#this doesn't really line up with my experience of playing hux.
forcedhesitation · 9 months
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I suppose that since this list is for beginners, it isn't unreasonable to put the spent oxygen tank lower in the list.... but I don't know if I could call it average.
Am I missing something here? because I think it's one of his best addons. Slipstream a survivor at the right moment, and they will fail to escape you because they can no longer rely on an exhaustion perk to give them a second chance. Which makes the addon a little too intense for a beginner, yes, but only average? idk.
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free-boundsoul · 3 years
Vampires have pointy ears in unempowered lore? Wow, that’s hilarious. I wonder what possible reason a vampire would need to develop pointy ears. Like… evolutionarily speaking, just why? The fangs, that’s obvious. The heightened senses help them find a viable food source. The trancing, same thing. But pointy ears? That’s too much, Freelancer. I’d love to have a conversation with the person who thought that one up.
Yeah. Would… Would you want one? Because it’s just a bunch of commercialized bullshit that the fox is even a character. You could totally tell the franchise purposefully made her so adorably cute just to exploit the potential profit. She didn’t really add much to the story at all. And of course, everyone lined up to buy anything and everything with that fox’s little face on it. Typical of the materialistic, instant gratification-addicted society we live in. And… I can get you one, if you want.
Maybe I should get a cat… My building accepts pets. I guess I was worried I wouldn’t have to time to look after a cat right now. It’s not fair to the cat if I never spend time with him because I’m always studying. Maybe when I finish my degree, I’ll adopt one. So, tell me Freelancer, what should I look for in a cat? I want to be prepared when I do go to the shelter. Let’s see… I’ll need food. What’s the healthiest kind of food for cats? A litter box, and plenty of litter… A bed, toys, one of those scratcher tree things… Shit, I need to make a list.
The massage helped so much. I really might have to take you up on that offer because… wow.
Aww, that sounds like a nice place to grow up, except for not having any friends. That must’ve been hard. Wow, quite the wildlife experience. Hmm, are you sure those were real wolf packs and not shifter packs? How long did it take for the skunk smell to go away? That must’ve been terrible! You’re such a klutz, Freelancer. It’s a miracle you probably haven’t fallen more. I’ve seen you trip on air before. As you can see from my parents’ humble abode, I grew up in a city. Sounds like we had really different childhoods.
Hehe, is it really torture? And I was just going to call it Found Family. I'm not that creative. So, if you can think of anything better, I'm all ears. Oh wow, Hux is going all out too. I think some of those are button mashes. I think our next game night will be eventful!
If I think of anything, I’m going to keep my mouth shut like I should’ve. Look at this, look at this! Do you know how much data all of those gifs are going to use up? That’s putting it mildly. Whose turn is it to pick our next game?
That’s really considerate of you, Freelancer. Thank you. Here, I’ll start chopping.
I like playing with fire, Damie, I thought that was pretty obvious.
So confident, aren’t you? Well, I think you’ll find playing around with a few sparks can lead to quite the fireshow. It doesn't take much for a few flames to get out of control before long.
I think it's from the whole bat myth, y'know? They have pointy ears. I don't really get it either, haha.
....I might have a weakness for cute plush animals. Hux got me this giant unicorn that's super soft, and its a pretty nice back support. And you never know, she could secretly be the key to a grand finale! This cute form could just be a dormant form and her true form is a giant fox and she'll save the day. But um...I'd really like a plush of her. I can pay you for it!
Well, it's hard to tell you what to look for in a cat. I think when you see the right one, you'll know that's the ones that's meant for you. Hehe, leave it to you to make a detailed list. I give Eren wet food and dry, and some people make their own food. You might want a water fountain, Eren was really picky and he didn't really like drinking water from a bowl. He'll lay in the sink and drink from the faucet though.
I think they were real wolf packs, if they were shifters would they have sensed I was a Freelancer and came to say hi? It took a few days and a lot of baths. I don't know if the smell faded or if we just got noseblind to it. At least I haven't fallen on you yet. Haha, yeah, we did. You've only lived in the city before?
Haha, if you need extra data, I'll pay for it. It is my fault after all. I think it's your turn isn't it? Gavin had the last choice and picked that card game that ended up getting ridiculous.
Thank you! I'll start the rice and get the chicken ready!
Well, I can pretend, haha. And I thought you said you never get out of control? But if we're going to have a bonfire, I can bring s'mores?
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