#thinking about how much i love stan lee's spider-man  and how much i love his girls
qcomicsy · 6 months
Sometimes I feel like only Peter Parker gets how humbling it is to be poor jesus christ. I am enjoying my time despite not being my cup of tea (I am a dialogue person, I love dialogue I love dialogue as a dog loves little delicious treats. 60's comics unfortunately do not have the best kind of dialogues). But I am enjoying it, almost as a concept, hecause Stan Lee and Robin Dikto do not have the fear to show a pathetic little man, they don't have the embarrassment of showing your hero getting rejected by the girl, forgetting to let his suit dry and having to wear a wet scrunky suit, showing him being arrogant, being annoying, a very very antisocial guy.
I think reading so so many comics where it's clear how much the writers are trying to make the hero sound cool, the smartest, handsomest and smoothies guy in the room.
Peter is kind of a breath of fresh air. He gets it, he really does. He's not cool, he's not there yet. He's a kid doing dumb shit. Trying to do better, failing and failing and trying. No wonder so many people who got to read his comics as they were growing up hold Peter so close to their heart.
Because he's the proof you can try again, you can fuck up, in ten, twenty, thirty hell maybe forty years from now it won't matter. Just try again. Stand up. Try again.
@sciderman talks a lot about how Spider-Man is about reaching manhood and I've never get it, sure as a concept yes but I couldn't grasp why. Now I do.
It's not about waking up and being the man you should be, being responsible for having a cool montage of getting better and better. Nah it's the every day thing. Peter isn't (at least what I am getting of the comics while I read at my pace and time) the representation of becoming the power and responsability thing, he is the representation of having this as a goal. And trying each day.
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spiderpussinc · 1 year
You know your post about divorced Peter got me thinking. A lot. Then I realized that I, in fact, never thought about this much because from the beginning I just stay in my lane rather than judging people for divorcing Peter again. I think I am really too old to care that much about what people write especially if it end up limiting other out of moral obligation.
Basically it's dumb and you're right
Ur the most normal for this. Its incredibly fucking silly discourse to me bc Peter Parker *has* been divorced for pretty much two decades now. (Not even just divorced - the marriage was ERASED out of canon. they are just ex bf/gf.) MJ has her own share of past and present different partners! There are multiple universes where she is either *canonically* a lesbian, or implied to be coming to terms with it. Peter had countless girlfriends/hookups in the meantime! I think what gets me the most is how confidently wrong a lot of these assumptions are; I keep seeing this weird "one-and-only, first and last, soulmates.." thing applied to Peter and MJ and its like...
1. Peter dated multiple people before her AND after her; Gwen wasn't the first either, but for a long time, Gwen *WAS* the biggest regret of his life and they were meant to get married. Gwen was the one based on stan lee's wife, the closest thing to a planned soulmate; and she dies bc it's not meant to be. Not ever. There is no predetermined true spider-man love interest, you're just talking about some of the adaptations you've seen. This is one of the most debated superhero writing convos of all time LOL even Marvel editorial internally disagrees on this - everyone has their favorite. That's the point!
2. Divorce is based and awesome and maybe I'm just getting old but when a marriage doesn't work **having a child** certainly isn't the thing that's going to save it. I know how that one goes! Be prepared to crash even harder once the baby glow passes and the complex shit kicks right back in! To be honest it'd be even more realistic if it crashed again post-mayday, or if MJ divorced him bc she was already pregnant and wanted to do something better with her life instead of playing second fiddle to spider-man forever or being in peril to motivate his character arc.
But the thing that does annoy me is how entitled some ppl have become. Siding with actual homophobic redditors and posting up under gay fanart with the most annoying 'umm. hes married? the sanctity of marriage???' comments. who fuckin care. It's comics. It's all fanfic. Even the published stuff. Stream:
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 months
I watched Deadpool and Wolverine and I have thoughts
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First of all
I cannot believe I saw my girl Elektra again and yes I would have cried and thrown up if they killed her. If Blade and Gambit are both getting a new movie where's Elektra's?? I say we riot. And I'm only a little bit kidding. Spider-Man needs a new mother figure after all. How about an Elektra/Jessica Drew team up? OMG I'm just realizing they could have put her in the canceled Shang-Chi film. Does the Hand never face off with the Ten Rings? You would think a couple of a martial artist gangs would have a rivalry. We could have been shipping Elektra and Xialing 😭
Okay actual movie thoughts
Yes the car scene was in fact a sex scene and I don't even think that's even debatable. You can't tell me Hugh Jackman threw his head back like that and groaned like he was fucking cumming and it wasn't an analogy for sex and then following it up with a pan away/sunset shot? It was 100% an ode to the many gay writers who hid their desire to penetrate another man through swords, guns, and fangs. Bram Stoker would be proud
Do not watch this movie if you're uncomfortable with inappropriate sexual touching, or language for that matter. Everyone's getting sexually assaulted and it's a joke every time, but at least they call it what it is I guess?
I feel like the amount of graphic sex jokes was to cover for the fact that they were told not to joke too much about drug use. Although choosing to joke about how they can't do coke was possibly my favorite joke, don't ask me why
They sure did let that little people joke in there though... yikes. Disney is really begging people with dwarfism to jump their asses this year
The weakest part of the film was definitely the villain dialog. I guess they didn't want any big plot twisty reveals because man these dudes came out monologing and like who asked? Nobody. Why are they talking so much?
I have a genuine love for Happy becoming the new Stan Lee cameo. I just love that man as a character and it feels right that he has a hand in everything.
I saw someone on here pouting about the photo of Tony and Peter together and how Peter's face was covered BUT ACTUALLY it's a running gag in the comics that Deadpool can't see Spider-Man's face or hear his name. Even if Peter takes his mask off right in front of him the "Marvel censors" hide it from Wade and I hope to god that's why they covered it because it'll be so damn funny if and when they're both in a film together
Speaking of funny, the comedy in this film was so well done. They poured most of the jokes out in the first act and left room for the movie and the characters to be taken seriously. I'm here praying that the other Marvel writers take notes because while I'm a very emotional person who requires comic relief to get through most movies without crying, we all know the humor in Marvel films is getting to be a bit much.
I was holding my breath during the big team up thinking it was going to be Deadpool 2/Suicide Squad all over again, but they actually got to have their hero moment and it was beautiful.
But WTF? Why did Blade and Gambit get a big moment where they show off their skills but Elektra gets half the screen time during the fight and her moment is just her kicking someone? She has magic ninja abilities?? She could have also done something cool?? The martial arts stuff was cool in her stand alone film, it doesn't impress in a crowd of people who know how to fight. At least let her skillfully throw her sais or something, damn.
And how good is Channing Tatum as Gambit? I'm not a Channing Tatum fan or anything, but damn does he nail it.
NICEPOOL I love Nicepool, I have no idea what Deadpool variants exist in the comics because I actually hate multiverse stuff that isn't spiderverse, BUT it's canon that if Deadpool were to stop killing people that he would become pretty again and I love that there's a universe where's he just insanely nice and handsome mostly because I don't think they would ever make a Spider-Man/Deadpool film so at least we acknowledged that this happens, sorta, they don't really talk about why he's pretty and our Deadpool isn't
I love how it was a Deadpool film, but also everyone got their moment. It was barely even about him. He was the vehicle through which Wolverine and Nova and Laura got to tell their stories and it worked really well
I also feel like Wade getting Johnny killed felt weird and mildly out of character. He's an asshole, not a sadist. There's a big difference. If they wanted him dead to get rid of Chris Evans and still have their cameo, it didn't have to be Wade's fault
Wade and Logan recognizing Chris's face as belonging to Steve also sets a precedent for RDJ playing Doom. (It also means that yes people in universe will recognize him and angst will happen, I'm still crossing my fingers that there's multiple Dooms)
I give the whole thing a 4/5 had a good time, few complaints
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gregxb · 1 year
Gargoyles Doesn’t Need Marvel.
“Wouldn’t it be great to see Xanatos battle Tony Stark?” “How about Dr. Strange versus Oberon!” “I want to see Brooklyn join the Avengers!” “Magneto and Demona would make an awesome alliance!” “There’s no reason not to merge Gargoyles into the Marvel Universe!”
There’s a reason not to. There's a lot of reasons.
First of all, the two universes are pretty incompatible. Time travel works differently in both universe for one. In "Gargoyles" you cannot alter history, and that series is so much better for it. If it were a part of Marvel, it would be too easy for Goliath to, let's say, go back in time and prevent the massacre of his clan back in 994 Scotland.
I suppose you could retcon away those Marvel time travel stories like "Age of Apocalypse" and "Days of Future Past." While I would not mind that, it wouldn't be fair to the fans and creators of those stories.
Second, while I have no doubt the existence of gargoyles would be shocking to the people of the Marvel Universe, it wouldn't have the same impact it should. Not in a world where mutants, super-beings, Atlanteans, Inhumans, Eternals, Norse gods, and Fin Fang Foom are already known to exist with Galactus stopping by every other Tuesday.
Third, okay, Marvel's Odin is now a Child of Oberon, as are the Asgardians. Okay... how well do you think that's going to go over with the fans of Jack Kirby's Thor who have been reading it for nearly fifty years now? Hell, there are still some people who are uneasy about Odin being subject to Oberon in "Gargoyles." I'm not one of those people, but I understand where they're coming from.
Finally, and perhaps most important, the Marvel Universe is not really going anywhere. It is very cyclical. Things come, things go, status quos change and are restored. Spider-Man is married for twenty years, then he is single again. Magneto reforms, then is a villain again, then reforms, etc, etc.
For example, I respect a lot of what Joe Quesada has done for Marvel. However, the notion of him and his successors (I know he's gone now) having any kind of creative influence over "Gargoyles" scares me. "Goliath and Elisa were more interesting before they finally declared their love and got together. The core of it was always impossible love, so now we have to split them up." You know it would happen.
"The Gargoyles Universe" is going somewhere, as we're still seeing in the Dynamite comic, it was always evolving. Never going backwards, but moving forwards. It was an evolving tapestry, and change was constant. Marvel, on the other hand, lives and breathes on the illusion of change, while actual change is non-existent. Death is meaningless. Characters don't age, and the status quo may shake up on occasion, but it is always eventually restored.
The Marvel Universe was built by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko, and maintained by many very talented and creative people acting as custodians of that work. But, for better or worse, it is a soup with hundreds of cooks. Many great chefs, and more than a few fast food fry cooks.
"Gargoyles" was co-created by Greg Weisman, and while he had a lot of help, he was the only co-creator, and the one who never stopped working on it. He was the first author of "Gargoyles" and more than likely he will be the last author of "Gargoyles." For the better. We saw "Gargoyles" without Greg Weisman, and it was nothing good.
Both universes have their place, but you couldn't merge them without one of them being significantly altered in the process. Now, I will admit my bias again and say that I wish the "Marvel Universe" was more like the "Gargoyles Universe" but, there's no real point. It's been around for nearly six decades (over eight if you want to talk about Timely Comics), and it's not going to change. As I've made clear, I think that's kind of the problem, but an understandable one given the nature of Marvel Comics. DC too, for that matter.
Now, I realize a lot of the above makes it look like I'm saying "Gargoyles" is great and Marvel is awful, but I don't feel that way at all. I just don't think such a thing would work without one of the universes suffering for it.
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pieofdeath · 1 month
ok my liveblog of the first spiderverse movie below the cut because its fuck off long. its 6 pages on google docs. for people who don't wanna read that- I had a very good time and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm gonna queue up the second one here shortly. i legitimately cried several times.
Intro fucking slaps
Miles’ dad using the cop sirens and car speaker to make miles say ily back. I hate that i find this incredibly funny.
MIDDLE SCHOOL. Oh my god. Middle school. Hes a kid. Hes at most 14. Oh my god.
Fisk family foundation. Is this the time i should mention my extent of spiderman knowledge comes from my faefriend (very little they just show off the cool suits) and the snapcube fandub.
Uncle aaron rules and i think hes gonna die
Alchemax. Wasnt that the name on the spider from the intro. 
This movie is so pretty btw i know everybody says that but its simply true. It is. Its really pretty.
The graffiti slaps
I've switched to typing these on my phone so I don't have to keep pausing
Yeah those are actual Nikes 
Why doesn't she want people to know her name is Gwen? Why is she lying about being south African 😭
gwanda. Wanda. 
“I don't think you know what puberty is”
“No one saw” literally everyone saw
the double take for the super tall girl. that's incredibly realistic/gen I think this movie is awesome 
OUT LOUD BARK-LAUGHED AT “play dumb.” “Who's Morales” “NOT THAT DUMB.”
Idiot spider smashing into windows. obsessed with him.
the zoom in on the eyes. this art style is incredible 
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“It's like. boring how normal this spider is.” and it immediately glitching in and out. INCREDIBLE.
“Brooklyn is not zoned for that” 😭
The little squiggles as Peter RealizesTM
who the fuck is purple guy genuinely 
I genuinely don't have words for how fucking incredible that was
“Can't you get up?” “Yeah, yeah I always get up.” Hm I don't think that's gonna be true for much longer
Is spiderman blonde I thought he was a brunette 
Ok purple guy is cool as hell
HE IMMEDIATELY RAN HOME. I'm going to cry. 
This kid is 14. I'm going. 
STAN'S COLLECTIBLES. HI MR LEE. AUGJDJAKAKC…. 😭 (these r agonized noises)
“I'm going to miss him.” EUFHFJSKAK
We were friends, you know.” SURIEJSKAKDUFUA
“It always fits. Eventually.” EURUFJDKAKDJCJK.
you can't fucking do this to me. 
This is just a kid with a party city suit that doesn't fit and untied shoes.
oh shit he broke the drive thingy
The suit still has the fucking tag on it.
“I'm sorry Mr. Parker.” AUDJFJDJDJAK…..
he's divorced and aunt may is dead D:
Crying in the shower in the spiderman suit with a piece of pizza on the tub rim I think this is the most spiderman img ever
“I'm pretty sure I broke her heart”
Nick Kroll and John Mulaney “hi, hello” but they're super old 😭
“I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension”
“With great power comes great-” “Don't you DARE finish that sentence”
Miles crouching on the side of the wall
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“let me tell you the good news. We don't need the monitor.” 😭
BAGEL! guy!!!!!
Ok I paused during the swinging scene to go get some food and get dressed and then came back
It was oatmeal btw
The fact that all of the intro shots are the same is very fun to me
Peters her best friend AWWW
“I like your haircut.” “You don't get to like my haircut.”
“How many more spider people are there?” “Save it for comic-con” “what's comic-con”
Every time we cut to kingpin I lose it 
why is this guy blue btw they haven't addressed it at allllll 
Fascinated by Gwen’s universe where Peter Parker isn't spiderman.
I'm literally obsessed with aunt may 
my faefriend has told me about all these I think. like a good chunk of these I recognize. No idea what they're called or what they do but.
the dichotomy between noir peni and ham is so so funny
Noir is so cool
Augh… Them talking about how he isn't ready when he's right there…
Why is he writing a letter in marker
Fucking prowler. looks so cool
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Uncle Aaron HAS to know that it's Miles
This is so fucked
Peni doing her fun thing!
Noir trying to identify colors!
Does that mean noir can only see grayscale. that's hilarious.
I love the different art styles
Aunt may like please let's not fight in my house
“We don't pick the ballroom, we just dance” noir I'm obsessed with you
Did ham just crack a plate over his own head
I love that he can turn invisible that's so cool 
Especially when he keeps flickering in and out when he's scared. Miles my beloved 
I mean this is really really sad but also good because it means he isn't knowingly  homicidal towards his nephew 
I'm going to sob on the fucking floor
if you can't tell I love it
“Miles, the hardest thing about this job is… you can't always save everybody.” SAID BY A LITTLE CARTOON PIG VOICED BY JOHN MULANEY. 
Noir is really funny to look at in the light
I don't think noir is in the second one which is 😭
The relationship between Miles and his Dad is literally going to make me cry
Aunt May waiting for Miles in the basement!!!! 
The what's up danger scene really is that fucking incredible. oh my god. I got chills.
He spray painted his suit and the spider is drippy!!! I'm literally about to go feral.
The hoodie and jacket and Nikes and shorts still over the suit. 
The WOOOOO as he goes up the place he fell before.
The incredible shot of him stationary mid-air that I think was the poster
This is literally the coolest movie ever
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MJ is so pretty in this art style btw. 
The Doc Ock tentacles creeping in through the ceiling right behind Peter…
“I love you I'm so proud of you!” AUDHFJDJAJAJDK!!!!
Noirs fight is SO COOL. Putting the hat on the guy and then punching him in the face.
sorry I love film noir as an aesthetic and spider noir is so cool
obsessed with Peni and Noir's friendship.
“It's a leap of faith.” FUCK YOU
“Not bad, kid.” FUCK YOU 
Miles taking kingskins gun and saying “that's cheating” 😭
This is the coolest fight scene ever btw
the fact that the interconnected universes look like a spider's web. fuck dude.
THE HUG!!!!!!!
page break 5
Omg miles finally has friends
NOIR SOLVED THE CUBE!!!! I proud of him
the credits are fucking INCREDIBLE
the different art styles I'm going to scream
Did that just say Nicholas Cage.
Who the fuck is voiced by Nick Cage.
N O I R?!?!
Incredible movie.
“That person who helps others simple because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero. -Stan Lee” FUCK ME SIDEWAYS WITH A CHAINSAW DUDE
Literally crying again over that.
Ok yeah that was a really good movie. I'm gonna start the second one in a bit. I think I need some recovery time 😭
Wait I skipped to the end to see if there was an after credits scene and. Ok obsessed with Spidey-Bells. 😭😭😭
end of liveblog! as you can see I really fucking liked it akjdfskajf I had to put the pagebreaks in otherwise tumblr got mad about like. 4096 characters per text block limit? ok wild. it provides checkpoints which I think is nice. onto the second movie.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Sci Fi Month Review 7 : Roger Cormans Fantastic Four
For this review…..We're looking at something special,the unreleased Fantastic Four movie
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In this 1994 film Scientist Reed Richards(Alex Hyde-White ) and his companions Sue Storm (Rebecca Staab ),Johnny Storm (Jay Underwood ). and Ben Grimm(Michael Bailey Smith) take a space flight to study a comet,but things go wrong and the four find themselves changed with extraordinary powers and in the clutches of the mysterious figure named Doctor Doom (Joseph Culp )
So Marvel is huge now in mainstream American pop culture ……But that wasnt always the case.I'll just be honest people ,I am hesitant looking at pre Blade/X Men/Spider-Man live action Marvel adaptations cause they can be …Rough .I mean theres some gems ,I will always love The Incredible Hulk TV show starring Bill Bixby and even have a soft spot for the subsequent TV movies based on that show …..But then you have the 1990 Captain America movie ,Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD starring David Hasselhoff and of course,Howard the Duck .One that has always fascinated me is this film because in fandom circles for many years it was infamous for being the Marvel movie so bad ,they never released it (Which isnt the case truth is more complicated and capitalistic ,basically the film was a way to maintain rights ),a film you could only find as bootlegs at conventions,seen as a geeky oddity along the same lines as the Star Wars Holiday Special .Now you can find it on youtube (Which is how I watched it ) ,and having watched it……I think this film is kind of underrated and I am sad it did not get a proper release
So I gotta explain myself :As a kid some of my earliest comic memorie were reading the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby run of Fantastic Four ,and my dad had the complete series of the 90's Fantastic Four cartoon ….So the Fantastic Four have a special place for me .From the pathos of the Things plight ( a man trapped in the body of a monster ),to the sci fi adventure,to the romance of Reed and Susan ,to the grand villainy of Doctor Doom(Heck a slew of great villains),to the feeling of family ,the Fantastic Four appealed to me .....And I am kind of grumpy that Fantastic Four lacks a great adaptation that captures the spirit .Now there is no shortage of Fantastic Four adaptations out there.....But most of them,at least for me,are kind of mid ,specifically the film adaptations have left a lot to be desired .The Tim Story duology has the humor and the four leads relatively right ,but drops the ball in that they dont DO much and completely misrepresent the villains ,and 2015's Fant4stic might be the worst comic book movie I have ever seen .However this film ,while not the definitive film version I crave and not really a great movie .....IS the BEST movie version of the Fantastic Four and a fairly decent super hero film I feel
Now there is a lot I could make fun of ,its very flawed,like keep in mind ....This was produced by Roger Corman ,they didnt have much of a budget ,so the visual effects are a bit cheesy and bad(The CG Human Torch looks like he is straight out of Reboot ) but I dunno I find them charming .The only lack of budget thing that bothered me is the dialogue of Doctor Doom.....In that they didnt either have the money to loop him or think to loop him(HAve him record his lines later ) which is a problem cause Doom is clanking about and is wearing a mask that muffles his speech......So I dont know what the main villain is SAYING sometimes (Credit to Joseph Culp who does project very well so I know 75% of his dialogue but that 25 % is annoying ).My main flaws are the romance elements ,from the creepy Reed falling for Susan who he knew as a child to Ben and ALicia being in love despite meeting ONCE(And even that scene is a bit creepy ).We also have a subplot that frustrates me as the film has two villains ,Doctor Doom of course.....But then you have the Jeweler.Now the Jeweler was supposed to be the Mole Man ,a guy who due to his physical appearence has cast aside society to live underground and was actually the fours first villain.....Till Marvel said "NO you have the rights to this select group of character,not the Mole Man " ,so he was reworked into the Jeweler ....And I think they should have cut him out.Now I like the idea of his subplot ,him falling for Alicia and trying to make her his queen ,inviting Ben who has now become the monstrus thing to joing his group and Ian Trigger actually gives a great performance ,being creepy but also having a sense of sadness (He reminds me of what Tim Burton tried to do with the Penguin in Batman Returns ) ,and while the name is changed,its a good adaptation of the Mole Man .........Pity he adds nothing to the film other then causing the accident that makes the four the four and kidnapping Alicia,things that Doctor Doom couldve easilly done .I mean it folks in the grand scheme of things,the Jewler is pointless,he never fights the Fantastic Four and he just kind of runs off before the third act .I like the performance and the plot idea,but it shouldve been reworked or cut
Thaaaatttt said.....I still like the movie.....BEcause of the Fantastic Four movies.....Its the bonly one to get that Fantastic Four feel to me:A fun lighthearted sci fi adventure and thats what I want from Fantastic Four .The Four feel in character,its accurrate to the source material andits the only one to get Doctor Doom right at ALL(Actually keeping that he is the King of Latveria and hinting at doombots ).Yes the film is low budget but it makes that budget work ,heck the comic accurate sewn spandex costumes for the Four are charming to me because in universe the costumes are made by Susan and they legit look like something she could make herself (An issue I have with a lot of superhero movie costumes ment to be handmade ).Doctor Doom looks like he stepped right out of the comics with the green cloak and tunic combo and metal mask /armor ,I love this look for Doom .The Thing looks pretty good too with an animatronic face that brings to mind the old Jack Kirby design and stunt man Carl Ciafalio gives a good physical performance (THoughI do find it amusing that the Thing is SMALLER then his human persona Ben Grimm,played by Michael Bailey Smith ) .No one in the main cast is bad ,alll these actors are giving it their alll .I have already discussed my soft spot for Ian Trigger as the Jewler, Rebecca Staab is a good Susan ,and Jay Underwood is a suitable Johnny .Michael Bailey Smith is a good Ben Grimm and he also does a decent job voicing the Thing and bringing the appropriate pathos (Though I do wish he had the Things signature Brooklyn accent ).Alex Hyde White might be my favorite Reed Ritchards really selling both the scientist and the leader aspect .Biggest props have to go Joseph Culp,who delivers a great performance despite being in a vfery uncomfortable costume with a mask that muffles his speech,and is able to project well ,make grand gestures (Inspired by real tyrants like Mussolini ) but also make him a fun eloquent villain who still has a sense of humor with a good hero villain dynamic with Reed .Also he is CONSTANTLY evil laughing ,and I dig it
I like this movie ,there is clearly a lot of heart in this movie .....Which makes me sad that the film was mistreated by those at the top.Its not a lost masterpiece ,but it is an highly entertaining B movie that pays tribute to its source material
@ariel-seagull-wings @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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1, 8, 16? 😁 (for the movie/tv asks)
HEY IM SO SORRY I'M SO LATE WDHWHKJWHWD. There was so much happening lately and I haven't had the time to actually write out a thought out post 😭 but I'm finally here!! Let's do this!!
1.What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?
This is kind of hard because I haven't watched REALLY depressing films lol?? But one of the more depressing films I've watched was Breathe (the one starring Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy). It's about how Robin Cavendish was struck by polio and his life afterwards, and how his and his wife's relationship was affected by it. It really does sound depressing when I summarize it like that, but it's actually really hopeful and most especially triumphant, which I loved. An absolutely beautiful film btw, which I HIGHLY recommend (I can send you a copy if you want to watch it and are having trouble finding it!).
But yeah, that's probably one of the more depressing films I've watched so far. I'm sure there are others, but I can't actually remember them right now smh
8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film/TV Show?
You know, one of my favorite book series, Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, was actually supposed to become a Netflix series. AND THEY CANCELLED IT. So I'd really like it if they would pick that up again. I'd also love to see a show adaptation of the Zodiac Legacy by Stan Lee! It'd be EPIC. I'd also love to see a short film of Once Upon A Time In The North by Philip Pullman so I could see Lin-Manuel Miranda play that version of Lee Scoresby! I did enjoy his portrayal of Lee in the His Dark Materials series, but I really wanna see him play a version of Lee that fits his style of Lee better! It'd be a lot of fun, and I could never say no to more Lee Scoresby! I also think a Studio Ghibli adaptation of Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi, and a Laika Studios adaptation of The Wonderling by Mira Bartok would be absolutely gorgeous!
16. A film/TV Show you love but everyone else hates?
Oh okay this is good, because I'm kind of known in my circle as someone who's really forgiving towards films and series that aren't that good. It's not that I can't tell it isn't that good, or that I can't see its flaws, it's just that I generally know how to enjoy it despite that. Because that's how I like to enjoy things!!
Anyway some movies that a lot of people hated that I absolutely loved actually is Andrew Garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man duology. Yes, I know it isn't perfect, but things don't have to be perfect for you to love them anyway!!! I love those films!! He's my favorite Spider-Man and everything 😭 yes I DID watch both the Sam Raimi and MCU Spider-Man films too, but there's just something about The Amazing Spider-Man that I really love. BESIDES how cute Andrew Garfield is in it :>>>
Anyway thank you so much for sending this ask and I'm sorry again for answering it so late!! I really appreciated it and I hope it doesn't make you not wanna send asks again in the future 😭
If anyone else wants to send me some film/tv asks, feel free!!!
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abuddyforeveryseason · 9 months
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The Buddy for December 28th has been CENSORED. For shame.
You see the guy on the right there? The one who looks a bit like Buddy (had he not been censored)? He's wearing a nice pair of sunglasses, just like our friend Stan Lee. Happy Birthday, Stan. I know Stan Lee's legacy among comic fans is a bit controversial. Some people say he's a genius who invented 90% of the pop culture we enjoy now, either directly or indirectly. Others think he's an useless parasite and gloryhog who took credit for other people's ideas and ruled Marvel with an iron fist, even though he secretly despised superheroes and comic book fans.
There are a lot of actual books written about his life, weighing in on both sides. I'm a big Jack Kirby fan, and for a while there they were in a big feud with Jack frequently insulting Stan in his comics. For instance, the villain Funky Flashman:
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But, I also think that, even if Lee was as unpleasant a person as some of the stories I read about him suggest, he did manage to turn Marvel into quite a powerhouse. He might've just been pretending to have created all those characters, but it was thanks to this vainglory that so many people got interested in comics.
Besides, Kirby's comics, even though in my opinion were much better, were never as popular after he left Marvel and Stan Lee. So, he must've been doing something right - or, at least, Kirby found out the DC management was just as bad as Marvel.
In his later years, Stan went through a lot of weird misadventures - he tried to create a Power Rangers-style show in the eighties, which in my opinion shows how he has an eye for good ideas - say what you want about the show itself, but Haim Saban did become a billionaire thanks to it. Stan also had an odd friendship with a drug trafficker and conman, though you can blame that on the conman being able to see an easy mark in the old man with Hollywood connections.
In the last years before his death, Stan Lee became famous for his appearances in Marvel movies - and a lot of new fans grew to love him as the face of Marvel, whether he deserves the role or not.
I can't really blame Stan for all the drama he caused, even though it sucks that a lot of creators were screwed over by it. He was born into poverty, he went into publishing to make money. He might not have been creative (if you believe all the stories that say as much), but I sometimes wonder, if he hadn't been a gloryhog, would stories I love still exist? Would Spider-Man? Or the Marvel movies?
That said, I'd never take credit for someone else's comics. My ego wouldn't allow it.
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kitausuret · 2 years
So, out of curiosity, I went through all my fics and picked out the ones that were inspired by specific comic series, arcs, or issues. I then took a tally to see who inspired my fics the most, either out of spite for what they wrote, or out of love - sometimes a weird combination of the both.
Robbie Thompson tops the list with 18. This didn't surprise me - I write a ton of stuff directly inspired by Venom: Space Knight.
Dan Slott is in second place with 16 - mostly spite-writing but also this is what happens when you write on Spider-Man for 10 years. He'd also written Venom Inc. with Mike Costa so that skews things a little in his favor.
Brian Michael Bendis was surprisingly third at 8 works inspired, mostly for his work on the Planet of the Symbiotes arc during Guardians of the Galaxy and just having Flash/Venom as Guardians in general.
Mike Costa is still pretty high up here at 7, since he worked on Venom Inc. I almost feel like he should get more credit from me though since Dust to Dust is so heavily influenced by Venom vol. 3.
Cullen Bunn and Rick Remender are both at 6, but like Mike Costa, Bunn was a big influence on DTD so I feel he should actually get skewed higher LOL.
Len Kaminski and Donny Cates each have inspired 5. I was honestly expecting there to be more for Cates.
Paul Jenkins, David Michelinie, and Tom DeFalco are all tied at 4. I always assumed Michelinie would've influenced my works more, given that he created Venom, but also his stories are just so strong I guess I typically don't feel the need to build on them much? But also you can assume with me that I'm always trying to channel Michelinie when I write Eddie.,
Gerry Conway, J. Michael Straczynski, and Roy Thomas (for some of my older fics) are all at 3. Again, I'm surprised by the low number for Conway since I do like his work so much.
Christian Cooper, Marc Guggenheim, and Zeb Wells all sit at 2. I always assumed Wells would be higher since he helped create Scorn but I also haven't actually written her that much.. hmm...
And lastly, Fred van Lente, Howard Mackie, Brian Reed, Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, Christos Gage, Larry Hama, Mark Millar, and James Robinson each inspired a single fic from me. Of these I'm most stunned by Larry Hama because he actually wrote.. a lot of 90s Venom.
Looking at this list is really interesting for me though because it also kind of makes me realize where I pull so much influence for how I write characterization and dialogue and such? Obviously Robbie Thompson is a huge inspiration for how I write Flash - but I also approach his character with the writing of many many others in the back of my mind. When I write Eddie Brock, it's usually some amalgamation of how my favorite writers for him (Michelinie, Kaminski, Bunn, even Conway) have depicted him.
Notably absent from the list, at least for me I think it's notable, is J. M. DeMatteis, considering how much I've gone on about how I love his writing. But I think it's because a lot of his comics I've read touch on some pretty dark subjects that I don't always feel comfortable addressing myself.
Taking a peek at some of my current WIPs and the comics that directly inspired them, I could add the likes of Stan Lee, Kurt Busiek, Mark Waid, Ann Nocenti, and yeah, definitely JMD to the list.
I do feel it's worth mentioning that if I've ever written anything with Peter and the Venom Symbiote, though, you can bet that I've got Louise Simonson's Web of Spider-Man #1 in mind. Every single time.
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 015: Savage Land and Spider Slayers (ASM 103-109)
What's in store for us?
Dinosaurs, aliens, swimsuits, whump, and happy returns!
And more importantly...
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Oh, we're so back, baby!
I noticed that the previous story arcs was written by Roy Thomas (when I assumed everything was written by Stan), and let's say I'm not eager to see more of him. Unfortunately, the next two issues (including this one) have the Thomas/Kane team. Oh Lord.
So in issue 103, the layout is just as "audacious" as before. Jameson's Bugle trouble continue! He's afraid that TV will replace newspapers. He's also fascinated by a creature that he thinks escaped from Ka-Zar's "secret jungle". Now, why would you be aware that it exists if it's supposed to be secret, Jamie?
So Jameson wants Peter to go with him in this jungle.
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Gwen is reduced to this woman that cries when her boyfriend isn't here (and he tries to propose to her to console her...). I don't like it one bit. Peter brings Gwen to Jameson but...
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Good grief. Gwen doesn't amount to much, but she's worth more than that. It feels fake feminist. And we haven't seen the Coffee Gang in a while.
Those 100s opening issues are rough, folks.
On the other hand, I do appreciate that Gwen gets to do something else. Is it a way to make her more legitimate as Peter's lover?
I was wondering in the last batch if the sudden poetic tone was due to Morbius, but no, that's just how Roy Thomas writes (see for yourself).
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I was just starting to warm on Thomas's Gwen when she suddenly disrobed. Actually, it's Jameson who intimates her to wear this skimpy swimsuit--in the middle of a dangerous forest.
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So a giant beast King Kongs Gwen and brings her to Kraven, whom sadly doesn't shoot lasers this time.
The storyline continues in #104. Turns out Gog (the giant beast) is actually an alien that arrived on Earth via spacecraft, which Kraven found in this jungle in the middle of Antartica after beating Ka-Zar. A battle ensues.
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And Kraven uses his nip-lasers, yay!
Overall, this set of issues (and the previous one) feel like Roy Thomas didn't really care about writing a Spider-Man story--he wanted to write beasts fighting each other (Morbius and the Lizard, and Gog and a dinosaur in this one). God, that was awful.
At least, Thomas is gone in the next issue. The Spider Slayer is back, as is New York! The politics are back too. Minority groups are just as angry as me that the last issues were spent talking about inane jungle stuff instead of the grounded cast and their struggles. Actually, aside from protests at the Bugle, Harry's back from the hospital! And Flash's back for good too?! Everybody's here and I'm very happy. MJ's still teasing Peter because of course she does.
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Look, maybe it was all worth it just for this moment. It's genuinely heartwarming--Harry's smiling and crying!!!. It feels good. Harry is loved!
No time for happiness, though. Peter's worried about Flash.
Jameson has another rendezvous with Alistair Smythe and says, "This time, the web-head is finished!" (he's not). Twice, Jameson is about to catch his foe, but twice the foe escapes (or rather, the controller stops responding hahaha).
Smythe's actually controlling his robot, he wants to spy on everybody like the FBI with some other devices or something.
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Gil Kane is getting better! Overall this issue is a VAST improvement on all fronts. The battle's too long but still.
Jesse Prosise from Durand, Illinois actually thinks that Thomas is a better writer than Lee. I think both have interesting ideas but I wouldn't say Thomas is a good writer. His flowery prose really wasn't necessary. He does say this gem though:
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He's actually praising him, but it made me double-take.
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Laurine has taste.
Stan explains in another answer that Roy and Gil enjoy working together and decided to have fun with their short storylines. Couldn't have figured that.
Overall, Thomas's short stint seems to be very divisive. I wonder what people think about it nowadays...
Time for issue 106 and would you look at that!
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Now THAT'S my Peter! Romita is back, baby...!
Peter asks for Connors's help and the latter gladly lends him his lab. That's a cute dynamic, I like to see it every so often.
Jameson himself is protesting against the government's video surveillance, along with other protesters.
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At Harry's apartment, he says he's about to become the Joker and Peter dresses like a clown (this tie is ridiculous baby).
I think Peter blaming Harry for MJ's behavior kind of sucks, but oh well. MJ is a menace.
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Anyway, Peter's flustered because Flash is still just as handsome as ever. Actually...
I don't remember, who's Man-Wolf again? Because I'm pretty sure he shall soon make his appearance. Is it Jonah's son, or Flash? Hm.
Peter wonders if Flash's mood is actually because of the Vietnam War. Hmm!
#107 is advertised as full of action, but oh well. At least Romita's return makes it bearable and entertaining.
Flash goes to talk to Gwen and apologizes for his behavior. He also implies he loves her, which is embarrassing.
And the issue ends with...
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I'm invested!
Flash is attacked but Spidey saves him and look how adorable (whumpy) he looks!
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Stan Lee decided to give me the whump I'd been craving for.
So yeah, Flash's targeted by Vietnamese people because they think he intentionally led an attack on a temple. Oof.
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Don't mind me, I'm just thirsting. Ooooh, Romita!Peter, how I missed you!
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Meanwhile, May horrifies all of us by touching Peter's seed. Uh, I mean, Peter's sticky, nutty experiment.
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I'm so glad to see pretty faces again!
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The panel on the left feels like it just came out of the Prowler's first appearance!
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And this is just really gorgeous.
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What an ending! What a stellar issue (as you may have surmised, considering how much screens I posted)!
Onto the last issue of this batch!
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On one hand, I love men in distress. But also... Dr. Strange!!!!!
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I'm gonna reach the pictures limit just because I love whump.
Anyway, there's a plot twist! The two individuals Flash thought were people who'd cared for him are still alive! At least, the girl. The guy is asleep, and everybody thinks it's Flash's fault. Oops.
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Anyway, here's a nice panel that is NOT about pretty men suffering! And with this, I reached the limit!
Everything is solved thanks to Strange's powers, Flash isn't hunted. I would have put one more picture of Flash because he's particularly handsome in the penultimate panel, but oh well!
Aside from the... feathers those issues might ruffle, they're much better than the beginning of the batch. Miles ahead.
The letters continue to be divisive, but two sentences really made me laugh:
"Now, with the first issue of Lee's return, ROBOTS! My God, Stan, no!" --Wally Conger
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fireflyoflight · 2 years
I want to fall in love with the MCU again.
I used to be a huge MCU nut from 2012 to December of 2021. My favorite movie of the franchise was the very first one, Iron Man. However, after watching No Way Home last year for my birthday, the MCU just left a sour taste in my mouth. NWH was an incredible disappointment for me. I felt like the plot was dumb and that Peter kept making all of these stupid reckless decisions that ruined his own life. The ending was especially a slap in the face with how eerily similar the movie was to the 2018 video game Marvel's Spider-Man with Peter jumping out of his window in a suit he made himself. So, I stopped watching MCU movies and TV shows. I hadn't used my Disney Plus account for the majority of this year (I only kept it active because my best friend uses my account). The only DP MCU series I have seen are WandaVision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, three episodes of Loki, and four episodes of What If...
I correlate getting out of the MCU with getting more into the comics. It was so disappointing to see how amazing the stories were in the comics and how bland they were in the movies. Especially Civil War and Tony Stark. There is a book version of the Civil War comic arc that I bought the audio book for and I listened to it last summer. I listened to it on my commute to and from work, while cleaning, and when I finished it my first thought was "wow, why didn't they do something more similar to this for the movie?" Like I get why because Civil War was a beast, it's loooong with so many twists and turns. Even the book didn't really do it justice. Plus, Civil War kicks off with the tragic death of 60 civilians (mostly schoolchildren if memory serves). Not exactly on brand for Disney.
Last week, I was thinking about the franchise again. My mind wonders at work a lot and bounces from topic to topic, usually about potential writing topics. One particular topic was rewriting the entire MCU franchise. Which is insane. But...that idea didn't go away. So, I decided that I would rewatch the MCU to do so. While that idea is on ice for the moment, I got another idea. Still rewatch the Marvel movies and rank them. I figured it would give me some perspective and maybe rekindle some of the love I have had for the MCU.
After some research on how movies are rated, I settled on 14 categories: entertainment value (how much I enjoyed the movie), story, acting/cast, characters, visuals/CGI (how good does it look), pacing, worldbuilding (does the world feel real and how much does it add to the overall MCU universe), humor (if any), technical aspects (cinematography, editing, costumes, etc), action, the beginning, the ending, the music, execution (did the movie do what it set out to do). A bonus category for all films up until Endgame will be Stan Lee cameos because it was always something I have looked forward to. I will be posting my thoughts on each film for those who are interested and as a reminder, this is my opinion and if it is different than yours than that is fine.
See you guys soon!
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shoppinglascl · 2 years
Spider man 2000 pc hd
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If you are a fan of Spidey at all, this one is a must play. It’s a quirky little Spider-man game, but it has a great deal of character. Don’t worry though, because Venom can feed on just about anyone and drain health out of them. In addition, Venom gets around via jumping and climbing rather than the use of web-shooters, and his health constantly depletes slowly due to the suit feeding upon its host. Spider-man is faster and does less damager per shot, whereas Venom is a lot more powerful but is also slower. You can also upload and share your favorite Spider-Man wallpapers HD.
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The Ultimate incarnation of the fan-favourite symbiote has a different backstory (being an experiment rather than an alien) but that aside the story is interesting, and the game plays very differently depending on which of the two characters you are playing. Tons of awesome Spider-Man wallpapers HD to download for free. That’s right, you get to play Venom, and that includes open free-roam after you beat the game. In Ultimate Spider-man your time is split between Peter/Spider-Man, and Eddie Brock/Venom. The thing that is most likely to sell a Spider-man fan on this game however, is the fact that you aren’t just playing Peter Parker and fighting villains. He even has Stan the Man Lee offering narration at the beginnings of each level Unfortunately, what he doesn't have are decent camera angles or a robust quality assurance inspection. This aesthetic does come off as a little silly at times (the ridiculous size of the spider that bites Peter to give him his powers comes to mind), but overall it’s very well done. Spider-Man has wall-crawling, web-slinging action, super-strength, and even his spidey-senses in this arcade-style adventure beat-em-up. It makes no attempt at all to look realistic, and the finished product is all the better for it. The first thing that sets it apart from most other Spider-man games, is it’s deliberately comic-book feel, with its cell shaded characters and environments. I played this on the Xbox when it came out back in 2005, and to this day it remains one of my all-time favourite Spider-man games.
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Spider-Man 3 PC Game is one of the most entertaining games in an Open World. Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic.
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I promise my next upload will be a regular picture and unrelated to Spider-Man.I have often felt this one didn’t receive as much love as it deserved. Title: Spider-Man 3 PC Game Download Full Version.
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:3 (As well as the regular Spider-Man since I'm not sure how to align the webbing without referencing the model). If someone who knows how to apply textures stumbles upon this picture, I'll probably finish the 2002 Wrestler Spider-Man. Play free online Spider-Man games, watch videos, explore characters & more on Marvel HQ. It's only recently I've come to appreciate Unlimited and 2099. Visit the official site for all things Spider-Man for kids and families. I remember the Captain Universe costume being my favorite one to use, the symbiote one a close second. Since I don't know how to replace the textures, these have not been tested in-game. the Ps1 and N64 version were absolutely ugly in comparison to the PC version. So, I borrowed these from The Textures Resource and made brand new, higher resolution textures based on those. Apparently you need Project 64 1.7? I'm not sure, but I don't think it'll be worth the work if it's not this easy to figure out and apply. Problem is I have no idea how to extract and apply textures from the Spider-Man game. Recently, I discovered that N64 emulators (with certain plug-ins) could replace textures with Higher Definition ones if they were available. :3Īnyway, one of the first video-games I ever played was the Spider-Man game for the PC.
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Needed to something small to practice on, as well as experiment with some brushes while I prep for shading a commission. All Hindi Dubbed Hollywood Movies and Tv Series Turkish Chinese & Korean Drama Dual Audio Hindi freeload Pc 720p 480p Movies Download,Worldfree4u, 9xmovies, world4ufree, world4free, Khatrimaza 123Movies fmovies Gomovies gostream 300Mb Dual Audio Hindi Dubbed HD Movies freeload Korean Drama Series in Hindi + Anime English Dub 720p. Edit:I forgot that I'm nerd and I should probably label these for people who aren't as experienced with the Spider-Man universe.
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kudosmyhero · 6 months
Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 1) #1: Lo, this Monster!
Read Date: June 09, 2023 Cover Date: July 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee (both stories) ● Penciler: John Romita / Larry Lieber ● Inker: Jim Mooney / Bill Everett ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen / Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I think reading the Mirage TMNT has got me used to black and white comics. plus the shading here gives it enough depth and texture to keep it interesting. even though it’s daylight, there’s a nice noir element
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● the shading is really excellent throughout! ● I was about to say that this is probably the first time Pete has been seen out of costume climbing a wall, but a little girl saw him way back—maybe even clear back in Amazing Fantasy 15–and he saved a security guard’s life while in his civvies but managed to keep his face turned away. here, though, people are actively trying to get a glimpse of him ● I love how consistently un-self-aware JJJ is ● this is a 64-page issue ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Story 1: Spider-Man is in the neighborhood as a Man Monster destroys a political billboard for the Mayoral candidate, Richard Raleigh. Two workers, installing the billboard, are almost killed by the rampage, but Spidey is able to rescue them and then battle the terrorizing titan until he is defeated and left, in order to rescue the workers again from falling from a ledge of a building, where Spider-Man had placed them out of the monster's path of destruction. When the Web-Crawler returns to mop up his opponent, he discovers he is now gone. Spider-Man reverts back to his civilian identity of Peter Parker and discovers the whole city has become "Raleigh Rooters" and that the candidate seems to have some unbelievable hold on the masses. His pals, Harry and Mary Jane, are among his most boisterous followers only outdone by his boss, J. Jonah Jameson, who has put his newspaper, The Daily Bugle, fully behind Raleigh's candidacy.
As New York watches Raleigh on television cry for union against the city's underworld who are obviously trying to intimidate him from running for mayor, he puts on a show that makes him seem like a common man who has the city's interest at heart. However, after the cameras stop rolling, he shows his true colors as a power-hungry ego-maniac who has his own interests at heart. Atop of his interest is to destroy Spider-Man and former Police Captain, George Stacy, who, he has learned, is looking into his background. It is revealed that Raleigh is behind the cyborg Man Monster and his creator, Dr. Thraxton. As Peter picks up Gwen for a date and drives away they witness the Man Monster attack the home of Capt. Stacy. Peter sends Gwen for help and then changes into Spider-Man in an attempt to save Mr. Stacy. The fight is carried on to Raleigh's house, which Spidey figures out must be behind the creature. He brings the fight into the Raleigh house where Raleigh uses the pain control apparatus he uses, to keep the Man Monster compliant to his will, a little too much and damages it beyond repair. The creature then turns on Raleigh and Dr. Thraxton, killing them both. Spidey finishes the fight with a vicious side-hand smash to the creatures neck, apparently killing the creature. Spidey leaves as he hears approaching sirens and is seen by Jameson, which he predicts correctly, will use his paper to call him the killer of Raleigh. Jameson states that he will make the public hate the fact that a man as great as Raleigh is dead, while the menace of Spider-Man is still alive and free.
Story 2: Peter Parker stands by the side of his grieving Aunt May, as Ben's remains are laid to rest. With the funeral now over, the pair walk out of the cemetery. Peter thinks back to the events that led up to the death of his Uncle Ben, and how he blames himself for what happened.
Peter reflects back to the day that he was bitten by a radioactive spider and given fantastic powers. Seeking a career in showbiz, he develops the identity of Spider-Man. However, one night he let a burglar run flee the television studio, telling the security guard that it wasn't his problem to deal with. Later that night, Peter's Uncle Ben was shot during a house robbery. Learning that the man responsible is holed up at the Acme Warehouse, Peter went after him as Spider-Man. Easily defeating his uncle's killer, Peter was horrified to discover that it was the same burglar who he let get away much earlier.
With his recollection of these tragic events over, Peter vows to never let his inaction lead to another person getting harmed as long as Spider-Man has a means to stop it.
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Fan Art: Spider-man by nefar007
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rainb0w-b0y · 1 year
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I’ve been trying more strenuous writing exercises lately, and one of them is to challenge myself by adapting some of my favourite characters to screen. By this I mean to practice balancing my admiration for what has already been done with what I think would genuinely prove new and engaging. I decided to tackle my own Spider-Man screenplay with a focus on Peter’s ego as a public figure being retained even after his celebrity days (which led to Ben’s death, yadayadayada).
This exercise was admittedly inspired by Spider-Man: Lotus, HOWEVER it was really only because I remembered how much I love the character dynamics of the era the film took inspiration from. This is absolutely not something done out of bitterness or to prove I’m better than Gavin.
I mean, look at the guy’s history. I don’t really think there’s a need regardless.
Anyway, I thought I was breaking new ground, but upon rewatching Spider-Man (2002) realized that I was retreading a lot of familiar beats the Raimi films had already done. This bolstered my already profound appreciation for how great that trilogy is, but also sent me back to the drawing board.
So, I went back to revisit the last few issues of Stan Lee’s original run for a bit of inspiration. Upon rereading Amazing Spider-Man #96, published in 1971, I was struck by these panels and how simple yet interesting the sentiment is.
My idea here is a year 2 or 3 story where Peter already realizes that he can’t let the fame get to his head. He’s learned that. Where do we go from there? How do we tackle an egotistical Peter Parker story that isn’t an origin or something that uses the symbiote for a cop out? Well, the answer is quite simple. If he can’t bask in the glory of being Spider-Man, then he must still do it because he gets a thrill out of it. Spider-Man is New York’s unbeatable champion, and as things continue getting more dangerous, Peter wants to see how long he can keep that going. Does he believe himself to be genuinely good in the face of new dangers, or that his heroism still a facade for selfish—or self destructive—tendencies?
However this premise pans out for this practice, it just goes to show how influential and essential Stan Lee’s 100 issue tenure was to the character. He got a lot of iconic concepts and characters off the ground with his collaborators obviously, but every issue of his long run on Spider-Man still defines what people love about him today. By the end of the 100 issues, you just GET him. It’s a full character arc that transcends all of Lee’s other work, except maybe Fantastic Four. But a lot of that still goes to Kirby.
By the time Lee passed off scripting duties, Spider-Man was already a fully formed and iconic character, which can’t be said for many of his other creations. I just love this run dearly and think everyone who remotely likes Spider-Man, or even just Marvel in general needs to read it in their lifetime.
‘Nuff said.
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pageandpanel · 1 year
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(originally posted @ Page and Panel on wordpress)
For my first post on my new attempt to ~have a blog~ I am reposting an old entry into my failed wordpress blog. My attempt to read Marvel Comics start to finish is something I am hoping to get back to in the near future. I have edited this and reformatted it for tumblr so hopefully it's not too much of a nightmare to look at but it is WAY too long.
Why in the world would anyone attempt to read more than half a century of comics? I’m fascinated by the concept of an ongoing continuity and how different writers and artists interpret characters. And the fact that so many hands have touched this project with so many different interests and priorities and yet it continues on as a cohesive (a term we’ll use loosely) and linear story is actually really cool. 
There’s a lot of interesting stuff going on here so I’m going to try to write about it at regular intervals that are sometimes strategic and sometimes completely arbitrary. The first chapter of Page Main Lines Sixty Years of Marvel Comics (more clever name tbd, probably) covers the first three years of the Marvel Comics Universe designated 616. This is the main universe that has been ongoing from 1961 to every Wednesday until the world ends, probably.
Just to establish some parameters for what this project is, I’m reading Marvel Comics chronologically starting with the Silver Age, launched by Fantastic Four #1 in 1961 written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby. There are some ongoing anthology titles carrying over from the pre-616 era that I’ll be picking up here as well because they introduce key players in the Marvel Universe (specifically Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Thor). The Golden Age doesn’t really interest me all that much beyond its history and the characters that get carried over to the new continuity (Captain America and Namor the Submariner, most famously). And while I’m trying to read everything, I did make a decision early on to skip out on Strange Tales because I don’t really care about Johnny Storm’s solo adventures. 
The format of these posts, like everything else I throw up on this blog is subject to change forever and ever. But for now, I think book by book and then covering some broad themes/connections at the end is the easiest way to tackle this.
We begin, like most stories begin, with a family of four on a trip to outer space...
Fantastic Four
Written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby, as all Marvel Books were at the time, Fantastic Four #1 starts off in media res and we are introduced to our heroes as they drop whatever mundane activities they are doing as civilians and respond to the impending thread of Mole Man.
As each member makes their way to the scene, Stan Lee takes a step back to give us a classic origin story that is BEYOND bonkers: Reed Richards is the most brilliant scientist in the world and he absolutely must break into a government facility to fly a rocket into space. He is accompanied by his college roommate, Ben Grimm, his childhood sweetheart, Sue Storm, and her little brother, Johnny Storm. Ben, like anyone hearing this plan obviously thinks it’s stupid and crazy. But Sue Storm is quick to remind him that they, four regular civilians with no real training, absolutely have to do this because if they don’t then the Commies will win the Space Race. Because it truly wouldn’t the 60’s without some good, good anti-communist propaganda. So much more on that to come later.
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They make it, miraculously. But cosmic space rays have given each of them incredible powers. Reed is stretchy, Sue is invisible (oh the metaphor), Johnny is on fire, and Ben…
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Thanks for that little nugget of a plot line. Ben actually resents Reed because he has a thing for Sue. That will go in a lot of different directions and definitely has more teeth than the time that Professor X had a thought bubble about being in love with Jean Grey, his student, that never gets mentioned again (until it does, unfortunately). But let’s put a pin in that and red string it later.
With the flashback over, our heroes arrive on Monster Isle to find Mole Man who is responsible for several cave-ins across the world. His plan is to unleash his monsters on the world to get revenge on women who weren’t interested in him. Mole Man: confirmed Incel. The Fantastic Four easily defeat Mole Man by sealing him inside a mountain and straight up killing him. I guess. Reed eulogizes their first on page enemy by saying “It’s best that way! There was no place for him in our world…” right in front of his rock monster best friend. Tough look Reed…
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Fantastic Four #2 introduces a foe that made their on screen debut in the Captain Marvel movie: The Skrulls! I love Skrulls and truly didn’t realize that they showed up this early in continuity. In part 1, our heroes are engaging in some distinctly unheroic behavior. The Thing attacks an oil rig, Invisible Girl does a jewel heist, Mister Fantastic messes up an energy plant, and The Human Torch melts a statue made of marble. And I know I’m expecting too much from a comic in which four people take a family trip to space and come back with super powers, but it’s important to me that everyone knows that marble is heat resistant and doesn’t melt. The world, who apparently all know that the Fantastic Four exist and are totally cool with them, freak out. Are New York’s favorite heroes breaking bad!? Nah. It’s just shapeshifting aliens attempting to ruin the reputation of the only people on Earth who can stop their invasion.
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The US Army, ignorant to a large scale alien invasion, is called in to deal with the threat the Fantastic Four pose. Our heroes hide out in an isolated cabin to regroup and figure out what to do. But the military surrounds them and takes them in.
Each member is put in a cell specifically designed to withstand their powers. Which seems silly because if you put an invisible woman in a regular cell, she’s still there even if she’s invisible. But whatever. This also the first appearance of Asbestos in the Marvel Universe. And if you think that’s a dumb thing to notice, you clearly didn’t grow up in the 90s, seeing commercials for Asbestos lawsuits on every single tv show. I know this stuff was in regular use in the 60s but I seriously hope Johnny was able to get in on some of those pay outs because it’s really his biggest foe in the early FF comics.
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Once they break out, the team regroup to plot against the unknown foes turning the world against them. They send Johnny to sabotage a rocket launch in order to draw them out. When Skrulls disguised as Sue and Reed pick up the real Johnny instead of a Skrull, the jig is up. The Fantastic Four take the Skrulls prisoner and Reed, expert level spaceship driver, steals their rocket to travel up into space where the invading Skrull army is waiting. Reed, pretending to be a Skrull, passes off images from Marvel Comics horror/monster books Strange Tales and Journey into Mystery as real photos from Earth. He convinces the Skrull leader that Earth is simply too dangerous to invade and volunteers to stay behind.
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As the rocket re-enters earths Atmosphere, they pass through more cosmic waves. This turns The Thing back into regular old Ben Grimm. But, because Ben will never catch a W, he’s a rock monster again before the spaceship lands. It’s not easy being Grimm.
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Back on earth, the question remains as to what to do with the remaining three Skrulls that Reed has taken prisoner. In another “though look my guy, Reed” moment, he decides that the only option they have to deal with aliens who can literally turn into anyone or anything is to force them to turn themselves into cows. Reed then hypnotizes the Skrull Cows into thinking they are real cows. Which is pretty fucked up and Reed should probably be considered a war criminal at this point, literally two comics in. But don’t worry. I’m sure there will absolutely never be any consequences for his actions. (Just kidding, this will be one of the catalysts for Secret Invasion in 2005. One of these Skrulls is the Emperor Skrull’s son.)
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While FF #2 gave us one of Marvel’s most prominent Alien Invaders, Fantastic Four #3 is a much slower issue that doesn’t bring in much of anything. We open with our team taking in a stage show. They’re here to see the Miracle Man who promptly recognizes them and begins heckling them from stage. At this point, the Fantastic Four are basically celebrities. Though, we’re going to back track on that in a few issues, I think. He challenges The Thing to a test of their strength, which the Thing promptly loses. On their way home from the show, Reed talks about how lucky they are that Miracle Man is not a super villain. Which… you know…
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Really, there isn’t a lot that happens in the A-Plot of this issue. Miracle Man brings the monster to life, they rob a jewelry store, and then the team defeats him and everything is fine. What is way more interesting happens between the Miracle Man problem. The B-Plot of this issue is rife with conflict between the members of the Fantastic Four.
This issue isn’t the first time we see the role Sue gets shunted into as the caretaker of the boys on the team. But it is the first time she names it herself. While later interpretations of Sue will have her displaying a lot more power, right now she’s written as the mom of the team. She is the one who sews the team’s infamous costumes that, even today, have barely changed. Though, given that she made them with a material that Reed has coined “unstable molecules,” it seems she’s a perfectly capable scientist as well. Though, we’ll rarely see this aspect of her. There’s only room enough on the team for one Smartest Man in the World.
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We also see tensions rise between Ben Grimm and the rest of the team. He has been a volatile figure since day one, prone to outbursts of anger and violence. It’s still unclear as to whether or not this is his pre-rock monster personality. It may also be a side effect of his powers or, justifiably, anger at being the only member of the team to get turned into a rock monster.
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But anyway, Fantastic Four #4 is a much more interesting issue with one major and very precious addition to continuity:
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Kidding. But this is a bit that I find absolutely hilarious. Actually, the issue opens with Johnny quitting the team after an argument. The three remaining members split up to search for him. Ben is the one who finds him working on hot rods with his friends at a garage. And, because Ben doesn’t have a gentle touch when it comes to Johnny, property damage ensues.
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Thankfully before he can actually hurt Johnny, Ben suddenly changes back to his human form. It only lasts like two seconds because Stan Lee loves to torture Ben apparently.
So he’s back to his rocky self in no time. It’s actually pretty in the tragedy of getting to see him constantly being given these moments of hope, only to have them snatched away seconds later. No wonder he’s so angry all the time. But this does give Johnny a chance to escape.
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Because he can’t go home, he seeks a bed for the night at what looks like a halfway house or a youth hostel in the Bowrey. Once he has secured a bed for the night, he settles in to read an old comic about the iconic 1940’s Timely Comics hero, The Sub-Mariner. When another patron notices what he’s reading, he points to a disheveled man who claims to be as strong as The Sub-Mariner. And this enters one of the absolute greatest characters in all of Marvel Canon. Just as soon as Johnny gives him a haircut with fire.
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The King of Abs-Lantis has arrived and I already love him. But also, the burnt hair smell in that hostel right now… 🤢 Even though Johnny recognizes him, The Sub-Mariner himself does not seem to remember who he is. So, Johnny takes him to the ocean and basically tosses him in. Once in the water, the Sub-Mariner remembers who he is and returns to his home of Atlantis only to find it in ruins. It has been destroyed by atomic weapons testing.
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When The Sub-Mariner returns to land, he informs Johnny that he will avenge his home by destroying the human race. Now, Johnny is smart enough to know that this is obviously a problem worthy of getting the team back together. He sends up a flare for the others to find him and while they’re en route, The Mariner summons the “largest living creature in the world” using the Horn of Proteus. Oh, and the monster’s name is Giganto, which is objectively hilarious.
While New York is evacuated and the army attempts to take down the monster, Ben comes up with a fool proof and probably technically impossible plan. With a nuclear bomb strapped to his back, he launches himself into the mouth of the beast. Never mind that nuclear weapons are what got us into this mess in the first place, but okay.
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Ben does, miraculously, manage to escape very certain death. With his monster defeated, The Mariner threatens to summon more creatures with the Horn of Proteus, but an invisible Sue Storm sneaks up behind him and steals it. The Mariner tackles her and tells her if she will become his bride he won’t destroy humanity. Sue agrees, reluctantly-ish. But Johnny saves the day with a fire tornado that plunges the Mariner back to the bottom of the ocean. Leaving everyone who is in love with Sue a little confused about where they stand with her, and Sue a little Hot of Mariner. Understandable, Sue. I get it. The Mariner vows to return and he definitely will.
Tales to Astonish
Tales to Astonish #27 is the first appearance and origin story of Henry Pym AKA Ant-Man. The issue opens with Henry making an incredible discovery. He shrinks a chair with a miniaturizing serum and grows it back to normal size with an enlarging serum. Unfortunately, the rest of the scientific community is less impressed with Henry’s experiments.
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Fueled by his need to stick it to his haters, Henry tests his serum on himself. Thankfully, it works instead of eating through his skin like acid or something and Henry shrinks himself down to the size of a… you guessed it! An ant! What he doesn’t plan for is leaving the enlarging serum out of reach. The rest of the issue becomes a quest to turn himself back into normal size. As he tries to get to the serum, he is chased by ants into an ant hill where he gets stuck in honey. Which… makes sense. Sure.
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He is fortunate enough to befriend one ant willing to help him. Henry is surprised when it works to pull him free from the honey and let him go. But he also torches the ant hill so I guess fuck that ant.
When Henry finally manages to get to his enlarging serum he is so shaken by the experience that he decides that his creation is too dangerous for man kind. He then pours it down the drain. Just because it’s too dangerous for man kind doesn’t mean it’s too dangerous to dispose of properly. And now the Marvel universe is overrun by enlarged bacteria from Henry’s kitchen sink. But as long as he lives, he will never forget the ant who saved his life. Even though he totally burned down that ant’s house. Which especially sucks because I doubt ants have homeowners insurance or anything to cover fire damage.
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The Incredible Hulk
And the last issue I want to hit in this first installment is Incredible Hulk #1 because I think it establishes an interesting pattern with our first three protagonists of early marvel comics.
This had been advertised in the previous FF book with “Who is the Hulk?” Printed in the margins of the story, which I think is a pretty cool way to drum up interest for the book. The first run of The Incredible Hulk only lasts 6 issues. But it’s some of Jack Kirby’s best work.
This one, like Tales to Astonish, is a straight up origin story for Bruce Banner and the Hulk. If you’re familiar with Hulk through the movies, this is going to be a story that is familiar in all but one key difference.
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On a military base, Bruce Banner is getting ready to test his invention, the Gamma bomb. Bruce fits in along side Reed Richards and Henry Pym in the Smartest Man In The World category. He is also kind of an asshole with little regard to what others in his community have to say about his work. In fact, he has refused to share his work with his colleagues and doesn’t want them to check his work. Seems like a dick move to me.
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There’s actually a lot going on here in terms of toxic masculinity. We also have Thunderbolt Ross who doesn’t understand science or anyone who isn’t punching things 24/7 and all he really ever does is yell and tell his daughter to stay out of “man talk!”
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Once everyone is done yelling, it’s time to test the bomb. Bruce takes one last look at it just in time to see a wayward teen, Rick Jones, driving through the test field. Bruce chases after him, because it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that he will not only catch a Jeep on foot, but he’ll also be able to do so before the bomb detonates. At least the last part wouldn’t have been a problem if he hadn’t pissed Igor off. Before running after the boy, Bruce tells him to shut down the countdown and Igor casually decides not to. And while Bruce does manage to save the kid, he gets caught in the Gamma explosion.
Hours later, Bruce wakes up at the base where he stays, being monitored for any symptoms caused by the explosion. That night, while Rick watches Bruce, he transforms into a giant Grey monster and breaks out of the base. This is where the origin deviates from what is mostly considered canon at this point. The Hulk isn’t triggered by rage or heightened emotion. Instead, he just comes out at night. Essentially, Bruce Banner is a nuclear powered werewolf.
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The monster sneaks (which seems unlikely since he’s a big monster, but who knows) through the base, followed by Rick Jones. He makes his way to Bruce Banner’s cabin, where they find Igor rummaging through Bruce’s stuff. Igor shoots at The Hulk with no effect except to piss him off even more. Finally, Bruce picks up Igor and slams him down into the table where all of his research is scattered. The absolute best part of this is we learn where Bruce hides all of his research and proprietary secrets. Pages labeled “Top Secret Report on Gamma Ray Bomb” are tapped to the bottom of a beaker. Come on my guy. Buy a safe.
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When the Hulk finds a picture of Bruce in the cabin, he is appalled to see such a weak creature until Rick reminds him that he is that weak creature. I don’t think triggering an existential crisis is the best way to defeat a radioactive werewolf, but I’ve also never had to calm one down after a rampage, so who am I to judge?
Eventually, the sun comes up and The Hulk is returned his normal Bruce Banner shape just in time for soldiers to storm his cabin, demand to know where the Hulk is and take Igor and the Top Secret Gamma report away. Betty hangs back to apologize, once again, on behalf of her father and suggest that he see a doctor. To which Bruce replies, “Baby, I am a doctor.” Okay, no he doesn’t. But we do get a fun snide commentary from Rick who has no time for Betty’s crush. Bruce tells Betty he’ll call her but also tells Rick that he’s afraid that the will never escape becoming The Hulk.
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Meanwhile, Igor has been taken into custody. In his cell, he uses a transmitter embedded in his fingernail to contact the Soviet scientist known as The Gargoyle. Not a great look for the Soviets to have given him that name based on his facial deformities, but what do we really expect? The Gargoyle makes his way to the states via submarine.
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Back over in the A-Plot, Bruce and Rick are experimenting with ways to manage the Hulk for the time being. They drive the Jeep out into the desert before nightfall to get him away from the base before he changes again. After a run in with Betty that causes her to faint, the Gargoyle shows up. He shoots The Hulk and Ross with bullets filled with drugs that basically allow The Gargoyle to control their actions. They follow him onto a sub and head back to the USSR but on the rip, sun comes up and Hulk turns back into Bruce Banner.
When The Gargoyle finds him, he begins to sob, saying he wants to be a man and not a monster too. Bruce treats him with radiation which makes him look normal but also takes away his super intelligence. I guess that’s a trade off. Once he’s “cured” Gargoyle reveals that he has hella daddy issues and with the new realization that he has been used by the USSR, he basically renounces the Soviet efforts. Finally, he puts Bruce and Rick on a rocket headed for the US and blows his base up in a final act of defiance.
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There's a lot to unpack here...
It’s actually kind of impressive to revisit comics I read as a teenager and thought very little of at the time and come away from them with a lot to chew on. There are a lot of interesting themes here with regard to how the comics interact with real world ideas and politics.
Communism, The Cold War, The Atomic Age, Vietnam
So, these comics are coming out in 61 and 62. The Cold War is in full swing, America is a few years out from entering Vietnam, and a few months prior to the release of Fantastic Four #1, the first man went to space. So much of what what we see happening on the page are consequences of that political climate just as so much of what our characters go through relate back to that central unease. Science was advancing at a more rapid pace than ever before and citizens were being warned of the constant threat that communism posed on their way of life.
There is also A LOT of anti-communist propaganda in the first decade of Marvel comics. Here, we’ve only seen it so far with the Fantastic Four needing to go to space to beat the “commies” and the Igor’s attempts to be the worlds worst double agent. We’ll see a lot more of that once we get to Journey into Mystery, because somehow the book about Norse Gods got turned into the most deliberate and most obvious anti-commie book for a while.
Science and Intelligence as it relates to Toxic Ego and Fragile Masculinity
It’s not a mistake that our three “main characters” so far are Reed Richards, Henry Pym, and Bruce Banner. All brilliant men of science who are exploring new technology in their own ways. The contrast between how Reed is treated, versus Henry and Bruce is fascinating. Reed and his contributions to science, as well as his powers have made him a celebrity. He is celebrated by his fans and his family and is all around viewed as a good guy (despite the fact that he turned three autonomous beings into cows). On the other hand, Pym and Banner are belittled. Pym is belittled by his colleagues who think his theories and his studies are outlandish and impossible. Banner is surrounded by military men who value brute strength over science. Thunderbolt Ross will constantly diminish Bruce as less of a man because he’s smart rather than strong.
The most fascinating part of this, to me, is knowing what becomes of Hank Pym in the future. Jumping ahead a little bit, his reputation in the universe and among fans will be forever tarnished by how he treats his future wife, Janet Van Dyne. In a sequence of events in a 1980s issue of the Avengers, Hank appears to strike Janet across the face. This has been, rightfully, called out as an act of domestic abuse by fans and has utterly ruined Hank’s reputation as a character. At the time, and in future incidents, the creators of that moment have discussed how they had never intended it to be viewed that way. But, even now in his first appearance, you can see the groundwork of a volatile man with a fragile ego and it’s not that much of a leap to see this man committing domestic assault.
Women as Caretakers and House Mothers
Right now, the only woman we see with any regularity is Susan storm. And we see her slotted into that mother role with the rest of the team. She is their caretaker, their costume maker, and the object of two members’ affection. This does not really improve until much later. For now, we have a woman doing woman’s work and not much else.
The only other woman we have to compare her to is Betty Ross. For the first six issues of Hulk, she is less a character and more of a background object. A full table lamp of a person, much like the earliest version of Jane Foster, who we’ll soon meet in Journey into Mystery.
‘Nuff Said!
And that wraps up the first six issues of Marvel continuity. It literally took me two months to write this post so who knows when I’ll cover the next few issues? But if you’re interested in something I update more frequently check out this twitter account I made to clean all the screencapped panels out of my camera roll: @616caps.
I’ll leave you with this incredible cutaway of the Fantastic Four’s HQ because who doesn’t love a cutaway!
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mk-wizard · 1 year
The MCU Saga: Endgame should have been “the end” of this MCU
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Hello, friends. Since everyone is talking about Marvel’s MCU problem, I figured I should give my two cents on it too.
When I take a good look at the state of Marvel’s movies and shows now, I have to confess something harsh: I knew that all of them wouldn’t be that good after Endgame simply because that film really did feel like the end of that MCU era as we know it. Not the end of another phase. Just THE end. Period. And when you try to continue a story that has run its natural course, it always winds up being a mistake.
Now, don’t get me wrong. By all means, Marvel should continue to make films, shows and cartoons, but they all should have had no ties to the (we will call it) the Infinity MCU anymore. All the new content should have been made for a new era altogether in its own new world without any references or any dependency on the old content.
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A good example of a new Marvel creation that stands on its own two feet with no ties or references to the Infinity MCU is the video game Marvel’s Spider-Man which I even mentioned in another article of mine that it should have TV show. This video game is as crisp, fresh, new and satisfying as a glass of homemade lemonade on a summer day. Just the fact that Peter Parker is an adult for a change got me excited. And it doesn’t stop there. Can we talk about how in this story, Mary Jane is proactive and an ally rather than a damsel in distress? Also, this video game has the best out-of-comic portrayal of Miles Morales I have ever seen. He’s balanced, deep, humanized and his ascension towards being the future Spider-Man is well done. This game also did representation the right way also because it was all a side effect from writing the right way. You find yourself caring about these characters and root for them, and when tragic events happen, you feel genuinely sad. This game actually made me cry and I’m glad it did.
I still believe the MCU can be saved, but it needs to put the Infinity MCU to rest even if by stopping it abruptly. It had a good run, but it’s stale now. It needs to make new content that’s actually new. Not make content that is simply going to please specific groups and tick certain boxes. And it needs to stop being afraid to be serious. It’s ok to be serious. Seeing a hero be serious is a good thing because it means they actually care and that is one thing we have always loved about Marvel heroes. Every single one of them had heart including Punisher despite what people think.
And most importantly, the new content needs to be marvelous and made with as much love as its late creator Stan Lee did when he was creating. And the only way to do that is to stop adding these “phases” to current MCU. Just end it and start a new era. I truly believe that once it does, it will liberate itself and write well again.
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