing that possibility of meaning as frightening. They would rather act in the present and enjoy the world as it is rather than search for a “what it is underneath” that could ruin their experience. As a result, they may fail to consider long term consequences, motivations that aren’t on the surface, or a wider context than their current situation.
Low Ni Exploration: XSXPs may fancy themselves philosophers of a sort, finding depth in ideas such as nihilism or moral philosophy so long as they encourage their present-focused lifestyle. XSXPs May believe that they have already grasped the greater truth of the universe and now they are free to live their life as they please. XSXPs may enjoy a quiet moment of reflection more than other types, as it’s more of a conscious switch towards pondering than types to which this comes more naturally.
Low Te
What Te does normally: Te is a decision making function that prioritizes the most simple and effective choice. Te works based on proven information and objective sources. Te cares about functionality more than precision or emotion
Low Te Repulsion: XXFPs often see quick and effective solutions as too blunt or sometimes completely immoral. Out of desire to make a decision that’s completely authentic and moral, they procrastinate making decisions and dismiss solutions sitting in front of them. Oftentimes, XXFPs are more content to sit and feel than to act to change their situation.
Low Te Exploration: XXFPs often latch on to sources and other confirmations of objectivity. XXFPs will sometimes consider themselves better suited for leadership because they simultaneously perceive the most effective solution and refuse to act on it on moral grounds. In said leadership positions, XXFPs may take on what they think is healthy Te leadership, turning to yelling commands and stamping their feet as a first rather than last resort. XXFPs will sometimes encounter bursts of hard work and productivity that carry them through more tasks than normal, and tend not to be shy about committing their schedules.
Low Fe
What Fe does normally: Fe seeks to do the most good in the most places and thus will choose the most generally kind action with less concern for individual situations. This can lead it towards benevolent leadership, kindliness, and charisma, or manipulation, neglect of the individual, and being emotionally controlling.
Low Fe Repulsion: XXTPs often recoil at the common good, refusing to act in favor of the group rather than implementing their own solution. They may act purposefully rude in order to maintain independence and openly reject ideas that come from another person or are presented with an emotional appeal as a corruptive influence.
Low Fe Exploration: XXTPs do experiment with provoking emotional reactions, however. Often, they enjoy pressing buttons for the joy of knowing which buttons to push or for seeing the emotional reaction. XXTPs, after long periods of exposure, can have a strong commitment to certain groups of people (some crossover with soc if you look into instinctual variants, but this comes into play regardless of soc blindness) and often describe groups as “families” or “brothers/sisters.” XXTPs with more advanced Fe display general benevolence and helpfulness, although they retain a need for validation, a need to provoke emotion, and a sense of superiority from being “above” the rest of the group.
Low Ti
What Ti does normally: Ti maintains its users independence by thinking through problems for a completely logical solution, uncolored by “official” solutions or what others suggest. Ti tries to form perfect solutions that work on complex levels and solve all aspects of a problem impersonally.
Low Ti Repulsion: XXFJs can see this cold detachment as fundamentally selfish and refuse to set themselves apart from the situation to gain a bird’s eye view. XXFJs will, when offered solutions to their problems, sometimes reject these solutions because they wanted condolences or to be allowed their crisis instead.
Low Ti Exploration: XXFJs tend to have a penchant for conspiracy theories and mysticism, and often have an in depth knowledge about the logic behind both. XXFJs can be huge fans of vastly overcomplicated systems that may make internal sense but break down upon contact with the real world. XXFJs May spend extended periods of time pondering the motivations of others around them, trying to come up with some perfect reason why they act the way they do.
Low Fi
What Fi does normally: Fi maintains the user’s independence by making decisions that are emotionally truthful. It has a focus on authenticity and personal convictions.
Low Fi Repulsion: XXTJs may see the emotional authenticity of Fi as wrong in all senses of the word. They tend to consider their own emotions selfish or weak, and thus make efforts to cover them up through action and objectivity. When confronted by the emotions of others in public, XXTJs may show or feel extreme disapproval and disappointment in the one showing their emotions. XXTJs may be harsh towards those who prioritize themselves over efficiency or the moral decision.
Low Fi Exploration: XXTJs often have moral rules that are held more strictly than their XXFP counterparts. They can be unyielding in what Fi they allow themselves, completely committing themselves to certain causes, rules, or people without thinking through their emotions on the matter. XXTJs can take things extremely personally, but without healthy Fi to sort this out, can turn to pettiness and revenge. XXTJs often have a romantic streak, seen by very few.
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Ultra x Prime    Even though most male enhancement product makers claim their substances had been drastically tested to your ed for centuries as a very amazing aphrodisiac for fatigue, loss of sexual preference and impotence. It's been proven to decorate sexual prowess and virility as well as increase energy and electricity at some stage in sexual hobby. By using growing androgenic consequences and dramatically increasing testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases sexual arousal and motivation and frequency of sexual interest. This complement helps a long term general healthy sexual le' discussion. One of the finest controversies, obviously, is regarding whether or no longer the goods designed for male enhancement paintings. Regarding this aspect, the clinical network appears to live with the opinion that there aren't any ways of improving how big a person's sexual organ is, right after the teenage period (while the male physical and sexual hormones like testosterone have a large impact over the increase and width of the male sexual organs). 
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Everywhere in the internet, web sites are displaying male enhancement motion pictures from recognised and unknown assets all focused on adult males who want to decorate the potential in their most sensitive ownership. On Male Enhancement Some guys nowadays can't appear to be satisfied with the scale of their penises. Probable, even those who've a pretty suitable length need to have greater. It's a private intuition in my opinion that guys have the reason to experience that they may be inadequate when they have a smaller tool. To this point, men are nevertheless gave the impression to take greater obligation and stay hard. Most guys have a positive mindset of placing apart feelings and concentrating more on their wondering. Despite the fact that occasionally, they think an excessive amount of, and commonly this questioning manner effects to emotions of doubts or issues approximately their manhood, specially when they come to some extent in their existence once they feel they need to prove something. Maximum guys want to beautify their male organ for sexual purposes: to please their accomplice, get more ladies, and so on. However, greater extreme troubles regarding the preference to have male enhancement remedy occurs in most cases to men whose penises have seen higher days. Happily, there are media reson.
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jacksauvage-blog · 6 years
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tw: mental illness, drug use, addiction
Basic Information
Full Name: Jean Baptiste Sauvage
Nickname(s): Jack
Age: 36
Date of Birth: August 13th
Hometown: Paris, France
Current Location: Paris, France
Ethnicity: Malaysian
Nationality: French
Gender: Cis-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: In modern terms, Jack is the type of person who would simply call himself “queer” and be done with it. For the purposes of this, though, he is demi- to aromantic and bisexual.
Religion: Atheist with some fringe interests in the occult.
Political Affiliation: General disinterest. He grew up in that world and has no desire to rejoin it.
Occupation: Film writer and director. Formerly (and occasionally still, a stage actor).
Living Arrangements: He lives in a small second story apartment. The neighborhood is rough but rent is cheap and no one bothers him. 
Language(s) Spoken: French and English, fluently. His Spanish is conversational but broken and largely forgotten and most of the phrases he remembers are elicit and sexual. He speaks key phrases in several other European languages and can ask for a drink and a cigarette anywhere in the world.
Accent: Jack’s accent can be hard to place and depends largely what language he’s speaking in. Typically, his accent has a heavy upper-class London influence, especially when he’s speaking English. His French accent is also a bit watered down by the time he spent in London and America.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Henry Golding
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 6′2″
Weight: 210
Build: Average build. He is in shape and has built strength over the years by carrying heavy filming equipment around. His muscles, though, are generally toned but not overly defined.
Tattoos: TBD
Piercings: None
Clothing Style: It is rare to see Jack dressed down. At most he is wearing a full tailored suit. At the least he’s wearing slacks and a crisp button down shirt with a suit vest.
Usual Expression: Jack’s default expression can be described as either “vacant” or “hyper-focused” depending on the angle. When he is by himself, he tends to get lost in his own thoughts and his people watching. In groups, especially after a few drinks, he finds himself much more at ease and wears the subtle hints of a relaxed smile.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Jack has a faint scar across the bridge of his nose--the result of getting mugged during his first few weeks in Brooklyn.
Physical Ailments: Jack is relatively healthy with no chronic physical issues.
Neurological Conditions: Though none of this will ever be addressed, diagnosed, or treated, Jack probably has Persistent Depressive Disorder as well as a mild form of Psychosis or a mild Dissociation Disorder. This presents in infrequent but extended periods of time in which Jack disconnects from reality entirely. He tends to self-medicate and withdraw from all of his social obligations. These episodes are characterized by mild auditory and visual hallucinations, though whether this is caused by his disorder or his drug use is undetermined. Jack, however, just views these episodes as a natural part of his creative process and will never seek any type of medical or psychological intervention.
Allergies: None.
Sleeping Habits: Jack is in an almost constant state of sleep deprivation. He has trouble putting himself to bed and turning his brain off in a timely manner. This could either be a symptom or a cause of his aforementioned dissociative episodes, though it will remain unclear which. Combined with his frequent late nights out on the town, social engagements that last until well in the morning, and late night bursts if artistic inspiration, Jack’s sleeping patterns are as erratic as they are infrequent. He is always late to bed but early to rise and on a normal night he can expect to get around 3-5 hours of sleep with an hour-long nap or two somewhere in the day.
Eating Habits: Jack is not an overly picky eater, but he does tend to lean towards a healthy diet by default. He doesn’t cook in his hope (he doesn’t know how) so most of his meals are from restaurants, bars, and markets in the city. He keeps a sparse amount of food in his home, mostly alcohol and bread.
Exercise Habits: A lot of Jack’s physical exercise comes from things he does on a regular basis, rather than time set aside to devote to his fitness. He frequently moves heavy film equipment, sets up shots, hangs his own set pieces, etc. So, he gets a lot of physical exercise from what he does on a normal day. Additionally, Jack walks almost everywhere he goes.
Emotional Stability: Publicly, Jack is as stable as they come. It’s rare for anyone to see the cracks in his facade, but if people looked closely enough they’re definitely there. On a scale of 1 to 10, Jack would put himself firmly as a 9, ignoring how devastating his dissociative episodes can be for himself and anyone who happens to make contact with him during those times. Realistically, he’s probably a firm 5.
Sociability: Jack is a rather social creature by default. He enjoys spending time with others, but is highly selective of the people he chooses to surround himself with. He does not enjoy being part of a large crowd and will frequently find space to be alone if he is in a crowded venue. His personality doesn’t lend itself well to being the center of attention and he is normally fairly quick to shift that attention on to someone else. His interactions with people one-on-one take the form of in depth conversations with intensely probing questions. Jack takes an interest in people in a way that can make them feel as if he genuinely wants to know them. What they don’t know is that Jack has a bad habit of viewing people as source material rather than actual human beings.
Body Temperature: Cold-Natured.
Addictions: Yes?
Drug Use: Jack’s drug use is as erratic as his sleeping habits. He is a heavy smoker, both of cigarettes and marijuana, though these are so widely available and frequently used he would hardly consider them drugs. His vice of choice is cocaine, of which he is almost a daily user. During episodes, however, he can extend into more dangerous and illicit narcotics including heroin and mescaline. 
Alcohol Use: Jack is a social drinker. He always has a well stocked bar in his apartment but rarely drinks when he’s alone.
Label: The Cinephile
Positive Traits: Charming, creative, eccentric, intellectual, passionate, diligent, curious.
Negative Traits: Arrogant, careless, detached, dishonest, unstable, unreliable, messy.
Goals/Desires: Jack’s goals tend to be career oriented. Right now, his primary focus is making his next film. Everything outside of that is secondary. He doesn’t have many goals for his personal life, his love life, his family life, etc. His short term, daily goals all revolve around stimulation of some kind. Be it intellectual, emotional, physical. He’s always looking for something to inspire and motivate him.
Fears: Jack’s primary fears are failure and, by extension, fading into obscurity. He is on top of the world right now. His most recent film was a critical success but that was nearly two years ago. His ideas for his next film are fragmented and vague, he fears that he will never be able to piece them together. He also fears loneliness. Jack is a man who, despite his efforts to get to know people, only ever emerges with surface level relationships. He has hundreds of acquaintances whom he knows very well but feels little to no emotional connection to. This is, in part, because Jack has a tendency to view people as subjects and source material rather than emotional beings with wants and needs. This is also because he feels deeply uncomfortable letting other people into his life for fear of rejection. Jack doesn’t see himself as someone who is capable of having a meaningful connection with another person. And, though he’ll never admit it, this is something that makes him very sad. 
Hobbies: Aside from the obvious acting, writing, filming, Jack enjoys a number of solitary hobbies. He is a voracious reader. His favorite author is HG Wells but his favorite book is Dracula. He is also a frequent people watcher. It is not at all uncommon to find him at a back table in a crowded night club either reading or jotting down notes about the individuals around him. Additionally, Jack has a tentative interest in the occult. He is not a practitioner by any means, nor is he completely sure he believes in the whole concept. But, he owns a few books on the subject and can occasionally be found to dabble in the rituals and research of it all.
Habits: In addition to the more destructive habits mentioned in the health section, Jack’s most noticeable tick is popping his knuckles. It’s a small thing, but in a man with such a tight fist around his public image, anything that seems compulsive is noteworthy.
Weather: Rain.
Colour: Black.
Music: I don’t think Jack has a preference for any type of music. It’s all background noise to him and not something he actively seeks out.
Movies: His own, obviously. Aside from that, he is inspired by French and German techniques as well as the rising Spanish surrealist movement.
Sport: Any sport where dashing young men break a sweat.
Beverage: Alcoholic--Scotch. Non-Alcoholic: Earl Grey Tea.
Food: Jack acquired a taste for traditional Spanish cooking and there is nothing quite like it in Paris. He is always sad.
Animal: There is a fat orange cat who has recently taken up residence on his balcony. He feeds it scraps and calls it Kit (short for Kitten because? sure why not?). Gun to his head, that dumb cat is his favorite animal.
Father: Rene Sauvage (d.)
Mother: Sylvie Sauvage, 61.
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Pet(s): None.
Family’s Financial Status: Upper-class, incredibly wealthy. Jack was cut off from the family fortune through most of his life. Recently, however, his father left him a significant sum of money in his will as an effort to make amends with his estranged son.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Enneagram: Type 3: The Performer 
Temperament: Melancholic 
Hogwarts House: Slytherine
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue: Diligence 
Element: Fire
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Jealousy Rant
Hello you Rotten Folks,
Due to real life stuff I have been posting less frequently but in particular that long-form stuff. So have this big olde rant on jealousy in BL I may or may not edit more, and may or may not make into audio.
Triggers: for discussion on abusive behavior including physical violence, stalking, controlling behavior, and sexual assault.
Why jealousy is a bad trope:
1.)    It’s toxic
2.)    It’s non-conflict
3.)    It doesn’t actually deal with the roots of jealousy
Are you a fan of Fap’s furious fujoshi fumes, but want a meta-analysis of the genre as a whole instead of specific titles?
Oh no it seems literally no one is asking for that…no one except Faps and FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT HAHA!
So that brings me to “Trouble with Tropes” or heh heh TROUPLES!
Anybody who’s ANY fan of romance has had to stare into the unrelenting green eyes of this trouple.  I speak of no other than Jealousy.  While I think some of what I’m going to say will resonate with how jealousy is used in fiction on a whole, I’m going to focus on how it’s used in BL…which I feel is a very potent and distilled version of it. Also heaven forbid I read about anything beyond nasty gay tonguings.
What better place to start than What IS jealousy?
Jealousy can cover a variety of topics but in the case of romance here I will be talking specifically about romantic and sexual jealousy.
Dictionary.com states that - feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship.
Seems to be the one best suited for a romance but I’d argue that the definition that suits BL’s brand of jealousy is more like
fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions.
Why do I say this?
Well because sometimes they literally say their partner is a possession.  And even if not outright stated, it is heavily implied in the script.
(examples: Cute Devil + lamb project + Radical blood monster + Others)
There’s also the fact that very rarely is infidelity even considered a legitimate thing that would occur. As I said, the jealousy in BL is very, very POTENT and therefore has escalated beyond a suspicion of COULD BE UNFAITHFUL to a PERSON IS MY PROPERTY AND MY PROPERTY IS NOT ALLOWED TO INTERACT WITH OTHER HUMANS!  
 Getting real
Before I start ripping through this topic like a repressed teenage boy rips through a heavily populated street in Grand theft Auto… allow me to say that jealousy is a valid emotion to experience.  When I rip on this trope it is not my intention to invalidate people who do struggle with jealousy in their relationships.  However if you experience an emotion it doesn’t give you carte blanche to behave in any way you please.   It’s the same as regular old anger.  It’s normal to be angry if a partner forgets to let the dog out so the dog pees on the rug.  However beating the shit out of that partner is NOT the right way to handle the forgetfulness or your own anger.  Same with jealousy, it’s not unusual to get jealous of someone close to their partner. However that person responding to that with physically removing them, and screaming threats at them is SUPER NOT OKAY!  Yet that is not uncommon in BL.
One must also maintain an acceptable amount of jealousy in order to maintain a healthy relationship.   It’s not wrong to feel really angry or sad when you’re jealous…but if you get these feelings ALL THE TIME and due to things that are not a threat to your relationship, then that’s something to manage rather than something to blame on your partner.  Capice?
The main problem is that the jealousy that is common in BL is HELLA TOXIC! Jealousy is regularly tied to deeper issues of personal insecurity yet the fact there is any kind of insecurity is very rarely mentioned in the text or even subtext of the story.  Instead of this becoming a problem that one has to deal with on a personal level, it becomes a problem of the other having to obtain unrealistic standards.  Sometimes the source of the jealousy is not a feasible such as a TODDLER NEPHEW or the fact that strangers GLANCE AT THEM when in public and sometimes the source of the jealousy isn’t even human. I have seen characters throw jealousy tantrums over pets, work (school or career orientated), and even the vague concept of a SPORT!    So if you’re trying to avoid jealousy in a BL make sure you don’t go to school, don’t have a job, don’t own pets, don’t have family, don’t go out in public, and DEAR GOD don’t have hobbies either!  Woah faps those things aren’t humans so it’s not like romantic or sexual jealousy.  That’s a fair point…but the thing is the romantic/sexual jealousy functions the exact same way in those non-sexual/romantic scenarios.  HOW COULD THAT BE???? Well the jealousy that we see here is in part about being left out when a partner does other things but is in large part about dominance.  You got no other man to posture against? Well then just posture at a child, a puppy, or at a basketball why not?
Not only does jealousy crop up to unreasonable situations, an unreasonable amount of time (I’d estimate it occurs in 80% of BL mangas) but the way it’s handled is usually problematic as well.  
The most common response I’ve seen to jealousy is the seme grabbing the uke by the wrist, dragging him away from the source of jealousy, pinning him to a wall, explaining that the source of jealousy is bad for the uke or that the uke is behaving poorly/stupidly by simply interacting with the source of jealousy, and they a fit of forceful jealousy induced make-outs or sex occurs that range from consensual to downright very non-consensual.  Sometimes the uke will protest this treatment or the characterization of the jealousy fodder but this is pointless because it doesn’t become a conversation.  It is simply about the seme controlling the uke and asserting his dominance.  
Stalking is also extremely common if there is suspected jealousy.   Troubling jealousy behavior can range from as tame as going through someone’s phone without permission to drugging, kidnapping, and nearly killing a partner for one of these trespasses.
HEY HEY HEY NOW! You man-hater! Ukes can be super creepy jealous too! …but ukes are men too… THAT’S NOT THE POINT! You’re acting as if only dominant partners experience jealousy!
No, no, no, you’re right. Ukes get jealous too and sometimes to the same batty degree.  Yet, as a whole, uke jealousy tends to be less common and less destructive than jealousy of the seme variety.   The most common situation where an uke gets jealous of what a seme is doing is, the uke is pushed into a corner to admit he’s jealous.  The seme will reassure the uke he’s misunderstood and they make up.   On one hand you can argue that this is a much healthier way to settle a jealousy problem. On another hand you may view this as something of a double standard.  
If the uke’s jealous…it’s the uke’s fault and it’s nothing to worry about.  If the seme’s jealous...it’s the uke’s fault and it’s deadly serious.
This double standard even extends into how we view violent reactions for either side.  If a seme hits an uke for a trespass it will usually be framed as serious and scary.  If the uke hits the seme for a trespass it will usually be framed as a silly, and harmless outburst of tsundereness.
…Yes that’s right, the patriarchal set up of the seme/uke dynamic doesn’t just take a shit on ukes….though 9 times out of 10 it’s the ukes that do get the short end of the stick here.
Okay but let’s get the root of the problem…why is jealousy used?
If you’re a person who is not a bitter feminist killjoy who says aggravating SJW shit like, “TOXIC MONOGOMY CULTURE OPRRESSES MY GENDER NEUTRAL GENITLES” you may argue that jealousy is romantic.  I personally don’t think it is, but you’re fully allowed to view jealousy, as a concept, as a touching display of vulnerability and investment in a relationship.
However if you’re a cynical over-thinking fujoshi brimming with resentment to the genre you’ve mistakeningly dedicated your free time to, you may say the frequent use of jealousy is simply because it’s EASY WRITING!
It’s handy throw-away drama you can use in an established relationship that won’t have deeper ramifications for the relationship even if it’s on-going.  You can solve this pretty easily at any given point or decide to reintroduce it despite it previously being wrapped up.  You can use this almost TOTALLY regardless of either of the characters’ personalities or back stories.   It’s good for a quick antagonist, or to tantalize fans with a different flavor of sexual tension.  This is usually dependent on the gender of the jealousy fodder.
Ugh I’ve heard you use the term ~jealousy fodder~ like a billion times.  Why do you call it that?  
Because these characters rarely have anything going for them besides the fact they’re the conflict du-jour.  You’d be hard pressed to learn an interest of the fodder’s outside of “TRYING TO BANG PROTAG!” and they rarely do anything else in the story besides create this shallow drama.  Sometimes the jealousy drama is totally auxiliary to the main conflict of the story to boot. If you’re lucky and ONLY if you’re lucky the fodder will be shuffled into another couple.  Sometimes you won’t even see this jealousy used in a love triangle way.  It’s usually pretty obvious from the beginning that the protag is going to choose even if the other option is an objectively better person and choice for them.
In my years of reading BL I have only encountered 2 instances of a character being jealous and the other character ACTUALLY cheats on him. (Zetsuai Bronze and Totally Captivated.) Now people have different standards of what “cheating” is.  Some goes so far as to say that “Thinking about cheating” is CHEATING.  Even by that (pretty ridged standard) I would still say only the above.
Despite this low, low number, I see jealousy used in manga 80% of the time.  Are you picking up what I’m putting down here?  A breach of actual trust is not actually going to happen…99.99% of the time.  Oh but what if the jealousy is something a character has to work through to feel less anxious?  Excellent idea! I’ve seen that approach FUCKING ONCE! (Café Latte Rhapsody) So if there is no actual threat of trust breaching and it’s not something either of them has to work through on a mental or emotional level….WHAT KIND OF CONFLICT IS THAT?
I’d be much more entertained by staring into my own fucking bellybutton….but faps obviously you would since you navel-gaze as if you have a gemstone there.  IF I BELIEVE HARD ENOUGH I’LL BECOME I CRYSTAL GEM OKAY!?!?!?!?
But you will see jealousy commonly used in one instance of actually plot important drama.  And that is the ever, important, cementing of a couple’s relationship.   I call the use of jealousy in this instance:
Da fuck is that?  Toy truck consummation is a character will only realize he truly cares romantically for someone because he experiences jealousy. He didn’t want that toy truck until somebody else was going to play with it.  Thankfully I don’t see this often outside of high school settings.  A grown-ass man who is that fucking blind to his own feelings and childish enough to throw a tantrum out of it, can fuck RIGHT OFF! ….Though honestly teenagers behaving that way is still deeply shitty.
This is not an auspicious beginning to a loving relationship, if it’s formulated over single-mindedly hating a 3rd party, a 3rd party that is typically on good-terms with the target of affection.  So, a relationship we’re supposed to root for is predicated on a dude swooping in and ripping a valued person away from them for entirely selfish reasons.  I wouldn’t consider it dreamy if a seme threw an uke’s beloved play station 4 out the window because it holds the ukes attention sometimes.  I consider it even less dreamy when it’s something even more valued like yanno a friend.  (Though of course this can happen from the uke to the seme as well.) While sometimes, this individual is romantically interested in one of our leads…I’d say a good half the time if not more…they’re not at all.  
“Why are you losing your mind over someone, you’re not dating, hanging out with their friend? Even if the friend very obviously has 0 romantic or sexual interest in them?  Is it because you’re an anal fungus that causes people to shit their pants for no reason?  It’s probably because you’re a parasitic ass mushroom that makes people poop uncontrollably”
This, also, is pretty damn lazy.  Writing someone coming to grips with a difficult emotion is hard in itself. Writers will usually use 3rd parties to help bounce information back to a struggling individual to help give them insight.  And that can be used in this case as well!  Interacting with another couple, talking to someone who’s an out LGBTQ person, or even just a friend or relative that can relate!  However all of that is harder to pull off as melodramatically as a petty fuck-lord gut-punching a jealousy fodder out of the blue.  Hoo boy sonny! We should have a parade in his honor cause golly isn’t that the way to handle your problems!
But what if the jealousy fodder was really after them?
Then I would say the story may feature the trope….
Irrational jealousy magiced into rational jealousy!
What I mean is that there is a dominant that appears to be irrationally jealous.  There is no indication in the text the jealousy fodder is not on the up and up and the dominant is not privy to classified documents that make him secretly suspicious.  However turns out the harmless friend, acquaintance, co-worker, boss, mail man etc is actually a heartless rapist just trying to lower the submissive’s guard.  
This trope makes me foam at the mouth because not only is it cheap, cliché, and annoying but it justifies abusive behavior.  It states that No matter what crazy shit that lunatic boyfriend of yours spouts he’s fucking infallible.  If he tells you that the atmosphere has become poisonous to you and the only breathable air is in his testicles, you better clamp down on that cocktail wiener like a pit-bull because any damn self-serving nonsense he spews must be followed to the fucking letter.  Why? Because he is a mind-reader, a genius, and a clairvoyant with flawless judgment by nature of being born a DOMINANT MAN! TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
May I just add this is not a trope specific to BL but a trope that makes me want to drink into a stupor each time I see it.
Well if you’re so fucking relationship savy, how would you handle jealousy in stories huh!?
…By actually tackling the causes of jealousy which are very rarely acknowledged in BL.  As far as I can tell there are 3 major roots of jealousy.
1.)    Insecurity – I am not a good enough partner so my significant other is going to drop me as soon as they find somebody better.
2.)    Distrust – My partner does not respect our monogamous agreement and will sleep with other people if they can get away with it.
3.)    Missing out -  I feel left out if my partner is doing something without me.
I have seen all three roots play a role in fictional jealousy outbursts and they’re usually tied intimately together.  However the 1st two are the keys here.
Mistrust is an interesting situation because 99% of the time the mistrust is not that the partner will sleep around given the chance.  However the mistrust is shown as more of a, “I cannot trust my partner to avoid situations where they’ll be sexually assaulted.”
While this is framed as a jealousy issue at times, I don’t think it should.  Why?  If a character is sexually assaulted it is NOT the victims fault.   But haha welcome to the 50 foot deep pit of backwards sexual politics that is BL. YOU’RE WELCOME!
Insecurity plays a large role in BL jealousy…but I have only seen it addressed directly as a failing of personal confidence once. (Café Latte Rhapsody)
Most of the time characters that are subtextualy highly insecure are portrayed as powerful and that their jealousy tantrums is just ~how strong men act~ rather than ~they obviously hate themselves and fear their partner would find someone better.~  
I’ll be quite frank, a lot of the time…they’re correct the uke could do a lot better than the jerkass seme they’re saddled with.  However, instead of changing their negative behavior for the better they just control the uke’s every movements which is yanno not doing the uke OR the seme any favors. Sometimes this functions realistically in a story like in Space Between where Riki is an unwilling sex slave and Iason keeps him under his thumb.  However the majority of them treat this like a normal and healthy relationship…but
Wouldn’t it be better if one is not constantly wracked with fear over their partner leaving them?
Wouldn’t it be better if the other can have friends and leave the house?
I’m not saying the two can’t struggle with issues of jealousy…but I mean…can’t we treat jealousy like something they work on together instead of just,
“I can’t believe you talked to them! I DIDN’T MEAN TO!”
That sound clip? Just play it on loop
 So the problem with jealousy as a trope in romance and BL fiction is thus:
1.)    It’s toxic, doesn’t treat it as toxic, and sometimes justifies the toxicity.
2.)    It’s pathetic, cliché, non-conflict
3.)    It doesn’t really even understand what jealousy is.
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abigailskoda · 4 years
Can Italy Attract Tourism Again in 2020 After the COVID-19 Outbreak?
It has lately been thrilling to experience Italy,  Custom Made Jewellery to listen to the news reviews and to hear Italians make plans for starting up their companies further to mapping out their summer holidays. After having been at home goodbye, few would love to have a 'staycation'. At this factor, most of the people are already looking optimistically ahead to summer season, thinking about whether or not it would be great to visit the sea or the mountains this August. Moreover, the government is even considering presenting residents the "Buono Vacanze", that are unique 500-euro discounts to assist pay for their trips inside the Patria. Everyone is pushed to relaunch Italy; as a result, many entrepreneurs inside the eating place, bar, lodge, and holiday industries may be waiting with open palms for wayfarers from the whole international.
But first matters first; Italy's gotta open up! The hair stylists, barber stores, sports golf equipment, and other splendor centers have become prepared by way of sanitising the whole thing and ensuring that human beings will maintain the proper distance of one meter among one another, although this indicates serving best one patron at a time. Everything has to be geared up for overseas travelers and Italian travelers alike who will quickly go back to the spas to loosen up in amazing Italy. These globetrotters are welcomed to enquire as to how the shops were sanitised and whether or now not they utilise UV Type-C lighting fixtures to sterilise their groups due to the fact all people has the right to be knowledgeable as it should be.
We have already began to enjoy the delights of Italy another time! A few days ago, we visited an amazing Gelateria named Sotto Zero in Gattico-Veruno. There become a extraordinarily long line of enthusiastic customers prepared to reserve ice cream. A few had already positioned their take-away orders on line (or by way of phone) and had simply arrived to select them up fast. Most of the customers in line out of doors the shop kept appropriate social distancing and wore masks. The submit-COVID-19 rules had been posted to the right of the doorway in case a few humans hadn't been knowledgeable of them. The regulations have been as follows: Everyone ought to put on a mask; handiest one individual can input the gelateria at a time; every body must keep a meter other than others, and ice cream needs to be fed on a ways from the shop's premises.
Not simplest did Sotto Zero serve delicious, mythical ice cream cones, but in addition they had some vegan, gluten-loose, and lactose-unfastened options, which I opted to devour as opposed to eating conventional ice cream. Italian gelato has continually been glorified, however this year's tourists can assume to find a good more expansive variety of options to make anybody deliriously happy! Not far from the customary Italian ice cream shops, there are bread stores and pizzerias so as to make traffic euphoric as Italian food abounds! Italians are determined to maintain presenting cuisine regardless of what.
Italy is well-known for its remarkable designer jewelry. Tourists enjoy obtaining golden bracelets, rings, as well as artisanal sterling silver and crafts. I keep in mind how so many sightseers made pictures of gold trinkets on Ponte Vecchio in Florence once I turned into young (in the Eighties), and the enthusiasm persists nowadays! A jewellery keep proposes to sanitise all of their steel jewellery for each patron who wishes to try on wonderful rings, bracelets, or necklaces. A box with UV Type-C lighting might be employed to ensure their customers' protection. Moreover, they have got hooked up particular partitions with a view to assist customers feel each secure and comfortable. No doubt, searching for jewellery goes to be a natural pleasure this year for vacationers in Italy!
It now looks as if migrant farm employees are going to be needed to help choose the new crops. Italy is greater welcoming to migrant people these days than a 12 months ago due to the fact those migrants can do the roles that many more youthful Italians now not recognise a way to do. Additionally, the migrants will subsequently get the threat to work from inside the felony financial system and obtain a few benefits. Still, many Italians have lately decided to return to agricultural manufacturing. Young Italians understand these jobs have deep roots within the Italian way of life, many older Italians having entered inside the farm working subject as early as age 14. Perhaps the latest developing hobby in agriculture has been inspired by a global return to the emphasis on the need to have healthy nutrients.
Restaurants and bars are distinctive from how we reminisce approximately them previous to COVID-19. Getting a take-away bag or tray became unthinkable in 2019. In less than  months, among 21 February and 17 May 2020, the Italian mindset about ingesting out has been reconstructed. In the conventional Italian viewpoint, eating out entailed having wonderful ready provider, one reason why there are so many 'hospitality' faculties on this united states. Being served by top waiting staff turned into an essential part of the standard eating place enjoy.
I take into account the days once I dined in a few extraordinary eating places in Rome that served food in a specific order. Firstly, there was an aperitif followed via the antipasto (now and again fried calamari). Then there has been the customary first plate (classically pasta). The 2nd plate consisted of a protein dish like fish and two vegetable aspects or a salad. That become accompanied by dessert, normally fruit, Tiramisu, Profiteroles, or any other light sweet. A dim candlelight atmosphere stronger the high-quality enjoy. Such classical eating with top notch workforce will keep as long as customers are willing to follow the guidelines concerning social distancing and using protective barriers, however if diners opt for, they are able to accept take-away.
Having awesome take-away meals could be quite a metamorphosis in a rustic aware of making do while wished. Some Italians are already planning to order take-away meals to have fun their romantic wedding anniversaries. However, if couples are determined to eat out in eating places, they may locate the tables a long way aside this year, not like inside the past while human beings used to eat pizza at a shared desk along with the locals. Many restaurants have already established plexiglass in the middle of tables to defend purchasers from the coronavirus. One wonders how bottles of wine and baskets of bread may be handed to and fro between purchasers (if there's plexiglass inside the middle of them), however it'd be an great excuse to reserve the wine of 1's desire instead of that of one's associate.
Travellers shouldn't assume to get any kisses and hugs from overly friendly Italians this summer time. Italians preserve to themselves these days and exercise social distancing as plenty as they can. Italians were not acknowledged for distancing themselves some years again, quite the contrary in such a friendly country, so almost every body's nonetheless talkative and high-quality these days. Visitors must count on to reply severa questions on what brings them to Italy, and the locals will likely help them if they wander away and want to recognize the instructions on the train station, although they can't speak the language. Most Italians inform visitors that their delicacies is the first-class inside the international and that Italian style is the maximum. Of course, thousands of vacationers long to go to Italy and clearly recognize all that Italy has to provide: art, tradition, music, delicacies, and the get-up-and-move mind-set.
0 notes
whittierwellness · 6 years
WEBSITE: www.watchmefitness.com
FACEBOOK PAGE: Facebook.com/watchmefitness 
INSTAGRAM: watchmefitness
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  What is your favorite thing about your career/company?
My favorite thing about being a fitness trainer is being able to improve someone else’s life quality. When you want to improve your life’s quality, I firmly believe having a strong foundation (healthy mind & body) will be the first step that one needs to take. To share my story, strength training and proper nutrition in general made me a better person. I became more confident with myself and I started to improve on my social interactions with friends & family. By doing this, it naturally made my quality of relationships much better. And I want to share this experience with those who reach out to me. I want to let everyone know that by simply taking care of your health & wellbeing, you are able to achieve anything that you desire. Oh, and I get to meet A LOT of cool people that I gain insight and learn from. 
 What motivated you to start your company (a little history)
After witnessing a few key moments in the lives of some of my family members, I knew in order be in control of my future I needed to own my own business. I started working as a freelance trainer since 2015 and officially started my own business this year (2017). I have also always felt like I didn’t fit into the workplace – not because I was weird or didn’t get along with my coworkers, but I wanted to create my own culture that did not coincide with my integrity as an individual. so being my own boss and making my own rules appealed.
Another reason why started my company was to help those around me that had similar problems when they first initially started working out. The truth is, it took me countless years to figure out how to change my body composition. I had trouble losing body fat, but now I am much more knowledgeable going through years worth of trial and error. And I want to help those around me that are going through the exact same problem. I want to share with the world that building a downright incredible physique doesn’t have to be that hard without sacrificing too much of your lifestyle. Fitness is about transforming your body and living the life of your dreams. So essentially, it becomes a metaphor for how you set your own life! When you master your own body with health and nutrition, you can start achieving things in other areas of your life that you never thought it was possible.
 What is your proudest accomplishment?
I would say that my proudest accomplishment would be listening to my heart and pursuing my dreams come into reality. I knew it would’ve been easier for me if I just listened to my family’s advice and took the easier way out in regards to my career. I could’ve been working at a regular 9-5 job making decent money and being content with what I have. However, I knew my potential was far greater and I had to make a choice. I truly believe that life is too short to do something that doesn’t ignite you or from the inside. I didn’t want to be an extra in my own movie. 
 What is the best feature or item from your company?
My goal is to help individuals who are just starting out their fitness journey. And unlike most of the fitness programs that are out there geared towards bodybuilders and advanced lifters, I want to share with the world that you can achieve the best results without sacrificing too much of your lifestyle & nutritional preferences. My program and fitness philosophy are geared towards the general public who just want to look and feel good to go on with their life. You can achieve the best results possible training minimally.. as long as you are knowledgeable understanding the key aspects of nutrition and training. 
How would your friends describe you?
I think that my friends would describe that I am responsible, driven, and understanding. 
 What are your hobbies?
My hobbies include playing poker, watching and playing sports (I love basketball & football), spending time with my loved ones, and bettering myself whether that is through reading or learning from those around me.
List two pet peeves.
I don’t really have any pet peeve’s, but one thing that grind my gears are talking with someone that is inconsiderate or someone that is irrational. I don’t care if we have different views or opinions, that’s perfectly normal, but if you’re being irrational and not accepting when you’re wrong…that pisses me off.
 Where do you see yourself in five years?
honestly, I can’t even picture myself or where I’ll be in the next 12 months. But one thing I know is that I’ll be helping a lot of people reach their goals whether that’s through fitness or self development. And hopefully in five years, I’ve become an influencer leaving an imprint in this industry.
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
  I told myself that I wouldn’t dwell in the past, but if I could go back in time, I just wish that I started my entrepreneurial journey and pursued my passion a lot sooner. I always had this voice inside of me that knew what was right for me,but I couldn’t take action right away. Always listen to your heart!
 If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? 
This one’s hard. Honestly, for this type of question i will have to go with the greats. So I’ll pick two people that are already gone and two people that have great influence on me today. I would love to share a meal with Jesus, Buddha, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Lewis Howes.
  GETTING TO KNOW JASON HWANG, MOBILE PERSONAL TRAINER WEBSITE: www.watchmefitness.com FACEBOOK PAGE: Facebook.com/watchmefitness  INSTAGRAM: watchmefitness What is your favorite thing about your career/company? My favorite thing about being a fitness trainer is being able to improve someone else’s life quality.
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amazingspder · 4 years
I Was Normal 2 Great Danes Ago T-Shirt
Engine problems in the standard street so the special also gets a I Was Normal 2 Great Danes Ago T-Shirt bigger capacity engine course the nominal batch of the bike know a lot valve cylinder heads I know this is probably years ago they did just be able to deliver more performance more performance more smooth running pattern engine that’s more efficient that can meet admission standardsand other parts of the worldand this Milwaukee is just you just went Harley Davidson to make the enginesand the more smooth or a more well calibrated with the same engine is smoother it’s more quiet in terms of mechanical noise you actually hear more of that awesome exhaust potato potato salad than ever beforeand overall settlement whopping amount to tour the 11 tour Dunlop tire 11 foot pound of torque writer on 2800 RPM makes around 80 hp on the Dino so horsepower numbers are outrageous by any means elements found in appear but the tour is torque output is quite just amazing how much power is put out his cell phone to run through the 60 shit play their 45 between fury felt by wearily I get back to being playful but they actually are vegans are very playful specialists more 114 corner Harley Davidson hobby SATA or street glad 2006 talked about thatand in 2009 Harley Davidson in all nature you suspect can really refine the handling of this bike think I went on message adoption or maybe if you introduction believe that how well the big touring bike handleand fast forward to the kids today that is creating handling manners are still very much aliveand apparent in this motorcycle even though the frame itself is over 10 years old so very nice handling bike from Harley Davidson it’s important to note that a couple years ago when they went to the Milwaukee formation they also introduced a unique technology from their suspension supplier show off Harley Davidson’s been writing show suspension foreverand this by all the touring bike in the show is tool that being valve suspension technology what is basically instead of that how sad for having asked about a fluid movement these out to about they actually paid a floatand mail out different amounts of fluid transfer at different parts of the strokeand basically what bad guys is equates to a more controlled Ron so when you when you’re saying you’re putting a lot of pitch on the frontand with the front brake given gas on the push to get on a gas that the suspension is actually able to respond to those changes more accuratelyand a little bit with more consistent dampingand basically if you have more consistent to me of more more control of the motorcycle done with the addition of show it to open the valve issue on the father just rain here they lose yesterday as he made quite here in Southern California which is unusual control like God about that right now this is outfitted with Harley Davidson RVR option in the 1000 chargeand purchase on all the touring bike standard I believe on the live wireand premium CDL equipped Harley Davidson touring bikeand what authority are basically hurried Harley Davidson control which he also ordering ABS so Harley Davidson gun is actually fittedand you ship your iPhoneand other modern smart phonesand what that ship guys allows the motorcycle positional awarenessand ask why the planes so you got pitchand roll to the motorcycle now understands where it is in uses the informationand favorite ECUand if you give the motorcycle too much throttle for giving me that we know are vehicle conditions or conversely here leaned over too much with too much front brake input actually automatically reduce power or take outbreak pressure from the front brakeand move it to the back break or vice versa while you’re running it doesn’t automatically so it’s pretty impressive technology I mean this is technology that up until recently only high caliber sport bikes I mean the high caliber sport bike to just introduced this technology a few years ago 345 years ago so for Harley Davidson to be implementing this on their touring bikes it’s quite amazingand just that amount engineering timeand an enticing requires to develop that kind of system it takes a lot of time to get it right it’s amazing that Harley Davidson’s been able to introduce it so quickly implemented on these motorcycles we had a chance to really well on this motorcycleand corner in Iraq it really hard to actually vouch for how well it works but just during this commute ride it’s very effectiveand based on Harley Davidson’s ability to to testing engineer things I’d assume that works pretty good when you get to the twisty stretches of pavement a transition our back that means a lot tire you out final drive hydraulic cheer Harley Davidson’s always switch between manualand hydraulic manual I draw the hydraulic clutch in a while since I’ve her street glad that it written one of the new Milan streetlight with this hydraulic clutch in the clutch as well or feeland that the had in the previous generation touring bikes before I remember it was very hard on the clutch depressedand the motor was neutraland in your was in gearand there was not much battery need to deal this one more modulation it still a little bitand still a little bit all feelings impaired to other companies as well but still way more than I remember writing it Harley Davidson there’s some things you want which is silly but one have a little bit more clutch lever for you water is cool mechanical when you go to the gearbox located a clunk like the gearbox isn’t well made club that gives you a good secure mechanical feeling it’s almost like the top of an old watch from the 1800s like that is what kind of character these motorcycles possess very happily this party are stemming as the roads are very slippery see you there the traffic control like flash is satisfied that they really dive very regal ride loads over the funds very well represent very easy to experience his weight floating fairing moves with the bar so about right are very good good job of even when Harley Davidson used to have this back cover here this vent covers for reduced the turbulence of hair behind the right behind the fairing here previously we could actually open event but they they deleted that set up for 2020 not just fixed this bike include all LED lighting which really helps you stand out on the road also helps see what’s going on in front you instrumentation I love hobby SATA big color TFT display the analog gauges are very nice to them in their duality between the of an American motorcycle with these gaugesand then you are the modern function of the instrument face some major congestion which is quite normal. 3 ounce paint on this but rains pretty easily on this bike without much concernand on the same position isn’t overly harsh over like a lot of more performance focused bikes are great like this yellow strain on your ear resting on the restraining arrested upright not present a problem on the neonatal have when production I you really forward into the wind just a little bitand so that does mean that they don’t feel like you’re cussing holding onto the bars 70 or 80 miles an hour just to stay onand that Questar areas windshields available for the bikes so you a lot highway writing speed there’s a way to set I personally thought this bike anyone the first things I would do is probably an exhaustand intake I think that’s a precognitive evil to say that on this bike the character the engine in stock form is a little too sedate for the capabilities of the chassis when he met is that I think this chassis would really benefit from a lot of more rambunctious more red hot motorand there’s many ways to do that with the sportster Odyssey I usually like the hoteland build celebrity SR 1200 had in this chassis that motor be a really good fit personality wise for the chassis is now everything else is been upgraded performance lies like the suspensionand the brakes I think that the bike could really use a little bit extra grunt from the motor little more sound obviously I but also just a little more of a red happy nature so I just need a bike feel that more likely exhaustand intake unitsand goes a long way towards that sustainedand upgrade by a distaste to it some more star focus can so all in all I deathly recommend this for anybody looking for performance focused on I classic style bike I it’s it’s a really good option for that market I knew only hesitation I would have been recommending is if you do a lot highway writing it does have 5 feet is not to buddy out on the highway provided to stay in the low 80 miles an hour you’re trying to fasten I regularly get an ability to decide sustained speed onand then I say it does have a pretty healthy so if you’re just starting out it might not be the best bike to start with as it is I 500 poundsand is quite a policy so if it’s your first bike MS your tall guy or falling out I would recommend potentially starting somewhere else but that that’s just one word of caution it is your first bike view mirrorand mine is a day on the tall side item to see Lisa that Harley in the rest of the motorcycle market is not a particularly called bikes upand I don’t want to scare you away from that but definitely only use it to check one out I sit on itand make sure that you feel like it’s comfortable for you because is one thing that most of the feeling of sportster’ Guys now leave I hear you from the oldest largestand finest leadership in the greater Los Angeles area labor laws Harley Davidson so easily popular model so maybe doing a review etc. Come out as good a take right back to the sound that you guys had in the since you’re 15 years oldand all kinds of critics in all kinds of writing to say wow look at this we got this whole new sound that’s reminiscent of the Beatles back in the 60s while the party beat playing Gertz blobsand Zach doing as of right now that have new instrumentsand although rock ‘n roll was brand new when it came outand excited everybody was it had roots in bluesand jazz selling that way they would have their roots in the 60s 70sand possibly fed the back but you constantly rock ‘n roll in the 20s musical life you look for itand find out where it came fromand you can find that led Beatles music came from any musicand just like it has its history before we get into your your immigration statusand will bring Mr Wilds out at that time hoorayand that is a controversy for youand for people who would want you to stay in this country you been involved in some other mini controversies like the time that you were on the cover of the album
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Provides some sense of victory for families allows residents to move for a I Was Normal 2 Great Danes Ago T-Shirt positive way of getting out of the mindset of being victims but more of as victors and that’s what we need to move as a community dollars for the condo leader in after a suspected point person for the outspoken critic of the that he was playing when he report this video appears to electing of Volney groaning on the plane when paramedics arrived pilots made an emergency landing in Siberia after he started to feel sick his spokeswoman for the Moscow radio station twinkling black tea in an airport café we reckon that he was poisoned and that happened with the key doctor say he’s unconscious but stable naturally poisoning is considered as one of the possible reasons of the deterioration in the conditions as the senior doctor we are working. Vladimir Vladimir Putin Is a Dictator Vladimir Putin Is a Dictator He’s Not a Leader but He Thinks Otherwise Doesn’t Know Russian History and a Lateral Is Exactly This Guy Is Case That I Look at His Eyes and I See KGB and Hillary Has That Cycling so to Deal with the Got That We Do Have To Deal with Russia in A Lot Of Different Ways There Are Areas Where We Can Collaborate so It Was Hillary Clinton Who Worked with Russia on the New Start Treaty to Reduce Their Nuclear Weapons It Was Hillary Clinton That Worked with Russia to Get Them Engaged in a Community of Nations to Stop. So it’s going to be a rigged election in this country shouldn’t allow the courts have to step it weren’t many different courts right now if the court subset in the federal courts you never know who won the election just like in New York that an election with Callan Malone baloney and third rate congresswomen I’ve known for a long time third rate well he won but they have no idea where the ballots where the balance many missing ballots opponent is having a fit but they did that because it was so embarrassing then you look at Paterson New Jersey they declared a winner because it was on that you look at Ben Paterson New Jersey look at what happened there look at what just happened in Virginia when they send in 500 000 applications most similar to wrong people they send some the dogs they said to the top they sent people that are passed away good people they were sent to guide people add 500 000 applications this is crazy but when doing is not a question of anything else can’t work it in and what the little districts small little defined SEC can do it See Other related products: Skull I'm The Sweetest Bitch You'll Ever Meet T Shirt
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diypressive · 4 years
Sometime in 2017
This is what I wrote in 2017, that mirror my current condition pretty similar.
It’s reaaaaalllly good to write again!
I can feel my self feeling better and it really ease my mind.
I don’t know exactly what happen to me these days.. how to describe it.. sometimes it gets hypersensitive, easily agitated, or suddenly depressed over some dark clouds hanging in the sky, or sometime overly anxious about things outside my control or responsibility.
am I just physically tired from works (and commuting) on daily basis? or is my mind on ‘under-stimulation’  condition? or do I need to do regular sport or exercise routine to make my body be more active? so that it can pump healthier bloods to my brain.. or should I get some hobby or activities or anything that can stimulate my brain in a more productive way?
I thought I am too passive these days, lack of healthy behavior, lack of adrenaline, lack of brain stimulation. I engaged in nothing but works, eats, and sleeps. is that why my mind feel fucked up?
or is that because social media exposure? I mean, people used social media to spread their daily personal negativity, somehow fucked up mentality, or their dumb political view. Political situation nowadays is chaotic, and everyone unconsciously taking part to spread their negative sentiments everywhere, in every social media platform! How stressing! I’m fed up, people. could you just please spread the positive attitude, the love, be appreciative to your loved ones and every one(s).
or it is just a normal characteristic of growing up? that there are a lot from our society or surrounding that upset you, so you choose to build your own personal value(s) and then trying to live to it while adapting to your own social environment, or maybe you can just blend it away, or maybe simply ignore it and live the fuck you want (?) is that so? is this a part of growing up?
I don’t know exactly and I can’t share this to anyone. so, I will just leave it here. Hope time may give me a satisfying answer one day. Maybe when life has become more meaningful for me.
Well, 3 years has passed. 
Now I can answer to my (past) self that social media is not inherently negative. We can just filtering out the 'bad vibes’ we don’t want to be affected by. Just unfollow, mute, or even block the account(s). Follow accounts that spread positives attitude/view, or those who giving us education on how the world goes around itself, all in details, from every different aspects, considering all factors. I would say “you found what you are looking for” is pretty relevant for social media use.
and I’m pretty sure that I have almost zero interest in politics :v haha. I don’t really care about power, let alone how the authorities use their power. I do have little interest on the psychological view, but not that much. Sorry, Dad. 
about growing up... I’m still figuring it out. I guess it’s true that growing up means picking up value(s) you want to live with and leave the other(s) you don’t feel right for yourself. but sometimes, in a difficult time (which is a lot), you don’t even know what is right for you anymore. At that point, your psyche will turn on the survival mode on, whatever it means for each ‘self’.
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