#thinking about it makes me both sad and reminicant
katatty · 9 months
Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs.
Aw man, this is a fun one! I've been writing stupid stuff for my sims to say for so long it's hard to think of a top 5, but definitely have some funny moments I'd like to reminice on :)
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“Who cares about work? Money isn’t everything, Raye!” “I’m just not sure I’m responsible enough for this. I feel like a kid myself half the time!” “Well, better grow up fast, because I’m keeping the baby! Bleh!!”
This line from Emmie is iconic to me and kind of sums up both the good and bad in her character! She's enthusiastic, chirpy and always ready to jump into stuff but can be kinda selfish/thoughtless with like, poor boundaries lmao. It also always makes me giggle adding "Bleh!!" to the end of her lines idk
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Bella: Cassandra! Oh my, are you all right? Cassandra: I’m fine, Mom. Bella: You’re having a mental breakdown on our back porch!
idk this is just funny to me bc Bella is half concerned for Cassandra and half worried that Cassie is bringing down the vibe at her fabulous dinner party lol
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Camellia: I keep thinking I’ve forgotten something!  Lori: Cami, I feel like that almost all the time. Nine out of ten times it’s nothing important!
I'm realising going though these most of them aren't even particualrly "great quotes" they're just things I found funny to write, haha. My way of escaping the "5 characters" thing by making them all require context or somehting. idk! RIP to Orion
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Lilith: Since when you do you cook, anyway? Ashley: I’m teaching myself. It’s called having a growth mindset, you should try it. Lilith: Hey, I’m all about personal growth. You know I achieved lifetime happiness this week? Ashley: Our date was that good, huh?
Ashley & Lilith's unhealthy-ass relationship banter is always so fun to write, I really miss them! I really like having sims actually mention, like, game mechanics? Lilith saying "I achieved lifetime happiness this week" just tickles me. tbh i also think "it's called having a growth mindset" is really funny, really fits ashley's self-improvement-reddit-guy vibe
ok and my all time favourite scene/quote is this ripp moment idk this was 5 years ago but i still laugh thinking about it it was so unhinged
“So this makes us and the twins, what? Step-siblings? That’s hot.” “You are such a pig, Ripp!” Lilith kicked him under the table. “I’m gonna kill you.” “Chill out, Tank! It’s not like it’s real incest! You and Angela can keep fucking if you really want to.”
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like most inappropriate and gross comments of all time????????? lmao. very sad that Ripp has grown as a person I miss writing him as an immature dickhead lol
ANYWAY thank u for sending this, it was really fun & nostalgic and has me really wanting to actually write posts again, maybe I will queue some up :)
tagging @potential-fate, @moocha-muses, @dunne-ias, @antisocialbunnysims & @rurpleplaysmuttingtonac if any of you fancy doing this :)
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I wanna add something to the Atsushi and Headmaster conversation, if that's alright? If not, feel free to ignore/delete this ask!
I'm gonna start off by saying I'm fine, I'm on the road of healing and there's no need to feel worried, I don't want this to come off as trauma dumping. I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet, while still getting the point across as a person who loves to ramble. Also, this is just my experiance and anyone else might a different answer and that's just as valid. I'm not saying anyone else is wrong, just that this is what I think.
Okay, so, I never went through what Atsushi did, and I'm sure most people haven't, but I've gone through something... reminicent of it? I don't wanna say similar, but Atsushi reminds me of myself enough that I want to share my thoughts.
My mother hurt me. She didn't hit me, but she caused me a lot of emotional and mental trauma. She wanted to help, "prepare me for the real world" and all that, but she did it horribly and all she left me with was trauma. She, in fact, made me less prepared for the world than if she had done things differently.
And the point to sharing that is that I think what Dazai said and did was the best response anyone could have given Atsushi. It was, in my opinion, exactly what Atsushi needed in that moment.
Because the hardest part of healing was never realizing what she did was wrong. Never accepting the fact that I hated her and what she did was. All that was easy.
The hardest part of healing was accepting the fact that I still loved her. That part of me will always love her simply because she's my mom, and that shouldn't- doesn't make any of what she did okay, but I still love her, and sometimes I don't even know why.
The hardest part was accepting I love her and I hate her and I'm doing them both at the same time, without either canceling the other out.
The hardest part was accepting that it's okay that I cry about the what ifs and could have beens, it's okay that I love her. It's okay that the thought of her being completely gone from my life makes me sad, even though I'm the one who never wants to see her again.
Emotions are weird and complicated and illogical while also being very logical at times. The best thing we can do isn't always to explain them or ratonlize them, but just feel them.
It's okay to cry when someone who hurt you leaves you for good. It's okay for those tears to not be relief, but mourning, for what could have been and maybe also what was. The moments inbetween where everything seemed maybe just alright.
It's okay to cry when someone who was supposed to help you hurt you instead, and then they give you an apology or flowers like that's supposed to help, supposed to fix the mile high pile of awful things they did to you, fix the trauma they've inflicted on you- and now they're gone.
It's okay to cry even when you don't know why or the reason is bad and stupid. After all, most people cry when their fathers die.
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
i have recently gotten into johnkat and johndave (yes i do hate myself). i know there is a ton of hs backstory and fandom drama i will never know about, but can you maybe explain why there seems to be so much disdain for my ships? i'm sure the short answer is d*vekat, but it also seems like people don't like my son john. 😢
hmmm, i dunno if i can explain past anything a few years ago seeing as i wasn't there before, like, 2016, but i can explain my best from interpretation and i can tell you about currently!! it seems like historically, johnkat and johndave started kinda sitting on the fandom backburner around the time the Vriskagram animation came out and "confirmed" canon interpretation of davekat (although we should never let canon get in the way of anything fun!!) and, of course common in every fandom, there were pledges of shippers against other ships that weren't theres (i would say the john/karkat/dave triangle is certainly so...temmie would say we should just let em all kiss lmao) so years of rising tension and already established ships, along with the fact nothing was ever "confirmed" but always hinted at is at least a quick summary of the history (to my brief understanding).
More recently, if we include the epilogues and the drama surrounding literally everything about hs, there are two key reasons these ships currently may be subjected to hate: 1, homestuck suggested and the epilogues dubiously confirmed davekat and hs^2 continues to be a drama-esque unsubstaining 2015 4k sadstuck fic around any lgbt+ topic, so theres that, and 2, with the rise of June Egbert and her more vocal image in the fandom today, there are a lot of people who believe "John" is now a character that invalidates and is transphobic to June's image (which, my followers have most likely seen why this is incorrect! We should support everyone <3) so shipping "John"dave or "John"kat is seen as trans misogynistic (prejudice against trans women) by those who may divulge into content about the egbertian charmer; including ships! And, perhaps there's a little more or less to it that I'm unaware of and/or forgot to mention, but I believe this is more or less the reasonings about why john/dave or kat is now disliked or less common within our fandom (nowadays).
I guess a few other surface reasons to have contributed would be things such as the changing culture of the internet from 2009-to current times, how the fandom has changed during that time too, old fans leaving and new fans taking place (adding into the mix of people who have grown bolder at attempting to create conflict) and mayyyybe how Homestuck is interpreted as the whole story (including beyond canon) vs how one would have felt during the "era" of homestuck? I personally believe hs^2 has definetly influenced (a little too much) the experience of some first time readers, so it comes down to "Seeing the puzzle coming together slowly and gaining experience n culture" versus the "the puzzle comes together quickly and understandably but unaware of the depth of how people felt in the moment" as to what seems to form in everybody individually.
At least, this is from what I've gathered about reading old posts, tidbits of history left behind on abandoned blogs and snippits represented by artists back then (like orangelemonart? have you ever seen their one comic about shipping the fused homestuck ships together??) that leaves us new fandom folk with the quest on piecing together the "back then". What I'm saying is, the ending of Homestuck most likely had a lot of fans "moving on" and leaving behind those who wanted to stay and a lotta wholes for new readers to fill. The whole story influencing new readers preferring davekat isn't a surprising development, and I could only imagine how it's preffered if reading everything we have today all at once (although the scarcity of johnkat and johndave(?) is odd, there are still people around!! and it's likely there will always be). Don't fret if you feel as if your ships are sunk a lil, because there's always a little something or someone around the corner who feels the same way you do. It's practically why I draw johnkat now! I've been able to reach those people in the distance even when I didn't know they were there, and I'm sure there's more who we don't yet see.
Hope this answers your question!
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rocksinmuffin · 7 years
"I'm here."
(Welp, here’s the Reader insert fic I made for Ratchet and some office lady that Works at the military base that the Autobots was at in the end of the Prime series. I decided to keep the reasoning behind her sudden distress open, so that others can insert themselves into it. I wrote it mainly as some sort of therapy after dealing with a major anxiety attack, so I guess that’s the reason I included it I hope I managed to keep him in character, but I have a feeling I kind of failed in some places. QUQ I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it. And I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes. English is not my motherlanguage. QUQ)
He laid there, with his dear sweetspark tucked in the crook of his arm. His servos holding her up by her bottom, her legs laying spradlet on the side of his own, their size bigger than both of hers. Her pillowy bossum was rising by each of her soft shaky breaths, soft long arms clinging to his chassis.
His eyebrows arched in a concerned manner, as he pushed some of her damp long hair away from her face, seeing the dried tear streaks. Remembering what had just happened hours ago, he stroked her cheek.
The loud sound of the door opening and closing brought him out of his consentration on his work. Whipping around he was about to reprimant the unfourtunate soul for almost giving him a sparkattack…
…Only for his eyes to lay onto the wet eyes of his timid human lover, drenced from head to toe.
The bun on her head had deflated, hairstrands escaping from it. The woman currently hugged herself, her office clothes consisting of just a modest dress with a knee cut lenght clinging to her wet body.
She stared up at him with frightful eyes, as if she had seen something horrible. He quickly gathered her in his servos, and brought her to his face, finding himself fretully demanding what had happened. It was late, even for her!
“What in Primes name happened?? Did you run all the way from the barracks to here? It’s raining outside! You could’ve caught a cold, or a phenomia!”
He continued to drill her for answers as he cradled her to his chassis, multitasking both focusing on her and turning off the computer to take them both to his berth.
She suddently interupted him with a shaky question, her voice wavering between quiet sobs.
“P-Please… Touch me. I need you to- to replace-”
He stared down at her with a wildly confused look, his eyebrow like fins arching in incredulence.
“Sweetspark, what in the allspark are you-”
“I- I cant’t. I can’t explain it. I-Its-”
By now she was stumbling with her words, her breathing getting eratic. Her tears continued to fall, as she stared fearfully at nothing in particular as he entered the code to his berthroom before stepping in with her cradled close to him.
As soon as he sad down, he gestured for her to remove the wet dress. As she did, he reached for a sheet of blanket he often didn’t use. Bundling her up in it, he whispered to her comfortingly; all until her eratic breathing subsued. The quiet shaky sobs from her made him gently rub her back.
“I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere..”
A quacky sob left her, and she buried herself closely to his chassis.
“Now…what is it that you need for me to do?”
Lifting her head, she stared at him almost shyly. A small reminicant of when he first met the timid woman clutching the clipboard close to her chest. The clean-cut primmed woman a stark contrast to the weeping one currently in his servos.
She averted her eyes for a split second, glistening still with tears and a unknown fear.
“I… I need you to make love to me. I need to feel you’re still here, and…”
Slowly he lifted her to his face, his eyebrow fins still curled in perlexted confusion. Then he kissed the side of her face, before feeling the rest of his body shrinking with her still close to him.
“I’m here.” ____
The transfluied had by now dried between her legs, her overheated skin now cooling down from resting almost on top of him.
Leaning down he kissed the corner of her bruised lips, noting to himself to find the healing gel he often kept on him whenever they experienced their newfound kinks.
When they slept together, he remembered how she had arched her back and being unable to form sentences. Despite the preperation and great amount of lube, his spike had still caused her some pain at first. From then on it went a bit easier, even if they still used the waterbased lube he had aquired. A part of him felt a bit pride from how he had been the first to make her properly overload, even if it was a thought he found completly juvenile to think.
He remembered with a chuckle how she had a few days afterwards snuck in just wearing a coat, to reveal the elaborate rope ties around her body.
He later learned it to be a thing they called “shibari”; a form of bondage. He had lived long enough to have dabbled in it before he met her, which he found himself remembering telling her when she presented the treat. She had looked at him with careful excitment, averting her shy gaze a bit to stare at her feet, face flushed red while chewing her bottom lip.
He had found a great joy seeing her like that, with a collar and everything. It aroused him to no end, filling him with ideas of what to do to her.
Especially with her hands tied back, her breast more swollen and bouncier as he either fingered her violently, or pounded into her while ordering her not to come until he told her to.
Even if it was in his holoform or mass displaced form, he always felt a surge of excitment from seeing her arche from his ministration, calling him a mix of “sire” and “sir” as he “punished” her for being naughty. Telling her how good she looked with his spike buried deep inside of her, even to the hilt.
It was all just talk to rile both of them up towards several overloads, until his lovers body became oversensitive all over. The vibrators on her nipples and clit working at punishing settings as he continued to pound into her from different angles; or while she was just lapping up the remaining fluids on his spike with her soft pink tounge.   It was something he found her to greatly enjoy, especially when he spanked her behind, asking for seconds as she shakily promised to be a good little slut for her Sire. When she had said it the first time, she had clamped up in a cute embarrased manner, which had made him chuckle and rub her behind as he told her how good she was.
He had once caught her staring at him from her kneeled position in front of his spike, her gaze filled with worship and utter adoration. It just made him feel more aroused, especially when she looked at him in a such way with his spike halfway past her soft lips.
It often ended in similar fashion akin to this, sans the tears and the restless slumber she had fallen herself into. His servo, still larger than her own even in his mass displaced form, brushed away the stray tears threatening to spill from her restless dreams. Adusting so that she laid more on top of him, he grabbed the forgotten sheet to bundle her in. Her body shaking as it went from overheated to cold.
He still didn’t know what had caused this strong reaction in her, despite knowing from beforehand how she had struggled with restless dreams and strong anxiety problems. He continued to pat her head, adjusting himself into a more seated position as he waited for her to wake up. His cold metal lips brushing against her forehead, murmuring comforting words into the soft skin the human mankind was made of. The species who had gifted him the sparkmate he had long since ignored his longing for, even if he had found it ridiculous for him to think so the first time he acknowledged his feelings for this beautiful human woman.
His beautiful sparkmate who was hiding away her distress from him. ____
Shiethed inside of that moist caven of his lovers vagina, he rutted his hips gently into her. His fragile lover had hidden herself in the crook of his neck, her shaking arms attempting to circle around his helm. The bottle of lube had rolled away when he had emptied it onto his servos, having prepped her beforehand. Whispering words of comfort and reassurence into he ear, teasing it slightly with butterfly-kisses as he had guided her down onto his large girth. The aching sounds she made as he fully entered her, her tearstricken eyes closing in pure bliss as the discomfort had dabbed away.
He continued to move slowly and gently, cradling his timid lover close to him. As the thrusts became more faster and harder, she began to let out whimpering mewles and shaky moans; mindlessly aching his name.
“A-Aah- P-please, please d-don’t stop. I- Aahh!- I-I can’t think!”
Pulling her hair aside, he began to taste her sweaty skin with his glossa, vents leaving a damp spot in the crook of her neck. Soon he pushed her onto the damp sheet to thrust eratically into her, gritting his denta as he was so close. But he wanted to wait until she found her release, waiting for her to lose herself to the ecstacy of her pleasure.
Reaching down he rubbed her clit in the pace of his mindless thrusting. The arching of her back and aching silent scream she let out was all it took for him to gather her back in her arms before losing himself completely. He came with a low growle like grunt, his hold on her almost bruising.
Benieth him his lover breathed with a sore throat, before reaching up to curl her arms around his helm. Lathering kisses on the side of his face. Quiet, almost needy “I love you”’s escaped her, which he answered back with heated kisses. His glossa lazily dancing with her soft pink one, as he started to thrust into her again, his stamina much more stronger than any human. Her moan muffled out by his mouth, as he lifted her leg up higher to get more deeper. Sitting up so that he thrusted into her in an upward fashion, he grazed his blunt denta on the side of her neck as sounds of “P-please don’t stop Rathce- Aaah!” filled his audials.
Whatever was causing her distress seemed to have been forgotten in their hazes of pleasure, and he planned to do so until she grew tired. ____
He stilled as he felt the bundle of his lover waking up from her post-sex-slumber. Eyes still red but now more tired than they seemed sad. She struggled to keep her head up, still so exhausted from keeping at it with him for hours and hours.
She gazed at him, almost guiltily as she averted her face. He caught her chin between his large fingers, turning her eyes to look into his own soft ones. His soft grip turned into cupping her cheek, as he brushed it slightly with his fingers to brush away the sand from her eyes.
She opened her mouth to speak, and he waited patiently for her to find her voice.
“I… I often fear… I fear that one day I will…”
He continued to listen to her explain, letting her spill her deepest fears and thoughts to him, as he would whenever he was the one comforted by her. By the end of her little speach, she lowered her head in shame.
Exventing at her doubt, he pulled her closer to him. Kissing her eyes before moving down towards her quivering lips. Giving them a gentle kiss, he moved her to the crook of his neck as he crooned at her.
“I will always be here. Don’t worry my sweetspark.”
Submitted by anonymous.
👌💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Thanks for sharing cutie! The world needs more Ratchet smut and you have provided. You’re doing Primus’ work!!!
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