#this in the ddd timeline i guess
phonification · 11 months
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forgottenroisin · 2 months
Edmund x Rosie + kid
a note on the bg here!
ok, so obv he could've been born after ~everything if edmund and rosie end up working things out, which is def possible, but for the drama, im saying smth else entirely! alksdjflksdjafdsf now, obv things will probs change etc esp if/when edmund tells her abt what really happened to her dad re: his own involvement etc, BUT! as things currently stand bc i can guess but not really ~know how she'll react till we get there, imma say mr fiachna (which ~also means raven btw so he's named after both his dad and his granddad <3) was conceived like...probs right abt now, actually, or maybe at or right before the ball, in the timeline, since i think its probs safe to say that would've been ~before the big reveal situation haha (also not sure abt surname bc if there was some sort of ~secret marriage -- which ~does feel ~v rosie ngl but idk if it feels edmund or not hahaha -- or whatever, he'd be varmont, but if not ig malconaire, or if there's a bastard name in this world...that hahaha not me like 'what if, if there are regional bastard names, 'macdara' aka 'son of oak' is the malconaire bastard name' oops ;DDD jk jk) anyway, since we've plotted the witch!reveal situation (that awk moment where in this au roderick unwittingly almost burned his unborn grandson oops), imma say he was born while rosie was on the run etc so!! that was doubtless suuuuch a fun time! lkjasdkfjlksdjf
Name: Fiachna Varmont Malconaire ????
Gender: Male
General Appearance: it is a strange thing that, although not particularly tall, fiachna's bearing gives the impression of height. born hunted and on the run, fiachna learned early the value of the appearance of strength and confidence at his mother's knee as she, herself, was learning these lessons. fiachna tends to wear a bit of a mask when with strangers, never quite trusting due to the lessons of his past, but when he does smile, it lights up the room. tho the shade of his eyes are his mother's, their shape, and indeed, that of his upper face is owing entirely to his father from his cheekbones to the top of his head and well as his aquiline nose. his jaw and chin are far more a reflection of his malconaire roots (hehe, see what i did there? ;D), however, echoing rosie's own, so that he can readily be said to take after both parents.
Personality: fiachna's early childhood was a serious and dangerous affair, a fact which forever marked his psyche much to his mother's great grief, who only ever wanted joy for her chilren. always intent upon being helpful, fiachna is a deeply deliberate person, carefully considering his moves before he makes them and thus somewhat balancing rosie's much more impulsive nature. still, amongst those he knows well, he is quick to joy and laughter, and even displays a streak of rashness all his own. for all the fear fiachna knew growing up, after all, he never wanted for love, and he knows how to give it in spades to those who earn it. still, there is an undeniable well of anger inside him, and fiachna harbors a secret deep-seated fear that some dark echo of his grandfather lingers deep inside his blood, unable to break free so long as he tamps stridently down upon it...
Special Talents: fiachna inherited his father's wits, and is nigh unbeatable in any games of strategy, but he also learned early on the extreme significance to mobility and speed in a life on the run, and is thus a well practiced runner and horserider, preferring swiftness and flexibility over strength.
Who they like better: rosie (i think he just...knows her better, frankly, and probs projects some of his varmont-related fears onto edmund probs, since he grew up being hunted by roderick and yeahh fun)
Who they take after more: edmund
Personal Head canon: (note: he's another calainon-malconaire kid so another seer candidate which is fun bc roderick's rolling in his grave at the thought of ~his grandson~ a witch!!!! lkajsdfkljlsjf but who knows!! anyway!!!) he loves, loves, loooooves bad jokes like...really really terrible puns and like utter stupidisms! which is weird bc generally he's v witty/snarky but!! then w ppl he cares abt he'll just throw down like theee worst not even dad joke but full on granddad joke you've ever heard, the ultimate in bad jokes and giggle like so stupidly hard till even tho it was NOT funny you're laughing too bc he's in tears and this whole situation is totally ridiculous. like...we're talking such a bad joke ~i wouldnt even find it funny, and we all know i love dumb puns. its the worst. and you love it. bc of the way he tells it! these are the moments you really see his mom in him, when he's just unleashing full dorky silliness
Face Claim: Harry Collett
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bonus image of a modern au involving some kind of time traveling shenanigans also since theyre like the same age here ;D (also if this aint a classic rosie expression <3):
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
-🐆 You know I think that's exactly why it's taking them so long to release the new season, because they have to much plot holes to cover. Is it the whole Lilith thing again? Eh, let's not get into that subject. What made sense to me, probably just my mind filling in the blanks, is that MC eventually, gradually regained some memories, a bit at a time, while the brothers remained sort of like a constant memory that is a core one (I hope I am making sense). It could be also that Solomon used some magic to help MC stabilize memory wise. Or just shown pictures on his DDD. A lot of plot things in this game (especially implied sex scenes, for obvious reasons) are left blank. Usually they aren't that important but in this case they are! So hopefully they do explain deeper in the new season. Also the term "time soup" sort of made sense to me, since I stand by the theory that time cannot be linear as we think it is. So if mc, from their present, went back to the past, mc brought all the memories and experiences with them. Meaning, the past is "changed" but not really. Just like it was changed in season 1 in og where mc was killed, but not really. So the time soup thing started wayyyyy back in the lore. Because if, they went back to the past, in a linear timeline, I think it would have left much less effect on the brothers and on the way everything unfolded. For example, the whole Cocytus journey. Mc presumably had an affect on the brothers even back in the celestial realm (I was just re-reading season 3 of og where mc ate Solomon's sandwich and was sent back in time) so Lucifer would have been locked up in Cocytus either way, but what did release him from the shackles? Did the brothers go after him even without mc? Did he still had his outburst against Diavolo? Was it that it is a time soup and mc was destined, in the this world logic, to hurtle back in time to this specific point and help the brothers, who know them but not really, who have a pact with them but not really? Also, in hard lessons, what the hell did Solomon made the brothers do to repay him for breaking them free from the curse that changed their personalities? Did he make them take a pact with him??? If that's true, I am mortified, really. See, I can ramble for more, but I don't feel bad about it lol, though you of course don't have to either! I don't only request your rambles, now I demand them, it matches my own!
I'll just go and watch dr who, my head is hazy, at least that show makes more sense with time travel If you watch it too, did you see the episode with Jinxx?? It was SO good.
I mean, they sure do have a lot of plot to resolve in the upcoming season! I don't know how far in advance they plan the story, but it feels very disjointed most of the time lol.
MC's memory issues never really registered for me, tbh. I always interpreted it as an MC who still has all those memories from OG? I was under the impression that they changed some of the story in the first lesson of NB, but I never went back and replayed it. So I told NB at the beginning that I knew the brothers and I guess that left out the part about MC having lost their memory? Or perhaps I just forgot about it???
I just always played it as MC remembered everything from the start, so I haven't really considered that part of the story too much. But I think the idea that MC's memories slowly come back makes sense. Or that Solomon filled them in, since there's plenty of time where they're living together for him to do that. It seems odd that they wouldn't at least mention either of these things, though, even if they didn't show it happening.
I don't have a problem with the "time soup" theory in a more general sense. I've read about theories where time is not linear in our actual reality. I just don't like it as a storytelling mechanic. Lesson 16 really confused me. I didn't realize what had happened until I read it again and until I had seen other people's thoughts on it. MC went back in time, but then one MC just disappears? It made no sense to me.
The issue I have with the time travel stuff is that it's a mess to figure out. I think it's good that people can kind of work it out in a way that makes sense to them, but nobody's idea of the time travel shenanigans in this game are the same. Everybody's interpretation has been different from what I've seen. They never established any rules for their time travel, so it's just confusing.
Hmm. Okay, so here's how I think about it. In this case, the time travel is part of magic. And when you have magic in a story, you have to make up the rules for it yourself. My experience has been that if you're going to use magic as a plot device, you have to set out specific rules for how it works. Otherwise, just about anything could happen. That's the part I don't like. The rules aren't clearly defined, they're just soup and that means nothing to me.
They could say time is not linear. They could say that in the original version of the past, MC wasn't there and that means anything could have happened. Maybe the events were similar to what they were when MC was there. But they could have been completely different. Maybe Lucifer didn't even end up in Cocytus at all. It's impossible to say what happened in the original version of that timeline.
Then MC goes to the past and changes things. No matter how careful MC is, their presence alters the past irrevocably. And Solomon is there, too, so potentially altering things even more.
Okay, I could accept all that. But having everybody in the past feel that there's something special about MC's guest room? Having glimpses and memories of a future they couldn't possibly have any knowledge of? This is the part that makes no sense. Does this mean that those characters all had those same memories in the original version of the past, the one where MC didn't show up? If time is a soup, does that mean that all these characters are experiencing all those timelines simultaneously and can have memories of all of them all the time whether MC is present or not?
If that's the case, how come the characters didn't have any memories of MC in OG? Season three hinted that MC may have impacted them in the Celestial Realm, but those memories never manifested before that incident. If time is a soup, shouldn't they have had those memories of MC from the very start?
My issue is that they just threw this in there because they're trying to explain away what they've already done. It doesn't feel like they went into this story with any of these intentions (and like to be fair they probably didn't).
I just feel like they could have explained the time travel in a way that meshed better with the story we already had.
And you know while I don't think Solomon made them make pacts with him, I can see him suggesting it! I suspect they'd have been like um no not on your life buddy lol. I love him so much.
OH BOY well, anyway, you demanded rambles, so here it is lol!!! This is just me getting WAY too into these details. I don't usually do this because in the end, it doesn't really matter! I'm willing to overlook this stuff because I love the characters so much. And I also very much believe that everyone should interpret the story in the way that makes the most sense for them! This is just my personal opinion, I think everybody's opinion and interpretation is valid!
I've definitely seen stories that handle time travel much better. I never did get into Dr Who, but I have heard good things!
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ritz-writes · 1 year
all posts relating to the season 4 specials will be tagged as "lmk s4 special" and "lmk s4 special spoilers" on my page <3
Okay. We got so much fucking stuff. No actually real full body Mk and Wukong hug, BUT THATS FINE I GUESS.
Azure. jesus fucking christ. i used to dislike him but now i just feel BAD. he really did just want to make the world a better place. the power went to his head at the end, but he tried to fix it. he put his grudge aside and literally--LITERALLY--gave up his fucking ENTIRE BEING to save the literal fucking universe. I guess hes not ALL bad. still mad he sliced wukong and went "MK HOW COULD U" like a HOE but oh well
WE GOT MKS WAR FORM!!! WE GOT A WAR FORM!!!! ngl mks monkey form is.... concerning. he was a bit.... uhm..... trigger happy. i was going "OMG MK YES >:DDD" to "woah hes fucking STRONG :O" to "....uhm... mk?" to "D:" GOT VERY CONCERNED VERY QUICK
WE GOT BACKSTORY. WE GOT TO SEE THE MOUNTAIN. ngl i thought they were gonna cut that. i was putting the timeline together in my head and just assumed it was cut. i thougnt theyd see it as too "not kid friendly" but u know after the bone demon, idk why i thought that. this show is terrifying and i love it. WE GOT SOME HEALING. JUST A SMIDGE BUT IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE U KNOW (hehe see what i did there)
i rlly thought nezha was gonna be the new jade emperor, but i guess not
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neonwizardheehee · 2 months
Just finished the most recent EP of HOTD, how are you enjoying it?
(jsjsksk I know we don't chat as much but it's fun seeing HotD stuff on my timeline haha)
i missed u!!!!! didn't know you are watching hotd too so that's super exciting!!! :DDD
but yes WHAT AN EPISODE :DDD such good visuals WOW O.O
I'm so excited Rhaenyra is getting some power back on her side again (i love how the scales are tripping in favour of sb else so fast ngl they are all so unhinged) and I'm very curious what she'll do now (but finally a chance against vhagar, i was wondering so much how to bring this granny down but apparently it's just "more and quite as old dragons" XD)
another paddy considine cameo had me cheering in my seat and also.. daemon did not take the crown??? WHAT DOES IT MEAN AHHHH also finally he is getting somewhere (esp in favour for him bc he gets his army now!)
aemond OOF the speed he took to get to vhagar? v hot and v pressed and v deserved XD
larys oh BOI what is he playiiiing, I'm so intrigued by him and what he is planning ahhhh :O
ALSO i wanna mention the theme of "crown of jaeharys" played again which is my fav OST theme and that made me so SO happy XD
I had such a good time watching (during breakfast what a joy to have a day off today)
hbu tho? :)) tell me all u want (as long as there are no book spoilers, i want to watch the show first and then read the book <3) but i'm already in too deep as u prob could've guessed from my posts XD
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kyoodledoodle · 3 months
Further into cr2 and I have more au stuff >:DDD
Just a bunch of tidbits
Jessie grew up on the coast before she moved here (wherever here is, honestly idk, just some big city). I’m thinking along with Marion’s anxiety Jester also very often got sick pretty badly as a kid, so homeschooling was just a good option, and of course Marion provided only the best for her daughter. She originally moved here for the medical programs offered in the city, and quickly became a very proficient emt, where she met Cad. Cad was the first of the Nein she met, and they very quickly became friends
Fjord: was taken Vandran’s home after some unfair circumstances (involving Sabian, who Vandran was also fostering), and around 15 U’kotoa started fostering him. Generally, he did nothing glaringly that would get him banned from being a foster parent, but skirted around a lot and was generally very pressuring and intimidating and overall just not a good guy, and well you know the story, Fjord anxiety time. Early in his college years, at some point he got a tad too drunk, and through a series of humiliating happenings he ended up with a broken leg, and take a guess which emts showed up- Jess and Cad ended up staying in touch with Fjord after this, thus leading to the first of the nein meeting :)
In seperate happenings, Yasha- looking for a place to stay- is lured in by a very colorful gentleman with a lovely little shop. Molly had some advertising in his shop to try an find a roommate, and to help him run the place, and after getting to know him a little, they came to quickly like each other and she moved in, insisting that she wouldn’t take up much space, but Molly called bs and already had a room decked out for her :) (this happens a few months after Jessie Cad and Fjord meet)
Later in the timeline, Jester ends up enrolled in a local art school, which partners with the community college for residential matters, and she just so happens to end up with a certain hot headed librarian as a roommate. Beau and Jessie frankly didn’t get along at first, but after a few months Jess grew on Beau and she eventually came to find her very endearing and definitely a bit protective over her
before any of this, Caleb and Veth go pretty far back into both of they teen years (Caleb helped her out a lot when Luc was born), so technically they are the first meeting in the timeline, but it was wayy earlier than the others so I count it as precursor to the au lol
Caleb is a frequent visitor at the library, so aside from Veth, the first one he met was Beau. (As is canon), They both found each other insufferable at first, but due to Caleb’s observant nature, he recognized the same perceptiveness and intelligence in Beau and they eventually, slowly and awkwardly, befriended each other
through all these connections and a bunch of haphazard events they all get to know each other :)
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
DF: Hey so you guys know how once upon a time I had mentioned that I would be writing an LBD centric prequel to Blue and Violet in an author's note in one of the last chapters of Colours?
It's definitely still happening if some of you were waiting for it!!! It's just, I haven't been working on it lately (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ. Actually, I've barely worked on it at all. Technically, I am more than a third way through writing it because it's only a three chaptered fic (well, that's the plan as of 'right now') and I have the outline of the whole thing pretty set in stone (aka, I know exactly what's going to happen).
The first chapter of it is... Actually, it's already done! Pretty terrible draft but not something some quick editing can't fix! But me being me, I don't particularly like to publish chapters unless I have some more chapters in the backlog to be published the following week (to uphold a consistent schedule). Hence, why I'm able to keep up the weekly update schedule!
However, I... Genuinely don't know how long it is going to take me to write the other two chapters. Because my brain is not good at multitasking. So, since my main focus is on Winter Mornings, Summer Nights (WMSN), this ask blog, and my life outside of the internet, it's hard to find time and energy to actually... Write the prequel I've been wanting to write for ages. A piece of work that I really wanted to share before WMSN came out because it's actually meant to be read after Colours (despite literally being a prequel. But it contains so many spoilers for the timeline beyond it because ITS LBD'S POV) but lmao it is what it is.
HOWEVER: If you are all willing to endure the very unreliable production of the prequel (it literally could take me months to dish out the second chapter), I could publish the first chapter for it! Just so you guys can like, I don't know, consume it.
Um, do bear in mind though, I might not end up following the results of this poll. Because I don't know, I'm a little silly I guess (or just incredibly unreliable lmao). But I will take the results from this into consideration! Ultimately, I will try to do what I feel like is best for you guys and the series (and my own sanity too I guess).
So, this is more of an update post than anything else. To tell you guys that I'm working on the thing, I swear XDDD!!! But if you guys really want to see some of it now, I am willing to share what I currently have :DDD.
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galaxythreads · 9 months
OP should know thats why the 1602 universe is an entirely alternate timeline. So the characters can be ooc
I guess? but if the many, many, many, many, AUs i've written over the years (not just for the Avenegers, i had a httyd account i posted 60+ fics to when i was younger) are anything to go by, AUs aren't an excuse to change the core of the character. People come to me all the time complaining about characters being ooc in fics. Actually pretty recently someone read a story I wrote about Loki and sigyn being married and having children and left a lengthy commentary on how I didn't even watch the Thor movies and didn't understand the characters at all, then proceeded to tell me what the characters should have acted like in the fic?
The thing about AUs is that you're not taking the character's name and changing them completely, you're taking the character and putting them in a new situation. If you look at the 1602 'verse, none of the other characters (except Happy) were that ooc?
Tony being some random guy who lives in a barn but still invents something that can use a magical stone out of wood and a few screws and is still grumpy and an a-hole? that's him at his core. Steve being a robin hood who steals from the rich to give to the poor? Yeah, that fits. Thor trying to get vengeance for his family's death at any cost? You should have gone for the head, comes to mind. Fury secretly working with Wanda who are secretly working with Captain Carter to save the city while they do their best to keep Thor alive? Yep!
Loki being a useless Shakespeare nerd who can't do anything? Not...not really? He did, y'know, recently use magic to give the entire universe free will. He's just so...meh in 1602? Every time Loki is brought up or in what if it makes me want to shake something because they do not understand his character and are (often) doing their best to make fun of him.
Idk. I guess to me, the appeal and question and POINT of What if was not what if these characters were completely different!!! LMAO :DDD it was what if the PLOT had gone differently? What if the story structure was different? What if Odin banished Hela instead of trapping her in Hel? What if there was a zombie apocalypse? what if the avengers all got murdered? If the question on the 1602 episode was "what if Loki liked Shakespeare?" then I'd be like okay! that was the point of the episode, i suppose. but it wasn't.
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amazingdeadfish · 9 months
I... I keep forgetting that your fanfics aren't canon, I can't read any other fanfics because I'm like "why do they ignore the whole macaque and mayor's story? It's so important, it shows the motivation of the characters and- oh yeah, that's not canon."
Well, if this isn't one of the greatest compliments of all then I don't know what is XDD. Besides from being able to make people allegedly cry (or, somewhat make them feel emotional), the fact that I must have accidently brainwashed you into thinking what I have written is canon, and not just a jumbled mess of my self indulgent headcanons is single handedly enough of a compliment to make me exactly 1% stronger than previously.
Because it simply means that what I have written is enough to align with canon. So thank you :DDD. I guess this means I am using the source material faithfully after all. Deep down in my heart, I know that Macaque and Mayor must have some sort of beef with each other, and Macaque being handed the Skeleton Key could not have been as easy as LBD just 'handing it to him'. Because how does that even fit on the LMK timeline??? It makes no sense, she should be imprisoned when Macaque died, right?
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
Hehe going to your dms is scary so I'll just leave this here :]]
Happiest Birthday, Sundew!!!! :DDDD You're like a year closer to ummm starting a drug van, I think :DDD (Google says you need to be 18 to own a van apparently hahahah). Unless you're like, 18 or older. In that case, you're a year closer to err getting a job maybe djskskk idk if you'd look forward to that ahahahahha. Is there an age requirement for sky diving? If there is, you're a year closer to that I guess!! ToT ★★★
Anyways, we are by all means not close, like at all, so I hope this doesn't come off as weird to you, but I appreciate you!!! :DDDD I love seeing you in my dashboard or notifs everytime I'm in tumblr :DDDD!! Your AUs are so cool pleasseee I wasn't exactly a c!Wilbur/c!Quackity fan before (didn't dislike it, I think it's cool, just not my cup of tea), but like after I read your AUs some gears shifted hahhahaha. I love your overall vibe and I am so grateful for the amount of dsmp reblogs that end up in my radar mostly because of you and one other person ahahahha. I also appreciate how friendly you are, based on the interactions we had :]] Random but I started saying chat a lot lately because you kept saying it at one point and I just liked the sound ToT. Did all your tag games as well, even though I don't exactly post them much recently ahhahaha. It's fun, so thanks for always including me :DDDDD.
I'm grateful and happy you exist and are alive in a timeline where we're moots. I'm grateful for the memories I made that you played a part in and I hope I've left behind some good memories for you too. I love(/p) the you that you share with the world, and I hope that the people dearest to you love the rest. I hope your days are bright and filled with love and that you'll always find a way to look for that glimmer of hope and care when things get bad. I hope you're always surrounded with great things and amazing people. I hope your creativity and passion never burn out, and even if it does, I hope it sparks again anyways when you're ready. I hope the world is kind, despite it all. A kind life for a kind soul :]] It's a wonderful feeling to exist with you :]]. I hope everything else with you is as wonderful too ★★★
Thank you for everything!!! Happiest birthday again!!! :DDDDD Hoping you celebrate your existence today rahhh and enjoy your lmanburg cake 🍰🍰🍰
┏‥┓  ∧✿∧ 
┃誕├┓ (。・ω・。)
 ┗┬日┃Happy Bday┃
Oh my gosh, I’m gonna cry, thank you soooo much :]
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Also, heeheehee my c!TNT duo propaganda has worked >:3
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kitakit-otome · 1 year
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Just downloaded the new Obey Me app and I’m going to be giving it my review and opinion!
I never finished the first game, got around to season 2 some time after the MC came back from the human world and then my phone ran out of memory for the game lol. It kept lagging so much and sometimes it would just crash right away so I gave up an uninstalled it from my old phone 🥲
But I did get hundreds of followers in my old tumblr account because of Obey Me and honestly it was such a fun game at the time. I had fun interacting with other fans of the fandom and gush over our love for the demon brothers. I wasn’t too keen on the MC’s origin story so I’m just gonna… ignore it 😅
For those who don’t know, I am working on the design for my online persona for the past week now who is an angel, but now after playing OMN a bit it’s been giving me the itch to give her a sort of alter ego or alternative versions of herself. So I’m planning on the works of her human form (which I guess will represent me in the old Obey Me game) and her demon form which will represent me in Nightbringer. I’ll post it here when I’m done if anyone’s interested because for sure I’m gonna start drawing art for Obey Me again after this.
Anyway I digress—
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I really like the new features of the DDD app in Nightbringer. We have a new rhythm game that I don’t really understand yet how to time my attacks.. and we have like a parody of the Marauder’s Map from Harry Potter?
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They also have 3D models for the boys now! I love watching the interactions between the brothers with this, plus it’s great for the video call feature in the Wanderer’s Whereabouts because it seems a bit more realistic than just the audio calls we used to get. The 3D models are very expressive and the animation seems smooth. The backgrounds are being used well here from the old version of the game.
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And I think it’s cute that we can see the brothers voice their thoughts when we gift them a sheep stuffed toy. We’re essentially spying on them or “babysitting” as the brothers sees it. Since we are their attendant now in this game, ordered by Diavolo, I guess it makes.. sense? Humans have like a CCTV in their homes to keep an eye on things when they’re not around so I think that’s what the WW is meant to be as an app. It’s not bad of a feature and I enjoy seeing more of the animations of the brothers being put to use.
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Also can we please take a moment for this scene of Mammon wondering why he cares about this toy so much that resembles his MC (AKA us)?! 😭
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Bro doesn’t know us because of the plot line of the game being the MC traveling back in time (I don’t really know why yet aside from the premise of a certain demon granting our wish of taking us to somewhere where we will be happy AKA to reunite with the 7 brothers in the Devildom)
You will probably need to play the first game to understand what’s going on. Or at least to understand our connection to the characters of the game from the future timeline.
Personally I think the new chibi art of the game is stellar! Super cute! The designs on the cards are great too.
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The story seems interesting and I’m getting really hooked since we have a lot of new apps on the DDD to keep me from being bored. I felt like the affection raise in the first game seemed useless but it was explained to me that affection level allows you to get bonus stuff like Devilgram posts or extra calls, so yeah that’s cool to know now.
I think my only complaint is the rhythm game mechanics. I don’t really get how it works or I do and the timing is off? I don’t know if I’m the only one who has this problem or what, but I’m annoyed that I keep missing so much like wtf. My scores in the first game were way better than this 😭 Every time I tap when the item is on the line it just doesn’t work so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong lmao
I’ll continue playing the game but so far I want to give it a 7.5/10 ⭐️ I will be posting more of this game soon.
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asexual-levia-tan · 1 year
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@acaribeau my guess is that the new and improved ddd will somehow link us to our boys in the future, even while we're in the past. otherwise, too many things in the ads dont make sense
according to s3 lore, luke either hasnt been born yet or is still very new at this point in time. and towards the end of s1 simeon mentions that he wasnt allowed to visit the devildom for a long time after the celestial war ended. so for those two to be in nightbringer at all, there has to be something weird going on with the timeline. in addition to that, diavolo and barbatos's 3d models are wearing the rad uniform despite rad supposedly not existing yet. ive seen people joke about "why is the ddd new and improved if we're going into the past" but i feel like its definitely a tool we're going to be given ahead of time to help us complete whatever mission we're sent into the past for to begin with (whether we remember what that mission is upon arriving there or not)
for simeon to be in his human world outfit instead of his angel one, it implies that hes still living in the human world because he is still post-ring-stealing. which means luke is probably back in the celestial realm and probably paired with raphael now. its really sad to think those two might be living separately from each other when luke mentioned (in s4?) that he views simeon as a big brother😔
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amplifyme · 2 years
I'm on the "keep the miracle pregnancy" side-- but C'MON CC. You had all of S7 to lead up to his finale, admitted the whole crew/actors knew it was leading up to Requiem's twist, had Amor Fati spaceship (and possibly En Ami chip), so much time and build up you could have done aaaaaand no. You literally threw up your hands, gave us a post-humous IVF timeline that can't fit in S7, gave no explanation for Scully's pregnancy and had everyone dancing around it. 1/2
The best moments of S8 were Doggett and Skinner friend bits and MSR (of course)-- and the MSR was only as good as it got because DD had his micro-expressions and most of Empedocles was add-libbed (even in the scripts it said something along the lines of "they'll know what to do here" or "they do something in this scene.") I HATE Essence/Existence. If I feel all soft and snuggly, I'll cue up Essence's monologue, some of Mulder/Doggett, the babyshower, and SKIP to the last 5 min of Existence. 2/2
The polite person in me wants to say "sorry for the rant" but the petty side of me says "direct all annoyance at CC, he started this." And that's another thing! CC has every right to torpedo his own series; and I'm pretty hands off and will just say "that's not canon", dust my hands off, and move on. But to then turn and point the finger at fans, who were invested (and continue to be in part) in his work and blame them? Wild. ANyWaY, thanks for letting me rant~.  ;DDD 3/2
Hey, I’m always up for a good rant myself! 🤣
I’ll support your support for a miracle pregnancy, even though just the thought of it makes me break out out in hives. I’m a believer in live and let live, and the idea that there is no right or wrong way to be a fan. Having said all that...
To put it bluntly, Chris Carter shit the bed when it came to pretty much anything post-Je Souhaite. There are certain moments in what came after that I enjoy, but I can only do that if I’m able to view them as AU, something completely separate from the series I came to know and love. And it’s not just that I object to the mangled storylines and characterizations, or the blatant retconning he had to do to untangle the mess he himself created. It’s that’s so much (IMHO) of what I loved about the series and these remarkable characters wasn’t there anymore. Everything was dumbed down and simplified and painfully pedestrian. I didn’t recognize anyone anymore. Frankly, I didn’t care to.
You’re correct that CC had every right to torpedo his own series. But here’s the thing: you’ll never convince me that he will ever consider the notion that he’s the one responsible for its steep decline. I think he still believes that everything he touches is golden and he makes no mistakes. Now most of us, if we’re self-aware enough, learn from our mistakes and alter our behavior going forward to integrate those lessons learned and at least try to do better the next time. Instead of doing that, CC gave us IWTB and the My Struggle episodes in the revival. Not just one or two, but four of them, each more badly written and nonsensical than the last. And he still thinks they’re masterpieces of film making and writing. But I guess if you’ve been fed a steady diet of ego-stroking and consume only positive press over a few decades, it becomes difficult to pull your head out of your ass and take a good look around.
As an aside, I took on the challenge, this new year, to finally watch S9, none of which I’ve seen - with the exception of The Truth. I made it as far as Mulder taking a shower in his black boxers and Scully’s, “He’s gone. He’s just gone,” explanation before I bowed out. I can’t do it. I just can’t. More power to everyone out there who enjoys what came after S7. I wish I could see what y’all do, but I can’t. Neither my eyes or my heart are up for the task. 
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aeoki · 11 months
Sandstorm - Desert Survival: Chapter 11
Location: Stage Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Adonis, Kouga, Kaoru & Rei
TL Note:
For those who don’t know, “Wimpy Four-Eyes” refers to Makoto.
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Rei: “♪~♪~♪”
Kouga: “U! N! D! E! A! D!”
Adonis: “We are~?”
Yuuta: “2wink”!
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Hinata: Wait, wait, wait! Obviously, they should’ve said “UNDEAD” there! Yuuta-kun’s turned into a kid who can’t read the room~!
Kaoru: It looks like it’s been edited~... Wait, what’s this? Considering the upload date, it doesn’t look like they’ve used old clips and edited them together, though?
Hinata: I think they filmed it today~ At the very least, it’s today’s Yuuta-kun! I can tell!
I use Yuuta-kun as my mirror when I’m doing my make-up every day, after all!
Kaoru: Well, you two are identical in that aspect, but there’s no point looking at Yuuta-kun while doing your make-up, right? ‘Cause you’re doing makeup on your own face?
Hinata: We move the same way and do our make-up that way too, so it’s fine! It’s the same as using a mirror!
Kaoru: It’ll just be easier to use a mirror, right?
Hinata: We need that sort of ritual right now!
I can feel my connection to Yuuta-kun grow weaker these days and it feels like he’s turning more and more into a “stranger”...
Anyway! I wonder what’s the meaning behind this video?
Kaoru: Who knows…? It feels like we’ve jumped into a timeline where Yuuta-kun is a part of “UNDEAD”, but the uploader is called “2wink”...
Hinata: Hmm, what does this mean? What happened?
Kaoru: I don’t really know but well, it looks like everyone’s doing well, at the very least, so that’s good to see.
Hinata: Hmm… Well, I’m glad we were able to see that they’re fine.
Kaoru: It would be nice if we can also let them know we’re okay too. Does this site allow comments?
Hinata: Hmm, doesn’t look like it… It looks like just a site for watching videos.
It doesn’t seem like you can access it from “Hallhands”, either.
Kaoru: That’s troubling~ We had our phones confiscated so we can’t connect to the internet nor can we let our families know that we’re fine.
Hinata: Yeah. You can’t search the net on this laptop either, so we can’t even look up what this “Oasis Videos” site is.
Kaoru: “Oasis”... This resting zone and accommodation that’s in this strange desert is also called “Oasis” but are they connected in some way?
Hinata: We can’t deny that they don’t, but I think we don’t have enough information to be making guesses right now~
Oh geez, nothing makes sense! Just what in the world did we get ourselves into?
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Adonis: Hm? Look, our video has finally been uploaded.
Kouga: Finally. We even filmed and uploaded it when the sun was up. Does reviewin’ videos usually take this long?
Adonis: I don’t know. I don’t really know a lot about these digital devices.
Kouga: Yeah? If only Wimpy Four-Eyes[⁎] was around…
Oh, the video was just uploaded but it looks like the PV’s looking pretty good.
Adonis: PV?
Kouga: The page views. Couldn’t you take a guess based on the context?
Adonis: Hmm. Come to think of it, I’ve been hearing those sorts of words a lot recently.
They’re words that tend to be shortened based on the first letters of the words, so it makes it harder for me to tell what the meaning is.
Kouga: Like “SS”, right? Just what does it stand for?
Adonis: I looked it up before, but it seems there are various rumours. Maybe it’s more intriguing for it to be shrouded in mystery, but there hasn’t been an official statement regarding what the letters stand for.
Kouga: Ahh~ It’s the same for Yumenosaki’s “DDD”, huh. The more mysterious it sounds, the more ridiculous the truth is.
There’s nothing to it, so they’re just putting it on display right at the top. It’s so stupid.
Rei: ………… *Whispers to Yuuta*
Yuuta: “Doesn’t that hurt your ears, Kouga?” is what he says apparently~
Kouga: I ain’t gonna comment no more, timid bastard. You can’t say nothin’ without it bein’ through mummy Yuuta, right? Huuuh?
Rei: ………… *Whispers to Yuuta*
Yuuta: “Mummy~ An undisciplined dog is bullying me~” is what he’s saying apparently.
Kouga: You don’t have to translate that. And I ain’t no dog – I’m a wolf! Just do our usual thing normally, huuh!
Adonis: There, there… I’ll say this as many times as need be, but Sakuma-senpai most likely cannot speak with us because of his “order”.
Yuuta: Ahaha. Well, he can speak with me and I can translate for him, so he can communicate on a minimal level.
Kouga: Right. I bet it’s a pain but thanks, Yuuta.
Yuuta: …Well, I’m not guaranteed to completely translate what Sakuma-senpai says with 100% accuracy, though.
Kouga: Huuuh?
Yuuta: Nothing~ Anyway, it’s good that we’re getting a lot of views. Since it seems we’ll be paid “SSL$” accordingly depending on the number of views.
Let’s upload more videos and earn more to win “SS”.
Kouga: Yeah, there’s nothin’ else we can do, anyway. Accordin’ to what the management said, we can buy “Desert Coins” using the “SSL$” we earned…
And if we send those coins to Hakaze-senpai and Hinata, they’ll apparently have an easier time out in the desert.
There’s nothin’ bad to gain from earnin’ those “Desert Coins” or whatever they’re called.
Yuuta: It seems they’ve been thrown into a strange situation without knowing what’s left or right as well.
(Hmm~... By the looks of things right now, things are turning out well for us, but no, it just seems that way because the management is setting things up to look like it.)
(Just how much can we trust the management? Adults always lie and betray others…)
(I’d like to contact Hinata-kun and be on the same page as him at the very least, though.)
(But there’s no way to contact him… Oh man, if only we really had telepathic abilities.)
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #16 ACT 6 p7
we are inching closer and closer to the end of this grand tale, this epic adventure spanning timelines and universes .... were in the endgame now
starting off we have this funny interaction . i think jake is at the point where hes kinda just really self conscious and the next step he needs to take is to actually become the person that he used to pretend to be
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this is funny bc tavros is allergic to himself but is also technically now one of the most powerful beings in existence
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hell fucking yes. HELL YES
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he loves to.... receive direction from others... i suppose there isnt anything wrong with that
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jake is actually a great wingman hello
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does anyone else read him saying "hey put er there" like puddy aka that guy from emperors new groove saying it. like hey beter ... hey put er there.... HAHAHAH thatshit makes me giggle
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small ass mf
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okay so i fucking love davepeta . theyre so fucking REAL dave but as a cat? like come on.... can it get better than that? AND I LOVE NEPETA TOO?? everything is turning up joff
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what the fuck is jake doing over there
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haha davekat is so canon its unbelievable
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fuckin sburb sessions are so complicated bro i still dont even know whats happening here because somehow through all of this huge story they arent even done with all the game shenanigans
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ohhh okay. i guess that is a thing then
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john is so funny. also he is an heir of something else. LOLLLL
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he is asking how to come out to them. heheheheheh i love him so much he is my son.
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soooooooooo true
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uhh... no .... i dont like it... make them normal again.
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inspirational speech.... YES..... MY SON..... YOU TRULY ARE THE LEADER....
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oh man.... im about to remem8er...
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im gonna freak out and kill myself
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lowkey kinda love this image
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these two have never met, but meenah doesnt know about the game over timeline. interesting! i love when stuff like this happens it makes me so excited for no reason
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i love his WHAT
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its time....
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for the final battle....
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darkicedragon · 1 year
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Tanya also tries to strangle someone with her own restraints, yessss. >8D
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Losing control enough to even attack family as you transform? yes, yes yes!
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o.o o.q <3 Awwww!
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Daaaang, just look at that mural!
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I was like, 'Okay but what if Shang Tsung's already cleaned up and there's nothing there?' 😂
But I guess for a fighting game with plot, that's still too much twisty plot because they wanna get to the instatrust and switching sides and fighting, ahahah.
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I want to see more of you, aaaaaaah!
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Or relationship in their case, haha.
And this would be a great moment
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If Tanya hadn't immediately ate shit a second after XDDD
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hell yeah, hell yeah hell yeah :DDD
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Because she's already taken. :D
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It's going to be fun to explain to the populace about the betrayal of one of the top enforcers with a lot of the higher ranked people and the death of the Empress and now the Emperor is back not in his own body??
No-one's going to question that?? Just a little bit?
OH. SHE DIES AND GETS IMMEDIATELY SUCKED INTO HIM, AHAHAHA. Together in death. Kinda. Sorta. So will she sometimes take over and he gets her moveset too? :D?
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Awwwww! o.q He wants to be around peoplllleeeee, not have Absolute Control.
... How. Is there still another 30 minutes to go, omg.
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