#this barbie is self aware but needs a lil help
babygirlracing · 11 months
I love when my psychologist says something about me in a ‘wow bet you never even thought of that’ kinda way, bc like 99.99% of the time i been knew.
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8.15.24 Thursday
1:29 am
The first begging of John...
Thank You For The Music...
8:36 am
Uncle DD early in the morning is somehow weird... He is having different spirit again? But is he aware of it???
No,chaos now but his way of talking as if he is not Uncle DD... He is side commenting that we should change her, I don't know if he is talking about me that he is telling something on Aunt Karen.
This Aunt Karen is looking for their missing 2 bowls... I said I will try to find it but it is not here now... Probably,biological mother took it according to Uncle DD coz the last time she said on Uncle DD that she wants to bring a food to their house and she used those,probably...
I still want my cousin white or Garret 2? Garret 3? Hating my cousin white for being married...
3:46 pm
Still,have windblow...
I tried helping Crysette on her brightspace but she couldn't log in... I guided her to follow all the instructions.... I saw her username and password on eac and his student id number. Then I saw an IT email address I guided her to send a help on them for her to access her eacbright space.
The instructions are,they should use the given student id number and use the eac email address then use the given password before they can change the password.
Life is sometimes weird and survival of the chosen people... I guess... I told her to chill... Crysette is worrying so much coz they will have their virtual meeting at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Her google meet is already on the set-up... But her brightspace on eac is still her problem...I think they will based their meeting on google meet, about their brightspace in eac...
I need to stretch in a lil while coz my S-bones are in pain... It is somehow gone, if I do my stretching...
I wanna leave Cavite, some parts of me... I wanna do nose perfection and breast implants in time...
I wanna have a job and get a bf that looks like Ken (Barbie's bf )...My cousin white or some Garrets.... I wanna have a bf to assist me...
Thinking of money and job as well... I still feel self-pity...
5:34 pm
This Uncle Jun is really weird always saying that he doesn't have money....
I feel self-pity here...
Crysette is doing her meeting virtually here in our living room coz Kuya Bong is fixing something in the bathroom of Uncle DD and I pooped again in their bathroon.. Our toilet bowl is still clogged... Kuya Bong is hammering something inside the bathroom of Uncle DD and it is really distracting her acoording to Crysette...
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I wanna leave Cavite,angels... I wanna get a bf who can assist me.
6:06 pm
Uncle Jun is weird....He stepped on my slippers and I said hey! You step on my slippers....He said so what! It is just slippers....Not sure if there is a hidden meaning or just accidental.
Not my ideal life with Uncle Jun,angels... I can't get progress...
6:23 pm
I'm having gerd again this afternoon... Weird!
10:09 pm
Still,have windblow...
It is weird that 30 minutes ago Lazadah delivered the long brush... hmm... I said it is late for this delivery... The delivery guy is on his big bike... He said something like I'm his last delivery for today... Whatever!
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newzeppelincity · 1 month
admin note ;
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disclaimer: so sorry in advance, i hate that i babble so much, and i should've written this with better grammar, my bad, besties fr
hi hi hi!!!! so in my dumb admin voice with my silly lil admin hat on, i'm obligated to say that cliche thing of like,,, an rp is only as active as you make it, yk? so, i know real life is wildin, and mardi gras is in gatorade rn mercury, retrograde, u get it but i'd urge you all, my lovelies, to TRY and set aside some time for some interaction even if it's legit like glee style dialogue threads, dumb facebook/tumblr comments&posts, texting, just plotting, etc! i've always found it's helped my muse to like bond with my characters while i'm not writing them: i personally use playlists, pinterest boards, moodboards, character quizzes, etc, to spark that??? it sorta helps me discover the RIGHT vibe, and the RIGHT angles i want to take with a character - their secret little personality traits that keep me interested in them!!! and like i will talk ur EARS off about them, so talk to me about them incessantly PLEASE bc i'd love it. i've never been afraid to just go 360 and retcon things if it feels true to the character, or to just drop a character, and i'd never fault ANYONE else for doing it!!!! it's ur world, these are UR barbies. like we all hopped in here bc something intrigued us about it. activity doesn't MATTER to me. i HATE booting ppl. i just want a place to write, and i wanna write with all of you no matter what those reply timelines look like! so if something is missing for you in new zeppelin, lets find the missing piece so you can like WRITE the characters you all created in a way that excites you. New Zeppelin IS changeable and flexible, like just tell me what you need. you are allowed to change things and drop things with no questions asked and no hard feelings, OBVI. you are allowed to send what you might deem 'low quality replies' none of yours are 2 me, but i know how SOME PPL MIGHT THINK (me) so i'm being brave and squashing insecurities or whatevs if it scratches the itch, and ykw, you are valid for that!!! bc we're all SO TIRED!!! adulthood is hard, and in THIS ECONOMY??? we don't have the time to write like we used to! that's okay!!! so like do you, i just wanna see your beautiful lil brains create some cool stuff, and i just want to help you flex your creative skills. I want you to have an outlet where you can like have validation for your craft. a place where people can read your writing, and hear your ideas, and collaborate in your visions!!! the stories you create are wonderful! you deserve a fun, flexible place to share them. anyway, to top things off: i am SO aware of how hard it is to like lock in when something is missing even if it FEELS like all the pieces are there. so like,,, if you need to switch your character around in traits, or vibe, or fc, ,,, always feel free to do WHATEVER you feel is right. i'm always going to do my best NOT to restrict you because you know i love you, and the things you create!!! just try your best to throw something small into the mix. focus on a couple (two!!!) threads. dip your toes sorry for talking about feet into the port in any way you NEED to, and LET ME KNOW if there is anything i can do to help your MUSE. I am always willing to take connections, and make new characters to help further plots. i know things get boring when it seems like no one is around, but if we're not all doing our lil part in being around - it just sort of creates a self fulfilling prophecy! if we're here writing and creating and changing the world to fit what we wanna do, it'll stay interesting and exciting! if we're not here, then it dies, yk? SO DON'T LET HER DIE, PLEASE. MY LITTLE HEART CANNOT TAKE IT </3 anyway, thank u for listening! i'm taking my admin hat off now, aaaaand ily!
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lastkidpicked-blog1 · 6 years
POST 8. Snowflake to Avalanche. Some cast writing.
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Rhain was the first to send some writing in, in relation to the project. This will now change some as we are aiming for a humorous delivery. I thought she had some very strong ideas. 
Matthew also provided some writing but mistook Rhains questions as ones the whole group would answer. Despite this some strong ideas still emerged.
RHIAN’S 1st Draft. 
From Snowflakes To an Avalanche
 A few thoughts…
 Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old) Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old) Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old) Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)
 1.      Why are Millennials so depressed?
Older generations do not understand that a new era has came with the internet that has changed the functioning of society forever. Young people are now experienced widespread guilt, shame and disillusionment from a hand held device that they never let go of. We are bombarded constantly through social media that has affected our attitudes negatively, as seeing posts about atrocities or violence constantly and only able to help by feeding into a go fund me page is debilitating to any person. We are also confronted with racial issues, terrorist attacks, bullying, body shaming and suicide, on top of this contemporary shame, inherited colonial trauma affects our generation the most due to its ever growing acceptance of otherness and feelings of empathy. We also face unrealistic success standards everyone feels they must portray, this is isolating for those who feel less accomplished. We are constantly bombarded by the entire worlds every day, all day on our most prized possession. Then trying to live up to our parents standards, who expect young people to be able to go out and get a job when the economy is vastly different from when they were young and the jobs that are available are a much more competitive process than ever before.
 2.      Why do millennials treat sexuality and mental illness like fashion statements?
The acceptance of difference has never been higher among society and so has resulted in many claiming dignity in their sexuality or gender. The older generation say there are more gay people than ever or is it just that more gay people feel able to express themselves in today's climate? Perhaps our generational guilt and depression stems partly from the oppression systematically enforced by generation Z? It has not become in style to self harm or self destruct or self express, we just now have the internet to try and not feel so alone and through the internet have found ways of supporting one another.
 3.      Why are millennials so concerned with political correctness?
A struggle for the baby boomer generation is understanding the difference between political correctness and causal racism. The younger generation is in constant cahoots with all other races, we do not have time for casual racism let alone brexit, as we see the struggle of refugees daily and we see ourselves in people from other countries as we are more exposed now to other cultures than ever before, a reason to be grateful for our privilege of being able explore further in the world more than ever before through travel agencies or social media.
 4.      Do you really find traditional family life so appalling?
A traditional life is no longer appealing to a millennial who has inherited a need for something greater than the generation before. New families are being introduced and a nuclear family setting although still a viable option is seemingly not stimulating enough in this new GO GO GO media society.
5.      Everything has been handed to you. When you are so pampered, how do you feel an existential loneliness?
The previous generation believe they have pushed the world in a state of progression and although this is true in a sense that millenials are the most privileged generation yet in terms of material possessions. Now our things are collectively worth years wages of the baby boomer generation and this is supposed to make us the happiest generation! All this proves is that material things are worthless and due to our higher education standard, we are also more aware that there are more homeless people on the street than ever with empty housing being held by the government, government aid being stripped from the disabled and redirected into military programs and referendums and the government are the enemy to our generation with tensions that were beautifully displayed between Stormzy and Theresa May after the Grenfell Tower Fire.
 6.      Why are millennials so worked up over bodily ownership?
The fact that a room full of mostly rich men decide what people and more particularly women can and can not do with their bodies regardless of context is a disturbing, whether they were voted by a majority into power or not, these issues are for a body and a body alone and laws regarding the body should all depend on its autonomous state. This isn’t generational just common sense???
 Phrases and images
‘Keep on truckin’’
‘A minute at a time’
‘This too must pass’
why are millennials so depressed? It seems the ideas of success and wealth are now measured more than ever on celebrity ideals, with talentless kids such as lil pump being worth a reported 6.5 million dollars at 18. How can anyone in the real world live up to these ridiculous ways, social media is at the forefront of almost all depression id argue. Whether it is girls comparing themselves to cosmetic Barbie dolls or guys seeing footballers flashing super cars, when it comes down to it social media is a place where life looks so perfect. Thus leaving kids to believe in this perfection and in turn ask why they aren't perfect or as happy as others. Why do millennials treat sexuality and mental illness like fashion statements? We live in a society where we are told to think outside the box and be different and if you aren't different you are somehow boring or just seen as 'normal' which is something nobody wants to be branded as. therefore this generation is using sexuality and mental illness to try and define themselves and stand out from the crowd. However the numbers of people in this generation that suffer with depression and anxiety are astronomically high, and therefore it is probably more individual and different to say that you don't have a mental illness, which is sad. As for sexuality it is getting more and more socially acceptable to be openly gay, and even though some say that this causes people to think they are something they are not. some people disagree with the fact that there were probably just as many gay men and women in the 80s as there is now, it is just acceptable for gay people to be open and public about it now as was not the way in the 80s. Why are millennials so concerned with political correctness? Political correctness is often misinterpreted as just not accepting 'causal racism' we all know someone who will start a sentence with "I'm not racist but..." and then proceed to say something which is in fact just racist. usually this will be from someone of an older generation but not always and where as with the older generations I find it easier to forgive as that was the norm back when they were growing up so they have not changed with the times and is harmless, however there are some members of these generations that are just ignorant and really are racists this is often not the case. it is members of my own generation which I can't forgive this casual racism, I was brought up in the same world as them and I don't use these racial slurs or statements so why should they, it is out of pure bigotry that they choose not to accept that racism should just simply not be acceptable in this day in age. Do you really find traditional family life so appalling?
I feel this is born out of some misconstrued idea that to be successful you have to have no 'distractions' and a family is seen as the main 'distraction'. It feels like people have to make the decision to either be successful or be happy, but why can't we have both?. Everything has been handed to you. When you are so pampered, how do you feel an existential loneliness?
It is this idea that we have everything given to us and we are the most equipped generation to succeed that there ever has been that causes this existential loneliness, as we are told we have the tools to do whatever we want yet we still fail. But rather than putting it down to being human and having to fail in order to succeed, we bury any dreams we have in the fear that we won't succeed. And it is this which leads to the loneliness. The pressure put on kids now is greater than ever before as there aren't as many jobs for people and we are told if you don't have a degree you won't be able to get a job, where as generations of the past were born in to a Britain which had more opportunities as they could go and work down the pit or work in a ship yard or some sort of manufacturing jobs. where as now we have been replace by machines, and we have to fight and scratch to get opportunities for jobs.
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lucysrules · 6 years
Yes, there are now women out there who are changing their race as casually as they change their purse!  These are not your usual common cases of some over tanning or wearing a blond weave.  These ladies (and sometimes men) are causing much controversy and uproar amongst both black and white people.  But, really are we still living in a world so rigid, that we even have to identify with a particular race?  Yes of course we are but who cares about ignorant people still trying to force that way of thinking.   Race is not always internal for everybody.  Some people just consider themselves to be plain old human beings!  Be gone those stupid boxes that make you check what race you are.  It should be one box only that says “HUMAN”!  Though, the self-proclaimed “Human Barbie” might struggle with that one.  For her, they need a box that says “Plastic” or “Other Species”!  She is not a very nice person, hence my negative comment.
Anyway,  I say let them be who they want to be and look how they want to look!  They are not harming anybody else (I know many of you would argue against this) but they have the right to do to their own bodies as they wish and hang around with whomever they want.  We don’t exist in this world just to please other people.
Martina Adam aka Martina Big aka Malaikia Kubwa
Martina Adam, I love this woman.  I really just can’t get enough of her.  She fascinates me, I just want to crawl inside her head and get lost in that empty space! Martina Adam, a flat-chested white skinned German woman had always wanted to look like Pamela Anderson as a teenager. She then underwent 25 breast implant surgeries to proudly obtain the title of having “the biggest breasts in Europe”!
The former flight attendant, who changed her name to Martina Big,  proudly struts around with these gigantic basketballs on her chest.  That’s gotta take some serious balance. And still, plans to go bigger! She has accredited herself as a talented singer, model, and actress.  God bless her heart (hopefully the doctors can find it if ever necessary).  I like her video, I think it’s cute!
Martina soon becoming bored with the breast implants alone, decided she really needed to discover her true SOUL.  She went seeking on the horizon for a more exotic look.
Anybody know what is hanging off her bikini bottom?
Martina Big, aka Malaika Kubwa, soon found what she was missing.  Bye bye, Pamela Anderson look, that was so yesterday.  She decided to become a black woman.  Who knew you could even do that!  She had three melatonin injections in her stomach last year to make her skin black.  The injections apparently made her eyes turn a dark brown and her hair start growing out a “curly black” as she describes it.
She got full on weave of African textured hair and plans to have surgery on her face to have her nose widened. In addition some butt implants, which I think is sensible as it might help her balance out her boobs.
Malakia’s favorite slogans “Bigger is better” and “Black is Beautiful”, seem to work for her.  She finally managed to have the best of both in her “big big world”!  You can read more about Ms. Kubwa at https://www.martina-big.com/ .  Martina gets a lot of hatred directed towards her, but she does not let it bring her down one bit!  I say congratulations, Martina and keep on being you.  I think you are a full on black woman now and a very strong one at that.  You have to deal with resentment from both races and that can’t be an easy thing to do.  STAY BEAUTIFUL!
Black women flock by the thousands towards that jar of skin bleach…
It is far easier to find extreme examples of black women whitening their skin than white women blackening theirs!  No, supermodel Alek Wek did not bleach her naturally very dark skin and I’m glad she didn’t.  I know I have raved on about Martina, but I admit I am a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to the other way around.  I am still 100% in the belief that people can alter their appearance anyway they want to and should not receive slack or judgment about it. I will never say any skin tone is better than another because I don’t believe that.  Beautiful people and those who are a little harder on the eyes exist in every skin shade out there.  Anyway, we change our hair color, our eye color all the time – at least I do! Technology has changed, now we can change our skin color, again whoever thought!
Now, I can play devil’s advocate when it comes to the controversy of skin bleaching.  In regards to the US, in this case, it is almost like a major slap in the face towards everything that black people have struggled, suffered and fought for to provide a more liberal pathway that has been created for future generations.  The end result, many of their predecessors trying to turn white and showing that they agree that the white standard of beauty is the beauty that is preferable.  How do they not see the beauty in their own skin?  Thank goodness for role models like Alek Wek, Lupita Nyong’o, Nyakim Gatwech etc…
I love this look – just gorgeous!
Skin lightening is very subjective to me.  Sometimes it turns out looking good, other times it turns out looking plain weird.  Ashy, not really white more of a translucent shade of gray!
These results are just hideous.   None of you look like earthlings anymore.  It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Black version where the aliens messed up and forgot to bring the melatonin with them!
What shade is that, I’m not sure white people are even that white!  Lil Kim, looked so cute before she went and messed up her face.  Anyway…
It is not to easy to accumulate many examples of skin bleaching turning out well.  It only seems to happen with wealthy celebrities who were already light skinned, and really didn’t need to go any lighter as they had beautiful golden toned skin already.  At least they knew when to stop!
Stacey Dash and Iman differ in this group as these two were fairly dark, but they’re lightened brightened skin seems to have made them both look younger than their years and works for them.  Tyra, Beyonce, and Rhianna, although still stunning, I really kind of miss their old look. They looked like faded versions of who they used to be.  They were good role models for young medium skinned girls to look up to.  Now there doesn’t seem to be any medium left in Hollywood.  It’s either super dark or super light!
Dangers to be aware of before you bleach your skin
Skin whiter than Nicole Kidman’s contrasting with African features. Looks weird.
Thinning of skin
Uneven Color Loss
Blotchy appearance, Redness, and Intense Irritation
Dark Grey Spots
Skin Cancer,
Increased Appetite and Weight Gain,
Kidney Damage
There is a difference between Bleaching and Lightening Creams.  Both have dangers, however, the ones that say “lightening” are less severe.  Avoid any with the ingredients hydroquinone (now banned in Europe) and Mercury (banned in the USA).
Safer  Natural Methods
Lemon juice (use carefully)
Raw potato
Aloe Vera
Coconut Water
Healthy Skin Regimen
Most importantly, do your homework if this is a route you are determined to go.   Do not end up like this!
Women who Change their Race. Yes, there are now women out there who are changing their race as casually as they change their purse! 
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5.29.24 Wednesday
12:35 am
Still,have windblow...I think the water inside my right ear is already gone,when I tried to put air on it using my "hair blower".... The feeling of fullness or pressure is suddenly gone....Probably it is just water bubble then it dried out by my hair blower. But awhile ago, it was really scary coz I feel heavy or there was a pressure feeling on my right ear.... I think it is fine now....I hope...
I have to buy an ear plug for water... Weird right angels!
8:04 am
Good Morning Angels...
I was really stressed-out last night coz of the water inside my right ear... It is really weird!!!
Still,have windblow....Still, panicking and thinking of my job and money in a lil while... I still have this self-pity....I really don't know what to do...
I want some vanity and some travels... I feel so frustrated... I wanna leave Cavite and I know I can't.... I need to work first... So, many frustrations and self-pity.
I can't find a strong-willed bf or man that I want coz of my ugly situation. But they are not strong-willed? Don't you think angels???
Shout out for Marah & Kuya Erning for backing me up on water... 5 containers already for 125 pesoses.
On Ely it is 2419 pesoses. On Doc Ibias 386 pesoses.
8:29 am
I don't like a Filipino as well who will make me feel that I'm not good enough! Now that I feel ugly, I will kick them!!! That he is professional than me here unless I want him or ask him to help me....
I need a gf who is like me in a way hating some men...
Still,looking and waiting for a strong-willed man...
I wanna crumple some faces!!!
8:37 am
I really envy and admire Cecilia for having a perfect physical aspect, she is really a genuine wealthy... Look at her skin... Perfect in a way... It shows that she came from an upper level. Perfection... White inguinal and no stretch marks and no blemish on the butt.... I'm a shorty Barbie and she can be a taller Barbie...
How I wish I can be A "Hollywood Baby"...
I need to be fixed...
I'm not sure if men are aware that asia's skin of women are super sensitive... My skin is having a small percentage of chinese and spanish in a way...But more on chinese even on my inguinal and my butt...
The spanish blood it came from the province my other cousins,aunts and some uncle's wow! They have different skin as in spanish even their eyes are having naturally grayed or bluish or greenish eyes...
My skin is sensitive,I have white skin but it needs maintenance to smooth it out... My chinese skin is just a small percentage so I can easily toast my skin under the sun... To return it, I need some beauty routine like bleaching or really a beauty routine.
Cecelia is a white woman, will really go back to white in a lil while meaning Cecila needs a constant tanning.
10:46 am
The worker of Uncle DD are here Kuya Bong and an another old man... Uncle DD just left their key on my nana...
Last night I also got a 2 pack of napkin shouldered by Ely...
I wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't... I hope and pray to get a job and earn soon... I feel self-pity... I want vanity... I feel self-pity....Growing old without story or without vanity is cheap!
Not my ideal life that Uncle DD will be the main attraction of this vicinity...They got a car but nah assistance. Even a soap they can't give...Not ideal people to be with as if crazy...
11:37 am
Still,have windblow... Done,doing my "day shower" to avoid having sweat rash...
I feel bitter... I wanna do a nose perfection.
11:55 am
Uncle DD and his gang I think so, they are already there outside... Scary behaviour...
12:05 noon
I feel heavy on Uncle DD's gang ( mabigat ang loob ko sa kanila ).
12:12 noon
Those fakers just gave extra food just for nana those Uncle DD and that Aunt Karen...
Uncle Jun is somehow a purpose-built....
12:29 noon
People of ritual nagkukuruma kuruma ( car2x) ,totally unfair! They can control the world, only them can go up... Those undergraduates angels!
He feels that they are king of the world!! Or worst their double platinum doctors! Wrong decision making...
Mitch it doesn't mean she is a doctor that she is gonna be the one with DD or Jun??? I sense something... Weird linking...That they will go up as King of the World!
12:55 noon
I still have windblow... I feel bitterish... Nobody wants me they wanted peks or vaginaZ of a particular "Church Of Christ" here... I don't know what are my family's and some of their members agenda...
I also don't like other men who will make me feel that I'm not good enough and I don't choose them but they wanted to appear that they are perfect for me coz of they have perfect family. I don't like those kind of men...
Even some of my fake friends I don't like them appearing as if they are perfect and they are the xfactor of my life unless, I ask them to help me...17 years, it's been 17 years too much of hiding...
It hurts but sometimes separate ways.... Separate ways....
1:28 pm
True Love is never selfish...
True Love is strong-willed...
True Love is like the song, it will never desert you...
True Love is lifting up...
True love it doesn't mean to be husband and wife but at least we will have a special bond of true love coz you are my baby... I'm hurting for so long...
True love is a genuine care... A partnership of doing an agenda if there is...
1:54 pm
I feel bitter... I wanna be a "Hollywood Baby"... I feel bitter... I hate being a supportor and fan for so long... I also wanna have my own stage and my own glow....
2:10 pm
I still have windblow... I want all the Garret's team be blackened and ugly....I feel ugly coz of them....I feel ugly coz I'm not a model kind... I feel ugly coz I have ugly situation...
They will never be a "strong-willed" coz I'm not a model kind... I feel ugly and I'm not that tall and I'm super self-pitying....
I wanna be A "Hollywood Baby"....I feel bad 17 years... I want my own glow... I'm self-pitying here in the Philippines!!!
2:22 pm
I feel bad... I want to see the Garret Team on their ugly faces in the future... I don't want them to get married...
Don't like them angels....I wanna a revenge that I can be pretty again.I want them to realize that one day, oh! Peachy I didn't notice that you are beautiful in person but by that time they are all fat,blackened and ugly or matured...
I don't wanna fade angels... I still wanna do vanity and seeing them ugly.. or I want them dead if they will get married with someone...
Same with Pilot Pete, I want him to be ugly as well and be fat coz he doesn't like me coz I'm chubby...
2:40 pm
I don't want the Garret Team to marry anyone... Unless I'm on my peak and a Barbie looking again.... They need to tell me that "you are so beautiful Peach"... I will say yeah! It is pitch-black!!!
Or you will die Garret !
2:45 pm
Same on You Pete Pete... I order a kill if you marry someone... You must say I'm beautiful then I will say yeah! It's Peach -black!
They can't stick to one tall model... If they will be blackened, I wanna know the feeling...
4:06 pm
I feel bitter I hate men who will just get me here... I want still a Barbie Looking guy...
Before I was spoiled angels, I can get anyone right away! Now is different I know... I was really cute, I know! I know the capacity of my beauty, there were days that I blackened myself.
4:12 pm
I feel that I'm trap and they just wanted me fat and ugly now...
I have no vanity now angels...
4:25 pm
I want Uncle DD be dead for making me fat and ugly....I need a gym!
17 years I hate it when they just want me to be hanged on someone here...
They just damaged my entire future.. I need a vanity and my future!
No wifi! I hate "Church Of Christ"... I want Manalo be dead, probaby Angel Manalo is playing with fire here in Cavite Cave.
I have windblow... I need a job and money!
4:36 pm
I need a car and money... I wanna do a nose perfection...
6:20 pm
Hey! For the DJ... See my younger face... I know I was just like a doll...
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6:51 pm
For the DJ I'm the first one... I'm for Garret's team to be their gf or Pilot Pete!
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Finding Out The Hard Way... Start to fade..
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7:10 pm
I hate being replaced...
8:48 pm
Plastics Jean and Ate Cha for not allowing me to get a coffee... But Ely was able to pay for it but me, I have a credit on Ely...
Uncle DD can't assist me that they did something on me since 2007, for sure but they are hiding it... Thicked-face...
8:57 pm
I don't like them ( Uncle DD & Aunt Karen ) here coz they are linking on Bicolish or Bisaya... I will go to ilocos, one of these days as a sister not gf anymore...
I want Mitch trap angels!
Borgy trap Mitch coz I'm your sister..
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