#this is The kane and kagura from the novel
banqanas · 4 months
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kane & kagura ref board
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Okay, I'm rewatching the three MVs we have so far to see what details I can notice. I am updating this as I find information and notice things, so it is incredibly jumbled, I apologize. Any knowledge I have of the Battle of Tokyo plot comes from buchib's livejournal.
The different backgrounds are different important items from the novels - the Mad Jesters have one of the books, Rowdy Shogun has the black diamond, and Astro9 has the mirror.
SherRock tears a page out of his book and lets it fly away - I think that's the page that flies through Justice is Blind and Black Magic. After doing this, he leaves the book behind and Zero picks it up, which is why he has it to compare with Teku in Black Magic.
I'm not sure what's going on with the different color crystals - so far I've seen green, red, white and purple. That's where the cameos from other groups tends to happen the most - In Beautiful Liar, SawaNatsu/Hajime is holding a red crystal, Kazuma/Lupus has a green crystal, Sekai/Teku has a red crystal, Ryoga/Michi has a green crystal.
Leiya/Kagura has shown up in every MV so far. Facing off against Reo/Masato and Hayato/Chatter in Beautiful Liar with Keito/Kane, Shogo/Travis and Shohei/Sarutobi. This scene is repeated in Black Magic, but without the Rowdy Shogun mbrs, which intrigues me. Kagura also ran through Justice is Blind and has a moment with Sarutobi, I think related to the fact both are speedsters. I was going to say that Kane has also shown up in every MV, but I don't think he was in Justice is Blind, now that I think about it.
Different characters are showing up in other group's MVs - every video so far has had a different Dung Beat Posse member.
According to the Exile Tribe wiki, we do have names for all 7 Dung Beat Posse mbrs. This may not be a recent development - god knows my memory is shit - but this is new information to me and maybe to any readers as well. The names are:
Tsurugi is Force, who showed up in the Justice is Blind MV crossing swords with Goemon.
Ryoga is Michi, who showed up in the Beautiful Liar MV. Michi is holding a green crystal, then turns around and walks away with it.
Ren is Ayase, who I don't think we've seen yet and at this rate would have to be in BBZ video tomorrow if they're having a cameo in every MV.
Jimmy is VinceP, who was in Black Magic today.
Kokoro is Haruto, who I couldn't find in the three MVs, but I may have missed it.
Ryushin is Hankichi, who I similarly haven't seen in the three MVs so far, but, again, may have missed him.
Weesa is Malik, who was also in Black Magic today.
I'm not sure why Riku/Bailey is in Black Magic and pocketing a red crystal to boot. The only other person I can remember taking the crystal they're holding is Michi.
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banqanas · 5 months
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banqanas · 3 months
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The promise we made on the day of the Meteor festival
"I'll come along with you."
This week BOT Onedraw! The theme was "Meteor Festival" so i drew a scene based on the novel! Where Kane was ready to die for Kagura
Translations here!
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banqanas · 1 year
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“I just have to give this to Kane, right? I’ll hold you on to your words, Sherrock!”
Lupus headed straight to the center of the storm to where the man is.
The moment Lupus handed the black diamond to him, a flash of green light radiated from Kane's body.
- Battle of Tokyo, Vol 4
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banqanas · 1 year
PERFECT MAGIC (voice drama part) translations
CAST: TEKU ≠ SEKAI (CV: Takeuchi Shunsuke) ITARU ≠ Sato Taiki (CV: Ono Kensho)
Teku: Ladies and gentlemen! Boys, girls and people from all walks of life! Thank you for coming to our show!
Teku: Tonight, we will cast a magic spell that will light up Astro Park to the sky.
Itaru: We are the marvelous illusionist troupe, ASTRO9! Allow me, Itaru, to introduce you to our members. Here we have Hajime, Kagura, Dill, Kane, Aria, Karasu.
Itaru: And our leader, Teku!
Teku: Ever since the storm that destroyed the world five years ago, we were taken in by a miracle worker and were able to rebuild ourselves in Super Tokyo.
Teku: So to everyone who lives in this city— No...
Teku: It is exactly because we’re in Super Tokyo, we would like to present you the magic of believing.
Teku: Let us begin, Itaru.
Itaru: Behold, this is our Perfect Magic!
Itaru: Good job, everyone! You guys were amazing tonight!
Itaru: ASTRO9 is the best!
Teku: (whispering) I understand.
Itaru: Huh, where’s Teku?
Teku: You can count on us. We’ll be there soon. Farewell.
Teku: Itaru.
Itaru: Did something happen?
Teku: There’s an emergency. Everyone, gear up!
Itaru: Now?! But we still have the encore—
Teku: Our “conversion” skill isn’t only for performance and tricks on stage. Isn’t that right?
Itaru: Yes. Being the park’s troubleshooter is also an important job of ours.
Itaru: Let’s go, team!
TL notes:
Unlike the earlier tracks, the setting for this voice drama takes place in Volume 1 of the novel. You can read a summary of the novel here.
Usual translation disclaimer apply, with extra grain of salts. Earsubbing technical terms is out of my regular repertoire.
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