#this is a nonissue. slight tragedy but so it goes
violasmirabiles · 1 year
something thats always had me kinda :( is that. i really really really dislike most cheeses. i can and do eat food that has cheese in it no problem and enjoy it too its complicated its fine dont worry about it but. by itself? or as a Main Character so to speak? pained grimace i would prefer not to. sososososo many cheeses are just. fucking nightmare texture to me. often nightmare smell and taste too but texture. thats the fucking. nope. no. no thank you. and it sucks so bad cos 1) i feel like Do Not Have A Good™ Reason™ For Disliking Cheese & All Normal People™ Eat Cheese & You Sir Are A Nuisance And A Freak™ and yeah you get the idea but ALSO cos 2) cheeses are so fucking fascinating to me. in a neurodivergent way. like what the fucks that about and also what a tragedy. notable exception is mozzarella. and also leipäjuusto with cloudberry jam. thats god tier despite the Texture™ but thats mostly thanks to the cloudberry jam so thank you cloudberry jam for your service
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