#this idea has legitimately occupied my entire mind for several days
bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
heyyy it's the og asd sokeefitz kid anon and i absolute LOVE the ideas you've come up with, can you just like... spill everything you've come up with that you haven't said so far? please? if you don't mind-
nonsie you are absolutely incredible and I just want to thank you for what you’ve started. I’m glad to see so many people seem to like the idea at least <3
and also okay okay okay. I have so many thoughts hold on lemme just—
(For anyone confused, here’s part 1, and part 2)
this kid’s main bfrb (body focused repetitive behavior) is to pick at their skin. It not even a stim at this point they just destroy their skin for some reason
It was kinda mild at first but then one day when Keefe was putting them to bed he noticed a bunch of scabs on their arm and he was Concerned
So now when ever they have a bad picking day, they have an assortment of like...gloves but for their arms that Fitz bought them to cover their skin so they can’t see it and therefore can’t pick (I don’t know how to explain it but think like that black fabric think Midoriya uses to cover the scar on his arm in season 3-4 ish)
Going back to the whole really liking silence thing and hating breaking it, the kid also struggles to control their volume and they accidentally whisper like 50% of the time
Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz try their best but sometimes the kid is so quiet they can’t discern a single thing they said
Sophie thought “hey! Maybe sign language could help” because there’s no volume needed and also then they wouldn’t need to break the silence
The kid seemed open to the idea (but also they don’t make accurate—or any—facial expressions ever so it was hard to tell)
But then they realized that a lot of the specifics and grammar of sign language comes from facial expressions (like how the orientation of your eyebrows affects the kind of questions you’re asking, and the mouth shape you make affects the size of an object you’re signing about)
They were less enthusiastic after that because making facial expressions is not fun :/
But they were persistent and are still trying to learn in a way that will help them (what no I’m not projecting /s)
Through observation the kid is kinda able to tell when they’re saying something in what others think is a rude tone so they’ll get anxious their parents will get mad at them
Like “wait. Did that sound mean? I didn’t mean to sound mean. I was actually just asking.”
Keefe always feels so guilty about that because he can feel how genuinely stressed they are that they sounded mean. So he always reassures them that it’s okay and he knows what they meant.
Fitz is a really great conversationalist and always makes the time to listen to any infodump of information their kid wants to share
The others also just love to sit and listen to them talk about what they’re passionate about
One time they talked for two hours straight about the linguistic differences between the enlightened language and English (because you know Sophie is teaching that child English) and how the structure of the sentences affect how well they translate into each other without the benefit of a polyglot ability
Oh another thing I just remembered
The kid finds Silveny a bit annoying because she has very little sense of personal space and she’s also very l o u d, so they have more of a “I appreciate you from a distance” kind of relationship
But when Silveny is more calm and the kid is comfortable approaching her, they really like how cold her mane is. It’s freezing, which is grounding and comforting
Elwin gave the kid an alicorn stuffie when they were little and they can’t sleep without it
Keefe calls it Shimmerbooty, but the kid shortened it and mostly just refers to it as Shimmer
It seems big because they’re so small, but Fitz just thinks it’s absolutely adorable and he’s rendered speechless everytime they wander out holding it because holy shit guys look at my kid—
Hnng I cannot stop think about them. Sokeefitz is already adorable and then you add a little child? Wow I’m in love
I am still thinking about this
guys oh wow
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leviathangourmet · 4 years
Below is the transcript of a 1984 video interview with G. Edward Griffin. Here, Bezmenov explains “Ideological Subversion”:  A Slow Process To Take Over An “Enemy” Country Without War In Four Stages
#1. Demoralization.  #2. Destabilization. #3. Crisis.  #4. Normalization.
Bezmenov:  Ideological Subversion is the process which is legitimate overt and open.  You can see it with your own eyes. All you can do, all Americans need to do is to unplug the bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see. There is no mystery. It has nothing to do with espionage. I know that espionage and intelligence gathering looks more romantic.  It sells more deodorant to the audience through the advertising, probably. That’s why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond types of thrillers. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about fifteen percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other eighty-five percent is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or “active measures”, or “aktivnye meropriyatiya” in the language of the KGB, or psychological warfare.
What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite an abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.
The first one being demoralization. It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.
Most of the activity of the department was to compile huge amount, volume of information on individuals who were instrumental in creating public opinion. Publishers, editors, journalists, actors, educationalists, professors of political science, members of Parliament, representatives of business circles. Most of these people were divided roughly in two groups. Those who uphold the Soviet foreign policy, they would be promoted to the positions of power through media and public opinion manipulation. Those who refuse the Soviet influence in their country would be character assassinated, or executed physically after the revolution.
Same was as in a small town named Hue in South Vietnam. Several thousand Vietnamese were executed in one night when the city was captured by Vietcong for only two days. And American CIA could never figure out, how could possibly Communists know each individual, where he lives, where to get him, and would be arrested in one night, basically in some four hours before dawn, put on a van, taken out of the city limits and shot. The answer is very simple, long before communists occupied the city there was extensive network of informers, local Vietnamese citizens who knew absolutely everything about people who are instrumental in public opinion including barbers and taxi drivers. Everybody who was sympathetic to the United States was executed. Same thing was done under the guidance of the Soviet Embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing in New Delhi. To my horror I discovered that in the files where people were doomed to execution there were names of pro-soviet journalists with whom I was personally friendly.
Griffin: Personally?
Bezmenov: Yes! They were idealistically minded leftists who made several visits to USSR and yet the KGB decided that after the revolution or drastic changes in the political structure of India, they would have to go.
Griffin: Why’s that?
Bezmenov: Because they know too much. Simply because, you see, the useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get dis-illusioned they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made a point, never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. This was my instruction-try to get into large circulation established conservative media. Reach movie makers, intellectuals, so called academic circles, cynical egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. This are the most recruit-able people, people who lack moral principles, who are either too greedy or suffer from self-importance. They feel that they matter a lot. These are the people KGB wanted very much to recruit.
Griffin: To eliminate the others. To execute the others. Don’t they serve some purpose, wouldn’t they be the ones to rely on..
Bezmenov: No. They serve purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist Leninist has come to power, obviously they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot. But they may turn into the most bitter enemies of Marxist Leninists when they come to power, and that’s what happened in Nicaragua.  You remember most of this former Leninist Marxists were either put to prison or one of them split and now he’s working against Sandinistas. It happened in Grenada when Maurice Bishop, he was already a Marxist, he was executed by a new Marxist who was more Marxist than this Marxist. Same happened in Afghanistan.  First there was Tariki who was killed by Amin, and Amin was killed by Karmal with the help of KGB. Same happened in Bangladesh when Mujibur Rahman, very pro-soviet leftist was assassinated by his own Marxist Leninist military comrades. It’s the same pattern everywhere. The moment they serve their purpose all the useful idiots are either executed entirely, all the idealistically minded Marxists, or exiled, or put in prisons like in Cuba where many former Marxists are in prison.
So, basically, America is stuck with the demoralization unless, even if you start right now here this minute, you start educating huge generation of Americans, it will still take you fifteen to twenty years to turn the tide of ideological perception of reality back to normalcy and patriotism.
The result? The result you can see. Most of the people who were educated in the sixties, drop outs or half-baked intellectuals are now occupying the positions of power in the Government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated.
They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black,  you still cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another twenty or fifteen years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded and common-sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of the United States society.
Griffin: And yet these people have been programmed, and as you say, in place, who are favorable to an opening to the Soviet concept. These are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?
Bezmenov: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in future what the beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy frustrated people. And the Marxist Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously, they will join the likes of dissenters, dissidents.
Unlike in present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist Leninist America. Here you can get popular like Daniel Ellsberg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being dissident for criticizing your Pentagon. In future these people will be simply “pffft.” Squashed like cockroaches. Nobody’s going to pay them nothing for their beautiful noble ideas about equality. This they don’t understand.  And it will be greatest shock for them of course.
The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already (In 1984!). For the last twenty-five years. Actually it’s over-fulfilled. Because the demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps!  He will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic situation of demoralization.
The next stage is “Destabilization.” This time, the subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption.  Whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby doesn’t matter anymore. This time, and it takes only two to five years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials. Economy, Foreign Relations, Defense Systems. And you can see it quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it fourteen years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.
The next stage, of course is “Crisis”. It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. You can see it in Central America now.
The final stage is “Normalization.”
And after crisis with a violent change of power structure and economy you have so called the period of Normalization. It may last indefinitely.
Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 1968, comrade Brezhnev said, “Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized”.
This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind of goodies and the paradise on Earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition and to put big brother government in Washington DC with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale who will promise lots of things never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not. He will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms of new generation of Soviet assassins, never mind. He will create false illusions that the situation is under control. The situation is not under control. The situation is disgustingly out of control.
Most of the American politicians, media and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peace time. False. The United States is in a state of war. Undeclared total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system. And the initiator of this war is not comrade Andropov, of course, it’s the system, however ridiculous it may sound, the world communist system, or the world communist conspiracy.  Whether it scares some people or not I don’t give a hoot. If you’re not scared by now, nothing can scare you.
But you don’t have to be paranoid about it. What actually happens now that unlike myself,  you have literally several years to live on unless the United States wake up. The time bomb is ticking. Every second, the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to unless you want to live in Antarctica with penguins. This is it. This is the last country of freedom and possibility.
Griffin: Ok, so, what do we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?
Bezmenov: Well, the immediate thing that comes to my mind is of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, one. Number two, to explain the real danger of socialist communist whatever, welfare state, big brother government. If people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help the United States, you must kiss goodbye to your freedoms, including freedoms to homosexuals, to prison inmate, all this freedom will vanish. It will evaporate in five seconds including your precious lives. The second thing, the moment, at least part of the United States population is convinced that the danger is real. They have to force their Government, and I’m not talking about sending letters, signing petitions and all this beautiful noble activity. I’m talking about forcing United States Government to stop aiding communism.
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yesbothways · 8 years
Dear ‘Supergirl’, I love you! Also, are we breaking up?!?
I’m one of those folks who is currently in a passion love-hate or else hate-love relationship with the show Supergirl depending on the day.  I wanted to write this long post for folks who are also processing this currently.  I had been thinking for a long time that aside from the single thread of the Mon-El storyline, Supergirl still had a solid, core identity as a show.  The show’s appeal to its audience rested on four foundations in my mind:  1) the incredible likability and reliability of their dynamic lead with her awesome combination of classic hero problems and recognizable lady problems 2) a charismatic and deep sisterhood that formed the central love relationship and unified the dramatic arcs of the show and also let it pass the Bechdel test every episode quite easily 3) positive representations of both women and the men who are also outsiders that they share love bonds with, and 4) general lightheartedness and positivity, so even when it went dark, it was just not all THAT dark.  At its worst, the show was fluffy or annoying. 
With the trust I had established through s1, I thought that what they were trying to do with Mon-El was to depict a narcissistic, sexist guy who turns into one of the good guys.  I thought, well, they think that’s a positive message.  They’ve depicted him an “outsider” or misfit, because he’s among all these high-functioning outsiders acting like an incompetent norm.  And I thought, well, this was a terrible idea.  When you write a subversive story, and then you subvert your subversion, you get normative crap that’s even more generic than the original crap.  It’s a parody that’s hard to watch.  But it’s all well intentioned.  And it will be over soon.  It’s not the show.  This won’t kick the foundations out from under the show.  
I am honestly no longer confident that this was well-intentioned or that it won’t topple the show.  I am holding onto a strong, final thread of trust in this show.  But this feels now more like backlash within this show against its own core identity and values.  The way they have written Mon-El feels like a gender panic and also a heteronormative panic to me.  And it is absolutely NOT the actor.  He’s clearly fine.  He even seems like he’s probably really sweet in real life while acting like a complete jerk on tv, kind of like when Orlando Bloom tries to play a villain, and it’s like, yeah, no, you buy teddy bears for your girlfriend and one for yourself to match when you do, don’t try to play me here, babe.  It’s the character, the caricature they have written.  When they could have written ANYONE - a thousand other men instead of this one.  So why this one?  
They wrote a self-consciously narcissistic, anti-social, sexist guy into this show and then legitimately shipped him with the lead.  I would have bet a hundred dollars easy that they would never do that.  From the interview I just read that explains the concept behind this character and also the feel of the show, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.  He’s living in Kara’s house and apparently working in the control room at the DEO, both of which are inexplicable.  A lot of folks have meticulously catalogued 1) the shadiness of Kara’s expression of consent in this relationship including her saying no several times before saying yes and being told by Alex out of nowhere that she likes him and not agreeing and 2) the continued disrespect for Kara that Mon-El has shown, which only increased after he started admitting to liking her and continued after they got together, and 3) the sheer unbelievability and plugged-in feeling quality of Mon-El’s character in the show.  
At this point, I don’t see any good intentions gone wrong.  From everything that I can see, Mon-El’s storyline is merely sexist backlash.  Mon-El’s entire job in the narrative has been to salvage the intrinsic worth of men who would have no superior status in the previously established value system of this show.  He’s there to show that all of this women-centric and “soft-man” backchat against normative stories is not a threat to the fragile egos of sexist men.  Kara still wants this man.  She wants him no matter what he does.  There’s no cost to who he is.  The princeling has not been dethroned.  Don’t worry, folks.  He’ll still be okay and come out on top.
At one point trying to understand all of this, I started to think for a second that Mon-El might be some superhero they’re trying to establish in order to launch a spin-off.  But I honestly cannot fathom anyone investing in Mon-El’s stand alone show.  He’s as derivative of Superman as Supergirl, and he’s far, far less likable.  He satisfies no unique or unrepresented niche in the world of heroes.  I simply don’t think he could stand on his own the hero of a show.  No, he’s there in Supergirl’s world specifically to be mediocre and weak on his own.  He’s there to prove that even the most “undervalued” guy, which in this particular world is a self-centered, privileged, immature guy, still has what it takes to get with Kara and live up to her as a hero.  And I don’t get it honestly.  We have a whole executive branch of our government currently dedicated to preaching that lie.  
Yes, there’s an active demographic that affirms Mon-El’s storyline constantly.  And I trust that many of them still believe in the worth of the sexist prat turned boyfriend hero storyline and believe that somehow Kara is getting something valuable from this relationship.  Many fans will jump at other fans to defend Mon-El’s worthiness and desirability, whether in defense of the actor, the show, a perplexing defense of Kara, or in defense of the intrinsic and untouchable worth of the fragile white privileged masculinity that Mon-El represents, I do not know.  It’s complicated, of course.  But unless my ability to Google is just plain broken, Mon-El’s storyline is tanking the ratings and reviews of the show.  The more someone genuinely likes the core tenants of this show, the more they dislike what Mon-El’s storylines does in this show.  
Given that capitalism itself is saying NO to this, I have to think that the creators will change their minds and let Mon-El go (hopefully not to the dark side or to an early grave, but to space and an unseen hero quest away from us all).  And yet, there’s a powerful emotional drive behind this character.  You can see it displayed in any social media thread.  So my emotional brain is stuck thinking, the decision-makers might let this franchise crash and burn before they let this go.  The presence of Mon-El asserting dominance over Kara by lying to her and stepping over her boundaries without consequence, sustaining his desirability to Kara through their sexual relationship, and displaying his legitimacy in standing up to her as a hero that so far remains rhetorical and will no doubt rise symbolically in the coming episodes may be the price that we have to pay to have a woman superhero occupy any space in the mainstream.  
I hope that my imagination is not strong enough to see the “twist” that’s coming that will redeem what I can only call an enormous waste of screen time and this actor’s charisma both.  Because, otherwise, I am braced for more backlash within this show against its own values.  AndI have two specific anxieties forming around two characters that I know many people share:  James Olsen and Lena Luthor.  
In regards to James, does anybody like the new, weak rivalry between Kara and James in place of the rich solidarity they had before through s1?  I keep wondering how far James will drop in the value placed on characters in the show. I keep wondering, will he be gone soon or, far worse, dead?  His exclusion from the Valentine’s Day episode and his third wheel status with Winn and Lyra at the bar recently made me worry.  His little speech about playing it cool and acting like you don’t like your own girlfriend made me real nervous.
My worry over Lena is far worse.  She entered marked VILLAIN, and she has risen into a heroic ally and a great friend.  I’d say nearly everyone loves the subversion of the old Super / Luthor rivalry depicted in this character.  That fits perfectly with the core identity of this show by individuating this show from Superman and affirming the themes of individuated identity, ignoring stereotypes and prejudices, and being a hero no matter how you were raised.  One of the best moments this season was Kara rescuing Lena after she was pushed off her balcony.  That iconic image of Superman carrying Lois became Kara carrying Lena -- not only two women, but two rivals made allies, and a character marked as evil written as her own woman.  They’ve banked a lot of positive emotions and themes regarding this relationship so far. 
Will they have a sudden backlash against their own story here, as well?  Their only excuse for Mon-El and Kara’s relationship seems to be that it was inevitable and yet somehow also unexpected, because Kara clearly does not like him.  So will this become inevitable and also unexpected, because Kara clearly does like Lena?  I’d like to say no, no way, not on this show.  But I don’t know anymore.  They spent an entire episode affirming Kara’s hero status through her faith in Lena when everyone else would have forsaken Lena outright.  So I hope they know that Kara’s status will take another brutal blow if they turn Lena evil now.  However, they seem to have written Kara a whole “love” story without considering her at all.  So I would not be able to feel genuinely surprised at this point.  
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