magioffire · 2 years
Why does Vali hate bread?
grass never evolved on beatha (most ground cover is made up of moss and lichen, ferns, horsetails and other low lying shrubs) so the inhabitants dont have the ability to break down gluten and the other products of grain. bread/wheat/grain products would likely just make a dokkalfar sick
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blackparaderunner · 2 years
"Oh, I see. Just another grouchy old man yelling at clouds. My family is full of them." (Hades, for Gramps)
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"Oh look someone stepping into somewhere they have no place being. Shouldn't you be out living under a rock somewhere?"
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
"I didn’t steal your boyfriend, he came with me willingly." (Jag)
"You're going to need to be MUCH more specific about what young man you mean from around here. In any case, no matter to me---there's always more where that came from. Bit annoying, really, to be quite frank." @thinnyhopper
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a-byronic-heroine · 2 years
@thinnyhopper asked: ❝  You’ve got quite the mean streak in you,  haven’t you?  I’m impressed.  ❞ (Hades)
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Kly glanced over at the man in question from the corner of her eye. “I wouldn’t have lived very long if I didn’t.” Life in the political sphere of the Aen Elle was treacherous. Especially when you were less concerned with keeping others happy and more concerned with getting shit done the way you wanted. “I’m impressed with you as well. Your tormenting of the humans is quite entertaining.”
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familyoftwo · 3 years
It was late at night. Most of the castle was asleep when the prince slipped out of his room carrying a bag. He knew the best ways, the empty halls, how to not past anyone when going outside, and he kept to those ways tonight. Sneaking out of the castle and to his usual way through the wall, and no one had spotted him. Once outside the wall, Lucas turned and looked at the castle, almost like he was regretting his choice, but with a deep sigh he turned, determined to leave.
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He walked for the whole night, deciding to rest as the sun started to rise. Sitting down on a log he started to dig through his bag, looking for some of the food  he’d managed to pack.
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capeshifters · 3 years
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@thinnyhopper​  Lilah and Hades 
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She rarely was herself when going around, since it was possible were that someone saw her, But now she had on idea anyone else was here. Since it was a hot day she wanted to take a dip in the cold pond, but before she could do anything she heard a noise. 
“Not a step closer unless you wish to be turned to a nug”
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malkavian-shrink · 2 years
❛ i’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t distract me. ❜ (Bayek)
"What, poor little Irres? He'd never~"
The genuine surprize and innocence that was paired with that phrase, of course, came to stark contrast to the man in question currently hanging upside down from the old chandelier and playing the Kreutzer sonata three octaves higher than the scale it was written.
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Va-Va Voldemort (a shot of vanilla vodka, a sprig of mint, and a pinch of Venomous Tentacula)
As it does not seem as though I am actually an ingredient in this concoction, I will accept. It might actually be good.
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botanyandbrilliance · 3 years
The ad in the town paper was short and sweet, though there was really nothing to differentiate it from the usual snake oil salesman ads.
“Feeling a bit under the weather? Visit the greenhouse and speak to the proprietress. There’s bound to be a cure for what ails you.”
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eritvita · 2 years
❛  The queen is not at all pleased about any of this.  ❜ (Lennie, running from bees)
He laughs in high nervousness, seeking shelter behind a pillar in the ancient castle’s courtyard. A shattered ball, a cacophony of shrieking persons so high like the sounds of panicked birds, and the angry buzz of a dozen swarming bees ... !
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“Perchance shouldst I speak with her,” mentions he, low-voiced, cautious of the sound of his vibrating Throat. He wags a finger. “Canst I do this Thing. Perchance couldst I soothe her, or tender her onto another bauble for quiet nesting somewhere far Gone.”
assassin’s apprentice.
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blackparaderunner · 2 years
"You are the supreme god of everything?" Elric snorted. "We are all doomed." (for Gramps)
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"Oh I'm sorry. Where's the part where I'm supposed to give a damn?" Rolling his eyes he just sighed at the latest intrusion.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
“That’s not a baby, that’s a dog, you fucking idiot!” (Samson)
"Nonsense. Dogs are loyal and obedient and good at what they were bred for not to mentioned typically housetrained, that hairless rat is NONE of those things. It's absolutely closer to a baby than a dog."
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musamulta-arc · 2 years
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@thinnyhopper​ liked for a Marie starter!
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“I hunt, that is my job. I will not hear anything about how men make better hunters. I could track circles around most I’ve met.” The woman’s English was a bit halting, French accent heavy. She didn’t know if he’d been planning on saying anything about it or not, it was more of a kneejerk response from her, at this point.
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a-byronic-heroine · 2 years
@thinnyhopper asked: ‘ PATCH. ‘ Hades has an old wound in his shoulder, from when Heracles shot him with a poisoned arrow. A piece of the arrowhead broke off in his collarbone and still remains.
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The Aen Elle gripped the Isu’s shoulder above the wound. She let her magic seep into his skin, blocking his nerves from registering anywhere around her grip on him. He wouldn’t be able to feel the old wound or what she was doing to it. The shard off the poisoned weapon was deep. It would be better if he didn’t squirm around in discomfort while she tried to get it out.
“Hold still,” she ordered as she picked up the sanitized knife and cut the injury further open. “Still no pain, right?”
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thirstforvitae · 2 years
❛ i don’t mean to be rude, but this is not as easy as it looks. ❜ (Lord Jagged of Canaria, because what is angst without a bit of jealousy over Samson? XD )
Orsino raised his gaze from the book he was too preoccupied reading and looked at Lord Jagged quizzically. The blonde enigmatic man had been in the library for quite a while, if his leisurly pose on the couch was any indication, and maybe he'd been talking to him for a while too, but for the life of him he hadn't heard any of it, except that last sentence -and, as a result, he had no idea what Lord Jagged was talking about.
"What is not easy?"
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redemptioninchaos · 3 years
The Koehlanna intelligence network informed Qisalor of a band of human mercenaries getting dangerously close to Rostanel’s eastern border, said border leading to the predominantly wood-elven Grand Duchy of Schom. There were whispers of a potential second invasion by King Redrick from Durtal, the kingdom on Rostanel’s western border, as if he needed to finish what he started 10 years ago. 
Of course, those were rumors. But considering how the invasion a decade prior all started with rumors, Qisalor knew not to take such talk so lightly now. It was especially important to head east since there weren’t as many soldiers stationed there. Human intelligence may have suggested to Redrick that sending soldiers in a very roundabout path to Rostanel may have given them an advantage against the high elves. Rostanel hardly expected invasion from Schom, but certainly did from Durtal; the bulk of Rostanel’s military strength was stationed at the west. 
With the tip she got, Qisalor set out with two squads of six Koehlanna guards to accompany her to the Rostanel-Schom border. The closer they got to the border, the more wooded the area around them became. The convoy parked off a beaten path, Qisalor and most others heading deeper into the forest. The wood elves liked to say that those forests were their direct connection to the Feywild, what with a sort of mystical, whimsical feeling associated with the very wind that passed through the trees at the border. Qisalor scoffed. Said wood elves also claimed that trying to connect with their ancestors would offer protection from enemies. The fey did nothing when the library in Fomandel burned. Whether or not the fey existed didn’t matter to her, so long as they didn’t get in her or her family’s way.
Qisalor stood at over six feet tall and had somewhat pale, fair skin. Her eyes were blue, constantly squinting either out of spite towards humans or a self-sustained sense of superiority towards other non-elves. She had a black martial arts gi, the sleeves torn not from lack of upkeep, but as a stylistic choice on her part. Her arms were uncharacteristically toned for a high elf, and her hands and wrists were adorned with short, brown leather gauntlets. She had black hair combed backward and pointed upward a bit. She had a silver headband and martial arts belt, and she carried no weapons nor wore any shoes.
“Spread out,” she told her entourage in Elvish. “If you find humans, don’t attack them. Keep them there until I arrive.”
“Do you want us to give a signal, milady?” one soldier asked her.
“I’ll know,” she answered simply.
And spread out they did, Qisalor branching out much further away from the other soldiers, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. Once she was far enough away from everyone, she sat down on the grass, legs crossed, hands folded as she began to meditate.
Four...no...five beings, all wearing heavy armor. Their chi is different from that of my soldiers, not the usual pre-battle jitters they have in moments like this. No...they’re running from something...some things...a large, collective chaotic chi coming from miles away...just outside our borders further east...
She got up and immediately ran towards the source of the disturbance. She passed by some of her soldiers, some of them asking, “Lady Qisalor, should we follow?”
She stopped back to glare at the inquiring soldier. “There are humans afoot. Do you want to join them?”
She would continue to run for about four miles, deftly dodging the trees, stones, and cavities in the ground in the process, before seeing what her meditation notified her of.
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