#thinking about selling my san antonio ticket but idk
byrnedavid · 2 years
i got a floor seat for the dm concert in austin
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Did you make any money today?  Not today, because it’s a weekend.
What was the highest place you've ever jumped from?  I’m not too sure, actually. I tend to be cautious when it comes to jumping just because I always have this fear at the back of my head that I could possibly snap my legs in half upon landing lol.
Have you ever gone swimming in a river?  I don’t think I have.
Is there something you really want to buy at the moment?  I want a jumbo RJ doll but it’s quite expensive and not one of my priorities at the moment. 
Would you ever consider culinary school?  I want to learn how to cook but not passionate enough about it to enroll in culinary school altogether, so no.
What was the last souvenir someone got you?  It’s been a while since anyone went anywhere...
Do you have a favorite remix of a song?  I’ve never enjoyed remixes and just stick to original versions of songs. The one remix I’ll give a pass to is BTS’ Mic Drop with Steve Aoki just because that one includes a dance break that sounds really nice and gets me all hyped up.
Has the power gone out recently?  Yeah, like two weeks ago. I was working from home then so it had been a huge bother, but fortunately I had been charging my devices all day and also had enough data on my phone so I was able to continue.
Do you like driving at night?  It’s ok and actually pretty relaxing if it’s LATE late at night and there’s barely any cars. Driving in the evening during rush hour, on the other hand, is just fucking stressful.
What do you think is the most saddest sounding instrument?  Depending on how it’s played, probably the piano or violin.
Do you really pay attention to the ratings on movies?  Yes. It’s a pretty influential factor.
Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc?  No.
If given the chance, would you go to Ireland?  I mean, it’s not really on top of my bucket list but for the sake of travelling and experiencing a different place and culture I definitely would go to Ireland.
Are you afraid of standing on the edge of hills/skyscrapers/cliffs etc?  I am scared but whenever I’m given the chance to do this I kind of scrap that fear first and live in the moment.
Do you have a favorite species of wild cat (tiger/lion/cougar etc)?  No.
Do you have an absolute favorite name (boy or girl)? Alessandra, 120%. It is so beautiful-sounding, plus I love that you can use "Alessa" as a nickname. My Silent Hill obsession is quite thrilled by that, ha ha. < I love that name too, now that I think about it. For now, I think Olivia still tops my list.
Are you good at pronouncing foreign words?  My English is alright.
When listening to music, do you usually tap your foot etc to the beat?  I tap my fingers more than my foot.
Have you ever literally cried on a friend's shoulder?  Yeah but they were also my significant other then, so I dunno if that counts. I’m not super into physical touch so this isn’t something I’d do towards a friend, no matter how close we are.
Would you ever consider being a DJ at a party if you were paid?  Nah, I would suck.
Do strapless bras work for you?  No, my boobs are too small. 
Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc?  No.
Do you feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts?  Yeah, I just never really have the opportunity to wear them.
Have a favorite actor/actress from Old Hollywood? (Marilyn Munroe, etc) AUDREY HEPBURNNNNNNNNNN
What's your opinion on people who stretch their ears?  They can do whatever they want lol. I’m personally not a fan of the look but that’s my own problem to deal with.
Do you think tattoos are expressive art or unattractive?  Expressive.
What is your school mascot?  None of the schools I attended have one.
Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? I have never seen a bear.
What's the book you're currently reading?  Not reading anything at the moment.
Can you recall the most disturbing movie you've ever seen?  Eraserhead. Requiem For A Dream is also stressful to watch, even on your 2nd or 45th rewatch.
Has anyone you know gotten mono?  Possibly, but I can’t place names at the moment.
Have you ever picked an apple off the tree and eaten it?  No. Aside from the fact that I don’t eat fruits, apple trees aren’t native here so I’ve never actually seen one.
Can you say yes/no in different languages?  Oo/hindi, ne/ani.
Out of the traditional superheroes, which one is your favorite?  I don’t like superheroes.
Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10?  Not in my pants but my bed, but fortunately it just happened once.
Had any surgeries? What kind?  I have not.
Ever told your parents you hated them?  I had it written down on my journal when I was going through those rebellious puberty years, but it was only directed towards my mom because that had also been the peak of her emotionally/mentally abusive days. It’s funny because she snooped through my stuff then and saw the entry and ended up crying...and I didn’t even feel bad about it because 1) I meant what I wrote, and 2) she literally went through my shit. I still don’t feel bad about it.
Do you let your pets on your furniture?  Yes they can get on the couch and my bed.
How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?  I don’t really have an opinion lmao. If they are chips then they are going in my mouth.
How strong do you like your coffee?  I like milky/creamy coffee best tbh. When it comes to how strong they are I don’t have a preference.
Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed?  Idk.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas?  I have relatives based in San Antonio and we’re pretty close to that side of the family, so yeah. 
If you could make a movie, what would it be about?  I’ve never been one for creative writing.
If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call?  My grandma or one of my aunts.
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?  Not at this point in my life.
Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus?  Oooooohh I love both!
Was the last person you kissed attractive?  Objectively yes, but I no longer feel the attraction I once held for her.
Are you racist at all?  No.
Do you read creepypasta? If not, you should.  No thanks.
Have you ever vandalized?  Yeah some desks when I was in grade school.
Would you ever scuba dive in shark-infested waters if you had the chance? Most likely not. And by the way, they do not "infest" waters. That's their home. I hate that phrase so much. < This is a good point and I’d like to keep it here. Anywho, yeah I’m willing to do this but as far as I know they keep you in a cage when you go down in the water. I’d only do it if this was guaranteed lol.
Have you ever been drunk at work?  Hungover, yes. Drunk while at work, hell no.
Have you ever hit a parked car with your car?  No. My mom has done this with my parked car though -____- She had been backing up and I kept honking as she inched closer to my car, but she heeded me no mind until she finally hit me.
Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like?  We probably had but I don’t remember the details anymore.
Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal?  Bagels.
Do you prefer light or dark haired?  Dark.
Have you ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books?  Yes, I liked reading those in like grade school and high school.
Would you be prepared to do a job that you didn’t like, if it paid well?  I haven’t been placed in that situation yet, so I’m not actually sure how I would handle it. Depends on how much the money is, I guess.
Do you think age is needed for maturity?  No.
Do you believe the future is predetermined?  I don’t think so.
What words are most comforting to you?  Words of reassurance, like, “I’m just here,” “You don’t have to apologize.”
How important is money to you?  It is generally pretty important to me and I’m usually good at saving...I’ve just hit a road bump the last few months because getting into K-Pop means wanting to get something out of every new merch drop hahahaha. I went alarmingly crazy from April to June, but I made a vow to calm down starting this July; and so far, aside from pre-ordering the new Memories of 2020 DVD and buying some merch from the pop-up store, I haven’t bought anything else.
Is there anything you want to last forever?  Cold weather in the Philippines.
List three of your passions:  Writing, food, and museums.
How old do you want to live to? Just because I’m competitive even until age, I want to make it to 100 lmao.
What kind of love do you value the most?  Very comfortable platonic love. I highly value friendships where I can pretty much treat them like an SO hahaha.
If you could control one element, what would it be?  I don’t care.
Do you prefer foxes or wolves?  No preferences.
Could you ever deliver a baby?  OMG no I would be terrible and would for sure bring more harm than good to the mother.
Do you think suits are sexy?  Uh yeah.
Ever been called babe?  Yeah.
How old is your youngest sibling?  18.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name?  Angela.
Favorite boy’s name?  I guess I have several preferences, but I dunno if I have favorite boy’s names. I like the sounds of Lucas, Jacob, Liam, and Mason.
Are your parents together, separated, divorced, never married, what?  Married.
Do you go online every day?  For sure.
What is the best quality in the last guy you kissed?  I’ve never kissed a guy.
What do you usually do during a kiss? Depends on how passionate it is? < Yeah.
Do you have an older brother?  Technically no, but I have a cousin that I pretty much see as one.
You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do?  I love Biebs, but I would probably sell them. Some extra money is always good hahaha.
What’s the genre of the current song you’re listening to?  K-Pop, R&B.
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet?  Yeah, I already have two of them.
Would you ever sell your soul?  Erm, I guess not.
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monthly insurance
"monthly insurance
monthly insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
My Sister has car insurance and she told me to take her to her destination, but i don't have car insurance under my name and im afraid that if i get pulled over for some odd reason and ill get busted for not having insurance.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
im 16 and my dad just bought me a 5 series bmw. how much is it going to cost to insure me. do i get a discount for having good grades.
Insurance through my work...?
Well im 19, and I just got a full time job through the city. Theyre wanting me to fill out their insurance papers and get on theirs, but im still on my dads insurance which is better coverage. Im covered on my dads until im 26. Im just not sure if I go on the cities what will happen to my coverage with my dad if it will just cancel me or if I will be on both or what. Idk. The cities insurance is free to me too so that isnt a factor. Thanks!""
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Teenage driver + car insurance?
I am 16 and have had my license for two months now. I drive occasionally, like when my parents need me to, and sometimes with my friends to the lake. My mother recently informed me that i have no car insurance; she never listed me or anything like that and i didn't know it was a problem or anything. My friend and I have planned a day trip to the beach soon, and my question is: what would be the consequences if i were caught driving my parents car without being personally insured? My mother has an insurance policy on her car, but I dont believe im listed or anything.""
Cancelling car insurance for 5 months?
HI: I just moved to San Antonio for a 6 month project and the company decided to pay for my car rental. I'm thinking about cancelling my own car insurance for the time so I can save some $. Any thoughts on what the cons can be? I don't want to cancel it for months and then have to pay extra to get back in. my car registration is in Dec and I'm from California and I have Geico. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks! Mike
I am looking for an eye docter that takes any insurance in los angeles california?
for kids that will give contacts
Meeting deductibles on health insurance?
okay so i am looking at the blue cross blue shield family plan in texas and for us three it costs $164 a month with a $2500 deductibile and then they pay 80% of the costs. So my question is, what does the deductible mean? sorry i come from free healthcare in the UK so I'm not used to paying for medical insurance. How does one meet a $2500 deductible before the insurance company can start paying for the rest of the medical stuff?? Is it met by constant hospital visits? doc visits? constant lab and xray tests?""
What is the average price for insurance for an APRILIA RS 125?
what is the average price for insurance for an APRILIA RS 125 thinking of getting one but need to know a rough average
What is the annual premium for a house?
Cud u help me on my maths homework What is the aunnual premium for a house valued at 65000, if the insurance is 3 per 1000 of house value? Thanks""
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?
I'm about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I've been using the job description of 'artist' In the 'manufacturing' industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?""
Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?
I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..
""Rental car insurance if you don't own a car, renting over 15 days in california?
I don't own a car so I don't have auto insurance. Visa and Mastercard only seem to cover Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for 15 days. AmEx seems to offer this coverage for 30 days (but I don't have an AmEx card). None of these cards cover liability. Is there a better way to get coverage than buying from the rental car company? Does a homeowner insurance policy cover liability if you damage something or injure someone with a rental car? The Non-owner policies one can buy only cover liability and not LDW/CDW? Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. Please don't reply if you are not knowledgeable on this topic. Thanks.
How much would this car cost?
Hello, I was wondering hypothetically speaking, if I bought the new 2012 Ford Mustang GT. Im under 18 (I would use my moms credit). And how much is insurance on a sports car when you under 18? Im looking for a range for the insurance. I know people say I can't give you an answer because of blah blah blah get a quote. Like I was told like 150 a month? I live in a town in Northern Ohio low crime rate. You people think it would be like 100-300 a month?""
Behind the wheel test insurance question?
I'm taking my behind the wheel test soon and my best friend is going to be my licensed driver and we were thinking if taking my moms car its insured and everything but its In my moms name only. Can I still use it for the test even though she's not going to be there? I checked the dmv website for California and it just says the car needs to be insured with valid registration.
How can i get car insurance cheap ?
i am a young driver and car insurance is a joke how do i get it cheap without breaking any laws ?
Whats the cheapest insurance for a moped in ireland?
i think age is important in this so im 17. im desperate to get some form of transport and my dad sais he will help get me a moped/scooter when i pass my driving test and theory test. but first he wants me to find out how expensive insurance would be on this vehicle. whats the cheapest possible? links would be much appreciated. thanks a million
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
What's a website that tells you the average insurance of a car?
Lets say for a Mustang GT? I'm think of getting one but don't know how much the insurance of one is. Thanks.
How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?
My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.
Named driver car insurance?
How much would it be for a 20 year old, 2 years passed, to be a named driver on a picanto 1 litre, with hastings direct, thanks""
Hey I'm looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 21 and looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro I'm just trying to figure out the basics like how much would insurance cost me and how much would the monthly payments on the car run me...I'm going to make a down payment of $5000 when I go to the dealership. Any kind good advice and tips on what I should do to get my dream car is needed ..Thanx in advance everybody
monthly insurance
monthly insurance
Car insurance and home address related?
my insurance quotes have doubled from my last home address to the new address? can you tell me why?
Roughly how much is car insurance for a new driver in uk?
im going to get my license because i've been told it's good to have early. but i can't decide whether or not to look into getting a car. i just need a rough idea of how much insurance is. i have no idea what type of car. just basic. i just need a rough price please.
Car insurance/Car warranty advice!?
Okay...so my husband has a 2004 Subaru WRX - bought from a private dealer. We have a car loan from our bank with no extended warranty. Our insurance is through Harleysville and we have to have full coverage on it so it's kinda pricey since his car is under the performance class. My car, is a 2006 Subaru Impreza 2.5i - just bought last month from a dealership with extended 5 year/60,000 warranty on powertrain (engine areas) and drive train (AWD) (?) something like that and is not bumper to bumper. We also have a car loan from the bank. The thing is, I have our car insurance on low deductibles making our monthly premiums high. I was thinking, since I have warranty on my car, the deductibles can be higher with a lower monthly premium since I have warranty from the dealer. Although, the warranty is only on powertrain and drive train, if I get tboned or scratches, then yes, I would have to pay a higher deductible to get my car fixed. What is the best thing to do? Right now, both our cars are at about $240/mo for our insurance premiums. We are safe drivers, never had an accident or speeding ticket. We are clear as of now! What are you opinions and thoughts... Would really appreciate it!""
Will my insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance?
Will my collision insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance when I get into an accident while driving that car?
Medical insurance?
my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ??????????????
Estimate for car insurance?
I'm looking to buy like a 2003 eclipse or something cheap but nice for myself, I turn 18 in a week so it will be after i'm 18.. but under my step dads name and everything.. he has a minivan for geico and we live in queens new york, he pays around $110 for full coverage, will my insurance be much more since it's a coupe..? my mom keeps going on about how sports cars are priced more for insurance, which I understand.. but will it really be MUCH more? I mean it's not a bmw or a SL65 ... it's a crappy old v4 eclipse..""
How much can I expect to receive in my auto accident settlement?
I was t-boned by an illegal mexican (in Phoenix, AZ, who'd have thought, right?) who was going 50 mph on my side of the car. There was 5K is damage to the car. Fortunately, I did not have any broken bones but the doctors STILL can't get my bones into correct position. I have been going to therapy for 4 going on 5 months. I am still attending therapy. I probably will do 6 months total in therapy. I am suing my own insurance company with Phillips & Associates. Can anyone tell me what would be reasonable amount to expect?""
What do i need to know about individual health insurance?
I'll be transition from a perm position with benefits into one that is contract base (6 months) and no benefits so I want to get some health insurance through private insurance. I'm single, no kids, 26. I'm healthy for the most part but I do take anti-anxiety SSRI medication ($4 at Walmart) and I see a psychiatrist once a month (I could probably do without this).I did suffer with depression about 5 years ago but that's no longer an issue. What should I expect from private insurance so I don't get completely screwed over.""
Need help for car insurance. lied about points?
i recently took a car insurance policy but i didn't tell my insurance company that i have 6 points and have told them my wrong address. but today i have called them, that i will be changing my address this weekend. so this will be sorted as my i have to pay 300pounds more. I want to tell them about my points too, but i am scared, will they cancel my policy I took the policy 12 days ago. i want to tell them about my points. please can anyone tell me who actually worked for or still working in a car insurance company, that if i tell them now before my cooling off period over will they cancel my policy or just amend the details which will be little increase in my premium? I am a second driver on this car.""
Car insurance for new drivers!?
Will car insurance for a 19 year old be allot cheaper than a 17 year old? Both being NEW drivers.
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
I'm studying abroad in China next semester and want to know if I can add my friend to my car insurance?
Since I'm studying abroad, I have to find something to do with my my car. My friend is willing to take the car while I'm gone, but I've had some complications with my insurance. I spoke with my insurance rep, and she strongly discouraged me from adding my friend onto my policy. She said since my name was on title and on the off chance he had an accident, the person involved can go after the insurance as well as my future earnings. It seems really unlikely that someone could get that much money out of the insurance and continue to go after the car owner as well, but I'm concerned. Can I have my friend sign something that will state he will pay me back for the future earnings lost if they pursue me? If so, what kind of form and what needs to be stated? Will it hold up legally? I also thought of selling my friend the car for a dollar so his name would be on the title instead of mine; however, I have a 10 year accident free discount that knocks off over $200 in insurance a year and that would disappear if I ended my coverage. I would have my family take the car while I'm gone, but I don't have family in the area. I feel the best option would be to add my friend to my current coverage and have him sign something that states he will pay me back for future earnings if there is that kind of an accident. He is willing to do both, but I don't have any idea if there is such a form I can have him sign or if I should just type something up? Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks""
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Who provides cheap car insurance for young people?
I am 19 (nearly 20) and live in Leeds. I have a 2002 1.6 ford focus valued around 4000.00. My insurance at the mo is with Quinn and only 3rd party fire and theft and is 85.00 per month. I have 2 years no claims and want fully comp. Anyone got any idea's where I can get it cheaper? The price comparison sites aren't helping that much, any ideas?""
Will my auto insurance rate be raised if I have liability only and my car got stolen?
My car got stolen. Will my rates go up? I won't have another car for a few weeks and i'm going to have to get comprehensive. I just wonder if my comprehensive rates will be now more expensive.
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
What is the best way to use technology in comparing insurance premiums for MEDICARE costing?
Many of the baby boomer generation will shortly be reviewing insurance costs for our retirement years - health, medical, prescription and the like. We will need to make decisions based upon retirement income and expenses. I have done some preliminary research and it appears I need to do a lot more. The data for health and medical costs is easily available however there is a ton of it. For this reason, I intend to use spreadsheets to crunch through this and any other tech tool I can locate. One of the problems with this approach is that just about every quote is proprietary, that is each quote has its own bells and whistles which make it more or less expensive than the next company. Although I have spreadsheet skills, I can visualize that any template I make must provide for more assumptions than I want to make. From the above it's clear to me that I need some kind of generic (FREE) spreadsheet template that is not proprietary, combines monthly income and expense (insurance premiums counted as expenses), is not locked in terms of making formula adjustments, and has the ability to forecast. If this is as clear as mud to you, welcome to the crowd. Surely, there are fill in the blanks templates dealing with MEDICARE comparative cost determination. If there are and you are aware of them, please let me know. I would be in your debt. Regards, Rich F. Florida""
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
Auto insurance: Found Wawanesa cheaper than Mercury?
Anyone in California find that Wawanesa is much cheaper than Mercury. For our two infiniti family the rates for 1 year was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) What gives here?? Why the big disparity?""
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
Should I get added to my parent insurance?
I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?""
""Agent quoted me one price, gave her a check and now she is saying i have to pay a diff price for auto ins.?
i requested auto insurance from state farm. they quoted me at 142 now she calls back and tells me i would have to pay 189 monthly because of some underwriting and that i am a new driver. nut she knew that i was a new driver when i she gave me the quote and when she interviewed me. what should i do now?
What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance?
its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?""
Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?
I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?""
monthly insurance
monthly insurance
How much will a teen pay for their own car insurance?
if its a used car that is completely paid for.
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
Car Insurance????
Hi does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies. Thankyou
Can you ask a car insurance company to lower your rate/payment?
If so, how would I go about that? I know that many companies have loyalty/continuous coverage discounts, but the discount for my current insurance really isn't enough, and my payment (I make a full, 6-month payment) goes up every time. Should I ask for a specific amount/percentage? Should I ask them to keep the cost the same as 6 months ago, etc? Thanks for any advice. **I've been with the company for over a year.""
Car insurance for teen drivers?
Hey everyone! First off, if you're wondering why I'm not using online quotes to see how much car insurance would cost, its because it requires personal information of both my parents that I can't ask for without sounding suspicious (my dad told me not to search since I asked before). Also, in order to get the auto insurance quote, you have to leave contact information so an agent can contact you and initiate your quote , which is something I don't want. I'm a newly licensed teen, got it around the middle of December 2013. I've had my permit for about 8 months before that. My dad told me to wait a bit before I can start driving since car insurance rates is higher for teen drivers, and I agreed. I was wondering how long I had to wait? My dad told me over 1 year to a few years, but sometimes 6 months works. I was baffled, if that was true, there was no point of getting my license since I would most likely be in college by the time I was allowed to be insured. Does car insurance rates really lower down with waiting time? And if so, approximately how long would it take? My auto insurance company is State Farm, and my family has 3 registered vehicles and 2 registered drivers of over 15 years (my parents). I'm 16 years old, and I qualify for the good student discount and steer clear safe driver discount, and my parents qualify for the multiple line discount car insurance and have never had any driving violation in the past three years. If you could estimate the range of how much more my parents have to pay for car insurance if I become insured on my car (which is older than me lol) without waiting, and how long I would have to wait for rates to go down, that would be great.""
Question about life insurance and insurance in general? help?
I'm trying to help a friend get a hold of an inheritance that an attorney is wanting to take a 33% chunk of to help her claim. one of those unclaimed money deals. i did a search on my friends name and found an insurance company that might have her listed but i don't know if its a lead. the insurance company is CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY i looked up this insurance company to see if they offer such an insurance policy for life. can anybody help if they are familiar with this company? any help would be sooo greatly appreciated. GREATLY appreciated. it wouldn't be very fair for a big lawyer to walk away with her money just because he knows something she didn't.. :( i cant afford to really pay the fees these unclaimed websites ask for and so here i search.. hoping that this insurance company might offer some bit of hope :D your help is greatly appreciated.
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
Question about car insurance and the situation i am in?
So, i have a truck that my step-father gave to me to drive. i did a lot of work to get it up and running and looking decent. now the time has come to get insurance so that i can get tags on it and have my own vehicle. but my insurance is going to be way to much for me to afford. lame. i know. but i have a solution, my real father said that he would insure my(in step dads name) vehicle in his name dropping my insurance down to 48 bucks a month. so basically, can i get tags on a vehicle if the the insurance isnt it the vehicle owners name?""
How does one go about getting insurance?
ok I know there is some different insurance types out there like health car etc etc but i want to know how do you go about getting it! see I'm 15 years old I know i shouldn't worry about this now but it just seems like a good idea to ask the question now this one lil question has plenty of other questions with it how many different insurances do you need to have? what should you look for in Insurance? how much is insurance? what is an insurance rate? and the title of this question how does one go about getting it? on that last one I really need a detailed answer because I am 15 I just got back in school so my brain is a bit mushy and not so quick XD and way like I said I'd really like a detailed answer on that last one heck if ya role play it out with your self for me then that would even make it easier so the more questions you answer in this (with a good answer mind you) the more likely I am to choose you as the best answer!
Would there be a major insurance cost change between '99 Acura TL & '99 Honda Accord?
I will get one of those two cars soon, but for the acura TL, is the insurance going to be significantly higher than the accord, or do u think there wont be much a difference? thank you""
Insurance rates were lower in california - for car?
i always have a california car insurance and see that it is always lower when compared to other states.. why is that.. on the other hand,i have always heard that car gettting stolen is highest in californiaso so i guess the insurance premium should be higher then why""
What is one day liability insurance and where do I get it from?
I want to rent a hall our for my sons birthday party, and the owners said we need one day liability insurance through our insurance. What is it though? And through what insurance of mine do I get it? Also is it expensive? I've never heard of anything like this before and its just making the party planning process that much more stressful. Thanks so much""
How much does an insurance for a bus cost approximately?
The cost can be per year for a 40ft or for a 60ft diesel bus. I need the info for a life cycle cost analysis. Any info will be helpful. thanks
Health insurance?
is there any other form of low income insurance in south carolina besides medicaid? im 19 with a baby. i cant work because i dont have anyone to take care of the baby and cant afford daycare. i rely on my parents support. also i live with them. my baby is on medicaid but i am no longer eligible because of my age and i am not disabled
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
""Car insurance, 16 year old, oh no.?""
I'm 16, I have a 92 Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, what can i expect to pay for insurance on state minimum?""
How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance on a permit In long island new york?
I just wasnt my car insured lol and im 19 and a male
Will my car insurance be cheaper if I have a motorcycle licence?
I have always been put off learning to drive and buy a car due to the stupidly high insurance prices for first time drivers. The thing is, I have a full motorcycle licence. I have been riding on the road for about 4 years with no accident. Will this be taken in to account when I take out car insurance for the first time and will it make a huge difference to the amount I pay?""
Will an insurance company pay for a surgery if..?
..I had it before I got the insurance? Just about a month ago I had chest reconstructive surgery. I'm 18 years old so I have to be a full-time student to be covered by my parents' insurance. However, I realized I can't afford to pay for college. I have no job and I also desperately need a car. I want to take a year off to work and save money and get a car and then go back to college when it rolls around next year. However, my surgery hasn't been paid for yet and I only have until the 29th to drop my classes without being charged. If I were to quit college to work, how much would insurance be for me per month and would they even cover the charges of the surgery since I had it done before getting the insurance? Thanks.""
Where will give a young male cheap car insurance?
I know that I am statistically more likely to cause an accident than a middle aged person. However. Are there any companies that are good that will insure me on a car of about 200hp for under 1400. If i tell them I have achieved good grades and done pass plus etc as well as the fact I have never claimed on my current insurance could they give me a low quote? Thanks
Car insurance?
why doesnt some insurance company give 17 year old drivers a chance, my son was quoted 4000.750 he works on a farm and works bloody hard,but the pays not great, i can understand these young drivers without any insurance, they make it impossible for them to get it, we know its wrong , and iam not condoning it ,just give them a chance it doesaint mean there all mad drivers .""
Cheapest car insurance for young driver please?
I'm a 17 year old male from England and have a full uk licence i was just wondering what sort of prices other people have been getting for their insurance and which companys are the cheapest to go through any help would be appreciated. Thanks for looking at my question and answering :)
How can i get cheap car insurance?
is there anyway i could reduce my insurance costs
monthly insurance
monthly insurance
How Much Will My Car Insurance be?
I am a 16 year old boy, the type of Car Im look at is probably a 1999 Toyota Four Runner for about $3000-$4000. I got my liscence about a week ago and now I just need to get to a 3.0 GPA so that my insurance will go down. Can anyone tell me and estimate of how much money I'm looking at paying monthly for insurance with and without the 3.0 GPA? Thank You""
Insurance - Cheap Car?
hello, my sister has just passed her driving test & she's wanting a cheap little run around. a ford ka 1997. She's seen one for exactly 300, and they're allowing her to go view it tomorrow. the reg is - 13 jan 1997 it's a petrol engine size - 1,299 cc does anyone know how much insurance will cost on it? & how much tax/mot costs on it? thankyou..""
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?
Is it possible to cancel my car insurance?
I am a new driver and I have to pay around $135 a month. I am a guy by the way so this may be why it is so high. I have a job, but it's part time and doesn't pay well. I don't plan on driving the car often, just to school and work only 2-3 days a week and taking the bus the other days. I also do not plan on driving in the winter months. Is it possible to cancel my insurance while keeping my license from Dec. to March? My policy is under my parents and we have an extra car that just sits in the garage and it's the one I drive. Also, the insurance people said I could wait until January to lower my insurance rate to $110. I like the idea, but I don't want to wait hehe. Can I cancel my insurance then return to it a couple months later?""
""What exact is whole life insurance, and how do life insurance companies profit from selling it?""
Agents are always extremely keen about selling my family whole life insurance instead of term. According to the agents, whole life is preferable to term since it does not expire and as a result the beneficiary is guaranteed some payment upon the death of the insured. However, why would the insurance company profit from such a setup if they are bound to pay back an amount that is at least equal to the total amount paid? I have tried to do some research on my own, but I still can't seem to fully understand this matter. Any help will be greatly appreciated!""
My company was bought out - Can I get unemployment? What about my health insurance?
I need some advice. I am an assistant manager at a small call center where I have worked for around 5 years (3 of them full-time). It was just announced to me and the manager (the only 2 full-time employees), that we have been bought by another call center that is not located in our town. The manager is relocating and has been offered a full-time job at their main office (with what I am assuming is a decent raise) about 4 hours away. I am being offered a possible part-time job at a lesser position some 3 hours away - there is no garantee. Well, I have kids so there's no way I'm doing that for a measly part-time position with no benefits. I will be without a job as of May 31st. Our part-time workers will be finding out about the closure on May 1st. For those employees that would like to stay through until the end, they will be offered a monetary bonus or compensation. I doubt it's more than a few hundred dollars. If I cannot find another full time job by then, would I most likely be eligible for unemployment? If I take the bonus money at the end, does that mean I wouldn't qualify? What kinds of questions should I be asking before this happens? I have health insurance for the first time in my life - when does that usually end?""
Car Insurance Question?
I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8""
Does a ticket for not having insurance increase your insurance rate?
I'm a professional driver of a honda civic for a major company in California. My corporation has a policy that says if you have 3 or more dings on your record in 5 years (dings classified as anything that would increase their cost for your insurance policy) that you lose your job. 3 years ago I got a ticket for going 5 miles through a stop sign, that was #1, 8 months ago I got a speeding ticket for 78 in a 65, that was #2. Tonight I went through a DUI checkpoint, I had everything except my insurance policy was 8 days past due. The officer and myself figured I just had an outdated card and all I needed was proof of insurance. It turns out, for some stupid reason, gieco didn't auto-renew my insurance policy, and I simply didn't have insurance for 8 days. I called my insurance company, got everything taken care of, but I still have a ticket for driving without insurance, which I imagine means a ding on my record. What I need to know is does that ding increase the cost of insurance in the state of California? If so I'm fired as soon as this ticket hits DMV.""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
What do i need to have insurance..!?answer please..!!?
so i know that if we do insurance,we will get amount for the thing when the insured thing is damaged..!! but what is the used of this??we have to pay premium every now and then and we will be get paid at the end?right??or will the insurance company provide any extra money other than the interest on our money?? and isn't it better to invest on some other thing and get profit and use when our things are damaged?? health insurance is ok,i accept that in urgent cases we cant bring back our invested money in a while ,so we do that,but what about vehicle insurance?why do we need that? and if to avoid paying tax,insurace is opted??and for that thing,i think there are other sources too? but whatever why people go for insurance..that what i wanted to know? and also..for example,if i have an insurance for my bike and its not met with an accident till now..and if i die and i have no family and relatives to claim..where will the policy go?? and if i do health insurance and if i die,i think the money will be given to my children or whoever i mentioned..!!..so i cant enjoy the money i earned..!! huhh....lot of questions..please take some time to answer..!! thanks in advance..:):)""
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
How much money can I expect to recieve from my insurance company after my car is declared a 'total loss'?
I was rear ended (not at fault) the other day my car was totaled. My car was a red 1999 Ford Taurus SE with 146,000. At first i was happy it was gone, but im now starting to think im not going to receive very much for it from my insurance company. It had recently failed the state(MA) inspection and needed some work (about $500 to pass). I looked up the Kelley Blue Book private party value in fair condition and it gave me an estimate of $1,450.... Really? Thats it?""
Is there affordable private health coverage available?
My husband lost his job and my autistic son takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) a month. Is there any programs that help with cost or a good private insurance plan out there?
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
Are SUV's usually high in insurance for teens?
I've been told that I should wait a little longer before i can get a faster car, and I was just wondering whether insurance for an suv would be high, in my case, for an inexperienced driver, (16). Parents are thinking of buying an Fj cruiser and willing to give it to me when i get my liscense.""
How much is auto insurance for a 17 year old (Toronto)?
depending on the price range of insurance, i will be looking forward to buy a used car and i will probably use the car for less then 2 hours a day. I completed driving school about a year ago and i got my g2. So how much will insurance be a year for me?""
What would be my insurance cost if i got a 2010 Subaru RX STi in chicago?
any idea? like a year?
Car insurance. What a cheek!?
Got renewal yesterday for 449 up 10 on this years, when I go directly to the insurers website as a new customer my quote comes out as 279!! Can I cancel my insurance upon renewal and then take out another policy with them?""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
IM 19 years old, I pay $100 per month with geico, I have not had any speeding tickets, I have not been in any accidents, I had my license for about a 3 - 6 months now, I own a 1997 ford Taurus. Am I paying too much for car insurance?""
Car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
How could i get a cheap car insurance and what would be the cheapest price? every site i have been on it said about 3000 and that would be more then what the actual car costs.
Having car insurance cancelled??
my payment is due in a few days, and due to financial difficulties, im not going to be able to pay my car insurance on time. when i go to the web site (i have progressive) it says pending cancelation on 7/27/08 ... can they do this? what should i do?""
Which is the best Insurance company to invest in?
I'm doing a school project to present a stock and really don't know that much about them. I have to do my project on insurance companies either buying it or selling it short. I know that if there was a a good answer to my question then everyone would be investing in the company. Are there any insurance companies that plan on doing something that could potentially raise stock (merging with another company, changing CEO, paying a very large sum)? Also what should be some good indications that the stock is worth investing in? Thank you in advance!""
Will car insurance effects right away when you call them?
I just bought a car, well imma get it tomorrow I have Infinity Insurance (not the car brand) I will get my car tomorrow, I was wondering If I call them tomorrow when I get car, to add my new car to the insurance car list will the insurance effects right away or later, because I'm going to call them not talk to them in person thank you""
Friend wrecked car and i have no insurance and he has liability?
Let my friend drive my car while I was inside of the car and he wrecked it. i have no insurance and he only has liability. Will his insurance cover it or will i have to sue him?
monthly insurance
monthly insurance
0 notes
Two-way car insurance?
"Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best car insurance?
Got a good quote from 21st century insurance. I'm thinking of switching from my Geico. I'd save a little bit but if anyone thinks Geico is a much better company then I'd probably stay. Any advice out there? Should I keep looking? I live in Florida. Thanks!
I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?
My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?""
What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?
What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?
hi my dad has a c3 citroen plurial convetable and wants me to be insured on it whilst im in england on holiday! i have an aussie licence but cant seem to find cheap insruance with 2000 pounds being the cheapest. does anyone know of any company who gives cheaper insurance for 17 year olds on an international licence with a convertable car??? any help would be great. thanks!!
Insurance and meds HELP Please?
Any advice would be helpful first my story I have meds that cost $1000 every month. I need insurance I have not had insurance since Peach-care about 3 years ago My job offers insurance for $2.50 a week my jobs insurance covers everything but my meds I get my meds for free with a prescription saving program I only make around $900 a month If I get my company insurance I no longer qualify for my free med program Any advice? I miss Peach-care they covered $100% of everything for only a few dollars. Is their any insurance that would cover 100% of my meds and dental, vision etc for no more than $100 a month?""
Van with low insurance? HELP?
My car broke down, and i need a van pronto. I am a professional dog walker and need wheels all the time as cover a large radius. This is a perfect time to take the step into have a van. I only want something small. which i can split the back into two sections so can carry two dogs at a time. similar size as a renult kangoo, transit connect, vahxall combo - that sort of size van. It needs to be a low insurance group - as i have 4 years driving but no commerical No claims only car no claims - which ive been told doesnt count on a commercial policy. also needs to be diesel and a very small engine like 1.3 or something as i do so many miles and fuel costs atm. I have around 3000 to spend on a van. Any direction as to a suitable van, that fit my requirments would be fab! Ive been looking all night and cant find anything :( Thank you!!!!""
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I live in Austin. The business I work for is closing down. I will probably be offered a job in San Antonio.?
For several reasons I can't move there. Will I be eligible for Unemployement Insurance if I turn it down?
What does health and medical insurance cover?
I know this insurance is usually offered by your employee. What does it usually cover other than like hospital stays. How much pay would the insurance cover
How can Americans like me stay healthy if we don't have access to affordable health care?
Or have the money to purchase insurance?
""I hit my friends car, they dont have insurance?""
I accidentally hit my friends car with my truck and it's pretty damaged. I apologized and said id call the insurance company. They said no because 1. The car.is up for repossession and 2. Because they don't have car.insurance! They supposedly went and got a quote to fix it and it's $1,200. They want me to GIVE them $1,200! I refuse because this is why I have insurance. What do I do?""
Best Health insurance for a young mom and college student?
I'm looking to find a health insurance suitable for me, a young mother (20) and college student. I did have Medicaid but they're saying I make too much and I'm only allowed to make 188 a month.. O_0 So I decided to just stop wasting my time and invest into my own insurance. My fiance said maybe I can get on his after we get married but Idk about that. What are some good affordable Health insurance for someone like me?""
Is there an insurance that will insure me and not my car?
my friend had an insurance that insured just him for any car he was driving idk what it was called but it was only for ohio residents anyway(im in pa) ....how would it work?
Best Insurance policy for children?
Pls help me in selecting the best insurance policy for children. Should I go with LIC or private insurances like HDFC Life, Aviva, Max Newyork ?? Is unit linked policy reliable ?""
Does auto insurance cover any vehicle I drive?
I wasn't expecting it but my mom told me she will no longer be driving. Her car is 5 years newer than mine and she told me should take over her car and get rid of mine. Since my car still runs well I felt I would keep it a little longer. I checked with the insurance company and I acted like we are going to sell her vehicle. I just felt it shouldn't matter which car i drove since they are similar in size. The insurance company said I would have to turn in her plates. Does auto insurance cover any car I drive and if I want to keep 2 cars for now do I have to tell the insurance company and will they allow it if I pay more for insurance?
How much is motorcycle insurance?
For an 18 year old male with a streetbike, how much would insurance cost. I am just looking for a range because I plan to get a bike in the future and want to be prepared.""
""Brak wants to know, Should married women have higher auto insurance rates than men ?
Sure seems like women have a discount on car insurance and married people have it cheaper. But it's the housewives who I see driving gas guzzlers around with soccer stickers on the back. Talking on their mobile phone while driving with coffee in their other hand. They are worse drivers than me. I'm a 24 yr old bachelor & a safe driver.
How much would my insurance premium rise be? Car accident.?
On the interstate going home from work, it started raining just as I entered, really hard. Then I saw this white car in front of me, who stepped on his brakes, and as soon as I saw that, I stepped on mines. I couldn't swerve to the right where the gravel and grass were cause the white car was already headed that way , since it was raining my brakes didn't help and instead my car slid and his the back left corner of the white cars, and then I hitted a gray car from behind. My car is messed up really bad and cannot be repaired. When I gained enough sense to realized what just happened, there was 5 cars that had stopped, but mines was the only one badly damaged, unrepairable. Nobody was injured, and everyone's car was still drivable. The officer basically said it was my fault, cause I couldn't stop MY car from hitting the other two. Now I have to pay a ticket of $165 and my insurance will be paying for the other car's problems.""
Do I have to include my husband on my auto insurance policy?
Without him on it, my monthly bill would only be $44. With him on it, it's $135. Do I legally have to include him on the policy?""
Best Affordable Health Insurance in Indiana?
My fiance is currently making about $1200 cooking full-time at a restaurant. Our rent eats up a little more than half of that. He needs to find an affordable insurance plan and he's tried at work but we've heard it's not a very good value for the $200 he'd be paying a month for it. Can anyone suggest some affordable health insurance plans? He's reasonably healthy, does not have any pre-existing conditions, but he does smoke.""
Car insurance question?
My boyfriend doesn't have a car therefore he doesn't have car insurance... If he were to get into an accident driving my car or get a ticket, would my insurance go up? I have full coverage and the insurance company said he and I would be covered. But I was wondering if my insurance would go up if he were to get pulled over or get into an accident.""
""I am a married student, how can I afford pregnancy insurance?""
I am a 22 yr old married college student. I have been married to my wife for 2 years. We don't plan on having any kids until after we both graduate from school, but there is a ...show more""
Gettng bike insurance in chennai?
am from chennai..want to take 2 wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 model pls advise me on best insurance company that offers reasonable rate.. i currently have united insurance policy,but feel it is costly""
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?
Cheap Moped Insurance?
Does anyone know where to get VERY cheap moped insurance? I'm 16, just passed my CBT and I need cheap insurance for my moped... Does anyone know where to get this... Or does it not exist?""
Car insurance first time?
Where should i go to get my insurance im in the uk and i am 18 yrs old i drive a hyundai accent 1.3 Si coupe 1437cc also is it ok to lie just to lower you premium Please help i got a quote for 3100 yearly HELP
BMW coupe 1.9 / 2L how much insurance cost for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years? UK?
BMW insurance for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
What does the car insurance go buy for grades?
does the car insurance deducation for grades go by all them added up such as a G.P.A. or all of them individual. also what grade do you need for the deducation i think it's a B but im not sure. fyi im a boy and have an 86 GPA
""Got into an accident , I have no car insurance but my dad has car insurance , will my dads insurance cover me?""
I failed to yield , I'm supposed to appear in court, what will happen? I'm under 18 and live with my parents and the damage wasn't a lot , just a scratch on the car I hit, will my dads insurance cover me? I don't use it a lot? What will happen? I also live in Illinois""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Has anyone thought with the price of gas and insurance and maintenance and payments that it might?
be better to just sell your car and take transit. I take the bus to work and it is one bus and it is great I don't stress about driving and a bus pass is so much cheaper than maintaining a car. I know the bus is less convenient but I am an able bodied person and thinking more and more about how I feel like I am working to support my car and maybe it is time to simplify Thoughts and experiences with this lifestyle???
Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.""
Health insurance for 18 year old?
I'm 18 years old. I am moving to California June 1st. I currently have a state insurance, but I wanted to know how I could get a new insurance when I arrive to California. Is there one for minorities such as myself? I am going to be living by myself so I'm not sure how to go about this. I have no money whatsoever, and will be working a minimum wage job. Please help, thank you.""
""How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?""
My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!""
Price for health insurance?
I found out today that my health insurance each month though my company is going to be $234 a MONTH. It's $468 but the company pays half. I'm not married or have any kids so it woul be just for me. I can't take it because it would cut too much into my paycheck. Is this a ridiculous price or the average?
Car Insurance Questions?
How Much Would Car Insurance Cost Approximatly For A 27 Yr Old Male With An Owned Vehicle? Do You Pay Every Month Or How Does It Work?
If you have fully comp insurance & drive somebody elses car & have a bump will it cover damage?
my daughter lent her car to her cousin who has fully comp of her own but she crashed the car will her insurance pay for damage??????????
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
Ford Focus Insurance for a just passed Driver?
How much would insurance cost roughly for a 25yo female who's just past her test?? I haven't yet passed but when i do I want to get a Ford Focus and was wondering how much roughly insurace would cost!
How much would insurance be for a 16 yr. old?
Say I just got my license and I have a 3.7 GPA
What cars would you recommend for a 17 year old?
Hi, I would like to get a car when I pass my driving lessons. What types of car are cheap, look good, and are of good quality? cars sold in the uk. If anyone has any answers or suggestions, please post an answer, thank you x""
How much (on average) is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 a little while ago and my dad says he's gonna get me a car of my own! a nissan xterra!! (i LOVE them!) BUT... he said i have to pay all insurance and gas money... I was wondering how much, on average, that will cost? I have about 25% off because of the driver's ed i took and also another 10% or 15% off for good grades If anyone has an idea, I would greatly appreciate it!""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Geico won't do it.. they are who I have now.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Switching car insurance...?
my car insurance policy expires in March and I have full coverage. I had full coverage because I was financing my car. I recently paid it off and would like to switch to a lesser coverage. Can i do this before my policy expires in march or do i have to wait??
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?
""Okay so sent off for my provisional license and thinking about cars and insurance now, just need a little help?""
Okay so I'm 16, turning 17 very soon and going to start driing lessons soon, but I need a car after that and I'm going to have to pay the majority of the insurance and the car myself. I only have a part time job where I work thursday evening and saturday mornings at like 6.00 an hour. What car is a good car for a person my age, what about insurance for that car how much is that going to cost? Overall what would you say is the total amount I should save up in order to get a car and decent insurance? Thanks :)""
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just bought a new car. A Honda fit, and my insurance went up $40 more per month. This is my first brand new car, and I am use to the insurance that comes with a used 7 year old car. I was wondering what others pay for their car insurance, and whether it is new or old. I hope I am not asking anything that people would feel uncomfortable with. I just want to see if I am being charged in the range of what I should.""
Health Insurance should be illegal?
Why not? Hospital fees would fall drastically! Funny how no body really knows what the hospitals charge... And funny how socialist countries are ranked above U.S. Oh yeah and I love how doctors in U.S. are pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health Insurance and guess what!!! Healthcare will be affordable! what you think?!
I need as much help and info about mopeds (UK) as possible please!?
What are the best types/ names of mopeds suitable for a girl? Do you have to take a test or lessons to drive a moped? If so how much does this cost? How much on average would insurance be for an 18 year old first time driver for a moped? How fast can mopeds go, and can you drive them on motorways? Any other useful information would be appreciated, thanks if you can help!""
Why is my insurance quote so big ?
I am UK resident from 2009. I got my drivers license 6 months ago. It's from Latvia, which is in EU. Now when I search for car insurance, the cheapest one is 5,000 GBP. Should I change it to UK license, will it reduce the price ?""
So i got my estimate for my auto insurance?
And i don't know how to read most of it.... like... what does R&I mean? under Op. is there a legend i can look at?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult!?
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult! I currently am 20, and I am on Medicaid. Full coverage. I am a former foster youth. Being a former foster care youth I get medicaid until I am 21. I turn 21 in October...I need some sort of affordable health insurance plan. I take ADHD medication, it really works and helps me focus. My work ethic has improved SIGNIFICANTLY, and I can actually focus. Its great, I am about to start college and am worried I am no longer going to be able to take this ADHD medication. I support myself for the most part, and no, I can not be on my parent's health insurance. I make about 16,000 a year, and pay half of rent and some bills etc. I need to find a health insurance plan that either A. will pay for all my my 198.00 a month prescrption cost, or B. pay for most of it. Will someone help me out? Direct me to any insurance company you know that can help me? Thank you so much. And please..real answers. Thank you for your time!""
What is the average life insurance commission?
I know the amount can very significantly but I am just want to know what the average commission is. I've heard anywhere from $600 to $1000. But not if one is Term or whole life.
Car rental insurance? I have auto insurance and credit card insurance.?
Hi, I'm totally new to car rentals (having just turned 21 a few months ago). I'm planning on getting a car from Dollar Car Rentals. I have auto insurance via AAA and I know that if I use a major credit card, there's some coverage there as well. Am I required to purchase insurance through Dollar, or am I able to use my own? What about the credit card coverage? Thanks!""
Does insurance pay total or worth?
My car is considered a 'total loss' with about 8,000 in damages. My payoff quote is 12,000. will my insurance pay the amount I owe, or the amount my car is worth, minus my deductible?""
My mother wants to add me to her car insurance. How much will it cost?
im 24 and i have never driven before. lets just say i had a silver spoon in my mouth for 23 years. but now i need to start driving and my mom would like me to drive her 2000 bonnaville while she gets a small pickup truck. but to be fair i would need to pay her once she gets her insurance bill yearly, and i would have to pay once she has added me...see where im going with this?""
Which costs more to insure?
I'm 17, get okay grades in school, I guess, but I can always make it look like I got all A's. I'm insured under my grandparents and currently I believe it is around $20 a month or so to insure me on a 03 Galant, I was wandering (I am buying my own car) if I purchase a 97 Eclipse, would the insurance be more or less than a 93 GT3000 Mitsubishi? If so, how much would it cost?""
What is the cost of car insurance in ontario canada?
i live in thorhill. i just got my licence (G2). im 19 and a student. anyone can give me an approximation of the fee per month?
Where can i get 24 hour car insurance cover?
Next weekend we have to take our baby to London for injections and my partner only has a van..(ive been in the back today -wasnt nice) so he'll be borrowing my mums car so we can get there.. Where can i get a day cover for him? He's 19
How much would a car insurance cost?
I am living in NYC and I'm almost 21 and im planning to get a car pretty soon and by that time i will be 21 but i just got my drivers license. And the car i'll be getting will probably be a 2006 honda civic. So, how much would a car insurance cost me per month? Your help will be appreciated thanks :)""
How much will insurance be on a 2004 Nissan Maxima SL?
By the time I get the car I will be like 18 and 1/2. I will be under my parents policy and I only get into one accident (very minor) but it was at no fault. Parents got into no accidents in the last like 5 years. I want a rough estimate on how much it will be a year for the car I am going to get. Thanks
""Which companies offer insurance for individual items such as laptops, iPods, cell phones, etc?""
I'm looking for US insurance companies that offer this service - i.e. instead of buying home insurance to cover everything, to buy insurance just for individual items.""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old?
Hey guys im only 14 but out of curiosity I would love to know about how much a month insurance would be part time on a motorcycle for a 16 year old or 18 year old. Im looking at a yamaha r6. So give me some guesses or if you know for sure thats even better. Thanks
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
Auto insurance premium higher than what was quoted to me?
I just received my auto insurance policy in the mail and the premium is almost $200/year more than what the agent quoted me! My husband's premium for his vehicle was exactly the same as what was quoted. Is this normal and what should I do? I've already emailed the agent asking why the huge difference but am still waiting on a response.
Healthcare Insurance: True or False?
1. The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees. 2. No employer, in any state, is required to provide health insurance to any employee, full time or part time. 3. Employers do not have to report the cost of insurance on employee W-2s in 2011. This reporting is optional in 2011. The reporting requirement is intended to be informational and provide employees with greater transparency into health care costs. The amounts reported are not taxable.""
How can i get cheap car insurance?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?
How much is product liability insurance?
Its for my online womens shoe store. Also what other type of insurance would I need? Thanks
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
Health Insurance - Early Retirees?
Does anyone buy their own health insurance? What is the rate usually for a 62 yr old individual plan? I have gotten 227/mo to as high as 969/mo. How to know if its a scam, too good to be true or a rip off? Thanks for helping. Is Aetna real? I rec'd calls from a broker underwriting with Aetna and worry that those prices of 227/mo were so affordable it must be a scam right? I would love to know what a normal price per month for health insurance is, with no employer involved, however earns too much to qualify for affordable coverage. This is NYS if that matters.""
I cannot find any cheap car insurance quotes?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies?
""I've got a '74 Dodge Avco RV, how much would it cost for insurance?""
It's 28 footer. And maybe if you knew how much it would cost for tires and even a lube and tune, i would appreciate it!""
Affordable Dental Insurance?
I am looking to get individual Dental Insurance (PPO) for myself. I have to get some major work done 4 root canals and 1 extraction ASAP! Can anyone recommend a good affordable insurance??
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Car totaled Auto insurance wont pay full amount with salvage title?
This is crazy my car was hit head on, our airbags saved our lives, now the auto insurance of the other party wont pay full amount on 2006 vibe , because there is a salvage title on my car. My car has that title not from a accident because it was a stolen car that we bought at auction . The Insurance company put's the salvage title on anything. Now what are we going to do sue them, How do you fight this crazy salvage rule its not our problem its their rule . It was also the other persons fault and it ruin our vacation with body pains it was all messed up.""
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
How much has your health insurance gone up in the last year?
Mine just went up 35%. How much has the affordable health care act screwed you so far? And don't tell me it doesn't start until 2014 the insurance companies are raising rates already due to this stinking pile!
I dont have car Insurance?
I am buying a new car, I dont have Car insurance this is my first car! Can I have someone else drive it home for me. that has Insurance""
Is the Nissan 300zx (1991) a good first car for a teenager?
I just want to know, I'm shopping for my first car. I have about $3500 and I want a car that is sporty. I like the nissan 300zx, and I need to know if its a reliable enough car and a good buy for my first car. I f anyone has any advice or knows about the car, let me know. Thank you!""
Anyone got a rough idea what 3 points on a licence will cost to my insurance policy?
I have just been served a Notice Of Intended Prosecution for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone & the mandatory penalty is a 60 fine & 3 points on my licence.I won't know until I get the conviction code to give to my Insurers (Churchill). My renewal will be in Jan 08. Up to now, the licence is clean, 5 years No Claims. I just wanted to get a rough idea what the 3 points will add in money terms if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.""
How Much Will My Car Insurance Be?
I am a 21 year old male with a very clean driving record, no DUI or tickets etc. Buying a 2004 Honda Civic DX 4D Sedan used for $11,000. What's the cheapest full cover car insurance out there for a guy like me? Any suggestions?""
I have geico insurance for Arizona. Will I still be covered if I go out of state?
I have Arizona insurance. But I might take a job in California. Will I still be covered if I move there. I don't know how long I will be. Maybe six or so. I don't want to change driver license and such over if I am not going to permanently live there. Anyone know if I will still be covered if I go out of state.
DMV paying ticket/showing proof of insurance?
I'm In California I received a traffic ticket and did not have my proof of insurance with me. I received my courtesy notice and my amount owed Would be 1000 without my insurance proof. It will obviously be reduced significantly if I show my proof of insurance. I know that you can pay traffic tickets at the DMV. And I want to pay the ticket In payments. So here comes my question- can I go to the DMV and show THEM (the Court Clerk stationed there) my correction (proof of insurance) instead of having to go all the way to the court house? And can I ask for a payment plan there as well? Or can I ONLY show my Correction(Proof of Insurance) and ask for a payment plan at the court house? My first ticket :| And the court house is pretty far from where I live. DMV is right around the corner. That's why I ask :P Thanks
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
It's an older model car and I'm 19. One of my friends pay I have a friend who has state farm and pays 100 a month. Also believe it or not I have another friend who got insurance under her parents insurance company and she got a discount for it.. She is under Progressive and pay 50 dollars a month. I'm a male and I can only dream of my insurance being $50. That isn't going to happen.
Car Insurance and Tax experts only please!!!!?
I plan to buy a used car for 1900, but i need to know how much the sales tax would be.......if you dont know a definate answer can you please give an approximation?? I also need to know about how much my insurance would be....I am 19, female and the car is a Trams Am...i dont know the year.""
""My husband and I are self employed.....We are shopping for health Insurance, what do recommend?""
We are looking for affordable health insurance, but I don't even know where to begin....If you are self employed, who is your provider and why?""
""I need prescription glasses but I don't have Insurance, how much would it cost approximately?""
First off, don't know if location is of any importance but I am from the Sacramento, California, USA area. Like the subject says, I have no insurance of any type, I was thinking of going with Aetna, but only making $90-$120 a week with a temp FedEx job its been kind of rough. But my eyes are going.and its just getting worse. Does anyone know an approximate price of what it would cost to get a pair of glasses without insurance? The charge of the exam and getting the glasses? Or any recommendations for Insurance? Thanks guys if anyone can help. Anthony V -aka TheDunceHat""
I am leaving country for couple of months. I want to cancel my car insurance. Is it possible?
I am paying my insurance monthly and it's very high. I won't be using car for couple of months, so I want to cancel it for some months and take it again after I come back. Is it possible?""
Drivetime Student Car Insurance- any good?
I'm just doing car insurance quotes and came across Drivetime Student where you can't drive after 11pm and before 6am for a 40% discount - does anyone have this insurance and is it any good? Also are you on the odd occasion allowed to go out after 11pm?!
What is the Maximum car insurance firms are LEGALLY ALLOWED to charge you monthly on a vehicle?
Let's take for example a Buick Lacrosse. What if people realized that the car had potential to be modified into a race car. So people start racing them, And there are 100 accidents a day caused by the drivers of those Buicks. How much can car insurance charge people? Is the maximum $1000/month? Is there no limit?""
I need cheap auto insurance.?
I've had 4 car accidents in the last 2-3 years. 2 were not my fault - 2 were only 1 of those had bodily injury. I need to have full coverage because I am financing my car. Any suggestions? I was paying 160 a month I now have a 2008 Nissan Sentra.
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?
0 notes
Legal question about car insurance?
"Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Car insurance...Extending coverage, no matter who you let drive your car?
I heard there are car insurance companies that will extend your coverage to other people who drive your car. What companies do this? And is there a catch ? Thanks.
How can you find out how much your car was when it was new?
My insurance company needs to know how much my car cost when it was brand new so they can give me coverage quotes. I did not buy it new, and it is a 1999. Anyone know the best way to find this out? It is a Chevy Silverado 4500 extended cab. Thanks!""
How to get a job as a finance & insurance manager?
I am currently a Finance Student, and new car salesman... It seems you never see F&I jobs advertized and when you do they always want people with experience in F&I... How does one get a start in F&I other than being promoted from sales, which wouldn't happen until a vacancy arises?""
The general car insurance ? is there a catch ?
I feel like there's a catch . No personal info required and its 39 bucks . Is there a catch ? Or just a bad car insurance
How can I get insurance? Full time student and bulimic?
Hi, I am 19 years old and a full time college student. My mom works two 25-30 hour jobs but does not get insurancew through either jobs. I am bulimic and can't get any private insurance because of my bulimia and also cannot afford it. I paid out of pocket to have a physical and my doctor said I need to be hospitalized, as I am in critical condition. Problem is, I have no idea how to get insurance. Is it possible for me to get insurance? Should I speak with the Department of Health and Social Services or my college counselor? I am not lazy and not looking for free help and am willing to put all the money I make towards insurance...I just really want to get help before I die. Any supportive help is much appreciated, thank you""
Why is my insurance going up?
I've been working with my employer for 7 years, as of right now I have employee & spouse coverage, I pay about 150 a month (auto deduct from paycheck) and that amount gets me a $5000 deductible and about a $25-$30 co-pay. this morning in a company meeting we were told that our insurance is going to go up (starting June 1st) now for employee and spouse it is going to be $410 a month (everything else the same as before co-pay and deductible) last year my hubby had some medical issues and we have about $7000 in medical bills (on a payment plan we pay $400 a month) so now when my new rate kicks in (in about a week) I will have to pay a total of $800 a month just for medical stuff... I can't afford this. my employer is very upset and wants to shop around but has been shopping around for 8 months now and can't find anything better than this. why is health insurance rising?? I am thinking about dropping myself from health insurance all together (I am 31 and healthy), also i plan on getting rid of my cable and internet (which would save $140 a month), my husband (with medical issues) will get health insurance through his work (about $160-$200 a month) and I will go without for a couple of years just so we can keep our heads above water... I just have a question about my plan of action- can I drop my Health insurance? will I get fined for opting out of health insurance when Obamacare goes into action next year?""
Cheapest car insurance?
Cheapest car insurance?
Is Believing in God Similar to Having Car Insurance ?
Believing in God is like having Car Insurance Lls HOPE is Beautiful If you get in an accident you are covered (safe) If not you just short and out of luck ...You can not rule out that God does or doesnt exist....I have Faith that he does so when I die hopefully I meet him...For the rest that dont have Faith they're just cool with the idea that death is just the End and that's their opinion They're not dumb to me at all
""Car insurance, and registration in illlinois.?
hey. i was wondering how much would the avg price be for car insurance for an 89 acura legend 2 door for a 17 year old boy? and how much would it be to register a vehicle in the state of il? also are there any places near or around chicago that sell reposed vehicles. answer to either questoin will be very much appreciated.
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off""
If I get 3 points on my licence for speeding how much will my car insurance go up next year.?
I paid 350 last year for my car insurance (pre 3 points)
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Motorcycle insurance?
what would be a reasonable monthly rate for motorcycle insurance? For an 18 year old male, with a 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. Looking for low-end prices.""
How do insurance companies categorize cars?
How do they determine which cars is going to cost more than others... Which factor of a car means you're going to have to pay 1000 more than another... And why so expensive? After a while surely you've paid more than the cars worth?
Car insurance in America for non citizens on holiday?
I have a few questions about car insurance in America for non citizens. I am going to the USA this summer and will be driving alot.I have car insurance on my own car and have a full license and an international driving permit.Do i have to get insurance on the car in america or will my own insurance in ireland cover it or will i have to start another policy with an american company?Will this cost alot?My insurance here is not expensive and ive never been in an accident or made any claims.Is it possible to be put on my friends insurance as a driver and if so how much would this be cheaper then buying my own insurance?Any information would be great, i am very confused on the matter.""
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
How much will my insurance company give me for a totaled car?
i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero and totaled it less than a month later. the kbb value of the car is about $3000. Can anyone tell me about how much i should get from the insurance company?
How much would my insurance be?
ive just turned 16 and im getting a 50cc moped restricted. Most people insurance is 289 for the first year and 189 for the second. but thats for a scooter.I want an Rs50 (1 of a kind) and so i am asking, will my insurance be different or the same?""
Will a speeding ticket make my insurance go up in texas?
i got pulled over when i was 4 hours out of san antonio tx on my way to corpus and i dont have to make a court appearance nor do i have the time cuz i hafta pay my ticket by the 20th of this money. i called the court and they said all i have to do is just pay the ticket. i don't want my parents to find out of they'll flip out. Will my insurence go up? how can i stop it?
Would a 1.4 honda civic be an ideal car for a new driver?
17 year old. Male. Would it be wise getting a 1.4 civic say 1999 plate for a first car?
How do i report insurance fraud?
for the last year i have worked for one of sacramento's mortage realestate companys. during that time i have witnessed my boss committing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of insurance fraud, filing false police reports , theft, vandalism . who do i report this to and is there a reward ?""
Can I sell my own shipping insurance?
I sell products online that I make myself. So in the past it has been a pain for customers to deal with the postal service in case of damaged in shipping. So instead I would like to just offer my own shipping insurance. Then customers can deal directly with me and everything will me a lot faster and smoother. Is this legal since I am not a real insurance company? If it's not legal how do I have to word it so I can charge like $5 and handle shipping damage myself?
Car insurance first time?
Where should i go to get my insurance im in the uk and i am 18 yrs old i drive a hyundai accent 1.3 Si coupe 1437cc also is it ok to lie just to lower you premium Please help i got a quote for 3100 yearly HELP
""Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?""
so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??""
Car insurance: Proof of no claims?
I just got a letter through today from my car insurance provider asking me they want proof of my no claims. I renewed earlier in the month however i didn't change providers so seems a bit pointless them wanting proof when they hold the no claims information themselves. I didn't renew in the straight forward way as i planned to sell my car but ended up changing my mind but wanted to make some changes to my policy so just created a new policy using my online account i have with the insurance company, it turned out to be cheaper doing it that way but obviously because of the changes i made, could this be why i have received this letter? Should i just notify them of the situation in a letter and attach my original renewal letter which has the no claims information on it? Or will i need to get a so called proof of no claims certificate to get this sorted?""
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car. Should I risk going with bare minimum coverage? What do other people out there do? What level of insurance do you guys have?""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
What exactly does car insurance cover?
If I left my car out in the rain with the sunroof and stuff open and my car suffered water damage because of it, would I be screwed? Or would the insurance help pay for the damages or just compensate me for a new car?""
""Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
In dire need for cheap car insurance!?
So, I have recently passed my driving test and purchased a new car ('03 Renault Clio) and therefore need to insure it. This is where the problem lies. I have checked multiple compare sites, insurance sites, phoned them, asked my friends who they had their insurance under blah blah blah. The lowest quote I have had was 4000!! This extortionate amount is even with my pass plus certificate, saying I keep the car in a garage and having a low annual mileage (up to 6000). I really need some help here! If the car isn't insured for any time longer, and is just sitting in the garage I think im going to murder someone! Any good companies out there???????? Thanks a lot :)""
Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year?
I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance
What zip code in the U.S. has the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know what area of the country recieves the cheapest auto insurance?
Which vehicle would generally cost more to insure: 2008 mustang gt or 2008 nissan 350z?
i know both of these cars will have high insurance premium prices but I was wondering which one would generally be more than the other.
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Health Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good resource for obtaining cheap health insurance and information?
Can I get insurance if I don't have a license?
I'm 18 and want to get my license but I need insurance, can I get liability without a license and about how much it would cost?""
Enterprise Rent a Car Insurance?
I reserved a rental car in California with Enterprise. The price was $9.99/day because of a weekend deal . When I checked in at the counter the agent told me that I needed to either provide proof of FULL COVERAGE insurance or purchase their insurance (which would raise my daily rate from $9.99 to $40)!! If I didn't do either then they wouldn't let me rent a car. I thought that was ridiculous and decided not to rent a car. I've never been required to show proof of any type if insurance whether it be liability or full coverage when renting a car. Was there some recent law that I missed or were they scamming me?
A 1967 FORD MUSTANG coupe Insurance (UK only please)?
Can anyone tell me what the average insurance is for this car is. I tried car insurance sites and all they want is my info and i dont have a licence yet i just want to know what one would insure for. An estimated guess is all i am looking for. Thanks. Also does the historic tax still in use? if a car was made before i think its something like 1974. That would a helpful thing to know as well. Thanks People.
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
Is car insurance more expensive on newer models?
Im comparing car insurance quotes online. I havent yet got the car im insuring but Im looking at different 206 models. I know there are many factors when it comes to the quote, but does a newer model cost more to insure because this is what I seem to be finding: 2004 models- my insurance is around 470, yet when I checked the same model but a 2005 reg it was nearly 300 pounds more.""
Do I really need to buy the insurance?
Renting a car from Enterprise, I don't have a car or insurance but I do have a Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance a scam? Or should I get it? I am in California.""
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
""I'm 23 and wanting to buy a new car, how much more will I pay in insurance because of my age?
For example: I'm wanting to buy a 25k car. (new civic) I got quoted at $1500 for a 6 month policy full coverage. I have a clean record. How much does my age effect the quote all other things being equal. Will waiting till I'm 24 make a big difference in the quote?
Are Honda Preludes considered sports cars to insurance companies?
Im looking for a Honda, and i keep finding Preludes, i love the car but i have been told i cant get one because they are considered sports cars and sports cars are more on insurance, can anyone help me!? Are they really considered sports cars?""
""Why do all of my car insurance quotes start at 5,000?! (20 years old)?""
Hey, hopefully you can help me. I have been looking at car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) and I had 16 quotes come back to me from different providers, ranging from 5,550 - 9,860!? I have no health or sight problems, no convictions etc... I'm just a simple standard applicant. I am 21 years old in August, female and looking to insure a Ford KA 2000 1,3 living in west midlands. I really expected insurance to be around 1,500 maximum, am I filling in the application wrong?!""
""I'm turning 19 in August, Is there any free health insurance?""
I've had All kids for the past several years and now that I'm turning 19 in August they're taking it away. I'm a full time college student, I can't afford health insurance, what can I do? All of the money that I make goes towards my schooling.""
Insurance Cost for Hyundai Elantra in Canada?
I'm 23 years old living in ontario canada, and I'm planning on buying a used 2004 hyundai elantra. I've taken driving school and now have g2 driving license. I'm looking for other people who have also bought the same car and around the same age as me, and I just wanna ask how much do you pay for your car insurance and what's the best (cheaper) company i should go for? Thanks =]""
Insurance related question?
I am planning to take a savings plan insurance in SBI Life Insurance for tax benefits and for my future benefit also. Is SBI Life Insurance reliable or shall i consider for some other insurance company? If you think other Insurance company, please suggest some good company names. And do you think my option for saving plan is good or shall i look for some other plan? Your suggestions are welcome and thanks for your time.""
Cheap Car insurance in Montreal?
Hi, I moved to Montreal on a new job and would like to take new insurance for my Toyota Corolla S 4DR. Any idea which insurance is cheap??""
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?
Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x""
Health insurance for the unborn?
Im under my dads health insurance until im 26. my insurance said they would cover me and my delivery, but wouldnt cover the baby. how can i get my baby medical insurance before she's born? (im aiming to get her on medicaid) but what steps do i take?""
Auto Insurance Question.?
Just want to know if your supposed to know the exact dates of your tickets when you get insurance. Because I have 4 tickets and when I get quotes online they always tell me to enter the date. And I just enter a random date b/c I dont really know. And also they say by how much you were speeding. Which I also dont remember. Do you NEED this information? What If you don't enter it? Is it like against the law? And also if it is needed what do I do? I never had my own insurance so I have no clue. Thanks
""I am looking to get an 80' s mustang, v8, and possibly with a superchager on it. What would the insurance cost
be? what would be the difference between with a super and without one? I am 17 and it would be with my parents insurance. Thanks!
""Health Insurance questions, help?
I just got a job as a firefighter in my local town in Mass. Im only 21 y/o and still on my mothers insurance Do you recommend I stay with her's or pursue my own? She is an LPN so her benefits are ok but nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? PRices of FF health insurance? Thanks!
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a.....?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 cc""
Unemployment Insurance California?
I have been recently laid off after working for a company for 13 years. I filed for unemployment, but was denied benefits because I am currently employed by another company. However, it is a commission only position (Loan Officer) and I am learning the trade and have not made any sales, hence I have not been paid. I feel I should be able to get unemployment benefits until I actually get paid. Do I have a case for an appeal?""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Inifiniti G37 insurance for 18 year old?
Ok i live in new york and im 18 and a new driver.... i keep hearing that it would cost over 700 dollars a month to insure it ..... is that true ? i know there is alot of variables but i wanna know is it possible ?
Why should each of these people get insurance?
When you are broke in what order should a , young married couple without children, 18-25 single person or single 18-25 year old parent purchase different types of insurance? Why?""
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
Can I use my no claims discount for scooter insurance?
I am seriously considering dumping the car and using a scooter. I have full no claims discount on my car insurance, would I be able to use this on my scooter insurance? If not, would I loose that no claims I have built up i.e. if i go back to driving a car will I start again with zero no claims discount. This is a UK based question.""
Car Insurance?
I just got my license and my parents bought me a used car (03 Nissan Sentra). It has insurance under my mom's name, but not mine. Can I legally drive that car and if I do get into an accident driving it, will it be covered?""
How do I choose the right car insurance?
I just bought my first car and I need to find a good and cheap car insurance.
""I know it seems crazy, but whats the insurance per year of a 16 Year old with a Corvette?""
Lets say a 1995 Corvette with a V8 5.7 Liter Engine? I want to get a broken down one as a project car, I'd have to get insurance but how much would it be? Don't tell me its a stupid crazy idea just stfu... its only an idea.""
How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck if you have no insurance to cover other driver?
How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck that was caused by you if you have no insurance to cover the other driver? Are there any legal ramifications?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
How much is an occasional drivers insurance in ontario?
I am 16 i have a g2 i drive and 2003 dodge caravan sxt its my dads how much would it cost to list me as an occasional driver with TD insurance
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
What car has the cheapest insurance?
For a 17 year old.. (MALE)
Am i paying to much for car insurance?
my parents just got insurance for my first car it is a 1963 mercury comet i am 17 years old and my dad just told me the insurance for the car is $380 per month and that seems a little high what do you think? my other friend only pays $100 but he has a good student discount and has had insurance for a while.
What is the cheapest insurance firm for new drivers?
i am 21, female, just passed test...does anyone know any ggod insurance firms to try?""
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?
What's the best auto insurance you can get for a female under 25?
I had Liberty Mutual. I got a low premium because of my parents but when the taxes went up they totally jacked up my premium. Plus their customer service is TERRIBLE and they're grimy. So then I went to Progressive - One lady helped me get my policy, then I called them for another reason and another rep. said I didn't even get the best quote I could've gotten. I'm kind done with these brand name insurance companies. I was looking into one called Elephant insurance but I'm not sure if it's actually any good. Does anyone know anything about them? Is there any other company I can try? I'm 20, I turn 21 next month. I've never had an accident. And I don't know what my credit score is or if I even have one yet (I'm working on it.)""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 yr old female?
I'm 16 & getting a 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don't tell me not to get it because I'll wreck or trash it. I learned how to drive when I was 12 and I drove all the time when I got my permit. I'm not going to trash it at all. All I need to know if how much insurance might be. A rough estimate because I know everywhere is different. Some few details: I'm 16, a female, straight A student, and really responsible. Thanks.""
What is the best type of renters insurance available in California?
I want to get renters insurance in California, any good affordable ones available? I noticed nationwide and statefarm are not available here. I am using Geico for car insurance. TIA!""
Can I put my motorcycle on my moms insurance?
For my 18th birthday im going to get my self a Ninja 250R, but I already have a 2009 Toyota and my mom also has a 2009 Toyota, because i am much younger my insurance will be very expensive... i was wondering if I can put the bike under my moms name so that I can give her money to pay it at a lower rate? or can it only be the owner of the bike? Also could I have her buy it under her name so it looks like she is the only owner or does that matter?""
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
""Car accident person at fault has no insurance, what now?""
had a car accident a week ago, minor injury to wrist havent gone to doctor, other persons fault, person B failed to yield while turning left and drove right in front of me. I have full coverage on my part, however fault being hers i made a claim to insurance she provided to police report. the thing is that the owner of vehicles insurance policy does not have person b listed on that policy but person b has same home address as policy holder so technically theyre insurance will not cover me. they have restricted non standard policy, and i do not have uninsured motorist coverage on my policy nor car rental coverage. their insurance is investigating this in he meanwhile so they say. i am not sure whether i should get my insurance to handle this, if i do i would have expect higher premium, pay deductible, rental car and medical fees out of pocket. I am wondering if i should have patience or start looking for a lawyer and forget my own insurance.""
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.""
Question about state health insurance in georgia?
Im moving from Massachusetts to Georgia in march. My work doesn't offer insurance so we are on commonwealth care. Its state insurance. Im trying to find out if there is state insurance in ga as well iv got children and need insurance for them. Im not sure if the job im taking will offer some but in the mean time I need something. Can someone tell me if they have state health insurance or some type of low cost for low income? Thanks.
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
In California what is traffic school for? Will my insurance still increase?
I am 19 and got a speeding ticket 85 in a 65 this is my FIRST ticket. I take full responsibility and am ready to accept my consequences. I am not one to drive like that but I was late that day. I know there is no excuse. Soon I am getting my own insurance under my own name. If I take traffic school besides not getting a point on my license will this also prevent insurance increases. If I go to get my insurance will this ticket affect me even though I took traffic school? I live in California and this is my first ticket I am 19 and male.
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Buying auto insurance?
Is it possible for someone to buy auto insurance with their brother?
Taxes on insurance?
My sister passed away in a plane crash and the plane was insured. If the insurance company wrote me a check for $50,000 how much should I be expecting to pay in taxes? I'm so confused....""
Term Life Insurance?
What company is the best to open up a Term Life Insurance fix for 30yrs???
Father wants to add either wife or daughter on the car insurance policy? Who will be cheaper to add?
Father wants to add a named driver to his insurance policy and wants to add the wife who is 48 years old whom holds a provisional licence. However, the daughter who is 17 (nearly 18) wants to be added as a named driver as she does quite a lot of practising in the car. From the situation would it be the same price for both? or would it be cheaper for the older women. Both have not passed test so wouldn't the insurance policy price be the same for both. I would like to know the difference? or whether it would be the same as both just hold provisional license?""
A question about car insurance?
I currently live in Minnesota, where the price for my auto insurance is around $910/6 months for the most basic insurance required by law, which is 30/60/10. In August, I am moving to North Dakota. I wanted to change my insurance to my North Dakota address, since their requirements are 25/50/25, and will cost me only half of what I am paying now. So my question is, do I have to change anything? Do I have to change my legal home address to North Dakota and get a North Dakota address, or can I keep my Minnesota address and license? I'll honestly do anything it takes, since I will be living in ND for four years and will probably end up making that my legal home eventually anyways, I just need to know if there is anything I need to do immediately so my car insurance is legal.""
Hi Ladies and Gents, im 24 yrs old and turn 25 in august and my dream is to get a car to help my mum and dad sadly im not the best with technology or bargain hunting im a little bit naive if im honest. Anyway i thought as this will be my first car my insurance would be quite high and i thought 1500 a year would be decent enough paying monthly. so i tried some insurance sites but best i could see was around 2700 and i thought wow thats shocking! i need help from you guys if you can spare a moment please thanks, i dont need anything fancy just an A to B car to help mum and dad with life and me get to work ofcourse. I decided to start my lessons and drive an automatic car starting end of this month at payday! so ive listed some details below that i think you can help me to get a cheaper deal, thank you guys very much for being kind. ok... my car will be a cheap one maybe 1000 2nd hand automatic civic,corsa or something pref 3 door 1.4L is fine also i seen some on auto trader. annual miles 10k SD&P<<im sure thats rite social and work? fully comp i may hang off till i turn 25 if my insurance will go down and also i thought a little about going on someone elses insurance (my aunt has a mobility car for my mum) or adding someone to mine? not sure? also my sister and her BF have a car but im a little scared to ask them haha! so can anyone please help me get a cheap quote thanks a million,!""
Can you deny the other parent taking the kids because of no car insurance?
I have a friend who recently found out that his ex-wife doesn't have car insurance. He's telling her that she cannot come pick up the kids because not having insurance is illegal. It's stupid and petty, but would it hold water in court?""
Health Insurance for a College Student in California?
I am a 19 year old who is a full time student in college. I just moved out of my parents home a while back and well I dont have Health Insurance. I'm in desperate need to see a doctor and as well as a Gyno due to menstruation problems and I tried applying for Medical but on the application it said i couldnt go further unless I was a pregnant person or have children. I just need a affordable plan. Any suggestions for a new-adult?
How much does insurance cost on a Ferrari?
I've always wondered what the cost of insurance would be for a $250k car such as a Ferrari F430. just curious
Will insurance fix a car that someone hit?
Someone hit my car and I did not get their license plate. Will my insurance fix my car? The damage is not so great, and it is somewhat hit.""
Do you actually need commercial insurance to deliver pizza?
I'm a courrier and I just got a new car I'm looking to insure. I called Progressive and they told me that ANYONE who uses their car for work, even pizza drivers, are required to have commercial car insurance. They quoted my price to be about $11,000 a year. That is insane; no pizza driver or person who does what I do IN THIS COUNTRY pays that much for insurance. So if anyone can shed some light; is it truly required? What could happen if I don't have it and have an accident on the job. Since I'm a contractor and I don't have real hours, could I just say I'm off the job no matter what?""
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?
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