#this actually isn't the last summery
The Engagement
(Luca Changretta x Shelby sister reader)
Summery: You had made it very clear already. You had absolutely no intentions of marrying Luca Changretta for a business deal.... So your brothers really should have been suspicious when you eagerly requested for them to set up a meeting for you and your fiancé one neutral ground.... And they should have been scared when you choose Alfie's shipyard as that neutral ground....
A/N: Hi Y'all! No trigger warnings besides peaky language and threats I think! There are talks about an arranged marriage, but once again we'll see how that goes over.... This is the first time I've like written Luca besides just mentions so I hope I did alright! Also I write this like two weeks ago but forgot to edit it until today oops! Enjoy!❤️
Part 1- The Proposal Main Masterlist
"Remind me again why the fuck we're we're here Tom?"
"Ask her. She was the one who choose the meeting place."
"Keep in mind that she can also hear you perfectly well brother darling, and if you ask that question one more time you won't be so lucky."
Arthur raised his hands in surrender as he took a seat by John as you all sat waiting for your company to arrive. Well, Tommy didn't sit. He just stood with a cigarette hanging from his mouth watching the entrance gate of the loading dock. 
"All I don't understand is why you wanted to meet him here. After all, we're Romani blood right?"
"Yes Arthur."
"And Luca's Italian blood?"
"So why the fuck are we meeting at the fucking Jew's shipyard?"
"I actually agree with that. Why are we here? Isn't it suppose to be neutral ground or what not?" John chimed in and even Tommy tilted his head in concession. Even he wasn't sure why you choose to meet Luca in Alfie's territory. He would have rather met in Charlie's yard, but you'd insisted on being here, in the small boat yard on the edge of Alfie's territory. 
"Simple. If he hates both of you he can't favor either of you. Thus neutral land is formed."
"That's some wise fucking words if I've ever heard them, poppet." 
Turning around you smiled at the approaching gangster, his loyal dog strolling a few steps ahead. Reaching out you began to coo at the large dog who was eager to receive his belly rubs. Playing with Cyril always improved your mood. You ignored the groans of your brothers and John grabbing on to Arthur's coat to he decided to lunge.
"Hello Arthur!"
"Fuck off!"
"Oi! No fighting," you interrupted getting between the two men, "Now he may hate you all, but he can still hate one more than the other so let's not push it."
Alfie nodded his head mockingly behind you as you gently shoved your eldest brother away. Sending him back to his seat, you gave Tommy a short glare for not stepping in, to which he just shrugged, and then turned towards Alfie again.
"But really why are you here?"
"Can't a man walk his own property?"
"Sure, but you said everything would be ready for when Mr. Changretta arrived. You're not suppose to be here. It's to be a private affair."
"And it is. Just making one last check to see if you lot are all ready and make one last proposal of my own. Also I wanna remind ya not to get any blood on my dock. Just had it redone all nice and such. I wouldn't want your ugly guts staining the finish. I saw their ugly fucking cars pulling up down the street on my way in. Should be here any minute. It's a shame thou init? Pretty thing like you is too good for any of these cunts. If you'd like I can kill them all now and you can run with me, eh poppet? You can play with my dog any day you want." 
You laughed as both Arthur and John stood up this time with indignant protests. Even Tommy tensed up and turned to glare at the man who had spoken.
"Alright then Mr. Solomons," you drawled, patting the man's chest, "While that is just a lovelyoffer, unfortunately I am already taken for," a quick glare at Tommy, "though you're welcome to leave the dog anytime. He's such a lovely boy." Cyril wagged his tail at the attention shoving his head into your leg like an over grown cat looking for head scratches. Ones you were more than happy to oblige.
"Well then, I best be off now haven't I mates? Unlike you lot I know to appease a pretty woman with her desires. Y/N." Alfie nodded his head as he stared to head off, Cyril waiting until his master had called thrice before leaving your side. It wasn't until they'd both rounded the corner when the company you'd finally be waiting for arrived. Three black cars pulled up smoothly before coming to a halt. From your place in the shipping yard you watched nine men exit the cars. A few more than you had expected but still not any issue.
Your brothers walked up first, and you saw Tommy moving to shake someone's hand. The man was tall with dark slicked back hair and he wore his hat slightly tilted on his head. He looked stupid. In his mouth sat a toothpick that he seemed to enjoy munching on as he listened to your brother speak. He looked like a cow when he did that you'd stubborn decided. A stupid cow. A handsome cow. But a handsome stupid cow. Stupid. handsome. cow man. asshole.....ok so obviously still you weren't happy to be there. After all, this was the man who threatened to kill your entire family. Even the children, and you made a habit of disliking anyone willing to harm children. They didn't have to want any of their own or even like them in general, but to be willing to harm something so innocent to the crimes being punished seemed wrong to you. So even without meeting the man you knew you despised him. What kinda lowlife monster would be willing to hurt innocent kids to get his revenge? ....Evidently one you're brothers we're willing to marry you too. But was there really no other deal he'd make for peace? Well....If things went to plan you were about to find out. 
"I'm glad you were able to consider my proposal Mr.Shelby, I think it's much nicer this way isn't it?"
You didn't even try to hide your disbelieving laugh as the New York Gangster's words reached your ears. Immediately the attention went you, and since he was closer now, you could see the faint outline of a permanent  stubble outlining his lower face. Stupid veryhandsome cow man. As he looked towards you for the first time Luca raised and eyebrow.
"Do you find something amusing?"
Tilting your head slightly, you smiled with a false sweetness. Out of the side of your eye, you noticed your brothers tensing up slightly. Be it from the fact Luca was so close or that you interrupted their conversion. Either way, they began to notice the glint in your eye. And slowly they were regretting allowing you to meet Luca before the wedding. As if an introduction at the alter would have been any better.
"Yes. Very amusing in fact. See, I came here thinking it was ME being proposed to," clasping a hand mockingly to your chest you continued, "But here we are and the only one being romanced is my beloved brother. ...Well, romanced isn't the word, that's got to be the shittiest proposal I've ever heard. 'I'm glad you've considered my proposal'.... poppycock! Aren't you Italians suppose to be good at this romance shit?"
Arthur choked on his tongue besides you as Tommy spoke your name in warning, which you ignored. Luca moved his toothpick around his mouth and he gave you a once over. If you hadn't already been set on hating this man, his stare would have sent a pleasant shiver down your back in a way few could these days. Finally, letting out a small but still amused hum, Luca reached out to shake your hand. 
"Y/N, I presume?"
"Shelby. Y/N Shelby....Miss Y/N Shelby is my name. And you are too close, back up," you stated firmly. The special emphasis on both 'Shelby' and 'Miss' was more than enough to let anyone know your feelings on the current situation. Luca only raised his eyebrow again and rescinded his unaccepted hand. 
"I'm Lu...."
"I know who you are," you interrupted.
"Really," Luca queried. Surely you didn't know enough about him then if you were treating him so flippantly, he thought. He was the man determined to end you entire bloodline only a few weeks ago. You should be terrified of what would happen if he decided he didn't want to marry you!! But no, he thought, instead you were....
"You're the man who thinks finger paintings are scary."
Luca's toothpick fell from his mouth, while John could be heard covering his laugh. Then his eyes narrowed and his voice became slightly darker.
"What did you say?"
Tommy put a hand on your shoulder as he stepped forward to put himself between you two. But before he could open his mouth to take control of the situation again, yours opened first. You waved your hands around in sarcastic  excitement as you spoke, imitating the man's voice.
"What were you helping 'mama' with her lesson plan one day, making hand turkeys and decide, 'ohhh THUMBS! Terrifying?! That'll be a great way to show people not to mess with me!'"
Luca's eye twitched and if he hadn't already lost it, you were sure he would have snapped the toothpick between his teeth, his jaw was clenched so tightly.
"Watch your tone with me woma..."
"OR WHAT? You'll send me a finger painting?"
Arthur wrapped an arm around your waist and began to pull your back. No, he didn't like how Luca was speaking to you, but he also didn't want you to start a war of your own today. Even if he had a good idea you'd win. And yet still you weren't deterred. 
"Can it be pink and have confetti? OOHH or maybe it can be red like the blood that's gonna run down your throat when imaamuahhh," Arthur hissed as you bit the hand covering your mouth, but it was enough time for Tommy to finally step in again. Briefly...
"She doesn't mean that. It's the fa..."
"He's right! I don't!" You interjected again, freeing yourself of your eldest brother, "I'm not actually a fan of blood, so I won't slit your throat, but I'd be carefully of the champagne at the after party. Never know what slips in the cups these days..."
This time it was John who grabbed you, though not as roughly as Arthur, but luckily for everyone you had finished.... for now. The entire yard was silent and even Tommy was at a small loss for what to say. Truth be told he didn't know if there was anything to say. It was a long enough shot to convince Luca that marriage would be a way to end the vendetta and now here you were, possibly ruining that chance within half an hour. While he could understand your anger, there was still a part of him that was annoyed at the fact you could be so tactless. Another part though, the part that was still your big brother, was incredibly proud and resisting the urge to laugh at your comments. Luca however, remained unimpressed.
"My apologies, Miss Shelby," Luca restated, started to become more than annoyed with your antics. Surely, you knew that he was the one holding the power here? If your family had it, there was no way they'd have even considered the marriage. He was the one holding all the cards and you were instead choosing to act as though this entire plan was your idea. In a quieter, and deceitfully threatening voice, Luca ignored your demand for space and leaned closer to your ear. "Though, one would think for a woman in your situation, you'd be a little more welcoming to your fiancé. After all, I've been so generous to reconsider my previous message of vendetta, haven't I Bella?"
John could be heard whispering to Tommy, probably demanding to be allowed to hit the taller man, but he was held back. Again, you ignored your brothers instead focusing on the man before you, who's just said one of the worst things he could have.
"Generous? You think you're generous to try and force a woman into marriage and take her away from her family? Is it generous to not to kill children in exchange for someone else's freedom? Do you expect me to be happy, fucking happy, to have to spend the rest of my life with you when I don't even know you? I don't who you are or what you might do to me. You expect me to just follow your every whim and play housewife, knowing that one day you may kill me to go after my brothers? Is that what you define fucking generosity as," you fumed, just as angry as you were when you first learned about the new deal. "Well, if that's generous then damn all of the generosity in the world to hell! I agreed to come here today to meet you for my family. I am agreeing to consider giving up some of my freedom for their safety, when I'm not even the one who started this whole mess. I could have said no. I could have left them to fend for themselves and likely die over a needless feud, but I didn't. Because I was the one who decided to be generous. I am the one willing to give up something good that I have, to keep spending bad from happening to someone else. That is generous. My drawback for their benefit. I didn't have to do it but I did. Because I love them. So unless you're more incompetent than you've come off so far, I'd try thinking of a better word than generous for that little statement if I was you," speaking tersely you dared Luca to question your speech. Then taking a deep breath you closed your eyes off a moment.
His last comment had thrown you off, setting you off in a way you hadn't meant to go. And while your words were true, this isn't where you wanted the conversation to go. Not if your plan was going to work. It couldn't work if you'd pushed Luca too far too fast. He needed to be in just the right spot for the biggest blow to make the most efficient impact. Sighing, you straightened your shirt and looked down at your shoes. Your glare dropped and an almost desperate look appeared in your eyes briefly. 
"Besides.... is it too much to ask for a proper proposal? Like the one from a story that makes you dream of true love," Tilting your head in an almost wistfully sad way, you'd met Luca's gaze again, noticing that by some miracle he's eyes had softened just slightly. "Even if it's not true it would be nice to pretend wouldn't it? To actually be asked to be one's forever even if it seems there's only one answer? Can't I at least be granted that?"
Luca thought for a moment, taking the time to pull a new toothpick from his pocket. Shooting a brief glance over your shoulder, he saw your brothers staring at him intensely from a few steps behind. It crossed his mind that if he truly did want to, he could kill you here and now. Because he really did have the power in this fight. You stood within half an arms reach and the eight men he'd brought with him far outnumbered your three brothers. It could be an easy fight, over in mere seconds, damned how neutral this ground was suppose to be. He could kill you all now and the vendetta would be settled, AND he wouldn't ever have to deal with your infuriating brothers or your even more infuriating comments ever again. You had showed him no respect up to this point and if it were anyone else they'd have been dead after the first interruption. But you weren't dead, and for some reason, some unknown feeling brewing in the pit of his stomach, Luca wanted do keep it that way. So he unwittingly did exactly what you wanted him to do. 
"You want a proper proposal," Luca drawled, his eyes falling to your lips once and his voice was calmer now, almost softly curious, like he sympathized with your plea, "Is that it? Me asking you, and that's all it'll take for this to be done? You'll be good and stop fighting?"
Smiling sweetly again, a more genuine smile this time you nodded, clasping you hands together and placing them behind you almost shyly as you rocked your feet. It was a complete change from your attitude moments ago. Like all it took was to believe someone was listening to you, for you to become this sweet little demure creature from the fairytales his mother taught in her class. 
And somehow, naively Luca didn't realize the fairytale of your own act now. Giving a pleased smile, at what he assumed was your acceptance of the deal, he nodded, silently agreeing to your desires. Despite your beliefs Luca didn't think of himself as a monster, nor did he want an unhappy marriage either. He didn't necessarily care if you loved him, but it would be nice if he knew you wouldn't betray him. And if he could please his wife, he figured life would be so much easier for him in that matter. So he supposed he could give you this one thing you seemed to so closely desire. Besides, there was, again, this almost funny feeling that had settled in Luca's stomach. He couldn't say what it was but there was apart of him that was almost.... excited to be able to actually propose to you instead of just meeting you at the alter. It was something he couldn't explain and wouldn't admit yet but it was there. And so the next words from his mouth would seal both your fates.... or so he thought as he took the toothpick out of his mouth to fulfil your wish. 
"Y/N Shelby? Would you like to..."
"Wait, not like that!"
Luca froze, his head tilting in confusion at the light frown that has formed on your face. Your brothers, as well as Luca's own men could be here whispering in the background. None of them were really sure what was going on now, but none of them moved, all equally curious to see where this was going. 
"Not like that? Didn't you just say you wanted me to propose?"
"Yes, but I also said propose properly," you insisted, "if you don't do it the right way it may as well mean nothing." 
"And what exactly does 'proper' mean by your standards? What do you want me to do?" There was a small amount of sarcasm in his words due to a voice in his mind that was starting to get annoyed again, but Luca ignored it. It didn't even take you a second of thought before your smile returned. As had the look that worried your brothers in the first place.
"It means get on your knees Mr. Changretta."
Silence echoed across the entire shipyard. Almost all the men present stood in shock, eyes wide, even Tommy at what you'd just said. Luca however just tilted his head to the side, his hat looked straight now, processing. The deceptively sweet smile still lingered on your face as you waited for a response.
"You said to get on my knees.... to propose to you?" he repeated slowly, wanting to confirm you'd actually just demanded that of him. He wanted to be sure you had the audacity to order such from him. 
"I want you on your knees Luca....now."
Luca listened. 
For some reason, one nobody would ever be able to explain, he did as you said. The toothpick was clenched tightly between his lips as he slowly lowered himself to one knee, eyes locked with yours the entire time. His men could be heard whispering to each other behind him, and Luca knew he'd have to have a talk with them later about what they saw. Luca took a deep breath in, contemplating if this was actually going to happen, if he was actually doing this....Evidently he was. 
"Y/N Shelby..." he paused a moment as you stuck out your hand indicating he should take it... He did. You couldn't see it, but Tommy was looking up at sky, lips tightly together trying to hide his smirk. John and Arthur did have to turn around to hide their grins now too. Luca started again. The words were spoken with a slight hint of sarcasm as he repeated by the title you'd reminded him of earlier. Luca tilted his head in question, and if he did it any more his hat probably would have fallen off. 
"Y/N Shelby, Miss Y/N Shelby.... would you do me the honor of marrying me, Luca Changretta, and become my wife?"
Luca almost choked on his toothpick, he inhaled so quickly, his cheeks darkening a slight tint of red. You hadn't even paused for a moment to think, bluntly rejecting the man on his knees before you. Squeezing his hand lightly, you smiled again, though now Luca could see the true meaning of the look and realised that you never had any intentions of accepting his proposal at al. You just wanted to make a fool out of him down on his knees. Quickly, that embarrassment turned to anger as Luca shot to his feet, pulling you closer by the hand and seething in your face. Behind you, your brothers shot into action as well, all tensing up and reaching for their guns. But they knew that even if necessary, they'd have no shot as you were practically shielding Luca with you body because if where they stood. 
"That's is enough! Who the fuck do you think you are to fucking make me kneel..."
"Step back Luca," you interrupted, undetected by his ranting, but he ignored you.
"Don't tell me to fucking step back woman. If you think you can treat me...."
"Step back Luca," you repeated again calmly, but it only served to anger him more.
"STEP BACK! Step fucking back!! I will stand wherever I fucking want to stand," and with that he stepped even closer, to where the tip of his nose was touching yours. "You don't seem to understand anything going on."
"Actually I..."
"NO! Your precious brothers are going to have a bullet coming out of every fixing hole they have in ten seconds in you don't fucking listen," His hands were on your shoulders know gripping you roughly. The toothpick in his mouth almost stabbing you in the face as he spoke. "You are not the one in power here, I am. You do not make the calls, I do. I am the one who can tear apart everything you hold dear." Luca leaned his head back arrogantly, looking down at you over nose. He was still less than an arm's length part. "I have nine men and you have three. So who's to fucking stop me from killing your brothers and having my way with you right now?"
A shot rang though the air.
Luca's toothpick was still in his mouth, but now half of it had been blown to sawdust by the bullet passingly cleanly before his face. 
You just smiled...
"I told you to step back Luca..."
Every man in the ship yard ignored you, reaching for their guns, trying to find the shooter. Even your brothers looked around, slightly panicked, not knowing who fired the gun.... Or whose side they were on. The surprise of the shot, had loosened Luca's grip on you as you freed yourself and took a few steps back. Two more shots rang out from somewhere, landing close to Luca's feet, creating more space between the pair of you as he stumbled back. Then the shipyard went quiet again. Not a single man moved, for fear the next shots wouldn't be so harmless. Still searching for the ambusher Luca turned towards Tommy.
"I thought you said this was neutral ground! It's suppose to be private," He demanded, completely ignoring the fact he, himself had just threatened you on the very same neutral ground.
"It is. Or it's fucking suppose to be. I have no clue what's going on," Tommy replied, just as concerned. He should have known Alfie would play dirty. He hadn't counted on you doing it either though.
"But it's just that Mr. Changretta," clasping your hands together, you started towards the Italian man again, having no fear of getting shot. "As I told my brothers earlier, 'If he hates both of you he can't favor either of you. Thus neutral land is formed.' And I promise, Alfred Solomons hates both of you."
Luca huffed and narrowed his eyes. "I suppose this was your doing too?"
"Of course. See that 'you' is spelled without an 'me'.....and me, well I, have a very good relationship with a certain man's dog. And it is just amazing what a man will do when his dog likes you."
No one spoke so you continued. Though your face remained composed in an accomplished grin, you were almost bouncing on the balls of your feet due to your excitement. Your plan was going very nicely. Laughing, you carelessly spun around once, observing the mass of boxes and boats and building around you.
"They're amazing are they? Snipers? Could shoot your hat off from half a mile away  and you'd have never even heard the shot. Do you know how many snipers during the war were Jews? I don't, but I understand that Mr. Solomons employee a decent number of them. And when my dear friend heard of this whole marriage ploy?.....Well he righteously shared my outrage and offered to help me." Now you had taken to walking circles around your target. Now Luca realised that it was in fact you who had all the power, since the moment his tires hit the yard's ground. "And luckily for you, I did manage to curve his "help" from something a little bit less...murdery? Perhaps. After all, I do prefer to avoid violence if I can. There are so many more civilised methods than that...And finally we settled on this. The 'official engagement' taking place in this very yard, where I politely ask you to rethink your offer. And if you don't, we try to renegotiate.... and if you don't agree to that.... well. Luca you were wrong earlier..... I have far more than three men. All of who are very inclined to keep me safe. Now they've been instructed not to injury unless necessary, but that doesn't mean they can't give a warning shot. It doesn't mean they have to either. They were being very very nice just now. And you can't see them, but I promise they've had their sights on you for a while now. Why not give them a smile and then I'll tell you how this is gonna go." You opened your arms wide as if showing off everything. Luca just watched chewing on the half of his toothpick that remained. 
"How what's gonna go?" It actually wasn't Luca who spoke up. Nor was it your brothers. One of Luca's men, had asked the question. You turned and smiled at the man nodding you head once as if pleased that someone was participating. Luca made a mental note to beat the man later for encouraging you.
"See I really don't want to marry you. I don't love you. I don't even know you. There's also the fact you threatened everyone I love. But I also understand you and my brothers' small minds are incapable of imagining deals involving anything other than fighting or fucking and I don't particularly want to do either of those things with it right now. So I've come up with a new plan and who knows, maybe it'll work out in everyone's favour. Are you ready to hear it?" You paused waiting for a response. When none came you raised and eyebrow and made a point of glancing towards a rooftop over Luca's shoulder. "Do you want to know how this will work Luca?"
"Perfect! So you WILL take back your little finger paintings, but I will NOT be marrying you anytime soon. However, for the good of our families I am presenting another option. Luca Changtetta, I will NOT marry you on a whim, but," You paused for a moment for dramatic effect, waiting until Luca tilted his head. "Should you agree... I will let you take my hand in courtship for one year. And I promise it will not be easy for you. If you manage to whoo me, the you can have your marriage. If not.... Well then I should hope by that day we are close enough friends to put the past behind us and everyone can go their separate ways."
Luca tilted his head in confusion, "What?"
Bloody hell, this man needed to pick up a romance novel. Huffing slightly your reworded your demands. 
"Luca, you have a year to date me and make me fall in love with you. If you do I'll marry you. If not the you have a whole year to give up or come up with a better plan than killing everyone. Got it?"
"Why the fuck didn't you just say that in the first place? And what if I don't want to court you?"
"Because I didn't wanted to. And if you don't want to play then you can give up now or let the snipers play target practice."
Luca nodded his head and thought for a moment. The right choice was obvious as the fact that you were crazier than Alfred Solomons. After all, first you were threatening to kill him for trying to marry you, and now he had a year to change your mind. Luca's hand was still wrapped around his gun and he had half a mind to use it. The only thing keeping him from shooting you was the fact he knew, he'd have at least five bullets in him before he pulled the trigger. The obvious choice was to walk away now and give up the vendetta. You had just told him he could stop and you all could go your separate ways. No one else would have to die. All he had to do was give up, admitting you'd outsmarted him. He'd have to admit that you did hold all the power. 
"Well, Mr. Changretta? What do you think of my proposal?"
Luca didn't like admitting anyone else had the power... Even if looked very good on you. And so his choice was made.
"I suppose I better learn your favorite type of flower amore."
"Whatever kind you're most allergic to Romeo"
And so it began...
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thehouseofurmotha · 2 months
Can you write Toga x rookie Frm!hero she convinces to join the LOV
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Of course! I hope you enjoy :) Reader is freshly 18 in this story :))
Pairing: Toga x Fem!Hero reader,
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence and absusive child hoods
Summery: After being forced to by a hero by the commission, you meet a girl that changed something in you.
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You had freshly been a hero for two weeks. You would say it's been the worst two weeks of your life, but that wouldn't be the truth. Because every week of your life since you were five has been absolute hell.
You were gifted with an extremely strong ice quirk, one the commission thought would be perfect for a hero. They came to you and your family, promising whatever they would need or ever want if they simply gave you up and cut all ties.
Growing up in a poor family that had been struggling with 6 other children. They didn't even think twice before accepting the offer.
You had been excited, at the idea of being a hero. To be able to save people everyday like the ones you see on tv. Until you learned the truth of what your life would be like from now on.
They practically tortured you, forcing you to strengthen your quirk into the greatest weapon it could be. Because that's all you were to them, a weapon.
You didn't want to live like this, you wanted to have a family, to have a life. To have a name. The commission had stripped you of your identity and turned you into Glacier, the hero that was too cold for her own good.
You weren't the sweet smiley hero that everyone had expected you to be after you made your Debut. You were cold to everyone and angry at the world. But nonetheless you quickly started gaining popularity due to your strong power, and ability to quickly take down buildings.
The world saw you as this hero, but to yourself you were nothing but a government approved killer. The commission didn't care about saving people, no they just force you to kill the ones who do wrong. You wish people knew, what went on behind the scenes. You wish the public hated you, because you deserved it. You were a puppet and the commission was pulling the strings.
You continue on your patrol, walking through allies waiting to see something that you need to stop. You hear footsteps behind you, quickly turning around to be met with a girl who seems to be around the same age as you.
She smiles, one thy could scare most people. But not you, not with the things you've seen. "Aren't you a cutie! I could just eat you up!!" She has such a happy voice, but you can see the knife in her hand. So you know that chances are this encounter isn't going to go well.
It clicks, in your mind who she is. Himiko Toga, a member of the league of villains. "You're Toga aren't you?" You doubt that she'd confirm it, but it was worth a try you thought.
"Mhm! And you're the new hero Glacier! I couldn't find what your actual name is though.. Anyways! I was sent by Mr boss man to come find you!" The last part of her sentence throws you off. The leader of the league sent her to come find you. Which in your mind could only mean one thing, that she was here to kill you. You immediately get into a defensive mode, ready to surround her in ice at a moments notice.
"Woah! Don't worry I'm not here to kill you silly!" You wonder what other reason she could be here then. None of it makes sense, you don't understand what the league would want with you.
"Then what are you here to do?" You know that you could capture her right now, freeze her right now and be the one who captures her. But some part of you is compelling you to let you hear what she has to say.
"Well! To put it simply cutie! We want you to be apart of the league!" She says with the widest smile like she isn't talking to a pro hero currently.
"And why do you think I would do that? I should freeze you right now and turn you in." You mumble the last part, but you can tell she still heard it.
"Well you haven't yet, sooo! And because you'd be a perfect fit silly! We've seen your interviews; seen how angry you are at the world. You can come with us! You can change the way the world is today! C'mon Glacier! Turn the world into something you want it to be!" The fact that you're even considering her offer scares you. You're a hero you shouldn't be thinking like this, but the idea of taking revenge on those who have hurt you is more temping than you'd like to admit.
She must have noticed that you were deep in thought because she broke the silence. "C'mon I can tell you're thinking about it cutie! Let's get revenge on everyone who has hurt us together!" You think about Keigo, the only person who knew the real you. He had gone through the exact same thing you had. He was like an older brother to you, the only semblance to a family you've ever had.
You sigh, "take your knife out and come here." You've decided you want to control your life. You want to be who you want to be, not what others expect you to be.
"Huh? Why silly! I'm not supposed to hurt you, just bring you back!" Why doesn't she want to hurt you, isn't that her whole thing? It thoroughly confused you.
"Well unless you want every hero in the country swarming your hide out, you've got to cut the tracker out of my neck." She smiles even wider at that. The commission had decided that you shouldn't be trusted, after you had tried to escape multiple times. So they forced a tracker into you, and threatened to kill you if you tried to take it out yourself.
"Oh my gosh!! Yay! We're gonna have so much fun together Glacier you don't understand! I'm so happy to finally have another girl in the league." She skips over to you pulling her knife out. You turn around and pull your hair back. You can't believe you're trusting this absolute psycho.
You hiss in pain as she slices the back of your neck. It's not something you can't handle though. Quickly you feel her fingers pull the little device out of your neck. You quickly freeze the skin together, stoping the bleeding and allowing for it to heal much quicker than it would before.
"Is that the only one? I'd love to do it again!!" The deranged smile she gives you makes you chuckle. You don't know why you find it funny but for some odd reason you do.
"Yeah it is, I've been completely checked for any others." This makes you think of Keigo. The night the two of you had spent checking every inch of each other's body for trackers. In any other situation than the one you guys were in, it probably would have been awkward. But you guys understand that it was information you needed if you ever wanted to get out.
"Okay!! C'mon then let's go back to the hide out! Twice is going to love you!" She grabs your hand and starts leading you away. You know that you're going to have second choices about your decision, but there's no going back now. You've made your choice, and your choice is revenge on the people who have hurt you.
As you walk she starts to talk to you. "Are you gonna tell us your real name? Or are you gonna be like Dabi who won't tell us.. he's such a meanie!" She rambles on, you think it's sweet. You wonder what happened to get her here.
"Oh it's Y/n." This is the first time you've gotten to introduce yourself with your name. Not the one that was forced upon you.
"Ooo I love your name Y/n!!" To hear your name come from a persons mouth gives you a comfort that you didn't know you needed.
"So, what happened to you that you ended up here?" You decide to be rather blunt about it. That's always just been the way you are.
"Ohh! Well I was tired of people telling me who to be! I wanted to be able to express my love the way I wanted! Not how everyone else wanted me to!" Even though it sad, she still keeps a happy face. "Look!! We're here Y/n!!" She opens the door in front of you and the first thing you see is a bar is the man with the warp power behind it, and the leagues leader sitting at it. You take a harsh breath. Preparing yourself to accept your new life.
"Hm so you were successful Toga, good job." The warp guy is the first to speak. "Welcome to the League Glacier, make yourself comfortable as this will be your new home for the time being. My name is Kurioguri, the one sitting at the bar is Tomura Shigaraki. The league's leader." You nod in response and before you can say anything Toga interrupts.
"Her name is Y/n actually!! She told me on the way here! Isn't it pretty! Twice! Come here you've got to meet her!!" Kurioguri, must sense that Toga is mildly stressing you out.
"Toga, relax you're going to scare her away and that's the last thing we want to happen." Even if you want to show him appreciation for it, it's just not how you are.
"She's fine." Your voice comes out cold, and harsh. But you could honestly care less.
"Hm little hero's got some bite to her." A man with black hair appears out of one of the rooms in the back.
"Dabiiii shushhh!" Toga says walking over to him and pulls her knife out. He just pushes her away and scoffs.
"I don't know why you guys trust her, she's probably just here to gather intel for her little hero friends." You send him a glare. The only one of those assholes who was your friend was Keigo.
"Like hell I'd put myself in that much danger for those fucking assholes. They weren't my friends. They were shitty people who wanted me to do their fucking dirty work starting the day I turned 18." This seems to shut him up as he raises his hands in defeat.
"You were right Kurioguri she'll make a perfect addition." The leader, Shigaraki finally speaks. "She has the same itch for revenge." You can slightly see his eye through the hand on his face.
"So little hero, what exactly is your quirk." He says walking towards you. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"I can freeze any thing with molecules of water, including your blood which I'm going to do if you don't get the fuck off me." You think about just pushing him off but threatening him is much more fun.
"Alright damn, you're no fun." He takes his arm off your shoulder and walks away letting himself fall onto the couch.
Toga grabs your hand telling you about how she's got to show you around and show you her room. She's so excited about it and you realize that this is your life now. And you don't think you're too mad about it.
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It turned out a little shorter than I wanted but I hope you enjoyed it!! As always requests are open open and happy reading <3
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sameschmidtdiffname · 8 months
Can I get a Derek Danforth x shorter Male Reader where reader is like the only person Derek cares about. Reader is very cuddly but Derek isn’t big on PDA but when they are alone Derek loves holding the reader in his arms.
If not it’s ok!
I had like fifteen different drafts for how this story could go and I couldn't make up my mind until literally last night, thus why it took so long. I hope this is okay!!!
Derek Danforth x Male! Reader
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Summery: The holidays are a miserable time of year, especially when ones mother won't even talk to them to let them know she's not coming, sending Derek into a breakdown and wrapping you up in the process.
Tags: No use of Y/N, short! Reader, hurt/comfort, mommy issues, drug use (marijuana), arguing, breakdown, banter, comedy, injury, eventual fluff, holiday fic. (I don't give a fuck that it's Febuary, shut it.)
Notes: honestly I was HYPED when I saw this request. I fucken GOT YOU babe and I am so sorry it took this long. I hope this was worth the wait <3
I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest; who likes the holidays?
The decorations are nice. The food's better. But in the matter of family and visitation, could anyone honestly say they liked the whole routine? Picking who to see, booking flights, trying not to lose yourself in a bottle of liquor that you bought on the way to their house.
Maybe not every detail is the same, but you get the general idea.
"Please sit down," I begged Derek, watching him pace the floor. All week Derek had been in a mood, which isn't totally uncommon I will admit. But usually he could be coaxed out of it, sweet words whispered in his ear finally bringing him off whatever edge he was ready to fling off of and convince him death was for another day. This week however was different, Derek always tapping his foot, glaring at something. And pacing. Neverending, always thinking, lasts through the night pacing. I was beginning to feel sick from the anxiety, and my mood was making Derek even shorter in his.
"I'm fine," he snapped.
"You're clearly not," I said. In his hand he gripped his pen, clicking it to life with five rapid clicks before taking a long pull like he couldn't breathe without it. "Derek."
"I said I'm fucking fine."
"I have never seen you as more of a mess, will you please just sit down for one moment?" I pleaded, shifting closer to the edge of the plush loveseat kept in front of our bed. "I'm worried about you."
He wants to snap. His jaw is tight, teeth gritted as he spins on the heel of his black, pointed boot, mouth opening as he begins to point one finger at me. But the minute he actually makes eye contact the edge drains, his shoulders sagging slightly as he exhales his smoke, bags appearing under his eyes. Derek had a reputation for being a hard-ass, but when we were alone and I grabbed his attention, his demeanor would shift into one more gentle, more honest. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he finally crossed over to me, sitting beside me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I'm fine," he said quietly, tucking my head under his chin. His hand strokes up and down my back, his heart still pounding but beginning to calm as the smoke begins to work into his bloodstream, allowing him to focus on me more than his thoughts. His cologne compliments mine, smelling mostly of cinnamon to match the winter season. The silk material of his red shirt is soothing against my skin, little silver snowflakes decorating it. Always a pattern with him.
"Is it your mother?" I asked quietly. He stiffened, his heart rate picking back up against my ear.
"I don't want to talk about this," he said quickly, beginning to pull away. I gently grab his arms, making him look down at me before he can close off once more.
"We've been together for almost a year and you won't say anything about your-"
"I said I don't want to talk about this."
"We have to talk about this at some point or you're going to have a giant fit and I won't be able to help you."
It isn't meant as an insult, but I hear it as soon as the words come out. Derek's eyes narrow into slits, bitterness seeping through.
"Fuck you. I don't throw fucking fits." He pulled away quickly, the battery of his pen glowing as he took another hit, long and deep, blinking rapidly to show he's hit his limit.
"You are on the cusp of one right now. You're in denial," I said concerningly.
This time he really is about to snap when someone knocks on the door, popping her head in to announce dinner will be ready shortly.
"Is she on her way?" Derek asked the redheaded assistant, blowing his smoke out through his nose, hands on his cocked hips. The woman presses her lips together tightly, glancing between the two of us before speaking.
"I haven't heard anything from President Danforth for a few hours, sir," she finally said. Derek sighed deeply, looking down and pinching the bridge of his straight nose as he taps his foot at impressive speed.
"Thank you," he said quickly, not meeting anyone's eyes. She takes the opportunity, quickly nodding at me and ducking out of the room with the quick click of the door, leaving us alone again.
I simply stare at him, hands folded on top of my lap as I wait for him to say something, do something. When he goes to take a third blinker, I finally stand.
"Don't you fuckin' dare," Derek warns me, holding out his palm.
"You are going to get stoned to the point that you'll fuck up this dinner the you have been worried over for the past week. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I hiss, stepping closer.
"There's no fuckin' point, she's not coming," he said, shrugging harshly and scoffing.
"And that bothers you. Will you just admit that?" I said. I step closer, close enough to reach for the pen, but I wait, letting him narrow his glazing eyes at me first.
"What is your obsession? You want me to break down? Cry? You wanna fix me, huh?" His tone is harsh, paranoia settling in as he takes a step towards me. "Whatever savior shit this is, I'm not taking."
I snatch the pen quickly from his grasp, only to have his hand grab my wrist without any real thought. Derek towers over me, gripping me tightly enough it hurts.
"Drop it," he growled.
"No," I growled back.
"I'm not asking."
"Tough shit."
"What is your-"
"Derek." The snap does something, my voice bouncing around in his ears as he glares at me, but releases my wrist nonetheless. I step away quickly, tucking the pen into the inside pocket of my evergreen blazer. "You'll get this back tonight," I tell him, not looking back. Derek mutters under his breath, brushing past me to exit the suite. Fine. Let him hate me. See if I care.
Derek never liked public affection in the first place. Growing up in a house with a politician for a mother he was hyperaware of all the right and wrongs to a public reputation. I think he also just had no desire to be seen as any kind of vulnerable in a crowd. But tonight it's different. Tonight there is a tinge of hate with the distance he creates, and my side feels cold without him. With each step forward he takes five back. People filter in and out of each room, some I'm sure just here with a friend of a friend for the free food. But if there's anyone I never see through the passing hours, it's Derek's mother. I can see him checking his phone every five, three, then every other minute.
It was a touchy subject. Derek loved his mother, adored the ground she walked on. And when she would visit him or welcome us over to wherever it was she was staying it was obvious she loved him too, allowing him to get away with things most mothers wouldn't. But her head was always in work, her eyes always scanning a document with a pen in her hand to sign off on anything at any given moment. There were times we'd spend the visit gathered in silence lest she retreat to an actual study, claiming she could not focus with our chatter. Derek loved his mother, but it was obvious he was neglected by her too.
He'd been planning the party meticulously. Ordering dozens of sample just for garland, asking my input on plates. Yes, Derek was known for throwing elaborate and wonderfully tasteful parties, but if he thought his mother would be in attendance he would go the extra mile, not sparing an inch of detail and making sure that it was so perfect she'd have no choice but to attend.
Problem is, Madame President has many choices for her perfect Christmas party.
It isn't until the clock strikes ten and security begins to push people out that he finally locks eyes with me, the hate draining and giving way to the exhaustion underneath. He disappears through a doorway, and I follow after him, watching his snow white suit that matches my shirt perfectly work its way quickly through the endless halls as I chase him down the rabbit hole. Oh yes, don't think I escaped his scrutiny just because I'm a living being. I didn't even know we'd have complimenting outfits until I stepped out of the shower that morning while he worked on a cigarette, waving it around between his fingers on one hand with the hangers in the other and a phone pressed between his shoulder as he shouted something in Spanish at the poor assistant on the other line.
He doesn't bother shutting the bedroom door behind him whether he knows I'm following him or not. But when I gently push the door shut behind me, finally turning away from him, I feel his warm body press against mine from behind. His arms wrap around me, one around my waist and the other around my shoulders, alcohol thick on his breath as he buries his head into the crook of my neck. His hand finds my hair, burying his long fingers in it as he takes a deep inhale of the pine scented cologne dabbled on my neck. His body is heavy against mine, swaying slightly from exhaustion.
"Hi," he says softly.
"Hi," I say just as soft, reaching up to find his curls. I smile slightly at the feeling of his fried ends, tainted from overprocessing. "You wanna talk?"
"No," he maintained. But his voice cracks, and the collar my shirt is starting to feel wet. Not to mention his arms are shaking.
"You wanna not talk on the bed?" I ask him.
"I'm fine right here," he says in a broken voice. But when he softly sniffles and takes a tiny gasp for air, he's finally done in and dragging me towards the oversized bed, not bothering to actually open the canopy as he flops himself down onto the lush, green and gold duvet.
"It's fine, I'm fine," he insists even though he's dragged half of a gold chiffon curtain down and around him and he's too high to figure out how to get it off. "She has meetings, this happens."
"Yeah, well. It happens a little too often," I say gently, trying to help him before he gets this thing wrapped around his neck. In his vulnerable and understandable fit he's making this curtain situation much worse, actively reweaving whatever I untangle from him in his blind confusion.
"I mean, I get it. Running the country, having a conversation with your own son, it's fine," Derek hiccuped as he gestures his hands like scales weighing the options, one drastically higher than the other. His face is as red as his shirt, large tears streaming down his face as he paws uselessly at the fabric. He swipes frantically at them, clearly becoming frustrated at being unable to control his raw emotions. "I mean, priorities shift so what the fuck am I complaining about?"
"Honey, I think you're sitting on it."
"The curtain."
Derek moans inconsolably as he throws himself against the bed, taking down the rest of the gold chiffon and covering us both in the material.
"What does it matter?" Derek cries pathetically. "I could hang myself with this and she'd have a fucking meeting in Germany!"
"Your mother would come to your funeral," I say softly, stroking his hair as I press my lips together, letting him heave out his sobs. He brings a bundle of the fabric to his face, bunching it up and sobbing into it before raising his head once more for another comment.
"Probably have a flood in Uganda day of. I'd fuck up my own suicide day," he snaps to no one in particular.
"No you wouldn't," I say, continuing to run my hand through his hair. Derek sinks into the golden bundle once more, curling in on himself like a child. Then suddenly his eyes grow cold again.
"And the fucking appetizers were cold!"
The comment is so out of left field that a short laugh escapes me, my hand immediately covering my mouth. I instantly feel awful, looking away as I try to compose myself from the dramatic change in complaint.
"Don't laugh at me," Derek snaps. "I paid good money for those."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, that was just a bit random. Would you like to get off of the curtains you also paid for?" I ask him softly, fighting the fit of giggles his hateful eyes inspire to continue. I try to wrap my arms around him in comfort but he moves away in irritation. Or tries. This curtain is keeping us pretty close, which only adds to the whole thing.
"No," he says as he finally gives up. He crosses his arms in irritation and huffs, but after a long moment and a glance at my bemused face he moves to get the curtain off of his own. "Yes. Get this off of me!"
"Okay, I'm coming."
"Where the fuck is the end?"
"I told you, I think you're sitting on it."
"Your mother is sitting on it!"
"Let's not bring anymore mothers into this-"
We struggle in the cocoon of chiffon, twisting and turning in the same and opposite directions, both of us bickering over who has what and who's preventing our freedom.
"This shouldn't be fucking hard!"
"Quit moving, you're making it worse."
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you!"
"Hang on, I think I-"
With a forceful tug I pull the end out from underneath of Derek. Unfortunately, Derek had shifted himself to move off of the end at the same time, leaving me to fling off the side of the tall bed and hit the lush rug underneath that hardly cushions the oak floor with a loud 'thud' that makes the artifical blond gasp.
"Fuck! Are you okay-?"
Derek scrambles to the edge to look down at me, but he's too high to realize he's overshot his position and sends his larger body crashing on top of mine, making me cry out as I break his fall.
"Eat a salad," I groan, curling in on myself as I try to catch my breath.
"I did, that's why I'm the tall one." Derek and I are once again tangled in the curtain, laying on the floor in a pile of limbs and half of Derek's face is burned from the rug. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, looking over my body for obvious injury.
"Have roses at my funeral," I cough, clutching my stomach.
"Rose's are cliché."
"Rose's are fucking iconic."
"If you have basic taste, then yes."
"I don't mix snake and cheeta."
"It's French."
"Then get fucking cheeta print rose's."
"Don't be hysterical."
I shoot him a look and finally he manages a laugh, wiping at his nose with the cuff of his blazer and smiling.
"Maybe I'm a little hysterical," he offers.
"I think I have a concussion."
"Oh, you don't have a concussion," Derek says dismissively. He cups my cheeks gently, his soft hands forcing my eyelids open wide as he checks my eyes. "Oh, fuck. Yeah, you have a concussion."
I laugh, pulling him close and keeping my eyes closed to keep from getting sick.
"Mister 'I Don't Throw Fits,'" I tease.
"I can just not take you to the hospital."
"Fashionably handicapped."
Derek finally figures out how to free us from our prison, pulling away the fabric and looking down at me from above with a gentle smile on his tear stained face. "You've got good bone structure, though," he says.
"It's my daddy's," I tell him.
"I don't remember buying you that."
I smack Derek's chest playfully, groaning as I try (and fail) to sit up. "You're awful."
"You love me," Derek says softly, sitting beside me. The statement is true and meant as a playful reminder, but it's the way his bloodshot eyes still glisten with leftover moisture that makes me cup his face. Or try. I can't see.
"I love you," I say softly.
"That's my chest."
My hand moves.
My hand moves again.
"That's my dick."
"Jolly good friend," I say with a squeeze and overexaggerated British accent. This knocks the last bit of sorrow out of Derek, making him laugh loudly as he finally lays down beside me. He wraps his arms around my smaller frame, pulling me close to him as he presses a soft kiss to my forehead.
"I'm sorry,' he says softly.
"We really do need to talk about your mother at some point," I tell him, stroking his arm that lays across my chest.
"I know." Derek's voice is soft, his fingers playing with one of the buttons on my blazer.
The silence is sweet, the sound of Derek and I's breathing the only sound in the room. And the slight ringing in my head.
"I think you need to call someone," I tell him.
"My problems aren't that bad," Derek says in a hurt voice, moving to look down at me.
"For me."
I'm going to be so fr, I haven't watched 'The Beekeeper' since it was in theaters so if the mommy issues are inaccurate that's on me. But y'know what it works better for his character so it's °~*accurate to meee*~°
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
It’s fascinating that you think trans people’s names come to them like wands in Harry Potter, you can’t just culturally appropriate bc you’re trans
Ok, this is about comments I made like a year ago on a comedy bit. While I stand by my feelings that the bit was bad and transphobic, my reasons why are a lot diffrent.
When I first wrote the comments my arguments were very thermian. I treated the story the comic was telling as if it was real and objective. Which feels right for most people, because stand up comedy is often presented like conversation, where we do treat stories like that as real things. But that's not how comedy works, comedians don't tell stories the way we do in conversation, they're creatives, the stories they tell are basically fictional, the art form might look like real conversations but it's not.
Comedians want to make you laugh, and sometimes want to send a message or make you think about things in a new way, but they have no reason to want to portray events accurately. They might be basing some things off of real experiences, but that's true for everyone, Tolkien might have chosen to explore his experience in world war one in lord of things, that doesn't mean we have to argue about orcs as if they're real entities when we're talking about if those books were racist.
So let's actually look at the skit, and analyze its outlook on trans people keeping in mind its a story that a cis man is telling, and not actual events: So the summery of the skit is that a white trans man comes out to his to his family, and he picked a name you'd expect a black person to have. He has older black relatives (who are implied to fully accept him, which would make him possibly the only trans person on earth with a fully accepting family) who refuse to use this name, and instead call him "the boy". The sketch ends with the comedian saying he should pick a name like Kevin, because even if he's trans he's not interesting (keep your thoughts on that last one).
Now, ignoring how this would play out in real life, what does this as a peice of fiction say about trans people:
First off: it's creating a plausible but unlikely situation where the woke thing to do is to not respect a trans person's identity. A lot of political humor exists to call ideas into question with hypotheticals, and the idea being questioned here is the idea that trans people's identities deserve respect.
Second off: it's creating a situation where a trans person is entitled and arogent for wanting his identity respected. In the fiction this trans person is that. But it's promoting the idea that they are in real life. Transphobes will show you a lot of spooky examples of trans identities that are unreasonable to respect, but that's not useally ever what it's like in real life. (An otherkin robotgirl isn't going to demand you communicate with her through beeps and boops, she probably just wants you not to laugh at her.)
Third off: it's pitting minorities agaisnt eachother. Conservatives love this, but it's super common when people try to convince progressives to a specific group from their advocacy. It shows us a world where trans rights and poc rights are at odds with eachother, in the real world they aren't, in the real world they're part of one larger struggle and diminishing one is diminishing the other. A lot of people do this with different identities, lgb types do it with gayness, terfs do it with womanhood, class reductionists do it with class, trscum do it between trans people. But it doesn't help one oppressed group when you shit on a diffrent oppressed group in their name. It's white conservatives who love it the most when trans people and poc at pit agaisnt eachother, and it's trans poc who suffer the most.
Fourth off: it's feeds into a very old myth amoung queerphobic progressives, which is the idea that queer people are privileged people looking to pose as the marginalized to get special rights. This is a myth we really have to get over, because its been internalized by a lot of people, and we get these hunts for fake minorities. This is why the "you're not interesting" line sticks out to me. Most trans people don't give themselves appropriative names, but trans people as a group constantly get accused of trying to steal other people's struggles. This is a myth that preys on the fact that white skined white colar queer people are more visible, and its one that is based on treating that disparity in visibility as a fact. We have to cut this out, nobody fakes minority status to get privileges because minorities aren't privileged. It's not true for queer people, even the queer people other queer people hate like bi people and ace people. It's not true about mentally ill and ND people, or converts to non Christian religions, or East Asian people, or anyone who gets accused of this. Stop it dearly.
Fifth off: this entire sketch is based in the idea that families can accept their trans kids, but only conditionally, only if they prove themselves to be doing it for the right reasons, and they please their family's whims. This is a transphobic idea, it's a transphobic idea most neolibs hold. Comedy bits are a lot like story books (no shade at either) where a problem is presented at the beginning, and a solution at the end, that the audience is expected to take for their own problems. And the solution here is a form of transphobia, the idea that trans people aren't owned acceptance, they need to earn it. I've seen a lot of trans people tormented by their families over that idea. And when a person of color goes and stage and wraps that idea in racial justice, it's young trans poc who get hurt by it the most.
Sixth off: not a huge point, but I feel like a cis black man, of all cis people, should be the most likely to understand that calling a trans man a boy is dehumanizing and insulting. I guess this goes to show he's not interested in thinking about how trans people's struggles are like his, he stands alongside a lot of marginalized trans people there.
Finally I kind of don't know how to end this. This is long. Really long. I don't know whose going to read this, because its a lot. Hopefully you got a bit of media literacy from reading all of this. Early on in my tumblr career, when I had just moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan, I had read an essay by @wifelinkmtg about a concept called the ditch. The idea was we often argue about media wrong, talking about things in hyper literal cannon obsessed terms, and that was the ditch, the ditch we dig for ourselves when we ignore things like themes and audience experiences. Hopefully this series of words dug less of a ditch than my words did a year ago. Sorry I don't have the actual sketch on hand. Mabye I'm wrong, but if someone wants to prove me wrong I'd rather they do it outside of a ditch. Mabye the ask wasn't even about that post. Mabye I'm tired. Maybe you should be tired too.
Sorry for the long post. Media literacy matters. Black trans lives matter. Goodbye, enjoy your night well.
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frikatilhi · 2 months
today dash is bringing many bojere moments (to destroy me from an early morning) and I started thinking how each time when Bojan meets Jere, he meets a slightly different version of him: the esc Jere, the vacation unhinged Jere, the vacation withdrawn Jere, the festival bleached Jere... and all of them are a bit different from who he met the last time. He's probably a bit heartbroken by the visuals of how time passes between each meeting, but also excited to see what new Jere he'll get the next time he goes to Finland 😭
The thing is, none of the versions come as a total surprise. Okay, maybe the Nordic tour came a little out of the left field, but it's not like Bojan wasn't ready to give as good as he got. But especially after that there was such a mutual understanding and bond and maybe something more that they were able to stay in sync about their expectations and mindsets and hopes and dreams. Most of them, at least.
It doesn't mean that actually seeing Jere isn't a jolt to the system. Facetime and selfies can never substitute for the real thing, in 3D, with smell and touch and feel. SYS Jere was jittery but enthusiastic and Bojan couldn't quite put his finger on what made Jere a bit nervous - probably just showing them around, taking them home, them, so intimitely up in Jere's life. (He would have liked to put his finger on many things, ahem, but something kept him at bay. All public unhingedness was gone, just like they had agreed beforehand, but Bojan could feel that something was left unsaid.)
And then there was blond, summery Jere. Carefree if a bit melancholy, busy byt relaxed. Ready to leave the past behind and jump into the future. Smiley in public but ready to toss all caution out the window when they were finally alone.
Bojan knew to expect it, they'd talked about it, but still, when the full force of Jere slammed him against the wall and his hands found Jere's hair and tugged, that's when he knew that this was indeed a whole new era.
And as for the next time...? You're right, Bojan can't wait, because this time all bets are off.
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kawaiianimekitten · 2 years
Yandere! Bakugou x reader
Summery: Bakugou babies you a lot, but finally gives you a chance to escape
Warnings- unhealthy/toxic relationship, smothering, slight dehumanization, mention of nudity (non detailed), near death experience
You sit, chined to your bed in childish cloths Bakugou makes you wear. The chains have soft fabric around them so they don't hurt you. You have a few books and a kiddy phone with child lock on it (so he can make sure you don't try to download anything to try to talk to people). There isn't much to do except sleep and dread his return.
The front door opens and you hear little explosions. He's back. After a few minutes he opens the door to the room you're staying in.
"hi, baby, I'm back." He says in a soft voice (well, soft as Bakugous voice is able to get, that is, lol). He sits on your bed and goes to brush some hair out of your face, but you try to bite him.
"Baby. That's not very nice." He says in a warning tone.
"You keeping me here, chained up, isn't very nice." You spit back.
He goes silent. Oh shit you thought. It's never good when he goes silent. Usually he'll just yell, but when he goes silent is when you're in trouble.
"You think I'm not nice? I can show you not nice." He says, unlocking your chains and throwing you over his shoulder. He takes you outside and sets you down. "Go ahead. You wanna be in real world? Go ahead and try to survive it. You wouldn't even last a day."
Around where you're being held captive is a giant forest. At night you would always hear different animals calling out.
"Go on. Try to leave. If you can get back to civilization within 24 hours, then I'll let you be for a bit and let you live your life." You look at him, seeing if he's joking or serious. He is serious, but he also has a look in his eyes screaming "you won't be able to. You'll come crawling back within an hour." You stand up, and look him dead in the eyes.
"Ok, well you better keep your end of the deal when I get back to civilization." You say confideny.
He pulls out his phone and sets a timer for 24 hours. "24 hours exactly. As soon as you turn around I'll start the timer."
Excitement ran through you. The thought of actually being free. Getting back to living your own life. You turn around and go into the woods, confident you'll find your way out.
You've been walking in a straight line, so you know you aren't walking in circles. Your legs are starting to hurt and your starting to get a little hungry. You haven't run into any other problems yet, though, so you should be fine. You bet that as long as you keep walking straight, you'll be out before the sun even starts to set.
The sun is almost down now, and you're starting to panic a little. You decide to try to climb a tree to see if you're close to getting out. You make an arrow in the ground so you know which way you were walking, so you don't accidentally go the wrong way, then you find some vines. You use the vines to help you climb the tree. Just don't look down, and everything will be ok. You think to yourself. After getting high enough to kind of see over the trees, you look around. You see nothing, though. Which makes you panic more. You carefully climb down the tree.
Once you get to the bottom, you sit down for a moment to catch your breath and calm yourself down. You know it'll be dark soon, so you need to find a place to stay for the night. You look around for some wood and rocks and whatever else you can use, making sure to leave a trail in the dirt so you can get back to your spot.
It starts to rain. This is so not good! You're thoughts are racing, trying to think of what to do. You panic and just start running, trying to find anything to take cover under.
It's pure luck that you somehow found a cave and got in right before it started downpouring. You set down the sticks you're still carrying, and separate the dry and wet ones and the semi wet but still dry enough ones and same with some leaves you grabbed. You also still had some vine.
You use the dry leaves and dry sticks to try to start a fire. You've seen many shows where people have done it. Once again, out of pure luck, you were able to get a fire started. It's not very big, but it's enough to keep you warm for a little while you hope.
You lay down to rest your eyes and let your body take a break. You immediately pass out, though, exhausted from all the walking and panicking.
When you wake up, it's still raining. You know you weren't asleep long because you're fire was still going a bit. You put the last few non wet sticks onto it, hoping the rain will stop soon.
You immediately freeze when you hear a growl behind you. Why must you freeze instead of fight or flight. Freezing isn't a good option. After taking a deep breath, you try to convince yourself to turn around and that it was just in your head.
It wasn't just in your head. It's a bear. It doesn't look happy. All animal knowledge left your head. Pure fear. I'm gonna die. Is all you can think.
Suddenly you're swept off your feet and hear little explosions. The bear gets scared of the noise and backs away. Bakugou smirks and walks out of the cave with you, after he puts out the little fire you made. He quickly runs you two back to the house.
As soon as you get inside he takes you to the bathroom. He starts the bath and puts some bubble bath into it, to make little bubbles, before walking out.
He comes back with try cloths for both of you and towels. He strips both of you. You're brain is too fried from everything that happened that day to fight back. After turning off the water, he gently sets you in the bath and gets in with you. He just holds you and runs his hands through your hair.
Tears start running down your face, overwhelmed by everything that has happened. He holds you closer and whispers sweet nothings to you. You're surprised that he's being so gentle with you, rather than yelling or gloating. You slowly drift off to sleep while in Bakugous arms.
You wake up the next day without chains on and not in your room. Instead you have two arms wrapped around you and you're in Bakugous room.
"Morning, sweetie." You hear as you get a soft kiss on your shoulder. "You actually managed to scare me a bit last night. Good thing I decided to go looking for you when the rain started." He said.
He gets up and tells you he'll be back. You crawl under the covers more, still cold from being out in the rain. He comes back after while with breakfast. He sits down next to you and insists on feeding you himself.
"I'm feeding you, baby. You don't have to lift a finger. I'll always be here to keep you safe." He says while feeding you. "You don't have to be scared like that ever again. I'll always be right at your side to protect you and keep you safe." He's not comforting you, he's telling you that you'll never get another chance to escape. You're stuck with him.
Honestly, though... You're strangely starting to kinda be ok with it...
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gullableh · 4 months
movie night
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★°•Warnings : overworking, swearing, bad grammar, terrible story telling abilities, might be ooc. reader is like 13/14, Lorenzo is 18/19 REMEMBER this is a PLATONIC story. So there isn't any romantic stuff in this story. I haven't watched the purge so I have no idea what type of movie it's like, all I know about it is its a horror movie ( I think )
★•°summery : kid reader has a test tomorrow, so as every teenage kid would do, he completely spends all his time learning for the test. Lorenzo's is kinda pissed that his younger brother won't even look at him. So why not have a movie night?★it has some fluff, but more like cute brotherly love relationships y'know?
Music you could listen while reading :D :------------------°•©
Blue monday; New order
Imitadora(instrumental; Romeo santos
Things to do; Alex g
Red eyes black dragon chain; Odetari
(Enjoy ^v^)
3rd person pov:
School. School is an teaching system where misters or misses learn the younger ones about math, art, music, physics and etc. my question is what do you think of school? Most people (children) say that it's a pretty boring system, some disagree with that jugment as they find intrest and delight within the school system. Well whoever find school interesting...needs to teach there ways, cuz how am I going to learn all this withing the next 4 hours huh!? *Points at a pile of Biology books.* "I'm going to fail this test" The child said wallowing in there own despair.
He shouldve payed close attention to the teacher, he shouldve taken notes, he shouldve studied earlier. Because maybe then he would have already learned enough about the subject, and wouldn't have needed to study so hard anymore for the subject, but all of these are what ifs and will never be reality. [Reader] had already spended most of there time on studying today, actually the entire day, without barely any breaks. He even skipped dinner (you can't skip dinner, you just can't end of discussion.) For this. They even had to decline there older brother for a quick soccer match. Lorenzo who witnessed all of the chaos his brother went and was going trough, had enough. He was ignored almost the entire day, he was declined to have a fun soccer match with him (ouch), and he even skipped dinner, the time where they both talk shit about his younger brothers classmates. No this was enough, [reader] had learned enough for the test, it's time for him to get some rest.
*Knock* *knock*
Looking at the person who knocked, a smile emerged on [reader]s face as they saw they're older brother. "C'mon smartass where watching a movie." He remarked while giving his younger brother a toothy grin, flexing his golden teeth in the process." Can't, still need to learn for this test."
[Reader] said with their smile slowly turning into frown, realization dawning on them again. With the quick wave of his hand and a small grin. "Dah, but you've been studying all day, it's time ya give those books a rest." He said with his iconic "dah" in his sentence. "Y'know I can't do that, I don't want to fail for this test. Snuffy will be disappointed in me" He answered back a frown still evident on his face. "So what, you already have perfect grades, and believe me Snuffy's not gonna get pissed just because of one bad grade. Or even if you failed all of you're classes, he still wouldn't care about that" Lorenzo said, his grin still on his face, there it was wide and proud. "No, I'm gonna stay here and study. End of discussion." Was the last thing reader said before continuing to read the book that he got from school. Leaving a slowly starting to get pissed of Lorenzo alone. He did not like that answer. Not one bit, so being the great brother he is...
He dragged him.
"LORENZO WHAT THE FUCK, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW." "Stop screaming, it's not gonna help with you're situation." Lorenzo had [reader] over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Yup only possible way to get you're younger brother to stop studying. (Snuffy downstairs like : 🧍‍♀️"I'm not dealing with that" *Sips out of a coffee mug*)
And so it continued, they continued bickering back and forth untill they reached Lorenzo's room, with a child over his shoulder, he opens the door of his room and dragged his brother inside. He placed him on a bean bag wich was right Infront of a large tv screen."I told you I'm not going to watch a movie." [Reader] snarked at the older one as they sat next to them, covering the both of them with a blanket and some squishys to stay warm with. "Oh c'mon, I even brough some snacks." Lorenzo said while magically popping out pop corn out of thin air. While having his stupid sly grin back. With a sulking aura surrounding the younger boy, they hesitantly gave up on trying to run away from Lorenzo, its impossible to get free out of his grasp. With a pout on [reader]s face they muttered out a small. "Fine"
Making Lorenzo completely thrilled and happy to spend some time again with his brother. "Sho wisht movie shoulds we wash?"Lorenzo asked while having a mouth full of popcorn. "Don't talk while having food in you're mouth idiot." Lorenzo just reacted back with opening his mouth and showing the disgusting horror of non-swallowed food, it's like he's a five year old child. "You're disgusting" [reader] remarked back with dotted eyes and a disgusted face.
The younger brother started to think wich movies they could watch. "Hmm, how 'bout.... Baby driver?" [Reader] said with an enthusiastic expression on their face. They saw an article online about the movie, it was a combination of a romance, comedy and action movie, sounds like a good movie right? "Eh sounds boring" Lorenzo said while still chomping away on the snacks, he should stop otherwise there isn't none left for me): . [Reader] looked at him again with dotted eyes. He didn't even know what the movies about and already though it's boring? "Alright then what kind of movie do you have in mind?" [Reader] said with a questioning expression on their face. Oh boy he shouldn't have asked. "How about..... The human centipede." That one horror movie everyone has been talking about. No thanks. "No, where not watching any horror movies."
"Aww, why not I always let you choose the movies ):"
"That's a lie, last week all we watched was what you chose."
"Yeah but that was last weak, this is this week"
"I haven't even chosen a movie yet"
"Me neither so I'm choosing"
"That doesn't make any sense!"
"Too bad so sad, where watching the purge"
The purge, aww c'mon, why always the horror movies? [Reader] though while silently sulking next to a very happy and enthusiastic Lorenzo, who seemingly was very satisfied with [readers]s defeat.
The movie just ended and [reader] was already asleep, resting their head against Lorenzo, Lorenzo silently gushed about how adorable his brother was. Its funny how they used to hate eachother. ( more like Lorenzo just being very petty) ever since snuffy adopted Lorenzo, he kinda excepted them to not get well with eachother, but after years. They really grew up to be great brothers, even if they weren't related.
The night ended, with [reader] resting his head on Lorenzo's shoulder asleep, while Lorenzo's head was resting on top of [readers] head while he was sleeping.
The both of them bathed in eachothers warmth.
★(smal) °•BONUS+--------------------
The clicking of a camera could be heard, and who was clicking this camera? The only proud father in the house, snuffy
"Just a few small fotos here and there"
Snuffy would mumble to himself while knowing damn well he's going to have an entire foto album of the two brothers who where currently sleeping.
Snuffy 🔛🔝 of being the best dad tho fr Lorenzo gives off laid back and chill older Brother vibes.
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lostquinn · 2 years
Purely circumstantial
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Fluff, fake dating
Summery - you and Connor have a fake relationship that you intend to end before you fall for a man that doesn't love you, however first you have to go through valentines day with him.
Let's ignore that it isn't valentines day, okay? Thank you thank you. Ugh I need more Connor gifs 😭
Word count - 1270
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Red hearts littered the Detroit City Police Department. Someone had decorated the office for valentines day. It was sweet that people decorated for each holiday without even asking for a thanks, it always made you smile.
You were sat at your desk, typing away about a case you were working on when a small bundle of red roses was dropped onto your lap. You looked up to see Connors bright eyes and smiled up at him.
"Morning Connor, happy valentines day,"
"Good morning," he paused for a moment. "Will you be my valentine?"
You grinned and nodded. From where you were, you could see Hank out of the corner of your eye and you could see Gavin in the reflection of Connors eyes.
The relationship wasn't real, the two of you had started fake dating a few months ago to get Hank and Gavin off your backs. Gavin would still sometimes bother you but Connor would act jealous and protective and make him back off.
Despite the relationship being completely fake, it was sweet to see Connor act as though he was madly in love with you.
"I can't wait to take you on a date later," the android grinned, his led a soft blue.
"Well, we have to wait until after work, Romeo," you smirked.
He leant down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Butterflies exploded in your stomach and a subtle blush spread across your face. You had to remind yourself it was all fake as he walked across the bullpen.
You cursed to yourself and picked the roses from your lap and put them on the desk. You remembered last time he got you roses when you cut yourself on the thorns and noticed he had removed them from this bouquet.
He was so perfect, he cared deeply about you but none of it was real. It was all just a ruse, neither of you really had feelings for each other. You decided you should break it off before things got too serious, you didn't want to actually fall for him if he didn't feel the same way. It was purely circumstantial.
He watched you from his desk, he had his head resting on his hand as he daydreamed about your date together. All he wanted was the day to end.
Hank shook his head at Connor, somewhat sick of Connors lost puppy behaviour lately.
"Why not go talk to them? Rather than ogling them from your desk," Hank grumbled.
"Because we are both working lieutenant, it would be highly inappropriate for me to halt our work,"
"Cause you're getting so much work done," Hank rolled his eyes.
Recently, Connor had been feeling differently about you. He noticed these feelings on Christmas but decided to push them aside, the relationship wasn't real.
He thought back to the kiss the two of you had shared moments ago and brought his hand up, his fingers traced his lips as he thought about yours, and the blush that was cast over your face.
"So you only got them flowers?" Hank raised an eyebrow at Connor.
"They like flowers, was I supposed to get something else?"
"It's a little bit different, you get them flowers every week. It's not going to be special."
Those final words echoed in Connors head and he paused for a moment, thinking of what to do. He decided he would treat you properly and stood up, swiftly leaving the police department.
You watched him leave then glanced over to Hank, concerned. The older gentleman merely shrugged.
Connor did not return for three hours. You had been worried about him, he left without Hank and without saying anything.
All worries were released when you saw him fighting to get back in the police department. He was battling an oversized teddy bear that wouldn't fit through the entrance easily.
Eventually, he made it through and basically ran to you, offering you a nice box of chocolates and the Teddy bear that was nearly as big as him.
You giggled and took the chocolates, putting them on your desk before he sat the bear on your lap. You could hear his laugh as he lifted the bear back off of you and put it in an empty chair.
"Where did you go?" You asked.
"I had some things to buy," he smiled.
"That took you three hours?"
"I couldnt think of the words to put in the card," he pouted and pulled a card from his pocket.
Connor didn't hand you the card, or even reach it out to you in the slightest. Instead, he extended his other hand for you to hold and pulled you up out of your seat. He led you through the police department to a room that hadn't been used for a while, it was full of desks for some reason.
He sat you down on a desk and turned the lights on, making you blink as your eyes had gotten use to the dark briefly.
The android stood in front of you, fiddling with his coin in one hand and holding the card shyly with the other hand.
His face flushed a deep blue as he held the card out to you. He had never acted like this around you before, you had never seen him blush before now.
You tore the red envelope open and pulled the card out. It was cute, a white background covered in red and pink hearts and had some cheesy line about valentines day on the front.
You glanced up at him before opening it and saw his beautiful eyes staring at you intensely, as if he was waiting for your next move.
As you opened the card, you saw his neat handwriting. His handwriting was perfect and covered the inside of the card. You began to read the card before he interrupted you with a groan and pulled it from your hands.
"It's stupid, dont worry about it," he urged.
"I want to read it," you reached for the card.
"No." He moved away.
You pounced on him to try and get the card and he fought you, pushing you back as he held the card out of reach.
Connor paused as you kissed him on the lips and you managed to get the card from him. He panicked, thinking to what he had written in the card and grabbed you by your wrists.
He gently pinned you to the wall with your hands above your head and pulled the card from your hands.
Your heart was beating so hard you swore he could hear it, but he was too worried about his thirium pump beating just as hard as he looked at you. The both of you began to blush deeply as you stared at each other unable to move.
"You dont need to read the card," he whispered.
"But what does it say?" You whispered back.
"Just that- I... I want this to be real"
You stared at him him shock, he had broken eye contact with his statement and seemed so nervous now, nothing like how he had been before.
"Do you... love me?" You continued to whisper.
He opened his mouth to talk but no words escaped, he could only nod.
"I love you Connor,"
"I love you too," he let go of your arms and wrapped his arms around you.
He held you in a tight hug, his face buried in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around him.
He began to mutter into your shoulder "will you be my valentine? For real this time?"
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cato616 · 1 year
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roman roy x fem reader
note: hey! so this is my first post so please be nice♡ (oh and english isn't my first language either so)
another note: i may confuse myself by saying me/I'm instead of you/your and such. my bad
• there's some original characters!! not from the show (Ernest, Liza, and Kate!)
summery: you've been living your life as local coffee shop owner and roman roy is trying to buy it from you just for its territory (for waystar's use) but of course you don't want to. Although having you say yes to his offer would mean him stop seeing you to convince you
warnings: well roman being a mean bitch, some spicy here and there(or at least not in part one) emotional backstory?
It's the usual afternoon for you. making some cappuccinos, macchiatos and so more for you costumers.
[your coffee shop it's somewhat successful, that local café in the area that everyone knows about; it's not very big but it is cozy, people like to stop by to chat with friends, work or study, or even just to be with their selves; they like it here, it's a nice safe space for them, and for you too]
"hey darling!" said your most frequent costumer, sweet old lonely Ernest, sitting on those individual seats by the counter, giving a warm smile. "hey Ernest how's the eye?" (Earnest was robbed last week and was hurt pretty bad, those fuckers hit him pretty hard, that poor old man) "oh!" he said while slightly touching the bruise like if he'd forgotten about it. "yes I suppose it's getting better" he smiled. "the usual?" you asked. "yes ma'am" he responded pointing his finger in the air like the good old man he is. you smile back and get to it.
while you get the coffee ready, you start observing your coffee shop, how nice it looks, friends chatting on one table, someone reading a book alone, and so everything seems good. You can't help but notice the sunshine coming in through your big windows. You realize how much you like your job, making people happy, 'cuz that what you see around you.
But there's a problem coming in trying to stop your dreams; and actually, that problem just walked right in.
you sigh when you notice roman roy coming in through the door. "what's wrong?" asked Ernest. "oh it's just roman who came in, i hate him." said to him while giving him his coffee with a concern look on your face. "roman roy yeah!... oh, roman roy" said Ernest disappointed. i nodded agreeing with his feeling at the situation.
"how's it going darling?" he said teasing me and then sitting next to Ernest by the counter as well. you didn't say anything, just standing there looking at him with more of a disgusted face. Ernest was still there drinking his coffee, looking at us without saying a word. "oh... so you're not in a moody today mhm? roman kept coming at me by making fake puppy eyes. he's just the usual bully. "you can be mean all you want, I'm not selling my coffee shop" said to him directly looking into his eyes. "mm-yeah well.." he seemed kind of defeated by that and so he avoided eye contact like when a child losses a game and wants to deny it. but he looks at me again with something on his mind "you know it's a lot of money right? you can immediately have some other coffee shop elsewhere, im sure of it, and i can even make it happen very fast, and well... we can make some modern arrangements" he said looking around the place like if it was fucking rats and trash here. "he has some points there dear" said Ernest, still there. "Ernest you're not his lawyer, respectfully, zip it" felt kinda bad saying that but my blood boils when roman roy is around. "yeah Ernest shut up!" he said laughing and then you stared at him annoyed. you can't shut up Ernest, only i can kind of stare.
"i won't bother you anymore darling I'll be on my way out" said Ernest. you followed him to the door to quickly apologize "oh yeah don't worry dear, he's a prick i know that" he smiles at you. "but i gotta tell you, he's been here a lot, they could've sent someone else after a while, but he still comes here... I'm not blind that's all". he smiles again and then leaves; you're standing next to the door confused at what he just said. you get back to the counter still processing what he meant, your face is zoned out. "cool battle scars the old man got" roman suddenly says, you sigh and close your eyes zoning back in. "yes, he was assaulted last week by some thieves" you responded in a serious tone. "ah wow, tough old guy".
You turned to him, wanted to get open with the guy and then finally said "i can't just leave this café and open some other one somewhere else" you said more relaxed, avoiding eye contact; there's some silence between you too, he doesn't answer, he's letting you open up. "I opened this place with someone else, someone special to me... they've got very sick until the end and, this place- this place was our dream since we were little kids, we built it together, i can't just close it and open some meaningless café two blocks away." you almost caught yourself crying, you haven't talk about this in a while. You're still waiting for a response but looking down at the floor, not wanting to look into his eyes, you didn't expect to share this with him.
"aw shit" you heard him whisper to himself; he started to bite his nails as he didn't know what to do next. You looked up to see him kind of anxious at the situation, but you didn't know why. "w-what?" you were still kind of emotional. "nothing i just gotta make a quick call you know... j-just roy family stuff." seems like both of you got tongue tied. You get confused as you see him rapidly leaving and seeing him outside speaking with someone on the phone, of course you suspect it's because of what you've shared just now.
He walked right back in and then very confidently walked straight to the counter and asked "hey so, do you mind maybe coming by my office?" he seemed pretty nervous asking the question. "n-now?" you asked, he got super annoyed again very fast, classy roman. "ugh yes whatever we can go now." he started to walk outside while looking at his phone, and you were just standing there not knowing what to do, until you noticed he was outside, and you weren't, so he started making gestures with his hands to make you come out already. Felt pretty pressured by his commands "um um... liza take over for a few hours, thank youuu" you said to you co-worker while taking your apron away and then sprinting outside to meet roman.
"nice finally you're out, so... go, get in the car" felt pretty awkward getting in there, you thought you were taking a walk down the office but now that you think about it, of course it wouldn't be like that.
you looked over the window watching all the big corporate buildings in the city; pretty amazing you thought, just enjoying the ride to the his office. However, you felt someone staring at you, but you didn't want to make it obvious and turn, you let roman stare at you while he was beside you the whole ride, you didn't seem to feel annoyed by it somehow, because it doesn't feel invasive, it feels somewhat different.
continue .⁠。⁠*⁠♡✧⁠*⁠。
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simplyclary · 11 months
You Never Go Out of Style: Some Personal Favorites from Taylor Zakhar Perez's Fashion Lookbook
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The idea for this post stemmed from a couple of lines that Alex said to Henry [via text] in Red, White and Royal Blue that goes "I hate the tie you're wearing in Vogue. It's so boring. What do you have against color anyway?", which I randomly commented something like "Okay, Mr. Fashionista".
This is a list [of sorts] of some of my favorite Taylor Zakhar Perez looks from past events (in no particular order) and a personal commentary.
Taylor surely knows how to rock every style possible, from the casual to the dressy to the preppy to the shirtless summer vibe. You name it, he'll most likely rock the heck out of it. He's the next fashion stunner that the fashion world has to look out for.
His photo above is just a little taste of what's to follow. I have to admit that this is one of the first photos I saw of him. He's wearing a simple ensemble composed of a white Prada tank top plus a cream button-down that is unbuttoned and black pants paired with a simple chain necklace and a couple of bracelets. His charisma was just oozing and therefore, I was immediately attracted to him.
Before I officially get into it, I would like to say that there'll be breakers in between each of the looks that will be mentioned to provide pauses. Some photos on here are also candid shots, but you take what you get, I guess.
I like to start off with a little heat (if you know, you know). Grab some water, get your snacks and enjoy.
Prada (Spring/Summer 2024 Menswear Show)-June 2023
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HOLY HOTNESS!! How do I even begin?? Like words are gone from me every single time I see this picture!! I can't even begin to describe what's going on other than the fact that Taylor looks extremely hot and chiseled. Like he's a Greek god come to life.
I would also like to add that he mentioned in the "Get Ready With Me" video for Vogue last September that this Prada show in Milan back in June was his FIRST fashion week. So imagine him stepping out of the car shirtless (even for a minute) during his first fashion week in the first month of summer is just unbelievable. Like jaws dropped and hearts fluttered (peep the audience behind him).
Outfit wise, no comment because what is there to comment other than the fact that he just made summer extra hot. Plus those colored shades and his accessory choices (a watch and a Prada necklace) was just matching the overall summery vibe. It's summer but make it designer.
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The black blazer is honestly giving me like rich guy vibes plus the green pants just adds a pop of color to not make the look simply ordinary. The necklace peering out of his collar just adds a little glimmer and the shades to protect his beautiful brown eyes from the summer sun is the little casual add-on that this dressy look needs.
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Man, Taylor really managed to pull off three looks this day and still managed to make them similar but different. Like I know nothing really changed because his green pants are still there but with the white tank top screamed fashionable summer. Also the way this photo was taken with the sunset behind him really made him stand out. I really like the contrast of the semi-dark background to his light outfit.
Again, considering that this was his FIRST fashion week, he already SLAYED and that's a sign that he will continue to do so in the events to come after.
Versace (Cruise 2024 Show)-March 2023
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Gosh, something about Taylor in an all-black ensemble just does something to me. Like he become 10x more attractive in my eyes (not that he isn't already). This photo simply screams rockstar or something like that.
I never thought a mesh tank top with leather pants is a combo that would work, but on him, it does actually work. Again, the contrast of a dark outfit and a light background works every well. The light green of the background with his dark ensemble just makes him pop out.
I would also like to add that his tousled hair with this outfit is a lovely combo. If his hair were pulled-up and he had no bangs, I think I wouldn't like it as much (or I would, who knows?) as I like his hair tousled. Also the pairing of his necklace with a couple of silver bracelets and a ring on one of his fingers just looks like little stars and comets in his night sky of an outfit.
Vogue World: London- September 2023
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Hello my prince!
This look, wow!! It's like he jumped out of the pages of a fairytale book. This look left me completely breathless. The white top (not buttoned all the way through) with the attached waistcoat and the flared trousers gives me the Victorian/Edwardian London era vibes which is fitting considering that this event took place in London.
Taylor looks every bit the royal prince in this ensemble. I am obsessed with his overall look. However, if I were to change something, I would change the color of the attached waistcoat to something darker (navy blue, maybe) so it's not white on white but that's just me.
I also love the fact that he was present in this event because Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, called him and that invitation alone means something special and bright for his future in the fashion world.
Disney, you better cast him as a prince right now or else....;)
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Of course, with Taylor, it's always multiple looks a night so for this silver-gray cropped top look he wore, I couldn't really say anything except that it was such a sparkling number which kind of contrasted the plain white top he wore in the earlier photo.
Add the fact that this top is cropped so a bit of midriff was shown but who am I to complain. Taylor is cut and fit anyway, so I won't say more than that. It was a good outfit choice to end a sparkling and star-studded night in London.
Ferrari (Spring/Summer 2024)-September 2023
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When I first saw this look, I screamed. And then I saw a comment on socials that said "Taylor Zakhar Perez in his Stephen Strange era" which made me scream even more because Doctor Strange is one of my most favorite Marvel characters.
To be honest, Taylor kind of pulled the reverse version of Doctor Strange because for those who do not know, Doctor Strange wears an all blue outfit with a red cloak. With Taylor's version, he pulled the reverse by having a dark red inner top with a navy blue [that's almost black] trench coat and pants. He kind of completed his version of Doctor Strange with his tousled dark locks and a bit of stubble.
He also gave me major Sherlock Holmes vibes with the trench coat which I honestly love.
Other than the fact that I completely disassociated, this look is something I can see many people wearing during the colder fall season. Like this look gives immense fall vibes to me, and Taylor flaunts it nicely, as always.
The Clooney Foundation Event-September 2023
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Oh my good heavens! This was a look that had me screaming and breathless at the same time. Before continuing, I want to say that I could also see this outfit as something Bruce Wayne would wear, which is funny because George Clooney played Batman.
Again, something about Taylor in an all-black ensemble does something to me. It just leaves me mesmerized. Add that he's sort of clean shaven here with his usual tousled hair. That is a perfect combination of a look for me. He's wearing a black Versace tank top underneath the coat and merely visualizing that gives me butterflies.
In other photos, his coat is unbuttoned and his tank top could be seen and also a little choker necklace around his neck that is so thin you could barely see it but yes, he was wearing like a dash of silver jewelry during this event.
Fun fact, he was supposed to wear like a brooch [that's like $35,000] but he broke it prior to the event. True ACD/TZP fashion, if you ask me.
Also, during this event, he was seated at the same table as Donatella Versace and Anne Hathaway so that speaks volumes.
Burberry (Spring/Summer 2024, London Fashion Week)-September 2023
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This look is giving very practical vibes. Like the trench coat that is almost like a raincoat over a plaid long sleeve is very practical especially during the ever changing weather in jolly, old England.
As usual, Taylor manages to pull it off in every way possible. Also, him being in London Fashion Week generated like the highest media value which is something else and I mean, who can blame the people?
This look is pure fashion and function, which I guess, is one way to simply put it.
Bullet Train Premiere-July 2022
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Nothing like a blue turtleneck to get me swooning. Taylor wore a light blue long-sleeved turtleneck paired with dark blue pants and a couple of black bracelets on his wrist to the Bullet Train premiere, which was his FIRST premiere night, to support one of his close friends and former co-star Joey King.
This is such a simple yet dashing ensemble, and I definitely swooned hard. Add that his hair was pulled up so he has no bangs in the way of his handsome face was just a good look.
I would like to add that he looks so good in blue. I mean, he looks good in every color in the world, but something about him in blue is just stunning to me.
Green Carpet Fashion Awards-March 2023
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Oh my, you have no idea how much I have fan-casted him as Rhysand or Azriel or Xaden Riorson in my mind just because of this photo. (If you have read the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas or Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros or at least, you have been seeing book content on socials, you'll know who I'm referring to).
Again with the all-black ensembles. I swear, give me Taylor in an all-black ensemble any day and I would just gush over it. But something that sets this apart from all his other all-black ensembles is the way it fits him.
His shirt and pants with the blazer is just cut close enough to his body that he looks magnificent and as if his clothes was molded from the night itself. Also, the clean shaven face and pulled back hair makes me want to respect him (I mean, I already do) like a High Lord from a fantasy novel or something.
Add the fact that he's seated and posing on a white settee is lovely because he looks like a shadow warrior in a land of snow and the contrast is just amazing to look at. He's like a painting almost so there's that.
International Woolmark Prize (IWP) Event-May 2023
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If you know Taylor, you know that he would not pass up on an opportunity to advocate about fashion sustainability. He could talk about that advocacy forever, and for good reason.
Earlier this year, he attended an event with The Woolmark Company and he wore a navy blue ensemble, which is composed of a white tank top and a striped navy blue button-down that is layered by a navy blue coat. He completed his look with black loafers and a pair of necklaces, which add a little shine to his outfit.
No more words to describe him other than charming and handsome.
London and Milan Street Style-September 2023
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This photo is just Taylor on a regular day crossing the street in London, but he makes it look like a fashion runway. Like he has a way of walking that could give actual models a run for their money, I'm not kidding.
Anyway, his outfit here is kind of not what I would personally pick but meh, I don't mind how it looks on him. I also just so happen to realize that the colors of his outfit (including his shoes, which are not shown in this photo), compliments each other. The orange details of his beige sheer top compliments the blue of his jacket and his blue pants compliments his orange and brown shoes.
With his shoes, I would have personally gone for sneakers but Taylor wanted to be comfortable, so he picked another pair of shoes instead. I would no longer question his fashion choices at this point. I guess the colors compliment each other so that's a plus. The touch of sparkle with his jewelry (he was wearing a choker necklace, a couple bracelets and a ring on his left index finger) and a touch of darkness with his watch is a bonus point in my book.
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This is a fan-taken photo and Taylor just casually posed in front of a leafy background yet it looks like something out of a magazine. I mean, he is photogenic in every possible angle, so yeah.
He was just giving super casual meetup with the fans vibe here. Like a black t-shirt with black joggers is the perfect casual outfit. He also added a pop of color to his dark ensemble by having a blue jacket wrapped around his shoulders, which just adds to the casualness of the overall outfit. Also the fact he was holding a book (it's "All The Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr) just warms my bookish heart.
This is probably one of his most casual outfits, like no designer anything, just plain tees and pants. It's an everyday outfit, I guess so I have nothing more to say about it.
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The unbuttoned shirt?? Do not get me started on it, please!
I cannot explain how many butterflies flutter in my chest every time I look at photos of him with his shirts unbuttoned. Like the hotness and charm that exudes from him is on another level.
This is the day after the Ferrari event [I think?] and Taylor went to the same spot where he met with some fans and the atmosphere became like a fan signing event and it was lovely to see.
Style-wise, this is one of my favorite Taylor looks because it's style and comfort, casual and preppy at the same time. The white top with the dark pants is the total opposite of what he wore in the photo before this which was dark on dark. This time, it was light on dark which is always a lovely contrast to see on him. Add the glints of gold and silver from his jewelry and you have a stunner right there.
The TZP Lookbook Ends Here.......Or Does It???
That is quite the plethora of photos to browse and indulge yourselves in. Fashion week is never over for this stylish stunner. Red carpet or not, Taylor Zakhar Perez will always find a way to flaunt his charming and unique sense of style that will always have fans' jaws dropping and hearts fluttering.
He is on the list of stylish people that fashion magazines should look out for, and dang, if his outfits in this year's numerous fashion weeks does not secure him an invite to future fashion weeks or the MET Gala 2024, I don't know what will. Inviting him to events is also a key to generating high media value, considering he kind of has the world in a chokehold recently, so there's that.
If you want more of TZP's fits and style, do not worry, the lookbook does not end here because there's going to be a sequel to this (like I pray that RWRB will have a sequel just so they could have the proper press tour and all that), but I'll leave you with this for now.
To officially end, I'll leave you by telling you to support Taylor's fashion sustainability advocacy and choose your fabric to own your style.
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fionahogarth · 2 months
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I got two of these pouches made up the other day. I'm really happy with how they've come out and how the print looks. The colours look really fresh and summery, so hopefully it isn't too much of a repeat of my other green prints. As usual they're up on Etsy here with my other pieces.
Next I'm planning on printing an older design in red and orange to break things up a bit, before I revisit some of my old squash designs for autumn. Then it might actually be time to print a few things for Christmas, as I always leave that too late and I'm trying out a couple of extra markets in October and December. I think I'll just print some more tea towels as I've got plenty of cards left from the last two years.
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mekachu04 · 13 days
Summer 2024 FanFiccies
I've finally got at least the first chapter up to all the WIPs I started in June/July
This is not the end-all be-all of how I decided, because if inspiration should pull me a different way i would be stupid to ignore it. and comments on the actual story count as like.. 5 votes
Fic Summery|Propaganda under Cut
-there might be spoilers
Magneteers - Luffy & Law need Kidd's help to salvage the P.Tang. Kidd needs their help to pull him out of his own breakdown when his crew dies in his arms
Adrift - Kidd & the Victoria Punk Klabautermann are alone at sea.
Southbound Hearts - Time Travel AU Devil Fruit Shenanigans has Law thrown back to his childhood, the last days of Corazon's life, set upon the sea on the other side of the world. He gets a glimpse of the childhoods of his contemporaries, and has a chance to pull them up and to save Corazon at the same time. But at the cost of the family still waiting for him in the North Blue.
Shenanigans - Bonney has a chance to give a few of the Kidd Pirates a chance to actually have a childhood, as well as getting back her own.
'Kid' Pirates - a devil fruit, a curse, a heartache for all around. Kidd & Killer are hit with a [redacted] inspired curse and Wire & Heat must step up to keep things running, and to keep their Captain and First mate from getting themselves killed in the meantime.
Nested Vault - Adrift, but instead of Schrödinger's cat!Killer, the first mate is very much alive. And a child, compliments of a last ditch effort of the Victoria Punk Klabautermann t save her family. Except he might not be Killer. Or might not just be Killer.
Doldrum - Find the One Piece, become the Pirate King - or die trying. Right? That's been the manta Kidd's whole life. Problem is, the people that care about him kind of want him to stick around -Pirate King or not.
8 days to rally - Killer is still not okay, even after being reunited with his Captain in Wano. And it might take him a lot longer than Kidd realizes to be okay, if he ever gets there at all.
Reposed Rebellions - 90's Rural|Western Coming of Age AU. Sometimes in your face rebellion isn't an option. So you have to find the other ways to do it. A story focusing on Kidd & Killer, and their friend Victoria, Heat & Wire, misfits all, trying to figure out themselves in the back country of the American West. Featuring the Victora Punk as a yellow Datsun 620 (aka a 4 hooker Lil'Hustler)
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
hey dude, it’s good to finally find someone who does tmr male!readers agshdhs
please could I request a Newt x male!reader fic/some headcanons, set after death cure with the alternate ending where he’s okay? Him and the reader were in the glade together and have been inseparable since. But in that time they’ve had An Unspoken Thing between them and getting settled in the Safe Haven made them finally feel comfortable enough to fess up their feelings for each other (I’m a massive sucker for mlm slow burn and mutual pining,,,)
don’t feel pressured to take this on btw! just thought I’d shoot my shot, and I hope all is well with you x
Yanno it's actually kinda mad that this isn't the first time that someone has said they struggle to find TMR writers who write for mlm relationships. Yanno, since there are literally only two women in the main group for the entire franchise.
And James Dashner has only ever confirmed one character's sexuality.
Which is Newt. Who is gay.
Anyway, I'm more than happy to write for Newt. I'm also more than happy to pretend he's still alive. (RIP Newt.)
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SUMMERY: See above. AU where Newt's immune and survived the Flare.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, dumb anxious gays, long term feelings, end of a slow burn, like one sex joke.
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Newt's your best friend.
You've been through thick and thin together. From living through and surviving the Maze, to escaping and surviving the Scorch, to taking down WICKED and making it to the Safe Haven.
It's been a rough few years, but you're safe now. Like, you're actually safe now.
You and Newt had always been close. Closer than the other Gladers had been and you can normally be found going about your tasks together. Newt actually started spending his time as a Track-hoe because that was your job- and it meant he got to spend more time with you.
The other boys have always suspected something more between the pair of you. Especially Minho, who is basically your number one fan.
He'd actually be heartbroken if you guys never got together.
But now there's really no reason for you to not be together. With the dangers and the life-threatening scenarios and the hellish world the Solar Flares created behind you- you're just kind of avoiding the topic.
Part of you really doesn't want to mess up your friendship with Newt if you say something (despite Minho constantly telling you he's in love with you.) And you're also scared.
You've got plenty of friends. The survivors of the Glade, even Gally, are all incredibly close, with the additions of Brenda, Jorge, Aris and some girls from Group B.
But romantic relationships? That's different. None of you have ever experienced romantic situations, apart from Thomas, which is now kind of awkward because you're all starting adulthood. It's scary.
"You're killing me, man" Minho complains, lying across a bench like the dramatic little shit he is, after having yet another conversation with you about Newt. "Just ask him- go on a date, tell him you love him, go spend some time in your hut- though make sure to get consent."
"Minho," you glare at him, "gross."
"What?" He leans up, resting on his elbows. "It's not like I'm wrong."
You sigh, rolling your eyes at the boy.
"Yanno, if you guys would just actually get together than I wouldn't have anything to talk to either of you about. It's kinda boring here."
"It's peaceful," you argue, "you're just used to daily suicide missions."
"Uh, sorry for tryna get your buggin' ass outta the Maze- but it sure does get ya blood pumpin'. Who doesn't love a good workout?" You scoff at him, and he sits up, letting his hands drop between his legs. "Look, talk to him. Please, for the love of everyone here- shuckin' talk to the man. I've been watching this klunk for so long I'm gonna ask Newt out if you don't grow some balls and get it over with."
"Don't you dare," he fakes a gasp, putting his hand to his chest.
"You do it, then."
You grumble, but Minho is right.
So, you stand up, deciding to go and find Newt. Which, for the first time ever, is weirdly difficult.
He's absolutely no where to be seen.
You ask Thomas, then Gally, Sonya, Aris, Jorge, even Vince.
Eventually, you spot Newt sitting in the sand, his trouser rolled up with his feet in the water, seemingly enjoying a moment away from everyone.
For some reason, watching the blond throw his head back and take a deep breath makes you think of your time with him.
Like when you'd share meals in the Glade, or when he'd be particularly stressed and you'd go for a walk and chill at the small lake in the Deadheads.
Or that one time he thought it'd be funny to make you jump and you elbowed him so hard he cracked a rib. You both got lectured by Jeff.
Or when Gally was building something and a wooden board fell back and smacked him square in the face. You and Newt were basically crying laughing as you toppled over each other. Gally was salty for weeks.
Or when in the Scorch when you fought over a battle of water, which got spilt and you both had to run away from a homicidal Minho. Which is potentially the most terrifying experience you've ever had. He was the Keeper of the Runners for a reason, even on sand.
There weren't many happy or funny moments from your life as you remember it, but the ones you do have, all have Newt in them.
He means the world to you.
You couldn't imagine your life without him. I mean, thank God you all survived and are all immune to the Flare, right?
You suck in a deep breath, making your way over to him.
"Hey," you say, sitting next to him.
"Hey," he responds, "just the guy I've been looking for."
It's not like you're completely oblivious to his attraction to you, but you are completely unaware of Newt's deep feelings for you.
He's had a crush on you ever since you came up in the Box. Everyone knew about it- Alby used to even jump in with the teasing sometimes. There's been several moments that Newt has wanted to confess, and completely pussied out last minute.
But, after being pressured by everyone, he feels like it's about time he says something.
You scoff. "You've been looking for me?"
"Yeah, but I couldn't find you for the life of me- the shuck have you been?"
You laugh, shaking your head at the irony. "Looking for you, actually."
"Oh." He blinks before snorting. "Great minds think alike, eh?"
"Yeah, I guess- look, I need to talk to you."
"I need to talk to you, too, actually." He clears his throat.
"Okay, uh, you wanna go first?"
"I mean, you can go first, if you want?"
"No no, it's fine- you go first."
"You sure? I mean you can-"
"I'm sure." You're going to be here all day if you can't actually decide who's speaking.
"Okay," he shifts, moving his legs from in front of him and crossing his legs instead. "I'm just gonna say it. I think we should be a couple."
You blink at him. He said that with so little emotion it's almost funny.
"I like you, dude- and if Minho is anything to go off, you like me too. At least, I hope so."
You blankly look at him, which clearly makes him uncomfortable. "You do like dudes, right?" He says after a very awkward pause, realising you've never actually had that conversation.
"Yes," you confirm, before laughing.
"Shuck it, this is dumb," he rubs his face. "What were you gonna say?"
"I was actually gonna ask you the same thing," you say in between chuckles.
He shifts slightly, turning so he can face you better. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you hesitate for a moment, "I really like you, Newt- I always have but I never said anything 'cause, yanno, we were tryna not die."
He snorts. "Yeah, I get that." He pauses again, clearly uncertain. "So... do you wanna be boyfriends, then?"
You grin. "Yeah, let's be boyfriends."
"Cool," he lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He's finally got a boyfriend- and it's you.
What a brilliant combination.
"Should we, uh, kiss?" You try to repress a smirk as the boy visibly cringes at his own question.
"Do you want to?" You ask.
"Yes," it's the first time in the whole conversation he's actually sounded certain of something.
"Okay, then." You spin more to face him, both of you awkwardly looking at each other for a moment before you eventually lean in.
Newt hesitates, but closes the gap, resulting in a memorable first kiss for the pair of you. It's a peck, then you reconnected, struggling to find a fitting rhythm.
The kiss is sweet and full of love, and it makes your skin tingle and your brain go fuzzy.
Until Minho's voice cuts through the Glade.
"Yes! Shucking finally! Thomas!" He shouts. "Yo! Where's Thomas? He owes me his stew for a week!"
You break away, watching the boy scurry off to find your friend.
You and Newt glance at each other before breaking into a fit of laughter, both of you calming down and then cracking up again when you make eye contact.
Newt looks beautiful when he laughs.
And now you get to experience it even more.
Because he's your boyfriend. And you're his.
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Two requests in a day? That's unheard of from me. I'm back on my grind today.
In all seriousness, I am happy to be providing some much needed mlm Newt content because I'm sick to death of people ignoring his sexuality.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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While I really fucking hate the m.w3 reboot story, I think trying to frame U.rzikstan is really fucking stupid with everything we know about M.akarov and isn't really furthering his goals I do want to just give a link to what I use for my m.w3 cannon with a summery for those that don't what to watch an hr long video of mainly cutscenes. [link]
All it is is a re-structuring of the story to make it less bad, so the major events are the same they just happen at different points.
Fat has been trimmed a lot of the "open combat missions" really aren't important to the story. The important bits are:
Game opens: 2019 S.oap and Pr.ice catch M.akarov and put him in custody after his terrorist attack at the V.erdansk stadium and subsequent bombing of the airport. S.oap wants to kill him there, P.rice stops him with S.heperd promising he won't get out.
4 years later you get the prisoner escape mission where M.akarov gets broken out, P.rice gets word and turns back from whatever mission they were on.
M.akarov steals F.arah's missiles gifted to her by general S.heperd and S.hadow C.ompany combining them with N.ova 6 gas to make chemical warheads. F.arah puts trackers on them so that they know where they're going.
F.arah tells price shes been working with S.hadow C.ompany and S.heperd to get those missiles and he reluctantly agrees to help her leading to finding one of the missiles and exploding it inside the silo. no bombs hit the A.rkov base.
M.akarov bombs a Russian plane framing the U.rzikstan freedom fighters for the attack.
Scene from 2019 where F.arah's forces are now a terrorist organization, because the U.S cannot risk going to war with Russia right now and they have no proof on M.akarov at the moment.
L.aswell goes to N.ikolai to get in contact with her man on the inside Y.uri after the bombing of the base to try and get intel on what M.akarov is doing next.
This leads to the prisoner scene where they get S.heperd from M.akarov and learn his next target at the cost of not killing him and instead letting him go to court. S.heperd still lies about giving M.akarov intel.
They now know M.akarov is planning on blowing up the L.ondon metro and head there to listen to the hackers phone call and track a man back to where the bomb might be in the tunnels.
Breach the tunnels. Find bomb. Change it to S.oap and G.host disarming the bomb, since the last game spent the entire time developing their relationship. S.oap still dies, G.host has more to say about it, but bomb gets disarmed.
They spread S.oap's ashes.
Cut to the courtroom where S.heperd lies about what happened in M.w2 reboot thus giving P.rice a motive to kill him for revenge in combination with being denied a positive ID on if M.akarov was dead or not in an earlier mission. P.rice kills S.heperd, roll credits.
After credits scene is where M.akarov is talking to his forces, but it's being re-framed in a way that sets up that his goals are to start w.w3 thus actually setting up a m.w4.
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certifiednatelover · 6 months
Seeing stars-C.Sturniolo PART 1!
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Songs that i recommend listening to while reading this series:
Where is my mind?-pixies
Runaway-lil peep
No more tears- Ozzy Osborne
Warnings:NSFW. If you are a minor or are uncomfortable with this topic DNI! Some angst? Fluff at the end! Lots of dialog. use of Y/n.
Any disrespect and bullying towards me or my followers/readers will be BLOCKED!
English isn't my first language so I'm sorry in advance if my spelling+grammer isn't good!
no proofread!
Y/n: Red
Chris: Orange
Nick: Purple
Matt: Blue
Olivia: Green
Others: Pink
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Summery: Y/n fall's in love with the schools biggest player, Chris Sturniolo. But what happens when he falls harder?
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Chris's POV:
My phone rang for the 100th time today; Olivia's been bombarding me with questions about why I didn't go to her sweet 16. I open up one of her voice messages and I cringe as soon as I hear her high-pitched voice.
"Hey, bub. Why didn't you come to my birthday? I picked out an outfit just for you and you didn't come!"
God, that voice made me want to drive Matt's car off a bridge. I never understood why I chose Olivia. Hell, I could have any girl I want from our so-called "school" and I chose her. All the guys in my grade are drooling over her but oh, Jesus, they should run 1000 miles away from that woman.
I opened one message after another and they where all the same, some of them saying "you'll never find someone like me" and some "please come, I miss you, hun". Miss me my ass. The last time she missed me was when she was drunk at a club and she needed me to drive her back home.
y/n's POV:
School has never been on my list of favourite things. Its probably the opposite. I put on one of my old band shirts and some baggy shorts. I'm not poor but I'm not necessarily rich, My parents work aboard a lot so I get the apartment to myself for months on end.
There are multiple groups in my school, I'll name them out for you.
1: Band kids
2: The stanley obsessed kids
3: The lacrosse players
4: Goths
5: Academically smart people
Yeah, that cliché shit. I'm one of the "band kids". Our school doesn’t really have bullying but we have DRAMA. Lots and lots of it, actually, It's mostly the Stanley obsessed kids and the lacrosse players that start it. I think you can guess what type of drama it is:
"Oh my God, Elijah, you totally just ruined my stanley!"
"Alex, let me wear your jersey!"
Yep, We have THOSE types of girls. God they annoy the FUCK out of me. Especially Olivia, all she does is pop a tit and she get anything she wants from her boyfriend Chris. Ewewewew.
I walked into the school building and I could already smell the odor from the bathrooms and changing rooms, I took one whiff of the school air and I felt nauseous. My friends walked up to me and I already mentally prepared myself for some useless yapping about them breaking their guitar strings and the gig we have next week. I gazed across the hall and spotted none other then The Chris Sturniolo making out with his "girlfriend" Olivia. I wrinkled my nose and looked away, I really didn't need to see the person I loved the most making out with the person I loathed, especially at 7 in the morning. Bloody hell, they should get a room, Honestly, it's embarrassing.
"Yo, y/n, you going to the gig this weekend? We desperately need a lead guitarist since Griffin fell sick".
I turned around as soon as i heard that familiar voice. I looked up and saw my closest friend Jett, we've been friends since K-garden and we both have a love for music. That's basically how we bonded, we're both 17 and hate Olivia.
"yuh i'll be there. send me the adress-"
I get cut off by Olivia screaming at chris about something.
"well yeah, you've been annoying me all week and I'm sick of your bullshit, your a homophobic little bitch and I'm finished with your BS"
"I'm not going with you Olivia, you've bullied my brother for being gay and thats unacceptable. I'm disgusted by how I've always sided with you and lost multiple friends because of you. we're over"
Chris glanced at me as he walked off and i gave him a small smile, knowing that i'll see i'm english again due to him not being with Olivia in the janitors closet during 2 and 3rd period. Me and Jett walked to homeroom in a comfortable silence as Olivia stormed off into the janitors closet to cry or to call her father to pick her up.
an hour and a half until the next gig. I sit down next to Chris's seat in English while fiddling with my guitar pick, waiting for class to start. Suddenly, I hear the door open and Chris steps inside for the first time this semester. I look him up and down and smile to myself, knowing damn well he won't have a clue on what we're doing in class.
He sits down next to me and raises an eyebrow when i quickly look away.
"You've never had an attractive boy sit down next to you?"
Holy shit his cockiness is sickening.
"I've seen far more attractive boys at gigs. Sorry if that bruises your ego."
I mutter as I turn to page 25 of my book and start reading the page.
"Oh come on. I bet you haven’t seen much. I'm the most attractive guy at school. You gotta admit that I AM a bit attractive"
I scoff and put my headphones on. God he was so obnoxiously cute it was sickening, I couldn't help but smile as he pouted and opened his book. He had a mix of confusion and flipped through a few pages of the book "private peaceful" with the look of pure shock displayed on his face. He tapped on my shoulder and whined,
"hey pleaseee help me with this work. I don't know ANYTHING about this book and we have a whole book report to write about this book. I'll pay you back!"
I groaned and reluctantly put my headphones off, glancing at the book and then back at him.
"how much you talkin'?"
I raised an eyebrow as be pondered on the price of my "tutoring".
"I'll pay you fifty bucks if you tell me about the book and one hundred if you write the book report for me"
My eyes widened as I head the price, I looked up at him with a confused expression.
I suddenly slap my hand to my mouth, embarrassed that those words slipped out of my mouth. He turns a deep shade of red and i instantly feel stupid for asking him. Of course he was rich. He was a bloody lacrosse player.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn’t have said that. You don't have to reply."
God I was so embarrassing. His gaze softened and looked down at me, smiling at me he told me:
"I guess my parents make a lot of money. Don't worry, you're not embarrassing. I'll give you my number. Call me this evening. I'd like to get to know you."
I look at him with a expression of pure shock and type is number into my phone while the bell rings, signalling the end of class.
Chris's POV:
"I guess my parents make a lot of money. Don't worry, you're not embarrassing. I'll give you my number. Call me this evening. I'd like to get to know you."
I chuckle as she looks up at me with a shocked expression. I really liked her vibe. After Olivia created a whole situation with me breaking up with her, I wanted to find a new female friend. Y/n had the vibe i've been looking for all this time.
Yours truly, R.A.Y.Č.E.K☆🍓𖦹🍒𖦹☆
taglist: @tillies33ssss @bazooka-cazooka @christhopersturniolo
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gaymer-hag-stan · 9 months
The year is almost over, so I believe this is the perfect time for a song recap!
The girlies have been pretty busy this year as we have songs in Korean, English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese!
•Hur Young Ji's "L.O.V.E.", from her digital single album, "Toi Toi Toi"
I still haven't figured out why DSP thinks that's how her family name is spelled in English, but Youngji's (third) solo debut was by far my favourite re-release of TAEYEON's "Weekend" this year! I love the colours, I love her hair, the looks and I even like her Bora-esque talk-rap segment after the first chorus!
•SUNMI's "STRANGER", from her digital single album of the same name
Sunmi has mastered the art of delivering gorgeous MVs and visuals, that's for sure, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a bit disappointed. I like the instrumental she used for the chorus, and since it was the segment playing in the teasers as well, I thought she was gonna give us "Tim Burton movie OST realness", and she did... But then she went and mixed in a completely different instrumental for her verses and bridge and another one for the pre-chorus. Girl why 😭
•TAEYEON's "To. X", from her mini-album of the same name
Taeyeon is continuing her reign as the queen of second gen with her moody breakup songs and I wouldn't expect anything less from her. Not her strongest effort yet, but still fun to listen to.
•HYOLYN's digital single, "This Love" (feat. Random Guy No. 8)
Hyolyn is the queen of cunt, but it's still a nice change of pace when she releases cutesier / less sexy songs. The guy being a dog in the MV was a hilarious twist too!
•Sandara Park's "Festival", from her self-titled digital mini album
Dara finally released the mini she has been teasing for a while now and had her solo comeback after FOURTEEN years! I hope this isn't a one time thing and she actually releases more music. She may not be the strongest vocalist, but Dara was always an idol's idol like, she would do the 2NE1 choreos while looking gorgeous and serving face and smiles so solo projects like this re-release of TAEYEON's "Weekend" are the perfect chance to showcase more "stereotypical", if you will, K-pop visuals and concepts that we wouldn't really get out of 2NE1. And she even got Uhm Jung-hwa, one of her own idols, to cameo on the MV, sampled her song for this comeback, and got to guest at her concert! Way to go Dara!
•HYO's digital single, "Picture"
A solid release from our resident DJ, although I still think her early works and the unhinged "DESSERT" haven't been topped yet. At least it wasn't "Second", I HATED Second.
•SoYou's "ALOHA" (feat. Bora), from her mini-album, "Summer Recipe"
Soyou giving us "Queen of summer"! YES! This is definitely among my favourite releases this year. It's catchy, it's summery, it's dancey and she's SANGING as usual. The fact that she even got Bora to do the most unhinged 3 second rap of her career for this is iconic! A bit disappointed she's not in the video but I guess maybe appearing for just 3scs wasn't worth it... Still curious how Hyolyn convinced her to do just that for the upcoming SISTAR19 comeback. Maybe she promised her she'll sing as much as Dasom did for "Summer or Summer"?
Also, you know what I was thinking?
This is probably delusions of a senile homosexual, but having a SISTAR19 comeback in the middle of winter is weird. I know Hyolyn did previously release a summer-themed Christmas song but... What if this is a prelude for a SISTAR full group comeback..? Think about it!
•Park Bom's digital single, "I" (feat. A Victorian Era Ghost)
Yes Bommie! This was BEAUTIFUL 😍❤️! I love that she seems to have regained control of her voice in her recent releases? In the years after her comeback with Dara her singing sounded a little... Off? But since last year she seems to be back on track! She even actually got to appear in her own MV this time, I'm so happy!
•Jessica's "BEEP BEEP", from her mini-album of the same name
Okay, this is definitely my favourite song of hers so far like... Yeah, this was the third version of "Weekend" for the year but I don't even care, she nailed it. It's fun, it's cute and she SINGS her ass off. Yass cunt!
Now PLEASE release something more dancey and edgy, bitch..! I'm still not over that one performance of "How Deep Is Your Love" where she was serving c word all those years ago but then NEVER released anything remotely close to that like... what gives girl??
•SoYou's "Digital Single That Doesn't feature Bora"
Soyou had another release this year before her summer comeback that didn't get as much publicity. It's a much more mellow song and not cunty but she gets to showcase her voice and it's a nice song to listen to.
•Nicole's digital single, "Mysterious"
Okay, this I think might be my favourite song overall this year! Nicole picked up on the "YOU.F.O." and, of course, "MOVE AGAIN" momentum from last year and she definitely delivered! She is so mother in this it's insane. Gotta love that bass!
•Nicole's physical single, "Selfish"
And she continued with a Japanese comeback this time! It even charted decently in Japan, like top 20, I think? So girl SLAYED! Glad to see they still got it with Japan. Amazing.
•Amber Liu's digital single, "No More Sad Songs"
A good song from miss Amber. I think her Chinese fans must have liked it too because she also released a Mandarin version. Definitely her best out of the ones she released this year although, if I'm 100% honest, Amber's music is kind of middle of the road for me? It's not bad, it's not amazing, it's just okay. Good for her that she's still at it and doing her thing though.
•Raina's digital single, "The Way We Were"
Raina is back girlies! Glad to see she's still representing the After School girlies in the music scene as she's the only one still releasing music here and then. Luckily, this time she didn't have to resort to collabing with Trash E for this song!
•Amber Liu's digital single, "hatemyself"
Okay, this one is the darkest of her songs yet and, for real, I know everyone has been dragging Amber through filth ever since that stupid pro-cops comment she made, and she definitely deserved the backlash for that, but it did get pretty ridiculous after that like, I can't help but feel for her. She wasn't my favourite f(x) member, her solo music is not my favourite either but I do genuinely hope she is okay?
•NARSHA's digital single, "BLUSH"
Okay so, at first I was like "Is this bitch really making her first solo release in thirteen years a ballad?" But then she released "GAME" so the balance of nature was restored, but other than that this song genuinely did grow on me. It's a nice song and it really fits her voice and breathy singing style.
•Meng Jia's "KNOCKOUT", from her mini-album, "JIALAND"
So, Jia seemingly decided to release the most UNHINGED song of hers yet this year. The production is messy but in a "so messy it's good" type of way. The red hair was a serve and this was a very fun song. Except that weird change at the very end, what the fuck was that for? Someone deserves to get fired for that, she should change producers.
•NARSHA's digital single, "GAME"
I want to once again publicly apologize for ever doubting mother. This was a song for the ladies and the gays only and I know and love that she 100% knows it herself and owns this fact. BEG are among the cuntresses in the K-pop industry that actively and openly acknowledge their LGBT fanbase and regularly release songs about female empowerment and feminism in a non-performative and genuine way, so this was definitely a gift for us and I love her for that.
If you will indulge my delusions for a second time, I'd like to think that, like SISTAR, those OG hags are cooking up some new group music and Narsha's very unexpected comeback is a prelude to the group's.
•Nicole's "Gravity", from her single album of the same name
This is definitely not as strong as the other two releases this year but it doesn't matter because we shouldn't be greedy and it's still a fun song so it's all well. Bold move to release a summer song way out of season again too.
•Jea's digital single, "Congratulations to You"
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This is a very sweet song honestly. JeA said she wrote this all the way back in 2010, I think, as a means to cheer up herself for all the things she had already accomplished and her future self if she was ever feeling like she wasn't doing enough. I think she also said she had been singing it live regularly whenever she was performing, she did have a solo concert either late last year or very early this year, if I'm not mistaken, and she decided it was time to release it properly.
My only minor complaint is that the "be happy day to you" part kind of takes me out of the sentimental moment 😅😭 I know nonsensical English is the bread and butter of K-pop, and I will forever be grateful for lyrics like "I'm so bad girl I'm so cool girl I'm so sexy sexy sexy girl" or "fire in the hole when you touch me down there I'm not feeling very well so hot in down there" or "kiss me baby I'll must be stay here day by day" but for such a personal and sentimental song she maybe should have had someone double check it, just this once 🤣
•Wang Fei-fei's digital single, "Distance"
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Fei seemingly decided that she should give the others a chance and not serve cunt, not mother, but take it slower and chiller instead this year. A good effort, but I had come to expect a bit more from her if I'm being honest.
Below you can find the full Spotify playlist. Enjoy!
Some honourable mentions:
~Whatever that short snippet that HyunA released is supposed to be, it's amazing! She also did it for the gays and the girls and I genuinely hope she revamps it into a full song and releases it because it's currently not available to stream anywhere, other than the performance video on YouTube of course.
~Various project and cover songs: Taeyeon and Naul's "Nights Into Days", Bom's cover of a 90s song, "Holding On to the End of This Night", Hyolyn's cover of a Chinese TikTok song, "Fizzled", and JeA's "Rainy Day" for the Yaoki Project.
~Some b-sides from Taeyeon's mini worth checking out: "All For Nothing", "Fabulous" and "Nightmare"
~Jessica's collab with Amber, "Get It? Got It? Good"
~Hyolyn remembering to fulfill her cunty quota for the year and releasing a performance video for "BODY TALK", one of the b-sides from last year's mini.
~Although she said "No More Sad Songs", Amber went and immediately released three more. "hatemyself" was the better of the three, but she also did "Can't Go Yet" and "ILY".
~Jia's "GOOD GOOD LOVE" from her "JIALAND" EP and another song she silent-dropped a few days ago, "Starlight".
No T-ara reps at all this year as they were all real busy playing golf... I HATE THEM 🤬😭
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