#this fic was supposed to be about gilan getting apprenticed
theraven-gil-lyn · 2 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Halt O'Carrick, David (Ranger's Apprentice), Gilan (Ranger's Apprentice) Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Angst, But just a little, this was supposed to be a fun fic of two guys having a chat, i dont know when the vulnerability popped up but it's there ;-;, but they're also joking around a bit, Craltine, sorta referenced but only in passing asldkjfh im just flagging it, set in between TEY and RA
Summary: While reflecting on the past few years with David over a late breakfast, Halt starts to ponder his next steps as a Ranger.
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Ranger Gathering 2023
Prompt 1: Camp
This Prompt Fic uses an OC I made a long time ago, before I knew about Royal Ranger. If you don’t like reading OC content then this ain’t for you.
The OC in question is named Leanna Harris, Lea for short. Yes she is a female ranger, I made her when I was a teenager and before I discovered DnD to sate my representation needs. If you want a description of Lea or any additional information about her it will be below the cut after the prompt. That being said, enjoy!
Lea kicked dirt into the remains of the small cook fire she used for her breakfast. The sun wasn’t even up yet but she had a long day of riding ahead of her. She was on her way to this year's Ranger Gathering. This gathering marks her first full year as a Ranger and she found herself more excited than ever to arrive. She had never understood why Gilan was always so excited, but now she understood. She hadn’t seen another Ranger in a whole year and aside from the reports she got every week, she had no idea how her friends were doing.
Standing, she walked across her little camp to where her horse, Petal, was grazing happily. The horse's ears flicked at her approach but she did not look up from her contented munching. Lea placed her hands on her hips and looked at her horse.
“You practically grazed this part of the forest clean.” The little horse gave a short snort. “Oh don’t give me that. It’s time to go, finish your breakfast.” The horse raised its neck from where it had been grazing and patiently let Lea tighten the straps of her saddle. Strapping her bag to the saddle, Lea looked over her little camp. “How many of these camps do you think we’ve made and left behind?” Petal shook her mane in response. “Do you suppose other travelers ever use what we leave behind?” 
Lea swung up into the saddle and Petal looked back at her Ranger. “Alright, alright.” Lea urged the horse forward and Petal trotted off towards the road proper. “I know you’re excited to see our friends again.” She looked up through the trees as the quickly brightening sky. “If we hurry, we can make it before midday.” Lea tapped Petal’s flanks as they reached the road and the horse increased her speed to a canter.
The Ranger spared one last look over her shoulder at the bones of the camp they left behind and thought about the countless others she’s left. The memories they held. She smiled as she rode away. The next camp would be good, she decided. The next camp has friends waiting for me.
Leanna Harris
Average height by Ranger standards/ Brown hair usually tied up in a bun or some kind of tail/ Blue eyes
Leanna is around the same age as Will and Horace. Originally from Meric Fief, her first mentor died of a sudden illness in the first year of her apprenticeship. Having no mentor, she was bounced between Gilan and Halt. She and Will got along well and were a good team so usually she would stay in Redmont with Will and Halt. Though when Gilan went on missions, she went with him to get experience. She was on just such a mission with Gilan when Will was kidnapped by Scandians and went with Halt and Horace to rescue him. When she graduated and became a full Ranger she was stationed in her home Fief, Meric.
During her apprenticeship she became especially close with a fellow apprentice, Ansalon Prier. He was apprenticed to his father, a ranger of one of the southern fiefs. Will and Gilan have an active betting pool over who will confess first (Crowley and Halt do as well, but it's a secret). Lea insists that a relationship with another Ranger is unprofessional and Ansalon denies any feelings all together.
Lea has all the skills any typical Ranger has. She trained with Will to perfect a jongleur persona and is a wonderful dancer. She also has a knack for estimating times and has a better than average internal clock.
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Ranger Gathering 2023
Prompt 3: Sneak
This Prompt Fic uses an OC I made a long time ago, before I knew about Royal Ranger. If you don’t like reading OC content then this ain’t for you.
The OC in question is named Leanna Harris, Lea for short. Yes she is a female ranger, I made her when I was a teenager and before I discovered DnD to sate my representation needs. If you want a description of Lea or any additional information about her it will be below the cut after the prompt.
This Prompt also uses another of my OCs. His name is Ansalon Prier and additional information for him will be under the cut as well. His father may appear or be mentioned in these prompts. His name is Geldon, he’s a senior Ranger, it’s not super important (another OC. Shocking I know
The morning air was cold. They could both feel it. The two Rangers sat next to each other in a tree stand amidst the early fog. They weren't exactly hiding but they weren't supposed to be. They were watching.
"How did we get roped into this?" The man asked. He was sitting on the edge of the tree stand with his legs hanging over the side. "I thought only senior Rangers did evaluations." He leaned on his elbows as he scanned the tree line.
"I guess they got tired of critiquing first year performances." The woman said. She was sitting behind him cross legged, her cloak a tent around her body. Leaning against his back she scanned the forest in the other direction. "Aside from Will, me and you are the only other Rangers that haven't had apprentices yet."
"Don't forget Gilan." She looked back over her shoulder at him. His hood was down and she watched his amber eyes scan the tree line. In the early morning light they shined like gold. He looked back at her slightly and she went back to scanning her part of the forest.
"Gilan had me remember? I got tossed between him and Halt." Under her cloak she was turning a smooth stone over in her hands absentmindedly. "He taught me and Will the double knife defense."
"Did he really?" The man clicked his tongue and she heard the scratching of pencil on paper making her chuckle. "I was looking right at him and he moved."
"Don't be too harsh on them." The woman said, smiling under her cowl. "Not everyone can be a prodigy like you." He scoffed.
"Do people really still say that?" He sounded upset. "I wasn't anything special. You and Will were the special ones.."
"Well even despite our wealth of experience," She was slightly sarcastic. "You really were always ahead of us." The last part was genuine and she felt him shift in place. "And you're definitely still ahead of me" She pushed against his back slightly and heard him laugh. "Halt still insists he would have rather had you as an apprentice." She marked down something in her own notepad as she watched an apprentice move between trees. "He's joking of course, but sometimes it didn't seem like it."
"Well" Ansalon sighed and looked back at her. She turned her head to meet his gaze and she saw a smile. "Even if we're doing a boring examiner job. There's no one else I'd rather do it with than you Lea."
Leanna Harris
Average height by Ranger standards/ Brown hair usually tied up in a bun or some kind of tail/ Blue eyes
Leanna is around the same age as Will and Horace. Originally from Meric Fief, her first mentor died of a sudden illness in the first year of her apprenticeship. Having no mentor, she was bounced between Gilan and Halt. She and Will got along well and were a good team so usually she would stay in Redmont with Will and Halt. Though when Gilan went on missions, she went with him to get experience. She was on just such a mission with Gilan when Will was kidnapped by Scandians and went with Halt and Horace to rescue him. When she graduated and became a full Ranger she was stationed in her home Fief, Meric.
During her apprenticeship she became especially close with a fellow apprentice, Ansalon Prier. He was apprenticed to his father, a ranger of one of the southern fiefs. Will and Gilan have an active betting pool over who will confess first (Crowley and Halt do as well, but it's a secret). Lea insists that a relationship with another Ranger is unprofessional and Ansalon denies any feelings all together.
Lea has all the skills any typical Ranger has. She trained with Will to perfect a jongleur persona and is a wonderful dancer. She also has a knack for estimating times and has a better than average internal clock.
Ansalon Prier
Tall, and pretty wiry, even by Ranger standards/ Dark brown hair that curls slightly once it gets long enough/ Amber eyes
Ansalon is the same age as Leanna and began his apprenticeship the same year as she and Will. His father is a Ranger and because of this he had been preparing to be a Ranger for his entire life. Considered a prodigy by the senior Rangers never stopped him from working hard and he grew to resent the term. A good friend of Will and Lea’s, Ansalon is stationed in a fief on the southern border of Araluen. His father is stationed in the fief directly to his north.
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