#think i accidentally managed the perfect 'i wanna kiss you until we cant breathe' look on nikto
shadow0-1 · 2 years
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"It's late, you've been here all day."
"Cmon, I'm close to beating my high score!"
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Hey I saw your ateez reaction to the reader still using their baby blanket and was wondering if you could do one like that but instead the reader still sucks on their thumb when they sleep ( I still do that, it's kind of embarrassing lol but I cant sleep if I dont 😳🥺😗)
you're so cute aw I hope you like this <3
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you're his baaabbbbyyyyy
adores you so much
and the first time you guys have a sleepover you're nervous about it
and you're worried you won't be able to fall asleep
of course you haven't told him yet bc you haven't needed to
but when youre in bed and all snuggled up together
you can feel yourself getting drowsy
you cant actually fall asleep because you just need that comfort yk
eventually he falls asleep and you're like FINALLY
plan to wake up before him to hide it
but you fail
you're too comfy cozy when you actually fall asleep
and when I say you could have slept forever right there? I mean it
so when Joong inevitably wakes up before you and sees your thumb in your mouth?
he uwus so hard he falls out of the bed
the thump wakes you up and you yank your thumb out of your mouth, embarrassed
you look down on him from the bed and ask if he’s okay
he just stares at you with so much love in his eyes
clutching his chest with his hands
“you- you're so cute”
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I feel like seonghwa is the kind of boyfriend who likes being very upfront with things like insecurities and stuff
And by the time you guys start spending the night together, you know this
So you know you’re gonna have to tell him straight up
And when you do you’re super nervous and he gets worried
Like he doesn’t want to be the reason that you look so uncomfortable right now
Wants you to be able to talk about anything with him without fear of being judged
So encouraging and doesn’t push you to tell him anything
Wants you to come to him in your own time
Even though he’s drowning in worry and he wants to know so bad
“I need to suck my thumb to go to sleep please don’t think im weird I won’t do it here if you’re uncomfortable-“
Like oh… he’s cool with it
In bed that night, he just snuggles up right behind so that you can comfortable do your thing
As long as he gets to hold you? As long as youre comfortable and peaceful?
That’s all he needs
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He honestly doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t get in the way of cuddling
When you tell him and you’re so nervous about it that you’re shaking
He just holds your hands and looks at you so fondly
The look in his eyes alone is enough to calm you down
He’ll lean down a little bit, kiss your forehead, and pull you in for a hug
Just kind of rocks you both back and forth
Stays with you until you’re able to process the information lol
Like…he’s really okay with it… Yunho best boy
Waits until you calm down a little bit
Reassures you the entire time
Just tells you how much he loves you and how perfect you are the entire time
When you find your voice again and ask him if he’s really okay with it?
He’ll lean down sweetly and whisper in your ear
“Yes, but if it gets in the way of cuddles?” 
“Im gonna be pissed”
But that makes you laugh a little bit and you promise him you would never let anything get in the way of his cuddles
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When you bring it up to Yeosang, he’s already half asleep
But you figured you should tell him anyway so that he isn’t surprised in the morning
Since he’s groggy and isnt really fully aware
Looks at you with big eyes and offers you his thumb
He looks a little relieved, no lie
But you have a good chuckle about it
“I’m just saying you could use mine if you needed it, I have two of them”
“So do I”
Either way he doesn’t care
He really would let you suck his thumb if you really wanted lmao
Just does not care
Just do what you gotta do to get to sleep
As long as it doesn’t interrupt his sleep? His snuggles? Does not matter
Makes you feel really comfortable
Because he doesn’t push you to give him a reason 
Doesn’t ask questions, just kind of accepts it as a part of you
Will fall asleep before you and you’re just kinda like
Sigh of relief
Happy with your absolutely perfect boyfriend who somehow manages to get even more perfect with every conversation you have
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San strikes me as one of the easiest people to talk to
Especially if you’re dating
Just makes you feel so safe and at home that you’re able talk about any topic you need to
Even if you’re nervous to bring something up, he makes it so easy to talk about
So when you tell him you want to talk about something
He’s so willing and receptive
Like yes, tell me everything and I will do whatever I can to help
Having this conversation might be a little bit more difficult for you if you’re really insecure and worried about what he will think about you afterwards
But he will just wait for you
Never pressures you for the sake of time or anything
Just wants to be there for you until you’re ready
Telling him goes extraordinarily well
He’s like “that’s not weird… I mean I sleep with Shiber the majority of the time. Its not really that much different. If it’s what you need, then I’m okay with it”
Happy, loving boy smile
You love that he is able to compare the things you do to make you feel more normal
Just so amazing at making you feel understood
In this house we are soft for Sannie
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So you really wanna bring this up to him before you have your first sleepover
But if he senses that something is bothering you???
Worried boyfriend system: ON
He immediately assumes that he did something wrong
And when you assure him that it isn’t anything that he did?
He’s like WHO HURT YOU
And you’re like… I did? Lmao 
Like who hurt me? ME
And he assumes you’re injured 
Wrong again, my dear
He’s full sweating by the time you finally tell him what’s on you’re mind
And he takes the biggest breath
He’s just happy its nothing he did lmao
Literally his response is “oh, ok whatever it’s cool”
And he just moves on from it, no need to dwell
It doesn’t change his opinion of you so? NEXT
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Okay so you know Wooyoung is a ham okay
And thats why you’re worried
Like you know he would never hurt your feelings on purpose
But he might do it accidentally bc this is something that genuinely makes you insecure
So if he makes fun of it, it will hit you where it hurts, even if he doesn’t mean it
You tell him you need to talk… wrong way to start this conversation okay let me tell you
When you finally get the courage to blurt it out
He damn near laughs at you
Like “THATS IT?!”
“…I guess that’s it”
“As long as you arent breaking up with me”
like… “I was worried you would break up with me after I told you”
“No, dumb, never”
Gives you a hug and a kiss and spends your first sleepover giving snuggles and loving on you
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Protective boyyyyyyy
Just wants the best for you, always
So open to talking about things
Also really perceptive
Know you’re worried before you do
“Do you need to talk? I’m here if you do”
Like he’s so loving im cry
Telling him is a breeze
He calms you down and offers conversation before you realize youre ready to tell him about this habit of yours
Will tease you a little
“Oh my literal baby”
“Shut up”
“Wait… is that more comforting than my cuddles wtf?”
And then you have to reassure him that his cuddles are the most comforting and you love them
And thats how he got you to forget about your worries
Because he made you have to comfort him
Jongho psychologist 
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peytonhudson · 5 years
Daddy || Peychuck
tagging: @thepuckrmn & @peytonhudson
time frame: valentines day night
location: puck’s tattoo shop
notes: puck is soft. 
Puck managed to kick out all of his employees 15 mins before Peyton was supposed to show up. He felt bad lying to her, but it was for a good cause. Puck had told her that he was slammed at work but that she should swing by later to watch him work and get a drink after. What she didn’t know was that he had completely transformed the back room into their own private date night. Candles were scattered around the room, giving it a soft glow. Puck made sure to get all of her favorite food, including Devon-delivered cheese fries. He set the bottle of champagne in ice and did a final walk through of the room. Hearing the bell from the front door ring, he grabbed the bouquet of roses and stood up in front of the set up, blocking her view. “Hey babe,” he said with a smile. Handing her the roses, he stepped aside to reveal the decorated back room. “Surprise!”
Peyton had fallen in love with Puck knowing who he was. She was the cheesy one in their whatevership, and it really didn’t bother her that he wasn’t into Valentine’s Day. She just wanted to spend time with him — plus she’d blown up his phone all day with romantic puns so it wasn’t as though she didn’t get to be cheesy. Once Lexi was at her mom’s, Peyton picked up the large heart shaped chocolate box she had filled with miniature alcohol bottles instead of chocolate and made the now very familiar trip to Puck’s shop. Her smile brightened when she saw him standing in the middle of his empty shop with the roses in hand. “Hey baby,” she greeted him happily, moving up to him and pressing a quick loving kiss to his lips. “You’re so cute, and I-“ Peyton’s words drifted and her eyes widened as Puck moves to the side to show the transformed back room. “Oh my god,” She breathed out as she took a step forward to look at all the effort he had put in. “You are... something else, Puck Puckerman.”
A big smile spread across his face as he watched her react to the set up. Feeling proud of himself, he stepped into the backroom. “I hope that’s a compliment,” he joked as he moved to the coffee table. Puck lifted the lids of the food containers. “Got your favorites. Cheese fries. Pizza. More cheese fries. And ma sent you brownies. Yes. You. Not me.” He grabbed the bottle of champagne and worked on opening it. “I just wanted to do something special for you.” Puck popped the champagne and watched the cork fly out into the empty studio. “I wanna spoil you. You deserve it,” he explained as he poured the champagne into two glasses. Sitting on the couch, he beckoned her to join him and handed her a glass. “A toast. I moved here thinking it was just going to be a a few years to build my brand and get out. I never thought I’d meet someone that was going to turn my life upside down. You had me hooked from the first time we sat on this couch together. I fucking hate this holiday….but I would literally do anything to make you happy.” Puck clinked his glass against hers and leaned in pressed a loving kiss to her lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful.”
“Definitely a compliment,” Peyton replied with nod, grinning from ear to ear. She watched as Puck walked through the room, opening up all her favorite foods and popping the champagne. No one had ever done anything like this for her before. They hadn’t always had a smooth relationship, but he really was the best thing that’s happened to her since Lexi was born. The very best. “This is so much better than watching you work.” She commented, still slightly in awe of it all. Peyton placed the roses carefully on the coffee table before moving to sit down next to him, leaning in to kiss at his cheek softly. “I love this... and you, so much.” She took the glass from Puck and listened quietly to his toast. It was so hard to sit there and not tell him she had heard him the other night, it’s been hard all week, but if she didn’t already know he was in love with her, she’d be able to tell from this. She happily returned his kiss, cupping at his cheek gently, “Happy Valentines Day, handsome.”  Peyton looked down at box in her lap, and hands it to him. “Compared to what you’ve done, this is nothing. But... It’s Valentines Day.” She smiled and took a sip of champagne before placing it down on the coffee table and shifting to sit in Puck’s lap. “You have no idea how happy you make me, baby.” She muttered softly as her fingers raked through his hair. “Talking to you is honestly the best part of my day, and I can’t even imagine my life without you in it anymore. You’re perfect, and sexy, and you have the world’s biggest -  most badass -  heart. You pun with me, and listen to me ramble about nothing for hours, and find a way to make me laugh when I don’t even want to. I’m so insanely in love with you, Puck, and I’m so lucky to be lo-” Peyton cut herself off before she accidentally blurted out something that would kill the mood or cause him to run. “But there are cheese fries within arms reach and my heart is also very much in love with them.”
Taking the box she handed him, he leaned back to give her room to get into his lap. He opened the box and smiled widely at the contents. “Oh fuck yeah. You know me so well. Are we gonna get drunk tonight and have sloppy sex? Say yes. Thank you, baby,” he said as he leaned in to kiss her. His eyes stayed locked on her as she spoke about what he meant to her. Puck had been completely emotionally closed off for the last 10 years, but this girl had broken through every single wall he had built around his heart. “I’m the lucky one,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’m going to fucking marry you, Peyton Hudson.” Pulling away, he reached over and grabbed the container and put it on their laps for easy access. Puck took a couple of fries and held them up to feed them to Peyton.
“Of course.” Peyton chuckled, smiling against his lips as they kissed. The more Puck told her he was going to marry her, the less it felt like a joke. And the more time she spent with him, the less she wanted it to be. She would marry him in a heart beat. It might not have made sense, but nothing about the way she felt about Puck — or even their relationship to some degree — really made sense. “And I cant wait to be Peyton Puckerman,” she murmured happily. Peyton shifted slightly on Puck’s lap to make room for the container of food, “You really do know the way to my heart.” Peyton joked as she took the fries offered, humming contently to herself. “Do you think if I didn’t accidentally text you, we’d still be here? I mean together... right now. Not here-here, like in Doveport or... alive. I’d really hope we’d both still be alive either way.”
He popped a couple of fries into his own mouth and nodded in agreement. “Cheese fries are a fucking gift from God.” Puck rested his chin on her shoulder as he thought over her question. “I dunno. I mean we bumped into each other on the beach…exchanged phone numbers…ran into each other at like bars and stuff…I mean I always thought you were gorgeous. I was just preoccupied with being an whore and you seemed like the good girl type. But then you accidentally texted me. And you sent me that pun about wanting me inside of you and I realized you weren’t as much of good girl as I thought.” He lifted his head up to look at her properly. “I think you would’ve always been in my life in some sort of way…but I’m really fucking glad you texted the wrong person.” Puck shifted her in his lap to face him more. “You and Lexi really gonna move to LA with me?”
Peyton quietly continued to eat more cheese fries as she listened to him talk about what things could have been like. “Wait... You don’t think I’m a good girl?” She joked and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I didn’t think I’d ever be a girl who’d turn your head, honestly? I’m just me, and you’re... you. There’s a reason girls fall at your feet, babe. I mean, I’ll fight them now, but back then I didn’t feel like I stood a chance. So... I’m really happy you were my wrong number. And I love that you agreed to go with a possibly crazy person to a wedding of no one you knew... Our wedding will be better, don’t worry.” Peyton moved the container of food off her lap and onto the couch next to them, turning her attention to the hazel eyes of the man she had fallen for. “We are.” She replied simply. “You know I always wanted to move somewhere bigger for my career, now it’s just happening a little sooner? But I’m going to be wherever you are. And Lexi... She’s just part of the package deal. She loves you though, and would probably be more upset than me if you left without us. Unless... you were joking about us moving with you?”
“You knocked me off my feet...I mean literally because I wasn’t paying attention and ran into you...but the thought still counts.” He smirked at her mention of their wedding and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “Hawaii at sunset with an open bar and only cool people invited. Sounds like the dream.” A smile replaced his smirk as she spoke about moving to LA with him. Shaking his head at her question, he leaned in to kiss her quickly before responding. “Never was joking. Seeing you and talking to you has been the best part of my days since we started hanging out. I don’t wanna think about a world where you’re not close by. And Lexi too. I’d do anything for that little girl. Both of you.”
“You don’t have to think of that world.” Peyton replied with a warm smile. “Our world would be weird if you weren't in it. Plus there’s more for all of us in LA. Just don’t leave until I’ve graduated... Two and a half more months.” It was one thing to find someone who loved her, but it was another to find someone who cared about her daughter just as much. It was hard not to fall more in love with Puck when he talked about Lexi like this. Peyton leaned in to press a lingering kiss to his forehead before pulling away and reaching for the container of brownies on the table. “I don’t know if I’m allowed to share with you, but I can keep a secret if you can?” She smirked slightly, taking a bite and holding it out for Puck.
“I can wait a few more months. You’re worth it,” he said simply with a smile. Puck couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment. “You can keep a secret? Uhhh are you sure about that, babe?” he said teasingly. Leaning in, he took a bite of the brownie in her hand. “Delicious.” Puck raised his head to capture her lips with his. “You taste better,” he muttered. Moving the container away from them, he shifted her in his lap so that she was straddling him. His hands ran over her back as he pulled her into a deep kiss. Puck preferred to explain how he was feeling through his actions rather than words.
“Hush, I could keep a secret.” Peyton joked, not even believing herself as she says it. Honestly, the only secrets she’s been able to keep are the ones that could hurt Puck. Everything else slowly eats away at her until it eventually blurts out at inappropriate moments. She leaned into his kiss, humming against Puck’s lips softly. “You taste like cheese fries and brownies. No wonder I’m so crazy about you.” Peyton lets Puck shift her to get closer to him, and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. When Puck kissed her like this the world always seemed to fade around her, his lips had a way of telling her how he was feeling even when he couldn’t. Eventually pulling away for breath she rested her forehead against his and brushed her thumb softly over the back of his neck.  “I wouldn’t change a thing,” She whispered into the small space between them, the words of his half-asleep confession still playing in her head. “I’ve never been this happy, Puck.”
Puck stared up at her when she pulled away from him. A smile spread across his face as he listened to her speak about their whatever-ship. “I’m happy too,” he replied quietly. Puck dropped his head into the crook of her neck and squeezed her tightly, just wanting to hold her for a moment. He pressed a kiss to her neck before pulling away to look at her properly. “You know. After my dad leaving…and Quinn…and the baby…I dunno. I thought there was something wrong with me. Something about me that made it impossible for people to stick around or for people to love me. I accepted it. Closed myself off to emotions and was happy doing the casual thing for the rest of my life. Until I met you…you’re pretty fucking stubborn, babe.” Puck leaned up and kissed her lovingly. “But like stubborn in a good way. Because you took the time actually see me. Instead of just using my super sexy body for your pleasure.” He cupped her face in his hands and smiled up at her. “I can’t wait to fucking marry you, baby girl.”
Biting softly at her lip, Peyton fell quiet as she listened to him speak about how he felt. She knew it didn’t always come easily to him, but that was okay, Puck had a way of showing her how he was feeling. Her hand glided down his chest and rested over his heart. “Hawaii...” Peyton murmured with a bright smile before leaning in to press her lips against his tenderly. “For the record, baby... you are so easy to love,” she pulled back on his lap and shook her jacket off onto the couch next to them. “And I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to get you to see yourself the way I see you. I promise. It’s probably going to drive you crazy,” Peyton chuckled. Reaching for the hem of her shirt, she slipped it over her head and dropped next to her jacket. “I’m all yours...” She told him quietly, leaning in to bury her face in the crook of his neck and smirking against his skin. “Daddy”.
He smiled at her words. “Hawaii,” he repeated. The idea of them getting married in Hawaii may have started as a joke, but the more time they spent together, the more real it became. Puck leaned back against the couch as he watched her take off her jacket. A smirk crept onto his lips as she pulled off her shirt as well. Not wanting her to feel alone, he took the chance to pull off his own shirt as well, tossing it to the side. It was all beginning to remind him of their first night together. His smirk grew wider when he heard her call him daddy. “Oh you fucking know how to get me going, baby,” he said as he tightly wrapped his arms around her. Puck just held her close for a moment, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Mine,” he muttered. His fingers tangled into her hair, pulling her head back so he could capture her lip with his in a heated kiss.
Peyton closed her eyes against him for a moment, happy to just enjoy the feeling of his body close to her. When it came to Puck she could contently do this all night. He made her feel safe, and loved all without having to say a word. “Yours,” she smirked, biting into his neck gently. Her hands cupped his face, instinctively deepening the kiss between them. A lot of things were the same as the first night they spent together. It was still easy, and it still caused her skin to electrify. But the way they kissed had changed, and the way she felt about him had definitely changed. Peyton pulled away from his lips, close enough to still feel his breath on hers. “Best valentine ever,” she muttered with a smile. 
And then they fucked a lot. K bye.
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thetwoplayergays · 7 years
Kind and Goofy
I thank (and blame) @pixletta for this. This is based on a short story they gave me and I just- 
Au where your world is black and white until you kiss your soulmate
Jeremy had always thought of his life as simple. For years he only had to focus on three things: his music loving best friend, his obnoxious teenage bully and the love of his life - the main ingredients for a teenage boy. He had grown used to the black and white surroundings he had grown up in. However this all changed when he got the Squip. 
 The little computer in his head was adamant on him becoming more than his nerdy persona. He insulted him, manipulated him into getting what he wanted and soon Jeremy found himself rising above his ranks. He was talking to the popular kids, he was wearing more fashionable clothing and his once teenage bully was not practically his best friend. All he wanted now was her - his soulmate.
But apparently, that was too much to ask. 
 "What do you mean it might not be Christine?" Jeremy questioned his Squip out loud in his bedroom where no one else could hear. His dad had gone out to get groceries (thankfully with pants) so the house was his for the time being. 
 "I'm saying," the CPU stated, taking his physical form over to the end of the bed, "that soulmates are not the result of science, therefore I am unable to calculate who the particular human will be, given that there are roughly 7,500,000,000 people roaming the Earth at this given moment. It is very unlikely that your soulmate is Christine." 
 "But it has to be!" Jeremy interjected. "Soulmates have a bond, and I can feel that bond between us." 
 "You don't even know her Jeremy."
 "I don't need to! When I close my eyes, I can picture us together, and we're happy. Whenever I see her, I just want to kiss her and tell her how much I love her. I want her to tell me how much she needs me... I want to know that I'm her favourite person." Jeremy was soon lost in his own daydream and failed to notice that the Squip had suddenly taken interest. 
 "Jeremy, what kind of things would you like to do with Christine?" He asked curiously. 
 "Like dates and stuff?" Jeremy thought for a moment. "Nothing special, maybe stay at home in her room playing video games..." 
 "Video games?" 
 "Yeah," Jeremy chuckled. "I bet she would be great at Apocalypse of the Damned..." The Squip tried not to slap Jeremy.
 "Anything else?" He asked begrudgingly. 
 "A movie date would be nice! I bet she would be totally into those really bad action movies. I can see us now, sitting in an empty movie theatre sharing popcorn and laughing at the obvious CGI effects," Jeremy chuckled to himself. 
The Squip decided it would be best not to mention his once weekly movie nights with Michael. 
 "And what about music?" 
 "I don't know, Christine probably likes a lot of music. Maybe..." 
“Bob Marley?" The CPU suggested in the most bare tone of voice he could manage. 
 "Yeah... Bob Marley..." Jeremy sighed happily, staring off into the distance whilst his computer companion tried to recalculate his IQ. 
 "Christine's not your soulmate." He stated, snapping Jeremy out of his daydream. He turned to glare at the physical form of the computer. "Well how do you know?" 
 Christine wasn't his soulmate.
 "I don't understand Micheal!" Jeremy cried, head in his hands and knees curled up to his chest. "I was so sure it was her..." 
 "Hey cheer up buddy, there are plenty of fish in the sea. I'm sure you'll find them one day." His best friend tried to help as he sucked on a pale grey lollipop, sitting in the beanbag opposite Jeremy. The tall boy had barged into the basement a couple of minutes ago ranting on about his date with Christine. He, of course, was happy to see Jeremy after such an uneventful day, but hated that he was in such a state. The date had obviously not gone well and Micheal tried to feel sympathy for the boy. Deep down, he knew Christine wasn't going to be Jeremy's soulmate. The two barely knew each other when they started dating and Jeremy had put her up on such a high pedestal that he was blinded from seeing the other person in his life: Michael. The boy who had been watching Jeremy for years now trying to find a way to accidentally kiss him and confirm his longing. But despite how hard he tried, Michael knew he wasn't what Jeremy wanted. He had accepted that long ago. 
 "-and then I kissed her and nothing happened! Nothing! We stared at each other for a few more seconds until she broke the silence by kissing my cheek, apologising and walking away... everything is still as dull as ever Michael..." he groaned, curing up into a tighter ball, pouting. Michael had to resist the urge to kiss him right then and there. 
 "Come on bro, I'm still here. Aren't I the light of your life?" He joked, causing the sad boy to burst out laughing. He turned and met Michael's kind and goofy eyes.  
"Of course Michael, you're my favourite person."
 "You want me to do WHAT?" Rich fell over laughing, whipping the tears from his eyes. Jake also began to snigger. Jeremy's face had blown up in shade, no thanks to the added effects of the alcohol in his system. The clear darker shade of grey plastered his cheeks. Michael, who was sitting beside him, was trying not to die. 
 "Dude that's mean," Jake tried to say but wasn't taken seriously as tears had also began to form from holding in his laughter.
 The group were all sat in an empty bedroom somewhere in Rich's house. He had offered to host the annual Christmas party as Jake's family were still trying to find a decent place to stay. Jeremy was adamant on the whole group attending, despite Michael's complaints. He eventually managed to convince him on the condition that Jeremy would not leave his side all night. His word was kept, but it backfired when Rich and Jake invited the two to play truth or dare in the spare bedroom. Michael tried to voice his concerns but the excitement on Jeremy's face killed his complaints. 
 So here he was, trying to stay conscious because Rich had just dared Jeremy to kiss him. 
 "I- I can't! He's my best friend!" Jeremy rambled, eagerly looking for an excuse. 
"Oh come on Jerry, what are you chicken?" Sniggered Chloe. Jeremy tried to protest but was only stammering up a storm. Michael turned his attention from his best friend to his grey hoodie and took in a deep breath. 'I'm going to regret this'. 
 Confidently, he sat up straight and turned to face Jeremy. 
 "What's the matter Jer? This hot piece not good enough for you?" 'I shouldn't have drunken that beer' 
 "Ooohh someones confident tonight." He heard Brooke wolf whistle. "Don't want to keep him waiting Jeremy." 
 Jeremy's attention was now fully on his best friend as he made a face as if to say 'what on earth do you think you're doing' Michael didn't respond though, he only held his head in his open palm and smirked. It was cute to see Jeremy all flustered. Of course, he didn't actually expect him to go through with it. He just thought it was cute.  
Perhaps, deep down, he knew Jeremy would crumble. 
 "...fine," was all the warning he was given before Jeremy cupped his cheeks and smashed their mouths together. The action earned a soft squeak from Michael, muffled by their lips. No more than a million second later Jeremy pulled away and hid in his hands, refusing to look at his best friend.
 The soft curse was enough to snap Jeremy out of this mind long enough to hear someone running out of the room. He instantly knew who it was and Jeremy shot up from the floor. 
 "MICHAEL NO PLEASE IM SO-...rry?" Jeremy slowly looked around the room. He could see the dark purple of the bed covers, the bright blonde of Brooke's hair, even the painfully obvious red streak in Rich's that was previously just a shade brighter.
He could see colour. 
 He had just kissed Michael. 
 Michael was his- 
 "Yo dude," Rich's voice broke through as his hand came up to his shoulder. "I don't quite know what's going on, but you might wanna go after Michael before we have another bathroom fiasco." 
 Jeremy didn't need to be told twice. He bolted out of the spare room and into the hallway. He winced at the sudden change of colour but forced his eyes towards the crowd of teenagers down the stairs. 
 There. Opening the front door was a boy with brown hair and headphones dressed in a brightly coloured hoodie. Despite not knowing the colour, Jeremy could recognise that shade anywhere. 
 Jeremy burst through the front door and ran out into the cold crisp winter night. He found Michael sitting down on the grass, watching the lights of the neighbourhood twinkle. Carefully, Jeremy joined him - a few meters away. When Michael turned to face him he closed his eyes shut up and winced, expecting a slap from the boy. Instead, he got a soft chuckle.
 "Man, I don't even know what that colours called but it looks horrible on you dude," he laughed softly pointing to Jeremy's Christmas jumper. He looked down and saw a horrible shade of green and burst out laughing. The two boys fell onto the grass, laughing up a storm. Soon a calming silence fell between them. 
 "I'm sorry," Jeremy heard Michael whisper.
 "What for?" 
 "I know you didn't want it to be me," came the reply. "You wanted this perfect girl, smart and kind and goofy and... not me." Jeremy watched as Michael sat up and continued to stare at the Christmas lights of the house opposite. "Your Squip was right to block me out, he probably knew..." he chuckled to himself. "You deserve better." 
 "You're kidding right?" Jeremy cried, flying up to meet Michael. "All this time, I wasn't just picturing this random girl! All those stupid dates I came up with, the compliments, the nicknames... I know now," he locked eyes with Michael and smiled sweetly, a slight blush creeping onto his face. "I was thinking of you." 
Michael's face instantly blew up. Jeremy recognised the colour from his hoodie, he had already decided it was his favourite. 
 "You... can't be serious..." Michael said, muffled by the hand covering his face from embarrassment. Jeremy gave a soft chuckle. 
"Well in normal circumstances I don't think I would have imagined my soulmate listening to Bob Marley." 
 "NO WAY!" Michael cried, bursting into laughter and tears and Jeremy couldn't help but join in. The two sat there laughing until Michael looked up and tackled Jeremy into a hug, pushing both boys onto the ground. When their laughing eventually quietened, the two boys locked eyes with each other. Michael smiled. 
"You always were my favourite person."
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