#this is Kuroki we're talking about
linagram · 7 months
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chimera and cinderella
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galactickle · 11 months
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I Think We're Alone Now
Billy Bennett x reader
Summary: Lex has dibs on Y/N, Kings Dominion's only group floater, but Marcus can't help but notice the lingering feelings between her and someone else.
Marcus sat at the only empty lunch table, situated in the middle of the room. He pulled out his journal and began writing, opting not to trust the cafeteria food in a school for assassins. Suddenly someone jumps over the table, he recognizes the green mohawk as soon as he sees it.
“I think Chico’s got a crush on you,” Billy comments sitting down across from Marcus, “Or he wants to kill you, probably kill.”
“Fuck that dude,” Marcus replied. “What’s his deal anyways?” Billy began explaining the nuances of the clique system within the school. “What about her? I thought you said that groups don’t mix.”
“They don’t, that’s Y/N, she’s special, her dads a hot shot assassin, no one knows exactly who he is, but there’s enough rumors to sink a ship. Plus everyone’s scared of her reputation, so they let her slide with the legacies, even though she doesn’t fit in with any particular group.” Marcus’s eyes lingered on the girl's form for a minute, as she talked with Saya and the Kurokis. “Nonono, you don’t want to do that, plus Lex has dibs on her if she ever dates a rat,” Billy protested.
“How can you have dibs on a person?”
“I don’t know, but he does,” Suddenly Billy straightens up a little bit and squirms in his seat. Marcus follows his gaze to see Y/N approaching them.
“Hey Billy…new kid,” she addressed them each with a smile, not something Marcus was expecting from the apparent most deadly person in the school, “How’s your day been so far?” she asked Marcus, scooching into the seat next to him. “I know how your day’s been,” She gestured to Billy’s arm with a sorry smile.
He laughed lightly shrugging, Y/N turned back to Marcus, “Traumatizing,” Marcus replied.
This earned a laugh from Y/N, “I like this one, can we keep him?” she jokingly asked Billy.
The three of them chatted for a few more minutes, before Y/N announced she had to go, “Do you have any final words of wisdom for Marcus on his first day?” Billy asked before she could leave fully.
“Try to keep your head attached to your body,” she joked (not really) backing away.
Billy watched, love stricken as she left the cafeteria. “Dude,” Marcus interrupted. “I thought you said we don’t want to do that,” he raises an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
“Do what?” Billy snapped out of his daze, “C’mon, I wanna show you something.”
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
That night, after classes had finished and supper had been eaten, the rats sat up on the roof smoking.
“The Dixie Mob are fucking assholes,” Lex complained.
“Yeah like who really gives a shit about white supremacy nowadays?” Billy went to take a drag of his cigarette but it was pulled from between his fingers. He turned his head, about to curse out the culprit when he came face to face with Y/N, a smirk on her face as she took a drag from his cigarette and placed it back between his fingers. “Y/N, h-hey.”
“Hey,” she smiles, sitting down next to him on the concrete slab. ���I see you survived, new kid,” she spoke around Billy to Marcus. Billy had taken a long drag from the cigarette and now offered it to the girl, but Lex was quick to step in.
“Here love, you can have one of mine,” he offers her a fresh cigarette, which she accepts with a soft ‘thank you’ as he lights it for her.
Petra walks over from where she had been standing away from the group, a little gracious for her roommate to be there, and sits next to Y/N.
“I thought you said she mostly hangs with the Legacies?” Marcus whispers in Billy’s ear.
“Yeah, but like I said, she’s also technically a rat, and Petra is her roommate and they're close. So she hangs with us when she can.”
Marcus nods in response.
“Hey, Y/N! Check out this new move I've been working on!” Lex calls from the skateboard ramp. Y/N focuses her attention on the British boy.
When he finishes his trick, Y/N claps politely, “Damn, that was sick!”
Billy flicks his cigarette to the ground, “Oh that was nothin’!”' he challenges. After Billy executes his trick flawlessly, he spreads his arms wide and asks, “How was that?”
“11 out of 10” Y/N replies with a beaming smile.
“Well what would you rate mine, love?” Lex interjects.
Marcus can see the girl's internal struggle to answer correctly. “10.5 out of 10” she finally says with a sweet smile.
Marcus looks to Lex, who seems content with this answer, though not entirely happy.
“Who did you get partnered up with in De Luca’s class today?” Petra asked Y/N, Marcus could see her shoulder’s relax at the change of subject.
“Fucking Brandy Lynn,” Y/N rolled her eyes.
From there on the air seemed lighter and the conversation seemed to flow smoother. Finally, Y/N stood up and stomped out her cigarette, “Alright, it was good hanging, I gotta go,” she waved goodbye and headed to the stairwell, a chorus of byes following her.
“Man, she so obviously has a thing for Billy,” Marcus states, taking a drag.
Billy chokes on air while Lex gets visibly irritated.
Petra elbows Marcus “Dude,” she whispers. Marcus raises his hands in defense.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Over the next week Marcus and the rats grew closer, including Y/N. Marcus had watched as she would sit across from Billy every time she ate a meal with them, or how she would always laugh at his jokes, even when they're not funny (which was a lot of them).
On Friday, Marcus stops Y/N in the deserted hallway, “When are you going to tell Billy you like him?”
“Excuse me?” If looks could kill, Marcus would be dead.
“C’mon, it's obvious you have a thing for him, and him for you, so just tell him,”
Y/N laughs incredulously, “I don't know what youre talking about” She turns to leave.
“Y/N,” Marcus says seriously.
Y/N turns back and looks at Marcus seriously, “Leave it,” and walks off down the hall.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Y/N stands in the kitchen, Shabnams party in full swing, if you could call it that. She nurses a red solo cup of alcohol. Her eyes roamed the patrons of the party but were always drawn back to a green mohawk.
“You should go over there,” Marcus says from beside her, “talk to him.”
Y/N couldn’t seem to shake the curly hair boy recently. “No,” she says simply, taking a small sip.
“C’monnn, just talk to him.” Y/N shoots a glare at Marcus. “Fine, if you won’t tell him, I will.” He cups his hands over his mouth, yelling “Billy!” to get his attention over the music and conversation.
Y/N cocks her head at the curly haired boy, “Seriously?”
On the couch, Billy looks over the top, looking into the kitchen. Marcus waves for him to come over. Y/N tries to slip out with a group of people, but Marcus was quick to grab her arm and place her firmly back in place.
“Hey guys! What's up?” Billy asked in his usual goofy tone, a smile covering his face. His eyes were slightly bloodshot but they still carried the usual kindness.
“Y/N here was just asking me about my favourite punk bands, and I figured you would be a better person to talk to about it,” Marcus shoots the girl a cheesy smile to which Y/N returns a quick sarcastic smile.
“Yeah! man, I love the Adolescent and have you ever heard of….” Billy trails off into a tangent and Y/N can’t help but hang on to every word. Marcus walked away feeling accomplished.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
“WELL, well, well, what do we have here?” Lex yells, making Y/N flinch ever so slightly. Her and Billy had been talking for what feels like forever, gradually moving closer to each other in the small kitchen, “flirting with my best friend, eh?” Lex slings an arm over Y/N’s shoulder, which she is quick to shrug off, but Billy’s look of deflation doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Screw off, Lex,” she replies, pushing him back lightly.
“Oh, cmon, loveeee” he drags out, going to place a hand on her ass, but the second it grazes, his wrist is twisted in an unnatural way.
“I said, fuck. off. Lex,” Y/N states, still holding his wrist and threatening to break it.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Marcus interrupts, making her release Lex’s hand, albeit reluctantly, “let's get you out of here,” he says to Lex, patting him on the chest and shooting the couple an apologetic look.
Y/N turns to Billy, “I need some air,” she brushes past him and out the front door.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Y/N was sitting on the front steps, carving a design into the stairs with a knife, when Billy came up beside her, “want some company?”
She looks up at him, “sure” and waves to the spot beside her.
“I’m sorry about Lex, he's a total asshole when he's drunk… Are you okay?” he asks as he sits down.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she forces a smile, but doesn’t look back up from the design.
“You didn't look fine, and if the stairs are any indication…” he says with a raised eyebrow looking at the design she had carved.
“It's just…” she sighs, getting up and pacing in front of him, “my dad used to yell like that, and accuse me of shit I didn't do… so when people do it now it really pisses me off.”
“Yeah I get that… Believe me, I do,” he nods solemnly, Y/N sits back down. “I’m sure Marcus is giving him an earful and I'm going to tomorrow when he's sober enough to understand.”
“Thank you,” she gives him a tight lipped smile, “thank you for being so kind,” she leans her head on his shoulder for a second, and then removes it.
“You gave me no reason not to be, and I mean, technically you’re one of us,” he laughs.
“I am, aren't I? Maybe I should embrace that more,” Y/N says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she looks in his eyes.
“Yeah!” Billy says, getting a little excited.
A comfortable silence falls over the two, looking at each other with little smiles growing on their faces.
After a minute, Y/N looks away, “What do you think of Lex's whole ‘dibs’ thing?” she asks, looking out to the street.
“What do you mean?” He tilts his head slightly.
“I mean, do you give a shit about it?” she turns towards him.
“No, it's just some stupid thing he came up with to make himself feel better,” he laughs, turning back to Y/N, “wh--”
Before Billy could finish his question, she does what she’s always wanted to do since she met Billy Bennett, and what Marcus has been pressuring her to do. She grabs the side of Billy's face and leans in and presses her lips to his. The kiss is sweet and gentle and quick. When she pulls back Billy looks at her with stars in his eyes and he lets out a signature little giggle, before leaning back in for another, more heated, kiss.
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phoenix-flamed · 3 months
VONNY!! Happy Birthday, my dear friend!! Thank you so much for being around, for being such an amazing friend, for supporting me and many others, for fighting your own battles so valiantly, for simply existing. You are such a blessing to the rp community and to all the people you interact with – me included of course! I am so happy to have met you, so happy to be able to talk and interact and just see you around. Anything you write, draw, or talk about is cherished by me, so please always take care of your health and have fun around, I love to see it! I hope today makes you feel happier, and I am deeply hoping you get much more blessings and joy as the days go by! Happy birthday and thank you for being so great! I love you so much, you are amazing, just like your portrayal of Elwin! I love both of you so dearly! Lots of hugs, lots of love!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!
You're going to make me cry alkdglkffgl KUROKI NO
Thank you, first and foremost. Thank you so, so much. You've always been such a kind, wonderful, encouraging, supportive friend, and I really can't thank you enough
Or, really, thank you for being yourself! I know it can be hard sometimes, but please never forget how amazing you really are.
I'm trying not to be all emotional and sappy, but I'm failing miserably LOL. You were one of my first friends on this blog, and I'm glad we're still friends now! I've made so many good friends and happy memories on here, and you're most definitely one of them! Thank you for everything.
I don't reach out as often as I should, but you're always patient with me, and I can't express how grateful I am over that, too. Thank you. No matter what fandoms you end up in, I'll always, always love seeing you on my Dash! (Although your Clive always holds a special place in my heart too!)
I don't know if people still do Appreciation/Follow Forever posts for reaching blog milestones, or if that's something that fell out of style years ago at this point -- but regardless, you're someone I'm happy to Follow forever, you sweet, awesome, unforgettable bean!
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tokusmuts · 2 years
Private Life of a Secretary (Chapter 1)
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Characters: Hidden Male Character x Hikari Kuroki
Word counts: 2k words
Going to work is never an easy thing (if your job is leisurely, it's not worth talking about), especially when I am still a director, taking on all the work is more frustrating. But if you have a solid rear, things will be much better, when I have not one but two wives - a wife at home and a wife at work. The wife at home we will tell later because she is travelling now so we will start this series of stories with my wife at work. But every story must have a beginning, and this is when the board meeting ends at noon - the time when my family members are having lunch, I am just now coming home from the company. On the way home, my wife at home called me
“Another meeting? It's a pity that I'm not at home for you right now, shouldn't you call Kuroki over at times like this?" “I also want to but you and I both know what will happen if we're not careful!” "Since you're so worried, let me ask my housekeeper to come to pick her up, I'm sure no one will expect it!" "If you're worried that much about me, why don't you just come back home sooner?" “I want to enjoy this place a few more meals! Your company also has a holiday, so you should let Hikari stay, so when I come back, the three of us will have a good time!"
Another afternoon to this place, a gloomy afternoon just like every afternoon in the past few days since my wife went on a trip
On the laptop's monitor is a series of data which if someone just reading through, they will ask to leave this annoying director position. But I am my father's successor, so whether I like it or not, I still have to sit here to process all this data. I texted my secretary to come help but it's been a while and she hasn't arrived, but if you're already here you already know what she's going to "help" with. Well, that will be clear later. Back to the story, 30 minutes after I sent the text, I heard my doorbell ring. When I saw her, she was indeed there, a girl with long, straight black hair, glasses with transparent frames, and a very simple outfit - a brown suit and a skirt that hugs her lower body is also brown, and high heels are also brown. My housekeeper opened the door and personally brought her in. The door opened, Hikari entered the house and the first image that caught her eye was the messy-haired director sitting there bored with all the papers on the table.
"Looks like you can't do anything without me, right?" - Hikari spoke first "It's just too much so I don't want to do it, why are there so many numbers this month?" - I pointed at the pile of papers, showing obvious fatigue "So suddenly this month's sales have skyrocketed, I've already cut a lot of things for you, but you still see a lot?" “Well, since we're here, let's stop talking about work. You never came here to work the main job anytime before!” - I said in a slightly shady tone "That's right! I have a real off-the-beaten-track job, but I'm still working tho!" - Hikari replied "Yeah! Let's go get something to eat, I need to get my energy back!"
I said that then I remembered that Hikari can't come out of my house with me right now. The reason is very simple, I don't want to create too many scandals and whispers in my own company, both affecting me and her. Although this is completely normal, the three of us have been together for a while but no one else knows about this director-secretary relationship. Come to think of it, I was about to go get dressed and go buy my food, but Hikari pulled me back - she's going to cook today. This must have been the first time I ate food cooked by her, and according to rumours, she cooked very well. Even so, for some reason, the first meal she cooked for me was just enough, even though it was full of quality dishes, it didn't look hearty at all. A mid-afternoon meal with cloudy and cloudy weather, but eating with one of the two girls that I love is also somewhat salvageable. But no matter how I say it, I can't absorb it.
“Why don't you cook a little more? I can only regain my strength with this much, but how can I be full?" "Then you don't need me to eat?"
That statement made me dumbfounded because I didn't expect this secretary to be able to calculate so carefully. I slowly wiped my mouth and approached the secretary and wife at my office
"Is it time for work?" - I ask "Right! It's just a side job…but I like it more than my main job.”
Hikari stood up and took the initiative to pull me into the first kiss. The curtains had also been pulled back shortly before. Probably because my overseas wife had warned me in advance in case anyone tried to take pictures while we were having sex. Back to that kiss, it's been 2 weeks before I can enjoy this kiss from Hikari again. It was that nostalgia that pushed me to have a complete love affair with her, this kiss made me want to have sex with her right away, not waiting to go to bed anymore. I slowly unbuttoned the buttons of my shirt, the brown vest unbuttoned to reveal the brown bra that hugged her full breasts, the vest then fell to reveal her white skin, and then her brown flared pants also fell to the floor, only my brown underwear was left. But before I could do anything, Hikari pushed me towards the sofa. She sat on my lap, lifted her bra and pressed her breasts to mine, her hands massaging them incessantly in front of me.
“Just suck them! I know you've been craving them for the whole month, right?” - she said
My hands were going crazy and I didn't want her to lay hands on her own breasts. I pulled her hands away from her breasts and replaced them with mine, but she wouldn't let me take the immediate prize. She pulled me into another kiss while my hands were frantically kneading the plump breasts just below, the red and pink nipples were also well cared for. But her lips couldn't keep me any longer, I took over her breasts like a trophy that I hadn't touched in a long time. Hikari also holds my head tightly so that it stays on her chest, her other breast being squeezed by our hands together. Then there was only my hand on her chest as she took off her panties and also helped me undress so that I could enjoy her breasts comfortably. She pulled me away from her nipples to return for another kiss before she looked at me again with those lustful eyes.
“Bring your friend inside of me! Go to your bedroom and then we'll be able to make love freely without the fear of being secretly filmed!" - Hikari said “Have you prepared the recorder yet?” - I ask “Of course it is! You can't leave your first wife idle!"
She smiled before becoming overjoyed as my cock was slowly pushed inside her. She closed her eyes tightly, and her mouth is barely able to let out a groan before I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Every step up the stairs is every time when the squeaking sounds of my cock in and out of her pussy, combined with the sound of the skins rubbing against each other, mixed with her moans again and again until I get to my bedroom. We both fell on the bed and the lovemaking resumed, her cunt being hammered hard and fast in Hikari's growing moans. I hold her thighs while they cling to my back and her breasts continue to be sucked enthusiastically by me.
"I'm going to cum, I'm going to shoot, Hikari-chan" - I said "Shoot honey, shoot me inside" - Hikari said between moans
The beatings grew faster and faster until waves of sperm were shot repeatedly into the inside of her wet, tight cunt. Both of us panted nonstop until Hikari used her lustful look on me, and then we had some more kisses until Hikari wanna take the initiative
"Now sit back and enjoy, I'll help you" - Hikari said
I picked her up again and changed positions, now I'm sitting on the bed, and Hikari is on top of me. My cock stayed still in her cunt and then she began to push her hips skillfully and rhythmically. My cock went in and out smoothly with each of her movements. My eyes went all the way down and then fixed on her breasts. She grabbed my shoulders and then took my hands and placed them on either side of her chest. The intense stimulation from her cunt to her chest made it impossible for her to say anything more. The camera remained in the bookcase beside the bed and recorded everything that was happening. As the gentle movements turned into quick and fast bouncing, my dick seemed to be hitting its limit one more time. The orgasm came again, I could only sit there panting while Hikari might have gotten tired and leaned over me. With my remaining strength, I pulled my dick out of her pussy. I let her lie there on her stomach while I put my still wet dick in her ass and continued the smack. She clung to the white pillow, her mouth barely able to let out a weak groan at my strong thrusts on her ass. I turned her head around and I kissed her, enjoying the constant friction of her full butt and my groin muscles, her white skin bouncing with my every thrust. My pleasure peaked again and then I shot the last batch of sperm inside her. I let her lie there while I cleaned up all the ruins and then went to the camera. Picking it up, I brought it closer to Hikari and then I looked at it and said
"You should go home early, you wouldn't want to have to masturbate at the hotel if you could see how happy we were at home!" I and Hikari kissed one last time before I turned off the camera. I put it aside and turned around to hug Hikari who was still panting there
"You're making my patient worse and worse each time, you know!" - I said "So, when your first wife comes back, how can you stand two girls at the same time?" - she said "That's for later, we have to be happy until she comes back!" - I said and smiled at her "Since it's my job, you don't have to worry!"
After credits:
That same evening, at a beach hotel
The white bed was soaked with thick mucus, the clothes were lying on the floor, on the bed was a naked girl, one hand squeezed her own chest, the other was still fingers inside her own cunt. On the TV screen was the video where Hikari and I made love. That girl is the first wife who is still on her trip. After my last message, she was still breathing heavily but still managed to smile
"I shouldn't have agreed to this trip since they're so happy like that, I can't stand by and watch things like this any longer!"
That thought flashed through her and then it was extinguished as soon as there was a knock on the door, her friend standing in the 10th-floor hallway called her. It looks like her fun will continue, but how long it will take is uncertain.
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gabi-theladylover · 1 year
made my first "comic".
Translation under the cut because I'm too tired to redo the text in English.
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Kaneda: Hey, hey Himuro come and see!
Himuro: oh, wut happen-WHAT THE FUCK.
Lihito: We were gonna go to the cinema but, god fucking damn it, we got stuck in these poses.
Himuro: I'm not even gonna question it...
Kaneda: We think (basically just me) that it's because we're missing Leonardo
Okubo: So, we wanted to ask you if you wanna be Leonardo, 'cause you're alread-
Himuro: NO
Okubo: Y tho?
Himuro: Because it's for idiots.
The other three: No shit. Also, your motif is wrong, sucker.
Big sigh
Himuro: Wouldn't it be easier to call, I dunno, Koga or Falcon? They both like Turtles and Ninjas.
Lihito: First of all, talk less, God dammit; Second of all, we invited Kuroki and he's currently waitinf for us outside the cinema.
Change of places: TO KUROKI!
Kuroki: Where the balls are those youngsters...
Kuroki:... and what the fuck is Albert doing, God dammit, how embarrassing... I regret taking him as my student.
Himuro: So... you're telling me you invited Kuroki "The Devil Lance" Gensai to see TMNT: Mutant Chaos with you? And he accepted? And he's currently waiting for you, but you are all currently frozen in these poses because you're missing Leonardo?
The other three: YES
Himuro: I'M IN
The 4 idiots get to the cinema
Lihito: Hai Kuroki!!!!! We made it!!!! :3
Kuroki: about time.
Lihito: sory :(
Kuroki: Ya know you can take those costumes off? You're adults now.
Himuro: I hate everyone of you. EVERYONE. Die fucking southerners.
Lihito: it happens.
Big ass explosion
The five of them: whatafak.
Kuroki: thank god Albert died.
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linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 009: kuroki riku
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HE'S HERE i was so excited to post him tbh. i'm not sure if i'm satisfied with his design and i feel like i could do more with it, but for now.. it's fine, i can work with it.
also, his image color was supposed to be a dark shade of green at first, but then i was like. it probably won't look that original because i already have asahi and naomi (yes, naomi's color is closer to teal and asahi's color is very bright compared to what i planned for riku, but still) and i'm still salty because of how similar akio and shun's colors turned out to be, so. yes, he's an orange boy now. and i feel like it fits his personality better!
General info:
Name: Kuroki Riku (黒木俐暮) (his last name means "black" and "tree" and his first name means "sharp, clever" and "evening, dusk")
Age: 17 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Prisoner 009
Birthday: April 7 (Aries)
Blood type: AB
Height: 173 cm
Image color: #FF8746
Occupation: High school student (second year)
Personality: If Kei is the most extroverted male prisoner, then Riku is a close second. He's very friendly, outgoing and if anyone wants to talk about anything, he's always there to do just that and he's okay with both talking and simply listening. Also there's just something about him that just makes him impossible to hate, Riku even managed to convince Akio to become friends with him. No wonder he was the most popular boy in his school and he had so many fans and secret admirers. Even though Riku seems like the chill type, he's actually surprisingly rebellious, though some people can tell that from his appearance: they're sure he got in trouble multiple times because of him going to a school with a strict dress code and having a style like that. Riku is okay with doing anything if it means he won't have to deal with something he doesn't like/doesn't want to happen: after he was told that he can get voted guilty, he simply flirted with one of the guards and successfully made her want to vote him innocent even though she got a bad feeling after watching his MV. Overall, Riku seems like a very nice guy, but in a place like Milgram, his kindness only makes him look even more suspicious. Riku is also very insensitive and he doesn't take things like death and murder seriously and when one of the guards warned him about the punishment he can receive after being voted guilty, he stayed calm because he thought "it won't be that bad". He also often asks other prisoners about their crimes even if they find the topic uncomfortable and he can easily turn a conversation like that into a guessing game because for him Milgram is just that: a game.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: Backdraft. First of all, he was in a band, I JUST KNOW HIS COVER WOULD SOUND SO GOOD and also.. Riku is actually kinda Fuuta-coded.
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Ghost Rule BECAUSE IF WE'RE NOT GETTING A GHOST RULE COVER FROM ES MY SON WILL DO IT HIMSELF also i think it would sound nice
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: .. It was so hard to find a "spoiler-free" song for him 😭😭 Like I KNOW what songs would be perfect for him, but. I think it's too early to give him something like that, so let's go with Nh-Uh-Uh by SLAVE.V-V-R for now because 1) him getting this song is really funny because Riku is a pretty loud guy and this song obviously needs a more "whispery" voice except for that one part and 2) the lyrics actually have his vibe.
His MV description:
His MV would have lots of warm colors, like yellow, orange and red, but some moments would have much darker and colder colors, like gray, black and dark green.
His MV starts with Riku and his friends preparing for a school concert and it looks like someone is taking photos of them and Riku doesn't mind, he's actually enjoying the attention. It looks like Riku is very popular: he has a lot of friends, he's the band leader and many girls want to talk to him, even though they're too shy to do that.
The concert finally starts and Riku is performing with his band. Everyone is having fun, including the band, and the chorus ends with Riku saying something like "Let me see you jump" and jumping himself, but right as he does that, he notices a white-haired boy in the crowd staring at him and showing no emotions at all. Riku looks shocked and he ends up falling, his friends look concerned and they try to help him get up. Riku continues singing, even though now he looks scared and he doesn't want to be there. After the concert, Riku is crying and his friends are trying to calm him down.
The scene suddenly changes and now we can see that white-haired boy crying in Riku's arms and even though Riku is hugging him and smiling at him, his eyes look empty and you can tell that he's not being sincere. Now Riku is sitting alone in his room and the colors are mostly gray and black. He's reading texts from his friends and we can't see most of them, but one of them makes Riku drop his phone: "Hey, but he really is talented, don't you think?" He is panicking and it's getting hard for him to breathe and he doesn't pay any attention to his phone's broken screen. He quickly grabs his guitar and the chorus starts playing again, but now Riku is singing alone in his room, without his friends, and he's still crying. He jumps in the end, just like he did that last time and he suddenly falls from his bed. It looks painful, but for some reason.. Riku starts smiling and his eyes are sparkling.
The colors are even warmer than before now and we can see Riku putting a note in somebody's locker and smiling, but something about his smile just.. doesn't feel right and it looks really creepy. Now we can see the school rooftop and Riku is standing there, waiting for someone and watching the sunset. He turns around and his smile is even wider now, it looks like that person he's been waiting for is finally here. The lyrics say that now Riku can finally tell that someone about his "true feelings".
Riku and his band are having a concert on the school rooftop, but something about all of this feels wrong. Riku's smile still doesn't look like the one he had in the beginning, his friends look just as insane as him and we can't see the person he was supposed to meet with. We can't see the audience either- oh, we're the audience actually. Hey, why is he getting so close. Hey, wasn't he supposed to do that jumping part again-
He repeats the "Let me see you jump" line, but now he's no longer smiling and he looks like he hates us. He gets close enough to the camera to push us.
Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Hiiii!~ My name is Kuroki Riku! You've probably heard about me, I'm kinda famous online, haha. Hey, do you want an autograph? Anyway, nice to meet you- You want to know more about my crime? Well, I wouldn't call it that.. I did everyone a favor by getting rid of that person, actually."
"Hey, dude.. I know, life can be hard, but can you just.. stop venting to me all the time? Like, I would love to help you, but I'm not your therapist, you know? Come on, just calm down.. hey, I told you to stop.. JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!"
Murder is his only crime and he had only one victim.
He doesn't take Milgram seriously and thinks that a "guilty verdict" doesn't even exist. So yes, he thinks he'll be voted innocent.
He is very good at singing and playing the guitar and he had an interest in music since childhood. And as he mentions in his voicelines, he's very popular online and he often posts rock covers and original songs. He also wants to understand how MVs work and he would love to hear a song that the guards heard while watching his video.
Riku is a lot like younger version of Kei, if you think about it, however, Kei's reputation is much worse and he doesn't even try to act like a good person, meanwhile Riku at least appears to be someone who's very kind and his reputation is much better.
Riku always proudly says that he's friends with all the prisoners, but it's hard to say if he actually likes spending time with them or he's just being polite. You can often see him with Aimi, but if you pay attention, you'll notice that he actually looks bored and he doesn't enjoy talking to her that much. He's definitely close with Akio though and they get along really well even though their personalities are so different. It looks like Akio enjoys the attention he gets from Riku a lot and Riku is only glad to have someone he can be so affectionate with. Both of them are also surprisingly protective of each other. But Akio most likely has a soft spot for Riku simply because Riku looks a lot like his "most loyal follower". Akio and Riku also share a lot of similarities, like being popular boys, refusing to admit that they did something bad and having moments in their MVs that imply that these boys are more insecure than you would think.
The boy from Riku's MV actually didn't have any feelings for him or anything like that. He definitely was obsessed with him but not in that way.
I just think it's neat how the last male prisoner's name has a kanji that means "rising sun" meanwhile Riku's name has a kanji that means "evening". I also think it's cool because Asahi is like.. someone you would expect to have a more cute personality, but he's actually one of the most rude prisoners here, meanwhile Riku is supposed to have a more intimidating vibe because of his style but his personality isn't that bad.. but also, when you start learning more about them, you realize that Asahi is still a scared child and Riku is more cruel than you thought he is.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
I’m honestly starting to become a fan of your daemon au. So I got this idea. So we all know that grim and yuu is considered to be one student. What if time by time, their connection start to strengthen to the point grim becomes a part of yuu. Would that make him turn into a daemon?
Aw, thank you~ I'll continue it soon because I still have some characters I need to assign.
For Grim and Yuu, that is an interesting idea. I think this is a similar case to Will Parry.
(Looking up the wiki because I haven't read the rest of the book) So, Will Parry is from Earth, so he doesn't have a daemon, but when he visit The Land Of The Dead, his soul need to be left behind, thus manifesting into his daemon, Kirjava.
I can actually think of two scenarios for Grim:
1) Yeah, Grim would be Yuu's daemon. When they crossed into Twisted-Wonderland, their soul manifested into Grim. Grim might be able to change forms in this scenario like any other daemon before settling into a cat. Though this might change with the whole black rock thing that I haven't really think how.
2) Grim is just like in canon; an ordinary mythical creature in Twisted-Wonderland who befriended an isekai-ed kid.
This is more of a case if we're talking about, Yuuken Enma, Yuuka Hirasaka, Kuroki Yuuya, or any other Yuu OCs. With their stronger personality than game!Yuu self-insert nature, I think their soul might manifest into a daemon of their own (like I can see Yuuken having a wolf daemon).
But I think Grim can be a huge role in settling Yuu's daemon depending on their relationship. Most of the time, I think Yuu's daemon will have something to do with a protective/parental/older sibling nature from their close relationship with Grim, as seen in Ignihyde Episode.
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walrus-is-walrus · 7 years
“Why are you writing Watamote fanfiction at 4am?” “Because I’ve lost control of my life.”
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Let Me Try Acting
Lev Haiba X Reader
-Actress YN LN seen out with model Lev Haiba
Chapter 16: Kuroki And The Talk
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Having just finished your scene with Masaaki, you were finally on break.
Drenched and soaking, since your scene had involved you swimming, you were handed a towel by Lev.
"You did great!" He beamed.
"You weren't so bad yourself." You laughed taking the towel, and settling on the bench.
"I just want more scenes with you..." He pouted sitting on the ground next to you. "Do you think they actually won't let us?"
"Nah, they will just probably not now. We were quite professional on our first scene."
"Hey love birds your scene's coming up!" Masaaki yelled.
"Both of us?"
"You're in the same frame, that's good enough." Kuroki smirked.
Shrugging you both made your way to where Takeshi was. He then explained the scene that was going to be filmed after your break.
"Y/N, we need to reapply your make up." Yuuji pulled you aside. Not giving you a chance to talk to Lev anymore.
When he stopped he pushed you to take a seat. There you noticed Masaaki with a half-finished makeup.
"He dragged me in when you aren't even done?"
"Kuroki wanted time with your man. We heard a whore's coming over to 'check the set'. So Kuroki's giving him the talk so you two could actually start dating and feed the blondie dirt."
"Excuse me?" You asked.
"Yeah, Asahi heard from Takeshi." Yuuji said as he started to continue with Masaaki.
"And how come Kuroki's the one doing the talking?" You asked confused.
"I've never confessed before. I have no idea how to do that. I just adopted my wife."
"I'm really bad at confessions. And among us squad, only Asahi and Kuroki are normal."
"Or closest to it at least."
"Okay man! Let's get your ass to declare your love for her!" Kuroki yelled.
Lev was no where near comfortable with Kuroki. He's never had a 1 on 1 with her before, so he had no idea what to do.
Feeling a pat on his back he saw Jesus Christ.
"We're going to have a talk about you and Y/N."
"Yeah! We want you to fucking confess already so you could stop with the tension already. You two are obviously into each other and want to make out but neither wants to step on the stupid line."
Lev was getting scared of this 5 foot 4 woman that's screeching about his love life. He had no idea why. He lost all his smugness from his high school days probably after encountering big wigs.
"Ah- uh- huh?" Was all he could reply.
"You have to confess this week! No! Confess this day! You have to!"
"Minami, calm down." Asahi sweat dropped. "He's probably confused."
"We want you to confess now since a blonde whore is coming over and Y/N currently has no right to push her away."
"That's a stupid reason to confess." Lev blurted out. "If I was going to confess it's because I like her not to keep Yarikan-san away."
He said it with such a straight and sincere face that Kuroki and Asahi felt guilty for trying to give him the talk.
"We're just saying, it's probably the best way to reassure her. Years of working with her and you're the first person she's ever liked."
Oh damn, Lev is totally going to carry that his whole life. Y/N L/N's first and only love. Fuck yeah he is.
"Thank you for doing this. But I think I'll confess on my own way. It'll be special that way."
Not letting Kuroki talk. Asahi grabbed her by the mouth and smiled at Lev.
"Good luck with that. I hope you two would end up happy."
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A shitty update. This shit is such a disappointment I'm just trying to finish it and all thatlmao.
I'm sorry for making you sit in through that cringe.
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@gummimint @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @k3nma-fairy @kotarousbabyowl @nachotrash @tanakasimpcorner
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naraozu · 2 years
┌─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┐
°•∘⊱ Sakura Momo ⊰∘•°
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
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Sakura was playing at the park with her mom. Suddenly a crack of thunder was heard and they turned around seeing Enter. Sakura thought he was a friend so she went to him saying,"want to play?" Enter grabbed her and Sakura yelled in terror crying. "MAMA!" she heard her name back from her mother. Her mom tried to save her but Enter knocked her down in one swift movement and took Sakura away. Sakura was devastated and tried to run but was chained to the wall. She wondered what would happen and suddenly felt a stung! She yelped in pain as evil vaccine filled her making Sakura evil. She grinned, laughing at what great power she was given then she was released.
She was introduced to Luna, her wolf buddyroid. Enter told her to come and she did and got harsh training. She would always get beaten up while fighting but she kept going. 10 years later her buddyroid got worried when she couldn't go further. Sakura yelled," for the sake for my papa I will beat those Go Busters!" she punched Luna very hard. "get up!" she yelled but then saw Luna malfunctioning. "what did I do?! Papa!" Enter arrived at the scene when he heard her and saw Luna. Enter told the minions to take Luna away and upgrade it. Enter put a hand on her comforting her. She didn't felt great so she left papa and Enter looked at her while raising hid eyebrow.
Sakura went to the area where Luna was and saw her on the ground. She kneeled down as she petted her head not wanting to give up on her but then she felt movement! Luna got up facing Sakura and said," Do you remember you got kidnapped?" Sakura said,"nonsense!" she started to walk away and Luna jumped on her"they took you away from your family! They made you evil!"
A rush of memories came making her feel faint. She looked at the mirror remembering who she was and said,"how did you know?" Luna said,"They didn't take out my memory chip but the repairs caused me more to malfunction and turned me good again. They turned me evil against my will." Sakura stopped looking at herself in the mirror and looked at Luna saying,"We're in the same boat. Let's work together to get out of here."
Luna nodded and Sakura grabbed a blaster then started running to the teleporting area slicing the minions and metaroids. Enter came seeing what's happening and was furious. Luna turned into a motorcycle "get on me and hold on tight!" Sakura nodded getting on and started driving knocking Enter down. She blasted the minions down so she can get to the teleporting station. At last they arrived and she quickly got off and in, Luna following her.
"How do we get out of here?!" she exclaimed. Luna said,"the Red button!" she quickly pressed the red button and buckled up. Enter showed up shooting at the robot trying to stop them. Teleporting in 3 2 1! They teleported leaving Enter in the fortress frustrated. They landed in a pit breaking the robots arms and legs. She unbuckled getting out seeing her home.
She smiled as she ran out going to the place she remembered, she kept running, following her memories. She saw the park that her mom and Sakura used to play before getting kidnapped by Enter. Sakura's hands turned into fists. She looked at the left seeing her house. She went up to the door and walked in "mama papa!" her family stopped what they were doing and saw her. They rushed towards her crying and Sakura began to cry as well.
2 years later Kuroki saw her walking by and noticed her hearing is sensitive. Doing some research he was happy to see she was filled with Vaccine but he didn't know it was actually a very tragic story. He knew the Go Busters were out numbered so he went to her house.
He knocked on the door and it opened seeing Sakura. "we have business to talk about." he said. After a talk with the family they didn't want her to fight the Veglass, Enter, and Messiah after what happened with their daughter. Sakura pleaded wanting to help the people who can't defend themselves. Sooner or later after some time of thinking about what she said, her parents said "yes" She nodded and said,"I promise I will return."
She went with Kuroki and was given a box filled with her Go Buster Morpher, Go Buster Blaster, and Go Buster Sword. Kuroki said,"you are now Go Buster Pink. Be ready for any danger that lies ahead this difficult journey" Sakura looked at him and exclaimed" I am ready!" looking back at the box filled with Go Buster Gear. Your journey awaits you Go Buster Pink!
Face Claim: Suzu Hirose
Phobia: Belonephobia (fear of pins and needles)
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linagram · 16 days
now that riku's verdict is here, imagine being riku and hinode's parents in this situation. you tell one of your kids to spend time with another kid because that boy is so lonely and doesn't have friends and your son would definitely be a perfect friend for him. meanwhile your other son's health starts to get worse and you start to give more attention to him, hoping that your other son won't feel unloved and that he'll take care of the youngest kids as well. time passes and your younger son is still friends with that one boy and he's loved by his classmates and has a lot of other friends as well. you're sure everything is fine.
and then one day you find out that his friend is dead and he's responsible for it.
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linagram · 1 year
[ meet the prisoners! (t2 edition) ] prisoner 009: kuroki riku
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OH GOD THIS BOY... THIS BOY. yeah, even though he got voted inno, riku is still. um. yeah he's going through it. he's happy with his verdict though.
(Warning: Riku's extremely self-destructive habits aren't described in detail here (it's more about why he does those things and not how he does them), but they are still mentioned and they're still a big part of his character)
General info.
T1 Verdict: Riku was voted innocent which is probably supposed to be a good thing.. except it's kinda not. Riku's ideas were affirmed, so he still thinks that his crime "wasn't even a crime" and his victim deserved it, but he also started treating other people a bit.. differently, possibly hinting at how exactly his crime went. Him telling Akio to "go and die" instead of just asking him to leave him alone is a good example. Perhaps now he thinks that it's a normal thing to do and that all people that he doesn't like deserve to die. Or maybe he's just really emotional and impulsive. Or maybe both. Also, if we're talking about Riku's ideas and thoughts.. It should be mentioned that you can not only change (or at least try to change) the prisoners' thoughts about their crimes, you can change their entire mindset. And so.. Not only Riku's thoughts about his crime were affirmed, but his thoughts about himself, his life and other people were as well. Which means, sadly, he thinks that he was forgiven not because the guards really do think he's innocent and they think his crime isn't that serious, but because of how he tried to make them feel sorry for him when he had cut himself. And now he thinks that it's the only way to make them forgive him and that they won't "feel his pain" if they won't be able to see it with their own eyes. It's like he sees his own pain as a "performance" of some kind and the guards as his "audience".. Or maybe he actually has a bigger audience to impress than he thinks? Well, if we want to talk about something that isn't as sad, he got a new outfit and a new dye job. He's used to dyeing his hair without any help, so he was able to do it himself. For some reason, he's not exactly satisfied with it though, so he will most likely change it later. When Miki asked him about it, he just laughed and said that it "reminds him of someone that he would rather forget".
T2 Personality: .. Listen, it was pretty much impossible to fix this guy between Trial 1 and Trial 2. So even though he got voted innocent, it's hard to say that he's more confident now, like Shun, or more calm, like Naomi. Yes, he absolutely thinks he was in the right, but.. at what cost? He has at least one mental breakdown every week and he has two broken guitars in his cell now. There are multiple reasons why Riku is acting like this now and one of them is that again, he genuinely thinks that the guards voted him innocent only because of what he did to himself. And he wants them to forgive him again, so he really wants them to understand just how much pain he had felt while being friends with his victim. You think he just wants them to feel sorry? You think he's just doing it for the attention?.. He doesn't really want to admit it, but it's kinda true. He doesn't think it's a bad thing though. Of course he wants attention. He literally lives for it. And if this is how he can make people look at him, then he's okay with bleeding to death in front of his audience. He doesn't want to.. you know, actually die, but if this is the only way he can make people notice him and feel the same emotions and pain that he's feeling, then he will do it. Just please, look at him. Don't leave him alone. Ah, speaking of that. Yeah, another reason why he's acting like this is that Riku is very lonely now. He's so used to being surrounded by friends and people who adore him and want to be like him or with him that he just can't accept the fact that he has like zero friends in this prison now.. Except one person, though their relationship is actually pretty hard to explain.
T2 Relationship dynamics:
Riku claims that what happened between him and Akio was completely Akio's fault and that he had "provoked" him to say what he ended up saying. Except when the guards asked him about what Akio told him, Riku refused to explain. Some other prisoners said that they only heard Akio begging Riku to tell him that everything will be fine and he still likes him. Riku says that there was more than that and that he really did have a reason to basically tell Akio to go and kill himself. Riku avoids Akio and if he sees him somewhere, he either immediately leaves or tries not to look at him and just ignores him. If Akio tries to talk to him, Riku says that he has to go and again, he just leaves. When Miki asked him if he feels sorry for Akio, he couldn't answer and just turned away from her.
Aimi and Riku are not even pretending to be friends anymore. Riku doesn't try to act nice and polite around her anymore and Aimi refuses to forgive him and if he even looks at Akio, she will leave with her new friend right after that. Riku is not really sad about it since, to be honest, he never really liked Aimi and was friendly with her only because he didn't want to ruin his reputation since most prisoners were nice to her (even if they also weren't sincere about it). He actually feels more free in a way just like he did after his crime even if that feeling didn't last long.
Riku and Miki's relationship is really complicated. Are they just a guard and a prisoner? Are they friends? Are they lovers? They don't know either. But there's definitely something going on between them. Riku is very attached to her and really wants her to give him more attention but since the girl is very busy with the prisoners' requests, everyone's verdicts, taking care of the prisoners and making sure nobody kills each other, it's not really possible. Asahi is also very protective of her and he doesn't want her to become closer with any of the prisoners, including Riku, so yeah, that kid doesn't let him spend time with her too. Miki is attracted to him, but it's hard to say if she really does want to be in a relationship with him. She really does want to protect him, but does she see him as someone who is actually very important to her or does she see him as another "poor thing that needs to be saved"? However, Riku does flirt with her sometimes and he even asked if she would be okay with dating him after (or if) they get out and Miki, without even thinking, said yes. She regrets it just a little bit now. Because of their relationship's strange nature, Riku doesn't use any honorifics when he talks about Miki anymore meanwhile Miki isn't sure how to refer to him anymore and sometimes she doesn't use any of them either, though she usually "corrects" herself. In his voice drama she refers to him as "Riku-san", using his first name instead of his last name, just like she did in his first VD.
Music info.
Milgram cover: Surprisingly, he gets Half. Totally not because I didn't know what else to give him. Maybe it could be like.. a very soft rock-like cover?? I don't know how to explain it. Oh, but if you're thinking that this song fits him because of his relationship with his friend.. Well, not exactly, because I actually see this cover as Riku pretending to feel sorry for his victim. Like, look at him, he's singing a sad song about his friend who died because of him, don't you want to forgive him? I can even imagine his cover sounding kinda fake, like, it would still sound very pretty, but you'd be able to tell that Riku doesn't actually feel anything and he doesn't actually care about his victim. Asahi's cover would be more emotional compared to Riku's.
DECO*27 cover: NOW THIS IS AN INTERESTING ONE. You see, there were two songs I had in mind for him and I was like "Okay, we'll use this one for T2 and this one for T3", but.. then I looked at his MV and his VD and realized that him getting the song I wanted to use for T2 wouldn't really make sense, because his MV and VD are more about his backstory, what kind of person he is and how exactly his crime went, but the song I chose was more about his relationship with his victim and his motive and I'm planning to show it in his T3 MV. And the T3 song was actually perfect for his T2 MV, even though I feel like it has more of a "Guilty" vibe, than "Innocent" one (which is also another reason why I wanted to keep the original T2 song at first).. So anyway, he gets Chimera! IT'S SO PERFECT FOR HIM I CAN'T. (And yes, his Chimera cover would sound VERY emotional compared to Half, like he would be basically on the same level as Aimi in her After Pain cover, which means lots of screaming)
Different Vocaloid producer cover: I really did have a song I wanted to use for him this season and I had one in mind since I even came up with his character, but.. then Better Off Worse by Circus-P came out. Yeah, I just had to keep that song for T3 instead. And yeah, I imagine this one as a rock cover too! NO BUT THE LYRICS FIT HIM SO WELL IT HURTS ("Making sure that I feel pain, getting in a bitter headspace", "You listen when it hurts too much to bear", "Overanalyze my broken heart as the tempo kicks up a notch", "Because I know my woes are a product to be consumed", "Bleed out for audience approval, tragic but perfectly on schedule, you think by now that we would have learned, behind every piece of art is a human to be heard") Like this song describes exactly how he's feeling right now.. And also, fun fact: Riku is one of the bilingual/multilingual characters along with Akio, Kei and a couple of others! Another fun (or not so) fact: I was actually thinking of assigning this song to Kei at first.
His T2 Trailer Voicelines:
"Good morning~ Hehe, Miki, you look as cute as ever. Ah, Eiji-san, you're here too. Do you two need something? Oh, you just came to tell me about the second trial? Interesting.. Well, I guess I'll just have to prove my innocence to you again. Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?.. Ah.. I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me."
"Oh no.. Looks like the whole school hates you now. I wonder why, you're such a nice person.. Why would they hate someone as kind as you? Can you show me what they posted about you?"
His T2 Song Trailer Voiceline:
"One word and I'll do it."
I think I remember mentioning that Riku's image color was actually supposed to be a dark shade of green at first but then I changed it to orange, so I wanted to use that as his second image color, but when I was working on his album cover.. um. I realized that it looks kinda bad, so I changed it to a much brighter shade of green instead.
His second T2 Trailer voiceline is actually supposed to sound a bit fake, like he still sounds like he really is sorry, but you can't help but feel like he's only pretending or even mocking the person he's talking to.
I think I've never mentioned this before and I'm not sure if that was easy to tell, but Riku's natural hair color is black, so in the first season he only had these colorful highlights (?) going on and nothing else. I actually remember that when I first came up with his character design, his natural hair color was supposed to be a very soft and pastel shade of pink and Riku was supposed to be embarrassed of it, but I changed it. Another random fact is that his little sisters also have black hair, but his older brother's natural hair color is light brown.
Yes, he wants to be voted innocent this time too. He really does believe he did nothing wrong and that his "sin" can't even be considered a sin.
This was stated in the "Personality" section, but this guy literally has no one to talk to except Miki. Literally no one. Pretty much everyone either ignores him, avoids him, finds him scary and too unstable or simply thinks he's annoying, which is sad to think about because 1) Riku's T2 version is closer to his "real" personality, which means that when he's not acting like a cheerful and sociable popular boy, people stop caring about him and 2) People either can't stop him when he starts hurting himself again or they just pretend not to see it or they genuinely don't care. Again, Miki is the only one who can stop him when that happens and can calm him down.
I'm trying my best not to spoil anything, but if you want to try and guess how exactly Riku's MV is going to look like and what's gonna happen there, read his song preview lyrics again and try to, like.. Think about them more. The weirdest idea that comes to your mind is probably the correct one.
He's another character that gets a VD that actually shows him as someone who probably should be forgiven, but his MV shows him as someone who's more guilty and has this.. really creepy and weird atmosphere (in my opinion) going on.
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚞'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗
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well. what can i say, riku and reina's trial is going to be one of the most emotional ones. also, now we have only one vd left! :D
riku will reveal a lot of information about his crime in this vd and personally, yeah, i think riku's crime is one of the scariest ones here, but also.. i'd be lying if i said that i don't find him sympathetic at least in some way. though the way he acts in this vd is.. yeah i want to punch him also who knows what can happen if he gets voted guilty.. but it's hard to say that forgiving him is a good option too.
(warning for mentions of self-harm)
(divider link)
(door opens)
Eiji: Hello, Prisoner 009.
Riku: Ah, hello! It's my turn to be interrogated, right?
Eiji: Wow, you're so smart, aren't you? Yes, we have only two prisoners left to interrogate.
Riku: I see, I see! You're working so hard, do you even get paid for this?
Eiji: No, but seeing you all beg for forgiveness is the best reward I could ever ask for.
Riku: Haha, scary~
Riku: Oh, hello, Miki-san! Looking cute as always~
Miki: H-hello..
Eiji: .. What did you just say? You know that she's also a guard, right?
Eiji: Show her more respect!
Riku: Okay, okay, sowwy.
Miki: I-it's okay, Eiji-san! I don't mind, really..
Eiji: .. If you say so.
Eiji: So, Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku. 17 years old, a high school student.
Eiji: We're back to the younger ones, huh.
Riku: Ahaha, yeah, it's probably weird to see a high schooler in a place like this.
Riku: Though now that I think about it, Akio-kun and Aimi-chan are high school students too. And Asahi-kun is only 11 years old!
Riku: How scary..
Riku: Wait, Miki-san, aren't you still in high school too? It must be hard being a guard when you're so young..
Miki: Y-yeah..
Eiji: Ahem. I gotta say, it annoys me just how carefree you are.
Riku: Hm.. Well, to be honest, I don't think this whole thing is like.. real?
Riku: Like, this has to be some kind of game, right? Or a reality show or something.
Riku: It's hard for me to believe that this is actually a real prison. And what's with the voting stuff?
Riku: Nah, I don't think we all are in any real danger.
Eiji: .. Hey, Guard 002, is it okay if I show him just how dangerous we can actually be?
Miki: Calm down, Eiji-san.
Miki: A-anyway, Kuroki-san..
Riku: Ah, just call me by my first name.
Miki: Okay, Riku-san.. May I ask, what do you think about your life in Milgram?
Riku: Hm.. Well, even though this is supposed to be a prison, I've been having so much fun talking to everyone!
Riku: I like talking to Aimi-chan and Akio-kun.. As for the older prisoners, me and Kei-san are very close!
Eiji: ...
Eiji: You being friends with him is already a red flag.
Riku: Haha, yeah, Kei-san can be a little weird sometimes, but trust me, he's a good guy. He's very funny too.
Miki: Well, it's nice to hear that you actually like this place a lot.
Riku: Haha, well, it's not like I really want to go back home anyway. So I've decided that I should have as much fun as I can while I'm here!
Miki: You don't want to go home?..
Miki: Is it related to your crime in any way?
Riku: .. I guess you can say so.
Eiji: Oh, does this mean you're ready to talk about your crime then?
Riku: Yeah, sure, ask me anything you want.
Eiji: Huh, your tone is not so energetic anymore.
Eiji: "Why is he suddenly pulling his sleeves down too?.."
Riku: Ahaha, well, even someone like me wouldn't be happy to talk about the crime they committed.
Riku: But hey, if this whole thing isn't real, maybe I shouldn't be so scared of it.
Miki: So..
Miki: What happened? Why are you here?
Riku: Hm.. I don't even know where to start.
Eiji: Oh, let me help you. How about we start with your victim?
Riku: !..
Riku: Ah, that guy.
Eiji: "Is it just me or his eyes look more empty now?"
Riku: He was a childhood friend of mine.
Miki: .. You killed your own friend?
Riku: Well, I wouldn't say that it was.. uh..
Riku: A healthy kind of friendship, I guess?
Eiji: Was it toxic then? I wonder who was the toxic friend though: you or that guy.
Riku: Come on, Eiji-san, do I look like that type of person?
Miki: So, do you want to say that you killed him because he was mean to you or.. ?
Riku: Ahaha, if only he was "mean" to me.
Riku: .. I never wanted to be friends with him.
Riku: I was forced to become friends with him back when I was only eight years old.
Riku: "Riku, can you please play with him? It's a little hard for him to make friends, he's a bit shy, you see.."
Riku: .. I didn't know that I was supposed to keep being his friend for, like, the rest of my life.
Miki: .. O-oh.
Miki: But was he really a shy person? Was it hard for him to make friends?
Miki: Or maybe he just.. gave up after meeting you?
Riku: Haha, you're so smart, Miki-san!
Riku: That's exactly what happened.
Riku: I told him to socialize more, I told him so many times that if he wants to stop feeling so lonely, he should just go outside and actually try making friends.
Riku: He refused to listen.
Riku: "Oh, but I only need you, Riku-kun!~" SHUT UP!
Riku: .. Sorry for scaring you.
Miki: I-it's okay. Though it was a bit sudden..
Eiji: Fine, we get it, your relationship with that guy was bad.
Eiji: How did you kill him though?
Riku: ...
Eiji: .. Why are you pulling down your sleeves again?
Riku: Oh, this is just something I do when I'm nervous. Sorry about that, I hope it's not distracting.
Miki: It's okay, please don't apologize! Maybe I can do something to help you calm down?
Riku: Haha, Miki-san, you're way too kind. Do you want to make me fall in love with you or something?
Eiji: Just a reminder that she's a guard.
Riku: I'm just joking, relax~
Riku: So, about his death..
Riku: It was his fault. It was so selfish of him to do something like that..
Riku: I tried to stop him, really, I did. Even though I hated him so much, I still was his best and only friend. I told him so many times not to listen to what they say..
Riku: Well, he always was a bit.. weak. He was too fragile for this world.
Miki: .. What do you mean by that, Riku-san?
Riku: Hehe~
Riku: Well, what do you think I mean, Miki-san?
Riku: But no matter what you think about me, you will vote me innocent, right?
Riku: Though I'm sure nothing bad will happen to me even if I get voted guilty.
Riku: Oh, I know! If you vote me innocent, how about going on a date with me after we get out of here?
Miki: ???
Miki: A d-date?? With y-you??
Riku: Is there something wrong with that?
Riku: .. Oh, sorry, are you dating Eiji-san?
Miki: This is like.. the third time someone calls us a couple..
Riku: So you're single then? Cool-
Riku: Huh?
Miki: Eiji-san, let him go!
Riku: Ahaha.. This kinda hurts..
Eiji: Well, I wish it would be much more painful than that.
Miki: Eiji-san, just what do you want to do to him??
Eiji: Oh, you see, I tried to be more patient with him, I really tried..
Eiji: But this guy just kept getting on my nerves.
Eiji: So I thought, maybe I should break his arm as punishment? Maybe even both of them?
Riku: Wait, is this even allowed?
Riku: Haha, this is just a part of the game, right?
Eiji: Also, something about that habit of his annoys me a lot.
Eiji: Just what are you hiding-
Eiji: !
(sounds of Eiji letting Riku go)
Miki: Eiji-san, is there something wrong-
Miki: *screams*
Riku: Ah.. so you saw them.
Riku: Haha, yeah, I do have some wounds on my arms.
Riku: I apologize for scaring you like this.
Eiji: How did you-
Riku: Maybe you should ask Miki-san about it?
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. Guard 002? Did you do this to him?
Eiji: I'm not judging, by the way. If you had to do this to him, I completely understand.
Miki: .. I'm sorry.
Miki: *starts crying* I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-
Eiji: (to Riku) .. Did you do something to her?
Riku: *sighs* I guess I should explain what happened.
Riku: You see, a few days ago I asked Miki-san to get something for me. You know, I just made a request, it wasn't that bad.
Eiji: And what did you ask for?
Miki: .. H-he asked for a knife.
Miki: I'm so sorry, Riku-san said that he wanted to show some knife tricks to other prisoners and I..
Miki: I believed him.
Riku: Haha, Miki-san is so gullible-
Eiji: Where is that knife right now?
Eiji: Oh, I think I can see it.
Riku: What are you gonna do now? Kill me?
Eiji: If you trick her like that again, I will.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Riku: Oh, does that mean our time's up?
Riku: I'd love to hear the song this machine extracts.. I was in a band, so I'm really good at singing!
Miki: .. Why..
Miki: Why are you still acting like everything is fine?
Miki: You're hurt! You're literally bleeding and it looks like you're in pain, so why are you-
Eiji: Let me guess.
Eiji: You did this to yourself not because you have mental health problems or anything like that..
Eiji: But because you wanted to make us feel sorry for you?
Riku: .. Hehe~
Miki: But why would you go this far?? I want to forgive all prisoners anyway, so you really didn't have to-
Eiji: Also, didn't you say that this whole "thing" is a game, so there's no point in worrying about your verdict?
Eiji: Now look at you, hurting yourself just to make us forgive you.
Riku: .. What's the point in voting me guilty then?
Eiji: Prisoner 009, Riku, sing your sins!
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Let Me Try Acting
Lev Haiba X Reader
-Actress YN LN seen out with model Lev Haiba
Chapter 9: Lights Camera Action
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With Everyone part of the film, or at least the essentials, were gathered. Everyone had introduced themselves.
“Okay, I’m certain everyone knows who I am. Takeshi Miyazaki, your dear director for this film.” Takeshi started. 
After some clearing up and talking,
“Now, I’d like you to introduce yourselves with the bio you had received. With the little information you got, I want to see what kind of character you think you would be. Introduce yourselves in character. Let’s start with the principal actors. Minami-san?”
Kuroki took a deep breath, she read through her bio once again and plastered a smile. “Good Morning!! I hope everyone is doing great today! I’m Misato Saino! You can call me Sato!” She stood up abruptly knocking her chair down and bowed so low she hit her head on the table. Her breath hitched as she rubbed her forehead. Tears slowly building up on her eyes. “I-I’m 21 years old... an aspiring model. I-I have a...sis-” Her eyes instantly changed and her hand went to her cheeks as she started swooning. “I have the cutest! Beautifulest! Bestest! Amazingest! Little sister who is the bestest person to live in this world!!” She hoped up and down. “She’s been my sister her whole life!! And since then everything had been great!”
“So you think she’s a clumsy idiot?” Takeshi smirked.
“Well, it said here, she has a low-key sister complex, she met Hideo because she walked in on him. I’d say she’s an idiot.” Kuroki shrugged.
“Well, why don’t you check if you got her personality right. It’s at the back.”
Kuroki checked the back and gave herself a proud smile when she got it right.
“Now, Matsumoto-san, it’s your turn.”
Matsumoto scoffed and rolled his eyes. He placed his feet on the table. “I’m pretty sure you all know me already. I don’t like wasting my breath trying to state the obvious.” 
“Do enlighten us still of who you are.”
“I’m Hideo Satoshi, 19 years old. I’m an actor.” He groaned. “If you’re a fan I’m busy, wait for a meet and greet, I want time for myself. Don’t bother me.”
“So he’s a what?”
“Well I was thinking a tsundere...? Is that how to be a tsundere? I don’t know how to tsundere...” 
“Well you can’t exactly ask a Deredere to turn into a Tsundere in a snap. Especially when the Tsundere is a simp.” Y/N smirked.
“Hey, no clowning! We only clown Kuroki!”  Matsumoto growled. 
“Why a tsundere?”
“Because he ‘hates’ Misato but couldn’t stay away and like her company.”
“Well, your tsundere needs work but, if you check you charcter at the back you’d know if you do need to work on it.”
He checked the back. "Ohh, so close. He's just an asshole. I already don't like my character. Can't wait to play him."
"Your portrayal is correct but your explanation is wrong."
"Now which on of you two will go first?" Takeshi asked Lev and YN.
"Lev goes last. Save the best for last!" YN cheered.
"Well, well, let's see it."
Clearing her throat YN gave a fairly dull face. She stood up softly, "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Fumiko Saino, 18 years old. Please take care of me." She bowed then sat back down.
"Is that all you could tell us?" Takeshi smiled.
YN blinked slowly as if assessing what to do. "I'm Misato-Nee's little sister. I work as a photographer."
"So she's a Kuudere?"
In a snap YN changed character and smirked. "Hell yeah she is."
Checking the back she smirked, "Nailed it."
"Well, let's see the new guy in action."
Lev flinched and stood up, only to sit back down again. "I-I'm Akihiko Shinjo, Sir! I'm 21 years old, sir! I-I... I'm-I'm Hideo's manager, sir!"
"Tell me more about yourself." Takeshi said clearly amused.
"I've been working with Hideo since he started his career, sir! I've known him since he we were kids and we're almost like brothers, sir!"
"Great job Haiba-San! Now could you explain how you played your character?"
"I don't exactly know how... But he's like a nervous guy who always thinks he talks to someone who'll fire him... Was my idea of his character."
"Well congratulations you got it right. Your explanation was funny and kinda fits him perfectly."
"I'm so proud of Bae." YN swooned ruffling Lev's hair.
"Well since our characters had been introduced, I'll be telling you about your roles. You better not spoil the fans by posting about it online."
They tell everyone about the characters. How Hideo and Misato are the main couple, Hideo likes Fumiko, Fumiko and Misato likes Hideo.
"Now, why don't we do some read through."
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Okay so... I don’t really know much about acting so it was stupid of me to write this but my idea was good in my head that I forgot about the details. I’m sorry.
I’m using google for the terms used in acting I hope I didn’t use them wrong. I’m sorry if I did.
Fun fact, Akihiko Shinjo is the name of my OC 😆
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@gummimint @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @k3nma-fairy @kotarousbabyowl
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