#thinking of painting my nimmo desert??
slow-by · 7 years
me playing neopets 10 years ago: id kill for an ffq;; literally;; ; murder a man in cold blood
me playing now: ive had a completed ffq sitting around for a year and idk what to use it on. my pets loo.k pretty cool i have one painted cloud and i dont want to change it
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spookyshake · 7 years
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Neovember Day 16: FREE SPACE Just dumping a bunch of designs/customizations + gijinkas for potential pets, plus a couple other design stuff that’s been lying around
Character blurbs For the wall of potential pets/gijinka designs. -The ones with YES I'm pretty set on creating as pets, but if any of the others sound interesting it'd be awesome if you could send me up to 5 numbers (via reply or ask or whatever) of the ones that sound cool/want to see more of/etc, to help me narrow down my options BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE....SO MANY PET SLOTS..... -Also if any of the non-numbered customizations inspire you feel free to just run with it, it's all open game! :U They were the leftovers from my attempt to make customizations for pet species that I don’t already own, and are largely NP and cross-painting based. If you’d like the DTI link to take a closer look, I can send that to you too.
[1] Christmas/Desert Pteri (YES) A quiet but friendly desert nomad who makes a living guiding travelers across the Lost Desert and peddling odd wares. Although generally not much for scintillating conversation, he does express great interest in FOOD, particularly foreign cuisine.
[2] Candy Poogle (maybe?) A very timid and sweet poogle, but surprisingly stubborn once she commits to a promise. A botanist? Baker? Student in Brightvale??
[3] Woodland Wocky (YES) An agent from a secret taskforce committed to quelling anomalies in Neopia; carries around a lot of nifty gadgets. Claims to be from the FUTURE but she's kind of a loony so who knows man Her catch phrase is "Everything is under control!" ...It usually isn't. (Is maybe related somehow to Time Machine Wocky from that ooooold Time Machine event?)
[4] Checkered Quiggle (maybe?) A smug, self-styled bohemian on a quest for enlightenment. He always seems to be chasing the newest lifestyle fads, and waxes poetic about philosophy and spiritualism. Recently, he joined a cult.
[5] Woodland/Halloween Eyrie (probably...or maybe just NPC) A skeletal druid who literally fused with a tree in death Although rather unsettling to behold, she's basically just a hippie who went to the extremes with her love of nature. While not inherently malicious, she's not above trapping unwary trespassers as fodder for her plants. Witch friend of Clariote.
[6] Plushie Nimmo (maybe?) A jolly negg farmer with a noggin full of stuffin' Nothing makes them happier than tending to their crops and sharing  Neopia's #1 staple, the Negg!!
[7] Halloween Draik (YES) A sleazy Meridell mercenary who'll hunt anything for the right price. Although his skills as a marksman are top-notch, his nature is wholly unpleasant and volatile to whim. Has something of a vendetta against those that consume draik eggs as a delicacy.
[8] Zombie Blumaroo (maybe more NPC) An undead blumaroo clad in old soldier's garb. Attracts flying projectiles with a peculiar frequency; flung objects in the near vicinity will find its way towards this poor dead fellow, no matter how impossible the trajectory. Otherwise mild mannered and friendly for a shambling corpse, he likes to listen to other people's problems and gives oddly inspirational pep-talks.
[9A and 9B] Island/Desert Yurble OR Camouflage/Robot Yurble (maybe?) A star athlete and local hot-shot, he was training to become a professional Yooyuball player for the Mystery Island team. But for one reason or another, he was transformed into a monstrous, abyssal creature. (is it permanent? reversible? conditional? WHO KNOWS...I just liked the #aesthetic of the monstrous design)
[10] Island Jubjub (maybe, but don't have much of a character idea for) A young shaman who communicates with the cosmos. Wise beyond her years, but easily distracted and likes to fall asleep at inopportune times.
[11] Pirate/Desert Zafara (maybe?) A crafty thief with a rough demeanor. Resourceful and self-serving, she's quick to capitalize on an opportunity when she spots one.
[12] White Cybunny (more NPC material but maybe) A Shenkuu local that works at the Inn. Kind-hearted but quite naive, she recently joined the cult with completely pure intentions of helping those in need. Greatly admires Hissi Innkeeper and views her as a role model.
[13] Christmas Vandagyre (maybe?) A precocious young heiress with a guarded, icy demeanor. Adamant in protecting her inheritance, she dabbles with the magical research left behind by her late father in order to keep outsiders out of her mansion.
[14] Faerie/Fire(?) Tuskaninny (more NPC material) A scholar tasked with recovering magical artifacts lost from Faerieland's fall. While generally good-natured, can come across as a bit pushy and lacking in tact. Likes to crack corny jokes to lighten the mood, but they can be a bit hit-and-miss.
[15] Faerie Tonu (more NPC material) A scholar tasked with recovering magical artifacts lost from Faerieland's fall. A deep and observant thinker, they prefer to ruminate carefully on the matter at hand, and dislikes being rushed. Has a gentle demeanor but can be passive aggressive when irked.
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alien-aishas · 7 years
How did you get into Neopets? Do you have goals or dream pets? What are your favorite pet colors? Your favorite items?
thanks for the ask!
I found out about neopets through the mcdonalds neopets plush promotion. eight-year-old me loved them so much, i kept asking my parents to go to mcdonalds so i could collect as much as i could. the sites url was written on the toys’ tag, so that’s how i got to the site. 
I’ve accomplished most of my dream pets by now, in what converted pets are concerned. Thinking of making a camo-royal cross paint korbat and a water skeith maybe. The dreamies i have left are ucs and i have no idea how i’m going to get them, honestly. I’d really want a uc royal girl kau, uc plushie nimmo, and/or pretty much any uc skeith. But honestly??? I just want to adopt all the ucs??? i applied for a ufa uc darigan buzz and im waiting for news from the owner. really hope i get her ;;v;;
Faerie must be one of my all time favourites honestly? There are other colours such as halloween, darigan, and desert which i loved as a kid but lost their touch since the conversion. Where as faerie remained pretty either way (i own 2 and honestly i crave for more). Also alien and eventide are 👌 (i have one of each)
Now for my favourite items hmmmm… I’m not completely sure? I like tale of woe related items if that answers the question LOL >v
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