#this could like an eatery or someone's house or just idk anywhere like anywhere idek
ignorekarkaroff · 9 years
Reclining in a seat not designed for such leaning, Igor had his wand up. It was pointed downwards, and he was twirling it, his wand motion was akin to doodling in the air than any magic handiwork. His head was in a similar position, relaxed and almost lolling around, but his eyes were locked, eyebrows furrowed and still. Their straightness exaggerating his gaze, if one could describe it as such. It would be difficult to believe with the intensity of his expression, that the subject of Igor's magic was a simple rodent. He was no expert in zoology but it did look rat-ish, and while he was disgusted at the presence of the creature in such a place, his first reaction was to rush the Imperius Curse incantation. And here he was, controlling the movements of a small animal. "When was the last time we had a raid?" He asked, elongating his vowels and allowing the question to have a lilt to it. "I'm at a point where I'm practicing my curses upon smaller creatures, not the larger ones we're targeting. Do you not think that says something about our activity?" He allowed the rat to flip in the air briefly, and sat up. "—Were you there when I did the thing..." Igor tried to remember, but couldn't. "...with the mudblood, it was some time ago, quite amusing."
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