#this chapter is super cute so im excited to share it <333333
daydadahlias · 1 year
Very random ask but what are your favourite Almondmilkhunni songs? I saw Mean to You and Bandana on your Receiptify and those are def in my top 5 so I'm curious what your top 5 are.
Also I wanted to try the "I wish you would write a fic" thing. So check this - a Mashton fic spanning years (or not lol) where Ash is a calming/connecting force in contrast to Michael's anxious/isolated energy. And Michael puts him on a pedestal when he shouldn't, and Ashton takes responsibility for Michael's mental health in ways that he shouldn't, and eventually something breaks. They are apart for a while and then come back together and try to relearn better ways of loving each other. Is that something? Maybe not lol.
*whispers respectfully* Are we getting a Made in Magnolia update this week?
oo I'm so glad you asked!! I really like all of her stuff tbh?? there's only one or two that I don't listen to frequently. They're just the perfect tempo for doing homework/writing to!! I think they kind of bounce around in order depending on the day but they're usually like (im not counting the two on my Receiptify even tho they are in my top 5 hehe):
fake deep (it's so catchy!!! I literally love the chorus sm. will always be my #1)
henni heartbreak (this was the first one of their's I ever listened to and it remains one of my faves)
Give It All To Me (i just think it's so pretttyyyyy)
cherry (i listen to this song like im not asexual fr)
grapefruit (specifically the remix w/ Dounia!!!)
and that definitely IS something!! i absolutely love fics that are about healing from a sort of "toxic" love and learning the ways to be best for each other!!! that sounds beautiful and also like real life.
*answers respectfully* thank you sm for asking but there will be a 2 week break between each act <3
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Skam Fic Love Fest Day 1: Comments
I’m excited to share a few comments that have made my heart melt over the last year. I’ve never written fanfiction before I got into Skam, and doing so has been a huge influence on my life. I don’t post a lot, and when I do, I know that most of the time it’s for a very niche ship. BUT the comments that I’ve gotten have meant the world to me and remind me that I’m not alone <3 
So without further ado, some faves: (most of these are from ao3 and idk if these people are on tumblr, but if you are, please let me know so i can send you some love 💕)
Time Can Do So Much and Still You’re Mine? 
My biggest thank yous go to MarysC, nessauepa, and Evakkk because they commented on nearly every chapter and really kept @stardustheartbeats​ and I going with this insane idea. most notable were:
MarysC: Yes, this chapter was amazing and super hilarious. Yes, maybe my favorite so far. But excuse me. Gabrielle Valtersen-Bech Næsheim.Gabrielle Valtersen-Bech Næsheim.THIS IS THE CUTEST SHIT EVER! OH MY GOD!!!! I'M DYING!! I CAN'T HANDLE IT. JESUS, SO CUTE! <333333
nessauepa: I was so happy that you updated it. I was thinking about this fic a couple days ago. Im really fond of this. I would like you to keep this forever. <3
Evakkk: this was so good!! Super funny and Evak was so in love and adorable and the banter was amazing! And jonas and Mik really added to the fun and the betting was super funny! This is such a fun fic to read so far! Keep up the great work!
MarysC: I miss this fic so much!!!! :( Hope everything is ok with you, guys!
These all just made me smile so big, and MarysC’s last comment gave us the motivation we needed to finish and I honestly can’t thank them enough. This fic would not have been finished if we didn’t get that, so thank you ❤️
You Steal the Air Out of My Lungs
arindwell: This was lovely! I loved the way you characterized Mikael here; it felt so perfect. Thank you!
waitineedaname: This is so cute!!!!!!! I love these two omg they compliment each other so well - Jonas's steady, grounding nature works perfectly with Mikael's excited energy. I love love love this
puddingandpie: i've come back to this fic a lot and read it over and over because i really enjoy it but ive never commented and im rectifying that now i really enjoy this i enjoy all the little tidbits of life that you weave into this about jonas and his journey as well as who mikael is i love friendship as well im a big fan of that and there was a lot of that in here and that was lovely i really liked this i just wanted to let you know :)
These three mean a lot to me because the characterization of Mikael is something I take really seriously, as well as Jonas/Mikael’s dynamic. Also the fact that someone has read this story multiple times means the absolute world to me. This was the first Jokael thing I ever posted and I was (still am) terrified, so getting comments like this keeps me going. 
A Thrill of Hope
I got a lot of great comments on this but I owe the biggest thank you to @towonderland72​ for hers: 
okay so I'm currently crying at work, my god. Help. I love this movie more than pretty much anything else I've ever seen, and this absolutely, perfectly did it justice. Isak and Even in this are amazing, but I have to say I am so EMOTIONAL about Harold and Mikael and Jonas, I can't even tell you. This is the best gift, so thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing something so magical and lovely <3
This was a bold fic and I basically wrote it in a fever dream, but I spent like, every minute of my spare time on it before Christmas break when I should have been focusing on my students. I love this comment a lot too because it got me more involved with fic writing in general and has helped me become a slightly more active participant in the writing parts of this fandom
Running Home to You
There are a few parts to this series, but here are some comments that stuck out. 
puddingandpie on I'm Growing like the Quickening Hues: hi i really loved this also i left kudos on this ages ago but im rereading it lmao bc i liked it that much <3
JDolgovaa on I'm Growing like the Quickening Hues: hello :) I just wanted to say a couple of words... I started to search for mikael/jonas fanfics just yesterday, I’ve never read anything about them, and sadly there’re too little written about them. I wanted to say that this story is incredible, it’s written so beautifully, the words you picked to describe the dialogues, characters, surroundings ... wow I’m in a complete awe of you and your beautiful mind <3 I’d love to read more from you! you’re incredible.
Strangeristalking on You Make My Heart Breathe With Ease: This was such an amazing story! I'm begging you for more of this pair! You do them very well <333
momotaro87 on Lets Take Our Time in the Moonlight: I love this series!
also @scorpiopeaches for asking for more, and my unbearably lovely anon the other day who told me they would anything else from this series. 
A lot of these are really simple but they mean so much to me!! I know that posting Jokael is not going to get much visibility, but the readers that I have are so sweet, and make me so happy to love such a weird ship so much lol. 
This got really long and I feel super sappy. Even if I don’t seem that sappy, I promise you my heart feels like honey and I have squealed with joy and pink hearts and screenshotted each comment and sent it to caroline because it brings me such joy. Thanks to everyone who reads and writes, and thanks fo @evaksbinder for organizing this love fest. I feel really full 💕☺️🌷✨
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