#thinking even about the Doctor with this. theyve murdered millions but they cruise on as if they dont need to say a few trillion holy
evanthefunky · 2 years
Something about knowing someone you love has killed other human beings, many times, and is comfortable doing so, but never being caught... Never anyone really talking about it or confirming it or even asking about it. No one is afraid of the one you love but no one is stupid enough to risk the numerous possibilities of responses. You know, though. They way they just are.
Something about the intimacy of someone knowing what its like to take a life, to watch light leave someone's eyes and the last breath to be wrenched from their lungs, watching them bleed out. The curiosity to see what the insides of people look like beyond a diagram or pictures. Looking at someone you love, so dearly, and knowing they've seen these things, but still act normal, if someone like that can be normal. Something just slightly off, unplacable and untouchable. Holding hands with a murderer and they're the safest hands, warmest, most trustworthy, most holy, always knowing when to catch you and when to give you a spin.
You're terrified of it- of them, of what they're capable of, and you're terrified of what would happen if you decided to let go. To acknowledge it, more fragile than a bubble or the thinnest glass. To confront. Confront them and how you yourself feel about it.
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