#this is ALSO how all the paladins except Shiro learn that Keith has an accent
discordiansamba · 9 months
actually it would be funny if the in the identity crisis AU, the personality swap somehow unlocked Keith's suppressed accent. just imagine allura and coran's confusion. four of her paladins are all scrambled up, and now Keith is also talking extremely strangely.
she points it out to Keith and he's just like oh. yeah. ah've got an accent. I was just suppressin' it the whole time. ain't no need to worry.
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ethereance · 3 days
Aʅϝυʂισɳ  αυ
Where shapeshifting isn’t the only trick up alteans’ sleeves.
Basically, this is an au where, among their other abilities, alteans can fuse SU style. They’re a diplomatic species, and so as well as being able to fuse amongst themselves, they can do so with those from other planets. It’s just easier to both initiate and hold when they’re both altean. 
-The first people Allura sees fuse are her parents. The dance is magnetising, effortlessly elegant, so different from the stiff dances from Altea she’s used to, such a departure from tradition. It comes straight from the heart, from their very being, their quintessence aligning perfectly to form a person so wholly new, yet familiar, those eyes loving and kind in the way she had known her parents to be. 
-She decides, right then and there, she will find herself a bond like that, someone who will dance with her and make sparks fly across the dance floor. She wants what her parents have, a fusion like Melfor, born of love and trust. 
-Then she sees Coran fuse with Alfor, a dance somewhat more traditional, but no less loving, that unconditional trust in those eyes there as Alran forms. As Allura will later learn, any fusion Coran’s part of will include a moustache. Always. No exception. Even when Allura eventually fuses with him, a boundless rush of energy in her veins, popping and crackling, their fusion is not exempt from this rule.
-Coran has fused with both Melenor and Alfor at the same time. They are the ultimate parent to Allura.
-Coran and Allura fuse into Cora after cryosleep, when the paladins have retrieved the lions and they are alone and bound by their grief. It doesn’t last long, and the unfuse when they realise what is happening. It’s doubly crushing, but with it, what sticks with them is the small sense of comfort, knowing that they have each other.
-Coran has so many tales to tell about his past fusions (they’re all gone now. Will never exist again). 
-Coran doesn’t really fuse anymore. But if he did, you just know a fusion between him Pidge and Hunk would be an engineering wizard. 
-Fusions speak a medley of whatever languages are in their brains. You don’t notice it with the universal translators on though.
-They also gain their own accent.
-They can also wield their normal paladin weapons + their own special fusion one.
-The first paladin Allura fuses with is Shiro. (Lance has a sexuality crisis when he first looks at Shallura but that’s neither here nor there). She’s known the paladins for a while at this point and is steadily warming up to them, steadily gaining hope and trust in them. They’re not much yet, but one day they will be. Hopefully. At least Shiro seems dependable. 
-Their fusion feels strong, a true leader, the only responsible one in the room ™. 
-Still only one flesh arm.
-Shallura also has a bottomless well of material for their gallows humour. Please don’t let them participate in standup comedy.
-So much PTSD from the galra.
-Most likely of the fusions to give a lecture.
-They’re the first fusion the team meet, and for a second Keith goes through all the stages of grief thinking they’ve lost Shiro again. “What have you done with Shiro?!”
“Keith, I’m right here. Kind of.”
-Hunk, Pidge and Lance absolutely want a turn afterwards. Pidge is interested because science ™ and Lance for reasons his two friends will tease him about.
-Pidge is very younger sibling in Shallura’s eyes. Shiro’s protectiveness over Matt’s sister and Allura’s want to become closer to the only other girl on the team meshes. Pidge gets free piggybacks (she acts like a disgruntled cat about this).
-Keith has no idea how to act around them. Sometimes he starts treating them like Shiro, then catches himself. It makes Shallura feel a little put out, having known Keith for so long, so much trust built up there (well, with Shiro anyway). They just want him to be comfortable around them. 
-Knowing Keith the way Shiro has helps soften the revelation of Keith being part galra (also by fusing with Keith herself later on).
-When fusing with Kuron, something feels so unimaginably off, though Allura can’t quite place it. It leaves her with a slight headache in her head afterwards, almost like someone was whispering to her. Kura (Kuron and Allura) fusion doesn’t happen many times, and those fusions don’t last. Kuron is hesitant to fuse, but doesn’t know why.
-Bayard form is a rapier. Because why not (the reason I’ll use for all bayard forms I give). Or maybe just another form of sword. 
-Hunk, ever friendly Hunk, is Allura’s next fusion. He’s determined to create a dish that reminds her of home, only with their limited ingredients at the time he’s struggling to even make food that tastes like his own home. He’s unfamiliar with what is out here, so far out in space. But, eventually, he gains an eye for picking out ones that are edible and won’t give you a nasty space rash. And, with the help of coran, makes a flan that somewhat tastes like altea as it once was. It’s not exact, but the dish is filled with so much heart, so much flavour, that she’s thankful nonetheless. 
-They fuse as she hugs him in thanks.
-Ank or Hura??? Is somehow more disney princess than Allura. They will give those little guys as many baths as their heart desires. They are also the first fusion out of the paladins that gets photographed because they love taking silly selfies with the mice.
-Has made the mice blanket burritos because they’re cute.
-Will kill you with kindness.
-Ultimate diplomat. Not only will they win you over with words, but also food. 
-(After Allura becomes a paladin) They’re two legs!!! Team leg!
-The mix of Allura’s tastebuds and Hunk’s gives them a strange palette. Yes, they know logically that space chocolate should never be mixed with space mustard and argleberries and yellolian pie. But wouldn’t it be interesting to try?
-Ank won’t let anyone try those dishes though. They know that would be considered a disgrace to cooking.
-They get on well with Pidge and end up helping her through the altean language simulator once they realise she has an interest in learning. 
-When unfusing with Allura, Hunk eventually realises that a few altean words do stay in his brain even without the universal translators.
-As comforting as the fusion is, being Ank does heighten insecurities about winning this war. It’s best to fuse when neither of them are in a downwards spiral.
-Has a very, very large fear of loneliness.
-As Allura’s relationship with Lance ends up improving, it reflects in his friendship with Ank. “It’s like having two best friends in one!”
-Bayard form is some sort of grenade launcher. 
-Pidge has had less walls up for a fair while now that the secret of her identity is out, so, though a little hesitant, she really wants to try this fusion thing. She knows she’s not the best at people, which is another reason why she’s interested in this. It’s like a shortcut, a hack into the system. Instant bonding. Only they don’t fuse right away, that ridiculous dance seeming like it was all for nothing. 
-But you can’t force a fusion. Like bonding with a lion, it requires trust.
-Eventually Allura and Pidge bond over talking about family. Allura becomes even more determined to help find Pidge’s brother and dad. If Allura can’t have her family anymore, at least she can help Pidge find hers.
-Pallura is incredibly smart, and whilst Pidge’s understanding of altean tech is way above average, fusing with Allura gives Pallura that extra edge.
-Sometimes the need to see her family is debilitating. 
-She’s pretty insane about Monsters & Mana.
-Bayard form is a chakram. Or perhaps a flail?
-Give her a crossword or space puzzle cube any day.
-Matt is so confused when he first meets her. 
-Palunk/Hillura/Hida (think I like Hillura more?) is Allura’s first three person fusion and they don’t stay fused for long because of it. 
-Kallura first fuse when they both try and run away to stop Zarkon tracking the team. 
-The team finds out when on that call.
-“You fused with Allura before me?!!!”  - Lance
-Lance is upset about Kallura having a mullet. “You’re better than this!” He’s very conflicted on how to interact with them. On one hand, they’re Keith. On the other, they’re Allura. But they are also both and neither.
-Their bayard is a rope dart.
-Kallura has a lot of suppressed anger from grief. Bottling up and compartmentalising works for them until it doesn’t. They feel things so intensely.  
-they feel like a ticking time bomb at times but do not want others to see that. -They just end up unfusing if that happens.
-Nevertheless, Keith appreciates the fusion, finding it difficult to connect with people, so it’s meaningful when he does. 
-Keith and Allura end up with a stronger bond because of this. 
-Stick them in bubblewrap and save them from themselves. They are prone to self sacrifice. Please stop.
-Later, upon that revelation ™ , Allura doesn’t know how to feel about fusing with someone who is part galra.
-But Keith is Keith.
-Their fusion’s thoughts were genuine. So maybe, just maybe, Keith’s are too. 
-Lotor and her can never quite fuse. They almost get it, both driven by an aligning desire to connect with the lost culture of Altea, and Lotor wants to fuse, he does, it’s something he’d learned of during his research, though he himself couldn’t on his own, but even together it never quite works. Lotor has too many secrets, too many things he keeps hidden to open up enough for a fusion to work.
-Then, as Allura hurls him across the room, she’s ultimately glad they never did (but she has to wonder, what would she have seen, have felt? Would there have been love there, or endless lies?). 
(Heads up for romantic allurance)
-Lallura eventually fuses sometime during s3. 
-Lance grew on Allura after he shielded Coran, but they never really click until they make an effort to do so around the time of the lion swap.
-Lallura is hot and they know it.
-Also very good with people. Lance’s natural peopleing charisma shines through into Lallura. Allura wonders, if she had fused into Lallura earlier on, it would have helped with that outsider feeling when trying to connect to the other paladins. 
-Great at parties. You want Lallura at your social gathering. This skill comes in handy when the paladins need to dress up fancy and interact with diplomats.
-Has a strong sense of homesickness. Both for homes they have never been to (and yet they have).
-Vast majority of the time they’re pretty confident. Mutual belief in each others’ abilities makes for a fusion that knows how to believe in themselves to a healthy degree.
-Though they have caught themselves a few times going into a downwards spiral of imposter syndrome and worry about their capabilities as a leader/paladin. But it doesn’t last long.
-Gives good pep talks. 
-They’re a magpie. Love shinies.
-Don’t talk to them about Lotor. Just. Don’t.
-Through Lallura Lance gets the chance to fly in blue again. 
-Their joint bayard form would either be a grappling hook (Pidge would claim her bayard does it better) or bayonet or maybe bow and arrow like Valayun had??? A crossbow??? I do not know
-They’re Coran’s favourite of the fusions.
-They love tying their hair up the way they used to for their sisters (not sisters. But also are?). 
-Spa day is a very serious matter. Don’t interrupt it.
-Will sleep in if given the opportunity.
-Rachel (Lance’s sister) manages to get a matching jacket with them. They have no idea how when this jacket exists because of fusion.
-Nadia and Sylvio (Lance’s brother’s kids), upon meeting the fusion, request that Allura princessifies them too.
-Allura doesn’t comment on it, but she does start to feel some of the affection Lance feels for her when they fuse, especially as the seasons progress. It takes her aback, its intensity, but it also comforts her. But she’s also conflicted because of her growing crush on Lotor. She also has no idea if what she’s starting to feel for Lance is because of that fusion (it’s not).
-Lance is still very much in denial about Allura liking him back. If they do fuse over the time period of Allura starting to realise her feelings, he will still interpret it as Allura just being her usual caring self. It’s not like he has fused with anyone else to tell the difference.
-The first allurance kiss under that tree ends in them turning into Lallura again. The euphoria of that is short lived, however, once they find out what happened to Luca.
-After Allura sacrifices herself, Honerva tells her she shouldn’t pay for her mistakes with her life. So after aiding Honerva with her alchemy, Honerva immediately sends Allura back to her own universe, right after the sacrifice. 
-Lallura fuse in space, with Lance immediately jumping out of red after her (+ the rest of the team in their respective lions). After almost losing each other like that, it’ll be a very long time until either of them want to unfuse again. As a long term fusion for the meantime, they start going by the name Lure.
-Lance’s family are a little thrown at first, but they adore Lure. They’re basically a bonus family member. 
-Romellura fusion first happens during s7. Rora???? Rura????
-Romelle is the first altean (other than Coran) Allura has seen in a long, long time. Of course these two are bonding quickly.
-And as is this au’s way, they fuse.
-And are overwhelmed with a wave of emotions, happy, sad. The colony, all those alteans, their people still alive. Bandor, the other colony.
-It’s a lot. They lean on each other to process this grief.
-Without the translators, this fusion is a mess of old and new altean colloquialisms.
-She has a rich person accent. Lance loves it.
-A double altean fusion like this bolsters Allura’s alchemical abilities.
-She’s usually seen wearing a hair bun mixed with a plait
-If you thought bringing up Lotor around Lure was bad, well. Definitely, definitely don’t bring him up around her.
-Kallurance would have been pretty unstable had they first fused earlier on. Kurance? Lalith? Laeira? (I think I like the last one).
-But as it is, they make a really good team.
-Pray you never meet an entire team fusion. They won’t last long, too unstable for that (but more stable than you think. Used to working in unison for Voltron), but they don’t need long.
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aintzane411 · 7 years
spoilers for voltron season 4 under the cut!
Episode 1:
BOM keith!!! We knew about it but still aaaa
why is everyone being a dick to keith let him live
theyre keeping him so busy just let him take a nap
btw this is 100% not real shiro this is a clone this is wrong
i need a hairspray AU with coran as corny collins
lance had to have been a theatre kid cmon
why does kolivan’s mask have 3 eye holes? he doesnt have 3 eyes does he? 
other guy has 3 eye holes too
rip other guy
i s2g keith is gonna get back and everyone’s gonna rip into him but this poor boy just needs some oxygen and a nap jfc
coran laser noises!!!
ew ka//ura like kudos to shippers but *sigh*
keiths bom suit lowkey looks like he has boobs like i am totally here for trans!keith yes pls
kolivan insists he doesnt bind during missions bc its dangerous and that just adds to his stress levels poor bby
there are. furries in this rebellion. god damn it
“undetected” my boy keith doesnt do “undetected” guys
pls just let keith be happy omg
whyyyy are they furries??? like the artists knew what they were doing cmon
im gonna cry if this is actually shiro like i love kuron to death but please no
im so scared omg
let! keith! rest!!!
“he can finally be the leader i was unable to be” god keith ily im sorry babe
sheith hug!!!! leading into a group hug!!!!
but lets be real im terrified like keith is leaving the team what the fuck
Episode 2:
aaaa flashback!!! Katie!!!
o shit this is called Reunion we’re gonna find matt this episode!!!
ill punch this kid callin pidge a nerd fight me bro
pidge is so cute holy fucking shit
also tag yourself im matt’s “big fucking muscles”
ooh heres the scene they showed at nycc does that mean the kaltenecker scene is in the season too?
my smol smart child im love her
smol smart badass child
stop! misgendering! my! child!
pls give pideg her brother back 
“paladin pidge” how cute
plant gun!
portable xray!
o shit matt was an officer!!!
i like how matt’s “rebel officer transponder” picture is him in the galra prison gear lol
omg matt “what the garrison doesnt know wont hurt them” i love
“what dad doesnt know wont hurt him” MATT
im gonna scream if matts dead
dont you dare
theres still 9 minutes left dont you dare
please plesae please please god
its almost 3am and im glad im emotionally dead inside or else i would have cried like 4 times already
omg its just like ree’s canon holy shit lol
there he is holy shit thank god
this is. so pure.
ofc matt has a bounty on his head jfc
“lets show this guy what the holts are made of” god fucking bless
ok now you guys gotta find sam too cmon
niceeee good work guys damn
Episode 3:
okay pidge has her brotehr now lets get my boys back in the right lions kthx
ok so after rewatching s3 i think haggar and zarkon are possessed by these creatures
omg. omg matt is straight for allura wtf this is the Last Thing I Expected
shatt hug!!
technically kuratt hug but shhhhhhhh
omg lance calm down
oh boy here comes super zombie zarkon rip
“wayward son” omg
milkshake reference yes
wait please give me langst and have lance feel like hes being replaced by matt please i need more langst in my life
omfg kaltenecker scene!!!!
its even better than the clip omfg
i want lotor to come to the good side i want him to be a good guy let him have mommy issues with keith
yessss bls tell hunk how much of a genius he is thank
oh nooooo i bet pidge normally plays the game with lance but shes busy with matt aaaaa D:
i changed my mind i dont want langst
second ship??? oh boy
third??? OH BOY
matt needs to wash his hair
smelly boy
shoutout to ree and matt
i need more info on shiro/kuron omfg please
omg omg matt is gonna pilot green holy shit
damn rip narti there goes our main physically disabled character besides shiro ugh
omg i think lotor is gonna end up on team voltron whoa
Episode 4:
“besides playing keith is really easy, just act moody” dont call me out like this
ok lance was 100% a theater kid but always an ensemble member never a lead, for which he was bitter about and made up for the fact by being way too over the top as an ensemble
is. is coran gonna do drugs?????? what the fuck????
omg corans room is adorable
ewewewewew brain bug omfg ew
space mall!!
omfg his fucking accent jfc
hunk “well it rhymes so its gotta be true” ily hunk
please never use any of this advice for real theater stuff smh
stick alien!
omfg an “on ice” performance holy shit
fuckin stick alien zarkon and haggar holy shit
careful guys you might break an arm
like i did smh
“loverboy lance” beautiful
even tho its not shiro but shhhhh
stop! throwing! hunk! under! the! bus!!!
the fact that no one is questinoing coran’s personality just proves that none of them would notice the subtle changes between shiro and kuron so the theory still stands
jesus christ fucking meta “except for you shiro youre the most popular character ill never get rid of you” fuck you writers
varkon! mermaids!
i miss keith :(
ep 4 moral of the story: dont do drugs kids
let! bibobi! live!!!!
Episode 5:
yesss give me keith!!!!!
omg voltron and bom and rebels are all doing a big mission together yes
me: suddenly remembers the “and lance dies so theres that” interview also me: panics
different VA??? not norman reedus i think???
hunk! being! badass! yes!!!!
im still v suspicious of this shiro smh
shes pretty oh no
why tf does there gotta be furries in the rebellion
oh fuck i almost thought matt died jfc
this commander looks like a steven universe diamond
bby im proud of you for training with the bom but im so glad youre back aaaaaaaa
babe there he is aaaa!!!!!! im love keith!!!!!
now give me the real shiro jfc
and get lance back in the blue lion jfc
i s2g if matt dies
i s2g if lance dies
eyyy hell yeah go acxa
eyyy hell yeah go keith
this is going too well something is gonna happen im so scared
im really scared damn
Episode 6:
hhhhhh im terrified oh boy here we go
this one is called a new defender oh fuck
white lion?!?!?!
will keith be the white paladin?!!?!?!?!!
i just really want everyone back in their original spots bls
wait wtf is going on i zoned out for a bit its 4am
its gonna be those alternate reality being things again istnt it
lance “what are those” nice meme reference
shiro now is not the time to stay behind and analyze fuckin get ur team out of there god damn it now theres a force field around the planet fucking hell
this isnt good. this isnt good at all. and the music sounds so ominous oh god
im so scared
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
lance i s2g you better not do antyhing stupid
bls no a//urance
lance i s2g you better not do anything stupid
shoutout to coran for just having to hang back while all of his loved ones risk their lives
lance i s2g
im so scared holy shit
w h o a
shoutout to coran for just accepting that alluras telling him to leave when everyon ehe loves could very well die
im love keith and his new leadership skills he learned in the bom but DONT YOU DARE DIE HOLY FUCK
no one is allowed to die
keith dont you dare
keith dont you dare
holy fuck oh my god hes ok hes ok holy fucking shit
o shit
o shit lotor is gonna join the coalition i fucking called it!!!
holy fuck that was a lot of emotions and where the fuck is shiro fuck you writers fuck you
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im-no-jedi · 7 years
ok! here’s the first set of questions for my Voltron OCs. since there’s so many of them, I’m splitting them into two posts. here’s Faelyn first:
1. What do they smell like? - probably a mixture of sweat and whatever soap she uses to clean her armor with LOL 
2. What is their voice like? - Daisy Ridley
3. What is their biggest motivator? - she made a vow to protect Princess Allura at all costs to both her brother and King Alfor, so you better believe she’s gonna do that
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? - she doesn’t really get embarrassed?? she gets flustered around Keith sometimes but that’s about it LOL
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? - she shrugs it off, usually tries to make light of the situation, no matter how bad it is. she’s literally like that part in Frozen with Olaf, “oh look, I’ve been impaled” XD
6. What do they like to wear? - she wears her Altean Guard armor pretty much every waking moment. hardly anyone outside of Allura has seen her without her armor on
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? - Allura, because she’s her best friend and would do anything for her. and Shiro, because he reminds her of her brother.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? - all Altean food is weird LOL
9. Describe the way that they sleep. - she sleeps very soundly, she can get to sleep pretty easily, but she’ll pop up at a moment’s notice, ready for anything 
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? - she loves the food goo, but her favorite is Nunvil. she went around asking all the paladins if she could have their Nunvil at that party when she found out nobody liked it LOL
11. What do they feel most insecure about? - that she’s not doing enough for her friends, even after they’ve told her that she’s more than helped them, it’s just never enough for her
12. How do they like to dress? - again, she wears her armor pretty much all the time except when she’s sleeping
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? - she is soooo hard on herself, she never thinks she’s doing enough for anyone, and even though she wears a happy face 99% of the time, she always manages to make herself feel guilty about something (probably due to what happened to her brother during the start of the war)
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? - LOL you better run cause she gon frick you up son. if S3 Shiro turns out to be an evil clone, he’s gonna get socked in the face real hard haha
15. What is their greatest achievement? - overcoming her fears and owning up to her duty as Allura’s official bodyguard
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? - exactly like Leslie in that one episode of Parks & Rec, she acts like everything’s fine, but she just starts spouting nonsense LOL
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? - similar to when she’s sleep deprived, she acts like everything’s fine, but she’ll run into walls and say weird things and stuff like that LOL
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? - she likes whatever the other paladins listen to, but Shiro and Keith’s music are her favorite kind (also when she finds out the both of them can sing and Keith can play guitar, she’s just like *heart eyes* XD)
19. Are they right or left handed? - she’s ambidextrous, but mostly right-handed
20. Fears? - losing loved ones :c
21. Favorite kind of weather? - she looooves the rain, she’ll go out and dance barefoot in the rain she loves it so much X3
22. Favorite color? - blue!
23. Do they collect anything? - battle scars >:D
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? - hot, but she’s good with either
25. What is their eye color? - blue-green
26. What is their race/ethnicity? - Altean, skin tone similar to Coran’s
27. Hair color? - it’s really hard to describe... it’s an orange pinky brown color... like imagine Coran’s hair but more brown and also slightly pink? I’ll have to post a pic of it sometime LOL
28. Are they happy where they are currently? - very much so
29. Are they a morning person? - absolutely
30. Sunrise or sunset? - both
31. Are they more messy or more organized? - pretty organized, but she’s not afraid to get messy ;)
32. Pet peeves? - when someone doesn’t listen or pay attention to what someone else is saying
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? - her sword used to belong to her brother, he gave it to her when she became Allura’s bodyguard. it’s the only thing she has to remember him by :c
34. Least favorite food? - idk she’s not very picky LOL
35. Least favorite color? - she loves all the colors! \o/
36. Least favorite smell? - the paladins’ dirty laundry ROFL
37. When was the last time they cried? - ....when her brother was killed ;__;
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? - Allura and Coran were both there. they’ve never seen Fae so upset before or since that moment :c
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? - her arm nearly got impaled by a sword once. that was one of those laugh-it-off moments LOL
40. Do they have any scars? - pretty much everywhere yeah haha
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? - well, she often hides her pain behind a happy and cheerful attitude, but I wouldn’t call that a “mental health issue”, just a problem with admitting her true feelings
42. Do they have any bad habits? - she has a tendency to punch first, ask questions later ROFL
43. Why might someone dislike them? - I guess if you don’t like perky people, she could come across as annoying
44. Why might someone love them? - she’s a very caring person, also quite goofy and just fun overall. also she stronk LOL
45. Do they believe in ghosts? - LOL nah
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? - all of her friends, she trusts them very much
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? - she has a reeeeeeeeeally big crush on Keith. like, she’ll go out of her way to ask him to spar with her just so she can spend time with him LOL
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? - I’ve thought up instances where she gets with Keith, Shiro, or Tyzh; my preference is Keith, but she could easily get with Shiro or Tyzh too
49. Do they like surprises? - YES. if she was given a surprise party, she would absolutely LOVE IT.
50. When is their birthday? - sometime in the spring, haven’t decided exactly when yet
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? - not very big, usually only with the people closest to her. she’s never had a real birthday party before, but she’d love to have one
52. Do they have any family? - she used to have an older brother, but he died at the beginning of the war with the Galra. the paladins, Allura, and Coran are her family now :3
53. Are they close to their family? - VERY MUCH SO
54. What is their MBTI type? - I took two different quizzes, and she came out as ESFP for both of them, so I guess that’s the one!
55. What is their zodiac sign? - *shrugs*
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? - Hufflepuff, definitely. she could easily be a Gryffindor too though
57. What D&D alignment are they? - Chaotic Good haha
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? - she has dreams about the day her brother died sometimes :c
59. What are their views on death? - NOPE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. NOBODY DIES WHILE SHE’S AROUND NOPE.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? - literally anything, she even laughs at Lance’s bad jokes, even when she doesn’t understand them LOL
61. When bored, how do they pass time? - she’s like, always in the training rooms tbh
62. Do they enjoy being outside? - oh yes
63. Do they have an accent? - British, she sounds exactly like Daisy Ridley’s normal voice
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? - she’s never had cake before, but she reeeeally wants to try it after hearing the paladins describe it to her. she would gobble it down as soon as she saw it LOL
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? - she would tell everyone how much she loves them and give everyone a big bear hug
66. How do they feel about sex? - she’s... definitely thought about it haha
67. What is their sexuality? - pansexual, but she leans more towards masculine people
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? - nah LOL
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? - not that I can think of, she’s pretty tolerant of stuff
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? - Beware the Nice Ones LOL 
71. Do they enjoy helping people? - TOO MUCH LOL
72. Are they allergic to anything? - nope
73. Do they have a pet? - no, but she loves playing with the castle mice
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper? - only if someone or something threatens Allura or one of her other friends. she’s VERY protective of Allura especially. she will not hesitate to punch a man if need be for insulting the princess LOL
75. How patient are they? - quite patient!
76. Are they good at cooking? - she’s ok at it, she’d much rather have Hunk do the cooking though
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? - only playfully or if she’s really mad
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? - she’s happy like, all the time, that’s her thing LOL
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? - she’s very understanding and tries to be as encouraging as possible to help them work through their fears
80. Are they trustworthy? - the most trustworthy person you’ll ever meet :3
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? -  YES.
82. Do they exercise regularly? - all the friggin time LOL
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? - yup!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? - good physical prowess, being good with a sword, and just being a good fighter in general.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? - aggressive, emo guys I guess LOL
86. Do they like sweet foods? - OH YES
87. What is their age? - 18 human years, +10,000 from being in cryostasis for so long
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? - she’s considered tall for a female, she’s about an inch taller than Keith
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? - nope
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? - not as much as Allura
91. What is their sense of humor like? - she’ll laugh at literally anything, even the dumbest things
92. What mood are they most often in? - cheerful, happy, positive, upbeat, all that stuff :3
93. What kinds of things anger them? - insulting or threatening Allura or her other friends and just the Galra army in general
94. Outlook on life? - positive, very positive
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? - when her friends are sad or depressed
96. What is their greatest weakness? - not being open about her true feelings
97. What is their greatest strength? - being able to see the good in pretty much anyone and anything, and being super supportive of other people
98. Something that they regret? - not accepting her role as Allura’s bodyguard sooner and just overall being a stinker about being a bodyguard instead of a soldier like her brother
99. Biggest accomplishment? - realizing that she didn’t need to be a soldier to make a difference in the war and accepting where she needed to be with Allura so that she could protect her c’:
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luanna801 · 7 years
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(In response to this post.)
So, interesting: When Coran is talking about becoming the new red paladin, he does in fact say he’s “following in Alfor’s footsteps”.
HOWEVER, I don’t think that has to mean Alfor was the red paladin specifically, just that he was a paladin. And if you look at the colors we see Alfor wearing, he’s always seen in yellow and blue:
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We’ve got two completely different canon outfits here, worn years apart. And yet in both, they made sure to have him in blue and yellow (and white, but that’s not a Voltron color so it’s not relevant.)
Voltron is big on color-coding. Every one of the current paladins has a civilian outfit that ~just so happens~ to match their Voltron color:
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Now, you could say Zarkon is the exception to this, because his armor is mostly red and yet we know he was the past black paladin:
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But if you look, Zarkon’s armor is black and red, and he’s also wearing a black cloak. So you’ve still got some black in there.
So I think, if Alfor was the past red paladin, we would’ve seen him wearing an outfit that was at least partially red. And particularly since we continually see him in two other Voltron colors, I’m gonna assume he piloted one of those Lions.
So which one - blue or yellow?
Well, I’ve seen several people say that his first outfit up there looks quite a bit like yellow paladin armor, and I have to say I agree. Here’s another shot of Alfor in his gold-and-white armor:
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vs. Hunk in the current yellow paladin armor:
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There’s an obvious resemblance. The current paladins wear white armor with accents in the color of their Lion (plus some black accents), so based on that we’d be looking at Yellow Paladin Alfor.
However, that second outfit up there has a lot more blue than yellow. And while blue as a color doesn’t have many associations beyond the Blue Lion on this show, gold could also be indicating that Alfor is royalty. Note that when you see them together, Alfor’s gold accents match Allura’s gold accessories:
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*pauses to momentarily die of cuteness and then sad feelings*
SO. Point being. Allura and Alfor are both continually shown in a color scheme of blue, yellow, and white (plus pink in Allura’s case):
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(It’s worth noting Coran has a very similar color scheme, too - I think they wanted the main Alteans we see to be visually connected.)
But with Allura, the gold comes from gold jewelry, meant to remind us she’s a royal. I think it’s possible Alfor’s gold accents are meant to do the same thing.
Which leaves us with the fact that Allura and Alfor are both wearing a lot of blue because... reasons.
So here’s an interesting thing: On the old Voltron series, this color-coding didn’t exist. Not just with their civilian outfits - with their armor, too:
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Allura wore pink despite piloting the blue lion. Keith wore red despite piloting black. Lance wore blue despite piloting red. Hunk was orange for some reason. The only one here who coordinated was Pidge.
On the current show, they’re all piloting the lion that corresponds to their color: Keith has red, Lance has blue, etc.
And want to hear something particularly cool?
At this point, we all know Keith is going to be the next black paladin... and while Keith’s civilian outfit has a red jacket, he’s wearing all black underneath:
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(I mean, you could quibble about whether his T-shirt is black or dark grey, but close enough. If you look at Shiro’s civilian outfit and Zarkon’s armor, you see multiple shades of black/dark grey there too.)
Consider that original Keith had an entirely red outfit, and that feels like a deliberate choice. They wanted to be sure he’d be coordinated either way.
Which brings us back to Allura, who was the blue paladin on the original show but wore pink (in both her armor and civilian outfits). And the current Allura, who’s now wearing a blue dress and has blue accents on her armor that weren’t there before.
Oh and, y’know, we see this in the new trailer:
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(Seriously, go watch it... the screencaps don’t quite do it justice, but if you watch the video it’s pretty clear what’s happening.)
So I think it’s pretty clear Allura will be piloting Blue at this point (at least temporarily), and I think it’s also pretty obvious the show designed her costume with that possibility in mind, because they wanted to keep the characters color-coded to their Lions.
And now go back and look at those pictures of Alfor, who’s almost always shown in exactly the same color scheme as his daughter.
I think Alfor having been yellow or blue paladin is possible, honestly. But if you want my best guess, I think Allura is indeed following in her father’s footsteps with the Lion she’s going to pilot... but it isn’t Red. ;-)
And yes! I completely agree, there’s lots they could do with how taking over the Lion her father used to pilot is something meaningful and important to Allura. If I’m right about all this, I certainly assume we will see that brought up.
But my problem was never having Allura pilot a Lion other than Black in the first place. Like I talked about here, I think there are a lot of ways they could frame that which would make sense for all the characters involved and respect Allura as a character. My issue isn’t which Lion Allura pilots, but how the story handles it.
... Which is why I’m irked by the creators saying Allura has “a lot of learning to do” before she can be a paladin, when literally none of the other paladins had to “learn” anything before they took over their Lions. I’m irked by the implication that she’s somehow less qualified to be a paladin than everyone else. That’s true regardless of which Lion she ends up with - Blue, Red, Black, whichever.
I’m honestly happy to see Allura piloting any Lion, or no Lion, as long as it’s written well and respects her character. That’s all I ask.
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rachello344 · 7 years
First thing’s first:  As each of my other two meta rely on this assumption, I’m going to explain the reasons I think this new “Shiro” at the end of season three is a clone.  For simplicity’s sake, from here on, when I mean the Shiro from season three, I’ll call him Kuron (after Project Kuron) and the real Shiro will just be Shiro.  That being said, let’s start from the beginning.  This is going to get long and maybe a little complicated, but bear with me.  It’s going under this readmore for length.
When we first meet him, Kuron has long hair, long enough to imply that it’s been at least six months, maybe even closer to a year.  That, more than anything, really throws a wrench into the timeline.  “How long has Shiro been gone?”  Well, by all accounts, no more than a month, no less than about two weeks.  And yet, his hair is that long?  It doesn’t make sense.  And then, on top of that, Kuron sees another Shiro strapped down.  At first, I thought it was because he was having a nightmare, but it’s shown that he is awake, just shaky.  I’m willing to believe that he did really see another Shiro--after all, why make only one clone?  And even if he was imagining it, why does he remember seeing another Shiro that wasn’t himself?  Why are their ID numbers different?  It all adds up to suggest that this new “Shiro” (Kuron), really is a clone.
And then, we have his escape.  The empire was holding the Champion, the Black Paladin of Voltron, on some distant outpost near an ice planet with rebels on it?  Really?  That seems unsafe and a little ridiculous.  Shiro is probably one of the Galra’s Most Wanted, and I’m to believe that he wasn’t being held in maximum security in the center of the Empire?  That doesn’t sound right.  And then, as if that wasn’t enough, they let him escape?  Why would they do that?  (I know why I think they’d do that, but that’s a topic for another post.)
I won’t go too much into the circumstances of his finding Voltron again (also suspect), because I’m going to be focusing on that in the aforementioned post.  Instead, let’s move to his change in design.  Changing a character’s hair or clothes mid-season in this kind of cartoon is something that implies a drastic change from the character’s baseline.  Consider Zuko cutting off his hair in ATLA, a sign that he was moving away from what his father wanted from him, starting over and trying to retake what honor means to him, etc.  Korra cuts her hair after a significant trauma.  Mulan cuts her hair to become Ping.  Kaneki Ken in Tokyo Ghoul has at least three distinct designs, all of which indicate completely different personalities--the original “black-haired” Kaneki, “white-haired Kaneki,” and Haise (black roots with white hair).  When Kaneki is no longer “Haise,” his hair immediately returns to its previous white.  Character design matters with differentiating, even when it’s the same character suffering a drastic change.
For Shiro, we’ve seen Original Shiro (pre-Kerberos), his appearance post-Kerberos (and after being forced to fight and experimented on, a trauma the turned some of his hair white), Sven (like pre-Kerberos Shiro, but with an accent), and now Kuron (shorter hair, different clothes).  Differentiating him to that extent would only make sense if a. Shiro were gone for longer, b. the events he suffered were especially traumatic, or c. if this Shiro is not the same as the original.  Kuron and Sven are both significant departures from Shiro’s normal design, both in their hair and their clothes--and for Sven, his arm.  I don’t think the events between Shiro’s disappearance and his apparent reappearance were enough for that kind of change in design, but if he were a totally different Shiro, it would make sense.  And the fact that we have a fake Shiro to compare with is both significant and a little too convenient.
Even if the design and the circumstances weren’t enough, his behavior and Keith’s response to him are also suspect.  We have seen two seasons of “Shiro as he naturally is.”  He’s noble and self-sacrificing, supportive (especially of Keith), and he has a pretty morbid sense of humor (gallows humor anyone?).  Kuron has shown himself to be none of those things.  I believe that Shiro, rather than trying to return to being Black Paladin right away, would have stood aside and let Keith lead.  Shiro is the one who chose Keith.  Why would he try to get in the way of something he wanted?  And then even disrupt Keith during a mission?  The same Shiro who allowed Keith to do what he thought was necessary with the Blade of Marmora, only promising to step in if he thought things were too dangerous or getting out of hand.  That Shiro has never been the type of person to command like Kuron is shown to--he doesn’t need to.
And it wasn’t until after the fact that I realized that a Shiro held captive by apparent rebel forces (people who should be on his side) would have spent most of the time joking about it.  I mean, he was clearly not in any particular danger.  Escaping was simple enough for him.  And he didn’t crack a single joke?  No sighing about ending up in such a position or about being held captive by his own potential allies?  And in the ship when he’s on his own, he didn’t make a single joke in his log?  That’s just unrealistic.  Shiro is like the main character in The Martian.  He’s prone to self-deprecating humor, especially if he’s in some kind of danger.  (When he was bleeding and surrounded by beasts, he was talking casually with Keith, cracking jokes about the situation.)  Kuron doesn’t make a single joke.  Not one.
Now, on a darker note: his orders during the team’s attempts to fight Lotor/retake the comet.  At the beginning of the mission, Keith insists on going after Lotor and leaving the comet for later.  If they can take Lotor out of the equation now, they should.  Kuron shuts that down and insists he and the team go after the comet.  Everyone agrees with Kuron.  When they’re outside, going after the comet (the ship), Kuron suddenly commands they go after Lotor and the warp gate, doing a complete 180 on his orders.  Everyone, again, agrees with Kuron.  And then, when Keith insists they go after Lotor’s ship, Kuron stops them and calls them back to regroup.
Keith’s frustration, at a glance, appears to be a case of growing pains.  He’s apparently used to leading now, so he dislikes taking orders--except that Keith would be happy to have Shiro lead again.  He’s willing to follow orders... that make sense.  Shiro normally allows Keith to do what he thinks is right.  He trusts Keith’s judgment and frequently asks his opinion on plans of action.  Kuron actively undermines Keith’s authority, calling all of his plans into question and leads the team in effectively isolating and dog-piling Keith.  These scenes are followed by Keith and Kuron speaking alone.  Kuron apologizes for his behavior but also scolds Keith, insisting he learn to choose his battles, as if Keith wasn’t doing exactly that the entire time.
Kuron’s orders during the mission were always to do what Keith didn’t want to do.  He constantly negated Keith’s orders to the detriment of the mission, using his authority and the others’ trust in him to derail any and all of Keith’s plans.  Keith is capable of adapting, so he managed to complete part of their mission anyway, but that’s only because he’s a quick thinker, even under pressure.  It took me a little while to realize what it was about this that left me feeling so unsettled.  During these scenes, Kuron is gaslighting Keith.  He keeps flipping the script on Keith, isolating him from the rest of the team, and insisting that he’s in the right, that he knows best, that what he’s doing is for Keith’s own good.  He apologizes but in the same breath scolds Keith.  And if Keith called him on it, no one would believe him.  They would all think he was making it up or imagining it.  Even in his own team, Keith is alone once again.  And the real Shiro would never stand for that let alone make it happen himself.
Keith is more comfortable with Shiro than with anyone else. He is the first person he thinks about during disaster, and the first person he worries might be in danger.  Shiro is both his greatest hope and his greatest fear.  Keith is more afraid of losing Shiro than anything else.  So then why doesn’t he seem more happy to see him here?  Everyone else seems happier than Keith when Keith was the one most intent on searching for him.  Sure, he wants this to be Shiro and he wants to be allowed to have this, but I think he knows that something’s wrong.  He was planning to search the universe for Shiro, but he turned up practically at their doorstep without any effort on Keith’s part.  It was too easy.  In almost every shot of “Shiro” and Keith this season, Keith’s expression is strained or worried.  He smiles a few times, but none of them are like the normal smiles he reserves for Shiro.  Keith infiltrated a government building, crossed a chasm and fought monsters, attacked Zarkon, all to get Shiro back.  So then why doesn’t he look more relieved?
I think, at some level, Keith suspects that this Shiro is actually the wrong one.  After his initial shock at seeing Sven, Keith basically completely disregards him, more concerned with the Alteans than with him, despite the uncanny resemblance to the boy he’s been searching for.  And here we see a similar coldness, though not the same.  This is almost Shiro.  Sometimes, he really is exactly like Shiro, but others he does things that Shiro would never do.  That disconnect is enough to sow doubt in the minds of both the viewer and Keith.  VLD never seems to show the initial moments of reunion or strong emotion between people--often to their detriment, imo--but they do show the fallout, and regardless of how their initial reunion went, the latter stages of it show Keith distrusting Shiro in a way that he never has.
Keith and the Black Lion want Shiro back more than anyone else.  They are both still looking for him.  But the lion refused Kuron from piloting her.  She switched between Keith and Shiro before, so why would she refuse Shiro now?  Unless, perhaps, he isn’t her Shiro, and she knows it.  After all, Shiro is the kind of leader who doesn’t want to lead.  I don’t think he would insist on taking the reins again the first moment he could--trying to pry his role back from Keith is unlike him and unfitting for the leader he has shown himself to be.  With his behavior out of the ordinary and Black turning him away despite still looking for him, it’s no wonder that Keith seems to be on his guard with the person he usually trusts more than himself.  It’s a wonder that no one else (in show) has noticed at this point.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few points, but I know I’m not the only one who believes this Shiro is more likely a clone than the real deal.  In any case, if anyone has any questions or points they want clarified, please feel free to send me an ask.  I’d be happy to elaborate.  I’m going to be writing two more posts, on the lions and on Lotor, so I’ll answer any questions I get afterward.
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fedoranonymous · 4 years
just post the thing
i’m only human and have a full time job, so i gotta deal with the fact that i’m not physically capable of writing every single little idea i come up with for a fic, even if it’s a good one or completing the set makes me happy. one thing i really wanted to do for a long time, though, was write at least a one shot for every way to ship keith with the rest of the paladins, with a bit of au flavor. this is the kidge one.
so I wanted Keith to be born deaf but they HAD to throw in the garrison giving Matt LASIK and being totally deaf is probably more of an impediment than having shitty vision, so like. They definitely gave Keith a Cochlear
honestly it makes sense because if something happens and your glasses/hearing aids break there’s gonna be bits everywhere so really the alternative is “people who are nearsighted/blind/hard of hearing/deaf just aren’t allowed to become spaceship pilots” since they’d be so far from replacements and what goes into/off of a spaceship has to be deeply monitored
it does mean we have to take a lot more steps before Keith’s hearing comes into play though
so first off: Lance’s Whole Everything is so much, all the time, but especially when ya boi isn’t used to hearing anything at all. And Keith isn’t used to talking, you know, with his mouth so much, so he gets worn out by trying to have a conversation like this so quickly 
and Lance is offended and also probably makes some (well meaning but incredibly shittily received!*) jokes about Keith’s voice being rough/giving out, how many words Keith has only seen written and not heard said aloud, etc. Just. They decided it was Keith’s decision who to tell and Keith decided he’d rather not be embarrassed than get help from his peers, and it backfired in the form of Lance McClain
As in canon, Keith doesn’t take Shiro’s “”death“” well and gets into a physical fight with Iverson and ends up dishonorably discharged over it. Unlike in canon (or, you know what, it’s my headcanon, show me where it’s jossed, I’ll wait), Keith steals Iverson’s car as an act of petty revenge
he crashes it and ends up biting through his own tongue. Maybe fucking with the implant a bit too? I’d have to do a bit of research into how these things work and how they behave if they’re damaged, if it’s gonna be constantly screeching/being annoying Keith’d probably get it removed anyway, and I specifically want him to be skipping out on further surgeries after a point because The American Healthcare Industry and also because I do want to deal with how being mute/hard of hearing/deaf affects people and not just an Informed Attribute. 
Like I want the Paladins to have to learn ASL, and have them realize how useful it can be and how everyone should fucking know it
So ya boi ends up largely back in society with a bit more ability to communicate, but it’s a Thing and he hates it so he doesn’t get out much
like honestly smartphones and text to speech are a GODSEND but people fucking detest having to wait for him to type/constantly think he’s snubbing them if he doesn’t have a “I can’t speak, let me type” set up (some kind of emergency button on his lock screen?)
I like the idea of him not being totally deaf (anymore, if I go that route instead of hearing aids, since it would have to be much more of an AU for him to remain deaf so why float it in the first place, you know?) but definitely hard of hearing so like, sometimes he has to hand people his phone and get them to write shit down because he just can’t understand and them getting mad because they think they’re making fun of his accent or something
only going to certain stores at certain times because the Nice Clerk is on shift
Also everything Red comes up with in Peaks and Valleys and its sequels. I love those fics.
also I’ve read more than one where Keith himself goes nonverbal for anxiety and/or autism related reasons, and those are all great too, but none of them quite have the couple of scenes I really really wanna see for this. They’re all great though.
So then Shiro falls back to earth and that goes largely the same as in canon, with the exception that Keith cannot talk, isn’t even gonna try to sign, and pulling out his phone for speech to text is too time consuming when you’re in a fight, so he’s down to communicating exclusively through interpretive dance and eyebrow gymnastics.
Lance just. Isn’t having it. being “”ignored“” is a trigger for him, so by the time they make it back to Keith’s dad’s shack, he snaps, grabs Keith’s shoulder from where he’s trying to open the door, screams at him to talk to him
so Keith goes for his phone, but it has a bullet hole in it. Apparently there was a very close call that Keith didn’t realize, and there’s a matching gouge in his jacket, which is all very traumatic, and Keith’s knees go out, but Lance isn’t done making this about him yet, so Keith ends up having to shout as best as he can, pointing in his own mouth and showing off for mostly just Lance that he doesn’t have a tongue
Lance blanches and takes a seat too, of course. He tries to ask Keith when that happened, but there are some things you just can’t communicate without words or a very strong visual, so Keith kinda halfheartedly shrugs
The shack IS Keith’s childhood home, though, so he does have a backup device that is literally JUST for text-to-speech, likely for in school when the teachers would have given a fuck about the fact that smartphones have calculators and he could “”cheat“” with it
so after he tries to dig that out, he goes all ⛧  ̷̲͕͠"̵̥̍Ẅ̵̤̳́̾e̴̹͒l̸̦̯̓l̴̢̿,̶͍̰̾̾ ̸̼̀̈́t̵̞̽͊ḧ̷̡̒i̵̺̞̽ṣ̸͙͒͋ ̵͕̯̄̋s̴͎̭̍h̶͔̻̓͊o̶͇̓́͜ṳ̵̂l̸̘͕͊d̷̯̦̐͆ ̵̧̈w̶̩͆ỏ̴͎r̴̖͉̋̏k̴̰̃̔ ̴̼̜̒͠f̸̙̓ô̶͔r̴̥̈́ ̸̖̎̊n̷̩̙͌͠ó̸̳́͜w̶̧̔̅.̸͓̜͑"̸̛͉̠ ̴̨̺̓ ψ and even he, having never had to hear it (assuming I go THAT route smh pick one binch) is HoRrIfIeD and it’s regulated to emergencies only starting immediately
Shiro wakes up asking where Marvin is and telling him to put that Demonic Teddy Ruxpin Ass Thing away
Hunk: “Wait, did you name your phone Marvin the Paranoid Android.”
Keith two thumbs way, way up, and a bunch of fingerguns and snaps
Hunk: “I love Hitchhiker’s Guide!”
Keith: *chef’s kiss*
yes this is one of my Candybar Scenes for this AU
A lot of things don’t change enough to be interesting, not in a prose format anyway. The Lions are psychic, so it’s not like Keith needs spoken words to communicate with Red, and while Altean text to speech isn’t possessed, Keith can’t write Altean
Oh look, guess who canonically wants to learn to read and write Altean too. Hello Pidge, time to kiss kiss fall in love
Pidge is honestly kind of puzzled to learn that not only does the garrison not teach ASL, but they also don’t require it as a prerequisite for signing up or offer it as an elective. Like. What if the radio goes out on your spacesuit? The fuck? So she bullies Keith into starting to teach her ASL as well as studying Altean with her.
the fact that Altean language learning casettes make Keith super happy but the fact that they rate pronunciation means he can’t? actually? do them? right now?
the way the show handles language makes no sense but the way they handle spacetravel science actively contradicts itself in the same sentence so I’m guessing that’s just their sense of humor and the netflix voltron team is a bunch of n e r d s
So it’s literally just Shiro and Pidge and neither of them are very good but Keith starts using ASL again because there’s a chance he won’t have to repeat himself in interpretive dance and pictionary and the rest of the team starts picking it up by osmosis, 
it really is useful for when Keith needs to communicate to Lance that there’s a ladder behind him that he can use to crawl up onto the ceiling at get on the other side of the guard for a pincer attack, etc. Yeah Lance only picks up half of that, but it’s enough to get him looking, and they really do work well together when neither of them are being precious as fuck
i love my boys but they are
scene where Keith does pushups with Pidge on his back, with her laptop. The bouncing makes it hard to type, but he ends up with a personal EMP device so he can safely knock out the robot gladiators in their training room in an emergency, that way he can train by himself the way he’d prefer. 
this is probably the first time (at least in a very very long time) that someone gave him an accessibility thing that was about making things convenient for him and not for them, and he may get a little choked up
Keith is in general just REALLY expressive emotionally, because he kind of needs to emote three times as hard to be understood. Whoever said 90% of communication is nonverbal needs to do some factchecking, in his opinion.
literally just because I want Keith around for a later scene and a stupid one at that, the Blades decide they can’t properly train/work with someone who cannot communicate in a crisis.
Keith tries to be like “I’ll learn Galra Sign Language/I’ll use text to speech/I’ll have Coran make me a new tongue/I’ll be support/Anything just let me get close to my mother’s family” and Kolivan’s like. Stars. Can’t do it. Not today.
He does end up send the communications that have Krolia ditching her deep cover assignment before shit hits the fan though. Kolivan can make what he considers to be a “tough but necessary call” but let’s not have all of them be ablest dickwads. 
he gonna get yelled at so hard when she comes back. She will train her boy herself, and Keith doesn’t have to change a thing about himself for that.
Kolivan: all according to keikaku dot jpg
So Keith’s miserable and it’s breakfast time, he’s kind of picking through the story, but he figures no body’s paying attention and he rambles about that for a while
Pidge has a too big bite in her mouth so she signs “Keith. how could I ignore you. you never shut the fuck up” 
And Keith. Has never felt so seen?
Pidge goes to swallow because what she wants to say next is important, then she signs anyway because that’s more important.
“yeah it sucks when people refuse to listen to you for no real reason”
Keith has to eat his breakfast under the table because he can’t look at anyone right now
so fucking in love
SO all that to say that, not being in the Blades, Keith’s around when Matt shows up,
Pidge: “This is my boyfriend, if you hurt his precious little feelings, I’ll show you how my bayard can be used as a shovel and bury you alive on an uninhabited planet.”
Matt: “Shouldn’t I be saying that?”
Keith: “What boyfriend? I’ll fight him.”
Pidge: “I’m talking about you, dingus.”
Keith: panic dot exe 
Keith: loading
Keith: executable “launch Pidge into the fucking sun” engaged
Keith: panic harder dot exe
Actually Keith being around probably changes a lot of the Kuron arc doesn’t it? Depending on if he’s a puppet Haggar can pilot or he’s got some but not all of Shiro’s memories or if he’s a perfect clone with added subconcious triggers. 
Would he know even as little ASL as Shiro does? Depends on if ASL gets coded in the brain the same way as other languages, since it seems like he speaks English fine. 
He also seems to fight fine, so yeah, operational memory is all there, no reason for him to not know ASL
I figure at the least we can have him be a bigoted dickhead about it, since getting Keith to fuck off/stop being around to notice how off he is being is a Priority, and that cluing the rest of the team in because why the fuck would he tell Keith to stop trying now when they all know sign now would be a very wholesome moment
Also maybe a moment back on earth where Lance/Hunk calls Keith over to where he’s speaking with his family and just starts signing what he’s saying automatically and just making Keith feel included would be nice
Hunk would be nice because I haven’t done much with him here but Lance would be nice because of what I have done with him. Pidge would also be cute if you wanted to keep this strictly romance, but I like the idea of Keith getting to connect to people beyond the connection he has with the person he’s dating. Those found family vibes are everything, y’all.
*I really think Lance is just one of those guys who likes the vitriolic best buds trope so much he tries to skip the normal acquaintance phase and that’s where all his problems lie! And considering I know a literal fifty year old man who still tries to do this, still doesn’t stop me from headcanoning the paladins as being in their mid twenties, please let me pretend I’m not enjoying a show about literal children being blown up in the engine room, shot at, stabbed, going on suicide charges, etc. This show is too dark to be about children, for my mental health.
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