#this and peanut butter jelly time and bird is the word
corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Big Brown Eyes - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 2
Summary: Here’s a part two! You can read part one here. Eddie comes by to change the oil on your car, like he said he would. You manage to get him to stay for dinner as well.
Note: You have all been so kind to me about this story! All of your kind words and messages have meant more to me than you know. I didn’t know if I’d write a direct part two or not, or just little blurbs in this universe, but for now, here’s another part! 
Warnings: single!mom reader, mechanic!eddie, ex Steve x reader, language, i think that’s it?
Words: 5k
[Part 3 | Big Brown Eyes masterlist]
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Sunday, you managed to keep your thoughts circling around Eddie to a minimum. Sundays were always your favorite days because you couldn’t possibly be called in to work. If Steve had Sunday off, the two of you would try to do something together with Everett. It was hard between your two schedules to find time for your son to spend with both of his parents. Your schedule was the easy one to work with. But with Steve being a paramedic, his schedule could be very touch and go. His shifts usually consisted of twelve hours on, twelve hours off. He tried to get his schedule as far in advance as he could so you could get a heads up as well.
Everett loved the days Steve had off. Everett never minded going to the Wheeler’s house to be watched by Karen, but he’d always prefer to spend a day hanging out with his dad. The feeling was mutual as well. Steve told you that when there was down time at work and they weren’t getting any calls, he’d try to come up with new ideas of what he could do with Everett on his next day off. You’d known from day one that Steve would be a great dad and he continued to prove that to you.
This Sunday, luckily, Steve did have off. Your day was full of laughter and joy as your little crew traipsed around the town. Nancy had been reluctant to join you because she didn’t want to intrude, but you reminded her that she volunteered to be a part of this little gang when she decided to be with Steve.
Hours were spent at the park, where Everett needed all attention on him every time he tried something new.
“Mommy, look! M’going down the slide!”
“Daddy! Push me high on the swing?”
“Nanny!” He still had trouble with her full name. “Nanzy!” He tried again. “Watch me! Swinging like a monkey!”
At one point, you heard the unmistakable sound of a head cracking against one of the monkey bars. You spun around, eyes darting for the hurt child on the ground.
“Son of a bitch!”
The sigh you let out is a mixture of relief that it wasn’t Everett and exasperation that Steve hadn’t thought to duck.
“Bad word,” Everett said. “Bad, bad, Daddy.”
With a hand pressed against the already blooming bruise on his forehead, Steve walked up to Everett and scooped him up with his free arm.
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry,” Steve said. Everett turned his head at the sound of a bird and Steve took advantage of his distraction to mouth the words “Shit, that fucking hurt,” to you and Nancy.
A lunch picnic was next, and Everett’s job was to secure the perfect spot to have it. He took this seriously as he walked into shaded spots under trees and tested if that felt better than sitting out under the summer sun. He concluded that it did and plopped down under a large oak tree to claim his seat.
Everett took the longest to finish his peanut butter and jelly sandwich because he kept talking between every bite. And during the process of chewing. He talked about how much fun he had on the swings, how he wanted to go swimming in grandma and grandpa’s pool next time dad took him there. He talked about how he started sleeping with his horse stuffy on his bed with him instead of the octopus stuffy that used to sleep next to him. It was hard to keep up with his train of thought sometimes, but Everett assumed everyone understood these situations as clearly as he did.
After the park, you stopped by the mall to pick up some new summer clothes for the little boy. He was growing like a weed, and it felt like you were buying new pairs of shorts for him every week. Everett tried to get Steve to buy him shoes that lit up when he walked, but Steve told him he’d get him a pair when he was older. The three of you adults knew he’d only be able to wear those shoes once before he outgrew them.
The day was full enough that your brain didn’t have the energy to feel anxious about Eddie’s impending call. Once you were back home and settled for the day, you were surprised at the tenacity of how much you wanted this phone call. Trying to tell yourself to calm down because you only spoke to the man for five minutes in Dustin’s driveway did not work well. Deep breaths didn’t work either. On every inhale you thought of Eddie’s dark eyes, and on every exhale, you thought about his dimpled smile.
Monday brought out the jitters in full force. Everett had slept at Steve’s the night before since his dad had off the next day. So you didn’t even have the distraction of getting Everett up and ready for the day. The normal morning routine consisted of making breakfast as well, but with no little one here to cook for and your jangled stomach, you decided to opt out.
Thankfully, work brings distraction. Around noon, Robin walks through the doors of the library, her dark green backpack hanging off one shoulder. Her expression instantly lets you know she’s not having a good day. Her hair is mussed up and she tries to fix it, giving up halfway. The bags under her eyes tell of her exhaustion before she lets out a yawn.
“Robin, you know I love you with all my heart. But girl, you look like death warmed over,” you say.
“Thanks,” she mumbles sarcastically as she wraps her green and black flannel tighter around herself.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
Robin slinks over to one of the study tables near the bookshelves and plops herself down in a chair. You’re really not supposed to, but the library was practically empty, so you took the seat across from her. She lets out another yawn and you look at her imploringly, waiting for her to speak.
“I stayed up until like, three, studying for this stupid biology test and then the freaking professor has the audacity to ask me, only me, in front of the whole class, if I think I studied enough for the test. What the hell? I thought community college would be better than high school, but it still sucks ass.”
“Aw, I’m sorry,” you tell her. “Some professors are total dicks. How do you think you did on the test?”
“After that comment from him? I couldn’t focus on anything except being humiliated so I probably bombed it.”
You frown and reach across the table to take her hand. She lets you hold it, not bothering to move a muscle in her slouched position.
“Don’t let me take summer classes again,” Robin says.
“Deal,” you agree.
“As much as I came here to see your lovely face,” Robin says as she sits up in her chair. “I actually do need a book on James Madison for my history class.”
“Coming right up.” You pop out of your seat and Robin frowns.
“I didn’t mean you had to go get it for me. Just tell my lazy ass where it is and I’ll do it,” she says.
You wave at her in a dismissive manner. “I know exactly where they are, and which book you should use. It’s no problem.”
“Wow, it’s like you work here.” Robin smirks at you and you’re glad to see more of her usual self shining through.
“If only they paid me,” you call back to her over your shoulder as you head to the nonfiction section.
The book was right where you knew it would be, so you go back and drop it right in front of Robin.
“Tada,” you say. “Need anything else?”
“Um.” Robin scrunches up her face as she thinks, then shakes her head. “Nope, just gotta skim through this for the answers I need. Oh, wait! You’re coming on Saturday, right? Girl’s brunch?”
“Oh, yeah. I’ll have to check if Steve’s-.”
“He’s off that day, I already checked,” Robin says.
“Perfect,” you say with a smile. “It’s been too long since we’ve done that. Not at all since Nancy’s been back for the summer.”
“I know, but it won’t be the whole gang. El won’t be there,” Robin tells you.
“Why not?” You frown. You love seeing El and you don’t get to nearly enough.
“Will’s got that art show competition thing this weekend. The whole Hopper-Byers clan is driving to Illinois for it.”
“I forgot all about that. Shit. I meant to get him something for good luck, I just couldn’t come up with any ideas,” you say.
“Sometimes I think you have two sons,” Robin says with a smirk.
“Don’t be jealous because I have a cool honorary little brother.”
“I mean, don’t we both have four of them? If I’m schlepping them around like a taxi service, then I’m calling them my little brothers too.”
“When’s the last time you actually drove any of them anywhere? You got your license at the same time that they all did.”
Robin gives you an unamused look before opening the book in front of her. “I have to study, if you don’t mind.”
You chuckle and hold your hands up in front of you in surrender. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Robin leaves shortly before your shift ends and it leads you to stare at the clock, counting down the minutes. You’d made it through the rest of the day but now that you were mere minutes away from heading home, it felt as if time had slowed down on itself.
Your boss comes out from the back room and looks between you and the clock.
“You got a date?”
Her voice startles you and it makes you jump out of your skin.
“Oh, no ma’am,” you say.
She puts her hands on her hips and looks around the library. Her glasses are perched at the end of her pointy nose, white eyebrows furrowed above the frames.
“Put all the books back from the cart?” she asks.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Wipe down all the tables?”
“Yes, Mrs. Montgomery.”
“Alright. You can go.”
“I’m sorry?” You ask. She had never told you that you could leave before the clock struck six.
“You did what you had to do,” she says with a shrug of her feeble, sweater covered shoulders. “You can leave.”
“Oh,” you say. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
She waves you off as she heads into the back. Mrs. Montgomery has never hated you, but she did get a bit softer towards you after Everett had made her a homemade ornament last Christmas.
On the drive home, the light reminding you of an oil change seems brighter than it ever has been. You know it isn’t, it’s just in anticipation that maybe it would go off soon. Because of Eddie.
Steve’s car is in the parking lot as you pull into the complex parking lot, which means he and Everett are just hanging out at home. Nancy’s car isn’t there though, but she might be back at her house with her family for the evening.
You park your car in the spot closest to your building and check your watch as you bound up the stairs. Eddie said he gets home at seven. That’s about half an hour away. It’s going to be the longest half hour of your life, after the half hour that you had to wait between when your contractions started getting bad and getting to the hospital. Everett’s lucky he’s as cute and sweet as he is after you felt like your spine was going to snap through your stomach during birth.
You take a quick shower and groan to yourself when you see that only took up ten minutes. You could clean? No, the apartment was still pretty clean from the other day. You could read? No, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the words on the page. You could cook? That seems the best option. You’re going to have to eat dinner tonight anyway.
Rummaging around in the kitchen leaves you coming up startlingly short. You didn’t realize how badly you needed to go grocery shopping. There’s enough to scrape together to make a decent plate of pasta. Clanging the pots together as you get your supplies out, you take a deep breath. In, Eddie’s dark eyes. Out, his dimpled smile.
As you pour the pot of hot water and noodles over the strainer, the phone starts to ring.
“Shit,” you murmur. You can’t rush or you’ll end up burning yourself on the water or steam. “Coming!” you call as if he could actually hear you.
You slam the pot and strainer full of noodles on the counter, ignoring the puddle it makes, and rush to the other side of the kitchen. Another deep breath, and you’re picking up the receiver.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
The steam didn’t melt you, but that nickname sure did.
“Hey Eddie, how are you?” You’re glad he can’t see the giddy smile just hearing his voice puts on your face.
“Much better now,” he says. “How was your day?”
“Eh, same old, same old,” you say.
“And how’s the little dude?” Eddie asks and it gives you butterflies that he cares enough to ask about Everett.
“He’s good. With his dad right now,” you say.
“You mean you’ve got a free night to yourself? And what are you going to do to celebrate?”
“Talking to you, for one,” you say, surprising yourself. Flirty things didn’t just come out of your mouth like that.
“Aww, what a charmer you are,” Eddie says. “Well, I got the oil ready for whenever you want me to swing by.”
“How busy are you this week?” you ask. “I mean, like, after work.”
Eddie chuckles. “Sweetheart, all I do is work and come home. Playing DND with the boys was my first social experience here in Hawkins.”
“I think you need some friends who don’t have curfews at eleven,” you joke.
His responding laugh is enough to make your knees weak.
“I guess you’re right. So, to answer your question, I’m free every night.”
“Even tonight?” Again, your brain did not approve of that question before it came out of your mouth.
There’s a pause on the other end of the phone and you feel that maybe you stepped too far. Maybe he thinks you’re too over eager to see him and it’s weird.
“Yeah?” He finally asks. “Tonight works for you?”
“Sure, if it works for you,” you say.
“I guess I’ll need your address then, sweets.”
“Just don’t get the roads mixed up,” you say with a chuckle.
“Hey, Hawkins isn’t that big. I’m sure I’d find you eventually.”
“Sounds a little creepy but because I know you’re bad with directions I’ll let that slide.”
“Yeah, I hated it as it came out of my mouth,” he says with a sigh.
“I do that at least six times a day, so you’re still behind me.”
Seven times now, you think to yourself. Because now all you can picture is Eddie behind you. Pressing kisses on the back of your neck. His hands wrapping around your waist. His chest pressing flush up against your back. Him bending you over.
“Hmm, yeah?” You shake your head a little, trying to dispel your fantasy.
“Thought I lost you there for a second,” he says. “I just said I needed to grab a pen to write down your address. I got one now, I’m ready.”
You recite your address to him, fingers wrapping themselves in the spiral cord of the phone. It’s a habit you tell Everett to quit doing, but here you are tangling the wires.
“Alright, I’ll head out now,” Eddie says. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Great,” you say softly. You’re sure he can hear your smile through the phone.
You hang up and realize your hair is still wet and you’re in pajamas. You groan to yourself as you walk into your room and rip open your closet. You can’t wear something particularly nice because he knows you’ve just been sitting at home since work. But you need to wear something nicer than the sweatpants and oversized T-shirt you’re wearing now.
You settle on jeans. Jeans are good. Casual, but look nice. There’s a purple shirt you pull out from the back of the closet. It’s a nice flowy v-neck that conforms to your waist nicely and tends to be baggy in the front, displaying more cleavage than intended. Perfect.
There wasn’t a whole lot you could do with your hair. You didn’t have time to blow dry it before Eddie arrived and it was still in the midway point between soaked and fully dry. The medicine cabinet above the sink is full of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Band-Aids and antibiotic ointment for cuts and scrapes. Behind it all, you find the neglected leave in conditioner that you can’t remember when you used last. When you pop the cap, it still smells good, so you squeeze some out into your hands. You scrub it through your hair and smooth it out the best you can. It doesn’t look awful and it’s the best you could hope for.
Pacing never does anything productive, but that doesn’t stop you from treading back and forth across the carpet in the living room. Every little noise you hear has you peaking out the window to see if the brown van is pulling up. Finally, the sound of squeaky brakes actually is Eddie pulling into a parking spot. Ironic, you think to yourself, that the mechanic’s brakes are loud. You go out the front door and down the steps to meet him in the parking lot.
Eddie hops out of the van and gives you the smile you’ve been looking forward to all day.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greets you. He’s wearing blue coveralls and you wonder if he’d ever changed out of them to begin with. His name is sewn in red right over his heart, and you have the sudden urge to trail your finger over the letters.
“Hey,” you say with a grin. You walk over to your car and lean against it’s scuffed up bumper. “How was work?”
“Did a hundred oil changes but none as important as this one,” he says. He comes to stand in front of you and he tilts his head to the side as he looks at you. “Your hair looks cute all wet.”
“You really don’t stop flirting for a second, do you?” You can’t help the smirk on your face as you watch him shrug, not looking the least bit bashful.
“Why would I? When you get that adorable blush every time I compliment you.” He grins when your cheeks grow even darker. “But tell me to stop and I will.”
He waits, raising his eyebrows at you but you just purse your lips and give him a shrug of your own. He chuckles when you stay silent and taps his hand against the trunk of your car.
“This is it, I’m guessing?” His eyes roam over your old gray vehicle. It’s nothing special but it gets you where you need to go.
“This is it,” you confirm.
Eddie catches sight of the car seat in the back and it brings a smile to his face. He walks to the back of his van and opens the doors. You’d never actually seen a car get an oil change before, so you were surprised by the number of items Eddie brought out. There was the car jack, a handful of tools, and a container of what you assume is the oil.
“Do I need to do anything?” you ask.
“Nope,” he says. He nods his head to the open back doors of his van. “You can sit there if you want.”
Luckily, he had parked adjacent to your car so you could watch him as he worked. The interior of the van is sparse, a few items spread out on the brown carpeting. It smells of oil and gasoline but looks clean, if not a little cluttered. You perch yourself on the edge and rest your feet on the bumper as you watch him begin. He uses the car jack to lift your car up and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Isn’t the oil under the hood?” you ask.
He shoots you a smile before he gets down on the asphalt. “It is,” he says. “But I have to drain the old oil out first.”
“Oh,” you hum. “Sorry, I’ll probably ask stupid questions. I know nothing about cars other than how to drive one.”
“It’s not stupid,” Eddie says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hair tie. He secures his hair at the nape of his neck, a few wisps still hanging around his face. “If I visited you at work, I’d not know one thing about the Dewey decimal system.”
“You should drop by,” you tell him as he pushes himself under your car. “I’m sure you won’t be able to believe it, but it can get pretty boring working at a library.”
He huffs a laugh as he works. You can hear tools scraping and moving underneath your car. From your angle, you can just barely see the side of Eddie’s face and his tongue pokes out in concentration. It shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does.
“What time is your lunch break?” he asks.
“Whenever I want to take it, really. It’s supposed to be when we’re not that busy, but we hardly are around lunch time.”
“Mine’s at one,” Eddie says after you see him pull something off the bottom of your car. “I get an hour. I could come by and have lunch with you if you wanted?”
The smile on your face is unrestrained since you know Eddie can’t see it from there. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Me too,” Eddie admits.
You bite your lip and hold your face in your hands. You hadn’t felt this trill of butterflies and excitement since you were in high school. Eddie starts to move out from under the car and you contort your face back to normal. He smiles at you before standing up and heading around to the hood of your car.
“How long have you known Dustin?” he asks. The hood pops open and he extends it up fully. He reaches down for the oil and wipes his hands on a dirty rag before throwing it over his shoulder.
“Oh jeez,” you say as you think about it. “I think I was a sophomore in high school. Maybe junior? Yeah, I think I was a junior. We had a mutual friend, who ended up being my boyfriend.”
“Not one of the kids from DND?” Eddie asks. He looks over at you with a smirk on his face. The way he licks over his lips before returning his gaze to his work sends a tingle through your spine.
“Oh God, no,” you say with a laugh. “His name is Steve. He’s a year older than me. Everett’s dad, actually.”
“How’d he and Dustin become friends?” Eddie asks, brow pinched in concentration.
“I don’t even remember,” you say. “I just know they became instant best friends and they’re still ridiculous with one another. Dustin is Everett’s God father, actually.”
“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”
“You’re quoting The Godfather movie? You really are as much of a nerd as Dustin and the gang, huh?” you ask with a smirk.
He laughs and nods his head as he pours the oil. “Total nerd. Was called a freak all throughout high school.”
That makes you frown. “Kind of mean, isn’t it? I don’t think you’re a freak at all.”
“Just a nerd?” he asks, throwing a wink your way.
“Oh, for sure,” you agree. “But if you haven’t noticed, I get along well with nerds. Am one myself, actually.”
“You are not,” Eddie says. He finishes up and closes the hood of your car. When he wipes a piece of hair out of his face with the back of his hand, it leaves behind an oil mark across his forehead.
“I work at a library,” you say. “Let me be a nerd. I’m proud of it.”
“You’re too pretty to be a nerd,” he says. The smile he gives you makes you grateful you’re sitting down. You chuckle and motion for him to walk closer to you. He stands in front of you, and you take the rag off his shoulder. You reach up to wipe away the grease on his face, but you only end up smearing it further. “Eh, don’t worry about it. It takes some serious scrubbing to get clean after work.”
“Do you want to come in and wash up?” you ask. Again, that pesky filter you’re supposed to have fails you.
“I don’t want to get your place all dirty,” he says with a shrug.
“I have a toddler. You think my place is ever truly clean?”
Eddie laughs and nods his head, conceding.
“I made dinner, too,” you add. “Pasta. And I definitely made too much because I’m used to making dinner for two people. You’re not going to let perfectly good pasta go to waste, are you?”
“Mm, but I’m the flirt, right?” Eddie asks. He raises his eyebrows at you, and it causes you to giggle.
“Oh, definitely. I’m just asking if you want some food,” you say.
“You seem to be surrounded by a bunch of young guys. Has any of them ever turned down free food?”
“Not a once.”
Eddie opens his mouth to speak when a car pulls in on the other side of yours. From the angle she drove in, Nancy wouldn’t have been able to see you or Eddie standing at the opening of his van. If she had, she definitely wouldn’t have parked so close to interrupt the moment.
“Hey, Nance,” you say as she gets out of the car.
“Hi,” she answers, shooting you an apologetic look.
“Eddie, this is Nancy, my best friend,” you say. “Nancy, this is Eddie. He plays DND with your brother and he’s great at changing oil.”
“Brother?” Eddie asks you.
“Oh, you know Mike,” Nancy says. She sighs. “So sorry about that.”
Eddie laughs and goes to offer his hand to Nancy before realizing it’s covered in grime.
“Mike’s great. But it’s nice to meet you, Nancy,” he says.
“You too,” Nancy says. She opens the back door of her car and pulls out a grocery bag. “I better head in. Steve’s making dinner and doesn’t have enough oregano, apparently.”
You give her a wave as she makes her way towards Steve’s building.
“Steve? Like your ex?” Eddie asks once she’s far enough away.
“Yeah,” you say. “Nancy is his girlfriend. He lives in that building, right there.” You hook your thumb over your shoulder.
“Aw, that’s nice for Everett. Having his parents be so close.”
“Yeah, that’s what we wanted,” you say. You hop down from his van and start to walk in the direction of the stairwell. “Now, come on. The mom in me is going to make you clean up before you eat.”
Eddie washes his hands and face in the bathroom as you finish up dinner. It’s weird to serve both helpings on adult-sized plates instead of one Mickey Mouse one.
“It smells really good,” Eddie says as you both sit down at the table.
“Thank you.”
Eddie digs in and, like he said, you hang around with a lot of young guys, so you’re not surprised in the least at the way he inhales his food.
“So,” Eddie says between bites. “I don’t mean to be nosey. But your best friend is dating your ex? Is that weird?”
“Everyone thinks that,” you say with a chuckle. “She became my best friend after she started dating Steve, actually. They dated before he and I did and then got back together after Everett was born.”
“She seems nice,” Eddie says.
“Oh yeah, she’s a sweetheart,” you agree. “What about you? You have a best friend?”
“Mhmm,” he hums. He wipes his mouth off on a napkin before continuing. “His name is Gareth. We met when we were like seven, I think. He’s off in California now.”
“College?” you ask.
Eddie laughs. “No, not for him. He’s bouncing from band to band, trying to get a record deal.”
“Musician, huh? That’s pretty cool.”
“Yeah, we were in a band together in high school,” he tells you.
“Really? What do you play?”
“Guitar.” You smile to yourself and Eddie notices. “What is it?”
“Hm? Oh, just thinking about how happy Everett would be to hear that. He is obsessed with music and the guitar is his favorite.”
“Kid has good taste,” Eddie says.
“I like guitar as well,” you add.
“Good to know.” Eddie sends you a wink and you feel the pasta slosh around with the butterflies in your stomach.
Conversation flows just as easily for the rest of dinner. Neither of you realize you’ve been sitting at the table for an hour after both of you had finished eating until Eddie catches sight of the clock behind you.
“Oh, wow,” he says. You turn to see the time yourself and you can’t believe how quickly the night has passed. “I should get going.”
“Yeah?” you ask with a sad smile. You never intended for him to have dinner with you to begin with, but now you don’t want him to leave. “Well, thank you for the oil change. I really appreciate it.”
“Really, it’s nothing,” he says. He stands up and brings both of your plates to the sink. You follow after him, tugging on his arm.
“Don’t worry about those,” you say.
He smiles and takes advantage of your hand being on him. He picks up your hand in his and brings it to his lips. Two kisses are quickly placed to the back of your hand, and you swear your heart could be heard on the other side of town.
“I’ll swing by for lunch tomorrow, yeah?” Eddie asks quietly.
“Yeah,” you answer in a whisper. “I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.” He presses another kiss to the back of your hand.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year
Correction. Jason fucking hates school.
Those fucking elitist assholes keep staring at Dick and him like they’re goddamn monkeys in a zoo. One had tried explaining the fucking concept of laptops to them earlier, like they’d been raised in the fuckin’ ass end of nowhere.
That guy had changed his tune real damn fast after Jason pointedly pulled out his own unreleased Wayne tech laptop and fired it up with a harsh glare.
Frankly, Jason wouldn’t be so ticked off if it was just him, but they keep. Targeting. Dick. After they realised that, wow, Jason isn’t the poor back alley rat with an IQ barely high enough to let him breathe correctly and take their shit lying down, they kept trying to crowd Dick.
After the third time some spoiled girl had tried touching the skittish talon in some guise of “Oh wow, your hair looks really soft!“ and Dick’s eyes had done the deer-in-headlights expression where he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to fucking say no Jason had snapped and nearly bit the offending hand off.
The surprised scream he got in retaliation was so fucking worth it, even if he’s pretty sure B will have choice words to say about it once they get back to the manor.
Sadly, Dick had also taken that reaction to mean that Jason felt threatened by the girl, which was… less optimal.
At least Jason had managed to keep him from literally tearing into her. If barely.
“I fuckin’ hate these snobs,“ Jason growls, opening their Alfred issued lunchbox with a bit more force than strictly necessary.
Dick coos inquisitively, back to his bird sounds in the relative privacy of the abandoned classroom they’ve been hiding out in since the fiasco during second period.
Jason hands him one of the sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly he loves so much and chooses one with with cheese and ham for himself, taking a vicious bite to vent his frustration in a way that won’t immediately get them expelled. “All these people thinking we’re some new and shiny toy. Wanna bet they think we don’t even know how to fuckin’ read?“
Dick eats at a more sedate pace from where he’s perched in a crouch on top of a desk, watching Jason rant with attentive eyes.
He doesn’t say anything, but that’s ok. Jason’s spitting enough vitriol for them both, and at least he knows that Dick is listening. Even if Jason were to suddenly switch topics and babble nonsense about the Teletubbies, Dick would still hang onto his every word. It used to be a bit creepy in the beginning, but now it’s… nice. Especially since he’d figured out how to interpret all the bird noises Dick makes.
“Really, if any of these privileged asswi-“
Dick’s head snaps up, body suddenly tense like a bowstring, and Jason whirls around so fast he almost gives himself whiplash, heart in his throat.
His eyes immediately lock onto the previously closed door where a wide eyed boy is standing, laptop under one arm, mouth agape, and looking more like a displaced toddler than a student with the pudgy baby fat clinging to his cheeks.
Dick makes a low tittering sound deep in his throat, wary but not yet hostile, and Jason takes one look at the tiny child that looks like he might start crying under the heavy stare of two older boys and exhales a groan.
“You need something, kid?“
The boy’s wide, blue eyes snap to him and Jason has to blink a bit at how similar they look to his own, if perhaps a few shades lighter.
He shuffles on his feet, clutching the laptop against his chest, “Uh, n-no. I was just- uh- homework.“
— Owl Song pt. iii Preview
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mayaluvzyou · 1 year
Willow Tree
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Eddie Munson x Childhood bestfriend!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF. Swearing, slightly implied f!reader if you squint, Eddie being a complete dumbass, angry love confession
A/N: this is inspired by another Eddie x reader fic I found on here. The issue is, I'm not sure who made it. Regardless, I give credits to the original creator of the nickname "Trouble"!!!
You can't recall having a crush worse than this. You were undeniably in love with him. The only problem was that this absolute dreamboat of a boy was your best friend of many years. More than half of said years, you'd had the biggest crush on him.
The two of you were out at the park on a picnic "date" as he called it. Only, he thought of it as a friend date. Nothing more. But you craved and yearned for it to be so much more.
Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Your best friend since first grade. You were head over heels for this man and yet he was absolutely oblivious no matter how hard you tried to nonverbally admit it. He was munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before noticing how silent it'd gone, nothing but the subtle breeze of mid July heard.
"Hey, you alright, trouble?" He inquired, eyebrows furrowing a little as he lowered his sandwich from his face.
Trouble. The nickname he'd come up with for you years and years ago when the two of you would go exploring in abandoned houses and whatnot. You'd been a bit more rebellious than usual, and decided to spray paint whatever spots hadn't already been vandalized. So, he ended up calling you trouble- in the most playful way possible, of course. And it stuck.
"I'm fine." Clearly you weren't. Every person ever would say that when it was agonizingly obviously they were NOT fine.
Your off-white sun dress that was scattered with little, dusty pink embroidered flowers fluttered very slightly in the warm breeze.
It seemed like you had too much on your mind. You rarely made eye contact, you barely spoke for the whole "date", and you ate little to nothing.
Something was up.
"Bullshit," Eddie spoke matter-of-factly, dropping his half eaten pb&j onto a paper towel square. "If it were actually nothing, you would've laughed it off by now. So, stop being a shitty liar and tell me what's going on." Very subtly, his expression softened with care. No matter how consistently Eddie teased you, you were always his favorite everything. Favorite person, favorite friend, favorite (and only) person who'd help him after getting beat up by Jason and his goons. You meant everything to him.
"Listen, I already said it's nothing. End of story." Your gaze shifted to meet his with a scowl for a mere millisecond to increase the believability of your annoyance. It didn't work.
"Jesus fucking Christ-" Cutting his mumbles short, Eddie brought a ring clad hand up to his face, rubbing at his eyes in growing irritaion. "If it weren't a big deal, you wouldn't be doing this. Just. Spill. It." His face moved just barely a centimeter with his last three words.
You didn't budge, staying silent as a response. You'd given him the silent treatment once or twice before. NEVER was it a common occurrence in your behavior towards him.
The soft wind blew, causing the branches and leaves of the willow tree you and Eddie used to play under sway.
Some nearby child giggled and squealed with childlike joy as it toyed with the family dog.
One minute passed
A bird stopped a few feet away from you two, hoping a couple times before soaring off into a tree.
A squirrel paused it's scattering run up the willow tree to gaze around for a split second before dashing off.
Another minute.
You couldn't do it anymore. You snapped.
"Fuck it.. I love the way you trip over absolutely nothing and then pretend it never happened. I love the way we'd giggle when your hair got all frizzy from the humidity. I love the way you add just a little more jelly than peanut butter to your stupid sandwiches because of your sweet tooth- so, how? How is it not blatantly obvious that I'm in love with you, Eddie. Horribly head over heels in love with you?" You were near breathless after your sudden ramble of pure emotion. Your annoyed speech of how much you truly loved him seemed to take hours in your mind as your heart rate increased the longer you spewed out words like poetry.
Any expression other than surprise and confusion on Eddie's face had dropped. Whilst you were still trying to catch your breath from gushing about him, he was just sitting. Confused. He opened his mouth a few times as if about to speak, yet, nothing more than a few stuttered letters came out.
"Trouble, I- what? I just- I mean, I love you too- it's just that.. Wha?-" Before he could stumble on any more words, you cut him off with a groan of pure frustration, bunching up the frilly hem of your dress with anger. God damn did you love this man.
"My god, Eddie, you're so damn oblivious and I hate how much I love that. I don't love you, Munson. I'm in love with you. Moronically, irrevocably in love with you and your stupid face..!" To anyone else, the tone in which you barked out your confession sounded like you hated him with every fiber in your being, but your words spoke from an entirely different book.
You hadn't noticed how close you'd gotten to him in your fit of angry adoration. Though, one of the few things that did not go unnoticed was the way his eyes flickered down to your lips for a second. The sight of his gaze going only an inch or two down for a puny second made your breath catch.
"Sweetheart," Eddie began, your mind immediately picking up the sound of his now incredibly calm voice calling you 'sweetheart'. Only on some occasions did he call you that. The last time you can recall him calling you sweetheart was years prior. It was freshman year and Jason had ruined a shirt that Eddie had given you as a gift. You sobbed relentlessly before he found you in a bathroom stall, quickly coming in to comfort you.
"I love you too. I can't imagine not being in love with you- and I have no idea why I didn't say anything." He averted his gaze towards the end of his short ramble, wringing out his hands nervously. You rarely ever saw him nervous. Then it clicked. This was raw emotion. He meant it entirely.
Silently, he dragged his eyes back to yours, that chocolate brown gaze meeting yours. Without another thought, you felt his ringed fingers gently grip your jaw and waist, pulling you towards him. Eddie's lips met yours so perfectly to the point where you swore it was dizzying for a split second. Your arms found their way loosely around the base of his neck. What felt like a millennium had only lasted a solid three seconds. A phenomenal three seconds.
With his hands still in the same positions, he spoke again, his voice coming out much softer than the previous time.
"You're my favorite, trouble. Always and forever."
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georgiexie · 3 months
Primary English Singapore: Tutoring + Home Learning Tips
Unlock your child's full potential in English with the best primary English tuition in Singapore, combined with expert tips for productive home learning.
In the bustling educational landscape of Singapore, primary English tuition is as common as finding a bowl of chilli crab. But it's not just about enrolling your child in a tuition program and calling it a day. There's more to it. To stir up the perfect recipe for success, we need to blend primary English tuition with some fantastic home learning strategies. It's all about making learning fun while being as practical as a packet of tissue at a hawker centre. Let's dive right in!
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Understanding Primary English Tuition in Singapore
Think of primary English tuition in Singapore as the secret sauce that makes your child's language skills sizzle. In a country that values linguistic finesse, enrolling your child in these programs is like offering them a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. The benefits? Well, they're just as sweet. Improved vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills are just the tip of the Merlion's mane.
The Synergy of Home Learning and Tuition
Now, let's talk about the dynamic duo – tuition and home learning. It's like having Batman and Robin work together to fight the grammar villains. Home learning is where your child practices what they learn in tuition. It's the peanut butter to the tuition's jelly. The more they do it at home, the better they get. It's a match made in Singlish heaven!
Practical Home Support Strategies
No more pulling your hair out while managing time between tuition and home study. It's all about creating a conducive learning space. Think of it as setting the stage for an epic Shakespearean play but with a dictionary on hand. And don't forget online resources and educational apps. They're like having a bag of kaya toast to complement your Teh Tarik.
Communication and Feedback
Open communication is like the secret ingredient in your grandmother's recipe. It's the garlic in garlic fried rice. Discuss your child's progress with tutors and keep the feedback flowing like a waterfall in Jurong Bird Park. This way, you can address any challenges and work as a team to make your child's learning journey smoother than the Singapore River.
Balancing Tuition and Home Learning
While we all want our children to excel, don't turn them into zombies of the textbooks. Balance is key. Too much studying can be like an overpriced bowl of laksa – too spicy for comfort. Recognise when to seek help or adjust the approach. It's about finding that sweet spot, like the perfect chilli-to-crab ratio.
Promoting Self-Motivation and Responsibility
It's time to teach your child to be the captain of their linguistic ship. Encourage independence and self-discipline. Reward their achievements like they just scored a goal in a football match at the National Stadium. Responsibility, like a reliable MRT train, is something you want your child to catch.
Tailoring Support to Your Child's Needs
Every child is as unique as the durian's distinct smell. Recognise their strengths and weaknesses, and adapt your home learning strategies accordingly. It's like getting a tailored suit – it fits perfectly, and your child will feel like a superstar.
To wrap it all up, primary English tuition in Singapore is just the beginning. Pair it with the right home learning strategies, and you've got a recipe for success hotter than a plate of chicken rice. So, lace up those Merlion-shaped shoelaces, Singapore parents, and let's set sail on this English-learning adventure with your child. With the right support, your child's language skills will shine as brightly as the lights in Orchard Road during Christmas. It's time to unleash the word wizard in them!
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Ready to elevate your child's language skills? Start the journey with Primary English Singapore today, and watch your child flourish like the iconic Marina Bay Sands skyline. Don't miss this chance to be part of their linguistic success story. Contact The Thought Tailor today!
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novumtimes · 4 months
Khloe Kardashian Worries About Giving Tristan Thompson Glimmer Of Hope After Traumatic Few Years
Clearly excited her ex was headed back to Cleveland — joking, “Don’t come back anytime soon!” — Khloe expresses her need for “space” and time “to just like heal.” Khloe Kardashian kicked off a new season of The Kardashians giving fans an update on her coparenting relationship with Tristan Thompson. Thursday’s new hour showed Khloe staying behind while Kim Kardashian, mom Kris Jenner, and sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner all went to France for Paris Fashion Week. She opted to stay home so she could, one, be around for a then-pregnant Kourtney Kardashian and, two, she would rather be with her children. The episode saw her swing by Tristan’s home, which is in the same neighborhood as her own. This after Thompson re-signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2023. “The bird’s leaving the nest, go fly little bird. Don’t come back anytime soon!” Khloe quipped about his Ohio return in a confessional, before reflecting on all the recent drama on her life. Hulu/Getty The Kardashians Call Out Caitlyn Jenner for Her Involvement In ‘House of Kardashian’ Doc: ‘It Hurts’ View Story “I feel like the past couple years have been, I don’t know if traumatic is too big a word,” she began, before a producer said “traumatic” fit her situation perfectly. “I feel like past couple years or maybe past decade has really been a heavy time in my life and I don’t get a lot of time to just like heal.” In the past decade, Khloe split from Lamar Odom, stepped in to help when he had a near-fatal overdose, and weathered Tristan’s cheating and paternity scandals amid her pregnancy and surrogacy journeys. “I am just taking time for me. I’m not doing anything special, I’m not doing anything different, I just want to be in the moment more,” she shared. “I want to put my energy into things that make me happy.” While Tristan called it “bittersweet” he was heading to Cleveland — saying it would be difficult to be without his brother Amari and those who supported him — Khloe reminded him it would only be for a short amount of time. She also seemed ready to have him at more of a distance, after he temporarily lived with her when his roof collapsed, before moving down the street. Hulu Khloe Kardashian, Kris Jenner Marvel Over Scott Disick’s Weight Loss on The Kardashians Premiere View Story “The move in and all of these changes, it was all so overwhelming for me,” Khloe said in a confessional. “Now, even when he moved into his house and I had my home back, I was like, [sigh of relief]. Now that he’s going to Cleveland, I imagine I’ll just feel a relief. I don’t care who it is, I need space.” During her visit, he suggested the two combine both houses and live as a “happy family” — jokingly (we think) suggesting they connect the homes via a trail, tunnel or overpass. “We’re a great dynamic duo, like peanut butter and jelly. Fire and ice. Salt and pepper. Batman and Robin,” he then told a stone-faced Khloe. Rolling her eyes in a confessional, Khloe said, “Come on. You know where I stand.” “Sometimes I hate how much I have to think and be on guard to not do anything that might ever give a glimmer than there’s hope,” she added, before saying of her exes, “They just don’t leave, even when you ask them to, they just keep staying. It’s never gonna end.” New episodes of The Kardashians drop Thursdays on Hulu. Instagram / Getty Khloe Kardashian Jokes She Thought Brother Rob Donated Sperm For Her Son Tatum View Story Source link via The Novum Times
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Week 6 - Kiwi Chronicles
G’day folks! 
New Zealand, my god.
It was everything I had hoped for and so so much more. More than I could ever put into words. But it’d be a shame not to try… Here’s my week:
On Tuesday we hopped off AJ Hackett’s Nevis Bungee jump. Standing from a suspended cable car over a ravine nearly 140 meters or 450 feet above the rocky stream below. The world’s first bungee jumping company gave us an experience that makes my palms sweaty just thinking about it. 
The pounding Pitbull tunes… then the count down, 5,4,3,2,1…
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Goodbye Queenstown: We began our last day here with a last-minute booking at the spa pools of Onsen for a relaxing hour to reminisce on all that had already happened and all that lay ahead for us.
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After checking out of our hostel, we made our rounds through downtown Queenstown, shopping and renting the food and gear that could get us through the upcoming camping excursion. New Zealand has twelve “Great Walks”, these are typically multi-day hiking trips that span all parts of the north and south island. We decided to follow Kepler Track located outside the town of Te Anau. It is a three-day, two-night, 60 km Great Walk that cuts through the Fiordland National Park. 
The food list was focused on maximizing calories while minimizing cost, space, and required prep. This meant a lot of canned meats, rice, wraps, peanut butter, and jelly. 
We drove to the trailhead and assembled our packs, making judgment calls on clothes, food, tents, and who carries what. Finally, we set off with two hours of sun remaining.
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The trail unraveled into a living canopy of moss and streams that felt at times like a set on Lord of the Rings. We made it to the camp with a little time to spare, just enough to get our tents up and bring our food supplies to the bench. Cooking in the dark was no easy feat. But the whispers of the company, hushed music, and countless stars outlining the night sky above kept us working through the night.  
Thursday: the best hike of my life.
We woke up, slept in a little late, and got to work immediately. Even so, we didn’t end up heading off until around 10:30. This day's hike is 13 miles long but with all of the Kepler Track’s change in altitude. The first part of the hike was a climb up through the canopy. From there we took a gruelling climb up and over multiple mountain peaks over five hours. Some of the most stunning natural views I’ve ever seen, I couldn’t recommend this hike more. Everyone we met on the way greeted us with a smile and salutation. We did get a “you’re not even close” early on in the hike when we first got above the canopy but other than that the other hikers were overwhelmingly encouraging and friendly.  
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We had our first encounter with the Kea, a large majestic bird native to the area that the rangers and locals treat reverently. In fact, at one stop, a ranger told us that it was our job to get out of the way of the Kea rather than to shoo it off. Of course, 30 minutes later this exact situation happened when we left our bags at the base of a scenic lookout that branched off the hike. We came back down to find a Kea picking around and investigating our packs. 
After hiking for over 11 hours we made it into camp just as the sun was sinking below the mountains. We broke our group into those setting up camp and those cooking food. But, much to our dismay, we found that we had left a night’s worth of canned chicken in the car. Luckily, we overpacked in other areas so our dinner instead became rice and a handful of tuna cans with some ripped-up lunch meat sprinkled in with some all-purpose seasoning. Pack more than you think you will eat!
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That night I was awoken several times to rustling and scratching, I looked outside to see both a Kiwi and a Kea making concerted efforts to break into our tents. A few slaps on the tent wall were enough to send them running, but not for long. In the morning the damage was assessed and the kiwi had broken through the netting in two areas and the Kea had ripped a hole into the side of the tent near our heads.  YOIKES. The tents were of course rented so we swore to find sewing materials when we got back to civilization. 
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The Kiwi in question the morning after.
Our last day of the hike was another 13 miles but with pretty much flat ground the whole way until we emptied out on the parking lot we left in the beginning. In some ways, this day was the worse of the two, Joe and I had rented hiking boots that really didn’t fit and they left us swimming in the boots so the promises of blisters from the night before were in full bloom for the last day. But nonetheless, it was a stunning and memorable day in its own right.
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What did I learn from the backpacking adventure?… Bring more food than you think you’ll need, bring a sponge for cleaning dishes, and you are likely overpacking clothes: bring one core outfit with options for layering and spare underwear and socks. And prepare for the bold wildlife!
The next day we unanimously decided on no hiking, instead we hopped on the Te Anau boat to the entrance of New Zealand’s Glow Worm Caves. The tour took us into the caves and, once deep enough, took us on smaller boats that were guided in the pitch dark, other than the cosmic-like glow from the clusters of worms. The bioluminescence was breathtaking and fascinating to learn about its evolutionary origins. 
We weren't allowed to take photos but here's a decent one I found online:
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After the tour, we had some time to kill in Te Anau so we ran a load of laundry at the local laundromat, walked through a nearby art gallery, and purchased some souvenirs to memorialize this trip. Across the board, every local we met carried a gentle, relaxed disposition with a passion for dry humor. 
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That night we set up camp at the Cascade Creek camping grounds, the nearest camping spot to Milford Sound. It got much colder than we had initially bargained for and the three-person tent we were all huddled in while we were still up became everyone's bed for the night.  
The next morning everyone woke up laughing over how they swore their night of sleep was worse than everyone else’s. Not doing that one again. We packed everything up and set off for the boat tour at Milford Sound. 
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After the stunning ride through the glacier-made channels, we made our way to the start of our final hike, Gertrude Saddle. It’s hard to exaggerate just how beautiful our final hike was. We walked under golden grass growing off the sharp mountainside cut only by the aqua-colored streams coming from the lake placed in the “saddle” of the mountain. On the way down we thought the lake looked like a great spot to cool off...
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That night we had previously planned on camping at the same grounds but we had enough and frantically looked for last-minute accommodations for seven. Our search brought us to an Airbnb apartment back in Queenstown for the night.
We said goodbye to two of our companions and set off for the day’s adventures. Our first stop was jet boating. It’s essentially a Mario Kart-like drift through the surrounding rivers. It was thrilling, but it admittedly got old after the first 30 minutes.
Next up was river boarding, essentially boogie boarding with a wetsuit and helmet in grade three rapids. Everyone had a blast and the trip actually ended with us sharing a pint at a nearby bar with one of our instructors Pav.
This trip has been memorable and greater than my already high expectations. There was nothing like being on the ground looking up at the steep mountains and into the starry sky. The group was reverently silent more often than any group I’ve been a part of. If any of this peaks your interest I cannot recommend visiting this beautiful country enough.
Take care everyone,
Grant Touchette
Aerospace Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
Power Outage (Rooster x Reader)
This is short and is really just a funny little thing I typed out while my own power was out. It's back on now, and I have to go sort through my refrigerator (ew).
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. It's just a quick little story.
“Isn’t there supposed to be back up power or something?” you asked Bradley, lighting more candles. 
“No, this house is too old for that, we used to have an old generator but it broke down before I left high school,” his voice came from the other side of the room, his face appearing after he lit another candle in front of him. 
“Well that sucks, guess we’re back to ye olden… time,” you snorted. 
There was a pretty bad storm that had swept through the area. Not hurricane level, but not the usual pitter patter of rain either. A lot of people’s power was out, as you had received several text messages from the rest of the Top Gun pilots. 
“Ah crap,” Bradley sighed, “they’re saying the power won’t be back on until Monday.” 
“Aww man, I wanted to cook dinner tomorrow night,” you said in frustration. 
“I’m sorry Baby, the food will probably be bad by then anyway,” Rooster realized.
“UGH! I hate losing power!” you complained.
Bradley gave you a little hug, knowing how much situations like these stressed you out. You both sat down on the couch in the deafening silence of Bradley’s house, ears ringing from it being too quiet. Feeling like you were going to go insane from it, you sighed loudly to fill the abyss.
“Hey! I have an idea!” you sat up excitedly, patting Bradley on the shoulder quickly, “What if everyone came over here?”
“For what?” he asked, confused. There wasn’t much to really do, given that the majority of entertainment was electronic nowadays.
“Oh come on Bradley, we grew up before cell phones, let's make do,” you said, picking up your phone to send messages to everyone to meet at Bradley’s house. Getting off the couch and walking to the closet, you grabbed a cardboard box that was in the top corner and pulled it down from it’s perch. Lifting the flaps of the box, you revealed cards, poker chips, pictionary, and a few other board games.
Mr. Bradshaw was impressed with the little stockpile, nodding his head along to your idea, “touche.”
When everyone had everything taken care of at their own houses, they made their way over. Phoenix was the first to arrive, having picked up Bob on the way. Coyote and Payback showed up next, with some chips and salsa. Maverick, bless his heart, brought peanut butter and jelly fix ins, and even Hangman showed up, bringing his… charming self. Needless to say it was the best idea anyone had out of all of you. Without it everyone would have been sitting at home in the dark. (Which is what I’m doing now and I hate every minute of it). Now, everyone was cracking up at Bradley, who had a sticky note on his forehead with the word “mustache” scribbled on it.
“Am I a food?” he asked slowly.
“Am I an object?” you asked the group in the same tone.
“Am I… an F-14 Tomcat,” Maverick asked and the room went silent.
“How the fuck did you get that on the first try?” you asked him in awe, “you totally cheated!”
“Not my first rodeo,” he stated, tearing the sticky note off.
“Okay… we’ll come back to that…” Bradley gave Maverick some side eye before focusing back on your face. 
“Am I an object?” he squinted at you.
“Yes,” you confirmed. 
“Am I hard?” he asked, deep in thought.
“Not that I can tell,” you said with a deadpan expression, looking right into his crotch. Several bursts of laughter filled the room. 
“Ha Ha, am I though?” he questioned, too into the game now.
“Technically no,” you shook your head. 
“Am I… an animal?” you guessed.
“Am I small?”
“Relatively yes.”
“I’d say so.”
You grinned at the man in front of you who was now sweating nervously. You already knew you had won.
“Am I… a bird?” you guessed.
“Haha, she’s got you man.”
“Yes haha.”
“Am I… Bradley Bradshaw?” you laughed.
“NOOOO!” Rooster cried in defeat. He lost every round and somehow Maverick was incredibly good at it. 
“Hahaha! Yes! Sweet victory!” you screamed, “and YOU my friend, the answer was right under your nose.”
Bradley’s confused expression turned to mild annoyance when he saw what was written on his note, “...fuck it really was.”
While everyone ate peanut butter and jelly with chips and salsa for dinner, everyone shared wild stories they had from the navy.
“A-and then, he’s going off about everything,” Hangman chuckled, “and the Admiral walks in right behind him.” Everyone gasped, and Seresin shook his head, still laughing, “he holds it up, and is like ‘who’s fucking pants are these?’ and the Admiral just says…” he’s too far gone to finish the story, wheezing himself into oblivion and everyone is laughing with him.
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I–” Maverick started.
“Yes,” you said, completely serious. 
“You don’t even know what I was going to say–” he defends.
“Yes I did,” you state, still serious.
Maverick sighed, waiting for you to be done.
“Sorry, go on,” you encourage.
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I was inverted and I scared off a MiG 28?”
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I was inverted and I scared off a MiG 28?”
Maverick was dumbfounded, and you still looked at him in complete seriousness after quoting him word for word at the same time he said it.
“...Yes, yes you did,” you said, cracking up at his face, “but we can hear it again.”
The captain rubbed his hands over his face. He loved you, but sometimes he wanted to drop you off in the middle of Baghdad and have you find your way home.
Eventually everyone started to trickle out, having to return home and check up on their own situations, but it was a fun little party while it lasted. Packing everything back into its box, you smiled over at Bradley who was snoring on the couch. 
The power may be out, but you guys made it work. You always made it work.
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searchingwardrobes · 2 years
Scarborough Fair: 1/?
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I know I said that I was going to wait until I finished this to post, but I changed my mind. I spend tons of time thinking about this story - way more time than I've spent actually writing it. So I thought going ahead and posting may give me a kick in the pants. I'm hoping to post weekly, fingers crossed.  
I wanted to be extremely clear in the tags what this story entails, but I hope some of you will give it a chance nonetheless. Yes, it's going to have heavy parts, but there will also be swooning and epic true love. You'll also see in the tags that this angst, though heavy, will have a happy ending. So . . . trust me? I hope? Haha. This is a CS AU of the Nancy Werlin book Impossible, so if you're familiar with that book, you know what I mean. When I read it, it broke my heart, put it back together again, and gave me massive CS vibes. 
Impossible itself was inspired by the folk song Scarborough Fair. Though the most famous version is by Simon & Garfunkel, there are many versions out there. I tweaked the lyrics to fit this story and the world of Once. Enjoy!
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Emma Swan has had a charmed life, despite being a foster child. She has a wonderful family who loves her, and the best friends in the world. The only thing that mars her idyllic existence is her birth mother: a homeless woman who mutters nonsensical rhymes and claims to be Snow White. One fateful night, however, Emma’s world is shattered. Perhaps her mother’s rhymes aren’t nonsense after all. 
Rated: M for date rape, dubious consent, teen pregnancy, and sexy times (the good kind!) 
Also on Ao3
Chapter One
“O, where are you going?" "To Scarborough fair,"
    Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;
"Remember me to a lass who lives there,
    For once she was a true love of mine.
 And tell her to make me a cambric shirt,
    Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme,
Without any seam or needlework,
    And then she shall be a true love of mine.
 And tell her to find the town which no one knows,
    Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme,
And reunite the lovers there with a kiss ,
    And then she shall be a true love of mine
 And there she must sow an acre with but one kernel of corn,
    Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme,
Upon the seashore before the tide comes,
   And then she shall be a true love of mine
Emma saw the rusted shopping cart rattle past out of the corner of her eye. She tried to keep her gaze mostly trained on her friends or on her lunch, but she couldn’t help glancing over towards the fence that surrounded the lunchroom courtyard. Mary Margaret’s long dark hair was matted as usual and laced with drooping, dead dandelions. She had a thing with flowers. And birds. She liked to swipe lawn ornaments for that reason. Propped sideways in the front of her shopping cart was the same chipped and faded bluebird, missing one eye, that she’d had for as long as Emma could remember. The giant pink flamingo was new, though. It rattled against the sides of the cart, banging against the bottles and cans littering the bottom. A whirligig painted like a giant sunflower leaned against the garish flamingo. It spun in the breeze with a faint whir. 
Emma forced herself to look nonchalant as she nibbled at her peanut butter and jelly. Maybe it was only a coincidence that Mary Margaret was just outside the schoolyard fence. 
“That girl right there! She’s a princess! Princess of Misthaven!”
So much for coincidence. Emma’s gaze lifted and caught Anna’s across the lunch table. Anna arched her brow as if to ask what she could do to help, but Emma was frozen like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. 
“That woman is so weird,” Lily muttered, watching Mary Margaret let go of her shopping cart to clasp the chain link fence in a white knuckled grip. 
“Don’t forget who you are! Princess of Misthaven! Daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming!”
Her voice had risen to a shriek, and the teenagers around Emma started to laugh at the homeless woman. A few boys yelled at her to shut up, and one threw his can of soda at her. It clanked against the fence, spraying brown liquid all over Mary Margaret, but the woman didn’t even flinch. 
Please don’t say my name. Please don’t say my name. 
“Hey, hey you! Emma! I’m talking to you!” 
Emma pressed her eyes closed tight. Mary Margaret was so hysterical, it was difficult to understand her, and besides, Emma was a common name. Right?
“Is she yelling at you?” Lily asked, leaning across the table. 
“I’m done,” Anna proclaimed, a bit louder than necessary as she jumped up from the table. “Let’s go to the restroom before the bell.”
“Okay,” Lily shrugged and stood up, gathering her tray of barely touched cafeteria food. 
Emma followed suit, Anna looping her arm through hers after they’d both tossed their brown paper lunch sacks. Emma’s sister practically dragged her into the school building, and Lily hurried to catch up. 
“That blonde right there! The really pretty one!” Mary Margaret continued to yell. “Stop her! I need to talk to her - warn her! You’re too pretty, Emma! Too pretty for your own good!”
That had been Mary Margaret’s obsession this past year and a half - that Emma was too pretty. For some reason, it stung worse than every other crazy thing she had ever said. 
“Why was that homeless lady yelling at you, Emma?” Lily asked. 
Anna laughed and waved her hand dismissively. “We saw her at the park a couple of weeks ago. We tried to be nice and talk to her, but that was obviously a mistake.”
Hm. Anna was a much better liar than Emma would have expected. Lily seemed to accept it, too.
“Well, I’d go tell the front office if I were you. Maybe the secretary will call the police. That’s harassment.”
Emma only had time to nod at Lily’s suggestion before the bell rang. When the brunette turned her back, Emma mouthed a silent thank you to her sister. As much as Anna could run her mouth, no one in the family would ever breathe the truth about the local homeless lady, the one who claimed to be Snow White. 
Because the ugly, embarrassing truth was - “Snow White” was Emma’s mother. 
 Ingrid Jones grinned as she saw the name flash across her phone screen. If he was calling her, that could only mean two things. Either he couldn’t reach his brother, or he wanted something. Something he didn’t think Liam would agree to.
“Killian!” she said blithely as she answered. “It’s nice to hear from you.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he replied, and Ingrid’s lips ticked up into a smile. Yes, he wanted something. 
Ingrid closed the files littering her desk and leaned back in her office chair. “How did finals go?”
“Well, I think. I mean, I felt pretty confident about everything but statistics. That class was tough.”
“You’ve always been too smart for your own good. I’m sure you did more than fine.”
Killian chuckled in a self-deprecating way. He was an odd dichotomy of cockiness and insecurity. It was part youth and part the tragedy he was born into.
“Listen, Ingrid,” Killian transitioned, clearing his throat nervously, “there’s been a slight change of plans, and I’m afraid it’s going to throw the entire summer off.”
Ingrid laughed merrily at his typical melodramatics. “Which is it, Killy, a slight change or an atomic bomb to the entire summer?”
Killian ignored the nickname that he only - rarely - tolerated from Ingrid and Anna. “If I wanted someone to tease me, I would have called Liam.” 
“Sorry, sorry, what’s the issue?”
“Well, you know that on-campus summer job my roommate helped me get?”
“Yes. The job that broke all our hearts because you wouldn’t be coming home.”
 “Broken hearts?” Killian asked, and she could practically feel his smug grin through her phone. 
“Of course! Melodramatics are apparently a family trait.”
“In that case, maybe I worried for nothing. The job fell through, which means we have to move out of the dorm. I’ve already gotten a new summer job, it pays even more, actually. It’s just -”
“You need your old room back?”
Ingrid laughed again, able to hear the puppy dog eyes and pouting smile in that one emotionally laden word. The boy could charm his way into - or out of - anything. 
“Of course you can, Killy.”
“Liam won’t mind?”
“Not if I tell him I already told you yes. And the girls will be thrilled. If only Elsa wasn’t interning on the Titanic.” 
“It’s a research ship in the North Sea, Ingrid.”
“Still sounds like she could hit an iceberg or something.”
“Nope, that’s the Atlantic.”
“It’s really annoying having such smart kids, you know.”
Killian laughed, and Ingrid found her heart filling up at the thought of him being home. Truth be told, she had been a little down lately over her college kids foregoing summer break at home. Summers and holidays were supposed to ease the whole “letting them go” thing. 
“If Liam’s not mad about it -”
“You really think your brother will be pissed that you’re coming home?”
“I know he loves me and wants to see me, but we argued over that on campus job when I applied for it. I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t want to hear him rub it in. Or find out he’d finally changed my room into a music room.”
“He’d have to get through me first. I’m the sentimental one, remember? So, what was your other request?”
“Help moving out this Saturday? It’s probably gonna take all four of you, but I really need Liam’s truck.”
“First of all, I find it hard to believe a nineteen-year-old college student has that much stuff. Second, the girls and I can’t help. We’re prom dress shopping this Saturday.”
“Emma’s going to the prom!”
Ingrid thought she heard a thud followed by scuffling noises. “Did you just drop the phone?”
“Uh no, of course not.”
“And you did hear me say girls, plural. Anna’s going too.”
“Oh, like a group thing.”
“No, they both have dates.”
“I knew Anna was seeing that idiot, but since when does Emma date?”
Ingrid sighed and turned her chair towards the window. A spring breeze tossed the leaves of the trees. “The idiot’s name is Hans, and for Emma it’s just a date. She’s a junior. She wants to go to the prom. A guy asked her. That’s it.”
“What guy? I mean, Emma’s always gone on and on about how foolish girls get about boys in high school, and how that’s never gonna be her.” 
“His name is Neal Cassidy.”
“I don’t know. He goes to school with Emma. They have a few classes together.”
“You mean you haven’t met the guy!”
“Well, no” Ingrid frowned as she watched sparrows flit amongst the branches of the tree. Did Killian have a point? Should she have invited this Neal kid over? It was amazing that after seventeen years, she still second guessed herself at this parenting thing. Even a college freshman  seemed to be more concerned about prom than she was. She shook her head at how ridiculous that sounded. Killian had always been over protective of his sisters. He’d gotten into his share of fights over Elsa in middle school when she’d been bullied, he’d crawled through a thorny bush on a camping trip to get to Anna when she sprained her ankle two years ago, and then there was Emma. Perhaps because of the specter that was Mary Margaret, he was particularly protective of Emma. 
“Listen, Killian, I know you take the over protective big brother gig very seriously, but I really think you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Emma told me she has no romantic interest in this guy. Common interests, those were her words. Honestly, she sounded like she was picking out a sensible car instead of a prom date. She’ll go, she’ll dance, she’ll eat, she’ll come home. It’s not quite the crisis situation you're imagining. This is Emma we’re talking about. Now Anna with that creep Hans, on the other hand . . .”
Killian let out a shaky breath. “I suppose you’re right. Emma’s the smartest girl I know.”
A voice behind her chair made Ingrid whirl around. Linette, her level-headed yet compassionate human resources director stood there looking a bit dazed, her hands fluttering nervously at her waist. 
“Um, Killian, I need to let you go okay?”
“Sure. And thanks, Ingrid.”
“We’re family. No thanks needed.” She ended the call, then focused her gaze on Linette. “Everything okay?”
“More than okay,” the woman replied with a dreamy sigh. 
Ingrid narrowed her eyes. In the past twenty years working together, she had never seen her like this. “Just spit it out, Linette.”
“I hired someone.”
“For what? We have no openings!”
“I know.” Linette blinked, as if trying to focus, “but when you meet him . . .”
“I assume this is the lovely director?”
The man standing in the doorway was in no way a heartthrob. He was older, for one thing, with shoulder length, messy gray hair. He also walked awkwardly, leaning heavily on a cane. Yet there was something about him, an aura. Ingrid felt light headed, and a silly giggle tumbled from her lips when the man leaned over her hand and kissed it. 
“Charmed, dearie,” he said to her in a dulcet voice.
Ingrid’s gaze was drawn to the amulet about his neck which he touched with long, thin fingers. The longer she gazed upon it, the hazier her thoughts became. 
“Now,” he said, putting an arm firmly about her shoulders, “let’s talk about my new position here. More importantly, however, I want to know all about you and your family . . .”
Tagging:  (let me know if you wish to be removed or added):  @snowbellewells​ @teamhook​ @kmomof4​ @jrob64​ @xhookswenchx​ @winterbythesea​ @thisonesatellite​ @welllpthisishappening​ @spartanguard​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @tiganasummertree​ @sparlecorn93​ @sals86​ @pirateprincessofpizza​ @xarandomdreamx​ @zaharadessert​ @huntressandlioness1​ @jamif​ @undercaffinatednightmare​ @onceratheart18​ @sparlecorn93​​ @sals86​​ @pirateprincessofpizza​​ @xarandomdreamx​​ @zaharadessert​​ @huntressandlioness1​
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destielwrite · 3 years
dean gives cas a mixtape with his favorite songs, cas wants to do the same but cant pick any music for it. so he settles on a voice recorder, he goes around recording himself when he has free time throughout cases with the Winchester’s.
“I have found a beehive. It looks fascinating. I’ve seen many eat their homes. It’s tempting, but I’d rather not destroy.”
“Sam taught me how to play cards, it was fun. That’s until Dean became competitive. I’m starting to think that Sam is the more patient one.” You can hear a chair screech on the ground, and Dean’s ‘Son of a bitch!’
“Dean’s mixtape is playing as I speak. I even learned some of the words. Ooh, it makes me wonder…Ooh, really makes me wonder.”
“How do I stop this thing-“ In half of the recording, you can hear Dean’s muffled talking in the background. Cas obviously almost got caught and stuffed it in his trench coat to hide.
“Jack got me some cheese fries today. They were a bit too much for me. I tasted nothing. When I was human I enjoyed peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.”
“Dean concentrates a lot when he’s polishing his weapons. He doesn’t know I saw him kiss his grenade launcher, but I did. Humans are…questionable. I even went back when he went inside to see what was so enjoyable. I felt nothing when I pressed my lips to it.”
“I’m in a store-“ In this audio you can hear background music and Sam’s laugh, “Sam is teasing me about my trench coat. I think Jimmy’s attire is fitting for my work. I can hide many things in a trench coat. For example, my angel blade.”
“Dean ate my slice of pie. I repeat, Dean engulfed my piece of pie. I’m an Angel, and I have no tastebuds. Though I was going to stare at it and watch it waste away.”
In the last recording, there’s birds chirping, it’s peaceful, “This is for you, Dean. I’m not that good with music. So I settled on this. I do hope you enjoy it, I worked hard on it. I’m unable to go back and listen to what I said. I’m not even sure if it’s recording. I do see the red button, so…it’s on. I googled it. I hope you listen to this as many times as you want. I enjoy life differently now-“ Cas stops talking and sighs loudly, clearing his throat he continues; “I like things that I didn’t before, I do things that I never thought of, and I’ve opened up my heart for the first time. Im glad I did. I opened it to you, I trusted you, because you showed me there’s nothing to be scared of.” Suddenly the loud roar of a car is heard, “I love you, Dean. I love Sam, Jack, the idea of humanity. You showed me that love is a wonderful feeling. I love the way you smile at us when we finish a case. I love the way you trust me with your life. The way you and Sam don’t give up on me. You fight for me. I have all that and more, because of you.”
There’s a honk and Dean’s voice comes in, “Cas! Come on man, Sammy is waiting on us at the bar.” The audio is fuzzy but it’s clear that the Angel shoved the recorder in his coat pocket. A car door is slammed shut, Zeppelin playing softly.
this isn’t goodbye dean winchester, this is a thank you.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Nunky! (Modern!Ivar x reader - Modern!Ivar x OCs niece and nephew)
A/N: This is my entry to @flowers-in-your-hayr 650 Followers Celebration 🎉 Congrats again, love 🌸 And thanks for this amazing moodboard 😍
I'm awfully late, sorry about that. The truth is, do you know what it is to struggle? Let me tell you: there were three other drafts before this final version. More than 4000 words... All trashed...
Anyway, I'm quite happy with this one, that's all that matters.
@geekandbooknerd, thanks for beta reading this for me 🌺
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Summary: Ever wonder what kind of uncle Ivar would be? Let me show you 😉
Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff 🙈
Words: 1978
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"We're going to play Pete the Cat or Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game, you in?" He shouts at you from the deck.
Lazily lying on a sunbed in the shade of an oak, you don't bother opening your eyes. As much as you love board games, there's no way you're leaving this perfect spot. Not yet, and certainly not for the next two hours.
"No, I'm good." You shake your head for emphasis, even if you're not sure he can see you.
"Okay lovebug, see you later," he says tenderly before changing his tone, "All right kiddos, get ready to lose!"
You let out a chuckle as Viola and Soren, feeling offended, express loudly their discontent. And you can't help but laugh. You know he's going to let them win anyway. He may be a sore loser who hates to lose and would do anything to win, whether in business or in a game, but things are different when it comes to his niece and nephew. That's just how much he loves them.
Your multi-faceted lover…
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To the world, he is Ivar Ragnarsson, the crippled son – and true heir – of the mighty Ragnar Lothbrok, and, till last year – till you – Scandinavia's richest and most eligible bachelor, and all this in spite of his legs.
To his employees and business partners, he's an arrogant, cranky, demanding, cold-hearted, smart as hell, and very successful business tycoon. Oh, if they could see him right now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. No dress shirt, no suit pants, no blazer. With a backwards baseball cap, a basic black tee-shirt and stonewashed jeans, he looks more like a boy than a crafty businessman.
To you, he's the man you've been in love with for eight months; a complex human being, for sure, full of contradictions: so self-confident and yet in some ways so self-conscious; outwardly tough but at times so incredibly vulnerable. You won't lie, he can be infuriating; he's stubborn, strong-headed and short tempered. But he's awfully clever, deadpan and… well... devastatingly handsome, with his impossibly beautiful features and his otherworldly icy blue eyes. He's a fantastic lover too, unexpectedly caring and attentive, loyal and faithful.
To Viola and Soren, his favorite brother's children, he's Uncle Ivar – or Nunky, as Viola calls him – the best uncle ever, funny and mischievous, loving and supportive. He's always ready to go out of his way to teach them all the cool stuff kids are supposed to know; silly jokes, riddles and magic tricks. He's their favorite babysitter, the one who is completely devoted to them, the one who feeds them ice cream and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, before reminding them conspiratorially, with a finger on his lips: "You know the deal, sweet peas! Not a word to your mom."
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You remember as if it were yesterday your first meeting with them.
Soren, chocolate all over his face, greets you with a big smile, immediately asking you if you want to play hide-and-seek with them. On the other hand, Viola looks at you from head to toe, scrutinizing you intensely. With her lips pursed and her brows creased, she doesn't seem very pleased, to say the least. The seconds tick by and finally, placing her tiny hands on her hips, the little girl takes a deep breath. "I don't want to play with her. I don't like her." The hostility in her tone can't be missed.
Speechless, you look at Viola with wide open eyes. You usually have a way with kids and are honestly a little stunned by such an unfriendly welcome.
"Viola, please…" Ivar grumbles, rolling his eyes, but he doesn't have time to say another word. "No, Nunky! You told me she was your lover!" Ah, now you're beginning to see her problem, and it brings a small smile on your lips.
Viola points an accusing finger towards you. "Are you Nunky's lover?"
You nod playfully but Viola doesn't seem the least bit amused. "That's why I don't like you. And just so you know, you may be Nunky's lover now, but I'm going to marry him. I just have to wait a little," she frowns, thoroughly concentrated, "I need to be a little older, maybe like… that," she stretches out the fingers of both hands in front of her, "but Nunky is going to marry me. Me, not you. So, you might as well leave right now."
You struggle to hold back your laughter, aware that this is a very serious matter for her.
"Come here, baby girl." Rubbing a hand over his face, Ivar pats his knees and then helps his niece as she climbs onto his lap. "We've talked about this, little bird, remember? We're not getting married, not in ten years, not ever." He speaks so softly, and there's so much love in his eyes, you feel like you're melting.
"But, I lo–" Viola interjects with a pout, but Ivar stops her, shaking his head. "There's no buts, baby love. Uncles do not marry nieces. That's the way it is and that's how it must be. And yes," he looks at you fondly, "Y/N is my lover. But it doesn't change anything. I'm not going anywhere, Viola. I'll always be in your life. I love you." He gently ruffles Soren's hair. "I love you both. You have no idea how much I love you."
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You must have dozed off and are awakened by Viola high-pitched squeals of joy. "Oh yeah, let's go into the backyard." Hmph! Looks like you're going to have company. Bye bye peacefulness.
Well, so be it.
Yawning, you stretch like a cat before sitting up. Ivar and the kids are on the deck and you wave at them. Soren casts you a broad smile and takes two steps towards the backyard but Viola stops him.
"Wait, Soren! Nunky," you don't need to see her to know that she's blinking her big, beautiful blue eyes at Ivar, "please, we are tired. Right Soren?"
Viola's brother nods tentatively as Ivar bursts out laughing. "Is that so, munchkin?" Putting on a thinking face, he stares blanky up in the air for a second or two, tapping a forefinger on his chin. "Let me guess, you want a ride, baby girl? Soren, buddy boy, would you mind fetching the princess's carriage for me, please?"
At this point, you know exactly what is going to happen, yet it never ceases to amaze you. And as sure as the sun rises from the east, the next moment Soren is pushing a wheelchair in front of him, coming to a halt next to his uncle. Ivar immediately sits down, slipping his crutch into the intended holder attached to the backrest.
Reaching out, he now gently grabs Viola's wrist. "Your carriage awaits, princess." The little girl climbs very carefully onto his lap before wrapping her chubby arms around his neck.
Ivar pulls her closer, "Hold tight, princess!" and as soon as he's sure she's securely seated, he grabs his push rims and pops a wheelie, Viola bursting with laughter. He then looks at Soren, cracking him a smile. "I'll give you a ride too, bumblebee, stay put."
Soren, older than Viola and always overprotective when it comes to his beloved uncle, frowns, concern all over his boyish face. "You sure I'm not too heavy now? I'm over fifty-five pounds, you know?"
Ivar laughs, an easy smile on his plump lips. "Don't worry, I'll be just fine." A smile tugging up the corner of his mouth and Viola giggling on his lap, he rolls towards the wide wooden ramp leading to the backyard.
Ivar hates using his wheelchair. He despises it. He's very secretive about it. The truth is, it took him two months to tell you that he sometimes needed one and another two months to actually use it in front of you.
He hates it so much that he would rather crawl than use it. Actually, that's what he does every night, after taking off his leg braces.
Yet, he keeps his old wheelchair here, at his brother's house. For recreational purposes only; or in other words for Viola's and Soren's enjoyment. And he gives them rides, up and down the ramp, sometimes for hours, popping wheelies here and there. Because Viola and Soren love that and it makes them laugh. Because he would do everything and anything to make them happy.
That's just how much he loves them.
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Ivar pulls a sunbed next to you and flops down on it, stifling a hiss of pain. "Where are the kids?" Raising yourself up on one elbow, you kiss him, your free hand gently stroking the tight muscles of his right thigh.
Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he kisses you back. "Gathering the things they want to take to the beach."
You want to give him a disapproving look, but you won't. You know better. You know him.
He shouldn't go to the beach. Not today. He woke up in pain this morning. Walking in the sand is a struggle even on good days. He'll pay for it later. You know he knows it. And you know he'll do it no matter what, and whatever it takes.
Because that, he can do.
Sometimes, you catch a hint of sadness in his eyes. When Soren and Viola are running and he can't run after them, because running is simply not an option for him. When they are jumping on the trampoline and he can't join them, because it would end with broken bones. When they are playing football, or riding a bike, or skating. When they are tree climbing, or playing gunny sack race, or rock climbing, or playing hopscotch, or skipping rope, or dancing, or…
But walking in the sand, even if not easy, that, he can do.
He's going to struggle all the way – wincing, hissing, silently swearing, even dragging his right leg with his hand if necessary – until they reach their favorite spot, a small cove shielded from the wind, with marvelous pebbles and smooth sand. And he will sit for hours, his legs aching, making sandcastles even though, even as a child, he didn't like that. Because it doesn't matter. Because Soren and Viola matter. And the sparkle in their eyes will bring a smile to his face. Their laughter will make it all worthwhile.
Yeah, this is what he's going to do, for Soren's and Viola's happiness. And you know there's nothing you can say or do that is going to change his mind.
That's just how much he loves them.
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⚔️"What are you thinking about, love?" Ivar's soft voice pulls you out of your thoughts as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.
"I was thinking what a fantastic uncle you are." You reply genuinely, your thumb grazing his cheek. "And what a fantastic father you will be one day. The father of our kids."
Ivar blinks several times. You know that no matter how many times you tell him, he still finds it hard to believe that you want to make a life with him; marry him; carry his children.
"This…" His voice trembles and he lowers his gaze, "this is really what you want?"
"Of course, it is, my love." You reassure him for the thousandth time, peppering his jaw with light kisses. "Negotiations with Viola will doubtless be tough, though…" You chuckle, your fingers threading through his hair as he nods. "But let me tell you a secret," you can feel his hot breath on your ear, "you've already won, love." He offers you a breathtaking, mind-blowing smile and then his mouth finds yours and he kisses you and it feels like you're alone in the world, nothing matters but your shared love, nothing exists but him, nothing counts anymore, nothing, nothing, nothing...
Well… You may have spoken too soon…
@flowers-in-your-hayr @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @waiting4inspiration @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @a-mess-of-fandoms @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @ivarthebloodyking @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @pieces-by-me @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood
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qitwrites · 3 years
⬅ Previous || 29 || Next ➡
The thing that doesn’t make sense is the onigiri.
The Bakusquad are currently sprawled all over the common room couches, taking turns playing on the PS5. This is a normal sight, one that Ojiro has walked in on several times. There’s yelling, screaming, fingers poking ribs, and Bakugou kicking anyone that dares to touch his hair. The whole group is in a mad tangle of limbs, the audience yelling profanities while the people with the controllers (in this case, Sero and Kirishima) have a look of sheer determination painted on their faces as they race each other in an all too intense game of Mario kart.
And, in the midst of all this chaos, is a large plate filled to the brim with onigiri- perfectly shaped, delicious looking balls of rice wrapped in shiny seaweed.
When Kirishima loses to Sero a few moments later, the tape hero whoops victoriously as the redhead visibly deflates, groaning loudly and seemingly melting into the floor. Bakugou laughs out loud at the sight and pulls the plate right up to Kirishima’s face and says, “Take your pick, Red.” He sounds gleeful, and it makes a shiver run down the length of Ojiro’s spine.
Kaminari finally catches sight of him and waves him over, “Oji! Get over here man.”
Ojiro makes his way to the couch and sits at the very edge, watching as Kirishima sighs deeply and pulls out an onigiri at random. For someone that loves food, and especially rice, with a fierce sort of vengeance, Kirishima looks deathly pale and completely unwilling to eat. Ojiro waves at Kaminari to get his attention before pointing at Kirishima and going, “What is happening?”
“Just wait,” the electric blonde smirks, his eyes dancing with delight.
Ojiro watches the redhead inhale one last time before taking a large bite. He chews the onigiri for a moment before his face contorts in absolute horror and he yanks what can only be described as a spit bucket from the other side of the couch to his face, coughing the rice out violently.
“Oh fuck,” Bakugou gasps out in between peals of laughter, “he got the mayo banana. Fuck me, he got the worst fucking one.”
Kirishima’s gargling some water while the words Mayo-banana swirl around Ojiro’s head. Kaminari takes one look at him and giggles.
“We’re playing onigiri roulette,” Sero finally explains. 
He points at the plate of food. “Before we started, we filled a bunch of rice balls with the weirdest fillings we could think of. The only rule is that it has to be edible-“ “BARELY edible” “- yeah, well, if you need recovery girl at the end of this, you’ve probably gone too far. So, we play each other one-on-one, and the winner plays the next person while the loser eats an onigiri and sits out till everyone else has had a go.”
“So,” Ojiro says, his mind still stuck on what he just heard Bakugou say, “Kiri just ate a rice ball filled with mayonnaise and banana?”
Ashido giggles at that, and Kaminari turns to the redhead and asks, “How was it?”
Kirishima takes another generous sip of water before saying, “The texture is what screwed me. It was just, god, it was mush and then more mush, and so slimy, and then the rice-“
“Ok,” Kaminari squeaks, throwing his hands up in surrender, “That’s enough, thanks man!”
“You wanna join?” Ashido beams at Ojiro, offering him her controller.
“I’m good watching,” Ojiro says, scooting back subtly. Sero sniggers and makes room for Ashido to join him on the floor.
“You’re going down,” he taunts, and Ashido burns a small hole in the sleeve of his shirt before they start up the next game.
Pinky puts up a good fight, but Sero is a master at the game, and even with her well-timed kicks at his face, Ashido loses, and Bakugou is positively glowing.
Ashido picks another unassuming looking onigiri and takes a bite. She looks so confused for a moment before her face scrunches up in agony. She perseveres though, and even as Kaminari cries from how hard he’s laughing and Sero is recording the whole thing with shaky hands, Ashido flips them the bird and makes it a point to swallow thickly.
Kirishima leans in and takes a sniff, his own nose wrinkling as he asks, “Toothpaste?”
Bakugou laughs again, an ugly, grating sound that’s so unlike the boyish smile on his face. Ashido sticks her tongue out at the rest and says, “I happen to love mint, so joke’s on you.” She still slam dunks the rest of the onigiri in the spit bucket.
The next to go against Sero is Bakugou, who sits beside him heavily and snatches the offered controller. Gone is his carefree smile and ugly laugh, and in its place is his usual fierce competitiveness, except the stakes are so much higher than they’ve ever been in hero training.
The game is nail biting, to say the least. Bakugou doesn’t yell while he’s playing, and his concentration is so intense, it almost seems like he’s being sucked into the game. Even Ojiro finds himself cheering and yelling as the two desperately try to beat each other while trying to stay on the track in the first place.
When Sero wins by a margin that’s thinner than a strand of hair, Kirishima, in what can only be described as a move perfected after many recurring experiences, grabs the controller from Bakugou and hardens himself against the tiny explosions in the blonde’s palms, saving the controller. Bakugou lunges at Sero, a litany of curses tearing themselves out his throat. Sero has the biggest shit eating grin on his face, and Kirishima can barely hold Bakugou back as he shakes with laughter of his own. The blonde ends up with his back to Kirishima’s chest as he huffs something about assholes that cheat and the redhead gives him a pat on the shoulder before picking up the plate and offering it to Bakugou.
The blonde makes it a point to inspect each rice ball carefully before picking one up and giving it a sniff. He wrinkles his nose and finally takes a big bite, because he might be a sore loser but Bakugou is no coward.
He chews through his bite quietly and swallows, expressionless. And then he smiles, a wicked, horrible turn of his lips.
“Ha, assholes, I fucking win.” He turns the bitten side of the rice ball to face the group, and out pours a stream of red liquid.
Hot sauce, Ojiro notes just as the spice hits him in the eyes with enough force to warrant immediate tears.
“Shit, that’s actually hurting me,” Kaminari yelps, blinking rapidly.
“Yeah man, what the hell?” Sero says, sitting back on his elbows to get away from it. They all watch in horror as Bakugou takes another bite and smirks. Ojiro can see the sweat dotting his brow and they don’t miss how he rubs his nose with his clean hand, but all in all, hot sauce for Bakugou feels unfair, especially after the diabolical mayo and banana monstrosity.
“Man, how does he win even when he loses?” Kirishima whines, butting Bakugou’s shoulder with his head. The blonde sniggers again and sits back comfortably just as Kirishima tosses the controller to Kaminari.
Ojiro watches them takes turns and suffer. Kaminari, by some turn of fate, beats Sero in a game that just refuses to go in Sero’s favor. Sero ends up choking down a rice ball stuffed with a slimy squid and peanut butter mixture.
When Kaminari loses to Ashido, he happily eats a rice ball soaked in malic acid because his taste buds are immune to sour apparently. Ashido nearly throws up when she has to bite into a rice ball filled with jello and meat chunks after losing to Bakugou, and Bakugou turns an alarming shade of green when he eats one with durian and mustard. Kirishima had watched that one unfold in a mix of horror and fascination, torn between laughing and holding the spit bucket out for the blonde.
Midway through, Ojiro finds himself playing with them and he has to experience the hell that is jelly beans with cheese sauce and another onigiri that is filled with nothing but wasabi. So much wasabi that he feels fumes of heat trying to escape his nose as his eyes water for the rest of the evening.
When they finally call it a day, Ojiro somehow finds himself promising them that he’ll join the next time too, and he watches Bakugou stalk away, brainstorming more terrible food combos under his breath. He laughs and heads to his own room, nose still tingling from the wasabi, his own thoughts clouded with the worst foods he can think of. That’s when inspiration strikes.
Ojiro pulls his phone out and dials a number he’s known since forever. She picks up after 2 rings.
“What’s up kiddo?”
“Hey mom.” Ojiro’s smile turns wicked. “Talk to me about your pregnancy cravings.”
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leelysian · 4 years
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genre: fluff, suggestive, one shot, best friends to lovers au, high school au, student au
word count: 2.6k
pairing: best friend!crush!hyunjin x fem!reader
context: you weren’t supposed to find out Hyunjin’s secret
warnings: swearing, heavy makeout session, pda (?)
A/N: WOAH MY LONGEST FIC YET OOF. akskakdnsk yeah maybe like half of that is just kissing oops. I was so invested in this lol. So prepare to be amazed or severely disappointed because now that I think about it after I finish writing and proof reading this fic don't seem all that great. D:
But whatever. I'm past the point of caring. Enjoy!
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You felt something hit your head in class. You looked down and saw a scrunched up paper ball. You looked back and to the row on your right to see Hyunjin giving you a devilish smirk. “What?” you mouthed, making the universal hand gesture. He pointed to the ball in the floor, “Read it.” he mouthed. You picked it up and read it, hiding it under the table. “I’m bored.” the paper said. This little shit. You looked back and glared at him, if looks could kill, your best friend would be six feet under. Without looking back, you just flipped him the bird and turned your attention back to the board. Calculus was hard enough as it is, you didn’t need your dumbass best friend distracting you further. 
Hwang Hyunjin. Resident pretty boy, social butterfly and all around nice guy. He was just goofy and annoying with you but that’s what makes you two best friends. You two used to hate each other, well to be specific, you hated him. This is how the best friendships begin- stemming from hatred. During lunch break the in middle school cafeteria, he bumped into you which caused you to unfortunately drop your lunch tray. You were furious. He apologised but you were having none of it. 
One day, you lost your notebook which had important notes written from class and you had a test in two days. Hyunjin noticed you frantically looking around and overheard you panicking to your classmate. He felt guilty for costing you your lunch before, so after school when you were sadly packing your bag, thinking how you were going to study for the test, he poked your shoulder with his notebook. “What?” you asked, your tone harsh. “You lost your notes, take mine.” he said, nonchalantly. To say you were shocked, was an understatement. 
“But...what about you?” you asked, dumbfounded. “We can go to the library and photocopy it.” he replied, shaking the notebook in front of your face as if saying “just take it already.” You could nearly cry from relief but you were still skeptical, “Why are you helping me?” He blew a raspberry, exasperated and suddenly embarrassed, “I owe you for that day in the cafeteria and so you’d stop giving me the stink eye every time we cross paths. I said I was sorry.” He was right and you felt guilty. Why did you hold a petty grudge for so long and just because of an accident? You didn’t know. You wordlessly took the object and you two left for the library. Afterwards, you thanked him.
Since then you two were on nicer terms, smiling to each other when you made eye contact and greeting each other. You two were paired for a group project and that’s how you became friends. So now in the last year of high school, you two were like peanut butter and jelly. 
But what no one knew, is that you fell for him. You didn’t know how or when it happened. It just did and it felt natural. Despite all the verbal but playful jabs you threw at each other and all signs of a healthy, platonic friendship, you heart had developed feelings. It was beautiful. It was painful. It was your own sweet torment. You often wondered what would happen if you confessed. Would he be disgusted at the prospect of dating you? Would he stop being your friend? Your mind conjured up the worst possible scenarios, you never believed he’d reciprocate your feelings. And why would he? When feminine, graceful, beautiful, softer girls existed in school? When bold, confident, elegant and seductive girls were never afraid to give their numbers to him? You were nothing. You couldn’t confess. Not without losing him and you couldn’t afford to lose him.
His smile, his laugh, his soft hair, his eyes, his lips, his carefree attitude, his larger than life personality- he made it so easy to fall in love with him. You were powerless against his charms. Maybe deep down, you’ve always liked him- ever since the scrawny, blubbering young boy handed you his notes just two days before an important test. His caring and thoughtful side was just the nail hammered on your coffin. He’d always be there when you needed to vent or cry, he’d buy banana milk when you two studied together, he sent you funny memes and videos to cheer you up, you two would cuddle together and his hugs were the warmest and coziest. You were also there when he was at his most vulnerable moments, always welcoming him with open arms and just quietly offering support so when he did recover, it was simply beautiful. So how could you not fall? Falling was the easy part. It’s just what you were falling into, because he wouldn’t be there to catch you.
Another ball hit you, this time on your arm. You wordlessly picked it up and read it, “Stop ignoring me.”  So you used your pencil and politely told him to fuck off and let you concentrate. Okay, it wasn’t polite but he should’ve gotten the hint the first time you ignored him. Then you wrote that you were going to be studying in the library. You threw it back where it landed near his feet. Luckily, he took the hint but you saw him pouting disappointedly. 
Finally class ended, and so did school but that didn’t mean you could go home. You packed your bag and you felt another ball hit your back. This time you turned and lunged for Hyunjin, intending to bonk his head. He shrieked and giggled as he bolted. “Stop throwing paper balls in class, have you forgotten what Mrs. Song is like?” you scolded him. He only grinned cheekily, “Relax y/n, I’m sneaky like a ninja.” He did classic ninja moves which ended up in him banging his hand against the edge of a desk and he yelped in pain as he violently shook his hand. You rolled your eyes as you turned for the door, hoisting your backpack on your shoulder. “Goodbye loser.” 
He followed you, of course. “Why are you following me? I have to study. I swear Hyunjin, if you’re gonna annoy me while I’m studying, I’ll rearrange your pretty face.” you threatened, of course it was empty. You two had this dynamic where you could joke and get aggressive without getting offended. “Wait wait, you think I’m pretty?” he smirked, his beautiful brown eyes were smouldering as they stared into yours. Your heartrate spiked but to appear unfazed, you scoffed, “I threaten you, and that’s what you got out of it? Unbelievable. And shouldn’t you be offended I called you pretty?” He snorted, “Pffft, so what if you called me pretty? It’s still a nice adjective. You’re trying to derail the conversation, nice try but I’ll let it slide because I’m a gentleman.” You laughed, “But of course, fine sir.”
You guys laughed and bickered on the way to the school library. It was empty except for the part timer at the counter who doesn’t care much for the job, nobody was going to study on a Friday after unless there was a test but you needed certain materials for extra credit work. You sat down at a table, taking your things out and left to get a book from one of the shelves meanwhile Hyunjin sat down next to your seat with his phone. “If he isn’t gonna study, why is he even here?” you thought. After about an hour of studying, you realised you left one of your notebooks at home and cursed. You looked over at Hyunjin and he was dozing off in his seat with his head over his folded arms. 
You tapped his shoulder, “Hyunjin, I left my chemistry notes at home. Can I borrow yours?” He just hummed in response and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed his bag and reached out for the notebooks and just took them all out and plopped them on the desk. The first one was labeled Calculus so that wasn’t it. The second one wasn’t labeled and it looked a bit fancy to be a school notebook but nonetheless, you opened it anyway, not thinking anything of it. It slipped from your grip and flipped to one of the middle pages. There was Hyunjin’s delicate handwriting. 
One sentence caught your eye and your heart thundered, “How do I tell her how I feel about her?” Your first thought was, “Who? Who was the girl?” You were treading dangerous waters, you should put this away. No matter how close you were and that you were best friends, diaries and journals were off limits to everyone. And yet, your curiousity spiked when you saw your name somewhere in the page. Unable to resist temptation, you read the page.
“Dear diary, 
Y/N and I saw a stray cat on the way to the convenience store after school. Y/N was of course smitten, like she always is. Seeing her squeal in happiness and speak in a higher pitch like she does when she gets excited, warmed my heart. I’ve always loved how the littlest things made her happy. 
We spent quite a bit of time with the cat. She sat on the pavement as she played with the cat using her fingers. The smile, gosh, that smile, her delighted laughs nearly brought me to tears. Seeing her happy and smiling, is like a breathe of fresh air when it feels like I’m suffocating.
She’s my happiness. She’s my safe space. She’s everything. Everyday I see her and I fall a little harder but I have no way of telling her. Not without losing her. I’m tired of writing how I feel for her but not being able to tell her. I flirt with her, drop hints left, right and center but she never notices. I never know if I should laugh at how oblivious she is or cry. Everyday I spend with her is an ache in my heart, but it’s a sweet pain- one I’d happily bear if it means I still get to spend everyday with her.”
You didn’t realise your eyes got teary. Hyunjin stirred and groaned, you quickly snapped the book shut, intending to put it away but you were too late. His face shifted as his bleary eyes regained focus and zeroed in on his journal. You still could’ve gotten away with it, had you not looked so guilty. “I’m sorry.” you said but your voice came out in a garbled whisper. Your first instinct was to flee, your fight or flight response was triggered and so you chose the latter. You abruptly got up, nearly knocking your chair back and bolted.
You ran through the literature aisle of the library, intending to hide out in the bathroom. But once again, you were too slow. Hyunjin caught up to you and grabbed your wrist to spin you around. “You weren’t supposed to read that.” he said but not accusingly. You sniffled, “I know. I’m sorry. I was looking for your chemistry notes.” His grip tightened but it wasn’t painful, as if keeping you grounded so you wouldn’t slip away again and he stepped closer.
“Y/n, I like you. No. I love you. I have for a long time. Ever since I bought you that chocolate chip cone and saw you smiling in the beginning of high school because you were upset when that jealous bitch spread nasty rumours about you. When I saw you smile after an hour of crying, you’ve never looked more beautiful to me. It was a tumble after then. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same and I know I fucked up our friendship but please, don’t stop being my best friend. Don’t leave me.” he said in one breath and his voice stuttered at the last sentence.
Your brain froze, your ears were ringing and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. All that’s resounding in your head like drums is the fact that he loved you. Your hands reached out to grab his neck and you yanked him to press your lips to his. You felt like you could breathe again. Hyunjin’s eyes were wide in shock but it didn’t take a split second for him to reciprocate. His hands went to band around your waist as he pushed you against the shelves and once again, you’re robbed of your breath.
It felt like a dream, so surreal. He loved you, you were kissing him. All was right in the world. Your lips moved desperately, making up for all those times you two ever doubted everything that’s been simmering between you. His lips tugged on yours and yours tugged on his- like a dance, there was perfect harmony.  You sucked on Hyunjin’s bottom lip to which he responded by crushing you flush against his lean body, not an inch being spared between your beings. He tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth then licked with the tip of his tongue to which you inhaled a sharp breath from shock and he took it as an opportunity to seek entrance with his tongue.
This was a completely different experience for you. You were drowning, falling deeper and deeper with no way out. The most exhilarating part was you didn’t want to. Your hands roamed everywhere; dragging over his neck and collarbones, sloping over his strong shoulders, sliding down the ridges of his back over his thin school shirt, grazing through his soft locks and tugging at the roots which made him groan from the depths of his throat as he angled your face to the side to deepen the sensual lip lock. Your mind was too far gone, you’ve forgotten you’re in a library where anyone could walk into the aisle and report you to the authorities. All you wanted to do was freeze time. 
He sucked on your tongue which caused you to mewl and you could feel the cocky smirk tugging at his lips, he changed his tactic to plunging and you simply tugged on his hair as a moan slipped out. You needed to keep quiet but goddamn, kissing Hyunjin felt downright heavenly. Your breathing was choppy as it came through your noses, the back of your neck felt clammy, you felt hot. What was he doing to you? Unfortunately, you really needed to breathe despite how amazing it felt to kiss the love of your life so you wrenched your face away from Hyunjin’s with immense difficulty and took a huge gulp of air, a thin string of saliva bridged your lips. Both your pants grazing each others faces, lips red and plump, faces shiny with a light sheen of sweat and eyes blown with desire.
Hyunjin pressed his forehead against yours as you tipped your head back, as if taking energy from his proximity. “That was...” you said and trailed off to breathe again. “Amazing.” Hyunjin finished your sentence for you. You let out a breathy giggle and he swore his heart stuttered. “Be my girlfriend. Go out with me.” he said, not even asking- what was the point after you went through all that? You gently pecked his lips, lightly tugging on his bottom lip and his eyes fluttered shut. “Yes. I’ll go out with you because I love you too Hyunjin.” you said. The light that flooded into his beautiful eyes and a breathtaking smile overtook his features- when Hyunjin smiled, his whole being did not just his mouth. He was just so beautiful. He pecked your lips again, then again and again until your giggles burst out and you told him to stop. You two decided to leave. Now you won’t be able to come back to this aisle or even the library without butterflies wreaking havoc. "Was this the literature aisle?" he asked. You looked around, "Oh yeah it is. Huh. How fitting." you mused as you walked hand in hand, fingers intertwined.
“So does this mean you’ll let me read the diary?”
“In your fucking dreams.”
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285 notes · View notes
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Day 2: Relationships / Matching
*Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, featuring asymmetrical designs that match.* The oxymoron was not lost on her.
Time to switch to a completely different art style on day 2– 😣 Today’s prompt features the Pomefiore trio!
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A harsh tug on his sleeve drew Jade to a halt. He glanced at Miss Raven, who clung to his side, pointing to a nearby shop window with her free hand. Jade followed her finger to what was on display—small boxes and racks, each displaying a glittering piece of jewelry.
“Oya, I do not believe we have baubles on the grocery list,” he tutted, teasingly wagging a finger. “To think that your interest would be so easily captured by mere shiny objects, Miss Raven... Corvids truly are simple-minded creatures. Perhaps you have more in common with the headmaster than I had initially thought.”
“I’m allowed to appreciate beauty, aren’t I?” Raven retorted, casting Jade a sideways glare. “Besides, you wear jewelry.”
“Ah, this?” He gently tapped at the earring dangling from his left earlobe. Three diamond-shaped scales cast a silvery-blue glow upon his skin. “I wouldn’t call it a piece of jewelry so much as a battle trophy.”
At this, Raven wrenched her face away from the glass display to stare at him. “Please don’t tell me you did something unsavory to get your hands on it.”
“You have such strange ideas, Miss Raven.” Jade chuckled as he slicked back his black stripe of hair behind his accessory-clad ear. “Fufu. There is nothing unsavory about victors claiming a prize for their triumph, correct? That is only the natural order of things.”
… I feel sorry for whoever the twins beat up.
She shook her head and returned her gaze to the display window--to the selection of earrings that were laid out upon velvet cloth. Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, read a sign, featuring asymmetrical designs that match. (The oxymoron was not lost on her.)
Surrounding the sign were various pairs, as promised: a sun and a moon, a jar of jelly and another of peanut butter, a hand and a heart… but Raven felt herself drawn to earrings in the shape of a lock and a key. How peculiar that the head of the key curved into a heart and that its teeth were ribbed with pearls, and how slim yet stylish the lock was.
“My, are you interested in that pair? What an interesting choice.”
“N-No! I’m just admiring them,” Raven insisted. “You don’t normally see designs like this… I wonder how the jeweler was able to make objects so clunky and heavy into something wearable.”
“That is a fair point. The craftsmanship is indeed exquisite.” Jade’s sharp eyes carefully traced the shape of Raven’s ears--pointed, like the headmaster’s. “How unfortunate it is that you lack the piercings to wear them.”
Raven’s hands instinctively flew to her earlobes, as though trying to shield them from him. “I told you, I���m not interested in buying--” 
“Why, whoever said anything about you purchasing the earrings? I was keen to pick up a new pair for myself.” Jade provided a smile and a bow. “Now then, if you would excuse me for one moment…”
Before Raven could protest, he had already vanished inside the jewelry store, leaving her stranded on the street with a list of groceries to procure.
“... Fantastic.”
The bird sighed into her palms. From past experience, she knew that it would not be a wise idea to pursue Jade and attempt to drag him away. For as skilled as Raven was at weaving words, she often found that Jade’s natural charisma, paired with his silver tongue, often gave him the advantage in disagreements.
Best to just leave it for now.
Still, she warily eyed him through the store window as he conversed with a clerk. A few vague hand gestures, a practiced smile, a polite and controlled laugh. All motions Raven had familiarized herself with.
Entranced with her eel watching, Raven didn’t register the trio approaching her until one of the group called out to her.
“Mon petit oiseau! What a coincidence it is to be running into you today.”
“Oh!” She startled at the huntsman’s voice. “Rook…!! And… Vil-senpai and Epel-san. Hello…!”
Acutely aware of Vil’s sternness, Raven quickly lowered her head in deference. This earned a slight curl of the lips from him.
He was dressed as fashionably as ever--a white, frilly top with a V-neck, paired with sunglasses propped in his hair, sleek leggings, and glove boots. Several necklaces adorned Vil’s long, milky neck, and his face was expertly painted with a sheer wash of shimmering, nude makeup.
“Good day to you, Shetland potato,” Vil replied coolly. He passed a glance to Epel, who stood behind him, struggling to carry several rolls of fabric.
“G-Good day,” Epel managed, tugging at his collar. It appeared as though Vil had dressed him, too--for he was dressed in a lacey lilac blouse, and tied off with a black bow. Instead of leggings, Epel wore puffy shorts and striped socks.
“Such a treat it is to see you out of the attic and venturing out into the world!” Rook laughed, brushing back a wisp of his golden hair. He was without his trademark feathered hat, and had traded his dormitory robes for a button-down shirt--the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone, army green khakis, and boating shoes.
Compared to the Pomefiore trio, Raven looked like a spaghetti stain on a square of white fabric. She nervously dusted off her skirt, hoping that Vil wouldn’t harp on how she was wearing the same outfit yet again.
“What brings you to town?” Rook inquired, dropping the bags he had been carrying and excitedly grasping Raven’s hands instead.
“Just… groceries. Uncle is away for a conference, so I am to fend for myself in his absence,” she mumbled, gingerly prying her hands away. “Well… sort of. Jade has been mother henning me for the past few days.”
“Monsieur Mastermind? Ohoh. What a dynamic duo! Two halves of the same coin, trading bitter blows with their words… forever locked in verbal combat!”
“I… I guess?”
“I trust that he is looking after you well?” Rook’s smile widened. “If not... perhaps we should kidnap you away and stow you in Pomefiore until the headmaster’s return!”
“Absolutely not,” Vil snapped. “We have our hands far too full with play preparations to be hosting the Shetland potato--or anyone else, for that matter.”
… H-He didn’t object to Rook kidnapping people. Is that a normal thing for Rook to do? Should I be concerned? She shoved her question down to change the subject to something more comfortable. “Erm… Is that what the supplies are for?”
“Oui! Roi du Poison’s club is staging a performance in the winter. These materials are to make costumes.” The huntsman’s eyes suddenly lit up with a mischievous sparkle. “Fufu. Mon roi has thrown his heart and soul into direction. It is a treat to behold!”
“Congratulations, senpai.”
“Don’t congratulate me yet,” Vil commanded, holding up a hand. “We are still in the throes of auditions. Wait until you have witnessed the show for yourself before you cheer for it.”
“Oh, well… I hope you find suitable actors, then.”
Vil’s eyes suddenly narrowed. “Hm. Now that you mention it… Shetland potato!”
Raven jumped when he barked at her. “Y-Yes?! Look, I know I’ve been wearing the same outfit every time you see me, it’s just that Uncle fills my closet with nothing but duplicate clothes…!!”
“I think you would be fitting for one of the roles in my play,” Vil declared. “Report to Pomefiore at 8 am sharp tomorrow if you are interested in auditioning.”
“Huh?! Me, in one of your… I don’t think I’m…”
“Are you doubting my eyes?” His glare sharpened, turning into a pointed dagger.
“N-No, sir…”
“Good. Then I hope to see you then.” Vil spun around on his heel and waved a hand. “Rook! Epel! We’re going. Don’t dawdle, now.”
“Yes, Vil-senpai. I-I’m coming!”
Epel dashed after his Dorm Leader, Rook following suit--but not before he gave Raven one last glance over his shoulder, accompanied by a wave. Au revoir, he mouthed, the twinkle never parting from his emerald eyes.
She waved back absentmindedly, brought back from her daze only by the ringing of the jewelry store door swinging open again.
Jade emerged from within, bearing a small baby blue box with a white silk bow. “I have returned, Miss Raven. Fufu. I trust that you were not too lonely without me?”
She hastily hid her hands behind her back. “Of course not. You were only gone for a few minutes…!”
“So I was.” Jade’s eyes darted to the Pomefiore trio, whose figures were vanishing over the horizon. “Had I been absent a few moments longer, perhaps I would have had to wrangle you from the hands of an nosy huntsman.”
“As though forcing your way in and kidnapping me back would be any better!”
Jade stifled a laugh.
“In any case, I have procured the earrings I had my heart set on.” With deft fingers, he slid off the top, revealing a glittering lock and key tucked away inside. Jade plucked up the key by the head. “Miss Raven, do lend me your ear.”
“Those are yours…!”
“Correct--and therefore, I may do with these as I please.” He smiled pleasantly. “And I choose to lend you one to wear.”
“It’s not that simple! Have you forgotten already? I can’t wear it--don’t have piercings,” she protested. “You’re not going to jab it through my earlobes, are you?!”
“I will do no such thing.” Jade’s voice remained tranquil as he seized the raven by her chin and jerked her head to one side, yielding a clear opening for him to plant the earring. She squawked in surprise, flailing against him--but his grip was too strong, and she, too weak.
He sighed, continuing to speak as though he were describing the nice weather. “I assure you, this will not hurt one bit, fufufu. Now be a dear and hold still.”
It happened in an instant, despite the bird’s struggles. A slight pinch upon her earlobe, the kiss of the cool metal key on her skin, and it was over.
Jade straightened with a satisfied smirk, and patted Raven on the cheek. “There we are.”
“Eh? What? How did…” She cautiously poked at the earring. “There wasn’t a needle…?”
“I requested that the jeweler convert the key earring into a clip-on.”
“Wha…?! You… You tricked me again?!” Her face flared with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. “But why even bother with such a thing?”
“I wished to see how it would look on you. As I suspected, it is lovely on you.”
Raven gritted her teeth, praying that it would somehow help hide her flusteredness. “... And what do you plan to do with the lock earring? You didn’t also have that one converted, did you?”
“Certainly not.” Jade toyed with the lock in question, rolling it between his index finger and thumb. “I was thinking to wear it myself in lieu of my usual sturgeon scale earring, so that we may match.”
“Match?” Raven scoffed through her blush. “I didn’t know you cared so much about your accessories while grocery shopping.”
“I do not,” he confessed with a coy grin. “However, I would be remiss to pass up an opportunity to show to the world what a perfect pair we make.”
“You what--” Raven was interrupted by Jade grasping one of her hands and placing the lock earring into it.
“If you would do the honors,” he murmured, tilting his head to one side--and once more, slicking his black hair back. His tone was low and inviting, yet somehow she could hear him well and clear over the townspeople that bustled around them.
The scales suspended on his earring swung back and forth in a slow motion. Click, clack, against one another, in an almost hypnotic fashion.
His single, golden eye stared right at her. Waiting, pleading.
Raven swallowed hard. With trembling hands, she unfastened the sturgeon scale earring from his earlobe and secured the lock earring in its place. As soon as the deed was done, she rushed to wipe her hands off on her skirt.
Eel cooties, eel cooties, eel cooties…!!
“Thank you for your assistance, Miss Raven.”
“You’re… you’re welcome.” She pursed her lips, avoiding his eyes--but her traitorous gaze soon found itself lingering on the lock. “That suits you, in a way--like a lock, you guard many secrets, and it’s impossible to get you to open up.”
“Fufu. I am flattered to hear such kind words. If I may return the compliment, that key earring fits you like a glove.”
“Right. Because Uncle is adorned in keys, it would make sense for the motif to carry over to his relatives.”
“No, no, you misunderstand.” Jade held a finger to his lips, a twinkle of conspiracy in his golden eyes. “Come closer… and I shall impart one of my closely guarded secrets to you.”
“This isn’t another one of your tricks, is it?” she asked, her eyes forming suspicious slivers--but despite her curt words, the bird’s body instinctively leaned into his. She cursed her curiosity.
Jade chuckled and bent down, allowing his lips to hover by her ear. Time seemed to slow, but her heartbeat quickened. Face, hot--extremities, cold. Opposites, yet matching. One, unable to exist without the other.
And, at last, his answer came.
“It suits you well--for you hold the key to my heart, Miss Raven.”
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
HP Characters As Things My Chaotic Friends Have Said
I have amassed a large collection of funny, confusing, or stupid quotes over time with my friends in public school, and some of them remind me of a couple characters pls enjoy
Fred: *singing a weird sisters song*
Ron: Those aren’t the words
Fred: Fuck the words
Harry and Ron, singing carols during midterms: I hate existing! And I want to fucking die! I just want to kill myself, I want to end my life. I hate existence. I just want to go away. So maybe I’ll just tie a noose or self immolate someday.
Hermione: Are you ok
Harry: ~Noh~
Fred, fucking zOOTED: If I was a bird, who would I shit on?
George: Lee, he stole my socks yesterday
Neville, walking into the Gryffindor common room: If you hate yourself and you know it, clap your hands
Entire common room: *claps hands*
Draco: I’m gay
Blaise: I know, Draco
Draco: Well now you know again, asshole
McGonagall, sneezing the first 6 notes to the Mario theme
Oliver: Slams his head on the desk
Harry, talking about Neville: He’s been twerking a lot recently. It’s great.
Harry, talking to Ron: Why won’t you kill me?
Ron: I can’t put in the effort to kill myself why would I kill you?
Fred and George: Tu es mater mortui infantis tu es mater mortui infantis tu es mater mortu-
Oliver, walking in on them jumping over Lee, lying on a pentagram: What the fuck are you doing?
Fred: Pregame ritual
Oliver: If you do that we’re going to lose
George: We’ve done it before every game that we’ve won
Oliver: *sigh* Yeah, ok, pass me a candle
Bill: Peanut butter and jelly? Child.
Charlie: You eat it too????
Bill: No, I eat peanut butter and nutella, like an adult
I have more quotes please tell me If you want more
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lillywillow · 4 years
Papa Bird
Summary: When Sam’s oldest daughter is chosen to represent her dojo in a state-wide taekwondo championship for her age group, she requests that her mother take her to the fight, leaving Sam home to take care of his youngest daughter
 Word Count:1871
 Square Filled: Next Generation Fic
 Pairings: Sam Wilson x Female Reader
 Warnings: Fluff, breaking objects, protective/ proud father
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
That morning, Sam was busy helping his wife prepare their daughter for her upcoming tournament. He was kind of sulking that Darlene wouldn’t let him come with her.
 “Remind me why I can’t go again...”
 “Daddy, I love you but sometimes you can be a little bit... extra. Remember when I won the finals?”
 “Can’t a father be proud of his daughter?”
 “You can be proud but you celebrated so loud, they had to escort you out the dojo... Oh! And remember when I lost that spelling bee final? You threatened to beat up the judge...”
 “Hey, you and I both know they were cheating,” he countered.
 “Sam, you know your daughter has a point. Besides, it’ll give you a chance to spend some time with Amelia,” Y/N stated, pointing to the small girl who was happily enjoying her Cheerios. Sam smiled and kissed her head.
 “You wanna hang out with daddy today, kiddo?” Amelia nodded and offered him some of her Cheerios which he took making her give a cheeky grin.
  Sam couldn’t help but smile in return before helping Darlene get her stuff ready to go.
Once Amelia was done eating and the breakfast stuff had been cleaned up, Sam went to say goodbye to Darlene and his Y/N.
 “Say, bye, mama.”
 “Bye, mama,” Amelia cooed, opening and closing her small hand in a wave.
 “Bye, Darlene. You go out there and kick some major a-butt,” Sam caught himself before he swore in front of Amelia and after seeing the reproachful look from his wife. Darlene grinned at her father and got in the car.
 Sam watched with Amelia as they pulled out down the drive.
 “What do you want to do now, pumpkin?”
 “Red Wing?”
 “You wanna play with Red Wing? Okay, let’s go play with Red Wing...”
 A few moments later, Sam was controlling the drone while Amelia gleefully chased after it, squealing in delight. He got a little carried away and accidently knocked a vase from its perch and shattering on the floor as a quasi-violent reminder as to why he was not to use the drone inside the house. This time, Sam did let out an expletive.
 “I tell mama!”
 “No, no, no! Don’t tell your mother! Here, let’s get you a cookie. Do you want a cookie?”
 Sam ran to get a cookie for Amelia which bought him a few moments of silence as he cleaned up the broken fragments of the vase.
 “Okay, let’s go to the park instead. You wanna walk to the park?”
 “Yeah! Park!” Sam smiled at her and went to prepare her little outing bag.
 At the park, Sam watched Amelia run around playing and giving him a rest for a while.
 “Hey, man...” Sam looked up to see Clint standing there, coffee cup in one hand and Lucky’s leash in the other.
 “Hey, Clint. What are you doing here?”
 “Taking Lucky for a walk... and your missus wanted us to check on you,” Clint replied, getting his phone and showing Sam the group message and sitting next to him. Sam grumbled a bit.
 “She just wants to make sure you’re not driving yourself crazy... So, Darlene has a tournament today, huh?”
 “Yeah... I am so proud of that girl. She’s already got her red belt and almost up to her next...” Before Clint could respond, a shrill scream filled the air. The two heroes jumped to their feet in preparation for danger only to see Amelia tearing across the yard.
 “Doggy! Doggy, doggy, doggy!” Amelia was so excited to see Lucky.
 “Amelia, what do you say?”
 “I pat doggy? Pwease?” Amelia looked up at Clint with her big brown eyes and melting his heart.
 “Yeah, you can pat Lucky,” he smiled. Amelia threw her arms around the dog’s neck and snuggled him. Lucky licked her head in return.
 Clint let Lucky off his leash so he could go off to play with Amelia.
 “That girl’s gonna be the death of me,” Sam sighed and sat back down. Clint laughed and sat back down next to him.
 “Takes after you...”
 “I know and that’s the bit that scares me...”
 The two men continued talking and catching up when they were suddenly alerted Lucky’s frantic barking. They looked up to see Amelia had climbed up a high piece of playground equipment and was about to jump down to a lower platform. To the older and bigger kids, the jump may have not been so bad but to a child as small as Amelia, it could be disastrous.
 “Amelia! Get down from there right this instant!” Sam bellowed, getting up to stomp over to her.
 Amelia gave her father a sidewise glance before deciding she was going to make that jump anyway. Sam managed to get there in time just as her feet launched from the surface, catching her midair.
 “Again, again!” she cheered.
 “No, no more,” Sam breathed, walking back to Clint. “I think we’re going to go home for lunch. Besides, one of us needs a change of diaper.”
 “Not me! I big girl! I use potty!” Amelia stated as a matter of factly.
 “Right, just daddy then...” Clint laughed and called Lucky over to him.
 “Listen, you won’t tell her mother about that little incident, will you?”
 “Hey man, I won’t bring it up but if she asks, I’m not gonna lie,” he grinned.
 “Great thanks,” he grumbled. “Anyway, see you later.” Clint said goodbye and headed off as Sam packed up Amelia’s things.
 “Daddy mad?” Amelia asked her little lip stuck out in a pout.
 “No, daddy’s not mad. You scared daddy.”
 “I sowwy.”
 “It’s okay, baby girl. What do you want for lunch?”
 “PB ‘n J sammich?”
 “A peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I think that can be arranged.”
 After lunch, Sam put Amelia down for a nap which gave him the chance to complete a few chores without being interrupted by an enthusiastic three year old. He never thought he’d be suited to the quiet domestic lifestyle but he settled into it reasonable well. One thing Sam could never say was that it was dull. His daughters always kept him on his toes. When Darlene was Amelia’s age, she was just as mischievous and spirited. Sam wouldn’t trade his girls for the world.
 An hour had passed by the time Amelia woke up from her nap and wandered out into the living room and by now, Sam was watching some trashy day time TV.
 “Hey, Milly. Did you have a good sleep?” Amelia nodded, climbing up onto his lap and cuddling close to her father’s chest.
 “Daddy, I hungwy.”
 “You’re hungry? Let’s see what we can do about that. You want some... frog’s legs and wine? No? I thought all kids liked that stuff. How about some coffee and caviar? Not that either? What about...” Sam continued listing ridiculous food/ drink combinations that he knew a child wouldn’t eat as he made his way to the kitchen with her.
 “Cheese! I want cheese!” she blurted out before he could get out the next combo.
 “Oh, you want cheese... Should have guessed, huh? Let’s see if we have some,” he said, going to the pantry.
 “Hmm... well, it doesn’t look like we have any. Guess you’ll have to have broccoli and green tea after all.”
 “Daddy,” Amelia whined, pointing to the big bag of string cheese, her face visibly pained.
 “Look at that. We do have some after all. Guess you’ll want a juice box with that?” Sam laughed at the eager way she nodded her head.
 Once Amelia had finished her snack, Sam went back into the living room and changed the channel to the one that was locally streaming the tournament. Darlene’s division wasn’t yet up but it was coming soon. As he watched, Amelia got up and wobbled in front of the TV, ‘punching’ and ‘kicking’ like the big kids. Sam smiled and took a video of it to send to his family and friends later. He was sure that they were getting a little annoyed with the amount he could send in one day but he didn’t care. Sam loved each and every one of his girls’ achievements no matter how big or small.
 Finally, Darlene’s age group was up. Sam watched as she stepped up to the mat. From his seat at home, he was cheering her on as if he was there. Amelia cheered too, not entirely sure why but daddy was happy so it had to be good.
 Round after round Darlene won until it got to the last round. Darlene’s opponent was a girl much taller and bigger than her. Sam was on the edge of his seat as the match commenced. The girl was good but Darlene was better. It lasted a little longer than the others but in the end, Darlene won. Sam jumped up with a loud cheer.
 “Yes! She won! Darlene won!”
 “Yay!” Sam picked up Amelia and spun around with her. “Sissy won!”
 Sam felt his eyes tear up a bit as pride swelled in his chest. He quickly wiped them away and continued celebrating with Amelia. Sam couldn’t wait for Darlene to come home.
 Later that night, Sam had just given Amelia her bath and was putting her to bed when he heard the sounds of the front door.
 “I think mama and your big sister are finally home,” he smiled.
 “Yay!” Amelia ran to meet them, her little legs going as fast as they possibly carry her.
 Darlene scooped her up as soon she got close enough.
 “Hey there, baby sis!”
 “Sissy! Sissy! I saw’d you won! Watch me! Watch me!” Darlene put Amelia back on the ground so she could show her some of the ‘moves’ she had learned earlier in the day which included an attempt at a headstand for some reason.
 “Oh, wow! So good!”
 In the meantime, Y/N walked over to Sam, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and kissing him. Sam smiled against her lips.
 “Hey, handsome. Had a good day?” she smiled.
 “Pretty good. We went to the park this morning, came home for lunch, Amelia had her nap, then we watched Darlene kick some butt,” he grinned.
 “I see... you want to tell me why the vase in the hallway is no longer there?”
 “I would very much not like to...” Y/N could help but chuckle and shake her head. She looked over at the girls who were happily playing together.
 “We made some pretty awesome kids, Mr. Wilson,” she smiled.
 “We sure did, Mrs. Wilson,” he smiled back.
 For Sam, every day with his daughters was a new adventure as he watched them become the amazing people they were growing into. Sam loved every second of fatherhood and he couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow’s venture would bring.
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dreams-your-smp · 2 years
just popping into your inbox to say i love you. i love you like the sunset loves the ocean, like the sand loves the sky. i love you like the stars love the moon and like the moon loves the sun. you mean everything to me, you and indi. you are my world. i think of you as i let the night take me into its hold and as i open my eyes to greet the day. you are perfect. i love you and i will always love you. i just want to tell you that ever since i met you it's like the sun has started to shine on me a little extra, like a door has been opened. you've started something in me, you've become the light in my darkness and i'm so grateful. i'll wipe away your tears and kiss away your scars, and whenever you're ready to show me more of yourself i will take it, i'll take it and accept it and love it because i love you, i love all of you no matter what. you're so beautiful, inside and out, and you're such a light and an inspiration and i don't even have the words to describe. you make everything so full of light and full of happiness. you are my everything and my whole world and i will give you anything, i'm prepared to do anything for you, because it's you i love, it's you i trust and it's you i look to. and if that light ever dies it won't matter because i will lead you through the darkness. and if your dreams ever turn to stone or if your lungs forget how to take in air, or frost seeps into your veins, dancing like knives across your skin, just remember that there will always be someone out there who thinks you are the most precious, special gift, and who can't help but to love you to pieces. i will be there for you through high and low and i will always be there, i will stay there forever, because i love you. i love you more than you know and that will never change, no matter what.
zee, no matter how many times i say it, it's true. to the stars and back, forever and always. thank you so much, my darling. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and i am so grateful.
Oh!! Wow!!! I am!!! In love!!! With you!!!
My darling, my dearly beloved, I love you so much it hurts. I love you like peanut butter loves jelly, like pencil loves paper, like ink loves a pen, like flowers love the sun, like lightning loves a storm. You and Jupi are like my moon and stars, leading me through the dark and giving me light even when the sun is hidden. I don't know what I would do without you two.
I love you so much it hurts, and even when you don't feel like you completely love yourself, know I that I love you enough for both of us, plus everything else. I love you more then the world itself, hell you and Indi are my world, and I couldn't ask for anything more. You deserve the world, and I wish I could give it to you.
Your words spin tapestries, beautiful pictures woven through words. The word itself could not live up to your beauty, nor could it be described by anyone other then you. I want to be by your side forever, for as long as you'll have me, for as long as you love me. I am so grateful and happy that you let me stay by your side, and I want you to know that I always will be.
Through storms and screaming, through the end of the world and the beginning, I will always be by your side.
If I could I would be with you always, holding your hand and wiping your tears, kissing your scars, leading you through the dark and the ugly.
I wish I could hold your hand and lead you through the thunder, through the shadows and your fears. I wish I could be there for you whenever the night gets to cold, helping you breath, keeping you safe, whispering declarations of my love, giving you blankets and snacks and pillows and everything else you could ever want.
You are all that is good in the world, your the sun and the stars, the moon and the sky itself. You are flowers blooming in the spring, you're birds chirping in the morning. You and Indi are everything to me. Your the light that keeps me going, the thought that wakes me up in the morning, the darling that makes me smile at night and what dries my tears.
You put up with so much, and your so strong and I admire you so fucking much. I wish you didn't have to deal with everything, but even though you do you stay strong. You shine through the darkest nights and try to help everyone else do that too, and I admire you so much and I'm so proud of you.
You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I can never truly thank you enough. You're why I'm here now, and I am so thankful to you for that. You're beautiful and sweet and have the prettiest voice, and you truly deserve the whole world. I love you I love you I love you, and I would repeat that until my voice goes hoarse.
You my darling, no matter how often I say it, are truly the light of myself. I love you so fucking much, and you're so resilient and sweet and kind and smart and hilarious, and I am so fucking lucky to know you. I love you so much, you deserve the world and everything in it and gods be damned, I'm going to do my best to give it to you. I love you my darling Mara, to the stars and back, now and forever, and I intend to let you know that, every day in every little thing I can. Because you deserve it my darling, and you always will <3
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