#this got pretty deep srry bout that
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imeunseoksbby · 9 months
E u n s e o k x r e a d e r
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Heeseung was pointing his gun at y/n
Heeseung:Tell her to come front
Heeseung looked at y/n up and down,then he smirked
Heeseung:She's a pretty one,you sure you don't wanna hand her over
Eunseok:Shut the fucc up
Anton came upstairs and his hand was on his injured shoulder,he had his gun on his other hand
Anton:Hyung,the uber is near..only 5minutes left
Y/N:Why...why do-
Eunseok:Baby...please go
Y/N:No I don't want
Eunseok:You're not safe here
Y/N:Baby so are you!!I ain't gonna lose you
Anton:It arrived
Eunseok:Go right now y/n
You weren't that used to him calling you by your name
Anton grabbed y/n and both of them used a different way to exit the restaurant,y/n couldn't stop crying for Eunseok,she was worried sick about him.Anton pushed her into the car and locked the doors
Y/N:Sir please let me out
Taxi:No I can't
The car drove away,a hour later after everyone is defeated,they decided to go home
Jimin:Ugh...my shoulder hurts
Yoshi saw the waiter trying to call for emergency,so Yoshi shot him and blood was everywhere
Yoshi:Let's go home,we'll get the girlie next time
Jungkook:No you won't
Jimin got angered and threw his gun at Jungkook but he dodged,so Jungkook took the gun and threw it back
Jimin:F**K YOU!!!!!!
Jungkook:You too weird ass b*tch
Jay:Let's go check on Heeseung
K's gang got upstairs and found Heeseung injured,they helped him get up and went to the warehouse.Nelly's gang also got up to check on Eunseok
Jaden:Sh*t...he needs to get home immediately
Jungkook:You still there buddy?
"Mhm" he hummed,they drove him home,in the meanwhile y/n was walking around in circles worrying about Eunseok.Once she got a knock and opened she was so relieved to see Eunseok alive
Y/N:Oh my gosh!!
Jaden:There he is
Jaden closed the door
Eunseok sat down and y/n started crying more,she went to the bathroom and she wet the cloth.She came back to the living room and began wiping Eunseok's bruises
"Baby,I'm sorry for yelling" he said in a deep tired voice
Y/N:No baby please don't be sorry
Y/N cupped Eunseok's cheeks and kissed his lips, "Don't be sorry 'bout nothing boo,I'm glad you alive and breathing" y/n smiled and Eunseok smiled back
Y/N:Imma go make you soup okay
Y/N got to the kitchen and took out two bowls,Eunseok then got a call from Nelly so he went to the bathroom
Nelly:Thank goodness you answered,are you injured badly? Eunseok:Nope just some cuts and bruises Nelly:Oh okay,well I was thinking you and the rest go to Jeju Island for a week,y/n is coming along Nelly:Jaden and Jungkook will fetch y'all,y'all gotta be prepared at 10:00AM Eunseok:Okay Nelly:After that we'll attend a full week of training Eunseok:Got it,bye
Eunseok went to the kitchen and got behind y/n
Y/N:Want a kiss?
Eunseok:Mhm,by the way we'll be going to Jeju Island for a week
Y/N:Only the two of us?
Eunseok:No,even the rest
Y/N scrunched her nose and her face looked all confused
Eunseok:Don't worry we'll get our own room
Y/n:Oh okay
Srry it took long to update,just been going through stuff
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Don't Come To Me Pt. 6.
Heyheyhey! New part is here, now with the one and only Frank.
Frank Castle X F!Reader, mentions of Billy Russo X F!Reader
Warnings: Language is all i think, no Billy this time srry
Summary: Reader and Frank have a little time together, sharing thoughts and feelings.
Taglist: @gwynethhberdara @icarus-isflying @intothesoul @malfoyeyes @padfooteyes @readers-posts
Part 5.
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His eyes are sparkling in the overly annoying yellow light, giving them a mischievous glint with a hint of softness. A now constant half smirk plastering his freshly shaven face, his ear perked up by the scandalous tone of the drunk David. He is putting up a show, probably this is all the fun he got in the last year, and that could be the reason for Frank to just let it happen. Anyone could tell that he needs it too. He needs some laugh, some lighthearted banter, hugs and gentle touches. You tried your best to provide some relief, talk about nonsense, being physically close to him, offer him random snacks because you liked his deep laughter when you pulled out M&M's from your back pocket in ridiculous moments. Nothing can make you happier than those laughs. And the guilt eats you away for it. Every time you lay your eyes on Frank Castle, the whole wide world narrows down to one, to only one person, and it's him. Not the man who brings you roses, swears on his own life to keep you happy, rails you like no other man ever. Not Billy, but his best friend. The best friend who he thinks is long gone, buried six feet under.
"Where's your head at, Sweetheart?" Frank's face is full of curiosity, maybe some concern, he caught you zoned out like someone in hypnosis, you eyes blurry from staring into nothingness.
Before you could attempt to think about a good answer David appears next to you, an intoxicated smile on his face, eyebrow moving up and down in a teasing way.
"I bet you think 'bout pretty boy who is waiting for ya at home huh" The weirdness of David's drunken words are too funny to react any kind of way than laughing, so you just do that not escaping the awfully warm feeling on your cheeks. "Ohhhh i can see, i can SEE!" He yells the last letters as if he solved the mystery of the holy grail.
"Do not worry, i understand. He is really beautiful. Truly." He's gazing off into the distance, over your's and Frank's shoulder, over this little bunker, completely lost in his cloudy mind. You mutter a quiet 'okay', seeing how smitten is David with Billy's look.
When you turn to Frank again, thinking where you lost the conversation, his tense demeanor knocks out your thoughts again of your head. He's looking at David annoyed, wanting him gone, at least a couple feet so he can hum his radio pop songs away from the two of you. You can't blame him, you like David, but you get too little time with Frank these days. So you try to make the best out of those times.
Frank turns back to you, the same tension in his muscles, jaw locked tight, eyes furrowed. This is what people see when meeting the Punisher? They see a body built like a weapon, hardened face with no other emotion than rage? Little moments like this shows that side of him, the side he keeps at bay, neatly tucked away in front of you.
He softens up when his brown eyes finds their way back to yours. He looks at you puzzled, David's humming a Backstreet Boys song in the background making you smile at him, which he returns in defeat.
He pick up his mostly untouched glass of cheap whikey, gulping down half of it in an elegant way only he can manage in cargo pants and a plain stained t-shirt.
"Why don't you go home?" He asks, confusing you with it.
"What do you mean? You said you are free tonight." Your genuine confusion makes him smirk.
"C'mon Y/N. Don't tell me you don't wanna be with Billy. You should be at home with him." He states. You know he's right. You should be yearning for that. And still, you are out in the night, with two officially dead person deep in some corruption shit.
Your smile dies off, thinking about Billy. He texted you a couple hours back, when the night was young. You could hear his voice reading the message. He's working, he's gonna be late, can he call you when he's done for the day, can he come over, can he make love to you? Words dripping from honey, from love, from adoration, from obsession even.
"We can have time of our own, Frank. I still have a life ya know." You sound a little too cold, and he notices it right away. The discomfort flashing on your face when your thoughts consume you.
"What's wrong?" He asks, leaning his body forward, his eyes burning in fire. "What did he do?"
What did he do? Nothing if you are being honest. If someone is doing something wrong it's you.
"Frank, stop. Nothing, he did nothing, okay?" You try to soothe him, but his body stays put, leaning into your space, eyes still searching for the truth behind your words. "It's just..."
"What is it?" He's so eager to know. If it wasn't for the deadstare, you would think he's just hungry for gossip, for drama, for housewife secrets.
"It made me think. It's silly truly. Now i think about it before saying it, it's just so childish." You utter in one breath, looking wide eyed on the man in front of you. he did not loose interest, his focus is still on you and what are you about to say, despite the very much annoying David singing Beyoncé in the background. "It made me wonder. Why now? We did this cat and mouse game for years now, and it never changed. We never changed. I just..." You do sound a little paranoid. And in this moment as you say it out loud it sounds even more ridiculous. "Suddenly he wants to be with me, wants to have a life with me, wants me."
Frank doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, at least not like you imagined him talking about matters like your business of heart. His jaws painfully shut together, you can see him clutch his tooth together as he looks away from you.
"I know i said bad things about his ways back in the day, yeah? I know. But don't hold 'em against him. He's fucking right about loving you sweetheart okay? Don't think about it too much because it's tend to be real messy up there for you." You taps your temple gently, the touch giving you goosebumps all over your skin.
"Yeah yeah i know. I guess i wanted to see some sense in something that is far from making sense." You smile, your brain still ringing the alarms.
"Love works like that." He says with a halfhearted smile, eyes not leaving yours. A for a moment you just gaze into each others soul through wandering eyes. You didn't had time to think about Frank too much. Sure you had questions, had fears and scares when he showed up blooded and bruised, but everything was so blurred from the shock and joy you felt seeing him again when you already grieved the man.
You are so much older now, more mature, wiser. But your childlike crush for him stayed the same, and the first time in god knows how long the familiar nervousness in you tummy started again.
"I missed you, you know?" You blurt out, regretting it instantly, but you still show him a somewhat proper smile, shielding your face with your hair.
He moves closer face mere inches away, his hand slipping to the back of your neck, pulling your head towards him. He connects your foreheads together gently, his warm palm stayin on your bare skin under your hoodie, thumb slightly caressing your pulsing skin.
"I've missed you too."
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 13
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: In an attempt to put a stop on Honey’s performance at Club Handy, Pearl only brings Honey and Elvis closer
Warning: NSFW 18+, Nudity, racial issues, swearing, Pearl being a bitch, Elvis being a ‘without me’ guy | NSFW Warnings: First time, fingering, daddy kink, pretty vanilla but purposely a little fast and awkward srry
Song: Giving Him Something He Can Feel - En Vogue
“I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I feel awfully bad ‘bout the way I been treatin’ ya. I overstepped and I wanna make it up to you. I wanna get to know you better. Go talk somewhere.”
I pause eating my dinner entirely to study her in disbelief. “Gee, Pearl, that’s suspiciously kind of you…”
She puts her hands on her hips. “Now, I mean it! You’re my sister and I wanna get to know you as such. I even asked Daddy if I could borrow the car and everything.”
I bring my dirty plate to the kitchen, reluctant to go anywhere with her, anytime soon. “I got a show tonight. I can’t.”
She waves her hand in the air, brushing off my words. “Oh, it’ll be quick. I’ll drop you off after.”
What is she planning?
I sigh, realizing she’s unlikely to let this go, seems to always get her way when she sets her mind to something. “I guess.”
“Yay!” She claps.
She speeds down the interstate, passing by car after car.
“Pearl, we’re going awfully far, don’t you think?” I hold onto the door, watching the ‘Welcome to Arkansas’ sign fly by.
“Oh, it’s just right up here. We should fill up first though.”
I catch myself on the dashboard as she swerves into the first gas station she sees.
She does actually have a license, right? Matter of fact, how old is she anyway?
A man in a gray jumpsuit jogs out of the shop, eyeing me in particular as he makes his way over to the pump.
I don’t know if I like Arkansas too much already.
Pearl perks herself up in the mirror. “Would you mind buyin’ me a refreshment from over there while they fill us up?” She waves over towards the vending machine near the door, handing me a dime.
“Sure.” I murmur out, hesitantly stepping out of the car.
I quickly walk over to the machine, hoping no one else inside sees me, since I’m sensing I’m not exactly welcomed here. I study the selections. She didn’t tell me what she wanted. “Do you want cola, Sprite, or orang-”
I get cut off by the sound of the engine revving. When I turn around, Pearl’s speeding off down the road.
I stand there, unable to move from shock.
This bitch. I can’t believe she would do something like this. I could get killed out here!
She’s made this into something much bigger than Elvis now. Either she’s too young and stupid to realize the seriousness of her actions or she really just is a vile woman.
My heart starts thumping, brain racing to conjure up any sort of plan.
She done ran off with my purse and dress for tonight too. Shit! How am I going to get to Handy? I perform in an hour!
I look around, searching for any clue, any sign.
That’s it! A payphone.
I race to the little machine attached to the side of the building, but then my heart drops; PAYphone. She has my wallet. What am I supposed to- THE DIME!
I jump in joy, sliding the nearly forgotten coin into the slot, so very grateful I didn’t use it on a coke for that witch. A dime won’t buy me much time, but it’s enough.
“Hello? Elvis? Baby?” I ask into the phone, frantically waiting for a voice on the other line.
“Honey?” Gladys answers.
Shit. “Hi! Sorry, is Elvis there? I need to talk to him.”
“He’s right upstairs. Elvis! Honey’s on the phone for you!”
“Be right down, Mama.” His voice faintly calls in the background.
“He’ll be down in a second.” She reassures me.
“Okay, thank you.” I impatiently tap my foot, heart picking up again. Oh, for the love of God. Quickly, Elvis, before time runs out on the machine.
“Hello?” His deep southern accent comes through the speaker.
I let out a breath of relief. “Oh, God, Elvis. I need your help.”
“What? What is it, Bumble?” He asks, his voice already worried.
“Can you pick me up and bring me to Handy?”
“‘Course. I can stop by your house on my way there, no problem.”
“I’m… not home.”
“Well, where ya at?”
I bite my lip, scrunching my eyes closed. “...Arkansas.”
There’s a pause.
“Bumble, what in the Sam Hill are you doin’ in Arkansas?”
I cringe at my situation. “It’s a long story. I’m just over the bridge at a Shell not too far in, I can smell Memphis barbeque from here, but I’d rather not swim Mississippi.”
“Well, maybe Greyhound makes boats now.”
“Elvis! Please! This is serious.” I say, suppressing a laugh despite my anxiousness.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’.” He chuckles.
Just as he’s about to hang up, I remember.
“Wait! I hate to ask, but could you pick up a dress for me, mine got… ruined.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I’ll getcha som’ cute and be right over. Don’t go makin’ no bad decisions over there in Oklahoma, ya hear?”
“Arkansas! And I won’t. I’ll just be righ-”
Just then, the phone’s snatched from me. I spin around in a huff, seeing one of the gas station workers hanging the phone back up, two more men behind him.
“Alright, that��s enough now. Get on out of here.” He demands.
I hear the two in the back whispering something, mocking me while I scurry away.
“Over here callin’ for an ‘Elvis’.” They cackle.
I huff. Assholes.
As much as I’d love to stay and give them a piece of my mind, I need to find a way to stay in the area and wait for Elvis before they do something stupid like call the authorities on me.
I pretend to walk down the street past the shop, glancing back at them now and again to see if they’re still looking. Once out of sight, I quickly jump behind the building, waiting there as long as I can. That is until the one man come around the back to grab some tools and spots me.
“Hey! I thought I told you to scram!”
Just then, my knight in a shiny, pink Cadillac pulls up, scanning the area for me.
I quickly run past the men, heels clacking against the cement, and I smile at their dumbfounded faces when they see me get in the car with The Elvis Presley.
He watches with wide eyes, looking between me and the workers. “Bumble, what-”
“Drive before they call the cops.”
And like that, we’re out.
“How did you manage to get stranded in Arkansas again?” He asks, driving down the interstate, ‘Welcome to Tennessee’ flying past the window.
I look at my hair in the mirror, deciding what style I should go for tonight. “Pearl.” I say, picking at my fly aways. Maybe I should just wear it down.
“Pearl? What about Pearl?”
I groan. He has to know now, as much as I don’t want anyone to know I’m related to such evil. On the bright side, maybe it’ll stop any of her future plans if he knows. “Pearl’s my sister. Dad dragged her up here from the swamps of Alabama and she’s been tryna steal you from me and ruin my life since the second she got here.” I take my hair tie out and it gets caught in a nap. I hiss, having no choice but to pull at it until if snaps free.
I peek at Elvis. He looks at me with his jaw hanging in the wind.
“Well, gee, must be quite the family reunion over at your place.” He slowly pivots his head back to the road. “Damn, that why I caught her tryna jump the fence at Graceland?”
I snort, ratting out my straightened hair to give it a fuller look, the dent from my ponytail actually coming in handy for once, giving me a nice wave.
“That’s too bad she’s a psycho, I was startin’ to think she was cute.”
I drop my hands from my hair, snapping in his direction. “What?”
He takes my hand, laughing. “Bumble, I’m just messin’ with ya. Now quit actin’ like you ain’t my only girl.”
I use my free hand to slap him on the arm with my coat.
He retracts himself from me. “Ow! You got a mean sting to you, Bumble. Should start callin’ you Wasp.” He shakes his head, a small smirk on the corner of his mouth, laughing at his own joke.
I roll my eyes, unable to stop a smirk of my own from appearing on my face. He laughs, seeing my smile in the corner of his eye, knowing he got me. “How’s Ma holdin’ up?” He asks between chuckles.
I sigh, remembering the other night. “She seems to be handling it pretty well actually. Caught ‘em dancing together.”
He smiles, giving me a soft look before his eyes light up. “Oh! I got som’ for ya.” He points behind him.
I turn around, surveying the back on the car to find a dress neatly placed across the seat. It’s pink, of course. It has a sweetheart neckline and an hourglass shape which will hug my figure nicely.
I gasp. “It’s beautiful.” Quickly, I hunch over the seat, basically throwing myself over to land in the back.
“What the hell are you doin’ now?” He asks unbelievably.
“Don’t look!”
I peek out the window, making sure I don’t look indecent in front of any other cars. Luckily, he has the roof up this time. Then, I take a deep breath and lift my shirt off, exposing my bare chest to the open.
He shakes his head at my nonsense until he checks his rearview mirror. His face lights up as he looks back and forth between the mirror and the road. He hollers, stretching his arm across the back of the seat, lifting himself to try and get a better view. “Woo! What’s all goin’ on back there?” He exclaims, turning his whole head to watch me now. “And I wasn’t invited none?”
“Will you watch the road!” I shout, gesturing to the front.
“Have ‘em out just a little longer for me?” He begs, looking at me though the mirror.
I gasp. “Elvis, we’ll be pulled over just bein’ seen together. I ain’t gettin’ arrested with my titties out too!” I cry out, shimmying my pants off as well.
“Mama, that ain’t fair. You been doin’ a whole lot of teasin’ there days.”
I lean over the seat, pressing my breasts against his shoulder blade. “But I wanna wait, baby.” I mock him, kissing on a spot just below his ear.
Thank the Lord he has good driving skills.
He adjusts uncomfortably in his seat, pressing myself further into my touches. “You are pushin’ your luck, little girl. Maybe I don’t wanna wait no more.” He says, biting at his smirk.
I giggle. “There. You got your ‘little longer’.” I pull away, pulling the dress up my legs. “Now, eyes forward.”
We pull up to Club Handy, hand in hand, just minutes before I need to take the stage.
Vickie scrambles to us at the door. “There you are. King just got up there, then it’s you.”
I nod. “Okay. Could you hang my coat upstairs for me?” I take it off, passing it to her. She takes the item from my hands, running up the steps.
Just as I’m about to push through the club entrance, Elvis stops me.
“Woah, hol’ on. Do ya gotta wear that?” He says, looking down at the new pink dress.
“What’s wrong with this?” I giggle, confused.
“I mean- You can’t put your old clothes back on or nothin’? They weren’t all that bad?” He raises an eyebrow, hopeful to change my mind.
I cross my arms. “You bought this!”
He’s at a loss for words. “I know I did, I know. It’s just that- You just kinda- Damn, I didn’t think this through.” He mumbles to himself, scratching the back of his neck. “It shows a lot.”
I roll my eyes playfully. “Well, I think it looks nice. Besides, there’s nothing we can do now. I gotta get on soon.”
He reaches out to hold my hands. “I know, and it does look nice. I just didn’t know how tight it would fit’cha. I don’t know how much I like you goin’ out there like that.”
I smile, standing on my tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “They can look, but they can’t touch. That’s just for you.”
He scoffs. “Well, you’re damned right it’s just for me.” He states frankly. He puts his arms around my waist, pressing me against him so that my breasts bulge out of the dress. He drops his voice lower, smoothly speaking while his lidded eyes look into mine. “But I want all the lookin’ too.”
I sigh, anxious to get onstage, but so badly wanting to stay in his arms. “Well, sometimes I want you all to myself too, but I’ve learned to make sacrifices.”
He’s been beat. “Fine, but I’m gonna have to punish you later.”
I smile, giving him a deep kiss. “Can’t wait.” I shoot him a wink, before turning around to push through the club doors. I make sure to emphasize the sway of my hips with every step I take while he follows loosely behind me.
I glance over my shoulder with a smug smirk, and he shakes his head with a smile, giving me a look of warning that sends shivers through my body.
King nods to me as I walk past him to the stage. I spin back towards Elvis with that same smugness as they start playing. I start with a gentle two step, swaying to the beat of the intro.
“Many say that I’m too young
To let you know just where I’m coming from”
I let my hands travel up and down my curves, putting on quite a show for him. He doesn’t turn away for a single second, he just keeps staring at me with that look in his eyes as I sing through the song.
I run my hands through my blonde hair, earning a few whoops from the crown and another warning from my boyfriend.
“But you will see it’s just a matter of time
My love will surely make you mine”
I walk up to him, still pridefully swaying my hips. “So, whaddya think?” I ask him.
“You really are something, ain’t ya?” He bites his lip, shaking his head with a more serious look that I anticipate him having after watching my little performance. “I don’t think I can wait any longer, kitten.”
Kitten? What is he-
“What do you-? Are you-?” I stutter through my words, unable to form the right question.
“You know what I mean, baby.”
I barely take a breath before we’re racing outside. Unfortunately, we instantly get greeted by fans the second we push past the club doors.
Word must have gotten out.
Tons of women scream his name as we push past them to get to the car.
Well, I’m living in a world of ghetto life
Everyone seems so uptight
But nothings wrong and it’s alright, my man
I don’t know how we do it, but somehow we make it back to Graceland. Fans and reporters guard the fence, flooding us with screaming, questions, grabbing, and camera flashes.
Both of us know we’ll be all over the news tomorrow, but he just puts his arm around me, bringing my attention back to him as if to tell me ‘pay them no mind’. He doesn’t look at me, but begins thumbing circles into my shoulder at the beat of every camera flash. I’m worried about what’s going through his mind, if he cares that others are seeing us together like this, but he just keeps driving forward with a face of determination.
He parks the car in front of the house, aggressively pulling the gear shift into place. I jump out of the car with him, too impatient to wait for him to assist me out himself. The immediate second our bodies collide, we can’t take our hands off one another, kissing up the steps as reporters try capturing our photo through the distant front gate bars.
“Family’s out.” He whispers between kisses as we tumble through the front door.
I yelp out a laugh as he lifts me up, carrying me to his room.
I like the way we carry on
His love will send me on and on with my man
He sets me down gently on his bed before climbing over me. He meets me halfway in a passionate kiss, raven hair tickling at my forehead.
I feel a hardness poke at my inner thigh and my insides instantly begin to throb. I want so badly to have him between my legs, but the tightness of the dress inhibits most of my leg movement.
I begin unbuttoning his shirt; one of them lace ones he knows I love so much. Looking up, I meet his eyes; dark, blown out pupils stare back at me. “You got those mysterious, dark eyes you were talkin’ about.” I tuck back a strand of his hair so I can better look into them.
He takes my hand from his hand, holding it against his plush lips. “Are you sure you wanna do this, Bumble? I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
I press my palm against his cheek, studying every detail of his face; his round face that I watched mature into the sharp edges of a man; the blonde hair that would tell me its dreams of becoming a superhero until finally finding its home in Captain Marvel black; ears that taught me how to hear the sounds of angels sing and devils shriek in every ounce of music that crossed our ears; blues eyes that see me for who I am and never squinted at my differences; and lips whose kisses I’ve fantasized about since before I even learned how to read. There’s so much love, history, and trust between us. There isn’t a damn person on this earth that I’d rather be here with right now.
“Touch me, please.” I say breathlessly.
His face brightens with a smile. “Anything you want, queen bee.”
I’m giving him somethin’ he can feel
To let him know this love is real
The pink dress is thrown to the floor, already long forgotten, and our tongues battling one another in a passionate dance.
“I’m gonna make you feel so, so good, baby.” The cold metal of his watch stings against the warm and sensitive skin of my thigh as he toys with the hem of my underwear. Slowly, he pulls them down my legs, discarding them to the floor as well.
His hands scan past every surface of my body as if he’s seeing me for the first time. He works up from my calves, up to the curves of my hips, past my stomach, over my breasts , and finally landing on my face.
“Beautiful.” He whispers. “You hear me, Bumble? You’re perfect.”
His words make blood rise to my cheeks. I hide my smile with my hands, still feeling shy even though this isn’t the first time he’s seen me like this.
He takes my hands away, so he can kiss every inch of my face. “So pretty, mama.” He speaks gently in my ear. His hand grazes back down my body, before finding a spot against my slit, gently rubbing circles on it.
My chest hitches against his lips, as he kisses down to one of my nipples, sucking and swirling his tongue on the sensitive bud.
Slowly, he presses a finger against my opening, pushing in until my wetness engulfs him all the way to his knuckle. I clench around him, trying to get what sensation I can out of the single digit. He stills, allowing me time to adjust, but I beg him for more, causing him to slip in another to massage the roof of my canal, but still refusing to start moving.
After a few desperate whimpers and ungodly hip grinding, it’s not long before I have him pumping his fingers in me and swirling his thumb on my clit, chasing my high. I hum out a moan, holding his head against me, running my fingers through his hair as he sucks harder at my skin. He curls his fingers, rubbing just the right spots to make me see stars behind my closed lids.
Pleasure builds fast within me from being so needy for him. When he feels me begin to quiver against his fingers, he pulls away. “Wanna feel you, baby.” He whispers, sitting up to work his pants off. I follow him up, eagerly helping him undo his buckle. He stands up, kicking off his pants and boxers. It’s not until he’s completely undressed that I slow myself down.
As he kneels on the edge of the bed, he notices the sudden change in my behavior and comes to a halt, searching my face for any sign of discomfort.
I stare down at the foreign body part. It’s my first time actually seeing one. Though I’m not exactly shocked by its looks, all that dancing and grinding helped me figure out a lot more about him than he probably realizes. 
“Bumble? Everything alright? I can stop if you need me to. I don’t wanna-”
I cut him off with a kiss, showing him that everything’s fine, but he remains still, waiting for my words.
I run my hands down his chest, fingers jumping against every soft bump of his abs. He shivers under my touch, watching me intensely. My lips leave a wet suck on his tensed neck, before kissing downward. I shimmy myself down the bed, ass wiggling in the air. I can hear his heartbeat quicken as he stares down at me between his legs. Slowly, I lean forward, placing an ever so slight kiss at his tip.
He hisses, shaft twitching upward at the sudden stimulation and bumping my nose before coming back down to rest on my lips again.
I smirk against his flesh, then whisper, “I need you,” my breath grazing down him.
I open my mouth, sliding my tongue out, but before I even get a chance to leave a lick on him, he pushes my shoulders until I land backwards on the bed.
He kisses me, vibrating against my lips with a guttural growl. “Baby, you drive me crazy. I need you so bad, you don’t even know.”
His tip grazes my entrance, twitching once again from the warm sensation, throbbing and aching to be inside. He reaches between us, swirling himself in my juices before positioning himself at my hole. “You ready?”
I bite my lip with a smile. Never been more ready in my life. “Yes.”
He leans on his left forearm, so both of us can look down to watch the sight of me take him in. With a deep breath, he pushes his hip towards me.
Slowly, inch by inch, he presses forward, filling me in a way I’ve never been full. I throw my head back, eyes squeezed shut and toes curled, hissing at the blissful, splitting stretch.
A deep moan drags out from his throat as I squeeze the absolute hell out of him. “Oh, mama. You’re even tighter than I imagined.”
Finally, he fills me whole, hips touching hips. My walls adjust to secure him into place and have no intentions of letting him go.
“Wanted this for so long; you lying beneath me, all tight on me.” He holds my face, leaning down to capture my lips. I whine against him, tears stinging the corners of my eyes as my senses overwhelm me in the best ways possible. “Baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good. I’m gonna take care of you. I promise, baby.”
He starts with small, gentle nudges against my cervix, slowly working his way up to full length thrusts.
I bury my face into his neck, whimpering into his skin as I wrap my limbs around him, holding him for dear life. Any pain that was produced quickly melts away as pleasure builds up inside me. A loud moan escapes past my lips.
“There you go, darlin’. Feel good, baby?”
I hum against his neck as an answer. A plethora of emotions fly past my mind at the agonizingly slow speed that he thrusts into me. “Elvis, please.” I manage to whisper out.
He props himself up on his forearms, but I still cling tight to him. He wraps one arm under my back to support me from just hanging there off of him. “What is it, Bumble? Tell me what you need, babygirl.”
“Faster.” I mumble through my kisses on his neck.
He chuckles breathlessly. “You need Daddy to do it faster, baby?”
“Mmm!” A moan bounces out of me, as he quickly speeds up, plunging into me. I throw my head back, crying out in pure pleasure. My back arches high off the bed, making my breasts now free to jump at his every thrust.
“Ooo, sing it for me, baby. Make those beautiful sounds.” His voice trembles, barely holding himself together. “Music to my ears.” He thrusts faster, letting out a low growl before bending down to leave a sloppy open mouthed kiss on my sternum.
The wet sounds that echo through the room are completely obscene and would have been embarrassing if I wasn’t in absolute heaven at the moment.
“You gonna cum, baby?” He pants out.
I nod, squeezing my eyes shut and slapping my hand over my mouth as short moans and whimpers leave my mouth. He holds me flush against him as I tense, coming undone around him. In that moment, the world is at peace and all feel right. I feel at home in his arms and nothing else in life matters.
He moans out loud at the feeling, not lasting much longer before having to quickly pull out to release onto my lower stomach.
My legs shake and my core clenches in disapproval at the sudden empty feeling. My once straight hair, now beginning to curl, sticking to the sides of my face from sweat.
His lashes flutter open, eyes returning to their normal soft blue state, filled with love.He brushes a few strands of hair out of my eyes, before cupping my cheek. “There she is. There’s my girl.” He says sweetly, caressing me with his thumb as my chest heaves beneath him.
We lock eyes, panting against each other’s faces.
“How was it, baby?” He asks, out of breath.
“Mmm, let’s do it again.” I kiss him, giggling onto his lips. “I gotta call, Ma.”
He squints his eyes, confused that I’d bring my mother up after this. “Right now? Why?”
I giggle once more. “To tell her I ain’t never comin’ home.”
The next two days are a frantic blur of ecstasy. Elvis and I never bother to turn on the news station, and he ignores each and every one of Colonel’s many calls. 
Shit, we barely leave his bedroom except to get food or make an occasional call to Ma to let her know that I’m alive. 
All my previous stresses and worries dissipate, and I can only keep one thing on my mind. Lord, we just can’t keep our hands off each other. I barely remember doing anything else for the next 48 hours other than get lost in euphoria with him. Our new little discoveries of our bodies keep us distracted from the bumpy roads ahead, but little do we know, this would only be the beginning of the end.
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