#this guy used this wireless advancer before his talk today
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wizard-mp4 · 9 months ago
Scientists and doctors are the most unaware people on the face of the earth. Its honestly shocking how dense they all are.
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gale-dragon-writer · 4 years ago
Dupain-Cheng Twins: Mari & Max A/U Moments. The Comment that Lila Shouldn't have Heard.
(Note, Lila doen’t know and hasn’t been told that Marinette and Max are bio-twins)
Alix, Kim, Nino, and the Dupain-Cheng Twins decided to spend have a little picnic together at the Paris Botanical Gardens this Saturday like they use to when they were little. They planned this a week in advance and made sure that each of their families knew about this outing. Nino had a little problem with letting Alya know that he couldn’t go on any dates this Saturday but promised to make it up to her the next day.
“Sometimes, I think Alya has selective hearing,” Alix commented when Nino told them that what he had to go through to make sure he had today free.
That was when Kim added, “Yeah, you sure can pick 'em, right Nino,” as he nudged the red capped teen next to him. Causing Marinette to giggle and Max to roll his eyes in amusement.
The older Dupain-Cheng Twin happily carried a decent sized picnic basket as the younger carried the oversized blanket. Nino brought the music with his mp3 and wireless speakers. Alix brought all the drinks in a decent sized cooler. Kim brought the butterfly lures for them to use to attract the butterflies that called the botanical gardens their home. When they arrived they paid the entrance fee for their group, after the staff made sure that the lures were safe, and they got their stamps to prove that they paid the fee, entered without a problem. They were just happy to be away from the drama of school and enjoy the peaceful scenery.
They found their usual spot away that they’ve always used for their little gatherings. It was a little off from the main path but it had a few security cameras to ensure that the plant and critter lives remain undisturbed. Once they arrived, they started setting up their picnic. “Hey sis, can you help with the blanket?” Max asked his older twin sister as he and Kim tried to open the oversized blanket while trying to prevent it from overlapping. Marinette happily nodded as she help the two out as Nino and Alix set the wireless speaker up and making sure the connection between it and the mp3 was in place.
Long story short, Alya called Lila to talk to someone about why Nino wanted this Saturday off from basically everyone. The liar could practically smell the opportunity to use this to paint Marinette in a bad light, but for that, she needed to make sure that either Nino and Marinette had no one to back their stories. So she followed (stalked) Nino as he met up with Kim, then Alix with a cooler, and then Marinette and Max with a basket and blanket. That did kill any idea of telling Alya that Marinette was flirtig with Nino since there were three witnesses that could immediately disprove her story. But...
‘What the? Why the hell are those losers up to?’ Lila thought as she now stalked the group of childhood friends and followed them to the Paris Botanical Gardens. The liar watched them enter the gardens and waited a minute before she tried to enter the arboretum.
“Excuse me miss, but there’s a small fee to pay before you can enter,” one of  the employee manning the entryway. The employee then tapped on the sign that showed the entry fees for each person. They were pretty decent prices, but there was a rather large compensation fee for littering and destroying the plant life inside.
But Lila thought it was stupid to pay to get into something as worthless as a garden, so she started crying about how she lost her grandmother’s ring inside when she came earlier in the day and wanted to find it as soon as possible. She was hoping that if she stir up a big fuss, they’ll let her in for free. But that didn’t happen, the staff pointed out the biggest flaw in her lie and proving that she wasn’t in the arboretum earlier. Lila didn’t have the stamp on her hand for today. When the liar tried to tell the employee that she washed it off by accident, the employee counter with the fact that there still would’ve been ink from the stamp staining her skin.
Noticing that the people around were starting to whisper and glare at her, Lila frowned and practically threw the money at the employee and stormed into the  arboretum. “Hey! You forgot your stamp!” the employee shouted at the brunette, but sighed and made a call on the employee walky-talkies giving Lila’s description and telling them that she paid the fee but didn’t stay for the stamp. That was moreso to avoid more drama from the teen than anything else. The employee then made a note to talk to the manager about the girl so they can post her picture at the entrance booths so they can be given the heads up about her if she tries that stunt again.
Lila just wanted to know what the group was doing and could hopefully use something to turn the tides of the class in her favor.
Kim carefully set the lures up, making sure that they wouldn’t spill and were a bit away from the picnic so that they weren’t knocked over by accident.
Once Kim re-joined the group on the blanket to start their picnic. They each took a bottle of their favorite drinks out of the cooler and then took some food from the basket. Alix took a sip from her drink when she said with a massive grin on her face, “You guys remember when we had Twin Day with a sub and he didn’t know that Mari and Max were twins?”
Nino laughed when he said, “Sure do dudette.”
Kim followed up with a, “Heck yeah! Dude paired them up and told them that they needed to try to be like twins! Aw man! I wish I could’ve taken a picture of his face when he found out the truth!” Then burst in laughter. Causing Alix to laugh. Marinette and Max glanced at each other before they joined in on the laughter. 
It took 15 minutes for Lila to find the group, their laughter gave them away. ‘A picnic?’ Lila thought in confusion as she hid behind some bushes at watch the group. She couldn’t hear what the group was saying from where she was, so she crept closer, trying to keep out of sight.
“I was so proud of the outfits I made for the day too,” Lila heard Marinette say happily. The liar rolled her eyes at the comment, not caring about that.
“As was I, it made the whole thing even better,” Max added as Lila saw him adjust his glasses. The group agreed and then laughed again. Lila rolled her eyes in annocance.
That was when Kim asked, “Speaking of outfits, hows that new one coming along, Mari?”
‘Oh?’ Lila thought, wondering if this could be something that she can sabotage or steal to claim as her own. If Lila could steal the sketchbook with the design in them and present them to Gabriel, telling them that she made them, she’ll practically marry Adrien. ‘At least if those designs are that good,’ Lila thought as she continued to watch the group.
Marinette smiled when she said, “It’s coming along nicely, but...” She then pulled out her sketchbook and added as she looked over the sketch, “I’m a little worried about how low the v-neck is... If it’s too high, then it ruins the appel I’m going for. But if it’s too low then... Well, you know.”
Kim playfully poked Marinette in the arm when he asked in a humorous tone, “You sure you can handle a low v-neck without becoming a blushing mess?” Marinette proceeded to whacking the taller teen over the head with the butt of her sketchbook. “Owch!” I was joking!” Kim exclaimed as he rubbed the new bump on his head.
Nino chuckled when he said, “Dude, you should know by now that you shouldn’t mess with Mari and her designs.” Kim grumbled something under his breath as he continued to rub the bump.
Max looked over Mari’s sketch before he commented, “If you’re using your own measurments, then *takes the pencel from Mari’s hand and starts drawing on the sketchbook*, you should start the v-neck here and end it here. That way you’re not showing too much while complementing your figure. There we go.” The group then looked over the modified sketch.
“Oh wow! It looks a lot better now,” Marinette said with a smile, before turning to her brother and adding, “Thanks Max.”
That was when Alix looked at Max when she asked, “How do you know Mari’s measuments off the top of your head?”
“He sometimes helps me with some of my designs,” Marinette started, then Max finished with, “Usually to make sure she finishes within a reasonable timeframe. I mostly help when it’s clothing that she’s making for herself, so that’s how I know.”
‘Huh? What’s geek-boy talking about?’ Lila thought with a raised brow. She then thought, ‘It sounds like he’s over at Maribrat’s house a lot if he helps her with making her designs... Interesting.”
Nino then said, “Oh yeah, that’s right. I keep forgeting that.”
“No big,” Kim said with a wave before he added, “Besides, Max is the best when it comes to numbers.”
Max pushed his glasses up when he said, “True, but there’s nothing about Marinette I haven’t already seen,” as he cased a sideways glance at Mari with a sheepish look.
‘Hello!’ Lila thought as her eyes lit up with joy. ‘Maribrat’s been... With Geek-boy! No way! But Oh~, this is gold!’ the liar thought with glee as she quickly and quietly crept away so she can weave some very nasty lies that will certainly cast the budding designer in a bad light, especially with Adrien and the rest of the school. ‘Maybe it was worth paying that stupid entrance fee after all,’ Lila thought as she practically skipped out of the gardens.
Too bad she left before she could hear,
“Max, we use to take baths together when we were little, so of course, you’d know. Besides, that means there’s nothing I haven’t seen about you too, my dorky little twin brother.” Marinette said as he playfully elbowed Max in the arm.
The bi-special boy smiled when he replied, “And you’re my over-achiving older twin sister.”
Alix pretened to gag when she said, “You two are just sickening cute with that banter.” Which caused Nino and Kim to laugh.
“Maybe we should bring Markov with us next picnic outing, I’m sure he’ll learn a lot,” Marinette told Max, who nodded with a big smile.
}i{ Until Next Time }i{
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alchemist-shizun · 6 years ago
Thinking of you keeps me awake
Read on Ao3!
Word count: 1,407
Pairing: Logicality
Warnings: There's surgery mention and a mention of an incident in a playground, nothing specific or graphic.
Summary: Logan has been testing out the new advanced technology that had just been created for surgery. Patton, a doctor at the same hospital, finds the machine one night and starts talking to it daily. Logan finds it out in the weirdest way, and crushing ensues.
A/N: Hi name's Ellie and I find inspiration in TV advertisings. Okay this was supposed to be a drabble but I can't physically write less than a thousand words. (pardon me I can't put the read more on mobile.) This is also the first fic I post here so I'll just let you read in peace while I will disappear in fear. (Look I rhymed) Feel free to point out any typo or mistake, English isn't my first language and I'm always one for learning! Thank you so much and without any further ado, enjoy your reading.
Logan finally found relief in the comfortable chair in front of his desk. It had been a little over a month since they started using advanced technology at work, which permitted Logan to attend meetings and to his job at the same time.
They didn't really take into account that being a surgeon wasn't exactly a piece of cake and doubling his work-related stress didn't help at all.
But Logan had never minded pushing himself to the limit in order to save lives or learn something new. (A bad habit that he had been dragging along ever since youth.)
The "machine of the future", as they liked to call it, was this robotic device that could be controlled wireless from a long distance. All Logan had to do was turn his phone on and a projector would show him what the robot was seeing and he could interact with the projection.
For instance, there had been cases in which he was required both at an updating course on new discoveries and also at the operating room to operate on one of his patients.
With this new object, he could help his team while traveling, as soon as he found a quiet place.
Quite the jewel, wasn't it?
That was the reason a hidden camera was implemented in the machine, it functioned both while in use and while seemingly asleep. If anything touched it, it would send a notification to the database Logan had access to on his laptop.
He was used to check on it daily, of course. Especially at 2 a.m., when he was definitely not supposed to be asleep. Now, he wasn't messing with his circadian system, just touching it up a little to see-
« A notification? »
His heart started pounding as panic drove its way through his chest; his mind, though, tried to find all the possible positive outcomes.
It could have been just an incident, right? Someone moved it or touched it by accident. There was nothing to be worried about, or else it would have automatically sent a call to the police.
Yes, it had a complicated security system, but it was needed, considering it was the only device existing at the time.
Logan scrolled through his database and found the videotapes section. He checked on the least recent video; they got deleted by the system monthly, so he was used to only check on them once a month unless an issue like that occurred.
He went through the frame previews and stopped when he saw a figure at the back of the room. The video started playing.
Logan could only watch as the figure became a more distinct man with wavy hair who paced around the room.
There was something familiar about him, but maybe it was just the glasses he was wearing that oddly reminded him of his own pair.
The mysterious man (actually, he was probably a doctor given his white coat) turned to the robot's direction and gasped at its sight before approaching it.
It was something, to see that scene almost as if it had been playing right in front of his eyes.
But Logan wasn't a robot.
« Oh my, what do we have here? » the man spoke in the most sugary voice Logan had ever heard. He wondered how soothing he was with distressed patients.
« This is so cool! » he paced around the object, then stopped back at its front.
« Is someone there? I'm Patton! »
Oh- That's what it was. He had worked with Patton, once or twice, but he had been on his team for a fairly short time. Wasn't he the new one around?
« Cat got your tongue? » his chuckle was so soft he could have made the maddest beast grow gentle. « Oops! You don't have one. »
Logan snorted and shook his head, was it really just this guy goofing around until the end of the tape?
He made to close the video and move onto the next ones, when Patton looked up again.
« Oh! Uhm ... whoever's behind this- because I really don't know, none bothered to answer me when I asked. » this time his snicker was embarrassed, he almost felt bad for him.
« I don't know why they think I'm dumb. I mean I got a doctorate, you can't exactly make your way through that by playing dumb, right? » Patton looked exactly where the robot's camera was hidden. Logan felt his heart skip a beat and he couldn't pinpoint whether it was out of fear or something else.
« But here I am, venting to a soulless machine. Maybe they're right. » he scratched his neck and sighed.
Logan remembered suddenly how Patton's first period of time with them was filled with simple tasks and chores. He had always thought they were just using him and not letting him unleash his potential.
Until one of the oldest doctors had to retire and some space had been made for him too.
« Anyway, to whoever is doing the awesome job behind this, I hope you know you're amazing! » Patton flashed him a toothy grin, then waved, gathered the stuff he needed and left.
Logan went through the other tapes as quickly as possible, but couldn't help but stop and listen to whatever Patton had to say in every single one of them.
The sight of his bright smile was a cathartic experience and, essentially, all Patton really did was clean some spots in the room and give both the robot and Logan a pep talk.
He didn't realize how wide he was smiling thanks to all the "I'm proud of you"s, "Your work is amazing", "Look at how marvelous you are" or "You inspire me", not until he reached the last tape and his cheeks were soaring from all the stretching.
Logan passed his hands on his face, his clock barely counting down to 3:30 a.m.
He tried to shake off the giddy feeling he felt when Patton appeared on his screen once again.
Sometimes you just need constant but simple reminders.
« Patton! Did a real good job! » he entered the room dancing and humming in his tracks. « Hey, didn't see you there! »
He approached the camera skipping along the pavement, that was the happiest he had ever seen him in those videos.
He couldn't believe that happened that day and he had missed the opportunity to see his joy at less than a couple of paces away.
« I saw the family of your patient today. » Patton sounded as if he were reminiscing about the moment.
Logan digged in his earliest memories and remembered the serious conditions of his patient: they had been victim of a terrible accident at a local playground. A mere little kid.
They had to work on the child for hours before it was safe to assume they would survive.
« I wish you could have seen the relatives. Their reaction when I delivered the news just ... Made me realize why I really love this job. » he hesitated, letting the words sink in.
« You did that. » Patton looked right into the camera but this time Logan's chest didn't feel tight.
Instead, it filled with warmth. Pleased and content.
« It's all thanks to you. » his voice trailed off as his cerulean eyes wandered around a spot Logan couldn't see.
« Oh gee, let's get you cleaned up! »
Next thing he knew, Patton had cleared some blood from the robot's surface. So that was why it sent off the notification.
Logan was glad it turned out to be nothing serious.
Just a cute and bubbly doctor that managed to start stealing his heart away without anything more than a night and video tapes. Not even his beloved surgery was needed.
Wait, what was that thought just now?
Logan closed his laptop as soon as Patton walked out of the frame.
He felt like he could have seen him if he moved, he didn't want to ruin the peaceful atmosphere Patton brought.
Afterwards, he finally dedicated himself to the thought of getting some rest for the hopefully less stressful day ahead.
Even though Logan spent the first few seconds of his sleeping time mentally smacking himself for staying up late, which he didn't actually regret, he now knew who to go to during his next coffee break.
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fathersappointed · 5 years ago
Understanding the Times.
Understanding the Times.
Robert Ray Breaker III is an ordained King James Bible Believing Baptist Minister
Another chart analyzer, I love the way he moves his magic marker! They thought for sure, only a little while ago they were leaving! They’ve regrouped since then. And now they’re getting ready to head off again
From God to Bitcoin to the Nephilim. Oh my!
They know Jesus is coming soon he says. Every time it gets a little shaky the religious start preaching that the raptures is about to happen and that Christ is going to appear soon any day now! Breaker says, the world has just achieved a population of 7,777,777,777.00 that’s a lot of seven he says if you know your Bible you know that God uses the number 7 a whole lot. He says a lot of people are what they call woke up They’ve woken up Waking up to what is going on in the world but they just can’t figure it out. He says We’re seeing that this is the beginning of the birth pangs the beginning of the end there’s still a thousand and seven years but it’s the end of what the Bible calls the church age and it’s the coming about of what the Bible calls the time of the Antichrist He says that before the Antichrist comes Christians have to make an exit and they will be leaving soon.
This doesn’t surprise me they always talk about leaving the planet. There’s never any talk though about turning around coming back and helping the defenseless victims! It’s all about sitting around the campfire with God toasting marshmallows listening to the screaming souls in the flames! Hey, it’s all about the love!
He says the Bible is prophecy!
He says the Bible tells us (well that clinches it for me!) that God is the almighty and he is the Creator and that he wrote the Bible to tell us of future events and from the beginning, he told us what would happen.
And that’s a good thing he did because now they know absolutely positively one more time absolutely what the devil’s going to do, step by step! He’s going to hold their hands and walk them through it right to the end. Its kind of like the devil is just a fluffy, old puppet going along with the story.
He says we have a thing in the Bible called prophecy and the Bible is prophecy.  He says the Bible is a full book of Prophecy so if you come to the Bible you will learn what’s going to happen in the future. And that’s why there are so many Christians out there that are excited about the times we live in. They re in their Bibles and looking at what’s happening and they’re like wow this is wonderful. Because they’re saying the Bible says this is going to happen next which would be the rapture. I have all future history and I know what’s going to happen before it happens it’s all right there in the Bible God wrote the Bible I believe that God gave us this book and I know certainly that it’s true because it has prophesied of many things over the centuries and over the Millennia that eventually came to pass and it’s never been wrong He says all these things are online he ain’t making it up. He says they want to turn you into a 5g antenna! Breaker says they want to inject you with DNA changing substances 060606. He says It sounds like science fiction it sounds crazy if this sounds weird to you I don’t know what to tell you It’s all over the Internet it’s out in the open and I’ve got this file here of patent 060606 thing DNA 1% you know what they’ve done they’ve made you something completely different you’re no longer you now that gets into the Nephilim. There’s a lot of people that watch YouTube they talk about the Nephilim DNA in the fallen angels and how they’re trying to mix Fallen Angels DNA into the human beings why because the devil has his fallen angels and he wants people that worship him to be like him.
Breaker looks in this video like he’s standing alone but he’s not there are a billion people standing with him, talking in unison. That’s what his words represent the thinking of a vast amount of people conditioned controlled!
What it looks like to me is the spirit world merging with our physical world so that the things of the spirit can actually get into this world the devil and his angels the demons their unclean spirits and they want this world so they’re finding a way in which they can merge together I’m convinced I don’t know how to explain it but I think the electromagnetism that wireless the things like this somehow work in the spirit world as they do in the physical world and the demons use these electromagnetic waves and if they can get those somehow inside of you it makes it easier for a demon to get inside of you
This guy oughta try sidelining as a conspiracy theorist sell bug out bags of overpriced dried food!
This poor zealot is having a cosmic meltdown of biblical proportions! They have pumped this guy up good he’s coming at you Full Tilt!
I feel bad for Breaker and all those like him  It’s unfortunate what’s happening to him and is happening to others like him they are victims of this evil group.
The complexity Of the attacks that Christ and the Devil are implementing in the World and how they are utilizing it within this video and manipulating Breaker is beyond the ability to fully explain within the context of this post however I’m going to attempt to explain some of the strategies the Devil and Christ and the betrayers are utilizing within the structure of their attack.
Okay, so what’s happening here?
Glimmers the Devil uses glimmers of knowledge glimmers of truth!
We need to understand Breaker didn’t just pick up this book and say this is how our reality is. There has been reinforcement within his psyche our world is a caption world a controlled world. We have no understandings of existence we are shut off and cut off we’ve been here thousands of years and within that entire time, there has been a steady assault of religion upon this planet structured religion, now saturation within radio, TV, literature, music, institutions built to proclaim God’s name. And they read these religious books these created religious books. Within these books, they find words that speak to them they find instances that they believe proves the truth contained within these books. And this is the case with this religious speaker. But as I said this is a multi-faceted attack And he’s getting his information from other sources as well. He gets on the internet He listens and becomes enthralled by the rhetoric of panicking religious fanatics. Breaker says I’m just looking at going wow wow because it’s all starting to come together like a giant jigsaw puzzle and point to the Rapture.
Listen to how this guy preaches he is absolutely enthralled, enrapture He’s gotten entirely wrapped up to what’s happening but he can only see this from a religious perspective. If you look at all enthralled worshipers Breaker is a good example. He has studied the Bible intensely but they are caught in a befuddlement of abandonment. That is to say, Breaker as everyone stands in a confounding World an existence he cannot understand. Breaker like all the religious people cannot see this in any way but from a religious perspective, they believe the Christ will appear very soon to save the faithful. But as in other instances when they declared Christ would appear and then nothing Christ isn’t going to appear this time either!
G5 is not being implemented to turn you into apocalypse zombies. There’s no Nasty Apple Eaten Fallen Angels by the multitude waiting to infect you with they’re infected DNA.  You’re already infected. See how their flawed thinking turns their minds into putty that Christ and the Devil can mold to their liking.
What’s happening is conditioning preparation!
We are subjected to a multi-faceted attack! Once again there are, no fallen angels, it is a group of extremely intelligent and cold-bloodedly ruthless betrayers
The devil uses diverse ways to bring information two people sometimes directly sometimes through others sometimes he speaks in your mind sometimes he leaves thoughts sometimes He uses Glimmers a whiff, of an  impression. You have to ask yourself why is the Devil telling everybody in advance what’s going to happen!
He doesn’t understand he’s a snared a captured man.  Like all religious people, they’re trapped in the context of religion And they have no way of understanding this has nothing to do with religion. If it were I suppose this situation could seem like a pivoting point in time for Christ to make his appearance. We are subjected to a multi-faceted attack we need to understand this is a group of cold-bloodedness! They’re evil their intent, the world cannot comprehend People don’t understand and can’t accept that these beings are here in our existence. This existence was here, our existence was here from the beginning of our history they have been here. History of this world as we know it is an act of treachery they’re manipulating Forced Controls. The happenings of events within this world, this is all structured for a complex attack. Breaker like so many believes these times are dangerous times Breaker like all in the world have become conditioned soft they think G5 a horror. But this world has seen horrors the likes of which the condition people of today have no understanding of. World Wars like World War II a war of devastating portions with hardships the world no longer understands and yet no God, no Christ, no Antichrist, appeared this is soft time compared to then.
This is a group of cold-blooded intent! The world needs to understand how this group operates Breaker is a pitchman his understandings, his thoughts his emotions are directed by this group! People he comes in contact with, people he listens to, respect their opinions are manipulated players put in these positions for mental conditioning.
These are the minds the Techno Wizards are going to Reveal themselves too! Can you understand why the devil’s laughing!
The whole world will believe a lie!
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
He says we’re living in the last days and a lot of people are seeing a lot of propagated a lot of lies now the Bible tells us a lot about the tribulation. And during the time in which the whole world will believe a lie, the Antichrist is a liar and he’s going to lie.
Breaker says during the tribulation they’ll be a time when the whole world believes a lie!  I have little doubt the betrayers and the Devil weren’t thinking of the Antichrist when they thought that one up! That is the great lie but that’s not the great lie in this particular time moment.
Christ and the other betrayers they’re writing this stuff! Let’s think about this for a minute why are they telling you the devil is a liar?
What is not understood is this is a planned structured strategy that’s been put in place thousands of years ago. Everything experienced in history up to now is to prepare you.  You see in religion the Rapture, for instance, is a good example confusion that’s what you see that’s what they want you to see multiple religions multiple denominations everyone cannot be right! Things are going to get a lot worst a whole lot worst! And people are going to start screaming for relief.
There is a reason they want you to believe this stuff
Worshipers believe they understand absolutely what’s going to happen. These thoughts are created manipulation within them, some through direct reinforcement. Christ and the Devil cannot just show up with the Antichrist their smoke and mirrors sleight of hand maneuvers are woefully inadequate for the task. But what do they have? Understand these are not Cosmic entities of mystical mysticism that are beyond compare! What we’re dealing with is a group of compromised terraformers. They have within their arsenal ships capable of traverse through the solar system! Computational abilities capable of traversing dimensions! And they have quantum computer compatible AI Androids! They also have the ability to mentally manipulate with highly advanced technology. And that is what they have to use to set up a scenario where they can implement their plan.
G5 is not being set up to turn you into an apocalyptic Zombie!  
G5 is being implemented to make it easier for their computer system to integrate with the robotic AI, needed for acceleration purposes. It’s also to integrate you into the computer system. To get everybody chipped in as it were. This won’t happen immediately it’ll take quite a few years yet.
God, where is God? Why is he not here?
The fact that God isn’t around isn’t a coincidence there is no God so of course, one wouldn’t be here! But in the context of the story, God should be here! They’re going to have a convincing reason why God has been away for so long, this reason is going to take the commitment of an entire planet! A commitment of absoluteness to rectify what the Devil and the Fallen Angels(Christ and the rest of the Betrayers) have done that prevents God from being here.
I would tell Breaker He’s in a very dangerous situation that he’s being deceived! That he needs to be extremely careful but like so many, he won’t believe my words are true. At best he’ll think I’m demonically sent to deceive him.
Be careful try to understand we’re being manipulated we’re being played! And the entire world is unwittingly walking into their ploy!
Breaker’s interpretations are not accepted by some of the other denominations they interpreted the Bible differently.
I’m going with the one in the middle. Oddly, Omni has trouble with clarity!
How does a lack of clarity benefit a loving God (with conditions) saving his children from a horrible evil? It doesn’t but it benefits Evil planning to kill you!
Hold on, God just showed up and wait a minute, he’s rolling, he’s rolling some ominous looking dice, one’s a 3 the other ones a 4! I don’t believe it, it’s a 7 
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The devil’s gambling you’ll believe this religious malarkey.
Nanotechnology (or “nanotech“) is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The concepts that seeded nanotechnology were first discussed in 1959 by renowned physicist Richard Feynman in his talk There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom, in which he described the possibility of synthesis via direct manipulation of atoms.
Human Coronavirus Types
Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are:
Common human coronaviruses
229E (alpha coronavirus)
NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
OC43 (beta coronavirus)
HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
Other human coronaviruses
MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1.
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thestudyof5sos · 6 years ago
Cryptic Messages (michievous!michael)
Summary: Charlie’s flying home for a last minute trip but she’s completely sleep deprived. To keep her self awake until boarding, she spends a few hours in the airport totally jamming to an album her best friend made her download at the last minute, 5SOS Meet You There Tour Live. She’s not super familiar with the band and wouldn’t recognize any of the guys if she was seated next to them. But wait, that’s what happens. Enjoy Charlie’s flight, Michael’s spy-antics, and a dash of Luke. Author: đŸŸ @larryologymajor Fandon/Pairing: 5SOS /  Michael x original female character (platonic) Warnings/Tags: fluff, mischievous Michael on a plane Word count: ~2.4k
Cryptic Message
Charlie swung her backpack over her shoulder and stepped forward to scan her mobile boarding pass. As she waited, she hopped her head and swiveled her hips to the beat of the music in her wireless earbuds. She smiled at the gate attendant, said thank you, then danced her way into the jet bridge. She rearranged her chestnut and caramel topknot and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
She was listening to a 5 Seconds of Summer album that her friend Bianca made her download while she was packing last night. Bianca said that she got access to an advanced copy of their new live album, recorded in London on their Meet You There Tour that just wrapped up. Bianca guaranteed Charlie would LOVE the band and the album. While the band had been around for a while and Charlie enjoyed the few singles she’d heard on the radio, she didn’t consider herself anything more than a casual fan and she’d never gone out of her way to look them up or check out their videos.
Charlie was dead tired on her feet. She’d been a walking zombie since her second double shift of the week three days ago. After work she rushed home to pack for a last minute trip back home to Chicago to visit her family. With a 3am wake up call, Charlie didn’t even bother going to bed the night before. She didn’t trust herself to wake up on time, so she stayed up all night packing and cleaning her apartment. She was mega grateful for Bianca making her download the album. The album was upbeat, face-paced, enough pop and rock, and the band members’ comedic antics on stage kept her awake and happy.
As she continued to groove her way down the jetbridge corridor, she peeked at the seat number on her screen before she slid her phone into her pocket. 27 Charlie. 27 Charlie. Charlie repeated the number in her head to the rhythm in her ears. That should be easy, she thought. Her birthday was on the 27th and Charlie has been a family nickname forever, short for Charlotte.
The line moved forward and a flight attended greeted Charlie as she stepped from the jet bridge into the plane. She walked down the narrow corridor and carefully tracked the rows, noting the main cabin was essentially packed and her randomly assigned seat was an aisle seat like she preferred. The aisle, she thought, allowed her greater freedom to get up and stretch or use the bathroom during the flight, which she would undoubtedly do at least once.
Still grooving and bopping to the music, she noticed an attractive guy a half dozen rows away from her, he too was seated in a aisle seat. He was eyeing her. Charlie caught him looking at her and made eye contact with him but continued to dance anyway. He smirked then quickly looked away.
Seconds before she reached her row, she reached around her bag to snag the rest of her her in-flight essentials from the front pocket and transferred them to her purse. Kindle: check. Phone charging cable: check. Backup phone battery: check.
She approached her row and frowned. Someone was in her seat. Not just someone but the cute guy who watched her dancing was in her seat.
While Charlotte tossed her backpack in the overhead bin she made brief eye contact with the guy sitting in her seat. For half a second too long she gazed into his green eyes before busting out her sassy attitude. “Excuse me, I believe you’re sitting in my seat. I should be 27C.” She watched the guy pull a crinkled up boarding pass from the seat pocket and study it. “Oops, I’m 27B.” He pushed his beanie back from his eyes. Charlotte rolled her eyes and watched the guy scoot into the seat to his left. She wanted a peaceful, non-hostile flight so she smiled at him, studying his face. “Thanks, 27B.” She lowered herself into the aisle seat. He chuckled and smiled. “I’m Michael.” Charlie nodded and returned the introduction. “Charlie. Nice to meet you.” She smiled again. As she carefully slid her kindle, phone battery, and USB cable in the seat back pocket, Michael engaged in conversation with a guy across the aisle from Charlie. She assumed they knew each other and thought that she should have taken the middle seat and let Michael take her aisle seat. Charlie didn’t have any clue that she was sitting next to the guitarist from the band she’d spent all morning listening to while dancing her way through the airport. She popped her earbuds out from her ears and wrapped them around the back of her neck and looped the ear pieces together in the front to form a necklace until she was ready to use them after takeoff. During the safety briefing video, Charlie listened to the boys on both sides of her chat back and forth about a tour and recording. She was so tired that she barely paid attention and didn’t really dwell on what they were saying or who they are. A short while later the plane was in the air making headway at cruising altitude. Michael tried to make small talk with her but Charlotte was tired. She opted for music and a nap instead of reading. She slipped on her earbuds and resumed Meet You There Tour Live. She was easily on her third or fourth iteration through the album today so she was starting to learn the melodies of each song. Charlie didn’t notice herself softly humming the chorus to Why Won’t You Love Me in her trance-like state of sleep. She felt the guy next to her shift but she didn’t hear him quietly call out to his friend across the aisle. She was mostly asleep and completely relaxed so she let the music drown out their chatter. “Luke! LUKE!” Michael whisper yelled across the aisle to his friend and bandmate. “What?!” Luke hissed. “Dude. I think she’s listening to us.” Luke raised an eyebrow. Michael continued, “I swear she’s humming Why Don’t You Love Me. Seriously. What if she‘s listening to Meet You There Tour Live? Ash said the label ‘leaked’ the tracks to an exclusive group on Tumblr.” “I highly doubt it,” said Luke shaking his head. “Although that would be dope.” Michael was hopeful. “My vote is yes. I saw her earlier when we were going through security. She was totally jamming to whatever she had playing in her earbuds.” Near the end of the flight, Charlie was still asleep when her phone slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor after bouncing off Michael’s foot. He glanced at her to ensure she was still asleep then grabbed her iPhone off the floor. As he picked it up, he couldn’t help but glance at her screen. The phone’s display lit up, recognizing that it had been moved He held it up towards Luke, grinning, and called out, “Luke! Look!” Luke glanced up and his smile grew wide. Michael was right after all. She was DEFINITELY jamming to MYT Tour Live. Michael was feeling mischievous. He held his pointer finger to lips, shushed Luke, and made a picture taking motion. Luke suppresses a laugh but grinned widely as Michael slid the lock screen over to the camera and flipped to the front facing camera. He carefully framed a selfie of him, Luke, and sleeping Charlie and snapped a picture for her to discover later. He then snapped the same picture with his phone. He also opened up the Notes app and quickly tapped out: Charlie, thanks for being a fan! We hope you enjoy the live album! Xx Michael & Luke 5SOS Then for good measure, he used the feature to insert a drawing and attempted to draw his signature. He used Charlie’s phone to snap a photo of his screen, then locked both phones. He shoved his into his backpack and wedged hers into the seat pocket in front of her. Michael gently nudged Charlie’s knee with his own. When she didn’t stir, he bumped her shoulder and she responded sleepily with a “Hmmmm” sound. “Sorry to wake you,” Michael started. “We’re starting the final descent soon. You dropped your phone so I picked it up for you. I couldn’t help notice you’re listening to 5 Seconds of Summer. I met them once, they’re so nice!” Charlie was half asleep still. “I don’t know anything about them, really. My best friend makes me download random music all the time. Sometimes I wonder why she likes half the stuff she recommends. However, I actually kinda like 5SOS.” Michael started to mess with her. “I heard their guitarist is super cute, dyes his hair all the time, and loves pranking people.” Charlie looked baffled and shrugged. “I have no idea. Never really seen them before.” The conversation lulled and Charlie enjoyed the quiet for several long minutes, the only sound in her world was coming through her ear buds. She closed her eyes and appreciated the lead singers smooth voice, the power behind each drum beat, the rhythmic way the bass thumped, and the fluid strokes over each guitar string.
The plane continued its descent and safely landed at Chicago O’Hare. Charlie was quiet as the plane taxied to the jetbridge. When the doors open and passengers started to deplane, Charlie gathered up her stuff, wished Michael a safe trip since he had a connecting flight, and shuffled towards baggage claim.
Standing in baggage claim, Charlie texted her best friend, Bianca.
Made it safely to Chicago! Got seated next to this cute guy but passed out and didn’t really talk to him.
Bianca fired back an immediate reply:
Glad you made it, but boo. Should have talked to him and gotten his number.
Charlie agreed.
Ikr. He wanted to chat but I was seriously so tired. After takeoff I passed out. Only woke up when Michael (cute seat neighbor) woke me up. He picked up my phone after I dropped it in my sleep.
Charlie opened her camera app then snapped a quick selfie of herself waiting in baggage claim to send to Bianca. In one swift motion she double tapped her iPhone home button to swipe the camera closed and switch back over to her text messages. Locating Bianca’s message, she clicked the add photo button to insert her selfie and squinted at the thumbnail previews of her recent picture. There were two new photos in her camera roll that she didn’t recognize.
Feeling confused, she sent her selfie to Bianca then launched the Photos app and swiped to the first unrecognizable photo.
The conveyor belt in baggage claim started to move and slowly spewed our luggage. Charlie didn’t notice. She was staring at a picture of herself sleeping, sandwiched between Michael and his friend who was squatted next to her in the aisle. Charlie’s fave furrowed in anger and the invasion of privacy. How dare a stranger use her phone to take her sleeping photo.
Charlie swiped to the next screen and looked at the message Michael left her. She gasped and her fingers instinctively dialed Bianca to FaceTime.
She picked up on the second ring and her face appeared on the screen. “Bee, I think I sat by 5SOS on the plane. And I think one of them used my phone to take a picture of me, well us. While I was sleeping!”
“What? How? No way!” Bianca sputtered.
“Seriously! What does Michael look like?” questioned Charlie.
“Let me check Instagram for the latest. Standby.” Bianca froze on the screen while she minimized FaceTime to check Michael’s social media. “At the moment, he’s wearing his fluffy hair blonde.” Her face unfroze on Charlie’s screen. “He’s usually not clean shaven. His eyes are super green and really pretty. His smile is wide. Usually he has a baseball hat on. And a black hoodie. Oh and his accent is lovely, quite posh sounding. I love it to be honest. Could listen to him talk for hours.
Charlie interrupted her, “How about Luke? Is there a Luke?”
Bianca laughed. “Of course there’s a Luke. He and Michael are the founding members of 5SOS although he’s the youngest of the band. He’s super tall, legs for days, like a baby giraffe. But he denies that he’s tall. He wears skinny jeans, pretty tops, leather jackets and heeled leather boots. I bet his boot collection would rival your Pikolinos collection. Gah, but his face. I love his face,” Bianca gushed. “He’s gorgeous. He has super bright blue eyes. And his dimples will swallow you whole. His dark blonde hair is chin length with unruly curls.”
Now Charlie laughed. “Hold on, Bee. I’m texting you something.” She sent the two photos but continued to talk. “Ummm yeah, your descriptions fit the boys perfectly.”
Bianca’s face froze again on Charlie’s screen as she opened her text. “Oh my God, Char. You totally met Michael and Luke! I am so envious! Although if I were you I probably would have fangirled and then drooled on Michael in my sleep!!”
“Hahaha!! I’m sure you would’ve been fine Bee! 100% put together!” Charlie winked at her best friend.
“Charlie! You need to insta this ASAP and tag Michael!”
Bianca gasped. She didn’t notice that her suitcase was the last one and it was going in circles on the baggage claim conveyor belt. “Bee! But what would I even say in the caption???”
“Well, Michael’s always changing his twitter handle and last week he posted a spy meme so how about something spy or detective related?” Bianca questioned.
“Hmmm,” Charlie was thinking. “What’s his insta handle?”
“It’s @michaelclifford.” Bianca knew it off the top of her head.
“How about ‘Thanks for the super stealth nap time reconnaissance spy photos @michaelclifford! It was a really nice meeting you! (even though I didn’t know who you are lol) I really love the new live album!’?” Charlie asked Bianca.
“Do it! I love it!” Bianca encouraged her.
Charlie paused FaceTime again while she posted the picture.
“I promise I’ll text you if my post goes viral,” she laughed. Charlie grabbed her suitcase and the girls said their goodbyes.
Charlie ordered an Uber and got in, heading to her parents house.
Her phone singer indicating a comment on her Instagram post. It was Michael Clifford. Her heart beat quicker for a minute, but her brow furrowed in confusion. He left a cryptic message that Charlie didn’t understand.
pa dhz tf wslhzbyl! p svclk dhajopun fvb qht av tlla fvb aolyl avby spcl ;) kt tl pm fvb lcly dhua hu hbavnyhwolk jvwf vy apjrlaz av zll bz spcl. ee -Caesar
It took Charlie a few days to decipher Michael’s message, but she finally figured out that it was a Caesar Cipher. Thanks for the clue, dude, she thought.
Michael’s message translated to:
It was my pleasure! I loved watching you jam to Meet You There Tour Live ;) DM me if you ever want an autographed copy or tickets to see us live. Xx -Caesar
And with that, Charlie smiled. She knew this was a story she would be repeating for years.
​​ Want to be tagged? Let me know!
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nowandgenpad · 6 years ago
Elopement || Hemslecki (Nov 01)
Chris: Vegas. The place where what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Only that proved difficult when someone as known as him walked through the airport and hotel. It was no short effort of asking fans for his privacy and that he'd take pictures with pretty much each and everyone that he could reasonably manage if they kept it off Twitter, Instagram and any other social media for at least 48 hours. He didn't need anything ruining Gen and his wedding. Especially if someone found out that could potentially try and ruin things. It seemed to take forever just to manage his way to the hotel front desk and ask for one of the private presidential suites on its own floor, wanting as much privacy as possible.
Gen: Were they moving fast? Maybe, but Gen was at the point in her life where if she wanted something she was going to do it. She had devoted her life to Jared and the kids, relocated to Austin so Jared could be in his home and now she wanted to live her life for her. She and Jared weren't poor but they certainly didn't have money like Chris seemed to. When they walked into the huge suite she walked over to the window to look at the view. "You know you don't have to spend all your money on me," she meant it too. She was a simple girl and was after love, not material things.
Chris: "Today and the next few days are special, I wanted the whole package." Once Chris set his mind to something he did it. "Annnd a little secret I've stayed here before, Chris Hemsworth spotted at this hotel at some point at the end of our trip, good publicity for them, and I get some perks out of my job." It wasn't like he got the room for free but certainly not at the price that anyone else would pay. He didn't do it often but it happened and for this occasion he'd accept it. "Enjoy it, it's our night. Whatever we want, it's ours." He smiled.
Gen: Gen felt very overwhelmed with the happiness that kept washing over her. She turned around to look at him and smiled, "I'm going to take a quick shower and change into my dress." She had packed a simple white dress for the occasion, not needing anything fancy or flashy.
Chris: Nodding he moved over to his own suitcase and dug out the simple suit he had picked out for himself. It wasn't fancy, just a navy blue jacket and pants with a simple white button up. "We have to go pick out wedding bands before. Hopefully find something nice that'll go with your ring." He said as she headed toward the bathroom.
Gen: "Something very plain and simple would be ideal for me since I have this beautiful rock already. Maybe we can find two matching rings we both like." She kept the bathroom door opened while she showered and started to dry off. She only washed her body so her hair was still dry and it only took a minute to wipe down her body. A few minutes later she was dressed and putting her shoes on. She went over hair with the flat iron and touched up her makeup. "I'm ready."
Chris: "I'm sure we can find something, Vegas jewelers have everything it seems." He said now that he was dressed. Making sure to make everything look presentable he turned to see Gen. "You look beautiful." He said pecking her cheek softly. "This is your time to back out and change your mind. If not you're stuck with me for good." He grinned teasing the brunette.
Gen: She blushed when he kissed her cheek, "I'll gladly be stuck with you for good...or until you decide to leave me like the last guy." She kept her tone light, she was trying to joke, but deep down there was a layer of heartache there. She had been a hopeless romantic all her life but when Jared left she became a little bitter and cynical. Grabbing her purse she headed toward the door, "Let's go hubby."
Chris: "Well my records pretty good, I technically didn't leave my last wife, she left me after I pushed having more children. So you know, I think I'm a pretty damn good catch. Maybe I need to watch out for you." He grabbed her hand gently. "There's one thing we have to talk about first and I don't even want to, you're not this person. But to be fair I spoke to my family, I told them I was getting married and they're happy for me, and then I talked to my lawyer." He sighed, "They think it's in our best interest to each sign a prenup..." he paused. "I said I wasn't worried at all, but they think the general bases should be what we both had before the marriage remains ours and anything after the marriage we will divide in the best sake of the children involved. I don't plan on divorcing you, and I don't think you're in this for the money. So if you don't want to, I'll take it. But I had to let you know because I don't want you to meet my attorney and him ask and it be awkward that I didn't say anything."
Gen: She was a little taken aback by his words. Not that he wanted her to sign a prenup but because he had told people what they were doing. "You told your family? I thought we were keeping it between us until we left Vegas...I didn't tell anyone except Dani and only because it was her idea." Part of her had felt like she needed to tell Jared beforehand but she had kept it to herself from everyone. She was bummed but at the same time she figured he was excited and not ashamed to be marrying her if he was broadcasting it to everyone. "I'll sign if you think it's important."
Chris: "By family I mean my parents, I love you but I am not walking into my mum and have hidden that. She raised three rowdy boys, she can still take me." He said, "Besides that Liam doesn't even know, he just knows we're engaged." He hoped she understood but his mum was one of the closest people he had, closer to her than his dad and him and his dad were close. "And they're not gonna say anything. They're just excited at the prospect of more grandchildren." He sighed, "With Elsa I had nothing when we married, I was barely in the business so we were together when I became something. Which is why the divorce was messy in the beginning. I don't think you want me for my money, i feel like you would have shown that if that was the case." He murmured, "I do...like the part that says things will be divided in the best interest of the children though. Should anything happen, I mean maybe down the road you're unhappy with me...I would never not make sure you're okay."
Gen: Gen had her own money from her days on Wildfire and the short time she had spent on Supernatural. She also had some money that she got in the divorce from Jared, not a lot, but enough to get by and now with all the sponsors she had for her blog, she was doing really well for herself. "I'm too scared to tell my parents until after we're married, but I understand you wanting to tell yours." She shook her head, "First of all, I don't ever foresee a time When I'm going to be unhappy with you and second, I'm not a materialistic person. I couldn't even buy myself a necklace a couple weeks ago, though now I wish I had, it would have looked good with this dress," she giggled. "I just want you, Chris."
Chris: "Is your father going to do the whole threaten to shoot me and make me disappear if I ever hurt you kind of thing?" he teased, "My parents and I have always told each other everything I'm not sure I could have fully agreed with this if I hadn't told them but I should have told you first. My mum is excited to meet you." He said, "I know you're not materialistic, I know you're in this for the marriage. I'm just being honest in what my lawyer is requesting." He gave a small smile, "I know it seems like it's not trusting you and I hope you do know that I do but to get the lawyer off my back what if we sign a base minimum one. Just stating what I said earlier everything we had before the marriage will remain each of ours. Your home in Austin mine in Australia." He offered. "Then anything else I don't care about because I don't foresee anything happening. I just wanna make sure everything is no bumps in the road. Just like I double checked three times the place we're going to get married to make sure they're not some half assed place and suddenly we're not actually married.
Gen: "Do you have this prenup with you? It's not much of a prenup if it's not signed before the wedding." Once they were married she could decide not to sign it, that's why it was usually done way in advance. She didn't want to sign, but if it meant she got to marry Chris she would.
Chris: "It's in an email my lawyer sent me." He said walking over to his phone and unlocking it. "I can print it and they can have a witness sign it before anything." He didn't like the idea but he understood where his lawyer was coming from and after his divorce with Elsa he understood a lot more of what went into a high profile divorce. "Unless this is going to upset you. I'm not trying to do that." He said softly.
Gen: She shrugged, "It kind of ruined the mood to be honest." She still wanted to go through with the marriage though so she finished her walk to the door. "I guess we could go find the business center and use the printer."
Chris: "We don't have to right now then, we can wait til later. I couldn't exactly ask you after we were married." Which was true and he knew that. The talk with his lawyer had only been earlier so really this had been the only time. "There's one up here, office room off the side of the hall." He said pointing.
Gen: "Might as well get it over with. Print it out and take it with us...sign it when we sign the certificate." She certainly understood where he was coming from and didn't want him to feel like she was only with him for the possibility of getting his money one day, but the conversation also erased some of the blissful high she had been feeling. She stepped into the hallway and let him lead her to the office.
Chris: He knew she was upset and he wasn't exactly happy. Pressing the wireless print from his phone that he had connected just then to the printer he lead her into the office. Closing the door behind her while it printed he pressed her body up against the door and kissed her hard. His mouth lingering on hers before biting down on her lip. His hands tangled in her hair. "This changes nothing, I want you because I love you, Gen. It's just a piece of paper. I love /you/." He breathed against her lips.
Gen: Gen wasn't expecting him to pin her against the door but she was happily surprised by it. She moaned into his mouth, feeling her panties already getting damp. "I love you too, Chris. I know it is. It's not about the paper." If they had a real wedding she would have been told about the prenup then had time to get over it before the big day but they were literally on their way to get married and she lost a bit of her smile when the legality stuff came into the mix. She didn't want to think about the legal nonsense when all she wanted was to be in his arms as his wife. "If you keep this up I'm going to have to go change my panties."
Chris: He nodded, as he pulled back and went to grab the documents and folded them up and tucked them into his coat pocket. It was just paper, for both their best interest. That's all that mattered, "Oh," he pouted, "And here I thought you'd wear nothing but a sexy lingerie bra underneath."
Gen: She smirked, "If I did that you'd have me dripping down my leg." It was crazy to her how much the man in front of her turned her on, not even Jared had brought out this level of lust within her. "But who said I'm wearing a bra at all?" She winked.
Chris: "Well I don't think they'd be a comfortable feeling for you so I guess they can stay on." He murmured. "That will work, I love everything about your body so that gives me something to look forward to tonight." Grabbing her ass he pulled her forward. "Come on, we may have all night but I wanna celebrate our night.
Gen: She giggled and kissed him lovingly. She was ready for them to leave the casino and go to where they were getting married so they could hurry back here to the room. When she pulled away she opened the door and headed back down the hall to the elevator.
Chris: It didn't take long to get down to the lobby where he had ordered a driver for them for the night. He figured they needed to have at least one or two drinks to celebrate their new marriage. Taking her hand they were ushered privately into the car wanting to keep it under wraps until the very last possible moment.
Gen: Gen sat close to him in the car, keeping her hand in his. She wasn't nervous, more excited than anything. It seemed fitting to her that they were getting married on the first of the month, start the month off right. Arriving at the place they exited the car and started walking inside. "I hope there's not a lot of people in there."
Chris: "So we have to get the marriage license, this signed, and we should be good to go. Something tells me we're not gonna have to wait long. Oh wait..." he said, "We need to stop at the jeweler inside first before anything." He had made every arrangement possible to make this smooth and under the radar as possible. "We have the store to ourselves for the hour so don't feel like you have to rush either."
Gen: "Did you buy out the whole place for while we're here so we have total privacy?" She asked curiously as they made their way into the empty jewelry store. There were a few workers but no customers. Gen's eyes scanned the room until she found the wedding bands and headed over to the case. It didn't take long before she spotted a set of platinum bands, "I like these."
Chris: "Buy out seems so...Beyonce. I just simple explained who I was and they undersood the need for privacy." He didn't want her to think he had spent an outrageous amount of money. Most people were fair to deal with him just because they wanted to help with his privacy. Following her around he moved forward seeing the different bands. Some simply just a thin band of platinum, others with a few diamonds and others and entire diamond covered band. Luckily they had men's bands to match. "Which one do you like best?"
Gen: "I like the plain one. The one with the small diamonds is pretty but this is such a huge diamond," she said motioning to her engagement ring. "I want something simple. We don't have to get matching ones if you want to pick out something more you."
Chris: "It's whatever you want." Whatever she picked out would be hers. "Don't feel like you can't get the one you want." He said. He knew himself would only go with a simple band with maybe a little something fancier than a plain band since this is all he would wear. Seeing the one ring he tapped the glass and he pulled the ring out. Luckily the man would be able to size it for them on the spot in the store thanks to paying extra.
Gen: Gen picked out her ring, it was like his but didn't have the diamonds on it. While they waited for the rings to be sized she opened her phone to play with snapchat. "I look adorable with this filter."
Chris: "You look adorable all the time." He said leaning against the counter. "My kids love when I play with the filters, though no one knows about my secret snapchat." He grinned.
Gen: She squinted her eyes at him, "You have snapchat and you haven't added me? I'm highly offended."
Chris: "It wouldn't be a secret if I just gave it out." He scoffed. As if it actually was this big deal. "Couldn't have my kids missing out on the cute filters."
Gen: "But I'm your wife," she playfully pouted at him. Finding a filter she loved she moved so she was standing partially in front of him and made sure the filter hit both of their faces before she took the picture. "This will be my favorite picture from the day we got married." She smiled.
Chris: "You're about to be my wife, not quite yet. Wait til it's official. I don't wanna go jinxing anything." He laughed. He let her move in front of him and smiled when she positioned the camera with whatever filter she had picked out. "Just this picture? They take photos at the actual ceremony too." He knew they weren't as fancy as someone having a big wedding but he figured when they had a party to celebrate maybe they could have a beach celebration back in Australia with all the kids and family, give her the true look at his life down under.
Gen: "I've thought of myself as your wife since the second you put this ring on my finger." She told him honestly. "I'm sure I'll like all the photos but this one will probably be my favorite."
Chris: Pressing a kiss to the top of her head he checked his watch and not long after the man came out carrying their rings in a bag tied with a ribbon. Chris paid before taking Gen's hand. "Just a few pieces of paper and we're getting married." He said as he escorted her out and toward the area where any documents that would need to be signed and sealed would be taken care of.
Gen: Walking into the other part of the building they signed all the paperwork that needed to be signed, the only thing that would be left to do would be sign the actual certificate once they were married. Before she knew it they were standing in front of the officiant and she was saying, "I do."
Chris: Any and all information was signed, including the prenup, and sealed ready to bring them into their new life together. he was sure once media outlets found out that this was the case it would be a different story. Still he didn't care. He heard Gen's I do and soon after he said "I do." Slipping the thin platinum band onto Gen's finger.
Gen: Because of how fast this was there was a part of her that wondered if he'd back out but hearing him say I do made all her worries disappear. She put his ring on his finger, they both said vows and then the officiant pronounced them husband and wife and Gen stood there waiting for him to kiss his bride.
Chris: Leaning in he cupped the back of Gen's head and pressed his lips firmly against hers. They were now married. It was crazy but he couldn't see anything else but their happiness as his lips caressed hers.
Gen: All she wanted was to keep on kissing him but they were in front of people and it wasn't the right time. She smiled into the kiss though, overjoyed that they were married. On their way out they signed the last document, the certificate that was basically all the marriage was. All they would have needed to do was sign this paper and they were legally married. As soon as it was signed and they made sure they had their copies of everything, they took a few pictures, had a glass of champagne and then they were back in the car. "I don't know if you had something planned for after the ceremony but I really want to go back to the hotel room."
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
April 3, 2021: 6:02 pm:
My house has been surrounded by a group of people who were trespassing on my property all day since early this morning. The Monroe terror cell is providing scout and watch-dog service for the group, there have been at least four terror soldiers in my yard all day, also are staged at 520 Jackpine, and they brought with them the exotic birds from the Sunflower terror cell.for use as noise cover. I only was able to see one of them, a female, black hair. young looking, under 20 years old is a guess, she is wearing a bright blue shirt, I don’t recognize the girl. I heard others at 520 and at the same time at the mailboxes on the road, and I heard someone was saying some things from there that proved to have been that the person had opened my mailbox and was reading the mail envelopes, I heard the person saying the names and words that are written on the mail envelopes, such as the sender and advertising words, as I noticed after walking to the mailbox to get my mail. That girl had run over towards the Freeberg terror cell by then, tuned around and walked towards the Dietrick terror cell. I think the girl went to the Manning, MedDems terror cell on foot, she disappeared out of view quickly as I was getting my mail out of the mailbox.
These are some of the exotic birds that belong to the Sunflower terror cell, they are still in my yard now, and have been on the roof and hanging around on the front porch and back yard deck making a lot of racket while those people were also hiding on my property, The people have been releasing a poison gas all day, at least one kind that makes blurry vision, and the usual nitrous gas, and it’s the nitrous gas that makes the exotic birds easy to bring over here... the birds will go where ever the nitrous gas is blowing, they follow the gas the same way as the Sparacino terror cell brings the wild turkeys for the noise cover on attack, and also the terror cells use the nitrous to bring deer to a location, as the terror soldiers are actually able to stand next to and hide behind deer while walking along side of deer that are exposed to the nitrous gas as they advance towards an attack location through the woods here.
The people at Monroe terror cell don’t look exactly like Sandy and Jeff, but two people portraying Sandy and Jeff Monroe came outside and were there near my gate when I returned from the mail box. Both of them said to me “Hi!” and used my first name. The one portraying Jeff Monroe would not look at me, he kept his back turned and squatted near the pond over there, while the one portraying Sandy Monroe did look at me. Her hair is not the same as I am used to seeing the current Sandy, Those two people are suspected of being the real Lorena Chapman, and the man that I saw driving the blue Ford F-250 earlier this week and also saw him with someone who looks like the real Lorena Chapman also earlier this week. I don’t think the two people at Monroe’s terror cell are either one of the current Monroe’s that reside there.
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Sometimes I mention a man by the name of Mateo who was a big player in the housing boom of the 1980â€Čs in California and I suspect was someone who came direct from the Vatican to oversee the enormous housing projects that took place back then in the newhall/Saugus/Valencia/Victorville/Palmdale areas. Housing where Canadian terror army soldiers were given brand new homes to live in.
This photo where it says is Freddy Mercury at age 18 looks EXACTLY like Mateo did in the late 1970â€Čs and early 1980â€Čs in the area along the 14 Freeway in California. I feel it’s important, so, there you go.
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Mateo in around 1979 - 1981 was the man in charge of a housing tract I worked at for a couple of years doing framing and other carpentry. The reason I feel it important to point out what Mateo looked like is because he was not employed by any of the contractors, nor was he part of the land developer’s general contractor’s foremen or other representatives, yet, he was the man who was there when problems arose, and when the building inspectors came to the job and that was one of my duties for awhile on some of the phases of the tracts along the 14 Freeway, I walked around with the inspector and I had an apprentice with me, and when I did, Mateo also walked around, so, when the inspector marked something to fix, we fixed it right there most of the time, only takes a few minutes mostly. Mateo seemed to be a man who was capable of intimidating the inspectors. He was a giant of a man in many ways, and was about 6â€Č3″ or more tall.
The reason this is so important for me to say, is that those job sites along the 14 Freeway were guarded by men who stayed at the entrances to the neighborhoods we were building, those guards were what I would say as “unconventional guards“ who stayed there watching everyone who drove in there, and they were armed heavy with machine guns to do guard work at a housing tract during the day time, normal working hours, I learned of the machine guns when I drove to work in different truck than I usually drove, and those guys swooped in on me fast, like rocket powered Velcro ...suddenly I was surrounded by all these guys pointing guns at me, all I did was arrive a little late in a different truck. In 1980, those guys had hidden wireless communication devises.
There may be more to say about those massive tracts of houses along the 14 Freeway and around there in Valencia, but I need to speak in person about it to people who know how important this information really is. The tracts of houses in those days were typically 400 homes per phase, and as many as eight to ten phases of tract homes were built in those areas on the same job site. Before I worked in that area along the 14, the biggest phase of tract houses was about 100 homes per phase in areas throughout Ventura County along the 101 Freeway, and that was a lot.
One of the things I would talk about, given an interview, concerns a framing company called Ruffco Construction, I worked for them for awhile, Ruffco was a non-union employer, so I didn‘t stay long, but I learned that the Foremen of Ruffco spoke French. Ruffco was a contractor that trained Canadian terror soldiers to do framing carpentry, then, those carpenters went to work for Union contractors, such as Lee Bolin Construction, the very biggest employer of Carpenters back then ... I worked for Lee Bolin for a long time, and I noticed that as the framers from Ruffco showed up on the Lee Bolin job sites to work, the carpenters that I knew and had worked alongside all of my life stared to disappear.
That is why Mateo is an important figure, because the tradesmen were all killed and replaced as a product of the massive housing tracts along the 14 and other places.
7:39 pm:
This story about Amazon and urine and bottles is likely to have been rolled out as part of a special offensive attack set of shell language as follows:
Screen Actor Guild uses sex terms, bodily function terms, terms that are associated with injuries, sickness, mental conditions, and basically all things that are very “human“ oriented, and are also difficult subject matter for normal people to discuss in mixed company, and that is why those kinds of subject matter, words, ideas, work so well for use as shell language the is suitable for commanding a terror army to advance.
Having said that, the “Urine”, in SAG circles, is associated to “Golden Shower”. I don’t want to spell it out for you, so, the thing to know is the “Urine = Gold = Guild = SAG” ... Guild = Gold and has for a long time, and “Guild” by way of “Gold” has been an identifying word as a SAG ID, also for a long time. I learned of the “Guild = Gold” in around 1972, when I was very young, and the people I was around at the time were using “Gold Lief”, a very thin sort of gold paper that is used by artists to adorn a statue, for instance. They would get a suitable, small statue and some Gold Lief, and afix the statue with it, then, the statue is placed in a window sill somewhere that is visible to passers by at their homes. That Gold Lief Statue was enough to say: “We are SAG Here” when the statue was placed visibly near the front door of the house. I still have one of the Gold Lief Statues that was used that way in my youth.
So, this Amazon urine story is similar to a Gold Lief Statue, the way I am seeing it materialize locally where I live.
I am seeing recently that some of the vehicles have a sticker, like a bumper sticker, the sticker shows a bottle, the bottle is filled with a yellow liquid. Other indicators so far include that I also noticed that one of the vehicles also had a sticker that depicted a set of sails of a sail boat. The sail sticker did not show a boat, only three triangles, in an artful way, depicting sailboat sails on the same vehicle where the yellow filled bottle sticker was placed centrally on a tailgate of an SUV that I saw Wednesday, So far, I have only seen two such yellow bottle stickers on vehicles, but I am cautious about these kinds of things that seem to connect, so, that is the connection that I am seeing develop and some background about why it’s important to be aware of.
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8:03 pm:
Amazon became what it is today by virtue of stealing everything they have today.
Amazon and Google teamed up together to make a situation where consumers who searched online for products they wanted to purchase, and when they did that, Google presented the search results of places where the searched items could be obtained online. Among the search results was Amazon as a place where the desired product was available, and at Amazon, the desired product was typically offered at $5 less than any other place.
Consumers who chose to make a purchase of the searched items from Amazon, were sent the items from a competing online retailer, and, Amazon billed the customer.
For instance, if someone selected Amazon online for buying an item, say a Toaster, Amazon‘s “Shopping Cart” and billing website was used to make the purchase, however, when the Toaster arrives to the customer, it may have been shipped from Sears & Roebuck.
Somehow, with use of Googles ability to manipulate online commerce, the billing was performed by Amazon, while the shipping was done by some unfortunate retail outlet that was targeted by Google and Amazon to be taken down one product purchase at a time. The customer receives a product from a company such as Sears Roebuck, who shipped the Toaster ... but the Sears was never paid for the Toaster. Instead, Amazon collected the payment through their “Shopping Cart & Billing” website.
I made some purchases that way, the items I bought were not shipped from Amazon, yet the shipper was listed on the invoice, so, I had paid Amazon, then received the product from a company that I did not do business with for that purchase. I think I bought some audio books that way as I recall, paid Amazon online, while some other retailer sent the audio books to the address I listed as the shipping address when I made the purchase from Amazon, as a result of a Google Search for the specific audio books I wanted. I have forgotten where the items were shipped from, but that information may be available to those who do research to find out that Amazon is a Pirate corporation that devoured it’s competition. They have absolutely nothing invested in any of their holdings, it’s all stolen from other retailers such as Sears & Roebuck.
10:06 pm:
Horrible poison attack rash update:
The healing is happening, it’s just happening in slow motion.
This photo shows the wound that is on the right side down low on the ankle. I pointed this one out a while back when it still was looking as two separate puncture wounds. Since then, over that past week or so, the two separate puncture wounds have grown into one bigger wound, as all of the others did. You can also see that a number of satalite smaller wounds are forming in the immediate area around the original puncture areas.
Of all the wounds, this one is healing at the slowest rate. There has been no change in it’s appearance for quite some time, it just sits there looking very alien, is not a naturally occurring looking healing wound. I try to peel some of that red scab away, but the pain is way too great, I am not able to get near that without a lot of pain.
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Here you can see much improvement over the same area from a week ago as far as the big open sores are concerned.
These photos, unfortunately, are as good as I can get with my flip phone camera. I am not able to purchase a good camera because of the terror take over, the terror bastards simply make the cameras either unavailable or make the purchase conditions so dangerous that any attempt to buy a camera will result in an attack in the store. The UPS, USPS, and Fed-Ex delivery companies are all hijacked by the terror army, so online purchases are not delivered. The last things that I bought online included men with machine guns and poison gas in the delivery truck, I was not injured at the time, and still it was way too dangerous to survive the delivery of things I bought online, The last thing I purchased was a drum set, it came Fed-Ex. When I went out to get the delivery in the driveway, those three men came out of the truck with guns. Had I not used my Bic Lighter to clear the air of the nittous gas that they primed the driveway with, I would have been killed. Instead, those three were killed. The driver was not one of the gunmen, he drove away after throwing my delivered items at me.
I am using some aggressive massage to try to move the poisons towards the wound areas, and it’s working. I squeeze the leg in a direction towards the open sores. Instead of the poisons leaking out of the sores that are already there, new lesions opened up, they are brand new surface level and are there in between those dark colored areas. The camera is not picking up those places very well, but they are there, and the poison is coming out when I massage the leg with pressure in that direction. The leaking poisons are enough that it makes a drip, so, that is substantial and I am going to keep doing that until it won‘t leak out any more.
I do about eight to ten peroxide cleansings per day, and at night smearing the contents of the vitamin E gel-caps onto the open sores is working way better than the neo-sporin did, and the Vitimin E somehow works as a pain reliever. it takes the burning sensation away from when the wound is exposed to air, that hurts real bad when the air comes in contact with the open wound, I am not able to sleep at all even with the vitamin E. I don’t think I have slept more than about two hours at a time for many weeks. The peroxide is showing that there is a lot of poisons in my leg, as it makes a big white foamy froth of cleaning.
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The fake doctor at the White City Asante Urgent Care said I needed to have the leg amputated above the knee when I went to try to get medical treatment.
The truth is that I am a United States Citizen, not a Canadian terror soldier, and I am nor a SAG member, and that is why I was not offered medical treatment. All that needed to happen was to open the sores and flush them with cleensing antibiotics, then stitch them back up.
Instead, the asshole terror doctor told me to go somewhere else where an amputation was said to solve the problems.
11:03 pm:
Important other thing:
Although massage squeezing to move the poisons from where it’s all pooled up inside of my calf near the wounds is good for getting some of it to come out, it seems to come at some risk also when I de that, and I think I should mention that in case others are also attacked with this double poison injection in locations where the hospitals and medical facilities have been hijacked and are in control of the Canadian terror army like they are in Oregon.
Don’t go to the hospital whatever you do, it is very difficult to leave once you realize that they are going to hand cuff you to the bed like they tried to do to me the last time I was there for medical help in 2015.
The drawback of massaging the area to push that poison out is that after a few minutes of that it makes a scary chest ;pain. That, and my other leg begins to itch like crazy, so, some of the poisons are being forced into the blood stream, and then I suppose the kidneys and liver are going to have some problems later on as a result of those poisons.
Like I said before, I still suspect the two poisons were Freon that is used for air conditioners, and that is pooled up in my foot, and seems to stay t here. The other poison I suspect is car battery acid, and that is the stuff that s leaking out with the massage technique. I have a Wahl brand muscle vibration massage thing, it has a large flat surfaced vibrating foot sort of thing, and that is what is working to loosen up the poisons in the leg, but like I said, after a little while the scary chest pain happens and the itching in the other extremities,
I am still taking lots of fish oil vitamin, and more ibuprofen than I want to take, in effort to keep the blood flowing, the swelling, and mostly the inflammation away.
0 notes
shirlleycoyle · 4 years ago
This Computer Mouse Combined With a Telephone Once Made Sense. Kind Of.
A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail.
“An iPod. A phone. An internet communicator.”
These were the words Steve Jobs used to describe the first iPhone immediately before introducing it during a landmark keynote in January of 2007.
Of course, it was a single device, and it combined all those things—and more—into a slab of glass, metal, plastic, and silicon.
Convergence can sometimes be amazing in practice—the new Raspberry Pi 400, which shoves a whole computer in a tiny keyboard, has been getting some good notices in recent days.
But not every attempt at convergence makes much sense. Sometimes, it’s just hilariously misguided.
Let’s discuss why we combine things—even when they have no business being combined, such as the computer mouse with a built-in telephone.
That product, I promise you, exists.
Why convergence often means things get combined when they shouldn’t
In many ways, the iPhone represents the ideal pushed by a generation of techno-futurists, many of whom had an idea of what the end result might look like, if not the actual result.
The guy who came up with this idea, way back in 1978, has cast a long shadow over the technology space in general. His name was Nicholas Negroponte, and the MIT professor came up with a concept that was audacious for 1978 but seems absolutely pedestrian now. Effectively, it’s pedestrian because of how right the concept was.
Negroponte, with the use of a group of circles, posited that the major information industries of the time—film and television, printing and publishing, and computers—would eventually start to overlap more completely, to the point that their missions and goals were basically the same.
I don’t know if you’ve used Netflix recently or read The New York Times on your computer, but this 41-year-old theory proved more insanely correct than anyone might have imagined during the days of Three’s Company and “Disco Duck.” Negroponte had given voice to a trend that has basically dominated modern technology over the past four decades. And it has shaped not only Negroponte’s life, but also the university in which he works.
In 1985, a little more than five years after he started giving voice to this prediction, he helped found the MIT Media Lab, which effectively is this general concept of convergence in academic form, essentially built around the idea that divergent disciplines will essentially merge together.
“The idea was marketed to the broadcasting, publishing, and computer industries as the convergence of the sensory richness of video, the information depth of publishing, and the intrinsic interactivity of computers,” Negroponte wrote in his ’90s book Being Digital of the Media Lab’s creation. “Sounds so logical today, but at the time the idea was considered silly.”
Helping to make the sale was The Media Lab, Stewart Brand’s 1988 book that helped to explain the concepts to a broader audience. 
“Negroponte’s vision: all communication technologies are suffering a joint metamorphosis, which can only be understood properly if treated as a single subject, and only advanced properly if treated as a single craft,” Brand wrote. “The way to figure out what needs to be done is through exploring the human sensory and cognitive system and the ways that humans most naturally interact. Join this and you grasp the future.”
Negroponte has made his voice known on these issues in other ways as well. Wired magazine, which he was an early investor in, gained much of its philosophical vision from Negroponte’s early columns, while his heavily hyped One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) effort is seen as something of an ambitious bust, though it remains active to this day.
(And—it must be noted, because it’s important—Negroponte faced significant controversy a year ago for his comments about the MIT Media Lab accepting money from Jeffrey Epstein, a controversy which led to the departure of the Media Lab’s director at the time, Joi Ito.)
No matter what to make of Negroponte’s legacy at this time, he is ultimately tied to this idea that has defined how we look at technology—that things that were once separate will inevitably combine and take new forms, with the goal of eventually converging into a single object.
The iPhone may be the best-known example of this, but so many examples of things that tried to merge different technological tools together, to mixed success and even failure. For every Roku, there were dozens of false starts in bringing streaming video into the living room in an efficient way. Video-editing tools once required lots of hardware and software, and a giant suite like Video Toaster was once seen as revolutionary; now it can be done, quickly, on a smartphone.
I’d like to call this kind of innovation, the type that happens before a Roku or iPhone comes along to make things easy, “messy convergence.” It’s what happens when something is clearly designed to help build upon a potentially innovative idea, but it does so awkwardly, in a way where the seams are very much showing. It’s not a slick product on a stage. It’s a jumble of wires on a workbench that barely works but shows a bigger idea is possible.
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Image:  Wikimedia Commons
In many ways, the original OLPC, forever tied to the guy who helped to popularize convergence, is a perfect example of the messy part of convergence in action. It was a lovely device in many ways ahead of its time, but it promised the world at a tiny price point. 
Still, there were things it did that would become much more common a few years later—anyone with a 2-in-1 laptop likely has OLPC to thank for creating a mainstream example of the form factor. With wireless access, a screen that worked well even in sunlight, and a design that was both light and rugged, it stretched far beyond what most computers could do at its price point because it started by trying to solve a different problem than, say, Steve Jobs was.
And there were things that it just couldn’t do. It never got its much-ballyhooed crank, however, nor the ad-hoc networking capabilities that sounded good but were ineffective in real-world use cases.
So why all this thinking about convergence? Well, I found an incredibly weird device on the internet recently, and it made me think about how much we often “screw up” convergence before we get it right.
Let me introduce you to the Tele-Mouse, a friggin’ mouse with a built-in telephone.
A common term used on auction sites to describe items sold as “new old stock.” This term often is in reference to stock that never sold to consumers, either because of commercial failure, supply chain problems, or because an item was overproduced. (Two classic examples of tech items that frequently appear in NOS form on auction sites such as eBay include the TI 99/4a computer, which was discontinued somewhat suddenly after Texas Instruments lost a price war with Commodore; and the Aladdin Deck Enhancer, the NES add-on, affiliated with Codemasters, that was sold on home-shopping networks.) The Tele-Mouse, which we’re talking about here, is but one such example of a NOS item floating around eBay and similar sites.
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For people who want to own a mouse with more buttons than an Atari Jaguar controller, here you go. Image: Ernie Smith
Why there was a time where a mouse-telephone combo seemed like it made sense 
 to somebody
I’ve seen a lot of weird things over the years, but never has it struck me that there might be a market for a computer mouse with a built-in telephone.
It’s not something obvious, right? After all, the image of someone putting a computer mouse up to their face seems undeniably silly. Even using one as a speakerphone feels like a bit of a stretch.
But nonetheless, there was a short period in technology history where it kind of, sort of, maybe made a little bit of sense. That period was between the years 1998 and 2000, when many computer users were getting online on a regular basis for the first time, often on phone lines in which actual telephone calls were competing with modems that were saturating the line at all hours of the day.
If you didn’t want to get up from your desk just to take a call, why not take it from the speakerphone inside of your cursor machine? That was the apparent line of thinking behind a device called the Tele-Mouse, which came out around 1998 or so.
This, my friends, is an excellent example of messy convergence. The person who first came up with this idea, whomever it is, made the realization that we would be taking calls from the same general area where we’d be using our desktop computer 
 but they solved the problem in the most wrongheaded way possible. The solution was not to add a speakerphone to the mouse; the solution was to put voice calling, and later videoconferencing, capabilities into the computer itself.
The issue is that there was a clear limitation to doing a conference call over the internet in 1998, because home modems spat out a minuscule amount of bandwidth, barely enough for a single voice, let alone two.
So, having done some research on this device, here’s what I can tell you—it was part of a mini-trend. This specific device was developed by a Canadian company named Curtis International, which still exists today and often sells products labeled with RCA and Sylvania brand names, among others. (Another company named Curtis that existed during the same period and also specialized in computer accessories was not involved.)
This particular device was sold at cut-rate retailers like Value City, and ultimately seems to have been sold to people who don’t usually buy gadgets. I mean, just look at the box. Does it look like something a serious gadget nerd would buy?
In many ways, the Tele-Mouse isn’t even in the same league as the OLPC on the innovation front. But Curtis International wasn’t even the only one to think of this idea. Some of the largest technology companies in the world have patent filings implying that they at least thought about releasing a device like this.
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A patent drawing for the Micron version of the telephone mouse. Image: Google Patents
In 1998, Micron Technology—today one of the largest manufacturers of computer memory, but back then a PC manufacturer—filed for a patent for a computer mouse with a built in telephone handset; unlike what Curtis developed, the Micron handset literally unfolded, revealing a full-fledged telephone.
They were far from alone: Dell also filed for a patent, as did Samsung (outside of the U.S., as far as I can tell).
Fittingly, Sony has the best example of this type of device. Image: Sony Vaio press photo
A more interesting example of this comes from Sony, which released a device called the Vaio Mouse Talk, which removes the necessity of a phone line connection, and instead allows calls to happen over Skype. (It also removes a lot of cables, because it works over USB, allowing functions to be combined.) That seems to have been released a mini-generation later, and perhaps a step closer to actually being useful for regular people.
But ultimately, we don’t take phone calls using our mouse. We use video, or our headphones, because we’re not obsessed with the idea of a phone having to work like a phone, but we want a way to use our voice to communicate.
One might look at the Tele-Mouse and think that it represents the ideal of the “As Seen on TV” generation—in which convergence happens in ways so minuscule that the innovations come off less as useful and more as an excuse for novelty.
And certainly, at first glance, that’s what I thought. But then I realized that real companies with real brand names also went down this road and tried this exact same stupid idea of combining a device for calling your boss with a device adept at playing Minesweeper. The difference is that most of them played with this idea and never let it leave the R&D department.
In much the same way as an iPhone, a telephone mouse combines user input functionality with communication functionality, even if it did so in the most functionally useless way possible.
It was a bad idea, but perhaps it was an essential one, in a way—because it showed us what we shouldn’t do when it comes to innovation.
“If all you want to do is send hard-copy faxes, a fax modem system is overkill. And for many electronic files, a standard data modem may be sufficient.”
— Byte writer Don Crabb, describing the value (or lack thereof) of the fax modem, which can accept faxes in digital form and, in combination with other computer components such as a scanner and printer, handle the hard-copy form as well. This approach, which appeared on Macintosh computers around 1988 and 1989, was even natively supported by Apple, which sold a $699 AppleFax device. Despite his skepticism of the concept at first, he ultimately came around after reviewing the devices—though he found AppleFax, the most expensive of the three he reviewed, to be the least capable. “I am convinced that these products have a legitimate niche alongside standalone fax machines,” he wrote. The fax modem is one of many great examples of how convergence can often look messy and complicated in retrospect.
Five examples of “messy convergence” in action
Google Glass. This is such an obvious one! Clearly this device attempted to bring the basic concepts of wearable computing and augmented reality to the potential masses, but the problem was that nobody thought of a use case for the thing, and even the die-hards eventually took the devices off. I actually wore one of these around for a week or two a while ago, and let me tell you: It sure felt like a glorified camera to me—and at some point it makes more sense for this functionality to be inside of a smartphone.
CueCat. The idea that people would want to scan information into their computers from their printed reading materials was absolutely astute, but the problem with CueCat, a late-’90s device that was literally given away to millions of people, was that the computers we had to use with the barcode scanners were simply too big and cumbersome to actually make this a useful thing. It would take smartphones and QR codes to make this general idea functional.
Mobile ESPN. People who are really into sports want up-to-the-minute scores and news updates, yes, but do they want it enough to pay more than $60 a month for a dedicated phone plan? That was the bet ESPN made in 2005, when it created its own mobile service, complete with custom feature phones. It failed, but as Motherboard reported in 2015, it may have secretly set ESPN up for digital success, as many of its ideas were basically perfect for the smartphone age. (Side note: The promotional site for Mobile EPSN is still online.)
Palm Foleo. A few years after the iPhone came out, Steve Jobs made it up on the Apple stage once again to tell phones that there was a need for a third device between desktop computers and smartphones 
 a device that turned out to be the iPad. This must have felt like salt in the wound of Jeff Hawkins, the founder of Palm, as his company’s Palm Foleo, a 10-inch subnotebook, based on Linux, for checking email or surfing the web without having to carry around a larger device, was heavily criticized for not being more full-featured. (Even Jakob Nielsen took a shot at it!) It was cancelled before it first came out, but almost immediately after that happened, netbooks—the very line of device the product was trying to introduce—became popular.
Samsung Galaxy Fold (the first one): The company has since come out with a better version of this device, but the original, easy-to-break version is an excellent example of a device that feels like it’s on the cusp of something amazing—combining a large screen into something pocketable, helping potentially pave the way for the future where one fewer daily device is necessary. In a few years, it will likely stop looking like messy convergence and more like actual convergence.
The above products, some of which were released, others which likely will never see the light of day, highlight how technologies that seem seamless today sometimes emerge into the world with seams all over the place, looking awkward as all-get-out.
Some are failed experiments in which those experimenting admit that they didn’t get it right; others are ideas that just need a little bit more time in the oven.
Eventually, someone, or a group of people will come along with just the right level of polish to hide the seams away from view. So, did I write this piece just to trash on a computer mouse that has a built-in phone in it? Perhaps that’s where I started. But then I realized that it was perhaps a stepping stone. Maybe a misguided stepping stone that might cause you to twist an ankle and fall flat on your face, allowing the information superhighway to trample you before you can get back up again.
But that’s the nature of convergence; keep experimenting, and eventually the circles will overlap.
This Computer Mouse Combined With a Telephone Once Made Sense. Kind Of. syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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thebellrays · 7 years ago
the BellRays/Supersuckers Tour Journal DEC 2017
 Here it is! This is the official journal of our tour with the Supersuckers! It's going to be a pretty dry read mostly. Just the facts ma'am...just the facts.
 Dec 1  Friday the Backstage Bar and Billiards, Las Vegas NV
Planned to leave at 11am
Bernard is flying into Vegas and going to meet us at the club
Marty arrives at the studio 10am with his Dad (Marty) and his uncle (Junior). Marty tells
us he never got to tour with the Faragher Bros back in the 70's. He got to see
Rufus, Chaka Khan, Stevie Wonder
We pack the van while Lisa advances the shows
We leave around noon and go to the guitar center in San Bernardino to pick up a guitar
cord and a mic clip for Lisa.
Lisa goes to Staples for some clips for the merch.
We go to In n Out and the line is insanely long and we finally hit the road to Vegas by
2 double doubles, Lisa's has grilled onions, an order of fries and a diet coke
The drive up is pretty easy with light traffic and no accidents.
Lisa falls asleep for about an hour and a half.
We get to Vegas around 4;30 and check into the Stratosphere hotel where our rooms
are comped and that's awesome! We go straight to the club because we think we have to be there at 5.
The club is closed and the SuperSuckers van and trailer is there but the band is not.
The Supersuckers arrive and we talk for a bit and get reaquainted. It's really great to see
Eddie again and we all agree that this is going to be fun.
We find out the club is not going to open until 6 so we walk up to the Fremont
Experience where we find a White Castle.
The Supersuckers go to their hotel to pick up a guitar.
Lisa and I get a couple of sliders each and we hang out for about a half hour before
heading back to the club, which is now open.
Bernard is there and we load in.
The Backstage looks like a nice place. It's big and has pool tables, black light posters,
and a big stage, but it's drink tickets (2 each) for the band and they only get
you Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's cold though so that's good.
The Bomb Pops show up and we meet them for the first time, 2 girls, 2 guys.
The Supersuckers sound check and then we check Lisa's wireless mic.
Lisa breaks down the merch into a single box that can go out on the floor and she and
I set it up at the merch table next to the Supersuckers merch.
The first band finally starts playing at 9:30. They're a country-ish band whose name
I can't remember. They were ok but they played a long time setting the night
back even further.
The Bomb Pops get on and race through their set. They know what they're doing but the
vocals are buried really far back, so are the solos. It makes it hard to get a read
on what they really sound like.
Our set is a work in progress. At times we sound pretty good. At other times it sounds
like we only practiced 3 times. We hit the wall on "Never Let a Woman' and
actually have to start over. Once we do that we manage to get through the rest
of the set without casualties and even shove two christmas songs ( Mary Xmas
and 'Christmas is Coming') in that come across pretty well. I'm anxious to get
to the 3rd or 4th show and everyone's dialed in.
The Supersuckers are tight and fill the room up with sound. There's a bunch of people
coming while they're playing and they've stopped charging at the door. So
people are wandering in to check it out. Then they wander out. It's Vegas and it
seems like the people are looking for something that they wouldn't know if they
found it.
After the Supersuckers get done playing people start settling on the merch table and
a couple of them are really talkative. I don't think they understand how tired I
am and how badly I just want to shut it down and get to bed.
Finally, we're loaded out and ready to leave when we find out that the owner of the club
Eva has offered to buy our dinner at the Claim Jumper in the Golden Nugget so
we go to eat (we haven't eaten dinner yet).
We walk 10 minutes to the Golden Nugget (it's cold) and sit down. The foods good. I
ordered pancakes, hash browns, bacon and two sunny-side up eggs. Lisa got
the chinese chicken salad. We ate it all and as we were getting ready to leave Eva showed up and we talked to her for a bit. She's really cool and a big part
of the LA club scene. She opened the Martini Lounge and the Dragonfly, sold
em and then moved to Vegas and opened up the Backstage.
It was 4:30 am by the time we started walking back to the venue where we picked up
our van and drove back to the hotel.
We went right to sleep.
 DEC 2
 We woke up at 9:45 and immediately called down to get a late checkout (noon).
We ran a bath and enjoyed it immensely.
We re-packed the van in the parking lot and hit the 93 south.
The 93 is a really beautiful drive. It's about 4 hours of desert scrub, Joshua trees and
saguaro cactus (my personal favorite). The saguaros get thick as you get closer to
Phoenix and they're neat to see how different each one is.
I drove the whole way.
In Kingman we stopped at a Sinclair Travel America and got food. Lisa and I got hot
dogs, a bag of chips and large diet coke (mine).
It seemed to take forever to get to Mesa and the Bar Red and we arrived just before doors
opened, threw our stuff behind the opening band on stage. I found a Stella and
sat my ass down for a few minutes before I helped Lisa do the accounting for the
previous nights' merch.
Right now we're listening to Eddy and Marty learning "Beer Drinkers Hell Raisers' by ZZ
Top on acoustic guitars. Rockin'
The opening band (sorry, I don't know the name) is a rockabilly outfit (maybe more
punkabilly) not too bad but I really didn't get to see too much of them. I was
busy fixing the merch and getting our stuff ready.
Watched the Bomb Pops' set standing next to our drummer Marty and he seemed to be
getting some energy out of it. They were good and the sound was much better.      
I could hear what they were doing much better tonight.
Our set was really good! For the second night we brought a lot of energy. Maybe a little
fast, some of the stuff, but there was a really energetic feel to it. I had a good time.
After our set I say hi to Fun Bobby. A really cool guy here in the Tempe/Phoenix/Mesa
area. He used to book us in Hollywood Alley when we first started touring
through Arizona. He's helped us out a bunch and I'm always happy to see him!
Now I'm listening to a bunch of pot heads that have invaded our dressing room tell inane stories about cats and dolls. I remember why I stopped getting high.
Thank god they finally left.
I must've fallen asleep because now the Supersuckers are in the dressing room and they
were just playing on stage when the pot heads left.
We pack up and leave and it's only 1 AM. Yippee!
We check into the Econolodge and find a parking place just outside our the window
of our room (which always makes it easier to sleep).
We ordered a pizza and wings from Zio's and scarfed it because it was really good.
Good times!
 DEC 3
 Woke up around 9:30 and took a bath. The bathtub stopper didn't work so I had to wrap it in plastic (the stuff the plastic bathroom cups are wrapped in). That did the trick. Nice
Checked out at 11 and we wandered to the circle K to grab munchies and then to Safeway to get some more munchies while we waited to see where Fun Bobby wanted to go for lunch.
Met Fun Bobby at the Cornish Pasty Co. They make British pasties (meat or whatever baked into a dough wrapper. kind of like a meat pie). This place is great! I got a Reuben pasty and 32 oz hefeweisen and was completely happy. Lisa got a beet salad and a shandy. The bartender/waitress, Brooke was awesome! We had a great time.
We left for Tucson around 2;30 and got there around 4:00. The drive was easy and scenic, if you like the desert...and I do.
Another Econolodge. This one a little less nice than the last one but it was nice to lie down.
We loaded into the Rock a little after 5.
It's a spacious club with a lot of different little spaces coming off the main live music room.
I changed strings and then sat down to type this.
A few minutes later we head to the hotel to check in and chill out for about an hour before we go back to the club.
The room is a weird corner affair that feels like a converted store room. The bathroom is tiny and the shower is...ineffective.
The Bomb Pops have already started playing and there aren't very many people.
I have a theory on how to get a rough estimate on crowd size. Take the number of people who are in the crowd just before the first band starts and multiply it by 3. There will be AT LEAST that many people in the club come headliner time. It almost always works.
My theory works tonight. There are three times not very many by the time the time we s go on. But they're enthusiastic and we get a really good response.
The first show we tended to play too slow. The second one had all energy and the tempos were faster. Tonight we straddled the two and I think we're finding our rhythm, which usually happens around the third or fourth show.
We started using the Supersuckers drums and bass cab so we had to reconfigure how to load our gear in our van so we don't have to pull EVERYTHING out every time. This way our drums and bass cabinet stay in the van. The two heaviest things no longer come into the club. Nice!
We get to the hotel early (before midnight) which is great because we need some sleep.
We sleep.
 DEC 4
 Woke up about 9
Bernard and Marty did the driving today and I got to spend the whole ride in the back seat. It was an easy drive.
Had lunch at a Pilot and Lisa and I got Subway sandwiches. I wolf mine. Lisa saves half.
On the way we find out that the Bomb Pops' van has a brake issue so at best they're gonna be late, if they make it at all.
The venue in Albuquerque, the Sister Bar, is really nice.
The parking and load in situation is iffy though. But Bernard manages to snake a spot out front and we load in.
They have a great selection of sour beers and over the course of the night I had two Cascade's. Lisa got a  Dogfish head IPA. Really good! The food is good too. I had a breakfast burrito. Lisa had the Frito pie. Tapatio hot sauce, christmas chili salsa...yep, hit the spot!
The Bomb Pops get to the venue about 8:20. They use the Supersuckers gear and start playing really fast. It's a good set for them since they didn't know if they were gonna make it or not.
Good crowd.
The minute we start playing the lights on stage go out. The sound is still working so we keep playing while people use their cell phones to light us up. The blackout lasts till the next song. Other than that the set is great.
Loading out is interesting as there's a large contingent of homeless people wandering around or setting up there beds for the night all around where we're parked.
It's getting progressively colder as we head north.
 DEC. 5
 On the road to Denver!
We start out at 10 AM and head straight up the 25.
Once we're away from Albuquerque it's amazing how unpopulated the country is. I expected to see truck stops all along the route but there are hardly any. Towns are spread out.
There aren't very many troopers out either. Just a couple sitting in the medians waiting for speeders, which we're not.
We see a lot of antelope grazing in the fields along the highway.
We stop for gas and eats at a conoco station that has a Subway sandwiches. Lisa goes there. I get a hot dog.
A couple hours later we pull in for a bathroom break and meet up with the Supersuckers who've also stopped.
Bernard takes over driving and Lisa rides shotgun. Marty and I take the benches.
There's still 3 hours to go before we get to Denver.
Denver is officially freezing and the traffic is pretty bad. We lose our buffer hour for the hotel and we have to go straight to the venue.
The Lost Lake Lounge is a nice dive bar/club. The dressing room is small for ONE band and there's 3 in here.
The gig is sold out and the crowd is the best so far. It seems everybody in the place comes by the merch table and tells us how much they liked our set. With how many times we've played Denver I'm surprised at how many people haven't seen us before or even haven't ever heard of us until now.
After the show we head to our bomb ass hotel and sleep.
Did I mention it's fucking cold?
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ttstranscripts · 6 years ago
Transcript of The Talk Show Episode 2
Title: iPhone Initial Impressions
Hosts: John Gruber, Dan Benjamin
Release date: 3 July 2007
Description: We share our initial thoughts and impressions about our just-purchased iPhones.
Dan Benjamin: So this is a supplemental podcast to our regular weekly podcast just because we have to talk about our iPhones. So John, you got an iPhone, I guess.
John Gruber: Yeah, I did, I got one about 6:20 on Friday.
Benjamin: Yeah, I think you had a little bit of a shorter line than I did. How long did you wait?
Gruber: I got there around 11:30, and the line was about 50 or 60 deep, but I had a friend there and sort of [?] in line around space 45.
Benjamin: Nice. We had about — I heard the news say we had 300 people here in Orlando, in the Millenia Mall in Orlando. I think we had more like 400 or 500, I’m not sure. I got there at about 10:30 AM and probably got 70ish in line. How did the activation go for you?
Gruber: It went great for us, really. My wife and I, we each got an iPhone, we already had AT&T phones, but we were out of contract, we were month-to-month from a contract we had like 2.5 years ago. We have a family plan with plenty of minutes. No data plans because our phones were totally old, non-data phones. We upgraded, we just added two $20 iPhone data plans to our current account. It adds up to about — seems like no matter what you do, it adds up to about $60 a month per iPhone. I think we’re going to actually come out a little bit ahead of that. But AT&T’s family pricing seems like it’s fairly consistent, like, everybody with a reasonably recent family plan, it’s about $40 per phone per plan and $20 per iPhone.
Benjamin: Not outrageous, not too much more expensive.
Gruber: No. I don’t think so.
Benjamin: See, I have a family talk plan, I had a phone on this plan, AT&T customer, and activated it around when I got home sometime around 7:30–8 o’clock, and I was one of the people that saw the message that said, “You’ll get an email when you’re activated”, and I thought, what’s that? And just about midnight, when I had pretty much given up and said, all right, I’ll just let this thing sit here overnight, I got the email, clicked the link and it activated, but there are some other people I know who were not so lucky, and actually it took them even till the next day, and they had to take action and diligently call AT&T and Apple —
Gruber: Yes. It seems like the one and only really serious complaint about the iPhone is people whose activation was left in limbo, and it does seem like there are some people whose activations require — you have to call AT&T customer support and get them to fix it; otherwise, it’s never going to be activated.
Benjamin: Yeah, if you don’t take any action, you’re just not going to have an activation period, and how do you know if you’re the person who’s in that situation, you need to intervene vs. the person who’s really in a legitimate queue and you will get activated.
Gruber: Right, and it seems like a big problem because they’re selling so many iPhones that their customer service is just swamped. I mean, Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba wrote a thing on their weblog about his and — when he called them and spent like 45 minutes on hold and talked to them — more or less the problem was, for some people activation requires manual processing on AT&T’s end and whoever handled his just didn’t do the last step. There was like a final button, “Activate”, and they just never clicked it —
Benjamin: Wouldn’t it just kill you if you found out that literally a guy just forgot to click an OK button?
Gruber: I especially feel bad for the people who waited all day Friday because obviously if you’re that hepped up — I mean, even you, even you having to wait till midnight, that would’ve killed me. One of the big reasons that I did it, waited in line Friday, number one, I was afraid that they were going to sell out right away.
Benjamin: Totally.
Gruber: Well, that proved not to be the case. But I wanted to write something for Daring Fireball for the first day, just use it for a couple hours, drop a list of first impressions and notes and stuff like that and publish it, which I got to do. I probably wouldn’t have been able to do that if I had to wait till midnight to activate.
Benjamin: No, because all you could’ve done would’ve been to slide the slider and dial 911.
Gruber: Right. And that’s also the other thing that sort of stinks, is that I don’t know if it was Apple or AT&T, but somebody led people to believe that even before activation is complete, at least if you go through the iTunes part of registering your phone and waiting for activation, everything else would be active, and that’s not the case. Until the AT&T sends the signal to the SIM card, the iPhone is literally a brick, the only thing you can do is call 911.
Benjamin: Right. So what do you think, you’ve got the iPhone, is it not the coolest thing that Apple’s ever made? Is it safe to just say that, to say it’s the best Apple product maybe all around?
Gruber: I don’t know, it’s got to be close. I really do think — I mean comparisons to original Macintosh are completely legitimate. Really, just in terms of moving the state of the art forward in terms of what people can expect. And I think it’s funny because I think The New York Times had a story today about the Korean and Japanese electronics companies’ reactions to the iPhone, and that when they first announced it back in January, they were like, “Ahh, big deal, that’s just silly Americans getting excited about this, we’ve had these advanced cell phones that do cool stuff for years.” I think what they were doing was looking at it in terms of like a checklist: email, web, video on the phone, music playback on the phone, check, check, check, check, check — our phones already do all this stuff. Whereas it’s not really what the iPhone does, it’s just the way that it works, the way that it’s just so seamless.
Benjamin: 100 percent of the success of the iPhone, I think, maybe not 100, but 90 percent is going to be not the features, but the implementation.
Gruber: Exactly.
Benjamin: The way that people interact with the thing.
Gruber: And I mean, for example, if you call web browsing a feature and you just say, “Well, my phone does it too”, you’re totally missing the point. By far and away, the best app on the iPhone is Safari. I probably would’ve paid just as much money and waited in line for an iPhone that only had the phone and Safari.
Benjamin: [laughs] I think that’s key to it, but I’ll tell you what, that’s more important I think to people like us, but what’s funny is — and I had told you this but I think it’s worth mentioning here — I had an eye doctor appointment today, and while I was in the waiting room waiting, brought the phone out to check email. Interestingly enough, it found their wireless network, and I jumped right on that, which is just the coolest thing in the world, and so one of the people came up to me who worked there, and she’s like, “Oh, is that the new phone?” “Yeah, yeah.” Immediately I had a crowd of about 10 people who wanted me to just demo it, and the thing that I saw, they had the biggest reaction to, the thing they thought was the coolest — they loved the virtual keyboard, which really surprised me because that’s something that I would’ve thought people would’ve right away said, “Oh, that won’t work”, but when they saw me two-thumb typing on it really fast, they all just kind of looked at each other, like, oh wow, that’s cool. But the thing that got the biggest reaction wasn’t the webpage, it was flicking the photos back and forth and zooming in on them and rotating. That is like — people, they loved that, that was like the coolest thing they’ve ever seen.
Gruber: Right. My son, a 3.5-year-old boy, he’s totally picked up on the phone, and that Photos interface is just so — the flicking, he loves it. I have a couple vacation trips, folders from iPhoto synced to it, I’ll just bring one up and he’ll just be, “Let me see Christmas pictures”, and I’ll just bring up Christmas pictures and I’ll hold the phone and he’ll flick through — because that’s really all you do, you just flick, it really is nice. And it’s so fast.
Benjamin: It’s so fast.
Gruber: I just can’t express how you never have to wait for anything on the iPhone.
Benjamin: There’s no waiting and I think that is something that Apple has really gotten right. Every single feature on that last phone that I had that ran the miniature version of Windows, everything was waiting. I think it’s the instantaneous responsiveness of the iPhone — everything that you want to do, whether it’s — yeah, if you’re on the EDGE network, which, by the way, is much faster than people were saying, not as fast as broadband, of course, but not slow, I don’t think — with that as an exception, everything is pretty much instantaneous.
Gruber: Yeah, exactly. And for example, comparing it to iPhoto on the Mac, I mean, iPhoto has gotten a lot faster over the years, but if you’re just going through pictures, just like, hey, bring up this one group in iPhoto and just go through the slideshow, it’s usually pretty fast, and it caches the next one, but if you go fast enough, a lot of times you’ll get the beach ball, and you’ll have to wait because you’ve gone ahead of where it goes. Of course, the iPhone doesn’t have to show the full — it’s only a 480-pixel wide screen, but whatever they’re doing to cache them, to make them smaller, whatever they’re doing, it just works, instantly. It never looks like a low-res version is loading and then it’s high-res — you just immediately flick and you get the version of the picture that’s as good as it can possibly look on this screen.
Benjamin: Right, it’s just there. And it makes you feel like you’re actually manipulating the picture itself or whatever it is you’re doing on the phone, you feel like when you touch it, you’re actually moving the thing around. And I think some people have some legitimate complaints about things that are missing, one of them — and we’ve talked about this and James Duncan Davidson has a great list, a lot of people have really good lists of things they like and things they feel are missing. People talk about copy and paste, but I think your point earlier today was like, you can see why it’s not there because how do you actually implement that with this type of user interface? It’s a hard problem.
Gruber: Here’s my thinking about that, the more I think about the lack of copy and paste and selectable text, is that maybe they have an idea of how they’ll do it, maybe they had it in previous — while they were developing it, you know, versions — I think Craig Hockenberry had a good point on his weblog post where he said, you’re probably wrong if you think that they didn’t build a bunch of different UIs for this and threw them away before they settled on this, even though it’s a 1.0 product. The thinking behind the whole UI, the metaphors — I think they probably experimented a lot, and I think with the cut, copy and paste and the lack of text selection and that they agreed upon this simple interface that doesn’t have it — it reminds me of the fact that the original Mac in 1984 didn’t have arrow keys on the keyboard, and the reason for that if you read Andy Hertzfeld’s book or his website folklore.org with a bunch of stories from the original Mac, the idea was that they didn’t — whether it was Jobs personally or the overall team agreed — but more or less the people who were pushing for the radical GUI interface — which was totally radical at the time — didn’t want arrow keys, because they wanted to force people to use the mouse, and they wanted to force application designers to design applications they made you use the mouse.
Benjamin: It was almost forcing a new kind of mentality.
Gruber: Right, so if they don’t have cut, copy and paste, it’s like an enforced — there’s a limitation in place that forces them to create an interface that lets you work without it. And of course, we’re running into the fact that they haven’t covered all the cases, and there’s so many little places where you’d like to be able to like, ah, if I could just cut that, copy that URL, and go to the other page in Safari, so I could paste it into this Twitter field, so I could paste a URL in there, it would be so nice. But overall, the fact that we miss cut, copy and paste — we miss it but you still get so much done without it, and the fact that it’s not there is like, it’s just a way to force them to make it as good as they can without it.
Benjamin: Right. Well, jumping ahead a little bit, I was talking to Mike Davidson, who a lot of people would know from Newsvine, and he and I, we were talking, and he was going through and saying, “Here’s some things that I miss, here’s some things that I really need”, and one of them that he was saying was, “A friend of mine took a picture of a person that was good that I wanted to use as a contact picture, and there was no easy way for him to get that to me. He could email it to me, but then how could I use that, the [photo] which I just received in the email on my phone, how can I use that as the contact picture for the person here?” And I said, “Well, that’s easy, when you get the email, you just drag it on your Mac, drag it into your contact in Address Book.” And he said, “Well, I don’t use Address Book, I don’t want to do that on my Mac. What I want to do is to be able to do that on the phone, and what I really want is a file system so that I can browse the file system, I can save things out of Safari or that people send me.” And I realized that in a way, the last thing — and I’m an old-school UNIX guy, so if anybody should want a file system, it should be me, right — but I actually don’t want a file system on my iPhone, or the fact is, I want there to be one, I just don’t want to know about it. And in a way cut, copy and paste would have solved that problem for him if he had been able to copy that image and paste it into his contact right there, that would’ve solved that. But in a way it’s like, I think one of the big arguments about Macs way back in the day, especially with, like, system 7 time period or even 8, was that some people felt they didn’t have enough control over the operating system of the computer. And on Windows you could tweak every single little thing, and on the Mac you couldn’t, and I think with OS X that’s kind of gone away because you can now do even more on a Mac than you can do on a PC from a technical level behind the scenes — people are going to flame me for saying that — but in any case, the last thing I want on my phone is a file system, or even access to it. What do you think about that, is that nuts?
Gruber: I think that everything that you think of, from a computer science perspective, what makes a computer computer, the file system, the idea of processes, it’s all sort of abstracted away on the iPhone and that’s clearly part of the overall design, and I don’t think that’s ever going to change. So you never, as the user of the phone, never actually get to see the file system. You don’t quit or launch or close applications, you just go back to Home, click them. It’s still not clear to me using it, when they quit and when —
Benjamin: Do they quit? Do they ever quit?
Gruber: I don’t know, it seems like Safari sometimes quits, because when I go back to Safari and I click — say, I have three or four pages open in Safari, and I click the little button to let me list them, instead of showing me previews, they’re all blank. It remembers the URLs.
Benjamin: It’ll reload them, you’ll see them kind of coming back.
Gruber: But if you switch to one of them, you have to wait for it to refresh. Whereas if you do it right away, if you switch out of Safari and come back, they are all there and you just click on them and they’re already loaded. Whereas eventually it seems like Safari quits and when you switch back to it, relaunches, but it’s all abstracted away, you as the user never have to worry about that.
Benjamin: I’ll tell you what I think the philosophy — it’s one of those things where if you come into the iPhone looking for a small portable computer, you will not find that. But if you come to the iPhone looking for essentially — and I’ve heard somebody, I forget who it was, but somebody was calling it almost like it’s a satellite of the computer, or a portal to the computer. That’s a much better way to think of it. It allows you to sort of extend your computer, extend your desktop to this sort of portable device. I never really looked at my iPod as being like, that’s where my music lives. My music lives on my computer, and now I can take that music with me. And I think this is the same way you might think of it: my contacts, my calendar, my email, my browsing — that lives on the computer, but this is a way for me to take a lot of that and maybe even most of it with me wherever I go and be able to use it anytime. Is that fair?
Gruber: I think so, and I think it’s the single biggest philosophical difference from the Newton. I mean, to me the big problem, the core problem with the Newton back in the day was that the Newton was — and obviously some Newton people might disagree with me, this is obviously subjective — but my opinion is that the Newton was designed as a big new thing that completely replaced, ultimately would completely replace the need for a Mac. And whether it was egos, like, the Newton was developed after Jobs had left the company, and Sculley was running it, and the Mac was still seen as Jobs’s baby, and Sculley wanted something that was his Macintosh, his stamp on the industry. But anybody who actually used a Newton back in the day — Newton syncing was really bad, I forget the name of the app you used to sync, but it was like, almost nothing synced, the Mac didn’t even have standard address book and calendar apps at the time, so when you put events in the Newton, where did they go on your Mac? It was how you did downloads, if you wanted to add a new app to your Newton, you’d download it to your Mac and you’d fire up the Newton sync thingy and connect it with a serial cable and drag it over or whatever. It was really sort of a different universe, it was not really a satellite to your Mac, it was like something that, I think, ultimately if it had succeeded, would’ve replaced the Mac in Apple’s product line. And it was brilliant in so many ways, and so far ahead of its time. In so many ways it was just as far ahead of its time as the iPhone is. But the problem is that, it was so ambitious because it was meant to be a complete stand-alone all-by-itself thing whereas the iPhone is clearly meant as the satellite to your PC. And I think it’s more like the Palm Pilot, the original Palm Pilot, which was such a sensation in terms of its ambition in that regard. I think that’s why the Palm Pilot was so much more successful than the Newton because it was clearly a PC peripheral, not a PC replacement. That’s what I think.
Benjamin: I think you’re right. So we should probably take a second to say why, if there’s all kind of sound artifacts that people are hearing, why is that, John?
Gruber: Oh, I’m down at the shore. I’m on vacation for a couple days, and somebody forgot to pack my USB microphone.
Benjamin: So you’re talking into your MacBook.
Gruber: Yeah, this is just me talking — I don’t even have a MacBook, I’ve got an old, uh —
Benjamin: That’s right, a PowerBook.
Gruber: No, it’s an old Mac Portable from 1993.
Benjamin: Right. [laughs]
Gruber: It’s the size — I pack a suitcase and then I pack my Mac Portable, it’s about the same size.
Benjamin: I just have to say one more cool thing about the iPhone that happened today. My friend Ryan Irelan had called me, and he wanted to try out the conference call feature. So he conference-called, added in, which was so easy to do — I barely know how to use three-way calling on my regular home phone line, I’m almost sure how I use that. But on the iPhone it’s even easier and — so Ryan conferenced in Dan Cederholm, but Dan wasn’t there. So then Dan called back on Ryan’s other line, and Ryan then merged the two calls. And then you called me on my iPhone, and I said, “Hold on a minute, John”, only because I looked at the phone and there was this little “Merge calls” button that just showed up, and I clicked that, and now we were having a call with you, me, Ryan, and Dan, none of whom we had intentionally conference-called, just clicking this little “Merge calls” button.
Gruber: I didn’t even know that it would work that way where you and Ryan started the call, then Ryan conferenced in Dan, and you conferenced in me, so it’s not like one person has to be the person who does all of the adding new people.
Benjamin: And the sound quality, I thought, was great!
Gruber: It was phenomenal, I have to say. To me, the audio quality on the call so far ranges from amazing to at worse — ah, pretty good. But that call in particular, I thought the quality was outstanding.
Benjamin: Kind of amazing what they’ve been able to do. Even just the basic calling features, the way that things work — I didn’t even know if my old phone had a flash button or if I could use three-way calling. The other thing that’s certainly cool is visual voice mail and I think you said to me earlier today, the visual voice mail is so good that you don’t ever want anybody to call your regular home line again.
Gruber: No, I don’t, because to me the biggest pain is when you go somewhere and you come back and you’ve got five-six messages on your phone or whatever. Half of them are from people who then went ahead and emailed you or contacted you on AIM or called your cell phone or whatever, and they’re already out of date. Or if you go away for a couple of days and some of the calls aren’t even relevant anymore, and you still have to sit down and listen to them all and hit delete, blah blah blah, it’s awful. Half the time I just delete them all and assume that if any of them were important, they’ll just call me back.
Benjamin: This one — pick the call that you want to hear or the message you want to hear, tap it, listen to it, stop it, pause it, delete it — whatever you want to, right then. It was great.
Gruber: The two great apps on the iPhone are the phone app, which includes the call management, merging calls, that type of stuff and the voice mail — because the other cool thing about the voice mail is the way that when you want to set your greeting, you do it all on your iPhone, you don’t have to call into your account on AT&T and listen to a bunch of voice menus and click and record. You just click, there’s a big “Greeting” button at the top, you click “Greeting” and you can either choose between the default, which is to have the AT&T lady say, “This person you’ve called is not available, blah blah blah” or you say “Custom”. And when you say “Custom” then there’s a “Record” button. You hit “Record”, if you like it, you hit “Save” and that’s it. That’s your voice mail.
Benjamin: You can re-record it 10–20 times right there on your iPhone before it ever actually processes and uploads because you’re in control of that. Very, very cool stuff. And we were all talking earlier using the little headphones.
Gruber: Oh, I was actually on the phone itself. I’ve used the headphones, they’re great.
Benjamin: And the microphone is built right into the little plastic piece that you squeeze to control stopping or whatever and the funniest thing — Dan Cederholm said to me, he said, “Now people are going to think we’re all really crazy because now we’ll be just walking around with headphones on, white iPod headphones, talking.” And people are going to think we’re totally crazy because at least with the headsets that stick out of your ear, have the big flashing light on them —
Gruber: People are used to thinking that is somebody on the phone. Whereas this, you just look like an idiot with an iPod, talking to yourself. I should go back and say that iPod app is also a phenomenal app. The three apps — I should go back and say, there’s three absolutely, insanely good apps — the iPod app, the phone app, and Safari. I won’t list Mail in there yet, I think Mail needs a lot of help. You mentioned it, Duncan Davidson mentioned it, but to me the one thing that’s glaringly missing is a master inbox view where you get to see all new messages from all of your inboxes. Like on Apple Mail on Mac OS X, all of your inboxes, if you want to look at them one by one, they’re all within that one master inbox, but if you just click on that inbox, it shows you all of your incoming mail.
Benjamin: The fact that that’s missing, that kills me. It’s the one —
Gruber: We can fill up an hour with my complaints about the Mail app, and maybe we will later this week, I don’t really have time now.
Benjamin: Because this is just the supplementary podcast right now, this is not the podcast. My analogy was, if there was some kind of really big news item, we’d have to talk about it, and this is it, this isn’t our weekly podcast, this is a supplement.
Gruber: This is just a special edition. Hey, Jonas, you want to say hi to our podcast?
Jonas Gruber: [makes an indecipherable noise]
Gruber: This is our podcast, we’re talking to about 10 million people right now.
Benjamin: [laughs]
Gruber: You know, we’ve got so much good feedback from last week’s show, but there were a bunch of people griping about, and some people saying, “Hey, it’s great, sounded great, blah blah blah”, and then you get, I guess, the audiophiles who’ve complained about the audio quality, they’re really going to love my recorded in the PowerBook built-in microphone episode here.
Benjamin: I didn’t hear any complaints about the quality as much as the — some people would write in to say, maybe the pacing wasn’t good or whatever. So screw those people, I guess.
Gruber: Exactly. Lot of people complimenting us on the elaborate website design, too.
Benjamin: The website is actually — that is 100 percent me, that’s a really — I think we would make Tufte proud looking at that site because it’s only what’s actually needed.
Gruber: Right. No, I mean, you know — I think we’re probably going to have a nicer website at some point in the future. But I like the idea, and it’s very different from my typical way of working — we agreed to do this show more or less two weeks ago at WWDC. Craig Hockenberry, we were out having drinks after the Thursday night beer bash and Craig Hockenberry —
Benjamin: Incredibly tall.
Gruber: — more or less said what you’ve been saying to me for a while, which is, you and I should just do a little show every week. And I thought, you know, if it’s good enough for Craig Hockenberry, that’s good enough for me. And pretty much all we did, we said, okay, we’ll do it, we need a name, we took the most generic name we could think of, we spent an hour looking at domain names that were available. We clicked record, we recorded for 30 minutes, we needed a place to put it, we did the least we could possibly do and we put it up. Now, my typical way of working would’ve been to spend the next six months selecting a name and then, I don’t know, another eight or nine months going through about four or five different designs for the website and —
Benjamin: Each of which, the only noticeable difference in what you call the design is that the logo has shifted five pixels to the left or right.
Gruber: Right, right.
Benjamin: That’s a full redesign of Daring Fireball is that the logo is now five pixels to the right.
Gruber: Do you remember that time, the one time I redesigned daringfireball.net, I bugged you on AIM pretty much every 15 minutes for about two weeks.
Benjamin: Yeah, you’d say, “What will the ramifications of this redesign be?” and I would say, “How is this different from the other day?” You said, “I have a new Daring Fireball logo.” And I went to the site, and I thought, oh, maybe this is the bearskin rug t-shirt design up there, like, I don’t see anything different. “Dan, how can you not see it, there’s the whole new logo!” And I said, “What are you talking about?” Turns out, you had changed — instead of, like, “Mac nerd” it said “iPhone” or something, that was your redesign, under the logo, the logo text, the little 3-point text.
Gruber: But admittedly, that only took me about 30 seconds. But, you know. I’m kind of digging this “just click record for 30 minutes at a time and go”.
Benjamin: Well, hopefully the listeners will appreciate it too. We have a theme, we’re sticking to a theme.
Gruber: Yeah, definitely.
Benjamin: But you said you only had five — you gave me such a hard time, you said you only had five minutes, and now we’ve been talking for 30 minutes. This time we’re going to end it, because last time I had to try to figure out how to cut 10 minutes off. We’re trying to keep it to a 30-minute show, once a week. We did two times a week, that’s okay. But once a week, 30 minutes and I say we just end it. It’s almost 30 minutes, let’s just end it.
Gruber: All right, let’s do it again later this week.
Benjamin: We’re going to definitely do — and it will be a different topic though, it has to be something different. Maybe not even — because people are going to be sick of iPhones.
Gruber: That’s going to be old news by the end of the week.
Benjamin: Yeah, we’ll have to talk about something completely different. And so when do you come back from the shore, are you spending the 4th there?
Gruber: I don’t even know, nobody tells me. I’ll know it’s time to go when I wake up and my wife has our bags packed. I think later this week.
Benjamin: Well, good, have a great holiday.
Gruber: Yeah, you too.
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