#this did p good on insta so whoop
maxverstepponme · 1 year
Want to give my two cents on the whole Kelly in NY and Miami thing.
-goes to NY for ‘work’ and to seem like a lovely mother, gets papped and hangs out with pageboyprojects.
-visits old friends and at least P looks like she’s having a good time.
-Sophie weirdly comments of her post after not doing so in months, this comes after wide spread rumours of a split.
-don’t know when she flies to Miami but no reunion pic of her and max which is odd. Someone on here meets them says Kelly wasn’t nice but max was lovely.
-Kelly co hosts a lunch for patbo, loads of Miami influencer and her friends go. In the pictures she’s heavily photoshopped and a new agency keeps posting about her.
-again she hosts a meet and greet for patbo. Posts about these things late but when does it screams I’m here for ‘work’ not max and ‘I do work see’.
-family dinner, no max. Meets fans who say she was lovely, right after her not being lovely on here.
-Sylvia’s birthday, Kelly’s doesn’t post anything on that day but piquet jr does.
-doesn’t go to qualifying, seems like Julia might have but we don’t know. Kelly starts to post about her mums birthday, making it seem like it was on the Saturday. Could be using it as an excuse as to why she wasn’t at qualifying.
-goes out for friends dinners
-Sunday: doesn’t arrive with max but piquet jr does. Post a story of her in the garage with max, selfie is mirrored and max looks miserable.
-Kelly doesn’t stay in the garage, but piquet jr does. Kelly’s goes to the paddock club upstairs and hangs out with all her new influencer friends.
-post race, max gives her a hug but tries to pull away and only awkwardly pats her back. Talks to Martin and Raymond.
-as usual Kelly posts maxs podium on her insta but then starts to repost others stories and make it about herself. The stories she reposted are from her new influencer friends and are tagging her more than max. Even Martha Graeff posted on Kelly on her story at the podium bit, when she’s never before and wasn’t even at the race.
-don’t know if she helped get these influencers a ticket or if they were already going but she hung out with them instead of being in the garage. Pageboyprojects are also there and Yasmin too.
-I think she’s reposted all of these to prove she’s a supportive and loving girlfriend. So when they break up she can use the ‘but look how much i supported and loved him’ and ‘he never appreciated me’. Making max out to be the bad guy. The video of her ‘whooping’ and shouting is so forced and quite obviously doing it for attention.
-also the posts with Martin and daniels camera, I think are to prove that maxs friends do like her. All the rumours and sources lately, one is consistent and that’s that maxs friends don’t like her. Martin seemed to ignore/didn’t talk to her at the tennis event they both went to in Monaco but if you look at Kelly’s story she’s friends with them all.
-the picture of max at the end with the police escorts, he isn’t even looking at her/her camera. Plus she thanks them for their help all weekend but to our knowledge (I don’t think she was there) she wasn’t there. She’s also only wearing a Sunday wristband instead of a weekend one.
-they didn’t go clubbing this year (although not sure if any of the drivers did so could mean nothing).
So to sum up, I think the stories were over the top and mainly centred on her, so when they break up she can say that all she ever was, was supportive and loving and he dumped her, how mean of him. Just like the exposingverstappens account (in the Mariana bay anon has any more on this that would be amazing).
Sorry it’s long :))
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battaryacid · 5 years
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diego brando mullet pride 
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
1) what's your favourite element and why
2) momo or appa
3) what got you into avatar (additionally: what made you keep watching it)
4) fav part of canon / canon info you will always ignore every single day
5) which adult do you think would vibe best with the gaang, not in a parental way, but like in a friends way
sincerely, bread bestie (p.s. you don't have to answer all of these lol i just wanted to give you options)
1) i think water because it can do so much. it can heal. it can turn to ice. it can be a weapon. it can be a cool party trick. it can do so much?? its so versitile just like water and i think that they way they modeled the bending is more than just ‘oh katara has water powers’ like the creators put a lot of thought into ALL kinds of bending but i think water is the most prominent examples of that because it rlly shows how flexible the element is through the many uses of bending. so yeah. water.
2) appa. i have two appa plushies in my room that two diffeeenr friends got me for mt bday without consulting one another and it was amzing. i love appe. momo is still wonderful but. appa my beloved
3) when the atla renaissance began, i saw it EVERYWHERE on my tiktok fyp even tho i had never shown any interest in any tiktoks ab it before. eventually i was like yk what this actually seems kinda good may as well give it a shot. and it was AMAZING. so i started looking on my insta explore page for fanarts and looking up funfacts and eventually that turned into coming on tumblr and ive been here ever since! ive also rewatched the show over twenty times since it returned to netflix. whoops.
4) canon things i love:
grumpy grouchy sarcastic sokka
toph listening to the earth before making her moves
the way sokka earned mark of the wise
p much everything suki does
the final agni kai. ik theres a lot of arguing between zutara shippers and basically everyone else ab zuko taking the lighting bolt for katara and zuko taking the kightning bolt for anyone. look he DID take that bolt for katara specifically and he WOULD take a bolt for anyone in the gaang. these facts can and should coexist. removing all shipping arguments ab this scene tho: i love it so much because its one of the most defining moments that shows just how far zuko has come as a chatacter. like that is the epitome of the depiction if his growth for me.
aang and his marble trick
aang being more than just a goofy kid. hes so wise. hes so strong. hes been through so fuckin much and hes STILL THAT POSITIVE. hes so strong and i love him.
canon things i ignore
ik this is the comics but basically the entire way they handled azulas arc in the comics. i havent even read them but ive seen so many posts ab azula in the comics that it has made me not want to read them. i am a firm believer in azula redemption arc. i think if given the right circumstances and the right chances and help to improve that she could become a good person. she is capable of changing and i think that the fact that she stayed a villain in the comics is just ugh not the good good
yues death. nope shes alive.
jets death. nope hes alive.
aang being a bad father in lok. wtf. thats so out of character for him. its so ooc its ridiculous.
cop toph. so ooc. she is a RULE BREAKER. why would she willingly ENFORCE THEM. like no. toph rejoined the earthbending tournament circuit and helped invent probending. thats the new canon
5) okay
in the show adult?: bato. like still has some sort of parental vibes but also: hes bato. hes chill. i firmly believe that bato is a sarcastic bastard who is a ‘bad influence on the children’ please. zuko taught them all those curse words, bato didnt. (although he didnt stop it)
okay but a real life adult? my history teacher or geometry teacher. they were my BESTIES in school. and i related to zuko sokka toph and suki a lil too much so obviosuly these irl ppl would be their friends lmao
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xplrwithme · 5 years
Feisty: Colby BrockxReaderx Mike’s Dead smut
Warnings: Heavy smut (I’m so so sorry), drinking, cursing, I think that’s it?
“How the hell did I do this to myself?” You thought to yourself. You had so many drinks at this point you could physically feel the alcohol buzzing through you. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, you drank plenty of times. Although this time you may have gone a bit past your normal limit. You’d think at 22 years old you would have known better by now but when Mike challenges you to beer pong, you don’t turn it down.
Ah yes, Mike. That’s how this happened. Your rapping best friend you recently moved in with was throwing a party for you. A party in which no one you knew was attending other than Mike, so you chose to make the liquor your friend for the night. So when Mike finally found you in the crowded house, hugging a bottle of Jameson, he demanded that it was time to beat your ass in beer pong.
You scoffed-
“Sure thing, Mikey. I’ll come whoop your ass before tucking you into bed tonight.” You say as you sink the first ball with a smirk. A bunch of boys started yelling about how Mike got burned. He laughed it off saying
“Baby girl, I’ll take my chances. I’m not the one who’s been making love to that bottle of Jameson all night.”
“At least this bottle could get me off better than anyone else here.”
Mikes jaw hit the floor as you nearly fell over laughing at your own joke. Only you and him knew about your little secret hookups. Yes you were best friends, but you both had needs sometimes and were able to keep your friendship so it worked out.
“We both know that isn’t true, Princess.”
A blush rose to your face hearing a voice come up behind you, making you miss your shot.
Oh, did we forget the part that you actually did know one person in LA? That person being Colby Brock.
You had met Colby the first time you visited Mike in LA. You couldn’t deny how attractive he was and considering Mike had a girlfriend at the time, you spent a lot of your time with Colby during that visit. You spent countless nights under the stars, hiking, and exploring while getting to know each other, inside and out. And each and every time it was better than the last. He may seem like a scrawny boy, but he knew what he was doing. Hearing his deep voice calling you Princess, something he only did between the sheets, made your body start to heat up in all the best ways.
“Hello to you too, Colby. Glad to see you pull yourself away from the insta models long enough to say hi.” You responded, sinking a ball into the beer pong cup.
You watched his confidence drop a bit realizing you saw him flirting with some other girl. No you weren’t dating but there were feelings there, so it hurt like a bitch to see him talking another girl up.
“Oh she’s feisty tonight, Colbs. You better let me handle her tonight.” Mike winked at you.
“It’s cute you think you can handle this, Mikey. I’m not sure if either of you could.”
You watched both of their reactions. Both boys faces turning red as they made eye contact with each other and shook their heads, almost silently agreeing to something unbeknownst to you. You took this distraction to sink the last pong ball and throw your hands up in victory.
You walked up to Mike, swinging your hips for good measure as you knew Colby was watching closely, and put a hand on his cheek.
“I’ll be taking my winnings now, sir.” You kept eyes on his as your hands slowly made their way down his chest, brushing the growing erection, and swiftly taking his wallet from his pocket. You grabbed your rightfully earned $50, put his wallet on the table, and walked back to the kitchen to grab your bottle of Jameson.
You had just reached the kitchen when you felt a hand roughly grab a fist full of hair at the nape of your neck and were quickly pulled into a rock hard body. You chuckled when you felt the oh so familiar coldness of a certain blue haired boys Gucci rings.
“Quite the show you put on there, Princess.” Colby eases up on the grip he had and spun you around to face him. You were surprised to see Mike standing there with him.
“You know me, I live to entertain.” You smirked as you went to down another shot straight from the whiskey bottle. You barely got a taste of the liquor before the bottle was ripped from your hands.
“I think you’re done for the night, baby girl.” Mike said holding the bottle away from you.
“Oh fuck off. I’m having fun.” You retorted but quickly regretted as Mike stormed towards you and wrapped a hand around your neck. As he did so, Colby’s hands tightened on your waist, chuckling in your ear.
“You’re getting a little too mouthy tonight. Must I put you in your place every time we drink, baby?” Mike glared down at you. Any normal person would have been nervous, but you? You just got more excited.
“Like I said earlier, neither of you can handle-“ you were quickly cut off by being thrown over Colby’s shoulder. Before you knew it you were being thrown down on Mikes bed with your two favorite boys standing in front of you. Clearly you weren’t the only one growing excited from this because you were face to face with two rock hard erections.
“I’m sure there was a nicer way to do this, boys. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a bottle calling my name.” You stood up, not expecting to get far, and were quickly grabbed by Mike.
“The only names that are gonna be called are mine and Colby’s when you’re screaming them later.” Mike said as he grabbed your chin with one hand, tightly squeezed it, and roughly kissed you. You slowly melted into the kiss when you felt Colby start kissing your neck behind you. The familiar wet feeling between your knees was growing as Mike ripped off your shirt and Colby started working on the skirt you were wearing. You gasped as you felt two ringed fingers slip into you. Colby moaned loudly when he felt how wet you were.
“Mike, shes sopping wet. Should we reward her even though she was disobeying tonight?” Colby asked as Mike pulled away from you, pushing you on his bed. You quickly sat up, pleading with your eyes as the two men stood in front of you, contemplating their next moves.
“Look how bad she wants it, Colbs. She wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. She was waiting. I think she should beg for it.”
You were shaking with anticipation.
“P-p-please, I need you. I need you both.” A simple plea was all it took for the boys. They quickly stripped to nothing and Mike ordered you to get on all fours on the bed. You weren’t playing any more and listened immediately. You needed either one or both of them to fuck You and you needed it now. Colby kneeled behind you on the bed and started pumping his fingers in and out of your heat quickly. Mike kisses you one last time, dragging his thumb over your lips and opening your mouth. He pumped his dick in his hands, watching Colby pump now three fingers in and out. You started moving your hips in rhythm with Colby when he suddenly thrust into you.
“FUCK COLBY.” You cried out, pleasure shaking you to the core. Mike moaned loudly at the sight, continuing to stroke his cock in his hand. Colby kissed the back of your neck, giving you a second to adjust. When you started moving your hips to his, he took the hint to continue.
“Fuck, y/n. Your pussy takes me so well princess. So fuckin good.”
And as much pleasure as you were in, you couldn’t help but make a smart ass remark.
“Fuck You, my pussy will always be better than the insta hoes.” Colby stopped his movements.
“Shut her up, Mike.” You gasped as Colby slammed back into you. Mike took this opportunity to shove his cock into your mouth. Both men groaning at the sight of you filled with them.
“Fuck baby, do that again and I’ll cum instantly.” Mike was a moaning mess as you were deepthroating his dick. Less than a second later you were swallowing up his load.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” He lost it completely and collapsed in front of you. Watching in contempt as you and Colby continued.
“Ride me, Princess. I wanna watch you cum on my cock.” Colby says as he pulls out of you, leaving you whining for more but scrambling to crawl on his lap. He grabbed your hips and slammed you down on his cock
“FUCK Colbs fuck fuck fuck!”
“What the fuck do you call me?” Colby reached up to tighten a hand around your throat, once again leaving you a mess at his hands.
“S-s-sir.” You managed to choke out
“Good girl.” He crooned.
“Sir I think I’m gonna-“
“Come on baby girl, cum around his cock.” Mike whispered in your ear, grabbing a handful of hair and yanking on it.
“Let go princess.” That pet name. That damn pet name is what makes you lose your damn mind. Hearing Colby rasp out “Princess” with such desire makes that ball curling in your lower half finally release.
“Oh oh my god.!” You scream letting go. This final reaction making Colby finish quickly behind you. He pulls out as Mike holds your head gently towards Colby’s cock, you both watching eagerly as Colby strokes his length one last time and releasing into your mouth.
You all collectively moan and collapse on the bed. After a few minutes mike hands you one of their shirts, and both boys throw on some boxers. Mike walks out to grab you some water as you lay in Colby’s arms.
“You feeling okay, babe? It got a little rough there.” Colby looked down at you in his arms with a guilty look on his face. You smile up at him and nod.
“I’m perfect. Thank you.” Mike returns with water for you and Colby helps you sit up.
“So uh, I ran into some angry blonde downstairs Colbs..” Mike awkwardly states which only makes you start to feel self conscious, questioning Colby’s intentions at all. All while Colby laughs.
“Ah she’s just pissed I told her my girlfriend was in town for good. That is, if you’re still into me, y/n?” He looks at you nervously.
You answered him with a kiss and nodded.
“Wait, Mike, are you okay with this? Were you two-?” Colby starts to ask before he’s cut off with laughter
“Me and y/n? No way. She’s my best friend. Just happens to be a good lay when one of us needs it.” Mike winks at you as you throw a pillow at him.
“In that case then, we’re retiring to the guest room.” Colby states, picking you up and carrying you away. You smile into his arms and quickly fall asleep.
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tiava143 · 5 years
Baby Boy
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Chapter II (Highkey long)
Chapter 1
“So what you tryna do while mommy’s at work pop?” Erik said looking over at his son.
“Can we go to the park and hoop with CJ and cousin Cameron please?” Sage said. He enjoyed being around his cousin CJ since he was close to his age. CJ was Cameron’s oldest son, they had their kids around the same time so they are always around each other.
“Lemme see where they at.” Erik said dialing Cam’s number.
Erik shook his head chuckling, thinking about his crazy ass cousin Cameron.They were known as the Demon Twins when were together.(Let Solana and Terry tell it) Cameron is the loud outgoing smooth talker, while Erik was seen but not heard as much. But don’t think for one second they would let something happen to one another. People know not to test Erik but anyone that tries Cameron better move out of the country. They went to juvie together, hit their licks together. Shit they even had their kids together. They were thick as thieves, since they were youngins if you seen one you seen the other. Even though they were cousins ,they were brothers to outsiders.
“If you aint talkin’ money, ion wanna talk its Big Cam the p, what it be?” Cameron yelled in the phone.
“Get yo’ dusty ass up nigga. Ima come scoop you and jr we finna’ hit the park.” Erik laughed as he turned onto his block.
“Fuck you nigga that aint what ya’ baby mama said when i was in ha’ chest last night.” Cameron laughed. “Nigga dont shot, playin’ with my best friend name.” Erik heard his girlfriend Terry say over the phone. “Im just playin’ ma. But ight fool, gimme 10.”
“Hurry yo lanky ass up, we burnin’ daylight.”  Erik said hanging up and pulling in front of his cousin’s house. Sage got out the car and ran to the door and CJ answered the door to let them in.
“What’s the deal lil cuzzo?” Erik said walking into the house dapping him then sat on the couch. Sage and CJ ran into his room  to play video games. Terry came out the room and hugged Erik.
“Hey E. Why you up so early ?” She said walking into the kitchen to start cooking breakfast.
“Wassup squirt, I had to drop yo’ crazy ass best friend off at work. You know she stay on my ass about everything.” He said chuckling.
“Well if you just did what the fuck we ask then we wouldn’t be sweatin’ you all the time. Y'all just don’t fuckin’ listen. Just like ya hard headed cousin.” Terry said rolling her eyes and mixing the pancake batter.
“TJ I do listen to her, everytime some shit happens at her job I’m the listening to her rant all fuckin’ night about it.” He said shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m not talking about just that one time E. I mean listen like understand the shit we say and take it into consideration, not just listen as the words go through one ear and out the fucking other. We wanna feel like were valued. Not just a damn object yall fuck on. You wanna degrade and manipulate bitches you better go get Becky with the good hair, because us black queens aint finna deal with it.Periodt.” She ranted while pouring the batter on the skillet.
“Aw shit you done got her ass started.Every time you come over here she starts” Cameron said walking into the living room holding his 9 month on daughter Chanel. He daps Erik and hands Chanel to him then walks in the kitchen. Erik rocks her to sleep then lays her in her crib.
“Don’t even try and front with E. You know damn well i’ll fuck you up myself. Try that shit if you want to.” Terry Said mean-mugging him. Cameron wrapped his arms around her waist and placed soft kisses on her cheek.
“And you know Big Daddy don’t play that shit so I dare you to try me.” He said lowly into her ear then sucks on her earlobe. Erik groans watching then stands up.
“Man c'mon you bullshittin’ she gon’ be here when you come back. Gremlins let’s go or you gon’ get left.” He said walking out the door. The boys ran out the door and hopped in the car.
“I’ll save y'all some food for when y'all get back I know you gon be all grumpy when E whoops ya ass at the court.” Terry said walking Cam out the door laughing. Erik started laughing then hugged Terry.
“That’s a damn shame even yo’ girl know ima whoop yo ass Cam.” He said walking to the car and gets in. Cameron mugged her as he walked towards the car shaking his head.“You disloyal heffa. You suppose to be my number one supporter.” Cam said getting in the car and rolling the window up. Terry laughed as she went back in the house. Erik proceeded to drive off.
“Nigga how you let ya girl punk you like that?” Erik said looking at the songs on his phone to play.
“Fuck you, she only do it around you and Lana. Yall be gettin’ her started on them fuckin’ "I’m independent, fuck all these niggas,i don’t need a nigga for shit” rants. Like fuck…she’ll never be quiet.“ Cam said scrolling on insta. Erik chuckled looking over at him."Remind you of somebody? You like a tape recorder. You just keep going on and on and on. It’s a reason why you still with her. Am i wrong ?” He said pulling into the parking lot of the park.
“Im telling mommy you’re talking about her again. Daddy remember what she said the last time.” CJ said from the backseat looking at his dad.
Erik looked back  at him and started laughing. “What she say CJ?”
“She said ‘Keep that saamee energy.’ ” He said rolling his neck how Terry does it. Erik was rolling when he got out the car and ran. Cameron stayed quiet the whole time as the whole conversation went on. He knew if he said something else his son would snitch on him. He glared at Erik as he walked towards the courts with the boys.
“You done nigga?” Cam said annoyed.
Erik whipped a tear from his eye and took a breath. “Yeah I’m done. I aint know she was doin’ my boy like thaaat.” Cameron shook his head and started bouncing the basketball.
“Look CJ if i can teach you one good thing in this world it’s when you’re around the fellas you keep what’s said to yourself. Don’t go reporting shit to ya mama and what not. That’s guy code man. Trust me.” Cameron said shooting the ball into the hoop.
“Yeah….no matter how scared ya daddy is of a girl that’s 5'2.” Erik said laughing and grabbing the ball and bouncing it to Sage. Cameron shook his head.
Solana’s Pov
I’m so sick of this job. Well not necessarily, it is my dream job to be a fashion designer. Some of my female co-workers here are so jealous, like don’t get mad at me for doing what Jordan wants. He asks and I deliver.Here we are in another meeting so he can tell us what’s to come with the next client.
“Alright everyone great job pulling through with last week’s client Jynesse. A special thanks to Solana, she delivered the most outstanding design for Jyneese and as a plus the outfit was on the cover of Essence magazine. Keep up the great work.” Jordan said clapping as well as everyone else except Amber. This bitch is a fucking hater i swear. Amber’s been working for Jordan for about 5 years and she was his top designer. Well until i showed up, not to toot my own horn but beep beep. I’ve been here for the past 2 years now and clients have grabbed my designs back to back and now she’s mad. Amber has tried so hard to sabotage my designs but it turns around and bites her in the ass every time. One time i had to convince Jordan not to fire her stank ass but she doesn’t know it. She tries so hard to be in my position it’s exhausting. Like bitch get a life. And she better not think for one second that i didn’t catch her dusty ass making googly eyes with Erik’s dumb ass. If she keeps disrespecting me i might have to show her why i got this AK-47 tatted on my leg.
“Now for this week’s project our client Mrs. Keyshia Ka’oir wants a piece for her birthday party coming up in a few weeks. It seems that her and her Husband want to be matching somehow. She wants a dress that’s extra as possible in her words.Oh, and she wants it to be red all over.Rough sketches are due tomorrow and all projects are due next Friday so get to it everyone, she will be here to hand pick which style she wants so it better be extravagant.Good luck.” Jordan said
“Greaaatt, more stress.” I said mumbling as i stand up and started walking towards my office. As i was walking through the door i see her looking at me up and down from her door. Yes our offices are across from each other. A great fucking coincidence right? I turned around and faced her leaning against my door frame.
“Do you have problem? You’ve been looking at me all day with a stank face so what is your issue?” I said glaring back at her as i looked at her up and down.
Amber starts to smirk shake her head at me. “Nope. All i know is you better be prepared to lose your spot on top because once Keyshia looks at my design its game over for you baby girl. So, have fun while you can.”
“Girl bye, nobody is worried about your tired ass, old ass, styles. Amber you’ve put out the same style the past five assignments we’ve had its old sis. You want to impress somebody, impress yourself by trying new fabric or you know better yet try a career because this apparently isn’t it for you.” I said rolling my eyes and closing my door. I can’t believe that bitch really tired me. Just wait till I get my sketch ready, I born to do this.
~At the park~
Erik and Cameron were playing one on one while Sage and CJ were playing on the other side of the court. The kids got tired of just playing basketball so they wanted to do their own thing. Erik was whooping Cameron’s ass just like Terry said too.
“Where the fuck was you at last night? I called your ass to hit the strip club bruh. All the birds was there.” Cam said wiping the sweat off his forehead with his shirt.
“Man I was handlin’ business last night.” Erik said shooting the ball from the free throw line.
“What bitch was it this time?” Cameron said shaking his head and leaning on his knees. Erik chuckled bouncing the ball in between his legs.
“How you know I was with a bitch?”
“One you chuckling like you holding something, Two you never handle business without me being there or drop your location. So which one was it? Britney? La’toya? or Malina?” He said stealing the ball from Erik and going for a layup.
“I been stopped fucking with La’toya crazy ass. Remember i told you i caught that bitch puttin’ my sperm in a syringe?”
Cameron started laughing. “Hell yeah I remember that shit, that bitch was in love witchu! ’Erik gon’ be my baby’s father!’ It took me and the homies to pry that bitch off your ass.”
“Man, after that shit I was like nah i’m good shorty. But Malina.” Erik said biting his lip thinking about this morning.
“I had to put that bitch out on the curb though. She wouldn’t get out my bed and I had to take Lana to work.I wasn’t about to let this bitch sleep in my room while i was gone. Then fuck around and come back all my drawers cleaned out.” He said getting in his guard stance in front of Cameron.
“Wait, wait,wait y'all fucked this morning? Like right before you took Lana to work.You had to let the bitch spend the night too? Cuz that’s fucked up.You a dog bruh.” Cameron said laughing and pulling up to make a shot. Erik blocked the shot and switches spots.
“Man I was too drunk to take her back to her crib, I had the Henny in my system when i hit her. I told her to meet me at the spot right? She hop out the uber with this short ass dress on Cam like if the bitch bent over you could see the pussy lips wink at you bruh. I was like damn so we kickin’ it ,choppin’ it up then next thing I know she riding me on the hood of the car in the parking lot of McDonald’s. This was at like 3 in the morning too, we was up the street from my crib so i said fuck it slide through. Woke up and got in the guts again then Lana called.Kicked that bitch to the curb literally.” He said laughing as he shot a three. Erik looked back on the other side of the court to make sure Sage was okay.
Cam stood there with his mouth wide open. “Damn that bitch a freak. In the parking lot?!? Of McDonald’s?!?! Shitttt you should’ve called a nigga. We could’ve tag teamed that hoe.”
“Nigga please, Terry crazy ass aint finna’ air the clip out on me because you wanted to fuck another bitch. TJ got eyes everywhere on you. Every bitch in Inglewood know you her nigga.They aint finna’ try her or Lana.” Erik said shaking his head and taking his shirt off.
“I swear her crazy ass got a tracking device on my dick. I go into the bathroom she all like ‘Where you takin’ my dick?’ I say I’m going’ to the store she say ‘That bitch bet not be at the store.’ Next thing i know i get to the store she there waitin’ for a nigga. ‘I was just makin sure you came to the same store you always do.’” Like damn I can’t go nowhere without her being there.” Cameron said shaking his head. Erik looked behind Cameron and seen Terry’s car parked in the lot with her looking out the window at them.
“Speak of the devil, she shall appear.” He said nodding his head in the direction. Cameron raised his eyebrow with  confused look on his face.
“Cuz what you talkin’ bout?” He said turning around. “Gotdamn it ! See the shit I mean she crazy.I been gave yo crazy ass my location Terry!”Cameron said walking towards her car. Erik laughed shaking his head at them.
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one-1-year-gone · 5 years
Day one hundred and ninety-nine (199)
That whole school challenge was a mess from start to finish. The S-six (6) were supposed to run the first period, I came down bc I signed up as helper and I ended up never running. Whoops. I gotta say, chilling all day in the PE kit, which I use to sleep in, pretty noice.
Yeah, I was only supposed (I have no autocorrect on my phone is it one (1) or two (2) p?) to help in the afternoon but I couldn't get away until second period. The library was closed and pretty much everyone else off (skiving probably), but I just happened to walk into Giulia, who came from the running and we decided to take a lil trip to Tesco. I didn't want to stay in school and Giulia didn't want to go to Biology. Yes, we went to Tesco and bought food. Giulia bought a meal deal (sandwich, yogurt and drink) and chocolate cookies and I bought the honeycomb cookies. They are delicious. We ate that pretty much all before break, lol. Ok I didn't eat all the cookies, I've had two (2) but then I had also two (2) of Giulias and at break we both felt pretty sick, lmao.
The French assignment went ok, I probably wrote too much. I also had to squeeze in some different tenses.
Lunch was weird, almost everyone of the people that I eat with were off or somewhere else, just Louise, Lucy and me were there.
After lunch I went back into the gym hall to count the runnings and boy, most of the people that I was supposed to coun didn't turn up. Sometimes, Eve, the girl that was counting next to me, would just sit down and listen to the music blasting and wait for the time to pass by. It was boring, but still better than sitting English straight for two (2) periods without being able to move much.
Also, we all bounced after period six (6), bc the running was over and no one (1) went back to their classes. Why did that have to be on the day, that I couldn't go home? I stayed, not in school, I went to Tesco again, got a green smoothies (I felt like something health) and took the bus to town. I would have been way too early for the master class, so I went to the Central library to do my Maths homework and I realised I'm roaylly f'cked and should revise.
Time for the master class, today's lecturer was a nutty professor, I quite liked him. It was about critical thinking and climate change. Question everything, don't try to persuade non-believers of climate change, there's Youtube videos of horny bees.
The discussion after the lecture were quite funny, especially when the lecturer joined in.
Sadly, that was the last master class, I've grown fond of them, but fortunately I got insta-profiles of the people that I sat with last time and also today. Maybe I'll meet them, one (1) of them even has a band, (vinyl'85), they live out in Tranent, two (2) even in a boarding school, but they're cool people.
I came home, watched EastEnders and now I'm here in my bed writing. As I predicted, quite an eventuos (?) day and guess what? There's the first confirmed case of Corona-virus in Switzerland, I said Italy shutting off these villages wouldn't do anything (bc it's in the region bordering Italy). Good thing I'm in Scotland, aye?
Holy crap it's already the one hundreth and ninety-ninth day, who would havd guessed that I'd do this for so long, wow. Also y'all know what's coming tomorrow. Literally nobody asked or seemed to like it, but I'm doing it anyway.
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