#this episode is misnumbered
link-sans-specs · 8 months
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Little chompy peekaboos. 🥰
Inside Out Foods Taste Test
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itsapmseymour · 1 year
hey btw the "It came from tumblr" playlist is missing parts 28, 61, 73, and 76. It also has episodes 70 and 63 twice.
28 is sadly lost to time (or i misnumbered videos by accident), but I fixed the others, sorry about that
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unfunnystandup · 4 years
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a list ive been compiling
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 17:  Joey Falling Down for 20 Minutes
It is HOT in my house and so I’m going to do my best but no promises!
It’s a holiday weekend, which usually means I should catch up on work that’s falling behind, but today means that it is too hot to do anything but talk about this weird arc of Yugioh. One where, in case you forgot, we are in an isekai that takes place in an Egyptian pyramid that is in the Northern part of India. Oh, and this isekai was made by Alexander the Freakin Great. Don’t worry about it.
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What’s weird about this, is that we are definitely in that anime video game isekai genre, but we are actually in less of an isekai realm than normal Yugioh. There’s no game stats. There’s no game rules. Just these pokemon tubes we shoot at other monsters and we just let them do whatever. Kinda like a reverse isekai if you will.
This arc definitely has more of a Rated G quality to it, it’s trying really hard to capture that Wile E. Coyote feel. And does it hit it? No, not really, which is a shame because we would all like to see an Emperor’s New Groove style of wackiness applied to any show, honestly. But, instead, we get so many dry one liners out of Joey Wheeler who is like side-eyeing the camera like “nyeh, remember when this show was grimdark?”
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(read more under the cut)
At some point last episode Joey Wheeler got abducted by this bird, who is a mother of this many children.
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I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would be like “yes, Joey is delicious” but these birds will try to eat Joey for the rest of this episode. Some sort of crazy pheromone is going on with his shampoo, and they want all of it.
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Faced with the end of this gimmick we are introduced to that convenient tree branch that is in basically every animated show with a freefall in it, but something about Yugioh feels just real enough to make this particular splat....REALLY painful looking.
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And after this series of random events, we get yet another convenient plot device.
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Usually you have to go out and find your MacGuffin, but in the case of Joey Wheeler the MacGuffin got tired of waiting and just went out to greet him.
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Alexander the Great’s free time sure is something else if he just made a magical D&D campaign with monsters and stuff and then just...never used it. He just decided to leave this here for hundreds of years later. Just cuz he was too busy taking over the middle East and romancing just so many people, I guess?
Haunted D&D game for sale, never used.
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We are finally introduced with a rule to this game, and the rule is: You will die. Does that mean now their Pokemon run is Nuzlocke?
Man...I think I have used a Nuzlocke joke on this blog here before but like it just really changes the dynamics of Pokemon if they can freakin die and then Ash Ketchum also freakin dies.
Like take this orange “baby” dragon with pecks that are the size of hubcaps. If it freakin dies, so does Joey Wheeler.
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Joey of course, can’t truly walk anymore, so it’s a good thing he’s letting baby dragon do all the work.
Meanwhile, in the woods, Yugi is getting attacked by a bunch of trees and that just makes sense.
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These Deku trees look so much like something out of a Adult Swim show but I cannot put my finger on what it is. I think it’s that hair. It has strong vibes to something I watched in my youth...but I don’t know what it was at all.
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Anyway, trapped in a small corner, Yami gets his second monster to bond with his entire soul, and it’s exactly the sort of thing he’d get really excited about.
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This animation of Yami smiling as he stares into the horrific fire he started in the woods to burn so many sentient trees is very on point for Yugioh.
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Never let Yami back into California.
Straight up fire season is a few months going now, and I’m already so tired of the endless anxiety that is fire season.
Meanwhile, Joey has gone to a waterfall, most likely in order to ice his crotch from falling directly onto a tree branch.
Coincidentally, he finds yet another MacGuffin. And like, I guess this is because of Joey being lucky, but it’s extremely kid’s show because stuff just keeps happening.
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Baby Dragon sets Joey Wheeler on fire again (FREAKIN FIRE) and honestly...how many times are we going to set Joey Wheeler on fire in this show? We’ve had a literal fireball, fire golem, that god card that was just a fire bird, and like...an actual volcano last season?
Is Joey made out of asbestos?
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Good thing Kaiba isn’t here to completely disregard this map, but although they’re certainly better about finding out where to go than a Kaiba...they ain’t good at it.
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Tea and Tristan spend this whole episode fighting a giant merman. It felt a lot like card stuff so I skipped most of it, just know the big thing was that Tea remembered that her pokemon can heal Tristan. And that was a little weird because Tristan was like “That’s the GOOD STUFF give me MORE OF THAT” and it’s like...would it actually feel a little bit like drugs?
I mean it would, right?
And then, as it looked like they were about to die, the episode ended with a mysterious man using his monster to save them, that’s right, it’s the only other person it could possibly be.
Not Kaiba, I know. We all wish it were, but it appears that Seto got grounded this arc, and when he was like “Roland! We are going to India!” Mokuba and everyone else in that office promptly hid the keys to the wifejet by flushing them directly down Seto’s dragon-shaped toilet.
Instead it’s just Grandpa.
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Pretty sure Kaiba’s voice actor went on vacation during this arc, from what I’ve heard.
PS, as you can see--I numbered the episodes wrong. We are on 17 now. I have no idea how that happened. I don’t know where I went wrong. I will probably not fix it.
Like seriously how do I keep misnumbering these episodes, haha.
Anyway, hope y’all have a safe holiday weekend for those that celebrate, and if you want to see fireworks, go to a show done by a licensed professional (not your weird cousin), or get a good score in Super Mario, or watch it on TV. Overall, don’t be the dumbass that burns down half of California! And have a good time!
And if you aren’t doing anything this weekend, or you’re just new to the blog--hello! You can read all of these episodes from S1 Ep1 using this link.
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sundownings-moved · 4 years
my eyeliner was really good today until i ugly cried at the ending of the last potc movie.
on the bright side i have new icons made! im gonna finish iconing episode 5 of the society and move onto freaky
i already made base icons for both so it should be a lot easier
also i realised i had misnumbered my blockers icons. i just from 45 to 90 when i numbered the files. i made those at like 1 am.
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normal-horoscopes · 5 years
Hi CT! Just dropping by to say that I absolutely love the podcast! I've been listening to it while in the lab, and it's really made the repetitive work more enjoyable. I listened to wework pt2 today, and damn that really was a wild ride huh? Maybe more of a thank you gift than an offering: stifled incredulous laughter, the test tubes I misnumbered because I wasn't paying proper attention, and one of the flowers that have already appeared in the park i walk through on the way home
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 5 years
Hey there, so I discovered a show called Hudson&Rex (based on an old show) and the lead is super whumpable. But, there wasn't any good whump until now... S02E16 has an entire episode of hospital whump (broken leg) and S02E14 has some trapped in a cave whump (the eps are usually misnumbered). It's pretty good and I'm looking forward to more! I LOVE you, BLESS you for all you do!
Thank you anon! ❤ And awesome! I hadn't heard of this but just looked it up and it looks pretty good. Thanks for the rec :)
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valeriemperez · 7 years
In regards to the crossover I loved how in the first WA wedding attempt it was BA that was in tears & IW was more calm & in the second WA wedding it was IW that was in tears and BA was more calm. I wonder if GG & CP made that choice or that just organically happened btwn them. However it happened it was beautiful & it made other parts of the crossover I didn’t like more bearable.
YES, that was beautiful. And I’m not sure if Grant and Candice are the kind of actors who can cry on command, or if they do when they feel the moment. But I think it both fit their characters and their acting methods. Barry is overcome in the moment by Iris coming towards him, but tends to be calmer when discussing how much he and Iris love each other. Whereas Iris is more overcome by talking about how much she loves Barry and since when, because it took her so long to realize/accept it.
I’m not thrilled by the double wedding or many aspects of the crossover but getting to see WA kiss twice and have a few all encompassing hugs really did make up for the drought of WA love I have felt in 4a. So I’m going to try and move on to the mid season finale. I’m sure you’ve seen the still photos from the episode, what are you deducing & hoping will happen?
I love your outlook! I’m still thinking that Thinker is setting up either/or situations to break Barry and tear the team apart, and that he and Amunet will wind up being linked. I think Iris will outsmart him and reveal herself as an admirable opponent on her own, and then it will end with another West home Christmas scene hopefully followed by Westallen in their loft.
Any ideas what we’re trending next week, since we will get to see married westallen, how about congratulations westallen
Married Westallen has a nice ring to it. Thoughts?
So no new hashtag for next Tuesday? I had #WestallenDeservesBetter, but then I thought we’d stick to the routine and go with #IrisWestAllen since Iris is now married to Barry Allen. I don’t know. Your pick.
Do we want a hashtag or no hashtag? I like Married Westallen if no hashtag, and #IrisWestAllen if we use a hashtag. Feel free to respond with the one you like in the comments or notes!
Long ask about ship parallels below:
p1 Can I be real honest about something that annoys me? When fellow WA fans try to gatekeep the tag and act like they speak for everyone. I’ve seen a few times now people make either a gifset or post that somehow parallels WA to another couple, but is in no way anti-wa. Yet at times I see salty comments in the comment section to take it out of the tag or no one wants to see it blabla. Guess what, people that ship WA can also ship other things and want to parallel.p2 Or they could just want to talk about things that are similar. If it’s not antiwa there’s no reason not to also tag it wa. As long as something isn’t anti wa who is anyone to gatekeep what can and cannot be in there. As someone who knows how much time it takes to make gifs it’s especially grating. We all love Wa, but not everyone ships only WA or may ship something more. Just because you ship something else too or even more, doesn’t mean you cannot have an opinion and tag it (if not anti)p3/ and no this is not something that has happened to me (and is not about any one ship) it’s just something i’ve seen and it’s been bothering me more and more because fellow WA fans are being being treated pretty rudely for no reason. Sorry had to unload.p5/ adding: not pointing at entire fandom (very nice mostly) or anyone specific, just a few!
I don’t like policing people myself, so I agree that it’s not fair to police others either. But at the same time, I get that it feels suspect when people you never see in the tag otherwise are only there to (it feels like) make their ship look good. But we don’t know what is in the hearts of others, and most of us don’t wanna scroll to find out what’s in their tumblrs either. So I prefer to think the best of people until proven wrong.
I used to make parallels between WA and other ships, so I know the reaction that gets lol. I’ve mostly stopped doing it because it made some of my fellow shippers mad and because I saw people who were otherwise antis using my sets to validate their own ships. So I get both sides of it, but I agree with you that all fandoms could always stand to be a more positive place.
Either tumblr ate part 4 or it was misnumbered, sorry! Either way, I agree with you that only a few people do this.
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cinnaxis · 5 years
I’m doing an “analysis” of GMM episodes and I made the mistake of getting all uploaded videos in the GMM channel (not the actual GMM episodes) and so I tried cleaning my data. I could just get the episodes per season playlist but I went with the hard way lmao. Anyway, it turns out that they have a lot of misnumbered episodes. I also discovered that they deleted an episode, and an episode got deleted (they’re both guest episodes). I wonder if they’re actually celebrating the episode milestones at the correct time lol. Or maybe it gets corrected over time? Haven’t looked at the data long enough to tell
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link-sans-specs · 1 year
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I'm just gonna pretend that him taking off those pesky specs and then looking right into the camera was for me, mmk? 🥹
What Candy Am I Chewing?
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shortruler · 7 years
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Not-so-live watch-along of Konosuba Season 2 Episode 4: “Drooling over Darkness” (Edit: My bad, accidentally misnumbered the episode lol) 1. Hot damn, that’s Darkness? She looks damn fine in a dress 👌 2 & 3. For someone who claims to be straight, Kazuma seems to quite like this dude… 4. Does Kazuma have a super high charm/charisma stat or something? Because he seems to be the master of tricking people. 5. Aww, innocently blushing Darkness is so cute! If only she was always this innocent… (Jk, I love her perviness) 6 & 7. Omg, she’s literally just describing Kazuma! If it wasn’t for Kazuma being a kinkshaming prick, I’d ship them. 8. Hot damn those legs 👌 9. God, I love smug girls. Something about them is just 😩
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nebulawriter · 8 years
Blind Review SU S2E15
I realized for the new steven bomb I started misnumbering the episodes. oops. here is ACTUAL 15
Well, Connie’s alive, thats good. 
DID he get his ears pierced?
They forgot the Rubies. 
Oh boy. 
Lapis and Peridot are there. 
LOL PERIDOT. Oh, she does know them, okay. I guess Steven’s told them about them. 
Oh poor Connie. 
Peridot. Tact. 
Oh god this is going to go poorly.  LAPIS oh a joke, got it. 
Pfft. Pumpkin is Pearl. 
Cool pose! Nice. 
Connie did you raid Steven’s closet. 
Good job Peridot. 
Wow, what a great impersonation Lapis. 
Water we waiting for. Wow. 
Oh thank goodness. That...actually worked out. 
Connie do your parents know you’re staying at Steven’s with two aliens unfamiliar with earth customs. 
Lapis impersonation of Garnet is wonderful. 
More like WATER you guys doing. Eh?
Oh, poor Yellowtail. 
Connie oh my goodness. They don’t love you, Connie, they barely know you. 
You guys have to be yourselves! 
Lol, nice Connie. 
Oh my goodness. this is beautiful. 
okay now bed long day tomorrow
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superzinnia · 3 years
you ship biospace? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 also was there a reason huntingbird was the only canon ship you didn't put on your list or just coincidence haha
oh noooooo
shhh nobody saw that there was no gifset you saw nothing and in unrelated news, there will be a new gifset posted shortly
by which i mean lmao huntingbird was supposed to be on it but somehow i deleted the folder with those captures? like no lie when i take screencaps for gifs the player i use creates folders with the name of the episode and i always just rename them 1, 2, etc for ease. and i noticed when i was making the set that it went from 4 to 6 but i couldn't figure out who was missing so i thought oh, i must have misnumbered. but no, i'm just dumb. thanks for pointing that out, anon!
and yes!!!! i ship biospace! i know a lot of people who ship fitzsimmons are very anti-will but i am not about that. "there's no hope on this planet" "that's what i used to think, then you showed up"??? hello? PEAK ROMANCE.
but i don't believe in otps so really i ship everything lol. ask me if i ship something and the answer will almost always be yes.
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