#this blog isn't anti transid but i am so whatever
nagetiere · 7 months
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haiii i used to be einhornsocken !! (the anti that has THANKFULLY deactivated) i'm not really into discourse anymore (hence why i don't have my own blog anymore and am posting this on a headmate's blog lol) but this post made me mad so i had to say something
for context devilradz was an "undercover" anti "pretending" (for lack of better words) to be a radqueer. their intentions didn't seem to be bad, though. they weren't intentionally trying to hurt anybody as far as we know (and i'd bet no radqueer is even actually as affected by this as they claim to be)
the person in the screenshot had a fairly popular anti blog at one point (burningradqueers) and then right before new years deactivated and made a rq blog. they were never actually an anti though. i will call them O because they seem to throw tantrums if you even dare mention their name
afaik the anti behind devilradz themselves didn't have anything to do with people finding out about O's radqueer blog. i don't remember them being involved in whatever was going down at all. personally disliking antis in general doesn't make it okay to be an ass to one specific anti that didn't even do anything wrong
i am the anti they are talking about when they say they were named publicly by an anti. you wanna know what actually happened? shortly after O had deactivated their anti blog, i got an anon saying that O was actually radqueer despite saying they were still an anti. i didn't believe this at first, and then whaddaya know? i get sent O's radqueer blog.
this is where me "publicly naming" O comes in. i wanted to let the other antis know that O was, infact, a radqueer, and that the anon wasn't lying. so i made a post along the lines of "burningradqueers is actually a radqueer, anon wasn't lying" but did not post the name of their radqueer blog anywhere.
at this time, i was still using O's deadname (unknowingly) and so i get told "hey this is O's current name please don't deadname them" by an anon. i guess because i started referring to O as their current name, that caused other antis to be able to find O's radqueer blog easier. not once did i tell ANYONE their rq blog's name. i literally just stopped using their deadname. i'm such a horrible person for using O's name /sar
"antis were fine with that" haha. multiple antis were saying things like "don't jump to conclusions!!" about O despite knowing that O was/is dating a pro c transn@z1 (censored so this actually shows up in tags). if anything, the other antis were overly kind to O.
"you only deserve privacy if you're an anti /sar" lol. there have been several anti blocklists/report lists made by radqueers. love it when radqueers say our community sucks and then do the exact same things they're criticizing us for /s
crosstagging because you guys (radqueers) will accept any and all information you're spoonfed as long as it comes from another radqueer
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scpsillyman · 4 months
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About Me:
Hello!!! I'm Lumineux, or Lumi, or Ambrosia, mod J, or whatever's on my name.
I'm genderfluid, pan and bi, Any pronouns will do.
I'm a fictive of Dr. Bright who just wants to post about myself, reblog about stuff and just generally chill. If you're cool with that, I am too!
I'm also fictionkin! Some of my kintypes are from scp so I might put them here too...
More info about me is in here.
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- Do not refer to me as Bright. - Please don't treat me differently due to source. - We're bodily an adult but don't be NSFW/suggestive in my asks, we aren't comfortable with that. - Don't talk to me about rewrites, I'm not comfortable with that too. - Don't tag my posts with any '963 variations' or 'shaw' or any rewrites, or use them to talk about them. - I don’t care about any source duplicates or sourcemates unless you apply to my DNI. - Don't repost my stuff into anti-Bright spaces. - This isn't a rp blog!
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Don't Interact:
- Bigots (Racist, Zionist, LGBTphobe, TERFs, etc.) - Exclusionists - MAPs - Radqueer/Transid - Ableist - Antikin - Pro/Comship - If you support TDM/AB or anyone here - If you support the erasure of my source (Me IDing as source and using my source doesn't mean support for AB, now buzz off.) - If you made/use a rewrite of my source and I don't know you - People against kins + fictives with problematic sources (you suck end of story.) - Drama-heavy - Pro cringe culture
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Tags & Credit:
- lumiposting: txt tag - the illuminating: source tag - lumis drabblez: writing tag - ambrosiart: (rarely used) art tag - mod j rants: rant/vent post (not as used)
pfp credit: balalaka banner credit: lepie_u
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sirenium · 1 year
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ID: 'This user bites sysmeds and queer exclusionists.' In grey Engraver's Old English text. The background is black, and to the left and image of a wolf barking is seen, separated by everything else by a grey border. End ID
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'Shipcourse is stupid. Any side is welcome as long as you aren’t an asshole about it.' in dark, faded red Engraver's Old English on a black background. The text is outlined in a darker red. To the right, a GIF that starts off zoomed in on a motorcycle wheel, but zooms out to reveal Shadow The Hedgehog riding the motorcycle. The banner has two dark red bars, one on top and the other on the bottom, with a thinner bar separating the text and the GIF, End ID
Guys I made a carrd lmfao (link)
My sideblog (link) where I coin shit and make flags, and my otherkin sideblog (link). Our system blog (link).
Time for a long overdue introduction!
I'm Canis/Canid (you can always just call me 'Sirenium' if that's easier!). I am a namehoarder, as well as namefluid, so I tend to prefer different names at different times (I will attempt to stick to a certain pair of names per theme). I'm 19, have ADHD, and am autistic. My pronouns are in my bio, but for the sake of convenience my current preferred ones are it/its, they/them, cor/corpse, haunt/haunts, and hallow/hallows (among others). I cannot keep a consistent theme for the life of me, lol. I am transmascfem. I prefer to be referred to as a man or an entity, and am also xenic and agender. I'm a loveless, polyamorous girlfag lesboy, panaesthetic, and on the aplatonic and asocial spectrums. I am a biracial black individual.
My interests include, but are (just barely) not limited to, the Sonic franchise (I now have a specific tag for sonic related content. It's #random self indulgent sonic related post, and I went through and tagged [hopefully] every sonic related post with it. edit: I don't remember to use this tag much anymore, apologies), The Legend of Zelda, music, Warframe, and LGBTQ+/xenogender flags, history, and identities.
I have decided to lift my DNI. Be warned, however, that I use the block button frequently.
I will just tag self promotive posts with 'self promotion' because my previous custom tag was so fucking cringe/lighthearted
BYF (before you follow)
[Pt: BYF (before you follow) end pt]
Unless you give me a reason to block you, I see no reason to bar certain people from interacting with my posts (please note that if I go to your blog and am exposed to some dumbass take about mspec lesbians or something, that is typically grounds for a straight up block). Now that that's out of the way, let's move on.
Here, we believe that there's no such thing as an invalid queer identity, and this encompasses lesboys, m-spec lesbians, gaybians, and anything else that people hate for no reason. We are pro endo, believe that pronouns and presentation don't necessarily equal gender, anti capitalism (especially rainbow capitalism), pro-choice, pro self diagnosis, are of the opinion that PCOS can be an intersex condition (but honestly it's up to the individual to identify as such), queer isn't a slur (though I don't immediately jump to demonizing those who think it is, bc there are certainly older people who've had that word used against them in a derogatory way), xenogenders aren't transphobic, paraphile≠abuser, and more that I don't feel are necessary to state on this blog.
Stance on transID and radqueers (link). Since it apparently needs to be said, don't fucking derail my posts because of my stances on these things. It's not up for debate, especially on a random ass post. Your comment will be deleted and I will most likely block you, because in my humble opinion getting your panties in a twist about something unrelated to a post is obnoxious. Thanks!
What's this blog about?
[Pt: What's this blog about? End pt]
I don't even know anymore, man. There's stuff about being neurodivergent and queer, sonic shit, and whatever I feel like reblogging. Enjoy your stay.
[pt: Lastly... end pt]
I will block any exclusionists, TERFS/SWERFS, truscum/transmeds, or pro-lifers who touch my posts because frankly, I'm not interested in interacting with y'all (I will cave occasionally when I am extremely bored lmfao).
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ID: 'This blog respects and supports all good faith identities, and is adamant about creating a space where EVERY queer person can exist as themselves.' In grey Old Engraver's English font on a black background. To the right, a wolf pack dogpiling is featured, and the image is separated by the rest of the banner by a dark and reddish border. Two borders, one on the top of the entire banner and the other on the bottom, are the same color. End ID
Thanks for reading. :)
Please note:
[pt: please note:. End pt]
I don't look at peoples DNIs before interacting all the time (banners are right there so like, obviously I check those. I'm talking about DNIs in bios or pinned posts). Please, if I'm included in your DNI because of my beliefs and identity, block me and/or message me to remove anything I've reblogged from you if you need to. It's basic human decency: I wouldn't want someone who fits any description on my DNI to interact with my shit, so it's only fair I provide that same respect to others (even if they're exclusionists or other people I generally don't like). Additionally, I'd rather handle situations like this with mutual maturity in the case that they happen. Thank you.
Also you can message me if you just don't want your stuff on my blog, btw.
I reclaim slurs, and there are posts that feature slurs on my blog. There's serious subject matter discussed here, and I don't add trigger warnings all the time. Please be careful if you are triggered by stuff like death, transphobia, etc..
I often don't make image descriptions for things I reblog, but I try to make IDs for things I make/post myself.
Quick warning: stuff about the Gaza war shit will appear on this blog every once in a while, though I hope to provide a space that is mostly void of reminders that humanity is horrible and people are dying for no reason. That being said, fuck off zionists I stand with Palestine.
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indigo-villin · 4 months
New Intro Post
Hello my name is Indigo and this is my main blog, my pronouns are he/they/it/fae/tv. I do and post many things here like agere content, therian content, otherkin content, fandom stuff, random art I enjoy, and other more random things. I am 24 and I age regress to ages 4-18 (it's in stages, 4-8, 9-12, 13-18). I'm a cat therian, mermaid/siren otherkin, and fictionkin with Starlight Glimmer (mlp), Haruhi Fujioka (ohschc), Roxanne Wolf (fnaf), Queen Chrysalis (mlp), Luigi (mario franchise), Phone guy (fnaf), and Puddle Slime (slime rancher), also plantkin (willow tree).
Fandoms/fav franchises:
-Batim/batdr+ -FNAF (not so much the books, too poor) -Little nightmares series -Slime rancher series -Outlast (not 2) -Uncharted series -Indigo Park -Spyro games -Welcome to the game franchise -Other one-off games (among the sleep, paleo pines, wobbledogs, ABZU, poppy playtime) -TADC -Care bears -Anything involving puppets (mfn, dark crystal, sesame street, welcome home, etc) -MLP (all gens, not as much with g5 haven't caught up) -Monster high (all gens, g3 has been great) -Dolls (18 inch, decora girlz, rainbow high, furry/cutie reveal barbies, blythe, lol surprise, lol omg, lol tweens love the tweens most, crybaby bffs, cave club, mermaid high, etc) -Smaller toys (LPS, zombaes, zoobles, zhu zhu pets, puppy/kitty/jungle/etc in my pocket, shopkins, hatchimals, capsule machine toys)
~~I have other blogs~~
@dollie219 my doll account
@multi-soup my system account
@indigo-rants my vent/rant account
@b3h3mo7h my OC blog for my OC/fursona Snowball the moth
@indigo-bies an OC blog for my closed species OCs the Necrobies (and associated subspecies)
All accounts are set up as being my side accounts/attached to this one.
~DNI under cut~
-Homophobic people/TERFS/FARTS/Transphobic people -Ableist people/people who don't believe x disorder "actually exists"/people who believe "everyone's a lil autistic"/also people who say you don't have x because y ie fake claiming. (YOU are the problem) -SWERFs (sex work is WORK regardless of the type. These workers deserve to be treated with respect PERIOD.) -Racists/Nazis/Israel supporters (Free Palestine 🍉) -Pedos("MAPs")/Zoophiles (pro contact specifically) -Anti-endo/anti-non traumagenic people -Ageplay, ddlg, abdl, etc accounts (this is an agere account, NOT a kink blog) -Conservatives/Republicans/Christians that throw it in people's faces all the time -Anti-agere/Anti-petre/Anti-furry/Anti-Therian/Anti-Otherkin/Anti-neopronouns/Anti-xenogender -"AI art" accounts -People who call things/people cringe -Transid/transdx (self diagnosis is a valid thing but claiming you transitioned to have a disorder isn't) -Transrace/transage/other trans x thing to mean you transitioned to something that you can't physically transition to (not counting being too poor for surgeries this is specifically about people wanting diff skin tones and/or being "seen as younger cause they're transitioning to be" you age up not down shut up, either age regress alone or fuck off)
These next ones are just personal
-People who hate Starlight from MLP (I kin her) -People who hate Snow White (fav princess) -People that complain about how monster high g3 is "less than g1" or whatever -People who complain/bad mouth mlp g5 -FNAF fans who go and complain about X and Y fans "not being true fans" (just shut up you're being childish/immature) -FNAF fans who don't understand that "The Tales From the Pizzaplex" books ARE canon to Security Breach and its DLC. (They've LITERALLY explained this when they were getting released)
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