#this does mean I'm not as concerned with the cinereous vulture as I was before
myriadeyed · 4 years
Honestly, at this point I’m done caring about “why” I’m an animal as well as a human. I just am. Do I strongly doubt that it’s psychological? Yes. But can I truly confidently say that it’s what I claim to be sure it is - “past lives”? No, of course not. It could be anything, either, both, neither for all I know - or care. I’m just going to keep going with my life, I don’t need to concern myself with metaphysics (except when it’s interesting, of course.)
I’m not the type to dwell over spirituality; in fact, I’m not a spiritual or dwelling type at all. I can pretend like I know something all I want, but I’m betraying my Jewish upbringing, the mindset I will never escape, nor want to; question everything, and you can never be sure of the answer.
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