#this how imna be when im legal
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teddy-feathers · 5 years
I took the tablet plan off the phone bill which means I'm buying the tablet which eh. Ill live to regret that im sure but i dont use it and already invested money in it so what do ya do.
Ive called about that legal notice and ESSENTIALLY what the woman said is as long as I dont miss any MORE payments i should be fine? Otherwise they could demand the full amount or garnish my wages or someething idk.
BUT point is i am now CURRENT until end of Feb on THAT debt
And hopefully i get my tax shit soon so i can file and use my return to kill THAT debt.
Car loan im playing phone tag and have my sound on and all the way up so when they call me i can make a payment to them
Aaaaaaaand maybe ill set up an automatic payment? If I'm lucky?
And i JUST filled up my car full of gas so
Other than fixing my health insurance situation - well lack there of - im doing all the responsible things today
But anyhow
Thats how i turned 513$ into 73...
Which. Is cool because for the first time ive got money left from doing shit but also just like
How is one supposed to save again?
Part of it is the winter break nerffed my paycheck which will be better on the first but honestly
The second you have money to pay things is the second youre paying them which makes you feel like you have less money than when you couldnt afford to pay for shit.
If this works out ill try getting some non slip work style tenis shoes so what happened to my knee doesn't happen again
And then theres the fact my car STILL needs to be looked at.
And insurance will cost a pretty penny...
Idk just always something and i have only had 4 hours of sleep so imna catch some Zs until car loan people call me back.
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