#this day was also funny just because i lived three acnh days at once in the span of 2 hours from visiting frens. 31st. the 1st. and 2nd
crest-of-gautier · 9 months
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some screenshots i took on new years eve -> new years day!
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floraisann · 4 years
ateez reaction: you’re addicted to animal crossing: new horizons
➣ requested? ✓
➣ genre: fluff, humor
➣ masterlist
sorry that some of these are kinda dry 😔 i am try
❥ kim hongjoong:
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lets you do your thing tbh
you’ll probably just be vibing in the living room with the switch hooked up to the tv and everything’s great when hongjoong just,,,, moves his work over without saying anything
you’re just ???? and he’s just :)))) the “just another tuesday” grin, you know?
after long enough if you ask him why he moved, he just says he “likes the soundtrack” like bro we do be bopping to the animal crossing ost out here in this quarantine joint
watches you play, only making comments when a villager says something REALLY cursed
really likes marshal— he’s funny
not the type to hate villagers either except chops, fuck chops
once yunho shows him how the custom qr code outfit designs work you’re about to have the most stylish lil mayor that ever roamed the earth
probably also borrows your switch to make your town jingle
overall is just confused by the game dynamic, but likes the music and how happy it’s making you :)
you’re gonna have to put the switch down on your own honey, he’s too caught up in bopping to the music while doing his own work to realize you’ve been playing for eight hours
❥ park seonghwa
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has the game too, probably bought it for you so you could build “couple islands” and be THAT cute gamer couple
still probably nags you for gaming too hard if too many hours pass and you’re ignoring basic needs to like,,,, get lolly on your island or something of the sort
but lolly’s cute give him 5 mins to fall in love w god cat
sends you cute in-game love letters when you’re headass six feet away from each other in real time
but it’s ok they’re cute and he likes making you blush
brings his pretty flowers to your island he also steals yours but that’s okay
dumbfounded by your blatant aggression towards certain villagers
offers to “trade” villagers with you to make you happy and marshal scares him please take marshal from him
yes he’ll bring you cute snacks as if you were studying
overall happy that you found something you enjoy together, but will make you take frequent breaks so you don’t put off whatever you actually have to do too much
❥ jeong yunho
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didn’t get the hype at first. bought the game since he thought it had to be super fun if you were ignoring him for hours at a time to go bug catching LMFAO
yet when he downloads it there’s a catch
mr epic gamer, unlike you, has the luck of a god and generates an actual island paradise and probably gets a ton of shooting star fragments too 😔✊🏻
you’re the one stealing from his island, but it’s okay he loves you 💕
and he doesn’t quite understand the game yet
gives you star fragments because you can’t get any and he doesn’t want you all sad because you can’t make a wand!!
has all the cute villagers, but if any try to move will give them to you
pays off your tom nook debt because with his luck it probably takes him less than an hour to get filthy rich in game
also figures out the qr code outfits early on. yes he’ll try to make you one, yes he’ll make himself match
overall, he gets the game because of you but does it better because it’s yunho why wouldn’t he xoxo
still makes sure you’re doing what you need to before you go off to work on your island for six hours; the type to offer game rewards he magically obtains as a prize for you after you finish your daily work
oh to be jeong yunho
❥ kang yeosang
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the president of the epic gamer club
probably persuaded you to buy it with him so he could rob your island of all your goods
makes you both reset the game until your islands both have good items but are different
so he can steal your fruit :D
“y/n, you— no, restart. you can’t have peach trees, i already have peach trees!”
“dates” where you guys lie on his bed with your consoles, literally just exploring each other’s islands
y’all practically end up sharing two islands. that’s how much you play together
invites you to go raid the other members’ islands
cursed humor carries into the game; like he’ll send you crackhead mail when you least expect it and the content WILL be something that’s only funny because it’s Yeosang
“you make me so incredibly happy, y/n. almost as happy as when tom nook first handed me my nookphone. almost”
celebrates with you when you’re both rid of the ugly villagers
overall impartial to your obsession, rather he’s glad he has someone to steal from share with
still will make you take breaks with him. he loves that you’ve got a pretty island but you need to take care of yourself sweetie
if you don’t listen he will randomly come on your island to beat you up with a shovel xoxo yeosang luvs u 😘
❥ choi san
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would not mind the game at all if it weren’t making you IGNORE HIS NEED FOR CUDDLES >:(
tbh san would probably whine about being attention starved for an eternity 15 mins until he realizes his whining isn’t working, and he has no choice but to cuddle up to you while letting you do your thing
by that i mean he’s backseat gamer all the way, no i do not accept criticism
he’d probably just plop down next to you and cuddle into your side or lay on top of you— just positioning himself in some way that he can see your gameplay
the type to cling to you while you play while bothering you until you accept his game opinions as fact
can and will make you kick out the villagers he thinks are ugly
“i just want you to kick that smelly limberg out, is that really too much to ask?”
probably spent 10 minutes absolutely losing his shit over the animal crossing language
takes the next half hour to learn how to speak it
so next time you play too long and ignore him, will shut off your switch then lay down on you and scream acnh villager language gibberish in your EAR
"you didn’t have a problem with that voice three hours ago when you were talking to that cat rosie!!” :(
if you really ignore him and never stop playing NOTHING is stopping him from being dramatic and saying smth like “y/n, i can’t take this anymore! choose, me or him!”
“him” is tom nook
why the fuck would you pick tom nook
❥ song mingi
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knows the game is popular but wasn’t bothered to try playing
so when he sees you, curled up on the couch in the same position he saw you two hours ago just with one less family sized bag of chips, he quietly sighs to himself and sits next to you
“is the game really that interesting?”
when you nod, he ends up like san and kind of chills with you, backseat gaming mode
except he isn’t yelling at you to kick out the ugly villagers, he can already see you trying on your own
gets shocked when the first tarantula appears and you get bitten
occasionally gives input on what he thinks you can do to have a better island
makes you go on an island tour so he can see what you headass just spent the last week making
actually is impressed by how much work you put into your virtual island
congrats! you’ve unlocked an achievement! : gaming livestream date for song mingi
will decide for himself who the cutest villager is then act cute and ask if he looks like them. it’s probably gonna be kid cat. tell him he does. please, Tell Him he looks like kid cat
basically i don’t think he’d be that put off by you getting addicted to the game because!!! acnl is the most relaxing game ever he likes to watch you while he unwinds after a long day
if you play too long though he won’t really say much, just sit by you pouting like :(((( “lov me”
pls love him, the big babie 🥺
❥ jeong wooyoung
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another member that probably has the game, but isn’t as obsessed as you
will beg you for shooting star fragments if you get any though. please get this man a wand
does not get WHY you’re trying so hard on your island layout. literally only wants one villager, his island can go to shit so long as he has that one villager
that one villager is probably gonna be molly or something
another member who learns how to imitate animal crossing speak, except his voice is already in the correct pitch
makes fun of you complaining about a villager you hate but it all comes back to bite him in the ass once moose shows up on his island and he gets it
you guys are having a competition to see who can get sprinkle on your island first
spoiler alert: he wins, he stole her from seonghwa
(he steals a lot from seonghwa)
overall happy with the fact that you guys have a game to play together
but if you grind too hard on your own and ignore him for hours at a time can and will invade your island to steal your fruit and trample your flowers. AND send you spam mail
❥ choi jongho
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doesn’t care for the game, and he’s mostly chill too so he’ll probably just vibe in the other room while you play, waiting for you to finish so he can do something with you
comes out a few hours later when you’re (still) lying on the couch, angrily button mashing while muttering curses to yourself
he’s really confused tbh, he’s seen yeosang play, he knows you don’t gotta go that hard to be a successful mayor, so he HAS to ask what the fuck you’re so mad about
“i’m TRYING to catch a blittering at the moment, but i keep getting these stupid carps!!! i have a debt to pay off, god!!”
becomes infinitely more amused with the game after that point
he thinks its so funny how someone could get heated while playing through probably the most relaxing game ever
watches you fish; he enjoys the puns and seeing you get frustrated when you keep catching those goddamn carps
probably takes the switch from you at one point to try his hand at it and catches a koi fish in his first five minutes
“i guess you just suck at fishing, y/n”
overall pretty unbothered by your love for the game until you start ignoring him
then he will threaten your in-game apples, saying he’s .2s away from stealing one of his members’ switches just to brawl with your trees
and we all know who’s gonna win between jongho and apples
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heart-forge · 4 years
you managed to play rf4!! i'm glad the emulator worked—hope all the setting up was worth it for you!! (spoilerish but i love bado so much and the fact that the devs put in an option for you to tell him and it won't ever go anywhere..,, it hurts ;;;;) what's your fav part about the game (mechanics, storylines, etc.)? as a writer/dev yourself, did you take anything away from the game?
Oh it absolutely was, although it’s a bit of a bummer that I can’t get ACNH working (at the moment, anyway: it seems like it’s pretty taxing, but I can try another program). Also Bado is very funny, but he infuriates me purely because I don’t understand what dwarves are. They’re like halfway between a human and an elf and I just don’t get how I’m supposed to tell or what it means. I feel the way you feel about Bado about Porcoline though tbh like Porcoline romance when.
My favourite part is the writing which I’m sure isn’t surprising given me as a person, but this is honestly like one of the most compelling Rune Factories from a variety of perspectives? Like the non-romanceable NPCs are extremely loveable which I find isn’t always true. Someone always tends to fall through the cracks: marriageable NPCs seem to hog all the personality, and then there’s a couple NPCs who don’t have much to do outside of their archetype. Venti was an extremely emotional plot point and I completed the game so quickly that I barely had any time to talk to her (just triggered Memories last night so looking forward to that). NPCs that I would usually ignore like Volkanon or Blossom seem much more alive, and I think that’s in no small part due to 1) how interactive everyone is with each other, and 2) town events that involve me with their lives in ways that don’t matter to the family progression.
And like this is cheesy given the ending, but everyone just seems like they love each other so much. Even Porcoline who’d usually be a kind of tasteless and ugly joke just feels so beloved and silly and sweet, and his ties to Meg, Dylas, and Arthur are so genuine and deeply thought out and reciprocal! I feel like in prior games his relationship with Meg would have been much worse in a variety of ways (whether they make him into a creep or into some kind of territorial relative type that she’s constantly berating), and that relationship would take precedence over Dylas and Arthur altogether. But the throughline of love being the human condition and the ultimate power is like, ultimately cheesy but it also works SO well here.
But this is genuinely one of the first Rune Factories where I haven’t just straight up forgotten that some NPCs exist or actively disliked anyone (and that’s in a game where one of your neighbours commits treason!), and one of the only ones where I’ve not only gone out of my way to speak to everyone once a day, but I’ve done so because I want to and not watch the numbers tick upwards.
The game mechanics are also very good. I’ve definitely suffered worse for Rune Factory (love you Raguna but also why were you in two games; Kyle, I hate you, and Barrett should have been the protagonist of your game), so it wasn’t the maker or breaker, but also I was just able to turn my female protagonist to use the male sprite after finishing the game (which is why I finished the game in three days) and it’s just so deeply, deeply satisfying in what I’m sure is an unintentional but still much appreciated NB kind of way, as everyone still refers to them as a princess. And like as I was playing I would just list a bunch of things out loud to my sister that had been so deeply improved.
Also, this is one of the only Rune Factory games where I’ve been excited to do the combat. I view boss battles as a necessary evil but like, dungeon seeds? Mini bosses in the woods? Those like gauntlet bosses where you fight twenty giant chickens? Love it! Also big shout out to the difficulty settings, which is why I could beat the game in three days instead of abandoning it altogether.
Overall it’s a very good game in a way I’m used to not getting with Rune Factory. I put up with a lot for the sake of the family storyline, and someone just galaxy brained and expanded the family plot........to include the whole town.
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