#this fixed my art block im wheezing
assbutt-angel246 · 1 year
A series of recent sketches
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
"sentient peen on wheels mentally scars local teens" JSJSJDJDH IM WHEEZING
wip fic titles can be found at this post
you’re wheezing, and the pt are recovering from their trauma, dear anon~
sooo that fic is part of a fic series i was writing about the various personas, and how they interact with the other thieves/akira. it’s kinda been abandoned? but more because i feel my writing improved since the first/second chapters, and i’ve been working on other things- i wanna get back to this fic at some point, maybe after i rewrite it and improve the writing quality
for now:
The depths of Mementos was the team’s least favourite Palace by far. It was so oppressive, everything about it demanded obedience- and the Phantom Thieves weren’t exactly the obedient type.
But that aside, the move through the depths was relatively swift. Sure, the shadows of people trapped within the depths churned their stomachs, and the heavy atmosphere was near choking, but the puzzles were more entertaining than most to solve and Joker was building up quite the arsenal of powerful personas.
Hiding behind a block of stalagmites, Joker’s eyes honed onto the approaching shadow. He could probably sneak past it, but with Takemi’s energy-replenishing charm he wanted to take down as many shadows as possible before getting to the treasure. The stronger he and his team were, the better their chances at stealing the treasure.
A quick glance behind him. His team were all awaiting his direction, he narrowed his eyes as he fixed his gaze back on the shadow, decision made. It was ambush time.
The shadow trudged on, Joker could feel its heavy footfalls from where he stood.Just a little closer….
Joker pounced atop the shadow, tearing the mask from its face. Sharp heels dug into its back as he used it as a springboard to flip off from. Sharp dagger in hand, his party joined him on the front lines, battle ready as the shadow took its form.Slimy black ooze grew, melded and rippled as it took a shape.
It was taller than the thieves, clearly rather bulky in stature, thin tendrils extended from his back, it seemed to be riding something….
“Don’t tell me-“ Queen’s voice was heavy with dread as the shadow took its true form.
Maybe someone screamed. Maybe someone cried a little. And Joker really couldn’t blame them, not in the face of the Phantom Thieves’ greatest adversary.
The penis chariot had returned.
“NO! NOT AGAIN!” Skull cried, his eyes wide with horror.
Queen sighed, as if accepting their fate, “Well, I guess it was bound to happen sometime….”
“It does cut quite the magnificent image.”
The team all froze, turning to stare at Yusuke, who stared up at the towering shadow, hands raised to frame it’s phallic features.
“I wonder if I should capture this for my art-“
“No! Dude, what is wrong with you?!” Skull gaped as Fox, leaving him wide open to be hit with a burning flame, throwing him back slightly.
“Skull, stay focused! We’ll talk about Fox’s weird fetishes later-“ Fox spluttered, as Joker grinned, “Just focus on finding a weakness, we need a hold-up!”
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